path: root/sys
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys')
-rw-r--r--sys/win/wingui/nycon.icobin0 -> 766 bytes
-rw-r--r--sys/win/wingui/winmain.apsbin0 -> 3344 bytes
82 files changed, 12898 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacAE.c b/sys/mac/MacAE.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34b9224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacAE.c
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* Handle required apple events -EAD */
+#include <Files.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <AppleEvents.h>
+#include "macstuff.h"
+#include "MacCommandWin.h"
+#include "MacFileUtils.h"
+//#include "MiscellaneousUtilities.h"
+#define TEXTREC (*hTERec) // the command
+extern TEHandle hTERec; // window text record
+// Handle quit apple event
+pascal OSErr AEQuit (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, long Refcon)
+ osfinish();
+// Handle Open Document apple event by trying to load it.
+extern xlload (char *, int, int);
+extern xlabort(char *);
+pascal OSErr AEOpenFiles(AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply,
+ long Refcon)
+ AEDescList docList;
+ AEKeyword keywd;
+ DescType returnedType;
+ Size actualSize;
+ long itemsInList;
+ FSSpec theSpec;
+ CInfoPBRec pb;
+ Str255 name;
+ short i;
+ if (AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &docList) !=
+ noErr) return;
+ if (AECountItems (&docList, &itemsInList) != noErr) return;
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength);
+ for (i = 1; i <= itemsInList; i++) {
+ AEGetNthPtr (&docList, i, typeFSS, &keywd, &returnedType,
+ (Ptr) &theSpec, sizeof(theSpec), &actualSize);
+ GetFullPath(&theSpec, name);
+ P2CStr(name); // was: pstrterm(name);
+ if (xlload ((char *)name + 1, 1, 0) == 0) xlabort ("load error");
+ }
+ macputs ("> ");
+ PrepareForInput ();
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.c b/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3336aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.c
@@ -0,0 +1,764 @@
+// All command window updates, input, etc happen here -EAD
+#include <Controls.h>
+/* #include <ControlDefinitions.h> */
+#include <Events.h>
+#include <Fonts.h>
+#include <MacWindows.h>
+#include "MacGlobals.h"
+#include "macint.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define NIL ((void *) 0)
+// local variables
+ControlHandle vScroll;
+int cursorPos; /* the cursor's position on the line */
+short linesInView; /* how many lines are in the window */
+int cmdStart; /* where (in text record) the current command starts */
+TextStyle textStyle[2]; /* styles: bold for user input, plain for output */
+/* output is buffered */
+Handle hOutputBuffer = NULL;
+enum currentStyle { plainStyle, boldStyle } currentStyle;
+static void GoStartOfLine (void);
+static void GoEndOfLine (void);
+static void GoBackOneWord (void);
+static void GoForwardOneWord (void);
+// static void DoScrollBar (ControlHandle control, short change)
+/* keep track of the user as he fiddles with the scroll bar */
+/* This routine is called while the user has the mouse down. */
+/* It makes sure the thumb isn't dragged out-of-bounds. */
+static void DoScrollBar (ControlHandle control, short change) {
+ short value = GetControlValue (control), max = GetControlMaximum (control);
+ long newval = value + change; /* this is a long in case we try to go past MAX_INT */
+ if (newval < 0) newval = 0; else if (newval > max) newval = max;
+ SetControlValue (control, (short) newval);
+ if (newval != value) TEScroll (0, (short) (value - newval) * LINEHEIGHT, hTERec);
+// pascal Boolean ScrollClickLoop (void)
+pascal Boolean ScrollClickLoop (void) {
+ Rect tempRect;
+ Point mouse;
+ GrafPtr oldPort;
+ RgnHandle oldClip;
+ short amount = 0;
+ if (FrontWindow () != gCommandWin) return false;
+ GetPort (&oldPort);
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ GetClip (oldClip = NewRgn ());
+ SetRect (&tempRect, INT_MIN, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, INT_MAX);
+ ClipRect (&tempRect);
+ GetMouse (&mouse);
+ if (mouse.v < TEXTREC-> DoScrollBar (vScroll, -1);
+ else if (mouse.v > TEXTREC->viewRect.bottom) DoScrollBar (vScroll, 1);
+ SetClip (oldClip);
+ DisposeRgn (oldClip);
+ SetPort (oldPort);
+ return true;
+// static pascal void ScrollProc (ControlHandle control, short thePart)
+// for clicks in the scroll bar or arrows; update the window properly
+pascal void ScrollProc (ControlHandle control, short thePart) {
+ short amount;
+ WindowPtr window;
+ if (!thePart) return;
+ window = (*control)->contrlOwner;
+ switch (thePart) {
+ case kControlUpButtonPart: amount = -1; break;
+ case kControlDownButtonPart: amount = 1; break;
+ case kControlPageUpPart: amount = -linesInView; break;
+ case kControlPageDownPart: amount = linesInView; break;
+ }
+ DoScrollBar (control, amount);
+// Rect SetTERect (void)
+// set the dimensions of the text record in its window
+Rect SetTERect (void) {
+ Rect teRect = gCommandWin->portRect;
+ teRect.right -= SCROLLER_WIDTH;
+ InsetRect (&teRect, TEXT_MARGIN, TEXT_MARGIN);
+ linesInView = (teRect.bottom - / LINEHEIGHT;
+ teRect.bottom = + linesInView * LINEHEIGHT; /* round off */
+ return teRect;
+// static void AdjustCursor (EventRecord *theEvent)
+// make the pointer an I-beam iff it's in the text window
+void AdjustCursor (Point theLoc, RgnHandle theRgn)
+ RgnHandle arrowRgn, iBeamRgn, hiliteRgn, tempRgn;
+ Rect theRect;
+ Point thePoint;
+ if (gInBackground)
+ return;
+ arrowRgn = NewRgn();
+ SetRectRgn(arrowRgn, -32767, -32767, 32767, 32767);
+// GlobalToLocal ((theLoc); ???
+ if (gCommandWin == FrontWindow () ) {
+ SetPort(gCommandWin);
+ iBeamRgn = NewRgn();
+ hiliteRgn = NewRgn();
+ theRect = TEXTREC->viewRect;
+ LocalToGlobal((Point *)&(;
+ LocalToGlobal((Point *)&(theRect.bottom));
+ RectRgn(iBeamRgn, &theRect);
+ TEGetHiliteRgn(hiliteRgn, hTERec);
+ thePoint.h = thePoint.v = 0;
+ LocalToGlobal(&thePoint);
+ OffsetRgn(hiliteRgn, thePoint.h, thePoint.v);
+ DiffRgn(arrowRgn, hiliteRgn, arrowRgn);
+ DiffRgn(arrowRgn, iBeamRgn, arrowRgn);
+ DiffRgn(iBeamRgn, hiliteRgn, iBeamRgn);
+ if (PtInRgn(theLoc, iBeamRgn)) {
+ SetCursor(*GetCursor(iBeamCursor));
+ CopyRgn(iBeamRgn, theRgn);
+ } else if (PtInRgn(theLoc, hiliteRgn)) {
+ SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
+ CopyRgn(hiliteRgn, theRgn);
+ } else {
+ SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
+ CopyRgn(arrowRgn, theRgn);
+ }
+ DisposeRgn(iBeamRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(hiliteRgn);
+ } else {
+ SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
+ CopyRgn(arrowRgn, theRgn);
+ }
+ DisposeRgn(arrowRgn);
+// static void SetScrollRect (void)
+// Set Scroll bar rec size
+void SetScrollRect (void) {
+ /* set the dimensions of the scroll bar in its window */
+// This change fixes the double flash on window resize -EAD
+// MoveControl (vScroll, commandWin->portRect.right - SCROLLER_WIDTH, -1);
+// SizeControl (vScroll, SCROLLER_WIDTH + 1,
+// (commandWin->portRect.bottom - commandWin-> - (SCROLLER_WIDTH - 2));
+ (*vScroll)->contrlRect.left = gCommandWin->portRect.right - SCROLLER_WIDTH;
+ (*vScroll)-> = -1;
+ (*vScroll)->contrlRect.right = gCommandWin->portRect.right + 1;
+ (*vScroll)->contrlRect.bottom = gCommandWin->portRect.bottom - (SCROLLER_WIDTH - 1);
+// static void AdjustScrollBar (void)
+// Set the thumb on scrollbar
+static void AdjustScrollBar (void) {
+ /* adjust the scroll bar to match the position of the text view */
+ short oldval = GetControlValue (vScroll), oldmax = GetControlMaximum (vScroll);
+ short value, max;
+ short test;
+ max = TEXTREC->nLines - linesInView;
+ if ((TEXTREC->teLength > 0) && (*(*TEXTREC->hText + TEXTREC->teLength - 1) == '\r')) max++;
+ if (max < 0) max = 0;
+ if (max != oldmax) SetControlMaximum (vScroll, max);
+ value = (short)((TEXTREC-> - TEXTREC-> / LINEHEIGHT);
+// value = roundup ((TEXTREC-> - TEXTREC-> / LINEHEIGHT);
+ if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > max) value = max;
+ if (value != oldval) SetControlValue (vScroll, value);
+static short roundup (float x) { /* a kludge to round up a float to an int */
+ if (((int) x) != ((int) (x += 0.5))) x += 0.5;
+ return (int) x;
+// void DoKeyPress (EventRecord *theEvent)
+// Hanlde Keyboard Input
+void DoKeyPress (EventRecord *theEvent) {
+ short whatKey = theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
+ if (theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) {
+ long choice;
+ AdjustMenus ();
+ if (choice = MenuKey (theEvent->message)) DoMenu (choice);
+ else if (((whatKey == 'w') || (whatKey == 'W')) && (FrontWindow () == gGraphicsWin))
+ HideGrafWin ();
+ else if (whatKey == LEFTARROW) GoStartOfLine ();
+ else if (whatKey == RIGHTARROW) GoEndOfLine ();
+ else if (whatKey == UPARROW) DoScrollBar (vScroll, - linesInView);
+ else if (whatKey == DOWNARROW) DoScrollBar (vScroll, linesInView);
+ }
+ else if (theEvent->modifiers & optionKey) {
+ if (whatKey == LEFTARROW) GoBackOneWord ();
+ else if (whatKey == RIGHTARROW) GoForwardOneWord ();
+ }
+ else switch (whatKey) {
+ case PAGEUP: DoScrollBar (vScroll, -linesInView); break;
+ case PAGEDN: DoScrollBar (vScroll, linesInView); break;
+ case HOMEKEY: DoScrollBar (vScroll, INT_MIN); break;
+ case ENDKEY: DoScrollBar (vScroll, INT_MAX); break;
+ case FNKEY: break;
+ case HELPKEY: break;
+ default: recentChar = theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
+ }
+// static void DrawOnlyGrowIcon (WindowPtr window)
+// draw growbox on command window with no scoll bars
+static void DrawOnlyGrowIcon (WindowPtr window)
+ RgnHandle saveRgn;
+ Rect growRect;
+ growRect = window->portRect;
+ = growRect.bottom - SCROLLER_WIDTH;
+ growRect.left = growRect.right - SCROLLER_WIDTH;
+ GetClip (saveRgn = NewRgn ());
+ ClipRect (&growRect);
+ DrawGrowIcon (window);
+ SetClip (saveRgn);
+ DisposeRgn (saveRgn);
+// void SetSelection (short start, short end)
+// set text selection in the command window
+void SetSelection (short start, short end) {
+ TEXTREC->clikStuff = 255; /* to make sure the caret appears at the start of a line when it should */
+ /* see tech note "TextEdit EOL Ambiguity" for more information */
+ TESetSelect (start, end, hTERec);
+// static void CancelFlash (void)
+// cancel the matching-paren flashing
+static void CancelFlash (void) {
+ if (flashTime) {
+ flashTime = 0;
+ SetSelection (cursorBeforeFlash, cursorBeforeFlash);
+ }
+// static void StopPasting (void)
+// clean up after finishing a paste
+void StopPasting (void) {
+ pastedLength = 0;
+ if (pastedTextH) {
+ DisposeHandle (pastedTextH);
+ pastedTextH = NULL;
+ }
+// static void DoStyle (int whatStyle)
+// set the text to a certain style
+static void DoStyle (int whatStyle) {
+ TESetStyle (doFace, &(textStyle[whatStyle]), false, hTERec);
+// static void FlushOutput (void)
+// clear out the output buffer, dumping its contents to the window
+void FlushOutput (void) {
+ short totalLines, scrollAmount, max;
+ if (outputBufferLength == 0) return;
+ CancelFlash ();
+ DoStyle (plainStyle);
+ HLock (hOutputBuffer);
+ TEInsert (*hOutputBuffer, outputBufferLength, hTERec);
+ HUnlock (hOutputBuffer);
+ outputBufferLength = 0;
+ /* make sure TE record isn't too long */
+ /* I replaced this because Nyquist was crashing after the
+ buffer got filled. The replacement below is simpler and
+ eliminates the crashes, although it probably could cause
+ problems by clearing the selection.
