path: root/Docs/src/headers.but
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Docs/src/headers.but')
1 files changed, 2605 insertions, 2605 deletions
diff --git a/Docs/src/headers.but b/Docs/src/headers.but
index 4425eb7..72640f7 100755
--- a/Docs/src/headers.but
+++ b/Docs/src/headers.but
@@ -1,2605 +1,2605 @@
-\A{headers} Useful Headers
-\H{filefunc} File Functions Header
-\S1{} Introduction
-Include header:
-\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
-Include function "GetFileExt" for install and "GetParent" for uninstall:
-\c !insertmacro GetFileExt
-\c !insertmacro un.GetParent
-Call functions:
-\c Section Install
-\c ${GetFileExt} "C:\My Downloads\Index.html" $R0
-\c ; $R0="html"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section un.Install
-\c ${un.GetParent} "C:\My Downloads\Index.html" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\My Downloads"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{locate} Locate
-\b Find files, directories and empty directories with mask and size options.
-\c ${Locate} "[Path]" "[Options]" "Function"
-\c "[Path]" ; Disk or Directory
-\c ;
-\c "[Options]" ; /L=[FD|F|D|DE|FDE]
-\c ; /L=FD - Locate Files and Directories (default)
-\c ; /L=F - Locate Files only
-\c ; /L=D - Locate Directories only
-\c ; /L=DE - Locate Empty Directories only
-\c ; /L=FDE - Locate Files and Empty Directories
-\c ; /M=[mask]
-\c ; /M=*.* - Locate all (default)
-\c ; /M=*.doc - Locate Work.doc, 1.doc ...
-\c ; /M=Pho* - Locate PHOTOS, phone.txt ...
-\c ; /M=win???.exe - Locate winamp.exe, winver.exe ...
-\c ; /M=winamp.exe - Locate winamp.exe only
-\c ; /S=No:No[B|K|M|G]
-\c ; /S= - Don't locate file size (faster) (default)
-\c ; /S=0:0B - Locate only files of 0 Bytes exactly
-\c ; /S=5:9K - Locate only files of 5 to 9 Kilobytes
-\c ; /S=:10M - Locate only files of 10 Megabyte or less
-\c ; /S=1G - Locate only files of 1 Gigabyte or more
-\c ; /G=[1|0]
-\c ; /G=1 - Locate with subdirectories (default)
-\c ; /G=0 - Locate without subdirectories
-\c ; /B=[0|1]
-\c ; /B=0 - Banner isn't used (default)
-\c ; /B=1 - Banner is used. Callback when function
-\c ; start to search in new directory
-\c "Function" ; Callback function when found
-\c Function "Function"
-\c ; $R9 "path\name"
-\c ; $R8 "path"
-\c ; $R7 "name"
-\c ; $R6 "size" ($R6="" if directory, $R6="0" if file with /S=)
-\c ; $R0-$R5 are not used (save data in them).
-\c ; ...
-\c Push $var ; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk or directory isn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Locate plugin}
-\\<b\\>Example (Find one file):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /M=RPC DCOM.rar /S=1K" "Example1"
-\c ; 'RPC DCOM.rar' file in 'C:\ftp' with size 1 Kb or more
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0=$R0"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example1
-\c StrCpy $R0 $R9
-\c ; $R0="C:\ftp\files\RPC DCOM.rar"
-\c MessageBox MB_YESNO '$R0$\n$\nFind next?' IDYES +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Write results to a text file):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c GetTempFileName $R0
-\c FileOpen $R1 $R0 w
-\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/S=:2M /G=0" "Example2"
-\c ; folders and all files with size 2 Mb or less
-\c ; don't scan subdirectories
-\c FileClose $R1
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example2
-\c StrCmp $R6 '' 0 +3
-\c FileWrite $R1 "Directory=$R9$\r$\n"
-\c goto +2
-\c FileWrite $R1 "File=$R9 Size=$R6 Mb$\r$\n"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Write results to an INI file):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c GetTempFileName $R0
-\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /S=0K" "Example3"
-\c ; all files in 'C:\ftp' with size detect in Kb
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example3
-\c WriteINIStr $R0 "$R8" "$R7" "$R6 Kb"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Delete empty directories):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R2 0
-\c StrCpy $R3 0
-\c loop:
-\c StrCpy $R1 0
-\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=DE" "Example4"
-\c IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1
-\c IntOp $R2 $R2 + $R1
-\c StrCmp $R0 StopLocate +2
-\c StrCmp $R1 0 0 loop
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error' IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 directories were removed$\n$R3 loops'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example4
-\c MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL 'Delete empty "$R9"?' IDNO end IDCANCEL cancel
-\c RMDir $R9
-\c IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
-\c goto end
-\c cancel:
-\c StrCpy $R0 StopLocate
-\c end:
-\c Push $R0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Move all files into one folder):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory move from
-\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory move into
-\c StrCpy $R2 0
-\c StrCpy $R3 0
-\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=F" "Example5"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error' IDOK +4
-\c StrCmp $R3 0 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 files were moved' IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 files were moved$\n$R3 files were NOT moved'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example5
-\c StrCmp $R8 $R1 +6
-\c IfFileExists '$R1\$R7' +4
-\c Rename $R9 '$R1\$R7'
-\c IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
-\c goto +2
-\c IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Copy files with log):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory copy from
-\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory copy into
-\c StrLen $R2 $R0
-\c GetTempFileName $0
-\c FileOpen $R3 $0 w
-\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=FDE" "Example6"
-\c FileClose $R3
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error'
-\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$0"' ;view log
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example6
-\c StrCpy $1 $R8 '' $R2
-\c StrCmp $R6 '' 0 +3
-\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1\$R7'
-\c goto end
-\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
-\c CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 '$R1$1'
-\c IfFileExists '$R1$1\$R7' 0 +3
-\c FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -success$\r$\n"
-\c goto +2
-\c FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -failed$\r$\n"
-\c end:
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Recreate directory structure):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory structure from
-\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory structure into
-\c StrLen $R2 $R0
-\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=D" "Example7"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example7
-\c StrCpy $1 $R9 '' $R2
-\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Locate with banner - \W{}{NxS plugin} required):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c nxs::Show /NOUNLOAD `$(^Name) Setup` /top `Setup searching something$\r$\nPlease wait... If you can..` /h 1 /can 1 /end
-\c ${Locate} "C:\WINDOWS" "/L=F /M=*.inf /B=1" "Example8"
-\c nxs::Destroy
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example8
-\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 abortcheck
-\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
-\c nxs::Update /NOUNLOAD /sub "$R8" /pos 78 /end
-\c abortcheck:
-\c nxs::HasUserAborted /NOUNLOAD
-\c Pop $0
-\c StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
-\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
-\c ;...
-\c end:
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{getsize} GetSize
-\b Find the size of a file, files mask or directory.
-\b Find the sum of the files, directories and subdirectories.
-\c ${GetSize} "[Path]" "[Options]" $var1 $var2 $var3
-\c "[Path]" ; Disk or Directory
-\c ;
-\c "[Options]" ; /M=[mask]
-\c ; /M=*.* - Find all (default)
-\c ; /M=*.doc - Find Work.doc, 1.doc ...
-\c ; /M=Pho* - Find PHOTOS, phone.txt ...
-\c ; /M=win???.exe - Find winamp.exe, winver.exe ...
-\c ; /M=winamp.exe - Find winamp.exe only
-\c ; /S=No:No[B|K|M|G]
-\c ; /S= - Don't find file size (faster) (default)
-\c ; /S=0:0B - Find only files of 0 Bytes exactly
-\c ; /S=5:9K - Find only files of 5 to 9 Kilobytes
-\c ; /S=:10M - Find only files of 10 Megabyte or less
-\c ; /S=1G - Find only files of 1 Gigabyte or more
-\c ; /G=[1|0]
-\c ; /G=1 - Find with subdirectories (default)
-\c ; /G=0 - Find without subdirectories
-\c ;
-\c $var1 ; Result1: Size
-\c $var2 ; Result2: Sum of files
-\c $var3 ; Result3: Sum of directories
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk or directory isn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Locate plugin}
-\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ; Find file size "C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe" in kilobytes
-\c ${GetSize} "C:\WINDOWS" "/M=Explorer.exe /S=0K /G=0" $0 $1 $2
-\c ; $0="220" Kb
-\c ; $1="1" files
-\c ; $2="" directories
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ; Find folder size "C:\Installs\Reanimator\Drivers" in megabytes
-\c ${GetSize} "C:\Installs\Reanimator\Drivers" "/S=0M" $0 $1 $2
-\c ; $0="132" Mb
-\c ; $1="555" files
-\c ; $2="55" directories
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ; Find sum of files and folders "C:\WINDOWS" (no subfolders)
-\c ${GetSize} "C:\WINDOWS" "/G=0" $0 $1 $2
-\c ; $0="" size
-\c ; $1="253" files
-\c ; $2="46" directories
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{drivespace} DriveSpace
-\b Get total, occupied or free space of the drive.
-\c ${DriveSpace} "[Drive]" "[Options]" $var
-\c "[Drive]" ; Disk to check
-\c ;
-\c "[Options]" ; /D=[T|O|F]
-\c ; /D=T - Total space (default)
-\c ; /D=O - Occupied space
-\c ; /D=F - Free space
-\c ; /S=[B|K|M|G]
-\c ; /S=B - size in Bytes (default)
-\c ; /S=K - size in Kilobytes
-\c ; /S=M - size in Megabytes
-\c ; /S=G - size in Gigabytes
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: Size
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk isn't exist or not ready
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\c Section
-\c ${DriveSpace} "C:\" "/D=F /S=M" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2530" megabytes free on drive C:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getdrives} GetDrives
-\b Find all available drives in the system.
-\c ${GetDrives} "[Option]" "Function"
-\c "[Option]" ; [FDD+HDD+CDROM+NET+RAM]
-\c ; FDD Floppy Disk Drives
-\c ; HDD Hard Disk Drives
-\c ; CDROM CD-ROM Drives
-\c ; NET Network Drives
-\c ; RAM RAM Disk Drives
-\c ;
-\c ; [ALL]
-\c ; Find all drives by letter (default)
-\c ;
-\c "Function" ; Callback function when found
-\c Function "Function"
-\c ; $9 "drive letter" (a:\ c:\ ...)
-\c ; $8 "drive type" (FDD HDD ...)
-\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
-\c ; ...
-\c Push $var ; If $var="StopGetDrives" Then exit from function
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetDrives} "FDD+CDROM" "Example1"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example1
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "$9 ($8 Drive)"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetDrives} "ALL" "Example2"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "$9 ($8 Drive)"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example3 (Get type of drive):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 "D:\" ;Drive letter
-\c StrCpy $R1 "invalid"
-\c ${GetDrives} "ALL" "Example3"
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Type of drive $R0 is $R1"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example3
-\c StrCmp $9 $R0 0 +3
-\c StrCpy $R1 $8
-\c StrCpy $0 StopGetDrives
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{gettime} GetTime
-\b Get local or system time.
-\b Get file time (access, creation and modification).
