path: root/runtime
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime')
-rw-r--r--runtime/rawwaves/mand1.rawbin0 -> 2048 bytes
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-rw-r--r--runtime/rawwaves/sinewave.rawbin0 -> 2048 bytes
40 files changed, 8926 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/dspprims.lsp b/runtime/dspprims.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57789e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/dspprims.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+;; dspprims.lsp -- interface to dsp primitives
+;; ARESON - notch filter
+(defun areson (s c b &optional (n 0))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:areson s c b n))
+(setf areson-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-areson #'snd-aresonvc #'snd-aresoncv #'snd-aresonvv))
+;; NYQ:ARESON - notch filter, single channel
+(defun nyq:areson (signal center bandwidth normalize)
+ (select-implementation-1-2 areson-implementations
+ signal center bandwidth normalize))
+;; hp - highpass filter
+(defun hp (s c)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:hp s c))
+(setf hp-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-atone #'snd-atonev))
+;; NYQ:hp - highpass filter, single channel
+(defun nyq:hp (s c)
+ (select-implementation-1-1 hp-implementations s c))
+;; comb-delay-from-hz -- compute the delay argument
+(defun comb-delay-from-hz (hz caller)
+ (recip hz))
+;; comb-feedback-from-decay -- compute the feedback argument
+(defun comb-feedback (decay delay)
+ (s-exp (mult -6.9087 delay (recip decay))))
+;; COMB - comb filter
+;; this is just a feedback-delay with different arguments
+(defun comb (snd decay hz)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:comb snd decay hz))
+(defun nyq:comb (snd decay hz)
+ (let (delay feedback len d)
+ ; convert decay to feedback, iterate over array if necessary
+ (setf delay (comb-delay-from-hz hz "comb"))
+ (setf feedback (comb-feedback decay delay))
+ (nyq:feedback-delay snd delay feedback)))
+;; ALPASS - all-pass filter
+(defun alpass (snd decay hz &optional min-hz)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:alpass snd decay hz min-hz))
+(defun nyq:alpass (snd decay hz min-hz)
+ (let (delay feedback len d)
+ ; convert decay to feedback, iterate over array if necessary
+ (setf delay (comb-delay-from-hz hz "alpass"))
+ (setf feedback (comb-feedback decay delay))
+ (nyq:alpass1 snd delay feedback min-hz)))
+;; CONST -- a constant at control-srate
+(defun const (value &optional (dur 1.0))
+ (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
+ (snd-const value *rslt* *CONTROL-SRATE* d)))
+;; CONVOLVE - slow convolution
+(defun convolve (s r)
+ (multichan-expand #'snd-convolve s r))
+;; FEEDBACK-DELAY -- (delay is quantized to sample period)
+(defun feedback-delay (snd delay feedback)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:feedback-delay snd delay feedback))
+;; SND-DELAY-ERROR -- report type error
+(defun snd-delay-error (snd delay feedback)
+ (error "feedback-delay with variable delay is not implemented"))
+;; NYQ::DELAYCV -- coerce sample rates and call snd-delaycv
+(defun nyq:delaycv (the-snd delay feedback)
+ (display "delaycv" the-snd delay feedback)
+ (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
+ (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback)))
+ (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
+ ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in feedback-delay/comb~%")
+ (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
+ (snd-delaycv the-snd delay feedback)))
+(setf feedback-delay-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-delay #'snd-delay-error #'nyq:delaycv #'snd-delay-error))
+;; NYQ:FEEDBACK-DELAY -- single channel delay
+(defun nyq:feedback-delay (snd delay feedback)
+ (select-implementation-1-2 feedback-delay-implementations
+ snd delay feedback))
+;; SND-ALPASS-ERROR -- report type error
+(defun snd-alpass-error (snd delay feedback)
+ (error "alpass with constant decay and variable hz is not implemented"))
+(if (not (fboundp 'snd-alpasscv))
+ (defun snd-alpasscv (snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ (error "snd-alpasscv (ALPASS with variable decay) is not implemented")))
+(if (not (fboundp 'snd-alpassvv))
+ (defun snd-alpassvv (snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ (error "snd-alpassvv (ALPASS with variable decay and feedback) is not implemented")))
+(defun snd-alpass-4 (snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ (snd-alpass snd delay feedback))
+(defun snd-alpasscv-4 (the-snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ (display "snd-alpasscv-4" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
+ (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
+ (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback)))
+ (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
+ ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in alpass~%")
+ (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
+ ;(display "snd-alpasscv-4 after cond" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
+ (snd-alpasscv the-snd delay feedback)))
+(defun snd-alpassvv-4 (the-snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ ;(display "snd-alpassvv-4" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
+ (let ((the-snd-srate (snd-srate the-snd))
+ (delay-srate (snd-srate delay))
+ (feedback-srate (snd-srate feedback))
+ max-delay)
+ (cond ((or (not (numberp min-hz))
+ (<= min-hz 0))
+ (error "alpass needs numeric (>0) 4th parameter (min-hz) when delay is variable")))
+ (setf max-delay (/ 1.0 min-hz))
+ ; make sure delay is between 0 and max-delay
+ ; use clip function, which is symetric, with an offset
+ (setf delay (snd-offset (clip (snd-offset delay (* max-delay -0.5))
+ (* max-delay 0.5))
+ (* max-delay 0.5)))
+ ; now delay is between 0 and max-delay, so we won't crash nyquist when
+ ; we call snd-alpassvv, which doesn't test for out-of-range data
+ (cond ((> the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (setf feedback (snd-up the-snd-srate feedback)))
+ ((< the-snd-srate feedback-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling feedback in alpass~%")
+ (setf feedback (snd-down the-snd-srate feedback))))
+ (cond ((> the-snd-srate delay-srate)
+ (setf delay (snd-up the-snd-srate delay)))
+ ((< the-snd-srate delay-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling delay in alpass~%")
+ (setf delay (snd-down the-snd-srate delay))))
+ (display "snd-alpassvv-4 after cond" (snd-srate the-snd) (snd-srate feedback))
+ (snd-alpassvv the-snd delay feedback max-delay)))
+(setf alpass-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-alpass-4 #'snd-alpass-error
+ #'snd-alpasscv-4 #'snd-alpassvv-4))
+;; NYQ:ALPASS1 -- single channel alpass
+(defun nyq:alpass1 (snd delay feedback min-hz)
+ (select-implementation-1-2 alpass-implementations
+ snd delay feedback min-hz))
+;; CONGEN -- contour generator, patterned after gated analog env gen
+(defun congen (gate rise fall) (multichan-expand #'snd-congen gate rise fall))
+;; S-EXP -- exponentiate a sound
+(defun s-exp (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:exp s))
+;; NYQ:EXP -- exponentiate number or sound
+(defun nyq:exp (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-exp s) (exp s)))
+;; S-ABS -- absolute value of a sound
+(defun s-abs (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:abs s))
+;; NYQ:ABS -- absolute value of number or sound
+(defun nyq:abs (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-abs s) (abs s)))
+;; S-SQRT -- square root of a sound
+(defun s-sqrt (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:sqrt s))
+;; NYQ:SQRT -- square root of a number or sound
+(defun nyq:sqrt (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-sqrt s) (sqrt s)))
+;; INTEGRATE -- integration
+(defun integrate (s) (multichan-expand #'snd-integrate s))
+;; S-LOG -- natural log of a sound
+(defun s-log (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:log s))
+;; NYQ:LOG -- log of a number or sound
+(defun nyq:log (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-log s) (log s)))
+;; NOISE -- white noise
+(defun noise (&optional (dur 1.0))
+ (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
+ (snd-white *rslt* *SOUND-SRATE* d)))
+(defun noise-gate (snd &optional (lookahead 0.5) (risetime 0.02) (falltime 0.5)
+ (floor 0.01) (threshold 0.01))
+ (let ((rms (lp (mult snd snd) (/ *control-srate* 10.0))))
+ (setf threshold (* threshold threshold))
+ (mult snd (gate rms floor risetime falltime lookahead threshold))))
+;; QUANTIZE -- quantize a sound
+(defun quantize (s f) (multichan-expand #'snd-quantize s f))
+;; RECIP -- reciprocal of a sound
+(defun recip (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:recip s))
+;; NYQ:RECIP -- reciprocal of a number or sound
+(defun nyq:recip (s) (if (soundp s) (snd-recip s) (/ (float s))))
+;; RMS -- compute the RMS of a sound
+(defun rms (s &optional (rate 100.0) window-size)
+ (let (rslt step-size)
+ (cond ((not (eq (type-of s) 'SOUND))
+ (break "in RMS, first parameter must be a monophonic SOUND")))
+ (setf step-size (round (/ (snd-srate s) rate)))
+ (cond ((null window-size)
+ (setf window-size step-size)))
+ (setf s (prod s s))
+ (setf result (snd-avg s window-size step-size OP-AVERAGE))
+ ;; compute square root of average
+ (s-exp (scale 0.5 (s-log result)))))
+;; RESON - bandpass filter
+(defun reson (s c b &optional (n 0))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:reson s c b n))
+(setf reson-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-reson #'snd-resonvc #'snd-resoncv #'snd-resonvv))
+;; NYQ:RESON - bandpass filter, single channel
+(defun nyq:reson (signal center bandwidth normalize)
+ (select-implementation-1-2 reson-implementations
+ signal center bandwidth normalize))
+;; SHAPE -- waveshaper
+(defun shape (snd shape origin)
+ (multichan-expand #'snd-shape snd shape origin))
+;; SLOPE -- calculate the first derivative of a signal
+(defun slope (s) (multichan-expand #'nyq:slope s))
+;; NYQ:SLOPE -- first derivative of single channel
+(defun nyq:slope (s)
+ (let* ((sr (snd-srate s))
+ (sr-inverse (/ sr)))
+ (snd-xform (snd-slope s) sr 0 sr-inverse MAX-STOP-TIME 1.0)))
+;; lp - lowpass filter
+(defun lp (s c)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:lp s c))
+(setf lp-implementations
+ (vector #'snd-tone #'snd-tonev))
+;; NYQ:lp - lowpass filter, single channel
+(defun nyq:lp (s c)
+ (select-implementation-1-1 lp-implementations s c))
+;;; fixed-parameter filters based on snd-biquad
+;;; note: snd-biquad is implemented in biquadfilt.[ch],
+;;; while BiQuad.{cpp,h} is part of STK
+(setf Pi 3.14159265358979)
+(defun square (x) (* x x))
+(defun sinh (x) (* 0.5 (- (exp x) (exp (- x)))))
+; remember that snd-biquad uses the opposite sign convention for a_i's
+; than Matlab does.
+; convenient biquad: normalize a0, and use zero initial conditions.
+(defun nyq:biquad (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
+ (let ((a0r (/ 1.0 a0)))
+ (snd-biquad x (* a0r b0) (* a0r b1) (* a0r b2)
+ (* a0r a1) (* a0r a2) 0 0)))
+(defun biquad (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:biquad x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2))
+; biquad with Matlab sign conventions for a_i's.
+(defun biquad-m (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2))
+(defun nyq:biquad-m (x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)
+ (nyq:biquad x b0 b1 b2 a0 (- a1) (- a2)))
+; two-pole lowpass
+(defun lowpass2 (x hz &optional (q 0.7071))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:lowpass2 x hz q))
+;; NYQ:LOWPASS2 -- operates on single channel
+(defun nyq:lowpass2 (x hz q)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
+ (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
+ (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
+ (b1 (- 1.0 cw))
+ (b0 (* 0.5 b1))
+ (b2 b0))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; two-pole highpass
+(defun highpass2 (x hz &optional (q 0.7071))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:highpass2 x hz q))
+(defun nyq:highpass2 (x hz q)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
+ (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
+ (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
+ (b1 (- -1.0 cw))
+ (b0 (* -0.5 b1))
+ (b2 b0))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; two-pole bandpass. max gain is unity.
+(defun bandpass2 (x hz q)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:bandpass2 x hz q))
+(defun nyq:bandpass2 (x hz q)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
+ (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
+ (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
+ (b0 alpha)
+ (b1 0.0)
+ (b2 (- alpha)))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; two-pole notch.
+(defun notch2 (x hz q)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:notch2 x hz q))
+(defun nyq:notch2 (x hz q)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (alpha (* sw (sinh (/ 0.5 q))))
+ (a0 (+ 1.0 alpha))
+ (a1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (a2 (- 1.0 alpha))
+ (b0 1.0)
+ (b1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (b2 1.0))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; two-pole allpass.
+(defun allpass2 (x hz q)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:allpass x hz q))
+(defun nyq:allpass (x hz q)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (k (exp (* -0.5 w (/ 1.0 q))))
+ (a0 1.0)
+ (a1 (* -2.0 cw k))
+ (a2 (* k k))
+ (b0 a2)
+ (b1 a1)
+ (b2 1.0))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; bass shelving EQ. gain in dB; Fc is halfway point.
+; response becomes peaky at slope > 1.
+(defun eq-lowshelf (x hz gain &optional (slope 1.0))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:eq-lowshelf x hz gain slope))
+(defun nyq:eq-lowshelf (x hz gain slope)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (A (expt 10.0 (/ gain (* 2.0 20.0))))
+ (b (sqrt (- (/ (+ 1.0 (square A)) slope) (square (- A 1.0)))))
+ (apc (* cw (+ A 1.0)))
+ (amc (* cw (- A 1.0)))
+ (bs (* b sw))
+ (b0 (* A (+ A 1.0 (- amc) bs )))
+ (b1 (* 2.0 A (+ A -1.0 (- apc) )))
+ (b2 (* A (+ A 1.0 (- amc) (- bs) )))
+ (a0 (+ A 1.0 amc bs ))
+ (a1 (* -2.0 (+ A -1.0 apc )))
+ (a2 (+ A 1.0 amc (- bs) )))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; treble shelving EQ. gain in dB; Fc is halfway point.
+; response becomes peaky at slope > 1.
+(defun eq-highshelf (x hz gain &optional (slope 1.0))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:eq-highshelf x hz gain slope))
+(defun nyq:eq-highshelf (x hz gain slope)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (A (expt 10.0 (/ gain (* 2.0 20.0))))
+ (b (sqrt (- (/ (+ 1.0 (square A)) slope) (square (- A 1.0)))))
+ (apc (* cw (+ A 1.0)))
+ (amc (* cw (- A 1.0)))
+ (bs (* b sw))
+ (b0 (* A (+ A 1.0 amc bs )))
+ (b1 (* -2.0 A (+ A -1.0 apc )))
+ (b2 (* A (+ A 1.0 amc (- bs) )))
+ (a0 (+ A 1.0 (- amc) bs ))
+ (a1 (* 2.0 (+ A -1.0 (- apc) )))
+ (a2 (+ A 1.0 (- amc) (- bs) )))
+ (nyq:biquad-m x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+(defun nyq:eq-band (x hz gain width)
+ (cond ((and (numberp hz) (numberp gain) (numberp width))
+ (eq-band-ccc x hz gain width))
+ ((and (soundp hz) (soundp gain) (soundp width))
+ (snd-eqbandvvv x hz (db-to-linear gain) width))
+ (t
+ (error "eq-band hz, gain, and width must be all numbers or all sounds"))))
+; midrange EQ. gain in dB, width in octaves (half-gain width).
+(defun eq-band (x hz gain width)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:eq-band x hz gain width))
+(defun eq-band-ccc (x hz gain width)
+ (let* ((w (* 2.0 Pi (/ hz (snd-srate x))))
+ (sw (sin w))
+ (cw (cos w))
+ (J (sqrt (expt 10.0 (/ gain 20.0))))
+ ;(dummy (display "eq-band-ccc" gain J))
+ (g (* sw (sinh (* 0.5 (log 2.0) width (/ w sw)))))
+ ;(dummy2 (display "eq-band-ccc" width w sw g))
+ (b0 (+ 1.0 (* g J)))
+ (b1 (* -2.0 cw))
+ (b2 (- 1.0 (* g J)))
+ (a0 (+ 1.0 (/ g J)))
+ (a1 (- b1))
+ (a2 (- (/ g J) 1.0)))
+ (biquad x b0 b1 b2 a0 a1 a2)))
+; see failed attempt in eub-reject.lsp to do these with higher-order fns:
+; four-pole Butterworth lowpass
+(defun lowpass4 (x hz)
+ (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.60492333) hz 1.33722126))
+; six-pole Butterworth lowpass
+(defun lowpass6 (x hz)
+ (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.58338080)
+ hz 0.75932572)
+ hz 1.95302407))
+; eight-pole Butterworth lowpass
+(defun lowpass8 (x hz)
+ (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 (lowpass2 x hz 0.57622191)
+ hz 0.66045510)
+ hz 0.94276399)
+ hz 2.57900101))
+; four-pole Butterworth highpass
+(defun highpass4 (x hz)
+ (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.60492333) hz 1.33722126))
+; six-pole Butterworth highpass
+(defun highpass6 (x hz)
+ (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.58338080)
+ hz 0.75932572)
+ hz 1.95302407))
+; eight-pole Butterworth highpass
+(defun highpass8 (x hz)
+ (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 (highpass2 x hz 0.57622191)
+ hz 0.66045510)
+ hz 0.94276399)
+ hz 2.57900101))
+; YIN
+; maybe this should handle multiple channels, etc.
+(setfn yin snd-yin)
+(defun follow (sound floor risetime falltime lookahead)
+ ;; use 10000s as "infinite" -- that's about 2^30 samples at 96K
+ (setf lookahead (round (* lookahead (snd-srate sound))))
+ (extract (/ lookahead (snd-srate sound)) 10000
+ (snd-follow sound floor risetime falltime lookahead)))
+; Note: gate implementation moved to nyquist.lsp
+;(defun gate (sound floor risetime falltime lookahead threshold)
+; (setf lookahead (round (* lookahead (snd-srate sound))))
+; (setf lookahead (/ lookahead (snd-srate sound)))
+; (extract lookahead 10000
+; (snd-gate sound lookahead risetime falltime floor threshold)))
diff --git a/runtime/envelopes.lsp b/runtime/envelopes.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6797997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/envelopes.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+;; envelopes.lsp -- support functions for envelope editor in jNyqIDE
+#| In Nyquist, editable envelopes are saved as one entry in the workspace
+named *envelopes*. The entry is an association list where each element
+looks like this:
+(name type parameters... )
+where name is a symbol, e.g. MY-ENVELOPE-1,
+ type is a function name, e.g. PWL, PWLV, PWE, etc., and
+ parameters are breakpoint data, e.g. 0.1 1 0.2 0.5 1
+Example of two envelopes named FOO and BAR:
+((FOO PWL 0.1 1 1) (BAR PWE 0.2 1 1))
+To convert envelope data into functions, call (MAKE-ENV-FUNCTIONS).
+This function should be on the workspace's list of functions to call.
+(See ADD-ACTION-TO-WORKSPACE in Nyquist Manual.)
+When the jNyqIDE wants to get the envelope data from the workspace, it
+should call (GET-ENV-DATA), which will dump formatted data to Nyquist's
+standard output as follows:
+get-env-data: begin
+name (type parameters...) newline
+name (type parameters...) newline
+get-env-data: end
+When the IDE wants to save a definition, it should call
+To delete a definition, call:
+Envelope data will be loaded when the editor window is opened and saved
+whenever the user issues a "save" command. If the user switches envelopes
+without saving, there is a prompt to save or ignore.
+The user will also be prompted to save when the editor window is closed
+or when Nyquist is exited.
+Saving the workspace automatically is something that Nyquist should do
+(or prompt the user to do) when it exits.
+;; WORKSPACE -- the workspace is just a set of variables, typically
+;; with scores as values. These are stored in the file workspace.lsp
+;; so that you can work on some data and then store it for use later.
+(cond ((not (boundp '*workspace*))
+ (setf *workspace* nil)))
+(cond ((not (boundp '*workspace-actions*))
+ (setf *workspace-actions* nil)))
+;; one of the variables in the workspace is *envelopes*
+(cond ((not (boundp '*envelopes*))
+ (setf *envelopes* nil)))
+;; DESCRIBE -- add a description to a global variable
+(defun describe (symbol &optional description)
+ (add-to-workspace symbol)
+ (cond (description
+ (putprop symbol description 'description))
+ (t
+ (get symbol 'description))))
+;; ADD-TO-WORKSPACE -- add a global symbol to workspace
+(defun add-to-workspace (symbol)
+ (cond ((not (symbolp symbol))
+ (format t "add-to-workspace expects a (quoted) symbol~%"))
+ ((not (member symbol *workspace*))
+ (push symbol *workspace*))))
+;; ADD-ACTION-TO-WORKSPACE -- call function when workspace is loaded
+(defun add-action-to-workspace (symbol)
+ (cond ((not (symbolp symbol))
+ (format t "add-action-to-workspace expects a (quoted) symbol~%"))
+ ((not (member symbol *workspace-actions*))
+ (push symbol *workspace-actions*))))
+;; SAVE-WORKSPACE -- write data to file
+(defun save-workspace ()
+ (let (val (outf (open "workspace.lsp" :direction :output)))
+ (dolist (sym *workspace*)
+ (format outf "(add-to-workspace '~A)~%" sym)
+ (cond ((get sym 'description)
+ (format outf "(putprop '~A \"~A\" 'description)~%"
+ sym (get sym 'description))))
+ (format outf "(setf ~A '" sym)
+ (setf val (symbol-value sym))
+ (cond ((listp val)
+ (format outf "(~%")
+ (dolist (elem val)
+ (format outf " ~A~%" elem))
+ (format outf " ))~%~%"))
+ (t
+ (format outf "~A)~%~%" val))))
+ (dolist (sym *workspace-actions*) ;; call hooks after reading data
+ (format outf "(add-action-to-workspace '~A)~%" sym)
+ (format outf "(if (fboundp '~A) (~A))~%" sym sym))
+ (format outf "(princ \"workspace loaded\\n\")~%")
+ (close outf)
+ (princ "workspace saved\n")
+ nil))
+;; DEFINE-ENV -- save the env data and make corresponding function
+(defun define-env (name expression)
+ (delete-env name)
+ (push (cons name expression) *envelopes*)
+ (make-env-function name expression)
+ ; make sure envelopes are redefined when workspace is loaded
+ (add-to-workspace '*envelopes*) ; so *envelopes* will be saved
+ (describe '*envelopes* "data for envelope editor in jNyqIDE")
+ (add-action-to-workspace 'make-env-functions)
+ nil)
+;; DELETE-ENV -- delete an envelope definition from workspace
+;; note that this will not undefine the corresponding envelope function
+(defun delete-env (name)
+ (setf *envelopes*
+ (remove name *envelopes*
+ :test #'(lambda (key item) (eql key (car item))))))
+;; MAKE-ENV-FUNCTION -- convert data to a defined function
+(defun make-env-function (name expression)
+ (setf (symbol-function name)
+ (eval (list 'lambda '() expression))))
+;; MAKE-ENV-FUNCTIONS -- convert data to defined functions
+(defun make-env-functions ()
+ (let (name type parameters)
+ (dolist (env *envelopes*)
+ (setf name (car env))
+ (setf type (cadr env))
+ (setf parameters (cddr env))
+ (make-env-function name (cons type parameters)))))
+;; GET-ENV-DATA -- print env data for IDE
+(defun get-env-data ()
+ (princ "get-env-data: begin\n")
+ (dolist (env *envelopes*)
+ (format t "~A ~A~%" (car env) (cdr env)))
+ (princ "get-env-data: end\n")
+ nil)
diff --git a/runtime/equalizer.lsp b/runtime/equalizer.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ff487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/equalizer.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+;; equalizer.lsp -- support functions for equalizer editor in jNyqIDE
+#| This is modeled after envelopes.lsp, which details how envelope data is
+exchanged between Nyquist and jNyqIDE.
+The jNyqIDE code needs some work to make it look like the envelope
+editor (which also needs work, but that's another matter). For consistency,
+both should support named envelopes and equalizers.
+However, for now, we have equalizers numbered from 0 to 9. The format for
+exchange will be:
+get-eq-data: begin
+name parameters newline
+name parameters newline
+get-eq-data: end
+and when the IDE wants to save a definition, it should call
+(cond ((not (boundp '*equalizers*))
+ (setf *equalizers* nil)))
+;; DEFINE-EQ -- save the eq data and make corresponding function
+(defun define-eq (name expression)
+ (setf *equalizers* (remove name *equalizers*
+ :test #'(lambda (key item) (eql key (car item)))))
+ (push (list name expression) *equalizers*)
+ (make-eq-function name expression)
+ ; make sure equalizers are redefined when workspace is loaded
+ (add-to-workspace '*equalizers*)
+ (describe '*equalizers* "data for equalizers in jNyqIDE")
+ (add-action-to-workspace 'make-eq-functions)
+ nil)
+;; MAKE-EQ-FUNCTION -- convert data to a defined function
+(defun make-eq-function (name parameters)
+ (cond ((numberp name)
+ (setf name (intern (format nil "EQ-~A" name)))))
+ (if (not (boundp '*grapheq-loaded*)) (load "grapheq.lsp"))
+ (setf (symbol-function name)
+ (eval `(lambda (s) (nband-range s ',parameters 60 14000)))))
+;; MAKE-EQ-FUNCTIONS -- convert data to defined functions
+(defun make-eq-functions ()
+ (let (name type parameters)
+ (dolist (eq *equalizers*)
+ (setf name (car eq))
+ (setf parameters (second parameters))
+ (make-eq-function name parameters))))
+;; GET-EQ-DATA -- print env data for IDE
+(defun get-eq-data ()
+ (let (parameters)
+ (princ "get-eq-data: begin\n")
+ (dolist (env *equalizers*)
+ (format t "~A" (car env))
+ (setf parameters (second env))
+ (dotimes (i (length parameters))
+ (format t " ~A" (aref parameters i)))
+ (format t "~%"))
+ (princ "get-eq-data: end\n")
+ nil))
diff --git a/runtime/evalenv.lsp b/runtime/evalenv.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..155139f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/evalenv.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;; The EVAL function in the original XLISP evaluated in the current lexical
+;; context. This was changed to evaluate in the NIL (global) context to
+;; match Common Lisp. But this created a problem: how do you EVAL an
+;; expression in the current lexical context?
+;; The answer is you can use the evalhook facility. The evalhook function
+;; will evaluate an expression using an environment given to it as an
+;; argument. But then the problem is "how do you get the current
+;; environment?" Well the getenv macro, below obtains the environent by
+;; using an *evalhook* form.
+;; The following two macros do the job. Insteading of executing (eval <expr>)
+;; just execute (eval-env <expr>). If you want, you can dispense with the
+;; macros and execute:
+;;(evalhook <expr> nil nil (let ((*evalhook* (lambda (x env) env)))
+;; (eval nil)))
+;; Tom Almy 10/91
+(defmacro getenv ()
+ '(progv '(*evalhook*)
+ (list #'(lambda (exp env) env))
+ (eval nil)))
+; this didn't work, may be for a later (Almy) version of xlisp?
+;(defmacro getenv ()
+; '(let ((*evalhook* (lambda (x env) env)))
+; (eval nil))) ; hook function evaluates by returning
+ ; environment
+(defmacro eval-env (arg) ; evaluate in current environment
+ `(evalhook ,arg nil nil (getenv)))
diff --git a/runtime/fileio.lsp b/runtime/fileio.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82d1aaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/fileio.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+;; fileio.lsp
+;; if *default-sf-dir* undefined, set it to user's tmp directory
+(cond ((not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ ;; it would be nice to use get-temp-path, but when running
+ ;; the Java-based IDE, Nyquist does not get environment
+ ;; variables to tell TMP or TEMP or USERPROFILE
+ ;; We want to avoid the current directory because it may
+ ;; be read-only. Search for some likely paths...
+ ;; Note that since these paths don't work for Unix or OS X,
+ ;; they will not be used, so no system-dependent code is
+ ;; needed
+ (let ((current (setdir ".")))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir*
+ (or (setdir "c:\\tmp\\" nil)
+ (setdir "c:\\temp\\" nil)
+ (setdir "d:\\tmp\\" nil)
+ (setdir "d:\\temp\\" nil)
+ (setdir "e:\\tmp\\" nil)
+ (setdir "e:\\temp\\" nil)
+ (get-temp-path)))
+ (format t "Set *default-sf-dir* to \"~A\" in fileio.lsp~%"
+ *default-sf-dir*)
+ (setdir current))))
+;; if the steps above fail, then *default-sf-dir* might be "" (especially
+;; on windows), and the current directory could be read-only on Vista and
+;; Windows 7. Therefore, the Nyquist IDE will subsequently call
+;; suggest-default-sf-dir with Java's idea of a valid temp directory.
+;; If *default-sf-dir* is the empty string (""), this will set the variable:
+(defun suggest-default-sf-dir (path)
+ (cond ((equal *default-sf-dir* "") (setf *default-sf-dir* path))))
+;; s-save -- saves a file
+(setf NY:ALL 1000000000) ; 1GIG constant for maxlen
+(defmacro s-save (expression &optional (maxlen NY:ALL) filename
+ &key (format '*default-sf-format*)
+ (mode '*default-sf-mode*) (bits '*default-sf-bits*)
+ (endian NIL) ; nil, :big, or :little -- specifies file format
+ (play nil))
+ `(let ((ny:fname ,filename)
+ (ny:maxlen ,maxlen)
+ (ny:endian ,endian)
+ (ny:swap 0))
+ ; allow caller to omit maxlen, in which case the filename will
+ ; be a string in the maxlen parameter position and filename will be null
+ (cond ((null ny:fname)
+ (cond ((stringp ny:maxlen)
+ (setf ny:fname ny:maxlen)
+ (setf ny:maxlen NY:ALL))
+ (t
+ (setf ny:fname *default-sound-file*)))))
+ (cond ((equal ny:fname "")
+ (cond ((not ,play)
+ (format t "s-save: no file to write! play option is off!\n"))))
+ (t
+ (setf ny:fname (soundfilename ny:fname))
+ (format t "Saving sound file to ~A~%" ny:fname)))
+ (cond ((eq ny:endian :big)
+ (setf ny:swap (if (bigendianp) 0 1)))
+ ((eq ny:endian :little)
+ (setf ny:swap (if (bigendianp) 1 0))))
+ (snd-save ',expression ny:maxlen ny:fname ,format ,mode ,bits ny:swap ,play)))
+;; MULTICHANNEL-MAX -- find peak over all channels
+(defun multichannel-max (snd samples)
+ (cond ((soundp snd)
+ (snd-max snd samples))
+ ((arrayp snd) ;; assume it is multichannel sound
+ (let ((peak 0.0) (chans (length snd)))
+ (dotimes (i chans)
+ (setf peak (max peak (snd-max (aref snd i) (/ samples chans)))))
+ peak))
+ (t (error "unexpected value in multichannel-max" snd))))
+;; AUTONORM -- look ahead to find peak and normalize sound to 80%
+(defun autonorm (snd)
+ (let (peak)
+ (cond (*autonormflag*
+ (cond ((and (not (soundp snd))
+ (not (eq (type-of snd) 'ARRAY)))
+ (error "AUTONORM (or PLAY?) got unexpected value" snd))
+ ((eq *autonorm-type* 'previous)
+ (scale *autonorm* snd))
+ ((eq *autonorm-type* 'lookahead)
+ (setf peak (multichannel-max snd *autonorm-max-samples*))
+ (setf peak (max 0.001 peak))
+ (setf *autonorm* (/ *autonorm-target* peak))
+ (scale *autonorm* snd))
+ (t
+ (error "unknown *autonorm-type*"))))
+ (t snd))))
+(defmacro s-save-autonorm (expression &rest arglist)
+ `(let ((peak (s-save (autonorm ,expression) ,@arglist)))
+ (autonorm-update peak)))
+;; The "AutoNorm" facility: when you play something, the Nyquist play
+;; command will automatically compute what normalization factor you
+;; should have used. If you play the same thing again, the normalization
+;; factor is automatically applied.
+;; Call AUTONORM-OFF to turn off this feature, and AUTONORM-ON to turn
+;; it back on.
+;; *autonorm-target* is the peak value we're aiming for (it's set below 1
+;; so allow the next signal to get slightly louder without clipping)
+(init-global *autonorm-target* 0.9)
+;; *autonorm-type* selects the autonorm algorithm to use
+;; 'previous means normalize according to the last computed sound
+;; 'precompute means precompute *autonorm-max-samples* samples in
+;; memory and normalize according to the peak
+(init-global *autonorm-type* 'lookahead)
+(init-global *autonorm-max-samples* 1000000) ; default is 4MB buffer
+(defun autonorm-on ()
+ (setf *autonorm* 1.0)
+ (setf *autonorm-previous-peak* 1.0)
+ (setf *autonormflag* t)
+ (format t "AutoNorm feature is on.~%"))
+(if (not (boundp '*autonormflag*)) (autonorm-on))
+(defun autonorm-off ()
+ (setf *autonormflag* nil)
+ (setf *autonorm* 1.0)
+ (format t "AutoNorm feature is off.~%"))
+;; AUTONORM-UPDATE -- called with true peak to report and prepare
+;; after saving/playing a file, we have the true peak. This along
+;; with the autonorm state is printed in a summary and the autonorm
+;; state is updated for next time.
+;; There are currently two types: PREVIOUS and LOOKAHEAD
+;; With PREVIOUS:
+;; compute the true peak and print the before and after peak
+;; along with the scale factor to be used next time
+;; compute the true peak and print the before and after peak
+;; along with the "suggested scale factor" that would achieve
+;; the *autonorm-target*
+(defun autonorm-update (peak)
+ (cond ((> peak 1.0)
+ (format t "*** CLIPPING DETECTED! ***~%")))
+ (cond ((and *autonormflag* (> peak 0.0))
+ (setf *autonorm-previous-peak* (/ peak *autonorm*))
+ (setf *autonorm* (/ *autonorm-target* *autonorm-previous-peak*))
+ (format t "AutoNorm: peak was ~A,~%" *autonorm-previous-peak*)
+ (format t " peak after normalization was ~A,~%" peak)
+ (format t (if (eq *autonorm-type* 'PREVIOUS)
+ " new normalization factor is ~A~%"
+ " suggested normalization factor is ~A~%")
+ *autonorm*))
+ (t
+ (format t "Peak was ~A,~%" peak)
+ (format t " suggested normalization factor is ~A~%"
+ (/ *autonorm-target* peak)))
+ peak
+ ))
+;; s-read -- reads a file
+(defun s-read (filename &key (time-offset 0) (srate *sound-srate*)
+ (dur 10000.0) (nchans 1) (format *default-sf-format*)
+ (mode *default-sf-mode*) (bits *default-sf-bits*) (endian NIL))
+ (let ((swap 0))
+ (cond ((eq endian :big)
+ (setf swap (if (bigendianp) 0 1)))
+ ((eq endian :little)
+ (setf swap (if (bigendianp) 1 0))))
+ (if (minusp dur) (error "s-read :dur is negative" dur))
+ (snd-read (soundfilename filename) time-offset
+ (local-to-global 0) format nchans mode bits swap srate
+ dur)))
+;; SF-INFO -- print sound file info
+(defun sf-info (filename)
+ (let (s format channels mode bits swap srate dur flags)
+ (format t "~A:~%" (soundfilename filename))
+ (setf s (s-read filename))
+ (setf format (car *rslt*))
+ (setf channels (cadr *rslt*))
+ (setf mode (caddr *rslt*))
+ (setf bits (cadddr *rslt*))
+ (setf *rslt* (cddddr *rslt*))
+ (setf swap (car *rslt*))
+ (setf srate (cadr *rslt*))
+ (setf dur (caddr *rslt*))
+ (setf flags (cadddr *rslt*))
+ (format t "Format: ~A~%"
+ (nth format '("none" "AIFF" "IRCAM" "NeXT" "Wave" "PAF" "SVX"
+ "NIST" "VOC" "W64" "MAT4" "Mat5" "PVF" "XI" "HTK"
+ "SDS" "AVR" "SD2" "FLAC" "CAF")))
+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-channels))
+ (format t "Channels: ~A~%" channels)))
+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-mode))
+ (format t "Mode: ~A~%"
+ (nth mode '("ADPCM" "PCM" "uLaw" "aLaw" "Float" "UPCM"
+ "unknown" "double" "GSM610" "DWVW" "DPCM"
+ "msadpcm")))))
+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-bits))
+ (format t "Bits/Sample: ~A~%" bits)))
+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-srate))
+ (format t "SampleRate: ~A~%" srate)))
+ (cond ((setp (logand flags snd-head-dur))
+ (format t "Duration: ~A~%" dur)))
+ ))
+;; SETP -- tests whether a bit is set (non-zero)
+(defun setp (bits) (not (zerop bits)))
+;; IS-FILE-SEPARATOR -- is this a file path separation character, e.g. "/"?
