path: root/jnyqide/
diff options
authorSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
committerSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
commitdd657ad3f1428b026486db3ec36691df17ddf515 (patch)
tree6ffb465595479fb5a76c1a6ea3ec992abaa8c1c1 /jnyqide/
Import nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'jnyqide/')
1 files changed, 984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jnyqide/ b/jnyqide/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55b501c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jnyqide/
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+package jnyqide;
+import javax.swing.*;
+// import java.awt.*; -- includes List, which conflicts
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import java.awt.Point;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import javax.swing.text.*;
+import javax.swing.border.*;
+import javax.swing.event.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Point;
+public class TextColor {
+ static final boolean TCDEBUG = false;
+ static final String TEXT_FONT = "Courier";
+ static final int TEXT_SIZE = 12;
+ static final Color COLOR_NORMAL =;
+ static final Color COLOR_COMMENT = new Color(0, 100, 0); // darkish green
+ static final Color COLOR_BUILTIN =;
+ static final Color COLOR_STRING = new Color(130, 140, 0); // brown
+ static final Color COLOR_ERROR = new Color(250, 0, 0);
+ static final Color COLOR_COMMAND = new Color(0, 0, 196); // darkBlue;
+ static final Color COLOR_RESERVED = new Color(96, 0, 196); // purple
+ static final Color COLOR_KEYWORD = new Color(255, 128, 128); // pink
+ static final Color COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_FG =;
+ static final Color COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_BG = Color.lightGray;
+ static final Color COLOR_BLINK_FG = Color.white;
+ static final Color COLOR_BLINK_BG =;
+ // TextColor is set up to be non-reentrant, with some state saved
+ // as static variables that can be referenced by helper functions
+ // like setColor. For example, you call format to colorize the
+ // visible portions of a window. It saves some state that setColor
+ // (called from many places) can use to find the document, the
+ // visible region, etc. When format returns, TextColor is ready
+ // for another call to fix another window.
+ static DefaultStyledDocument doc; // the document being colorized
+ static int start; // the start of the visible region
+ static int end; // the end of the visible region
+ static int indentPos; // where we want indent information
+ static int indentBefore; // special return values for editing
+ static int indentAfter;
+ public static SimpleAttributeSet attrNormal, attrComment, attrBuiltin,
+ attrString, attrError, attrCommand, attrKeyword, attrReserved,
+ attrHighlight, attrBlink;
+ private static SimpleAttributeSet newTextAttr(Color color) {
+ SimpleAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
+ attr.addAttribute(StyleConstants.ColorConstants.Foreground, color);
+ StyleConstants.setFontFamily(attr, TEXT_FONT);
+ StyleConstants.setFontSize(attr, TEXT_SIZE);
+ return attr;
+ }
+ private static SimpleAttributeSet newTextHighlight(Color fg, Color bg) {
+ SimpleAttributeSet attr = new SimpleAttributeSet();
+ attr.addAttribute(StyleConstants.ColorConstants.Foreground, fg);
+ attr.addAttribute(StyleConstants.ColorConstants.Background, bg);
+ return attr;
+ }
+ // public static Set<String> keywords = new HashSet<String>();
+ public static void init() {
+ // System.out.println("initializing");
+ attrNormal = newTextAttr(COLOR_NORMAL);
+ attrComment = newTextAttr(COLOR_COMMENT);
+ attrBuiltin = newTextAttr(COLOR_BUILTIN);
+ attrCommand = newTextAttr(COLOR_COMMAND);
+ attrKeyword = newTextAttr(COLOR_KEYWORD);
+ attrReserved = newTextAttr(COLOR_RESERVED);
+ attrError = newTextAttr(COLOR_ERROR);
+ attrString = newTextAttr(COLOR_STRING);
+ attrHighlight = newTextHighlight(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_FG, COLOR_HIGHLIGHT_BG);