+ */
+ int i = 1, newLength;
+ TEPtr textPtr;
+ while ((TEXTREC->teLength - TEXTREC->lineStarts[i]) >
+ i = TEXTREC->lineStarts[i];
+ newLength = TEXTREC->teLength - i;
+ textPtr = (TEPtr)(*(TEXTREC->hText));
+ BlockMoveData ((Ptr)((long)textPtr + i), textPtr, newLength);
+ SetHandleSize (TEXTREC->hText, newLength);
+ TECalText (hTERec);
+ TEUpdate (&(TEXTREC->viewRect), hTERec);
+ /* find the line start after DELETE_BLOCK */
+ int i = 1;
+ while (TEXTREC->lineStarts[i] < DELETE_BLOCK) i++;
+ TESetSelect(0, TEXTREC->lineStarts[i], hTERec);
+ TEDelete(hTERec);
+ /* after deletion, put cursor back at end of buffer */
+ TESetSelect(TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength, hTERec);
+ }
+ TESelView (hTERec);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+// void PrepareForInput (void)
+// get ready to take input
+void PrepareForInput (void) {
+ FlushOutput ();
+ cmdStart = TEXTREC->selStart;
+// static void DeleteRange (void)
+// delete the selected range of text, updating cmdStart as necessary
+void DeleteRange (void) {
+ if (TEXTREC->selEnd <= cmdStart) return;
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart < cmdStart) SetSelection (cmdStart, TEXTREC->selEnd);
+ TEDelete (hTERec);
+// static void CopyThisLineToEnd (void)
+// copy the line the caret is on to the end
+static void CopyThisLineToEnd (void) {
+ char *buffer;
+ short b, i, caretOffset;
+ /* first find out exactly where it starts */
+ i = TEXTREC->nLines-1; /* first find which line */
+ while (TEXTREC->selStart < TEXTREC->lineStarts[i]) i--;
+ while ((i > 0) && ((*(TEXTREC->hText))[TEXTREC->lineStarts[i]-1] != '\r'))
+ i--; /* for wrapped lines */
+ i = TEXTREC->lineStarts[i]; /* now zero in on the exact character where it begins */
+ while ((TEXTCHAR(i) >= '0') && (TEXTCHAR(i) <= '9')) i++; /* skip error level */
+ if ((TEXTCHAR(i) == '>') && (TEXTCHAR(i+1) == ' ')) i+=2; /* get rid of leading prompt */
+ caretOffset = TEXTREC->selStart - i; /* how many characters in is the caret? */
+ /* now put the line into the buffer */
+ b = 0;
+ while ((TEXTCHAR(i+b) != '\r') && (i+b < TEXTREC->teLength)) b++; /* find the end of the line */
+ buffer = (char *) NewPtr (b);
+ BlockMoveData (*TEXTREC->hText + i, buffer, b);
+ buffer[b] = '\0';
+ /* delete whatever's already on the last line */
+ SetSelection (cmdStart, TEXTREC->teLength);
+ TEDelete (hTERec);
+ DoStyle (boldStyle);
+ TEInsert (buffer, b, hTERec);
+ DisposePtr (buffer);
+ if (caretOffset < 0) caretOffset = b;
+ SetSelection (cmdStart + caretOffset, cmdStart + caretOffset);
+// Next four functions possition cursor in text
+static void GoStartOfLine (void) {
+ short whichLine = TEXTREC->nLines - 1; /* look for the caret; start at the end and go up */
+ while (TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine] > TEXTREC->selStart) whichLine--;
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine], TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine]);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+static void GoEndOfLine (void) {
+ short whichLine = TEXTREC->nLines - 1; /* look for the caret; start at the end and go up */
+ while (TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine] > TEXTREC->selStart) whichLine--;
+ if (whichLine == TEXTREC->nLines - 1)
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength);
+ else SetSelection (TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine+1] - 1, TEXTREC->lineStarts[whichLine+1] - 1);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+static void GoBackOneWord (void) {
+ short i = TEXTREC->selStart;
+ while ((i > 0) && !isalnum (TEXTCHAR(i-1))) i--;
+ while ((i > 0) && isalnum (TEXTCHAR(i-1))) i--;
+ SetSelection (i, i);
+static void GoForwardOneWord (void) {
+ short i = TEXTREC->selStart;
+ while ((i < TEXTREC->teLength) && !isalnum (TEXTCHAR(i))) i++;
+ while ((i < TEXTREC->teLength) && isalnum (TEXTCHAR(i))) i++;
+ SetSelection (i, i);
+// static void EditFreely (void)
+// Enter text into the command windows
+static void EditFreely (void) {
+ Boolean done;
+ do {
+ done = false;
+ DoEvent ();
+ if (pastedLength > 0) { /* if there is still text to paste, paste it */
+ int i = 0;
+ CancelFlash ();
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart < cmdStart) StopPasting ();
+ else {
+ while ((i < pastedLength) && (((char *)(*pastedTextH))[i] != '\r')) i++;
+ DoStyle (boldStyle);
+ TEInsert (*pastedTextH, i, hTERec);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+ if (i < pastedLength) { /* we were stopped by a carriage return, so eat it */
+ i++;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ pastedLength -= i;
+ if (pastedLength > 0) {
+ BlockMoveData ((Ptr)((long)(*pastedTextH) + i), *pastedTextH, pastedLength);
+ SetHandleSize (pastedTextH, pastedLength);
+ } else StopPasting ();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (recentChar) { /* if the last event got us a character, process it */
+ int i;
+ Boolean wasOnLastLine;
+ CancelFlash ();
+ if ((TEXTREC->selEnd <= cmdStart) && (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->selEnd)) continue;
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart < cmdStart) SetSelection (cmdStart, TEXTREC->selEnd);
+ wasOnLastLine = (TEXTREC->selStart >= cmdStart);
+ if ((recentChar & 0xfc) == 0x1c) { /* was this an arrow key? */
+ TEXTREC->clikStuff = 255; /* to make sure the caret appears where it should */
+ TEKey (recentChar, hTERec);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!wasOnLastLine) CopyThisLineToEnd ();
+ switch (recentChar) {
+ case FWDDEL:
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->selEnd) DeleteRange ();
+ else if ((TEXTREC->selStart >= cmdStart) && (TEXTREC->selStart < TEXTREC->teLength)) {
+ TEDeactivate (hTERec);
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->selStart, TEXTREC->selStart + 1);
+ TEDelete (hTERec);
+ if (FrontWindow () == gCommandWin) TEActivate (hTERec);
+ }
+ break;
+ case CLRKEY:
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->selEnd) DeleteRange ();
+ break;
+ case DELETE:
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->selEnd) DeleteRange ();
+ else if (TEXTREC->selStart > cmdStart) {
+ TEXTREC->clikStuff = 255; /* to make sure the caret appears where it should */
+ TEKey (DELETE, hTERec);
+ }
+ break;
+ case RETURN:
+ if (wasOnLastLine) done = true;
+ break;
+ case ENTER: /* ENTER ends command no matter what */
+ done = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ DoStyle (boldStyle);
+ TEXTREC->clikStuff = 255; /* to make sure the caret appears where it should */
+ TEKey (recentChar, hTERec);
+ if ((recentChar == ')') && (TEXTREC->selStart > cmdStart)) {
+ short parenCount = -1;
+ Boolean inQuotes = false;
+ i = TEXTREC->selStart - 1;
+ while ((--i >= cmdStart) && (parenCount != 0))
+ switch ((*TEXTREC->hText)[i]) {
+ case DBLQUOTE: inQuotes = !inQuotes; break;
+ case '(': if (!inQuotes) parenCount++; break;
+ case ')': if (!inQuotes) parenCount--; break;
+ }
+ if (parenCount == 0) {
+ cursorBeforeFlash = TEXTREC->selStart;
+ SetSelection (i+1, i+2); /* flash the matching open-paren */
+ flashTime = 10;
+ }
+ } else if ((recentChar == DBLQUOTE) && (TEXTREC->selStart > cmdStart)) {
+ i = TEXTREC->selStart - 1;
+ while ((--i >= cmdStart) && ((*TEXTREC->hText)[i] != DBLQUOTE)) ;
+ if ((*TEXTREC->hText)[i] == DBLQUOTE) {
+ cursorBeforeFlash = TEXTREC->selStart;
+ SetSelection (i, i+1); /* flash the matching double-quote */
+ flashTime = 10;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+ }
+ } while (!done);
+char *macgets (void) {
+ /* retrieve a typed character */
+ /* Note that this uses some extensive (and clever, if I may say so myself) buffering. */
+ int i, b, bufSize;
+ char *ptr, *buffer;
+ Boolean done, onLastLine;
+ PrepareForInput ();
+ do { /* repeat until a full expression has been typed */
+ EditFreely (); /* allow free editing for a while */
+ /* Now, we have a complete command to parse, if and only if: */
+ /* - the cursor was on the last line when the user pressed Return or Enter, and */
+ /* - the user either pressed Enter, or else every '(' since the beginning */
+ /* of the command is matched by a ')'. */
+ /* Quoting is watched for. ( ") is not a complete expression. */
+ done = true;
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->teLength) /* if we're not at the end already */
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength); /* send cursor to end */
+ TEXTREC->clikStuff = 255; /* to make sure the caret appears where it should */
+ TEKey ('\r', hTERec);
+ /* check and see if we've completed the command yet */
+ if (recentChar != ENTER) {
+ Boolean inQuotes = false;
+ short parenCount = 0;
+ for (i = cmdStart; i < TEXTREC->teLength; i++)
+ switch ((*TEXTREC->hText)[i]) {
+ case DBLQUOTE: inQuotes = !inQuotes; break;
+ case '(': if (!inQuotes) parenCount++; break;
+ case ')': if (!inQuotes) parenCount--; break;
+ }
+ if ((parenCount > 0) || inQuotes) done = false;
+ }
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+ } while (!done);
+ /* put the entire command into the buffer, and return it */
+ bufSize = TEXTREC->teLength - cmdStart;
+ buffer = (char *) NewPtr (bufSize + 1);
+ BlockMoveData (*TEXTREC->hText + cmdStart, buffer, bufSize);
+ buffer[bufSize] = '\0';
+ return buffer;
+void macputc (int ch) {
+ /* put a char into the output buffer, and flush the buffer if necessary */
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '\t':
+ do { macputc (' '); } while (cursorPos & 7);
+ break;
+ case DELETE:
+ if (cursorPos) cursorPos--; /* and fall through to default */
+ default:
+ if (outputBufferLength == MAX_BUF) FlushOutput ();
+ if (ch == '\n') {
+ cursorPos = 0;
+ (*hOutputBuffer)[outputBufferLength++] = '\r';
+ } else {
+ cursorPos++;
+ (*hOutputBuffer)[outputBufferLength++] = ch;
+ }
+ }
+void macputs (char *s) {
+ /* for completeness */
+ while (*s) macputc (*s++);
+void scrflush (void) {
+ extern void osflush (void);
+ /* clear out everything */
+ FlushOutput ();
+ osflush ();
+void scrclear (void) {
+ /* clear text window -- not implemented */
+// static void UpdateCmdWindow (void)
+// main command window update procedure
+void UpdateCmdWindow (void) {
+ long textBottom;
+ Rect tempRect;
+ InvalRect (&(gCommandWin->portRect));
+ BeginUpdate (gCommandWin);
+ BlockMoveData(&(gCommandWin->portRect), &tempRect, sizeof(Rect));
+ tempRect.right -= SCROLLER_WIDTH;
+ EraseRect (&tempRect);
+ if (gCommandWinResized) {
+ TEXTREC->viewRect = SetTERect ();
+ TEXTREC->destRect.right = TEXTREC->viewRect.right;
+ TECalText (hTERec);
+ SetScrollRect ();
+ gCommandWinResized = false;
+ }
+ DrawOnlyGrowIcon (gCommandWin);
+ FlushOutput ();
+ TEXTREC->viewRect = SetTERect (); /* adjust for possible change in height of status line */
+ textBottom = TEXTREC-> + (TEXTREC->nLines * LINEHEIGHT);
+ TEScroll (0, (TEXTREC-> - TEXTREC->, hTERec);
+ if (TEXTREC-> < TEXTREC-> { /* make sure we don't get fractions of lineheights */
+ int amountOffTheTop = TEXTREC-> - TEXTREC->;
+ if (amountOffTheTop % LINEHEIGHT) TEScroll (0, amountOffTheTop % LINEHEIGHT, hTERec);
+ }
+ TEUpdate (&(TEXTREC->viewRect), hTERec);
+ AdjustScrollBar ();
+ UpdateControls (gCommandWin, gCommandWin->visRgn);
+ EndUpdate (gCommandWin);
+void ActivateCmdWindow(void)
+ TEActivate (hTERec);
+ HiliteControl (vScroll, 0);
+ DrawOnlyGrowIcon (gCommandWin);
+void DeactivateCmdWindow(void)
+ TEDeactivate (hTERec);
+ HiliteControl (vScroll, 255);
+ DrawOnlyGrowIcon (gCommandWin);
+void InitalizeCmdWindow(void)
+ /* setup the font, size and writing mode for the command window */
+ TextFont (kFontIDMonaco);
+ TextSize (9);
+ TextFace (0);
+ TextMode (srcCopy);
+ textStyle[plainStyle].tsFace = 0;
+ textStyle[boldStyle].tsFace = bold;
+ currentStyle = plainStyle;
+ { /* set up scroll bar */
+ Rect scrollRect;
+ vScroll = NewControl (gCommandWin, &scrollRect, "\p", 0, 0, 0, 0, scrollBarProc, 0L);
+ SetScrollRect ();
+ ShowControl (vScroll);
+ }
+ { /* set up command text record */
+ Rect teRect = SetTERect ();
+ hTERec = (TEHandle)TEStyleNew (&teRect, &teRect);
+ TECalText (hTERec);
+ TEAutoView (true, hTERec);
+ TESetClickLoop (uppScrollClickLoop, hTERec);
+ TEActivate (hTERec);
+ }
+ hOutputBuffer = NewHandle (MAX_BUF); /* a handle to a buffer for text to be displayed */
+void CleanupCmdWindow(void)
+ StopPasting ();
+ CloseWindow (gCommandWin);
+ TEDispose (hTERec);
+ DisposeHandle (hOutputBuffer);
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.h b/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20b7775
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacCommandWin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* MacCommandWin.h -- headers for more mac stuff */
+void SetSelection (short start, short end);
+void macputc(int ch);
+void macputs(char *s);
+void PrepareForInput(void);
+void InitalizeCmdWindow(void);
+void UpdateCmdWindow(void);
+void StopPasting(void);
+void DeleteRange(void);
+void scrflush(void);
+void SetScrollRect(void);
+void AdjustCursor(Point theLoc, RgnHandle theRgn);
+void DoKeyPress(EventRecord *theEvent);
+void ActivateCmdWindow(void);
+void DeactivateCmdWindow(void);
+void CleanupCmdWindow(void);
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacDrag.h b/sys/mac/MacDrag.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15a48ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacDrag.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* MacDrag.h -- drag text */
+Boolean DragText(EventRecord *ev);
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.c b/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dae8ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+// Routines that deal with some mac file system stuff -EAD
+#include <Files.h>
+#include <TextUtils.h>
+#include <string.h>
+//#include "MiscellaneousUtilities.h"
+// Function prototypes
+void set_mac_file_type(char *filename);
+void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName);
+void PathNameFromDirID(long dirID, short vRefNum, StringPtr fullPathName);
+// Set the output soundfile type and creator
+void set_mac_file_type(char *filename)
+ Str255 fName;
+ FSSpec fSpec;
+ FInfo fFInfo;
+ fFInfo.fdType = 'AIFF';
+ fFInfo.fdCreator = 'Sd2a';
+ BlockMoveData(filename, &fName[1], 256);
+ fName[0] = strlen(filename);
+ FSMakeFSSpec(0, 0, fName, &fSpec);
+ FSpSetFInfo(&fSpec, &fFInfo);
+// void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName)
+// Extracts the full pathname for the file pointed to by theSpec and returns it in theName.
+void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName)
+ *theName = 0;
+ if (theSpec->parID != 1) PathNameFromDirID(theSpec->parID, theSpec->vRefNum, theName);
+ // was: pstrcat(theName, theSpec->name);
+ strcat(P2CStr(theName), P2CStr(theSpec->name));
+ C2PStr((char *) theName);
+ C2PStr((char *) theSpec->name);
+ //pstrcat(theName, "\p:");
+ theName[*theName + 1] = 0;
+// void PathNameFromDirID(long dirID, short vRefNum, StringPtr fullPathName)
+// Given a vRefNum and a directory ID, creates a full path specification.
