diff options
authorAlexander Zangerl <>2018-09-23 12:35:23 +0900
committerAlexander Zangerl <>2018-09-23 12:35:23 +0900
commit77f46972c9bddd0f2eea6350734096ebe82ab2f6 (patch)
parent4214777b638a9ffa9354e0263a28f27a6a572133 (diff)
Gbp-Pq: Name 01-xemacs
2 files changed, 429 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/cl-lib.el b/cl-lib.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec330d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cl-lib.el
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+;;; cl-lib.el --- Properly prefixed CL functions and macros -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Stefan Monnier <>
+;; vcomment: Emacs-24.3's version is 1.0 so this has to stay below.
+;; Version: 0.6.1
+;; Y-Package-Requires: ((emacs "21")) ¡`emacs' package only exists in Emacs≥24!
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is a forward compatibility package, which provides (a subset of) the
+;; features of the cl-lib package introduced in Emacs-24.3, for use on
+;; previous emacsen (it should work on Emacs≥21 as well as XEmacs).
+;; Make sure this is installed *late* in your `load-path`, i.e. after Emacs's
+;; built-in .../lisp/emacs-lisp directory, so that if/when you upgrade to
+;; Emacs-24.3, the built-in version of the file will take precedence, otherwise
+;; you could get into trouble (although we try to hack our way around the
+;; problem in case it happens).
+;; This code is largely copied from Emacs-24.3's cl.el, with the alias bindings
+;; simply reversed.
+;;; Code:
+;; We need to handle the situation where this package is used with an Emacs
+;; that comes with a real cl-lib (i.e. ≥24.3).
+;; First line of defense: try to make sure the built-in cl-lib comes earlier in
+;; load-path so we never get loaded:
+;;;###autoload (let ((d (file-name-directory #$)))
+;;;###autoload (when (member d load-path)
+;;;###autoload (setq load-path (append (remove d load-path) (list d)))))
+(when (functionp 'macroexp--compiler-macro)
+ ;; `macroexp--compiler-macro' was introduced as part of the big CL
+ ;; reorganization which moved/reimplemented some of CL into core (mostly the
+ ;; setf and compiler-macro support), so its presence indicates we're running
+ ;; in an Emacs that comes with the new cl-lib.el, where this file should
+ ;; never be loaded!
+ (message "Real cl-lib shadowed by compatibility cl-lib? (%s)" load-file-name)
+ (when load-file-name
+ ;; (message "Let's try to patch things up")
+ (let ((loaddir (file-name-directory load-file-name))
+ load-path-dir)
+ ;; Find the problematic directory from load-path.
+ (dolist (dir load-path)
+ (if (equal loaddir (expand-file-name (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+ (setq load-path-dir dir)))
+ (when load-path-dir
+ ;; (message "Let's move the offending dir to the end")
+ (setq load-path (append (remove load-path-dir load-path)
+ (list load-path-dir)))
+ ;; Here we could manually load cl-lib and then return immediately.
+ ;; But Emacs currently doesn't provide any way for a file to "return
+ ;; immediately", so instead we make sure the rest of the file does not
+ ;; throw away any pre-existing definition.
+ ))))
+(require 'cl)
+;; Some of Emacs-24.3's cl.el definition are not just aliases, because either
+;; the feature was dropped from cl-lib.el or because the cl-lib version is
+;; not fully compatible.
+;; Let's just not include them here, since it is very important that if code
+;; works with this cl-lib.el it should also work with Emacs-24.3's cl-lib.el,
+;; whereas the reverse is much less important.
+(dolist (var '(
+ ;; loop-result-var
+ ;; loop-result
+ ;; loop-initially
+ ;; loop-finally
+ ;; loop-bindings
+ ;; loop-args
+ ;; bind-inits
+ ;; bind-block
+ ;; lambda-list-keywords
+ float-negative-epsilon
+ float-epsilon
+ least-negative-normalized-float
+ least-positive-normalized-float
+ least-negative-float
+ least-positive-float
+ most-negative-float
+ most-positive-float
+ ;; custom-print-functions
+ ))
+ (let ((new (intern (format "cl-%s" var))))
+ (if (fboundp 'defvaralias)
+ (unless (boundp new) (defvaralias new var))
+ (if (fboundp 'cl-float-limits) (cl-float-limits))
+ (eval `(defvar ,new ,var ,(format "`cl-lib' alias of `%s'" var))))))
+;; The following cl-lib functions were already defined in the old cl.el,
+;; with a different meaning:
+;; - cl-position and cl-delete-duplicates
+;; the two meanings are clearly different, but we can distinguish which was
+;; meant by looking at the arguments.
