path: root/SCons/Config/ms
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SCons/Config/ms')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/SCons/Config/ms b/SCons/Config/ms
index b161e3f..1b9a41d 100755
--- a/SCons/Config/ms
+++ b/SCons/Config/ms
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
-print "Using Microsoft tools configuration"
-### flags
-defenv['ENTRY_FLAG'] = lambda x: '/entry:' + x
-defenv['MAP_FLAG'] = '/map'
-defenv['C_FLAG'] = '/TC'
-defenv['CPP_FLAG'] = '/TP'
-defenv['CPP_REQUIRES_STDLIB'] = 0
-defenv['SUBSYS_CON'] = '/subsystem:console'
-defenv['MSVCRT_FLAG'] = '/MD'
-if float(defenv['MSVS_VERSION'].replace('Exp','')) >= 8.0:
- defenv['EXCEPTION_FLAG'] = '/EHsc'
- defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/GS-')
- defenv['EXCEPTION_FLAG'] = '/GX'
-### debug
-if defenv['DEBUG']:
- defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Zi')
- defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Fd${TARGET.dir}\\${TARGET.dir.file}.pdb')
- defenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/debug')
-### workarounds
-# Some Platform SDK version includes a bad version of libcp.lib.
-# if stl usage causes link failure, copy the good libcp.lib
-# from one of the other lib folders and use it instead.
-confenv = defenv.Clone()
-conf = confenv.Configure()
-libcptest = """
-#include <fstream>
-int main() {
- // %s
- std::ofstream header("test", std::ofstream::out);
- return 0;
-conf.env.PrependENVPath('LIB', Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
-conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['$EXCEPTION_FLAG'])
-if not conf.TryLink(libcptest % 'no change', '.cpp'):
- import os, shutil
- libdirs = defenv['ENV']['LIB'].split(os.pathsep)
- for libdir in libdirs:
- try:
- libcp = r'%s\libcp.lib' % libdir
- shutil.copy(libcp, Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
- if conf.TryLink(libcptest % (r'using %s' % libcp), '.cpp'):
- defenv.PrependENVPath('LIB', Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
- break
- except IOError:
- continue
- else:
- print "*** Couldn't find a good version of libcp.lib"
- Exit(2)
-### stub environment
-stub_env = defenv.Clone()
-if not defenv['DEBUG']:
- stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for size
-stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
-stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
-stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/entry:WinMain') # entry point
-stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG') # no default libraries
-stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
-stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/FAcs') # full listing files
-stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Fa${TARGET}.lst') # listing file name
-### makensis environment
-makensis_env = defenv.Clone()
-if not defenv['DEBUG']:
- makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O2') # optimize for speed
-makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '$EXCEPTION_FLAG') # enable exceptions
-makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
-makensis_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
-makensis_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
-### plugin environment
-plugin_env = defenv.Clone(no_import_lib = 1)
-if not defenv['DEBUG']:
- plugin_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for size
-plugin_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
-plugin_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
-plugin_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
-### util environment
-util_env = defenv.Clone()
-if not defenv['DEBUG']:
- util_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for speed
-util_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
-util_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
-util_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
-### cross-platform util environment
-cp_util_env = util_env.Clone()
-### test environment
-test_env = defenv.Clone()
-### weird compiler requirements
-def check_requirement(ctx, func, trigger):
- ctx.Message('Checking for %s requirement... ' % func)
- flags = ctx.env['LINKFLAGS']
- ctx.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG')
- ctx.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '${ENTRY_FLAG("main")}')
- test = """
- int main() {
- %s
- return 0;
- }
- """ % trigger
- result = not ctx.TryLink(test, '.c')
- ctx.Result(result)
- ctx.env['LINKFLAGS'] = flags
- return result
-def add_file_to_emitter(env, emitter_name, file):
- try:
- original_emitter = env[emitter_name]
- if type(original_emitter) == list:
- original_emitter = original_emitter[0]
- except KeyError:
- original_emitter = None
- def emitter(target, source, env):
- if original_emitter:
- target, source = original_emitter(target, source, env)
- if '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG' not in env['LINKFLAGS']:
- return target, source
- return target, source + env.Object(emitter_name, file)
- env[emitter_name] = emitter
-def add_file(file):
- file = File(file)
- add_file_to_emitter(stub_env, 'PROGEMITTER', file)
- add_file_to_emitter(util_env, 'PROGEMITTER', file)
- add_file_to_emitter(plugin_env, 'SHLIBEMITTER', file)
-# MSVC 6 SP6 doesn't like direct shifting of 64-bit integers.
-# It generates a call to ___aullshr which requires libc, which
-# we don't like. However, it does agree to work properly with
-# a call to Int64ShrlMod32.