+ attrBlink = newTextHighlight(COLOR_BLINK_FG, COLOR_BLINK_BG);
+ }
+ public static boolean format(CodePane codePane, int nlLoc)
+ {
+ JTextPane pane = codePane.pane;
+ doc = codePane.doc;
+ JViewport v = codePane.getViewport();
+ indentBefore = 0;
+ indentAfter = 0;
+ indentPos = nlLoc; // position of interest for indentation info
+ //System.out.println("format begin");
+ Point point = v.getViewPosition();
+ start = pane.viewToModel(point);
+ //System.out.print("text loc for origin: ");
+ //System.out.println(start);
+ Dimension extent = v.getExtentSize();
+ point.translate(extent.width, extent.height);
+ end = pane.viewToModel(point);
+ //System.out.print("text loc for bottom right: ");
+ //System.out.println(end);
+ boolean b;
+ int docLength = doc.getLength();
+ String docText;
+ try {
+ docText = doc.getText(0, docLength);
+ } catch(Exception e ) { System.out.println(e);
+ return false; }
+ if (codePane.isSal && (docLength == 0 || docText.charAt(0) != '(')) {
+ b = formatVisibleSal(codePane, docText, docLength);
+ } else {
+ b = formatVisible(codePane, docText, docLength);
+ }
+ // System.out.println("format end: isSal " + codePane.isSal +
+ // " indentBefore " + indentBefore +
+ // " After " + indentAfter);
+ return b;
+ }
+ public static void setColor(int pos, int len,
+ SimpleAttributeSet color)
+ {
+ // if color region overlaps visible region, update doc with color
+ if (!(end < pos || pos + len < start)) {
+ doc.setCharacterAttributes(pos, len, color, true);
+ }
+ }
+ static final int INDENT = 2; // how much to indent
+ // these are codes for different bracket types:
+ static final int ONESHOT = 0;
+ static final int IF_THEN = 1;
+ static final int COMMAND = 2;
+ static final int BRACE = 3;
+ static final int BRACKET = 4;
+ static final int PAREN = 5;
+ static final int IF = 6;
+ static final int BEGIN = 7;
+ static final int TOP = 8; // imaginary initial/final brackets used
+ // to detect and mark any unclosed real brackets like begin, (, etc.
+ // debugging support (I guess I should have used enumerated type):
+ static String[] stateName = { "ONESHOT", "IF_THEN", "COMMAND",
+ "BRACE", "BRACKET", "PAREN", "IF", "BEGIN", "TOP" };
+ // find the column of pos in text by searching back to newline
+ public static int columnFor(String text, int pos) {
+ int col = 0;
+ while (pos > 0 && text.charAt(pos - 1) != '\n') {
+ col++;
+ pos--;
+ }
+ return col;
+ }
+ // placed here so it is accessible by inner classes -- not ideal
+ static int lineIndent;
+ public static boolean formatVisibleSal(CodePane pane,
+ final String docText, int docLength) {
+ // start and end give the visible range over which we actually
+ // change the document.
+ //
+ // Parse the whole file (well, almost):
+ // Use a stack for matching tokens and to compute indent:
+ // The stack contains the indentation to restore to when
+ // the matching close token is found. Also, if the close
+ // token does not match the top of the stack, there is some
+ // balance problem -- use precedence to decide what to match to, e.g.
+ // and END will skip an unclosed open-paren to match a BEGIN because
+ // BEGIN/END has higher precedence.
+ //
+ // This idea breaks down when there are local syntax errors, e.g.
+ // if you type a "todo" list at the top of a file, and the text
+ // is (intentionally) full of SAL syntax errors (because it's not
+ // supposed to be SAL), then far down in the file, you may find
+ // indentation breaks down completely. To work around this problem
+ // the syntax coloring is RESET whenever "define" appears
+ //
+ // In SAL, IF-THEN-ELSE does not have close tokens, so indentation
+ // is very tricky. IF is actually closed by THEN, but THEN must
+ // be followed by a statement. We record this by pushing IF_THEN,
+ // meaning that there's an IF-THEN construct holding a place for
+ // a possible ELSE. Then we push a COMMAND,
+ // a placeholder for the next statement. After any statement word,
+ // we pop COMMAND. If we find an ELSE, we pop the matching IF-THEN.