+(defun is-file-separator (c)
+ (or (eq c *file-separator*)
+ (and (eq *file-separator* #\\) ;; if this is windows (indicated by "\")
+ (eq c #\/)))) ;; then "/" is also a file separator
+;; SOUNDFILENAME -- add default directory to name to get filename
+(defun soundfilename (filename)
+ (cond ((= 0 (length filename))
+ (break "filename must be at least one character long" filename))
+ ((full-name-p filename))
+ (t
+ ; if sf-dir nonempty and does not end with filename separator,
+ ; append one
+ (cond ((and (< 0 (length *default-sf-dir*))
+ (not (is-file-separator
+ (char *default-sf-dir*
+ (1- (length *default-sf-dir*))))))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string *file-separator*)))
+ (format t "Warning: appending \"~A\" to *default-sf-dir*~%"
+ *file-separator*)))
+ (setf filename (strcat *default-sf-dir* (string filename)))))
+ ;; now we have a file name, but it may be relative to current directory, so
+ ;; expand it with the current directory
+ (cond ((relative-path-p filename)
+ ;; get current working directory and build full name
+ (let ((path (setdir ".")))
+ (cond (path
+ (setf filename (strcat path (string *file-separator*)
+ (string filename))))))))
+ filename)
+(setfn s-read-format car)
+(setfn s-read-channels cadr)
+(setfn s-read-mode caddr)
+(setfn s-read-bits cadddr)
+(defun s-read-swap (rslt) (car (cddddr rslt)))
+(defun s-read-srate (rslt) (cadr (cddddr rslt)))
+(defun s-read-dur (rslt) (caddr (cddddr rslt)))
+(defun s-read-byte-offset (rslt) (car (cddddr (cddddr rslt))))
+;; round is tricky because truncate rounds toward zero as does C
+;; in other words, rounding is down for positive numbers and up
+;; for negative numbers. You can convert rounding up to rounding
+;; down by subtracting one, but this fails on the integers, so
+;; we need a special test if (- x 0.5) is an integer
+(defun round (x)
+ (cond ((> x 0) (truncate (+ x 0.5)))
+ ((= (- x 0.5) (truncate (- x 0.5))) (truncate x))
+ (t (truncate (- x 0.5)))))
+;; change defaults for PLAY macro:
+(init-global *soundenable* t)
+(defun sound-on () (setf *soundenable* t))
+(defun sound-off () (setf *soundenable* nil))
+(defun coterm (snd1 snd2)
+ (multichan-expand #'snd-coterm snd1 snd2))
+(defmacro s-add-to (expr maxlen filename &optional (time-offset 0.0))
+ `(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
+ ny:peak ny:input (ny:offset ,time-offset))
+ (format t "Adding sound to ~A at offset ~A~%"
+ ny:fname ,time-offset)
+ (setf ny:peak (snd-overwrite '(let ((ny:addend ,expr))
+ (sum (coterm
+ (s-read ny:fname
+ :time-offset ny:offset)
+ ny:addend)
+ ny:addend))
+ ,maxlen ny:fname ny:offset SND-HEAD-NONE 0 0 0))
+ (format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*))
+ ny:peak))
+(defmacro s-overwrite (expr maxlen filename &optional (time-offset 0.0))
+ `(let ((ny:fname (soundfilename ,filename))
+ (ny:peak 0.0)
+ ny:input ny:rslt ny:offset)
+ (format t "Overwriting ~A at offset ~A~%" ny:fname ny:offset)
+ (setf ny:offset (s-read-byte-offset ny:rslt))
+ (setf ny:peak (snd-overwrite `,expr ,maxlen ny:fname ,time-offset
+ 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0))
+ (format t "Duration written: ~A~%" (car *rslt*))
+ ny:peak))
diff --git a/runtime/follow.lsp b/runtime/follow.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7332fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/follow.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;(set-control-srate 100)
+;(set-sound-srate 100)
+;(setf xx (pwl 0 1 1 0 1.1 1 1.8 0 2 1 3 0 5))
+;(setf xx (pwl 0 1 1 .2 1.1 1 1.8 .2 2 1 3 0 5))
+;(setf yy (snd-follow xx 0.1 0.25 1.0 30))
+;(setf db-factor (/ 1.0 (log 0.00001)))
+; COMPRESS-MAP -- constructs a map for the compress function
+; The map consists of two parts: a compression part and an expansion part.
+; The intended use is to compress everything above compress-threshold by
+; compress-ratio, and to downward expand everything below expand-ratio
+; by expand-ratio. Thresholds are in dB and ratios are dB-per-dB.
+; 0dB corresponds to an amplitude of 1.0
+; If the input goes above 0dB, the output can optionally be limited
+; by seting limit-flag to T. This effectively changes the compression
+; ratio to infinity at 0dB. If limit-flag is NIL, then the compression-ratio
+; continues to apply above 0dB.
+; It is assumed that expand-threshold <= compress-threshold <= 0
+; The gain is unity at 0dB so if compression-ratio > 1, then gain
+; will be greater than unity below 0dB
+;(defun compress-map (compress-ratio compress-threshold expand-ratio
+; expand-threshold limit-flag)
+; (let ()
+; (
+;; I'm not sure if the rest of this function was lost due to version
+;; problems, or it never existed. Email to if you would
+;; like some help with dynamics compression.
+;; Also, I had a really great 2-stage compressor for speech -- it did
+;; something like a noise gate with a short time constant, and an automatic
+;; gain control with a long time constant. Each one varied the gain by
+;; about 12 dB -- any more would cause really ugly noise pumping, but
+;; without the combined actions of both, there was not enough control.
+;; Again, email me if you are interested. Lately, I've been using
+;; more sophisticated multiple band noise reduction in Cool Edit. They
+;; obviously put a lot of work into that, and I don't plan to redo the
+;; work for Nyquist. -RBD
+(defun compress (input map rise-time fall-time)
+ ; take the square of the input to get power
+ (let ((in-squared (mult input input)))
+ ; compute the time-average (sort of a low-pass) of the square
+ (setf avg (snd-avg in-squared 1000 500 OP-AVERAGE))
+ ; use follower to anticipate rise and trail off smoothly
+ (setf env (snd-follow avg 0.001 0.2 1.0 20))
+ ; take logarithm to get dB instead of linear
+ (setf logenv (snd-log env))
+ ; tricky part: map converts dB of input to desired gain in dB
+ ; this defines the character of the compressor
+ (setf shaped-env (shape logenv map 1.0))
+ ; go back to linear
+ (setf gain (snd-exp shaped-env))
+ ; return the scaled input sound,
+ ; another trick: avg signal will be delayed. Also, snd-follow
+ ; has a delayed response because it's looking ahead in sound
+ ; 20 = the number of samples of lookahead from snd-follow
+ ; 88.2 = 44,100 (sample rate) / 500 (the step-size in avg)
+ ; in other words, 44100/500 is the sample rate of the control
+ ; signal looked at by follow
+ ; "44100" should be replace by the signal's sample rate
+ ; = (snd-srate input)
+ (mult (seq (s-rest (/ 20.0 88.2)) (cue input)) gain)))
diff --git a/runtime/init.lsp b/runtime/init.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b905c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/init.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+; init.lsp -- default Nyquist startup file
+(load "nyinit.lsp" :verbose nil)
+; add your customizations here:
+; e.g. (setf *default-sf-dir* "...")
+; (load "test.lsp")
diff --git a/runtime/misc.lsp b/runtime/misc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..882adfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/misc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+;## misc.lsp -- a collection of useful support functions
+;; Garbage collection "improvement" -- XLISP will GC without allocation
+;; as long as it does not run out of cells. This can make it very slow
+;; since GC does work proportional to the heap size. If there were
+;; always at least, say, 1/3 of the heap free after GC, then allocating
+;; cells would be more-or-less a constant time operation (amortized).
+;; So, after GC, we'll expand until we have 1/3 of the heap free.
+(defun ny:gc-hook (heap-size free-cells)
+ (cond ((< (* free-cells 2) heap-size) ;; free cells is < 1/3 heap
+ ;; expand. Each expansion unit is 2000 cons cells
+ (let* ((how-many-not-free (- heap-size free-cells))
+ (should-be-free (/ how-many-not-free 2))
+ (how-many-more (- should-be-free free-cells))
+ (expand-amount (/ how-many-more 2000)))
+ (cond ((> expand-amount 0)
+ (if *gc-flag*
+ (format t
+ "[ny:gc-hook allocating ~A more cells] "
+ (* expand-amount 2000)))
+ (expand expand-amount)))))))
+(setf *gc-hook* 'ny:gc-hook)
+; set global if not already set
+(defmacro init-global (symb expr)
+ `(if (boundp ',symb) ,symb (setf ,symb ,expr)))
+; controlling breaks and tracebacks:
+; XLISP and SAL behave differently, so there are four(!) flags:
+; *sal-traceback* -- print SAL traceback on error in SAL mode
+; Typically you want this on always.
+; *sal-break* -- allow break (to XLISP prompt) on error when in SAL mode
+; (overrides *sal-traceback*) Typically, you do not want
+; this unless you need to see exactly where an error happened
+; or the bug is in XLISP source code called from SAL.
+; *xlisp-break* -- allow break on error when in XLISP mode
+; Typically, you want this on.
+; *xlisp-traceback* -- print XLISP traceback on error in XLISP mode
+; Typically, you do not want this because the full
+; stack can be long and tedious.
+(setf *sal-mode* nil)
+(setf *sal-traceback* t
+ *sal-break* nil
+ *xlisp-break* t
+ *xlisp-traceback* nil)
+(defun sal-tracenable (flag) (setf *sal-traceback* flag))
+(defun sal-breakenable (flag)
+ (setf *sal-break* flag)
+ (if *sal-mode* (setf *breakenable* flag)))
+(defun xlisp-breakenable (flag)
+ (setf *xlisp-break* flag)
+ (if (not *sal-mode*) (setf *breakenable* flag)))
+(defun xlisp-tracenable (flag)
+ (setf *xlisp-traceback* flag)
+ (if flag (setf *xlisp-break* t))
+ (cond ((not *sal-mode*)
+ (if flag (setf *breakenable* t))
+ (setf *tracenable* flag))))
+; enable or disable breaks
+(defun bkon () (xlisp-breakenable t))
+(defun bkoff () (xlisp-breakenable nil))
+;; (grindef 'name) - pretty print a function
+(defun grindef (e) (pprint (get-lambda-expression (symbol-function e))))
+;; (args 'name) - print function and its formal arguments
+(defun args (e)
+ (pprint (cons e (second (get-lambda-expression (symbol-function e))))))
+;; (incf <place>), (decf <place>) - add/sub 1 to/from variable
+(defmacro incf (symbol) `(setf ,symbol (1+ ,symbol)))
+(defmacro decf (symbol) `(setf ,symbol (1- ,symbol)))
+;; (push val <place>) - cons val to list
+(defmacro push (val lis) `(setf ,lis (cons ,val ,lis)))
+(defmacro pop (lis) `(prog1 (car ,lis) (setf ,lis (cdr ,lis))))
+;; include this to use RBD's XLISP profiling hooks
+;;(load "/afs/andrew/usr/rbd/lib/xlisp/profile.lsp")
+;(cond ((boundp 'application-file-name)
+; (load application-file-name)))
+(defun get-input-file-name ()
+ (let (fname)
+ (format t "Input file name: ")
+ (setf fname (read-line))
+ (cond ((equal fname "") (get-input-file-name))
+ (t fname))))
+(defun open-output-file ()
+ (let (fname)
+ (format t "Output file name: ")
+ (setf fname (read-line))
+ (cond ((equal fname "") t)
+ (t (open fname :direction :output)))))
+(defmacro while (cond &rest stmts)
+ `(prog () loop (if ,cond () (return)) ,@stmts (go loop)))
+; when parens/quotes don't match, try this
+(defun file-sexprs ()
+ (let ((fin (open (get-input-file-name)))
+ inp)
+ (while (setf inp (read fin)) (print inp))))
+;; get path for currently loading file (if any)
+(defun current-path ()
+ (let (fullpath n)
+ (setf n -1)
+ (cond (*loadingfiles*
+ (setf fullpath (car *loadingfiles*))
+ (dotimes (i (length fullpath))
+ (cond ((equal (char fullpath i) *file-separator*)
+ (setf n i))))
+ (setf fullpath (subseq fullpath 0 (1+ n)))
+ ;; if this is a Mac, use ':' in place of empty path
+;; (cond ((and (equal fullpath "")
+;; (equal *file-separator* #\:))
+;; (setf fullpath ":")))
+ ;; Here's an interesting problem: fullpath is now the path
+ ;; specified to LOAD, but it may be relative to the current
+ ;; directory. What if we want to load a sound file from the
+ ;; current directory? It seems that S-READ gives priority to
+ ;; the *DEFAULT-SF-DIR*, so it will follow fullpath STARTING
+ ;; FROM *DEFAULT-SF-DIR*. To fix this, we need to make sure
+ ;; that fullpath is either an absolute path or starts with
+ ;; and explicit ./ which tells s-read to look in the current
+ ;; directory.
+ (cond ((> (length fullpath) 0)
+ (cond ((full-name-p fullpath))
+ (t ; not absolute, make it explicitly relative
+ (setf fullpath (strcat "./" fullpath)))))
+ (t (setf fullpath "./"))) ; use current directory
+ fullpath)
+ (t nil))))
+;; real-random -- pick a random real from a range
+(defun real-random (from to)
+ (+ (* (rrandom) (- to from)) from))
+;; power -- raise a number to some power x^y
+(defun power (x y)
+ (exp (* (log (float x)) y)))
+;; require-from -- load a file if a function is undefined
+;; fn-symbol -- the function defined when the file is loaded
+;; file-name -- the name of file to load if fn-symbol is undefined
+;; path -- if t, load from current-path; if a string, prepend string
+;; to file-name; if nil, ignore it
+(defmacro require-from (fn-symbol file-name &optional path)
+ (cond ((eq path t)
+ (setf file-name `(strcat (current-path) ,file-name)))
+ (path
+ (setf file-name `(strcat ,path ,file-name))))
+ ; (display "require-from" file-name)
+ `(if (fboundp (quote ,fn-symbol))
+ t
+ ;; search for either .lsp or .sal file
+ (sal-load ,file-name)))
diff --git a/runtime/nyinit.lsp b/runtime/nyinit.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d8237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/nyinit.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(expand 5)
+(load "xlinit.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(setf *gc-flag* nil)
+(load "misc.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "evalenv.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "printrec.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "sndfnint.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "seqfnint.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "dspprims.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "nyquist.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "follow.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "system.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "seqmidi.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "nyqmisc.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "stk.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "envelopes.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "equalizer.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "xm.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(load "sal.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+;; set to T to get ANSI headers and NIL to get antique headers
+(setf *ANSI* NIL)
+;; set to T to generate tracing code, NIL to disable tracing code
+(setf *WATCH* NIL)
+(format t "~%Nyquist -- A Language for Sound Synthesis and Composition~%")
+(format t " Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1995,2007-2011 by Roger B. Dannenberg~%")
+(format t " Version 3.05~%~%")
+;(setf *gc-flag* t)
diff --git a/runtime/nyqmisc.lsp b/runtime/nyqmisc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3905d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/nyqmisc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;; nyqmisc.lsp -- misc functions for nyquist
+(init-global *snd-display-max-samples* 10000)
+(init-global *snd-display-print-samples* 100)
+; (snd-display sound) -- describe a sound
+(defun snd-display (sound)
+ (let (t0 srate len extent dur samples)
+ (setf srate (snd-srate sound))
+ (setf t0 (snd-t0 sound))
+ (setf len (snd-length sound *snd-display-max-samples*))
+ (cond ((= len *snd-display-max-samples*)
+ (setf extent (format nil ">~A" (+ t0 (* srate *snd-display-max-samples*))))
+ (setf dur (format nil ">~A" (* srate *snd-display-max-samples*))))
+ (t
+ (setf extent (cadr (snd-extent sound *snd-display-max-samples*)))
+ (setf dur (/ (snd-length sound *snd-display-max-samples*) srate))))
+ (cond ((> len 100)
+ (setf samples (format nil "1st ~A samples" *snd-display-print-samples*))
+ (setf nsamples *snd-display-print-samples*))
+ (t
+ (setf samples (format nil "~A samples" len))
+ (setf nsamples len)))
+ (format t "~A: srate ~A, t0 ~A, extent ~A, dur ~A, ~A: ~A"
+ sound srate t0 extent dur samples (snd-samples sound nsamples))))
diff --git a/runtime/nyquist-plot.txt b/runtime/nyquist-plot.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..003e6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/nyquist-plot.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set nokey
+plot "points.dat" with lines
diff --git a/runtime/nyquist.lsp b/runtime/nyquist.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e00d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/nyquist.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1725 @@
+;;; ###########################################################
+;;; ### NYQUIST-- A Language for Composition and Synthesis. ###
+;;; ### ###
+;;; ### Copyright (c) 1994-2006 by Roger B. Dannenberg ###
+;;; ###########################################################
+(load "fileio.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(prog ()
+ (setq lppp -12.0) (setq lpp -9.0) (setq lp -6.0) (setq lmp -3.0)
+ (setq lfff 12.0) (setq lff 9.0) (setq lf 6.0) (setq lmf 3.0)
+ (setq dB0 1.00) (setq dB1 1.122) (setq dB10 3.1623)
+ (setq s 0.25) (setq sd 0.375) (setq st (/ 0.5 3.0))
+ (setq i 0.5) (setq id 0.75) (setq it (* st 2.0))
+ (setq q 1.0) (setq qd 1.5) (setq qt (* st 4.0))
+ (setq h 2.0) (setq hd 3.0) (setq ht (* st 8.0))
+ (setq w 4.0) (setq wd 6.0) (setq wt (* st 16.0))
+(init-global *A4-Hertz* 440.0)
+; next pitch, for initializations below
+(defun np () (incf nyq:next-pitch))
+(defun set-pitch-names ()
+ (setq no-pitch 116.0)
+ ; note: 58.0 is A4 - (C0 - 1) = 69 - (12 - 1)
+ (setf nyq:next-pitch (- (hz-to-step *A4-Hertz*) 58.0))
+ (setf nyq:pitch-names
+ '(c0 (cs0 df0) d0 (ds0 ef0) e0 f0 (fs0 gf0) g0 (gs0 af0) a0
+ (as0 bf0) b0
+ c1 (cs1 df1) d1 (ds1 ef1) e1 f1 (fs1 gf1) g1 (gs1 af1) a1
+ (as1 bf1) b1
+ c2 (cs2 df2) d2 (ds2 ef2) e2 f2 (fs2 gf2) g2 (gs2 af2) a2
+ (as2 bf2) b2
+ c3 (cs3 df3) d3 (ds3 ef3) e3 f3 (fs3 gf3) g3 (gs3 af3) a3
+ (as3 bf3) b3
+ c4 (cs4 df4) d4 (ds4 ef4) e4 f4 (fs4 gf4) g4 (gs4 af4) a4
+ (as4 bf4) b4
+ c5 (cs5 df5) d5 (ds5 ef5) e5 f5 (fs5 gf5) g5 (gs5 af5) a5
+ (as5 bf5) b5
+ c6 (cs6 df6) d6 (ds6 ef6) e6 f6 (fs6 gf6) g6 (gs6 af6) a6
+ (as6 bf6) b6
+ c7 (cs7 df7) d7 (ds7 ef7) e7 f7 (fs7 gf7) g7 (gs7 af7) a7
+ (as7 bf7) b7))
+ (dolist (p nyq:pitch-names)
+ (cond ((atom p) (set p (np)))
+ (t (let ((pitch (np)))
+ (dolist (s p) (set s pitch)))))))
+(init-global *default-sound-srate* 44100.0)
+(init-global *default-control-srate* 2205.0)
+(setf *environment-variables*
+(setfn environment-time car)
+(setfn environment-stretch cadr)
+; ENVIRONMENT-MAP - map virtual time using an environment
+;(defun environment-map (env tim)
+; (+ (environment-time env)
+; (* (environment-stretch env) tim)))
+(defun nyq:the-environment () (mapcar 'eval *environment-variables*))
+;; GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES and their startup values:
+(defun nyq:environment-init ()
+ (setq *WARP* '(0.0 1.0 nil))
+ (setq *LOUD* 0.0) ; now in dB
+ (setq *TRANSPOSE* 0.0)
+ (setq *SUSTAIN* 1.0)
+ t) ; return nothing in particular
+(defun get-duration (dur)
+ (let ((duration
+ (- (local-to-global (* (get-sustain) dur))
+ (setf *rslt* (local-to-global 0)))))
+ (cond ((minusp duration)
+ (error
+"duration is less than zero: perhaps a warp or stretch
+is ill-formed. Nyquist cannot continue because synthesis
+functions assume durations are always positive.")))
+ duration))
+(defun get-loud ()
+ (cond ((numberp *loud*) *loud*)
+ ((soundp *loud*)
+ (sref *loud* 0))
+ (t
+ (error (format t "*LOUD* should be a number or sound: ~A" *LOUD*)))))
+(defun get-sustain ()
+ (cond ((numberp *SUSTAIN*) *SUSTAIN*)
+ ((soundp *SUSTAIN*)
+ ;(display "get-sustain: lookup " (local-to-global 0) 0))
+ (sref *SUSTAIN* 0))
+ (t
+ (error (format t "*SUSTAIN* should be a number or sound: ~A" *SUSTAIN*)))))
+(defun get-tempo ()
+ (slope (snd-inverse (get-warp) (local-to-global 0)
+ *control-srate*)))
+(defun get-transpose ()
+ (cond ((numberp *TRANSPOSE*) *TRANSPOSE*)
+ ((soundp *TRANSPOSE*)
+ ; (display "get-transpose: lookup " 0)
+ ; (format t "samples: ~A~%" (snd-samples *TRANSPOSE* 100))
+ (sref *TRANSPOSE* 0))
+ (t
+ (error (format t "*TRANSPOSE* should be a number or sound: ~A" *TRANSPOSE*)))))
+(defun get-warp ()
+ (let ((f (warp-function *WARP*)))
+ (cond ((null f) (error "Null warp function"))
+ (t
+ (shift-time (scale-srate f (/ (warp-stretch *WARP*)))
+ (- (warp-time *WARP*)))))))
+(defun build-harmonic (n table-size) (snd-sine 0 n table-size 1))
+(setf *SINE-TABLE* (list (build-harmonic 1 2048)
+ (hz-to-step 1.0)
+ T))
+(setf *TABLE* *SINE-TABLE*)
+(defun amosc (pitch modulation &optional (sound *table*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let ((modulation-srate (snd-srate modulation))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((> *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (setf modulation (snd-up *SOUND-SRATE* modulation)))
+ ((< *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling AM modulation in amosc~%")
+ (setf modulation (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* modulation))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: amosc frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-amosc
+ (car sound) ; samples for table
+ (cadr sound) ; step represented by table
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ modulation ; modulation
+ phase)))) ; phase
+;; modulation rate must be less than or equal to sound-srate, so
+;; force resampling and issue a warning if necessary. snd-fmosc can
+;; handle upsampling cases internally.
+(defun fmosc (pitch modulation &optional (sound *table*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let ((modulation-srate (snd-srate modulation))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((< *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling FM modulation in fmosc~%")
+ (setf modulation (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* modulation))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: fmosc nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-fmosc
+ (car sound) ; samples for table
+ (cadr sound) ; step represented by table
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ modulation ; modulation
+ phase)))) ; phase
+;; FMFB
+;; this code is based on FMOSC above
+(defun fmfb (pitch index &optional dur)
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format "Warning: fmfb nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).~%"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (setf dur (get-duration dur))
+ (cond ((soundp index) (ny:fmfbv hz index))
+ (t
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-fmfb (local-to-global 0)
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE* index dur))))))
+;; private variable index version of fmfb
+(defun ny:fmfbv (hz index)
+ (let ((modulation-srate (snd-srate index)))
+ (cond ((< *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling FM modulation in fmfb~%")
+ (setf index (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* index))))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-fmfbv (local-to-global 0) hz *SOUND-SRATE* index))))
+;; BUZZ
+;; (ARGUMENTS ("long" "n") ("rate_type" "sr") ("double" "hz")
+;; ("time_type" "t0") ("sound_type" "s_fm"))
+(defun buzz (n pitch modulation)
+ (let ((modulation-srate (snd-srate modulation))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((< *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling modulation in buzz~%")
+ (setf modulation (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* modulation))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: buzz nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (setf n (max n 1)) ; avoid divide by zero problem
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-buzz n ; number of harmonics
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ modulation)))) ; freq. modulation
+;; (HZOSC hz [table [phase]])
+;; similar to FMOSC, but without "carrier" frequency parameter
+;; also, hz may be a scalar or a sound
+(defun hzosc (hz &optional (sound *table*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let (hz-srate)
+ (cond ((numberp hz)
+ (osc (hz-to-step hz) 1.0 sound phase))
+ (t
+ (setf hz-srate (snd-srate hz))
+ (cond ((< *SOUND-SRATE* hz-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling hz in hzosc~%")
+ (setf hz (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* hz))))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-fmosc (car sound) ; samples for table
+ (cadr sound) ; step repr. by table
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ 0.0 ; dummy carrier
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ hz phase))))))
+;; (SIOSC-BREAKPOINTS tab0 t1 tab1 ... tn tabn)
+;; converts times to sample numbers
+;; NOTE: time-warping the spectral envelope seems
+;; like the wrong thing to do (wouldn't it be better
+;; to warp the parameters that control the spectra,
+;; or don't warp at all?). Nominally, a note should
+;; have a "score" or local time duration equal to the
+;; SUSTAIN environment variable. (When sustain is 1.0
+;; and no time-warping is in effect, the duration is 1).
+;; So, scale all times by
+;; (local-to-global (get-sustain))
+;; so that if the final time tn = 1.0, we get a nominal
+;; length note.
+(defun siosc-breakpoints (breakpoints)
+ (display "siosc-breakpoints" breakpoints)
+ (prog (sample-count result (last-count 0) time-factor)
+ (setf time-factor
+ (- (local-to-global (get-sustain))
+ (local-to-global 0.0)))
+ (setf time-factor (* time-factor *SOUND-SRATE*))
+ (cond ((and (listp breakpoints)
+ (cdr breakpoints)
+ (cddr breakpoints)))
+ (t (error "SIOSC table list must have at least 3 elements")))
+ (cond ((and (listp breakpoints)
+ (soundp (car breakpoints)))
+ (push (car breakpoints) result)
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints)))
+ (t
+ (error "SIOSC expecting SOUND in table list")))
+ (cond ((and breakpoints
+ (listp breakpoints)
+ (numberp (car breakpoints)))
+ (setf sample-count (truncate
+ (+ 0.5 (* time-factor (car breakpoints)))))
+ (cond ((< sample-count last-count)
+ (setf sample-count (1+ last-count))))
+ (push sample-count result)
+ (setf last-count sample-count)
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (go loop))))
+ (breakpoints
+ (error "SIOSC expecting number (time) in table list")))
+ (setf result (reverse result))
+ (display "siosc-breakpoints" result)
+ (return result)))
+;; SIOSC -- spectral interpolation oscillator
+;; modulation rate must be less than or equal to sound-srate, so
+;; force resampling and issue a warning if necessary. snd-fmosc can
+;; handle upsampling cases internally.
+(defun siosc (pitch modulation breakpoints)
+ (let ((modulation-srate (snd-srate modulation))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((< *SOUND-SRATE* modulation-srate)
+ (format t "Warning: down-sampling FM modulation in siosc~%")
+ (setf modulation (snd-down *SOUND-SRATE* modulation))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: siosc nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-siosc
+ (siosc-breakpoints breakpoints) ; tables
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ modulation)))) ; modulation
+;; LFO -- freq &optional duration sound phase)
+;; Default duration is 1.0 sec, default sound is *TABLE*,
+;; default phase is 0.0.
+(defun lfo (freq &optional (duration 1.0)
+ (sound *SINE-TABLE*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let ((d (get-duration duration)))
+ (if (minusp d) (setf d 0))
+ (cond ((> freq (/ *CONTROL-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: lfo frequency (~A hz) will alias at current control rate (~A hz).\n"
+ freq *CONTROL-SRATE*)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (snd-osc
+ (car sound) ; samples for table
+ (cadr sound) ; step represented by table
+ *CONTROL-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ freq ; output hz
+ *rslt* ; starting time
+ d ; duration
+ phase) ; phase
+ duration)))
+;; FMLFO -- like LFO but uses frequency modulation
+(defun fmlfo (freq &optional (sound *SINE-TABLE*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let ()
+ (cond ((numberp freq)
+ (lfo freq 1.0 sound phase))
+ ((soundp freq)
+ (cond ((> (snd-srate freq) *CONTROL-SRATE*)
+ (setf freq (force-srate *CONTROL-SRATE* freq))))
+ (snd-fmosc (car sound) (cadr sound) *CONTROL-SRATE* 0.0
+ (local-to-global 0) freq phase))
+ (t
+ (error "frequency must be a number or sound")))))
+;; OSC - table lookup oscillator
+(defun osc (pitch &optional (duration 1.0)
+ (sound *TABLE*) (phase 0.0))
+ (let ((d (get-duration duration))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ ;(display "osc" *warp* global-start global-stop actual-dur
+ ; (get-transpose))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: osc frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-osc
+ (car sound) ; samples for table
+ (cadr sound) ; step represented by table
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ *rslt* ; starting time
+ d ; duration
+ phase)) ; phase
+ duration)))
+;; PARTIAL -- sine osc with built-in envelope scaling
+(defun partial (steps env)
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ steps (get-transpose)))))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *sound-srate* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: partial frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *sound-srate*)))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-partial *sound-srate* hz
+ (force-srate *sound-srate* env)))))
+;; SAMPLER -- simple attack + sustain sampler
+(defun sampler (pitch modulation
+ &optional (sample *table*) (npoints 2))
+ (let ((samp (car sample))
+ (samp-pitch (cadr sample))
+ (samp-loop-start (caddr sample))
+ (hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ ; make a waveform table look like a sample with no attack:
+ (cond ((not (numberp samp-loop-start))
+ (setf samp-loop-start 0.0)))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: sampler nominal frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-sampler
+ samp ; samples for table
+ samp-pitch ; step represented by table
+ samp-loop-start ; time to start loop
+ *SOUND-SRATE* ; output sample rate
+ hz ; output hz
+ (local-to-global 0) ; starting time
+ modulation ; modulation
+ npoints)))) ; number of interpolation points
+;; SINE -- simple sine oscillator
+(defun sine (steps &optional (duration 1.0))
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ steps (get-transpose))))
+ (d (get-duration duration)))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: sine frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-sine *rslt* hz *sound-srate* d))
+ duration)))
+;; (ARGUMENTS ("double" "sr") ("double" "hz") ("time_type" "t0")
+;; ("time_type" "d") ("double" "final_amp"))
+(defun pluck (steps &optional (duration 1.0) (final-amp 0.001))
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ steps (get-transpose))))
+ (d (get-duration duration)))
+ (cond ((> hz (/ *SOUND-SRATE* 2))
+ (format t "Warning: pluck frequency (~A hz) will alias at current sample rate (~A hz).\n"
+ hz *SOUND-SRATE*)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (scale-db (get-loud)
+ (snd-pluck *SOUND-SRATE* hz *rslt* d final-amp))
+ duration)))
+;; abs-env -- restore the standard environment
+(defmacro abs-env (s)
+ (list '(0.0 1.0 NIL) 0.0 0.0 1.0
+ ,s))
+; nyq:add2 - add two arguments
+(defun nyq:add2 (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((and (arrayp s1) (not (arrayp s2)))
+ (setf s2 (vector s2)))
+ ((and (arrayp s2) (not (arrayp s1)))
+ (setf s1 (vector s1))))
+ (cond ((arrayp s1)
+ (sum-of-arrays s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (nyq:add-2-sounds s1 s2))))
+; (NYQ:ADD-2-SOUNDS S1 S2) - add two sound (or number) arguments
+(defun nyq:add-2-sounds (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((numberp s1)
+ (cond ((numberp s2)
+ (+ s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-offset s2 s1))))
+ ((numberp s2)
+ (snd-offset s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (let ((s1sr (snd-srate s1))
+ (s2sr (snd-srate s2)))
+; (display "nyq:add-2-sounds" s1sr s2sr)
+ (cond ((> s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-add s1 (snd-up s1sr s2)))
+ ((< s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-add (snd-up s2sr s1) s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-add s1 s2)))))))
+(defmacro at (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*) (list (list (+ (warp-time *WARP*)
+ (* (warp-stretch *WARP*) ,x))
+ (warp-stretch *WARP*)
+ (warp-function *WARP*)))
+ ,s))
+;; (AT-ABS t behavior) evaluate behavior at global time t
+;; *WARP* is the triple (d s f) denoting the function f(st+d),
+;; a mapping from local to global time.
+;; We want (d' s f) such that f(s*0 + d') = t
+;; (Note that we keep the same s and f, and only change the offset.
+;; To eliminate the warp and stretch use "(abs-env (at t behavior))")
+;; Applying the inverse of f, d' = f-1(t), or (sref (snd-inverse f ...) t)
+;; Rather than invert the entire function just to evaluate at one point,
+;; we use SREF-INVERSE to find d'.
+(defmacro at-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*)
+ (if (warp-function *WARP*)
+ (list (list (sref-inverse (warp-function *WARP*) ,x)
+ (warp-stretch *WARP*)
+ (warp-function *WARP*)))
+ (list (list ,x (warp-stretch *WARP*) NIL)))
+ ;; issue warning if sound starts in the past
+ (check-t0 ,s ',s)))
+(defun check-t0 (s src)
+ (let (flag t0 (now (local-to-global 0)))
+ (cond ((arrayp s)
+ (dotimes (i (length s))
+ (setf t0 (snd-t0 (aref s i))))
+ (if (< t0 now) (setf flag t0)))
+ (t
+ (setf t0 (snd-t0 s))
+ (if (< t0 now) (setf flag t0))))
+ (if flag
+ (format t "Warning: cannot go back in time to ~A, sound came from ~A~%"
+ flag src))
+ ; (display "check-t0" t0 now src)
+ ; return s whether or not warning was reported
+ s))
+;; (CLIP S1 VALUE) - clip maximum amplitude to value
+(defun clip (x v)
+ (cond ((numberp x)
+ (max (min x v) (- v)))
+ ((arrayp x)
+ (let* ((len (length x))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (snd-clip (aref x i) v)))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-clip x v))))
+;; (NYQ:COERCE-TO S1 S2) - expand sound s1 to type of s2
+(defun nyq:coerce-to (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((or (soundp s1) (numberp s1))
+ (cond ((arrayp s2)
+ (nyq:sound-to-array s1 (length s2)))
+ (t s1)))
+ (t s1)))
+(defmacro continuous-control-warp (beh)
+ `(snd-compose (warp-abs nil ,beh)
+ (snd-inverse (get-warp)
+ (local-to-global 0) *control-srate*)))
+(defmacro continuous-sound-warp (beh)
+ `(snd-compose (warp-abs nil ,beh)
+ (snd-inverse (get-warp)
+ (local-to-global 0) *sound-srate*)))
+(defmacro control-srate-abs (r s)
+ `(progv '(*CONTROL-SRATE*) (list ,r)
+ ,s))
+; db = 20log(ratio)
+; db = 20 ln(ratio)/ln(10)
+; db/20 = ln(ratio)/ln(10)
+; db ln(10)/20 = ln(ratio)
+; e^(db ln(10)/20) = ratio
+(setf ln10over20 (/ (log 10.0) 20))
+(defun db-to-linear (x)
+ (cond ((numberp x)
+ (exp (* ln10over20 x)))
+ ((arrayp x)
+ (let* ((len (length x))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (snd-exp (snd-scale ln10over20 (aref x i)))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-exp (snd-scale ln10over20 x)))))
+(defun linear-to-db (x)
+ (cond ((numberp x)
+ (/ (log (float x)) ln10over20))
+ ((arrayp x)
+ (let* ((len (length x))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (snd-scale (/ 1.0 ln10over20) (snd-log (aref x i)))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-scale (/ 1.0 ln10over20) (snd-log x)))))
+(cond ((not (fboundp 'scalar-step-to-hz))
+ (setfn scalar-step-to-hz step-to-hz)
+ (setfn scalar-hz-to-step hz-to-step)))
+(defun step-to-hz (x)
+ (cond ((numberp x)
+ (scalar-step-to-hz x))
+ ((arrayp x)
+ (let* ((len (length x))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i) (step-to-hz (aref x i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (s-exp (snd-offset (snd-scale 0.0577622650466621 x)
+ 2.1011784386926213)))))
+(defun hz-to-step (x)
+ (cond ((numberp x)
+ (scalar-hz-to-step x))
+ ((arrayp x)
+ (let* ((len (length x))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i) (hz-to-step (aref x i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-scale 17.312340490667565
+ (snd-offset (s-log x) -2.1011784386926213)))))
+; sref - access a sound at a given time point
+; note that the time is transformed to global
+(defun sref (sound point)
+ (snd-sref sound (local-to-global point)))
+; extract - start is stretched and shifted as is stop
+; result is shifted to start at local time zero
+(defun extract (start stop sound)
+ (snd-xform sound (snd-srate sound) (local-to-global 0)
+ (local-to-global start) (local-to-global stop) 1.0))
+(defun extract-abs (start stop sound)
+ (snd-xform sound (snd-srate sound) 0 start stop 1.0))
+(defun local-to-global (local-time)
+ (let ((d (warp-time *WARP*))
+ (s (warp-stretch *WARP*))
+ (w (warp-function *WARP*))
+ global-time)
+ (setf global-time (+ (* s local-time) d))
+ (if w (snd-sref w global-time) global-time)))
+(defmacro loud (x s)
+ `(progv '(*LOUD*) (list (sum *LOUD* ,x))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro loud-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*LOUD*) (list ,x)
+ ,s))
+(defun must-be-sound (x)
+ (cond ((soundp x) x)
+ (t
+ (error "SOUND type expected" x))))
+;; SCALE-DB -- same as scale, but argument is in db
+(defun scale-db (factor sound)
+ (scale (db-to-linear factor) sound))
+(defun set-control-srate (rate)
+ (setf *default-control-srate* (float rate))
+ (nyq:environment-init))
+(defun set-sound-srate (rate)
+ (setf *default-sound-srate* (float rate))
+ (nyq:environment-init))
+; s-plot -- compute and write n data points for plotting
+; dur is how many seconds of sound to plot. If necessary, cut the
+; sample rate to allow plotting dur seconds
+; n is the number of points to plot. If there are more than n points,
+; cut the sample rate. If there are fewer than n samples, just
+; plot the points that exist.
