path: root/api/seqmgr.c
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authorAaron M. Ucko <>2005-03-23 15:50:17 +0000
committerAaron M. Ucko <>2005-03-23 15:50:17 +0000
commit5d9c18cdc6c0e622f123be548f6f7b8ba827d3ac (patch)
tree2b219ac945a1f81c6a6ffc09fa0db76191716644 /api/seqmgr.c
[svn-inject] Installing original source of ncbi-tools6 (6.0.2)
Diffstat (limited to 'api/seqmgr.c')
1 files changed, 6228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/api/seqmgr.c b/api/seqmgr.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66b1532f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/seqmgr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6228 @@
+/* seqmgr.c
+* ===========================================================================
+* National Center for Biotechnology Information
+* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
+* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
+* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
+* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
+* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
+* Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
+* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
+* and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
+* Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
+* may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
+* Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
+* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
+* purpose.
+* Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
+* ===========================================================================
+* File Name: seqmgr.c
+* Author: James Ostell
+* Version Creation Date: 9/94
+* $Revision: 6.69 $
+* File Description: Manager for Bioseqs and BioseqSets
+* Modifications:
+* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+* Date Name Description of modification
+* ------- ---------- -----------------------------------------------------
+* $Log: seqmgr.c,v $
+* Revision 6.69 1999/01/14 21:50:04 kans
+* added packaging level to descriptor context structure
+* Revision 6.68 1998/12/09 22:08:49 kans
+* fixed a typo that prevented cleanup of index on top bioseq set
+* Revision 6.67 1998/12/07 16:55:08 kans
+* fixed memory leak of extra block on top bioseqset when automatically cleaned up from objmgr
+* Revision 6.66 1998/11/28 20:08:23 kans
+* was not initializing or incrementing nummRNAs and numCDSs variables
+* Revision 6.65 1998/11/24 22:21:24 kans
+* index mRNA and CDS by position, allow arbitrary sorted feature array index
+* Revision 6.64 1998/10/29 01:07:10 kans
+* indexing makes new sep if not on top bsp or bssp
+* Revision 6.63 1998/10/29 00:50:39 kans
+* calls BasicSeqEntryCleanup at beginning of indexing
+* Revision 6.62 1998/10/27 14:53:30 kans
+* get overlapping gene/pub/source takes SeqLocPtr - pass in sfp->location
+* Revision 6.61 1998/10/22 23:41:49 kans
+* feat context has bsp, partial flags, far location flag, GetDesired functions can work on entity entity if using itemID
+* Revision 6.60 1998/10/22 16:05:55 kans
+* removed labeltype parameter from SeqMgrIndexFeatures, changed index parameter/field to Uint2
+* Revision 6.59 1998/10/20 17:45:58 kans
+* distinctive messages for whether far accession was handled or not
+* Revision 6.58 1998/10/16 21:42:02 kans
+* fixed comment on last sort criteria to parent seq-annot
+* Revision 6.57 1998/10/16 21:36:37 kans
+* feature sorting continues with internal intervals, subtype, label, and finally seqannot parent
+* Revision 6.56 1998/10/13 20:59:48 kans
+* SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq uses new field in Bioseq to avoid binary search lookup
+* Revision 6.55 1998/10/09 15:45:13 kans
+* more informative errors in SeqMgr indexing
+* Revision 6.54 1998/09/30 14:49:37 kans
+* set scope for FindAppropriateBioseq, FindFirstLocalBioseq, over and above gather scope, which does not apply to the above calls even from within a gather callback
+* Revision 6.53 1998/09/29 20:06:07 kans
+* FindFirstLocalBioseq and GetOffsetInFirstLocalBioseq to deal with far segments more gracefully than just not indexing the feature
+* Revision 6.52 1998/09/29 15:07:17 kans
+* corrected logic for seqDescFilter, seqFeatFilter, and featDefFilter in explore functions
+* Revision 6.51 1998/09/23 16:41:07 kans
+* added SeqMgrGetDesiredDescriptor
+* Revision 6.50 1998/09/22 18:17:01 kans
+* descriptor index flag now tracked properly, separate from itemID
+* Revision 6.49 1998/09/22 18:01:25 kans
+* had been skipping bssp for lastDescrItemID
+* Revision 6.48 1998/09/22 16:55:51 kans
+* added SeqMgrGetDesiredFeature and position index field
+* Revision 6.47 1998/09/22 13:11:59 kans
+* locationFilter parameter to explore features function
+* Revision 6.46 1998/09/01 19:25:25 kans
+* context parameter in get best protein, get cds/rna given product
+* Revision 6.45 1998/08/24 18:27:09 kans
+* removed solaris -v -fd warnings
+* Revision 6.44 1998/08/21 21:32:36 kans
+* populate ivals array (start/stop pairs) for indexed features
+* Revision 6.43 1998/08/21 20:18:59 kans
+* added SeqMgrExploreSegments, indexing features on segmented bioseq
+* Revision 6.42 1998/08/19 16:26:48 kans
+* MakeReversedSeqIdString called from original location of code, also finished support for biosource feature indexing
+* Revision 6.41 1998/08/18 21:43:54 kans
+* SeqIdWithinBioseq finds appropriate SeqID in bsp->id chain for use with SeqLocAinB, allowing multiple IDs on a protein bioseq
+* Revision 6.40 1998/08/16 22:36:24 kans
+* fixed direct map up from part to segmented bioseq
+* Revision 6.39 1998/08/14 15:40:37 kans
+* SeqMgrMapPartToSegmentedBioseq neede LIBCALL, speeded up function by adding map up on part if fetched
+* Revision 6.38 1998/08/13 22:31:45 kans
+* SeqMgrMapPartToSegmentedBioseq to speed up GetOffsetInBioseq, start of indexing segments, also index biosource by location for binary search (Wheelan)
+* Revision 6.37 1998/08/12 22:16:29 kans
+* sort seg-parts array by SeqId, handle seqloc_int and seqloc_whole
+* Revision 6.36 1998/08/12 21:25:04 kans
+* forgot to free allocated partslist array
+* Revision 6.35 1998/08/12 21:10:37 kans
+* added parts index to speed segmented bioseq mapping
+* Revision 6.34 1998/07/23 17:30:41 kans
+* get overlapping gene was nulling out sfp, then dereferencing
+* Revision 6.33 1998/07/23 13:08:56 kans
+* SeqMgrGetOverlappingGene and SeqMgrGetOverlappingPub take optional context pointer
+* Revision 6.32 1998/07/23 01:15:19 kans
+* minor fix to not return ignored feature
+* Revision 6.31 1998/07/23 01:11:33 kans
+* added SeqMgrGetOverlappingPub, gene overlap works even when gene spans circular origin
+* Revision 6.30 1998/07/16 22:30:55 kans
+* improved gene overlap function
+* Revision 6.29 1998/07/16 16:56:38 kans
+* added parent BioseqSetPtr field to SeqMgrBioseqContext, check most recent bioseq first when indexing features
+* Revision 6.28 1998/07/06 16:15:17 kans
+* fixed typo in explore bioseqs callback
+* Revision 6.27 1998/07/06 15:57:29 kans
+* SeqMgrExploreBioseqs takes entityID or ptr
+* Revision 6.26 1998/07/06 15:30:15 kans
+* scope on index explore, added SeqMgrExploreBioseqs
+* Revision 6.25 1998/07/02 22:30:44 kans
+* process product before indexing by location, ErrPostItem if cannot find bioseq for location
+* Revision 6.24 1998/07/02 17:52:33 kans
+* CreateBioseqExtraBlock was not being called for protein bioseq to link back to CDS, which was seen first
+* Revision 6.23 1998/07/01 19:13:16 kans
+* is allocated array of reasonable size
+* Revision 6.22 1998/06/30 22:08:02 kans
+* SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed takes entityID, returns time_t time stamp of latest indexing
+* Revision 6.21 1998/06/30 14:28:00 kans
+* changed GetSeqFeat, which collided with asn2ff4 for some linkers
+* Revision 6.20 1998/06/30 14:20:16 kans
+* changes to heap sort order to put genes first, then rnas, if ranges are equal
+* Revision 6.19 1998/06/30 12:56:45 kans
+* code fixes, public functions moved to explore.h
+* Revision 6.18 1998/06/29 23:37:37 kans
+* added context structure for all explores, index every bioseq in an entity
+* Revision 6.17 1998/06/29 03:06:41 kans
+* fixed two conditionals in ProcessFeatureProducts
+* Revision 6.16 1998/06/29 02:29:44 kans
+* new context get descriptor and feature functions now working, get gene not always working
+* Revision 6.15 1998/06/29 01:33:27 kans
+* added SeqMgrGetNextDescriptor and SeqMgrGetNextFeature
+* Revision 6.14 1998/06/29 00:24:00 kans
+* several changes to new indexing functions
+* Revision 6.13 1998/06/28 03:44:18 kans
+* omdp->parentptr is bssp, not omdp, so use ObjMgrFindByData to get higher descriptors
+* Revision 6.12 1998/06/28 03:15:09 kans
+* missing break statement caused features to be ignored
+* Revision 6.11 1998/06/28 02:38:15 kans
+* simplified filters, finished best gene, explore functions
+* Revision 6.10 1998/06/27 22:23:49 kans
+* improvements and further implementation of new indexing, exploration functions
+* Revision 6.9 1998/06/27 00:03:45 kans
+* fix feature heap sort, post increment feature insertion index, look for best prot
+* when setting cds back pointer, and merge descriptor count and feature collect callbacks
+* Revision 6.8 1998/06/26 22:36:24 kans
+* initial work on tracking sorted features, and cds and prot links, for rapid collection
+* Revision 6.7 1998/05/01 16:13:13 kans
+* caching of gi with NULL seqID allowed with protection against calling SeqIdDup
+* Revision 6.6 1998/04/20 22:38:08 kans
+* should prevent caching of gi with NULL seqID
+* Revision 6.5 1998/04/08 16:52:08 kans
+* casts to ValNodeLen calls
+* Revision 6.4 1998/03/30 21:02:25 ostell
+* removed check for parenttype != 0 on call to ObjMgrConnect in SeqMgrLinkSeqEntry
+* so that disconnects from sets would work as well as connects
+* Revision 6.3 1997/11/19 22:14:42 ostell
+* added support for multithreaded programs
+* Revision 6.2 1997/09/25 18:20:14 tatiana
+* fixing -1 bug for gaps in CountGapsInDeltaSeq
+* Revision 6.1 1997/09/11 15:55:40 ostell
+* Added support for SetColor messages
+* Revision 6.0 1997/08/25 18:07:06 madden
+* Revision changed to 6.0
+* Revision 5.20 1997/07/31 16:06:49 kans
+* BioseqLockById clears scope if first call to BioseqFindFunc fails, tries again
+* Revision 5.19 1997/07/30 19:44:46 kans
+* bug fix by Serge Bazhin
+* Revision 5.18 1997/07/28 13:29:41 ostell
+* Moved GetUniGeneIDForSeqId() to seqmgr.c
+* Revision 5.17 1997/07/15 17:37:43 ostell
+* fixed problems with duplicate Bioseqs in BioseqFindFunc
+* Revision 5.16 1997/07/09 21:11:53 ostell
+* added support for indexed seqid lookups of bioseqs
+* Revision 5.15 1997/06/19 18:38:43 vakatov
+* [WIN32,MSVC++] Adopted for the "NCBIOBJ.LIB" DLL'ization
+* Revision 5.14 1997/06/17 17:59:09 kans
+* GetSeqIdForGI now uses binary search in cache
+* Revision 5.13 1997/06/17 16:33:57 kans
+* first pass at cache in SeqIdForGi
+* Revision 5.12 1997/03/26 14:01:37 ostell
+* removed OMUserData from new copy of Bioseq when uncaching to stop
+* memory leak
+ * Revision 5.11 1997/02/24 21:46:17 ostell
+ * in BioseqFindFunc, when checking with scope a failure occurs, now it
+ * checks again without scope.
+ *
+ * Revision 5.10 1997/01/23 22:38:21 ostell
+ * added missing newline at end of file (sigh)
+ *
+ * Revision 5.9 1997/01/23 22:37:14 ostell
+ * minor change to seqmgr.h for new indexing
+ *
+ * Revision 5.7 1997/01/08 22:48:50 tatiana
+ * buf and buflen arguments added to CountGapsInDeltaSeq()
+ *
+ * Revision 5.6 1996/08/22 14:50:05 ostell
+ * initialized static arrays in BioseqFindFunc
+ *
+ * Revision 5.5 1996/08/21 13:33:33 ostell
+ * added cachig to BioseqFindFunc
+ *
+ * Revision 5.4 1996/08/06 19:56:03 kans
+ * for SEQLOC_WHOLE, must call SeqIdFindBest on bsp->id
+ *
+ * Revision 5.3 1996/08/05 15:57:26 chappey
+ * in BioseqReloadFunc, the OMUserDataPtr is passed to the new
+ * ObjMgrDataPtr, and is not deleted anymore.
+ *
+ * Revision 5.2 1996/07/25 02:32:26 ostell
+ * added CountGapsInDeltaSeq()
+ *
+ * Revision 5.1 1996/07/19 22:13:13 ostell
+ * added SpreadGapsInDeltaSeq()
+ *
+ * Revision 5.0 1996/05/28 13:23:23 ostell
+ * Set to revision 5.0
+ *
+ * Revision 4.7 1996/03/19 19:05:17 kans
+ * SeqEntrySetScope now returns old scope, not new scope
+ *
+ * Revision 4.6 1996/01/23 14:44:38 kans
+ * added Pointer casts to MemSet
+ *
+ * Revision 4.5 1995/12/22 14:43:59 ostell
+ * added reload code to BioseqLockById
+ * break out relad from cache code to be used as part of gather locking
+ * with BioseqReload
+ *
+ * Revision 4.4 1995/12/09 23:12:41 kans
+ * SeqEntryFind now can deal with a Seq-Submit ultimate parent
+ *
+ * Revision 4.3 1995/12/04 21:40:05 ostell
+ * added GetSeqIdForGI() and GetGIForSeqId()
+ *
+ * Revision 4.2 1995/10/03 15:50:37 ostell
+ * added support for selection by region.. now fully implemented
+ *
+ * Revision 4.1 1995/09/30 03:38:31 ostell
+ * Changed ObjMgrMessage functions to pass a structure
+ * Added support for selecting regions
+ * Added ability to remove entity when no more views on it
+ *
+ * Revision 4.0 1995/07/26 13:49:01 ostell
+ * force revision to 4.0
+ *
+ * Revision 1.16 1995/05/15 21:46:05 ostell
+ * added Log line
+ *
+* ==========================================================================
+/** for ErrPostEx() ****/
+static char *this_module = "ncbiapi";
+#define THIS_MODULE this_module
+static char *this_file = __FILE__;
+#define THIS_FILE this_file
+#include <explore.h> /* new public functions prototyped here */
+#include <seqmgr.h> /* the interface */
+#include <sequtil.h> /* CLEAN THIS UP LATER? */
+#include <gather.h>
+#include <subutil.h>
+#include <ncbithr.h>
+#include <objfdef.h>
+#include <sqnutils.h>
+* Bioseq Management
+static BioseqPtr LIBCALLBACK BSFetchFunc PROTO((SeqIdPtr sid, Uint1 ld_type));
+static BioseqPtr NEAR BioseqFindFunc PROTO((SeqIdPtr sid, Boolean reload_from_cache));
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrGenericSelect PROTO((SeqLocPtr region, Int2 type,
+ Uint1Ptr rgb));
+static BioseqPtr NEAR BioseqReloadFunc PROTO((SeqIdPtr sid, ObjMgrDataPtr omdp));
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrProcessNonIndexedBioseq PROTO((void));
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrAddIndexElement PROTO((SeqMgrPtr smp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf));
+static void NEAR RevStringUpper PROTO((CharPtr str));
+static BSFetchTop NEAR SeqMgrGetFetchTop (void);
+* Return the current SeqMgr
+* SeqMgrGet is obsolete
+* SeqMgrReadLock, ReadUnlock, WriteLock, WriteUnlock are thread safe
+static TNlmMutex smp_mutex = NULL;
+static SeqMgrPtr global_smp = NULL;
+static TNlmRWlock smp_RWlock = NULL;
+static TNlmRWlock sgi_RWlock = NULL;
+* Return the current SeqMgr
+* Initialize if not done already
+* This function will become obsolete
+NLM_EXTERN SeqMgrPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGet (void)
+ Int4 ret;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ if (global_smp != NULL)
+ return global_smp;
+ ret = NlmMutexLockEx(&smp_mutex); /* protect this section */
+ if (ret) /* error */
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL,0,0,"SeqMgrGet failed [%ld]", (long)ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (global_smp == NULL) /* check again after mutex */
+ {
+ /*** have to initialize it **/
+ smp = (SeqMgrPtr) MemNew (sizeof(SeqMgr));
+ smp->bsfetch = BSFetchFunc; /* BioseqFetch default */
+ smp->fetch_on_lock = TRUE; /* fetch when locking */
+ smp_RWlock = NlmRWinit(); /* initialize RW lock */
+ sgi_RWlock = NlmRWinit(); /* initialize RW lock */
+ global_smp = smp; /* do this last for mutex safety */
+ }
+ NlmMutexUnlock(smp_mutex);
+ return global_smp;
+* SeqMgrReadLock()
+* Initialize if not done already
+* A thread can have only one read or write lock at a time
+* Many threads can have read locks
+* Only one thread can have a write lock
+* No other threads may have read locks if a write lock is granted
+* If another thread holds a write lock, this call blocks until write
+* is unlocked.
+NLM_EXTERN SeqMgrPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrReadLock (void)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ Int4 ret;
+ smp = SeqMgrGet(); /* ensure initialization */
+ ret = NlmRWrdlock(smp_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqMgrReadLock: RWrdlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return smp;
+* SeqMgrWriteLock
+* Initialize if not done already
+* A thread can have only one read or write lock at a time
+* Many threads can have read locks
+* Only one thread can have a write lock
+* No other threads may have read locks if a write lock is granted
+* If another thread holds a read or write lock, this call blocks until write
+* is unlocked.
