path: root/lib/utilities/notes.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/utilities/notes.tcl')
1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/utilities/notes.tcl b/lib/utilities/notes.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f39312f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utilities/notes.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# Part of MCU 8051 IDE ( )
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2009 by Martin Ošmera #
+# #
+# #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and#or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with this program; if not, write to the #
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., #
+# 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Scribble notes independent on project
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class Notes {
+ common count 0 ;# Int: Counter of object instances
+ common bgcolor {#EEEE55} ;# Color: Background color for title bar and window border
+ common bgcolor2 {#FFFF88} ;# Color: Background color for the canvas widget
+ # Font: For inserted text
+ common canvas_text_font [font create \
+ -family $::DEFAULT_FIXED_FONT \
+ -size -14 \
+ -weight bold \
+ ]
+ # List: Popup menu for the canvas widget
+ common MENU {
+ {radiobutton "Pencil" {} ::Notes::__mode {P}
+ "change_mode P" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Line" {} ::Notes::__mode {L}
+ "change_mode L" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Arrow" {} ::Notes::__mode {A}
+ "change_mode A" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Rectangle" {} ::Notes::__mode {R}
+ "change_mode R" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Oval" {} ::Notes::__mode {O}
+ "change_mode O" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Insert text" {} ::Notes::__mode {T}
+ "change_mode T" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Move canvas" {} ::Notes::__mode {M}
+ "change_mode M" 0}
+ {radiobutton "Eraser" {} ::Notes::__mode {C}
+ "change_mode C" 0}
+ {separator}
+ {command "Zoom in" "" 0 {canvas_zoom_in_from_pmenu}
+ {viewmag_in}}
+ {command "Zoom out" "" 0 {canvas_zoom_out_from_pmenu}
+ {viewmag_out}}
+ {separator}
+ {command "Insert image" "" 0 {load_image}
+ {fileimport}}
+ {command "Select color" "" 0 {select_color}
+ {colorize}}
+ {separator}
+ {command "Clear all" "" 0 {canvas_clear_all}
+ {emptytrash}}
+ }
+ private variable filename ;# String: Nothing yet ...
+ private variable geometry ;# Geometry: Window geometry
+ private variable win ;# Widget: Dialog window (widget class Frame)
+ private variable main_frame ;# Widget: Main window frame
+ private variable canvas_widget ;# Widget: Canvas widget for writing notes
+ private variable title_bar ;# Widget: Window title bar
+ private variable title_label ;# Widget: Label containg text "Scribble notepad"
+ private variable close_button ;# Widget: Close button
+ private variable coll_exp_but ;# Widget: Shade button
+ private variable minim_flag 0 ;# Bool: Shaded or not
+ private variable allow_raise_win 1 ;# Bool: Allows to use command "raise" to force window visibility
+ private variable popup_menu_created 0 ;# Bool: Canvas widget popup menu has been created
+ private variable menu ;# Widget: Popup menu for he canvas widget
+ private variable drawing_mode P ;# Char: Current drawing mode
+ private variable selected_color black ;# Color: Selected drawing color
+ private variable loaded_image {} ;# Image: Image to insert (image object not filename)
+ private variable text_to_write {} ;# String: Text to insert
+ private variable click_X ;# Int: Auxiliary variable for storing last position
+ private variable click_Y ;# Int: Auxiliary variable for storing last position
+ private variable max_X ;# Int: Auxiliary variable for storing max. allowed position
+ private variable max_Y ;# Int: Auxiliary variable for storing max. allowed position
+ private variable mode_pen_but ;# Widget: Button "Pencil" mode
+ private variable mode_line_but ;# Widget: Button "Line" mode
+ private variable mode_arrow_but ;# Widget: Button "Arrow" mode
+ private variable mode_rectangle_but ;# Widget: Button "Rectangle" mode
+ private variable mode_oval_but ;# Widget: Button "Oval" mode
+ private variable mode_text_but ;# Widget: Button "Insert text" mode
+ private variable mode_clear_but ;# Widget: Button "Eraser" mode
+ private variable load_image_but ;# Widget: Button "Import image"
+ private variable select_color_but ;# Widget: Button "Select color"
+ private variable move_but ;# Widget: Button "Move canvas" mode
+ private variable flag_modified 0 ;# Bool: Flag modified
+ ## contructor
+ # @parm String _file_name - (Nothing yet)
+ # @parm List _geometry - {X Y W H}
+ constructor {_file_name _geometry} {
+ incr count
+ set filename $_file_name
+ if {$_geometry == {}} {
+ set geometry {50 50 300 300}
+ } {
+ set geometry $_geometry
+ }
+ # Configure specific ttk styles
+ ttk::style configure Notes.TButton \
+ -padding 0 \
+ -background $bgcolor
+ ttk::style configure Notes_Flat.TButton \
+ -background $bgcolor \
+ -padding 0 \
+ -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief flat
+ ttk::style map Notes_Flat.TButton \
+ -relief [list active raised] \
+ -background [list disabled {#EEEEEE}]
+ create_win
+ }
+ destructor {
+ destroy $win
+ }
+ ## Close the window
+ # @return void
+ public method close {} {
+ if {$flag_modified} {
+ if {[tk_messageBox \
+ -type yesno \
+ -icon question \
+ -parent $win \
+ -title [mc "Really close ?"] \
+ -message [mc "Do you really want to close your notes ? (There is no save function ...)"] \
+ ] != {yes}} then {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ delete object $this
+ }
+ ## Event handler: title bar <Button-1>
+ # @parm Int x - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method title_B1 {x y} {
+ set click_X [expr {[winfo x $win] - $x}]
+ set click_Y [expr {[winfo y $win] - $y}]
+ set max_X [winfo width .]