+void PathNameFromDirID(long dirID, short vRefNum, StringPtr fullPathName)
+ Str255 directoryName;
+ DirInfo block;
+ OSErr err;
+ fullPathName[0] = 0;
+ block.ioDrDirID = block.ioDrParID = dirID;
+ block.ioNamePtr = directoryName;
+ do {
+ block.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
+ block.ioFDirIndex = -1;
+ block.ioDrDirID = block.ioDrParID;
+ err = PBGetCatInfo((CInfoPBPtr)&block, false);
+ //pstrcat(directoryName, (StringPtr)"\p:");
+ //pstrinsert(fullPathName, directoryName);
+ strcat(P2CStr(directoryName), ":");
+ strcat((char *) directoryName, (char *) fullPathName);
+ strcpy((char *)fullPathName, (char *) directoryName);
+ } while (block.ioDrDirID != 2);
+ C2PStr((char *) fullPathName);
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.h b/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..581ff07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacFileUtils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* MacFileUtils.h -- more mac stuff */
+void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName);
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacGlobals.h b/sys/mac/MacGlobals.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0c8573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacGlobals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Window pointers
+extern WindowPtr gCommandWin, gGraphicsWin;
+extern Boolean gCommandWinResized;
+// Menu Handles
+extern MenuHandle appleMenu, fileMenu, editMenu, controlMenu;
+// The command window text handle
+extern TEHandle hTERec;
+#define TEXTREC (*hTERec)
+#define TEXTCHAR(i) ((*(TEXTREC->hText))[i])
+// more comand window text stuff
+extern CharsHandle pastedTextH; /* a handle to pasted text */
+extern int pastedLength; /* how many chars there are in the paste buffer */
+extern int outputBufferLength;
+extern Rect dragRect, sizeRect;
+extern int flashTime, cursorBeforeFlash;
+extern char recentChar; /* the last character typed */
+// Allocate space for UPPs
+extern ControlActionUPP uppScrollProc;
+extern TEClickLoopUPP uppScrollClickLoop;
+extern Boolean gInBackground;
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.c b/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6516c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include <MacTypes.h>
+#include <Quickdraw.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <Controls.h>
+#include <ToolUtils.h>
+#include "macint.h"
+extern WindowPtr gCommandWin, gGraphicsWin;
+extern Boolean gCommandWinResized;
+extern Rect dragRect, sizeRect;
+// Hanlde Mouse Down Events
+void DoMouseDown (EventRecord *theEvent) {
+ WindowPtr whichWindow;
+ short int thePart = FindWindow (theEvent->where, &whichWindow);
+ switch (thePart) {
+ case inSysWindow:
+ SystemClick (theEvent, whichWindow);
+ break;
+ case inDrag:
+ DragWindow (whichWindow, theEvent->where, &dragRect);
+ break;
+ case inMenuBar: {
+ long choice;
+ AdjustMenus ();
+ choice = MenuSelect (theEvent->where);
+ if (choice) DoMenu (choice);
+ break;
+ }
+ case inGoAway:
+ if ((whichWindow == gGraphicsWin)
+ && (TrackGoAway (whichWindow, theEvent->where)))
+ HideGrafWin ();
+ break;
+ case inContent:
+ if ((FrontWindow () == gCommandWin) && (whichWindow == gCommandWin))
+ DoContent (theEvent);
+ else SelectWindow (whichWindow);
+ break;
+ case inGrow:
+ case inZoomIn:
+ case inZoomOut: {
+ long newSize;
+ GrafPtr oldPort;
+ if (thePart == inGrow) newSize = GrowWindow (whichWindow, theEvent->where, &sizeRect);
+ if (((thePart == inGrow) && newSize)
+ || ((thePart != inGrow) && TrackBox (whichWindow, theEvent->where, thePart))) {
+ GetPort (&oldPort);
+ SetPort (whichWindow);
+ EraseRect (&whichWindow->portRect);
+ if (thePart == inGrow) SizeWindow (whichWindow, LoWord (newSize), HiWord (newSize), -1);
+ else ZoomWindow (whichWindow, thePart, 0);
+ gCommandWinResized = true;
+ InvalRect (&whichWindow->portRect);
+ SetPort (oldPort);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.h b/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73eff48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/MacHandleEv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* MacHandelEv.h -- event handlers */
+void DoMouseDown(EventRecord *theEvent);
diff --git a/sys/mac/README.txt b/sys/mac/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf634d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+README.txt -- information on Nyquist for Mac OS X
+The simplest way to install and run Nyquist is to get the pre-compiled
+NyquistIDE application, which includes executables, documentation, and
+libraries all in one package.
+You will probably run Nyquist using the NyquistIDE application, but
+you can also run nyquist from the command line. The executable is
+located in
+To run from the command line, you will need to set the XLISPPATH
+environment variable using this command line (if you use the C shell,
+e.g. csh):
+ setenv XLISPPATH `pwd`/runtime:`pwd`/lib
+If you use the bash shell, use:
+ export XLISPPATH=`pwd`/runtime:`pwd`/lib
+Note that this sets XLISPPATH in the environment of the current
+command line shell. If you exit the shell or switch to another shell,
+the XLISPPATH variable will not be set. Your shell reads an
+initialization file when it starts. You can add the XLISPPATH
+initialization command to this file if you want the variable to be set
+automatically in every instance of your command line shell.
+On the topic of the XLISPPATH, note that this variable is set by
+NyquistIDE when running with that application, overriding any other
+value. You can extend the search path by creating the file xlisppath
+in the same directory as the nyquist executable ny. The xlisppath file
+should have colon-separated paths on a single line of text.
+You can also build Nyquist from sources, as described below.
+How To Build Nyquist on Mac OS X
+You need to install Xcode, Apple's free software development system
+for OS X.
+The project file is in nyquist/macosxproject/nyquist.xcodeproj
+To build Nyquist or NyquistIDE:
+ - Open nyquist.xcodeproj in Xcode
+ - Set the active target to "Nyquist" or "NyquistIDE"
+ - Click on "build active target"
+ - ny or NyquistIDE will be produced in MacOSXProject/build/
diff --git a/sys/mac/macaboutbox.c b/sys/mac/macaboutbox.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8acdbf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macaboutbox.c
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+/* macaboutbox.c - Display the "about box" of the application. */
+/* Written by Brian Kendig. */
+/* The functions here are only used by macint.c. */
+//#include <THINK.h>
+#include <Dialogs.h>
+#include <Fonts.h>
+#include <Menus.h>
+#include <Quickdraw.h>
+#include <Resources.h>
+#include <ToolUtils.h>
+#include <Traps.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include "macint.h"
+#define NIL ((void *) 0)
+static DialogPtr aboutBox;
+extern Boolean hasColorQD;
+static enum {
+ theOKButton = 1,
+ theOKOutline = 2,
+ theIcon = 3,
+ theName = 4,
+ theAboutText = 5,
+ theCopyright = 6
+} ;
+pascal void DrawOKOutline (WindowPtr dialogWindow, short theItem) {
+ PenState oldPen;
+ short iType;
+ Handle iHandle;
+ Rect iRect;
+ GetPenState (&oldPen);
+ PenNormal ();
+ PenSize (3,3);
+ GetDialogItem (aboutBox, theOKButton, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
+ InsetRect (&iRect, -4, -4);
+ FrameRoundRect (&iRect, 16, 16);
+ SetPenState (&oldPen);
+pascal void DrawIcon (WindowPtr dialogWindow, short theItem) {
+ short iType;
+ Handle iHandle;
+ Rect iRect;
+ GetDialogItem (aboutBox, theIcon, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
+ PlotIcon (&iRect, GetResource ('ICN#', 128));
+pascal void DrawName (WindowPtr dialogWindow, short theItem) {
+ short iType;
+ Handle iHandle;
+ Rect iRect;
+ Str255 string;
+ TextFont (kFontIDHelvetica);
+ TextSize (24);
+ TextFace (0);
+ GetDialogItem (aboutBox, theName, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
+ GetIndString (string, STRINGS_RES, 1);
+ TETextBox (string+1, string[0], &iRect, teFlushLeft);
+pascal void DrawAboutText (WindowPtr dialogWindow, short theItem) {
+ short iType;
+ Handle iHandle;
+ Rect iRect;
+ Str255 string;
+ TextFont (kFontIDMonaco);
+ TextSize (9);
+ TextFace (0);
+ GetDialogItem (aboutBox, theAboutText, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
+ GetIndString (string, STRINGS_RES, 2);
+ TETextBox (string+1, string[0], &iRect, teFlushLeft);
+pascal void DrawCopyright (WindowPtr dialogWindow, short theItem) {
+ short iType;
+ Handle iHandle;
+ Rect iRect;
+ Str255 string;
+ TextFont (systemFont);
+ TextSize (12);
+ TextFace (0);
+ GetDialogItem (aboutBox, theCopyright, &iType, &iHandle, &iRect);
+ GetIndString (string, STRINGS_RES, 3);
+ TETextBox (string+1, string[0], &iRect, teFlushLeft);
+void DoAboutBox (void) {
+ short itemType, itemHit = 0;
+ Handle itemHandle;
+ Rect aboutRect;
+ short width, hight;
+ PicHandle aboutPict;
+ aboutPict = GetPicture(ABOUT_PICT);
+ aboutRect = (*aboutPict)->picFrame;
+ width = aboutRect.right - aboutRect.left;
+ hight = aboutRect.bottom -;
+ aboutBox = GetNewDialog (ABOUT_BOX, NIL, (WindowPtr) -1);
+ SizeWindow(aboutBox, width, hight, false);
+ ShowWindow (aboutBox);
+ SetPort(aboutBox);
+ DrawPicture(aboutPict, &(*aboutPict)->picFrame);
+ //itemHit = 0;
+ //while (itemHit != ok) ModalDialog (NIL, &itemHit);
+ while (!Button());
+ DisposeDialog (aboutBox);
+ FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); // dmazzoni
diff --git a/sys/mac/macaboutbox.h b/sys/mac/macaboutbox.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76f699a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macaboutbox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/* macaboutbox.h -- header for about box implementation */
+void DoAboutBox(void);
diff --git a/sys/mac/macdrag.c b/sys/mac/macdrag.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..559a278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macdrag.c
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include <Drag.h>
+#include <Errors.h>
+#include <TextEdit.h>
+#include <QuickDraw.h>
+extern TEHandle hTERec;
+// Handle drag from newswatcher -EAD
+ DragText
+ Drag selected text.
+ Entry: ev = pointer to mouse down event record.
+ where = location of mouse down event in local coords.
+ theTE = handle to TextEdit record.
+ Exit: function result = error code.
+ *dragged =
+ true if text was dragged.
+ false if mouse down was not over text selection, or
+ user did not move the mouse before releasing the
+ mouse button.
+ *trashed = true if text was dragged to trash.
+extern RgnHandle rgn;
+//extern EventRecord theEvent;
+Boolean DragText (EventRecord *ev)
+ DragReference dragRef;
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ Boolean haveDragRef = false;
+ Handle hText;
+ RgnHandle dragRgn, tempRgn;
+ short selStart, selEnd;
+ char state;
+ Point theLoc;
+ GrafPtr curPort;
+// if (!PtInTEHiliteRgn(where, hTERec)) return noErr;
+ if (!WaitMouseMoved(ev->where)) return noErr;
+ GetPort(&curPort);
+ CopyRgn(rgn, dragRgn = NewRgn());
+ SetPt(&theLoc, 0, 0);
+ LocalToGlobal(&theLoc);
+ OffsetRgn(dragRgn, theLoc.h, theLoc.v);
+ hText = (**hTERec).hText;
+ selStart = (**hTERec).selStart;
+ selEnd = (**hTERec).selEnd;
+ err = NewDrag(&dragRef);
+ if (err != noErr) goto exit;
+ haveDragRef = true;
+ state = HGetState(hText);
+ HLock(hText);
+ err = AddDragItemFlavor(dragRef, 1, 'TEXT', *hText + selStart, selEnd - selStart, 0);
+ HSetState(hText, state);
+ if (err != noErr) goto exit;
+// dragRgn = NewRgn();
+// err = TEGetHiliteRgn(dragRgn, hTERec);
+// if (err != noErr) goto exit;
+// LocalToGlobalRgn(dragRgn);
+// OutlineRegion(dragRgn);
+ SetDragItemBounds(dragRef, 1, &(**dragRgn).rgnBBox);
+ tempRgn = NewRgn();
+ CopyRgn(dragRgn, tempRgn);
+ InsetRgn(tempRgn, 1, 1);
+ DiffRgn(dragRgn, tempRgn, dragRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(tempRgn);
+ err = TrackDrag(dragRef, ev, dragRgn);
+ if (err != noErr && err != userCanceledErr) goto exit;
+ //*trashed = DragTargetWasTrash(dragRef);
+// DisposeRgn(dragRgn);
+ DisposeDrag(dragRef);
+ return true;
+ if (haveDragRef) DisposeDrag(dragRef);
+// if (dragRgn != nil) DisposeRgn(dragRgn);
+ return false;
+ LocalToGlobalRgn
+ Convert a region from local to global coordinates.
+ Entry: rgn = handle to region.
+void LocalToGlobalRgn (RgnHandle rgn)
+ Point where;
+ SetPt(&where, 0, 0);
+ LocalToGlobal(&where);
+ OffsetRgn(rgn, where.h, where.v);
+ OutlineRegion
+ Change a region into a tracing of its border which is appropriate
+ for normal dragging.
+ Entry: theRgn = handle to region.
+ Exit: Region changed to outline of region.
+ From Apple "HFS Drag Sample" sample code.
+void OutlineRegion (RgnHandle theRgn)
+ RgnHandle tempRgn;
+ tempRgn = NewRgn();
+ CopyRgn(theRgn, tempRgn);
+ InsetRgn(tempRgn, 1, 1);
+ DiffRgn(theRgn, tempRgn, theRgn);
+ DisposeRgn(tempRgn);
+ PtInTEHiliteRgn
+ Determine whether or not a point is in the current TextEdit hilite
+ region.
+ Entry: where = point in local coords.
+ theTE = handle to TextEdit record.
+ Exit: function result = true if point is in the hilite region.