+NLM_EXTERN SeqMgrPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrWriteLock (void)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ Int4 ret;
+ smp = SeqMgrGet(); /* ensure initialization */
+ ret = NlmRWwrlock(smp_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqMgrWriteLock: RWwrlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ smp->is_write_locked = TRUE;
+ return smp;
+* SeqMgrUnlock()
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrUnlock (void)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ Int4 ret;
+ smp = SeqMgrGet(); /* ensure initialization */
+ ret = NlmRWunlock(smp_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqMgrUnlock: RWunlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ smp->is_write_locked = FALSE; /* can't be write locked */
+ return TRUE;
+* RevStringUpper(str)
+* Up cases and reverses string
+* to get different parts early for SeqId StringCmps
+static void NEAR RevStringUpper (CharPtr str)
+ CharPtr nd;
+ Char tmp;
+ if (str == NULL)
+ return;
+ nd = str;
+ while (*nd != '\0')
+ nd++;
+ nd--;
+ while (nd > str)
+ {
+ tmp = TO_UPPER(*nd);
+ *nd = TO_UPPER(*str);
+ *str = tmp;
+ nd--; str++;
+ }
+ if (nd == str)
+ *nd = TO_UPPER(*nd);
+ return;
+static Boolean MakeReversedSeqIdString (SeqIdPtr sid, CharPtr buf, size_t len)
+ Uint1 oldchoice;
+ CharPtr tmp;
+ TextSeqIdPtr tsip;
+ if (sid == NULL || buf == NULL || len < 1) return FALSE;
+ oldchoice = 0;
+ switch (sid->choice) {
+ case SEQID_GI:
+ sprintf (buf, "%ld", (long)(sid->data.ptrvalue));
+ break;
+ case SEQID_EMBL:
+ case SEQID_DDBJ:
+ oldchoice = sid->choice;
+ sid->choice = SEQID_GENBANK;
+ case SEQID_PIR:
+ case SEQID_PRF:
+ tsip = (TextSeqIdPtr) (sid->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (tsip->accession != NULL) {
+ tmp = tsip->name;
+ tsip->name = NULL;
+ SeqIdWrite (sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, len);
+ tsip->name = tmp;
+ } else {
+ SeqIdWrite (sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, len);
+ }
+ if (oldchoice)
+ sid->choice = oldchoice;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SeqIdWrite (sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, len);
+ break;
+ }
+ RevStringUpper (buf);
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqEntrySetScope(sep)
+* scopes global seqentry searches to sep
+* setting sep=NULL, opens scope to all seqentries in memory
+* returns the current scope
+NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntrySetScope(SeqEntryPtr sep)
+ SeqEntryPtr curr = NULL;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ Int2 i, j;
+ SMScopePtr smsp;
+ TNlmThread thr;
+ Boolean found;
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) goto ret;
+ thr = NlmThreadSelf();
+ found = FALSE;
+ for (i = 0, smsp = smp->scope; i < smp->num_scope; i++, smsp++)
+ {
+ if (NlmThreadCompare(thr, smsp->thr))
+ {
+ curr = smsp->SEscope;
+ smsp->SEscope = sep;
+ if (sep == NULL) /* removing one? */
+ {
+ smp->num_scope--;
+ j = smp->num_scope - i; /* number to move */
+ if (j) /* not last one */
+ MemCopy(smsp, (smsp+1), (size_t)(j * sizeof(SMScope)));
+ }
+ goto ret; /* all done */
+ }
+ }
+ /* thread not on list */
+ if (sep == NULL)
+ goto ret; /* nothing to do */
+ i = smp->num_scope;
+ j = smp->total_scope;
+ if (j == i) /* need more room */
+ {
+ j += 20; /* new size */
+ smsp = smp->scope;
+ smp->scope = MemNew((size_t)(j * sizeof(SMScope)));
+ MemCopy(smp->scope, smsp, (size_t)(i * sizeof(SMScope)));
+ smp->total_scope = j;
+ MemFree(smsp);
+ }
+ smp->scope[i].thr = thr;
+ smp->scope[i].SEscope = sep;
+ smp->num_scope++;
+ret: SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return curr;
+* SeqEntryGetScope(sep)
+* returns the current scope or NULL if none set
+NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryGetScope(void)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ SeqEntryPtr scope = NULL;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMScopePtr smsp;
+ TNlmThread thr;
+ smp = SeqMgrReadLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ thr = NlmThreadSelf();
+ for (i = 0, smsp = smp->scope; i < smp->num_scope; i++, smsp++)
+ {
+ if (NlmThreadCompare(thr, smsp->thr))
+ {
+ scope = smsp->SEscope;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return scope;
+* BioseqFind(SeqIdPtr)
+* Just checks in object loaded memory
+* Will also restore a Bioseq that has been cached out
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqFind (SeqIdPtr sid)
+ return BioseqFindFunc(sid, TRUE);
+* BioseqFindCore(sid)
+* Finds a Bioseq in memory based on SeqId when only "core" elements needed
+* Will NOT restore a Bioseq that has been cached out by SeqMgr
+* This function is for use ONLY by functions that only need the parts
+* of the Bioseq left when cached out. This includes the SeqId chain,
+* and non-pointer components of the Bioseq.
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqFindCore (SeqIdPtr sip)
+ return BioseqFindFunc(sip, FALSE);
+* BioseqFindEntity(sid, itemIDptr)
+* Finds a Bioseq in memory based on SeqId
+* Will NOT restore a Bioseq that has been cached out by SeqMgr
+* returns EntityID if found, otherwise 0
+* itemIDptr is set to the value for itemID in ObjMgr functions
+* itemtype is OBJ_BIOSEQ of course
+NLM_EXTERN Uint2 LIBCALL BioseqFindEntity (SeqIdPtr sip, Uint2Ptr itemIDptr)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ Uint2 entityID = 0;
+ *itemIDptr = 0;
+ bsp = BioseqFindCore(sip);
+ if (bsp == NULL) return entityID; /* not found */
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer((Pointer)bsp);
+ if (! entityID)
+ return entityID;
+ *itemIDptr = GatherItemIDByData(entityID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer)bsp);
+ return entityID;
+* BioseqReload (omdp, lockit)
+* reloads the cached SeqEntry at top of omdp
+* if (lockit) locks the record
+NLM_EXTERN ObjMgrDataPtr LIBCALL BioseqReload(ObjMgrDataPtr omdp, Boolean lockit)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr retval = NULL;
+ Int2 j;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ if (omdp == NULL) return retval;
+ if (! ((omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ) || (omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQSET)))
+ return retval;
+ if (omdp->parentptr != NULL)
+ {
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindTop(omp, omdp);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ if (omdp == NULL)
+ return retval;
+ }
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_CACHED) /* only need to reload if cached */
+ {
+ bsp = BioseqReloadFunc (NULL, omdp);
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ return retval;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ j = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (Pointer)bsp);
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindTop(omp, omp->datalist[j]);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ }
+ if (lockit)
+ {
+ ObjMgrLock(omdp->datatype, omdp->dataptr, TRUE);
+ }
+ return omdp;
+static BSFetchTop NEAR SeqMgrGetFetchTop (void)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ BSFetchTop bsftp=NULL;
+ smp = SeqMgrReadLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) return bsftp;
+ bsftp = smp->bsfetch;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return bsftp;
+static BioseqPtr NEAR BioseqReloadFunc (SeqIdPtr sid, ObjMgrDataPtr omdp)
+ Int2 j;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr oldomdp;
+ OMUserDataPtr omudp, next;
+ ObjMgrProcPtr ompp;
+ OMProcControl ompc;
+ BioseqPtr bsp= NULL;
+ Int2 ret;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ BSFetchTop bsftp=NULL;
+ ompp = NULL;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ for (omudp = omdp->userdata; omudp != NULL; omudp = omudp->next)
+ {
+ if (omudp->proctype == OMPROC_FETCH) /* caching function */
+ {
+ ompp = ObjMgrProcFind(omp, omudp->procid, NULL, 0);
+ if (ompp != NULL)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ if (ompp == NULL)
+ return bsp;
+ if (ompp->outputtype != OBJ_BIOSEQ)
+ return bsp;
+ oldomdp = omdp;
+ omdp = NULL;
+ bsftp = SeqMgrGetFetchTop();
+ if (bsftp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (ompp != NULL) /* fetch proc left a signal */
+ { /* rerun fetch */
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&ompc), 0, sizeof(OMProcControl));
+ ompc.input_data = sid;
+ ompc.input_entityID = oldomdp->EntityID;
+ ompc.proc = ompp;
+ ret = (* (ompp->func))((Pointer)&ompc);
+ switch (ret)
+ {
+ ErrShow();
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_DEL:
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_OK:
+ break;
+ omp = ObjMgrWriteLock();
+ ObjMgrSetTempLoad (omp, ompc.output_data);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)(ompc.output_data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL) /* nope, try regular fetch */
+ {
+ bsp = (*(bsftp))(sid, BSFETCH_TEMP);
+ }
+ if (bsp != NULL)
+ {
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ j = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (Pointer)bsp);
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindTop(omp, omp->datalist[j]);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ omdp->EntityID = oldomdp->EntityID;
+ oldomdp->EntityID = 0;
+ omudp = omdp->userdata;
+ while (omudp != NULL)
+ {
+ next = omudp->next;
+ if (omudp->freefunc != NULL)
+ (*(omudp->freefunc))(omudp->userdata.ptrvalue);
+ MemFree(omudp);
+ omudp = next;
+ }
+ omdp->userdata = oldomdp->userdata;
+ oldomdp->userdata = NULL;
+ if (oldomdp->choice != NULL)
+ SeqEntryFree(oldomdp->choice);
+ else
+ {
+ switch(oldomdp->datatype)
+ {
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ:
+ BioseqFree((BioseqPtr)(oldomdp->dataptr));
+ break;
+ BioseqSetFree((BioseqSetPtr)(oldomdp->dataptr));
+ break;
+ default:
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"BioseqFindFunc: delete unknown type [%d]",
+ (int)(oldomdp->datatype));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bsp;
+/** static func used internally **/
+* WARNING: if you change BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM, you have to change the
+* number of NULL in the initialization of the 2 static pointer arrays
+* below
+/* nb: this cache is cleared in SeqMgrDeleteFromBioseqIndex() */
+static SeqEntryPtr se_cache[BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM] = {
+ NULL, NULL, NULL}; /* for a few platforms */
+static ObjMgrDataPtr omdp_cache[BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM] = {
+ NULL, NULL, NULL}; /* for a few platforms */
+static TNlmMutex smp_cache_mutex = NULL;
+static BioseqPtr NEAR BioseqFindFunc (SeqIdPtr sid, Boolean reload_from_cache)
+ Int4 i, j, num, imin, imax, ret;
+ SeqIdIndexElementPtr PNTR sipp;
+ CharPtr tmp;
+ Char buf[80];
+ Boolean do_return;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL, tbsp;
+ SeqEntryPtr scope;
+ if (sid == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ ret = NlmMutexLockEx(&smp_cache_mutex); /* protect this section */
+ if (ret) /* error */
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL,0,0,"BioseqFindFunc cache mutex failed [%ld]", (long)ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ do_return = FALSE;
+ scope = SeqEntryGetScope(); /* first check the cache */
+ for (i = 0; i < BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM; i++)
+ {
+ if (omdp_cache[i] == NULL)
+ break;
+ omdp = omdp_cache[i];
+ if (omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ)
+ {
+ if ((scope == NULL) || (scope == se_cache[i]))
+ {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)(omdp->dataptr);
+ if (BioseqMatch(bsp, sid))
+ {
+ for (j = i; j > 0; j--) /* shift to top of cache */
+ {
+ omdp_cache[j] = omdp_cache[j-1];
+ se_cache[j] = se_cache[j-1];
+ }
+ omdp_cache[0] = omdp;
+ se_cache[0] = scope;
+ if (! reload_from_cache)
+ {
+ do_return = TRUE;
+ goto done_cache;
+ }
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindTop(omp, omdp);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ if (omdp->tempload != TL_CACHED)
+ {
+ do_return = TRUE;
+ goto done_cache;
+ }
+ bsp = BioseqReloadFunc(sid, omdp);
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"BioseqFindFunc: couldn't uncache");
+ }
+ do_return = TRUE;
+ goto done_cache;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NlmMutexUnlock(smp_cache_mutex);
+ if (do_return) /* all done */
+ {
+ return bsp;
+ }
+ bsp = NULL; /* resetting it */
+ SeqMgrProcessNonIndexedBioseq(); /* make sure all are indexed */
+ /* stringify as in SeqMgrAdd */
+ MakeReversedSeqIdString (sid, buf, 79); /* common function to make id, call RevStringUpper */
+ /*
+ oldchoice = 0;
+ switch (sid->choice)
+ {
+ case SEQID_GI:
+ sprintf(buf, "%ld", (long)(sid->data.ptrvalue));
+ break;
+ case SEQID_EMBL:
+ case SEQID_DDBJ:
+ oldchoice = sid->choice;
+ sid->choice = SEQID_GENBANK;
+ case SEQID_PIR:
+ case SEQID_PRF:
+ tsip = (TextSeqIdPtr)(sid->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (tsip->accession != NULL)
+ {
+ tmp = tsip->name;
+ tsip->name = NULL;
+ SeqIdWrite(sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ tsip->name = tmp;
+ }
+ else
+ SeqIdWrite(sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ if (oldchoice)
+ sid->choice = oldchoice;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SeqIdWrite(sid, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ break;
+ }
+ RevStringUpper(buf);
+ */
+ imin = 0;
+ smp = SeqMgrReadLock();
+ imax = smp->BioseqIndexCnt - 1;
+ sipp = smp->BioseqIndex;
+ num = -1;
+ while (imax >= imin)
+ {
+ i = (imax + imin)/2;
+ tmp = sipp[i]->str;
+ if ((j = StringCmp(tmp, buf)) > 0)
+ imax = i - 1;
+ else if (j < 0)
+ imin = i + 1;
+ else
+ {
+ num = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num < 0) /* couldn't find it */
+ {
+ /*
+ Message(MSG_ERROR, "[1] Couldn't find [%s]", buf);
+ */
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (scope != NULL) /* check in scope */
+ {
+ tbsp = (BioseqPtr)(sipp[num]->omdp->dataptr);
+ if (ObjMgrIsChild(scope->data.ptrvalue, tbsp))
+ {
+ bsp = tbsp;
+ omdp = sipp[num]->omdp;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* not in scope, could be duplicate SeqId */
+ i = num-1;
+ while ((i >= 0) && (bsp == NULL) && (! StringCmp(sipp[i]->str, buf))) /* back up */
+ {
+ tbsp = (BioseqPtr)(sipp[i]->omdp->dataptr);
+ if (ObjMgrIsChild(scope->data.ptrvalue, tbsp))
+ {
+ bsp = tbsp;
+ omdp = sipp[i]->omdp;
+ }
+ i--;
+ }
+ i = num + 1;
+ imax = smp->BioseqIndexCnt - 1;
+ while ((bsp == NULL) && (i <= imax) && (! StringCmp(sipp[i]->str, buf)))
+ {
+ tbsp = (BioseqPtr)(sipp[i]->omdp->dataptr);
+ if (ObjMgrIsChild(scope->data.ptrvalue, tbsp))
+ {
+ bsp = tbsp;
+ omdp = sipp[i]->omdp;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else /* no scope set */
+ {
+ omdp = sipp[num]->omdp;
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)(omdp->dataptr);
+ }
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ if (bsp == NULL) /* not found */
+ {
+ /*
+ Message(MSG_ERROR, "[2] Couldn't find [%s]", buf);
+ */
+ return bsp;
+ }
+ ret = NlmMutexLockEx(&smp_cache_mutex); /* protect this section */
+ if (ret) /* error */
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL,0,0,"BioseqFindFunc2 cache mutex failed [%ld]", (long)ret);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (j = (BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM - 1); j > 0; j--) /* shift to top of cache */
+ {
+ omdp_cache[j] = omdp_cache[j-1];
+ se_cache[j] = se_cache[j-1];
+ }
+ omdp_cache[0] = omdp;
+ se_cache[0] = scope;
+ NlmMutexUnlock(smp_cache_mutex);
+ if (! reload_from_cache)
+ return bsp;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindTop(omp, omdp);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ if (omdp == NULL)
+ {
+ bsp = NULL;
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_CACHED)
+ bsp = BioseqReloadFunc(sid, omdp);
+ return bsp;
+* SeqMgrFreeCache()
+* frees all cached SeqEntrys
+* returns FALSE if any errors occurred
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrFreeCache(void)
+ return ObjMgrFreeCache(OBJ_SEQENTRY);
+* BioseqLockById(SeqIdPtr)
+* Finds the Bioseq and locks it
+* Makes sure appropriate BioseqContent is present
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqLockById (SeqIdPtr sid)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ SeqEntryPtr oldscope = NULL;
+ BSFetchTop bsftp;
+ Boolean fetch_on_lock;
+ if (sid == NULL) return bsp;
+ bsp = BioseqFindFunc(sid, TRUE);
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ {
+ smp = SeqMgrReadLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) return bsp;
+ fetch_on_lock = smp->fetch_on_lock;
+ bsftp = smp->bsfetch;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ if (fetch_on_lock)
+ {
+ oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (NULL);
+ if (oldscope != NULL) {
+ bsp = BioseqFindFunc(sid, TRUE);
+ SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL && bsftp != NULL)
+ bsp = (*(bsftp))(sid, BSFETCH_TEMP);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ ObjMgrLock(OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer)bsp, TRUE);
+ return bsp;
+* BioseqUnlockById(SeqIdPtr sip)
+* Frees a Bioseq to be dumped from memory if necessary
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqUnlockById (SeqIdPtr sip)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ if (sip == NULL) return FALSE;
+ bsp = BioseqFindFunc(sip, FALSE);
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ ObjMgrLock(OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer)bsp, FALSE);
+ return TRUE;
+* BioseqLock(BioseqPtr)
+* Locks a Bioseq
+* Any cached data is returned to memory
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqLock (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ ObjMgrLock(OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer)bsp, TRUE);
+ return bsp;
+* BioseqUnlock(BioseqPtr)
+* Frees a Bioseq to be dumped from memory if necessary
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL BioseqUnlock (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ if (bsp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (ObjMgrLock(OBJ_BIOSEQ, (Pointer)bsp, FALSE) >= 0)
+ return TRUE;
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+* BioseqFetch(SeqIdPtr, flag)
+* loads bioseq into memory if possible
+* first trys LocalLoad
+* they trys EntrezLoad
+static BioseqPtr LIBCALLBACK BSFetchFunc (SeqIdPtr sid, Uint1 ld_type)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ ObjMgrProcPtr ompp;
+ OMProcControl ompc;
+ Int2 ret;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ ompp = NULL;
+ while ((ompp = ObjMgrProcFindNext(NULL, OMPROC_FETCH, OBJ_SEQID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, ompp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&ompc), 0, sizeof(OMProcControl));
+ ompc.input_data = sid;
+ ompc.proc = ompp;
+ ret = (* (ompp->func))((Pointer)&ompc);
+ switch (ret)
+ {
+ ErrShow();
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_DEL:
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_OK:
+ break;
+ if (ld_type == BSFETCH_TEMP)
+ {
+ omp = ObjMgrWriteLock();
+ ObjMgrSetTempLoad (omp, ompc.output_data);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ }
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)(ompc.output_data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (bsp != NULL) /* got one */
+ break;
+ }
+ return bsp;
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqPtr LIBCALL BioseqFetch (SeqIdPtr sid, Uint1 ld_type)
+ BSFetchTop bsftp;
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ bsp = BioseqFindFunc(sid, TRUE);
+ if (bsp != NULL) return bsp;
+ bsftp = SeqMgrGetFetchTop();
+ if (bsftp == NULL) return NULL;
+ return (*(bsftp))(sid, ld_type);
+* GetGIForSeqId(SeqIdPtr)
+* returns the GI for a SeqId
+* returns 0 if can't find it
+NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL GetGIForSeqId (SeqIdPtr sid)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ ObjMgrProcPtr ompp;
+ OMProcControl ompc;
+ Int2 ret;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ Int4 gi=0;
+ if (sid == NULL)
+ return gi;
+ if (sid->choice == SEQID_GI)
+ return sid->data.intvalue;
+ bsp = BioseqFindCore(sid);
+ if (bsp != NULL)
+ {
+ for (sip = bsp->id; sip != NULL; sip = sip->next)
+ {
+ if (sip->choice == SEQID_GI)
+ return sip->data.intvalue;
+ }
+ }
+ ompp = NULL;
+ while ((ompp = ObjMgrProcFindNext(NULL, OMPROC_FETCH, OBJ_SEQID, OBJ_SEQID, ompp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((ompp->subinputtype == 0) && (ompp->suboutputtype == SEQID_GI))
+ {
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&ompc), 0, sizeof(OMProcControl));
+ ompc.input_data = sid;
+ ompc.proc = ompp;
+ ret = (* (ompp->func))((Pointer)&ompc);
+ switch (ret)
+ {
+ ErrShow();
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_DEL:
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_OK:
+ break;
+ sip = (SeqIdPtr)(ompc.output_data);
+ if (sip != NULL)
+ {
+ if (sip->choice == SEQID_GI)
+ {
+ gi = sip->data.intvalue;
+ SeqIdFree(sip);
+ return gi;
+ }
+ SeqIdFree(sip);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gi;
+* GetSeqIdForGI(Int4)
+* returns the SeqId for a GI
+* returns NULL if can't find it
+* The returned SeqId is allocated. Caller must free it.
