path: root/docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp
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authorSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
committerSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
commitdd657ad3f1428b026486db3ec36691df17ddf515 (patch)
tree6ffb465595479fb5a76c1a6ea3ec992abaa8c1c1 /docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp
Import nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp b/docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef9309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docsrc/convert/convert2.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+;; convert2.lsp -- insert XLISP syntax definitions to Nyquist manual AND SAL syntax
+;; definitions into xlisp.mss
+(defun assert (co) (if co t (error "assertion error")))
+(defun alpha-char-p (c)
+ (let ((cc (char-code c)))
+ (or (and (>= cc (char-code #\a))
+ (<= cc (char-code #\z)))
+ (and (>= cc (char-code #\A))
+ (<= cc (char-code #\Z))))))
+(defun get-begin-end-token (begin-end)
+ (open-paren)
+ (let ((env-name (get-token))
+ (close-tok (get-token)))
+ (cond ((paren-match close-tok)
+ (pop paren-stack)
+ (return (strcat begin-end "(" env-name ")")))
+ (t
+ (display "get-begin-end-token failed" begin-end env-name close-tok)))))
+(defun get-token ()
+ (prog ((token (read-char *inf*))
+ (next-char (peek-char nil *inf*)))
+ (if (not token) (return token))
+ (if (and token (not (alpha-char-p token)) (not (eql token #\@)))
+ (return (string token)))
+ (setf token (string token))
+ (while (and next-char (alpha-char-p next-char))
+ (setf token (strcat token (string (read-char *inf*))))
+ (setf next-char (peek-char nil *inf*)))
+ (if (or (string= token "@begin") (string= token "@end"))
+ (return (get-begin-end-token token))
+ (return token))))
+(defun convert (infile outfile)
+ (setf *next-tokens* nil)
+ (setf paren-stack nil)
+ (let ((inf (open infile))
+ (outf (open outfile :direction :output)))
+ (process inf outf)
+ (close inf)
+ (close outf)))
+;; note: "<" has been omitted here to allow parsing of "<" as an operator
+;; in XLISP documentation. "<" is not commonly used as scribe bracket, but
+;; that could cause problems in some cases because this is not a full
+;; scribe parser.
+(defun is-open-paren (tok)
+ (member tok '("(" "{" "[") :test 'equal))
+(defun open-paren ()
+ (let ((tok (get-token)))
+ (cond ((is-open-paren tok)
+ (push tok paren-stack))
+ (t
+ (display "open-paren got a surprise" tok)))))
+; (push tok *next-tokens*)
+; ;; if no open paren, then fake open and close
+; (push #\( paren-stack)
+; (push #\) *next-tokens*)))))
+(defun close-paren-p (tok)
+ (paren-match tok))
+(defun paren-match (p2)
+ (let ((p1 (car paren-stack)))
+ (or (and (equal p2 ")")
+ (equal p1 "("))
+ (and (equal p2 "]")
+ (equal p1 "["))
+ (and (equal p2 "}")
+ (equal p1 "{"))
+ (and (equal p2 ">")
+ (equal p1 "<")))))
+(defun starts-with-symbol-char (tok)
+ (let ((c (char tok 0)))
+ (or (alpha-char-p c)
+ (digit-char-p c)
+ (eql c #\-)
+ (eql c #\+)
+ (eql c #\*)
+ (eql c #\=)
+ (eql c #\/)
+ (eql c #\>)
+ (eql c #\<))))
+(defun get-fn-name ()
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*))
+ (let ((fn-name ""))
+ (while (and *token-list*
+ (or (starts-with-symbol-char (car *token-list*))
+ (equal (car *token-list*) "@i") ; allow c@i(xx)r
+ (equal (car *token-list*) "(")
+ (equal (car *token-list*) ")")))
+ (setf fn-name (strcat fn-name (car *token-list*)))
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)))
+ fn-name))
+(defun get-symbol()
+ (let ((s ""))
+ (while (and *token-list*
+ (starts-with-symbol-char (car *token-list*)))
+ (setf s (strcat s (car *token-list*)))
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)))
+ s))
+;; GET-ARG - *token-list* starts with open bracket (after @i). Get the
+;; tokens between this and the close bracket.
+(defun get-arg ()
+ (let (arg)
+ (push (car *token-list*) paren-stack)
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)) ;; go to parameter name
+ (while paren-stack
+ (if (close-paren-p (car *token-list*)) (pop paren-stack))
+ (push (car *token-list*) arg)
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)))
+ ;; take cdr to drop the close bracket
+ (reverse (cdr arg))))
+(defun get-args ()
+ (prog (args arg)
+ (cond ((and *token-list* (cdr *token-list*) (cddr *token-list*)
+ (equal (car *token-list*) "@i"))
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*))
+ (push (get-arg) args))
+ ((and (equal (car *token-list*) ".")