+Boolean PtInTEHiliteRgn (Point where, TEHandle theTE)
+ Boolean result = false;
+ RgnHandle rgn = nil;
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ //if (!HaveTEGetHiliteRgn()) return false;
+ rgn = NewRgn();
+ err = TEGetHiliteRgn(rgn, theTE);
+ if (err != noErr) goto exit;
+ result = PtInRgn(where, rgn);
+ if (rgn != nil) DisposeRgn(rgn);
+ return result;
diff --git a/sys/mac/macfun.c b/sys/mac/macfun.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e92461d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macfun.c
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+/* macfun.c - macintosh user interface functions for xlisp */
+/* Written by Brian Kendig. */
+#include <Quickdraw.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <Memory.h>
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "macint.h"
+/* externals */
+extern WindowPtr gCommandWin, gGraphicsWin;
+extern Boolean hasColorQD;
+extern unsigned long startupTicks;
+extern void ShowGrafWin (void);
+unsigned long ticks_per_second (void) { return 60; }
+unsigned long run_tick_count (void) { return ((unsigned long) TickCount ()) - startupTicks; }
+unsigned long real_tick_count (void) { return (unsigned long) TickCount (); }
+LVAL xrealtime (void) { return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE)real_tick_count()); } /* get-internal-real-time */
+LVAL xruntime (void) { return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE)run_tick_count()); } /* get-internal-run-time */
+LVAL xtime (void) { return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE)real_tick_count()); } /* time */
+/* get an integer parameter */
+LOCAL int getNumber () {
+ LVAL num = xlgafixnum ();
+ return ((int) getfixnum (num));
+/* handle commands that require integer arguments */
+LOCAL LVAL GrafCmd (char funct, int nArgs) {
+ short x, y, z;
+ if (nArgs > 0) x = getNumber ();
+ if (nArgs > 1) y = getNumber ();
+ if (nArgs > 2) z = getNumber ();
+ xllastarg ();
+ SetPort (gGraphicsWin);
+ switch (funct) {
+ case 'G': ShowGrafWin (); break;
+ case 'g': HideGrafWin (); break;
+ case 'x': EraseRect (&gGraphicsWin->portRect); break;
+ case 's': ShowPen (); break;
+ case 'h': HidePen (); break;
+ case 'd': PenMode (x); break;
+ case 'M': Move (x, y); break;
+ case 'm': MoveTo (x, y); break;
+ case 'L': Line (x, y); break;
+ case 'l': LineTo (x, y); break;
+ case 'S': PenSize (x, y); break;
+ case 'p': PenNormal (); break;
+ case 'c':
+ if (hasColorQD) {
+ RGBColor col; = x; = y; = z;
+ RGBForeColor (&col);
+ } break;
+ }
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ return NIL;
+LVAL xshowgraphics (void) { return GrafCmd ('G', 0); } /* show graphics win */
+LVAL xhidegraphics (void) { return GrafCmd ('g', 0); } /* hide graphics win */
+LVAL xcleargraphics (void) { return GrafCmd ('x', 0); } /* clear graphics win */
+LVAL xshowpen (void) { return GrafCmd ('s', 0); } /* show the pen */
+LVAL xhidepen (void) { return GrafCmd ('h', 0); } /* hide the pen */
+LVAL xpenmode (void) { return GrafCmd ('d', 1); } /* set the pen mode */
+LVAL xmove (void) { return GrafCmd ('M', 2); } /* move pen in a specified direction */
+LVAL xmoveto (void) { return GrafCmd ('m', 2); } /* move pen to a screen location */
+LVAL xdraw (void) { return GrafCmd ('L', 2); } /* draw a line in a specified direction */
+LVAL xdrawto (void) { return GrafCmd ('l', 2); } /* draw a line to a screen location */
+LVAL xpensize (void) { return GrafCmd ('S', 2); } /* set the pen size */
+LVAL xpennormal (void) { return GrafCmd ('p', 0); } /* set the pen to normal */
+LVAL xcolor (void) { return GrafCmd ('c', 3); } /* set RGB color of pen */
+LVAL xgetpen (void) { /* get the pen position */
+ LVAL val;
+ Point p;
+ xllastarg ();
+ SetPort ((GrafPtr)gGraphicsWin);
+ GetPen (&p);
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ xlsave1 (val);
+ val = consa (NIL);
+ rplaca (val,cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE)p.h));
+ rplacd (val,cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE)p.v));
+ xlpop ();
+ return val;
+LVAL xpenpat (void) { /* set the pen pattern */
+ LVAL plist;
+ Pattern pat;
+ int i;
+ plist = xlgalist ();
+ xllastarg ();
+ for (i = 0; i < 8 && consp (plist); ++i, plist = cdr (plist))
+// if (fixp (car (plist))) pat[i] = getfixnum (car (plist));
+ SetPort ((GrafPtr)gGraphicsWin);
+ PenPat (&pat);
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ return NIL;
+/* The functions below are not yet implemented. */
+LVAL xtool (void) { /* call the toolbox */
+ int trap = getNumber ();
+ LVAL val;
+/* asm {
+ move.l args(A6),D0
+ beq L2
+ L1: move.l D0,A0
+ move.l 2(A0),A1
+ move.w 4(A1),-(A7)
+ move.l 6(A0),D0
+ bne L1
+ L2: lea L3,A0
+ move.w trap(A6),(A0)
+ L3: dc.w 0xA000
+ clr.l val(A6)
+ }
+ return val; */
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) trap);
+LVAL xtool16 (void) { /* call the toolbox with a 16 bit result */
+ int trap = getNumber ();
+ int val;
+/* asm {
+ clr.w -(A7)
+ move.l args(A6), D0
+ beq L2
+ L1: move.l D0, A0
+ move.l 2(A0), A1
+ move.w 4(A1), -(A7)
+ move.l 6(A0), D0
+ bne L1
+ L2: lea L3, A0
+ move.w trap(A6), (A0)
+ L3: dc.w 0xA000
+ move.w (A7)+, val(A6)
+ }
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) val); */
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) trap);
+LVAL xtool32 (void) { /* call the toolbox with a 32 bit result */
+ int trap = getNumber ();
+ long val;
+/* asm {
+ clr.l -(A7)
+ move.l args(A6),D0
+ beq L2
+ L1: move.l D0,A0
+ move.l 2(A0),A1
+ move.w 4(A1),-(A7)
+ move.l 6(A0),D0
+ bne L1
+ L2: lea L3,A0
+ move.w trap(A6),(A0)
+ L3: dc.w 0xA000
+ move.l (A7)+,val(A6)
+ }
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) val); */
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) trap);
+LVAL xnewhandle (void) { /* allocate a new handle */
+ LVAL num = xlgafixnum ();
+ long size = getfixnum (num);
+ xllastarg ();
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) NewHandle (size));
+LVAL xnewptr (void) { /* allocate memory */
+ LVAL num = xlgafixnum ();
+ long size = getfixnum (num);
+ xllastarg ();
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) NewPtr (size));
+LVAL xhiword (void) { /* return the high order 16 bits of an integer */
+ unsigned int val = (unsigned int) (getNumber () >> 16);
+ xllastarg ();
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) val);
+LVAL xloword (void) { /* return the low order 16 bits of an integer */
+ unsigned int val = (unsigned int) getNumber ();
+ xllastarg ();
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) val);
+LVAL xrdnohang (void) { /* get the next character in the look-ahead buffer */
+ int ch = 0;
+ xllastarg ();
+/* if ((ch = scrnextc ()) == EOF) return NIL; */
+ return cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) ch);
+void ossymbols (void) { /* ossymbols - enter important symbols */
+ LVAL sym;
+ /* setup globals for the window handles */
+ sym = xlenter ("*COMMAND-WINDOW*");
+ setvalue (sym, cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) gCommandWin));
+ sym = xlenter ("*GRAPHICS-WINDOW*");
+ setvalue (sym, cvfixnum ((FIXTYPE) gGraphicsWin));
+void xoserror (char *msg) { /* do nothing */ }
+LVAL xsystem (V) { return NIL; }
+LVAL xgetkey (V) { return NIL; }
diff --git a/sys/mac/macint.c b/sys/mac/macint.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd76af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+/* macint.c - macintosh interface routines for xlisp 2.1e */
+/* Written by Brian Kendig. */
+/* The functions here are only called by macstuff.c. */
+#include <Events.h>
+#include <Gestalt.h>
+#include <Memory.h>
+#include <Menus.h>
+#include <Events.h>
+#include <Quickdraw.h>
+#include <StandardFile.h>
+#include <TextEdit.h>
+#include <ToolUtils.h>
+#include <Traps.h>
+#include <Windows.h>
+#include <Controls.h>
+/* #include <ControlDefinitions.h> */
+#include <SIOUX.h>
+#include <AppleEvents.h>
+#include "macint.h"
+/* #define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1 */
+#define NIL ((void *) 0)
+#include "MacCommandWin.h"
+#include "macaboutbox.h"
+#include "MacDrag.h"
+#include "MacHandleEv.h"
+#include "macstuff.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#define TEXTREC (*hTERec) /* the command window text record */
+#define TEXTCHAR(i) ((*(TEXTREC->hText))[i])
+// Struct for apple event handling
+typedef struct AEventList {
+ AEEventClass evclass;
+ AEEventID evid;
+ void *handler;
+ long refcon;
+} AEventList, *AEventListPtr;
+// Menu handles
+MenuHandle appleMenu, fileMenu, editMenu, controlMenu;
+/* command and graphics windows */
+WindowPtr gCommandWin, gGraphicsWin;
+WindowRecord commandWinRec, bwGraphicsWinRec;
+CWindowRecord colorGraphicsWinRec;
+Boolean gGraphicsShown, gCommandWinResized = false;
+// Screen size stuff
+Rect dragRect, sizeRect;
+int screenWidth, screenHeight; /* screen dimensions */
+int sHorizontal, sVertical, sWidth, sHeight; /* command win, split screen */
+int gHorizontal, gVertical, gWidth, gHeight; /* graphics win, split screen */
+// The Text handle
+TEHandle hTERec;
+/* output is buffered */
+//Handle hOutputBuffer = NULL;
+int outputBufferLength = 0;
+// Allocate space for UPPs
+ControlActionUPP uppScrollProc;
+TEClickLoopUPP uppScrollClickLoop;
+//AEEventHandlerUPP uppAEOpenFiles, uppAEQuit;
+// Text related globals
+CharsHandle pastedTextH = NULL; /* a handle to pasted text */
+int pastedLength = 0; /* how many chars there are in the paste buffer */
+int flashTime = 0, cursorBeforeFlash; /* for flashing cursor when parens match */
+char recentChar; /* the last character typed */
+RgnHandle gMouseRgn; // holds current mouse regin
+/* miscellaneous stuff */
+Boolean gInBackground; /* are we in background or not */
+int wneImplemented;
+unsigned long startupTicks;
+Boolean hasColorQD;
+short howManyFiles = 0, whichFile = 0; /* keep track of files opened from Finder */
+// Prototypes
+static pascal OSErr AEQuit (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, long Refcon);
+static pascal OSErr AEOpenFiles (AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *theReply, long Refcon);
+pascal Boolean ScrollClickLoop (void);
+pascal void ScrollProc (ControlHandle control, short thePart);
+Rect SetTERect (void);
+void FlushOutput (void);
+void ShowGrafWin (void) {
+ /* make the graphics window visible */
+ ShowWindow (gGraphicsWin);
+ SelectWindow (gGraphicsWin);
+ SetMenuItemText (controlMenu, SHOW_GRAPHICS, "\pHide Graphics");
+ //AdjustCursor ();
+ gGraphicsShown = true;
+void HideGrafWin (void) {
+ /* hide the graphics window */
+ HideWindow (gGraphicsWin);
+ SetMenuItemText (controlMenu, SHOW_GRAPHICS, "\pShow Graphics");
+ gGraphicsShown = false;
+static void UpdateGraphWindow ()
+ BeginUpdate (gGraphicsWin);
+ EndUpdate (gGraphicsWin);
+void InitMac (void) {
+// { /* set up memory properly */
+// int i;
+ // fix this later. -EAD
+ //if (DefltStack < STACKMIN) SetApplLimit (CurStackBase - STACKMIN);
+// MaxApplZone ();
+// for (i = 0; i < MASTERS; i++) MoreMasters ();
+// }
+ AEventListPtr theAppleEvent;
+ AEventList theEventList[] = {
+ { kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, AEOpenFiles, 0 },
+ { kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, AEQuit, 0 },
+ { 0, 0, nil, 0 }
+ };
+ int i;
+ /* do all the necessary initialization mumbo-jumbo */
+ if (StackSpace() < STACKMIN)
+ SetApplLimit(GetApplLimit() - STACKMIN);
+ MaxApplZone();
+ /* printf("New StackSpace %lx GetApplLimit %lx\n",
+ StackSpace(), GetApplLimit()); */
+ for (i = 0; i < MASTERS; i++) MoreMasters ();
+ /* getchar(); */
+ /* initialize the toolbox */
+ InitGraf (&qd.thePort);
+ InitFonts ();
+ FlushEvents (everyEvent, 0);
+ InitWindows ();
+ InitMenus ();
+ TEInit ();
+ InitDialogs (NIL);
+ InitCursor ();
+ // Setup Callbacks
+ uppScrollClickLoop = NewTEClickLoopProc(ScrollClickLoop);
+ uppScrollProc = NewControlActionProc(ScrollProc);
+ // Handlers for core apple events
+ for (theAppleEvent = theEventList; theAppleEvent->handler; theAppleEvent++)
+ if (AEInstallEventHandler(theAppleEvent->evclass, theAppleEvent->evid, NewAEEventHandlerProc((ProcPtr)theAppleEvent->handler),
+ theAppleEvent->refcon, 0) != noErr);
+ // Set up the SIOUX window
+ SIOUXSettings.initializeTB = FALSE; //Toolbox is alread inited
+ SIOUXSettings.setupmenus = FALSE; //keep the csound menus
+ SIOUXSettings.autocloseonquit = TRUE; //close sioux without asking for save
+ SIOUXSettings.showstatusline = FALSE; //no status line
+ SIOUXSettings.asktosaveonclose = FALSE; //don't ask to save
+ SIOUXSettings.toppixel = 40;
+ SIOUXSettings.leftpixel = 5;
+ /* see if we have WaitNextEvent and Color Quickdraw */
+ wneImplemented = (NGetTrapAddress (_WaitNextEvent, ToolTrap) != NGetTrapAddress (_Unimplemented, ToolTrap));
+ if (NGetTrapAddress ((short) Gestalt, ToolTrap) != NGetTrapAddress (_Unimplemented, ToolTrap)) {
+ long returnCode;
+ OSErr err = Gestalt (gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &returnCode);
+ hasColorQD = ((err == noErr) && (returnCode >= gestalt8BitQD));
+ } else hasColorQD = false;
+ { /* set up menus */
+ Handle theMenuBar = GetNewMBar (MBAR_RES);
+ SetMenuBar (theMenuBar);
+ appleMenu = (MenuHandle)GetMenuHandle (APPLE_MENU_RES);
+ fileMenu = (MenuHandle)GetMenuHandle (FILE_MENU_RES);
+ editMenu = (MenuHandle)GetMenuHandle (EDIT_MENU_RES);
+ controlMenu = (MenuHandle)GetMenuHandle (CONTROL_MENU_RES);
+ AppendResMenu (appleMenu, 'DRVR');
+ DrawMenuBar ();
+ }
+ /* get the size of the main screen */
+ screenWidth = qd.screenBits.bounds.right - qd.screenBits.bounds.left;
+ screenHeight = qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom -;
+ /* compute the size of the graphics window in split-screen mode */
+ gHorizontal = SCREEN_MARGIN;
+ gWidth = screenWidth - (SCREEN_MARGIN * 2);
+ /* compute the size of the command window in split-screen mode */
+ sHorizontal = SCREEN_MARGIN;
+ sWidth = screenWidth - (SCREEN_MARGIN * 2);
+ /* set up size and drag rects */
+ dragRect = (*GetGrayRgn ())->rgnBBox;
+// dragRect.left += DRAG_THRESHOLD;
+// dragRect.right -= DRAG_THRESHOLD;
+// dragRect.bottom -= DRAG_THRESHOLD;
+ sizeRect.left = MIN_WIN_WIDTH;
+ sizeRect.bottom = qd.screenBits.bounds.bottom -;
+ sizeRect.right = qd.screenBits.bounds.right - qd.screenBits.bounds.left;
+ /* create the command window */
+ gCommandWin = GetNewWindow (CWINRES, &commandWinRec, (WindowPtr) -1L);
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ /* create the graphics window */
+ if (hasColorQD) gGraphicsWin = GetNewCWindow (GWINRES, &colorGraphicsWinRec, (WindowPtr) -1L);
+ else gGraphicsWin = GetNewWindow (GWINRES, &bwGraphicsWinRec, (WindowPtr) -1L);
+ startupTicks = TickCount (); /* take note of what time we're starting up */
+ // Create mouse regin
+ gMouseRgn = NewRgn();
+ // Initalize some command window stuff
+ InitalizeCmdWindow();
+ // Turn on text outlineing
+ TEFeatureFlag(teFOutlineHilite, teBitSet, hTERec);
+ HideGrafWin ();
+ { /* see if the user launched the app by opening text files from the Finder */
+ short doWhat;\
+// call to CountAppFiles was commented out, but that left doWhat uninitialized
+// RBD added this ifdef, I wonder where CountAppFiles came from?