+ set max_Y [winfo height .]
+ incr max_X -70
+ incr max_Y -70
+ focus $title_label
+ $title_label configure -cursor fleur
+ }
+ ## Event handler: title bar <ButtonRelease-1>
+ # @return void
+ public method title_B1_release {} {
+ $title_label configure -cursor left_ptr
+ }
+ ## Event handler: title bar <B1-Motion>
+ # @parm Int x - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method title_B1_motion {x y} {
+ incr x $click_X
+ incr y $click_Y
+ if {$x > 0 && $x < $max_X} {
+ place $win -x $x
+ }
+ if {$y > 0 && $y < $max_Y} {
+ place $win -y $y
+ }
+ }
+ ## Event handler: right bottom corner <Button-1>
+ # @return void
+ public method resize_B1 {} {
+ set click_X [expr {-[winfo x $win] - [winfo x .]}]
+ set click_Y [expr {-[winfo y $win] - [winfo y .]}]
+ set max_X [expr {[winfo width .] + [winfo x .]}]
+ set max_Y [expr {[winfo height .] + [winfo y .]}]
+ }
+ ## Event handler: right bottom corner <B1-Motion>
+ # @parm Int x - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method resize_B1_motion {x y} {
+ set _x $x
+ set _y $y
+ incr x $click_X
+ incr y $click_Y
+ if {$x < 200 || $_x > $max_X} {
+ set x [winfo width $win]
+ }
+ if {$y < 200 || $_y > $max_Y} {
+ set y [winfo height $win]
+ }
+ place $win -width $x -height $y
+ }
+ ## Change drawing mode
+ # @parm Char mode - New mode
+ # A - Arrow
+ # C - Eraser
+ # T - Insert text
+ # O - Oval
+ # R - Rectangle
+ # L - Line
+ # P - Pencil
+ # I - Insert image
+ # M - Move canvas
+ # @return void
+ public method change_mode {mode} {
+ # Local variables
+ set drawing_mode_org $drawing_mode
+ # Object variables
+ set drawing_mode $mode
+ # Bring toolbar buttons to default states
+ foreach w [list \
+ $mode_pen_but $mode_line_but $mode_arrow_but \
+ $mode_rectangle_but $mode_oval_but $mode_text_but \
+ $mode_clear_but $load_image_but $move_but \
+ ] {
+ $w configure -style Notes_Flat.TButton
+ }
+ # Switch drawing mode
+ set w {}
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ A { ;# Arrow
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $mode_arrow_but
+ }
+ C { ;# Eraser
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor left_ptr
+ set w $mode_clear_but
+ }
+ T { ;# Insert text
+ if {[prompt_for_text]} {
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $mode_text_but
+ } {
+ if {$drawing_mode_org == {T}} {
+ set drawing_mode_org {M}
+ }
+ change_mode $drawing_mode_org
+ }
+ }
+ O { ;# Draw oval
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $mode_oval_but
+ }
+ R { ;# Draw rectangle
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $mode_rectangle_but
+ }
+ L { ;# Draw line
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $mode_line_but
+ }
+ P { ;# Pencil
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor pencil
+ set w $mode_pen_but
+ }
+ I { ;# Insert image
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor cross
+ set w $load_image_but
+ }
+ M { ;# Move canvas
+ $canvas_widget configure -cursor fleur
+ set w $move_but
+ }
+ }
+ # Highlight toolbar button belonging to the selected mode
+ if {$w != {}} {
+ $w configure -style Notes.TButton
+ }
+ }
+ ## (Un)Shade window
+ # @return void
+ public method collapse_expand {} {
+ # Object variables
+ set minim_flag [expr {!$minim_flag}]
+ # Shade
+ if {$minim_flag} {
+ set image _1downarrow
+ pack forget $main_frame
+ place $win -height [expr {[winfo height $win.title_bar] + 4}]
+ # Unshade
+ } {
+ set image _1uparrow
+ pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1 -padx 2 -pady 2
+ place $win -height [expr {[lindex $geometry 3] + 2}]
+ }
+ $coll_exp_but configure -image ::ICONS::16::$image
+ }
+ ## Create popup menu
+ # @return void
+ private method create_popup_menu {} {
+ if {$popup_menu_created} {return}
+ set popup_menu_created 1
+ set menu $
+ menuFactory $MENU $menu 0 "$this " 0 {}
+ }
+ ## Popup menu
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @parm Int X - Absolute X coordinate
+ # @parm Int Y - Absolute Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method popup_menu {x y X Y} {
+ create_popup_menu
+ set ::Notes::__mode $drawing_mode
+ set ::Notes::_menu_x $x
+ set ::Notes::_menu_y $y
+ tk_popup $menu $X $Y
+ focus $title_label
+ }
+ ## Zoom in canvas contents from the specified coordinates
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_zoom_in {x y} {
+ $canvas_widget scale all $x $y 1.5 1.5
+ }
+ ## Zoom out canvas contents from the specified coordinates