+typedef struct seqidblock {
+ Int4 uid;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+} SeqIdBlock, PNTR SeqIdBlockPtr;
+static ValNodePtr seqidgicache = NULL;
+static ValNodePtr PNTR seqidgiarray = NULL;
+static Int2 seqidcount = 0;
+static TNlmRWlock sid_RWlock = NULL;
+static void RecordInSeqIdGiCache (Int4 gi, SeqIdPtr sip)
+ ValNodePtr vnp, tmp;
+ ValNodePtr PNTR prev;
+ SeqIdBlockPtr sibp;
+ Int4 retval;
+ /* if (sip == NULL) return; okay to cache NULL because we protect against SeqIdDup */
+ retval = NlmRWwrlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (retval != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"RecSeqIdGi: RWwrlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)retval);
+ return;
+ }
+ vnp = ValNodeNew (NULL);
+ if (vnp == NULL) goto ret;
+ sibp = (SeqIdBlockPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SeqIdBlock));
+ if (sibp == NULL) {
+ MemFree (vnp);
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ sibp->uid = gi;
+ if (sip != NULL) {
+ sibp->sip = SeqIdDup (sip);
+ }
+ vnp->data.ptrvalue = (Pointer) sibp;
+ if (seqidgicache == NULL) {
+ seqidgicache = vnp;
+ goto ret;
+ }
+ seqidgiarray = MemFree (seqidgiarray);
+ prev = (ValNodePtr PNTR) (&seqidgicache);
+ tmp = seqidgicache;
+ while (tmp != NULL) {
+ sibp = (SeqIdBlockPtr) tmp->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (sibp != NULL) {
+ if (sibp->uid > gi) {
+ if (prev != NULL) {
+ vnp->next = *prev;
+ *prev = vnp;
+ }
+ goto ret;
+ } else if (sibp->uid == gi) {
+ goto ret;
+ } else {
+ prev = (ValNodePtr PNTR) (& (tmp->next));
+ }
+ } else {
+ prev = (ValNodePtr PNTR) (& (tmp->next));
+ }
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ }
+ if (prev != NULL) {
+ vnp->next = *prev;
+ *prev = vnp;
+ }
+ retval = NlmRWunlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (retval != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"RecSeqIdGiUnlock: RWunlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)retval);
+ }
+ return;
+static Boolean FetchFromSeqIdGiCache (Int4 gi, SeqIdPtr PNTR sipp)
+ ValNodePtr vnp;
+ SeqIdBlockPtr sibp = NULL;
+ Int2 i;
+ Int2 left, right, mid;
+ Int4 compare, ret;
+ Boolean done = FALSE;
+ if (sipp == NULL) return done;
+ *sipp = NULL;
+ if (seqidgicache == NULL) return done;
+ if (seqidgiarray == NULL) {
+ ret = NlmRWwrlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqIdGi: RWwrlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return done;
+ }
+ if (seqidgiarray == NULL)
+ {
+ seqidcount = (Int2) ValNodeLen (seqidgicache);
+ seqidgiarray = MemNew (sizeof (ValNodePtr) * (size_t) (seqidcount + 1));
+ if (seqidgiarray != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ for (vnp = seqidgicache; vnp != NULL; vnp = vnp->next) {
+ seqidgiarray [i] = vnp;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ret = NlmRWunlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqIdGiUnlock: RWunlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return done;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = NlmRWrdlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqIdGi: RWrdlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ return done;
+ }
+ if (seqidgiarray != NULL) {
+ left = 1;
+ right = seqidcount;
+ while (left <= right) {
+ mid = (left + right) / 2;
+ compare = 0;
+ vnp = seqidgiarray [mid - 1];
+ if (vnp != NULL) {
+ sibp = (SeqIdBlockPtr) vnp->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (sibp != NULL) {
+ compare = gi - sibp->uid;
+ }
+ }
+ if (compare <= 0) {
+ right = mid - 1;
+ }
+ if (compare >= 0) {
+ left = mid + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (left > right + 1 && sibp != NULL) {
+ if (sibp->sip != NULL) {
+ *sipp = SeqIdDup (sibp->sip);
+ }
+ done = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ ret = NlmRWunlock(sgi_RWlock);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"SeqIdGiUnlock: RWunlock error [%ld]",
+ (long)ret);
+ }
+ return done;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqIdPtr LIBCALL GetSeqIdForGI (Int4 gi)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ ObjMgrProcPtr ompp;
+ OMProcControl ompc;
+ Int2 ret;
+ SeqIdPtr sip, sip2=NULL, other=NULL, gb=NULL;
+ ValNode vn;
+ if (gi <= 0)
+ return sip2;
+ vn.choice = SEQID_GI;
+ = gi;
+ = NULL;
+ bsp = BioseqFindCore(&vn);
+ if (bsp != NULL)
+ {
+ for (sip = bsp->id; sip != NULL; sip = sip->next)
+ {
+ switch (sip->choice)
+ {
+ case SEQID_LOCAL: /* object id */
+ other = sip;
+ break;
+ case SEQID_GI:
+ break;
+ case SEQID_EMBL:
+ case SEQID_PIR:
+ case SEQID_DDBJ:
+ case SEQID_PRF:
+ case SEQID_PDB:
+ gb = sip;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (other == NULL)
+ other = sip;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (gb != NULL)
+ sip2 = gb;
+ else if (other != NULL)
+ sip2 = other;
+ if (sip2 != NULL)
+ return SeqIdDup(sip2);
+ if (FetchFromSeqIdGiCache (gi, &sip2)) {
+ return sip2;
+ }
+ ompp = NULL;
+ while ((ompp = ObjMgrProcFindNext(NULL, OMPROC_FETCH, OBJ_SEQID, OBJ_SEQID, ompp)) != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((ompp->subinputtype == SEQID_GI) && (ompp->suboutputtype == 0))
+ {
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&ompc), 0, sizeof(OMProcControl));
+ ompc.input_data = &vn;
+ ompc.proc = ompp;
+ ret = (* (ompp->func))((Pointer)&ompc);
+ switch (ret)
+ {
+ ErrShow();
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_DEL:
+ break;
+ case OM_MSG_RET_OK:
+ break;
+ sip2 = (SeqIdPtr)(ompc.output_data);
+ if (sip2 != NULL)
+ {
+ RecordInSeqIdGiCache (gi, sip2);
+ return sip2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ RecordInSeqIdGiCache (gi, sip2);
+ return sip2;
+* SeqEntryFind(sip)
+* returns top level seqentry for sip
+NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryFind (SeqIdPtr sid)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr PNTR omdpp;
+ SeqEntryPtr result=NULL;
+ SeqSubmitPtr ssp;
+ Int2 i;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ bsp = BioseqFind(sid);
+ if (bsp == NULL) return result;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdpp = omp->datalist;
+ i = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (Pointer)bsp);
+ omdp = omdpp[i];
+ while (omdp->parentptr != NULL)
+ {
+ i = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (omdp->parentptr));
+ omdp = omdpp[i];
+ }
+ if (omdp->datatype == OBJ_SEQSUB) {
+ ssp = (SeqSubmitPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ if (ssp != NULL && ssp->datatype == 1) {
+ result = (SeqEntryPtr) ssp->data;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = omdp->choice;
+ }
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ return result;
+* BioseqContextPtr BioseqContextNew (bsp)
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqContextPtr LIBCALL BioseqContextNew (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr PNTR omdpp;
+ Int2 i, ctr=0;
+ BioseqContextPtr bcp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ bcp = MemNew(sizeof(BioseqContext));
+ bcp->bsp = bsp;
+ bcp->se.choice = 1; /* bioseq */
+ bcp-> = bsp;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ if (omp == NULL) return BioseqContextFree(bcp);
+ omdpp = omp->datalist;
+ i = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (Pointer)bsp);
+ omdp = omdpp[i];
+ if (omdp->choice != NULL)
+ {
+ seps[ctr] = omdp->choice;
+ ctr++;
+ while (omdp->parentptr != NULL)
+ {
+ i = ObjMgrLookup(omp, (omdp->parentptr));
+ omdp = omdpp[i];
+ if (omdp->choice != NULL)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR, 0,0, "BioseqContextNew: more than %d levels",(int)ctr);
+ else
+ {
+ seps[ctr] = omdp->choice;
+ ctr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bcp->count = ctr;
+ for (i = 0; i < bcp->count; i++)
+ {
+ ctr--;
+ bcp->context[i] = seps[ctr];
+ }
+ }
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_CACHED)
+ {
+ ErrPostEx(SEV_ERROR,0,0,"BioseqContextNew: bsp is TL_CACHED");
+ bcp = BioseqContextFree(bcp);
+ }
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ return bcp;
+* BioseqContextFree(bcp)
+NLM_EXTERN BioseqContextPtr LIBCALL BioseqContextFree(BioseqContextPtr bcp)
+ return MemFree(bcp);
+* BioseqContextGetSeqDescr(bcp, type, curr, SeqEntryPtr PNTR sep)
+* returns pointer to the next SeqDescr of this type
+* type gives type of Seq-descr
+* if (type == 0)
+* get them all
+* curr is NULL or previous node of this type found
+* moves up from bsp
+* if (sep != NULL) sep set to SeqEntryPtr containing the SeqDescr.
+NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL BioseqContextGetSeqDescr (BioseqContextPtr bcp, Int2 type, ValNodePtr curr, SeqEntryPtr PNTR the_sep) /* the last one you used */
+ Int2 i;
+ ValNodePtr tmp;
+ Boolean found = FALSE;
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ if (bcp == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (the_sep != NULL)
+ *the_sep = NULL;
+ if (bcp->count == 0) /* just a Bioseq */
+ {
+ tmp = BioseqGetSeqDescr(bcp->bsp, type, curr);
+ if (the_sep != NULL) *the_sep = bcp->context[1];
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ i = bcp->count - 1;
+ if (curr != NULL) /* find where we are */
+ {
+ while ((i >= 0) && (! found))
+ {
+ if (IS_Bioseq(bcp->context[i]))
+ {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)((bcp->context[i])->data.ptrvalue);
+ tmp = bsp->descr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)((bcp->context[i])->data.ptrvalue);
+ tmp = bssp->descr;
+ }
+ while ((tmp != curr) && (tmp != NULL))
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ if (tmp == curr)
+ {
+ found = TRUE;
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ }
+ else
+ i--;
+ }
+ if (! found) /* can't find it! */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else /* get first one */
+ {
+ tmp = bcp->bsp->descr;
+ }
+ while (i >= 0)
+ {
+ while (tmp != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((! type) || ((Int2)(tmp->choice) == type))
+ {
+ if (the_sep != NULL) *the_sep = bcp->context[i];
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ tmp = tmp->next;
+ }
+ i--;
+ if (i >= 0)
+ {
+ if (IS_Bioseq(bcp->context[i]))
+ {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)((bcp->context[i])->data.ptrvalue);
+ tmp = bsp->descr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)((bcp->context[i])->data.ptrvalue);
+ tmp = bssp->descr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+* BioseqContextGetSeqFeat(bcp, type, curr, sapp)
+* returns pointer to the next Seq-feat of this type
+* type gives type of Seq-descr
+* if (type == 0)
+* get them all
+* curr is NULL or previous node of this type found
+* moves up from bsp
+* if (sapp != NULL) is filled with SeqAnnotPtr containing the SeqFeat
+* in:
+* 0 = sfp->location only
+* 1 = sfp->product only
+* 2 = either of above
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL BioseqContextGetSeqFeat (BioseqContextPtr bcp, Int2 type,
+ SeqFeatPtr curr, SeqAnnotPtr PNTR sapp, Int2 in) /* the last one you used */
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ if (bcp == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (sapp != NULL)
+ *sapp = NULL;
+ if (bcp->count == 0) /* just a BioseqSeq */
+ sep = &(bcp->se);
+ else
+ sep = bcp->context[0];
+ return SeqEntryGetSeqFeat (sep, type, curr, sapp, in, bcp->bsp);
+typedef struct smgetseqfeat {
+ Boolean hit;
+ SeqFeatPtr last,
+ this;
+ SeqAnnotPtr sap;
+ SeqLocPtr slp1, slp2;
+ Int2 in, type;
+} SMGetSeqFeat, PNTR GetSeqFeatPtr;
+NLM_EXTERN void GetSeqFeatCallback (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent);
+* SeqEntryGetSeqFeat(sep, type, curr, sapp)
+* returns pointer to the next Seq-feat of this type
+* type gives type of SeqFeat
+* if (type == 0)
+* get them all
+* curr is NULL or previous node of this type found
+* moves up from bsp
+* if (sapp != NULL) is filled with SeqAnnotPtr containing the SeqFeat
+* if (bsp != NULL) then for that Bioseq match on location by "in"
+* in:
+* 0 = sfp->location only
+* 1 = sfp->product only
+* 2 = either of above
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryGetSeqFeat (SeqEntryPtr sep, Int2 type,
+ SeqFeatPtr curr, SeqAnnotPtr PNTR sapp, Int2 in, BioseqPtr bsp) /* the last one you used */
+ SMGetSeqFeat gsf;
+ ValNode vn1, vn2;
+ if (sep == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (sapp != NULL)
+ *sapp = NULL;
+ if (curr == NULL)
+ gsf.hit = TRUE;
+ else
+ gsf.hit = FALSE;
+ gsf.last = curr;
+ gsf.this = NULL;
+ = NULL;
+ gsf.type = type;
+ = in;
+ if (bsp != NULL) /* matching by Bioseq */
+ {
+ if ((bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) || (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_ref))
+ {
+ vn2.choice = SEQLOC_MIX;
+ = bsp->seq_ext;
+ gsf.slp2 = (SeqLocPtr)(&vn2);
+ }
+ else
+ gsf.slp2 = NULL;
+ vn1.choice = SEQLOC_WHOLE;
+ = (Pointer) SeqIdFindBest (bsp->id, 0);
+ gsf.slp1 = (SeqLocPtr)(&vn1);
+ }
+ else
+ gsf.slp1 = NULL;
+ SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer)(&gsf), GetSeqFeatCallback);
+ if (sapp != NULL)
+ *sapp =;
+ return gsf.this;
+NLM_EXTERN void GetSeqFeatCallback (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data, Int4 index, Int2 indent)
+ GetSeqFeatPtr gsfp;
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ SeqAnnotPtr sap;
+ SeqFeatPtr sfp, last;
+ Boolean hit, gotit = FALSE;
+ Uint1 type;
+ SeqLocPtr slp1, slp2, slp;
+ Int2 i, in, retval;
+ gsfp = (GetSeqFeatPtr)data;
+ if (gsfp->this != NULL) /* got it */
+ return;
+ last = gsfp->last;
+ hit = gsfp->hit;
+ type = (Uint1)(gsfp->type);
+ if (gsfp->slp1 != NULL) /* matching by Bioseq */
+ {
+ slp1 = gsfp->slp1;
+ slp2 = gsfp->slp2;
+ in = gsfp->in;
+ }
+ else
+ slp1 = NULL;
+ if (IS_Bioseq(sep))
+ {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
+ sap = bsp->annot;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
+ sap = bssp->annot;
+ }
+ while (sap != NULL)
+ {
+ if (sap->type == 1) /* feature table */
+ {
+ for (sfp = (SeqFeatPtr)(sap->data); sfp != NULL; sfp = sfp->next)
+ {
+ if (! hit) /* still looking */
+ {
+ if (sfp == last)
+ {
+ hit = TRUE;
+ gsfp->hit = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((! type) || (type == sfp->data.choice))
+ {
+ if (slp1 != NULL) /* look for feats on a bioseq */
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ if ((i == 0) && (in != 1))
+ slp = sfp->location;
+ else if ((i==1) && (in != 0))
+ slp = sfp->product;
+ else
+ slp = NULL;
+ if (slp != NULL)
+ {
+ retval = SeqLocCompare(slp, slp1);
+ if (retval)
+ {
+ gotit = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (slp2 != NULL)
+ {
+ retval = SeqLocCompare(slp, slp2);
+ if (retval)
+ {
+ gotit = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ gotit = TRUE;
+ if (gotit)
+ {
+ gsfp->this = sfp;
+ gsfp->sap = sap;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sap = sap->next;
+ }
+ return;
+* BioseqContextGetTitle(bcp)
+* returns first title for Bioseq in this context
+NLM_EXTERN CharPtr LIBCALL BioseqContextGetTitle(BioseqContextPtr bcp)
+ CharPtr title = NULL;
+ ValNodePtr vnp;
+ vnp = BioseqContextGetSeqDescr(bcp, Seq_descr_title, NULL, NULL);
+ if (vnp != NULL)
+ title = (CharPtr)vnp->data.ptrvalue;
+ return title;
+* SeqMgr Functions
+* SeqMgrSeqEntry(type, data, sep)
+* Adds the SeqEntryPtr pointing directly to this Bioseq or BioseqSet
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrSeqEntry (Uint1 type, Pointer data, SeqEntryPtr sep)
+ return ObjMgrSetChoice (OBJ_SEQENTRY, sep, data);
+* SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData(data)
+* returns SeqEntryPtr for a BioseqPtr or BioseqSetPtr
+* sep must have been put in SeqMgr using SeqMgrSeqEntry
+* the Bioseq/BioseqSets it is a part of must also be in SeqMgr
+* returns NULL on failure.
+NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForData (Pointer data)
+ return ObjMgrGetChoiceForData(data);
+* SeqMgrGetEntityIDForSeqEntry(sep)
+* returns the EntityID for a SeqEntryPtr
+* sep must have been put in SeqMgr using SeqMgrSeqEntry
+* the Bioseq/BioseqSets it is a part of must also be in SeqMgr
+* This function will move up to the top of the SeqEntry tree it may be
+* in. If top level EntityID is 0, one is assigned at this point.
+* If an element is moved under a different hierarchy, its EntityID will
+* change.
+* returns 0 on failure.
+NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL SeqMgrGetEntityIDForSeqEntry (SeqEntryPtr sep)
+ return ObjMgrGetEntityIDForChoice (sep);
+* SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForEntityID (id)
+NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetSeqEntryForEntityID (Int2 id)
+ return ObjMgrGetChoiceForEntityID (id);
+* SeqMgrSetBSFetchTop (fetch, data)
+* sets the BSFetchTop routine to "fetch"
+* returns previous value
+* set to NULL to turn off all fetching for that type
+* Current value can be called directly as BioseqFetch();
+* Default is
+* 1) looks in memory
+* 2) looks locally if LocalBSFetch is set
+* 3) looks remotely if RemoteBSFetch is set
+NLM_EXTERN BSFetchTop LIBCALL SeqMgrSetBSFetchTop (BSFetchTop fetch, Pointer data)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ BSFetchTop tmp = NULL;
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) return tmp;
+ tmp = smp->bsfetch;
+ smp->bsfetch = fetch;
+ smp->TopData = data;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return tmp;
+* SeqMgrSetFetchOnLock(value)
+* if value = TRUE, manager will try to fetch the bioseq if not in
+* memory, when BioseqLock is called
+* if FALSE, BioseqLock will only look in memory
+* returns previous value of fetch_on_lock
+* default is to fetch_on_lock
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrSetFetchOnLock (Boolean value)
+ Boolean tmp=FALSE;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ if (smp == NULL) return tmp;
+ tmp = smp->fetch_on_lock;
+ smp->fetch_on_lock = value;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return tmp;
+* SeqMgrLinkSeqEntry(sep, parenttype, parentptr)
+* connects all component seq-entries by traversing the linked list
+* all calling SeqMgrConnect and SeqMgrSeqEntry appropriately
+* if parenttype != 0, then assumes seqentry is contained in parentptr
+* and should be connected to it
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrLinkSeqEntry (SeqEntryPtr sep, Uint2 parenttype, Pointer parentptr)
+ SeqEntryPtr sep2;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ Uint2 the_type;
+ if (sep == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (IS_Bioseq(sep))
+ the_type = OBJ_BIOSEQ;
+ else
+ the_type = OBJ_BIOSEQSET;
+ SeqMgrSeqEntry((Uint1)the_type, sep->data.ptrvalue, sep);
+ /**** if (parenttype != 0) ****/
+ ObjMgrConnect(the_type, sep->data.ptrvalue, parenttype, parentptr);
+ if (! IS_Bioseq(sep))
+ {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr)(sep->data.ptrvalue);
+ for (sep2 = bssp->seq_set; sep2 != NULL; sep2 = sep2->next)
+ {
+ SeqMgrLinkSeqEntry (sep2, the_type, sep->data.ptrvalue);
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* Selection Functions for data objects based on SeqLoc
+* See also general selection in objmgr.h
+* SeqMgrSelect(region)
+* region is a SeqLocPtr
+* It can only apply to one Bioseq
+* selected area will be extreme left and right ends
+* fuzziness is ignored
+* if something else selected, deselects it first, then selects requested
+* item
+* to select without deselecting something else, use SeqMgrAlsoSelect()
+* returns TRUE if item is now currently selected, FALSE if not
+* "region" is always copied. Caller is responsible for managment of
+* SeqLoc that is passed in.
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrSelect (SeqLocPtr region)
+ return SeqMgrGenericSelect(region, 1, NULL);
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrAlsoSelect (SeqLocPtr region)
+ return SeqMgrGenericSelect(region, 2, NULL);
+* SeqMgrDeSelect(region)
+* if this item was selected, then deselects and returns TRUE
+* else returns FALSE
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrDeSelect (SeqLocPtr region)
+ return SeqMgrGenericSelect(region, 3, NULL);
+* SeqMgrSetColor(region, rgb)
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrSetColor (SeqLocPtr region, Uint1Ptr rgb)
+ if (rgb == NULL) return FALSE;
+ return SeqMgrGenericSelect(region, 4, rgb);
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrGenericSelect (SeqLocPtr region, Int2 type,
+ Uint1Ptr rgb)
+ SeqInt si;
+ ValNode vn;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ Uint2 entityID, itemID;
+ if (region == NULL) return FALSE;
+ sip = SeqLocId(region);
+ if (sip == NULL) return FALSE;
+ entityID = BioseqFindEntity(sip, &itemID);
+ if (entityID == 0) return FALSE;
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&si), 0, sizeof(SeqInt));
+ MemSet((Pointer)(&vn), 0, sizeof(ValNode));
+ = sip;
+ si.from = SeqLocStart(region);
+ = SeqLocStop(region);
+ si.strand = SeqLocStrand(region);
+ if ((si.from < 0) || ( < 0) || (si.from > return FALSE;
+ vn.choice = SEQLOC_INT;
+ = &si;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ return ObjMgrSelect(entityID, itemID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, OM_REGION_SEQLOC, &vn);
+ case 2:
+ return ObjMgrAlsoSelect(entityID, itemID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, OM_REGION_SEQLOC, &vn);
+ case 3:
+ return ObjMgrDeSelect(entityID, itemID, OBJ_BIOSEQ, OM_REGION_SEQLOC, &vn);
+ case 4:
+ return ObjMgrSetColor(entityID, itemID, OBJ_BIOSEQ,
+ OM_REGION_SEQLOC, &vn, rgb);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+* SpreadGapsInDeltaSeq(BioseqPtr bsp)
+* bsp must be a delta seq
+* function counts deltas with known lengths ( = known_len)
+* counts deltas which are gaps of unknown length ( = unk_count)
+* these can delta of length 0, delta with fuzz = lim (unk),
+* converts all unknown gaps to delta with fuzz = lim(unk)
+* sets length of all unknown gaps to
+* (bsp->length - known_len)/unk_count
+* any reminder spread over first few gaps
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SpreadGapsInDeltaSeq (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ Boolean retval = FALSE;
+ Int4 known_len = 0,
+ total_gap, gap_len,
+ unk_count = 0,
+ remainder;
+ DeltaSeqPtr dsp;
+ SeqLocPtr slocp;
+ SeqLitPtr slp;
+ IntFuzzPtr ifp;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return retval;
+ if ((bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta) || (bsp->seq_ext == NULL))
+ return retval;
+ retval = TRUE; /* can function */
+ for (dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(bsp->seq_ext); dsp != NULL; dsp = dsp->next)
+ {
+ switch (dsp->choice)
+ {
+ case 1: /* SeqLocPtr */
+ slocp = (SeqLocPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (slocp == NULL) break;
+ if (slocp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) /* convert it */
+ {
+ SeqLocFree(slocp);
+ slp = SeqLitNew();
+ dsp->choice = 2;
+ dsp->data.ptrvalue = slp;
+ ifp = IntFuzzNew();
+ slp->fuzz = ifp;
+ ifp->choice = 4; /* lim - type unk */
+ unk_count++;
+ }
+ else /* count length */
+ known_len += SeqLocLen(slocp);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* SeqLitPtr */
+ slp = (SeqLitPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (slp == NULL) break;
+ if (slp->seq_data != NULL) /* not a gap */
+ {
+ known_len += slp->length;
+ break;
+ }
+ ifp = slp->fuzz;
+ if (slp->length == 0) /* unknown length */
+ {
+ unk_count++;
+ if (ifp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (ifp->choice != 4) /* not lim */
+ ifp = IntFuzzFree(ifp);
+ else if (ifp->a != 0) /* not unk */
+ ifp = IntFuzzFree(ifp);
+ }
+ if (ifp == NULL)
+ {
+ ifp = IntFuzzNew();
+ ifp->choice = 4; /* lim - unk */
+ slp->fuzz = ifp;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* gap length was set */
+ {
+ if (ifp == NULL) /* no fuzz - count length */
+ known_len += slp->length;
+ else /* might be a guess */
+ {
+ if ((ifp->choice == 4) && (ifp->a == 0)) /* lim - unk */
+ unk_count++;
+ else
+ known_len += slp->length;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unk_count == 0) /* no unknown gaps */
+ return retval;
+ total_gap = bsp->length - known_len;
+ if (total_gap < 0)
+ total_gap = 0;
+ gap_len = total_gap / unk_count;
+ remainder = total_gap - (gap_len * unk_count);
+ for (dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(bsp->seq_ext); dsp != NULL; dsp = dsp->next)
+ {
+ switch (dsp->choice)
+ {
+ case 1: /* SeqLocPtr */
+ break;
+ case 2: /* SeqLitPtr */
+ slp = (SeqLitPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (slp == NULL) break;
+ if (slp->seq_data != NULL) break;
+ ifp = slp->fuzz;
+ if (ifp == NULL) break;
+ if ((ifp->choice != 4) || (ifp->a != 0))
+ break;
+ slp->length = gap_len;
+ if (remainder)
+ {
+ slp->length++;
+ remainder--;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return retval;
+* CountGapsInDeltaSeq(BioseqPtr bsp, &num_segs, &num_gaps, &known_residues, &num_gaps_faked)
+* bsp must be a delta seq
+* function counts deltas and returns a profile
+* num_segs = total number of segments
+* num_gaps = total number of segments representing gaps
+* known_residues = number of real residues in the sequence (not gaps)
+* num_gaps_faked = number of gaps where real length is not known, but where
+* a length was guessed by spreading the total gap length
+* out over all gaps evenly.
+* NOTE: any of these pointers except bsp can be NULL
+* returns TRUE if values in argument were set.
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL CountGapsInDeltaSeq (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4Ptr num_segs, Int4Ptr num_gaps, Int4Ptr known_residues, Int4Ptr num_gaps_faked, CharPtr buf, Int2 buflen)
+ Boolean retval = FALSE;
+ Int4 residues = 0,
+ segs = 0,
+ gaps = 0,
+ len = 0,
+ fake_gaps = 0,
+ from = 0,
+ tlen = 0;
+ DeltaSeqPtr dsp;
+ SeqLocPtr slocp;
+ SeqLitPtr slp;
+ IntFuzzPtr ifp;
+ Boolean unk;
+ static Char tmp[128];
+ Int2 diff;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return retval;
+ if ((bsp->repr != Seq_repr_delta) || (bsp->seq_ext == NULL))
+ return retval;
+ retval = TRUE; /* can function */
+ for (dsp = (DeltaSeqPtr)(bsp->seq_ext); dsp != NULL; dsp = dsp->next)
+ {
+ segs++;
+ from = len + 1;
+ switch (dsp->choice)
+ {
+ case 1: /* SeqLocPtr */
+ slocp = (SeqLocPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (slocp == NULL) break;
+ if (slocp->choice == SEQLOC_NULL) /* gap */
+ {
+ gaps++;
+ sprintf(tmp, "* %ld %ld gap of unknown length~", from, len);
+ diff = LabelCopy(buf, tmp, buflen);
+ buflen -= diff;
+ buf += diff;
+ }
+ else { /* count length */
+ residues += SeqLocLen(slocp);
+ if (buf != NULL) {
+ tlen = SeqLocLen(slocp);
+ len += tlen;
+ sprintf(tmp, "* %8ld %8ld: contig of %ld bp in length~", from, len, tlen);
+ diff = LabelCopy(buf, tmp, buflen);
+ buflen -= diff;
+ buf += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2: /* SeqLitPtr */
+ slp = (SeqLitPtr)(dsp->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (slp == NULL) break;
+ tlen = slp->length;
+ len += tlen;
+ if (slp->seq_data != NULL)
+ {
+ residues += slp->length;
+ if (buf) {
+ sprintf(tmp, "* %8ld %8ld: contig of %ld bp in length~", from, len, tlen);
+ diff = LabelCopy(buf, tmp, buflen);
+ buflen -= diff;
+ buf += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unk = FALSE;
+ gaps++;
+ ifp = slp->fuzz;
+ if (ifp != NULL)
+ {
+ if ((ifp->choice == 4) && (ifp->a == 0)) {
+ unk = TRUE;
+ fake_gaps++;
+ if (buf) {
+ if (from > len) {
+ sprintf(tmp, "* gap of unknown length~");
+ } else {
+ sprintf(tmp, "* %8ld %8ld: gap of unknown length~", from, len);
+ }
+ diff = LabelCopy(buf, tmp, buflen);
+ buflen -= diff;
+ buf += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!unk && buf) {
+ sprintf(tmp, "* %8ld %ld: gap of %8ld bp~", from, len, tlen);
+ diff = LabelCopy(buf, tmp, buflen);
+ buflen -= diff;
+ buf += diff;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_segs != NULL)
+ *num_segs = segs;
+ if (num_gaps != NULL)
+ *num_gaps = gaps;
+ if (known_residues != NULL)
+ *known_residues = residues;
+ if (num_gaps_faked != NULL)
+ *num_gaps_faked = fake_gaps;
+ return retval;
+* SeqMgrAdd(type, data)
+* adds a Bioseq or BioseqSet to the sequence manager
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrAdd (Uint2 type, Pointer data)
+ Boolean retval;
+ retval = ObjMgrAdd(type, data);
+ if (type != OBJ_BIOSEQ)
+ return retval;
+ SeqMgrAddToBioseqIndex((BioseqPtr)data);
+ return retval;
+* SeqMgrDelete(type, data)
+* deletes a Bioseq or BioseqSet from the sequence manager
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrDelete (Uint2 type, Pointer data)
+ if (type == OBJ_BIOSEQ) /* remove id indexes */
+ SeqMgrDeleteFromBioseqIndex((BioseqPtr)data);
+ return ObjMgrDelete(type, data);
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrAddIndexElement(SeqMgrPtr smp, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf)
+ SeqIdIndexElementPtr sip, PNTR sipp;
+ SeqIdIndexBlockPtr sibp, prev;
+ Int4 imin, imax, i, j;
+ CharPtr tmp, newstr;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindByData(omp, (Pointer)bsp); /* caching protection */
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ if (omdp == NULL)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ sipp = smp->BioseqIndex;
+ if (smp->BioseqIndexCnt >= smp->BioseqIndexNum) /* expand space */
+ {
+ prev = NULL;
+ for (sibp = smp->BioseqIndexData; sibp != NULL; sibp = sibp->next)
+ prev = sibp;
+ sibp = MemNew(sizeof(SeqIdIndexBlock));
+ if (prev != NULL)
+ prev->next = sibp;
+ else
+ smp->BioseqIndexData = sibp;
+ smp->BioseqIndex = MemNew((smp->BioseqIndexNum + 100) *
+ MemCopy(smp->BioseqIndex, sipp, (smp->BioseqIndexNum *
+ MemFree(sipp);
+ smp->BioseqIndexNum += 100;
+ sipp = smp->BioseqIndex;
+ for (i = 0, j = smp->BioseqIndexCnt; i < 100; i++, j++)
+ sipp[j] = &(sibp->sid[i]);
+ }
+ i = smp->BioseqIndexCnt; /* empties are at the end */
+ sip = sipp[i];
+ sip->omdp = omdp; /* fill in the values */
+ sip->str = StringSave(buf);
+ newstr = sip->str;
+ RevStringUpper(newstr); /* try to avoid case check */
+ imin = 0; /* find where it goes */
+ imax = i-1;
+ if (imax >= 0)
+ tmp = sipp[imax]->str;
+ if ((i) && (StringCmp(newstr, sipp[imax]->str) < 0))
+ {
+ i = (imax + imin) / 2;
+ while (imax > imin)
+ {
+ tmp = sipp[i]->str;
+ if ((j = StringCmp(newstr, tmp)) < 0)
+ imax = i - 1;
+ else if (j > 0)
+ imin = i + 1;
+ else
+ break;
+ i = (imax + imin)/2;
+ }
+ if (StringCmp(newstr, sipp[i]->str) > 0) /* check for off by 1 */
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ imax = smp->BioseqIndexCnt - 1; /* open the array */
+ while (imax >= i)
+ {
+ sipp[imax+1] = sipp[imax];
+ imax--;
+ }
+ }
+ sipp[i] = sip; /* put in the pointer in order */
+ smp->BioseqIndexCnt++; /* got one more */
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqMgrProcessNonIndexedBioseq()
+* Indexes a BioseqPtr by SeqId(s)
+static Boolean NEAR SeqMgrProcessNonIndexedBioseq(void)
+ BioseqPtr PNTR bspp, bsp;
+ Int4 i, total, k;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ Char buf[80];
+ CharPtr tmp;
+ Uint1 oldchoice;
+ Boolean indexed;
+ TextSeqIdPtr tsip;
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ smp = SeqMgrReadLock();
+ if (! smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt)
+ {
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ if (! smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt)
+ {
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ total = smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt;
+ bspp = smp->NonIndexedBioseq;
+ for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
+ {
+ indexed = FALSE;
+ bsp = bspp[i];
+ if (bsp != NULL)
+ {
+ if (bsp->id != NULL)
+ {
+ indexed = TRUE;
+ for (sip = bsp->id; sip != NULL; sip = sip->next)
+ {
+ oldchoice = 0;
+ switch (sip->choice)
+ {
+ case SEQID_GI:
+ sprintf(buf, "%ld", (long)(sip->data.ptrvalue));
+ SeqMgrAddIndexElement(smp, bsp, buf);
+ break;
+ case SEQID_EMBL:
+ case SEQID_DDBJ:
+ oldchoice = sip->choice;
+ sip->choice = SEQID_GENBANK;
+ case SEQID_PIR:
+ case SEQID_PRF:
+ tsip = (TextSeqIdPtr)(sip->data.ptrvalue);
+ if (tsip->name != NULL)
+ {
+ tmp = tsip->accession;
+ tsip->accession = NULL;
+ SeqIdWrite(sip, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ SeqMgrAddIndexElement(smp, bsp, buf);
+ tsip->accession = tmp;
+ }
+ tmp = tsip->name;
+ tsip->name = NULL;
+ SeqIdWrite(sip, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ SeqMgrAddIndexElement(smp, bsp, buf);
+ tsip->name = tmp;
+ if (oldchoice)
+ sip->choice = oldchoice;
+ break;
+ default:
+ SeqIdWrite(sip, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT, 79);
+ SeqMgrAddIndexElement(smp, bsp, buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (indexed)
+ bspp[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
+ {
+ if (bspp[i] == NULL)
+ {
+ total--;
+ for (k = i; k < total; k++)
+ bspp[k] = bspp[k+1];
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt = total;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqMgrAddToBioseqIndex(bsp)
+* Indexes a BioseqPtr by SeqId(s)
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrAddToBioseqIndex (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ BioseqPtr PNTR bspp;
+ if (bsp == NULL)
+ return FALSE;
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ /* increase array as
+needed */
+ if (smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt >= smp->NonIndexedBioseqNum)
+ {
+ bspp = smp->NonIndexedBioseq;
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseq = MemNew((smp->NonIndexedBioseqNum + 10) *
+sizeof (BioseqPtr));
+ MemCopy(smp->NonIndexedBioseq, bspp, (smp->NonIndexedBioseqNum *
+ MemFree(bspp);
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseqNum += 10;
+ }
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseq[smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt] = bsp;
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt++;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ SeqMgrProcessNonIndexedBioseq();
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqMgrDeleteDeleteFromBioseqIndex(bsp)
+* Removes index on BioseqPtr SeqIds
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrDeleteFromBioseqIndex (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ SeqMgrPtr smp;
+ SeqIdIndexElementPtr PNTR sipp, sip;
+ Int4 i, j, num;
+ BioseqPtr PNTR bspp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ smp = SeqMgrWriteLock();
+ /* check if not
+indexed yet */
+ if (smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt > 0)
+ {
+ num = smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt;
+ bspp = smp->NonIndexedBioseq;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ {
+ if (bspp[i] == bsp)
+ {
+ num--;
+ for (j = i; j < num; j++)
+ bspp[j] = bspp[j+1];
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ smp->NonIndexedBioseqCnt = num;
+ }
+ num = smp->BioseqIndexCnt;
+ sipp = smp->BioseqIndex;
+ omp = ObjMgrReadLock();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindByData(omp, (Pointer)bsp);
+ ObjMgrUnlock();
+ for (i = 0; i < BIOSEQ_CACHE_NUM; i++) /* remove from BioseqFind cache */
+ {
+ if (omdp_cache[i] == omdp)
+ {
+ omdp_cache[i] = NULL;
+ se_cache[i] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ {
+ if (sipp[i]->omdp == omdp)
+ {
+ sipp[i]->omdp = NULL;
+ sipp[i]->str = MemFree(sipp[i]->str);
+ sip = sipp[i];
+ for (j = i; j < (num-1); j++)
+ sipp[j] = sipp[j+1];
+ sipp[j] = sip;
+ num--; i--;
+ }
+ }
+ smp->BioseqIndexCnt = num;
+ SeqMgrUnlock();
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqMgrReplaceInBioseqIndex(bsp)
+* Replaces index on BioseqPtr SeqIds
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrReplaceInBioseqIndex (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ SeqMgrDeleteFromBioseqIndex(bsp);
+ return SeqMgrAddToBioseqIndex(bsp);
+* GetUniGeneIDForSeqId(SeqIdPtr)
+* returns the UniGene ID for a SeqId
+* returns 0 if can't find it, or not a legal unigene id
+* This only applies to genomes division of entrez
+* IT IS a KLUDGE!! Add 1,000,000 to the unigene id
+#define KLUDGE_UNIGENE 1000000 /*the kludge offset val add to unigene sequence*/
+#define KLUDGE_FlyBase 2000000 /*the kludge offset for FlyBase*/
+#define KLUDGE_JACKSON 3000000 /*the kludge offset for the Mouse data*/
+#define KLUDGE_JRGP 4000000 /*the kludge offset for the rice data*/