-\c ${GetTime} "[File]" "[Option]" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
-\c "[File]" ; Ignored if "L" or "LS"
-\c ;
-\c "[Option]" ; [Options]
-\c ; L Local time
-\c ; A last Access file time
-\c ; C Creation file time
-\c ; M Modification file time
-\c ; LS System time (UTC)
-\c ; AS last Access file time (UTC)
-\c ; CS Creation file time (UTC)
-\c ; MS Modification file time (UTC)
-\c ;
-\c $var1 ; Result1: day
-\c $var2 ; Result2: month
-\c $var3 ; Result3: year
-\c $var4 ; Result4: day of week name
-\c $var5 ; Result5: hour
-\c $var6 ; Result6: minute
-\c $var7 ; Result7: seconds
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file isn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Time plugin}
-\\<b\\>Example (Get local time):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${GetTime} "" "L" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
-\c ; $0="01" day
-\c ; $1="04" month
-\c ; $2="2005" year
-\c ; $3="Friday" day of week name
-\c ; $4="16" hour
-\c ; $5="05" minute
-\c ; $6="50" seconds
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Get file time):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${GetTime} "$WINDIR\Explorer.exe" "C" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
-\c ; $0="12" day
-\c ; $1="10" month
-\c ; $2="2004" year
-\c ; $3="Tuesday" day of week name
-\c ; $4="2" hour
-\c ; $5="32" minute
-\c ; $6="03" seconds
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Get system time):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${GetTime} "" "LS" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
-\c ; $0="01" day
-\c ; $1="04" month
-\c ; $2="2005" year
-\c ; $3="Friday" day of week name
-\c ; $4="11" hour
-\c ; $5="05" minute
-\c ; $6="50" seconds
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Convert time to 12-hour format AM/PM):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${GetTime} "" "L" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
-\c StrCmp $4 0 0 +3
-\c StrCpy $4 12
-\c goto +3
-\c StrCmp $4 12 +5
-\c IntCmp $4 12 0 0 +3
-\c StrCpy $7 AM
-\c goto +3
-\c IntOp $4 $4 - 12
-\c StrCpy $7 PM
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6 $7'
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getfileattributes} GetFileAttributes
-\b Get attributes of file or directory.
-\c ${GetFileAttributes} "[File]" "[Attributes]" $var
-\c "[File]" ; File or directory
-\c ;
-\c "[Attributes]" ; "ALL" (default)
-\c ; -all attributes of file combined with "|" to output
-\c ;
-\c ; -file must have specified attributes
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result:
-\c ; $var=attr1|attr2|... (if used "ALL")
-\c ; $var=1 file has specified attributes
-\c ; $var=0 file has no specified attributes
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "ALL" $R0
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "SYSTEM|HIDDEN" $R0
-\c ; $R0=1
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "NORMAL" $R0
-\c ; $R0=0
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getfileversion} GetFileVersion
-\b Get version information from executable file.
-\c ${GetFileVersion} "[Executable]" $var
-\c "[Executable]" ; Executable file (*.exe *.dll ...)
-\c $var ; Result: Version number
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't contain version information
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileVersion} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
-\c ; $R0=""
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getexename} GetExeName
-\b Get installer filename (with valid case for Windows 98/Me).
-\c ${GetExeName} $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetExeName} $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\ftp\program.exe"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getexepath} GetExePath
-\b Get installer pathname ($EXEDIR with valid case for Windows 98/Me).
-\c ${GetExePath} $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetExePath} $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\ftp"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{headers_getparameters} GetParameters
-\b Get command line parameters.
-\c ${GetParameters} $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetParameters} $R0
-\c ; $R0="[parameters]"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getoptions} GetOptions
-\b Get options from command line parameters.
-\c ${GetOptions} "[Parameters]" "[Option]" $var
-\c "[Parameters]" ; command line parameters
-\c ;
-\c "[Option]" ; option name
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: option string
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if option not found
-\\<br\\>- First option symbol it is delimiter
-\c Section
-\c ${GetOptions} "/S /T" "/T" $R0
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Not found" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Found"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetOptions} "-INSTDIR=C:\Program Files\Common Files -SILENT=yes" "-INSTDIR=" $R0
-\c ;$R0=C:\Program Files\Common Files
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetOptions} '/SILENT=yes /INSTDIR="C:/Program Files/Common Files" /ADMIN=password' "/INSTDIR=" $R0
-\c ;$R0=C:/Program Files/Common Files
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetOptions} `-SILENT=yes -INSTDIR='"C:/Program Files/Common Files"' -ADMIN=password` "-INSTDIR=" $R0
-\c ;$R0="C:/Program Files/Common Files"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getoptionss} GetOptionsS
-\b Same as \R{getoptions}{GetOptions}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{getroot} GetRoot
-\b Get root directory.
-\c ${GetRoot} "[FullPath]" $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetRoot} "C:\Program Files\NSIS" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${GetRoot} "\\SuperPimp\NSIS\Source\exehead\Ui.c" $R0
-\c ; $R0="\\SuperPimp\NSIS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{headers_getparent} GetParent
-\b Get parent directory.
-\c ${GetParent} "[PathString]" $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetParent} "C:\Program Files\Winamp\uninstwa.exe" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\Program Files\Winamp"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getfilename} GetFileName
-\b Get last part from directory path.
-\c ${GetFileName} "[PathString]" $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileName} "C:\Program Files\Winamp\uninstwa.exe" $R0
-\c ; $R0="uninstwa.exe"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getbasename} GetBaseName
-\b Get file name without extension.
-\c ${GetBaseName} "[FileString]" $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetBaseName} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
-\c ; $R0="program"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{getfileext} GetFileExt
-\b Get extension of file.
-\c ${GetFileExt} "[FileString]" $var
-\c Section
-\c ${GetFileExt} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
-\c ; $R0="exe"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{bannertrimpath} BannerTrimPath
-\b Trim string path for banner.
-\c ${BannerTrimPath} "[PathString]" "[Option]" $var
-\c "[PathString]" ;
-\c ;
-\c "[Option]" ; [Length][A|B|C|D]
-\c ;
-\c ; Length -Maximum string length
-\c ; A -Trim center path (default)
-\c ; (C:\root\...\third path)
-\c ; If A mode not possible Then will be used B mode
-\c ; B -Trim right path
-\c ; (C:\root\second path\...)
-\c ; If B mode not possible Then will be used C mode
-\c ; C -Trim right string
-\c ; (C:\root\second path\third p...)
-\c ; D -Trim right string + filename
-\c ; (C:\root\second p...\third path)
-\c ; If D mode not possible Then will be used C mode
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: Trimmed path
-\c Section
-\c ${BannerTrimPath} "C:\Server\Documents\Terminal\license.htm" "35A" $R0
-\c ;$R0=C:\Server\...\Terminal\license.htm
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Banner plugin):\\</b\\>
-\c !include "WinMessages.nsh"
-\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
-\c !insertmacro Locate
-\c Section
-\c Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Starting..."
-\c Banner::getWindow /NOUNLOAD
-\c Pop $R1
-\c ${Locate} "$WINDIR" "/L=F /M=*.* /B=1" "LocateCallback"
-\c Banner::destroy
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function LocateCallback
-\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 code
-\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
-\c ${BannerTrimPath} "$R8" "38B" $R8
-\c GetDlgItem $1 $R1 1030
-\c SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$R8"
-\c code:
-\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
-\c ;...
-\c end:
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (\W{}{NxS plugin}):\\</b\\>
-\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
-\c !insertmacro Locate
-\c Section
-\c nxs::Show /NOUNLOAD `$(^Name) Setup`\
-\c /top `Setup searching something$\nPlease wait$\nIf you can...`\
-\c /h 1 /can 1 /end
-\c ${Locate} "$WINDIR" "/L=F /M=*.* /B=1" "LocateCallback"
-\c nxs::Destroy
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function LocateCallback
-\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 abortcheck
-\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
-\c ${BannerTrimPath} "$R8" "55A" $R8
-\c nxs::Update /NOUNLOAD /sub "$R8" /pos 78 /end
-\c abortcheck:
-\c nxs::HasUserAborted /NOUNLOAD
-\c Pop $0
-\c StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
-\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
-\c ;...
-\c end:
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{dirstate} DirState
-\b Check directory full, empty or not exist.
-\c ${DirState} "[path]" $var
-\c "[path]" ; Directory
-\c $var ; Result:
-\c ; $var=0 (empty)
-\c ; $var=1 (full)
-\c ; $var=-1 (directory not found)
-\c Section
-\c ${DirState} "$TEMP" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1" directory is full
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{refreshshellicons} RefreshShellIcons
-\b After changing file associations, you can call this function to refresh the shell immediately.
-\c ${RefreshShellIcons}
-\c Section
-\c WriteRegStr HKCR "Winamp.File\DefaultIcon" "" "$PROGRAMFILES\Winamp\WINAMP.EXE,2"
-\c ${RefreshShellIcons}
-\c SectionEnd
-\H{textfunc} Text Functions Header
-\S1{} Introduction
-Include header:
-\c !include "TextFunc.nsh"
-Include function "LineRead" for install and "TrimNewLines" for uninstall:
-\c !insertmacro LineRead
-\c !insertmacro un.TrimNewLines
-Call functions:
-\c Section Install
-\c ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section un.Install
-\c ${un.TrimNewLines} "Last line$\r$\n" $R0
-\c ; $R0="Last line"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{linefind} LineFind
-\b Find specified lines in text file, and edit or view these lines in callback function.
-\c ${LineFind} "[File1]" "[File2|/NUL]" "[LineNumbers]" "Function"
-\c "[File1]" ; Input text file
-\c ;
-\c "[File2|/NUL]" ; [File2]
-\c ; Output text file
-\c ; If empty then File2=File1
-\c ; [/NUL]
-\c ; No output text file (only read File1)
-\c ;
-\c "[LineNumbers]" ; [No|-No|No:No|{No}|{-No}|{No:No}]
-\c ; 1:-1 all lines to change (default)
-\c ; 2 second line from start
-\c ; -3 third line from end
-\c ; 5:9 range of lines from 5 to 9
-\c ; {2} only second line from start to output
-\c ; {-3} only third line from end to output
-\c ; {5:9} only range of lines from 5 to 9 to output
-\c ;
-\c "Function" ; Callback function for specified lines
-\c Function "Function"
-\c ; $R9 current line
-\c ; $R8 current line number
-\c ; $R7 current line negative number
-\c ; $R6 current range of lines
-\c ; $R5 handle of a file opened to read
-\c ; $R4 handle of a file opened to write ($R4="" if "/NUL")
-\c ; you can use any string functions
-\c ; $R0-$R3 are not used (save data in them).
-\c ; ...
-\c Push $var ; If $var="StopLineFind" Then exit from function
-\c ; If $var="SkipWrite" Then skip current line (ignored if "/NUL")
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if output file path doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Ranges must be specified on growth (2 4:5 9:-8 -5:-4 -2:-1)
-\\<br\\>- Output file will not be updated if no changes made.
-\\<b\\>Example1 (delete first two symbols):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\a-edited.log" "3:-1" "Example1"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example1
-\c ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
-\c StrCpy $R9 $R9 '' 2
-\c StrCpy $R9 '$R9$\r$\n'
-\c ;start from 3 line and delete first two symbols
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example2 (show changed lines):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "a.log" "{5:12 15 -6:-5 -1}" "Example2"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example2
-\c ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
-\c StrCpy $R9 "$R9 ~Changed line ($R8)~$\r$\n"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example3 (delete lines):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "\logs\a.log" "2:3 10:-5 -3:-2" "Example3"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example3
-\c StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example4 (insert lines):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "" "10" "Example4
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example4
-\c FileWrite $R4 "---First Line---$\r$\n"
-\c FileWrite $R4 "---Second Line ...---$\r$\n"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example5 (replace in file with count of changes - "WordFunc.nsh" required):\\</b\\>
-\c !include "WordFunc.nsh"
-\c !insertmacro WordReplace
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 0
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "1:-1" "Example5"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Changed lines=$R0"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example5
-\c StrCpy $1 $R9
-\c ${WordReplace} '$R9' ' ' '_' '+*' $R9
-\c StrCmp $1 $R9 +2
-\c IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1
-\c ;$R0 count of changed lines
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example6 (line string to cut or delete):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "" "Example6"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Processed lines=$R1:$R2"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example6
-\c ;(Cut lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
-\c StrCmp $R0 finish stop
-\c StrCmp $R0 start finish
-\c StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
-\c StrCpy $R0 start
-\c StrCpy $R1 $R8
-\c goto code
-\c finish:
-\c StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 code
-\c StrCpy $R0 finish
-\c StrCpy $R2 $R8
-\c goto code
-\c skip:
-\c StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
-\c goto output
-\c stop:
-\c StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
-\c goto output
-\c ;;(Delete lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
-\c ; StrCmp $R0 finish code
-\c ; StrCmp $R0 start finish
-\c ; StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 code
-\c ; StrCpy $R0 start
-\c ; StrCpy $R1 $R8
-\c ; goto skip
-\c ; finish:
-\c ; StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
-\c ; StrCpy $R0 finish
-\c ; StrCpy $R2 $R8
-\c ; skip:
-\c ; StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
-\c ; goto output
-\c code:
-\c ;...