+ // If we get a statement when we're not expecting COMMAND, we pop
+ // all the IF-THEN's because the statement is going to stop any
+ // ELSE from matching and therefore we have to pop the indentation
+ // level back before any pending IF-THENs.
+ //
+ // Note that indentBefore and indentAfter and indentPos are used
+ // so that indentation can be computed and inserted from external
+ // editing functions. These basically serve as probes into the
+ // parsing algorithm.
+ //
+ // Coloring:
+ // as for LISP:
+ // known functions are in blue
+ // strings are in brown
+ // comments are in green
+ // as in Common Music SAL:
+ // reserved words are in purple
+ // keyword parameters are in pink
+ // commands are in dark blue
+ //
+ boolean allMatched = true;
+ boolean afterNewline = true; // set to true after each newline, and
+ // false after first token after each newline; used for indentation
+ lineIndent = 0; // will hold the correct indentation for the
+ // current line when a newline is reached.
+ // This is in contrast to the ParseStack.indent number, which is
+ // the "nominal" indentation that will be adjusted if the first
+ // token on the line closes an open bracket (e.g. begin or "(")
+ // or if the first token is not an expected command word
+ class ParseState {
+ public int indent; // the indentation level
+ public int indent2; // indent level if not a command
+ public int elseIndent; // used only for IF and IF_THEN to
+ // remember indentation for a possible ELSE clause
+ public int pos; // location of the token
+ public int len; // length of the token
+ public int state; // the saved state
+ public ParseState(int i, int i2, int p, int l, int s) {
+ indent = i; indent2 = i2; pos = p; len = l; state = s;
+ elseIndent = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ class ParseStack {
+ public Stack<ParseState> stack;
+ public int indent;
+ public int indent2; // the indentation if a command is continued
+ public ParseStack() {
+ stack = new Stack<ParseState>();
+ stack.push(new ParseState(0, 0, 0, 0, TOP));
+ indent = 0;
+ indent2 = 0;
+ }
+ // push an indentation level on the stack, the keyword responsible
+ // starts at pos and had length len. The new indentation level will
+ // be at the column of pos + offset
+ public void push(int offset, int offset2, int pos, int len, int state) {
+ offset += columnFor(docText, pos) - indent;
+ pushOffset(offset, offset2, pos, len, state);
+ }
+ // pushOffset is like push except the offset is relative to the
+ // current indentation, not the position of the keyword (useful
+ // for "define function foo()" where function causes the indent
+ // (because you can have "define var" that does not indent), but
+ // you want to indent relative to define rather than function.
+ public void pushOffset(int offset, int offset2, int pos, int len,
+ int state) {
+ stack.push(new ParseState(indent, indent2, pos, len, state));
+ indent += offset;
+ indent2 = indent + offset2;
+ if (TCDEBUG) { System.out.println("pushOffset " + offset +
+ " indent " + indent); }
+ }
+ // pop stack back to a matching token: bracket tokens have
+ // priorities, e.g. begin is higher priority than "(", so
+ // and "end" will jump over an unmatched "(" to find a "begin"
+ // This is done to obtain more reasonable warnings to user,
+ // otherwise, for example, "begin ( end" would all be red
+ // instead of just showing the "(" in red. If anything is
+ // unmatched, return false so caller knows there is an error
+ // somewhere.
