path: root/connect/ncbisock.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 412 deletions
diff --git a/connect/ncbisock.h b/connect/ncbisock.h
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index 68091266..00000000
--- a/connect/ncbisock.h
+++ /dev/null
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-#ifndef NCBISOCK__H
-#define NCBISOCK__H
-/* $Id: ncbisock.h,v 6.3 2004/04/01 13:43:06 lavr Exp $
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * National Center for Biotechnology Information
- *
- * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
- * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
- * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
- * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
- * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
- * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
- *
- * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
- * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
- * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
- * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
- * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
- * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
- * purpose.
- *
- * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
- *
- * ===========================================================================
- *
- * Author: Denis Vakatov
- *
- * File Description:
- * Plain portable TCP/IP socket API for: UNIX, MS-Win, MacOS
- *
- * This is just a back-compatibility interface("Nlm_*") to the real
- * SOCK API located in "ncbi_socket.[ch]".
- * Unlike the "real" SOCK API, this API uses:
- * a) "Nlm_" name prefix for structures, types and functions;
- * b) "Nlm_*" fixed size integer types like "Nlm_Uint4";
- * c) "Nlm_Boolean" rather than a native "int" for the boolean type;
- * d) [MSWIN] "NLM_EXTERN" rather than just "extern" to ease the compilation
- * for MSWIN DLL.
- *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Log: ncbisock.h,v $
- * Revision 6.3 2004/04/01 13:43:06 lavr
- * Spell "occurred", "occurrence", and "occurring"
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2000/02/25 16:45:55 vakatov
- * Redesigned to really share "ncbi_*.[ch]" etc. between the C and
- * the C++ toolkits, and even to use them in a "standalone" fashion
- *
- * Revision 6.3 2000/02/17 21:51:34 vakatov
- *
- * Revision 6.2 2000/02/17 19:37:42 vakatov
- *
- * Revision 6.1 1999/10/18 15:39:05 vakatov
- * Initial revision
- * This is actually just an interface for the back compatibility with the
- * former "ncbisock.[ch]"; the real code is in "ncbi_socket.[ch]"
- * ===========================================================================
- */
-#include <ncbistd.h>
-#define LSOCK Nlm_LSOCK
-#define SOCK Nlm_SOCK
-#define ESOCK_ErrCode Nlm_ESOCK_ErrCode
-#define eSOCK_ESuccess Nlm_eSOCK_Success
-#define eSOCK_ETimeout Nlm_eSOCK_Timeout
-#define eSOCK_EClosed Nlm_eSOCK_Closed
-#define eSOCK_EUnknown Nlm_eSOCK_Unknown
-#define ESOCK_Mode Nlm_ESOCK_Mode
-#define eSOCK_OnRead Nlm_eSOCK_OnRead
-#define eSOCK_OnWrite Nlm_eSOCK_OnWrite
-#define eSOCK_OnReadWrite Nlm_eSOCK_OnReadWrite
-#define SOCK_ErrCodeStr Nlm_SOCK_ErrCodeStr
-#define SOCK_Initialize Nlm_SOCK_Initialize
-#define SOCK_Destroy Nlm_SOCK_Destroy
-#define LSOCK_Create Nlm_LSOCK_Create
-#define LSOCK_Accept Nlm_LSOCK_Accept
-#define LSOCK_Close Nlm_LSOCK_Close
-#define LSOCK_GetOSHandle Nlm_LSOCK_GetOSHandle
-#define SOCK_Create Nlm_SOCK_Create
-#define SOCK_SetTimeout Nlm_SOCK_SetTimeout
-#define SOCK_Select Nlm_SOCK_Select
-#define SOCK_Read Nlm_SOCK_Read
-#define SOCK_ReadPersist Nlm_SOCK_ReadPersist
-#define SOCK_Peek Nlm_SOCK_Peek
-#define SOCK_PushBack Nlm_SOCK_PushBack
-#define SOCK_Eof Nlm_SOCK_Eof
-#define SOCK_Write Nlm_SOCK_Write
-#define SOCK_Address Nlm_SOCK_Address
