path: root/morfologik-tools/src/test/java/morfologik/tools/
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Diffstat (limited to 'morfologik-tools/src/test/java/morfologik/tools/')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/morfologik-tools/src/test/java/morfologik/tools/ b/morfologik-tools/src/test/java/morfologik/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..496880f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morfologik-tools/src/test/java/morfologik/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+import java.util.List;
+import morfologik.fsa.FSA;
+import morfologik.stemming.Dictionary;
+import morfologik.stemming.DictionaryLookup;
+import morfologik.stemming.DictionaryMetadataBuilder;
+import morfologik.stemming.EncoderType;
+import morfologik.stemming.WordData;
+import org.fest.assertions.api.Assertions;
+import org.junit.After;
+import org.junit.Assert;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting.RandomizedTest;
+ *
+ */
+public class MorphEncodingToolTest extends RandomizedTest {
+ private Closer closer = Closer.create();
+ @After
+ public void cleanup() throws IOException {
+ closer.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testTool() throws Exception {
+ // Create a simple plain text file.
+ File input = super.newTempFile();
+ File output = super.newTempFile();
+ // Populate the file with data.
+ PrintWriter w =
+ new PrintWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ closer.register(new FileOutputStream(input)), "UTF-8"));
+ w.println("passagère\tpassager\ttag");
+ w.println("nieduży\tduży\ttest");
+ w.print("abcd\tabc\txyz");
+ w.close();
+ // suffix
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--encoder", "suffix" });
+ BufferedReader testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère+Eer+tag", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży+Iduży+test", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd+B+xyz", testOutput.readLine());
+ // prefix
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--encoder", "prefix" });
+ testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère+AEer+tag", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży+DA+test", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd+AB+xyz", testOutput.readLine());
+ // infix
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--encoder", "infix" });
+ testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère+GDAr+tag", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży+ADA+test", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd+AAB+xyz", testOutput.readLine());
+ // custom annotation - test tabs
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--annotation", "\t",
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--encoder", "infix" });
+ testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère\tGDAr\ttag", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży\tADA\ttest", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd\tAAB\txyz", testOutput.readLine());
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Test
+ public void testStemmingFile() throws Exception {
+ // Create a simple plain text file.
+ File input = super.newTempFile();
+ File output = super.newTempFile();
+ PrintWriter w =
+ new PrintWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ closer.register(new FileOutputStream(input)), "UTF-8"));
+ w.println("passagère\tpassager");
+ w.println("nieduży\tduży");
+ w.println();
+ w.println("abcd\tabc");
+ w.close();
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "-e", "suffix" });
+ BufferedReader testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère+Eer+", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży+Iduży+", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd+B+", testOutput.readLine());
+ testOutput.close();
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Test
+ public void testZeroByteSeparator() throws Exception {
+ // Create a simple plain text file.
+ File input = newTempFile();
+ File output = newTempFile();
+ // Populate the file with data.
+ PrintWriter w =
+ new PrintWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ closer.register(new FileOutputStream(input)), "UTF-8"));
+ w.println("passagère\tpassager\tTAG1");
+ w.println("nieduży\tduży\tTAG2");
+ w.println("abcd\tabc\tTAG3");
+ w.close();
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "-e", "suffix",
+ "--annotation", "\u0000"});
+ BufferedReader testOutput =
+ new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ closer.register(new FileInputStream(output.getAbsolutePath())), "UTF-8"));
+ Assert.assertEquals("passagère\u0000Eer\u0000TAG1", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("nieduży\u0000Iduży\u0000TAG2", testOutput.readLine());
+ Assert.assertEquals("abcd\u0000B\u0000TAG3", testOutput.readLine());
+ File fsaFile = newTempFile();
+ FSABuildTool.main(
+ "--input", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", fsaFile.getAbsolutePath());
+ FSA fsa =;
+ DictionaryLookup dl = new DictionaryLookup(
+ new Dictionary(
+ fsa,
+ new DictionaryMetadataBuilder()
+ .separator((char) 0)
+ .encoding(Charsets.UTF_8)
+ .encoder(EncoderType.SUFFIX)
+ .build()));
+ checkEntry(dl, "passagère", "passager", "TAG1");
+ checkEntry(dl, "nieduży", "duży", "TAG2");
+ checkEntry(dl, "abcd", "abc", "TAG3");
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Test
+ public void testAnnotationCharacterInBaseOrDerivedWord() throws Exception {
+ // Create a simple plain text file.
+ File input = newTempFile();
+ File output = newTempFile();
+ // Populate the file with data.
+ PrintWriter w =
+ new PrintWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ closer.register(new FileOutputStream(input)), "UTF-8"));
+ w.println("foo+\tbar-\tTAG1");
+ w.close();
+ PrintStream err = System.err;
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ try {
+ System.setErr(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF-8"));
+ MorphEncodingTool.main(new String[] {
+ "--input", input.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "--output", output.getAbsolutePath(),
+ "-e", "suffix",
+ "--annotation", "+"});
+ } finally {
+ System.err.flush();
+ System.setErr(err);
+ }
+ Assertions.assertThat(new String(baos.toByteArray(), Charsets.UTF_8))
+ .contains("contain the annotation byte");
+ }
+ private void checkEntry(DictionaryLookup dl, String word, String base, String tag) {
+ List<WordData> lookup = dl.lookup(word);
+ Assertions.assertThat(lookup.size()).isEqualTo(1);
+ WordData wordData = lookup.get(0);
+ Assertions.assertThat(wordData.getWord().toString()).isEqualTo(word);
+ Assertions.assertThat(wordData.getStem().toString()).isEqualTo(base);
+ Assertions.assertThat(wordData.getTag().toString()).isEqualTo(tag);
+ }