-\c output:
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example7 (read lines):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "/NUL" "1:-1" "Example7"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example7
-\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '$$R9 "Line"=[$R9]$\n$$R8 "#" =[$R8]' IDOK +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{lineread} LineRead
-\b Get line in file specified with number.
-\c ${LineRead} "[File]" "[LineNumber]" $var
-\c "[File]" ; Input text file
-\c ;
-\c "[LineNumber]" ; [No|-No]
-\c ; 3 line number from start
-\c ; -5 line number from end
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: Line
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if line number not found
-\c Section
-\c ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{filereadfromend} FileReadFromEnd
-\b Read text file from end line by line.
-\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "[File]" "Function"
-\c "[File]" ; Input text file
-\c "Function" ; Callback function
-\c Function "Function"
-\c ; $9 current line
-\c ; $8 current line number
-\c ; $7 current line negative number
-\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
-\c ; ...
-\c Push $var ; If $var="StopFileReadFromEnd" Then exit from function
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
-\c Section
-\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example1"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example1
-\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '"Line"=[$9]$\n "#"=[$8]$\n "-#"=[$7]' IDOK +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopFileReadFromEnd
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example2 (Reverse text file):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c GetTempFileName $R0
-\c FileOpen $R1 $R0 w
-\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example2"
-\c FileClose $R1
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example2
-\c StrCmp $7 -1 0 +5
-\c StrCpy $1 $9 1 -1
-\c StrCmp $1 '$\n' +3
-\c StrCmp $1 '$\r' +2
-\c StrCpy $9 '$9$\r$\n'
-\c FileWrite $R1 "$9"
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{linesum} LineSum
-\b Get sum of lines in text file.
-\c ${LineSum} "[File]" $var
-\c "[File]" ; Input file
-\c $var ; Result: Sum of lines
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
-\c Section
-\c ${LineSum} "C:\a.log" $R0
-\c ; $R0="54"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{filejoin} FileJoin
-\b Join two files in one (File1 + File2 = File3).
-\c ${FileJoin} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[File3]"
-\c "[File1]" ; Input File1
-\c "[File2]" ; Input File2
-\c "[File3]" ; Output File3
-\c ; If [File3]="" Then add [File2] to [File1]
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if input files don't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if output file path doesn't exist
-\\<b\\>Example1 (Join: a.log + b.log = Z.log):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\Z.log"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example2 (Add: a.log + b.log = a.log):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\a.log"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{textcompare} TextCompare
-\b Compare two text files.
-\c ${TextCompare} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[Option]" "Function"
-\c "[File1]" ; File1 Compare these lines
-\c "[File2]" ; File2 Compare with these lines
-\c "[Options]" ; (line-by-line):
-\c ; FastDiff Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
-\c ; Call function if Different lines found
-\c ; FastEqual Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
-\c ; Call function if Equal lines found
-\c ; (line number independent):
-\c ; SlowDiff Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
-\c ; Call function if line N (File1) Different
-\c ; SlowEqual Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
-\c ; Call function if line N (File1) Equal
-\c "Function" ; Callback function
-\c Function "Function"
-\c ; $9 "Line File1"
-\c ; $8 "Line number"
-\c ; $7 "Line File2" (empty if SlowDiff)
-\c ; $6 "Line number" (empty if SlowDiff)
-\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
-\c ; ...
-\c Push $var ; If $var="StopTextCompare" Then exit from function
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if File1 or File2 doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\\<b\\>Example (Different or Equal):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 ''
-\c ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example1"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +4
-\c StrCmp $R0 NotEqual 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Files differ" IDOK +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Files identical"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example1
-\c StrCpy $R0 NotEqual
-\c StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Compare line-by-line - Different):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
-\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
-\c GetTempFileName $R2
-\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
-\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
-\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastDiff" "Example2"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Function Example2
-\c FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
-\c FileWrite $R3 '$6=$7$\r$\n'
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Compare line-by-line - Equal):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
-\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
-\c GetTempFileName $R2
-\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
-\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
-\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastEqual" "Example3"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Function Example3
-\c FileWrite $R3 '$8|$6=$9'
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Compare all lines - Different):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
-\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
-\c GetTempFileName $R2
-\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
-\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
-\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
-\c FileWrite $R3 "$\r$\n$R1 | $R0$\r$\n"
-\c ${TextCompare} "$R1" "$R0" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
-\c FileClose $R3
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
-\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
-\c end:
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Function Example4
-\c FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Compare all lines - Equal):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
-\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
-\c GetTempFileName $R2
-\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
-\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
-\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "SlowEqual" "Example5"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
-\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
-\c FunctionEnd
-\c Function Example5
-\c FileWrite $R3 '$8|$6=$9'
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Show variables):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example6"
-\c IfErrors 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Example6
-\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '$$9 "Line File1" =[$9]$\n$$8 "Line #" =[$8]$\n$$7 "Line File2" =[$7]$\n$$6 "Line #" =[$6]' IDOK +2
-\c StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
-\c Push $0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{textcompares} TextCompareS
-\b Same as \R{textcompare}{TextCompare}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{configread} ConfigRead
-\b Read value from entry name in config file.
-\c ${ConfigRead} "[File]" "[Entry]" $var
-\c "[File]" ; config file
-\c ;
-\c "[Entry]" ; entry name
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: Value
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if entry not found
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
-\c Section
-\c ${ConfigRead} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" $R0
-\c ;$R0=C:\WINDOWS
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${ConfigRead} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " $R0
-\c ;$R0=30
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{configreads} ConfigReadS
-\b Same as \R{configread}{ConfigRead}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{configwrite} ConfigWrite
-\b Write value from entry name in config file.
-\c ${ConfigWrite} "[File]" "[Entry]" "[Value]" $var
-\c "[File]" ; config file
-\c ;
-\c "[Entry]" ; entry name
-\c ;
-\c "[Value]" ; value name
-\c ; if "" then delete Entry
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result:
-\c ; $var=CHANGED Value is written
-\c ; $var=DELETED Entry is deleted
-\c ; $var=ADDED Entry and Value are added
-\c ; $var=SAME Entry and Value already exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file can't be opened
-\c Section
-\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" "D:\WINDOWS" $R0
-\c ;$R0=CHANGED
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "30" $R0
-\c ;$R0=SAME
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "" $R0
-\c ;$R0=DELETED
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{configwrites} ConfigWriteS
-\b Same as \R{configwrite}{ConfigWrite}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{filerecode} FileRecode
-\b Recode text file from DOS to Windows format and vice-versa.
-\c ${FileRecode} "[File]" "[Format]"
-\c "[File]" ;
-\c ;
-\c "[Format]" ; OemToChar -from DOS to Windows
-\c ; CharToOem -from Windows to DOS
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\c Section
-\c ${FileRecode} "C:\SCANDISK.LOG" "CharToOem"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{headers_trimnewlines} TrimNewLines
-\b Trim newlines in a string.
-\c ${TrimNewLines} "[string]" $var
-\c "[string]" ; Input string
-\c $var ; Result: String without '$\r' and '$\n' at the end
-\c Section
-\c ${TrimNewLines} "Text line$\r$\n" $R0
-\c ; $R0="Text line"
-\c SectionEnd
-\H{wordfunc} Word Functions Header
-\S1{} Introduction
-Include header:
-\c !include "WordFunc.nsh"
-Include function "WordFind" for install and "WordReplace" for uninstall:
-\c !insertmacro WordFind
-\c !insertmacro un.WordReplace
-Call functions:
-\c Section Install
-\c ${WordFind} "A--H---S" "-" "+2" $R0
-\c ; $R0="H"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section un.Install
-\c ${un.WordReplace} "A--H---S" "-" "x" "+3*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="A--HxS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordfind} WordFind
-\b Multi-features string function.
-\c Strings:
-\c "[word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter][word+3]..."
-\c "[delimiter][word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter]..."
-\c "[delimiter][delimiter][word+1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]..."
-\c "...[word-3][delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1]"
-\c "...[delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1][delimiter]"
-\c "...[delimiter][delimiter][word-1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]"
-\\<b\\>Syntax: \\</b\\>
-\c ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
-\c ; one or several symbols
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +number : word number from start
-\c ; -number : word number from end
-\c ; +number} : delimiter number from start
-\c ; all space after this
-\c ; delimiter to output
-\c ; +number{ : delimiter number from start
-\c ; all space before this
-\c ; delimiter to output
-\c ; +number}} : word number from start
-\c ; all space after this word
-\c ; to output
-\c ; +number{{ : word number from start
-\c ; all space before this word
-\c ; to output
-\c ; +number{} : word number from start
-\c ; all space before and after
-\c ; this word (word exclude)
-\c ; +number*} : word number from start
-\c ; all space after this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; +number{* : word number from start
-\c ; all space before this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; # : sum of words to output
-\c ; * : sum of delimiters to output
-\c ; /word : number of word to output
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 delimiter not found
-\c ; $var=2 no such word number
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1},#,*,/word,...)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<br\\>- Accepted numbers 1,01,001,...
-\\<b\\>Example (Find word by number):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "-02" $R0
-\c ; $R0="Program Files"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Delimiter exclude):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "-2}" $R0
-\c ; $R0=" C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Sum of words):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "#" $R0
-\c ; $R0="3"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Sum of delimiters):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Find word number):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " " "/Files" $R0
-\c ; $R0="3"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example ( \}\} ):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2}}" $R0
-\c ; $R0=" C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example ( \{\} ):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2{}" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example ( *\} ):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2*}" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Get parent directory):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\Program Files\NSIS\NSIS.chm"
-\c ; "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\"
-\c ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\NSIS.chm"
-\c ${WordFind} "$R0" "\" "-2{*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\Program Files\NSIS"
-\c ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Coordinates):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C"
-\c IfErrors end
-\c StrLen $0 $R0 ; $0 = Start position of word (11)
-\c StrLen $1 ':\lo' ; $1 = Word length (4)
-\c ; StrCpy $R0 $R1 $1 $0 ; $R0 = :\lo
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "E[options]" $R0
-\c IfErrors 0 end
-\c StrCmp $R0 1 0 +2 ; errorlevel 1?
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'delimiter not found' IDOK end
-\c StrCmp $R0 2 0 +2 ; errorlevel 2?
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'no such word number' IDOK end
-\c StrCmp $R0 3 0 +2 ; errorlevel 3?
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'syntax error'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Without errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "_" "+1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" (error: delimiter "_" not found)
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (If found):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
-\c IfErrors notfound found
-\c found:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
-\c notfound:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (If found 2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "+1{" $R0
-\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" notfound found ; error?
-\c found:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
-\c notfound:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (To accept one word in string if delimiter not found):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c StrCpy $0 'OneWord'
-\c StrCpy $1 1
-\c loop:
-\c ${WordFind} "$0" " " "E+$1" $R0
-\c IfErrors 0 code
-\c StrCmp $1$R0 11 0 error
-\c StrCpy $R0 $0
-\c goto end
-\c code:
-\c ; ...
-\c IntOp $1 $1 + 1
-\c goto loop
-\c error:
-\c StrCpy $1 ''
-\c StrCpy $R0 ''
-\c end:
-\c ; $R0="OneWord"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordfinds} WordFindS
-\b Same as \R{wordfind}{WordFind}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{wordfind2x} WordFind2X
-\b Find word between two delimiters.
-\c Strings:
-\c "[delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][delimiter1][word+2][delimiter2]..."
-\c "[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][text]..."
-\c "...[delimiter1][word-2][delimiter2][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2]"
-\c "...[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2][text]"
-\c ${WordFind2X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
-\c ; first delimiter
-\c "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
-\c ; second delimiter
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +number : word number from start
-\c ; -number : word number from end
-\c ; +number}} : word number from start all space
-\c ; after this word to output
-\c ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
-\c ; before this word to output
-\c ; +number{} : word number from start
-\c ; all space before and after
-\c ; this word (word exclude)
-\c ; +number*} : word number from start
-\c ; all space after this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; +number{* : word number from start
-\c ; all space before this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; # : sum of words to output
-\c ; /word : number of word to output
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 no words found
-\c ; $var=2 no such word number
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "[C:\io.sys];[C:\logo.sys];[C:\WINDOWS]" "[C:\" "];" "+2" $R0
-\c ; $R0="logo.sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="logo"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{{" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (4):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{}" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (5):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo."
