path: root/tools
diff options
authorYaroslav Halchenko <>2014-06-14 13:34:18 +0200
committerYaroslav Halchenko <>2014-06-14 13:34:18 +0200
commit9f010b1561421d8b3e128e07b50de9919955f258 (patch)
tree8b692a5cc9abe7024da3a6809f5c5dc5b7c6b7b6 /tools
nitime (0.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New release - does not ship sphinxext/ any longer (Closes: #706533) * debian/copyright - extended to cover added 3rd party snippets and updated years * debian/watch - updated to use service * debian/patches - debian/patches/up_version_info_python2.6 for compatibility with python2.6 (on wheezy etc) # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
10 files changed, 1266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afce9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+"""Attempt to generate templates for module reference with Sphinx
+XXX - we exclude extension modules
+To include extension modules, first identify them as valid in the
+``_uri2path`` method, then handle them in the ``_parse_module`` script.
+We get functions and classes by parsing the text of .py files.
+Alternatively we could import the modules for discovery, and we'd have
+to do that for extension modules. This would involve changing the
+``_parse_module`` method to work via import and introspection, and
+might involve changing ``discover_modules`` (which determines which
+files are modules, and therefore which module URIs will be passed to
+NOTE: this is a modified version of a script originally shipped with the
+PyMVPA project, which we've adapted for NIPY use. PyMVPA is an MIT-licensed
+# Stdlib imports
+import os
+import re
+# Functions and classes
+class ApiDocWriter(object):
+ ''' Class for automatic detection and parsing of API docs
+ to Sphinx-parsable reST format'''
+ # only separating first two levels
+ rst_section_levels = ['*', '=', '-', '~', '^']
+ def __init__(self,
+ package_name,
+ rst_extension='.rst',
+ package_skip_patterns=None,
+ module_skip_patterns=None,
+ ):
+ ''' Initialize package for parsing
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ package_name : string
+ Name of the top-level package. *package_name* must be the
+ name of an importable package
+ rst_extension : string, optional
+ Extension for reST files, default '.rst'
+ package_skip_patterns : None or sequence of {strings, regexps}
+ Sequence of strings giving URIs of packages to be excluded
+ Operates on the package path, starting at (including) the
+ first dot in the package path, after *package_name* - so,
+ if *package_name* is ``sphinx``, then ``sphinx.util`` will
+ result in ``.util`` being passed for earching by these
+ regexps. If is None, gives default. Default is:
+ ['\.tests$']
+ module_skip_patterns : None or sequence
+ Sequence of strings giving URIs of modules to be excluded
+ Operates on the module name including preceding URI path,
+ back to the first dot after *package_name*. For example
+ ``sphinx.util.console`` results in the string to search of
+ ``.util.console``
+ If is None, gives default. Default is:
+ ['\.setup$', '\._']
+ '''
+ if package_skip_patterns is None:
+ package_skip_patterns = ['\\.tests$']
+ if module_skip_patterns is None:
+ module_skip_patterns = ['\\.setup$', '\\._']
+ self.package_name = package_name
+ self.rst_extension = rst_extension
+ self.package_skip_patterns = package_skip_patterns
+ self.module_skip_patterns = module_skip_patterns
+ def get_package_name(self):
+ return self._package_name
+ def set_package_name(self, package_name):
+ ''' Set package_name
+ >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
+ >>> import sphinx
+ >>> docwriter.root_path == sphinx.__path__[0]
+ True
+ >>> docwriter.package_name = 'docutils'
+ >>> import docutils
+ >>> docwriter.root_path == docutils.__path__[0]
+ True
+ '''
+ # It's also possible to imagine caching the module parsing here
+ self._package_name = package_name
+ self.root_module = __import__(package_name)
+ self.root_path = self.root_module.__path__[0]
+ self.written_modules = None
+ package_name = property(get_package_name, set_package_name, None,
+ 'get/set package_name')
+ def _get_object_name(self, line):
+ ''' Get second token in line
+ >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
+ >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" def func(): ")
+ 'func'
+ >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass(object): ")
+ 'Klass'
+ >>> docwriter._get_object_name(" class Klass: ")
+ 'Klass'
+ '''
+ name = line.split()[1].split('(')[0].strip()
+ # in case we have classes which are not derived from object
+ # ie. old style classes
+ return name.rstrip(':')
+ def _uri2path(self, uri):
+ ''' Convert uri to absolute filepath
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ uri : string
+ URI of python module to return path for
+ Returns
+ -------
+ path : None or string
+ Returns None if there is no valid path for this URI
+ Otherwise returns absolute file system path for URI
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> docwriter = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
+ >>> import sphinx
+ >>> modpath = sphinx.__path__[0]
+ >>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.builder')
+ >>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
+ True
+ >>> res = docwriter._uri2path('sphinx')
+ >>> res == os.path.join(modpath, '')
+ True
+ >>> docwriter._uri2path('sphinx.does_not_exist')
+ '''
+ if uri == self.package_name:
+ return os.path.join(self.root_path, '')
+ path = uri.replace('.', os.path.sep)
+ path = path.replace(self.package_name + os.path.sep, '')
+ path = os.path.join(self.root_path, path)
+ # XXX maybe check for extensions as well?