+(defun s-plot (snd &optional (dur 2.0) (n 1000))
+ (prog* ((sr (snd-srate snd))
+ (t0 (snd-t0 snd))
+ (filename (soundfilename *default-plot-file*))
+ (s snd) ;; s is either snd or resampled copy of snd
+ (outf (open filename :direction :output)) ;; for plot data
+ (maximum -1000000.0) ;; maximum amplitude
+ (minimum 1000000.0) ;; minimum amplitude
+ actual-dur ;; is the actual-duration of snd
+ sample-count ;; is how many samples to get from s
+ period ;; is the period of samples to be plotted
+ truncation-flag ;; true if we didn't get whole sound
+ points) ;; is array of samples
+ ;; If we need more than n samples to get dur seconds, resample
+ (cond ((< n (* dur sr))
+ (setf s (force-srate (/ (float n) dur) snd))))
+ ;; Get samples from the signal
+ (setf points (snd-samples s (1+ n)))
+ ;; If we got fewer than n points, we can at least estimate the
+ ;; actual duration (we might not know exactly if we use a lowered
+ ;; sample rate). If the actual sample rate was lowered to avoid
+ ;; getting more than n samples, we can now raise the sample rate
+ ;; based on our estimate of the actual sample duration.
+ (display "test" (length points) n)
+ (cond ((< (length points) n)
+ ;; sound is shorter than dur, estimate actual length
+ (setf actual-dur (/ (length points) (snd-srate s)))
+ (setf sample-count (round (min n (* actual-dur sr))))
+ (cond ((< n (* actual-dur sr))
+ (setf s (force-srate (/ (float n) actual-dur) snd)))
+ (t ;; we can use original signal
+ (setf s snd)))
+ (setf points (snd-samples s sample-count))
+ ;; due to rounding, need to recalculate exact count
+ (setf sample-count (length points)))
+ ((= (length points) n)
+ (setf actual-dur dur)
+ (setf sample-count n))
+ (t ;; greater than n points, so we must have truncated sound
+ (setf actual-dur dur)
+ (setf sample-count n)
+ (setf truncation-flag t)))
+ ;; actual-dur is the duration of the plot
+ ;; sample-count is how many samples we have
+ (setf period (/ 1.0 (snd-srate s)))
+ (cond ((null outf)
+ (format t "s-plot: could not open ~A!~%" filename)
+ (return nil)))
+ (format t "s-plot: writing ~A ... ~%" filename)
+ (cond (truncation-flag
+ (format t " !!TRUNCATING SOUND TO ~As\n" actual-dur)))
+ (cond ((/= (snd-srate s) (snd-srate snd))
+ (format t " !!RESAMPLING SOUND FROM ~A to ~Ahz\n"
+ (snd-srate snd) (snd-srate s))))
+ (cond (truncation-flag
+ (format t " Plotting ~As, actual sound duration is greater\n"
+ actual-dur))
+ (t
+ (format t " Sound duration is ~As~%" actual-dur)))
+ (dotimes (i sample-count)
+ (setf maximum (max maximum (aref points i)))
+ (setf minimum (min minimum (aref points i)))
+ (format outf "~A ~A~%" (+ t0 (* i period)) (aref points i)))
+ (close outf)
+ (format t " Wrote ~A points from ~As to ~As~%"
+ sample-count t0 (+ t0 actual-dur))
+ (format t " Range of values ~A to ~A\n" minimum maximum)
+ (cond ((or (< minimum -1) (> maximum 1))
+ (format t " !!SIGNAL EXCEEDS +/-1~%")))))
+; run something like this to plot the points:
+; graph < points.dat | plot -Ttek
+(defmacro sound-srate-abs (r s)
+ `(progv '(*SOUND-SRATE*) (list ,r)
+ ,s))
+(defmacro stretch (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*) (list (list (warp-time *WARP*)
+ (* (warp-stretch *WARP*) ,x)
+ (warp-function *WARP*)))
+ (if (minusp (warp-stretch *WARP*))
+ (break "Negative stretch factor is not allowed"))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro stretch-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*) (list (list (local-to-global 0)
+ ,x
+ nil))
+ (if (minusp (warp-stretch *WARP*))
+ (break "Negative stretch factor is not allowed"))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro sustain (x s)
+ `(progv '(*SUSTAIN*) (list (prod *SUSTAIN* ,x))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro sustain-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*SUSTAIN*) (list ,x)
+ ,s))
+;; (WARP-FUNCTION *WARP*) - extracts function field of warp triple
+(setfn warp-function caddr)
+;; (WARP-STRETCH *WARP*) - extracts stretch field of warp triple
+(setfn warp-stretch cadr)
+;; (WARP-TIME *WARP*) - extracts time field of warp triple
+(setfn warp-time car)
+(defmacro transpose (x s)
+ `(progv '(*TRANSPOSE*) (list (sum *TRANSPOSE* ,x))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro transpose-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*TRANSPOSE*) (list ,x)
+ ,s))
+;; COMPUTE-DEFAULT-SOUND-FILE -- construct and set *default-sound-file*
+;; (this is harder than it might seem because the default place for
+;; sound files is in /tmp, which is shared by users, so we'd like to
+;; use a user-specific name to avoid collisions)
+(defun compute-default-sound-file ()
+ (let (inf user extension)
+ ; the reason for the user name is that if UserA creates a temp file,
+ ; then UserB will not be able to overwrite it. The user name is a
+ ; way to give each user a unique temp file name. Note that we don't
+ ; want each session to generate a unique name because Nyquist doesn't
+ ; delete the sound file at the end of the session.
+ (setf user (get-user))
+ (cond ((null user)
+ (format t
+"Please type your user-id so that I can construct a default
+sound-file name. To avoid this message in the future, add
+this to your .login file:
+ setenv USER <your id here>
+or add this to your init.lsp file:
+ (setf *default-sound-file* \"<your filename here>\")
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* \"<full pathname of desired directory here>\")
+Your id please: ")
+ (setf user (read))))
+ ; now compute the extension based on *default-sf-format*
+ (cond ((= *default-sf-format* snd-head-AIFF)
+ (setf extension ".aif"))
+ ((= *default-sf-format* snd-head-Wave)
+ (setf extension ".wav"))
+ (t
+ (setf extension ".snd")))
+ (setf *default-sound-file*
+ (strcat (string-downcase user) "-temp" extension))
+ (format t "Default sound file is ~A.~%" *default-sound-file*)))
+;; CONTROL-WARP -- apply a warp function to a control function
+(defun control-warp (warp-fn control &optional wrate)
+ (cond (wrate
+ (snd-resamplev control *control-srate*
+ (snd-inverse warp-fn (local-to-global 0) wrate)))
+ (t
+ (snd-compose control
+ (snd-inverse warp-fn (local-to-global 0) *control-srate*)))))
+;; (cue sound)
+;; Cues the given sound; that is, it applies the current *WARP*, *LOUD*,
+;; *START*, and *STOP* values to the argument. The logical start time is at
+;; local time 0.
+(defun cue (sound)
+ (cond ((arrayp sound)
+ (let* ((len (length sound))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (cue-sound (aref sound i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (cue-sound sound))))
+(defun cue-sound (sound)
+ (snd-xform sound
+ (snd-srate sound)
+ (local-to-global 0) *START* *STOP* (db-to-linear (get-loud))))
+;; (sound sound)
+;; Same as (cue sound), except also warps the sound.
+;; Note that the *WARP* can change the pitch of the
+;; sound as a result of resampling.
+;; Here's the derivation for the warping code:
+;; *WARP* is a triple: (d s f) which denotes that the warp from local to
+;; global time is: f(st+d)
+;; We need to compose sound with the inverse of this to get a function
+;; of global time
+;; Let f-1 be the inverse of f. Then the inverse of f(st+d) is
+;; (f-1(t) - d)/s
+;; The composition gives us: (snd-compose sound (f-1(t) - d)/s)
+;; Eliminate the 1/s term by changing the sample rate of sound:
+;; = (snd-compose (snd-scale-srate sound s) (f-1(t) - d))
+;; Eliminate the -d term by shifting f before taking the inverse:
+;; = (snd-compose (scale-srate sound s) ((inverse f) - d))
+;; = (snd-compose (scale-srate sound s) (inverse f(t + d)))
+;; = (snd-compose (scale-srate sound s) (inverse (shift f -d)))
+;; snd-inverse takes a time and sample rate. For time, use zero.
+;; The sample rate of inverse determines the final sample rate of
+;; this function, so use *SOUND-SRATE*:
+;; = (snd-compose (scale-srate sound s) (snd-inverse (shift-time f (- d))
+;; 0 *SOUND-SRATE*))
+(defun nyq:sound (sound)
+ (cond ((null (warp-function *WARP*))
+ (snd-xform sound (/ (snd-srate sound) (warp-stretch *WARP*))
+ (local-to-global 0)
+ *START* *STOP* (db-to-linear (get-loud))))
+ (t
+ (snd-compose (scale-srate sound (warp-stretch *WARP*))
+ (snd-inverse (shift-time (warp-function *WARP*)
+ (- (warp-time *WARP*)))
+ 0 *SOUND-SRATE*)))))
+(defun nyq:sound-of-array (sound)
+ (let* ((n (length sound))
+ (s (make-array n)))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref s i) (nyq:sound (aref sound i))))
+ s))
+(defun sound (sound)
+ (cond ((arrayp sound)
+ (nyq:sound-of-array sound))
+ (t
+ (nyq:sound sound))))
+;; multiplies the sample rate by scale
+(defun scale-srate (sound scale)
+ (let ((new-srate (* scale (snd-srate sound))))
+ (snd-xform sound new-srate (snd-time sound)
+;; shift the time of a function by SHIFT, i.e. if SOUND is f(t),
+;; then (shift-time SOUND SHIFT) is f(t - SHIFT). Note that if
+;; you look at plots, the shifted sound will move *right* when SHIFT
+;; is positive.
+(defun shift-time (sound shift)
+ (snd-xform sound (snd-srate sound) (+ (snd-t0 sound) shift)
+;; (NYQ:SOUND-TO-ARRAY SOUND N) - duplicate SOUND to N channels
+(defun nyq:sound-to-array (sound n)
+ (let ((result (make-array n)))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref result i) sound))
+ result))
+;; (control sound)
+;; Same as (sound sound), except this is used for control signals.
+;; This code is identical to sound.
+(setfn control sound)
+;; (cue-file string)
+;; Loads a sound file with the given name, returning a sound which is
+;; transformed to the current environment.
+(defun cue-file (name)
+ (cue (force-srate *SOUND-SRATE* (s-read name))))
+;; (env t1 t2 t4 l1 l2 l3 &optional duration)
+;; Creates a 4-phase envelope.
+;; tN is the duration of phase N, and lN is the final level of
+;; phase N. t3 is implied by the duration, and l4 is 0.0.
+;; If dur is not supplied, then 1.0 is assumed. The envelope
+;; duration is the product of dur, *STRETCH*, and *SUSTAIN*. If
+;; t1 + t2 + 2ms + t4 > duration, then a two-phase envelope is
+;; substituted that has an attack/release time ratio = t1/t4.
+;; The sample rate of the returned sound is *CONTROL-SRATE*.
+;; Time transformation: the envelope is not warped; the start time and
+;; stop times are warped to global time. Then the value of *SUSTAIN* at
+;; the begining of the envelope is used to determing absolute duration.
+;; Since PWL is ultimately called to create the envelope, we must use
+;; ABS-ENV to prevent any further transforms inside PWL. We use
+;; (AT global-start ...) inside ABS-ENV so that the final result has
+;; the proper starting time.
+(defun env (t1 t2 t4 l1 l2 l3 &optional (duration 1.0))
+ (let (actual-dur min-dur ratio t3
+ (actual-dur (get-duration duration)))
+ (setf min-dur (+ t1 t2 t4 0.002))
+ (cond ((< actual-dur min-dur)
+ (setf ratio (/ t1 (float (+ t1 t4))))
+ (setf t1 (* ratio actual-dur))
+ (setf t2 (- actual-dur t1))
+ (setf t3 0.0)
+ (setf t4 0.0)
+ (setf l2 0.0)
+ (setf l3 0.0))
+ (t
+ (setf t3 (- actual-dur t1 t2 t4))))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (abs-env (at *rslt*
+ (pwl t1 l1 (+ t1 t2) l2 (- actual-dur t4) l3 actual-dur)))
+ duration)))
+(defun gate (sound lookahead risetime falltime floor threshold)
+ (cond ((< lookahead risetime)
+ (break "lookahead must be greater than risetime in GATE function"))
+ ((or (< risetime 0) (< falltime 0) (< floor 0))
+ (break "risetime, falltime, and floor must all be positive in GATE function"))
+ (t
+ (let ((s
+ (snd-gate (seq (cue sound) (abs-env (s-rest lookahead)))
+ lookahead risetime falltime floor threshold)))
+ (snd-xform s (snd-srate s) (snd-t0 sound)
+ (+ (snd-t0 sound) lookahead) MAX-STOP-TIME 1.0)))))
+;; (osc-note step &optional duration env sust volume sound)
+;; Creates a note using table-lookup osc, but with an envelope.
+;; The ENV parameter may be a parameter list for the env function,
+;; or it may be a sound.
+(defun osc-note (pitch &optional (duration 1.0)
+ (env-spec '(0.02 0.1 0.3 1.0 .8 .7))
+ (volume 0.0)
+ (table *TABLE*))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (mult (loud volume (osc pitch duration table))
+ (if (listp env-spec)
+ (apply 'env env-spec)
+ env-spec))
+ duration))
+;; force-srate -- resample snd if necessary to get sample rate
+(defun force-srate (sr snd)
+ (cond ((not (numberp sr))
+ (error "force-srate: SR should be a number")))
+ (cond ((arrayp snd)
+ (let* ((len (length snd))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (force-srate sr (aref snd i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (let ((snd-sr (snd-srate snd)))
+ (cond ((> sr snd-sr) (snd-up sr snd))
+ ((< sr snd-sr) (snd-down sr snd))
+ (t snd))))))
+(defun force-srates (srs snd)
+ (cond ((and (numberp srs) (soundp snd))
+ (force-srate srs snd))
+ ((and (arrayp srs) (arrayp snd))
+ (let* ((len (length snd))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (force-srate (aref srs i) (aref snd i))))
+ result))
+ (t (error "arguments not compatible"))))
+;; (breakpoints-convert (t1 x1 t2 x2 ... tn) t0)
+;; converts times to sample numbers and scales amplitudes
+;; t0 is the global (after warping) start time
+;; NOTE: there were some stack overflow problems with the original
+;; recursive version (in comments now), so it was rewritten as an
+;; iteration.
+(defun breakpoints-convert (list t0)
+ (prog (sample-count result sust (last-count 0))
+ (setf sust (get-sustain))
+ loop
+ (setf sample-count
+ (truncate (+ 0.5 (* (- (local-to-global (* (car list) sust)) t0)
+ *control-srate*))))
+ ; now we have a new sample count to put into result list
+ ; make sure result is non-decreasing
+ (cond ((< sample-count last-count)
+ (setf sample-count last-count)))
+ (setf last-count sample-count)
+ (push sample-count result)
+ (cond ((cdr list)
+ (setf list (cdr list))
+ (push (float (car list)) result)))
+ (setf list (cdr list))
+ (cond (list
+ (go loop)))
+ (return (reverse result))))
+;; (pwl t1 l1 t2 l2 ... tn)
+;; Creates a piece-wise linear envelope from breakpoint data.
+(defun pwl (&rest breakpoints) (pwl-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwlr (&rest breakpoints) (pwlr-list breakpoints))
+;; (breakpoints-relative list)
+;; converts list, which has the form (value dur value dur value ...)
+;; into the form (value time value time value ...)
+;; the list may have an even or odd length
+(defun breakpoints-relative (breakpoints)
+ (prog (result (sum 0.0))
+ loop
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (push (car breakpoints) result)
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (setf sum (+ sum (car breakpoints)))
+ (push sum result)
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (go loop)))))
+ (return (reverse result))))
+(defun breakpoints-relative (breakpoints)
+ (prog (result (sum 0.0))
+ loop
+ (setf sum (+ sum (car breakpoints)))
+ (push sum result)
+ (cond ((cdr breakpoints)
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (push (car breakpoints) result)))
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (go loop)))
+ (return (reverse result))))
+(defun pwlr-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwl-list (breakpoints-relative breakpoints)))
+(defun pwl-list (breakpoints)
+ (let ((t0 (local-to-global 0)))
+ (snd-pwl t0 *control-srate* (breakpoints-convert breakpoints t0))))
+;; (pwlv l1 t1 l2 t2 ... ln)
+;; Creates a piece-wise linear envelope from breakpoint data;
+;; the function initial and final values are explicit
+(defun pwlv (&rest breakpoints)
+ ;use pwl, modify breakpoints with initial and final changes
+ ;need to put initial time of 0, and final time of 0
+ (pwlv-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwlv-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwl-list (cons 0.0 (append breakpoints '(0.0)))))
+(defun pwlvr (&rest breakpoints) (pwlvr-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwlvr-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwlr-list (cons 0.0 (append breakpoints '(0.0)))))
+(defun pwe (&rest breakpoints)
+ (pwe-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwe-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwev-list (cons 1.0 (append breakpoints '(1.0)))))
+(defun pwer (&rest breakpoints) (pwer-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwer-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwe-list (breakpoints-relative breakpoints)))
+(defun pwev (&rest breakpoints)
+ (pwev-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwev-list (breakpoints)
+ (let ((lis (breakpoints-log breakpoints)))
+ (s-exp (pwl-list lis))))
+(defun pwevr (&rest breakpoints) (pwevr-list breakpoints))
+(defun pwevr-list (breakpoints)
+ (pwev-list (cdr (breakpoints-relative (cons 0.0 breakpoints)))))
+(defun breakpoints-log (breakpoints)
+ (prog ((result '(0.0)) val tim)
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (setf val (float (car breakpoints)))
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))
+ (cond (breakpoints
+ (setf tim (car breakpoints))
+ (setf breakpoints (cdr breakpoints))))
+ (setf result (cons tim (cons (log val) result)))
+ (cond ((null breakpoints)
+ (return (reverse result))))
+ (go loop))
+ (t
+ (error "Expected odd number of elements in breakpoint list")))))
+;; SOUND-WARP -- apply warp function to a sound
+(defun sound-warp (warp-fn signal &optional wrate)
+ (cond (wrate
+ (snd-resamplev signal *sound-srate*
+ (snd-inverse warp-fn (local-to-global 0) wrate)))
+ (t
+ (snd-compose signal
+ (snd-inverse warp-fn (local-to-global 0) *sound-srate*)))))
+(defun snd-extent (sound maxsamples)
+ (list (snd-t0 sound)
+ (+ (snd-t0 sound) (/ (snd-length sound maxsamples)
+ (snd-srate sound)))))
+(setfn snd-flatten snd-length)
+;; (maketable sound)
+;; Creates a table for osc, lfo, etc. by assuming that the samples
+;; in sound represent one period. The sound must start at time 0.
+(defun maketable (sound)
+ (list sound
+ (hz-to-step
+ (/ 1.0
+ (cadr (snd-extent sound 1000000))))
+ T))
+;(defmacro endTime (sound)
+; `(get-logical-stop ,sound))
+;(defmacro beginTime (sound)
+; `(car (snd-extent ,sound)))
+; simple stereo pan: as where goes from 0 to 1, sound
+; is linearly panned from left to right
+(defun pan (sound where)
+ (vector (mult sound (sum 1 (mult -1 where)))
+ (mult sound where)))
+(defun prod (&rest snds)
+ (cond ((null snds)
+ (snd-zero (local-to-global 0) *sound-srate*))
+ ((null (cdr snds))
+ (car snds))
+ ((null (cddr snds))
+ (nyq:prod2 (car snds) (cadr snds)))
+ (t
+ (nyq:prod2 (car snds) (apply #'prod (cdr snds))))))
+(setfn mult prod)
+;; (NYQ:PROD-OF-ARRAYS S1 S2) - form pairwise products
+(defun nyq:prod-of-arrays (s1 s2)
+ (let* ((n (length s1))
+ (p (make-array n)))
+ (cond ((/= n (length s2))
+ (error "unequal number of channels in prod")))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref p i) (nyq:prod2 (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i))))
+ p))
+; nyq:prod2 - multiply two arguments
+(defun nyq:prod2 (s1 s2)
+ (setf s1 (nyq:coerce-to s1 s2))
+ (setf s2 (nyq:coerce-to s2 s1))
+ (cond ((arrayp s1)
+ (nyq:prod-of-arrays s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (nyq:prod-2-sounds s1 s2))))
+; (PROD-2-SOUNDS S1 S2) - multiply two sound arguments
+(defun nyq:prod-2-sounds (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((numberp s1)
+ (cond ((numberp s2)
+ (* s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (scale s1 s2))))
+ ((numberp s2)
+ (scale s2 s1))
+ (t
+ (let ((s1sr (snd-srate s1))
+ (s2sr (snd-srate s2)))
+; (display "nyq:prod-2-sounds" s1sr s2sr)
+ (cond ((> s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-prod s1 (snd-up s1sr s2)))
+ ((< s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-prod (snd-up s2sr s1) s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-prod s1 s2)))))))
+;; RAMP -- linear ramp from 0 to x
+(defun ramp (&optional (x 1))
+ (let* ((duration (get-duration x)))
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (warp-abs nil
+ (at *rslt*
+ (sustain-abs 1
+ (pwl duration 1 (+ duration (/ *control-srate*))))))
+ x)))
+(defun resample (snd rate)
+ (cond ((arrayp snd)
+ (let* ((len (length snd))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (snd-resample (aref snd i) rate)))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-resample snd rate))))
+(defun scale (amt snd)
+ (cond ((arrayp snd)
+ (let* ((len (length snd))
+ (result (make-array len)))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i) (snd-scale amt (aref snd i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-scale amt snd))))
+(setfn s-print-tree snd-print-tree)
+;; (PEAK sound-expression number-of-samples) - find peak amplitude
+; NOTE: this used to be called s-max
+(defmacro peak (expression maxlen)
+ `(snd-max ',expression ,maxlen))
+;; (S-MAX S1 S2) - return maximum of S1, S2
+(defun s-max (s1 s2)
+ (setf s1 (nyq:coerce-to s1 s2))
+ (setf s2 (nyq:coerce-to s2 s1))
+ (cond ((arrayp s1)
+ (nyq:max-of-arrays s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (nyq:max-2-sounds s1 s2))))
+(defun nyq:max-of-arrays (s1 s2)
+ (let* ((n (length s1))
+ (p (make-array n)))
+ (cond ((/= n (length s2))
+ (error "unequal number of channels in max")))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref p i) (s-max (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i))))
+ p))
+(defun nyq:max-2-sounds (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((numberp s1)
+ (cond ((numberp s2)
+ (max s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-maxv s2
+ (snd-const s1 (local-to-global 0.0)
+ (snd-srate s2) (get-duration 1.0))))))
+ ((numberp s2)
+ (snd-maxv s1 (snd-const s2 (local-to-global 0.0)
+ (snd-srate s1) (get-duration 1.0))))
+ (t
+ (let ((s1sr (snd-srate s1))
+ (s2sr (snd-srate s2)))
+ (cond ((> s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-maxv s1 (snd-up s1sr s2)))
+ ((< s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-maxv (snd-up s2sr s1) s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-maxv s1 s2)))))))
+(defun s-min (s1 s2)
+ (setf s1 (nyq:coerce-to s1 s2))
+ (setf s2 (nyq:coerce-to s2 s1))
+ (cond ((arrayp s1)
+ (nyq:min-of-arrays s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (nyq:min-2-sounds s1 s2))))
+(defun nyq:min-of-arrays (s1 s2)
+ (let* ((n (length s1))
+ (p (make-array n)))
+ (cond ((/= n (length s2))
+ (error "unequal number of channels in max")))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref p i) (s-min (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i))))
+ p))
+(defun nyq:min-2-sounds (s1 s2)
+ (cond ((numberp s1)
+ (cond ((numberp s2)
+ (min s1 s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-minv s2
+ (snd-const s1 (local-to-global 0.0)
+ (snd-srate s2) (get-duration 1.0))))))
+ ((numberp s2)
+ (snd-minv s1 (snd-const s2 (local-to-global 0.0)
+ (snd-srate s1) (get-duration 1.0))))
+ (t
+ (let ((s1sr (snd-srate s1))
+ (s2sr (snd-srate s2)))
+ (cond ((> s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-minv s1 (snd-up s1sr s2)))
+ ((< s1sr s2sr)
+ (snd-minv (snd-up s2sr s1) s2))
+ (t
+ (snd-minv s1 s2)))))))
+(defun snd-minv (s1 s2)
+ (scale -1.0 (snd-maxv (scale -1.0 s1) (scale -1.0 s2))))
+; sequence macros SEQ and SEQREP are now in seq.lsp:
+(load "seq" :verbose NIL)
+; set-logical-stop - modify the sound and return it, time is shifted and
+; stretched
+(defun set-logical-stop (snd tim)
+ (let ((d (local-to-global tim)))
+ (multichan-expand #'set-logical-stop-abs snd d)))
+; set-logical-stop-abs - modify the sound and return it
+(defun set-logical-stop-abs (snd tim) (snd-set-logical-stop snd tim) snd)
+(defmacro simrep (pair sound)
+ `(let (_snds)
+ (dotimes ,pair (push ,sound _snds))
+ (sim-list _snds)))
+(defun sim (&rest snds)
+ (sim-list snds))
+(setfn sum sim)
+(defun sim-list (snds)
+ (cond ((null snds)
+ (snd-zero (local-to-global 0) *sound-srate*))
+ ((null (cdr snds))
+ (car snds))
+ ((null (cddr snds))
+ (nyq:add2 (car snds) (cadr snds)))
+ (t
+ (nyq:add2 (car snds) (sim-list (cdr snds))))))
+(defun s-rest (&optional (dur 1.0) (chans 1))
+ (let ((d (get-duration dur))
+ r)
+ (cond ((= chans 1)
+ (snd-const 0.0 *rslt* *SOUND-SRATE* d))
+ (t
+ (setf r (make-array chans))
+ (dotimes (i chans)
+ (setf (aref r i) (snd-const 0.0 *rslt* *SOUND-SRATE* d)))
+ r))))
+(defun tempo (warpfn)
+ (slope (snd-inverse warpfn (local-to-global 0) *control-srate*)))
+;; (SUM-OF-ARRAYS S1 S2) - add multichannel sounds
+; result has as many channels the largest of s1, s2
+; corresponding channels are added, extras are copied
+(defun sum-of-arrays (s1 s2)
+ (let* ((n1 (length s1))
+ (n2 (length s2))
+ (n (min n1 n2))
+ (m (max n1 n2))
+ (result (make-array m))
+ (big-s (if (> n1 n2) s1 s2)))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf (aref result i) (nyq:add-2-sounds (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i))))
+ (dotimes (i (- m n))
+ (setf (aref result (+ n i)) (aref big-s (+ n i))))
+ result))
+;; (WARP fn behavior) - warp behavior according to fn
+;; fn is a map from behavior time to local time, and *WARP* expresses
+;; a map from local to global time.
+;; To produce a new *WARP* for the environment, we want to compose the
+;; effect of the current *WARP* with fn. Note that fn is also a behavior.
+;; It is evaluated in the current environment first, then it is used to
+;; modify the environment seen by behavior.
+;; *WARP* is a triple: (d s f) denoting the function f(st+d).
+;; Letting g represent the new warp function fn, we want f(st+d) o g, or
+;; f(s*g(t) + d) in the form (d' s' f').
+;; Let's do this one step at a time:
+;; f(s*g(t) + d) = f(scale(s, g) + d)
+;; = (shift f -d)(scale(s, g))
+;; = (snd-compose (shift-time f (- d)) (scale s g))
+;; If f in NIL, it denotes the identity mapping f(t)=t, so we can
+;; simplify:
+;; f(scale(s, g) + d) = scale(s, g) + d
+;; = (snd-offset (scale s g) d)
+(defmacro warp (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*) (list
+ (list 0.0 1.0
+ (if (warp-function *WARP*)
+ (snd-compose (shift-time (warp-function *WARP*)
+ (- (warp-time *WARP*)))
+ (scale (warp-stretch *WARP*)
+ (must-be-sound ,x)))
+ (snd-offset (scale (warp-stretch *WARP*)
+ (must-be-sound ,x))
+ (warp-time *WARP*)))))
+ ,s))
+(defmacro warp-abs (x s)
+ `(progv '(*WARP*) (list (list 0.0 1.0 ,x))
+ ,s))
+;; MULTICHAN-EXPAND -- construct and return array according to args
+;; arrays are used in Nyquist to represent multiple channels
+;; if any argument is an array, make sure all array arguments
+;; have the same length. Then, construct a multichannel result
+;; by calling fn once for each channel. The arguments passed to
+;; fn for the i'th channel are either the i'th element of an array
+;; argument, or just a copy of a non-array argument.
+(defun multichan-expand (fn &rest args)
+ (let (len newlen result) ; len is a flag as well as a count
+ (dolist (a args)
+ (cond ((arrayp a)
+ (setf newlen (length a))
+ (cond ((and len (/= len newlen))
+ (error (format nil "In ~A, two arguments are vectors of differing length." fn))))
+ (setf len newlen))))
+ (cond (len
+ (setf result (make-array len))
+ ; for each channel, call fn with args
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref result i)
+ (apply fn
+ (mapcar
+ #'(lambda (a)
+ ; take i'th entry or replicate:
+ (cond ((arrayp a) (aref a i))
+ (t a)))
+ args))))
+ result)
+ (t
+ (apply fn args)))))
+;; SELECT-IMPLEMENTATION-? -- apply an implementation according to args
+;; There is a different Nyquist primitive for each combination of
+;; constant (NUMBERP) and time-variable (SOUNDP) arguments. E.g.
+;; a filter with fixed parameters differs from one with varying
+;; parameters. In most cases, the user just calls one function,
+;; and the arguments are decoded here:
+;; SELECT-IMPLEMENTATION-1-1 -- 1 sound arg, 1 selector
+(defun select-implementation-1-1 (fns snd sel1 &rest others)
+ (if (numberp sel1)
+ (apply (aref fns 0) (cons snd (cons sel1 others)))
+ (apply (aref fns 1) (cons snd (cons sel1 others)))))
+;; SELECT-IMPLEMENTATION-1-2 -- 1 sound arg, 2 selectors
+;; choose implemenation according to args 2 and 3
+(defun select-implementation-1-2 (fns snd sel1 sel2 &rest others)
+ (if (numberp sel2)
+ (if (numberp sel1)
+ (apply (aref fns 0) (cons snd (cons sel1 (cons sel2 others))))
+ (apply (aref fns 1) (cons snd (cons sel1 (cons sel2 others)))))
+ (if (numberp sel1)
+ (apply (aref fns 2) (cons snd (cons sel1 (cons sel2 others))))
+ (apply (aref fns 3) (cons snd (cons sel1 (cons sel2 others)))))))
+;; some waveforms
+(setf *saw-table* (pwlvr -1 1 1)) ; eh, creepy way to get 2205 samples.
+(setf *saw-table* (list *saw-table* (hz-to-step 1) T))
+(setf *tri-table* (pwlvr -1 0.5 1 0.5 -1))
+(setf *tri-table* (list *tri-table* (hz-to-step 1) T))
+(setf *id-shape* (pwlvr -1 2 1 .01 1)) ; identity
+(setf *step-shape* (seq (const -1) (const 1 1.01))) ; hard step at zero
+(defun exp-dec (hold halfdec length)
+ (let* ((target (expt 0.5 (/ length halfdec)))
+ (expenv (pwev 1 hold 1 length target)))
+ expenv)
+;;; operations on sounds
+(defun diff (x &optional y)
+ (cond (y (sum x (prod -1 y)))
+ (t (prod -1 x))))
+; compare-shape is a shape table -- origin 1.
+(defun compare (x y &optional (compare-shape *step-shape*))
+ (let ((xydiff (diff x y)))
+ (shape xydiff compare-shape 1)))
+;;; oscs
+(defun osc-saw (hz) (hzosc hz *saw-table*))
+(defun osc-tri (hz) (hzosc hz *tri-table*))
+; bias is [-1, 1] pulse width. sound or scalar.
+; hz is a sound or scalar
+(defun osc-pulse (hz bias &optional (compare-shape *step-shape*))
+ (compare bias (osc-tri hz) compare-shape))
+;;; tapped delays
+;(tapv snd offset vardelay maxdelay)
+(setfn tapv snd-tapv) ;; linear interpolation
+(setfn tapf snd-tapf) ;; no interpolation
diff --git a/runtime/printrec.lsp b/runtime/printrec.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ca17bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/printrec.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; prints recursive list structure
+;(let (seen-list)
+(setf seenlist nil)
+ (defun seenp (l) (member l seenlist :test 'eq))
+ (defun make-seen (l) (setf seenlist (cons l seenlist)))
+ (defun printrec (l) (printrec-any l) (setf seenlist nil))
+ (defun printrec-any (l)
+ (cond ((atom l) (prin1 l) (princ " "))
+ ((seenp l) (princ "<...> "))
+ (t
+ (make-seen l)
+ (princ "(")
+ (printrec-list l)
+ (princ ") ")))
+ nil)
+ (defun printrec-list (l)
+ (printrec-any (car l))
+ (cond ((cdr l)
+ (cond ((seenp (cdr l))
+ (princ "<...> "))
+ ((atom (cdr l))
+ (princ ". ")
+ (prin1 (cdr l))
+ (princ " "))
+ (t
+ (make-seen (cdr l))
+ (printrec-list (cdr l))))))
+ nil)
+; )
diff --git a/runtime/profile.lsp b/runtime/profile.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f7038b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/profile.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; profile.lsp -- support for profiling
+;## show-profile -- print profile data
+(defun show-profile ()
+ (let ((profile-flag (profile nil)) (total 0))
+ (dolist (name *PROFILE*)
+ (setq total (+ total (get name '*PROFILE*))))
+ (dolist (name *PROFILE*)
+ (format t "~A (~A%): ~A~%"
+ (get name '*PROFILE*)
+ (truncate
+ (+ 0.5 (/ (float (* 100 (get name '*PROFILE*)))
+ total)))
+ name))
+ (format t "Total: ~A~%" total)
+ (profile profile-flag)))
+;## start-profile -- clear old profile data and start profiling
+(defun start-profile ()
+ (profile nil)
+ (dolist (name *PROFILE*)
+ (remprop name '*PROFILE*))
+ (setq *PROFILE* nil)
+ (profile t))
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand1.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand1.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc04a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand1.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand10.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand10.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b35376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand10.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand11.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand11.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94889be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand11.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand12.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand12.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a128642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand12.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand2.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand2.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6208008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand2.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand3.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand3.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8857f86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand3.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand4.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand4.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6058eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand4.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand5.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand5.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b308a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand5.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand6.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand6.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05f083d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand6.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand7.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand7.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64941e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand7.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand8.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand8.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52027bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand8.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mand9.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mand9.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e88a0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mand9.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/mandpluk.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/mandpluk.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..162a0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/mandpluk.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/marmstk1.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/marmstk1.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..185b445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/marmstk1.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/rawwaves/sinewave.raw b/runtime/rawwaves/sinewave.raw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5cb349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/rawwaves/sinewave.raw
Binary files differ
diff --git a/runtime/sal-parse.lsp b/runtime/sal-parse.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..756944a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/sal-parse.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1827 @@
+;; SAL parser -- replaces original pattern-directed parser with
+;; a recursive descent one
+;; Parse functions either parse correctly and return
+;; compiled code as a lisp expression (which could be nil)
+;; or else they call parse-error, which does not return
+;; (instead, parse-error forces a return from parse)
+;; In the original SAL parser, triples were returned
+;; including the remainder if any of the tokens to be
+;; parsed. In this parser, tokens are on the list
+;; *sal-tokens*, and whatever remains on the list is
+;; the list of unparsed tokens.
+;; scanning delimiters.