+#ifdef CountAppFilesDefined
+ CountAppFiles (&doWhat, &howManyFiles);
+ if (doWhat != appOpen) howManyFiles = 0;
+ howManyFiles = 0;
+ }
+ UpdateCmdWindow ();
+static void DoAppleMenu (int theItem) {
+ switch (theItem) {
+ case ABOUT_ITEM:
+ DoAboutBox ();
+ break;
+ default: {
+ Str255 name;
+ GetMenuItemText (appleMenu, theItem, name);
+ OpenDeskAcc (name);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* this should really be in a header for MacFileUtils.c */
+void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName);
+static void DoFileMenu (int theItem) {
+ extern xlload (char *, int, int);
+ extern xlabort(char *);
+ extern xlisp_wrapup (void);
+ StandardFileReply theFile;
+ SFTypeList fileTypes;
+ Point pt = { 100, 100 };
+ fileTypes[0] = 'TEXT';
+ switch (theItem) {
+ case LOAD:
+ StopPasting ();
+ StandardGetFile(NIL, 1, fileTypes, &theFile);
+ if (theFile.sfGood) {
+ Str255 theFullPath;
+ short wdRefNum;
+ OSErr err;
+ HiliteMenu (0);
+ err = OpenWD(theFile.sfFile.vRefNum, theFile.sfFile.parID, 'Nyqu', &wdRefNum);
+ err = SetVol(NIL, wdRefNum);
+ SetSelection (TEXTREC->teLength, TEXTREC->teLength); /* send cursor to end */
+ GetFullPath(&theFile.sfFile, theFullPath);
+ P2CStr(theFullPath);
+ if ((xlload((char *) theFullPath, 1, (theItem == LOAD_NOISILY))) == 0) {
+ xlabort("load error");
+ }
+ macputs ("> ");
+ PrepareForInput ();
+ }
+ break;
+ case QUIT:
+ xlisp_wrapup ();
+ }
+static void DoEditMenu (int theItem) {
+ if (SystemEdit (theItem-1) == false)
+ switch (theItem) {
+ case CUT: case COPY:
+ if (ZeroScrap () == noErr) {
+ TECopy (hTERec); /* after copying, export the TE scrap */
+ if (TEToScrap () != noErr) ZeroScrap ();
+ }
+ if (theItem == CUT) DeleteRange ();
+ break;
+ case PASTE: {
+ long scrapOffset;
+ if (pastedTextH) DisposeHandle (pastedTextH);
+ pastedTextH = (CharsHandle) NewHandle (0);
+ pastedLength = GetScrap (pastedTextH, 'TEXT', &scrapOffset);
+ if (pastedLength < 0) pastedLength = 0; /* error */
+ else {
+ SetHandleSize (pastedTextH, pastedLength + 1);
+ HLock (pastedTextH);
+ ((char *)(*pastedTextH))[pastedLength] = '\0';
+ HUnlock (pastedTextH);
+ }
+ } /* and fall through ... */
+ case CLEAR:
+ DeleteRange ();
+ break;
+ }
+static void DoControlMenu (int theItem) {
+ extern xlbreak (char *, char *);
+ extern char *s_unbound;
+ extern xlcontinue (void);
+ extern xlcleanup (void);
+ extern xlabort (char *);
+ extern xltoplevel (void);
+ scrflush ();
+ HiliteMenu (0);
+ switch (theItem) {
+ case BREAK: StopPasting (); xlbreak ("user break", s_unbound); PrepareForInput (); break;
+ case CONTINUE: StopPasting (); xlcontinue (); PrepareForInput (); break;
+ case CLEAN_UP: StopPasting (); xlcleanup (); PrepareForInput (); break;
+ case CANCEL_INPUT: StopPasting (); xlabort ("input canceled"); PrepareForInput (); break;
+ case TOP_LEVEL: StopPasting (); xltoplevel (); PrepareForInput (); break;
+ if (gGraphicsShown) HideGrafWin ();
+ else ShowGrafWin ();
+ break;
+ MoveWindow (gCommandWin, sHorizontal, sVertical, -1);
+ SizeWindow (gCommandWin, sWidth, sHeight, -1);
+ InvalRect (&gCommandWin->portRect);
+ SetTERect ();
+ SetScrollRect ();
+ ShowGrafWin ();
+ MoveWindow (gGraphicsWin, gHorizontal, gVertical, -1);
+ SizeWindow (gGraphicsWin, gWidth, gHeight, -1);
+ break;
+ }
+void DoMenu (long choice) {
+ int theMenu = HiWord (choice), theItem = LoWord (choice);
+ HiliteMenu (theMenu);
+ switch (theMenu) {
+ case APPLE_MENU_RES: DoAppleMenu (theItem); break;
+ case FILE_MENU_RES: DoFileMenu (theItem); break;
+ case EDIT_MENU_RES: DoEditMenu (theItem); break;
+ case CONTROL_MENU_RES: DoControlMenu (theItem); break;
+ }
+ HiliteMenu (0);
+void AdjustMenus (void) {
+ /* turn the stuff in the Edit menu on and off as necessary */
+ long temp;
+ DisableItem (editMenu, UNDO);
+ if (TEXTREC->selStart != TEXTREC->selEnd) {
+ EnableItem (editMenu, CUT);
+ EnableItem (editMenu, COPY);
+ EnableItem (editMenu, CLEAR);
+ } else {
+ DisableItem (editMenu, CUT);
+ DisableItem (editMenu, COPY);
+ DisableItem (editMenu, CLEAR);
+ }
+ if (GetScrap (NIL, 'TEXT', &temp) > 0) EnableItem (editMenu, PASTE);
+ else DisableItem (editMenu, PASTE);
+RgnHandle rgn = nil;
+void DoContent (EventRecord *theEvent) {
+ /* handle a click in a window's content region */
+ ControlHandle theScrollBar;
+ GrafPtr oldPort;
+ int scrollValue;
+ Point mouse = theEvent->where;
+ int thePart;
+// RgnHandle rgn = nil;
+ GetPort (&oldPort);
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ GlobalToLocal (&mouse);
+ // Get Selected text
+ rgn = NewRgn();
+ TEGetHiliteRgn(rgn, hTERec);
+ if (thePart = FindControl (mouse, gCommandWin, &theScrollBar)) {
+ switch (thePart) {
+ case kControlUpButtonPart:
+ case kControlDownButtonPart:
+ case kControlPageUpPart:
+ case kControlPageDownPart:
+ scrollValue = TrackControl (theScrollBar, mouse, uppScrollProc);
+ break;
+ case kControlIndicatorPart:
+ scrollValue = GetControlValue (theScrollBar);
+ thePart = TrackControl (theScrollBar, mouse, NIL);
+ if (thePart) {
+ scrollValue -= GetControlValue (theScrollBar);
+ if (scrollValue) TEScroll (0, scrollValue * LINEHEIGHT, hTERec);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (PtInRgn(mouse, rgn)) {
+ if (!DragText(theEvent)) {
+ TEClick(mouse, false, hTERec);
+ }
+ } else if (PtInRect (mouse, &(TEXTREC->viewRect))) {
+ TEClick (mouse, (theEvent->modifiers & shiftKey) != 0, hTERec);
+ }
+ SetPort (oldPort);
+ DisposeRgn(rgn);
+void DoEvent (void) {
+ EventRecord theEvent;
+ if ((flashTime) && (--flashTime == 0)) SetSelection (cursorBeforeFlash, cursorBeforeFlash);
+ if (outputBufferLength) FlushOutput ();
+ if (FrontWindow () == gCommandWin) TEIdle (hTERec);
+ recentChar = '\0';
+ if (WaitNextEvent (everyEvent, &theEvent, 0, gMouseRgn)) {
+ AdjustCursor (theEvent.where, gMouseRgn);
+ switch (theEvent.what) {
+ case kHighLevelEvent:
+ AEProcessAppleEvent(&theEvent);
+ break;
+ case mouseDown:
+ DoMouseDown (&theEvent);
+ break;
+ case keyDown:
+ case autoKey:
+ DoKeyPress (&theEvent);
+ break;
+ case activateEvt: {
+ WindowPtr whichWindow = (WindowPtr)theEvent.message;
+ SetPort (whichWindow);
+ if (whichWindow == gCommandWin) {
+ if ((theEvent.modifiers & activeFlag) == 1) {
+ ActivateCmdWindow();
+ } else {
+ DeactivateCmdWindow();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case updateEvt: {
+ if ((WindowPtr)theEvent.message == gCommandWin) UpdateCmdWindow ();
+ if ((WindowPtr)theEvent.message == gGraphicsWin) UpdateGraphWindow ();
+ break;
+ }
+ case osEvt:
+ if (((theEvent.message >> 24) & 0xff) == suspendResumeMessage) {
+ if (theEvent.message & resumeFlag) {
+ gInBackground = false;
+ if (FrontWindow () == gCommandWin) {
+ ActivateCmdWindow();
+ }
+ } else {
+ gInBackground = true;
+ if (FrontWindow () == gCommandWin) {
+ SetPort (gCommandWin);
+ DeactivateCmdWindow();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ AdjustCursor (theEvent.where, gMouseRgn);
+void MacWrapUp (void) {
+ /* take everything down in preparation for quitting */
+ CleanupCmdWindow();
+ CloseWindow (gGraphicsWin);
diff --git a/sys/mac/macint.h b/sys/mac/macint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6092e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#define INT_MAX +32767
+#define INT_MIN -32767
+/* resource id's */
+#define CWINRES 400
+#define GWINRES 401
+#define MBAR_RES 400
+#define APPLE_MENU_RES 400
+#define FILE_MENU_RES 401
+#define EDIT_MENU_RES 402
+#define CONTROL_MENU_RES 403
+#define STRINGS_RES 400
+/* Apple menu */
+#define ABOUT_ITEM 1
+#define ABOUT_BOX 400
+#define ABOUT_PICT 400
+/* File menu */
+#define LOAD 1
+#define LOAD_NOISILY 2
+#define QUIT 4
+/* Edit menu */
+#define UNDO 1
+#define CUT 3
+#define COPY 4
+#define PASTE 5
+#define CLEAR 6
+/* Control menu */
+#define BREAK 1
+#define CONTINUE 2
+#define CLEAN_UP 3
+#define CANCEL_INPUT 4
+#define TOP_LEVEL 5
+#define SHOW_GRAPHICS 7
+#define SPLIT_SCREEN 8
+/* window sizing/dragging stuff */
+#define MIN_WIN_HEIGHT 80
+#define MIN_WIN_WIDTH 120
+#define MAX_BUF 250 /* max chars in output buffer */
+#define SCROLLBACK_THRESHHOLD 30000 /* max chars kept in window */
+#define DELETE_BLOCK 10000 /* how many chars to delete when threshhold reached */
+#define LINEHEIGHT 11 /* height in pixels of 9-point Geneva, the font used */
+#define STACKMIN 400000 /* amout of memory for application stack */
+#define MASTERS 3 /* arbitrary -- how many times to call MoreMasters() */
+/* key codes */
+#define RETURN 0x0d
+#define ENTER 0x03
+#define DELETE 0x08
+#define FWDDEL 0x7F
+#define CLRKEY 0x1b
+#define PAGEUP 0x0b
+#define PAGEDN 0x0c
+#define HOMEKEY 0x01
+#define ENDKEY 0x04
+#define HELPKEY 0x05
+#define FNKEY 0x10
+#define LEFTARROW 0x1c
+#define RIGHTARROW 0x1d
+#define UPARROW 0x1e
+#define DOWNARROW 0x1f
+#define DBLQUOTE '\"'
+/* useful definitions */
+#define MBAR_HEIGHT 20
+#define SCROLLER_WIDTH 15
+#define SCREEN_MARGIN 2
+#define TEXT_MARGIN 4
+#define GRAFWIN_HEIGHT 232
+void AdjustMenus(void);
+void DoMenu(long choice);
+void HideGrafWin(void);
+void DoContent(EventRecord *theEvent);
+void InitMac(void);
+void MacWrapUp(void);
+void DoEvent (void);
diff --git a/sys/mac/macptrs.h b/sys/mac/macptrs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dad03a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macptrs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ "HIDEPEN", S, xhidepen }, /* 300 */
+{ "SHOWPEN", S, xshowpen }, /* 301 */
+{ "GETPEN", S, xgetpen }, /* 302 */
+{ "PENSIZE", S, xpensize }, /* 303 */
+{ "PENMODE", S, xpenmode }, /* 304 */
+{ "PENPAT", S, xpenpat }, /* 305 */
+{ "PENNORMAL", S, xpennormal }, /* 306 */
+{ "MOVETO", S, xmoveto }, /* 307 */
+{ "MOVE", S, xmove }, /* 308 */
+{ "LINETO", S, xdrawto }, /* 309 */
+{ "LINE", S, xdraw }, /* 310 */
+{ "SHOW-GRAPHICS", S, xshowgraphics }, /* 311 */
+{ "HIDE-GRAPHICS", S, xhidegraphics }, /* 312 */
+{ "CLEAR-GRAPHICS", S, xcleargraphics }, /* 313 */
+{ "TOOLBOX", S, xtool }, /* 314 */
+{ "TOOLBOX-16", S, xtool16 }, /* 315 */
+{ "TOOLBOX-32", S, xtool32 }, /* 316 */
+{ "NEWHANDLE", S, xnewhandle }, /* 317 */
+{ "NEWPTR", S, xnewptr }, /* 318 */
+{ "HIWORD", S, xhiword }, /* 319 */
+{ "LOWORD", S, xloword }, /* 320 */
+{ "READ-CHAR-NO-HANG", S, xrdnohang }, /* 321 */
+/* not implemented - take a look at code in directory "sys:mac:old" */
+/*{ "COMMAND-POINT-SIZE", S, xptsize }, 322 */
diff --git a/sys/mac/macstuff.c b/sys/mac/macstuff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ecad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macstuff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+/* macstuff.c - macintosh interface routines for xlisp */
+/* Written by Brian Kendig. */
+/* This file contains the stuff that the other xlisp files call directly. */
+#include "cext.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <QuickDraw.h> /* for Random */
+#include <Memory.h> /* for DisposePtr */
+#include <SegLoad.h> /* for ExitToShell */
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include "macint.h"
+#include "MacCommandWin.h"
+#define DELETE 0x08
+/* externals */
+extern FILE *tfp; /* transcript file pointer */
+extern int cursorPos;
+extern char *macgets (void);
+/* local variables */
+int lposition;
+static char *linebuf = NULL, *lineptr;
+static int numChars;
+/* system-dependent variable definitions */
+static const char os_pathchar = ':';
+static const char os_sepchar = ',';
+int isascii (char c) { return 1; } /* every char is an ascii char, isn't it? */
+void osinit (char *banner) {
+ int i;
+ char version[] = "\nMacintosh interface by Brian Kendig, Erik A. Dahl, and Dominic Mazzoni.\n";
+ InitMac (); /* initialize the mac interface routines */
+ lposition = 0; /* initialize the line editor */
+ for (i = 0; banner[i] != '\0'; i++) macputc (banner[i]);
+ for (i = 0; version[i] != '\0'; i++) macputc (version[i]);
+FILE *osaopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ return fopen (name, mode);
+FILE *osbopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ FILE *f;
+ char nmode[4];
+ strcpy (nmode, mode); strcat (nmode, "b");
+ f = fopen(name, nmode);
+ return f;
+int osclose (FILE *fp) { return (fclose (fp)); }
+int osaputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+int osbputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+/* osagetc - get a character from an ascii file */
+int osagetc(fp)
+ FILE *fp;
+ return (getc(fp));
+int ostgetc (void) {
+ int i;
+ if (numChars <= 0) { /* get some more */
+ if (linebuf) DisposePtr (linebuf);
+ linebuf = macgets ();
+ i = 0;
+ while (linebuf[i] != '\0') i++;
+ numChars = i;
+ if (tfp) for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++) osaputc (linebuf[i], tfp);
+ lineptr = linebuf;
+ }
+ numChars--;
+ if (*lineptr == '\r') {
+ lineptr++;
+ return '\n';
+ } else return (*lineptr++);
+void ostputc (int ch) {
+ macputc (ch);
+ if (tfp) osaputc (ch, tfp);
+void osflush (void) {
+ lineptr = linebuf;
+ numChars = 0;
+ lposition = 0;
+void oscheck (void) { DoEvent (); }
+void oserror (char *msg) {
+ char line[100], *p;
+ sprintf (line,"error: %s\n",msg);
+ for (p = line; *p != '\0'; ++p) ostputc (*p);
+void osfinish(void) {
+ /* dispose of everything... */
+ if (linebuf) DisposePtr(linebuf);
+ portaudio_exit();
+ MacWrapUp ();
+ ExitToShell ();
+/* nyquist_printf -- system independent version of printf */
+ * this function prints to console like printf, but using GUI
+ * rather than stdio when appropriate.