+ if os.path.exists(path + '.py'): # file
+ path += '.py'
+ elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '')):
+ path = os.path.join(path, '')
+ else:
+ return None
+ return path
+ def _path2uri(self, dirpath):
+ ''' Convert directory path to uri '''
+ relpath = dirpath.replace(self.root_path, self.package_name)
+ if relpath.startswith(os.path.sep):
+ relpath = relpath[1:]
+ return relpath.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
+ def _parse_module(self, uri):
+ ''' Parse module defined in *uri* '''
+ filename = self._uri2path(uri)
+ if filename is None:
+ # nothing that we could handle here.
+ return ([],[])
+ f = open(filename, 'rt')
+ functions, classes = self._parse_lines(f)
+ f.close()
+ return functions, classes
+ def _parse_lines(self, linesource):
+ ''' Parse lines of text for functions and classes '''
+ functions = []
+ classes = []
+ for line in linesource:
+ if line.startswith('def ') and line.count('('):
+ # exclude private stuff
+ name = self._get_object_name(line)
+ if not name.startswith('_'):
+ functions.append(name)
+ elif line.startswith('class '):
+ # exclude private stuff
+ name = self._get_object_name(line)
+ if not name.startswith('_'):
+ classes.append(name)
+ else:
+ pass
+ functions.sort()
+ classes.sort()
+ return functions, classes
+ def generate_api_doc(self, uri):
+ '''Make autodoc documentation template string for a module
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ uri : string
+ python location of module - e.g 'sphinx.builder'
+ Returns
+ -------
+ S : string
+ Contents of API doc
+ '''
+ # get the names of all classes and functions
+ functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
+ if not len(functions) and not len(classes):
+ print 'WARNING: Empty -',uri # dbg
+ return ''
+ # Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for
+ # titles
+ uri_short = re.sub(r'^%s\.' % self.package_name,'',uri)
+ chap_title = uri_short
+ ad += (chap_title+'\n'+ self.rst_section_levels[1] * len(chap_title)
+ + '\n\n')
+ # Set the chapter title to read 'module' for all modules except for the
+ # main packages
+ if '.' in uri:
+ title = 'Module: :mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
+ else:
+ title = ':mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
+ ad += title + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(title)
+ if len(classes):
+ ad += '\nInheritance diagram for ``%s``:\n\n' % uri
+ ad += '.. inheritance-diagram:: %s \n' % uri
+ ad += ' :parts: 3\n'
+ ad += '\n.. automodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
+ ad += '\n.. currentmodule:: ' + uri + '\n'
+ multi_class = len(classes) > 1
+ multi_fx = len(functions) > 1
+ if multi_class:
+ ad += '\n' + 'Classes' + '\n' + \
+ self.rst_section_levels[2] * 7 + '\n'
+ elif len(classes) and multi_fx:
+ ad += '\n' + 'Class' + '\n' + \
+ self.rst_section_levels[2] * 5 + '\n'
+ for c in classes:
+ ad += '\n:class:`' + c + '`\n' \
+ + self.rst_section_levels[multi_class + 2 ] * \
+ (len(c)+9) + '\n\n'
+ ad += '\n.. autoclass:: ' + c + '\n'
+ # must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
+ ad += ' :members:\n' \
+ ' :undoc-members:\n' \
+ ' :show-inheritance:\n' \
+ '\n' \
+ ' .. automethod:: __init__\n'
+ if multi_fx:
+ ad += '\n' + 'Functions' + '\n' + \
+ self.rst_section_levels[2] * 9 + '\n\n'
+ elif len(functions) and multi_class:
+ ad += '\n' + 'Function' + '\n' + \
+ self.rst_section_levels[2] * 8 + '\n\n'
+ for f in functions:
+ # must NOT exclude from index to keep cross-refs working
+ ad += '\n.. autofunction:: ' + uri + '.' + f + '\n\n'
+ return ad
+ def _survives_exclude(self, matchstr, match_type):
+ ''' Returns True if *matchstr* does not match patterns
+ ``self.package_name`` removed from front of string if present
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
+ >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.okpkg', 'package')
+ True
+ >>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badpkg$')
+ >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'package')
+ False
+ >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badpkg', 'module')
+ True
