path: root/tran/alpassvc.c
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authorSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
committerSteve M. Robbins <>2011-10-22 04:54:51 +0200
commitdd657ad3f1428b026486db3ec36691df17ddf515 (patch)
tree6ffb465595479fb5a76c1a6ea3ec992abaa8c1c1 /tran/alpassvc.c
Import nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz
[dgit import orig nyquist_3.05.orig.tar.gz]
Diffstat (limited to 'tran/alpassvc.c')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tran/alpassvc.c b/tran/alpassvc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5bdf4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tran/alpassvc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#include "stdio.h"
+#ifndef mips
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "sound.h"
+#include "falloc.h"
+#include "cext.h"
+#include "alpassvc.h"
+void alpassvc_free();
+typedef struct alpassvc_susp_struct {
+ snd_susp_node susp;
+ long terminate_cnt;
+ sound_type input;
+ long input_cnt;
+ sample_block_values_type input_ptr;
+ sound_type delaysnd;
+ long delaysnd_cnt;
+ sample_block_values_type delaysnd_ptr;
+ float delay_scale_factor;
+ double feedback;
+ long buflen;
+ sample_type *delaybuf;
+ sample_type *delayptr;
+ sample_type *endptr;
+} alpassvc_susp_node, *alpassvc_susp_type;
+void alpassvc_nn_fetch(register alpassvc_susp_type susp, snd_list_type snd_list)
+ int cnt = 0; /* how many samples computed */
+ int togo;
+ int n;
+ sample_block_type out;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr_reg;
+ register float delay_scale_factor_reg;
+ register double feedback_reg;
+ register long buflen_reg;
+ register sample_type * delayptr_reg;
+ register sample_type * endptr_reg;
+ register sample_block_values_type delaysnd_ptr_reg;
+ register sample_block_values_type input_ptr_reg;
+ falloc_sample_block(out, "alpassvc_nn_fetch");
+ out_ptr = out->samples;
+ snd_list->block = out;
+ while (cnt < max_sample_block_len) { /* outer loop */
+ /* first compute how many samples to generate in inner loop: */
+ /* don't overflow the output sample block: */
+ togo = max_sample_block_len - cnt;
+ /* don't run past the input input sample block: */
+ susp_check_term_samples(input, input_ptr, input_cnt);
+ togo = min(togo, susp->input_cnt);
+ /* don't run past the delaysnd input sample block: */
+ susp_check_samples(delaysnd, delaysnd_ptr, delaysnd_cnt);
+ togo = min(togo, susp->delaysnd_cnt);
+ /* don't run past terminate time */
+ if (susp->terminate_cnt != UNKNOWN &&
+ susp->terminate_cnt <= susp->susp.current + cnt + togo) {
+ togo = susp->terminate_cnt - (susp->susp.current + cnt);
+ if (togo == 0) break;
+ }
+ n = togo;
+ delay_scale_factor_reg = susp->delay_scale_factor;
+ feedback_reg = susp->feedback;
+ buflen_reg = susp->buflen;
+ delayptr_reg = susp->delayptr;
+ endptr_reg = susp->endptr;
+ delaysnd_ptr_reg = susp->delaysnd_ptr;
+ input_ptr_reg = susp->input_ptr;
+ out_ptr_reg = out_ptr;
+ if (n) do { /* the inner sample computation loop */
+ register sample_type y, z, delaysamp;
+ register int delayi;
+ register sample_type *yptr;
+ /* compute where to read y, we want y to be delay_snd samples
+ * after delay_ptr, where we write the new sample. First,
+ * conver from seconds to samples. Note: don't use actual sound_type
+ * names in comments! The translator isn't smart enough.