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (6):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "/logo" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind2X} "[io.sys];[C:\logo.sys]" "\" "];" "E+1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1" ("\...];" not found)
-\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
-\c noerrors:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordfind2xs} WordFind2XS
-\b Same as \R{wordfind2x}{WordFind2X}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{wordfind3x} WordFind3X
-\b Find a word that contains a string, between two delimiters.
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[center]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
-\c ; first delimiter
-\c "[center]" ;[center]
-\c ; center string
-\c "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
-\c ; second delimiter
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +number : word number from start
-\c ; -number : word number from end
-\c ; +number}} : word number from start all space
-\c ; after this word to output
-\c ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
-\c ; before this word to output
-\c ; +number{} : word number from start
-\c ; all space before and after
-\c ; this word (word exclude)
-\c ; +number*} : word number from start
-\c ; all space after this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; +number{* : word number from start
-\c ; all space before this
-\c ; word to output with word
-\c ; # : sum of words to output
-\c ; /word : number of word to output
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 no words found
-\c ; $var=2 no such word number
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "+1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1.AAB"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2.BAA"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{{" $R0
-\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (4):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{}" $R0
-\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];[3.BBB];"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (5):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];[2.BAA];"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (6):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "/2.BAA" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "XX" "];" "E+1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1" ("[...XX...];" not found)
-\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
-\c noerrors:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordfind3xs} WordFind3XS
-\b Same as \R{wordfind3x}{WordFind3X}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{wordreplace} WordReplace
-\b Replace or delete word from string.
-\c ${WordReplace} "[string]" "[word1]" "[word2]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c "[word1]" ;[word1]
-\c ; word to replace or delete
-\c "[word2]" ;[word2]
-\c ; replace with (if empty delete)
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +number : word number from start
-\c ; -number : word number from end
-\c ; +number* : word number from start multiple-replace
-\c ; -number* : word number from end multiple-replace
-\c ; + : replace all results
-\c ; +* : multiple-replace all results
-\c ; { : if exists replace all delimiters
-\c ; from left edge
-\c ; } : if exists replace all delimiters
-\c ; from right edge
-\c ; {} : if exists replace all delimiters
-\c ; from edges
-\c ; {* : if exists multiple-replace all
-\c ; delimiters from left edge
-\c ; }* : if exists multiple-replace all
-\c ; delimiters from right edge
-\c ; {}* : if exists multiple-replace all
-\c ; delimiters from edges
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 word to replace not found
-\c ; $var=2 no such word number
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,+1*,-1*,+,+*,{},{}*)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<b\\>Example (replace):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "bmp" "+2" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (delete):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "" "+" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io. C:\logo. C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " " " "+1*" $R0
-\c ; +1* or +2* or +3* or +4* or +5* or +6*
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sysSYSsys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "bmp" "+*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.bmp C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "sysSYSsysC:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWSsysSYSsys" "sys" "|" "{}*" $R0
-\c ; $R0="|C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS|"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "sys" "bmp" "E+3" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2" (no such word number "+3")
-\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
-\c noerrors:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordreplaces} WordReplaceS
-\b Same as \R{wordreplace}{WordReplace}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{wordadd} WordAdd
-\b Add words to string1 from string2 if not exist or delete words if exist.
-\c ${WordAdd} "[string1]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string1]" ;[string1]
-\c ; string for addition or removing
-\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
-\c ; one or several symbols
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +string2 : words to add
-\c ; -string2 : words to delete
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (use: +text,-text)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<b\\>Example (add):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (delete):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\logo.sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (add to one):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (delete one):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (No new words found):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "+C:\logo.sys" $R0
-\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "No new words found to add"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (No words deleted):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "-C:\config.sys" $R0
-\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
-\c MessageBox MB_OK "No words found to delete"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "" "E-C:\logo.sys" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1" (delimiter is empty "")
-\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
-\c noerrors:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordadds} WordAddS
-\b Same as \R{wordadd}{WordAdd}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{wordinsert} WordInsert
-\b Insert word in string.
-\c ${WordInsert} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[word]" "[E][options]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
-\c ; one or several symbols
-\c "[word]" ;[word]
-\c ; word to insert
-\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
-\c ; +number : word number from start
-\c ; -number : word number from end
-\c ;
-\c ;[E]
-\c ; with errorlevel output
-\c ; IfErrors:
-\c ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
-\c ; $var=2 wrong word number
-\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1)
-\c ;[]
-\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
-\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "C:\logo.sys" "-2" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+2" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordInsert} "" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+1" $R0
-\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS "
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "C:\logo.sys" "E+4" $R0
-\c ; $R0="2" (wrong word number "+4")
-\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
-\c noerrors:
-\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
-\c end:
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{wordinserts} WordInsertS
-\b Same as \R{wordinsert}{WordInsert}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{strfilter} StrFilter
-\b Convert string to uppercase or lowercase.
-\b Set symbol filter.
-\c ${StrFilter} "[string]" "[options]" "[symbols1]" "[symbols2]" $var
-\c "[string]" ;[string]
-\c ; input string
-\c ;
-\c "[options]" ;[+|-][1|2|3|12|23|31][eng|rus]
-\c ; + : convert string to uppercase
-\c ; - : convert string to lowercase
-\c ; 1 : only Digits
-\c ; 2 : only Letters
-\c ; 3 : only Special
-\c ; 12 : only Digits + Letters
-\c ; 23 : only Letters + Special
-\c ; 31 : only Special + Digits
-\c ; eng : English symbols (default)
-\c ; rus : Russian symbols
-\c ;
-\c "[symbols1]" ;[symbols1]
-\c ; symbols include (not changeable)
-\c ;
-\c "[symbols2]" ;[symbols2]
-\c ; symbols exclude
-\c ;
-\c $var ;output (result)
-\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
-\\<br\\>- Same symbol to include & to exclude = to exclude
-\\<b\\>Example (UpperCase):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+" "" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="123ABC 456DEF 7890|%#"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (LowerCase):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "-" "ef" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="123abc 456dEF 7890|%#"
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Filter1):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "2" "|%" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="abcDEF|%" ;only Letters + |%
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Filter2):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "13" "af" "4590" $R0
-\c ; $R0="123a 6F 78|%#" ;only Digits + Special + af - 4590
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Filter3):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+12" "b" "def" $R0
-\c ; $R0="123AbC4567890" ;only Digits + Letters + b - def
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Filter4):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "+12rus" "ä" "ãå" $R0
-\c ; $R0="123ÀÁÂ456ä7890" ;only Digits + Letters + ä - ãå
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (English + Russian Letters):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2rus" "" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="ÀÁÂãäå" ;only Russian Letters
-\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2" "$R0" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="abcÀÁÂDEFãäå" ;only English + Russian Letters
-\c SectionEnd
-\\<b\\>Example (Word Capitalize):\\</b\\>
-\c Section
-\c Call Capitalize
-\c Pop $R0
-\c ; $R0="_01-Perpetuous_Dreamer__-__The_Sound_Of_Goodbye_(Orig._Mix).mp3_"
-\c ${WordReplace} "$R0" "_" " " "+*" $R0
-\c ; $R0=" 01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3 "
-\c ${WordReplace} "$R0" " " "" "{}" $R0
-\c ; $R0="01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3"
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Function Capitalize
-\c Exch $R0
-\c Push $0
-\c Push $1
-\c Push $2
-\c ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-eng' '' '' $R0
-\c ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-rus' '' '' $R0
-\c StrCpy $0 0
-\c loop:
-\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
-\c StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
-\c StrCmp $1 '' end
-\c StrCmp $1 ' ' +5
-\c StrCmp $1 '_' +4
-\c StrCmp $1 '-' +3
-\c StrCmp $1 '(' +2
-\c StrCmp $1 '[' 0 loop
-\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
-\c StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
-\c StrCmp $1 '' end
-\c ${StrFilter} '$1' '+eng' '' '' $1
-\c ${StrFilter} '$1' '+rus' '' '' $1
-\c StrCpy $2 $R0 $0
-\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
-\c StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $0
-\c IntOp $0 $0 - 2
-\c StrCpy $R0 '$2$1$R0'
-\c goto loop
-\c end:
-\c Pop $2
-\c Pop $1
-\c Pop $0
-\c Exch $R0
-\c FunctionEnd
-\S1{strfilters} StrFilterS
-\b Same as \R{strfilter}{StrFilter}, but case sensitive.
-\S1{versioncompare} VersionCompare
-\b Compare version numbers.
-\c ${VersionCompare} "[Version1]" "[Version2]" $var
-\c "[Version1]" ; First version
-\c "[Version2]" ; Second version
-\c $var ; Result:
-\c ; $var=0 Versions are equal
-\c ; $var=1 Version1 is newer
-\c ; $var=2 Version2 is newer
-\c Section
-\c ${VersionCompare} "" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="1"
-\c SectionEnd
-\S1{versionconvert} VersionConvert
-\b Convert version in the numerical format which can be compared.
-\c ${VersionConvert} "[Version]" "[CharList]" $var
-\c "[Version]" ; Version
-\c ;
-\c "[CharList]" ; List of characters, which will be replaced by numbers
-\c ; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (default)
-\c ;
-\c $var ; Result: converted version
-\\<br\\>- Converted letters are separated with dot
-\\<br\\>- If character is non-digit and not in list then it will be converted to dot
-\c Section
-\c ${VersionConvert} "9.0a" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0="9.0.01"
-\c ${VersionConvert} "9.0c" "" $R1
-\c ; $R1="9.0.03"
-\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
-\c ; $R2="2" version2 is newer
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-9m" "" $R0
-\c ; $R0=""
-\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-1n" "" $R1
-\c ; $R1=""
-\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
-\c ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
-\c SectionEnd
-\c Section
-\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c+" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R0
-\c ; $R0="0.15.0327"
-\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R1
-\c ; $R1="0.15.03"
-\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
-\c ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
-\c SectionEnd
+\A{headers} Useful Headers
+\H{filefunc} File Functions Header
+\S1{} Introduction
+Include header:
+\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
+Include function "GetFileExt" for install and "GetParent" for uninstall:
+\c !insertmacro GetFileExt
+\c !insertmacro un.GetParent
+Call functions:
+\c Section Install
+\c ${GetFileExt} "C:\My Downloads\Index.html" $R0
+\c ; $R0="html"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section un.Install
+\c ${un.GetParent} "C:\My Downloads\Index.html" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\My Downloads"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{locate} Locate
+\b Find files, directories and empty directories with mask and size options.
+\c ${Locate} "[Path]" "[Options]" "Function"
+\c "[Path]" ; Disk or Directory
+\c ;
+\c "[Options]" ; /L=[FD|F|D|DE|FDE]
+\c ; /L=FD - Locate Files and Directories (default)
+\c ; /L=F - Locate Files only
+\c ; /L=D - Locate Directories only
+\c ; /L=DE - Locate Empty Directories only
+\c ; /L=FDE - Locate Files and Empty Directories
+\c ; /M=[mask]
+\c ; /M=*.* - Locate all (default)
+\c ; /M=*.doc - Locate Work.doc, 1.doc ...
+\c ; /M=Pho* - Locate PHOTOS, phone.txt ...
+\c ; /M=win???.exe - Locate winamp.exe, winver.exe ...
+\c ; /M=winamp.exe - Locate winamp.exe only
+\c ; /S=No:No[B|K|M|G]
+\c ; /S= - Don't locate file size (faster) (default)
+\c ; /S=0:0B - Locate only files of 0 Bytes exactly
+\c ; /S=5:9K - Locate only files of 5 to 9 Kilobytes
+\c ; /S=:10M - Locate only files of 10 Megabyte or less
+\c ; /S=1G - Locate only files of 1 Gigabyte or more
+\c ; /G=[1|0]
+\c ; /G=1 - Locate with subdirectories (default)
+\c ; /G=0 - Locate without subdirectories
+\c ; /B=[0|1]
+\c ; /B=0 - Banner isn't used (default)
+\c ; /B=1 - Banner is used. Callback when function
+\c ; start to search in new directory
+\c "Function" ; Callback function when found
+\c Function "Function"
+\c ; $R9 "path\name"
+\c ; $R8 "path"
+\c ; $R7 "name"
+\c ; $R6 "size" ($R6="" if directory, $R6="0" if file with /S=)
+\c ; $R0-$R5 are not used (save data in them).