+ >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
+ True
+ >>> dw.module_skip_patterns.append('^\\.badmod$')
+ >>> dw._survives_exclude('sphinx.badmod', 'module')
+ False
+ '''
+ if match_type == 'module':
+ patterns = self.module_skip_patterns
+ elif match_type == 'package':
+ patterns = self.package_skip_patterns
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot interpret match type "%s"'
+ % match_type)
+ # Match to URI without package name
+ L = len(self.package_name)
+ if matchstr[:L] == self.package_name:
+ matchstr = matchstr[L:]
+ for pat in patterns:
+ try:
+ except AttributeError:
+ pat = re.compile(pat)
+ if
+ return False
+ return True
+ def discover_modules(self):
+ ''' Return module sequence discovered from ``self.package_name``
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ None
+ Returns
+ -------
+ mods : sequence
+ Sequence of module names within ``self.package_name``
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> dw = ApiDocWriter('sphinx')
+ >>> mods = dw.discover_modules()
+ >>> 'sphinx.util' in mods
+ True
+ >>> dw.package_skip_patterns.append('\.util$')
+ >>> 'sphinx.util' in dw.discover_modules()
+ False
+ >>>
+ '''
+ modules = [self.package_name]
+ # raw directory parsing
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.root_path):
+ # Check directory names for packages
+ root_uri = self._path2uri(os.path.join(self.root_path,
+ dirpath))
+ for dirname in dirnames[:]: # copy list - we modify inplace
+ package_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, dirname))
+ if (self._uri2path(package_uri) and
+ self._survives_exclude(package_uri, 'package')):
+ modules.append(package_uri)
+ else:
+ dirnames.remove(dirname)
+ # Check filenames for modules
+ for filename in filenames:
+ module_name = filename[:-3]
+ module_uri = '.'.join((root_uri, module_name))
+ if (self._uri2path(module_uri) and
+ self._survives_exclude(module_uri, 'module')):
+ modules.append(module_uri)
+ return sorted(modules)
+ def write_modules_api(self, modules,outdir):
+ # write the list
+ written_modules = []
+ for m in modules:
+ api_str = self.generate_api_doc(m)
+ if not api_str:
+ continue
+ # write out to file
+ outfile = os.path.join(outdir,
+ m + self.rst_extension)
+ fileobj = open(outfile, 'wt')
+ fileobj.write(api_str)
+ fileobj.close()
+ written_modules.append(m)
+ self.written_modules = written_modules
+ def write_api_docs(self, outdir):
+ """Generate API reST files.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ outdir : string
+ Directory name in which to store files
+ We create automatic filenames for each module
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None
+ Notes
+ -----
+ Sets self.written_modules to list of written modules
+ """
+ if not os.path.exists(outdir):
+ os.mkdir(outdir)
+ # compose list of modules
+ modules = self.discover_modules()
+ self.write_modules_api(modules,outdir)
+ def write_index(self, outdir, froot='gen', relative_to=None):
+ """Make a reST API index file from written files
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ path : string
+ Filename to write index to
+ outdir : string
+ Directory to which to write generated index file
+ froot : string, optional
+ root (filename without extension) of filename to write to
+ Defaults to 'gen'. We add ``self.rst_extension``.
+ relative_to : string
+ path to which written filenames are relative. This
+ component of the written file path will be removed from
+ outdir, in the generated index. Default is None, meaning,
+ leave path as it is.
+ """
+ if self.written_modules is None:
+ raise ValueError('No modules written')
+ # Get full filename path
+ path = os.path.join(outdir, froot+self.rst_extension)
+ # Path written into index is relative to rootpath
+ if relative_to is not None:
+ relpath = outdir.replace(relative_to + os.path.sep, '')
+ else:
+ relpath = outdir
+ idx = open(path,'wt')
+ w = idx.write
+ w('.. toctree::\n\n')
+ for f in self.written_modules:
+ w(' %s\n' % os.path.join(relpath,f))
+ idx.close()
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be584b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Script to auto-generate our API docs.