+ */
+ delaysamp = *delaysnd_ptr_reg++ * delay_scale_factor_reg;
+ delayi = (int) delaysamp; /* get integer part */
+ delaysamp = delaysamp - delayi; /* get phase */
+ yptr = delayptr_reg + buflen_reg - (delayi + 1);
+ if (yptr >= endptr_reg) yptr -= buflen_reg;
+ /* now get y, the out-put of the delay, using interpolation */
+ /* note that as phase increases, we use more of yptr[0] because
+ positive phase means longer buffer means read earlier sample */
+ y = (float) ((yptr[0] * delaysamp) + (yptr[1] * (1.0 - delaysamp)));
+ /* WARNING: no check to keep delaysamp in range, so do this in LISP */
+ *delayptr_reg++ = z = (sample_type) (feedback_reg * y + *input_ptr_reg++);
+ /* Time out to update the buffer:
+ * this is a tricky buffer: buffer[0] == buffer[bufflen]
+ * the logical length is bufflen, but the actual length
+ * is bufflen + 1 to allow for a repeated sample at the
+ * end. This allows for efficient interpolation.
+ */
+ if (delayptr_reg > endptr_reg) {
+ delayptr_reg = susp->delaybuf;
+ *delayptr_reg++ = *endptr_reg;
+ }
+ *out_ptr_reg++ = (sample_type) (y - feedback_reg * z);;
+ } while (--n); /* inner loop */
+ susp->buflen = buflen_reg;
+ susp->delayptr = delayptr_reg;
+ /* using delaysnd_ptr_reg is a bad idea on RS/6000: */
+ susp->delaysnd_ptr += togo;
+ /* using input_ptr_reg is a bad idea on RS/6000: */
+ susp->input_ptr += togo;
+ out_ptr += togo;
+ susp_took(input_cnt, togo);
+ susp_took(delaysnd_cnt, togo);
+ cnt += togo;
+ } /* outer loop */
+ /* test for termination */
+ if (togo == 0 && cnt == 0) {
+ snd_list_terminate(snd_list);
+ } else {
+ snd_list->block_len = cnt;
+ susp->susp.current += cnt;
+ }
+} /* alpassvc_nn_fetch */
+void alpassvc_ns_fetch(register alpassvc_susp_type susp, snd_list_type snd_list)
+ int cnt = 0; /* how many samples computed */
+ int togo;
+ int n;
+ sample_block_type out;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr_reg;
+ register float delay_scale_factor_reg;
+ register double feedback_reg;
+ register long buflen_reg;
+ register sample_type * delayptr_reg;
+ register sample_type * endptr_reg;
+ register sample_type delaysnd_scale_reg = susp->delaysnd->scale;
+ register sample_block_values_type delaysnd_ptr_reg;
+ register sample_block_values_type input_ptr_reg;
+ falloc_sample_block(out, "alpassvc_ns_fetch");
+ out_ptr = out->samples;
+ snd_list->block = out;
+ while (cnt < max_sample_block_len) { /* outer loop */
+ /* first compute how many samples to generate in inner loop: */
+ /* don't overflow the output sample block: */
+ togo = max_sample_block_len - cnt;
+ /* don't run past the input input sample block: */
+ susp_check_term_samples(input, input_ptr, input_cnt);
+ togo = min(togo, susp->input_cnt);
+ /* don't run past the delaysnd input sample block: */
+ susp_check_samples(delaysnd, delaysnd_ptr, delaysnd_cnt);
+ togo = min(togo, susp->delaysnd_cnt);
+ /* don't run past terminate time */
+ if (susp->terminate_cnt != UNKNOWN &&
+ susp->terminate_cnt <= susp->susp.current + cnt + togo) {
+ togo = susp->terminate_cnt - (susp->susp.current + cnt);
+ if (togo == 0) break;
+ }
+ n = togo;
+ delay_scale_factor_reg = susp->delay_scale_factor;
+ feedback_reg = susp->feedback;
+ buflen_reg = susp->buflen;
+ delayptr_reg = susp->delayptr;
+ endptr_reg = susp->endptr;
+ delaysnd_ptr_reg = susp->delaysnd_ptr;
+ input_ptr_reg = susp->input_ptr;
+ out_ptr_reg = out_ptr;
+ if (n) do { /* the inner sample computation loop */
+ register sample_type y, z, delaysamp;
+ register int delayi;
+ register sample_type *yptr;
+ /* compute where to read y, we want y to be delay_snd samples
+ * after delay_ptr, where we write the new sample. First,
+ * conver from seconds to samples. Note: don't use actual sound_type
+ * names in comments! The translator isn't smart enough.