+\c ; ...
+\c Push $var ; If $var="StopLocate" Then exit from function
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk or directory isn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Locate plugin}
+\\<b\\>Example (Find one file):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /M=RPC DCOM.rar /S=1K" "Example1"
+\c ; 'RPC DCOM.rar' file in 'C:\ftp' with size 1 Kb or more
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "$$R0=$R0"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example1
+\c StrCpy $R0 $R9
+\c ; $R0="C:\ftp\files\RPC DCOM.rar"
+\c MessageBox MB_YESNO '$R0$\n$\nFind next?' IDYES +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Write results to a text file):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c GetTempFileName $R0
+\c FileOpen $R1 $R0 w
+\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/S=:2M /G=0" "Example2"
+\c ; folders and all files with size 2 Mb or less
+\c ; don't scan subdirectories
+\c FileClose $R1
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example2
+\c StrCmp $R6 '' 0 +3
+\c FileWrite $R1 "Directory=$R9$\r$\n"
+\c goto +2
+\c FileWrite $R1 "File=$R9 Size=$R6 Mb$\r$\n"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Write results to an INI file):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c GetTempFileName $R0
+\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=F /S=0K" "Example3"
+\c ; all files in 'C:\ftp' with size detect in Kb
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example3
+\c WriteINIStr $R0 "$R8" "$R7" "$R6 Kb"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Delete empty directories):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R2 0
+\c StrCpy $R3 0
+\c loop:
+\c StrCpy $R1 0
+\c ${Locate} "C:\ftp" "/L=DE" "Example4"
+\c IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1
+\c IntOp $R2 $R2 + $R1
+\c StrCmp $R0 StopLocate +2
+\c StrCmp $R1 0 0 loop
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error' IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 directories were removed$\n$R3 loops'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example4
+\c MessageBox MB_YESNOCANCEL 'Delete empty "$R9"?' IDNO end IDCANCEL cancel
+\c RMDir $R9
+\c IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
+\c goto end
+\c cancel:
+\c StrCpy $R0 StopLocate
+\c end:
+\c Push $R0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Move all files into one folder):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory move from
+\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory move into
+\c StrCpy $R2 0
+\c StrCpy $R3 0
+\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=F" "Example5"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error' IDOK +4
+\c StrCmp $R3 0 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 files were moved' IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK '$R2 files were moved$\n$R3 files were NOT moved'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example5
+\c StrCmp $R8 $R1 +6
+\c IfFileExists '$R1\$R7' +4
+\c Rename $R9 '$R1\$R7'
+\c IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
+\c goto +2
+\c IntOp $R3 $R3 + 1
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Copy files with log):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory copy from
+\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory copy into
+\c StrLen $R2 $R0
+\c GetTempFileName $0
+\c FileOpen $R3 $0 w
+\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=FDE" "Example6"
+\c FileClose $R3
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error'
+\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$0"' ;view log
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example6
+\c StrCpy $1 $R8 '' $R2
+\c StrCmp $R6 '' 0 +3
+\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1\$R7'
+\c goto end
+\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
+\c CopyFiles /SILENT $R9 '$R1$1'
+\c IfFileExists '$R1$1\$R7' 0 +3
+\c FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -success$\r$\n"
+\c goto +2
+\c FileWrite $R3 "-old:$R9 -new:$R1$1\$R7 -failed$\r$\n"
+\c end:
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Recreate directory structure):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\ftp" ;Directory structure from
+\c StrCpy $R1 "C:\ftp2" ;Directory structure into
+\c StrLen $R2 $R0
+\c ${Locate} "$R0" "/L=D" "Example7"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'error'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example7
+\c StrCpy $1 $R9 '' $R2
+\c CreateDirectory '$R1$1'
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Locate with banner - \W{}{NxS plugin} required):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c nxs::Show /NOUNLOAD `$(^Name) Setup` /top `Setup searching something$\r$\nPlease wait... If you can..` /h 1 /can 1 /end
+\c ${Locate} "C:\WINDOWS" "/L=F /M=*.inf /B=1" "Example8"
+\c nxs::Destroy
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example8
+\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 abortcheck
+\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
+\c nxs::Update /NOUNLOAD /sub "$R8" /pos 78 /end
+\c abortcheck:
+\c nxs::HasUserAborted /NOUNLOAD
+\c Pop $0
+\c StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
+\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
+\c ;...
+\c end:
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{getsize} GetSize
+\b Find the size of a file, files mask or directory.
+\b Find the sum of the files, directories and subdirectories.
+\c ${GetSize} "[Path]" "[Options]" $var1 $var2 $var3
+\c "[Path]" ; Disk or Directory
+\c ;
+\c "[Options]" ; /M=[mask]
+\c ; /M=*.* - Find all (default)
+\c ; /M=*.doc - Find Work.doc, 1.doc ...
+\c ; /M=Pho* - Find PHOTOS, phone.txt ...
+\c ; /M=win???.exe - Find winamp.exe, winver.exe ...
+\c ; /M=winamp.exe - Find winamp.exe only
+\c ; /S=No:No[B|K|M|G]
+\c ; /S= - Don't find file size (faster) (default)
+\c ; /S=0:0B - Find only files of 0 Bytes exactly
+\c ; /S=5:9K - Find only files of 5 to 9 Kilobytes
+\c ; /S=:10M - Find only files of 10 Megabyte or less
+\c ; /S=1G - Find only files of 1 Gigabyte or more
+\c ; /G=[1|0]
+\c ; /G=1 - Find with subdirectories (default)
+\c ; /G=0 - Find without subdirectories
+\c ;
+\c $var1 ; Result1: Size
+\c $var2 ; Result2: Sum of files
+\c $var3 ; Result3: Sum of directories
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk or directory isn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Locate plugin}
+\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ; Find file size "C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe" in kilobytes
+\c ${GetSize} "C:\WINDOWS" "/M=Explorer.exe /S=0K /G=0" $0 $1 $2
+\c ; $0="220" Kb
+\c ; $1="1" files
+\c ; $2="" directories
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ; Find folder size "C:\Installs\Reanimator\Drivers" in megabytes
+\c ${GetSize} "C:\Installs\Reanimator\Drivers" "/S=0M" $0 $1 $2
+\c ; $0="132" Mb
+\c ; $1="555" files
+\c ; $2="55" directories
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ; Find sum of files and folders "C:\WINDOWS" (no subfolders)
+\c ${GetSize} "C:\WINDOWS" "/G=0" $0 $1 $2
+\c ; $0="" size
+\c ; $1="253" files
+\c ; $2="46" directories
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{drivespace} DriveSpace
+\b Get total, occupied or free space of the drive.
+\c ${DriveSpace} "[Drive]" "[Options]" $var
+\c "[Drive]" ; Disk to check
+\c ;
+\c "[Options]" ; /D=[T|O|F]
+\c ; /D=T - Total space (default)
+\c ; /D=O - Occupied space
+\c ; /D=F - Free space
+\c ; /S=[B|K|M|G]
+\c ; /S=B - size in Bytes (default)
+\c ; /S=K - size in Kilobytes
+\c ; /S=M - size in Megabytes
+\c ; /S=G - size in Gigabytes
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: Size
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if disk isn't exist or not ready
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\c Section
+\c ${DriveSpace} "C:\" "/D=F /S=M" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2530" megabytes free on drive C:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getdrives} GetDrives
+\b Find all available drives in the system.
+\c ${GetDrives} "[Option]" "Function"
+\c "[Option]" ; [FDD+HDD+CDROM+NET+RAM]
+\c ; FDD Floppy Disk Drives
+\c ; HDD Hard Disk Drives
+\c ; CDROM CD-ROM Drives
+\c ; NET Network Drives
+\c ; RAM RAM Disk Drives
+\c ;
+\c ; [ALL]
+\c ; Find all drives by letter (default)
+\c ;
+\c "Function" ; Callback function when found
+\c Function "Function"
+\c ; $9 "drive letter" (a:\ c:\ ...)
+\c ; $8 "drive type" (FDD HDD ...)
+\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
+\c ; ...
+\c Push $var ; If $var="StopGetDrives" Then exit from function
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetDrives} "FDD+CDROM" "Example1"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example1
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "$9 ($8 Drive)"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetDrives} "ALL" "Example2"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "$9 ($8 Drive)"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example3 (Get type of drive):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 "D:\" ;Drive letter
+\c StrCpy $R1 "invalid"
+\c ${GetDrives} "ALL" "Example3"
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Type of drive $R0 is $R1"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example3
+\c StrCmp $9 $R0 0 +3
+\c StrCpy $R1 $8
+\c StrCpy $0 StopGetDrives
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{gettime} GetTime
+\b Get local or system time.
+\b Get file time (access, creation and modification).
+\c ${GetTime} "[File]" "[Option]" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
+\c "[File]" ; Ignored if "L" or "LS"
+\c ;
+\c "[Option]" ; [Options]
+\c ; L Local time
+\c ; A last Access file time
+\c ; C Creation file time
+\c ; M Modification file time
+\c ; LS System time (UTC)
+\c ; AS last Access file time (UTC)
+\c ; CS Creation file time (UTC)
+\c ; MS Modification file time (UTC)
+\c ;
+\c $var1 ; Result1: day
+\c $var2 ; Result2: month
+\c $var3 ; Result3: year
+\c $var4 ; Result4: day of week name
+\c $var5 ; Result5: hour
+\c $var6 ; Result6: minute
+\c $var7 ; Result7: seconds
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file isn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\\<br\\>- See also \W{}{Time plugin}
+\\<b\\>Example (Get local time):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${GetTime} "" "L" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
+\c ; $0="01" day
+\c ; $1="04" month
+\c ; $2="2005" year
+\c ; $3="Friday" day of week name
+\c ; $4="16" hour
+\c ; $5="05" minute
+\c ; $6="50" seconds
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Get file time):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${GetTime} "$WINDIR\Explorer.exe" "C" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
+\c ; $0="12" day
+\c ; $1="10" month
+\c ; $2="2004" year
+\c ; $3="Tuesday" day of week name
+\c ; $4="2" hour
+\c ; $5="32" minute
+\c ; $6="03" seconds
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Get system time):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${GetTime} "" "LS" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
+\c ; $0="01" day
+\c ; $1="04" month
+\c ; $2="2005" year
+\c ; $3="Friday" day of week name
+\c ; $4="11" hour
+\c ; $5="05" minute
+\c ; $6="50" seconds
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6'
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Convert time to 12-hour format AM/PM):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${GetTime} "" "L" $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6
+\c StrCmp $4 0 0 +3
+\c StrCpy $4 12
+\c goto +3
+\c StrCmp $4 12 +5
+\c IntCmp $4 12 0 0 +3
+\c StrCpy $7 AM
+\c goto +3
+\c IntOp $4 $4 - 12
+\c StrCpy $7 PM
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Date=$0/$1/$2 ($3)$\nTime=$4:$5:$6 $7'
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getfileattributes} GetFileAttributes
+\b Get attributes of file or directory.
+\c ${GetFileAttributes} "[File]" "[Attributes]" $var
+\c "[File]" ; File or directory
+\c ;
+\c "[Attributes]" ; "ALL" (default)
+\c ; -all attributes of file combined with "|" to output
+\c ;
+\c ; -file must have specified attributes
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result:
+\c ; $var=attr1|attr2|... (if used "ALL")
+\c ; $var=1 file has specified attributes
+\c ; $var=0 file has no specified attributes
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "ALL" $R0
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "SYSTEM|HIDDEN" $R0
+\c ; $R0=1
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileAttributes} "C:\MSDOS.SYS" "NORMAL" $R0
+\c ; $R0=0
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getfileversion} GetFileVersion
+\b Get version information from executable file.