+;; - cl-member
+;; the old meaning hasn't been used for a long time and is a subset of the
+;; new, so we can simply override it.
+;; - cl-adjoin
+;; the old meaning is actually the same as the new except for optimizations.
+(dolist (fun '(
+ (get* . cl-get)
+ (random* . cl-random)
+ (rem* . cl-rem)
+ (mod* . cl-mod)
+ (round* . cl-round)
+ (truncate* . cl-truncate)
+ (ceiling* . cl-ceiling)
+ (floor* . cl-floor)
+ (rassoc* . cl-rassoc)
+ (assoc* . cl-assoc)
+ ;; (member* . cl-member) ;Handle specially below.
+ (delete* . cl-delete)
+ (remove* . cl-remove)
+ (defsubst* . cl-defsubst)
+ (sort* . cl-sort)
+ (function* . cl-function)
+ (defmacro* . cl-defmacro)
+ (defun* . cl-defun)
+ (mapcar* . cl-mapcar)
+ remprop
+ getf
+ tailp
+ list-length
+ nreconc
+ revappend
+ concatenate
+ subseq
+ random-state-p
+ make-random-state
+ signum
+ isqrt
+ lcm
+ gcd
+ notevery
+ notany
+ every
+ some
+ mapcon
+ mapcan
+ mapl
+ maplist
+ map
+ equalp
+ coerce
+ tree-equal
+ nsublis
+ sublis
+ nsubst-if-not
+ nsubst-if
+ nsubst
+ subst-if-not
+ subst-if
+ subsetp
+ nset-exclusive-or
+ set-exclusive-or
+ nset-difference
+ set-difference
+ nintersection
+ intersection
+ nunion
+ union
+ rassoc-if-not
+ rassoc-if
+ assoc-if-not
+ assoc-if
+ member-if-not
+ member-if
+ merge
+ stable-sort
+ search
+ mismatch
+ count-if-not
+ count-if
+ count
+ position-if-not
+ position-if
+ ;; position ;Handle specially via defadvice below.
+ find-if-not
+ find-if
+ find
+ nsubstitute-if-not
+ nsubstitute-if
+ nsubstitute
+ substitute-if-not
+ substitute-if
+ substitute
+ ;; delete-duplicates ;Handle specially via defadvice below.
+ remove-duplicates
+ delete-if-not
+ delete-if
+ remove-if-not
+ remove-if
+ replace
+ fill
+ reduce
+ compiler-macroexpand
+ define-compiler-macro
+ assert
+ check-type
+ typep
+ deftype
+ defstruct
+ callf2
+ callf
+ letf*
+ letf
+ rotatef
+ shiftf
+ remf
+ psetf
+ declare
+ the
+ locally
+ multiple-value-setq
+ multiple-value-bind
+ symbol-macrolet
+ macrolet
+ progv
+ psetq
+ do-all-symbols
+ do-symbols
+ dotimes
+ dolist
+ do*
+ do
+ loop
+ return-from
+ return
+ block
+ etypecase
+ typecase
+ ecase
+ case
+ load-time-value
+ eval-when
+ destructuring-bind
+ gentemp
+ gensym
+ pairlis
+ acons
+ subst
+ ;; adjoin ;It's already defined.
+ copy-list
+ ldiff
+ list*
+ cddddr
+ cdddar
+ cddadr
+ cddaar
+ cdaddr
+ cdadar
+ cdaadr
+ cdaaar
+ cadddr
+ caddar
+ cadadr
+ cadaar
+ caaddr
+ caadar
+ caaadr
+ caaaar
+ cdddr
+ cddar
+ cdadr
+ cdaar
+ caddr
+ cadar
+ caadr
+ caaar
+ tenth
+ ninth
+ eighth
+ seventh
+ sixth
+ fifth
+ fourth
+ third
+ endp
+ rest
+ second
+ first
+ svref
+ copy-seq
+ evenp
+ oddp
+ minusp
+ plusp
+ floatp-safe
+ declaim
+ proclaim
+ nth-value
+ multiple-value-call
+ multiple-value-apply
+ multiple-value-list
+ values-list
+ values
+ pushnew
+ decf
+ incf
+ dolist
+ dotimes
+ ))
+ (let ((new (if (consp fun) (prog1 (cdr fun) (setq fun (car fun)))
+ (intern (format "cl-%s" fun)))))
+ (if (fboundp new)
+ (unless (or (eq (symbol-function new) fun)
+ (eq new (and (symbolp fun) (fboundp fun)
+ (symbol-function fun))))
+ (message "%S already defined, not rebinding" new))
+ (defalias new fun))))
+(unless (symbolp (symbol-function 'position))
+ (autoload 'cl-position "cl-seq")
+ (defadvice cl-position (around cl-lib (cl-item cl-seq &rest cl-keys) activate)
+ (let ((argk (ad-get-args 2)))
+ (if (or (null argk) (keywordp (car argk)))
+ ;; This is a call to cl-lib's `cl-position'.
