path: root/demos/allewis/cell_aut.lsp
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1 files changed, 83 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/demos/allewis/cell_aut.lsp b/demos/allewis/cell_aut.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3342843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/allewis/cell_aut.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+;; cell_aut.lsp -- cellular automata for sound generation
+;; originally by Ann Lewis
+;; revised by Roger B. Dannenberg
+;; March 2004
+;; compute-update-rule -- compute the output given a rule and 3 inputs
+(defun compute-update-rule (rule a b c)
+ ;; this is the most interesting part of the whole program
+ ;; the rule has 8 bits. Use a, b, c to index the rule bits
+ ;; and determine the result. To do this, we want a bit in
+ ;; the right position, e.g. if a=0,b=1,c=1, then the index
+ ;; is 011 = 3, and we want a bit pattern with "1" in position 3:
+ ;; 00001000. Note that this is 2^3 = a*2^4 + b*2^2 + c*2^1. So
+ ;; we can test a, b, and c and multiply by 16, 4, and 2 to get
+ ;; the right bit pattern. Then we can "and" it with rule to
+ ;; get either zero or a non-zero as the result.
+ (let ((abc 1))
+ (cond (a (setf abc 16)))
+ (cond (b (setf abc (* abc 4))))
+ (cond (c (setf abc (* abc 2))))
+ (setf rule (logand rule abc))
+ (> rule 0)))
+;; the main cellular automata implementation
+(defun cell-aut (sound-object-list duration update-rule iter)
+ (let (prev current array-len score (now 0.0) tmp)
+ ; create and initialize current and prev bit lists
+ (setf array-len (length sound-object-list))
+ (setf prev (make-array array-len))
+ (setf current (make-array array-len))
+ (setf prev (make-array array-len))
+ (setf (aref prev (/ array-len 2)) t)
+ ; create the score by computing iter generations of the automata
+ (dotimes (i iter)
+ (dotimes (j array-len)
+ (princ (if (aref prev j) " X" " 0"))
+ ; push a note on the list for each "true" in the prev array
+ (if (aref prev j)
+ (push (list now duration (nth j sound-object-list)) score)))
+ (terpri)
+ ; compute current from prev using update-rule
+ ; first do endpoints, wrap-around style
+ (setf (aref current 0)
+ (compute-update-rule update-rule
+ (aref prev (- array-len 1)) (aref prev 0) (aref prev 1)))
+ (setf (aref current (- array-len 1))
+ (compute-update-rule update-rule
+ (aref prev (- array-len 2)) (aref prev (- array-len 1))
+ (aref prev 0)))
+ ; then loop through everything else
+ ; want to cycle from 1 to array-len-2
+ (dotimes (j (- array-len 2))
+ (setf (aref current (+ j 1))
+ (compute-update-rule update-rule
+ (aref prev j) (aref prev (+ j 1)) (aref prev (+ j 2))))
+ ; set prev to current
+ (setf tmp prev)
+ (setf prev current)
+ (setf current tmp)
+ ; increment the time
+ (setf now (+ now duration)))
+ ;; the score is now in reverse order, so fix it
+ (setf score (reverse score))
+ ;; now we have a score, render it to sound and return it:
+ (timed-seq score))
+(defun cell-aut-major-scale ()
+ ;; for testing, this creates an 8-note scale
+ ;; requires (load "pianosyn") to get the piano library
+ (let (scale offsets)
+ (setf offsets '(0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12))
+ (dolist (p offsets)
+ (push (list 'piano-note-2 (+ A3 p) 100) scale))
+ (reverse scale)))
+(defun cell-aut-demo ()
+ (require-from piano-note-2 "pianosyn.lsp")
+ (play (scale 0.5 (cell-aut (cell-aut-major-scale) 0.2 30 80))))