+\c ${GetFileVersion} "[Executable]" $var
+\c "[Executable]" ; Executable file (*.exe *.dll ...)
+\c $var ; Result: Version number
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't contain version information
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileVersion} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
+\c ; $R0=""
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getexename} GetExeName
+\b Get installer filename (with valid case for Windows 98/Me).
+\c ${GetExeName} $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetExeName} $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\ftp\program.exe"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getexepath} GetExePath
+\b Get installer pathname ($EXEDIR with valid case for Windows 98/Me).
+\c ${GetExePath} $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetExePath} $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\ftp"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{headers_getparameters} GetParameters
+\b Get command line parameters.
+\c ${GetParameters} $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetParameters} $R0
+\c ; $R0="[parameters]"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getoptions} GetOptions
+\b Get options from command line parameters.
+\c ${GetOptions} "[Parameters]" "[Option]" $var
+\c "[Parameters]" ; command line parameters
+\c ;
+\c "[Option]" ; option name
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: option string
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if option not found
+\\<br\\>- First option symbol it is delimiter
+\c Section
+\c ${GetOptions} "/S /T" "/T" $R0
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Not found" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Found"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetOptions} "-INSTDIR=C:\Program Files\Common Files -SILENT=yes" "-INSTDIR=" $R0
+\c ;$R0=C:\Program Files\Common Files
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetOptions} '/SILENT=yes /INSTDIR="C:/Program Files/Common Files" /ADMIN=password' "/INSTDIR=" $R0
+\c ;$R0=C:/Program Files/Common Files
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetOptions} `-SILENT=yes -INSTDIR='"C:/Program Files/Common Files"' -ADMIN=password` "-INSTDIR=" $R0
+\c ;$R0="C:/Program Files/Common Files"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getoptionss} GetOptionsS
+\b Same as \R{getoptions}{GetOptions}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{getroot} GetRoot
+\b Get root directory.
+\c ${GetRoot} "[FullPath]" $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetRoot} "C:\Program Files\NSIS" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${GetRoot} "\\SuperPimp\NSIS\Source\exehead\Ui.c" $R0
+\c ; $R0="\\SuperPimp\NSIS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{headers_getparent} GetParent
+\b Get parent directory.
+\c ${GetParent} "[PathString]" $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetParent} "C:\Program Files\Winamp\uninstwa.exe" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\Program Files\Winamp"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getfilename} GetFileName
+\b Get last part from directory path.
+\c ${GetFileName} "[PathString]" $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileName} "C:\Program Files\Winamp\uninstwa.exe" $R0
+\c ; $R0="uninstwa.exe"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getbasename} GetBaseName
+\b Get file name without extension.
+\c ${GetBaseName} "[FileString]" $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetBaseName} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
+\c ; $R0="program"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{getfileext} GetFileExt
+\b Get extension of file.
+\c ${GetFileExt} "[FileString]" $var
+\c Section
+\c ${GetFileExt} "C:\ftp\program.exe" $R0
+\c ; $R0="exe"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{bannertrimpath} BannerTrimPath
+\b Trim string path for banner.
+\c ${BannerTrimPath} "[PathString]" "[Option]" $var
+\c "[PathString]" ;
+\c ;
+\c "[Option]" ; [Length][A|B|C|D]
+\c ;
+\c ; Length -Maximum string length
+\c ; A -Trim center path (default)
+\c ; (C:\root\...\third path)
+\c ; If A mode not possible Then will be used B mode
+\c ; B -Trim right path
+\c ; (C:\root\second path\...)
+\c ; If B mode not possible Then will be used C mode
+\c ; C -Trim right string
+\c ; (C:\root\second path\third p...)
+\c ; D -Trim right string + filename
+\c ; (C:\root\second p...\third path)
+\c ; If D mode not possible Then will be used C mode
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: Trimmed path
+\c Section
+\c ${BannerTrimPath} "C:\Server\Documents\Terminal\license.htm" "35A" $R0
+\c ;$R0=C:\Server\...\Terminal\license.htm
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Banner plugin):\\</b\\>
+\c !include "WinMessages.nsh"
+\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
+\c !insertmacro Locate
+\c Section
+\c Banner::show /NOUNLOAD "Starting..."
+\c Banner::getWindow /NOUNLOAD
+\c Pop $R1
+\c ${Locate} "$WINDIR" "/L=F /M=*.* /B=1" "LocateCallback"
+\c Banner::destroy
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function LocateCallback
+\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 code
+\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
+\c ${BannerTrimPath} "$R8" "38B" $R8
+\c GetDlgItem $1 $R1 1030
+\c SendMessage $1 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:$R8"
+\c code:
+\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
+\c ;...
+\c end:
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (\W{}{NxS plugin}):\\</b\\>
+\c !include "FileFunc.nsh"
+\c !insertmacro Locate
+\c Section
+\c nxs::Show /NOUNLOAD `$(^Name) Setup`\
+\c /top `Setup searching something$\nPlease wait$\nIf you can...`\
+\c /h 1 /can 1 /end
+\c ${Locate} "$WINDIR" "/L=F /M=*.* /B=1" "LocateCallback"
+\c nxs::Destroy
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function LocateCallback
+\c StrCmp $R0 $R8 abortcheck
+\c StrCpy $R0 $R8
+\c ${BannerTrimPath} "$R8" "55A" $R8
+\c nxs::Update /NOUNLOAD /sub "$R8" /pos 78 /end
+\c abortcheck:
+\c nxs::HasUserAborted /NOUNLOAD
+\c Pop $0
+\c StrCmp $0 1 0 +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopLocate
+\c StrCmp $R9 '' end
+\c ;...
+\c end:
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{dirstate} DirState
+\b Check directory full, empty or not exist.
+\c ${DirState} "[path]" $var
+\c "[path]" ; Directory
+\c $var ; Result:
+\c ; $var=0 (empty)
+\c ; $var=1 (full)
+\c ; $var=-1 (directory not found)
+\c Section
+\c ${DirState} "$TEMP" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1" directory is full
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{refreshshellicons} RefreshShellIcons
+\b After changing file associations, you can call this function to refresh the shell immediately.
+\c ${RefreshShellIcons}
+\c Section
+\c WriteRegStr HKCR "Winamp.File\DefaultIcon" "" "$PROGRAMFILES\Winamp\WINAMP.EXE,2"
+\c ${RefreshShellIcons}
+\c SectionEnd
+\H{textfunc} Text Functions Header
+\S1{} Introduction
+Include header:
+\c !include "TextFunc.nsh"
+Include function "LineRead" for install and "TrimNewLines" for uninstall:
+\c !insertmacro LineRead
+\c !insertmacro un.TrimNewLines
+Call functions:
+\c Section Install
+\c ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section un.Install
+\c ${un.TrimNewLines} "Last line$\r$\n" $R0
+\c ; $R0="Last line"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{linefind} LineFind
+\b Find specified lines in text file, and edit or view these lines in callback function.
+\c ${LineFind} "[File1]" "[File2|/NUL]" "[LineNumbers]" "Function"
+\c "[File1]" ; Input text file
+\c ;
+\c "[File2|/NUL]" ; [File2]
+\c ; Output text file
+\c ; If empty then File2=File1
+\c ; [/NUL]
+\c ; No output text file (only read File1)
+\c ;
+\c "[LineNumbers]" ; [No|-No|No:No|{No}|{-No}|{No:No}]
+\c ; 1:-1 all lines to change (default)
+\c ; 2 second line from start
+\c ; -3 third line from end
+\c ; 5:9 range of lines from 5 to 9
+\c ; {2} only second line from start to output
+\c ; {-3} only third line from end to output
+\c ; {5:9} only range of lines from 5 to 9 to output
+\c ;
+\c "Function" ; Callback function for specified lines
+\c Function "Function"
+\c ; $R9 current line
+\c ; $R8 current line number
+\c ; $R7 current line negative number
+\c ; $R6 current range of lines
+\c ; $R5 handle of a file opened to read
+\c ; $R4 handle of a file opened to write ($R4="" if "/NUL")
+\c ; you can use any string functions
+\c ; $R0-$R3 are not used (save data in them).
+\c ; ...
+\c Push $var ; If $var="StopLineFind" Then exit from function
+\c ; If $var="SkipWrite" Then skip current line (ignored if "/NUL")
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if output file path doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Ranges must be specified on growth (2 4:5 9:-8 -5:-4 -2:-1)
+\\<br\\>- Output file will not be updated if no changes made.
+\\<b\\>Example1 (delete first two symbols):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\a-edited.log" "3:-1" "Example1"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example1
+\c ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
+\c StrCpy $R9 $R9 '' 2
+\c StrCpy $R9 '$R9$\r$\n'
+\c ;start from 3 line and delete first two symbols
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example2 (show changed lines):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "a.log" "{5:12 15 -6:-5 -1}" "Example2"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example2
+\c ${TrimNewLines} '$R9' $R9
+\c StrCpy $R9 "$R9 ~Changed line ($R8)~$\r$\n"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example3 (delete lines):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "\logs\a.log" "2:3 10:-5 -3:-2" "Example3"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example3
+\c StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example4 (insert lines):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "" "10" "Example4
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example4
+\c FileWrite $R4 "---First Line---$\r$\n"
+\c FileWrite $R4 "---Second Line ...---$\r$\n"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example5 (replace in file with count of changes - "WordFunc.nsh" required):\\</b\\>
+\c !include "WordFunc.nsh"
+\c !insertmacro WordReplace
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 0
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "1:-1" "Example5"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Changed lines=$R0"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example5
+\c StrCpy $1 $R9
+\c ${WordReplace} '$R9' ' ' '_' '+*' $R9
+\c StrCmp $1 $R9 +2
+\c IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1
+\c ;$R0 count of changed lines
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example6 (line string to cut or delete):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "\a.log" "C:\logs\a.log" "" "Example6"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Processed lines=$R1:$R2"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example6
+\c ;(Cut lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
+\c StrCmp $R0 finish stop
+\c StrCmp $R0 start finish
+\c StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
+\c StrCpy $R0 start
+\c StrCpy $R1 $R8
+\c goto code
+\c finish:
+\c StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 code
+\c StrCpy $R0 finish
+\c StrCpy $R2 $R8
+\c goto code
+\c skip:
+\c StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
+\c goto output
+\c stop:
+\c StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
+\c goto output
+\c ;;(Delete lines from a line to another line (also including that line))
+\c ; StrCmp $R0 finish code
+\c ; StrCmp $R0 start finish
+\c ; StrCmp $R9 'Start Line$\r$\n' 0 code
+\c ; StrCpy $R0 start
+\c ; StrCpy $R1 $R8
+\c ; goto skip
+\c ; finish:
+\c ; StrCmp $R9 'Finish Line$\r$\n' 0 skip
+\c ; StrCpy $R0 finish
+\c ; StrCpy $R2 $R8
+\c ; skip:
+\c ; StrCpy $0 SkipWrite
+\c ; goto output
+\c code:
+\c ;...
+\c output:
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example7 (read lines):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${LineFind} "C:\a.log" "/NUL" "1:-1" "Example7"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example7
+\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '$$R9 "Line"=[$R9]$\n$$R8 "#" =[$R8]' IDOK +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopLineFind
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{lineread} LineRead
+\b Get line in file specified with number.
+\c ${LineRead} "[File]" "[LineNumber]" $var
+\c "[File]" ; Input text file
+\c ;
+\c "[LineNumber]" ; [No|-No]
+\c ; 3 line number from start
+\c ; -5 line number from end
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: Line
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if line number not found
+\c Section
+\c ${LineRead} "C:\a.log" "-1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="Last line$\r$\n"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{filereadfromend} FileReadFromEnd
+\b Read text file from end line by line.
+\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "[File]" "Function"
+\c "[File]" ; Input text file
+\c "Function" ; Callback function
+\c Function "Function"
+\c ; $9 current line
+\c ; $8 current line number
+\c ; $7 current line negative number
+\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
+\c ; ...