+ *
+ */
+void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...)
+ va_list pvar;
+ char *p = temp;
+ va_start(pvar, format);
+ vsnprintf(temp, GPRINTF_MESSAGE_LEN, format, pvar);
+ va_end(pvar);
+ while (*p) ostputc(*p++);
+int renamebackup (char *filename) { return 0; }
+static FSSpec prefsFSSpec;
+static int need_preferences_file = false;
+static char xlisp_path[1024]; /* cache for the path */
+static int valid_xlisp_path = false;
+/* xsetupconsole -- used to configure window in Win32 version */
+LVAL xsetupconsole() { return NIL; }
+/* this should really be in a header for MacFileUtils.c */
+void GetFullPath(FSSpec *theSpec, StringPtr theName);
+void get_xlisp_path(char *p, long p_max, int *prefs_found)
+ Str63 fileName = "\pXLisp Preferences";
+ SInt16 foundPrefVRefNum = 0;
+ SInt32 foundPrefDirID = 0;
+ OSErr err = noErr;
+ *p = 0; /* initialize to empty string */
+ *prefs_found = false;
+ /* if we find path in the cache, copy and return */
+ if (valid_xlisp_path) {
+ *prefs_found = true;
+ strcpy(p, xlisp_path + 10); /* remember, path has XLISPPATH= at head */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* if we've been here before, do not try opening again */
+ if (need_preferences_file) return;
+ err = FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType,
+ kDontCreateFolder, &foundPrefVRefNum,
+ &foundPrefDirID);
+ if (err == noErr) {
+ err = FSMakeFSSpec(foundPrefVRefNum, foundPrefDirID,
+ fileName, &prefsFSSpec);
+ *prefs_found = (err == noErr);
+ need_preferences_file = !*prefs_found;
+ }
+ if (*prefs_found) {
+ FILE *pf;
+ GetFullPath(&prefsFSSpec, (StringPtr) xlisp_path);
+ P2CStr((StringPtr) xlisp_path);
+ pf = fopen(xlisp_path, "r");
+ if (!pf) {
+ return; /* problem opening the path */
+ }
+ while (fgets(xlisp_path, 1023, pf)) {
+ if (strncmp(xlisp_path, "XLISPPATH=", 10) == 0) {
+ valid_xlisp_path = true;
+ xlisp_path[strlen(xlisp_path) - 1] = 0; /* trim newline */
+ strcpy(p, xlisp_path + 10);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(pf);
+ }
+/* this is called when we load a file -- if need_preference_file,
+ * we will build a preference file and insert the path of the file
+ * we just opened, assuming it will tell us where to find init.lsp
+ */
+void setup_preferences(char *filename)
+ if (need_preferences_file) {
+ unsigned char prefname[256];
+ FILE *pf;
+ char *cp;
+ int len = 0;
+ GetFullPath(&prefsFSSpec, prefname);
+ need_preferences_file = false;
+ P2CStr(prefname);
+ /* we expect file-not-found error, path is valid */
+ pf = fopen((char *) prefname, "w");
+ if (pf == NULL) return;
+ cp = strrchr((char *) filename, ':');
+ if (cp == NULL) return;
+ cp[1] = 0;
+ /* now, filename is the path. If filename ends in runtime, this
+ * is probably the standard nyquist runtime folder. We should put
+ * the nyquist lib folder on the path too.
+ */
+ len = cp + 1 - filename;
+ if (len >= 9 &&
+ strcmp(filename + len - 9, ":runtime:") == 0) {
+ filename[len - 8] = 0;
+ fprintf(pf, "XLISPPATH=%sruntime:,%slib:\n", filename, filename);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(pf, "XLISPPATH=%s\n", filename);
+ }
+ fclose(pf);
+ }
diff --git a/sys/mac/macstuff.h b/sys/mac/macstuff.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b9b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/macstuff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* macstuff.h -- header for mac-specific functions */
+void osfinish(void);
+/* put searchpath into p, prefs_found tells if preference file exists */
+void get_xlisp_path(char *p, long p_max, int *prefs_found);
+void setup_preferences(char *filename);
diff --git a/sys/mac/sndsystem.h b/sys/mac/sndsystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34ea83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/sndsystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#include "sndmac.h"
diff --git a/sys/mac/switches.h b/sys/mac/switches.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a8e58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/switches.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/* switches.h for Macintosh */
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 28Apr03 dm major reorganization of conditional compilation in Nyquist
+ */
+#define HAS_STDLIB_H 1
+#undef HAS_SYS_STAT_H
+#define HAS_STAT_H 1
+#undef HAS_MALLOC_H
+#undef READ_LINE
+#define XL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#define USE_RAND 1
+#undef USE_RANDOM
+/* define this to be printf, or define your own fn of the form
+ void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+ (for a GUI)
+void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+#define NEED_ULONG 1
+#define NEED_USHORT 1
+#define NEED_BYTE 1
+#define NEED_ROUND 1
+/* explicitly choose a platform */
+#undef UNIX
+#undef WINDOWS
+#undef DOS
+#define MACINTOSH 1
+#define SPACE_FOR_PLAY 10000
+#define MAX_CHANNELS 16
+/* this will enable code to read midi files, etc. */
+#define CMTSTUFF 1
+/* NYQUIST tells some CMT code that we're really in
+ */
+#define NYQUIST 1
+#include "swlogic.h"
diff --git a/sys/mac/system.lsp b/sys/mac/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea65573
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+; system.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+; Macintosh
+(setf ny:bigendianp t)
+;; note that *default-sf-format* is used below by
+;; compute-default-sound-file
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-AIFF))
+;; note that compute-default-sound-file uses *default-sf-format*,
+;; so be sure to set *default-sf-format* first (this was just done)
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+ (if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* ""))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
+; turn off switch to play sound as it is computed
+(setf *soundenable* T)
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
+(defun r ()
+ (s-save (s-read *default-sound-file*) NY:ALL "" :play t)
+; PLAY-FILE -- play a file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (s-save (s-read name) NY:ALL "" :play t))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\:))
+(setf *file-separator* #\:)
+; save the standard function to write points to a file
+;(setfn s-plot-points s-plot)
+(defun array-max-abs (points)
+ (let ((m 0.0))
+ (dotimes (i (length points))
+ (setf m (max m (abs (aref points i)))))
+ m))
+(setf graph-width 800)
+(setf graph-height 220)
+(defun s-plot (snd &optional (n 800))
+ (show-graphics)
+ (clear-graphics)
+ (cond ((soundp snd)
+ (s-plot-2 snd n (/ graph-height 2) graph-height nil))
+ (t
+ (let ((gh (/ graph-height (length snd)))
+ hs)
+ (dotimes (i (length snd))
+ (setf hs (s-plot-2 (aref snd i) n (+ (/ gh 2) (* i gh)) gh hs)))))))
+(defun s-plot-2 (snd n y-offset graph-height horizontal-scale)
+ (prog ((points (snd-samples snd n))
+ maxpoint horizontal-scale vertical-scale)
+ (setf maxpoint (array-max-abs points))
+ (moveto 0 y-offset)
+ (lineto graph-width y-offset)
+ (moveto 0 y-offset)
+ (cond ((null horizontal-scale)
+ (setf horizontal-scale (/ (float graph-width) (length points)))))
+ (setf vertical-scale (- (/ (float graph-height) 2 maxpoint)))
+ (dotimes (i (length points))
+ (lineto (truncate (* horizontal-scale i))
+ (+ y-offset (truncate (* vertical-scale (aref points i))))))
+ (format t "X Axis: ~A to ~A (seconds)\n" (snd-t0 snd) (/ (length points) (snd-srate snd)))
+ (format t "Y Axis: ~A to ~A\n" (- maxpoint) maxpoint)
+ (format t "~A samples plotted.\n" (length points))
+ (return horizontal-scale)
+ ))
+; S-EDIT - run the audio editor on a sound
+;(defmacro s-edit (&optional expr)
+; `(prog ()
+; (if ,expr (s-save ,expr 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+; (system (format nil "audio_editor ~A &"
+; (soundfilename *default-sound-file*)))))
diff --git a/sys/mac/xlextstart.c b/sys/mac/xlextstart.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be321fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/mac/xlextstart.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* nothing to do */
diff --git a/sys/unix/README.txt b/sys/unix/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8684dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+README.txt -- Nyquist information for Unix systems
+For Unix systems, Nyquist is distributed as a compressed file of
+sources named nyqsrc3<nn>.zip, where <nn> is the version number
+(e.g. v3.01 was in To install Nyquist, copy
+nyqsrc3<nn>.zip) to the directory on your machine where you would
+like to install Nyquist.
+Note 1: you will need the "normal tool chain" consisting of the Gnu
+C/C++ compiler, linker, C/C++ runtime libraries, autoconf, libtool,
+automake, etc. Most linux installations already have this, but some
+more recent trimmed-down installations for netbooks and
+consumer-oriented computers do not have compilers installed by
+Note 2: There are two main unix versions of Nyquist: alsa and nonalsa.
+The alsa version is probably what you want. This version uses ALSA,
+the Linux audio system. This has also become standard, but your
+machine might not have the ALSA development package (probably named
+libasound2-dev), so you might have to install it. If you find you are
+missing "asound", you are missing and need to install the ALSA
+developmnent package. The nonalsa version is a special version for
+Debian linux. The ONLY difference is that it omits -lasound from the
+link step, so it does not try to link with ALSA. I assume this works
+because the PortAudio library which is included in the Nyquist sources
+configures itself differently on Debian and doesn't need ALSA.
+After unzipping sources, type:
+ gunzip nyqsrc3<nn>.zip
+ cd nyquist
+ # In the following line, Debian linux users should
+ # type "nonalsa" in place of "alsa":
+ ln -s sys/unix/alsa/Makefile Makefile
+ setenv XLISPPATH `pwd`/runtime:`pwd`/lib
+ make
+(For bash shell users, instead of the setenv command, use this:
+ export XLISPPATH=`pwd`/runtime:`pwd`/lib
+The first line creates a nyquist directory and some
+subdirectories. The second line (cd) changes directories to the new
+nyquist directory. The third line (ln) makes a link from the top-level
+directory to the Makefile for your system. In place of "alsa" in
+sys/unix/alsa/Makefile, you should substitute your system
+type. Current systems are alsa, nonalsa, next, pmax, rs6k, sgi, and
+sparc, but since only the alsa and nonalsa versions have been tested
+in recent years, do not expect anything else to work. The setenv (or
+export) command tells Nyquist where to search for lisp files to be
+loaded when a file is not found in the current directory. See
+SHELL STARTUP below for information about how to automate this.
+Assuming the make completes successfully, you can run Nyquist as follows:
+ ./ny
+When you get the prompt, you may begin typing expressions such as
+the ones in the following "Examples" section in the Nyquist
+manual. (See doc/nyquistman.pdf or doc/home.html).
+One you establish that Nyquist (ny) is working from the command line,
+you should try using NyquistIDE, the Java-based Nyquist development
+environment. First, make jny executable (do this only once when you
+install Nyquist):
+ chmod +x jny
+Then try running jNyqIDE by typing:
+ ./jny
+If the NyquistIDE window does not appear, make sure you have Java
+installed (if not, you probably already encountered errors when you
+ran the make command.) You can also try recompiling the Java
+files. Note that jnyqide/ will NOT compile
+under non-OS X systems. The Makefile renames this file to "hide" it
+from the Java compiler, compiles all the remaining java files, and
+then restores jnyqide/
+ make jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar
+Note: With Linux and Mac OS X, jNyqIDE defines the environment passed
+to Nyquist. If you set XLISPPATH as shown above, it will be passed
+along to Nyquist under jNyqIDE. If not, a default XLISPPATH will have
+the lib and runtime directories only. This does not apply to Windows
+because even though the environment is there, the Windows version of
+Nyquist reads the XLISPPATH from the Registry.
+You can also specify the search path by creating the file
+nyquist/xlisppath, which should have colon-separated paths on a single
+(long) line of text. This file will override the environment variable
+It is good to have USER in the environment with your user ID. This
+string is used to construct some file names. NyquistIDE will look for it
+in the environment. You can also specify your user ID using the file
+nyquist/user, but if you have a shared installation of Nyquist,
+this will not be very useful.
+Note: Nyquist looks for the file init.lsp in the current directory.
+If you look in the init.lsp in runtime, you will notice two things.