+ (equal (cadr *token-list*) ".")
+ (equal (caddr *token-list*) "."))
+ (setf *token-list* (cdddr *token-list*))
+ (push '("...") args))
+ ((and *token-list* (cddr *token-list*)
+ (equal (car *token-list*) "&")
+ (equal (cadr *token-list*) "key")
+ (equal (caddr *token-list*) " "))
+ (push '("&key ") args)
+ (setf *token-list* (cdddr *token-list*)))
+ ((and *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)
+ (equal (car *token-list*) ":"))
+ (setf arg '(":"))
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)) ; skip ":"
+ (push (get-symbol) arg) ;; keyword
+ (setf arg (reverse arg))
+ (push arg args))
+ (*token-list*
+ (push (list :meta (car *token-list*)) args)
+ (setf *token-list* (cdr *token-list*)))
+ ((null *token-list*)
+ (return (reverse args))))
+ (go loop)))
+(defun write-list-of-args (args)
+ (let (need-space)
+ (dolist (arg args)
+ (cond ((equal arg '("..."))
+ (setf need-space t)
+ (format *outf* "@r(...)"))
+ ((and (consp arg) (equal (car arg) :meta))
+ (setf need-space nil)
+ (format *outf* (cadr arg)))
+ ((and (consp arg) (or (equal (car arg) ":")
+ (equal (car arg) "&key ")))
+ (setf need-space nil)
+ (format *outf* "@t(")
+ (write-list-of-tokens arg)
+ (format *outf* ")"))
+ (t
+ ;; insert space between consecutive args
+ (if need-space (format *outf* "@t( )"))
+ (setf need-space t)
+ (format *outf* "@t(@i(")
+ (write-list-of-tokens arg)
+ (format *outf* "))"))))))
+(defun write-sal-args (args)
+ (let (need-comma)
+ (dolist (arg args)
+ (cond ((equal arg '("..."))
+ (format *outf* "@r(...)"))
+ ((and (consp arg) (equal (car arg) :meta)
+ (or (equal (cadr arg) "[")
+ (equal (cadr arg) "]")))
+ (format *outf* (cadr arg)))
+ ((and (consp arg) (equal (car arg) :meta)) nil) ;; o.w. ignore meta
+ ((and (consp arg) (equal (car arg) "&key ")))
+ ((and (consp arg) (equal (car arg) ":")) ;; must be a keyword parm
+ ;; assumes this is not the first parameter
+ (format *outf* ", ~A: @i(~A)"
+ (cadr arg) (cadr arg)))
+ (t
+ (format *outf* "~A@i(" (if need-comma ", " ""))
+ (setf need-comma t)
+ (write-list-of-tokens arg)
+ (format *outf* ")"))))))
+(defun write-list-of-tokens (toks)
+ (dolist (tok toks)
+ (format *outf* "~A" tok)))
+;; this is a variable if there are no args and if there is no
+;; back-to-back open/close paren pair as in foo().