-#define SOCK_Reconnect Nlm_SOCK_Reconnect
-#define SOCK_Close Nlm_SOCK_Close
-#define SOCK_GetOSHandle Nlm_SOCK_GetOSHandle
-#define GetHostName Nlm_GetHostName
-#define Uint4toInaddr Nlm_Uint4toInaddr
-/* for ErrPost */
-#define SOCK_ERRCODE 777
-#undef NLM_EXTERN
-#ifdef NLM_IMPORT
-#define NLM_EXTERN extern
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Handle of a socket (see "ncbi_socket.[ch]")
- */
-struct LSOCK_tag; /* listening socket: internal storage */
-typedef struct LSOCK_tag* LSOCK; /* listening socket: handle */
-struct SOCK_tag; /* socket: internal storage */
-typedef struct SOCK_tag* SOCK; /* socket: handle */
-/* Error code
- */
-typedef enum
- eSOCK_ESuccess = 0, /* everything is fine, no errors occurred */
- eSOCK_ETimeout, /* timeout expired before the data could be i/o'd */
- eSOCK_EClosed, /* peer has closed the connection */
- eSOCK_EUnknown /* unknown(most probably -- fatal) error */
-} ESOCK_ErrCode;
-/* I/O direction
- */
-typedef enum {
- eSOCK_OnRead,
- eSOCK_OnWrite,
- eSOCK_OnReadWrite
-} ESOCK_Mode;
-/* Return (const) verbal description for the passed error code
- */
-NLM_EXTERN const char* SOCK_ErrCodeStr
-(ESOCK_ErrCode err_code
- );
- */
-/* [SERVER-side] Create and initialize the server-side(listening) socket
- * (socket() + bind() + listen())
- */
-(Nlm_Uint2 port, /* [in] the port to listen at */
- Nlm_Uint2 n_listen, /* [in] maximal # of pending connections */
- LSOCK* lsock /* [out] handle of the created listening socket */
- );
-/* [SERVER-side] Accept connection from a client
- * NOTE: the "*timeout" is for this accept() only; to set i/o timeout,
- * use SOCK_Timeout(); (by default -- infinite)
- */
-(LSOCK lsock, /* [in] handle of a listening socket */
- const STimeout* timeout, /* [in] timeout(infinite if NULL) */
- SOCK* sock /* [out] handle of the created socket */
- );
-/* [SERVER-side] Close the listening socket, destroy relevant internal data
- */
-(LSOCK lsock
- );
-/* Get an OS-dependent native socket handle to use by platform-specific API.
- * FYI: on MS-Windows it will be "SOCKET", on other platforms -- "int".
- */
-(LSOCK lsock,
- void* handle_buf, /* pointer to a memory area to put the OS handle at */
- Nlm_Uint4 handle_size /* exact(!) size of the expected OS handle */
- );
- */
-/* [CLIENT-side] Connect client to another(server-side, listening) socket
- * (socket() + connect() [+ select()])
- */
-(const char* host, /* [in] server host */
- Nlm_Uint2 port, /* [in] server port */
- const STimeout* timeout, /* [in] the connect timeout */
- SOCK* sock /* [out] handle of the created socket */
-/* [CLIENT-side] Close the socket referred by "sock" and then connect
- * it to another "host:port"; fail if it takes more than "timeout".
- * (close() + connect() [+ select()])
- *
- * HINT: if "host" is NULL then connect to the same host address as before
- * if "port" is zero then connect to the same port # as before
- * NOTE: "new" socket inherits the i/o timeouts,
- */
-(SOCK sock, /* handle of the socket to reconnect */
- const char* host, /* [in] server host */
- Nlm_Uint2 port, /* [in] server port */
- const STimeout* timeout /* [in] the connect timeout */
- );
-/* [CLIENT-side] Close the connection, destroy relevant internal data
- * NOTE: if write timeout is specified then it is lingering until either all
- * unsent data are sent or until the timeout expires
- * NOTE: whatever error code is returned, this function cannot be
- * called more than once for the same socket
- */
-(SOCK sock
- );
-/* Block on the socket until either read/write(dep. on "mode") is
- * available or timeout expires(if "timeout" is NULL then assume it infinite)
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- ESOCK_Mode mode,
- const STimeout* timeout
- );
-/* Specify timeout for the connection i/o (see SOCK_[Read|Write|Close] funcs).