+#define KLUDGE_CESC 5000000 /*the kludge offset for the C. elegans data*/
+#define KLUDGE_BSNR 6000000 /*the kludge offset for the B. subtilis data*/
+#define KLUDGE_HUMGEN 7000000 /*the kludge offset for the Human genomic data*/
+#define KLUDGE_YGG 8000000 /*the kludge offset for the yeast data*/
+#define KLUDGE_NCBICG 9000000 /*the kludge offset for small genomes*/
+#define KLUDGE_MAIZE 10000000 /*the kludge offset for corn*/
+NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL GetUniGeneIDForSeqId (SeqIdPtr sip)
+ DbtagPtr db_tag;
+ ObjectIdPtr oip;
+ if (sip == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if(sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL)
+ return 0;
+ db_tag = sip->data.ptrvalue;
+ if(db_tag == NULL || db_tag->db == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ oip = db_tag->tag;
+ if(oip == NULL || oip->id == 0)
+ return 0;
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "UNIGENE") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_UNIGENE+ oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "UniGene") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_UNIGENE+ oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "FlyBase") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_FlyBase+ oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "JACKSON") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_JACKSON+ oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "JRGP") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_JRGP + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "CESC") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_CESC + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "BSNR") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_BSNR + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "HUMGEN") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_HUMGEN + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "YGG") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_YGG + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "NCBICG") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_NCBICG + oip->id);
+ if(StringCmp(db_tag->db, "MAIZE") == 0)
+ return (KLUDGE_MAIZE + oip->id);
+ return 0;
+* BioseqExtra extensions to preindex for rapid retrieval
+* remaining to be done are mapping tables for rapid coordinate conversion
+* between genome record and parts, genomic DNA and mRNA, and mRNA and protein
+static ObjMgrDataPtr SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (Pointer ptr)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ if (ptr == NULL) return NULL;
+ omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, ptr);
+ ObjMgrUnlock ();
+ return omdp;
+static ObjMgrDataPtr SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (BioseqPtr bsp)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ObjMgrPtr omp;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) bsp->omdp;
+ if (omdp != NULL) return omdp;
+ omp = ObjMgrWriteLock ();
+ omdp = ObjMgrFindByData (omp, bsp);
+ ObjMgrUnlock ();
+ bsp->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ return omdp;
+static SeqEntryPtr SeqMgrGetTopSeqEntryForEntity (Uint2 entityID)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SeqSubmitPtr ssp;
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ switch (omdp->datatype) {
+ case OBJ_SEQSUB :
+ ssp = (SeqSubmitPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ if (ssp != NULL && ssp->datatype == 1) {
+ return (SeqEntryPtr) ssp->data;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
+ return (SeqEntryPtr) omdp->choice;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static Boolean SeqMgrClearBioseqExtraData (ObjMgrDataPtr omdp)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr currf;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr currp;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr itemf;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr nextf;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr nextp;
+ if (omdp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return FALSE;
+ /* free sorted arrays of pointers into data blocks */
+ bspextra->featsByID = MemFree (bspextra->featsByID);
+ bspextra->featsBySfp = MemFree (bspextra->featsBySfp);
+ bspextra->featsByPos = MemFree (bspextra->featsByPos);
+ bspextra->genesByPos = MemFree (bspextra->genesByPos);
+ bspextra->mRNAsByPos = MemFree (bspextra->mRNAsByPos);
+ bspextra->CDSsByPos = MemFree (bspextra->CDSsByPos);
+ bspextra->pubsByPos = MemFree (bspextra->pubsByPos);
+ bspextra->orgsByPos = MemFree (bspextra->orgsByPos);
+ /* free arrays to speed mapping from parts to segmented bioseq */
+ bspextra->partsByLoc = MemFree (bspextra->partsByLoc);
+ bspextra->partsBySeqId = MemFree (bspextra->partsBySeqId);
+ /* free data blocks of feature information */
+ currf = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ while (currf != NULL) {
+ nextf = currf->next;
+ if (currf->data != NULL) {
+ /* free allocated label strings within block items */
+ for (i = 0; i < currf->index; i++) {
+ itemf = &(currf->data [i]);
+ MemFree (itemf->label);
+ MemFree (itemf->ivals);
+ }
+ /* free array of SMFeatItems */
+ MemFree (currf->data);
+ }
+ MemFree (currf);
+ currf = nextf;
+ }
+ /* free data blocks of parts to segment mapping information */
+ currp = bspextra->segparthead;
+ while (currp != NULL) {
+ nextp = currp->next;
+ SeqLocFree (currp->slp);
+ MemFree (currp->seqIdOfPart);
+ MemFree (currp);
+ currp = nextp;
+ }
+ /* clean interval list once implemented */
+ bspextra->featlisthead = NULL;
+ bspextra->featlisttail = NULL;
+ bspextra->segparthead = NULL;
+ bspextra->numfeats = 0;
+ bspextra->numgenes = 0;
+ bspextra->nummRNAs = 0;
+ bspextra->numCDSs = 0;
+ bspextra->numpubs = 0;
+ bspextra->numorgs = 0;
+ bspextra->numsegs = 0;
+ bspextra->min = INT4_MAX;
+ bspextra->blocksize = 50;
+ bspextra->protFeat = NULL;
+ bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat = NULL;
+ /* free genome - parts mapping arrays when they are added */
+ return TRUE;
+static Boolean DoSeqMgrFreeBioseqExtraData (ObjMgrDataPtr omdp)
+ if (omdp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ && omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQSET) return FALSE;
+ if (omdp->extradata != NULL) {
+ SeqMgrClearBioseqExtraData (omdp);
+ omdp->extradata = MemFree (omdp->extradata);
+ omdp->reapextra = NULL;
+ omdp->reloadextra = NULL;
+ omdp->freeextra = NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/* object manager callbacks to reap, reload, and free extra bioseq data */
+NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALLBACK SeqMgrReapBioseqExtraFunc (Pointer data)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr curr;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) data;
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* loop through data blocks of feature information */
+ curr = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ /* NULL out pointers to cached out feature and annot */
+ if (curr->data != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < curr->index; i++) {
+ item = &(curr->data [i]);
+ item->sfp = NULL;
+ item->sap = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALLBACK SeqMgrReloadBioseqExtraFunc (Pointer data)
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN Pointer LIBCALLBACK SeqMgrFreeBioseqExtraFunc (Pointer data)
+ DoSeqMgrFreeBioseqExtraData ((ObjMgrDataPtr) data);
+ return NULL;
+* SeqMgrClearFeatureIndexes clears every bioseq in an entity
+static void SeqMgrClearIndexesProc (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer mydata, Int4 index, Int2 indent)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp = NULL;
+ BoolPtr rsult;
+ if (sep == NULL || (! IS_Bioseq (sep))) return;
+ if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ } else if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (bssp);
+ }
+ if (omdp != NULL && DoSeqMgrFreeBioseqExtraData (omdp)) {
+ rsult = (BoolPtr) mydata;
+ *rsult = TRUE;
+ }
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrClearFeatureIndexes (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Boolean rsult = FALSE;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ if (entityID == 0) {
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (ptr);
+ }
+ if (entityID == 0) return FALSE;
+ sep = SeqMgrGetTopSeqEntryForEntity (entityID);
+ if (sep == NULL) return FALSE;
+ SeqEntryExplore (sep, (Pointer) (&rsult), SeqMgrClearIndexesProc);
+ /* clear out object manager time of indexing flag and master feature itemID list */
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ omdp->indexed = 0;
+ SeqMgrClearBioseqExtraData (omdp);
+ omdp->extradata = MemFree (omdp->extradata);
+ omdp->reapextra = NULL;
+ omdp->reloadextra = NULL;
+ omdp->freeextra = NULL;
+ }
+ return rsult;
+* FindAppropriateBioseq finds the segmented bioseq if location is join on parts
+static BioseqPtr FindAppropriateBioseq (SeqLocPtr loc, BioseqPtr tryfirst)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ BioseqPtr part;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ SeqLocPtr slp;
+ if (loc == NULL) return NULL;
+ sip = SeqLocId (loc);
+ if (sip != NULL) {
+ if (tryfirst != NULL && SeqIdIn (sip, tryfirst->id)) {
+ bsp = tryfirst;
+ } else {
+ bsp = BioseqFind (sip);
+ }
+ /* first see if this is raw local part of segmented bioseq */
+ if (bsp != NULL && bsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp != NULL && omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ) {
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra != NULL) {
+ if (bspextra->parentBioseq != NULL) {
+ bsp = bspextra->parentBioseq;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bsp;
+ }
+ /* otherwise assume location is on multiple parts of a segmented set */
+ slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, NULL);
+ if (slp == NULL) return NULL;
+ sip = SeqLocId (slp);
+ if (sip == NULL) return NULL;
+ part = BioseqFind (sip);
+ if (part == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (part);
+ while (omdp != NULL) {
+ if (omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQSET) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ if (bssp != NULL) {
+ if (bssp->_class == BioseqseqSet_class_segset) {
+ for (sep = bssp->seq_set; sep != NULL; sep = sep->next) {
+ if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ return bsp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (omdp->parentptr);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+* FindFirstLocalBioseq is called as a last resort if FindAppropriateBioseq
+* fails, and it scans the feature location to find the first local bioseq
+* referenced by a feature interval
+static BioseqPtr FindFirstLocalBioseq (SeqLocPtr loc)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ SeqLocPtr slp = NULL;
+ if (loc == NULL) return NULL;
+ while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, slp)) != NULL) {
+ sip = SeqLocId (slp);
+ if (sip != NULL) {
+ bsp = BioseqFind (sip);
+ if (bsp != NULL) return bsp;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+* GetOffsetInFirstLocalBioseq is called to get the intervals on last resort bioseqs
+static Int4 GetOffsetInFirstLocalBioseq (SeqLocPtr loc, BioseqPtr in, Uint1 which_end)
+ SeqLocPtr slp = NULL;
+ Int4 val;
+ if (loc == NULL) return -1;
+ while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, slp)) != NULL) {
+ val = GetOffsetInBioseq (slp, in, which_end);
+ if (val != -1) return val;
+ }
+ return -1;
+* SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemPtr and SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemByID return SMFeatItemPtr
+* to access internal fields
+* SeqMgrGetDesiredDescriptor and SeqMgrGetDesiredFeature take an itemID,
+* position index, or SeqDescPtr or SeqFeatPtr, return the SeqDescPtr or
+* SeqFeatPtr, and fill in the context structure
+NLM_EXTERN SMFeatItemPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemPtr (SeqFeatPtr sfp)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array;
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr curr;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4 L;
+ Int4 mid;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Int4 R;
+ if (sfp == NULL) return NULL;
+ bsp = FindAppropriateBioseq (sfp->location, NULL);
+ if (bsp == NULL) {
+ bsp = FindFirstLocalBioseq (sfp->location);
+ }
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* first try array sorted by SeqFeatPtr value */
+ array = bspextra->featsBySfp;
+ if (array != NULL && bspextra->numfeats > 0) {
+ L = 0;
+ R = bspextra->numfeats - 1;
+ while (L < R) {
+ mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ item = array [mid];
+ if (item != NULL && item->sfp < sfp) {
+ L = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ R = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ item = array [R];
+ if (item->sfp == sfp) return item;
+ }
+ /* now look in feature indices for cached feature information */
+ curr = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ if (curr->data != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < curr->index; i++) {
+ item = &(curr->data [i]);
+ if (item->sfp == sfp && (! item->ignore)) return item;
+ }
+ }
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN SMFeatItemPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemByID (Uint2 entityID, BioseqPtr bsp, Uint2 itemID)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr curr;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4 L;
+ Int4 mid;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Int4 R;
+ if (entityID > 0) {
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ }
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* first try array sorted by itemID value */
+ array = bspextra->featsByID;
+ if (array != NULL && bspextra->numfeats > 0) {
+ L = 0;
+ R = bspextra->numfeats - 1;
+ while (L < R) {
+ mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ item = array [mid];
+ if (item != NULL && item->itemID < itemID) {
+ L = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ R = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ item = array [R];
+ if (item->itemID == itemID) return item;
+ }
+ /* now look in feature indices for cached feature information */
+ curr = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ if (curr->data != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < curr->index; i++) {
+ item = &(curr->data [i]);
+ if (item->itemID == itemID && (! item->ignore)) return item;
+ }
+ }
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetDesiredFeature (Uint2 entityID, BioseqPtr bsp,
+ Uint2 itemID, Uint2 index, SeqFeatPtr sfp,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SeqFeatPtr curr;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item = NULL;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (entityID > 0) {
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ }
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ if (itemID > 0) {
+ item = SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemByID (entityID, bsp, itemID);
+ } else if (index > 0) {
+ array = bspextra->featsByPos;
+ if (array != NULL && bspextra->numfeats > 0 && index <= bspextra->numfeats) {
+ item = array [index - 1];
+ }
+ } else if (sfp != NULL) {
+ item = SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemPtr (sfp);
+ }
+ if (item == NULL) return NULL;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ curr = item->sfp;
+ if (curr != NULL && context != NULL && (! item->ignore)) {
+ context->entityID = entityID;
+ context->itemID = item->itemID;
+ context->sfp = curr;
+ context->sap = item->sap;
+ context->bsp = item->bsp;
+ context->label = item->label;
+ context->left = item->left;
+ context->right = item->right;
+ context->partialL = item->partialL;
+ context->partialR = item->partialR;
+ context->farloc = item->farloc;
+ context->strand = item->strand;
+ context->seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (item->subtype);
+ context->featdeftype = item->subtype;
+ context->numivals = item->numivals;
+ context->ivals = item->ivals;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = item->index + 1;
+ }
+ return curr;
+static ValNodePtr DesiredDescriptorPerBioseq (SeqEntryPtr sep, BioseqPtr bsp,
+ Uint2 itemID, Uint2 index, ValNodePtr sdp,
+ SeqMgrDescContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ ValNodePtr curr = NULL;
+ SeqEntryPtr tmp;
+ if (sep != NULL) {
+ if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ } else if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return NULL;
+ for (tmp = bssp->seq_set; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
+ curr = DesiredDescriptorPerBioseq (tmp, NULL, itemID, index, sdp, context);
+ if (curr != NULL) return curr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ while ((curr = SeqMgrGetNextDescriptor (bsp, curr, 0, context)) != NULL) {
+ if (itemID > 0 && itemID == context->itemID) return curr;
+ if (index > 0 && index == context->index) return curr;
+ if (sdp != NULL && sdp == curr) return curr;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetDesiredDescriptor (Uint2 entityID, BioseqPtr bsp,
+ Uint2 itemID, Uint2 index, ValNodePtr sdp,
+ SeqMgrDescContext PNTR context)
+ SeqMgrDescContext dfaultcontext;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ if (context == NULL) {
+ context = &dfaultcontext;
+ }
+ if (entityID > 0) {
+ sep = SeqMgrGetTopSeqEntryForEntity (entityID);
+ if (sep == NULL) return NULL;
+ return DesiredDescriptorPerBioseq (sep, NULL, itemID, index, sdp, context);
+ } else if (bsp != NULL) {
+ return DesiredDescriptorPerBioseq (NULL, bsp, itemID, index, sdp, context);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+* RecordFeaturesInBioseqs callback explores bioseqs, bioseq sets, and features,
+* keeping a running total of the descriptor item counts, and records specific
+* information about features on each bioseq
+typedef struct extraindex {
+ BioseqPtr lastbsp;
+ SeqAnnotPtr lastsap;
+ BioseqSetPtr lastbssp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartail;
+ Int4 cumulative;
+ Uint2 descrcount;
+ Uint2 featcount;
+} ExtraIndex, PNTR ExtraIndexPtr;
+static void SetDescriptorCounts (ValNodePtr sdp, ExtraIndexPtr exindx, Pointer thisitem, Uint2 thistype)
+ Uint2 count = 0;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ /* count bioseq or bioseq set descriptors, to calculate omdp.lastDescrItemID */
+ if (sdp == NULL || exindx == NULL) return;
+ if (thistype == OBJ_BIOSEQ) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq ((BioseqPtr) thisitem);
+ } else {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (thisitem);
+ }
+ if (omdp == NULL) return;
+ omdp->lastDescrItemID = exindx->descrcount;
+ while (sdp != NULL) {
+ count++;
+ sdp = sdp->next;
+ }
+ exindx->descrcount += count;
+static void CreateBioseqExtraBlock (ObjMgrDataPtr omdp, BioseqPtr bsp)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->extradata != NULL) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) MemNew (sizeof (BioseqExtra));
+ omdp->extradata = (Pointer) bspextra;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ omdp->reapextra = SeqMgrReapBioseqExtraFunc;
+ omdp->reloadextra = SeqMgrReloadBioseqExtraFunc;
+ omdp->freeextra = SeqMgrFreeBioseqExtraFunc;
+ bspextra->bsp = bsp;
+ bspextra->omdp = omdp;
+ bspextra->min = INT4_MAX;
+static SeqIdPtr SeqIdWithinBioseq (BioseqPtr bsp, SeqLocPtr slp)
+ SeqIdPtr a;
+ SeqIdPtr b;
+ if (bsp == NULL || slp == NULL) return NULL;
+ a = SeqLocId (slp);
+ if (a == NULL) return NULL;
+ for (b = bsp->id; b != NULL; b = b->next) {
+ if (SeqIdComp (a, b) == SIC_YES) return b;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void ProcessFeatureProducts (SeqFeatPtr sfp, Uint2 itemID, GatherContextPtr gcp)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Char buf [81];
+ CharPtr ctmp;
+ Int4 diff;
+ CharPtr loclbl;
+ Int4 min;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ CharPtr prodlbl;
+ SeqFeatPtr prt;
+ CharPtr ptmp;