+(setfn nreverse reverse)
+(defconstant +quote+ #\") ; "..." string
+(defconstant +kwote+ #\') ; '...' kwoted expr
+(defconstant +comma+ #\,) ; positional arg delimiter
+(defconstant +pound+ #\#) ; for bools etc
+(defconstant +semic+ #\;) ; comment char
+(defconstant +lbrace+ #\{) ; {} list notation
+(defconstant +rbrace+ #\})
+(defconstant +lbrack+ #\[) ; unused for now
+(defconstant +rbrack+ #\])
+(defconstant +lparen+ #\() ; () expr and arg grouping
+(defconstant +rparen+ #\))
+;; these are defined so that SAL programs can name these symbols
+;; note that quote(>) doesn't work, so you need quote(symbol:greater)
+(setf symbol:greater '>)
+(setf symbol:less '<)
+(setf symbol:greater-equal '>=)
+(setf symbol:less-equal '<=)
+(setf symbol:equal '=)
+(setf symbol:not '!)
+(setf symbol:not-equal '/=)
+(defparameter +whites+ (list #\space #\tab #\newline (code-char 13)))
+(defparameter +kwstyle+ (list :suffix #\:)) ; let's try dylan
+(defparameter +operators+
+ ;; each op is: (<token-class> <sal-name> <lisp-form>)
+ '((:+ "+" sum)
+ (:- "-" diff)
+ (:* "*" mult)
+ (:/ "/" /)
+ (:% "%" rem)
+ (:^ "^" expt)
+ (:= "=" eql) ; equality and assigment
+ (:!= "!=" not-eql)
+ (:< "<" <)
+ (:> ">" >)
+ (:<= "<=" <=) ; leq and assignment minimization
+ (:>= ">=" >=) ; geq and assignment maximization
+ (:~= "~=" equal) ; general equality
+ (:+= "+=" +=) ; assignment increment-and-store
+ (:-= "-=" -=) ; assignment increment-and-store
+ (:*= "*=" *=) ; assignment multiply-and-store
+ (:/= "/=" /=) ; assignment multiply-and-store
+ (:&= "&=" &=) ; assigment list collecting
+ (:@= "@=" @=) ; assigment list prepending
+ (:^= "^=" ^=) ; assigment list appending
+ (:! "!" not)
+ (:& "&" and)
+ (:\| "|" or)
+ (:~ "~" sal-stretch)
+ (:~~ "~~" sal-stretch-abs)
+ (:@ "@" sal-at)
+ (:@@ "@@" sal-at-abs)
+ ))
+(setf *sal-local-variables* nil) ;; used to avoid warning about variable
+ ;; names when the variable has been declared as a local
+(defparameter *sal-operators*
+ '(:+ :- :* :/ :% :^ := :!= :< :> :<= :>= :~= :+= :*= :&= :@= :^= :! :& :\|
+ :~ :~~ :@ :@@))
+(defparameter +delimiters+
+ '((:lp #\()
+ (:rp #\))
+ (:lc #\{) ; left curly
+ (:rc #\})
+ (:lb #\[)
+ (:rb #\])
+ (:co #\,)
+ (:kw #\') ; kwote
+ (nil #\") ; not token
+ ; (nil #\#)
+ (nil #\;)
+ ))
+(setf *reserved-words* '((::+ ":+") (::- ":-") (::* ":*") (::/ ":/") (::= ":=")
+ (::!= ":!=") (::< ":<") (::> ":>") (::<= ":<=")
+ (::>= ":>=") (::~= ":~=") (::! ":!") (::& ":&")
+ (::\| ":|") (:IF "if") (:THEN "then") (:ELSE "else")
+ (:WHEN "when") (:UNLESS "unless") (:SET "set")
+ (:= "=") (:+= "+=") (:*= "*=") (:&= "&=") (:@= "@=")
+ (:^= "^=") (:<= "<=") (:>= ">=") (:PRINT "print")
+ (:LOOP "loop")
+ (:RUN "run") (:REPEAT "repeat") (:FOR "for")
+ (:FROM "from") (:IN "in") (:BELOW "below") (:TO "to")
+ (:ABOVE "above") (:DOWNTO "downto") (:BY "by")
+ (:OVER "over") (:WHILE "while") (:UNTIL "until")
+ (:FINALLY "finally") (:RETURN "return")
+ (:WAIT "wait") (:BEGIN "begin") (:WITH "with")
+ (:END "end") (:VARIABLE "variable")
+ (:FUNCTION "function") (:PROCESS "process")
+ (:CHDIR "chdir") (:DEFINE "define") (:LOAD "load")
+ (:PLAY "play")
+ (:EXEC "exec") (:exit "exit") (:DISPLAY "display")
+ (:~ "~") (:~~ "~~") (:@ ":@") (:@@ ":@@")))
+(setf *sal-fn-name* nil)
+(defun make-sal-error (&key type text (line nil) start)
+ ; (error 'make-sal-error-was-called-break)
+ (list 'sal-error type text line start))
+(setfn sal-error-type cadr)
+(setfn sal-error-text caddr)
+(setfn sal-error-line cadddr)
+(defun sal-error-start (x) (cadddr (cdr x)))
+(defun is-sal-error (x) (and x (eq (car x) 'sal-error)))
+(defun sal-tokens-error-start (start)
+ (cond (start
+ start)
+ (*sal-tokens*
+ (token-start (car *sal-tokens*)))
+ (t
+ (length *sal-input-text*))))
+(defmacro errexit (message &optional start)
+ `(parse-error (make-sal-error :type "parse"
+ :line *sal-input-text* :text ,message
+ :start ,(sal-tokens-error-start start))))
+(defmacro sal-warning (message &optional start)
+ `(pperror (make-sal-error :type "parse" :line *sal-input-text*
+ :text ,message
+ :start ,(sal-tokens-error-start start))
+ "warning"))
+(setf *pos-to-line-source* nil)
+(setf *pos-to-line-pos* nil)
+(setf *pos-to-line-line* nil)
+(defun pos-to-line (pos source)
+ ;; this is really inefficient to search every line from
+ ;; the beginning, so cache results and search forward
+ ;; from there if possible
+ (let ((i 0) (line-no 1)) ;; assume no cache
+ ;; see if we can use the cache
+ (cond ((and (eq source *pos-to-line-source*)
+ *pos-to-line-pos* *pos-to-line-line*
+ (>= pos *pos-to-line-pos*))
+ (setf i *pos-to-line-pos*)
+ (setf line-no *pos-to-line-line*)))
+ ;; count newlines up to pos
+ (while (< i pos)
+ (if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
+ (incf line-no))
+ (setf i (1+ i)))
+ ;; save results in cache
+ (setf *pos-to-line-source* source
+ *pos-to-line-pos* pos
+ *pos-to-line-line* line-no)
+ ;; return the line number at pos in source
+ line-no))
+;; makes a string of n spaces, empty string if n <= 0
+(defun make-spaces (n)
+ (cond ((> n 16)
+ (let* ((half (/ n 2))
+ (s (make-spaces half)))
+ (strcat s s (make-spaces (- n half half)))))
+ (t
+ (subseq " " 0 (max n 0)))))
+(defun pperror (x &optional (msg-type "error"))
+ (let* ((source (sal-error-line x))
+ (llen (length source))
+ line-no
+ beg end)
+ ; (display "pperror" x (strcat "|" (sal-error-line x) "|"))
+ ;; isolate line containing error
+ (setf beg (sal-error-start x))
+ (setf beg (min beg (1- llen)))
+ (do ((i beg (- i 1))
+ (n nil)) ; n gets set when we find a newline
+ ((or (< i 0) n)
+ (setq beg (or n 0)))
+ (if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
+ (setq n (+ i 1))))
+ (do ((i (sal-error-start x) (+ i 1))
+ (n nil))
+ ((or (>= i llen) n)
+ (setq end (or n llen)))
+ (if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
+ (setq n i)))
+ (setf line-no (pos-to-line beg source))
+ ; (display "pperror" beg end (sal-error-start x))
+ ;; print the error. include the specfic line of input containing
+ ;; the error as well as a line below it marking the error position
+ ;; with an arrow: ^
+ (let* ((pos (- (sal-error-start x) beg))
+ (line (if (and (= beg 0) (= end llen))
+ source
+ (subseq source beg end)))
+ (mark (make-spaces pos)))
+ (format t "~%>>> ~A ~A: ~A.~%>>> in ~A, line ~A, col ~A.~%~%~A~%~A^~%"
+ (sal-error-type x) msg-type (sal-error-text x)
+ *sal-input-file-name* line-no (1+ pos)
+ line mark)
+; (format t "~%>>> ~A error in \"~A\", line ~A, col ~A: ~A.~%~%~A~%~A^~%"
+; (sal-error-type x) *sal-input-file-name* line-no pos
+; (sal-error-text x) line mark)
+ x)))
+;;; the lexer. right now it assumes input string is complete and ready
+;;; to be processed as a valid expression.
+(defun advance-white (str white start end)
+ ;; skip "white" chars, where white can be a char, list of chars
+ ;; or predicate test
+ (do ((i start )
+ (p nil))
+ ((or p (if (< start end)
+ (not (< -1 i end))
+ (not (> i end -1))))
+ (or p end))
+ (cond ((consp white)
+ (unless (member (char str i) white :test #'char=)
+ (setq p i)))
+ ((characterp white)
+ (unless (char= (char str i) white)
+ (setq p i)))
+ ((functionp white)
+ (unless (funcall white (char str i))
+ (setq p i))))
+ (if (< start end)
+ (incf i)
+ (decf i))))
+(defun search-delim (str delim start end)
+ ;; find position of "delim" chars, where delim can be
+ ;; a char, list of chars or predicate test
+ (do ((i start (+ i 1))
+ (p nil))
+ ((or (not (< i end)) p)
+ (or p end))
+ (cond ((consp delim)
+ (if (member (char str i) delim :test #'char=)
+ (setq p i)))
+ ((characterp delim)
+ (if (char= (char str i) delim)
+ (setq p i)))
+ ((functionp delim)
+ (if (funcall delim (char str i))
+ (setq p i))))))
+(defun unbalanced-input (errf line toks par bra brk kwo)
+ ;; search input for the starting position of some unbalanced
+ ;; delimiter, toks is reversed list of tokens with something
+ ;; unbalanced
+ (let (char text targ othr levl pos)
+ (cond ((> par 0) (setq char #\( targ ':lp othr ':rp levl par))
+ ((< par 0) (setq char #\) targ ':rp othr ':lp levl 0))
+ ((> bra 0) (setq char #\{ targ ':lc othr ':rc levl bra))
+ ((< bra 0) (setq char #\} targ ':rc othr ':lc levl 0))
+ ((> brk 0) (setq char #\[ targ ':ls othr ':rs levl brk))
+ ((< brk 0) (setq char #\] targ ':rs othr ':ls levl 0))
+ ((> kwo 0) (setq char #\' targ ':kw othr ':kw levl kwo)))
+ (setq text (format nil "Unmatched '~A'" char))
+ ;; search for start of error in token list
+ (do ((n levl)
+ (tail toks (cdr tail)))
+ ((or (null tail) pos)
+ (or pos (error (format nil "Shouldn't! can't find op ~A in ~A."
+ targ (reverse toks)))))
+ (if (eql (token-type (car tail)) targ)
+ (if (= n levl)
+ (setq pos (token-start (car tail)))
+ (decf n))
+ (if (eql (token-type (car tail)) othr)
+ (incf n))))
+ (errexit text pos)))
+(defun tokenize (str reserved error-fn)
+ ;&key (start 0) (end (length str))
+ ; (white-space +whites+) (delimiters +delimiters+)
+ ; (operators +operators+) (null-ok t)
+ ; (keyword-style +kwstyle+) (reserved nil)
+ ; (error-fn nil)
+ ; &allow-other-keys)
+ ;; return zero or more tokens or a sal-error
+ (let ((toks (list t))
+ (start 0)
+ (end (length str))
+ (all-delimiters +whites+)
+ (errf (or error-fn
+ (lambda (x) (pperror x) (return-from tokenize x)))))
+ (dolist (x +delimiters+)
+ (push (cadr x) all-delimiters))
+ (do ((beg start)
+ (pos nil)
+ (all all-delimiters)
+ (par 0)
+ (bra 0)
+ (brk 0)
+ (kwo 0)
+ (tok nil)
+ (tail toks))
+ ((not (< beg end))
+ ;; since input is complete check parens levels.
+ (if (= 0 par bra brk kwo)
+ (if (null (cdr toks))
+ (list)
+ (cdr toks))
+ (unbalanced-input errf str (reverse (cdr toks))
+ par bra brk kwo)))
+ (setq beg (advance-white str +whites+ beg end))
+ (setf tok
+ (read-delimited str :start beg :end end
+ :white +whites+ :delimit all
+ :skip-initial-white nil :errorf errf))
+ ;; multiple values are returned, so split them here:
+ (setf pos (second tok)) ; pos is the end of the token (!)
+ (setf tok (first tok))
+ ;; tok now string, char (delimiter), :eof or token since input
+ ;; is complete keep track of balancing delims
+ (cond ((eql tok +lbrace+) (incf bra))
+ ((eql tok +rbrace+) (decf bra))
+ ((eql tok +lparen+) (incf par))
+ ((eql tok +rparen+) (decf par))
+ ((eql tok +lbrack+) (incf brk))
+ ((eql tok +rbrack+) (decf brk))
+ ((eql tok +kwote+) (setq kwo (mod (+ kwo 1) 2))))
+ (cond ((eql tok ':eof)
+ (setq beg end))
+ (t
+ ;; may have to skip over comments to reach token, so
+ ;; token beginning is computed by backing up from current
+ ;; position (returned by read-delimited) by string length
+ (setf beg (if (stringp tok)
+ (- pos (length tok))
+ (1- pos)))
+ (setq tok (classify-token tok beg str errf
+ +delimiters+ +operators+
+ +kwstyle+ reserved))
+ ;(display "classify-token-result" tok)
+ (setf (cdr tail) (list tok ))
+ (setf tail (cdr tail))
+ (setq beg pos))))))
+;; old tokenize (above) counted delimiters to check for balance,
+;; but that does not catch constructions like ({)}. I think
+;; we could just leave this up to the parser, but this rewrite
+;; uses a stack to check balanced parens, braces, quotes, etc.
+;; The checking establishes at least some minimal global properties
+;; of the input before evaluating anything, which might be good
+;; even though it's doing some extra work. In fact, using a
+;; stack rather than counts is doing even more work, but the
+;; problem with counters is that some very misleading or just
+;; plain wrong error messages got generated.
+;; these five delimiter- functions do checks on balanced parens,
+;; braces, and brackets, leaving delimiter-mismatch set to bad
+;; token if there is a mismatch
+(defun delimiter-init ()
+ (setf delimiter-stack nil)
+ (setf delimiter-mismatch nil))
+(defun delimiter-match (tok what)
+ (cond ((eql (token-string (first delimiter-stack)) what)
+ (pop delimiter-stack))
+ ((null delimiter-mismatch)
+ ;(display "delimiter-mismatch" tok)
+ (setf delimiter-mismatch tok))))
+(defun delimiter-check (tok)
+ (let ((c (token-string tok)))
+ (cond ((member c '(#\( #\{ #\[))
+ (push tok delimiter-stack))
+ ((eql c +rbrace+)
+ (delimiter-match tok +lbrace+))
+ ((eql c +rparen+)
+ (delimiter-match tok +lparen+))
+ ((eql c +rbrack+)
+ (delimiter-match tok +lbrack+)))))
+(defun delimiter-error (tok)
+ (errexit (format nil "Unmatched '~A'" (token-string tok))
+ (token-start tok)))
+(defun delimiter-finish ()
+ (if delimiter-mismatch
+ (delimiter-error delimiter-mismatch))
+ (if delimiter-stack
+ (delimiter-error (car delimiter-stack))))
+(defun tokenize (str reserved error-fn)
+ ;; return zero or more tokens or a sal-error
+ (let ((toks (list t))
+ (start 0)
+ (end (length str))
+ (all-delimiters +whites+)
+ (errf (or error-fn
+ (lambda (x) (pperror x) (return-from tokenize x)))))
+ (dolist (x +delimiters+)
+ (push (cadr x) all-delimiters))
+ (delimiter-init)
+ (do ((beg start)
+ (pos nil)
+ (all all-delimiters)
+ (tok nil)
+ (tail toks))
+ ((not (< beg end))
+ ;; since input is complete check parens levels.
+ (delimiter-finish)
+ (if (null (cdr toks)) nil (cdr toks)))
+ (setq beg (advance-white str +whites+ beg end))
+ (setf tok
+ (read-delimited str :start beg :end end
+ :white +whites+ :delimit all
+ :skip-initial-white nil :errorf errf))
+ ;; multiple values are returned, so split them here:
+ (setf pos (second tok)) ; pos is the end of the token (!)
+ (setf tok (first tok))
+ (cond ((eql tok ':eof)
+ (setq beg end))
+ (t
+ ;; may have to skip over comments to reach token, so
+ ;; token beginning is computed by backing up from current
+ ;; position (returned by read-delimited) by string length
+ (setf beg (if (stringp tok)
+ (- pos (length tok))
+ (1- pos)))
+ (setq tok (classify-token tok beg str errf
+ +delimiters+ +operators+
+ +kwstyle+ reserved))
+ (delimiter-check tok)
+ ;(display "classify-token-result" tok)
+ (setf (cdr tail) (list tok ))
+ (setf tail (cdr tail))
+ (setq beg pos))))))
+(defun read-delimited (input &key (start 0) end (null-ok t)
+ (delimit +delims+) ; includes whites...
+ (white +whites+)
+ (skip-initial-white t)
+ (errorf #'pperror))
+ ;; read a substring from input, optionally skipping any white chars
+ ;; first. reading a comment delim equals end-of-line, input delim
+ ;; reads whole input, pound reads next token. call errf if error
+ ;(FORMAT T "~%READ-DELIMITED: ~S :START ~S :END ~S" input start end)
+ (let ((len (or end (length input))))
+ (while t ;; loop over comment lines
+ (when skip-initial-white
+ (setq start (advance-white input white start len)))
+ (if (< start len)
+ (let ((char (char input start)))
+ (setq end (search-delim input delimit start len))
+ (if (equal start end) ; have a delimiter
+ (cond ((char= char +semic+)
+ ;; comment skips to next line and trys again...
+ (while (and (< start len)
+ (char/= (char input start) #\newline))
+ (incf start))
+ (cond ((< start len) ;; advance past comment and iterate
+ (incf start)
+ (setf skip-initial-white t))
+ (null-ok
+ (return (list ':eof end)))
+ (t
+ (errexit "Unexpected end of input"))))
+; ((char= char +pound+)
+; ;; read # dispatch
+; (read-hash input delimit start len errorf))
+ ((char= char +quote+)
+ ;; input delim reads whole input
+ (return (sal:read-string input delimit start len errorf)))
+ ((char= char +kwote+)
+ (errexit "Illegal delimiter" start))
+ (t ;; all other delimiters are tokens in and of themselves
+ (return (list char (+ start 1)))))
+ ; else part of (equal start end), so we have token before delimiter
+ (return (list (subseq input start end) end))))
+ ; else part of (< start len)...
+ (if null-ok
+ (return (list ':eof end))
+ (errexit "Unexpected end of input" start))))))
+(defparameter hash-readers
+ '(( #\t sal:read-bool)
+ ( #\f sal:read-bool)
+ ( #\? read-iftok)
+ ))
+(defun read-hash (str delims pos len errf)
+ (let ((e (+ pos 1)))
+ (if (< e len)
+ (let ((a (assoc (char str e) hash-readers)))
+ (if (not a)
+ (errexit "Illegal # character" e)
+ (funcall (cadr a) str delims e len errf)))
+ (errexit "Missing # character" pos))))
+(defun read-iftok (str delims pos len errf)
+ str delims len errf
+ (list (make-token :type ':? :string "#?" :lisp 'if
+ :start (- pos 1))
+ (+ pos 1)))
+; (sal:read-string str start len)
+(defun sal:read-bool (str delims pos len errf)
+ delims len errf
+ (let ((end (search-delim str delims pos len)))
+ (unless (= end (+ pos 1))
+ (errexit "Illegal # expression" (- pos 1)))
+ (list (let ((t? (char= (char str pos) #\t) ))
+ (make-token :type ':bool
+ :string (if t? "#t" "#f")
+ :lisp t?
+ :start (- pos 1)))
+ (+ pos 1))))
+(defun sal:read-string (str delims pos len errf)
+ (let* ((i (1+ pos)) ; i is index into string; start after open quote
+ c c2; c is the character at str[i]
+ (string (make-string-output-stream)))
+ ;; read string, processing escaped characters
+ ;; write the chars to string until end quote is found
+ ;; then retrieve the string. quotes are not included in result token
+ ;; in the loop, i is the next character location to examine
+ (while (and (< i len)
+ (not (char= (setf c (char str i)) +quote+)))
+ (if (char= c #\\) ;; escape character, does another character follow this?
+ (cond ((< (1+ i) len)
+ (incf i) ;; yes, set i so we'll get the escaped char
+ (setf c2 (char str i))
+ (setf c (assoc c2 `((#\n . #\newline) (#\t . #\tab)
+ (#\r . ,(char "\r" 0))
+ (#\f . ,(char "\f" 0)))))
+ (setf c (if c (cdr c) c2))) ;; use c2 if c wasn't listed
+ (t ;; no, we've hit the end of input too early
+ (errexit "Unmatched \"" i))))
+ ;; we're good to take this character and move on to the next one
+ (write-char c string)
+ (incf i))
+ ;; done with loop, so either we're out of string or we found end quote
+ (if (>= i len) (errexit "Unmatched \"" i))
+ ;; must have found the quote
+ (setf string (get-output-stream-string string))
+ (list (make-token :type :string :start pos :string string :lisp string)
+ (1+ i))))
+;;; tokens
+(defun make-token (&key (type nil) (string "") start (info nil) lisp)
+ (list :token type string start info lisp))
+(setfn token-type cadr)
+(setfn token-string caddr)
+(defun token-start (x) (cadddr x))
+(defun token-info (token) (car (cddddr token)))
+(defun token-lisp (token) (cadr (cddddr token)))
+(defmacro set-token-type (tok val) `(setf (car (cdr ,tok)) ,val))
+(defmacro set-token-lisp (tok val) `(setf (car (cdr (cddddr ,tok))) ,val))
+(defun tokenp (tok) (and (consp tok) (eq (car tok) :token)))
+(defun token=? (tok op)
+ (if (tokenp tok)
+ (equal (token-type tok) op)
+ (eql tok op)))
+(defmethod token-print (obj stream)
+ (let ((*print-case* ':downcase))
+ (format stream "#<~s ~s>"
+ (token-type obj)
+ (token-string obj))))
+(defun parse-token ()
+ (prog1 (car *sal-tokens*)
+ (setf *sal-tokens* (cdr *sal-tokens*))))
+;;; token classification. types not disjoint!
+(defun classify-token (str pos input errf delims ops kstyle res)
+ (let ((tok nil))
+ (cond ((characterp str)
+ ;; normalize char delimiter tokens
+ (setq tok (delimiter-token? str pos input errf delims)))
+ ((stringp str)
+ (setq tok (or (number-token? str pos input errf)
+ (operator-token? str pos input errf ops)
+ (keyword-token? str pos input errf kstyle)
+ (class-token? str pos input errf res)
+ (reserved-token? str pos input errf res)
+ (symbol-token? str pos input errf)
+ ))
+ (unless tok
+ (errexit "Not an expression or symbol" pos)))
+ (t (setq tok str)))
+ tok))
+(defun delimiter-token? (str pos input errf delims)
+ (let ((typ (member str delims :test (lambda (a b) (char= a (cadr b))))))
+ ;; member returns remainder of the list
+ ;(display "delimiter-token?" str delims typ)
+ (if (and typ (car typ) (caar typ))
+ (make-token :type (caar typ) :string str
+ :start pos)
+ (+ (break) (errexit "Shouldn't: non-token delimiter" pos)))))
+(defun string-to-number (s)
+ (read (make-string-input-stream s)))
+(defun number-token? (str pos input errf)
+ errf input
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
+ (len (length str))
+ (c nil)
+ (dot 0)
+ (typ ':int)
+ (sig 0)
+ (sla 0)
+ (dig 0)
+ (non nil))
+ ((or (not (< i len)) non)
+ (if non nil
+ (if (> dig 0)
+ (make-token :type typ :string str
+ :start pos :lisp (string-to-number str))
+ nil)))
+ (setq c (char str i))
+ (cond ((member c '(#\+ #\-))
+ (if (> i 0) (setq non t)
+ (incf sig)))
+ ((char= c #\.)
+ (if (> dot 0) (setq non t)
+ (if (> sla 0) (setq non t)
+ (incf dot))))
+; xlisp does not have ratios
+; ((char= c #\/)
+; (setq typ ':ratio)
+; (if (> sla 0) (setq non t)
+; (if (= dig 0) (setq non t)
+; (if (> dot 0) (setq non t)
+; (if (= i (1- len)) (setq non t)
+; (incf sla))))))
+ ((digit-char-p c)
+ (incf dig)
+ (if (> dot 0) (setq typ ':float)))
+ (t (setq non t)))))
+(number-token? "" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? " " 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "a" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "+" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "-1/2" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "1." 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "1.." 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? ".1." 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? ".1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "-0.1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "1/2" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "1//2" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "/12" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "12/" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "12/1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "12./1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(number-token? "12/.1" 0 "" #'pperror)
+(defun operator-token? (str pos input errf ops)
+ ;; tok can be string or char
+ (let ((typ (member str ops :test (lambda (a b) (equal a (cadr b))))))
+ (cond (typ
+ (setf typ (car typ)) ;; member returns remainder of list
+ (make-token :type (car typ) :string str
+ :start pos :lisp (or (third typ)
+ (read-from-string str)))))))
+(defun str-to-keyword (str)
+ (intern (strcat ":" (string-upcase str))))
+(defun keyword-token? (tok pos input errf style)
+ (let* ((tlen (length tok))
+ (keys (cdr style))
+ (klen (length keys)))
+ (cond ((not (< klen tlen)) nil)
+ ((eql (car style) ':prefix)
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
+ (x nil))
+ ((or (not (< i klen)) x)
+ (if (not x)
+ (let ((sym (symbol-token? (subseq tok i)
+ pos input errf )))
+ (cond (sym
+ (set-token-type sym ':key)
+ (set-token-lisp sym
+ (str-to-keyword (token-string sym)))
+ sym)))
+ nil))
+ (unless (char= (char tok i) (nth i keys))
+ (setq x t))))
+ ((eql (car style) ':suffix)
+ (do ((j (- tlen klen) (+ j 1))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1))
+ (x nil))
+ ((or (not (< i klen)) x)
+ (if (not x)
+ (let ((sym (symbol-token? (subseq tok 0 (- tlen klen))
+ pos input errf )))
+ (cond (sym
+ (set-token-type sym ':key)
+ (set-token-lisp sym
+ (str-to-keyword (token-string sym)))
+ sym)))
+ nil))
+ (unless (char= (char tok j) (nth i keys))
+ (setq x t)))))))
+(setfn alpha-char-p both-case-p)
+(defun class-token? (str pos input errf res)
+ res
+ (let ((a (char str 0)))
+ (if (char= a #\<)
+ (let* ((l (length str))
+ (b (char str (- l 1))))
+ (if (char= b #\>)
+ (let ((tok (symbol-token? (subseq str 1 (- l 1))
+ pos input errf)))
+ ;; class token has <> removed!
+ (if tok (progn (set-token-type tok ':class)
+ tok)
+ (errexit "Not a class identifer" pos)))
+ (errexit "Not a class identifer" pos)))
+ nil)))
+; (keyword-token? ":asd" '(:prefix #\:))
+; (keyword-token? "asd" KSTYLE)
+; (keyword-token? "asd:" KSTYLE)
+; (keyword-token? "123:" KSTYLE)
+; (keyword-token? ":foo" '(:prefix #\:))
+; (keyword-token? "foo=" '(:suffix #\=))
+; (keyword-token? "--foo" '(:prefix #\- #\-))
+; (keyword-token? ":123" '(:suffix #\:))
+; (keyword-token? "--asd" '(:prefix #\-)) ; ok since -asd is legal symbol
+(defun reserved-token? (str pos input errf reserved)
+ errf input
+ (let ((typ (member str reserved :test (lambda (a b) (equal a (cadr b))))))
+ (if typ
+ (make-token :type (caar typ) :string str
+ :start pos)
+ nil)))
+(defun sal-string-to-symbol (str)
+ (let ((sym (intern (string-upcase str)))
+ sal-sym)
+ (cond ((and sym ;; (it might be "nil")
+ (setf sal-sym (get sym :sal-name)))
+ sal-sym)
+ (t sym))))
+(putprop 'simrep 'sal-simrep :sal-name)
+(putprop 'seqrep 'sal-seqrep :sal-name)
+(defun contains-op-char (s)
+ ;; assume most identifiers are very short, so we search
+ ;; over identifier letters, not over operator characters
+ ;; Minus (-) is so common, we don't complain about it.
+ (dotimes (i (length s))
+ (if (string-search (subseq s i (1+ i)) "*/+=<>!%^&|")
+ (return t))))
+(defun test-for-suspicious-symbol (token)
+ ;; assume token is of type :id
+ (let ((sym (token-lisp token))
+ (str (token-string token))
+ (pos (token-start token)))
+ (cond ((and sym ; nil is not suspicious, but it's not "boundp"
+ (not (fboundp sym)) ; existing functions not suspicious
+ (not (boundp sym)) ; existing globals not suspicious
+ (not (member sym *sal-local-variables*))
+ (contains-op-char str)) ; suspicious if embedded operators
+ (sal-warning
+ (strcat "Identifier contains operator character(s).\n"
+ " Perhaps you omitted spaces around an operator")
+ pos)))))
+(defun symbol-token? (str pos input errf)
+ ;; if a potential symbol is preceded by #, drop the #
+ (if (and (> (length str) 1)
+ (char= (char str 0) #\#))
+ ;; there are a couple of special cases: SAL defines #f and #?
+ (cond ((equal str "#f")
+ (return-from symbol-token?
+ (make-token :type ':id :string str :start pos :lisp nil)))
+ ((equal str "#?")
+ (return-from symbol-token?
+ (make-token :type ':id :string str :start pos :lisp 'if)))
+ (t
+ (setf str (subseq str 1)))))
+ ;; let's insist on at least one letter for sanity's sake
+ ;; exception: allow '-> because it is used in markov pattern specs
+ (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) ; i is index into string
+ (bad "Not an expression or symbol")
+ (chr nil)
+ (ltr 0) ; ltr is count of alphabetic letters in string
+ (dot nil) ; dot is index of "."
+ (pkg nil) ; pkg is index if package name "xxx:" found
+ (len (length str))
+ (err nil))
+ ;; loop ends when i is at end of string or when err is set
+ ((or (not (< i len)) err)
+ (if (or (> ltr 0) ; must be at least one letter, or
+ (equal str "->")) ; symbol can be "->"
+ (let ((info ()) sym)
+ (if pkg (push (cons ':pkg pkg) info))
+ (if dot (push (cons ':slot dot) info))
+ ;(display "in symbol-token?" str)
+ (setf sym (sal-string-to-symbol str))
+ (make-token :type ':id :string str
+ :info info :start pos
+ :lisp sym))
+ nil))
+ (setq chr (char str i))
+ (cond ((alpha-char-p chr) (incf ltr))
+; need to allow arbitrary lisp symbols
+; ((member chr '(#\* #\+)) ;; special variable names can start/end
+; (if (< 0 i (- len 2)) ;; with + or *
+; (errexit bad pos)))
+ ((char= chr #\/) ;; embedded / is not allowed
+ (errexit bad pos))
+ ;((char= chr #\-) ;; hyphens are allowed anywhere in symbol
+ ; (if (= ltr 0)
+ ; (errexit errf input bad pos )
+ ; (setq ltr 0)
+ ; ))
+ ((char= chr #\:)
+ ; allowable forms are :foo, foo:bar, :foo:bar
+ (if (> i 0) ;; lisp keyword symbols ok
+ (cond ((= ltr 0)
+ (errexit bad pos))
+ ((not pkg)
+ (setq pkg i))
+ (t (errexit errf input
+ (format nil "Too many colons in ~s" str)
+ pos))))
+ (setq ltr 0))
+ ((char= chr #\.)
+ (if (or dot (= i 0) (= i (- len 1)))
+ (errexit bad pos)
+ (progn (setq dot i) (setq ltr 0)))))))
+; (let ((i "foo")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i ".bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "bar.")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "1...")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "a1..." )) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "a{b")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "foo-bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "123-a")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "1a23-a")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "*foo*")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "+foo+")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "foo+bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "foo/bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i ":bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "::bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "foo:bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "cl-user:bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (let ((i "cl-user::bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
+; (tokenize "aaa + bbb \"asdasdd\" aaa(1,2,3)")
+; (tokenize "aaa+bbb \"asdasdd\" aaa(1,2,3)")
+(setf *in-sal-parser* nil)
+;; line number info for debugging
+(setf *sal-line-number-info* t)
+(setf *sal-line* 0)
+(defun add-line-info-to-expression (expr token)
+ (let (line-no)
+ (cond ((and token ;; null token means do not change expr
+ *sal-line-number-info* ;; is this feature enabled?
+ (stringp *sal-input-text*))
+ ;; first, get line number
+ (setf line-no (pos-to-line (token-start token) *sal-input-text*))
+ `(prog2 (setf *sal-line* ,line-no) ,expr))
+ (t expr))))
+;; single statement is handled just like an expression
+(setfn add-line-info-to-stmt add-line-info-to-expression)
+;; list of statements is simple to handle: prepend SETF
+(defun add-line-info-to-stmts (stmts token)
+ (let (line-no)
+ (cond ((and *sal-line-number-info* ;; is this feature enabled?
+ (stringp *sal-input-text*))
+ (setf line-no (pos-to-line (token-start token) *sal-input-text*))
+ (cons `(setf *sal-line* ,line-no) stmts))
+ (t stmts))))
+;; PARSE-ERROR -- print error message, return from top-level
+(defun parse-error (e)
+ (unless (sal-error-line e)
+ (setf (sal-error-line e) *sal-input*))
+ (pperror e)
+ (return-from sal-parse (values nil e *sal-tokens*)))
+;; SAL-PARSE -- parse string or token input, translate to Lisp
+;; If input is text, *sal-input-text* is set to the text and
+;; read later (maybe) by ERREXIT.
+;; If input is a token list, it is assumed these are leftovers
+;; from tokenized text, so *sal-input-text* is already valid.
+;; *Therfore*, do not call sal-parse with tokens unless
+;; *sal-input-text* is set to the corresponding text.
+(defun sal-parse (grammar pat input multiple-statements file)
+ (progv '(*sal-input-file-name*) (list file)
+ (let (rslt expr rest)
+ ; ignore grammar and pat (just there for compatibility)
+ ; parse input and return lisp expression
+ (cond ((stringp input)
+ (setf *sal-input-text* input)
+ (setq input (tokenize input *reserved-words* #'parse-error))))
+ (setf *sal-input* input) ;; all input
+ (setf *sal-tokens* input) ;; current input
+ (cond ((null input)
+ (values t nil nil)) ; e.g. comments compile to nil
+ (t
+ (setf rslt (or (maybe-parse-command)
+ (maybe-parse-block)
+ (maybe-parse-conditional)
+ (maybe-parse-assignment)
+ (maybe-parse-loop)
+ (maybe-parse-exec)
+ (maybe-parse-exit)
+ (errexit "Syntax error")))
+ ;; note: there is a return-from parse in parse-error that
+ ;; returns (values nil error <unparsed-tokens>)
+ (cond ((and *sal-tokens* (not multiple-statements))
+ (errexit "leftover tokens")))
+ ;((null rslt)
+ ; (errexit "nothing to compile")))
+ (values t rslt *sal-tokens*))))))
+;; TOKEN-IS -- test if the type of next token matches expected type(s)
+;; type can be a list of possibilities or just a symbol
+;; Usually, suspicious-id-warn is true by default, and any symbol
+;; with embedded operator symbols, e.g. x+y results in a warning
+;; that this is an odd variable name. But if the symbol is declared
+;; as a local, a parameter, a function name, or a global variable,
+;; then the warning is supressed.