+First, init.lsp loads nyquist.lsp from the Nyquist directory, and
+second, init.lsp loads system.lsp which in turn defines the macro
+play. Normally, Nyquist plays audio through the PortAudio library,
+which should work on any system. An alternative is to save audio to a
+file and invoke a local non-Nyquist program to play the sound file.
+You can modify system.lsp to accomplish this.
+The (runtime
+directory should always be on your XLISPPATH when you run Nyquist, so
+you may want to set XLISPPATH in your shell startup file, e.g. .cshrc.
+Which shell are you using? echo $SHELL will tell you. If you use
+/bin/bash, your startup file is probably ~/.profile. (Remember that
+"~/" means your home directory, so the file will be something like
+/home/rbd/.profile). In this file, you can add a line such as:
+export XLISPPATH="/home/rbd/nyquist/runtime:/home/rbd/nyquist/lib"
+Do not use the shorthand `pwd`/runtime, because `pwd` returns the
+current working directory, which is not going to be your Nyquist
+directory when .profile is loaded.
+If you use /bin/csh (the C Shell), your startup file is probably
+~/.cshrc. (Remember that "~/" means your home directory, so the file
+will be something like /home/rbd/.profile). In this file, you can add
+a line such as:
+setenv XLISPPATH "/home/rbd/nyquist/runtime:/home/rbd/nyquist/lib"
diff --git a/sys/unix/alsa/Makefile b/sys/unix/alsa/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3db832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/alsa/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is ALSA
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+OPT = -O2 -m32
+# OPT = -g -m32
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar \
+ bin/ser-to-osc bin/test-client
+current: $(CURRENT)
+onlyny: $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+JAVASRC = jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/
+jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar: $(JAVASRC)
+ if [ -r jnyqide/ ] ; then \
+ mv jnyqide/ jnyqide/SpecialMacHandler.hidden ;\
+ fi
+ cd jnyqide; javac *.java
+ mv jnyqide/SpecialMacHandler.hidden jnyqide/
+ rm -rf jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar
+ jar -cfm jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar jnyqide/manifest.txt jnyqide/*.class
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+# Keeping portaudio and libsndfile sources local to nyquist
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Iffts/src \
+ -Inyqstk/include -Inyqstk -Iportaudio/include -Iportaudio/src/common \
+ -Iportaudio/src/os/unix \
+ -Iliblo -Inylsf
+# system dependent stuff for alsa:
+AUDIOLIBS = -lasound
+CC = gcc
+LIBPA_PATH = portaudio/lib/.libs
+LIBLO_PATH = liblo/src/.libs
+# to enable command line editing, use -DREADLINE. WARNING: THIS WILL
+# CONTROL CHARACTERS (You will also need the readline and curses libraries)
+LN = g++ -m32
+AR = ar
+# to enable command line editing, insert -lreadline -lcurses
+LFLAGS = $(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a $(AUDIOLIBS) -lm -lpthread -lrt
+ find . ( -name
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o \
+ xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o \
+ xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o \
+ xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o \
+ xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o \
+ xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o \
+ xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ xlisp/path.o tran/abs.o \
+ tran/allpoles.o tran/alpass.o \
+ tran/alpasscv.o tran/alpassvv.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/areson.o \
+ tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/atone.o \
+ tran/atonev.o tran/biquadfilt.o \
+ tran/buzz.o tran/chase.o \
+ tran/clip.o tran/congen.o \
+ tran/const.o tran/coterm.o \
+ tran/delaycc.o tran/delaycv.o \
+ tran/eqbandvvv.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/follow.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/gate.o tran/ifft.o \
+ tran/instrclar.o tran/instrclarall.o \
+ tran/instrclarfreq.o tran/instrsax.o \
+ tran/instrsaxall.o tran/instrsaxfreq.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o \
+ tran/lpreson.o tran/maxv.o \
+ tran/offset.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/osc.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/pluck.o tran/prod.o \
+ tran/pwl.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/recip.o tran/reson.o \
+ tran/resonvc.o tran/resoncv.o \
+ tran/resonvv.o tran/sampler.o \
+ tran/scale.o tran/shape.o \
+ tran/sine.o tran/siosc.o \
+ tran/slope.o tran/sqrt.o \
+ tran/tapf.o tran/tapv.o \
+ tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/white.o \
+ tran/stkrev.o tran/stkpitshift.o \
+ tran/stkchorus.o tran/instrbow.o \
+ tran/instrbowedfreq.o tran/instrbanded.o \
+ tran/instrmandolin.o tran/instrsitar.o \
+ tran/instrmodalbar.o tran/instrflute.o \
+ tran/instrflutefreq.o tran/instrfluteall.o \
+ tran/fmfb.o tran/fmfbv.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o \
+ cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o \
+ cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o \
+ cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o \
+ cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nylsf/aiff.o \
+ nylsf/alaw.o nylsf/au.o \
+ nylsf/avr.o nylsf/broadcast.o \
+ nylsf/caf.o nylsf/command.o \
+ nylsf/common.o nylsf/dither.o \
+ nylsf/double64.o nylsf/dwd.o \
+ nylsf/dwvw.o nylsf/file_io.o \
+ nylsf/flac.o nylsf/float32.o \
+ nylsf/gsm610.o nylsf/htk.o \
+ nylsf/ima_adpcm.o nylsf/interleave.o \
+ nylsf/ircam.o nylsf/macbinary3.o \
+ nylsf/macos.o nylsf/mat4.o \
+ nylsf/mat5.o nylsf/ms_adpcm.o \
+ nylsf/nist.o nylsf/ogg.o \
+ nylsf/paf.o nylsf/pcm.o \
+ nylsf/pvf.o nylsf/raw.o \
+ nylsf/rx2.o nylsf/sd2.o \
+ nylsf/sds.o nylsf/sndfile.o \
+ nylsf/strings.o nylsf/svx.o \
+ nylsf/txw.o nylsf/ulaw.o \
+ nylsf/voc.o nylsf/vox_adpcm.o \
+ nylsf/w64.o nylsf/wav.o \
+ nylsf/wav_w64.o nylsf/wve.o \
+ nylsf/xi.o nylsf/g72x.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/add.o nylsf/GSM610/code.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/decode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o nylsf/GSM610/table.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g721.o nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g72x.o nyqsrc/debug.o \
+ nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/local.o \
+ nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o \
+ nyqsrc/sliders.o nyqsrc/sound.o \
+ nyqsrc/add.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/convolve.o \
+ nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/fft.o \
+ nyqsrc/inverse.o nyqsrc/multiseq.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o \
+ nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o nyqsrc/yin.o \
+ nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o nyqsrc/trigger.o \
+ nyqsrc/lpanal.o nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o \
+ nyqsrc/pvshell.o nyqstk/src/Generator.o \
+ nyqstk/src/SineWave.o nyqstk/src/Function.o \
+ nyqstk/src/FileRead.o nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Effect.o nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Delay.o nyqstk/src/DelayL.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Envelope.o nyqstk/src/Filter.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o nyqstk/src/Noise.o \
+ nyqstk/src/OneZero.o nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o nyqstk/src/Stk.o \
+ nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o nyqstk/src/WvIn.o \
+ nyqstk/src/NRev.o nyqstk/src/JCRev.o \
+ nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o nyqstk/src/PitShift.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Chorus.o nyqstk/src/Bowed.o \
+ nyqstk/src/BowTable.o nyqstk/src/ADSR.o \
+ nyqstk/src/OnePole.o nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o \
+ nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o nyqstk/src/DelayA.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Sitar.o nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Modal.o nyqstk/src/Flute.o \
+ nyqstk/src/JetTable.o nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o \
+ nyqstk/stkinit.o nyqstk/instr.o \
+ nyqstk/stkint.o ffts/src/fftext.o \
+ ffts/src/fftlib.o ffts/src/matlib.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndfnint.o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = nyqsrc/sndfmt.h nylsf/sndfile.h \
+ nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/add.h \
+ nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/compose.h \
+ nyqsrc/convolve.h nyqsrc/downsample.h \
+ nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/resamp.h \
+ nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sndsliders.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/yin.h \
+ nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.h nyqsrc/trigger.h \
+ nyqsrc/lpanal.h nyqsrc/phasevocoder.h \
+ nyqsrc/pvshell.h tran/abs.h \
+ tran/allpoles.h tran/alpass.h \
+ tran/alpasscv.h tran/alpassvv.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/areson.h \
+ tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/atone.h \
+ tran/atonev.h tran/biquadfilt.h \
+ tran/buzz.h tran/chase.h \
+ tran/clip.h tran/congen.h \
+ tran/const.h tran/coterm.h \
+ tran/delaycc.h tran/delaycv.h \
+ tran/eqbandvvv.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/follow.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/gate.h tran/ifft.h \
+ tran/instrclar.h tran/instrclarall.h \
+ tran/instrclarfreq.h tran/instrsax.h \
+ tran/instrsaxall.h tran/instrsaxfreq.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h \
+ tran/lpreson.h tran/maxv.h \
+ tran/offset.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/osc.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/pluck.h tran/prod.h \
+ tran/pwl.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/recip.h tran/reson.h \
+ tran/resonvc.h tran/resoncv.h \
+ tran/resonvv.h tran/sampler.h \
+ tran/scale.h tran/shape.h \
+ tran/sine.h tran/siosc.h \
+ tran/slope.h tran/sqrt.h \
+ tran/tapf.h tran/tapv.h \
+ tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/white.h \
+ tran/stkrev.h tran/stkpitshift.h \
+ tran/stkchorus.h tran/instrbow.h \
+ tran/instrbowedfreq.h tran/instrbanded.h \
+ tran/instrmandolin.h tran/instrsitar.h \
+ tran/instrmodalbar.h tran/instrflute.h \
+ tran/instrflutefreq.h tran/instrfluteall.h \
+ tran/fmfb.h tran/fmfbv.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h \
+ cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h \
+ cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+ mkdir bin
+ cd liblo; ./configure CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 --enable-static --disable-shared
+ # sometimes, residual files cause problems
+ cd liblo; make clean
+$(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a: liblo/Makefile
+ cd liblo; make
+bin/ser-to-osc: bin $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.cpp \
+ -o liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.o
+ $(LN) liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.o -o bin/ser-to-osc $(LFLAGS)
+bin/test-client: bin $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) liblo/test-client/test-client.c \
+ -o liblo/test-client/test-client.o
+ $(LN) liblo/test-client/test-client.o -o bin/test-client $(LFLAGS)
+ # note: without-jack avoids 32/64-bit link error on Debian
+ cd portaudio; ./configure CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 --enable-static --disable-shared --without-jack
+ # sometimes, residual files cause problems
+ cd portaudio; make clean
+$(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a: portaudio/Makefile
+ cd portaudio; make
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/alsa/system.lsp
+ # make sure it's there before you make it writeable
+ touch runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/alsa/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/convolve.o: nyqsrc/convolve.c nyqsrc/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/convolve.c -o nyqsrc/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndsliders.o: nyqsrc/sndsliders.c nyqsrc/sndsliders.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndsliders.c -o nyqsrc/sndsliders.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o: nyqsrc/sndwritepa.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndwritepa.c -o nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/yin.o: nyqsrc/yin.c nyqsrc/yin.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/yin.c -o nyqsrc/yin.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o: nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.c nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.c -o nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/trigger.o: nyqsrc/trigger.c nyqsrc/trigger.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/trigger.c -o nyqsrc/trigger.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/lpanal.o: nyqsrc/lpanal.c nyqsrc/lpanal.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/lpanal.c -o nyqsrc/lpanal.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o: nyqsrc/phasevocoder.c nyqsrc/phasevocoder.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/phasevocoder.c -o nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/pvshell.o: nyqsrc/pvshell.c nyqsrc/pvshell.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/pvshell.c -o nyqsrc/pvshell.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sliders.o: nyqsrc/sliders.c nyqsrc/sliders.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sliders.c -o nyqsrc/sliders.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/fftext.o: ffts/src/fftext.c ffts/src/fftext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/fftext.c -o ffts/src/fftext.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/fftlib.o: ffts/src/fftlib.c ffts/src/fftlib.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/fftlib.c -o ffts/src/fftlib.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/matlib.o: ffts/src/matlib.c ffts/src/matlib.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/matlib.c -o ffts/src/matlib.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/abs.o: tran/abs.c tran/abs.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/abs.c -o tran/abs.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/allpoles.o: tran/allpoles.c tran/allpoles.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/allpoles.c -o tran/allpoles.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpasscv.o: tran/alpasscv.c tran/alpasscv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpasscv.c -o tran/alpasscv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpassvv.o: tran/alpassvv.c tran/alpassvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpassvv.c -o tran/alpassvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquadfilt.o: tran/biquadfilt.c tran/biquadfilt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/biquadfilt.c -o tran/biquadfilt.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/eqbandvvv.o: tran/eqbandvvv.c tran/eqbandvvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/eqbandvvv.c -o tran/eqbandvvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclar.o: tran/instrclar.c tran/instrclar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclar.c -o tran/instrclar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclarall.o: tran/instrclarall.c tran/instrclarall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclarall.c -o tran/instrclarall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclarfreq.o: tran/instrclarfreq.c tran/instrclarfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclarfreq.c -o tran/instrclarfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsax.o: tran/instrsax.c tran/instrsax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsax.c -o tran/instrsax.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsaxall.o: tran/instrsaxall.c tran/instrsaxall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsaxall.c -o tran/instrsaxall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsaxfreq.o: tran/instrsaxfreq.c tran/instrsaxfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsaxfreq.c -o tran/instrsaxfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/lpreson.o: tran/lpreson.c tran/lpreson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/lpreson.c -o tran/lpreson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sqrt.o: tran/sqrt.c tran/sqrt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sqrt.c -o tran/sqrt.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapf.o: tran/tapf.c tran/tapf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tapf.c -o tran/tapf.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkrev.o: tran/stkrev.c tran/stkrev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkrev.c -o tran/stkrev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkpitshift.o: tran/stkpitshift.c tran/stkpitshift.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkpitshift.c -o tran/stkpitshift.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkchorus.o: tran/stkchorus.c tran/stkchorus.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkchorus.c -o tran/stkchorus.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbow.o: tran/instrbow.c tran/instrbow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbow.c -o tran/instrbow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbowedfreq.o: tran/instrbowedfreq.c tran/instrbowedfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbowedfreq.c -o tran/instrbowedfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbanded.o: tran/instrbanded.c tran/instrbanded.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbanded.c -o tran/instrbanded.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrmandolin.o: tran/instrmandolin.c tran/instrmandolin.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrmandolin.c -o tran/instrmandolin.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsitar.o: tran/instrsitar.c tran/instrsitar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsitar.c -o tran/instrsitar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrmodalbar.o: tran/instrmodalbar.c tran/instrmodalbar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrmodalbar.c -o tran/instrmodalbar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrflute.o: tran/instrflute.c tran/instrflute.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrflute.c -o tran/instrflute.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrflutefreq.o: tran/instrflutefreq.c tran/instrflutefreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrflutefreq.c -o tran/instrflutefreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrfluteall.o: tran/instrfluteall.c tran/instrfluteall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrfluteall.c -o tran/instrfluteall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmfb.o: tran/fmfb.c tran/fmfb.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmfb.c -o tran/fmfb.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmfbv.o: tran/fmfbv.c tran/fmfbv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmfbv.c -o tran/fmfbv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/stkinit.o: nyqstk/stkinit.cpp nyqstk/stkinit.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/stkinit.cpp -o nyqstk/stkinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/instr.o: nyqstk/instr.cpp nyqstk/instr.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/instr.cpp -o nyqstk/instr.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/stkint.o: nyqstk/stkint.cpp nyqstk/stkint.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/stkint.cpp -o nyqstk/stkint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Generator.o: nyqstk/src/Generator.cpp nyqstk/include/Generator.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Generator.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Generator.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/SineWave.o: nyqstk/src/SineWave.cpp nyqstk/include/SineWave.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/SineWave.cpp -o nyqstk/src/SineWave.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Function.o: nyqstk/src/Function.cpp nyqstk/include/Function.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Function.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Function.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/FileRead.o: nyqstk/src/FileRead.cpp nyqstk/include/FileRead.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/FileRead.cpp -o nyqstk/src/FileRead.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o: nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.cpp nyqstk/include/FileWvIn.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.cpp -o nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Effect.o: nyqstk/src/Effect.cpp nyqstk/include/Effect.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Effect.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Effect.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o: nyqstk/src/Clarinet.cpp nyqstk/include/Clarinet.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Clarinet.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Delay.o: nyqstk/src/Delay.cpp nyqstk/include/Delay.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Delay.