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_zoom_out {x y} {
+ $canvas_widget scale all $x $y 0.75 0.75
+ }
+ ## Zoom in canvas contents (from popup menu)
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_zoom_in_from_pmenu {} {
+ canvas_zoom_in $::Notes::_menu_x $::Notes::_menu_y
+ }
+ ## Zoom out canvas contents (from popup menu)
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_zoom_out_from_pmenu {} {
+ canvas_zoom_out $::Notes::_menu_x $::Notes::_menu_y
+ }
+ ## Create notepad window
+ # @return void
+ private method create_win {} {
+ # Create window frame
+ set win [frame .notes$count -bd 1 -relief raised -bg $bgcolor]
+ ## Create title bar
+ # - Title bar frame
+ set title_bar [frame $win.title_bar -bg $bgcolor]
+ set title_label [label $title_bar.text \
+ -bg $bgcolor -compound left \
+ -text [mc "Scribble notepad"] \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::pencil \
+ -pady 0 \
+ ]
+ # - Button "Close"
+ set close_button [ttk::button $title_bar.close_but \
+ -style Notes_Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$this close" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -takefocus 0 \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $title_bar.close_but -text [mc "Close"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $close_button -text [mc "Close"]
+ # - Button "Shade"
+ set coll_exp_but [ttk::button $title_bar.col_exp_but \
+ -style Notes_Flat.TButton \
+ -command "$this collapse_expand" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::_1uparrow \
+ -takefocus 0 \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $title_bar.col_exp_but -text [mc "Shade"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $coll_exp_but -text [mc "Shade"]
+ # Pack buttons
+ pack $coll_exp_but -padx 5 -side left -pady 0 -ipady 0
+ pack $title_label -side left -fill x -pady 0 -ipady 0 -expand 1
+ pack $close_button -side right -pady 0 -ipady 0 -padx 3
+ # Set title bar event bindings
+ bind $title_label <Double-1> "$this collapse_expand"
+ bind $title_label <Button-1> "$this title_B1 %X %Y"
+ bind $title_label <B1-Motion> "$this title_B1_motion %X %Y"
+ bind $title_label <ButtonRelease-1> "$this title_B1_release"
+ ## Create main frame
+ set main_frame [frame $win.main_frame -bg $bgcolor2]
+ set canvas_widget [canvas $main_frame.canvas \
+ -bg $bgcolor2 -highlightthickness 0 \
+ -width 0 -height 0 -bd 0 \
+ ]
+ bind $canvas_widget <Button-1> "$this canvas_B1 %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <B1-Motion> "$this canvas_B1_motion %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <Motion> "$this canvas_motion %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <ButtonRelease-1> "$this canvas_B1_release %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <ButtonRelease-3> "$this popup_menu %x %y %X %Y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <Leave> "$this canvas_leave"
+ bind $canvas_widget <Enter> "$this canvas_enter %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <Button-4> "$this canvas_zoom_in %x %y"
+ bind $canvas_widget <Button-5> "$this canvas_zoom_out %x %y"
+ ## Create bottom frame
+ # Create the frame
+ set bottom_frame [frame $main_frame.bottom_frame -bg $bgcolor]
+ # - Resizing corner
+ pack [label $bottom_frame.resize \
+ -bg $bgcolor -cursor lr_angle \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::corner \
+ ] -side right
+ # - Set event bindings for the resizing corner
+ bind $bottom_frame.resize <Button-1> "$this resize_B1"
+ bind $bottom_frame.resize <B1-Motion> "$this resize_B1_motion %X %Y"
+ # - Button "Pencil"
+ set mode_pen_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_pen_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode P" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::pencil \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_pen_but -text [mc "Pencil"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_pen_but -text [mc "Pencil"]
+ pack $mode_pen_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Line"
+ set mode_line_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_line_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode L" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::line \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_line_but -text [mc "Line"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_line_but -text [mc "Draw lines"]
+ pack $mode_line_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Arrow"