+ boolean pop(int state) {
+ boolean matched = true;
+ // System.out.println("pop " + stack);
+ while (!stack.empty() && stack.peek().state <= state) {
+ ParseState ps = stack.pop();
+ indent = ps.indent;
+ indent2 = ps.indent2;
+ // System.out.println("pop indent " + indent + " indent2 " + indent2);
+ if (ps.state == state) return matched;
+ if (ps.state != IF_THEN) { // ignore these ;
+ matched = false;
+ setColor(ps.pos, ps.len, attrError);
+ }
+ }
+ if (TCDEBUG) System.out.println("pop return false at end");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // after a command like define, the indentation level
+ // is incremented, but the level should be returned as soon as
+ // a command word is encountered
+ public void popCommandAndIfThen() {
+ // System.out.println("popCommand");
+ if (stack.peek().state == COMMAND) {
+ pop(COMMAND);
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println(" --> poppedCommand"); print(); }
+ } else while (stack.peek().state == IF_THEN) {
+ pop(IF_THEN);
+ lineIndent = indent2 = indent;
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println(" --> popped IF_THEN"); print(); }
+ }
+ }
+ // add COMMAND to stack after an IF_THEN in response to "else"
+ // this is tricky because the column inherits from the IF_THEN,
+ // not the current indent value, and indent gets elseIndent
+ public int ifElseCommand(int pos, int len) {
+ ParseState ps = stack.peek();
+ if (ps.state == IF_THEN) { // good, "else" follows if...then
+ // rather than popping IF_THEN and pushing COMMAND, just
+ // change ps:
+ indent = indent2 = ps.elseIndent + INDENT;
+ ps.pos = pos;
+ ps.len = len;
+ ps.state = COMMAND;
+ return ps.elseIndent;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public void startCommand() {
+ // remove COMMAND if present and retain indentation
+ // otherwise pop out of IF_THEN's
+ if (stack.peek().state == COMMAND) {
+ ParseState ps = stack.pop();
+ indent2 = indent = ps.indent;
+ // back up indentation to prepare for an ELSE:
+ ps = stack.peek();
+ if (ps.state == IF_THEN) {
+ indent2 = indent = ps.elseIndent;
+ }
+ //lineIndent = indent;
+ //indent = indent2 = ps.indent;
+ } else {
+ popCommandAndIfThen();
+ }
+ }
+ public void convertCommand(int pos, int len, int state) {
+ // remove COMMAND if present and replace with state
+ if (stack.peek().state == COMMAND) {
+ ParseState ps = stack.peek();
+ ps.pos = pos;
+ ps.len = len;
+ ps.state = state;
+ } else {
+ popCommandAndIfThen();
+ pushOffset(0, len + 1, pos, len, state);
+ }
+ }
+ public void finishCommand() {
+ // remove COMMAND if present
+ if (stack.peek().state == COMMAND) {
+ pop(COMMAND);
+ } else {
+ popCommandAndIfThen();
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean convertIf() {
+ if (stack.peek().state == IF) {
+ ParseState ps = stack.peek();
+ ps.state = IF_THEN;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void print() {
+ ParseState state = stack.peek();
+ System.out.println("State: indent " + state.indent +
+ " indent2 " + state.indent2 +
+ " pos " + state.pos +
+ " len " + state.len +
+ " state " + stateName[state.state] +
+ " (cur) indent " + indent +
+ " (cur) indent2 " + indent +
+ " (cur) lineIndent " + lineIndent);
+ for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
+ System.out.print(stateName[stack.get(i).state] + " " +
+ stack.get(i).indent + " ");
+ }
+ System.out.println();
+ }
+ //public boolean expectingStmt() {
+ // int s = stack.peek().state;
+ // return (s == BEGIN || s == TOP);
+ // }
+ };
+ //System.out.println("formatVisibleSal");
+ try {
+ // To parse the file, we use a state machine with these states:
+ // comment -- in a comment started by ";"
+ // word -- in normal text, possibly a keyword
+ // hash -- we detected a hash mark (this state is implied)
+ // escape -- we detected a backslash (this state is implied)
+ // hashComment -- we're in a comment #| ... |#
+ // string -- in a string
+ // barSymbol -- in a symbol like |...|
+ // space -- in space between other tokens
+ // normal -- this state is orthogonal to the others.
+ // it records when we are accumulating a run of normal
+ // (black) characters. To make things run a little faster
+ // we don't color each black character individually but
+ // group them together into a run. It also helps at the end
+ // of the string to be able to color what's left.