+ */
+ delaysamp = (delaysnd_scale_reg * *delaysnd_ptr_reg++) * delay_scale_factor_reg;
+ delayi = (int) delaysamp; /* get integer part */
+ delaysamp = delaysamp - delayi; /* get phase */
+ yptr = delayptr_reg + buflen_reg - (delayi + 1);
+ if (yptr >= endptr_reg) yptr -= buflen_reg;
+ /* now get y, the out-put of the delay, using interpolation */
+ /* note that as phase increases, we use more of yptr[0] because
+ positive phase means longer buffer means read earlier sample */
+ y = (float) ((yptr[0] * delaysamp) + (yptr[1] * (1.0 - delaysamp)));
+ /* WARNING: no check to keep delaysamp in range, so do this in LISP */
+ *delayptr_reg++ = z = (sample_type) (feedback_reg * y + *input_ptr_reg++);
+ /* Time out to update the buffer:
+ * this is a tricky buffer: buffer[0] == buffer[bufflen]
+ * the logical length is bufflen, but the actual length
+ * is bufflen + 1 to allow for a repeated sample at the
+ * end. This allows for efficient interpolation.
+ */
+ if (delayptr_reg > endptr_reg) {
+ delayptr_reg = susp->delaybuf;
+ *delayptr_reg++ = *endptr_reg;
+ }
+ *out_ptr_reg++ = (sample_type) (y - feedback_reg * z);;
+ } while (--n); /* inner loop */
+ susp->buflen = buflen_reg;
+ susp->delayptr = delayptr_reg;
+ /* using delaysnd_ptr_reg is a bad idea on RS/6000: */
+ susp->delaysnd_ptr += togo;
+ /* using input_ptr_reg is a bad idea on RS/6000: */
+ susp->input_ptr += togo;
+ out_ptr += togo;
+ susp_took(input_cnt, togo);
+ susp_took(delaysnd_cnt, togo);
+ cnt += togo;
+ } /* outer loop */
+ /* test for termination */
+ if (togo == 0 && cnt == 0) {
+ snd_list_terminate(snd_list);
+ } else {
+ snd_list->block_len = cnt;
+ susp->susp.current += cnt;
+ }
+} /* alpassvc_ns_fetch */
+void alpassvc_toss_fetch(susp, snd_list)
+ register alpassvc_susp_type susp;
+ snd_list_type snd_list;
+ long final_count = susp->susp.toss_cnt;
+ time_type final_time = susp->susp.t0;
+ long n;
+ /* fetch samples from input up to final_time for this block of zeros */
+ while ((round((final_time - susp->input->t0) * susp->input->sr)) >=
+ susp->input->current)
+ susp_get_samples(input, input_ptr, input_cnt);
+ /* fetch samples from delaysnd up to final_time for this block of zeros */
+ while ((round((final_time - susp->delaysnd->t0) * susp->delaysnd->sr)) >=
+ susp->delaysnd->current)
+ susp_get_samples(delaysnd, delaysnd_ptr, delaysnd_cnt);
+ /* convert to normal processing when we hit final_count */
+ /* we want each signal positioned at final_time */
+ n = round((final_time - susp->input->t0) * susp->input->sr -
+ (susp->input->current - susp->input_cnt));
+ susp->input_ptr += n;
+ susp_took(input_cnt, n);
+ n = round((final_time - susp->delaysnd->t0) * susp->delaysnd->sr -
+ (susp->delaysnd->current - susp->delaysnd_cnt));
+ susp->delaysnd_ptr += n;
+ susp_took(delaysnd_cnt, n);
+ susp->susp.fetch = susp->susp.keep_fetch;
+ (*(susp->susp.fetch))(susp, snd_list);
+void alpassvc_mark(alpassvc_susp_type susp)
+ sound_xlmark(susp->input);