+ SeqAnnotPtr sap;
+ SeqIdPtr sip;
+ SeqLocPtr slp;
+ ValNode vn;
+ if (sfp == NULL || sfp->product == NULL) return;
+ if (sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_CDREGION && sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_RNA) return;
+ sip = SeqLocId (sfp->product);
+ if (sip == NULL) return;
+ bsp = BioseqFind (sip);
+ if (bsp == NULL) return;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ /* cds or rna reference stored in product bioseq's omdp.cdsOrRnaFeat */
+ if (bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat != NULL && bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat != sfp) {
+ FeatDefLabel (sfp, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, OM_LABEL_CONTENT);
+ ctmp = SeqLocPrint (sfp->location);
+ loclbl = ctmp;
+ if (loclbl == NULL) {
+ loclbl = "?";
+ }
+ ptmp = SeqLocPrint (sfp->product);
+ prodlbl = ptmp;
+ if (prodlbl == NULL) {
+ prodlbl = "?";
+ }
+ ErrPostItem (SEV_WARNING, 0, 0,
+ "SeqMgr indexing cds or rna progenitor already set - Feature: %s - Location [%s] - Product [%s]",
+ buf, loclbl, prodlbl);
+ MemFree (ctmp);
+ MemFree (ptmp);
+ }
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_NOT_TEMP) {
+ bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat = sfp;
+ }
+ if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_RNA) return;
+ /* if protFeat exists it was set by exhaustive gather on protein bioseq */
+ if (bspextra->protFeat != NULL) return;
+ /* calculate largest protein feature on cds's product bioseq */
+ min = INT4_MAX;
+ vn.choice = SEQLOC_WHOLE;
+ = (Pointer) bsp->id;
+ = NULL;
+ slp = (Pointer) (&vn);
+ sap = bsp->annot;
+ while (sap != NULL) {
+ if (sap->type == 1) {
+ prt = (SeqFeatPtr) sap->data;
+ while (prt != NULL) {
+ if (prt->data.choice == SEQFEAT_PROT) {
+ /* get SeqId in bioseq that matches SeqId used for location */
+ = SeqIdWithinBioseq (bsp, prt->location);
+ diff = SeqLocAinB (prt->location, slp);
+ if (diff >= 0) {
+ if (diff < min) {
+ min = diff;
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_NOT_TEMP) {
+ bspextra->protFeat = prt;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ prt = prt->next;
+ }
+ }
+ sap = sap->next;
+ }
+static void RecordOneFeature (BioseqExtraPtr bspextra, ObjMgrDataPtr omdp,
+ BioseqPtr bsp, ExtraIndexPtr exindx, SeqFeatPtr sfp,
+ Int4 left, Int4 right, Uint2 itemID, Boolean farloc,
+ Boolean ignore)
+ Char buf [129];
+ SMFeatBlockPtr curr;
+ Int2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4Ptr ivals;
+ SeqLocPtr loc;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr next;
+ Int2 numivals = 0;
+ Boolean single_interval;
+ SeqLocPtr slp = NULL;
+ Uint1 subtype = 0;
+ if (bspextra == NULL || omdp == NULL || bsp == NULL || exindx == NULL || sfp == NULL) return;
+ if (bspextra->featlisttail != NULL) {
+ /* just in case blocksize should was not set for some reason */
+ if (bspextra->blocksize < 1) {
+ bspextra->blocksize = 5;
+ }
+ curr = bspextra->featlisttail;
+ if (curr->index >= bspextra->blocksize) {
+ /* allocate next chunk in linked list of blocks */
+ next = (SMFeatBlockPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatBlock));
+ curr->next = next;
+ if (next != NULL) {
+ bspextra->featlisttail = next;
+ curr = next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (curr->index < bspextra->blocksize) {
+ /* allocate data block if not yet done for this chunk */
+ if (curr->data == NULL) {
+ curr->data = (SMFeatItemPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItem) * (size_t) (bspextra->blocksize));
+ }
+ /* now record desired information about current feature */
+ if (curr->data != NULL) {
+ item = &(curr->data [curr->index]);
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_NOT_TEMP) {
+ item->sfp = sfp;
+ item->sap = exindx->lastsap;
+ item->bsp = bsp;
+ }
+ FeatDefLabel (sfp, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, OM_LABEL_CONTENT);
+ item->label = StringSaveNoNull (buf);
+ item->left = left;
+ item->right = right;
+ CheckSeqLocForPartial (sfp->location, &(item->partialL), &(item->partialR));
+ item->farloc = farloc;
+ item->strand = SeqLocStrand (sfp->location);
+ subtype = FindFeatDefType (sfp);
+ item->subtype = subtype;
+ item->itemID = itemID;
+ item->ignore = ignore;
+ /* record start/stop pairs of intervals on target bioseq */
+ single_interval = (Boolean) (item->subtype == FEATDEF_GENE ||
+ item->subtype == FEATDEF_PUB);
+ loc = SeqLocMerge (bsp, sfp->location, NULL, single_interval, TRUE, FALSE);
+ slp = NULL;
+ while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, slp)) != NULL) {
+ numivals++;
+ }
+ if (numivals > 0) {
+ ivals = MemNew (sizeof (Int4) * (numivals * 2));
+ item->ivals = ivals;
+ item->numivals = numivals;
+ slp = NULL;
+ i = 0;
+ while ((slp = SeqLocFindNext (loc, slp)) != NULL) {
+ ivals [i] = SeqLocStart (slp);
+ i++;
+ ivals [i] = SeqLocStop (slp);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ SeqLocFree (loc);
+ }
+ /* increment count on current block */
+ (curr->index)++;
+ /* count all features, per bioseq and per entity */
+ (bspextra->numfeats)++;
+ (exindx->featcount)++;
+ /* count all gene, publication, and biosource features separately */
+ if (subtype == FEATDEF_GENE) {
+ (bspextra->numgenes)++;
+ }
+ if (subtype == FEATDEF_mRNA) {
+ (bspextra->nummRNAs)++;
+ }
+ if (subtype == FEATDEF_CDS) {
+ (bspextra->numCDSs)++;
+ }
+ if (subtype == FEATDEF_PUB) {
+ (bspextra->numpubs)++;
+ }
+ if (subtype == FEATDEF_BIOSRC) {
+ (bspextra->numorgs)++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* callback for recording features and descriptor, prot, and cdsOrRna information */
+static Boolean RecordFeaturesInBioseqs (GatherContextPtr gcp)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp = NULL;
+ Char buf [81];
+ Int2 count;
+ CharPtr ctmp;
+ Int4 diff;
+ ExtraIndexPtr exindx;
+ Int4 left;
+ CharPtr loclbl;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Int4 right;
+ SeqAnnotPtr sap = NULL;
+ ValNodePtr sdp = NULL;
+ SeqFeatPtr sfp = NULL;
+ SeqLocPtr slp;
+ SeqFeatPtr tmp;
+ Boolean usingLocalBsp = FALSE;
+ ValNode vn;
+ switch (gcp->thistype) {
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ sdp = bsp->descr;
+ break;
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ sdp = bssp->descr;
+ break;
+ sap = (SeqAnnotPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ break;
+ case OBJ_SEQFEAT :
+ sfp = (SeqFeatPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ break;
+ default :
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ exindx = (ExtraIndexPtr) gcp->userdata;
+ if (exindx == NULL) return FALSE;
+ /* save bspItemID to support bioseq explore functions */
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ /* save last BioseqPtr to check first for appropriate bioseq */
+ exindx->lastbsp = bsp;
+ /* blocksize for new block based only on features packaged on bioseq */
+ exindx->lastbssp = NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra != NULL) {
+ bspextra->bspItemID = gcp->itemID;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* save last BioseqSetPtr to calculate blocksize from bioseq set and bioseq features,
+ features on bioseq set presumably being CDS or mRNA and applying only to nucleotides */
+ if (bssp != NULL) {
+ exindx->lastbssp = bssp;
+ }
+ /* count bioseq or bioseq set descriptors, to calculate lastDescrItemID */
+ if (sdp != NULL) {
+ SetDescriptorCounts (sdp, exindx, gcp->thisitem, gcp->thistype);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* save SeqAnnotPtr containing next features to be gathered */
+ if (sap != NULL) {
+ exindx->lastsap = sap;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* otherwise index features on every bioseq in entity */
+ if (sfp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ /* cds or rna reference stored in product bioseq's omdp.cdsOrRnaFeat,
+ best protein feature in omdp.protFeat (do before adding CDS) */
+ if (sfp->product != NULL) {
+ ProcessFeatureProducts (sfp, gcp->itemID, gcp);
+ }
+ bsp = FindAppropriateBioseq (sfp->location, exindx->lastbsp);
+ /* failure here can be due to SeqLoc that references far accession */
+ if (bsp == NULL) {
+ /* if far accession, find first local bioseq on any location interval */
+ bsp = FindFirstLocalBioseq (sfp->location);
+ /* report whether far accession was able to be handled */
+ FeatDefLabel (sfp, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1, OM_LABEL_CONTENT);
+ ctmp = SeqLocPrint (sfp->location);
+ loclbl = ctmp;
+ if (loclbl == NULL) {
+ loclbl = "?";
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL) {
+ ErrPostItem (SEV_WARNING, 0, 0,
+ "SeqMgr indexing feature location problem - Feature: %s - Location [%s]",
+ buf, loclbl);
+ } else {
+ /*
+ ErrPostItem (SEV_INFO, 0, 0,
+ "SeqMgr indexing detected and handled far accession - Feature: %s - Location [%s]",
+ buf, loclbl);
+ */
+ }
+ MemFree (ctmp);
+ if (bsp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ usingLocalBsp = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* assume subsequent features will be on this bioseq */
+ exindx->lastbsp = bsp;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ /* now prepare for adding feature to index */
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return TRUE;
+ /* get extreme left and right extents of feature location */
+ if (usingLocalBsp) {
+ left = GetOffsetInFirstLocalBioseq (sfp->location, bsp, SEQLOC_LEFT_END);
+ if (left == -1) return TRUE;
+ right = GetOffsetInFirstLocalBioseq (sfp->location, bsp, SEQLOC_RIGHT_END);
+ if (right == -1) return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ left = GetOffsetInBioseq (sfp->location, bsp, SEQLOC_LEFT_END);
+ if (left == -1) return TRUE;
+ right = GetOffsetInBioseq (sfp->location, bsp, SEQLOC_RIGHT_END);
+ if (right == -1) return TRUE;
+ }
+ /* if indexing protein bioseq, store largest protein feature */
+ if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_PROT) {
+ vn.choice = SEQLOC_WHOLE;
+ = (Pointer) bsp->id;
+ = NULL;
+ slp = (Pointer) &vn;
+ /* get SeqId in bioseq that matches SeqId used for location */
+ = (Pointer) SeqIdWithinBioseq (bsp, sfp->location);
+ diff = SeqLocAinB (sfp->location, slp);
+ if (diff >= 0) {
+ if (diff < bspextra->min) {
+ bspextra->min = diff;
+ if (omdp->tempload == TL_NOT_TEMP) {
+ bspextra->protFeat = sfp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* add feature item to linked list of blocks */
+ if (bspextra->featlisthead == NULL) {
+ bspextra->featlisthead = (SMFeatBlockPtr) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatBlock));
+ /* for first feature indexed on this bioseq, quickly see if few or many
+ additional features, since most features on a bioseq are packaged in
+ the same list, and most proteins only have one bioseq */
+ for (tmp = sfp, count = 0;
+ tmp != NULL && count < 50;
+ tmp = tmp->next, count++) continue;
+ /* extend count if above features were packaged on a bioseq set (presumably CDS or mRNA) */
+ if (exindx->lastbssp != NULL) {
+ for (sap = bsp->annot; sap != NULL; sap = sap->next) {
+ if (sap->type == 1) {
+ for (tmp = (SeqFeatPtr) sap->data;
+ tmp != NULL && count < 50;
+ tmp = tmp->next, count++) continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bspextra->blocksize = count;
+ }
+ if (bspextra->featlisttail == NULL) {
+ bspextra->featlisttail = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ }
+ if (bspextra->featlisttail != NULL) {
+ /* if feature spans origin, record with left < 0 */
+ if (left > right && bsp->topology == TOPOLOGY_CIRCULAR) {
+ left -= bsp->length;
+ }
+ RecordOneFeature (bspextra, omdp, bsp, exindx, sfp, left,
+ right, gcp->itemID, usingLocalBsp, FALSE);
+ /* record gene, publication, and biosource features twice if spanning the origin */
+ if (left < 0 && bsp->topology == TOPOLOGY_CIRCULAR) {
+ if (sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_GENE ||
+ sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_PUB ||
+ sfp->data.choice == SEQFEAT_BIOSRC) {
+ RecordOneFeature (bspextra, omdp, bsp, exindx, sfp, left + bsp->length,
+ right + bsp->length, gcp->itemID, usingLocalBsp, TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* RecordSegmentsInBioseqs callback explores bioseq segments
+static Boolean RecordSegmentsInBioseqs (GatherContextPtr gcp)
+ BioseqPtr bsp = NULL;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Char buf [80];
+ ExtraIndexPtr exindx;
+ Int4 from;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartptr;
+ SeqIdPtr sid;
+ SeqIntPtr sipp;
+ SeqLocPtr slp = NULL;
+ Uint1 strand;
+ Int4 to;
+ switch (gcp->thistype) {
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ break;
+ slp = (SeqLocPtr) gcp->thisitem;
+ if (slp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ break;
+ default :
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ exindx = (ExtraIndexPtr) gcp->userdata;
+ if (exindx == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_seg) {
+ exindx->lastbsp = bsp;
+ } else {
+ exindx->lastbsp = NULL;
+ }
+ exindx->cumulative = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (slp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ bsp = exindx->lastbsp;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return TRUE;
+ if (slp->choice == SEQLOC_INT && slp->data.ptrvalue != NULL) {
+ sipp = (SeqIntPtr) (slp->data.ptrvalue);
+ from = sipp->from;
+ to = sipp->to;
+ strand = sipp->strand;
+ } else {
+ from = 0;
+ to = SeqLocLen (slp) - 1;
+ strand = SeqLocStrand (slp);
+ }
+ if (to - from + 1 < 1) return TRUE;
+ /* create and fill in SMSeqIdx element */
+ segpartptr = MemNew (sizeof (SMSeqIdx));
+ if (segpartptr != NULL) {
+ sid = SeqLocId (slp);
+ if (MakeReversedSeqIdString (sid, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) {
+ segpartptr->slp = AsnIoMemCopy (slp,
+ (AsnReadFunc) SeqLocAsnRead,
+ (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLocAsnWrite);
+ segpartptr->seqIdOfPart = StringSave (buf);
+ segpartptr->parentBioseq = bsp;
+ segpartptr->cumOffset = exindx->cumulative;
+ segpartptr->from = from;
+ segpartptr->to = to;
+ segpartptr->strand = strand;
+ segpartptr->itemID = gcp->itemID;
+ }
+ }
+ exindx->cumulative += (to - from + 1);
+ /* link into segparthead list of parts IDs */
+ if (bspextra->segparthead == NULL) {
+ bspextra->segparthead = segpartptr;
+ exindx->segpartail = segpartptr;
+ } else if (exindx->segpartail != NULL) {
+ exindx->segpartail->next = segpartptr;
+ exindx->segpartail = segpartptr;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* SortFeatItemListByID callback sorts array into feature item table by itemID
+* SortFeatItemListBySfp callback sorts array into feature item table by feature pointer
+* SortFeatItemListByPos callback sorts array into feature item table by feature position
+static int LIBCALLBACK SortFeatItemListByID (VoidPtr vp1, VoidPtr vp2)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp1 = vp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp2 = vp2;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp2;
+ if (spp1 == NULL || spp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ sp1 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp1);
+ sp2 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp2);
+ if (sp1 == NULL || sp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ if (sp1->itemID > sp2->itemID) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (sp1->itemID < sp2->itemID) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int LIBCALLBACK SortFeatItemListBySfp (VoidPtr vp1, VoidPtr vp2)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp1 = vp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp2 = vp2;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp2;
+ if (spp1 == NULL || spp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ sp1 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp1);
+ sp2 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp2);
+ if (sp1 == NULL || sp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ if (sp1->sfp > sp2->sfp) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (sp1->sfp < sp2->sfp) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int LIBCALLBACK SortFeatItemListByPos (VoidPtr vp1, VoidPtr vp2)
+ Int2 compare;
+ Int2 i;
+ Int2 j;
+ Int2 numivals;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp1 = vp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR spp2 = vp2;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp1;
+ SMFeatItemPtr sp2;
+ if (spp1 == NULL || spp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ sp1 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp1);
+ sp2 = *((SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) spp2);
+ if (sp1 == NULL || sp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ /* feature with smallest left extreme is first */
+ if (sp1->left > sp2->left) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (sp1->left < sp2->left) {
+ return -1;
+ /* reversing order so that longest feature is first */
+ } else if (sp1->right > sp2->right) {
+ return -1; /* was 1 */
+ } else if (sp1->right < sp2->right) {
+ return 1; /* was -1 */
+ /* given identical extremes, put gene features first */
+ } else if (sp1->subtype == FEATDEF_GENE) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (sp2->subtype == FEATDEF_GENE) {
+ return 1;
+ /* then rna features */
+ } else if (FindFeatFromFeatDefType (sp1->subtype) == SEQFEAT_RNA) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (FindFeatFromFeatDefType (sp2->subtype) == SEQFEAT_RNA) {
+ return 1;
+ /* then cds features */
+ } else if (sp1->subtype == FEATDEF_CDS) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (sp2->subtype == FEATDEF_CDS) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* next compare internal intervals */
+ numivals = MIN (sp1->numivals, sp2->numivals);
+ if (numivals > 1 && sp1->ivals != NULL && sp2->ivals != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < numivals; i++) {
+ /* check left interval */
+ if (sp1->ivals [i] > sp2->ivals [i]) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (sp1->ivals [i] < sp2->ivals [i]) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ j++;
+ /* check right interval */
+ if (sp1->ivals [i] > sp2->ivals [i]) {
+ return -1; /* was 1 */
+ } else if (sp1->ivals [i] < sp2->ivals [i]) {
+ return 1; /* was -1 */
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* next compare other feature subtypes */
+ if (sp1->subtype < sp2->subtype) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (sp1->subtype > sp2->subtype) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* then compare feature label */
+ compare = StringCmp (sp1->label, sp2->label);
+ if (compare > 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (compare < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* last compare parent seq-annot */
+ if (sp1->sap > sp2->sap) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (sp1->sap < sp2->sap) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+* IndexSegmentedParts callback builds index to speed up mapping
+* of parts to segmented bioseqs
+static int LIBCALLBACK SortSeqIdxArray (VoidPtr ptr1, VoidPtr ptr2)
+ Int2 compare;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partp1 = ptr1;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partp2 = ptr2;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr part1, part2;
+ if (partp1 == NULL || partp2 == NULL) return 0;
+ part1 = *((SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR) partp1);
+ part2 = *((SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR) partp2);
+ if (part1 == NULL || part2 == NULL) return 0;
+ compare = StringCmp (part1->seqIdOfPart, part2->seqIdOfPart);
+ if (compare > 0) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (compare < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void IndexSegmentedParts (SeqEntryPtr sep, BioseqPtr PNTR lastsegbsp)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ Int2 i;
+ Int2 numsegs = 0;