+ boolean normal = false;
+ int normalStart = 0; // start of normal black characters
+ boolean comment = false;
+ int commentStart = 0;
+ boolean word = false;
+ int wordStart = 0;
+ boolean string = false;
+ int stringStart = 0;
+ boolean barSymbol = false;
+ int barSymbolStart = 0;
+ boolean space = false;
+ int spaceStart = 0;
+ int pos;
+ ParseStack stack = new ParseStack();
+ // originally, this code accumulated words in buf, but this
+ // caused many string allocations and ran very slowly, so now
+ // we just mark where the word begins and when the word ends
+ // we extract a string from docText
+ // process document text while you have not reached the end
+ // of the visible area and while there are unmatched parens
+ // (i.e. the parenStack isn't empty, but stop if you reach
+ // the end of the whole file.
+ //
+ // System.out.println("begin parse loop, docLength " + docLength);
+ for (pos = 0;
+ pos < docLength && (pos < end || !stack.stack.empty());
+ pos++) {
+ char c = docText.charAt(pos);
+ // System.out.print("CHAR |" + c + "| ");
+ if (comment) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ if (pos >= start) {
+ setColor(commentStart, pos - commentStart,
+ attrComment);
+ }
+ comment = false;
+ } // note that escape chars are ignored in comments
+ } else if (string) {
+ if (c == '"') {
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(stringStart, pos - stringStart + 1,
+ attrString);
+ string = false;
+ } else if (c == '\\') { // skip the quoted char
+ pos++;
+ }
+ } else if (word) {
+ // see if the word ends because of a character or end of text
+ boolean terminated = (c == ' ' || c == '(' || c == ')' ||
+ c == '\n' || c == '"' || c == '{' ||
+ c == '}' || c == '[' || c == ']');
+ if (terminated || pos >= docLength - 1) {
+ word = false;
+ int stop = pos;
+ if (!terminated) stop++;
+ String buf = docText.substring(wordStart, stop);
+ if (TCDEBUG)
+ System.out.println("formatVisibleSal: " + buf);
+ buf = buf.toLowerCase(); // for simplified lookup
+ SimpleAttributeSet color;
+ // WordList.printList(buf); // to get words list.
+ if (SalWordList.isReservedWord(buf)) {
+ color = attrReserved;
+ // note that "then" is not included here because
+ // "then" in a "for" clause does not need to be
+ // followed by a COMMAND
+ if (buf.equals("function") || buf.equals("finally")) {
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent;
+ }
+ stack.startCommand();
+ stack.pushOffset(INDENT, 0, wordStart,
+ buf.length(), COMMAND);
+ } else if (buf.equals("else")) {
+ int i = stack.ifElseCommand(wordStart, 4);
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = i;
+ }
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("ifElseCommand");
+ stack.print(); }
+ } else if (buf.equals("when") ||
+ buf.equals("unless")) {
+ stack.push(INDENT, buf.length() + 1 - INDENT,
+ wordStart, buf.length(), COMMAND);
+ } else if (buf.equals("variable")) {
+ stack.startCommand();
+ stack.indent2 = columnFor(docText, wordStart) +
+ buf.length() + 1;
+ } else if (buf.equals("with") ||
+ buf.equals("while") ||
+ buf.equals("until")) {
+ stack.startCommand();
+ stack.push(0, buf.length() + 1,
+ wordStart, buf.length(), COMMAND);
+// stack.indent2 = columnFor(docText, wordStart) +
+// buf.length() + 1;
+ } else if (buf.equals("then")) {
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("at then");
+ stack.print(); }
+ // if there's an if on the stack, pop it
+ if (stack.convertIf()) {
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent;
+ }
+ stack.pushOffset(INDENT, INDENT, wordStart,
+ 4, COMMAND);
+ } else {
+ stack.indent2 =
+ columnFor(docText, wordStart) +
+ buf.length() + 1;
+ }
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("after then");
+ stack.print(); }
+ } else if (buf.equals("for")) {
+ stack.popCommandAndIfThen();
+ stack.indent2 = stack.indent + INDENT;
+ }
+ afterNewline = false;
+ } else if (SalWordList.isCommandWord(buf)) {
+ stack.indent2 = stack.indent;
+ color = attrCommand;
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent;
+ }
+ if (buf.equals("define")) {
+ // reset syntax coloring
+ stack.pop(TOP); // color unmatched stuff
+ stack = new ParseStack(); // reset stack
+ } else if (buf.equals("begin") || buf.equals("loop")) {