+\c Push $var ; If $var="StopFileReadFromEnd" Then exit from function
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
+\c Section
+\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example1"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example1
+\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '"Line"=[$9]$\n "#"=[$8]$\n "-#"=[$7]' IDOK +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopFileReadFromEnd
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example2 (Reverse text file):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c GetTempFileName $R0
+\c FileOpen $R1 $R0 w
+\c ${FileReadFromEnd} "C:\a.log" "Example2"
+\c FileClose $R1
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec '"notepad.exe" "$R0"'
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example2
+\c StrCmp $7 -1 0 +5
+\c StrCpy $1 $9 1 -1
+\c StrCmp $1 '$\n' +3
+\c StrCmp $1 '$\r' +2
+\c StrCpy $9 '$9$\r$\n'
+\c FileWrite $R1 "$9"
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{linesum} LineSum
+\b Get sum of lines in text file.
+\c ${LineSum} "[File]" $var
+\c "[File]" ; Input file
+\c $var ; Result: Sum of lines
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if input file doesn't exist
+\c Section
+\c ${LineSum} "C:\a.log" $R0
+\c ; $R0="54"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{filejoin} FileJoin
+\b Join two files in one (File1 + File2 = File3).
+\c ${FileJoin} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[File3]"
+\c "[File1]" ; Input File1
+\c "[File2]" ; Input File2
+\c "[File3]" ; Output File3
+\c ; If [File3]="" Then add [File2] to [File1]
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if input files don't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if output file path doesn't exist
+\\<b\\>Example1 (Join: a.log + b.log = Z.log):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\Z.log"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example2 (Add: a.log + b.log = a.log):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${FileJoin} "C:\a.log" "C:\logs\b.log" "C:\a.log"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{textcompare} TextCompare
+\b Compare two text files.
+\c ${TextCompare} "[File1]" "[File2]" "[Option]" "Function"
+\c "[File1]" ; File1 Compare these lines
+\c "[File2]" ; File2 Compare with these lines
+\c "[Options]" ; (line-by-line):
+\c ; FastDiff Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
+\c ; Call function if Different lines found
+\c ; FastEqual Compare line N (File1) with line N (File2)
+\c ; Call function if Equal lines found
+\c ; (line number independent):
+\c ; SlowDiff Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
+\c ; Call function if line N (File1) Different
+\c ; SlowEqual Compare line N (File1) with all lines (File2)
+\c ; Call function if line N (File1) Equal
+\c "Function" ; Callback function
+\c Function "Function"
+\c ; $9 "Line File1"
+\c ; $8 "Line number"
+\c ; $7 "Line File2" (empty if SlowDiff)
+\c ; $6 "Line number" (empty if SlowDiff)
+\c ; $R0-$R9 are not used (save data in them).
+\c ; ...
+\c Push $var ; If $var="StopTextCompare" Then exit from function
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if File1 or File2 doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\\<b\\>Example (Different or Equal):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 ''
+\c ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example1"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +4
+\c StrCmp $R0 NotEqual 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Files differ" IDOK +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Files identical"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example1
+\c StrCpy $R0 NotEqual
+\c StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Compare line-by-line - Different):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
+\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
+\c GetTempFileName $R2
+\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
+\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
+\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastDiff" "Example2"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Function Example2
+\c FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
+\c FileWrite $R3 '$6=$7$\r$\n'
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Compare line-by-line - Equal):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
+\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
+\c GetTempFileName $R2
+\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
+\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
+\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "FastEqual" "Example3"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Function Example3
+\c FileWrite $R3 '$8|$6=$9'
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Compare all lines - Different):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
+\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
+\c GetTempFileName $R2
+\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
+\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
+\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
+\c FileWrite $R3 "$\r$\n$R1 | $R0$\r$\n"
+\c ${TextCompare} "$R1" "$R0" "SlowDiff" "Example4"
+\c FileClose $R3
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK end
+\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
+\c end:
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Function Example4
+\c FileWrite $R3 '$8=$9'
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Compare all lines - Equal):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 'Text1.txt'
+\c StrCpy $R1 'Text2.txt'
+\c GetTempFileName $R2
+\c FileOpen $R3 $R2 w
+\c FileWrite $R3 "$R0 | $R1$\r$\n"
+\c ${TextCompare} "$R0" "$R1" "SlowEqual" "Example5"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error" IDOK +2
+\c Exec "notepad.exe $R2"
+\c FunctionEnd
+\c Function Example5
+\c FileWrite $R3 '$8|$6=$9'
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Show variables):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${TextCompare} "C:\1.txt" "C:\2.txt" "FastDiff" "Example6"
+\c IfErrors 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "Error"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Example6
+\c MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL '$$9 "Line File1" =[$9]$\n$$8 "Line #" =[$8]$\n$$7 "Line File2" =[$7]$\n$$6 "Line #" =[$6]' IDOK +2
+\c StrCpy $0 StopTextCompare
+\c Push $0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{textcompares} TextCompareS
+\b Same as \R{textcompare}{TextCompare}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{configread} ConfigRead
+\b Read value from entry name in config file.
+\c ${ConfigRead} "[File]" "[Entry]" $var
+\c "[File]" ; config file
+\c ;
+\c "[Entry]" ; entry name
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: Value
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if entry not found
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
+\c Section
+\c ${ConfigRead} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" $R0
+\c ;$R0=C:\WINDOWS
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${ConfigRead} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " $R0
+\c ;$R0=30
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{configreads} ConfigReadS
+\b Same as \R{configread}{ConfigRead}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{configwrite} ConfigWrite
+\b Write value from entry name in config file.
+\c ${ConfigWrite} "[File]" "[Entry]" "[Value]" $var
+\c "[File]" ; config file
+\c ;
+\c "[Entry]" ; entry name
+\c ;
+\c "[Value]" ; value name
+\c ; if "" then delete Entry
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result:
+\c ; $var=CHANGED Value is written
+\c ; $var=DELETED Entry is deleted
+\c ; $var=ADDED Entry and Value are added
+\c ; $var=SAME Entry and Value already exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file can't be opened
+\c Section
+\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "SET winbootdir=" "D:\WINDOWS" $R0
+\c ;$R0=CHANGED
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "30" $R0
+\c ;$R0=SAME
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${ConfigWrite} "C:\apache\conf\httpd.conf" "Timeout " "" $R0
+\c ;$R0=DELETED
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{configwrites} ConfigWriteS
+\b Same as \R{configwrite}{ConfigWrite}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{filerecode} FileRecode
+\b Recode text file from DOS to Windows format and vice-versa.
+\c ${FileRecode} "[File]" "[Format]"
+\c "[File]" ;
+\c ;
+\c "[Format]" ; OemToChar -from DOS to Windows
+\c ; CharToOem -from Windows to DOS
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if file doesn't exist
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\c Section
+\c ${FileRecode} "C:\SCANDISK.LOG" "CharToOem"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{headers_trimnewlines} TrimNewLines
+\b Trim newlines in a string.
+\c ${TrimNewLines} "[string]" $var
+\c "[string]" ; Input string
+\c $var ; Result: String without '$\r' and '$\n' at the end
+\c Section
+\c ${TrimNewLines} "Text line$\r$\n" $R0
+\c ; $R0="Text line"
+\c SectionEnd
+\H{wordfunc} Word Functions Header
+\S1{} Introduction
+Include header:
+\c !include "WordFunc.nsh"
+Include function "WordFind" for install and "WordReplace" for uninstall:
+\c !insertmacro WordFind
+\c !insertmacro un.WordReplace
+Call functions:
+\c Section Install
+\c ${WordFind} "A--H---S" "-" "+2" $R0
+\c ; $R0="H"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section un.Install
+\c ${un.WordReplace} "A--H---S" "-" "x" "+3*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="A--HxS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordfind} WordFind
+\b Multi-features string function.
+\c Strings:
+\c "[word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter][word+3]..."
+\c "[delimiter][word+1][delimiter][word+2][delimiter]..."
+\c "[delimiter][delimiter][word+1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]..."
+\c "...[word-3][delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1]"
+\c "...[delimiter][word-2][delimiter][word-1][delimiter]"
+\c "...[delimiter][delimiter][word-1][delimiter][delimiter][delimiter]"
+\\<b\\>Syntax: \\</b\\>
+\c ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
+\c ; one or several symbols
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +number : word number from start
+\c ; -number : word number from end
+\c ; +number} : delimiter number from start
+\c ; all space after this
+\c ; delimiter to output
+\c ; +number{ : delimiter number from start
+\c ; all space before this
+\c ; delimiter to output
+\c ; +number}} : word number from start
+\c ; all space after this word
+\c ; to output
+\c ; +number{{ : word number from start
+\c ; all space before this word
+\c ; to output
+\c ; +number{} : word number from start
+\c ; all space before and after
+\c ; this word (word exclude)
+\c ; +number*} : word number from start
+\c ; all space after this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; +number{* : word number from start
+\c ; all space before this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; # : sum of words to output
+\c ; * : sum of delimiters to output
+\c ; /word : number of word to output
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 delimiter not found
+\c ; $var=2 no such word number
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1},#,*,/word,...)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<br\\>- Accepted numbers 1,01,001,...
+\\<b\\>Example (Find word by number):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "-02" $R0
+\c ; $R0="Program Files"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Delimiter exclude):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "-2}" $R0
+\c ; $R0=" C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Sum of words):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " C:\" "#" $R0
+\c ; $R0="3"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Sum of delimiters):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Find word number):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\Program Files C:\WINDOWS" " " "/Files" $R0
+\c ; $R0="3"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example ( \}\} ):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2}}" $R0
+\c ; $R0=" C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example ( \{\} ):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2{}" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example ( *\} ):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+2*}" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Get parent directory):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $R0 "C:\Program Files\NSIS\NSIS.chm"
+\c ; "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Include\"
+\c ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS\\NSIS.chm"
+\c ${WordFind} "$R0" "\" "-2{*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\Program Files\NSIS"
+\c ; "C:\\Program Files\\NSIS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Coordinates):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C"
+\c IfErrors end
+\c StrLen $0 $R0 ; $0 = Start position of word (11)
+\c StrLen $1 ':\lo' ; $1 = Word length (4)
+\c ; StrCpy $R0 $R1 $1 $0 ; $R0 = :\lo
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "E[options]" $R0
+\c IfErrors 0 end
+\c StrCmp $R0 1 0 +2 ; errorlevel 1?
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'delimiter not found' IDOK end
+\c StrCmp $R0 2 0 +2 ; errorlevel 2?
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'no such word number' IDOK end
+\c StrCmp $R0 3 0 +2 ; errorlevel 3?
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'syntax error'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Without errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "_" "+1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" (error: delimiter "_" not found)
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (If found):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "E+1{" $R0
+\c IfErrors notfound found
+\c found:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
+\c notfound:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (If found 2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" ":\lo" "+1{" $R0
+\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" notfound found ; error?
+\c found:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Found' IDOK end
+\c notfound:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Not found'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (To accept one word in string if delimiter not found):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c StrCpy $0 'OneWord'
+\c StrCpy $1 1
+\c loop:
+\c ${WordFind} "$0" " " "E+$1" $R0
+\c IfErrors 0 code
+\c StrCmp $1$R0 11 0 error
+\c StrCpy $R0 $0
+\c goto end
+\c code:
+\c ; ...
+\c IntOp $1 $1 + 1
+\c goto loop
+\c error:
+\c StrCpy $1 ''
+\c StrCpy $R0 ''
+\c end:
+\c ; $R0="OneWord"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordfinds} WordFindS
+\b Same as \R{wordfind}{WordFind}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{wordfind2x} WordFind2X
+\b Find word between two delimiters.
+\c Strings:
+\c "[delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][delimiter1][word+2][delimiter2]..."
+\c "[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word+1][delimiter2][text]..."