+ set mode_arrow_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_arrow_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode A" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::arr \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_arrow_but -text [mc "Arrow"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_arrow_but -text [mc "Draw arrows"]
+ pack $mode_arrow_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Retangle"
+ set mode_rectangle_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_rectangle_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode R" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::grid1 \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_rectangle_but -text [mc "Retangle"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_rectangle_but -text [mc "Draw retangles"]
+ pack $mode_rectangle_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Oval"
+ set mode_oval_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_oval_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode O" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::oval \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_oval_but -text [mc "Oval"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_oval_but -text [mc "Draw ovals"]
+ pack $mode_oval_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Insert text"
+ set mode_text_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_text_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode T" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::editclear \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_text_but -text [mc "Insert text"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_text_but -text [mc "Insert text"]
+ pack $mode_text_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Move"
+ set move_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.move_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode M" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::mouse \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.move_but -text [mc "Move"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $move_but -text [mc "Move"]
+ pack $move_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Eraser"
+ set mode_clear_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.mode_clear_but \
+ -command "$this change_mode C" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::eraser \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.mode_clear_but -text [mc "Eraser"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $mode_clear_but -text [mc "Eraser"]
+ pack $mode_clear_but -side left -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Select color"
+ set select_color_but [button $bottom_frame.select_color_but \
+ -command "$this select_color" \
+ -bd 1 -relief raised -overrelief raised \
+ -activebackground $selected_color \
+ -bg $selected_color -pady 0 \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.select_color_but -text [mc "Select color"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $select_color_but -text [mc "Select color"]
+ pack $select_color_but -side right -ipady 0 -pady 0 -padx 8
+ # - Button "Insert image"
+ set load_image_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.load_image_but \
+ -command "$this load_image" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::fileimport \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.load_image_but -text [mc "Insert image"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $load_image_but -text [mc "Insert image"]
+ pack $load_image_but -side right -ipady 0
+ # - Button "Clear all"
+ set clear_all_but [ttk::button $bottom_frame.clear_all_but \
+ -command "$this canvas_clear_all" \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::emptytrash \
+ ]
+ DynamicHelp::add $bottom_frame.clear_all_but -text [mc "Clear all"]
+ setStatusTip -widget $clear_all_but -text [mc "Clear all"]
+ pack $clear_all_but -side right -ipady 0
+ # - Separator
+ pack [ttk::separator $bottom_frame.sep0 \
+ -orient vertical \
+ ] -fill y -padx 5 -side right
+ # Restore default states of buttons on the bottom bar
+ foreach w [list \
+ $mode_pen_but $mode_line_but $mode_arrow_but \
+ $mode_rectangle_but $mode_oval_but $mode_text_but \
+ $mode_clear_but $load_image_but $clear_all_but \
+ $move_but \
+ ] {
+ $w configure -style Notes_Flat.TButton
+ }
+ # Pack all components of the window
+ pack $title_bar -fill x