+# stdlib imports
+import os
+# local imports
+from apigen import ApiDocWriter
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ package = 'nitime'
+ outdir = os.path.join('api','generated')
+ docwriter = ApiDocWriter(package)
+ docwriter.package_skip_patterns += [r'\.fixes$',
+ ]
+ docwriter.write_api_docs(outdir)
+ docwriter.write_index(outdir, 'gen', relative_to='api')
+ print '%d files written' % len(docwriter.written_modules)
diff --git a/tools/build_release b/tools/build_release
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00c16ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/build_release
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Nitime release build script.
+from toollib import *
+# Find our directory and go one above, regardless of where we were called from
+my_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
+cd(pjoin(my_dir, '..'))
+# Load release info
+# Check that everything compiles
+# Cleanup
+for d in ['build','dist', pjoin('doc','_build'), pjoin('docs','dist')]:
+ if os.path.isdir(d):
+ remove_tree(d)
+# Build source and binary distros
+sh('./ sdist --formats=gztar,zip')
+# Build eggs
+sh('python ./ bdist_egg')
+# Create a windows distribution
+# sh("python bdist_wininst")
+# Change name so retarded Vista runs the installer correctly
+# sh("rename 's/linux-i686/win32-setup/' dist/*.exe")
diff --git a/tools/ex2rst b/tools/ex2rst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..59207a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ex2rst
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Note: this file is copied (possibly with minor modifications) from the
+# sources of the PyMVPA project - It remains licensed as
+# the rest of PyMVPA (MIT license as of October 2010).
+### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
+# See COPYING file distributed along with the PyMVPA package for the
+# copyright and license terms.
+### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ##
+"""Helper to automagically generate ReST versions of examples"""
+__docformat__ = 'restructuredtext'
+import os
+import sys
+import re
+import glob
+from optparse import OptionParser
+def auto_image(line):
+ """Automatically replace generic image markers with ones that have full
+ size (width/height) info, plus a :target: link to the original png, to be
+ used in the html docs.
+ """
+ img_re = re.compile(r'(\s*)\.\. image::\s*(.*)$')
+ m = img_re.match(line)
+ if m is None:
+ # Not an image declaration, leave the line alone and return unmodified
+ return line
+ # Match means it's an image spec, we rewrite it with extra tags
+ ini_space =
+ lines = [line,
+ ini_space + ' :width: 500\n',
+ #ini_space + ' :height: 350\n'
+ ]
+ fspec =
+ if fspec.endswith('.*'):
+ fspec = fspec.replace('.*', '.png')
+ fspec = fspec.replace('fig/', '../_images/')
+ lines.append(ini_space + (' :target: %s\n' % fspec) )
+ lines.append('\n')
+ return ''.join(lines)
+def exfile2rst(filename):
+ """Open a Python script and convert it into an ReST string.
+ """
+ # output string
+ s = ''
+ # open source file
+ xfile = open(filename)
+ # parser status vars
+ inheader = True
+ indocs = False
+ doc2code = False
+ code2doc = False
+ # an empty line found in the example enables the check for a potentially
+ # indented docstring starting on the next line (as an attempt to exclude
+ # function or class docstrings)
+ last_line_empty = False
+ # indentation of indented docstring, which is removed from the RsT output
+ # since we typically do not want an indentation there.