+\c "...[delimiter1][word-2][delimiter2][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2]"
+\c "...[text][delimiter1][text][delimiter1][word-1][delimiter2][text]"
+\c ${WordFind2X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
+\c ; first delimiter
+\c "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
+\c ; second delimiter
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +number : word number from start
+\c ; -number : word number from end
+\c ; +number}} : word number from start all space
+\c ; after this word to output
+\c ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
+\c ; before this word to output
+\c ; +number{} : word number from start
+\c ; all space before and after
+\c ; this word (word exclude)
+\c ; +number*} : word number from start
+\c ; all space after this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; +number{* : word number from start
+\c ; all space before this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; # : sum of words to output
+\c ; /word : number of word to output
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 no words found
+\c ; $var=2 no such word number
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "[C:\io.sys];[C:\logo.sys];[C:\WINDOWS]" "[C:\" "];" "+2" $R0
+\c ; $R0="logo.sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="logo"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{{" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (4):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{}" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (5):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "-1{*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo."
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (6):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "C:\WINDOWS C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "\" "." "/logo" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind2X} "[io.sys];[C:\logo.sys]" "\" "];" "E+1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1" ("\...];" not found)
+\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
+\c noerrors:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordfind2xs} WordFind2XS
+\b Same as \R{wordfind2x}{WordFind2X}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{wordfind3x} WordFind3X
+\b Find a word that contains a string, between two delimiters.
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[string]" "[delimiter1]" "[center]" "[delimiter2]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c "[delimiter1]" ;[delimiter1]
+\c ; first delimiter
+\c "[center]" ;[center]
+\c ; center string
+\c "[delimiter2]" ;[delimiter2]
+\c ; second delimiter
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +number : word number from start
+\c ; -number : word number from end
+\c ; +number}} : word number from start all space
+\c ; after this word to output
+\c ; +number{{ : word number from end all space
+\c ; before this word to output
+\c ; +number{} : word number from start
+\c ; all space before and after
+\c ; this word (word exclude)
+\c ; +number*} : word number from start
+\c ; all space after this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; +number{* : word number from start
+\c ; all space before this
+\c ; word to output with word
+\c ; # : sum of words to output
+\c ; /word : number of word to output
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 no words found
+\c ; $var=2 no such word number
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,#)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "+1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1.AAB"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2.BAA"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{{" $R0
+\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (4):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{}" $R0
+\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];[3.BBB];"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (5):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "-1{*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="[1.AAB];[2.BAA];"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (6):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "AA" "];" "/2.BAA" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordFind3X} "[1.AAB];[2.BAA];[3.BBB];" "[" "XX" "];" "E+1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1" ("[...XX...];" not found)
+\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
+\c noerrors:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordfind3xs} WordFind3XS
+\b Same as \R{wordfind3x}{WordFind3X}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{wordreplace} WordReplace
+\b Replace or delete word from string.
+\c ${WordReplace} "[string]" "[word1]" "[word2]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c "[word1]" ;[word1]
+\c ; word to replace or delete
+\c "[word2]" ;[word2]
+\c ; replace with (if empty delete)
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +number : word number from start
+\c ; -number : word number from end
+\c ; +number* : word number from start multiple-replace
+\c ; -number* : word number from end multiple-replace
+\c ; + : replace all results
+\c ; +* : multiple-replace all results
+\c ; { : if exists replace all delimiters
+\c ; from left edge
+\c ; } : if exists replace all delimiters
+\c ; from right edge
+\c ; {} : if exists replace all delimiters
+\c ; from edges
+\c ; {* : if exists multiple-replace all
+\c ; delimiters from left edge
+\c ; }* : if exists multiple-replace all
+\c ; delimiters from right edge
+\c ; {}* : if exists multiple-replace all
+\c ; delimiters from edges
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 word to replace not found
+\c ; $var=2 no such word number
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1,+1*,-1*,+,+*,{},{}*)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<b\\>Example (replace):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "bmp" "+2" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (delete):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" "SYS" "" "+" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io. C:\logo. C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " " " "+1*" $R0
+\c ; +1* or +2* or +3* or +4* or +5* or +6*
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sysSYSsys C:\WINDOWS" "sys" "bmp" "+*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.bmp C:\logo.bmp C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (multiple-replace 3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "sysSYSsysC:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWSsysSYSsys" "sys" "|" "{}*" $R0
+\c ; $R0="|C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS|"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordReplace} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "sys" "bmp" "E+3" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2" (no such word number "+3")
+\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
+\c noerrors:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordreplaces} WordReplaceS
+\b Same as \R{wordreplace}{WordReplace}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{wordadd} WordAdd
+\b Add words to string1 from string2 if not exist or delete words if exist.
+\c ${WordAdd} "[string1]" "[delimiter]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string1]" ;[string1]
+\c ; string for addition or removing
+\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
+\c ; one or several symbols
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +string2 : words to add
+\c ; -string2 : words to delete
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (use: +text,-text)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<b\\>Example (add):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (delete):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\logo.sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (add to one):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys" " " "+C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys C:\IO.SYS" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS C:\config.sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (delete one):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "-C:\WINDOWS" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (No new words found):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "+C:\logo.sys" $R0
+\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "No new words found to add"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (No words deleted):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "-C:\config.sys" $R0
+\c StrCmp $R0 "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" 0 +2
+\c MessageBox MB_OK "No words found to delete"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordAdd} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" "" "E-C:\logo.sys" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1" (delimiter is empty "")
+\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
+\c noerrors:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordadds} WordAddS
+\b Same as \R{wordadd}{WordAdd}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{wordinsert} WordInsert
+\b Insert word in string.
+\c ${WordInsert} "[string]" "[delimiter]" "[word]" "[E][options]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c "[delimiter]" ;[delimiter]
+\c ; one or several symbols
+\c "[word]" ;[word]
+\c ; word to insert
+\c "[E][options]" ;[options]
+\c ; +number : word number from start
+\c ; -number : word number from end
+\c ;
+\c ;[E]
+\c ; with errorlevel output
+\c ; IfErrors:
+\c ; $var=1 delimiter is empty
+\c ; $var=2 wrong word number
+\c ; $var=3 syntax error (Use: +1,-1)
+\c ;[]
+\c ; no errorlevel output (default)
+\c ; If some errors found then (result=input string)
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<b\\>Example (1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS" " " "C:\logo.sys" "-2" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+2" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\io.sys C:\WINDOWS"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordInsert} "" " " "C:\WINDOWS" "+1" $R0
+\c ; $R0="C:\WINDOWS "
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (With errorlevel output):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${WordInsert} "C:\io.sys C:\logo.sys" " " "C:\logo.sys" "E+4" $R0
+\c ; $R0="2" (wrong word number "+4")
+\c IfErrors 0 noerrors
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'Errorlevel=$R0' IDOK end
+\c noerrors:
+\c MessageBox MB_OK 'No errors'
+\c end:
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{wordinserts} WordInsertS
+\b Same as \R{wordinsert}{WordInsert}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{strfilter} StrFilter
+\b Convert string to uppercase or lowercase.
+\b Set symbol filter.
+\c ${StrFilter} "[string]" "[options]" "[symbols1]" "[symbols2]" $var
+\c "[string]" ;[string]
+\c ; input string
+\c ;
+\c "[options]" ;[+|-][1|2|3|12|23|31][eng|rus]
+\c ; + : convert string to uppercase
+\c ; - : convert string to lowercase
+\c ; 1 : only Digits
+\c ; 2 : only Letters
+\c ; 3 : only Special
+\c ; 12 : only Digits + Letters
+\c ; 23 : only Letters + Special
+\c ; 31 : only Special + Digits
+\c ; eng : English symbols (default)
+\c ; rus : Russian symbols
+\c ;
+\c "[symbols1]" ;[symbols1]
+\c ; symbols include (not changeable)
+\c ;
+\c "[symbols2]" ;[symbols2]
+\c ; symbols exclude
+\c ;
+\c $var ;output (result)
+\\<br\\>- Error flag if syntax error
+\\<br\\>- Same symbol to include & to exclude = to exclude
+\\<b\\>Example (UpperCase):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+" "" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="123ABC 456DEF 7890|%#"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (LowerCase):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "-" "ef" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="123abc 456dEF 7890|%#"
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Filter1):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "2" "|%" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="abcDEF|%" ;only Letters + |%
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Filter2):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "13" "af" "4590" $R0
+\c ; $R0="123a 6F 78|%#" ;only Digits + Special + af - 4590
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Filter3):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abc 456DEF 7890|%#" "+12" "b" "def" $R0
+\c ; $R0="123AbC4567890" ;only Digits + Letters + b - def
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Filter4):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "+12rus" "ä" "ãå" $R0
+\c ; $R0="123ÀÁÂ456ä7890" ;only Digits + Letters + ä - ãå
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (English + Russian Letters):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2rus" "" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="ÀÁÂãäå" ;only Russian Letters
+\c ${StrFilter} "123abcÀÁÂ 456DEFãäå 7890|%#" "2" "$R0" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="abcÀÁÂDEFãäå" ;only English + Russian Letters
+\c SectionEnd
+\\<b\\>Example (Word Capitalize):\\</b\\>
+\c Section
+\c Call Capitalize
+\c Pop $R0
+\c ; $R0="_01-Perpetuous_Dreamer__-__The_Sound_Of_Goodbye_(Orig._Mix).mp3_"
+\c ${WordReplace} "$R0" "_" " " "+*" $R0
+\c ; $R0=" 01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3 "
+\c ${WordReplace} "$R0" " " "" "{}" $R0
+\c ; $R0="01-Perpetuous Dreamer - The Sound Of Goodbye (Orig. Mix).mp3"
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Function Capitalize
+\c Exch $R0
+\c Push $0
+\c Push $1
+\c Push $2
+\c ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-eng' '' '' $R0
+\c ${StrFilter} '$R0' '-rus' '' '' $R0
+\c StrCpy $0 0
+\c loop:
+\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
+\c StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
+\c StrCmp $1 '' end
+\c StrCmp $1 ' ' +5
+\c StrCmp $1 '_' +4
+\c StrCmp $1 '-' +3
+\c StrCmp $1 '(' +2
+\c StrCmp $1 '[' 0 loop
+\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
+\c StrCpy $1 $R0 1 $0
+\c StrCmp $1 '' end
+\c ${StrFilter} '$1' '+eng' '' '' $1
+\c ${StrFilter} '$1' '+rus' '' '' $1
+\c StrCpy $2 $R0 $0
+\c IntOp $0 $0 + 1
+\c StrCpy $R0 $R0 '' $0
+\c IntOp $0 $0 - 2
+\c StrCpy $R0 '$2$1$R0'
+\c goto loop
+\c end:
+\c Pop $2
+\c Pop $1
+\c Pop $0
+\c Exch $R0
+\c FunctionEnd
+\S1{strfilters} StrFilterS
+\b Same as \R{strfilter}{StrFilter}, but case sensitive.
+\S1{versioncompare} VersionCompare
+\b Compare version numbers.
+\c ${VersionCompare} "[Version1]" "[Version2]" $var
+\c "[Version1]" ; First version
+\c "[Version2]" ; Second version
+\c $var ; Result:
+\c ; $var=0 Versions are equal
+\c ; $var=1 Version1 is newer
+\c ; $var=2 Version2 is newer
+\c Section
+\c ${VersionCompare} "" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="1"
+\c SectionEnd
+\S1{versionconvert} VersionConvert
+\b Convert version in the numerical format which can be compared.
+\c ${VersionConvert} "[Version]" "[CharList]" $var
+\c "[Version]" ; Version
+\c ;
+\c "[CharList]" ; List of characters, which will be replaced by numbers
+\c ; "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (default)
+\c ;
+\c $var ; Result: converted version
+\\<br\\>- Converted letters are separated with dot
+\\<br\\>- If character is non-digit and not in list then it will be converted to dot
+\c Section
+\c ${VersionConvert} "9.0a" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0="9.0.01"
+\c ${VersionConvert} "9.0c" "" $R1
+\c ; $R1="9.0.03"
+\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
+\c ; $R2="2" version2 is newer
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-9m" "" $R0
+\c ; $R0=""
+\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c-1n" "" $R1
+\c ; $R1=""
+\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
+\c ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
+\c SectionEnd
+\c Section
+\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c+" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R0
+\c ; $R0="0.15.0327"
+\c ${VersionConvert} "0.15c" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+" $R1
+\c ; $R1="0.15.03"
+\c ${VersionCompare} "$R0" "$R1" $R2
+\c ; $R2="1" version1 is newer
+\c SectionEnd