+ sound_xlmark(susp->delaysnd);
+void alpassvc_free(alpassvc_susp_type susp)
+free(susp->delaybuf); sound_unref(susp->input);
+ sound_unref(susp->delaysnd);
+ ffree_generic(susp, sizeof(alpassvc_susp_node), "alpassvc_free");
+void alpassvc_print_tree(alpassvc_susp_type susp, int n)
+ indent(n);
+ stdputstr("input:");
+ sound_print_tree_1(susp->input, n);
+ indent(n);
+ stdputstr("delaysnd:");
+ sound_print_tree_1(susp->delaysnd, n);
+sound_type snd_make_alpassvc(sound_type input, sound_type delaysnd, double feedback, double maxdelay)
+ register alpassvc_susp_type susp;
+ rate_type sr = max(input->sr, delaysnd->sr);
+ time_type t0 = max(input->t0, delaysnd->t0);
+ int interp_desc = 0;
+ sample_type scale_factor = 1.0F;
+ time_type t0_min = t0;
+ /* combine scale factors of linear inputs (INPUT) */
+ scale_factor *= input->scale;
+ input->scale = 1.0F;
+ /* try to push scale_factor back to a low sr input */
+ if (input->sr < sr) { input->scale = scale_factor; scale_factor = 1.0F; }
+ falloc_generic(susp, alpassvc_susp_node, "snd_make_alpassvc");
+ susp->delay_scale_factor = (float) (input->sr * delaysnd->scale);
+ susp->feedback = feedback;
+ susp->buflen = max(2, (long) (input->sr * maxdelay + 2.5));
+ susp->delaybuf = (sample_type *) calloc (susp->buflen + 1, sizeof(sample_type));
+ susp->delayptr = susp->delaybuf;
+ susp->endptr = susp->delaybuf + susp->buflen;
+ /* select a susp fn based on sample rates */
+ interp_desc = (interp_desc << 2) + interp_style(input, sr);
+ interp_desc = (interp_desc << 2) + interp_style(delaysnd, sr);
+ switch (interp_desc) {
+ case INTERP_nn: susp->susp.fetch = alpassvc_nn_fetch; break;
+ case INTERP_ns: susp->susp.fetch = alpassvc_ns_fetch; break;
+ default: snd_badsr(); break;
+ }
+ susp->terminate_cnt = UNKNOWN;
+ /* handle unequal start times, if any */
+ if (t0 < input->t0) sound_prepend_zeros(input, t0);
+ if (t0 < delaysnd->t0) sound_prepend_zeros(delaysnd, t0);
+ /* minimum start time over all inputs: */
+ t0_min = min(input->t0, min(delaysnd->t0, t0));
+ /* how many samples to toss before t0: */
+ susp->susp.toss_cnt = (long) ((t0 - t0_min) * sr + 0.5);
+ if (susp->susp.toss_cnt > 0) {
+ susp->susp.keep_fetch = susp->susp.fetch;
+ susp->susp.fetch = alpassvc_toss_fetch;
+ }
+ /* initialize susp state */
+ susp-> = alpassvc_free;
+ susp-> = sr;
+ susp->susp.t0 = t0;
+ susp->susp.mark = alpassvc_mark;
+ susp->susp.print_tree = alpassvc_print_tree;
+ susp-> = "alpassvc";
+ susp->susp.log_stop_cnt = UNKNOWN;
+ susp->susp.current = 0;
+ susp->input = input;
+ susp->input_cnt = 0;
+ susp->delaysnd = delaysnd;
+ susp->delaysnd_cnt = 0;
+ return sound_create((snd_susp_type)susp, t0, sr, scale_factor);
+sound_type snd_alpassvc(sound_type input, sound_type delaysnd, double feedback, double maxdelay)
+ sound_type input_copy = sound_copy(input);
+ sound_type delaysnd_copy = sound_copy(delaysnd);
+ return snd_make_alpassvc(input_copy, delaysnd_copy, feedback, maxdelay);