+ stack.push(INDENT, INDENT, wordStart, 5, BEGIN);
+ } else if (buf.equals("end")) {
+ if (!stack.pop(BEGIN)) {
+ allMatched = false;
+ setColor(wordStart, 3, attrError);
+ }
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("end token after stack.pop");
+ stack.print(); }
+ // if this is the first word on the line, then
+ // match indentation to the matching BEGIN
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent;
+ }
+ stack.finishCommand();
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("end end");
+ stack.print(); }
+ } else if (buf.equals("if")) {
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("at if");
+ stack.print(); }
+ // int i = stack.indent;
+ stack.convertCommand(wordStart, 2, IF);
+ stack.stack.peek().elseIndent = stack.indent;
+ // stack.indent = stack.indent2 = i;
+ // stack.push(0, 0, wordStart, 2, IF);
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("after if");
+ stack.print(); }
+ } else if (buf.equals("print")) {
+ stack.startCommand();
+ stack.indent2 = columnFor(docText, wordStart) +
+ buf.length() + 1;
+ } else {
+ stack.startCommand();
+ stack.indent2 = stack.indent + INDENT + INDENT;
+ }
+ afterNewline = false;
+ } else if (WordList.isKeyword(buf)) {
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent2;
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ color = attrBuiltin;
+ } else if (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) == ':') {
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent2;
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ color = attrKeyword;
+ } else {
+ if (afterNewline) {// && stack.expectingStmt()) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent2;
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("buf " + buf +
+ " afterNewline " + afterNewline +
+ " lineIndent becomes " + lineIndent); }
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ color = attrNormal;
+ }
+ // System.out.println(color);
+ if (color != attrNormal) {
+ setColor(normalStart,
+ wordStart - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ setColor(wordStart, pos - wordStart + 1,
+ color);
+ normal = true;
+ normalStart = pos + 1;
+ } else {
+ // continue normal (black) color
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\\') {
+ pos++; // skip the quoted char
+ }
+ if (terminated) {
+ pos = pos - 1; // reexamine character at pos
+ continue; // back to for loop, skip indentation tests
+ }
+ // Starts
+ } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') {
+ space = true;
+ spaceStart = pos;
+ if (!normal) normalStart = pos;
+ normal = true;
+ } else if (c == ';') { // Comment Start
+ comment = true;
+ commentStart = pos;
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ } else if (c == '"') { // String start
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent2;
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ string = true;
+ stringStart = pos;
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ } else if (c == '(' || c == ')' || c == '{' || c == '}' ||
+ c == '[' || c == ']') {
+ // Paren/Brace start and end
+ if ((c == '(' || c == '{' || c == '[') && afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent2;
+ afterNewline = false;
+ }
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrNormal);
+ if (c == '(' ) stack.push(1, 0, pos, 1, PAREN);
+ else if (c == '{') stack.push(1, 0, pos, 1, BRACE);
+ else if (c == '[') stack.push(1, 0, pos, 1, BRACKET);
+ else { // must be ')' or '}' or ']'
+ if (afterNewline) {
+ lineIndent = stack.indent - 1;
+ }
+ if (stack.pop(c == ')' ? PAREN :
+ (c == ']' ? BRACKET : BRACE))) {
+ // System.out.println("after ), ], or }: indent " + stack.indent);
+ } else {
+ allMatched = false;
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrError);
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("highlight/blink " + c + " pos " + pos +
+ // " highlightLoc " + pane.highlightLoc +
+ // " blinkLoc " + pane.blinkLoc);
+ // there could be a race condition here, but failure
+ // is not critical -- this just blinks the closing paren
+ if (pane != null && pane.blinkLoc == pos && pane.blinkOn) {
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrBlink);
+ } else if (pane != null && pane.highlightLoc == pos) {