+ pack $canvas_widget -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $bottom_frame -fill x -side bottom
+ pack $main_frame -fill both -expand 1 -padx 2 -pady 2
+ # Set default drawing mode
+ change_mode P
+ # Show the window
+ bind $win <Visibility> "$this raise_win"
+ place $win \
+ -x [lindex $geometry 0] \
+ -y [lindex $geometry 1] \
+ -width [lindex $geometry 2] \
+ -height [lindex $geometry 3] \
+ -anchor nw
+ raise $win
+ }
+ ## Insure window visibility
+ # @return void
+ public method raise_win {} {
+ if {!$allow_raise_win} {return}
+ set allow_raise_win 0
+ after 1000 "catch {$this set_allow_raise_win}"
+ raise $win
+ }
+ ## @see raise_win
+ # @return void
+ public method set_allow_raise_win {} {
+ set allow_raise_win 1
+ }
+ ## Prompt user for text to insert to the canvas
+ # @return void
+ private method prompt_for_text {} {
+ set ::Notes::text_prompt_text {}
+ set dialog [toplevel .notes_pd -bg {#EEEEEE}]
+ ## Create top frame
+ set frame [frame $dialog.frm]
+ # - Label "Text"
+ pack [label $frame.lbl \
+ -text [mc "Text:"] \
+ ] -side left
+ # - EntryBox
+ set entry [ttk::entry $frame.text_entry \
+ -textvariable ::Notes::text_prompt_text \
+ -width 30 \
+ ]
+ # Pack them
+ pack $entry -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack $frame -padx 5 -pady 5 -fill x -expand 1
+ # Set events bindings
+ bind $entry <Return> "
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ "
+ bind $entry <Escape> "
+ set ::Notes::text_prompt_text {}
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ "
+ ## Create bottom frame
+ set frame [frame $dialog.frm_b]
+ # - Button "Cancel"
+ pack [ttk::button $dialog.cancel_button \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::button_cancel \
+ -text [mc "Cancel"] \
+ -command "
+ set ::Notes::text_prompt_text {}
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ " \
+ ] -side right
+ # - Button "Ok"
+ pack [ttk::button $dialog.ok_button \
+ -compound left \
+ -image ::ICONS::16::ok \
+ -text [mc "Ok"] \
+ -command "
+ grab release $dialog
+ destroy $dialog
+ " \
+ ] -side right
+ pack $frame -pady 5 -padx 5 -fill x
+ wm title $dialog [mc "Enter text"]
+ wm transient $dialog .
+ wm geometry $dialog =250x70+[expr {[winfo screenwidth $win] / 2 - 250}]+[expr {[winfo screenheight $win] / 2 - 70}]
+ update
+ focus -force $entry
+ grab $dialog
+ raise $dialog
+ tkwait window $dialog
+ set text_to_write ${::Notes::text_prompt_text}
+ return [string length $text_to_write]
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <Enter>
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_enter {x y} {
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ T { ;# Insert text
+ $canvas_widget create text $x $y -text $text_to_write -anchor w -tags incomplete -font $canvas_text_font -fill $selected_color
+ }
+ I { ;# Import image
+ $canvas_widget create image $x $y -image $loaded_image -tags incomplete
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <Button-1>
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_B1 {x y} {
+ set click_X $x
+ set click_Y $y
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ C { ;# Eraser
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget create rectangle \
+ [expr {$x - 10}] [expr {$y - 10}] \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y + 10}] \
+ -outline $bgcolor2 -fill $bgcolor2
+ }
+ T { ;# Insert text
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ $canvas_widget create text $x $y -text $text_to_write -anchor w -tags incomplete -font $canvas_text_font -fill $selected_color
+ }
+ I { ;# Import image
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ $canvas_widget create image $x $y -image $loaded_image -tags incomplete
+ }
+ }
+ focus $canvas_widget
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <Motion>
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_motion {x y} {
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ C { ;# Eraser
+ $canvas_widget delete incomplete
+ $canvas_widget create rectangle \
+ [expr {$x - 10}] [expr {$y - 10}] \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y + 10}] \
+ -tag incomplete -outline #FF0000
+ }
+ T { ;# Insert text
+ $canvas_widget coords incomplete $x $y
+ }
+ I { ;# Import image
+ $canvas_widget coords incomplete $x $y
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <B1-Motion>
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_B1_motion {x y} {
+ $canvas_widget delete incomplete