+ (setq ad-return-value
+ (apply #'position (ad-get-arg 0) (ad-get-arg 1) argk))
+ ;; Must be a call to cl's old `cl-position'.
+ ad-do-it))))
+(unless (symbolp (symbol-function 'delete-duplicates))
+ (autoload 'cl-delete-duplicates "cl-seq")
+ (defadvice cl-delete-duplicates (around cl-lib (cl-seq &rest cl-keys) activate)
+ (let ((argk (ad-get-args 1)))
+ (if (or (null argk) (keywordp (car argk)))
+ ;; This is a call to cl-lib's `cl-delete-duplicates'.
+ (setq ad-return-value
+ (apply #'delete-duplicates (ad-get-arg 0) argk))
+ ;; Must be a call to cl's old `cl-delete-duplicates'.
+ ad-do-it))))
+(when (or (not (fboundp 'cl-member))
+ (eq (symbol-function 'cl-member) #'memq))
+ (defalias 'cl-member #'member*))
+;; `cl-labels' is not 100% compatible with `labels' when using dynamic scoping
+;; (mostly because it does not turn lambdas that refer to those functions into
+;; closures). OTOH it is compatible when using lexical scoping.
+(unless (fboundp 'cl-labels)
+ (defmacro cl-labels (&rest args)
+ (unless (and (boundp 'lexical-binding) lexical-binding)
+ ;; We used to signal an error rather than a message, but in many uses of
+ ;; cl-labels, the value of lexical-binding doesn't actually matter.
+ ;; More importantly, the value of `lexical-binding' here is unreliable
+ ;; (it does not necessarily reflect faithfully whether the output of this
+ ;; macro will be interpreted as lexically bound code or not).
+ (message "This `cl-labels' requires `lexical-binding' to be non-nil"))
+ `(labels ,@args)))
+;;;; ChangeLog:
+;; 2017-01-06 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * cl-lib/cl-lib.el: Don't use `emacs` package for Emacs<24
+;; 2017-01-04 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * cl-lib/cl-lib.el: Make it work for Emacs-21. Bump version to 0.6
+;; (var aliases): Don't assume `defvaralias' is available.
+;; 2014-02-25 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; Fixes: debbugs:16671
+;; * cl-lib.el (cl-position, cl-delete-duplicate): Don't advise if >=24.3.
+;; (load-path): Try to make sure we're at the end.
+;; 2014-01-25 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * cl-lib.el: Resolve conflicts with old internal definitions
+;; (bug#16353).
+;; (dolist fun): Don't skip definitions silently.
+;; (define-setf-expander): Remove, not in cl-lib.
+;; (cl-position, cl-delete-duplicates): Add advice to distinguish the use
+;; case.
+;; (cl-member): Override old definition.
+;; 2013-05-22 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * cl-lib.el (cl-labels): Demote error to message and improve it.
+;; 2012-11-30 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * cl-lib.el: Try and patch things up in case we're hiding the real
+;; cl-lib.
+;; 2012-11-22 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; Add cl-letf and cl-labels.
+;; 2012-11-16 Stefan Monnier <>
+;; * packages/cl-lib: New package.
+(provide 'cl-lib)
+;;; cl-lib.el ends here
diff --git a/mmm-vars.el b/mmm-vars.el
index b567bb0..f24ff16 100644
--- a/mmm-vars.el
+++ b/mmm-vars.el
@@ -49,9 +49,11 @@
(defvar mmm-primary-mode)
(defvar mmm-classes-alist)
(defvar mmm-current-overlay)
-(declare-function mmm-apply-all "mmm-class")
-(declare-function mmm-set-class-parameter "mmm-class" (class param value))
-(declare-function mmm-get-class-parameter "mmm-class" (class param))
+(when (not mmm-xemacs)
+ (declare-function mmm-apply-all "mmm-class")
+ (declare-function mmm-set-class-parameter "mmm-class" (class param value))
+ (declare-function mmm-get-class-parameter "mmm-class" (class param))
+ )
;;{{{ Error Conditions