-conf = stub_env.Configure()
-int64test = """
-#include <windows.h>
-int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst,LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow) {
- return (int)(i->QuadPart >> 10);
-if not conf.TryLink(int64test, '.c'):
- stub_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_NSIS_NO_INT64_SHR'])
-# MSVC 2005 requires the memset CRT function to be present
-conf = defenv.Configure(custom_tests = { 'CheckRequirement' : check_requirement })
-if conf.CheckRequirement('memset', 'char c[128] = "test";'):
- add_file('memset.c')
-### return
-Return('stub_env makensis_env plugin_env util_env cp_util_env test_env')
+print "Using Microsoft tools configuration"
+### flags
+defenv['ENTRY_FLAG'] = lambda x: '/entry:' + x
+defenv['MAP_FLAG'] = '/map'
+defenv['C_FLAG'] = '/TC'
+defenv['CPP_FLAG'] = '/TP'
+defenv['CPP_REQUIRES_STDLIB'] = 0
+defenv['SUBSYS_CON'] = '/subsystem:console'
+defenv['MSVCRT_FLAG'] = '/MD'
+if float(defenv['MSVS_VERSION'].replace('Exp','')) >= 8.0:
+ defenv['EXCEPTION_FLAG'] = '/EHsc'
+ defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/GS-')
+ defenv['EXCEPTION_FLAG'] = '/GX'
+### debug
+if defenv['DEBUG']:
+ defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Zi')
+ defenv.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Fd${TARGET.dir}\\${TARGET.dir.file}.pdb')
+ defenv.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/debug')
+### workarounds
+# Some Platform SDK version includes a bad version of libcp.lib.
+# if stl usage causes link failure, copy the good libcp.lib
+# from one of the other lib folders and use it instead.
+confenv = defenv.Clone()
+conf = confenv.Configure()
+libcptest = """
+#include <fstream>
+int main() {
+ // %s
+ std::ofstream header("test", std::ofstream::out);
+ return 0;
+conf.env.PrependENVPath('LIB', Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
+conf.env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['$EXCEPTION_FLAG'])
+if not conf.TryLink(libcptest % 'no change', '.cpp'):
+ import os, shutil
+ libdirs = defenv['ENV']['LIB'].split(os.pathsep)
+ for libdir in libdirs:
+ try:
+ libcp = r'%s\libcp.lib' % libdir
+ shutil.copy(libcp, Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
+ if conf.TryLink(libcptest % (r'using %s' % libcp), '.cpp'):
+ defenv.PrependENVPath('LIB', Dir('#/.sconf_temp').abspath)
+ break
+ except IOError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ print "*** Couldn't find a good version of libcp.lib"
+ Exit(2)
+### stub environment
+stub_env = defenv.Clone()
+if not defenv['DEBUG']:
+ stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for size
+stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
+stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
+stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/entry:WinMain') # entry point
+stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG') # no default libraries
+stub_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
+stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/FAcs') # full listing files
+stub_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/Fa${TARGET}.lst') # listing file name
+### makensis environment
+makensis_env = defenv.Clone()
+if not defenv['DEBUG']:
+ makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O2') # optimize for speed
+makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '$EXCEPTION_FLAG') # enable exceptions
+makensis_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
+makensis_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
+makensis_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
+### plugin environment
+plugin_env = defenv.Clone(no_import_lib = 1)
+if not defenv['DEBUG']:
+ plugin_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for size
+plugin_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
+plugin_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
+plugin_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
+### util environment
+util_env = defenv.Clone()
+if not defenv['DEBUG']:
+ util_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/O1') # optimize for speed
+util_env.Append(CCFLAGS = '/W3') # level 3 warnings
+util_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '/opt:nowin98') # 512 bytes align
+util_env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$MAP_FLAG') # generate map file
+### cross-platform util environment
+cp_util_env = util_env.Clone()
+### test environment
+test_env = defenv.Clone()
+### weird compiler requirements
+def check_requirement(ctx, func, trigger):
+ ctx.Message('Checking for %s requirement... ' % func)
+ flags = ctx.env['LINKFLAGS']
+ ctx.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG')
+ ctx.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '${ENTRY_FLAG("main")}')
+ test = """
+ int main() {
+ %s
+ return 0;
+ }
+ """ % trigger
+ result = not ctx.TryLink(test, '.c')
+ ctx.Result(result)
+ ctx.env['LINKFLAGS'] = flags
+ return result
+def add_file_to_emitter(env, emitter_name, file):
+ try:
+ original_emitter = env[emitter_name]
+ if type(original_emitter) == list:
+ original_emitter = original_emitter[0]
+ except KeyError:
+ original_emitter = None
+ def emitter(target, source, env):
+ if original_emitter:
+ target, source = original_emitter(target, source, env)
+ if '$NODEFLIBS_FLAG' not in env['LINKFLAGS']:
+ return target, source
+ return target, source + env.Object(emitter_name, file)
+ env[emitter_name] = emitter
+def add_file(file):
+ file = File(file)
+ add_file_to_emitter(stub_env, 'PROGEMITTER', file)
+ add_file_to_emitter(util_env, 'PROGEMITTER', file)
+ add_file_to_emitter(plugin_env, 'SHLIBEMITTER', file)
+# MSVC 6 SP6 doesn't like direct shifting of 64-bit integers.
+# It generates a call to ___aullshr which requires libc, which
+# we don't like. However, it does agree to work properly with
+# a call to Int64ShrlMod32.
+conf = stub_env.Configure()
+int64test = """
+#include <windows.h>
+int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInst,LPSTR lpszCmdParam, int nCmdShow) {
+ return (int)(i->QuadPart >> 10);
+if not conf.TryLink(int64test, '.c'):
+ stub_env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['_NSIS_NO_INT64_SHR'])
+# MSVC 2005 requires the memset CRT function to be present
+conf = defenv.Configure(custom_tests = { 'CheckRequirement' : check_requirement })
+if conf.CheckRequirement('memset', 'char c[128] = "test";'):
+ add_file('memset.c')
+### return
+Return('stub_env makensis_env plugin_env util_env cp_util_env test_env')