path: root/ffts/Numerical-Recipes-testing/fftTest2d.c
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diff --git a/ffts/Numerical-Recipes-testing/fftTest2d.c b/ffts/Numerical-Recipes-testing/fftTest2d.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d22bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ffts/Numerical-Recipes-testing/fftTest2d.c
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* A program to test 2d complex forward and inverse fast fourier transform routines */
+#include <NR.H> /* uses fourn from numerical recipes in C to verify ifft2d */
+ /*change fmin in numerical recipes to fminnr to avoid conflict with fp.h */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fp.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "fftlib.h"
+#include "fftext.h"
+#include "fft2d.h"
+#if macintosh
+#include <timer.h>
+#define NSIZES 24 /* the number of different ffts col sizes to test */
+#define BIPRAND(a) (2.0/(RAND_MAX+1.0)*a-1.0)
+//#define BIPRAND(a) round(100*(2.0/(RAND_MAX+1.0)*a-1.0))
+typedef struct{
+ float Re;
+ float Im;
+ } Complex;
+void main(){
+long fftSize[NSIZES] = /* size of FFTs cols, must be powers of 2 */
+ {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256,
+ 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536,
+ 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608, 16777216};
+Complex *a1;
+long N2 = 64; /* the number of rows in the 2d fft */
+long isize;
+long i1;
+long TheErr;
+long N;
+long M;
+long M2;
+float maxerrifft;
+float maxerrfft;
+unsigned long nn[2];
+unsigned int randseed = 777;
+int rannum;
+#if macintosh
+ UnsignedWide TheTime1;
+ Microseconds(&TheTime1);
+ randseed = TheTime1.lo;
+printf(" %6d Byte Floats \n", sizeof(a1[0].Re));
+printf(" randseed = %10u\n", randseed);
+for (isize = 0; isize < NSIZES; isize++){
+ srand(randseed);
+ N = fftSize[isize];
+ M = roundtol(LOG2(N));
+ N = POW2(M);
+ M2 = roundtol(LOG2(N2));
+ N2 = POW2(M2);
+ printf("ffts size = %6d X%6d, ", N2, N);
+ nn[0] = N2;
+ nn[1] = N;
+ TheErr = fft2dInit(M2, M);
+ if(!TheErr){
+ a1 = (Complex *) malloc(N2*N*sizeof(Complex) );
+ if (a1 == 0) TheErr = 2;
+ }
+ if(!TheErr){
+ /* set up a simple test case */
+ for (i1=0; i1<N2*N; i1++){
+ rannum = rand();
+ a1[i1].Re = BIPRAND(rannum);
+ rannum = rand();
+ a1[i1].Im = BIPRAND(rannum);
+ }
+ /* first use fourn from numerical recipes in C to verify ifft2d */
+ /* Note their inverse fft is really the conventional forward fft */
+ fourn((float *)a1-1, nn-1, 2, -1);
+ ifft2d((float *)a1, M2, M);
+ maxerrifft = 0;
+ srand(randseed);
+ for (i1=0; i1<N2*N; i1++){
+ rannum = rand();
+ maxerrifft = fmax(maxerrifft, fabs(BIPRAND(rannum)-a1[i1].Re));
+ a1[i1].Re = BIPRAND(rannum);
+ rannum = rand();
+ maxerrifft = fmax(maxerrifft, fabs(BIPRAND(rannum)-a1[i1].Im));
+ a1[i1].Im = BIPRAND(rannum);
+ }
+ printf("maxerrifft = %6.4e, ", maxerrifft);
+ /* now use iffts to verify ffts */
+ ifft2d((float *)a1, M2, M);
+ fft2d((float *)a1, M2, M);
+ maxerrfft = 0;
+ srand(randseed);
+ for (i1=0; i1<N2*N; i1++){
+ rannum = rand();
+ maxerrfft = fmax(maxerrfft, fabs(BIPRAND(rannum)-a1[i1].Re));
+ rannum = rand();
+ maxerrfft = fmax(maxerrfft, fabs(BIPRAND(rannum)-a1[i1].Im));
+ }
+ printf("maxerrfft = %6.4e\n", maxerrfft);
+ free(a1);
+ fft2dFree();
+ }
+ else{
+ if(TheErr==2) printf(" out of memory \n");
+ else printf(" error \n");
+ fft2dFree();
+ }
+printf(" Done. \n");