+(defun token-is (type &optional (suspicious-id-warn t))
+ (let ((token-type
+ (if *sal-tokens* (token-type (car *sal-tokens*)) nil))
+ rslt)
+ ; input can be list of possible types or just a type:
+ (setf rslt (or (and (listp type)
+ (member token-type type))
+ (and (symbolp type) (eq token-type type))))
+ ; test if symbol has embedded operator characters:
+ (cond ((and rslt suspicious-id-warn (eq token-type :id))
+ (test-for-suspicious-symbol (car *sal-tokens*))))
+ rslt))
+(defun maybe-parse-command ()
+ (if (token-is '(:define :load :chdir :variable :function
+ ; :system
+ :play :print :display))
+ (parse-command)
+ (if (and (token-is '(:return)) *audacity-top-level-return-flag*)
+ (parse-command))))
+(defun parse-command ()
+ (cond ((token-is '(:define :variable :function))
+ (parse-declaration))
+ ((token-is :load)
+ (parse-load))
+ ((token-is :chdir)
+ (parse-chdir))
+ ((token-is :play)
+ (parse-play))
+; ((token-is :system)
+; (parse-system))
+ ((token-is :print)
+ (parse-print-display :print 'sal-print))
+ ((token-is :display)
+ (parse-print-display :display 'display))
+ ((and *audacity-top-level-return-flag* (token-is :return))
+ (parse-return))
+; ((token-is :output)
+; (parse-output))
+ (t
+ (errexit "Command not found"))))
+(defun parse-stmt ()
+ (cond ((token-is :begin)
+ (parse-block))
+ ((token-is '(:if :when :unless))
+ (parse-conditional))
+ ((token-is :set)
+ (parse-assignment))
+ ((token-is :loop)
+ (parse-loop))
+ ((token-is :print)
+ (parse-print-display :print 'sal-print))
+ ((token-is :display)
+ (parse-print-display :display 'display))
+; ((token-is :output)
+; (parse-output))
+ ((token-is :exec)
+ (parse-exec))
+ ((token-is :exit)
+ (parse-exit))
+ ((token-is :return)
+ (parse-return))
+ ((token-is :load)
+ (parse-load))
+ ((token-is :chdir)
+ (parse-chdir))
+; ((token-is :system)
+; (parse-system))
+ ((token-is :play)
+ (parse-play))
+ (t
+ (errexit "Command not found"))))
+;; GET-PARM-NAMES -- given parms like (a b &key (x 1) (y 2)),
+;; return list of parameters: (a b x y)
+(defun get-parm-names (parms)
+ (let (rslt)
+ (dolist (p parms)
+ (cond ((symbolp p)
+ (if (eq p '&key) nil (push p rslt)))
+ (t (push (car p) rslt))))
+ (reverse rslt)))
+;; RETURNIZE -- make a statement (list) end with a sal-return-from
+;; SAL returns nil from begin-end statement lists
+(defun returnize (stmt)
+ (let (rev)
+ (setf rev (reverse stmt))
+ (setf expr (car rev)) ; last expression in list
+ (cond ((and (consp expr) (eq (car expr) 'sal-return-from))
+ stmt) ; already ends in sal-return-from
+ (t
+ (reverse (cons (list 'sal-return-from *sal-fn-name* nil)
+ rev))))))
+(defun parse-declaration ()
+ (if (token-is :define) (parse-token)) ; SAL extension: "define" is optional
+ (let (bindings setf-args formals parms stmt locals loc)
+ (cond ((token-is :variable)
+ (setf bindings (parse-bindings))
+ (setf loc *rslt*) ; the "variable" token
+ (dolist (b bindings)
+ (cond ((symbolp b)
+ (push b setf-args)
+ (push `(if (boundp ',b) ,b) setf-args))
+ (t
+ (push (first b) setf-args)
+ (push (second b) setf-args))))
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (cons 'setf (reverse setf-args)) loc))
+ ((token-is :function)
+ (parse-token)
+ (if (token-is :id nil)
+ (setf *sal-fn-name* (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ (errexit "function name expected here"))
+ (setf locals *sal-local-variables*)
+ (setf formals (parse-parms))
+ (setf stmt (parse-stmt))
+ ;; stmt may contain a return-from, so make this a progn or prog*
+ (cond ((and (consp stmt)
+ (not (eq (car stmt) 'progn))
+ (not (eq (car stmt) 'prog*)))
+ (setf stmt (list 'progn stmt))))
+ ;; need return to pop traceback stack
+ (setf stmt (returnize stmt))
+ ;; get list of parameter names
+ (setf parms (get-parm-names formals))
+ (setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
+ ;; build the defun
+ (prog1 (list 'defun *sal-fn-name* formals
+ (list 'sal-trace-enter
+ (list 'quote *sal-fn-name*)
+ (cons 'list parms)
+ (list 'quote parms))
+ stmt)
+ (setf *sal-fn-name* nil)))
+ (t
+ (errexit "bad syntax")))))
+(defun parse-one-parm (kargs)
+ ;; kargs is a flag indicating previous parameter was a keyword (all
+ ;; the following parameters must then also be keyword parameters)
+ ;; returns: (<keyword> <default>) or (nil <identifier>)
+ ;; where <keyword> is a keyward parameter name (nil if not a keyword parm)
+ ;; <default> is an expression for the default value
+ ;; <identifier> is the parameter name (if not a keyword parm)
+ (let (key default-value id)
+ (cond ((and kargs (token-is :id))
+ (errexit "positional parameter not allowed after keyword parameter"))
+ ((token-is :id)
+ ;(display "parse-one-1" (token-is :id) (car *sal-tokens*))
+ (setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ (push id *sal-local-variables*)
+ (list nil id))
+ ((token-is :key)
+ (setf key (sal-string-to-symbol (token-string (parse-token))))
+ (cond ((or (token-is :co) (token-is :rp))) ; no default value
+ (t
+ (setf default-value (parse-sexpr))))
+ (list key default-value))
+ (kargs
+ (errexit "expected keyword name"))
+ (t
+ (errexit "expected parameter name")))))
+(defun parse-parms ()
+ ;(display "parse-parms" *sal-tokens*)
+ (let (parms parm kargs expecting)
+ (if (token-is :lp)
+ (parse-token) ;; eat the left paren
+ (errexit "expected left parenthesis"))
+ (setf expecting (not (token-is :rp)))
+ (while expecting
+ (setf parm (parse-one-parm kargs))
+ ;(display "parm" parm)
+ ;; returns list of (kargs . parm)
+ (if (and (car parm) (not kargs)) ; kargs just set
+ (push '&key parms))
+ (setf kargs (car parm))
+ ;; normally push the <id>; for keyword parms, push id and default value
+ (push (if kargs parm (cadr parm)) parms)
+ (if (token-is :co)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf expecting nil)))
+ (if (token-is :rp) (parse-token)
+ (errexit "expected right parenthesis"))
+ ;(display "parse-parms" (reverse parms))
+ (reverse parms)))
+(defun parse-bindings ()
+ (let (bindings bind)
+ (setf *rslt* (parse-token)) ; skip "variable" or "with"
+ ; return token as "extra" return value
+ (setf bind (parse-bind))
+ (push (if (second bind) bind (car bind))
+ bindings)
+ (while (token-is :co)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf bind (parse-bind))
+ ;; if non-nil initializer, push (id expr)
+ (push (if (second bind) bind (car bind))
+ bindings))
+ (reverse bindings)))
+(defun parse-bind ()
+ (let (id val)
+ (if (token-is :id nil)
+ (setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ (errexit "expected a variable name"))
+ (cond ((token-is :=)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf val (parse-sexpr))))
+ (push id *sal-local-variables*)
+ (list id val)))
+(defun parse-chdir ()
+ ;; assume next token is :chdir
+ (or (token-is :chdir) (error "parse-chdir internal error"))
+ (let (path loc)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (setf path (parse-path))
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'setdir path) loc)))
+(defun parse-play ()
+ ;; assume next token is :play
+ (or (token-is :play) (error "parse-play internal error"))
+ (let ((loc (parse-token)))
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'sal-play (parse-sexpr)) loc)))
+(defun parse-return ()
+ (or (token-is :return) (error "parse-return internal error"))
+ (let (loc expr)
+ ;; this seems to be a redundant test
+ (if (and (null *sal-fn-name*)
+ (not *audacity-top-level-return-flag*))
+ (errexit "Return must be inside a function body"))
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (setf expr (parse-sexpr))
+ (if *sal-fn-name*
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'sal-return-from *sal-fn-name* expr) loc)
+ (list 'defun 'main '() (list 'sal-trace-enter '(quote main) '() '())
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt expr loc)))))
+(defun parse-load ()
+ ;; assume next token is :load
+ (or (token-is :load) (error "parse-load internal error"))
+ (let (path args loc)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (setf path (parse-path)) ; must return path or raise error
+ (setf args (parse-keyword-args))
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (cons 'sal-load (cons path args)) loc)))
+(defun parse-keyword-args ()
+ (let (args)
+ (while (token-is :co)
+ (parse-token)
+ (cond ((token-is :key)
+ (push (token-value) args)
+ (push (parse-sexpr) args))))
+ (reverse args)))
+'(defun parse-system ()
+ ;; assume next token is :system
+ (or (token-is :system) (error "parse-system internal error"))
+ (let (path arg args)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf path (parse-sexpr))
+ (list 'sal-system path)))
+(defun parse-path ()
+ (if (token-is '(:id :string))
+ (token-lisp (parse-token))
+ (errexit "path not found")))
+(defun parse-print-display (token function)
+ ;; assumes next token is :print
+ (or (token-is token) (error "parse-print-display internal error"))
+ (let (args arg loc)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (setf arg (parse-sexpr))
+ (setf args (list arg))
+ (while (token-is :co)
+ (parse-token) ; remove and ignore the comma
+ (setf arg (parse-sexpr))
+ (push arg args))
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt (cons function (reverse args)) loc)))
+;(defun parse-output ()
+; ;; assume next token is :output
+; (or (token-is :output) (error "parse-output internal error"))
+; (parse-token)
+; (list 'sal-output (parse-sexpr)))
+(defun maybe-parse-block ()
+ (if (token-is :begin) (parse-block)))
+(defun parse-block ()
+ ;; assumes next token is :block
+ (or (token-is :begin) (error "parse-block internal error"))
+ (let (args stmts (locals *sal-local-variables*))
+ (parse-token)
+ (cond ((token-is :with)
+ (setf args (parse-bindings))))
+ (while (not (token-is :end))
+ (push (parse-stmt) stmts))
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf stmts (reverse stmts))
+ ;(display "parse-block" args stmts)
+ (setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
+ (cons 'prog* (cons args stmts))))
+;; MAKE-STATEMENT-LIST -- convert stmt to a stmt list
+;; if it is a (PROGN ...) then return cdr -- it's already a list
+;; otherwise, put single statement into a list
+(defun make-statement-list (stmt)
+ (cond ((atom stmt)
+ (list stmt))
+ ((eq (car stmt) 'progn)
+ (cdr stmt))
+ (t
+ (list stmt))))
+(setf *conditional-tokens* '(:if :when :unless))
+(defun maybe-parse-conditional ()
+ (if (token-is *conditional-tokens*)
+ (parse-conditional)))
+(defun parse-conditional ()
+ ;; assumes next token is :if
+ (or (token-is *conditional-tokens*)
+ (error "parse-conditional internal error"))
+ (let (test then-stmt else-stmt if-token)
+ (cond ((token-is :if)
+ (setf if-token (parse-token))
+ (setf test (parse-sexpr if-token))
+ (if (not (token-is :then))
+ (errexit "expected then after if"))
+ (parse-token)
+ (if (not (token-is :else)) ;; no then statement
+ (setf then-stmt (parse-stmt)))
+ (cond ((token-is :else)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf else-stmt (parse-stmt))))
+ ;(display "cond" test then-stmt else-stmt)
+ (if else-stmt
+ (list 'if test then-stmt else-stmt)
+ (list 'if test then-stmt)))
+ ((token-is :when)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf test (parse-sexpr))
+ (setf then-stmt (parse-stmt))
+ (cons 'when (cons test (make-statement-list then-stmt))))
+ ((token-is :unless)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf test (parse-sexpr))
+ (setf else-stmt (parse-stmt))
+ (cons 'unless (cons test (make-statement-list else-stmt)))))))
+(defun maybe-parse-assignment ()
+ (if (token-is :set) (parse-assignment)))
+(defun parse-assignment ()
+ ;; first token must be set
+ (or (token-is :set) (error "parse-assignment internal error"))
+ (let (assignments rslt vref op expr set-token)
+ (setf set-token (parse-token))
+ (push (parse-assign) assignments) ; returns (target op value)
+ (while (token-is :co)
+ (parse-token) ; skip the comma
+ (push (parse-assign) assignments))
+ ; now assignments is ((target op value) (target op value)...)
+ (dolist (assign assignments)
+ (setf vref (first assign) op (second assign) expr (third assign))
+ (cond ((eq op '=))
+ ((eq op '-=) (setf expr `(diff ,vref ,expr)))
+ ((eq op '+=) (setf expr `(sum ,vref ,expr)))
+ ((eq op '*=) (setq expr `(mult ,vref ,expr)))
+ ((eq op '/=) (setq expr `(/ ,vref ,expr)))
+ ((eq op '&=) (setq expr `(nconc ,vref (list ,expr))))
+ ((eq op '@=) (setq expr `(cons ,expr ,vref)))
+ ((eq op '^=) (setq expr `(nconc ,vref (append ,expr nil))))
+ ((eq op '<=) (setq expr `(min ,vref ,expr)))
+ ((eq op '>=) (setq expr `(max ,vref ,expr)))
+ (t (errexit (format nil "unknown assigment operator ~A" op))))
+ (push (list 'setf vref expr) rslt))
+ (setf rslt (add-line-info-to-stmts rslt set-token))
+ (if (> (length rslt) 1)
+ (cons 'progn rslt)
+ (car rslt))))
+;; PARSE-ASSIGN -- based on parse-bind, but with different operators
+;; allows arbitrary term on left because it could be an array
+;; reference. After parsing, we can check that the target of the
+;; assignment is either an identifier or an (aref ...)
+(defun parse-assign ()
+ (let ((lhs (parse-term) op val))
+ (cond ((token-is '(:= :-= :+= :*= :/= :&= :@= :^= :<= :>=))
+ (setf op (parse-token))
+ (setf op (if (eq (token-type op) ':=) '= (token-lisp op)))
+ (setf val (parse-sexpr))))
+ (cond ((and (consp lhs) (eq (car lhs) 'aref))) ;; aref good
+ ((symbolp lhs)) ;; id good
+ (t (errexit "expected a variable name or array reference")))
+ (list lhs op val)))
+(defun maybe-parse-loop ()
+ (if (token-is :loop) (parse-loop)))
+;; loops are compiled to do*
+;; bindings go next as usual, but bindings include for variables
+;; and repeat is converted to a for +count+ from 0 to <sexpr>
+;; stepping is done after statement
+;; termination clauses are combined with OR and
+;; finally goes after termination
+;; statement goes in do* body
+(defun parse-loop ()
+ (or (token-is :loop) (error "parse-loop: internal error"))
+ (let (bindings termination-tests stmts sexpr rslt finally
+ loc
+ (locals *sal-local-variables*))
+ (parse-token) ; skip "loop"
+ (if (token-is :with)
+ (setf bindings (reverse (parse-bindings))))
+ (while (token-is '(:repeat :for))
+ (cond ((token-is :repeat)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (push (list 'sal:loopcount 0 '(1+ sal:loopcount)) bindings)
+ (setf sexpr (parse-sexpr loc)) ; get final count expression
+ (push (list 'sal:loopfinal sexpr) bindings)
+ (push '(>= sal:loopcount sal:loopfinal) termination-tests))
+ ((token-is :for)
+ (setf rslt (parse-for-clause))
+ ; there can be multiple bindings, build bindings in reverse
+ (cond ((first rslt)
+ (setf bindings (append (reverse (first rslt))
+ bindings))))
+ (if (second rslt) (push (second rslt) termination-tests)))))
+ (while (token-is '(:while :until))
+ (cond ((token-is :while)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (push (list 'not (parse-sexpr loc)) termination-tests))
+ ((token-is :until)
+ (setf loc (parse-token))
+ (push (parse-sexpr loc) termination-tests))))
+ ; (push (parse-stmt) stmts)
+ (while (not (token-is '(:end :finally)))
+ (push (parse-stmt) stmts))
+ (cond ((token-is :finally)
+ (parse-token) ; skip "finally"
+ (setf finally (parse-stmt))))
+ (if (token-is :end)
+ (parse-token)
+ (errexit "expected end after loop"))
+ (setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
+ `(do* ,(reverse bindings)
+ ,(list (or-ize (reverse termination-tests)) finally)
+ ,@(reverse stmts))))
+;; OR-IZE -- compute the OR of a list of expressions
+(defun or-ize (exprs)
+ (if (> 1 (length exprs)) (cons 'or exprs)
+ (car exprs)))
+(defun maybe-parse-exec ()
+ (if (token-is :exec) (parse-exec)))
+(defun parse-exec ()
+ (or (token-is :exec) (error "parse-exec internal error"))
+ (let ((loc (parse-token))) ; skip the :exec
+ (parse-sexpr loc)))
+(defun maybe-parse-exit ()
+ (if (token-is :exit) (parse-exit)))
+(defun parse-exit ()
+ (let (tok loc)
+ (or (token-is :exit) (error "parse-exit internal error"))
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip the :exit
+ (cond ((token-is :id)
+ (setf tok (parse-token))
+ (cond ((eq (token-lisp tok) 'nyquist)
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt '(exit) loc))
+ ((eq (token-lisp tok) 'sal)
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt '(sal-exit) loc))
+ (t
+ (errexit "expected \"nyquist\" or \"sal\" after \"exit\""))))
+ (t
+ (add-line-info-to-stmt '(sal-exit) loc)))))
+;; PARSE-FOR-CLAUSE - returns (bindings term-test)
+(defun parse-for-clause ()
+ (or (token-is :for) (error "parse-for-clause: internal error"))
+ (let (id init next rslt binding term-test list-id loc)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip for
+ (if (token-is :id)
+ (setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ (errexit "expected identifier after for"))
+ (cond ((token-is :=)
+ ;; if the clause is just for id = expr, then assume that
+ ;; expr depends on something that changes each iteration:
+ ;; recompute and assign expr to id each time around
+ (parse-token) ; skip "="
+ (setf init (parse-sexpr loc))
+ (cond ((token-is :then)
+ (parse-token) ; skip "then"
+ (setf binding (list id init (parse-sexpr loc))))
+ (t
+ (setf binding (list id init init))))
+ (setf binding (list binding)))
+ ((token-is :in)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "in"
+ (setf list-id (intern (format nil "SAL:~A-LIST" id)))
+ (setf binding
+ (list (list list-id (parse-sexpr loc)
+ (list 'cdr list-id))
+ (list id (list 'car list-id) (list 'car list-id))))
+ (setf term-test (list 'null list-id)))
+ ((token-is :over)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "over"
+ (setf start (parse-sexpr loc))
+#| (cond ((token-is :by)
+ (parse-token) ; skip "by"
+ (parse-sexpr))) ;-- I don't know what "by" means - RBD |#
+ (setf list-id (intern (format nil "SAL:~A-PATTERN" id)))
+ (setf binding
+ (list (list list-id start)
+ (list id (list 'next list-id) (list 'next list-id)))))
+ ((token-is '(:from :below :to :above :downto :by))
+ (cond ((token-is :from)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "from"
+ (setf init (parse-sexpr loc)))
+ (t
+ (setf init 0)))
+ (cond ((token-is :below)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "below"
+ (setf term-test (list '>= id (parse-sexpr loc))))
+ ((token-is :to)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "to"
+ (setf term-test (list '> id (parse-sexpr loc))))
+ ((token-is :above)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "above"
+ (setf term-test (list '<= id (parse-sexpr loc))))
+ ((token-is :downto)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "downto"
+ (setf term-test (list '< id (parse-sexpr loc)))))
+ (cond ((token-is :by)
+ (setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "by"
+ (setf binding (list id init (list '+ id (parse-sexpr loc)))))
+ ((or (null term-test)
+ (and term-test (member (car term-test) '(>= >))))
+ (setf binding (list id init (list '1+ id))))
+ (t ; loop goes down because of "above" or "downto"
+ ; (display "for step" term-test)
+ (setf binding (list id init (list '1- id)))))
+ (setf binding (list binding)))
+ (t
+ (errexit "for statement syntax error")))
+ (list binding term-test)))
+;; parse-sexpr works by building a list: (term op term op term ...)
+;; later, the list is parsed again using operator precedence rules
+(defun parse-sexpr (&optional loc)
+ (let (term rslt)
+ (push (parse-term) rslt)
+ (while (token-is *sal-operators*)
+ (push (token-type (parse-token)) rslt)
+ (push (parse-term) rslt))
+ (setf rslt (reverse rslt))
+ ;(display "parse-sexpr before inf->pre" rslt)
+ (setf rslt (if (consp (cdr rslt))
+ (inf->pre rslt)
+ (car rslt)))
+ (if loc
+ (setf rslt (add-line-info-to-expression rslt loc)))
+ rslt))
+(defun get-lisp-op (op)
+ (third (assoc op +operators+)))
+;; a term is <unary-op> <term>, or
+;; ( <sexpr> ), or
+;; ? ( <sexpr> , <sexpr> , <sexpr> ), or
+;; <id>, or
+;; <id> ( <args> ), or
+;; <term> [ <sexpr> ]
+;; Since any term can be followed by indexing, handle everything
+;; but the indexing here in parse-term-1, then write parse-term
+;; to do term-1 followed by indexing operations
+(defun parse-term-1 ()
+ (let (sexpr id)
+ (cond ((token-is '(:- :!))
+ (list (token-lisp (parse-token)) (parse-term)))
+ ((token-is :lp)
+ (parse-token) ; skip left paren
+ (setf sexpr (parse-sexpr))
+ (if (token-is :rp)
+ (parse-token)
+ (errexit "right parenthesis not found"))
+ sexpr)
+ ((token-is :?)
+ (parse-ifexpr))
+ ((token-is :lc)
+ (list 'quote (parse-list)))
+ ((token-is '(:int :float :bool :list :string))
+ ;(display "parse-term int float bool list string" (car *sal-tokens*))
+ (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ ((token-is :id) ;; aref or funcall
+ (setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
+ ;; array indexing was here, but that only allows [x] after
+ ;; identifiers. Move this to expression parsing.
+ (cond ((token-is :lp)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf sexpr (cons id (parse-pargs t)))
+ (if (token-is :rp)
+ (parse-token)
+ (errexit "right paren not found"))
+ sexpr)
+ (t id)))
+ (t
+ (errexit "expression not found")))))
+(defun parse-term ()
+ (let ((term (parse-term-1)))
+ ; (display "parse-term" term (token-is :lb))
+ (while (token-is :lb)
+ (parse-token)
+ (setf term (list 'aref term (parse-sexpr)))
+ (if (token-is :rb)
+ (parse-token)
+ (errexit "right bracket not found")))
+ term))
+(defun parse-ifexpr ()
+ (or (token-is :?) (error "parse-ifexpr internal error"))
+ (let (condition then-sexpr else-sexpr)
+ (parse-token) ; skip the :?
+ (if (token-is :lp) (parse-token) (errexit "expected left paren"))
+ (setf condition (parse-sexpr))
+ (if (token-is :co) (parse-token) (errexit "expected comma"))
+ (setf then-sexpr (parse-sexpr))
+ (if (token-is :co) (parse-token) (errexit "expected comma"))
+ (setf else-sexpr (parse-sexpr))
+ (if (token-is :rp) (parse-token) (errexit "expected left paren"))
+ (list 'if condition then-sexpr else-sexpr)))
+(defun keywordp (s)
+ (and (symbolp s) (eq (type-of (symbol-name s)) 'string)
+ (equal (char (symbol-name s) 0) #\:)))
+(defun functionp (x) (eq (type-of x) 'closure))
+(defun parse-pargs (keywords-allowed)
+ ;; get a list of sexprs. If keywords-allowed, then at any point
+ ;; the arg syntax can switch from [<co> <sexpr>]* to
+ ;; [<co> <keyword> <sexpr>]*
+ ;; also if keywords-allowed, it's a function call and the
+ ;; list may be empty. Otherwise, it's a list of indices and
+ ;; the list may not be empty
+ (let (pargs keyword-expected sexpr keyword)
+ (if (and keywords-allowed (token-is :rp))
+ nil ; return empty parameter list
+ (loop ; look for one or more [keyword] sexpr
+ ; optional keyword test
+ (setf keyword nil)
+ ;(display "pargs" (car *sal-tokens*))
+ (if (token-is :key)
+ (setf keyword (token-lisp (parse-token))))
+ ; (display "parse-pargs" keyword)
+ ; did we need a keyword?
+ (if (and keyword-expected (not keyword))
+ (errexit "expected keyword"))
+ ; was a keyword legal
+ (if (and keyword (not keywords-allowed))
+ (errexit "keyword not allowed here"))
+ (setf keyword-expected keyword) ; once we get a keyword, we need
+ ; one before each sexpr
+ ; now find sexpr
+ (setf sexpr (parse-sexpr))
+ (if keyword (push keyword pargs))
+ (push sexpr pargs)
+ ; (display "parse-pargs" keyword sexpr pargs)
+ (cond ((token-is :co)
+ (parse-token))
+ (t
+ (return (reverse pargs))))))))
+;; PARSE-LIST -- parse list in braces {}, return list not quoted list
+(defun parse-list ()
+ (or (token-is :lc) (error "parse-list internal error"))
+ (let (elts)
+ (parse-token)
+ (while (not (token-is :rc))
+ (cond ((token-is '(:int :float :id :bool :key :string))
+ (push (token-lisp (parse-token)) elts))
+ ((token-is :lc)
+ (push (parse-list) elts))
+ (t
+ (errexit "expected list element or right brace"))))
+ (parse-token)
+ (reverse elts)))
+(defparameter *op-weights*
+ '(
+ (:\| 1)
+ (:& 2)
+ (:! 3)
+ (:= 4)
+ (:!= 4)
+ (:> 4)
+ (:>= 4)
+ (:< 4)
+ (:<= 4)
+ (:~= 4) ; general equality
+ (:+ 5)
+ (:- 5)
+ (:% 5)
+ (:* 6)
+ (:/ 6)
+ (:^ 7)
+ (:~ 8)
+ (:~~ 8)
+ (:@ 8)
+ (:@@ 8)))
+(defun is-op? (x)
+ ;; return op weight if x is operator
+ (let ((o (assoc (if (listp x) (token-type x) x)
+ *op-weights*)))
+ (and o (cadr o))))
+(defun inf->pre (inf)
+ ;; this does NOT rewrite subexpressions because parser applies rules
+ ;; depth-first so subexprs are already processed
+ (let (op lh rh w1)
+ (if (consp inf)
+ (do ()
+ ((null inf) lh)
+ (setq op (car inf)) ; look at each element of in
+ (pop inf)
+ (setq w1 (is-op? op))
+ (cond ((numberp w1) ; found op (w1 is precedence)
+ (do ((w2 nil)
+ (ok t)
+ (li (list)))
+ ((or (not inf) (not ok))
+ (setq rh (inf->pre (nreverse li)))
+ (setq lh (if lh (list (get-lisp-op op) lh rh)
+ (list (get-lisp-op op) rh nil))))
+ (setq w2 (is-op? (first inf)))
+ (cond ((and w2 (<= w2 w1))
+ (setq ok nil))
+ (t
+ (push (car inf) li)
+ (pop inf)))))
+ (t
+ (setq lh op))))
+ inf)))
diff --git a/runtime/sal.lsp b/runtime/sal.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..def7591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/sal.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; Copyright (C) 2006 Rick Taube
+;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser Gnu Public License.
+;;; See for the text of this agreement.
+;;; **********************************************************************
+;;; $Revision: 1.2 $
+;;; $Date: 2009-03-05 17:42:25 $
+;; DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS (for sal.lsp and parse.lsp)
+;; TOKENIZE converts source language (a string) into a list of tokens
+;; each token is represented as follows:
+;; (:TOKEN <type> <string> <start> <info> <lisp>)
+;; where <type> is one of:
+;; :id -- an identifier
+;; :lp -- left paren
+;; :rp -- right paren
+;; :+, etc. -- operators
+;; :int -- an integer
+;; :float -- a float
+;; :print, etc. -- a reserved word
+;; <string> is the source string for the token
+;; <start> is the column of the string
+;; <info> and <lisp> are ??
+;; Tokenize uses a list of reserved words extracted from terminals in
+;; the grammar. Each reserved word has an associated token type, but
+;; all other identifiers are simply of type :ID.
+;; Originally, the code interpreted a grammar using a recursive pattern
+;; matcher, but XLISP does not have a huge stack and there were
+;; stack overflow problems because even relatively small expressions
+;; went through a very deep nesting of productions. E.g.
+;; "print note(between(30,odds(.5, 60, 90)))" 0 t nil))" was at recursion
+;; level 46 when the stack overflowed. The stack depth is 2000 or 4000,
+;; but all locals and parameters get pushed here, so since PARSE is the
+;; recursive function and it has lots of parameters and locals, it appears
+;; to use 80 elements in the stack per call.
+;; *** END ***
+;; The grammar for the recursive descent parser:
+;; note: [ <x> ] means optional <x>, <x>* means 0 or more of <x>
+;; <number> = <int> | <float>
+;; <atom> = <int> | <float> | <id> | <bool>
+;; <list> = { <elt>* }
+;; <elt> = <atom> | <list> | <string>
+;; <aref> = <id> <lb> <pargs> <rb>
+;; <ifexpr> = ? "(" <sexpr> , <sexpr> [ , <sexpr> ] ")"
+;; <funcall> = <id> <funargs>
+;; <funargs> = "(" [ <args> ] ")"
+;; <args> = <arg> [ , <arg> ]*
+;; <arg> = <sexpr> | <key> <sexpr>
+;; <op> = + | - | "*" | / | % | ^ | = | != |
+;; "<" | ">" | "<=" | ">=" | ~= | ! | & | "|"
+;; <mexpr> = <term> [ <op> <term> ]*
+;; <term> = <-> <term> | <!> <term> | "(" <mexpr> ")" |
+;; <ifexpr> | <funcall> | <aref> | <atom> | <list> | <string>
+;; <sexpr> = <mexpr> | <object> | class
+;; <top> = <command> | <block> | <conditional> | <assignment> | <loop> | <exec>
+;; <exec> = exec <sexpr>
+;; <command> = <define-cmd> | <file-cmd> | <output>
+;; <define-cmd> = define <declaration>
+;; <declaration> = <vardecl> | <fundecl>
+;; <vardecl> = variable <bindings>
+;; <bindings> = <bind> [ , <bind> ]*
+;; <bind> = <id> [ <=> <sexpr> ]
+;; <fundecl> = <function> <id> "(" [ <parms> ] ")" <statement>
+;; <parms> = <parm> [ , <parm> ]*
+;; this is new: key: expression for keyword parameter
+;; <parm> = <id> | <key> [ <sexpr> ]
+;; <statement> = <block> | <conditional> | <assignment> |
+;; <output-stmt> <loop-stmt> <return-from> | <exec>
+;; <block> = begin [ with <bindings> [ <statement> ]* end
+;; <conditional> = if <sexpr> then [ <statement> ] [ else <statement> ] |
+;; when <sexpr> <statement> | unless <sexpr> <statement>
+;; <assignment> = set <assign> [ , <assign> ]*
+;; <assign> = ( <aref> | <id> ) <assigner> <sexpr>
+;; <assigner> = = | += | *= | &= | @= | ^= | "<=" | ">="
+;; <file-cmd> = <load-cmd> | chdir <pathref> |
+;; system <pathref> | play <sexpr>
+;; (note: system was removed)
+;; <load-cmd> = load <pathref> [ , <key> <sexpr> ]*
+;; <pathref> = <string> | <id>
+;; <output-stmt> = print <sexpr> [ , <sexpr> ]* |
+;; output <sexpr>
+;; <loop-stmt> = loop [ with <bindings> ] [ <stepping> ]*
+;; [ <termination> ]* [ <statement> ]+
+;; [ finally <statement> ] end
+;; <stepping> = repeat <sexpr> |
+;; for <id> = <sexpr> [ then <sexpr> ] |
+;; for <id> in <sexpr> |
+;; for <id> over <sexpr> [ by <sexpr> ] |
+;; for <id> [ from <sexpr> ]
+;; [ ( below | to | above | downto ) <sexpr> ]
+;; [ by <sexpr> ] |
+;; <termination> = while <sexpr> | until <sexpr>
+;; <return-from> = return <sexpr>
+;(in-package cm)
+; (progn (cd "/Lisp/sal/") (load "parse.lisp") (load "sal.lisp"))
+(setfn defconstant setf)
+(setfn defparameter setf)
+(setfn defmethod defun)
+(setfn defvar setf)
+(setfn values list)
+(if (not (boundp '*sal-secondary-prompt*))
+ (setf *sal-secondary-prompt* t))
+(if (not (boundp '*sal-xlispbreak*))
+ (setf *sal-xlispbreak* nil))
+(defun sal-trace-enter (fn &optional argvals argnames)
+ (push (list fn *sal-line* argvals argnames) *sal-call-stack*))
+(defun sal-trace-exit ()
+ (setf *sal-line* (second (car *sal-call-stack*)))
+ (pop *sal-call-stack*))
+;; SAL-RETURN-FROM is generated by Sal compiler and
+;; performs a return as well as a sal-trace-exit()
+(defmacro sal-return-from (fn val)
+ `(prog ((sal:return-value ,val))
+ (setf *sal-line* (second (car *sal-call-stack*)))
+ (pop *sal-call-stack*)
+ (return-from ,fn sal:return-value)))
+(setf *sal-traceback* t)
+(defun sal-traceback (&optional (file t)
+ &aux comma name names line)
+ (format file "Call traceback:~%")
+ (setf line *sal-line*)
+ (dolist (frame *sal-call-stack*)
+ (setf comma "")
+ (format file " ~A" (car frame))
+ (cond ((symbolp (car frame))
+ (format file "(")
+ (setf names (cadddr frame))
+ (dolist (arg (caddr frame))
+ (setf name (car names))
+ (format file "~A~% ~A = ~A" comma name arg)
+ (setf names (cdr names))
+ (setf comma ","))
+ (format file ") at line ~A~%" line)
+ (setf line (second frame)))
+ (t
+ (format file "~%")))))
+'(defmacro defgrammer (sym rules &rest args)
+ `(defparameter ,sym
+ (make-grammer :rules ',rules ,@args)))
+'(defun make-grammer (&key rules literals)
+ (let ((g (list 'a-grammer rules literals)))
+ (grammer-initialize g)
+ g))
+'(defmethod grammer-initialize (obj)
+ (let (xlist)
+ ;; each literal is (:name "name")
+ (cond ((grammer-literals obj)
+ (dolist (x (grammer-literals obj))
+ (cond ((consp x)
+ (push x xlist))
+ (t
+ (push (list (string->keyword (string-upcase (string x)))
+ (string-downcase (string x)))
+ xlist)))))
+ (t
+ (dolist (x (grammer-rules obj))
+ (cond ((terminal-rule? x)
+ (push (list (car x)
+ (string-downcase (subseq (string (car x)) 1)))
+ xlist))))))
+ (set-grammer-literals obj (reverse xlist))))
+'(setfn grammer-rules cadr)
+'(setfn grammer-literals caddr)
+'(defun set-grammer-literals (obj val)
+ (setf (car (cddr obj)) val))
+'(defun is-grammer (obj) (and (consp obj) (eq (car obj) 'a-grammer)))
+(defun string->keyword (str)
+ (intern (strcat ":" (string-upcase str))))
+(defun terminal-rule? (rule)
+ (or (null (cdr rule)) (not (cadr rule))))
+(load "sal-parse.lsp" :verbose nil)
+(defparameter *sal-print-list* t)
+(defun sal-printer (x &key (stream *standard-output*) (add-space t)
+ (in-list nil))
+ (let ((*print-case* ':downcase))
+ (cond ((and (consp x) *sal-print-list*)
+ (write-char #\{ stream)
+ (do ((items x (cdr items)))
+ ((null items))
+ (sal-printer (car items) :stream stream
+ :add-space (cdr items) :in-list t)
+ (cond ((cdr items)
+ (cond ((not (consp (cdr items)))
+ (princ "<list not well-formed> " stream)
+ (sal-printer (cdr items) :stream stream :add-space nil)
+ (setf items nil))))))
+ (write-char #\} stream))
+ ((not x) (princ "#f" stream) )
+ ((eq x t) (princ "#t" stream))
+ (in-list (prin1 x stream))
+ (t (princ x stream)))
+ (if add-space (write-char #\space stream))))
+(defparameter *sal-printer* #'sal-printer)
+(defun sal-message (string &rest args)
+ (format t "~&; ")
+ (apply #'format t string args))
+;; sal-print has been modified from the original SAL to print items separated
+;; by spaces (no final trailing space) and followed by a newline.
+(defun sal-print (&rest args)
+ (do ((items args (cdr items)))
+ ((null items))
+ ;; add space unless we are at the last element
+ (funcall *sal-printer* (car items) :add-space (cdr items)))
+ (terpri)
+ (values))
+(defmacro keyword (sym)
+ `(str-to-keyword (symbol-name ',sym)))
+(defun plus (&rest nums)
+ (apply #'+ nums))
+(defun minus (num &rest nums)
+ (apply #'- num nums))
+(defun times (&rest nums)
+ (apply #'* nums))
+(defun divide (num &rest nums)
+ (apply #'/ num nums))
+;; implementation of infix "!=" operator
+(defun not-eql (x y)
+ (not (eql x y)))
+; dir "*.*
+; chdir
+; load "rts.sys"
+(defun sal-chdir ( dir)
+ (cd (expand-path-name dir))
+ (sal-message "Directory: ~A" (pwd))
+ (values))
+;;; sigh, not all lisps support ~/ directory components.
+(defun expand-path-name (path &optional absolute?)
+ (let ((dir (pathname-directory path)))
+ (flet ((curdir ()
+ (truename
+ (make-pathname :directory
+ (pathname-directory
+ *default-pathname-defaults*)))))
+ (cond ((null dir)
+ (if (equal path "~")
+ (namestring (user-homedir-pathname))
+ (if absolute?