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ C { ;# Eraser
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget create rectangle \
+ [expr {$x - 10}] [expr {$y - 10}] \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y + 10}] \
+ -outline $bgcolor2 -fill $bgcolor2
+ $canvas_widget create rectangle \
+ [expr {$x - 10}] [expr {$y - 10}] \
+ [expr {$x + 10}] [expr {$y + 10}] \
+ -tag incomplete -outline #FF0000
+ }
+ T { ;# Insert text
+ if {![llength [$canvas_widget find withtag incomplete]]} {
+ $canvas_widget create text $x $y -text $text_to_write -anchor w -tags incomplete -font $canvas_text_font -fill $selected_color
+ }
+ $canvas_widget coords incomplete $x $y
+ }
+ O { ;# Draw oval
+ $canvas_widget create oval $click_X $click_Y $x $y -tag incomplete -dash {_} -outline $selected_color
+ }
+ R { ;# Draw rectangle
+ $canvas_widget create rectangle $click_X $click_Y $x $y -tag incomplete -dash {_} -outline $selected_color
+ }
+ L { ;# Draw line
+ $canvas_widget create line $click_X $click_Y $x $y -tag incomplete -dash {_} -fill $selected_color
+ }
+ P { ;# Pencil
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget create line $click_X $click_Y $x $y -fill $selected_color
+ set click_X $x
+ set click_Y $y
+ }
+ A { ;# Draw arrow
+ $canvas_widget create line $click_X $click_Y $x $y -tag incomplete -dash {_} -arrow last -fill $selected_color
+ }
+ I { ;# Import image
+ if {![llength [$canvas_widget find withtag incomplete]]} {
+ $canvas_widget create image $x $y -image $loaded_image -tags incomplete
+ }
+ $canvas_widget coords incomplete $x $y
+ }
+ M { ;# Move canvas
+ $canvas_widget move all [expr {$x - $click_X}] [expr {$y - $click_Y}]
+ set click_X $x
+ set click_Y $y
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <ButtonRelease-1>
+ # @parm Int x - Relative X coordinate
+ # @parm Int y - Relative Y coordinate
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_B1_release {x y} {
+ switch -- $drawing_mode {
+ O { ;# Draw oval
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget itemconfigure incomplete -dash {} -outline $selected_color
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ }
+ R { ;# Draw rectangle
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget itemconfigure incomplete -dash {} -outline $selected_color
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ }
+ L { ;# Draw line
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget itemconfigure incomplete -dash {} -fill $selected_color
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ }
+ A { ;# Draw arrow
+ set flag_modified 1
+ $canvas_widget itemconfigure incomplete -dash {} -fill $selected_color
+ $canvas_widget dtag incomplete incomplete
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ## Event handler: canvas <Leave>
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_leave {} {
+ $canvas_widget delete incomplete
+ }
+ ## Completely clear the canvas
+ # @return void
+ public method canvas_clear_all {} {
+ if {[tk_messageBox \
+ -parent . \
+ -type yesno \
+ -icon question \
+ -title [mc "Are you sure ?"] \
+ -message [mc "Do you really want to clear this notepad\n(there is no undo action)"] \
+ ] != {yes}} {
+ return
+ }
+ $canvas_widget delete all
+ }
+ ## Select drawing color
+ # @return void
+ public method select_color {} {
+ set color [SelectColor .select_color \
+ -parent . \
+ -color $selected_color \
+ -title [mc "Select color"] \
+ ]
+ if {$color != {}} {
+ set selected_color $color
+ $select_color_but configure -bg $color -activebackground $color
+ }
+ }
+ ## Select image file to import
+ # @return void
+ public method load_image {} {
+ catch {delete object ::fsd}
+ set directory {}
+ catch {
+ set directory [$::X::actualProject cget -projectPath]
+ }
+ KIFSD::FSD ::fsd \
+ -directory $directory \
+ -title [mc "Insert image from file"] \
+ -defaultmask 0 -multiple 0 -filetypes {
+ {{PNG files} {*.png}}
+ {{All files} {*}}
+ }
+ ::fsd setokcmd "$this load_image_file \[::fsd get\]"
+ ::fsd activate
+ }
+ ## Import image from file
+ # @parm String file - Full file name
+ # @return void
+ public method load_image_file {file} {
+ set loaded_image {}
+ if {[catch {
+ set loaded_image [image create photo -file $file]
+ }]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -title [mc "Unable to read file"] \
+ -type ok -icon warning \
+ -message [mc "Unable to read file:\n%s" $file]
+ return
+ }
+ if {$loaded_image != {}} {
+ change_mode I
+ }
+ }