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrHighlight);
+ }
+ } else { // Word start
+ word = true;
+ wordStart = pos;
+ if (!normal) normalStart = pos;
+ normal = true;
+ if (c == '\\' && pos + 1 < docLength) {
+ pos++; // parse the quoted char
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '\n') { // possibly store indentation info
+ //System.out.println(pos + " indentPos " + indentPos +
+ // " indent " + stack.indent);
+ if (pos == indentPos) {
+ indentBefore = lineIndent;
+ indentAfter = stack.indent;
+ }
+ lineIndent = stack.indent;
+ afterNewline = true;
+ if (TCDEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("at newline"); stack.print(); }
+ }
+ /*
+ System.out.print("At end of loop, pos ");
+ System.out.println(pos);
+ */
+ //System.out.println("end parse loop");
+ if (normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart + 1, attrNormal);
+ } else if (comment) {
+ setColor(commentStart, pos - commentStart + 1, attrComment);
+ } else if (string) {
+ setColor(stringStart, pos - stringStart + 1, attrString);
+ }
+ // set error color to any unmatched tokens on stack:
+ if (!stack.pop(TOP)) allMatched = false;
+ } catch(Exception e ) {
+ System.out.println(e);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ //System.out.println("salFormatVisible returns " + allMatched);
+ return allMatched;
+ }
+ public static boolean formatVisible(CodePane pane,
+ String docText, int docLength)
+ // start and end give the visible range over which we actually
+ // change the document.
+ {
+ boolean evenParens = false;
+ try {
+ //System.out.println(docText);
+ // To parse the file, we use a state machine with these states:
+ // comment -- in a comment started by ";"
+ // word -- in normal text, possibly a keyword
+ // hash -- we detected a hash mark (this state is implied)
+ // escape -- we detected a backslash (this state is implied)
+ // hashComment -- we're in a comment #| ... |#
+ // string -- in a string
+ // barSymbol -- in a symbol like |...|
+ // space -- in space between other tokens
+ // normal -- this state is orthogonal to the others.
+ // it records when we are accumulating a run of normal
+ // (black) characters. To make things run a little faster
+ // we don't color each black character individually but
+ // group them together into a run. It also helps at the end
+ // of the string to be able to color what's left.
+ boolean normal = false;
+ int normalStart = 0; // start of normal black characters
+ boolean comment = false;
+ int commentStart = 0;
+ boolean word = false;
+ int wordStart = 0;
+ boolean string = false;
+ int stringStart = 0;
+ boolean hashComment = false;
+ int hashCommentStart = 0;
+ boolean barSymbol = false;
+ int barSymbolStart = 0;
+ boolean space = false;
+ int spaceStart = 0;
+ int pos;
+ Stack<Integer> parenStack = new Stack<Integer>();
+ // originally, this code accumulated words in buf, but this
+ // caused many string allocations and ran very slowly, so now
+ // we just mark where the word begins and when the word ends
+ // we extract a string from docText
+ // process document text while you have not reached the end
+ // of the visible area and while there are unmatched parens
+ // (i.e. the parenStack isn't empty, but stop if you reach
+ // the end of the whole file.
+ //
+ //System.out.println("begin parse loop");
+ for (pos = 0; pos < docLength && (pos < end || !parenStack.empty());
+ pos++) {
+ char c = docText.charAt(pos);
+ if (comment) {
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ if (pos >= start) {
+ setColor(commentStart, pos - commentStart,
+ attrComment);
+ }
+ comment = false;
+ } // note that escape chars are ignored in comments
+ } else if (string) {
+ if (c == '"') {
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(stringStart, pos - stringStart + 1,
+ attrString);
+ string = false;
+ } else if (c == '\\') { // skip the quoted char
+ pos++;
+ }
+ } else if (word) {
+ // see if the word ends because of a character or end of text
+ boolean terminated = (c == ' ' || c == '(' || c == ')' ||
+ c == '\n' || c == '"');
+ if (terminated || pos >= docLength - 1) {
+ word = false;
+ int stop = pos;
+ if (!terminated) stop++;
+ String buf = docText.substring(wordStart, stop);
+ // WordList.printList(buf); // to get words list.