+ (namestring (merge-pathnames path (curdir)))
+ (namestring path))))
+ ((eql (car dir) ':absolute)
+ (namestring path))
+ (t
+ (let* ((tok (second dir))
+ (len (length tok)))
+ (if (char= (char tok 0) #\~)
+ (let ((uhd (pathname-directory (user-homedir-pathname))))
+ (if (= len 1)
+ (namestring
+ (make-pathname :directory (append uhd (cddr dir))
+ :defaults path))
+ (namestring
+ (make-pathname :directory
+ (append (butlast uhd)
+ (list (subseq tok 1))
+ (cddr dir))
+ :defaults path))))
+ (if absolute?
+ (namestring (merge-pathnames path (curdir)))
+ (namestring path)))))))))
+(defun sal-load (filename &key (verbose t) print)
+ (progv '(*sal-input-file-name*) (list filename)
+ (prog (file extended-name)
+ ;; first try to load exact name
+ (cond ((setf file (open filename))
+ (close file) ;; found it: close it and load it
+ (return (generic-loader filename verbose print))))
+ ;; try to load name with ".sal" or ".lsp"
+ (cond ((string-search "." filename) ; already has extension
+ nil) ; don't try to add another extension
+ ((setf file (open (strcat filename ".sal")))
+ (close file)
+ (return (sal-loader (strcat filename ".sal")
+ :verbose verbose :print print)))
+ ((setf file (open (strcat filename ".lsp")))
+ (close file)
+ (return (lisp-loader filename :verbose verbose :print print))))
+ ;; search for file as is or with ".lsp" on path
+ (setf fullpath (find-in-xlisp-path filename))
+ (cond ((and (not fullpath) ; search for file.sal on path
+ (not (string-search "." filename))) ; no extension yet
+ (setf fullpath (find-in-xlisp-path (strcat filename ".sal")))))
+ (cond ((null fullpath)
+ (format t "sal-load: could not find ~A~%" filename))
+ (t
+ (return (generic-loader filename verbose print)))))))
+;; GENERIC-LOADER -- load a sal or lsp file based on extension
+;; assumes that file exists, and if no .sal extension, type is Lisp
+(defun generic-loader (fullpath verbose print)
+ (cond ((has-extension fullpath ".sal")
+ (sal-loader fullpath :verbose verbose :print print))
+ (t
+ (lisp-loader fullpath :verbose verbose :print print))))
+(defun sal-load (filename &key (verbose t) print)
+ (progv '(*sal-input-file-name*) (list filename)
+ (let (file extended-name)
+ (cond ((has-extension filename ".sal")
+ (sal-loader filename :verbose verbose :print print))
+ ((has-extension filename ".lsp")
+ (lisp-load filename :verbose verbose :print print))
+ ;; see if we can just open the exact filename and load it
+ ((setf file (open filename))
+ (close file)
+ (lisp-load filename :verbose verbose :print print))
+ ;; if not, then try loading file.sal and file.lsp
+ ((setf file (open (setf *sal-input-file-name*
+ (strcat filename ".sal"))))
+ (close file)
+ (sal-loader *sal-input-file-name* :verbose verbose :print print))
+ ((setf file (open (setf *sal-input-file-name*
+ (strcat filename ".lsp"))))
+ (close file)
+ (lisp-load *sal-input-file-name* :verbose verbose :print print))
+ (t
+ (format t "sal-load: could not find ~A~%" filename))))))
+(defun lisp-loader (filename &key (verbose t) print)
+ (if (load filename :verbose verbose :print print)
+ nil ; be quiet if things work ok
+ (format t "error loading lisp file ~A~%" filename)))
+(defun has-extension (filename ext)
+ (let ((loc (string-search ext filename
+ :start (max 0 (- (length filename)
+ (length ext))))))
+ (not (null loc)))) ; coerce to t or nil
+(defmacro sal-at (s x) (list 'at x s))
+(defmacro sal-at-abs (s x) (list 'at-abs x s))
+(defmacro sal-stretch (s x) (list 'stretch x s))
+(defmacro sal-stretch-abs (s x) (list 'stretch-abs x s))
+;; splice every pair of lines
+(defun strcat-pairs (lines)
+ (let (rslt)
+ (while lines
+ (push (strcat (car lines) (cadr lines)) rslt)
+ (setf lines (cddr lines)))
+ (reverse rslt)))
+(defun strcat-list (lines)
+ ;; like (apply 'strcat lines), but does not use a lot of stack
+ ;; When there are too many lines, XLISP will overflow the stack
+ ;; because args go on the stack.
+ (let (r)
+ (while (> (setf len (length lines)) 1)
+ (if (oddp len) (setf lines (cons "" lines)))
+ (setf lines (strcat-pairs lines)))
+ ; if an empty list, return "", else list has one string: return it
+ (if (null lines) "" (car lines))))
+(defun sal-loader (filename &key verbose print)
+ (let ((input "") (file (open filename)) line lines)
+ (cond (file
+ (push filename *loadingfiles*)
+ (while (setf line (read-line file))
+ (push line lines)
+ (push "\n" lines))
+ (close file)
+ (setf input (strcat-list (reverse lines)))
+ (sal-trace-enter (strcat "Loading " filename))
+ (sal-compile input t t filename)
+ (pop *loadingfiles*)
+ (sal-trace-exit))
+ (t
+ (format t "error loading SAL file ~A~%" filename)))))
+; SYSTEM command is not implemented
+;(defun sal-system (sys &rest pairs)
+; (apply #'use-system sys pairs))
+(defun load-sal-file (file)
+ (with-open-file (f file :direction :input)
+ (let ((input (make-array '(512) :element-type 'character
+ :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+ (loop with flag
+ for char = (read-char f nil ':eof)
+ until (or flag (eql char ':eof))
+ do
+ (when (char= char #\;)
+ (loop do (setq char (read-char f nil :eof))
+ until (or (eql char :eof)
+ (char= char #\newline))))
+ (unless (eql char ':eof)
+ (vector-push-extend char input)))
+ (sal input :pattern :command-sequence))))
+(defmacro sal-play (snd)
+ (if (stringp snd) `(play-file ,snd)
+ `(play ,snd)))
+(if (not (boundp '*sal-compiler-debug*))
+ (setf *sal-compiler-debug* nil))
+(defmacro sal-simrep (variable iterations body)
+ `(simrep (,variable ,iterations) ,body))
+(defmacro sal-seqrep (variable iterations body)
+ `(seqrep (,variable ,iterations) ,body))
+;; function called in sal programs to exit the sal read-compile-run-print loop
+(defun sal-exit () (setf *sal-exit* t))
+(setf *sal-call-stack* nil)
+;; read-eval-print loop for sal commands
+(defun sal ()
+ (progv '(*breakenable* *tracenable* *sal-exit* *sal-mode*)
+ (list *sal-break* nil nil t)
+ (let (input line)
+ (setf *sal-call-stack* nil)
+ (read-line) ; read the newline after the one the user
+ ; typed to invoke this fn
+ (princ "Entering SAL mode ...\n");
+ (while (not *sal-exit*)
+ (princ "\nSAL> ")
+ (sal-trace-enter "SAL top-level command interpreter")
+ ;; get input terminated by two returns
+ (setf input "")
+ (while (> (length (setf line (read-line))) 0)
+ (if *sal-secondary-prompt* (princ " ... "))
+ (setf input (strcat input "\n" line)))
+ ;; input may have an extra return, remaining from previous read
+ ;; if so, trim it because it affects line count in error messages
+ (if (and (> (length input) 0) (char= (char input 0) #\newline))
+ (setf input (subseq input 1)))
+ (sal-compile input t nil "<console>")
+ (sal-trace-exit))
+ (princ "Returning to Lisp ...\n")))
+ ;; in case *xlisp-break* or *xlisp-traceback* was set from SAL, impose
+ ;; them here
+ (cond ((not *sal-mode*)
+ (setf *breakenable* *xlisp-break*)
+ (setf *tracenable* *xlisp-traceback*)))
+ t)
+(defun sal-error-output (stack)
+ (if *sal-traceback* (sal-traceback))
+ (setf *sal-call-stack* stack)) ;; clear the stack
+;; when true, top-level return statement is legal and compiled into MAIN
+(setf *audacity-top-level-return-flag* nil)
+;; SAL-COMPILE-AUDACITY -- special treatment of RETURN
+;; This works like SAL-COMPILE, but if there is a top-level
+;; return statement (not normally legal), it is compiled into
+;; a function named MAIN. This is a shorthand for Audacity plug-ins
+(defun sal-compile-audacity (input eval-flag multiple-statements filename)
+ (progv '(*audacity-top-level-return-flag*) '(t)
+ (sal-compile input eval-flag multiple-statements filename)))
+;; SAL-COMPILE -- translate string or token list to lisp and eval
+;; input is either a string or a token list
+;; eval-flag tells whether to evaluate the program or return the lisp
+;; multiple-statements tells whether the input can contain multiple
+;; top-level units (e.g. from a file) or just one (from command line)
+;; returns:
+;; if eval-flag, then nothing is returned
+;; otherwise, returns nil if an error is encountered
+;; otherwise, returns a list (PROGN p1 p2 p3 ...) where pn are lisp
+;; expressions
+(defun sal-compile (input eval-flag multiple-statements filename)
+ ;; save some globals because eval could call back recursively
+ (progv '(*sal-tokens* *sal-input* *sal-input-text*) '(nil nil nil)
+ (let (output remainder rslt stack)
+ (setf stack *sal-call-stack*)
+ ;; if first input char is "(", then eval as a lisp expression:
+ ;(display "sal-compile" input)(setf *sal-compiler-debug* t)
+ (cond ((input-starts-with-open-paren input)
+ ;(print "input is lisp expression")
+ (errset
+ (print (eval (read (make-string-input-stream input)))) t))
+ (t ;; compile SAL expression(s):
+ (loop
+ (setf output (sal-parse nil nil input multiple-statements
+ filename))
+ (cond ((first output) ; successful parse
+ (setf remainder *sal-tokens*)
+ (setf output (second output))
+ (when *sal-compiler-debug*
+ (terpri)
+ (pprint output))
+ (cond (eval-flag ;; evaluate the compiled code
+ (cond ((null (errset (eval output) t))
+ (sal-error-output stack)
+ (return)))) ;; stop on error
+ (t
+ (push output rslt)))
+ ;(display "sal-compile after eval"
+ ; remainder *sal-tokens*)
+ ;; if there are statements left over, maybe compile again
+ (cond ((and multiple-statements remainder)
+ ;; move remainder to input and iterate
+ (setf input remainder))
+ ;; see if we've compiled everything
+ ((and (not eval-flag) (not remainder))
+ (return (cons 'progn (reverse rslt))))
+ ;; if eval but no more input, return
+ ((not remainder)
+ (return))))
+ (t ; error encountered
+ (return)))))))))
+;; SAL just evaluates lisp expression if it starts with open-paren,
+;; but sometimes reader reads previous newline(s), so here we
+;; trim off initial newlines and check if first non-newline is open-paren
+(defun input-starts-with-open-paren (input)
+ (let ((i 0))
+ (while (and (stringp input)
+ (> (length input) i)
+ (eq (char input i) #\newline))
+ (incf i))
+ (and (stringp input)
+ (> (length input) i)
+ (eq (char input i) #\())))
diff --git a/runtime/seq.lsp b/runtime/seq.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947c63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/seq.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+;; seq.lsp -- sequence control constructs for Nyquist
+;; get-srates -- this either returns the sample rate of a sound or a
+;; vector of sample rates of a vector of sounds
+(defun get-srates (sounds)
+ (cond ((arrayp sounds)
+ (let ((result (make-array (length sounds))))
+ (dotimes (i (length sounds))
+ (setf (aref result i) (snd-srate (aref sounds i))))
+ result))
+ (t
+ (snd-srate sounds))))
+; These are complex macros that implement sequences of various types.
+; The complexity is due to the fact that a behavior within a sequence
+; can reference the environment, e.g. (let ((p 60)) (seq (osc p) (osc p)))
+; is an example where p must be in the environment of each member of
+; the sequence. Since the execution of the sequence elements are delayed,
+; the environment must be captured and then used later. In XLISP, the
+; EVAL function does not execute in the current environment, so a special
+; EVAL, EVALHOOK must be used to evaluate with an environment. Another
+; feature of XLISP (see evalenv.lsp) is used to capture the environment
+; when the seq is first evaluated, so that the environment can be used
+; later. Finally, it is also necessary to save the current transformation
+; environment until later.
+(defmacro seq (&rest list)
+ (cond ((null list)
+ (snd-zero (warp-time *WARP*) *sound-srate*))
+ ((null (cdr list))
+ (car list))
+ ((null (cddr list))
+ ; (format t "SEQ with 2 behaviors: ~A~%" list)
+ `(let* ((first%sound ,(car list))
+ (s%rate (get-srates first%sound)))
+ (cond ((arrayp first%sound)
+ (snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
+ #'(lambda (t0)
+ (format t "MULTISEQ's 2nd behavior: ~A~%" ',(cadr list))
+ (with%environment ',(nyq:the-environment)
+; (display "MULTISEQ 1" t0)
+ (at-abs t0
+ (force-srates s%rate ,(cadr list)))))))
+ (t
+ ; allow gc of first%sound:
+ (snd-seq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
+ #'(lambda (t0)
+; (format t "SEQ's 2nd behavior: ~A~%" ',(cadr list))
+ (with%environment ',(nyq:the-environment)
+ (at-abs t0
+ (force-srate s%rate ,(cadr list))))))))))
+ (t
+ `(let* ((nyq%environment (nyq:the-environment))
+ (first%sound ,(car list))
+ (s%rate (get-srates first%sound))
+ (seq%environment (getenv)))
+ (cond ((arrayp first%sound)
+; (print "calling snd-multiseq")
+ (snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
+ #'(lambda (t0)
+ (multiseq-iterate ,(cdr list)))))
+ (t
+; (print "calling snd-seq")
+ ; allow gc of first%sound:
+ (snd-seq (prog1 first%sound (setf first%sound nil))
+ #'(lambda (t0)
+ (seq-iterate ,(cdr list))))))))))
+(defun envdepth (e) (length (car e)))
+(defmacro myosd (pitch)
+ `(let () (format t "myosc env depth is ~A~%"
+ (envdepth (getenv))) (osc ,pitch)))
+(defmacro seq-iterate (behavior-list)
+ (cond ((null (cdr behavior-list))
+ `(eval-seq-behavior ,(car behavior-list)))
+ (t
+ `(snd-seq (eval-seq-behavior ,(car behavior-list))
+ (evalhook '#'(lambda (t0)
+ ; (format t "lambda depth ~A~%" (envdepth (getenv)))
+ (seq-iterate ,(cdr behavior-list)))
+ nil nil seq%environment)))))
+(defmacro multiseq-iterate (behavior-list)
+ (cond ((null (cdr behavior-list))
+ `(eval-multiseq-behavior ,(car behavior-list)))
+ (t
+ `(snd-multiseq (eval-multiseq-behavior ,(car behavior-list))
+ (evalhook '#'(lambda (t0)
+ ; (format t "lambda depth ~A~%" (envdepth (getenv)))
+ (multiseq-iterate ,(cdr behavior-list)))
+ nil nil seq%environment)))))
+(defmacro eval-seq-behavior (beh)
+ `(with%environment nyq%environment
+ (at-abs t0
+ (force-srate s%rate ,beh))))
+(defmacro eval-multiseq-behavior (beh)
+ `(with%environment nyq%environment
+; (display "MULTISEQ 2" t0)
+ (at-abs t0
+ (force-srates s%rate ,beh))))
+(defmacro with%environment (env &rest expr)
+ `(progv ',*environment-variables* ,env ,@expr))
+(defmacro seqrep (pair sound)
+ `(let ((,(car pair) 0)
+ (loop%count ,(cadr pair))
+ (nyq%environment (nyq:the-environment))
+ seqrep%closure first%sound s%rate)
+ ; note: s%rate will tell whether we want a single or multichannel
+ ; sound, and what the sample rates should be.
+ (cond ((not (integerp loop%count))
+ (error "bad argument type" loop%count))
+ (t
+ (setf seqrep%closure #'(lambda (t0)
+; (display "SEQREP" loop%count ,(car pair))
+ (cond ((< ,(car pair) loop%count)
+ (setf first%sound
+ (with%environment nyq%environment
+ (at-abs t0 ,sound)))
+ ; (display "seqrep" s%rate nyq%environment ,(car pair)
+ ; loop%count)
+ (if s%rate
+ (setf first%sound (force-srates s%rate first%sound))
+ (setf s%rate (get-srates first%sound)))
+ (setf ,(car pair) (1+ ,(car pair)))
+ ; note the following test is AFTER the counter increment
+ (cond ((= ,(car pair) loop%count)
+; (display "seqrep: computed the last sound at"
+; ,(car pair) loop%count
+; (local-to-global 0))
+ first%sound) ;last sound
+ ((arrayp s%rate)
+; (display "seqrep: calling snd-multiseq at"
+; ,(car pair) loop%count (local-to-global 0)
+; (snd-t0 (aref first%sound 0)))
+ (snd-multiseq (prog1 first%sound
+ (setf first%sound nil))
+ seqrep%closure))
+ (t
+; (display "seqrep: calling snd-seq at"
+; ,(car pair) loop%count (local-to-global 0)
+; (snd-t0 first%sound))
+ (snd-seq (prog1 first%sound
+ (setf first%sound nil))
+ seqrep%closure))))
+ (t (snd-zero (warp-time *WARP*) *sound-srate*)))))
+ (funcall seqrep%closure (local-to-global 0))))))
+(defmacro trigger (input beh)
+ `(let ((nyq%environment (nyq:the-environment)))
+ (snd-trigger ,input #'(lambda (t0) (with%environment nyq%environment
+ (at-abs t0 ,beh))))))
+;; EVENT-EXPRESSION -- the sound of the event
+(setfn event-expression caddr)
+;; EVENT-HAS-ATTR -- test if event has attribute
+(defun event-has-attr (note attr)
+ (expr-has-attr (event-expression note)))
+;; EXPR-SET-ATTR -- new expression with attribute = value
+(defun expr-set-attr (expr attr value)
+ (cons (car expr) (list-set-attr-value (cdr expr) attr value)))
+(defun list-set-attr-value (lis attr value)
+ (cond ((null lis) (list attr value))
+ ((eq (car lis) attr)
+ (cons attr (cons value (cddr lis))))
+ (t
+ (cons (car lis)
+ (cons (cadr lis)
+ (list-set-attr-value (cddr lis) attr value))))))
+;; EXPAND-AND-EVAL-EXPR -- evaluate a note, chord, or rest for timed-seq
+(defun expand-and-eval-expr (expr)
+ (let ((pitch (member :pitch expr)))
+ (cond ((and pitch (cdr pitch) (listp (cadr pitch)))
+ (setf pitch (cadr pitch))
+ (simrep (i (length pitch))
+ (eval (expr-set-attr expr :pitch (nth i pitch)))))
+ (t
+ (eval expr)))))
+;; (timed-seq '((time1 stretch1 expr1) (time2 stretch2 expr2) ...))
+;; a timed-seq takes a list of events as shown above
+;; it sums the behaviors, similar to
+;; (sim (at time1 (stretch stretch1 expr1)) ...)
+;; but the implementation avoids starting all expressions at once
+;; Notes: (1) the times must be in increasing order
+;; (2) EVAL is used on each event, so events cannot refer to parameters
+;; or local variables
+(defun timed-seq (score)
+ ; check to insure that times are strictly increasing and >= 0 and stretches are >= 0
+ (let ((start-time 0) error-msg)
+ (dolist (event score)
+ (cond ((< (car event) start-time)
+ (error (format nil "Out-of-order time in TIMED-SEQ: ~A" event)))
+ ((< (cadr event) 0)
+ (error (format nil "Negative stretch factor in TIMED-SEQ: ~A" event)))
+ (t
+ (setf start-time (car event)))))
+ ;; remove rests (a rest has a :pitch attribute of nil)
+ (setf score (score-select score #'(lambda (tim dur evt)
+ (expr-get-attr evt :pitch t))))
+ (cond ((and score (car score)
+ (eq (car (event-expression (car score))) 'score-begin-end))
+ (setf score (cdr score)))) ; skip score-begin-end data
+ ; (score-print score) ;; debugging
+ (cond ((null score) (s-rest 0))
+ (t
+ (at (caar score)
+ (seqrep (i (length score))
+ (cond ((cdr score)
+ (let (event)
+ (prog1
+ (set-logical-stop
+ (stretch (cadar score)
+ (setf event (expand-and-eval-expr
+ (caddar score))))
+ (- (caadr score) (caar score)))
+ ;(display "timed-seq" (caddar score)
+ ; (local-to-global 0)
+ ; (snd-t0 event)
+ ; (- (caadr score)
+ ; (caar score)))
+ (setf score (cdr score)))))
+ (t
+ (stretch (cadar score) (expand-and-eval-expr
+ (caddar score)))))))))))
diff --git a/runtime/seqfnint.lsp b/runtime/seqfnint.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269fbb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/seqfnint.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ (setfn seq-tag first)
+ (setfn seq-time second)
+ (setfn seq-line third)
+ (setfn seq-channel fourth)
+ (defun seq-value1 (e) (nth 4 e))
+ (setfn seq-pitch seq-value1) ; pitch of a note
+ (setfn seq-control seq-value1) ; control number of a control change
+ (setfn seq-program seq-value1) ; program number of a program change
+ (setfn seq-bend seq-value1) ; pitch bend amount
+ (setfn seq-touch seq-value1) ; aftertouch amount
+ (defun seq-value2 (e) (nth 5 e))
+ (setfn seq-velocity seq-value2) ; velocity of a note
+ (setfn seq-value seq-value2) ; value of a control change
+ (defun seq-duration (e) (nth 6 e))
+ (setf seq-done-tag 0)
+ (setf seq-other-tag 1)
+ (setf seq-note-tag 2)
+ (setf seq-ctrl-tag 3)
+ (setf seq-prgm-tag 4)
+ (setf seq-touch-tag 5)
+ (setf seq-bend-tag 6)
diff --git a/runtime/seqmidi.lsp b/runtime/seqmidi.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686f018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/seqmidi.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+;; seqmidi.lsp -- functions to use MIDI files in Nyquist
+; example call:
+; (seq-midi my-seq
+; (note (chan pitch velocity) (= chan 2) (my-note pitch velocity))
+; (ctrl (chan control value) (...))
+; (bend (chan value) (...))
+; (touch (chan value) (...))
+; (prgm (chan value) (setf (aref my-prgm chan) value))
+;; seq-midi - a macro to create a sequence of sounds based on midi file
+(defmacro seq-midi (the-seq &rest cases)
+ (seq-midi-cases-syntax-check cases)
+ `(let (_the-event _next-time _the-seq _seq-midi-closure _nyq-environment
+ _the-seq _tag)
+ (setf _the-seq (seq-copy ,the-seq))
+ (setf _nyq-environment (nyq:the-environment))
+ (setf _seq-midi-closure #'(lambda (t0)
+ ; (format t "_seq_midi_closure: t0 = ~A~%" t0)
+ (prog (_the-sound)
+loop ; go forward until we find note to play (we may be there)
+ ; then go forward to find time of next note
+ (setf _the-event (seq-get _the-seq))
+ ; (display "seq-midi" _the-event t0)
+ (setf _tag (seq-tag _the-event))
+ (cond ((= _tag seq-ctrl-tag)
+ ,(make-ctrl-handler cases))
+ ((= _tag seq-bend-tag)
+ ,(make-bend-handler cases))
+ ((= _tag seq-touch-tag)
+ ,(make-touch-handler cases))
+ ((= _tag seq-prgm-tag)
+ ,(make-prgm-handler cases))
+ ((= _tag seq-done-tag)
+ ; (format t "_seq_midi_closure: seq-done")
+ (cond (_the-sound ; this is the last sound of sequence
+ ; (format t "returning _the-sound~%")
+ (return _the-sound))
+ (t ; sequence is empty, return silence
+ ; (format t "returning snd-zero~%")
+ (return (snd-zero t0 *sound-srate*)))))
+ ((and (= _tag seq-note-tag)
+ ,(make-note-test cases))
+ (cond (_the-sound ; we now have time of next note
+ (setf _next-time (/ (seq-time _the-event) 1000.0))
+ (go exit-loop))
+ (t
+ (setf _the-sound ,(make-note-handler cases))))))
+ (seq-next _the-seq)
+ (go loop)
+exit-loop ; here, we know time of next note
+ ; (display "seq-midi" _next-time)
+ ; (format t "seq-midi calling snd-seq\n")
+ (return (snd-seq
+ (set-logical-stop-abs _the-sound
+ (local-to-global _next-time))
+ _seq-midi-closure)))))
+ ; (display "calling closure" (get-lambda-expression _seq-midi-closure))
+ (funcall _seq-midi-closure (local-to-global 0))))
+(defun seq-midi-cases-syntax-check (cases &aux n)
+ (cond ((not (listp cases))
+ (break "syntax error in" cases)))
+ (dolist (case cases)
+ (cond ((or (not (listp case))
+ (not (member (car case) '(NOTE CTRL BEND TOUCH PRGM)))
+ (not (listp (cdr case)))
+ (not (listp (cadr case)))
+ (not (listp (cddr case)))
+ (not (listp (last (cddr case)))))
+ (break "syntax error in" case))
+ ((/= (length (cadr case))
+ (setf n (cdr (assoc (car case)
+ '((NOTE . 3) (CTRL . 3) (BEND . 2)
+ (TOUCH . 2) (PRGM . 2))))))
+ (break (format nil "expecting ~A arguments in" n) case))
+ ((and (eq (car case) 'NOTE)
+ (not (member (length (cddr case)) '(1 2))))
+ (break
+ "note handler syntax is (NOTE (ch pitch vel) [filter] behavior)"
+ case)))))
+(defun make-ctrl-handler (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'ctrl cases)))
+ (cond (case
+ `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
+ (,(cadadr case) (seq-control _the-event))
+ (,(caddar (cdr case)) (seq-value _the-event)))
+ ,@(cddr case)))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun make-bend-handler (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'bend cases)))
+ (cond (case
+ `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
+ (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
+ ,@(cddr case)))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun make-touch-handler (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'touch cases)))
+ (cond (case
+ `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
+ (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
+ ,@(cddr case)))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun make-prgm-handler (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'pgrm cases)))
+ (cond (case
+ `(let ((,(caadr case) (seq-channel _the-event))
+ (,(cadadr case) (seq-value _the-event)))
+ ,@(cddr case)))
+ (t nil))))
+(defun make-note-test (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'note cases)))
+ (cond ((and case (cdddr case))
+ (caddr case))
+ (t t))))
+(defun make-note-handler (cases)
+ (let ((case (assoc 'note cases))
+ behavior)
+ (cond ((and case (cdddr case))
+ (setf behavior (cadddr case)))
+ (t
+ (setf behavior (caddr case))))
+ `(with%environment _nyq-environment
+ (with-note-args ,(cadr case) _the-event ,behavior))))
+(defmacro with-note-args (note-args the-event note-behavior)
+ ; (display "with-note-args" the-event)
+ `(let ((,(car note-args) (seq-channel ,the-event))
+ (,(cadr note-args) (seq-pitch ,the-event))
+ (,(caddr note-args) (seq-velocity ,the-event)))
+ (at (/ (seq-time ,the-event) 1000.0)
+ (stretch (/ (seq-duration ,the-event) 1000.0) ,note-behavior))))
+;(defun seq-next-note-time (the-seq find-first-flag)
+; (prog (event)
+; (if find-first-flag nil (seq-next the-seq))
+; (setf event (seq-get the-seq))
+; (cond ((eq (seq-tag event) seq-done-tag)
+; (return (if find-first-flag 0.0 nil)))
+; ((eq (seq-tag event) seq-note-tag)
+; (return (/ (seq-time event) 1000.0))))
+; (seq-next the-seq)
+; (go loop)))
diff --git a/runtime/sndfnint.lsp b/runtime/sndfnint.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c897c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/sndfnint.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ (setf snd-head-none 0)
+ (setf snd-head-AIFF 1)
+ (setf snd-head-IRCAM 2)
+ (setf snd-head-NeXT 3)
+ (setf snd-head-Wave 4)
+ (setf snd-head-PAF 5)
+ (setf snd-head-SVX 6)
+ (setf snd-head-NIST 7)
+ (setf snd-head-VOC 8)
+ (setf snd-head-W64 9)
+ (setf snd-head-MAT4 10)
+ (setf snd-head-MAT5 11)
+ (setf snd-head-PVF 12)
+ (setf snd-head-XI 13)
+ (setf snd-head-HTK 14)
+ (setf snd-head-SDS 15)
+ (setf snd-head-AVR 16)
+ (setf snd-head-SD2 17)
+ (setf snd-head-FLAC 18)
+ (setf snd-head-CAF 19)
+ (setf snd-head-raw 20)
+ (setf snd-head-channels 1)
+ (setf snd-head-mode 2)
+ (setf snd-head-bits 4)
+ (setf snd-head-srate 8)
+ (setf snd-head-dur 16)
+ (setf snd-head-latency 32)
+ (setf snd-head-type 64)
+ (setf snd-mode-adpcm 0)
+ (setf snd-mode-pcm 1)
+ (setf snd-mode-ulaw 2)
+ (setf snd-mode-alaw 3)
+ (setf snd-mode-float 4)
+ (setf snd-mode-upcm 5)
+ (setf snd-mode-unknown 6)
+ (setf snd-mode-double 7)
+ (setf snd-mode-GSM610 8)
+ (setf snd-mode-DWVW 9)
+ (setf snd-mode-DPCM 10)
+ (setf snd-mode-msadpcm 11)
+ (setf OP-AVERAGE 1) (setf OP-PEAK 2)
diff --git a/runtime/stk.lsp b/runtime/stk.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ba7e55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/stk.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+;; stk.lsp -- STK-based instruments
+;; currently clarinet and saxophony are implemented
+(defun instr-parameter (parm)
+ ;; coerce parameter into a *sound-srate* signal
+ (cond ((numberp parm)
+ (stretch 30 (control-srate-abs *sound-srate* (const (float parm)))))
+ (t
+ (force-srate *sound-srate* parm))))
+(defun clarinet (step breath-env)
+ (snd-clarinet (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* breath-env) *sound-srate*))
+(defun clarinet-freq (step breath-env freq-env)
+ ;; note that the parameters are in a different order -- I defined
+ ;; clarinet-freq this way so that the first two parameters are always
+ ;; step and breath. I didn't redo snd-clarinet-freq.
+ (snd-clarinet_freq (step-to-hz step)
+ (instr-parameter breath-env)
+ (instr-parameter freq-env)
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun clarinet-all (step breath-env freq-env vibrato-freq vibrato-gain reed-stiffness noise)
+ ;; note that the parameters are not in the same order as snd-clarinet-all
+ (setf breath-env (instr-parameter breath-env))
+ (setf freq-env (instr-parameter freq-env))
+ (setf reed-stiffness (instr-parameter reed-stiffness))
+ (setf noise (instr-parameter noise))
+ (snd-clarinet_all (step-to-hz step)
+ breath-env freq-env
+ ;; STK scales 1.0 to 12Hz. Scale here so vibrato-freq is in Hz
+ (/ vibrato-freq 12.0) vibrato-gain
+ reed-stiffness noise
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun sax (step breath-env)
+ (snd-sax (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* breath-env) *sound-srate*))
+(defun sax-freq (step breath-env freq-env)
+ (snd-sax_freq (step-to-hz step)
+ (instr-parameter breath-env)
+ (instr-parameter freq-env)
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun sax-all (step breath-env freq-env vibrato-freq vibrato-gain reed-stiffness noise blow-pos reed-table-offset)
+ (snd-sax_all (step-to-hz step)
+ (instr-parameter freq-env)
+ (instr-parameter breath-env)
+ (instr-parameter (/ vibrato-freq 12.0))
+ (instr-parameter vibrato-gain)
+ (instr-parameter reed-stiffness)
+ (instr-parameter noise)
+ (instr-parameter blow-pos)
+ (instr-parameter reed-table-offset)
+ *sound-srate*)
+; instr-parameter already defined in stk.lsp
+(defun flute (step breath-env)
+ (snd-flute (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* breath-env) *sound-srate*))
+(defun flute-freq (step breath-env freq-env)
+ (snd-flute_freq (step-to-hz step)
+ (instr-parameter breath-env)
+ (instr-parameter freq-env)
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun flute-all (step breath-env freq-env vibrato-freq vibrato-gain jet-delay noise)
+ ;; note that the parameters are not in the same order as snd-clarinet-all
+ (setf breath-env (instr-parameter breath-env))
+ (setf freq-env (instr-parameter freq-env))
+ (setf jet-delay (instr-parameter jet-delay))
+ (setf noise (instr-parameter noise))
+ (snd-flute_all (step-to-hz step)
+ breath-env freq-env
+ ;; STK scales 1.0 to 12Hz. Scale here so vibrato-freq is in Hz
+ (/ vibrato-freq 12.0) vibrato-gain
+ jet-delay noise
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun bowed (step bowpress-env)
+ (snd-bowed (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* bowpress-env) *sound-srate*))
+(defun bowed-freq (step bowpress-env freq-env)
+ (snd-bowed_freq (step-to-hz step)
+ (instr-parameter bowpress-env)
+ (instr-parameter freq-env)
+ *sound-srate*))
+(defun mandolin (step dur &optional (detune 4.0))
+ (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
+ (snd-mandolin *rslt* (step-to-hz step) d 1.0 detune *sound-srate*)))
+(defun wg-uniform-bar (step bowpress-env)
+ (snd-bandedwg (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* bowpress-env) 0 *sound-srate*))
+(defun wg-tuned-bar (step bowpress-env)
+ (snd-bandedwg (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* bowpress-env) 1 *sound-srate*))
+(defun wg-glass-harm (step bowpress-env)
+ (snd-bandedwg (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* bowpress-env) 2 *sound-srate*))
+(defun wg-tibetan-bowl (step bowpress-env)
+ (snd-bandedwg (step-to-hz step) (force-srate *sound-srate* bowpress-env) 3 *sound-srate*))
+(defun modalbar (preset step duration)
+ (let ((preset (case preset
+ (AGOGO 2)
+ (WOOD1 3)
+ (RESO 4)
+ (WOOD2 5)
+ (BEATS 6)
+ (CLUMP 8)
+ (t (error (format nil "Unknown preset for modalbar %A" preset)))))
+ (d (get-duration duration)))
+ (snd-modalbar *rslt* (step-to-hz step) preset d *sound-srate*)))
+(defun sitar (step dur)
+ (let ((d (get-duration dur)))
+ (snd-sitar *rslt* (step-to-hz step) d *sound-srate*)))
+(defun nyq:nrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (snd-stkrev 0 snd rev-time mix *sound-srate*))
+(defun nyq:jcrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (snd-stkrev 1 snd rev-time mix *sound-srate*))
+(defun nyq:prcrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (snd-stkrev 2 snd rev-time mix *sound-srate*))
+(defun nrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:nrev snd rev-time mix))
+(defun jcrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:jcrev snd rev-time mix))
+(defun prcrev (snd rev-time mix)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:prcrev snd rev-time mix))
+(defun nyq:chorus (snd depth freq mix &optional (base-delay 6000))
+ (snd-stkchorus snd base-delay depth freq mix *sound-srate*))
+(defun stkchorus (snd depth freq mix &optional (base-delay 6000))
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:chorus snd depth freq mix base-delay))
+(defun nyq:pitshift (snd shift mix)
+ (snd-stkpitshift snd shift mix *sound-srate*))
+(defun pitshift (snd shift mix)
+ (multichan-expand #'nyq:pitshift snd shift mix))
+; pass in rates of increase/decrease in begin/end... this is like noteOn and noteOff
+; STK uses setRate but the actual ramp time is also a function of the sample rate.
+; I will assume the clarinet was run at 44100Hz and fix things so that the envelope
+; is sample-rate independent.
+; STK seemed to always give a very fast release, so I changed the numbers so that
+; note-off values from 0.01 to 1 give an interesting range of articulations.
+; IMPORTANT: the returned envelope is 0.1s longer than dur. There is 0.1s of silence
+; at the end so that the clarinet can "ring" after the driving force is removed.