- * NOTE: set the timeout to the maximum if "new_timeout" is NULL
- * NOTE: the default timeout is the maximum possible(wait "ad infinitum")
- */
-#define SOCK_GET_TIMEOUT ((const STimeout*)~0)
-(SOCK sock,
- ESOCK_Mode mode,
- const STimeout* new_timeout, /* (dont set if equal to SOCK_GET_TIMEOUT) */
- STimeout* r_timeout, /* if non-NULL, return previous read */
- STimeout* w_timeout /* and(or) write timeout values */
- );
-/* Read up to "size" bytes from "sock" to the mem.buffer pointed by "buf".
- * In "*n_read", return the number of succesfully read bytes.
- * If there is no data available to read and the timeout(see
- * SOCK_Timeout()) is expired then return eSOCK_ETimeout.
- * NOTE: Theoretically, eSOCK_Closed may indicate an empty message
- * rather than a real closure of the connection...
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- void* buf,
- Nlm_Uint4 size,
- Nlm_Uint4* n_read
- );
-/* Operate just like SOCK_Read() but it persistently tries to read *exactly*
- * "size" bytes, and it reads again and again -- until timeout expiration or
- * error
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- void* buf,
- Nlm_Uint4 size,
- Nlm_Uint4* n_read
- );
-/* Operate just like SOCK_Read() but dont remove the read data from the
- * input queue.
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- void* buf,
- Nlm_Uint4 size,
- Nlm_Uint4* n_read
- );
-/* Push the specified data back to the socket input queue(to the socket's
- * internal read buffer). These can be any data, not necessarily the data
- * previously read from the socket.
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- const void* buf,
- Nlm_Uint4 size
- );
-/* If the last input operation (Read, ReadPersist or Peek) hit EOF.
- * NOTE: the input operations does not return SOCK_eClosed unless there
- * is no more data to read/peek; thus, in the case of Peek, this is
- * the only "non-destructive" way to check whether it already hit
- * the EOF or we can still expect more data to come.
- */
-NLM_EXTERN Nlm_Boolean SOCK_Eof
-(SOCK sock
- );
-/* Write "size" bytes from the mem.buffer "buf" to "sock".
- * In "*n_written", return the number of successfully written bytes.
- * If cannot write all data and the timeout(see SOCK_Timeout()) is expired
- * then return eSOCK_ETimeout.
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- const void* buf,
- Nlm_Uint4 size,
- Nlm_Uint4* n_written
- );
-/* Get host address and port of the socket peer
- * If "network_byte_order" is true then return them in the network byte order
- * NOTE: "host" or "port" can be NULL
- */
-NLM_EXTERN void SOCK_Address
-(SOCK sock,
- Nlm_Uint4* host,
- Nlm_Uint2* port,
- Nlm_Boolean network_byte_order
- );
-/* Get an OS-dependent native socket handle to use by platform-specific API.
- * FYI: on MS-Windows it will be "SOCKET", on other platforms -- "int".
- */
-(SOCK sock,
- void* handle_buf, /* pointer to a memory area to put the OS handle at */
- Nlm_Uint4 handle_size /* exact(!) size of the expected OS handle */
- );
- */
-/* Destroy internal data used by this module
- * NOTE: no function from this API can be used after the call to SOCK_Destroy
- */
-NLM_EXTERN ESOCK_ErrCode SOCK_Destroy(void);
- * AUXILIARY network-specific functions (added for the portability reasons)
- */
-NLM_EXTERN Nlm_Boolean GetHostName
-(char* name,
- Nlm_Uint4 namelen
- );
-NLM_EXTERN Nlm_Boolean Uint4toInaddr
-(Nlm_Uint4 ui4_addr, /* NOTE: must be in the network byte-order */
- char* buf, /* to be filled by smth. like "\0" */
- Nlm_Uint4 buf_len
- );
-/* Total KLUDGE (dont use this beast, please) */
-NLM_EXTERN Nlm_Uint4 Nlm_htonl(Nlm_Uint4 value);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#undef NLM_EXTERN
-#ifdef NLM_EXPORT
-#define NLM_EXTERN
-#endif /* NCBISOCK__H */