+(defun is-variable-check (args)
+ (prog ()
+ (cond ((null (cdr args))
+ (return t))
+ ((and (equal (car args) '(:meta "("))
+ (equal (cadr args) '(:meta ")")))
+ (return nil))
+ ((= (length (car args)) 1)
+ (return nil)))
+ (setf args (cdr args))
+ (go loop)))
+(defun get-balanced-token-list (tok)
+ (let (token-list)
+ (push tok paren-stack)
+ (push tok token-list)
+ (while (and tok paren-stack)
+ (setf tok (get-token))
+ (if (is-open-paren tok) (push tok paren-stack)
+ (if (close-paren-p tok) (pop paren-stack)))
+ (push tok token-list))
+ (setf token-list (reverse token-list))))
+(defun process-codef ()
+ (let (fn-name args save-tokens)
+ (setf *token-list* (get-balanced-token-list (get-token)))
+ ;; now we have a list of tokens including brackets
+ (display "process-codef" *token-list*)
+ (setf save-tokens *token-list*)
+ (setf fn-name (get-fn-name))
+ (setf args (get-args))
+ (setf is-var (is-variable-check args))
+ (display "parse" fn-name args is-var)
+ (cond (is-var
+ (format *outf* "@codef")
+ (write-list-of-tokens save-tokens))
+ (t
+ (format *outf* "@codef")
+ (write-list-of-tokens *token-list*)
+ (format *outf* " @c{[sal]}@*\n@altdef{@code[(~A" fn-name)
+ (write-list-of-args args)
+ (format *outf* "] @c{[lisp]}}")))))
+(defun exclude-from-sal (name)
+ (or (equal name "*")
+ (equal name "/")
+ (equal name "+")
+ (equal name "-")
+ (equal name "cond")
+ (equal name "case")
+ (equal name "let")
+ (equal name "let*")
+ (equal name "prog")
+ (equal name "prog*")
+ (equal name "flet")
+ (equal name "labels")
+ (equal name "macrolet")
+ (equal name "defun")
+ (equal name "defmacro")
+ (equal name "do")
+ (equal name "do*")
+ (equal name "dolist")
+ (equal name "dotimes")
+ (equal name "return")
+ (equal name "loop")
+ (equal name "progv")
+ (equal name "clean-up")
+ (equal name "top-level")
+ (equal name "continue")
+ (equal name "errset")
+ (equal name "baktrace")
+ (equal name "evalhook")
+ (equal name "1+")
+ (equal name "1-")
+ (equal name "<")
+ (equal name "<=")
+ (equal name ">")
+ (equal name ">=")
+ (equal name "=")
+ (equal name "/=")
+ (equal name "print")
+ (equal name "load")))
+(defun process-fdescription ()
+ (let (function-name args save-tokens (tok (get-token)) has-sal)
+ (format *outf* "@begin(fdescription)")
+ (while (and tok (not (equal tok "@end(fdescription)")))
+ (cond ((equal tok "(")
+ (setf *token-list* (get-balanced-token-list tok))
+ (assert (equal (first *token-list*) "("))
+ (setf function-name (get-fn-name))
+ (setf save-tokens *token-list*)
+ (setf args (get-args))
+ (display "process-fdescription" save-tokens args)
+ (setf has-sal (not (exclude-from-sal function-name)))
+ (cond (has-sal
+ (format *outf* "@begin(fgroup)@xlcode{~A(" function-name)
+ (write-sal-args args)
+ (format *outf* ")} @c{[sal]}\n\n ")))
+ (format *outf* "@xlcode{(~A" function-name)
+ ;(setf save-tokens (reverse save-tokens))
+ ;(cond ((equal (car save-tokens) ")")
+ ; (setf save-tokens (cons "@xlcode{)}" (cdr save-tokens))))
+ ; (t
+ ; (display "MISSING CLOSE PAREN" save-tokens)))
+ ;(setf save-tokens (reverse save-tokens))
+ ;(write-list-of-tokens save-tokens)
+ (write-list-of-args args)
+ (format *outf* "} @c{[lisp]}")
+ (setf tok (get-token))
+ (format *outf* tok)
+ (display "process-fdescription" function-name args)
+ (while (not (equal tok "\n"))
+ (setf tok (get-token))
+ (format *outf* tok))
+ (cond (has-sal
+ (format *outf* "@end(fgroup)\n")
+ (setf has-sal nil)))
+ (setf tok (get-token)))
+ ((equal tok "@begin(pdescription)")
+ (format *outf* tok)
+ (scan-to "@end(pdescription)")
+ (setf tok (get-token)))
+ ((equal (char tok 0) #\@)
+ (format *outf* tok)
+ (cond ((equal (setf tok (get-token)) "(")
+ (write-list-of-tokens (get-balanced-token-list tok))
+ (setf tok (get-token)))))
+ (t
+ (format *outf* tok)
+ (setf tok (get-token)))))
+ (if tok (format *outf* tok))))
+(defun scan-to (stop-tok)
+ (prog (tok)
+ loop
+ (setf tok (get-token))
+ (format *outf* "~A" tok)
+ ;; handle nested pdescriptions
+ (if (equal tok "@begin(pdescription)")
+ (scan-to "@end(pdescription)"))
+ (if (equal tok stop-tok) (return))
+ (go loop)))
+(defun process (inf outf)
+ (setf *inf* inf)
+ (setf *outf* outf)
+ (prog (tok)
+ (setf tok (get-token))
+ (cond ((null tok)
+ (return 'done))
+ ((string= tok "@codef")
+ (process-codef))
+ ((string= tok "@begin(fdescription)")
+ (process-fdescription))
+ (t
+ (format *outf* "~A" tok)))
+ (go loop)))
+(defun l () (load "convert2.lsp"))
+;(convert "xltest.mss" "xltest.out.mss")
+(convert "../../xlisp/xlisp-no-sal.mss" "xlisp-out.mss")