+(defun stk-breath-env (dur note-on note-off)
+ (let* ((target (+ 0.55 (* 0.3 note-on)))
+ (on-time (/ (* target 0.0045) note-on))
+ (off-time (/ (* target 0.02) note-off)))
+ ;(display "clarinet-breath-env" target on-time off-time)
+ (pwl on-time target
+ (- dur off-time) target
+ dur 0 (+ dur 0.1))))
diff --git a/runtime/test.lsp b/runtime/test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bacbc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+(defun ss () (osc c5))
+(defun tt () (stretch 2 (snd-tapv (ss) 1.1 (scale *d* (lfo 10)) 2.2)))
+(setf *d* .01)
+(defun g () (play (tt)))
+;(set-sound-srate 10)
+;(set-control-srate 10)
+(defun rr () (stretch 10 (ramp)))
+(defun ll () (stretch 10 (lfo .5)))
+(defun xx () (snd-tapv (rr) 1.1 (ll) 2.2))
+(defun h () (snd-samples (xx) 150))
+(defun chorus (sound maxdepth depth rate saturation)
+ (let ((modulation (prod depth (stretch-abs 10000.0 (general-lfo rate))))
+ (offset (/ maxdepth 2.0))
+ chor)
+ (setf chor (snd-tapv sound offset modulation maxdepth))
+ (sum (prod chor saturation) (prod (seq (s-rest offset) sound)
+ (sum 1.0 (prod -1.0 saturation))))))
+(set-sound-srate 22050.0)
+(defun f ()
+ (chorus (s-read "runtime\\ah.wav") .1 .1 1 .5))
+(defun e ()
+ (seq (s-rest .05) (chorus (s-read "rpd.wav") .07 .07 .7 .5)))
+(defun d () (sum (e) (f)))
+(defun rou () (s-read "round.wav" :time-offset 1.18 :dur (- 8.378 1.18)))
+(defun rou4 () (sim (rou)
+ (at *rd* (rou))
+ (at (* *rd* 2) (rou))
+ (at (* *rd* 3) (rou))))
diff --git a/runtime/upic.sal b/runtime/upic.sal
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87b433d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/upic.sal
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+;; upic.sal -- play upic data
+define function upic(data)
+ begin
+ if data then
+ ;; use reverse to make a copy of data since sort is destructive
+ return upic-curve(sort(reverse(data), quote(upic-compare)))
+ else
+ return s-rest()
+ end
+define function upic-compare(a, b)
+ return third(a) < third(b)
+define function upic-curve(data)
+ begin
+ with curve = first(data),
+ waveform = first(curve),
+ envelope = second(curve),
+ points = cddr(curve),
+ from-time = first(points),
+ to-time = nth(length(points) - 2, points),
+ dur = to-time - from-time,
+ next = rest(data),
+ next-start, snd
+ ;; shift curve to start at t = 0
+ loop
+ with relpoints
+ while points
+ set relpoints @= first(points) - from-time
+ set relpoints @= second(points)
+ set points = cddr(points)
+ finally set points = cdr(reverse(relpoints))
+ end
+ set snd = hzosc(pwlv-list(points), symbol-value(waveform)) *
+ (funcall(envelope) ~ dur)
+ if next then
+ begin
+ set next-start = third(first(next))
+ ;; display "curve", from-time, dur
+ set snd = seq(set-logical-stop(snd, next-start - from-time),
+ upic-curve(next))
+ end
+ return snd
+ end
+define function upic-env()
+ return env(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1, 1, 1)
diff --git a/runtime/xlinit.lsp b/runtime/xlinit.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42991e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/xlinit.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+;; xlinit.lsp -- standard definitions and setup code for XLisp
+(defun bt () (baktrace 6))
+(defmacro setfn (a b)
+ `(setf (symbol-function ',a) (symbol-function ',b)))
+(setfn co continue)
+(setfn top top-level)
+(setfn res clean-up)
+(setfn up clean-up)
+;## display -- debugging print macro
+; call like this (display "heading" var1 var2 ...)
+; and get printout like this:
+; "heading : VAR1 = <value> VAR2 = <value> ...<CR>"
+; returns:
+; (let ()
+; (format t "~A: " ,label)
+; (format t "~A = ~A " ',item1 ,item1)
+; (format t "~A = ~A " ',item2 ,item2)
+; ...)
+(defmacro display-macro (label &rest items)
+ (let ($res$)
+ (dolist ($item$ items)
+ (setq $res$ (cons
+ `(format t "~A = ~A " ',$item$ ,$item$)
+ $res$)))
+ (append (list 'let nil `(format t "~A : " ,label))
+ (reverse $res$)
+ '((terpri)))))
+(defun display-on () (setfn display display-macro) t)
+(defun display-off () (setfn display or) nil)
+; (objectp expr) - object predicate
+;this is built-in: (defun objectp (x) (eq (type-of x) 'OBJ))
+; (filep expr) - file predicate
+(defun filep (x) (eq (type-of x) 'FPTR))
+(load "profile.lsp" :verbose NIL)
+(setq *breakenable* t)
+(setq *tracenable* nil)
+(defmacro defclass (name super locals class-vars)
+ (if (not (boundp name))
+ (if super
+ `(setq ,name (send class :new ',locals ',class-vars ,super))
+ `(setq ,name (send class :new ',locals ',class-vars)))))
+;(cond ((boundp 'application-file-name)
+; (load application-file-name)))
+(setq *gc-flag* t)
diff --git a/runtime/xm.lsp b/runtime/xm.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..583a0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/xm.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,2349 @@
+;; X-Music, inspired by Commmon Music
+Patterns are objects that are generally accessed by calling
+(next pattern). Each call returns the next item in an
+infinite sequence generated by the pattern. Items are
+organized into periods. You can access all (remaining)
+items in the current period using (next pattern t).
+Patterns mark the end-of-period with +eop+, a distinguished
+atom. The +eop+ markers are filtered out by the next function
+but returned by the :next method.
+Pattern items may be patterns. This is called a nested
+pattern. When patterns are nested, you return a period
+from the innermost pattern, i.e. traversal is depth-first.
+This means when you are using something like random, you
+have to remember the last thing returned and keep getting
+the next element from that thing until you see +eop+;
+then you move on. It's a bit more complicated because
+a pattern advances when its immediate child pattern
+finishes a cycle, but +eop+ is only returned from the
+"leaf" patterns.
+With nested patterns, i.e. patterns with items that
+are patterns, the implementation requires that
+*all* items must be patterns. The application does
+*not* have to make every item a pattern, so the
+implementation "cleans up" the item list: Any item
+that is not a pattern is be replaced with a cycle
+pattern whose list contains just the one item.
+Pattern length may be given explicitly by a number or
+a pattern that generates numbers. Generally this is
+specified as the optional :for keyword parameter when
+the pattern is created. If the explicit pattern
+length is a number, this will be the period length,
+overriding all implicit lengths. If the pattern length
+is itself a pattern, the pattern is evaluated every
+period to determine the length of the next period,
+overriding any implicit length.
+There are 3 ways to determine lengths:
+1) The length is implicit. The length can be
+computed (at some point) and turned into an
+explicit length.
+2) The length is explicit. This overrides the
+implicit length. The explicit length is stored as
+a counter that tells how many more items to generate
+in the current period.
+3) The length can be generated by a pattern.
+The pattern is evaluated to generate an explicit
+So ultimately, we just need a mechanism to handle
+explicit lengths. This is incorporated into the
+pattern-class. The pattern-class sends :start-period
+before calling :advance when the first item in a
+period is about to be generated. Also, :next returns
++eop+ automatically at the end of a period.
+Because evaluation is "depth first," i.e. we
+advance to the next top-level item only after a period
+is generated from a lower-level pattern, every pattern
+has a "current" field that holds the current item. the
+"have-current" field is a flag to tell when the "current"
+field is valid. It is initialized to nil.
+To generate an element, you need to follow the nested
+patterns all the way to the leaf pattern for every
+generated item. This is perhaps less efficient than
+storing the current leaf pattern at the top level, but
+patterns can be shared, i.e. a pattern can be a
+sub-pattern of multiple patterns, so current position
+in the tree structure of patterns can change at
+any time.
+The evaluation of nested patterns is depth-first
+and the next shallower level advances when its current
+child pattern completes a cycle. To facilitate this
+step, the :advance method, which advances a pattern
+and computes "current", returns +eonp+, which is a
+marker that a nested pattern has completed a cycle.
+The :next method generates the next item or +eop+ from
+a pattern. The algorithm in psuedo-code is roughly this:
+ while true:
+ if not have-current
+ pattern-advance()
+ have-current = true
+ if is-nested and current = eop:
+ have-current = false
+ return eonp
+ if is-nested:
+ rslt = next(current)
+ if rslt == eonp
+ have-current = false
+ elif rslt == eop and not
+ have-current = false
+ return rslt
+ else
+ return rslt
+ else
+ have-current = nil
+ return current
+ // length-pattern is either a pattern or a constant
+ if null(count) and length-pattern:
+ count = next(length-pattern)
+ start-period() // subclass-specific computation
+ if null(count)
+ error
+ if count == 0
+ current = eop
+ count = nil
+ else
+ advance() // subclass-specific computation
+ count--
+Note that :advance is the method to override in the
+various subclasses of pattern-class. The :advance()
+method computes the next element in the infinite
+sequence of items and puts the item in the "current"
+The :start-period method is called before calling
+advance to get the first item of a new period.
+Finally, set the is-nested flag if there are nested patterns,
+and make all items of any nested pattern be patterns (no
+mix of patterns and non-patterns is allowed; use
+ (MAKE-CYCLE (LIST item))
+to convert a non-pattern to a pattern).
+(setf SCORE-EPSILON 0.000001)
+(setf pattern-class
+ (send class :new '(current have-current is-nested name count
+ length-pattern trace)))
+(defun patternp (x)
+ (and (objectp x) (send x :isa pattern-class)))
+(setf +eop+ '+eop+)
+(setf +eonp+ '+eonp+) ;; end of nested period, this indicates you
+ ;; should advance yourself and call back to get the next element
+(defun check-for-list (lis name)
+ (if (not (listp lis))
+ (error (format nil "~A, requires a list of elements" name))))
+(defun check-for-list-or-pattern (lis name)
+ (if (not (or (listp lis) (patternp lis)))
+ (error (format nil "~A, requires a list of elements or a pattern" name))))
+(defun list-has-pattern (lis)
+ (dolist (e lis)
+ (if (patternp e) (return t))))
+(defun is-homogeneous (lis)
+ (let (type)
+ (dolist (elem lis t)
+ (cond ((null type)
+ (setf type (if (patternp elem) 'pattern 'atom)))
+ ((and (eq type 'pattern)
+ (not (patternp elem)))
+ (return nil))
+ ((and (eq type 'atom)
+ (patternp elem))
+ (return nil))))))
+(defun make-homogeneous (lis)
+ (cond ((is-homogeneous lis) lis)
+ (t
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
+ (if (patternp item) item
+ (make-cycle (list item)
+ ;; help debugging by naming the new pattern
+ ;; probably, the name could be item, but
+ ;; here we coerce item to a string to avoid
+ ;; surprises in code that assumes string names.
+ :name (format nil "~A" item))))
+ lis))))
+(send pattern-class :answer :next '()
+ '(;(display ":next" name is-nested)
+ (loop
+ (cond ((not have-current)
+ (send self :pattern-advance)
+ (setf have-current t)
+ (cond (trace
+ (format t "pattern ~A advanced to ~A~%"
+ (if name name "<no-name>")
+ (if (patternp current)
+ (if (send current :name)
+ (send current :name)
+ "<a-pattern>")
+ current))))
+ (cond ((and is-nested (eq current +eop+))
+ ;(display ":next returning eonp" name)
+ (setf have-current nil)
+ (return +eonp+)))))
+ (cond (is-nested
+ (let ((rslt (send current :next)))
+ (cond ((eq rslt +eonp+)
+ (setf have-current nil))
+ ;; advance next-to-leaf level at end of leaf's period
+ ((and (eq rslt +eop+) (not (send current :is-nested)))
+ (setf have-current nil)
+ ;; return +eof+ because it's the end of leaf's period
+ (return rslt))
+ (t
+ (return rslt)))))
+ (t
+ (setf have-current nil)
+ (return current))))))
+;; :PATTERN-ADVANCE -- advance to the next item in a pattern
+;; this code is used by every class. class-specific behavior
+;; is implemented by :advance, which this method calls
+(send pattern-class :answer :pattern-advance '()
+ '(;(display "enter :pattern-advance" self name count current is-nested)
+ (cond ((null count)
+ ;(display "in :pattern-advance" name count length-pattern)
+ (if length-pattern
+ (setf count (next length-pattern)))
+ ;; if count is still null, :start-period must set count
+ (send self :start-period)))
+ (cond ((null count)
+ (error
+ (format nil
+ "~A, pattern-class :pattern-advance has null count" name))))
+ (cond ((zerop count)
+ (setf current +eop+)
+ (setf count nil))
+ (t
+ (send self :advance)
+ (decf count)))
+ ;(display "exit :pattern-advance" name count current)
+ ))
+(send pattern-class :answer :is-nested '() '(is-nested))
+(send pattern-class :answer :name '() '(name))
+(send pattern-class :answer :set-current '(c)
+ '((setf current c)
+ (let ((value
+ (if (patternp current)
+ (send current :name)
+ current)))
+ ;(display ":set-current" name value)
+ )))
+;; next -- get the next element in a pattern
+;; any non-pattern value is simply returned
+(defun next (pattern &optional period-flag)
+ ;(display "next" pattern period-flag (patternp pattern))
+ (cond ((and period-flag (patternp pattern))
+ (let (rslt elem)
+ (while (not (eq (setf elem (send pattern :next)) +eop+))
+ ;(display "next t" (send pattern :name) elem)
+ (if (not (eq elem +eonp+))
+ (push elem rslt)))
+ (reverse rslt)))
+ (period-flag
+ (display "next" pattern)
+ (error (format nil "~A, next expected a pattern"
+ (send pattern :name))))
+ ((patternp pattern)
+ ;(display "next" (send pattern :name) pattern)
+ (let (rslt)
+ (dotimes (i 10000 (error
+ (format nil
+ "~A, just retrieved 10000 empty periods -- is there a bug?"
+ (send pattern :name))))
+ (if (not (member (setf rslt (send pattern :next))
+ '(+eop+ +eonp+)))
+ (return rslt)))))
+ (t ;; pattern not a pattern, so just return it:
+ ;(display "next" pattern)
+ pattern)))
+;; ---- LENGTH Class ----
+(setf length-class
+ (send class :new '(pattern length-pattern) '() pattern-class))
+(send length-class :answer :isnew '(p l nm tr)
+ '((setf pattern p length-pattern l name nm trace tr)))
+;; note that count is used as a flag as well as a counter.
+;; If count is nil, then the pattern-length has not been
+;; determined. Count is nil intitially and again at the
+;; end of each period. Otherwise, count is an integer
+;; used to count down the number of items remaining in
+;; the period.
+(send length-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((setf count (next length-pattern))))
+(send length-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((send self :set-current (next pattern))))
+(defun make-length (pattern length-pattern &key (name "length") trace)
+ (send length-class :new pattern length-pattern name trace))
+;; ---- CYCLE Class ---------
+(setf cycle-class (send class :new
+ '(lis cursor lis-pattern)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send cycle-class :answer :isnew '(l for nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ (send self :set-list l))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list" nm) l)))
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send cycle-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((setf lis l)
+ (check-for-list lis "cycle-class :set-list")
+ (setf is-nested (list-has-pattern lis))
+ (setf lis (make-homogeneous lis))))
+(send cycle-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '(;(display "cycle-class :start-period" lis-pattern lis count length-pattern)
+ (cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))
+ (setf cursor lis)))
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (length lis)))))
+(send cycle-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((cond ((and (null cursor) lis)
+ (setf cursor lis))
+ ((null cursor)
+ (error (format nil "~A, :advance - no items" name))))
+ (send self :set-current (car cursor))
+ (pop cursor)))
+(defun make-cycle (lis &key for (name "cycle") trace)
+ (check-for-list-or-pattern lis "make-cycle")
+ (send cycle-class :new lis for name trace))
+;; ---- LINE class ----
+(setf line-class (send class :new '(lis cursor lis-pattern)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send line-class :answer :isnew '(l for nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ (send self :set-list l))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list" nm) l)))
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send line-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((setf lis l)
+ (check-for-list lis "line-class :set-list")
+ (setf is-nested (list-has-pattern lis))
+ (setf lis (make-homogeneous l))
+ (setf cursor lis)))
+(send line-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))
+ (setf cursor lis)))
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (length lis)))))
+(send line-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((cond ((null cursor)
+ (error (format nil "~A, :advance - no items" name))))
+ (send self :set-current (car cursor))
+ (if (cdr cursor) (pop cursor))))
+(defun make-line (lis &key for (name "line") trace)
+ (check-for-list-or-pattern lis "make-line")
+ (send line-class :new lis for name trace))
+;; ---- RANDOM class -----
+(setf random-class (send class :new
+ '(lis lis-pattern len previous repeats mincnt maxcnt)
+ '() pattern-class))
+;; the structure is (value weight weight-pattern max min)
+(setfn rand-item-value car)
+(defun set-rand-item-value (item value) (setf (car item) value))
+(setfn rand-item-weight cadr)
+(defun set-rand-item-weight (item weight) (setf (car (cdr item)) weight))
+(setfn rand-item-weight-pattern caddr)
+(setfn rand-item-max cadddr)
+(defun rand-item-min (lis) (car (cddddr lis)))
+(defun select-random (len lis previous repeats mincnt maxcnt)
+ (let (sum items r)
+ (cond ((zerop len)
+ (break "random-class has no list to choose from")
+ nil)
+ (t
+ (setf sum 0)
+ (dolist (item lis)
+ (setf sum (+ sum (rand-item-weight item))))
+ (setf items lis)
+ (setf r (rrandom))
+ (setf sum (* sum r))
+ (setf rbd-count-all (incf rbd-count-all))
+ (loop
+ (setf sum (- sum (rand-item-weight (car items))))
+ (if (<= sum 0) (return (car items)))
+ (setf rbd-count-two (incf rbd-count-two))
+ (setf items (cdr items)))))))
+(defun random-convert-spec (item)
+ ;; convert (value :weight wp :min min :max max) to (value nil wp max min)
+ (let (value (wp 1) mincnt maxcnt lis)
+ (setf value (car item))
+ (setf lis (cdr item))
+ (while lis
+ (cond ((eq (car lis) :weight)
+ (setf wp (cadr lis)))
+ ((eq (car lis) :min)
+ (setf mincnt (cadr lis)))
+ ((eq (car lis) :max)
+ (setf maxcnt (cadr lis)))
+ (t
+ (error "(make-random) item syntax error" item)))
+ (setf lis (cddr lis)))
+ (list value nil wp maxcnt mincnt)))
+(defun random-atom-to-list (a)
+ (if (atom a)
+ (list a nil 1 nil nil)
+ (random-convert-spec a)))
+(send random-class :answer :isnew '(l for nm tr)
+ ;; there are two things we have to normalize:
+ ;; (1) make all items lists
+ ;; (2) if any item is a pattern, make all items patterns
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ (send self :set-list l))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list") l)))
+ (setf rbd-count-all 0 rbd-count-two 0)
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send random-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((check-for-list l "random-class :set-list")
+ (setf lis (mapcar #'random-atom-to-list l))
+ (dolist (item lis)
+ (if (patternp (rand-item-value item))
+ (setf is-nested t)))
+ (if is-nested
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
+ (if (not (patternp (rand-item-value item)))
+ (set-rand-item-value item
+ (make-cycle (list (rand-item-value item))))))
+ lis))
+ ;(display "random is-new" lis)
+ (setf repeats 0)
+ (setf len (length lis))))
+(send random-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '(;(display "random-class :start-period" count len lis lis-pattern)
+ (cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))))
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count len))
+ (dolist (item lis)
+ (set-rand-item-weight item (next (rand-item-weight-pattern item))))))
+(send random-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((let (selection (iterations 0))
+ ;(display "random-class :advance" mincnt repeats)
+ (cond ((and mincnt (< repeats mincnt))
+ (setf selection previous)
+ (incf repeats))
+ (t
+ (setf selection
+ (select-random len lis previous repeats mincnt maxcnt))))
+ (loop ; make sure selection is ok, otherwise try again
+ (cond ((and (eq selection previous)
+ maxcnt
+ (>= repeats maxcnt)) ; hit maximum limit, try again
+ (setf selection
+ (select-random len lis previous repeats mincnt maxcnt))
+ (incf iterations)
+ (cond ((> iterations 10000)
+ (error
+ (format nil
+ "~A, unable to pick next item after 10000 tries"
+ name)
+ lis))))
+ (t (return)))) ; break from loop, we found a selection
+ ; otherwise, we are ok
+ (if (not (eq selection previous))
+ (setf repeats 1)
+ (incf repeats))
+ (setf mincnt (rand-item-min selection))
+ (setf maxcnt (rand-item-max selection))
+ (setf previous selection)
+ ;(display "new selection" repeats mincnt maxcnt selection)
+ (send self :set-current (rand-item-value selection)))))
+(defun make-random (lis &key for (name "random") trace)
+ (check-for-list-or-pattern lis "make-random")
+ (send random-class :new lis for name trace))
+;; ---- PALINDROME class -----
+#| Palindrome includes elide, which is either t, nil, :first, or :last.
+The pattern length is the "natural" length of the pattern, which goes
+forward and backward through the list. Thus, if the list is of length N,
+the palindrome length depends on elide as follows:
+ elide length
+ nil 2N
+ t 2N - 2
+ :first 2N - 1
+ :last 2N - 1
+If elide is a pattern, and if length is not specified, then length should
+be computed based on elide.
+(setf palindrome-class (send class :new
+ '(lis revlis lis-pattern
+ direction elide-pattern
+ elide cursor)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send palindrome-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((setf lis l)
+ (check-for-list lis "palindrome-class :start-period")
+ (setf is-nested (list-has-pattern lis))
+ (setf lis (make-homogeneous l))
+ (setf revlis (reverse lis)
+ direction t
+ cursor lis)))
+(send palindrome-class :answer :isnew '(l e for nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ (send self :set-list l))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list" nm) l)))
+ (setf elide-pattern e length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send palindrome-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))
+ (setf cursor lis)))
+ (setf elide (next elide-pattern))
+ (if (and elide (null lis))
+ (error (format nil "~A, cannot elide if list is empty" name)))
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (- (* 2 (length lis))
+ (if (member elide '(:first :last))
+ 1
+ (if elide 2 0)))))))
+(send palindrome-class :answer :next-item '()
+ '((send self :set-current (car cursor))
+ (pop cursor)
+ (cond ((and cursor (not (cdr cursor))
+ (or (and direction (member elide '(:last t)))
+ (and (not direction) (member elide '(:first t)))))
+ (pop cursor)))))
+(send palindrome-class :answer :advance '()
+ '(
+ (cond (cursor
+ (send self :next-item))
+ (direction ;; we're going forward
+ (setf direction nil) ;; now going backward
+ (setf cursor revlis)
+ (send self :next-item))
+ (t ;; direction is reverse
+ (setf direction t)
+ (setf cursor lis)
+ (send self :next-item)))))
+(defun make-palindrome (lis &key elide for (name "palindrome") trace)
+ (check-for-list-or-pattern lis "make-palindrome")
+ (send palindrome-class :new lis elide for name trace))
+;; ================= HEAP CLASS ======================
+;; to handle the :max keyword, which tells the object to avoid
+;; repeating the last element of the previous period:
+;; maxcnt = 1 means "avoid the repetition"
+;; check-repeat signals we are at the beginning of the period and must check
+;; prev holds the previous value (initially nil)
+;; after each item is generated, check-repeat is cleared. It is
+;; recalculated when a new period is started.
+(setf heap-class (send class :new '(lis used maxcnt prev check-repeat
+ lis-pattern len)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send heap-class :answer :isnew '(l for mx nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ ; make a copy of l to avoid side effects
+ (send self :set-list (append l nil)))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list" nm) l)))
+ (setf length-pattern for maxcnt mx name nm trace tr)))
+(send heap-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((setf lis l)
+ (check-for-list lis "heap-class :set-list")
+ (setf is-nested (list-has-pattern lis))
+ (setf lis (make-homogeneous lis))
+ (setf len (length lis))))
+(send heap-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '(;(display "heap-class :start-period" lis-pattern count lis)
+ (cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))))
+ ; start of period -- may need to avoid repeating previous item
+ (if (= maxcnt 1) (setf check-repeat t))
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count len))))
+(defun delete-first (elem lis)
+ (cond ((null lis) nil)
+ ((eq elem (car lis))
+ (cdr lis))
+ (t
+ (cons (car lis) (delete-first elem (cdr lis))))))
+;; NO-DISTINCT-ELEM -- check if any element of list is not val
+(defun no-distinct-elem (lis val)
+ (not
+ (dolist (elem lis)
+ (if (not (equal elem val))
+ ;; there is a distinct element, return t from dolist
+ (return t)))))
+ ;; if no distinct element, dolist returns nil, but this is negated
+ ;; by the NOT so the function will return t
+(send heap-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((cond ((null lis)
+ (setf lis used)
+ (setf used nil)))
+ (let (n elem)
+ (cond ((and check-repeat (no-distinct-elem lis prev))
+ (error (format nil "~A, cannot avoid repetition, but :max is 1"
+ name))))
+ (loop
+ (setf n (random (length lis)))
+ (setf elem (nth n lis))
+ (if (or (not check-repeat) (not (equal prev elem)))
+ (return))) ;; loop until suitable element is chosen
+ (setf lis (delete-first elem lis))
+ (push elem used)
+ (setf check-repeat nil)
+ (setf prev elem)
+ (send self :set-current elem))))
+(defun make-heap (lis &key for (max 2) (name "heap") trace)
+ (send heap-class :new lis for max name trace))
+;;================== COPIER CLASS ====================
+(setf copier-class (send class :new '(sub-pattern repeat repeat-pattern
+ merge merge-pattern period cursor)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send copier-class :answer :isnew '(p r m for nm tr)
+ '((setf sub-pattern p repeat-pattern r merge-pattern m)
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+#| copier-class makes copies of periods from sub-pattern
+If merge is true, the copies are merged into one big period.
+If merge is false, then repeat separate periods are returned.
+If repeat is negative, then -repeat periods of sub-pattern
+are skipped.
+merge and repeat are computed from merge-pattern and
+repeat-pattern initially and after making repeat copies
+To repeat individual items, set the :for keyword parameter of
+the sub-pattern to 1.
+(send copier-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond ((null count)
+ (cond ((or (null repeat) (zerop repeat))
+ (send self :really-start-period))
+ (t
+ (setf count (length period))))))))
+(send copier-class :answer :really-start-period '()
+ '(;(display "copier-class :really-start-period" count)
+ (setf merge (next merge-pattern))
+ (setf repeat (next repeat-pattern))
+ (while (minusp repeat)
+ (dotimes (i (- repeat))
+ (setf period (next sub-pattern t)))
+ (setf repeat (next repeat-pattern))
+ (setf merge (next merge-pattern)))
+ (setf period (next sub-pattern t))
+ (setf cursor nil)
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (* (if merge repeat 1)
+ (length period))))))
+(send copier-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((let ((loop-count 0))
+ (loop
+ ;(display "copier loop" repeat cursor period)
+ (cond (cursor
+ (send self :set-current (car cursor))
+ (pop cursor)
+ (return))
+ ((plusp repeat)
+ (decf repeat)
+ (setf cursor period))
+ ((> loop-count 10000)
+ (error (format nil
+ "~A, copier-class :advance encountered 10000 empty periods"
+ name)))
+ (t
+ (send self :really-start-period)))
+ (incf loop-count)))))
+(defun make-copier (sub-pattern &key for (repeat 1) merge (name "copier") trace)
+ (send copier-class :new sub-pattern repeat merge for name trace))
+;; ================= ACCUMULATE-CLASS ===================
+(setf accumulate-class (send class :new '(sub-pattern period cursor sum mini maxi)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send accumulate-class :answer :isnew '(p for nm tr mn mx)
+ '((setf sub-pattern p length-pattern for name nm trace tr sum 0 mini mn maxi mx)
+ ; (display "accumulate isnew" self nm)
+ ))
+accumulate-class creates sums of numbers from another pattern
+The output periods are the same as the input periods (by default).
+(send accumulate-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond ((null count)
+ (send self :really-start-period)))))
+(send accumulate-class :answer :really-start-period '()
+ '((setf period (next sub-pattern t))
+ (setf cursor period)
+ ;(display "accumulate-class :really-start-period" period cursor count)
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (length period)))))
+(send accumulate-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((let ((loop-count 0) (minimum (next mini)) (maximum (next maxi)))
+ (loop
+ (cond (cursor
+ (setf sum (+ sum (car cursor)))
+ (cond ((and (numberp minimum) (< sum minimum))
+ (setf sum minimum)))
+ (cond ((and (numberp maximum) (> sum maximum))
+ (setf sum maximum)))
+ (send self :set-current sum)
+ (pop cursor)
+ (return))
+ ((> loop-count 10000)
+ (error (format nil
+ "~A, :advance encountered 10000 empty periods" name)))
+ (t
+ (send self :really-start-period)))
+ (incf loop-count)))))
+(defun make-accumulate (sub-pattern &key for min max (name "accumulate") trace)
+ (send accumulate-class :new sub-pattern for name trace min max))
+;;================== ACCUMULATION CLASS ===================
+;; for each item, generate all items up to and including the item, e.g.
+;; (a b c) -> (a a b a b c)
+(setf accumulation-class (send class :new '(lis lis-pattern outer inner len)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send accumulation-class :answer :isnew '(l for nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp l)
+ (setf lis-pattern l))
+ ((listp l)
+ (send self :set-list l))
+ (t
+ (error (format nil "~A, expected list" nm) l)))
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send accumulation-class :answer :set-list '(l)
+ '((setf lis l)
+ (check-for-list lis "heap-class :set-list")
+ (setf lis (make-homogeneous lis))
+ (setf inner lis)
+ (setf outer lis)
+ (setf len (length lis))))
+(send accumulation-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond (lis-pattern
+ (send self :set-list (next lis-pattern t))))
+ ; start of period, length = (n^2 + n) / 2
+ (if (null count) (setf count (/ (+ (* len len) len) 2)))))
+(send accumulation-class :answer :advance '()
+ ;; inner traverses lis from first to outer
+ ;; outer traverses lis
+ '((let ((elem (car inner)))
+ (cond ((eq inner outer)
+ (setf outer (rest outer))
+ (setf outer (if outer outer lis))
+ (setf inner lis))
+ (t
+ (setf inner (rest inner))))
+ (send self :set-current elem))))
+(defun make-accumulation (lis &key for (name "accumulation") trace)
+ (send accumulation-class :new lis for name trace))
+;;================== SUM CLASS =================
+(setf sum-class (send class :new '(x y period cursor fn) '() pattern-class))
+(send sum-class :answer :isnew '(xx yy for nm tr)
+ '((setf x xx y yy length-pattern for name nm trace tr fn #'+)))
+sum-class creates pair-wise sums of numbers from 2 streams.
+The output periods are the same as the input periods of the first
+pattern argument (by default).
+(send sum-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((cond ((null count)
+ (send self :really-start-period)))))
+(send sum-class :answer :really-start-period '()
+ '((setf period (next x t))
+ (setf cursor period)
+ (if (null count)
+ (setf count (length period)))))
+(send sum-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((let ((loop-count 0) rslt)
+ (loop
+ (cond (cursor
+ (setf rslt (funcall fn (car cursor) (next y)))
+ (send self :set-current rslt)
+ (pop cursor)
+ (return))
+ ((> loop-count 10000)
+ (error (format nil
+ "~A, :advance encountered 10000 empty periods" name)))
+ (t
+ (send self :really-start-period)))
+ (incf loop-count)))))
+(defun make-sum (x y &key for (name "sum") trace)
+ (send sum-class :new x y for name trace))
+;;================== PRODUCT CLASS =================
+(setf product-class (send class :new '() '() sum-class))
+(send product-class :answer :isnew '(xx yy for nm tr)
+ '((setf x xx y yy length-pattern for name nm trace tr fn #'*)))
+(defun make-product (x y &key for (name "product") trace)
+ (send product-class :new x y for name trace))
+;;================== EVAL CLASS =================
+(setf eval-class (send class :new '(expr expr-pattern)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send eval-class :answer :isnew '(e for nm tr)
+ '((cond ((patternp e)
+ (setf expr-pattern e))
+ (t
+ (setf expr e)))
+ (setf length-pattern for name nm trace tr)))
+(send eval-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '(;(display "cycle-class :start-period" lis-pattern lis count length-pattern)
+ (cond (expr-pattern
+ (setf expr (next expr-pattern))))))
+(send eval-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((send self :set-current (eval expr))))
+(defun make-eval (expr &key (for 1) (name "eval") trace)
+ (send eval-class :new expr for name trace))
+;;================== MARKOV CLASS ====================
+(setf markov-class (send class :new
+ '(rules order state produces pattern len)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(defun is-produces-homogeneous (produces)
+ (let (type elem)
+ (setf *rslt* nil)
+ (loop
+ (cond ((or (null produces) (eq produces :eval) (null (cadr produces)))
+ (return t)))
+ (setf elem (cadr produces))
+ (cond ((null type)
+ (setf type (if (patternp elem) 'pattern 'atom))
+ ;(display "is-produces-homogeneous" type)
+ (setf *rslt* (eq type 'pattern))
+ ;(display "is-produces-homogeneous" *rslt*)
+ )
+ ((and (eq type 'pattern) (not (patternp elem)))
+ (return nil))
+ ((and (eq type 'atom)
+ (patternp elem))
+ (return nil)))
+ (setf produces (cddr produces)))))
+(defun make-produces-homogeneous (produces)
+ (let (result item)
+ (loop
+ (if (null produces) (return nil))
+ (push (car produces) result)
+ (setf produces (cdr produces))
+ (setf item (car produces))
+ (setf produces (cdr produces))
+ (if (not (patternp item))
+ (setf item (make-cycle (list item))))
+ (push item result))
+ (reverse result)))
+(send markov-class :answer :isnew '(r o s p for nm tr)
+ ;; input parameters are rules, order, state, produces, for, name, trace
+ '((setf order o state s produces p length-pattern for name nm trace tr)
+ (setf len (length r))
+ ;; input r looks like this:
+ ;; ((prev1 prev2 -> next1 next2 (next3 weight) ... ) ...)
+ ;; transition table will look like a list of these:
+ ;; ((prev1 prev2 ... prevn) (next1 weight weight-pattern) ...)
+ (dolist (rule r)
+ (let ((targets (cdr (nthcdr order rule)))
+ entry pattern)
+ ;; build entry in reverse order
+ (dolist (target targets)
+ (push (if (atom target)
+ (list target 1 1)
+ (list (first target)
+ (next (second target))
+ (second target)))
+ entry))
+ ; (display "isnew" entry rule targets order (nthcdr order rule))
+ (dotimes (i order)
+ (push (nth i rule) pattern))
+ (push (cons (reverse pattern) entry) rules)))
+ (setf rules (reverse rules)) ;; keep rules in original order
+ (setf *rslt* nil) ;; in case produces is nil
+ (cond ((and produces (not (is-produces-homogeneous produces)))
+ (setf produces (make-produces-homogeneous produces))))
+ ;(display "markov-class :isnew" *rslt*)
+ (setf is-nested *rslt*) ;; returned by is-produces-homogeneous
+ ;(display "markov-class :isnew" is-nested)
+ ))
+(defun markov-match (state pattern)
+ (dolist (p pattern t) ;; return true if no mismatch
+ ;; compare element-by-element
+ (cond ((eq p '*)) ; anything matches '*
+ ((eql p (car state)))
+ (t (return nil))) ; a mismatch: return false
+ (setf state (cdr state))))
+(defun markov-sum-of-weights (rule)
+ ;(display "sum-of-weights" rule)
+ (let ((sum 0.0))
+ (dolist (target (cdr rule))
+ ;(display "markov-sum-of-weights" target)
+ (setf sum (+ sum (second target))))
+ sum))
+(defun markov-pick-target (sum rule)
+ (let ((total 0.0)
+ ;; want to choose a value in the interval [0, sum)
+ ;; but real-random is not open on the right, so fudge
+ ;; the range by a small amount:
+ (r (real-random 0.0 (- sum SCORE-EPSILON))))
+ (dolist (target (cdr rule))
+ (setf total (+ total (second target)))
+ (cond ((> total r) (return (car target)))))))
+(defun markov-update-weights (rule)
+ (dolist (target (cdr rule))
+ (setf (car (cdr target)) (next (caddr target)))))
+(defun markov-map-target (target produces)
+ (while (and produces (not (eq target (car produces))))
+ (setf produces (cddr produces)))
+ (cadr produces))
+(send markov-class :answer :find-rule '()
+ '((let (rslt)
+ ;(display "find-rule" rules)
+ (dolist (rule rules)
+ ;(display "find-rule" state rule)
+ (cond ((markov-match state (car rule))
+ (setf rslt rule)
+ (return rslt))))
+ (cond ((null rslt)
+ (display "Error, no matching rule found" state rules)
+ (error (format nil "~A, (markov-class)" name))))
+ rslt)))
+(send markov-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((if (null count)
+ (setf count len))))
+(defun markov-general-rule-p (rule)
+ (let ((pre (car rule)))
+ (cond ((< (length pre) 2) nil) ;; 1st-order mm
+ (t
+ ;; return false if any member not *
+ ;; return t if all members are *
+ (dolist (s pre t)
+ (if (eq s '*) t (return nil)))))))
+(defun markov-find-state-leading-to (target rules)
+ (let (candidates)
+ (dolist (rule rules)
+ (let ((targets (cdr rule)))
+ (dolist (targ targets)
+ (cond ((eql (car targ) target)
+ (push (car rule) candidates))))))
+ (cond (candidates ;; found at least one
+ (nth (random (length candidates)) candidates))
+ (t
+ nil))))
+(send markov-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((let (rule sum target rslt new-state)
+ ;(display "markov" pattern rules)
+ (setf rule (send self :find-rule))
+ ;(display "advance 1" rule)
+ (markov-update-weights rule)
+ ;(display "advance 2" rule)
+ (setf sum (markov-sum-of-weights rule))
+ ;; the target can be a pattern, so apply NEXT to it
+ (setf target (next (markov-pick-target sum rule)))
+ ;; if the matching rule is multiple *'s, then this
+ ;; is a higher-order Markov model, and we may now
+ ;; wander around in parts of the state space that
+ ;; never appeared in the training data. To avoid this
+ ;; we violate the strict interpretation of the rules
+ ;; and pick a random state sequence from the rule set
+ ;; that might have let to the current state. We jam
+ ;; this state sequence into state so that when we
+ ;; append target, we'll have a history that might
+ ;; have a corresponding rule next time.