+ indent_level = 0
+ for line in xfile:
+ # skip header
+ if inheader and \
+ not (line.startswith('"""') or line.startswith("'''")):
+ continue
+ # determine end of header
+ if inheader and (line.startswith('"""') or line.startswith("'''")):
+ inheader = False
+ # strip comments and remove trailing whitespace
+ if not indocs and last_line_empty:
+ # first remove leading whitespace and store indent level
+ cleanline = line[:line.find('#')].lstrip()
+ indent_level = len(line) - len(cleanline) - 1
+ cleanline = cleanline.rstrip()
+ else:
+ cleanline = line[:line.find('#')].rstrip()
+ if not indocs and line == '\n':
+ last_line_empty = True
+ else:
+ last_line_empty = False
+ # if we have something that should go into the text
+ if indocs \
+ or (cleanline.startswith('"""') or cleanline.startswith("'''")):
+ proc_line = None
+ # handle doc start
+ if not indocs:
+ # guarenteed to start with """
+ if len(cleanline) > 3 \
+ and (cleanline.endswith('"""') \
+ or cleanline.endswith("'''")):
+ # single line doc
+ code2doc = True
+ doc2code = True
+ proc_line = cleanline[3:-3]
+ else:
+ # must be start of multiline block
+ indocs = True
+ code2doc = True
+ # rescue what is left on the line
+ proc_line = cleanline[3:] # strip """
+ else:
+ # we are already in the docs
+ # handle doc end
+ if cleanline.endswith('"""') or cleanline.endswith("'''"):
+ indocs = False
+ doc2code = True
+ # rescue what is left on the line
+ proc_line = cleanline[:-3]
+ # reset the indentation
+ indent_level = 0
+ else:
+ # has to be documentation
+ # if the indentation is whitespace remove it, other wise
+ # keep it (accounts for some variation in docstring
+ # styles
+ real_indent = \
+ indent_level - len(line[:indent_level].lstrip())
+ proc_line = line[real_indent:]
+ if code2doc:
+ code2doc = False
+ s += '\n'
+ proc_line = auto_image(proc_line)
+ if proc_line:
+ s += proc_line.rstrip() + '\n'
+ else:
+ if doc2code:
+ doc2code = False
+ s += '\n::\n'
+ # has to be code
+ s += ' %s' % line
+ xfile.close()
+ return s
+def exfile2rstfile(filename, opts):
+ """
+ """
+ # doc filename
+ dfilename = os.path.basename(filename[:-3]) + '.rst'
+ # open dest file
+ dfile = open(os.path.join(opts.outdir, os.path.basename(dfilename)), 'w')
+ # place header
+ dfile.write('.. AUTO-GENERATED FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!\n\n')
+ # place cross-ref target
+ dfile.write('.. _example_' + dfilename[:-4] + ':\n\n')
+ # write converted ReST
+ dfile.write(exfile2rst(filename))
+ if opts.sourceref:
+ # write post example see also box
+ msg = """
+.. admonition:: Example source code
+ You can download :download:`the full source code of this example <%s>`.
+ This same script is also included in the %s source distribution under the
+ :file:`doc/examples/` directory.
+""" % (filename, opts.project)
+ dfile.write(msg)
+ dfile.close()
+def main():
+ parser = OptionParser( \
+ usage="%prog [options] <filename|directory> [...]", \
+ version="%prog 0.1", description="""\
+%prog converts Python scripts into restructered text (ReST) format suitable for
+integration into the Sphinx documentation framework. Its key feature is that it
+extracts stand-alone (unassigned) single, or multiline triple-quote docstrings
+and moves them out of the code listing so that they are rendered as regular
+ReST, while at the same time maintaining their position relative to the
+The detection of such docstrings is exclusively done by parsing the raw code so
+it is never actually imported into a running Python session. Docstrings have to
+be written using triple quotes (both forms " and ' are possible).
+It is recommend that such docstrings are preceded and followed by an empty line.
+Intended docstring can make use of the full linewidth from the second docstring
+line on. If the indentation of multiline docstring is maintained for all lines,
+the respective indentation is removed in the ReST output.
+The parser algorithm automatically excludes file headers and starts with the
+first (module-level) docstring instead.
+""" ) #'
+ # define options
+ parser.add_option('--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
+ default=False, help='print status messages')
+ parser.add_option('-x', '--exclude', action='append', dest='excluded',
+ help="""\
+Use this option to exclude single files from the to be parsed files. This is
+especially useful to exclude files when parsing complete directories. This
+option can be specified multiple times.
+ parser.add_option('-o', '--outdir', action='store', dest='outdir',
+ type='string', default=None, help="""\
+Target directory to write the ReST output to. This is a required option.
+ parser.add_option('--no-sourceref', action='store_false', default=True,
+ dest='sourceref', help="""\
+If specified, the source reference section will be suppressed.
+ parser.add_option('--project', type='string', action='store', default='',
+ dest='project', help="""\
+Name of the project that contains the examples. This name is used in the
+'seealso' source references. Default: ''
+ # parse options
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() # read sys.argv[1:] by default
+ # check for required options
+ if opts.outdir is None:
+ print('Required option -o, --outdir not specified.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # build up list of things to parse
+ toparse = []
+ for t in args:
+ # expand dirs
+ if os.path.isdir(t):
+ # add all python files in that dir
+ toparse += glob.glob(os.path.join(t, '*.py'))
+ else:
+ toparse.append(t)
+ # filter parse list
+ if not opts.excluded is None:
+ toparse = [t for t in toparse if not t in opts.excluded]
+ toparse_list = toparse
+ toparse = set(toparse)
+ if len(toparse) != len(toparse_list):
+ print('Ignoring duplicate parse targets.')