+ Int4 cumulative = 0;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partsByLoc;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partsBySeqId;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartptr;
+ if (sep == NULL) return;
+ if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return;
+ for (sep = bssp->seq_set; sep != NULL; sep = sep->next) {
+ IndexSegmentedParts (sep, lastsegbsp);
+ }
+ if (bssp->_class == BioseqseqSet_class_segset && lastsegbsp != NULL) {
+ *lastsegbsp = NULL;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! IS_Bioseq (sep)) return;
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return;
+ /* check for raw part packaged with segmented bioseq */
+ if (bsp->repr == Seq_repr_raw && lastsegbsp != NULL && *lastsegbsp != NULL) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ /* now record segmented parent of raw part if all are packaged together */
+ bspextra->parentBioseq = *lastsegbsp;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (bsp->repr != Seq_repr_seg) return;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ if (lastsegbsp != NULL) {
+ *lastsegbsp = bsp;
+ }
+ for (segpartptr = bspextra->segparthead;
+ segpartptr != NULL;
+ segpartptr = segpartptr->next) {
+ numsegs++;
+ }
+ bspextra->numsegs = numsegs;
+ segpartptr = bspextra->segparthead;
+ if (numsegs < 1 || segpartptr == NULL) return;
+ partsByLoc = (SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMSeqIdxPtr) * (numsegs + 1));
+ bspextra->partsByLoc = partsByLoc;
+ if (partsByLoc != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < numsegs && segpartptr != NULL) {
+ partsByLoc [i] = segpartptr;
+ segpartptr = segpartptr->next;
+ i++;
+ }
+ partsBySeqId = (SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMSeqIdxPtr) * (numsegs + 1));
+ bspextra->partsBySeqId = partsBySeqId;
+ if (partsBySeqId != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < numsegs; i++) {
+ partsBySeqId [i] = partsByLoc [i];
+ }
+ /* sort array by SeqId for binary search */
+ HeapSort ((Pointer) partsBySeqId, numsegs, sizeof (SMSeqIdxPtr), SortSeqIdxArray);
+ }
+ }
+* IndexRecordedFeatures callback builds sorted arrays of features and genes
+static void IndexRecordedFeatures (SeqEntryPtr sep)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ SMFeatBlockPtr curr;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByID;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsBySfp;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByPos;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR genesByPos;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR mRNAsByPos;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR CDSsByPos;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR pubsByPos;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR orgsByPos;
+ Int4 i;
+ Int4 j;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4 numfeats;
+ Int4 numgenes;
+ Int4 nummRNAs;
+ Int4 numCDSs;
+ Int4 numpubs;
+ Int4 numorgs;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (sep == NULL) return;
+ if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return;
+ for (sep = bssp->seq_set; sep != NULL; sep = sep->next) {
+ IndexRecordedFeatures (sep);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! IS_Bioseq (sep)) return;
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ numfeats = bspextra->numfeats;
+ numgenes = bspextra->numgenes;
+ nummRNAs = bspextra->nummRNAs;
+ numCDSs = bspextra->numCDSs;
+ numpubs = bspextra->numpubs;
+ numorgs = bspextra->numorgs;
+ curr = bspextra->featlisthead;
+ if (bspextra->numfeats > 0 && curr != NULL) {
+ /* build array of pointers into feature items */
+ featsByID = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numfeats + 1));
+ bspextra->featsByID = featsByID;
+ if (featsByID != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && curr != NULL) {
+ if (j >= curr->index || j >= bspextra->blocksize) {
+ j = 0;
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ if (curr != NULL && j < curr->index && curr->data != NULL) {
+ featsByID [i] = &(curr->data [j]);
+ i++;
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i < numfeats) {
+ ErrPostEx (SEV_WARNING, 0, 0, "SeqMgr indexing feature table build problem");
+ }
+ featsBySfp = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numfeats + 1));
+ bspextra->featsBySfp = featsBySfp;
+ if (featsBySfp != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < numfeats; i++) {
+ featsBySfp [i] = featsByID [i];
+ }
+ /* sort all features by SeqFeatPtr value */
+ HeapSort ((VoidPtr) featsBySfp, (size_t) numfeats, sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr), SortFeatItemListBySfp);
+ }
+ featsByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numfeats + 1));
+ bspextra->featsByPos = featsByPos;
+ if (featsByPos != NULL) {
+ for (i = 0; i < numfeats; i++) {
+ featsByPos [i] = featsByID [i];
+ }
+ /* sort all features by feature location on bioseq */
+ HeapSort ((VoidPtr) featsByPos, (size_t) numfeats, sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr), SortFeatItemListByPos);
+ for (i = 0; i < numfeats; i++) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item != NULL) {
+ item->index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ /* build subarray of sorted gene features for lookup by overlap */
+ if (numgenes > 0) {
+ genesByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numgenes + 1));
+ bspextra->genesByPos = genesByPos;
+ if (genesByPos != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < numgenes) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == FEATDEF_GENE) {
+ genesByPos [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* build subarray of sorted mRNA features for lookup by overlap */
+ if (nummRNAs > 0) {
+ mRNAsByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (nummRNAs + 1));
+ bspextra->mRNAsByPos = mRNAsByPos;
+ if (mRNAsByPos != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < nummRNAs) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == FEATDEF_mRNA) {
+ mRNAsByPos [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* build subarray of sorted CDS features for lookup by overlap */
+ if (numCDSs > 0) {
+ CDSsByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numCDSs + 1));
+ bspextra->CDSsByPos = CDSsByPos;
+ if (CDSsByPos != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < numCDSs) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == FEATDEF_CDS) {
+ CDSsByPos [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* build subarray of sorted publication features for lookup by overlap */
+ if (numpubs > 0) {
+ pubsByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numpubs + 1));
+ bspextra->pubsByPos = pubsByPos;
+ if (pubsByPos != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < numpubs) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == FEATDEF_PUB) {
+ pubsByPos [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* build subarray of sorted biosource features for lookup by overlap */
+ if (numorgs > 0) {
+ orgsByPos = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numorgs + 1));
+ bspextra->orgsByPos = orgsByPos;
+ if (orgsByPos != NULL) {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < numorgs) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == FEATDEF_BIOSRC) {
+ orgsByPos [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+* IndexFeaturesOnEntity makes feature pointers across all Bioseqs in entity
+static void IndexFeaturesOnEntity (SeqEntryPtr sep, SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByID, Int4Ptr countP)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ Int4 count;
+ Int4 i;
+ Int4 numfeats;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (sep == NULL || featsByID == NULL || countP == NULL) return;
+ if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return;
+ for (sep = bssp->seq_set; sep != NULL; sep = sep->next) {
+ IndexFeaturesOnEntity (sep, featsByID, countP);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! IS_Bioseq (sep)) return;
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return;
+ numfeats = bspextra->numfeats;
+ if (bspextra->featsByID != NULL || numfeats > 0) {
+ count = *countP;
+ for (i = 0; i < numfeats; i++, count++) {
+ featsByID [count] = bspextra->featsByID [i];
+ }
+ *countP = count;
+ }
+* SeqMgrReindexBioseqExtraData refreshes internal indices for rapid retrieval
+NLM_EXTERN Uint2 LIBCALL SeqMgrIndexFeatures (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Int4 count;
+ ExtraIndex exind;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByID;
+ GatherScope gs;
+ BioseqPtr lastsegbsp = NULL;
+ SeqEntryPtr oldscope;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ if (entityID == 0) {
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (ptr);
+ }
+ if (entityID == 0) return 0;
+ /* reset any existing index data on all bioseqs in entity */
+ SeqMgrClearFeatureIndexes (entityID, NULL);
+ /* want to scope to bioseqs within the entity, to allow for colliding IDs */
+ sep = SeqMgrGetTopSeqEntryForEntity (entityID);
+ /* make top SeqEntry if only Bioseq or BioseqSet was read */
+ if (sep == NULL) {
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ if (omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ || omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQSET) {
+ sep = SeqEntryNew ();
+ if (sep != NULL) {
+ if (omdp->datatype == OBJ_BIOSEQ) {
+ sep->choice = 1;
+ sep->data.ptrvalue = omdp->dataptr;
+ SeqMgrSeqEntry (SM_BIOSEQ, omdp->dataptr, sep);
+ } else {
+ sep->choice = 2;
+ sep->data.ptrvalue = omdp->dataptr;
+ SeqMgrSeqEntry (SM_BIOSEQSET, omdp->dataptr, sep);
+ }
+ }
+ sep = GetTopSeqEntryForEntityID (entityID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sep == NULL) return 0;
+ /* clean up many old-style ASN.1 problems without changing structure */
+ BasicSeqEntryCleanup (sep);
+ /* set scope for FindAppropriateBioseq, FindFirstLocalBioseq */
+ oldscope = SeqEntrySetScope (sep);
+ /* gather all segmented locations */
+ exind.lastbsp = NULL;
+ exind.lastsap = NULL;
+ exind.lastbssp = NULL;
+ exind.segpartail = NULL;
+ exind.descrcount = 0;
+ exind.featcount = 0;
+ MemSet ((Pointer) (&gs), 0, sizeof (GatherScope));
+ MemSet ((Pointer) (gs.ignore), (int) (TRUE), (size_t) (OBJ_MAX * sizeof (Boolean)));
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_BIOSEQSET] = FALSE;
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_BIOSEQ_SEG] = FALSE;
+ gs.scope = sep;
+ GatherEntity (entityID, (Pointer) (&exind), RecordSegmentsInBioseqs, &gs);
+ /* build indexes to speed mapping of parts to segmented bioseq */
+ lastsegbsp = NULL;
+ IndexSegmentedParts (sep, &lastsegbsp);
+ /* now gather to get descriptor itemID counts on each bioseq or bioseq set,
+ and record features on the bioseq indicated by the feature location */
+ exind.lastbsp = NULL;
+ exind.lastsap = NULL;
+ exind.lastbssp = NULL;
+ exind.segpartail = NULL;
+ exind.descrcount = 0;
+ exind.featcount = 0;
+ MemSet ((Pointer) (&gs), 0, sizeof (GatherScope));
+ MemSet ((Pointer) (gs.ignore), (int) (TRUE), (size_t) (OBJ_MAX * sizeof (Boolean)));
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_BIOSEQSET] = FALSE;
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_SEQANNOT] = FALSE;
+ gs.ignore [OBJ_SEQFEAT] = FALSE;
+ gs.scope = sep;
+ GatherEntity (entityID, (Pointer) (&exind), RecordFeaturesInBioseqs, &gs);
+ /* finish building array of sorted features on each indexed bioseq */
+ IndexRecordedFeatures (sep);
+ /* resetset scope used to limit FindAppropriateBioseq, FindFirstLocalBioseq */
+ SeqEntrySetScope (oldscope);
+ /* stamp top of entity with time of indexing */
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ omdp->indexed = GetSecs ();
+ /* master index of feature if top of entity is not a Bioseq */
+ if (omdp->extradata == NULL && omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, NULL);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra != NULL) {
+ /* make master index of features by itemID at top of entity */
+ if (exind.featcount > 0) {
+ featsByID = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (exind.featcount + 1));
+ if (featsByID != NULL) {
+ count = 0;
+ IndexFeaturesOnEntity (sep, featsByID, &count);
+ /* sort all features on entity-wide list by itemID */
+ HeapSort ((VoidPtr) featsByID, (size_t) count, sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr), SortFeatItemListByID);
+ bspextra->featsByID = featsByID;
+ bspextra->numfeats = count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return entityID;
+* SeqMgrIsBioseqIndexed checks for presence of time of indexing stamp
+NLM_EXTERN time_t LIBCALL SeqMgrFeaturesAreIndexed (Uint2 entityID)
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (entityID == 0) return 0;
+ omdp = ObjMgrGetData (entityID);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return 0;
+ return omdp->indexed;
+* SeqMgrGetBestProteinFeature and SeqMgrGetCDSgivenProduct take a protein
+* bioseq to get the best protein feature or encoding CDS
+* SeqMgrGetRNAgivenProduct takes an mRNA (cDNA) bioseq and gets encoding mRNA
+* feature on the genomic bioseq
+static void SetContextForFeature (SeqFeatPtr sfp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context, ObjMgrDataPtr omdp)
+ SMFeatItemPtr best;
+ if (sfp == NULL || context == NULL || omdp == NULL) return;
+ best = SeqMgrFindSMFeatItemPtr (sfp);
+ if (best == NULL) return;
+ context->entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ context->itemID = best->itemID;
+ context->sfp = best->sfp;
+ context->sap = best->sap;
+ context->bsp = best->bsp;
+ context->label = best->label;
+ context->left = best->left;
+ context->right = best->right;
+ context->partialL = best->partialL;
+ context->partialR = best->partialR;
+ context->farloc = best->farloc;
+ context->strand = best->strand;
+ context->seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (best->subtype);
+ context->featdeftype = best->subtype;
+ context->numivals = best->numivals;
+ context->ivals = best->ivals;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = best->index + 1;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetBestProteinFeature (BioseqPtr bsp,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ SetContextForFeature (bspextra->protFeat, context, omdp);
+ return bspextra->protFeat;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetCDSgivenProduct (BioseqPtr bsp,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SeqFeatPtr sfp;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ sfp = bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat;
+ if (sfp == NULL || sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_CDREGION) return NULL;
+ SetContextForFeature (sfp, context, omdp);
+ return sfp;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetRNAgivenProduct (BioseqPtr bsp,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SeqFeatPtr sfp;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ sfp = bspextra->cdsOrRnaFeat;
+ if (sfp == NULL || sfp->data.choice != SEQFEAT_RNA) return NULL;
+ SetContextForFeature (sfp, context, omdp);
+ return sfp;
+* SeqMgrGetGeneXref, SeqMgrGeneIsSuppressed, SeqMgrGetOverlappingGene,
+* and SeqMgrGetOverlappingPub
+static Boolean HasNoText (CharPtr str)
+ Char ch;
+ if (str != NULL) {
+ ch = *str;
+ while (ch != '\0') {
+ if (ch > ' ') {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ str++;
+ ch = *str;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+NLM_EXTERN GeneRefPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetGeneXref (SeqFeatPtr sfp)
+ GeneRefPtr grp = NULL;
+ SeqFeatXrefPtr xref;
+ if (sfp == NULL) return NULL;
+ xref = sfp->xref;
+ while (xref != NULL && xref->data.choice != SEQFEAT_GENE) {
+ xref = xref->next;
+ }
+ if (xref != NULL) {
+ grp = (GeneRefPtr) xref->data.value.ptrvalue;
+ }
+ return grp;
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrGeneIsSuppressed (GeneRefPtr grp)
+ if (grp == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (grp != NULL && HasNoText (grp->locus) && HasNoText (grp->allele) &&
+ HasNoText (grp->desc) && HasNoText (grp->maploc) &&
+ grp->db == NULL && grp->syn == NULL) return TRUE;
+ return FALSE;
+static SeqFeatPtr SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (SeqLocPtr slp, Uint2 subtype,
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array, Int4 num, Int4Ptr pos,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ SMFeatItemPtr best = NULL;
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Int4 diff;
+ SMFeatItemPtr feat;
+ Uint2 index = 0;
+ Int4 L;
+ Int4 left;
+ Int4 max;
+ Int4 mid;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Int4 R;
+ Int4 right;
+ Uint1 strand;
+ if (pos != NULL) {
+ *pos = 0;
+ }
+ if (slp == NULL) return NULL;
+ bsp = FindAppropriateBioseq (slp, NULL);
+ if (bsp == NULL) {
+ bsp = FindFirstLocalBioseq (slp);
+ }
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ switch (subtype) {
+ array = bspextra->genesByPos;
+ num = bspextra->numgenes;
+ break;
+ case FEATDEF_CDS :
+ array = bspextra->CDSsByPos;
+ num = bspextra->numCDSs;
+ break;
+ case FEATDEF_mRNA :
+ array = bspextra->mRNAsByPos;
+ num = bspextra->nummRNAs;
+ break;
+ case FEATDEF_PUB :
+ array = bspextra->pubsByPos;
+ num = bspextra->numpubs;
+ break;
+ array = bspextra->orgsByPos;
+ num = bspextra->numorgs;
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ if (array == NULL || num < 1) return NULL;
+ left = GetOffsetInBioseq (slp, bsp, SEQLOC_LEFT_END);
+ if (left == -1) return NULL;
+ right = GetOffsetInBioseq (slp, bsp, SEQLOC_RIGHT_END);
+ if (right == -1) return NULL;
+ /* if feature spans origin, normalize with left < 0 */
+ if (left > right && bsp->topology == TOPOLOGY_CIRCULAR) {
+ left -= bsp->length;
+ }
+ /* binary search to leftmost candidate within the xxxByPos array */
+ L = 0;
+ R = num - 1;
+ while (L < R) {
+ mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ feat = array [mid];
+ if (feat != NULL && feat->right < left) {
+ L = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ R = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ /* linear scan to smallest covering gene, publication, or biosource */
+ best = NULL;
+ index = 0;
+ feat = array [R];
+ max = INT4_MAX;
+ strand = SeqLocStrand (slp);
+ while (R < num && feat != NULL && feat->left <= right) {
+ if (feat->left <= left && feat->right >= right) {
+ if (feat->strand == strand ||
+ strand == Seq_strand_unknown ||
+ feat->strand == Seq_strand_unknown) {
+ diff = (left - feat->left) + (feat->right - right);
+ if (diff < max) {
+ best = feat;
+ index = R;
+ max = diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ R++;
+ feat = array [R];
+ }
+ if (best != NULL) {
+ if (pos != NULL) {
+ *pos = index + 1;
+ }
+ if (context != NULL) {
+ context->entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ context->itemID = best->itemID;
+ context->sfp = best->sfp;
+ context->sap = best->sap;
+ context->bsp = best->bsp;
+ context->label = best->label;
+ context->left = best->left;
+ context->right = best->right;
+ context->partialL = best->partialL;
+ context->partialR = best->partialR;
+ context->farloc = best->farloc;
+ context->strand = best->strand;
+ context->seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (best->subtype);
+ context->featdeftype = best->subtype;
+ context->numivals = best->numivals;
+ context->ivals = best->ivals;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = best->index + 1;
+ }
+ return best->sfp;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingGene (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, FEATDEF_GENE, NULL, 0, NULL, context);
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingmRNA (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, FEATDEF_mRNA, NULL, 0, NULL, context);
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingCDS (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, FEATDEF_CDS, NULL, 0, NULL, context);
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingPub (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, FEATDEF_PUB, NULL, 0, NULL, context);