+ (cond ((markov-general-rule-p rule)
+ (setf new-state (markov-find-state-leading-to target rules))
+ (cond (new-state
+ ;(display "state replacement" new-state target)
+ (setf state new-state)))))
+ (setf state (append (cdr state) (list target)))
+ ;(display "markov next" rule sum target state)
+ ;; target is the symbol for the current state. We can
+ ;; return target (default), the value of target, or a
+ ;; mapped value:
+ (cond ((eq produces :eval)
+ (setf target (eval target)))
+ ((and produces (listp produces))
+ ;(display "markov-produce" target produces)
+ (setf target (markov-map-target target produces))))
+ (if (not (eq is-nested (patternp target)))
+ (error (format nil
+ "~A :is-nested keyword (~A) not consistent with result (~A)"
+ name is-nested target)))
+ (send self :set-current target))))
+(defun make-markov (rules &key produces past for (name "markov") trace)
+ ;; check to make sure past and rules are consistent
+ (let ((order (length past)))
+ (dolist (rule rules)
+ (dotimes (i order)
+ (if (eq (car rule) '->)
+ (error (format nil "~A, a rule does not match the length of :past"
+ name)))
+ (pop rule))
+ (if (eq (car rule) '->) nil
+ (error (format nil "~A, a rule does not match the length of :past"
+ name)))))
+ (cond ((null for)
+ (setf for (length rules))))
+ (send markov-class :new rules (length past) past produces for name trace))
+(defun markov-rule-match (rule state)
+ (cond ((null state) t)
+ ((eql (car rule) (car state))
+ (markov-rule-match (cdr rule) (cdr state)))
+ (t nil)))
+(defun markov-find-rule (rules state)
+ (dolist (rule rules)
+ ;(display "find-rule" rule)
+ (cond ((markov-rule-match rule state)
+ (return rule)))))
+;; ------- functions below are for MARKOV-CREATE-RULES --------
+;; MARKOV-FIND-CHOICE -- given a next state, find it in rule
+;; use state to get the order of the Markov model, e.g. how
+;; many previous states to skip in the rule, (add 1 for '->).
+;; then use assoc to do a quick search
+;; example:
+;; (markov-find-choice '(a b -> (c 1) (d 2)) '(a b) 'd)
+;; returns (d 2) from the rule
+(defun markov-find-choice (rule state next)
+ (assoc next (nthcdr (1+ (length state)) rule)))
+(defun markov-update-rule (rule state next)
+ (let ((choice (markov-find-choice rule state next)))
+ (cond (choice
+ (setf (car (cdr choice)) (1+ (cadr choice))))
+ (t
+ (nconc rule (list (list next 1)))))
+ rule))
+(defun markov-update-rules (rules state next)
+ (let ((rule (markov-find-rule rules state)))
+ (cond (rule
+ (markov-update-rule rule state next))
+ (t
+ (setf rules
+ (nconc rules
+ (list (append state
+ (cons '-> (list
+ (list next 1)))))))))
+ rules))
+;; MARKOV-UPDATE-HISTOGRAM -- keep a list of symbols and counts
+;; This histogram will become the right-hand part of a rule, so
+;; the format is ((symbol count) (symbol count) ...)
+(defun markov-update-histogram (histogram next)
+ (let ((pair (assoc next histogram)))
+ (cond (pair
+ (setf (car (cdr pair)) (1+ (cadr pair))))
+ (t
+ (setf histogram (cons (list next 1) histogram))))
+ histogram))
+(defun markov-create-rules (sequence order &optional generalize)
+ (let ((seqlen (length sequence)) state rules next histogram rule)
+ (cond ((<= seqlen order)
+ (error "markov-create-rules: sequence must be longer than order"))
+ ((< order 1)
+ (error "markov-create-rules: order must be 1 or greater")))
+ ; build initial state sequence
+ (dotimes (i order)
+ (setf state (nconc state (list (car sequence))))
+ (setf sequence (cdr sequence)))
+ ; for each symbol, either update a rule or add a rule
+ (while sequence
+ (setf next (car sequence))
+ (setf sequence (cdr sequence))
+ (setf rules (markov-update-rules rules state next))
+ (setf histogram (markov-update-histogram histogram next))
+ ; shift next state onto current state list
+ (setf state (nconc (cdr state) (list next))))
+ ; generalize?
+ (cond (generalize
+ (setf rule (cons '-> histogram))
+ (dotimes (i order)
+ (setf rule (cons '* rule)))
+ (setf rules (nconc rules (list rule)))))
+ rules))
+;; ----- WINDOW Class ---------
+(setf window-class (send class :new
+ '(pattern skip-pattern lis cursor)
+ '() pattern-class))
+(send window-class :answer :isnew '(p for sk nm tr)
+ '((setf pattern p length-pattern for skip-pattern sk name nm trace tr)))
+(send window-class :answer :start-period '()
+ '((if (null count) (error (format nil "~A, :start-period -- count is null"
+ name)))
+ (cond ((null lis) ;; first time
+ (dotimes (i count)
+ (push (next pattern) lis))
+ (setf lis (reverse lis)))
+ (t
+ (let ((skip (next skip-pattern)))
+ (dotimes (i skip)
+ (if lis (pop lis) (next pattern))))
+ (setf lis (reverse lis))
+ (let ((len (length lis)))
+ (while (< len count)
+ (incf len)
+ (push (next pattern) lis))
+ (while (> len count)
+ (decf len)
+ (pop lis))
+ (setf lis (reverse lis)))))
+ (setf cursor lis)))
+(send window-class :answer :advance '()
+ '((send self :set-current (car cursor))
+ (pop cursor)))
+(defun make-window (pattern length-pattern skip-pattern
+ &key (name "window") trace)
+ (send window-class :new pattern length-pattern skip-pattern name trace))
+;; SCORE-SORTED -- test if score is sorted
+(defun score-sorted (score)
+ (let ((result t))
+ (while (cdr score)
+ (cond ((event-before (cadr score) (car score))
+ (setf result nil)
+ (return nil)))
+ (setf score (cdr score)))
+ result))
+(defmacro score-gen (&rest args)
+ (let (key val tim dur (name ''note) ioi trace save
+ score-len score-dur others pre post
+ next-expr (score-begin 0) score-end)
+ (while (and args (cdr args))
+ (setf key (car args))
+ (setf val (cadr args))
+ (setf args (cddr args))
+ (case key
+ (:time (setf tim val))
+ (:dur (setf dur val))
+ (:name (setf name val))
+ (:ioi (setf ioi val))
+ (:trace (setf trace val))
+ (:save (setf save val))
+ (:pre (setf pre val))
+ (:post (setf post val))
+ (:score-len (setf score-len val))
+ (:score-dur (setf score-dur val))
+ (:begin (setf score-begin val))
+ (:end (setf score-end val))
+ (t (setf others (cons key (cons val others))))))
+ ;; make sure at least one of score-len, score-dur is present
+ (cond ((and (null score-len) (null score-dur))
+ (error
+ "score-gen needs either :score-len or :score-dur to limit length")))
+ ;; compute expression for dur
+ (cond ((null dur)
+ (setf dur 'sg:ioi)))
+ ;; compute expression for ioi
+ (cond ((null ioi)
+ (setf ioi 1)))
+ ;; compute expression for next start time
+ (setf next-expr '(+ sg:start sg:ioi))
+ ; (display "score-gen" others)
+ `(let (sg:seq (sg:start ,score-begin) sg:ioi
+ (sg:score-len ,score-len) (sg:score-dur ,score-dur)
+ (sg:count 0) (sg:save ,save)
+ (sg:begin ,score-begin) (sg:end ,score-end) sg:det-end)
+ ;; sg:det-end is a flag that tells us to determine the end time
+ (cond ((null sg:end) (setf sg:end 0 sg:det-end t)))
+ ;; make sure at least one of score-len, score-dur is present
+ (loop
+ (cond ((or (and sg:score-len (<= sg:score-len sg:count))
+ (and sg:score-dur (<= (+ sg:begin sg:score-dur) sg:start)))
+ (return)))
+ ,pre
+ ,(cond (tim (list 'setf 'sg:start tim)))
+ (setf sg:ioi ,ioi)
+ (setf sg:dur ,dur)
+ (push (list sg:start sg:dur (list ,name ,@others))
+ sg:seq)
+ ,post
+ (cond (,trace
+ (format t "get-seq trace at ~A stretch ~A: ~A~%"
+ sg:start sg:dur (car sg:seq))))
+ (incf sg:count)
+ (setf sg:start ,next-expr)
+ ;; end time of score will be max over start times of the next note
+ ;; this bases the score duration on ioi's rather than durs. But
+ ;; if user specified sg:end, sg:det-end is false and we do not
+ ;; try to compute sg:end.
+ (cond ((and sg:det-end (> sg:start sg:end))
+ (setf sg:end sg:start))))
+ (setf sg:seq (reverse sg:seq))
+ ;; avoid sorting a sorted list -- XLisp's quicksort can overflow the
+ ;; stack if the list is sorted because (apparently) the pivot points
+ ;; are not random.
+ (cond ((not (score-sorted sg:seq))
+ (setf sg:seq (bigsort sg:seq #'event-before))))
+ (push (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END ,score-begin sg:end)) sg:seq)
+ (cond (sg:save (set sg:save sg:seq)))
+ sg:seq)))
+;; ============== score manipulation ===========
+(defun event-before (a b)
+ (< (car a) (car b)))
+;; EVENT-END -- get the ending time of a score event
+(defun event-end (e) (+ (car e) (cadr e)))
+;; EVENT-TIME -- time of an event
+(setfn event-time car)
+;; EVENT-DUR -- duration of an event
+(setfn event-dur cadr)
+;; EVENT-SET-TIME -- new event with new time
+(defun event-set-time (event time)
+ (cons time (cdr event)))
+;; EVENT-SET-DUR -- new event with new dur
+(defun event-set-dur (event dur)
+ (list (event-time event)
+ dur
+ (event-expression event)))
+;; EVENT-SET-EXPRESSION -- new event with new expression
+(defun event-set-expression (event expression)
+ (list (event-time event)
+ (event-dur event)
+ expression))
+;; EXPR-HAS-ATTR -- test if expression has attribute
+(defun expr-has-attr (expression attr)
+ (member attr expression))
+;; EXPR-GET-ATTR -- get value of attribute from expression
+(defun expr-get-attr (expression attr &optional default)
+ (let ((m (member attr expression)))
+ (if m (cadr m) default)))
+;; EXPR-SET-ATTR -- set value of an attribute in expression
+;; (returns new expression)
+(defun expr-set-attr (expr attr value)
+ (cons (car expr) (expr-parameters-set-attr (cdr expr) attr value)))
+(defun expr-parameters-set-attr (lis attr value)
+ (cond ((null lis) (list attr value))
+ ((eq (car lis) attr) (cons attr (cons value (cddr lis))))
+ (t (cons (car lis)
+ (cons (cadr lis)
+ (expr-parameters-set-attr (cddr lis) attr value))))))
+;; EXPR-REMOVE-ATTR -- expression without attribute value pair
+(defun expr-remove-attr (event attr)
+ (cons (car expr) (expr-parameters-remove-attr (cdr expr) attr)))
+(defun expr-parameters-remove-attr (lis attr)
+ (cond ((null lis) nil)
+ ((eq (car lis) attr) (cddr lis))
+ (t (cons (car lis)
+ (cons (cadr lis)
+ (expr-parameters-remove-attr (cddr lis) attr))))))
+;; EVENT-GET-ATTR -- get value of attribute from event
+(defun event-get-attr (note attr &optional default)
+ (expr-get-attr (event-expression note) attr default))
+;; EVENT-SET-ATTR -- new event with attribute = value
+(defun event-set-attr (event attr value)
+ (event-set-expression
+ event
+ (expr-set-attr (event-expression event) attr value)))
+;; EVENT-REMOVE-ATTR -- new event without atttribute value pair
+(defun event-remove-attr (event attr)
+ (event-set-expression
+ event
+ (event-remove-attr (event-expression event) attr)))
+;; SCORE-GET-BEGIN -- get the begin time of a score
+(defun score-get-begin (score)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (cadr (event-expression (car score))))
+;; SCORE-SET-BEGIN -- set the begin time of a score
+(defun score-set-begin (score time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'score-begin-end time
+ (caddr (event-expression (car score)))))
+ (cdr score)))
+;; SCORE-GET-END -- get the end time of a score
+(defun score-get-end (score)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (caddr (event-expression (car score))))
+;; SCORE-SET-END -- set the end time of a score
+(defun score-set-end (score time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'score-begin-end
+ (cadr (event-expression (car score))) time))
+ (cdr score)))
+;; FIND-FIRST-NOTE -- use keywords to find index of first selected note
+(defun find-first-note (score from-index from-time)
+ (let ((s (cdr score)))
+ ;; offset by one because we removed element 0
+ (setf from-index (if from-index (max 0 (- from-index 1)) 0))
+ (setf from-time (if from-time
+ (- from-time SCORE-EPSILON)
+ (if s (setf s (nthcdr from-index s)))
+ (while (and s (>= from-time (event-time (car s))))
+ (setf s (cdr s))
+ (incf from-index))
+ (1+ from-index)))
+;; EVENT-BEFORE -- useful function for sorting scores
+(defun event-before (a b)
+ (< (car a) (car b)))
+;; bigsort -- a sort routine that avoids recursion in order
+;; to sort large lists without overflowing the evaluation stack
+;; Does not modify input list. Does not minimize cons-ing.
+;; Algorithm: first accumulate sorted sub-sequences into lists
+;; Then merge pairs iteratively until only one big list remains
+(defun bigsort (lis cmp) ; sort lis using cmp function
+ ;; if (funcall cmp a b) then a and b are in order
+ (prog (rslt sub pairs)
+ ;; first, convert to sorted sublists stored on rslt
+ ;; accumulate sublists in sub
+ get-next-sub
+ (if (null lis) (go done-1))
+ (setf sub (list (car lis)))
+ (setf lis (cdr lis))
+ fill-sub
+ ;; invariant: sub is non-empty, in reverse order
+ (cond ((and lis (funcall cmp (car sub) (car lis)))
+ (setf sub (cons (car lis) sub))
+ (setf lis (cdr lis))
+ (go fill-sub)))
+ (setf sub (reverse sub)) ;; put sub in correct order
+ (setf rslt (cons sub rslt)) ;; build rslt in reverse order
+ (go get-next-sub)
+ done-1
+ ;; invariant: rslt is list of sorted sublists
+ (if (cdr rslt) nil (go done-2))
+ ;; invariant: rslt has at least one list
+ (setf pairs rslt)
+ (setf rslt nil)
+ merge-pairs ;; merge a pair and save on rslt
+ (if (car pairs) nil (go end-of-pass)) ;; loop until all pairs merged
+ ;; invariant: pairs has at least one list
+ (setf list1 (car pairs)) ;; list1 is non-empty
+ (setf list2 (cadr pairs)) ;; list2 could be empty
+ (setf pairs (cddr pairs))
+ (cond (list2
+ (setf rslt (cons (list-merge list1 list2 cmp) rslt)))
+ (t
+ (setf rslt (cons list1 rslt))))
+ (go merge-pairs)
+ end-of-pass
+ (go done-1)
+ done-2
+ ;; invariant: rslt has one sorted list!
+ (return (car rslt))))
+(defun list-merge (list1 list2 cmp)
+ (prog (rslt)
+ merge-loop
+ (cond ((and list1 list2)
+ (cond ((funcall cmp (car list1) (car list2))
+ (setf rslt (cons (car list1) rslt))
+ (setf list1 (cdr list1)))
+ (t
+ (setf rslt (cons (car list2) rslt))
+ (setf list2 (cdr list2)))))
+ (list1
+ (return (nconc (reverse rslt) list1)))
+ (t
+ (return (nconc (reverse rslt) list2))))
+ (go merge-loop)))
+;; SCORE-SORT -- sort a score into time order
+(defun score-sort (score &optional (copy-flag t))
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((begin-end (car score)))
+ (setf score (cdr score))
+ (if copy-flag (setf score (append score nil)))
+ (cons begin-end (bigsort score #'event-before))))
+;; PUSH-SORT -- insert an event in (reverse) sorted order
+;; Note: Score should NOT have a score-begin-end expression
+(defun push-sort (event score)
+ (let (insert-after)
+ (cond ((null score) (list event))
+ ((event-before (car score) event)
+ (cons event score))
+ (t
+ (setf insert-after score)
+ (while (and (cdr insert-after)
+ (event-before event (cadr insert-after)))
+ (setf insert-after (cdr insert-after)))
+ (setf (cdr insert-after) (cons event (cdr insert-after)))
+ score))))
+(setf FOREVER 3600000000.0) ; 1 million hours
+;; FIND-LAST-NOTE -- use keywords to find index beyond last selected note
+;; note that the :to-index keyword is the index of the last note (numbered
+;; from zero), whereas this function returns the index of the last note
+;; plus one, i.e. selected notes have an index *less than* this one
+(defun find-last-note (score to-index to-time)
+ ;; skip past score-begin-end event
+ (let ((s (cdr score))
+ (n 1))
+ (setf to-index (if to-index (1+ to-index) (length score)))
+ (setf to-time (if to-time (- to-time SCORE-EPSILON) FOREVER))
+ (while (and s (< n to-index) (< (event-time (car s)) to-time))
+ (setf s (cdr s))
+ (incf n))
+ n))
+;; SCORE-MUST-HAVE-BEGIN-END -- add score-begin-end event if necessary
+(defun score-must-have-begin-end (score)
+ (cond ((null score)
+ (list (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END 0 0))))
+ ((eq (car (event-expression (car score))) 'SCORE-BEGIN-END)
+ score)
+ (t (cons (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END (event-time (car score))
+ (event-end (car (last score)))))
+ score))))
+;; SCORE-SHIFT -- add offset to times of score events
+(defun score-shift (score offset &key from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ (end (caddr (event-expression (car score))))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop))
+ (setf event (event-set-time
+ event (+ (event-time event) offset)))
+ (setf end (max end (event-end event)))))
+ (setf result (push-sort event result))
+ (incf i))
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END
+ (cadr (event-expression (car score)))
+ end))
+ (reverse result))))
+;; TIME-STRETCH -- map a timestamp according to stretch factor
+(defun time-stretch (time stretch start-time stop-time)
+ (cond ((< time start-time) time)
+ ((< time stop-time)
+ (+ start-time (* stretch (- time start-time))))
+ (t ; beyond stop-time
+ (+ (- time stop-time) ; how much beyond stop-time
+ start-time
+ (* stretch (- stop-time start-time))))))
+;; EVENT-STRETCH -- apply time warp to an event
+(defun event-stretch (event stretch dur-flag time-flag start-time stop-time)
+ (let* ((new-time (event-time event))
+ (new-dur (event-dur event))
+ (end-time (+ new-time new-dur)))
+ (cond (time-flag
+ (setf new-time (time-stretch new-time stretch
+ start-time stop-time))))
+ (cond ((and time-flag dur-flag)
+ ;; both time and dur are stretched, so map the end time just
+ ;; like the start time, then subtract to get new duration
+ (setf end-time (time-stretch end-time stretch
+ start-time stop-time))
+ (setf new-dur (- end-time new-time)))
+ ((and dur-flag (>= new-time start-time) (< new-time stop-time))
+ ;; stretch only duration, not time. If note starts in range
+ ;; scale to get the new duration.
+ (setf new-dur (* stretch new-dur))))
+ (list new-time new-dur (event-expression event))))
+;; SCORE-STRETCH -- stretch a region of the score
+(defun score-stretch (score factor &key (dur t) (time t)
+ from-index to-index (from-time 0) (to-time FOREVER))
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((begin-end (event-expression (car score)))
+ (i 1))
+ (if from-index
+ (setf from-time (max from-time
+ (event-time (nth from-index score)))))
+ (if to-index
+ (setf to-time (min to-time
+ (event-end (nth to-index score)))))
+ ; stretch from start-time to stop-time
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END
+ (time-stretch (cadr begin-end) factor
+ from-time to-time)
+ (time-stretch (caddr begin-end) factor
+ from-time to-time)))
+ (mapcar #'(lambda (event)
+ (event-stretch event factor dur time
+ from-time to-time))
+ (cdr score)))))
+;; Get the second element of params (the value field) and turn it
+;; into a numeric value if possible (by looking up a global variable
+;; binding). This allows scores to say C4 instead of 60.
+(defun get-numeric-value (params)
+ (let ((v (cadr params)))
+ (cond ((and (symbolp v) (boundp v) (numberp (symbol-value v)))
+ (setf v (symbol-value v))))
+ v))
+(defun params-transpose (params keyword amount)
+ (cond ((null params) nil)
+ ((eq keyword (car params))
+ (let ((v (get-numeric-value params)))
+ (cond ((numberp v)
+ (setf v (+ v amount))))
+ (cons (car params)
+ (cons v (cddr params)))))
+ (t (cons (car params)
+ (cons (cadr params)
+ (params-transpose (cddr params) keyword amount))))))
+(defun score-transpose (score keyword amount &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (score-apply score
+ #'(lambda (time dur expression)
+ (list time dur
+ (cons (car expression)
+ (params-transpose (cdr expression)
+ keyword amount))))
+ :from-index from-index :to-index to-index
+ :from-time from-time :to-time to-time))
+(defun params-scale (params keyword amount)
+ (cond ((null params) nil)
+ ((eq keyword (car params))
+ (let ((v (get-numeric-value params)))
+ (cond ((numberp v)
+ (setf v (* v amount))))
+ (cons (car params)
+ (cons v (cddr params)))))
+ (t (cons (car params)
+ (cons (cadr params)
+ (params-scale (cddr params) keyword amount))))))
+(defun score-scale (score keyword amount &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (score-apply score
+ #'(lambda (time dur expression)
+ (list time dur
+ (cons (car expression)
+ (params-scale (cdr expression)
+ keyword amount))))
+ :from-index from-index :to-index to-index
+ :from-time from-time :to-time to-time))
+(defun score-sustain (score factor &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event score)
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop))
+ (setf event (event-set-dur
+ event (* (event-dur event) factor)))))
+ (push event result)
+ (incf i))
+ (reverse result)))
+(defun map-voice (expression replacement-list)
+ (let ((mapping (assoc (car expression) replacement-list)))
+ (cond (mapping (cons (second mapping)
+ (cdr expression)))
+ (t expression))))
+(defun score-voice (score replacement-list &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((i 0)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event score)
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop))
+ (setf event (event-set-expression
+ event (map-voice (event-expression event)
+ replacement-list)))))
+ (push event result)
+ (incf i))
+ (reverse result)))
+(defun score-merge (&rest scores)
+ ;; scores is a list of scores
+ (cond ((null scores) nil)
+ (t
+ (score-merge-1 (car scores) (cdr scores)))))
+;; SCORE-MERGE-1 -- merge list of scores into score
+(defun score-merge-1 (score scores)
+ ;; scores is a list of scores to merge
+ (cond ((null scores) score)
+ (t (score-merge-1 (score-merge-2 score (car scores))
+ (cdr scores)))))
+;; SCORE-MERGE-2 -- merge 2 scores
+(defun score-merge-2 (score addin)
+ ;(display "score-merge-2 before" score addin)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (setf addin (score-must-have-begin-end addin))
+ ;(display "score-merge-2" score addin)
+ (let (start1 start2 end1 end2)
+ (setf start1 (score-get-begin score))
+ (setf start2 (score-get-begin addin))
+ (setf end1 (score-get-end score))
+ (setf end2 (score-get-end addin))
+ ;; note: score-sort is destructive, but append copies score
+ ;; and score-shift copies addin
+ (score-sort
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END (min start1 start2)
+ (max end1 end2)))
+ (append (cdr score) (cdr addin) nil)))))
+;; SCORE-APPEND -- append scores together in sequence
+(defun score-append (&rest scores)
+ ;; scores is a list of scores
+ (cond ((null scores) nil)
+ (t
+ (score-append-1 (car scores) (cdr scores)))))
+;; SCORE-APPEND-1 -- append list of scores into score
+(defun score-append-1 (score scores)
+ ;; scores is a list of scores to append
+ (cond ((null scores) score)
+ (t (score-append-1 (score-append-2 score (car scores))
+ (cdr scores)))))
+;; SCORE-APPEND-2 -- append 2 scores
+(defun score-append-2 (score addin)
+ ;(display "score-append-2" score addin)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (setf addin (score-must-have-begin-end addin))
+ (let (end1 start2 begin-end1 begin-end2)
+ (setf start1 (score-get-begin score))
+ (setf end1 (score-get-end score))
+ (setf start2 (score-get-begin addin))
+ (setf end2 (score-get-end addin))
+ (setf begin-end1 (event-expression (car score)))
+ (setf begin-end2 (event-expression (car addin)))
+ (setf addin (score-shift addin (- end1 start2)))
+ ;; note: score-sort is destructive, but append copies score
+ ;; and score-shift copies addin
+ (score-sort
+ (cons (list 0 0 (list 'SCORE-BEGIN-END start1 (+ end1 (- end2 start2))))
+ (append (cdr score) (cdr addin) nil)))))
+(defun score-select (score predicate &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time reject)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((begin-end (car score))
+ (i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ ;; selected if start <= i AND i < stop AND predicate(...)
+ ;; choose if not reject and selected or reject and not selected
+ ;; so in other words choose if reject != selected. Use NULL to
+ ;; coerce into boolean values and then use NOT EQ to compare
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (cond ((not (eq (null reject)
+ (null (and (<= start i) (< i stop)
+ (or (eq predicate t)
+ (funcall predicate
+ (event-time event)
+ (event-dur event)
+ (event-expression event)))))))
+ (push event result)))
+ (incf i))
+ (cons begin-end (reverse result))))
+;; SCORE-FILTER-LENGTH -- remove notes beyond cutoff time
+(defun score-filter-length (score cutoff)
+ (let (result)
+ (dolist (event score)
+ (cond ((<= (event-end event) cutoff)
+ (push event result))))
+ (reverse result)))
+;; SCORE-REPEAT -- make n copies of score in sequence
+(defun score-repeat (score n)
+ (let (result)
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf result (score-append result score)))
+ result))
+;; SCORE-STRETCH-TO-LENGTH -- stretch score to have given length
+(defun score-stretch-to-length (score length)
+ (let ((begin-time (score-get-begin score))
+ (end-time (score-get-end score))
+ duration stretch)
+ (setf duration (- end-time begin-time))
+ (cond ((< 0 duration)
+ (setf stretch (/ length (- end-time begin-time)))
+ (score-stretch score stretch))
+ (t score))))
+(defun score-filter-overlap (score)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (prog (event end-time filtered-score
+ (begin-end (car score)))
+ (setf score (cdr score))
+ (cond ((null score) (return (list begin-end))))
+ loop
+ ;; get event from score
+ (setf event (car score))
+ ;; add a note to filtered-score
+ (push event filtered-score)
+ ;; save the end-time of this event: start + duration
+ (setf end-time (+ (car event) (cadr event)))
+ ;; now skip everything until end-time in score
+ loop2
+ (pop score) ;; move to next event in score
+ (cond ((null score)
+ (return (cons begin-end (reverse filtered-score)))))
+ (setf event (car score)) ;; examine next event
+ (setf start-time (car event))
+ ;(display "overlap" start-time (- end-time SCORE-EPSILON))
+ (cond ((< start-time (- end-time SCORE-EPSILON))
+ ;(display "toss" event start-time end-time)
+ (go loop2)))
+ (go loop)))
+(defun score-print (score)
+ (format t "(")
+ (dolist (event score)
+ (format t "~S~%" event))
+ (format t ")~%"))
+(defun score-play (score)
+ (play (timed-seq score)))
+(defun score-adjacent-events (score function &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((begin-end (car score))
+ (a nil)
+ (b (second score))
+ (c-list (cddr score))
+ r newscore
+ (i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time)))
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (setf r b)
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop))
+ (setf r (funcall function a b (car c-list)))))
+ (cond (r
+ (push r newscore)
+ (setf a r)))
+ (setf b (car c-list))
+ (setf c-list (cdr c-list))
+ (incf i))
+ (score-sort (cons begin-end newscore))))
+(defun score-apply (score fn &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((begin-end (car score))
+ (i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (push
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop))
+ (funcall fn (event-time event)
+ (event-dur event) (event-expression event)))
+ (t event))
+ result)
+ (incf i))
+ (score-sort (cons begin-end result))))
+(defun score-indexof (score fn &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop)
+ (funcall fn (event-time event)
+ (event-dur event)
+ (event-expression event)))
+ (setf result i)
+ (return)))
+ (incf i))
+ result))
+(defun score-last-indexof (score fn &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (setf score (score-must-have-begin-end score))
+ (let ((i 1)
+ (start (find-first-note score from-index from-time))
+ (stop (find-last-note score to-index to-time))
+ result)
+ (dolist (event (cdr score))
+ (cond ((and (<= start i) (< i stop)
+ (funcall fn (event-time event)
+ (event-dur event)
+ (event-expression event)))
+ (setf result i)))
+ (incf i))
+ result))
+;; SCORE-RANDOMIZE-START -- alter start times with offset
+;; keywords: jitter, offset, feel factor
+(defun score-randomize-start (score amt &key
+ from-index to-index from-time to-time)
+ (score-apply score
+ (lambda (time dur expr)
+ (setf time (+ (real-random (- amt) amt) time))
+ (setf time (max 0.0 time))
+ (list time dur expr))))
+;; SCORE-READ-SMF -- read a standard MIDI file to a score
+(defun score-read-smf (filename)
+ (let ((seq (seq-create))
+ (file (open-binary filename)))
+ (cond (file
+ (seq-read-smf seq file)
+ (close file)
+ (score-from-seq seq))
+ (t nil))))
+;; SET-PROGRAM-TO -- a helper function to set a list value
+(defun set-program-to (lis index value default)
+ ;; if length or lis <= index, extend the lis with default
+ (while (<= (length lis) index)
+ (setf lis (nconc lis (list default))))
+ ;; set the nth element
+ (setf (nth index lis) value)
+ ;; return the list
+ lis)
+(defun score-from-seq (seq)
+ (prog (event tag score programs)
+ (seq-reset seq)
+ (setf event (seq-get seq))
+ (setf tag (seq-tag event))
+ (cond ((= tag seq-done-tag)
+ (go exit))
+ ((= tag seq-prgm-tag)
+ (let ((chan (seq-channel event))
+ (when (seq-time event))
+ (program (seq-program event)))
+ (setf programs (set-program-to programs chan program 0))
+ (push (list (* when 0.001) 1
+ (list 'NOTE :pitch nil :program program))
+ score)))
+ ((= tag seq-note-tag)
+ (let ((chan (seq-channel event))
+ (pitch (seq-pitch event))
+ (vel (seq-velocity event))
+ (when (seq-time event))
+ (dur (seq-duration event)))
+ (push (list (* when 0.001) (* dur 0.001)
+ (list 'NOTE :chan (1- chan) :pitch pitch :vel vel))
+ score))))
+ (seq-next seq)
+ (go loop)
+ (setf *rslt* programs) ;; extra return value
+ (return (score-sort score))))
+(defun score-write-smf (score filename &optional programs)
+ (let ((file (open-binary filename :direction :output))
+ (seq (seq-create))
+ (chan 1))
+ (cond (file
+ (dolist (program programs)
+ ;; 6 = SEQ_PROGRAM
+ (seq-insert-ctrl seq 0 0 6 chan program)
+ ;(display "insert ctrl" seq 0 0 6 chan program)
+ (incf chan))
+ (dolist (event (cdr (score-must-have-begin-end score)))
+ (let ((time (event-time event))
+ (dur (event-dur event))
+ (chan (event-get-attr event :chan 0))
+ (pitch (event-get-attr event :pitch))
+ (program (event-get-attr event :program))
+ (vel (event-get-attr event :vel 100)))
+ (cond (program
+ ;(display "score-write-smf program" chan program)
+ (seq-insert-ctrl seq (round (* time 1000))
+ 0 6 (1+ chan)
+ (round program))))
+ (cond ((consp pitch)
+ (dolist (p pitch)
+ (seq-insert-note seq (round (* time 1000))
+ 0 (1+ chan) (round p)
+ (round (* dur 1000)) (round vel))))
+ (pitch
+ (seq-insert-note seq (round (* time 1000))
+ 0 (1+ chan) (round pitch)
+ (round (* dur 1000)) (round vel))))))
+ (seq-write-smf seq file)
+ (close file)))))
+;; make a default note function for scores
+(defun note (&key (pitch 60) (vel 100))
+ ;; load the piano if it is not loaded already
+ (if (not (boundp '*piano-srate*))
+ (abs-env (load "pianosyn")))
+ (piano-note-2 pitch vel))
+;; WORKSPACE functions have moved to envelopes.lsp
+;; DESCRIBE -- add a description to a global variable
+(defun describe (symbol &optional description)
+ (add-to-workspace symbol)
+ (cond (description
+ (putprop symbol description 'description))
+ (t
+ (get symbol 'description))))
+;; INTERPOLATE -- linear interpolation function
+;; compute y given x by interpolating between points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
+(defun interpolate (x x1 y1 x2 y2)
+ (cond ((= x1 x2) x1)
+ (t (+ y1 (* (- x x1) (/ (- y2 y1) (- x2 (float x1))))))))
+;; INTERSECTION -- set intersection
+;; compute the intersection of two lists
+(defun intersection (a b)
+ (let (result)
+ (dolist (elem a)
+ (if (member elem b) (push elem result)))
+ result))
+;; UNION -- set union
+;; compute the union of two lists
+(defun union (a b)
+ (let (result)
+ (dolist (elem a)
+ (if (not (member elem result)) (push elem result)))
+ (dolist (elem b)
+ (if (not (member elem result)) (push elem result)))
+ result))
+;; SET-DIFFERENCE -- set difference
+;; compute the set difference between two sets
+(defun set-difference (a b)
+ (remove-if (lambda (elem) (member elem b)) a))
+;; SUBSETP -- test is list is subset
+;; test if a is subset of b
+(defun subsetp (a b)
+ (let ((result t))
+ (dolist (elem a)
+ (cond ((not (member elem b))
+ (setf result nil)
+ (return nil))))
+ result))
+;; functions to support score editing in jNyqIDE
+(if (not (boundp '*default-score-file*))
+ (setf *default-score-file* "score.dat"))
+;; SCORE-EDIT -- save a score for editing by jNyqIDE
+;; file goes to a data file to be read by jNyqIDE
+;; Note that the parameter is a global variable name, not a score,
+;; but you do not quote the global variable name, e.g. call
+;; (score-edit my-score)
+(defmacro score-edit (score-name)
+ `(score-edit-symbol (quote ,score-name)))
+(defun score-edit-symbol (score-name)
+ (prog ((f (open *default-score-file* :direction :output))
+ score expr)
+ (cond ((symbolp score-name)
+ (setf score (eval score-name)))
+ (t
+ (error "score-edit expects a symbol naming the score to edit")))
+ (cond ((null f)
+ (format t "score-edit: error in output file ~A!~%" *default-score-file*)
+ (return nil)))
+ (format t "score-edit: writing ~A ...~%" *default-score-file*)
+ (format f "~A~%" score-name) ; put name on first line
+ (dolist (event score) ;cdr scor
+ (format f "~A " (event-time event)) ; print start time
+ (format f "~A " (event-dur event)) ; print duration
+ (setf expr (event-expression event))
+ ; print the pitch and the rest of the attributes
+ (format f "~A " (expr-get-attr expr :pitch))
+ (format f "~A~%" (expr-parameters-remove-attr expr :pitch)))
+ (close f)
+ (format t "score-edit: wrote ~A events~%" (length score))))
+;; Read in a data file stored in the score-edit format and save
+;; it to the global variable it came from
+(defun score-restore ()
+ (prog ((inf (open *default-score-file*))
+ name start dur pitch expr score)
+ (cond ((null inf)
+ (format t "score-restore: could not open ~A~%" *default-score-file*)
+ (return nil)))
+ (setf name (read inf)) ;; score name
+ (loop
+ (setf start (read inf))
+ (cond ((null start) (return)))
+ (setf dur (read inf))
+ (setf pitch (read inf))
+ (setf expr (read inf))
+ (cond (pitch
+ (setf expr (expr-set-attr expr :pitch pitch)))))
+ (close inf)
+ (setf (symbol-value name) score)))