+ if not os.path.exists(opts.outdir):
+ os.mkdir(outdir)
+ # finally process all examples
+ for t in toparse:
+ exfile2rstfile(t, opts)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c214872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Simple tools to query and gather stats about issues.
+# Imports
+from __future__ import print_function
+import json
+import re
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from urllib import urlopen
+# Globals
+ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"
+PER_PAGE = 100
+element_pat = re.compile(r'<(.+?)>')
+rel_pat = re.compile(r'rel=[\'"](\w+)[\'"]')
+# Functions
+def parse_link_header(headers):
+ link_s = headers.get('link', '')
+ urls = element_pat.findall(link_s)
+ rels = rel_pat.findall(link_s)
+ d = {}
+ for rel,url in zip(rels, urls):
+ d[rel] = url
+ return d
+def get_paged_request(url):
+ """get a full list, handling APIv3's paging"""
+ results = []
+ while url:
+ print("fetching %s" % url, file=sys.stderr)
+ f = urlopen(url)
+ results.extend(json.load(f))
+ links = parse_link_header(f.headers)
+ url = links.get('next')
+ return results
+def get_issues(project="nipy/nitime", state="closed", pulls=False):
+ """Get a list of the issues from the Github API."""
+ which = 'pulls' if pulls else 'issues'
+ url = "" % (project, which, state, PER_PAGE)
+ return get_paged_request(url)
+def _parse_datetime(s):
+ """Parse dates in the format returned by the Github API."""
+ if s:
+ return datetime.strptime(s, ISO8601)
+ else:
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
+def issues2dict(issues):
+ """Convert a list of issues to a dict, keyed by issue number."""
+ idict = {}
+ for i in issues:
+ idict[i['number']] = i
+ return idict
+def is_pull_request(issue):
+ """Return True if the given issue is a pull request."""
+ return 'pull_request_url' in issue
+def issues_closed_since(period=timedelta(days=730), project="nipy/nitime", pulls=False):
+ """Get all issues closed since a particular point in time. period
+can either be a datetime object, or a timedelta object. In the
+latter case, it is used as a time before the present."""
+ which = 'pulls' if pulls else 'issues'
+ if isinstance(period, timedelta):
+ period = - period
+ url = "" % (project, which, period.strftime(ISO8601), PER_PAGE)
+ allclosed = get_paged_request(url)
+ # allclosed = get_issues(project=project, state='closed', pulls=pulls, since=period)
+ filtered = [i for i in allclosed if _parse_datetime(i['closed_at']) > period]
+ return filtered
+def sorted_by_field(issues, field='closed_at', reverse=False):
+ """Return a list of issues sorted by closing date date."""
+ return sorted(issues, key = lambda i:i[field], reverse=reverse)
+def report(issues, show_urls=False):
+ """Summary report about a list of issues, printing number and title.
+ """
+ # titles may have unicode in them, so we must encode everything below
+ if show_urls:
+ for i in issues:
+ role = 'ghpull' if 'merged' in i else 'ghissue'
+ print('* :%s:`%d`: %s' % (role, i['number'],
+ i['title'].encode('utf-8')))
+ else:
+ for i in issues:
+ print('* %d: %s' % (i['number'], i['title'].encode('utf-8')))
+# Main script
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Whether to add reST urls for all issues in printout.
+ show_urls = True
+ # By default, search one month back
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1:
+ days = int(sys.argv[1])
+ else:
+ days = 730
+ # turn off to play interactively without redownloading, use %run -i
+ if 1:
+ issues = issues_closed_since(timedelta(days=days), pulls=False)
+ pulls = issues_closed_since(timedelta(days=days), pulls=True)
+ # For regular reports, it's nice to show them in reverse chronological order
+ issues = sorted_by_field(issues, reverse=True)
+ pulls = sorted_by_field(pulls, reverse=True)
+ n_issues, n_pulls = map(len, (issues, pulls))
+ n_total = n_issues + n_pulls
+ # Print summary report we can directly include into release notes.