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingSource (SeqLocPtr slp, SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, FEATDEF_BIOSRC, NULL, 0, NULL, context);
+* SeqMgrBuildFeatureIndex builds a sorted array index for any feature type
+* (gene, mRNA, CDS, publication, and biosource have built-in arrays)
+* SeqMgrGetOverlappingFeature uses the array to find feature overlap,
+* returning the position in the index
+* SeqMgrGetFeatureInIndex gets an arbitrary feature indexed by the array
+NLM_EXTERN VoidPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrBuildFeatureIndex (BioseqPtr bsp, Int4Ptr num,
+ Uint1 seqFeatChoice, Uint1 featDefChoice)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByPos;
+ Int4 i;
+ Int4 j;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4 numfeats;
+ Int4 numitems;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Uint1 seqfeattype;
+ if (num != NULL) {
+ *num = 0;
+ }
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ featsByPos = bspextra->featsByPos;
+ numfeats = bspextra->numfeats;
+ if (featsByPos == NULL || numfeats < 1) return NULL;
+ for (i = 0, numitems = 0; i < numfeats; i++) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item->subtype == seqFeatChoice) {
+ numitems++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (numitems < 1) return NULL;
+ array = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) MemNew (sizeof (SMFeatItemPtr) * (numitems + 1));
+ if (array == NULL) return NULL;
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while (i < numfeats && j < numitems) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (item->subtype);
+ if ((seqFeatChoice == 0 || seqfeattype == seqFeatChoice) &&
+ (featDefChoice == 0 || item->subtype == featDefChoice)) {
+ array [j] = item;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (num != NULL) {
+ *num = numitems;
+ }
+ return (VoidPtr) array;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetOverlappingFeature (SeqLocPtr slp, VoidPtr featarray,
+ Int4 numfeats, Int4Ptr position,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ return SeqMgrGetBestOverlappingFeat (slp, 0, (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) featarray,
+ numfeats, position, context);
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetFeatureInIndex (BioseqPtr bsp, VoidPtr featarray,
+ Int4 numfeats, Uint2 index,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR array;
+ SeqFeatPtr curr;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item = NULL;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (bsp == NULL || featarray == NULL || numfeats < 1) return NULL;
+ if (index < 1 || index > numfeats) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ array = (SMFeatItemPtr PNTR) featarray;
+ item = array [index - 1];
+ if (item == NULL) return NULL;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ curr = item->sfp;
+ if (curr != NULL && context != NULL && (! item->ignore)) {
+ context->entityID = entityID;
+ context->itemID = item->itemID;
+ context->sfp = curr;
+ context->sap = item->sap;
+ context->bsp = item->bsp;
+ context->label = item->label;
+ context->left = item->left;
+ context->right = item->right;
+ context->partialL = item->partialL;
+ context->partialR = item->partialR;
+ context->farloc = item->farloc;
+ context->strand = item->strand;
+ context->seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (item->subtype);
+ context->featdeftype = item->subtype;
+ context->numivals = item->numivals;
+ context->ivals = item->ivals;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = item->index + 1;
+ }
+ return curr;
+* SeqMgrGetNextDescriptor and SeqMgrGetNextFeature
+NLM_EXTERN ValNodePtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetNextDescriptor (BioseqPtr bsp, ValNodePtr curr,
+ Uint1 seqDescChoice,
+ SeqMgrDescContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ ValNode vn;
+ if (context == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* if curr is NULL, initialize context fields (in user's stack) */
+ if (curr == NULL) {
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->itemID = omdp->lastDescrItemID;
+ context->index = 0;
+ context->level = 0;
+ /* start curr just before beginning of bioseq descriptor list */
+ curr = &vn;
+ vn.choice = 0;
+ = 0;
+ = bsp->descr;
+ }
+ omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) context->omdp;
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ sep = ObjMgrGetChoiceForData (omdp->dataptr);
+ /* now look for next appropriate descriptor after curr in current chain */
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ curr = curr->next;
+ if (curr != NULL) {
+ (context->itemID)++;
+ (context->index)++;
+ if (seqDescChoice == 0 || curr->choice == seqDescChoice) {
+ context->entityID = entityID;
+ context->sdp = curr;
+ context->sep = sep;
+ context->seqdesctype = curr->choice;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ return curr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now go up omdp chain looking for next descriptor */
+ while (curr == NULL) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (omdp->parentptr);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* update current omdp in context */
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->itemID = omdp->lastDescrItemID;
+ switch (omdp->datatype) {
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ curr = bsp->descr;
+ break;
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ curr = bssp->descr;
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ sep = ObjMgrGetChoiceForData (omdp->dataptr);
+ (context->level)++;
+ /* now look for first appropriate descriptor in current chain */
+ while (curr != NULL) {
+ (context->itemID)++;
+ (context->index)++;
+ if (seqDescChoice == 0 || curr->choice == seqDescChoice) {
+ context->entityID = entityID;
+ context->sdp = curr;
+ context->sep = sep;
+ context->seqdesctype = curr->choice;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ return curr;
+ }
+ curr = curr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return curr;
+NLM_EXTERN SeqFeatPtr LIBCALL SeqMgrGetNextFeature (BioseqPtr bsp, SeqFeatPtr curr,
+ Uint1 seqFeatChoice, Uint1 featDefChoice,
+ SeqMgrFeatContext PNTR context)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByPos;
+ Uint2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Uint1 seqfeattype;
+ if (context == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* if curr is NULL, initialize context fields (in user's stack) */
+ if (curr == NULL) {
+ if (bsp == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = 0;
+ }
+ omdp = (ObjMgrDataPtr) context->omdp;
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ featsByPos = bspextra->featsByPos;
+ if (featsByPos == NULL || bspextra->numfeats < 1) return NULL;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ i = context->index;
+ /* now look for next appropriate feature */
+ while (i < bspextra->numfeats) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item != NULL) {
+ curr = item->sfp;
+ i++;
+ if (curr != NULL) {
+ seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (item->subtype);
+ if ((seqFeatChoice == 0 || seqfeattype == seqFeatChoice) &&
+ (featDefChoice == 0 || item->subtype == featDefChoice) &&
+ (! item->ignore)) {
+ context->entityID = entityID;
+ context->itemID = item->itemID;
+ context->sfp = curr;
+ context->sap = item->sap;
+ context->bsp = item->bsp;
+ context->label = item->label;
+ context->left = item->left;
+ context->right = item->right;
+ context->partialL = item->partialL;
+ context->partialR = item->partialR;
+ context->farloc = item->farloc;
+ context->strand = item->strand;
+ context->seqfeattype = seqfeattype;
+ context->featdeftype = item->subtype;
+ context->numivals = item->numivals;
+ context->ivals = item->ivals;
+ context->userdata = NULL;
+ context->omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context->index = item->index + 1;
+ return curr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+* SeqMgrExploreBioseqs, SeqMgrExploreDescriptors, and SeqMgrExploreFeatures
+static Boolean JustExamineBioseqs (SeqEntryPtr sep, BioseqSetPtr bssp,
+ SeqMgrBioseqContextPtr context,
+ SeqMgrBioseqExploreProc userfunc,
+ Boolean nucs, Boolean prots, Boolean parts)
+ BioseqPtr bsp;
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ if (sep == NULL || context == NULL || userfunc == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bsp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ /* check for desired molecule type */
+ if (ISA_na (bsp->mol) && (! nucs)) return TRUE;
+ if (ISA_aa (bsp->mol) && (! prots)) return TRUE;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return TRUE;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return TRUE;
+ context->itemID = bspextra->bspItemID;
+ context->bsp = bsp;
+ context->sep = sep;
+ context->bssp = bssp;
+ context->omdp = omdp;
+ (context->index)++;
+ /* continue until user function returns FALSE, then exit all recursions */
+ if (! userfunc (bsp, context)) return FALSE;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (IS_Bioseq_set (sep)) {
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
+ if (bssp == NULL) return TRUE;
+ /* check to see if parts should be explored */
+ if (bssp->_class == BioseqseqSet_class_parts && (! parts)) return TRUE;
+ /* recursively explore bioseq set until user function returns FALSE */
+ for (sep = bssp->seq_set; sep != NULL; sep = sep->next) {
+ if (! JustExamineBioseqs (sep, bssp, context, userfunc, nucs, prots, parts)) return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrExploreBioseqs (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr, Pointer userdata,
+ SeqMgrBioseqExploreProc userfunc,
+ Boolean nucs, Boolean prots, Boolean parts)
+ SeqMgrBioseqContext context;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ if (entityID == 0) {
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (ptr);
+ }
+ if (entityID == 0) return 0;
+ sep = SeqMgrGetTopSeqEntryForEntity (entityID);
+ if (sep == NULL) return FALSE;
+ if (userfunc == NULL) return FALSE;
+ context.entityID = entityID;
+ context.index = 0;
+ context.userdata = userdata;
+ /* recursive call to explore SeqEntry and pass appropriate bioseqs to user */
+ JustExamineBioseqs (sep, NULL, &context, userfunc, nucs, prots, parts);
+ return TRUE;
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrExploreSegments (BioseqPtr bsp, Pointer userdata,
+ SeqMgrSegmentExploreProc userfunc)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SeqMgrSegmentContext context;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ Uint2 i;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partsByLoc;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartptr;
+ SeqLocPtr slp;
+ if (bsp == NULL || bsp->repr != Seq_repr_seg) return FALSE;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return FALSE;
+ if (userfunc == NULL) return FALSE;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return FALSE;
+ partsByLoc = bspextra->partsByLoc;
+ if (partsByLoc == NULL || bspextra->numsegs < 1) return FALSE;
+ for (i = 0; i < bspextra->numsegs; i++) {
+ segpartptr = partsByLoc [i];
+ if (segpartptr != NULL) {
+ slp = segpartptr->slp;
+ context.entityID = entityID;
+ context.itemID = segpartptr->itemID;
+ context.slp = slp;
+ context.parent = segpartptr->parentBioseq;
+ context.cumOffset = segpartptr->cumOffset;
+ context.from = segpartptr->from;
+ = segpartptr->to;
+ context.strand = segpartptr->strand;
+ context.userdata = userdata;
+ context.omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context.index = i + 1;
+ if (! userfunc (slp, &context)) return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrExploreDescriptors (BioseqPtr bsp, Pointer userdata,
+ SeqMgrDescExploreProc userfunc,
+ BoolPtr seqDescFilter)
+ BioseqSetPtr bssp;
+ SeqMgrDescContext context;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ Uint2 itemID;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ ValNodePtr sdp;
+ SeqEntryPtr sep;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return FALSE;
+ if (userfunc == NULL) return FALSE;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ context.index = 0;
+ context.level = 0;
+ while (omdp != NULL) {
+ itemID = omdp->lastDescrItemID;
+ sdp = NULL;
+ switch (omdp->datatype) {
+ case OBJ_BIOSEQ :
+ bsp = (BioseqPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ sdp = bsp->descr;
+ break;
+ bssp = (BioseqSetPtr) omdp->dataptr;
+ sdp = bssp->descr;
+ break;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ sep = ObjMgrGetChoiceForData (omdp->dataptr);
+ /* call for every appropriate descriptor in current chain */
+ while (sdp != NULL) {
+ itemID++;
+ if (seqDescFilter == NULL || seqDescFilter [sdp->choice]) {
+ context.entityID = entityID;
+ context.itemID = itemID;
+ context.sdp = sdp;
+ context.sep = sep;
+ context.seqdesctype = sdp->choice;
+ context.userdata = userdata;
+ context.omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ (context.index)++;
+ if (! userfunc (sdp, &context)) return TRUE;
+ }
+ sdp = sdp->next;
+ }
+ /* now go up omdp chain looking for next descriptor */
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForPointer (omdp->parentptr);
+ (context.level)++;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqMgrExploreFeatures (BioseqPtr bsp, Pointer userdata,
+ SeqMgrFeatExploreProc userfunc,
+ SeqLocPtr locationFilter,
+ BoolPtr seqFeatFilter, BoolPtr featDefFilter)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SeqMgrFeatContext context;
+ Uint2 entityID;
+ SMFeatItemPtr PNTR featsByPos;
+ Uint2 i;
+ SMFeatItemPtr item;
+ Int4 left = INT4_MIN;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ Int4 right = INT4_MAX;
+ Uint1 seqfeattype;
+ SeqFeatPtr sfp;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp == NULL || omdp->datatype != OBJ_BIOSEQ) return FALSE;
+ if (userfunc == NULL) return FALSE;
+ entityID = ObjMgrGetEntityIDForPointer (omdp->dataptr);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return FALSE;
+ featsByPos = bspextra->featsByPos;
+ if (featsByPos == NULL || bspextra->numfeats < 1) return FALSE;
+ if (locationFilter != NULL) {
+ left = GetOffsetInBioseq (locationFilter, bsp, SEQLOC_LEFT_END);
+ if (left == -1) left = INT4_MIN;
+ right = GetOffsetInBioseq (locationFilter, bsp, SEQLOC_RIGHT_END);
+ if (right == -1) right = INT4_MAX;
+ }
+ /* call for every appropriate feature in sorted list */
+ for (i = 0; i < bspextra->numfeats; i++) {
+ item = featsByPos [i];
+ if (item != NULL) {
+ sfp = item->sfp;
+ seqfeattype = FindFeatFromFeatDefType (item->subtype);
+ if ((seqFeatFilter == NULL || seqFeatFilter [seqfeattype]) &&
+ (featDefFilter == NULL || featDefFilter [item->subtype]) &&
+ (locationFilter == NULL || (item->right >= left && item->left <= right)) &&
+ (! item->ignore)) {
+ context.entityID = entityID;
+ context.itemID = item->itemID;
+ context.sfp = sfp;
+ = item->sap;
+ context.bsp = item->bsp;
+ context.label = item->label;
+ context.left = item->left;
+ context.right = item->right;
+ context.partialL = item->partialL;
+ context.partialR = item->partialR;
+ context.farloc = item->farloc;
+ context.strand = item->strand;
+ context.seqfeattype = seqfeattype;
+ context.featdeftype = item->subtype;
+ context.numivals = item->numivals;
+ context.ivals = item->ivals;
+ context.userdata = userdata;
+ context.omdp = (Pointer) omdp;
+ context.index = item->index + 1;
+ if (! userfunc (sfp, &context)) return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+* SeqMgrMapPartToSegmentedBioseq can speed up sequtil's CheckPointInBioseq
+* for indexed part bioseq to segmented bioseq mapping
+static SMSeqIdxPtr BinarySearchPartToSegmentMap (BioseqPtr in, Int4 pos, BioseqPtr bsp, SeqIdPtr sip)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ Char buf [80];
+ Int2 compare;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr PNTR partsBySeqId;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartptr;
+ Int2 L, R, mid;
+ if (in == NULL) return NULL;
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (in);
+ if (omdp == NULL) return NULL;
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) return NULL;
+ partsBySeqId = bspextra->partsBySeqId;
+ if (partsBySeqId == NULL || bspextra->numsegs < 1) return NULL;
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ sip = bsp->id;
+ }
+ if (sip == NULL) return NULL;
+ /* binary search into array on segmented bioseq sorted by part seqID (reversed) string */
+ while (sip != NULL) {
+ if (MakeReversedSeqIdString (sip, buf, sizeof (buf) - 1)) {
+ L = 0;
+ R = bspextra->numsegs - 1;
+ while (L < R) {
+ mid = (L + R) / 2;
+ segpartptr = partsBySeqId [mid];
+ compare = StringCmp (segpartptr->seqIdOfPart, buf);
+ if (compare < 0) {
+ L = mid + 1;
+ } else {
+ R = mid;
+ }
+ }
+ segpartptr = partsBySeqId [R];
+ if (StringCmp (segpartptr->seqIdOfPart, buf) == 0) {
+ if (pos >= segpartptr->from && pos <= segpartptr->to) {
+ return segpartptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sip = sip->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+NLM_EXTERN Int4 LIBCALL SeqMgrMapPartToSegmentedBioseq (BioseqPtr in, Int4 pos, BioseqPtr bsp, SeqIdPtr sip)
+ BioseqExtraPtr bspextra;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr currp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr nextp;
+ ObjMgrDataPtr omdp;
+ SMSeqIdxPtr segpartptr;
+ if (in == NULL) return -1;
+ /* first check to see if part has been loaded and single map up block installed */
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra != NULL) {
+ /* no need for partsByLoc or partsBySeqId arrays, just use segparthead linked list */
+ for (segpartptr = bspextra->segparthead; segpartptr != NULL; segpartptr = segpartptr->next) {
+ if (segpartptr->parentBioseq == in) {
+ if (pos >= segpartptr->from && pos <= segpartptr->to) {
+ /* success, immediate return with mapped up value */
+ if (segpartptr->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
+ return segpartptr->cumOffset + (segpartptr->to - pos);
+ } else {
+ return segpartptr->cumOffset + (pos - segpartptr->from);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise do binary search on segmented bioseq mapping data */
+ segpartptr = BinarySearchPartToSegmentMap (in, pos, bsp, sip);
+ if (segpartptr == NULL) return -1;
+ if (pos >= segpartptr->from && pos <= segpartptr->to) {
+ /* install map up block on part, if it has been loaded, to speed up next search */
+ if (bsp != NULL) {
+ omdp = SeqMgrGetOmdpForBioseq (bsp);
+ if (omdp != NULL) {
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ if (bspextra == NULL) {
+ CreateBioseqExtraBlock (omdp, bsp);
+ bspextra = (BioseqExtraPtr) omdp->extradata;
+ }
+ if (bspextra != NULL) {
+ /* clean up any old map up info on part */
+ for (currp = bspextra->segparthead; currp != NULL; currp = nextp) {
+ nextp = currp->next;
+ SeqLocFree (currp->slp);
+ MemFree (currp->seqIdOfPart);
+ MemFree (currp);
+ }
+ bspextra->segparthead = NULL;
+ bspextra->numsegs = 0;
+ bspextra->partsByLoc = MemFree (bspextra->partsByLoc);
+ bspextra->partsBySeqId = MemFree (bspextra->partsBySeqId);
+ /* allocate single map up block */
+ currp = MemNew (sizeof (SMSeqIdx));
+ if (currp != NULL) {
+ currp->slp = AsnIoMemCopy (segpartptr->slp,
+ (AsnReadFunc) SeqLocAsnRead,
+ (AsnWriteFunc) SeqLocAsnWrite);
+ currp->seqIdOfPart = StringSave (segpartptr->seqIdOfPart);
+ currp->parentBioseq = segpartptr->parentBioseq;
+ currp->cumOffset = segpartptr->cumOffset;
+ currp->from = segpartptr->from;
+ currp->to = segpartptr->to;
+ currp->strand = segpartptr->strand;
+ }
+ /* add new map up block to part */
+ bspextra->segparthead = currp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* now return offset result */
+ if (segpartptr->strand == Seq_strand_minus) {
+ return segpartptr->cumOffset + (segpartptr->to - pos);
+ } else {
+ return segpartptr->cumOffset + (pos - segpartptr->from);
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;