+ if (WordList.isKeyword(buf)) {
+ setColor(normalStart, wordStart - normalStart,
+ attrNormal);
+ setColor(wordStart, pos - wordStart + 1,
+ attrBuiltin);
+ normal = true;
+ normalStart = pos + 1;
+ } else {
+ // continue normal (black) color
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\\') {
+ pos++; // skip the quoted char
+ }
+ if (terminated) pos = pos - 1; // reexamine character at pos
+ } else if (hashComment) {
+ if (c == '|' && pos + 1 < docLength &&
+ docText.charAt(pos + 1) == '#') {
+ pos++;
+ if (pos >= start) {
+ if (normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart,
+ hashCommentStart - normalStart,
+ attrNormal);
+ }
+ setColor(hashCommentStart,
+ pos - hashCommentStart + 1, attrComment);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ hashComment = false;
+ } else if (c == '\\') pos++; // skip the quoted char
+ } else if (barSymbol) {
+ if (c == '|') {
+ if (pos >= start) {
+ if (normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, wordStart - normalStart,
+ attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ setColor(wordStart, pos - wordStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ } else if (c == '\\') pos++; // skip the quoted char
+ // Starts
+ } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') {
+ space = true;
+ spaceStart = pos;
+ if (!normal) normalStart = pos;
+ normal = true;
+ } else if (c == ';') { // Comment Start
+ comment = true;
+ commentStart = pos;
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ } else if (c == '"') { // String start
+ string = true;
+ stringStart = pos;
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ } else if (c == '(' || c == ')') { // Paren start and end
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = false;
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrNormal);
+ if (c == '(' ) {
+ parenStack.push(new Integer(pos));
+ } else {
+ if (parenStack.empty()) {
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrError);
+ } else {
+ // System.out.println("pop stack");
+ parenStack.pop();
+ }
+ }
+ //System.out.println("highlight/blink " + c + " pos " + pos +
+ // " highlightLoc " + pane.highlightLoc +
+ // " blinkLoc " + pane.blinkLoc);
+ // there could be a race condition here, but failure
+ // is not critical -- this just blinks the closing paren
+ if (pane != null && pane.blinkLoc == pos && pane.blinkOn) {
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrBlink);
+ } else if (pane != null && pane.highlightLoc == pos) {
+ setColor(pos, 1, attrHighlight);
+ }
+ } else if (c == '#') {
+ space = false;
+ if (pos >= start && normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart, attrNormal);
+ }
+ normal = true;
+ normalStart = pos;
+ if (pos + 1 < docLength) {
+ char c2 = docText.charAt(pos + 1);
+ if (c2 == '\'' || c2 == 'x' || c2 == 'o' || c2 == 'b' ||
+ c2 == ':') {
+ // ignore all these: #' #x #o #b #:
+ word = true;
+ wordStart = pos;
+ pos++;
+ } else if (c2 == '|') {
+ hashComment = true;
+ hashCommentStart = pos;
+ pos++;
+ normal = false;
+ } else {
+ word = true;
+ wordStart = pos;
+ }
+ }
+ } else { // Word start
+ word = true;
+ wordStart = pos;
+ if (!normal) normalStart = pos;
+ normal = true;
+ if (c == '\\' && pos + 1 < docLength) {
+ pos++; // parse the quoted char
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ System.out.print("At end of loop, pos ");
+ System.out.println(pos);
+ */
+ //System.out.println("end parse loop");
+ if (normal) {
+ setColor(normalStart, pos - normalStart + 1, attrNormal);
+ } else if (comment) {
+ setColor(commentStart, pos - commentStart + 1, attrComment);
+ } else if (hashComment) {
+ setColor(hashCommentStart, pos - hashCommentStart + 1,
+ attrComment);
+ } else if (string) {
+ setColor(stringStart, pos - stringStart + 1, attrString);
+ }
+ evenParens = parenStack.empty();
+ while( !parenStack.empty()) {
+ int parenPos = ((Integer)parenStack.pop()).intValue();
+ if (pos >= start)
+ setColor(parenPos, 1, attrError);
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e ) { System.out.println(e); }
+ return evenParens;
+ }