+ print("GitHub stats for the last %d days." % days)
+ print("We closed a total of %d issues, %d pull requests and %d regular \n"
+ "issues; this is the full list (generated with the script \n"
+ "`tools/`):" % (n_total, n_pulls, n_issues))
+ print()
+ print('Pull Requests (%d):\n' % n_pulls)
+ report(pulls, show_urls)
+ print()
+ print('Issues (%d):\n' % n_issues)
+ report(issues, show_urls)
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..000245a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+''' Checkout gitwash repo into directory and do search replace on name '''
+import os
+from os.path import join as pjoin
+import shutil
+import sys
+import re
+import glob
+import fnmatch
+import tempfile
+from subprocess import call
+verbose = False
+def clone_repo(url, branch):
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ try:
+ cmd = 'git clone %s %s' % (url, tmpdir)
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ os.chdir(tmpdir)
+ cmd = 'git checkout %s' % branch
+ call(cmd, shell=True)
+ except:
+ shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ return tmpdir
+def cp_files(in_path, globs, out_path):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(out_path)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ out_fnames = []
+ for in_glob in globs:
+ in_glob_path = pjoin(in_path, in_glob)
+ for in_fname in glob.glob(in_glob_path):
+ out_fname = in_fname.replace(in_path, out_path)
+ pth, _ = os.path.split(out_fname)
+ if not os.path.isdir(pth):
+ os.makedirs(pth)
+ shutil.copyfile(in_fname, out_fname)
+ out_fnames.append(out_fname)
+ return out_fnames
+def filename_search_replace(sr_pairs, filename, backup=False):
+ ''' Search and replace for expressions in files
+ '''
+ in_txt = open(filename, 'rt').read(-1)
+ out_txt = in_txt[:]
+ for in_exp, out_exp in sr_pairs:
+ in_exp = re.compile(in_exp)
+ out_txt = in_exp.sub(out_exp, out_txt)
+ if in_txt == out_txt:
+ return False
+ open(filename, 'wt').write(out_txt)
+ if backup:
+ open(filename + '.bak', 'wt').write(in_txt)
+ return True
+def copy_replace(replace_pairs,
+ out_path,
+ repo_url,
+ repo_branch = 'master',
+ cp_globs=('*',),
+ rep_globs=('*',),
+ renames = ()):
+ repo_path = clone_repo(repo_url, repo_branch)
+ try:
+ out_fnames = cp_files(repo_path, cp_globs, out_path)
+ finally:
+ shutil.rmtree(repo_path)
+ renames = [(re.compile(in_exp), out_exp) for in_exp, out_exp in renames]
+ fnames = []
+ for rep_glob in rep_globs:
+ fnames += fnmatch.filter(out_fnames, rep_glob)
+ if verbose:
+ print '\n'.join(fnames)
+ for fname in fnames:
+ filename_search_replace(replace_pairs, fname, False)
+ for in_exp, out_exp in renames:
+ new_fname, n = in_exp.subn(out_exp, fname)
+ if n:
+ os.rename(fname, new_fname)
+ break
+USAGE = ''' <output_directory> <project_name>
+If not set with options, the repository name is the same as the <project
+If not set with options, the main github user is the same as the
+repository name.'''
+GITWASH_BRANCH = 'master'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ parser = OptionParser()
+ parser.set_usage(parser.get_usage().strip() + USAGE)
+ parser.add_option("--repo-name", dest="repo_name",
+ help="repository name - e.g. nitime",
+ metavar="REPO_NAME")
+ parser.add_option("--github-user", dest="main_gh_user",
+ help="github username for main repo - e.g fperez",
+ metavar="MAIN_GH_USER")
+ parser.add_option("--gitwash-url", dest="gitwash_url",
+ help="URL to gitwash repository - default %s"
+ metavar="GITWASH_URL")
+ parser.add_option("--gitwash-branch", dest="gitwash_branch",
+ help="branch in gitwash repository - default %s"
+ metavar="GITWASH_BRANCH")
+ parser.add_option("--source-suffix", dest="source_suffix",
+ help="suffix of ReST source files - default '.rst'",
+ default='.rst',
+ metavar="SOURCE_SUFFIX")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit()
+ out_path, project_name = args
+ if options.repo_name is None:
+ options.repo_name = project_name
+ if options.main_gh_user is None:
+ options.main_gh_user = options.repo_name
+ copy_replace((('PROJECTNAME', project_name),
+ ('REPONAME', options.repo_name),
+ ('MAIN_GH_USER', options.main_gh_user)),
+ out_path,
+ options.gitwash_url,
+ options.gitwash_branch,
+ cp_globs=(pjoin('gitwash', '*'),),
+ rep_globs=('*.rst',),
+ renames=(('\.rst$', options.source_suffix),))
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..97ce75a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Run the py->rst conversion and run all examples.
+This also creates the index.rst file appropriately, makes figures, etc.
+# Library imports
+# Stdlib imports
+import os
+import sys
+from glob import glob
+# Third-party imports
+# We must configure the mpl backend before making any further mpl imports
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
+# Local tools
+from toollib import *
+# Globals
+examples_header = """
+.. _examples:
+.. include:: note_about_examples.txt
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+# Function defintions
+# These global variables let show() be called by the scripts in the usual
+# manner, but when generating examples, we override it to write the figures to
+# files with a known name (derived from the script name) plus a counter
+figure_basename = None
+# We must change the show command to save instead
+def show():
+ allfm = Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()
+ for fcount, fm in enumerate(allfm):
+ fm.canvas.figure.savefig('%s_%02i.png' %
+ (figure_basename, fcount+1))
+_mpl_show = = show
+# Main script
+# Work in examples directory
+if not os.getcwd().endswith('doc/examples'):
+ raise OSError('This must be run from doc/examples directory')
+# Run the conversion from .py to rst file
+sh('../../tools/ex2rst --project Nitime --outdir . .')
+# Make the index.rst file
+index = open('index.rst', 'w')
+for name in [os.path.splitext(f)[0] for f in glob('*.rst')]:
+ #Don't add the index in there to avoid sphinx errors and don't add the
+ #note_about examples again (because it was added at the top):
+ if name not in(['index','note_about_examples']):
+ index.write(' %s\n' % name)
+# Execute each python script in the directory.
+if '--no-exec' in sys.argv:
+ pass
+ if not os.path.isdir('fig'):
+ os.mkdir('fig')
+ for script in glob('*.py'):
+ figure_basename = pjoin('fig', os.path.splitext(script)[0])
+ execfile(script)
+ plt.close('all')
diff --git a/tools/release b/tools/release
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..26761a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/release
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Nitime release script.
+This should only be run at real release time.
+from toollib import *
+# Find our directory and go one above, regardless of where we were called from
+my_dir = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
+cd(pjoin(my_dir, '..'))
+# Load release info
+print "Releasing Nitime version %s" % __version__
+# Build release files
+# Register with the Python Package Index (PyPI)
+print "Registering with PyPI..."
+sh('./ register')
+# Upload all files
+print "Uploading distribution files..."
+sh('./ sdist upload')
+print "Done!"
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c9cb6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Script to run nose with coverage reporting without boilerplate params.
+ sneeze
+Coverage will be reported on the module extracted from the test file
+name by removing the 'test_' prefix and '.py' suffix. In the above
+example, we'd get the coverage on the coordinate_system module. The
+test file is searched for an import statement containing the module
+The nose command would look like this:
+nosetests -sv --with-coverage --cover-package=nipy.core.reference.coordinate_system
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import nose
+test_file = sys.argv[1]
+module = os.path.splitext(test_file)[0] # remove '.py' extension
+module = module.split('test_')[1] # remove 'test_' prefix
+regexp = "[\w\.]+%s"%module
+compexp = re.compile(regexp)
+cover_pkg = None
+fp = open(test_file, 'r')
+for line in fp:
+ if line.startswith('from') or line.startswith('import'):
+ pkg =, line)
+ if pkg:
+ cover_pkg =
+ break
+if cover_pkg:
+ cover_arg = '--cover-package=%s' % cover_pkg
+ sys.argv += ['-sv', '--with-coverage', cover_arg]
+ # Print out command for user feedback and debugging
+ cmd = 'nosetests -sv --with-coverage %s %s' % (cover_arg, test_file)
+ print cmd
+ print
+ raise ValueError('Unable to find module %s imported in test file %s'
+ % (module, test_file))
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe7f437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+"""Various utilities common to IPython release and maintenance tools.
+# Library imports
+import os
+import sys
+import compileall
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, CalledProcessError, check_call
+from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree
+# Useful shorthands
+pjoin = os.path.join
+cd = os.chdir
+# Utility functions
+# Functions
+def sh(cmd):
+ """Execute command in a subshell, return status code."""
+ return check_call(cmd, shell=True)
+def compile_tree():
+ """Compile all Python files below current directory."""
+ vstr = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))
+ ca = compileall.__file__
+ stat = os.system('python %s .' % ca)
+ if stat:
+ msg = '*** ERROR: Some Python files in tree do NOT compile! ***\n'
+ msg += 'See messages above for the actual file that produced it.\n'
+ raise SystemExit(msg)