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Delay.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/DelayL.o: nyqstk/src/DelayL.cpp nyqstk/include/DelayL.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/DelayL.cpp -o nyqstk/src/DelayL.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Envelope.o: nyqstk/src/Envelope.cpp nyqstk/include/Envelope.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Envelope.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Envelope.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Filter.o: nyqstk/src/Filter.cpp nyqstk/include/Filter.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Filter.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Filter.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o: nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.cpp nyqstk/include/Instrmnt.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Noise.o: nyqstk/src/Noise.cpp nyqstk/include/Noise.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Noise.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Noise.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/OneZero.o: nyqstk/src/OneZero.cpp nyqstk/include/OneZero.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/OneZero.cpp -o nyqstk/src/OneZero.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o: nyqstk/src/ReedTable.cpp nyqstk/include/ReedTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ReedTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o: nyqstk/src/Saxofony.cpp nyqstk/include/Saxofony.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Saxofony.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Stk.o: nyqstk/src/Stk.cpp nyqstk/include/Stk.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Stk.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Stk.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o: nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.cpp nyqstk/include/WaveLoop.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.cpp -o nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/WvIn.o: nyqstk/src/WvIn.cpp nyqstk/include/WvIn.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/WvIn.cpp -o nyqstk/src/WvIn.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/NRev.o: nyqstk/src/NRev.cpp nyqstk/include/NRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/NRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/NRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/JCRev.o: nyqstk/src/JCRev.cpp nyqstk/include/JCRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/JCRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/JCRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o: nyqstk/src/PRCRev.cpp nyqstk/include/PRCRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PRCRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PitShift.o: nyqstk/src/PitShift.cpp nyqstk/include/PitShift.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PitShift.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PitShift.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Chorus.o: nyqstk/src/Chorus.cpp nyqstk/include/Chorus.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Chorus.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Chorus.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Bowed.o: nyqstk/src/Bowed.cpp nyqstk/include/Bowed.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Bowed.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Bowed.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BowTable.o: nyqstk/src/BowTable.cpp nyqstk/include/BowTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BowTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BowTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ADSR.o: nyqstk/src/ADSR.cpp nyqstk/include/ADSR.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ADSR.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ADSR.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/OnePole.o: nyqstk/src/OnePole.cpp nyqstk/include/OnePole.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/OnePole.cpp -o nyqstk/src/OnePole.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o: nyqstk/src/BiQuad.cpp nyqstk/include/BiQuad.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BiQuad.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o: nyqstk/src/BandedWG.cpp nyqstk/include/BandedWG.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BandedWG.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/DelayA.o: nyqstk/src/DelayA.cpp nyqstk/include/DelayA.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/DelayA.cpp -o nyqstk/src/DelayA.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o: nyqstk/src/Mandolin.cpp nyqstk/include/Mandolin.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Mandolin.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o: nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.cpp nyqstk/include/PluckTwo.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Sitar.o: nyqstk/src/Sitar.cpp nyqstk/include/Sitar.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Sitar.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Sitar.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o: nyqstk/src/ModalBar.cpp nyqstk/include/ModalBar.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ModalBar.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Modal.o: nyqstk/src/Modal.cpp nyqstk/include/Modal.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Modal.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Modal.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Flute.o: nyqstk/src/Flute.cpp nyqstk/include/Flute.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Flute.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Flute.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/JetTable.o: nyqstk/src/JetTable.cpp nyqstk/include/JetTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/JetTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/JetTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o: nyqstk/src/PoleZero.cpp nyqstk/include/PoleZero.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PoleZero.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/path.o: xlisp/path.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/path.c -o xlisp/path.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/aiff.o: nylsf/aiff.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/aiff.c -o nylsf/aiff.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/alaw.o: nylsf/alaw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/alaw.c -o nylsf/alaw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/au.o: nylsf/au.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/au.c -o nylsf/au.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/avr.o: nylsf/avr.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/avr.c -o nylsf/avr.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/broadcast.o: nylsf/broadcast.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/broadcast.c -o nylsf/broadcast.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/caf.o: nylsf/caf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/caf.c -o nylsf/caf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/command.o: nylsf/command.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/command.c -o nylsf/command.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/common.o: nylsf/common.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/common.c -o nylsf/common.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dither.o: nylsf/dither.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dither.c -o nylsf/dither.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/double64.o: nylsf/double64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/double64.c -o nylsf/double64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dwd.o: nylsf/dwd.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dwd.c -o nylsf/dwd.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dwvw.o: nylsf/dwvw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dwvw.c -o nylsf/dwvw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/file_io.o: nylsf/file_io.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/file_io.c -o nylsf/file_io.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/flac.o: nylsf/flac.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/flac.c -o nylsf/flac.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/float32.o: nylsf/float32.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/float32.c -o nylsf/float32.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/gsm610.o: nylsf/gsm610.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/gsm610.c -o nylsf/gsm610.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/htk.o: nylsf/htk.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/htk.c -o nylsf/htk.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ima_adpcm.o: nylsf/ima_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ima_adpcm.c -o nylsf/ima_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/interleave.o: nylsf/interleave.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/interleave.c -o nylsf/interleave.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ircam.o: nylsf/ircam.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ircam.c -o nylsf/ircam.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/macbinary3.o: nylsf/macbinary3.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/macbinary3.c -o nylsf/macbinary3.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/macos.o: nylsf/macos.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/macos.c -o nylsf/macos.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/mat4.o: nylsf/mat4.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/mat4.c -o nylsf/mat4.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/mat5.o: nylsf/mat5.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/mat5.c -o nylsf/mat5.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ms_adpcm.o: nylsf/ms_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ms_adpcm.c -o nylsf/ms_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/nist.o: nylsf/nist.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/nist.c -o nylsf/nist.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ogg.o: nylsf/ogg.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ogg.c -o nylsf/ogg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/paf.o: nylsf/paf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/paf.c -o nylsf/paf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/pcm.o: nylsf/pcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/pcm.c -o nylsf/pcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/pvf.o: nylsf/pvf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/pvf.c -o nylsf/pvf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/raw.o: nylsf/raw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/raw.c -o nylsf/raw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/rx2.o: nylsf/rx2.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/rx2.c -o nylsf/rx2.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sd2.o: nylsf/sd2.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sd2.c -o nylsf/sd2.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sds.o: nylsf/sds.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sds.c -o nylsf/sds.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sndfile.o: nylsf/sndfile.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sndfile.c -o nylsf/sndfile.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/strings.o: nylsf/strings.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/strings.c -o nylsf/strings.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/svx.o: nylsf/svx.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/svx.c -o nylsf/svx.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/txw.o: nylsf/txw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/txw.c -o nylsf/txw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ulaw.o: nylsf/ulaw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ulaw.c -o nylsf/ulaw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/voc.o: nylsf/voc.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/voc.c -o nylsf/voc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/vox_adpcm.o: nylsf/vox_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/vox_adpcm.c -o nylsf/vox_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/w64.o: nylsf/w64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/w64.c -o nylsf/w64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wav.o: nylsf/wav.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wav.c -o nylsf/wav.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wav_w64.o: nylsf/wav_w64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wav_w64.c -o nylsf/wav_w64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wve.o: nylsf/wve.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wve.c -o nylsf/wve.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/xi.o: nylsf/xi.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/xi.c -o nylsf/xi.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/g72x.o: nylsf/g72x.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/g72x.c -o nylsf/g72x.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/add.o: nylsf/GSM610/add.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/add.c -o nylsf/GSM610/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/code.o: nylsf/GSM610/code.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/code.c -o nylsf/GSM610/code.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/decode.o: nylsf/GSM610/decode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/decode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/decode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o: nylsf/GSM610/long_term.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/long_term.c -o nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o: nylsf/GSM610/lpc.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/lpc.c -o nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o: nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.c -o nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o: nylsf/GSM610/rpe.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/rpe.c -o nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o: nylsf/GSM610/short_term.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/short_term.c -o nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/table.o: nylsf/GSM610/table.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/table.c -o nylsf/GSM610/table.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g721.o: nylsf/G72x/g721.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g721.c -o nylsf/G72x/g721.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_16.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_16.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_24.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_24.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_40.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_40.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g72x.o: nylsf/G72x/g72x.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g72x.c -o nylsf/G72x/g72x.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ $(CC) -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ cd liblo; test -f Makefile && make clean || true
+ cd portaudio; test -f Makefile && make clean || true
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# These could be deleted, but they're part of the release, so we won't
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+# rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+# rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f #*# */#*#
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
+ rm -f core.* core
+ rm -f $(NY)
+release: cleaner
+ cd misc; make packer
+ misc/packer files.txt release.pac
+ rm -f *.wav
+ mv ny ..
+ mv -f *.pac ..
+ rm -f unpacker
+ rm -f packer
+ cd ..; zip -r nyquist
+ ../ny misc/cmu/cmu-linux-install.lsp
+ mv ../ny ./ny
diff --git a/sys/unix/alsa/system.lsp b/sys/unix/alsa/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3923bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/alsa/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;; system.lsp -- system-dependent lisp code
+; local definition for play
+; this one is for Linux:
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-wave))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "./"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* (strcat (get-user) "-points.dat")))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
+; RELATIVE-PATH-P -- test if filename or path is a relative path
+(defun relative-path-p (filename)
+ (not (eq (char filename 0) #\/)))
+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
+;; PLAY-FILE - play a sound file
+(defun play-file (name)
+;; WARNING: if you invoke an external program to play files,
+;; but Nyquist uses internal (portaudio) interface to
+;; play synthesized sound, Nyquist may fail to open the
+;; sound device while it is playing a sound file and then
+;; refuse to play anything. -RBD dec05
+;; (system (strcat "sndplay " (soundfilename name))))
+;; (system (strcat "play " (soundfilename name) )))
+ (play (s-read (soundfilename name))))
+;; R - replay last file written with PLAY
+(defun r () (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+;;;; use this old version if you want to use sndplay to play
+;;;; the result file rather than play the samples as they
+;;;; are computed. This version does not autonormalize.
+;; PLAY - write value of an expression to file and play it
+;(defmacro play (expr)
+; `(prog (specs)
+; (setf specs (s-save (force-srate *sound-srate* ,expr)
+; 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+; (r)))
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
+;; for Linux, modify s-plot (defined in nyquist.lsp) by saving s-plot
+;; in standard-s-plot, then call gnuplot to display the points.
+;; we also need to save the location of this file so we can find
+;; nyquist-plot.txt, the command file for gnuplot
+;; This code is broken in the following ways:
+;; it tries to run gnuplot even when plotting can be done by NyquistIDE
+;; it plots "points.dat", but "points.dat" may not be correct
+;; (see *default-plot-file*)
+;; it assumes the plot file is in the current directory, but it
+;; by default goes to the sound file directory
+;; Fix this code or complain if you want to plot with gnuplot while
+;; running ny (or even NyquistIDE (jny) if you want). Otherwise, use
+;; NyquistIDE to get s-plot to work.
+;(setf *runtime-path* (current-path))
+;(display "system.lsp" *runtime-path*)
+;(setfn standard-s-plot s-plot)
+;(defun s-plot (s &optional (dur 2.0) (n 1000))
+; (let (plot-file)
+; (standard-s-plot s dur n) ;; this calculates the data points
+; (setf plot-file (strcat *runtime-path* "nyquist-plot.txt"))
+; (system (strcat "gnuplot -persist " plot-file))))
diff --git a/sys/unix/cmu/backup.script b/sys/unix/cmu/backup.script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f00c59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/cmu/backup.script
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+cp -Rp ../current/* /afs/cs/project/music/proj/nyquist/current
diff --git a/sys/unix/cmu/tar.script b/sys/unix/cmu/tar.script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b23f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/cmu/tar.script
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+mkdir ../TMP
+mv ny ../TMP
+mv runtime/system.lsp ../TMP
+mv Makefile ../TMP
+mv test ../TMP
+set NYQDIR=`pwd`
+cd ..
+ln -fs $NYQDIR nyquist
+tar -cvhf - nyquist | compress > nyquist.tar.Z
+mv ../TMP/test .
+mv ../TMP/Makefile .
+mv ../TMP/system.lsp runtime
+mv ../TMP/ny .
diff --git a/sys/unix/cmu/update.lsp b/sys/unix/cmu/update.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71743a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/cmu/update.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+;; update.lsp -- script to push changes into source directories
+(load "makefile.lsp") ; just to make sure we got the latest bindings
+;; UPDATE-SOURCES -- makes a script to push changes into source directories
+(defun update-sources ()
+ (let (outf)
+ (load "transfiles.lsp") ; just to make sure we're current
+ (setf outf (open "script" :direction :output))
+ (format outf "#
+# source this script file
+# Source Paths: nyqsrc, cmtsrc, xlsrc, trnsrc
+ (format outf "
+ (file-update outf xlfiles ".c" "xlsrc")
+ (file-update outf xlfiles-h ".h" "xlsrc")
+ (file-update outf xlfiles-lsp ".lsp" "xlsrc")
+ (format outf "
+ (file-update outf nyqfiles ".c" "nyqsrc")
+ (file-update outf (exceptions-filter nyqfiles) ".h" "nyqsrc")
+ (file-update outf nyqfiles-h ".h" "nyqsrc")
+ (file-update outf nyqfiles-lsp ".lsp" "nyqsrc")
+ (file-update outf makefiles "" "nyqsrc")
+ (format outf "
+ (file-update outf cmtfiles ".c" "cmtsrc")
+ (file-update outf (exceptions-filter cmtfiles) ".h" "cmtsrc")
+ (file-update outf cmtfiles-h ".h" "cmtsrc")
+; don't write back machine generated trnsrc files
+; (file-update outf transfiles ".c" "trnsrc")
+; (file-update outf transfiles ".h" "trnsrc")
+ (close outf)
+ (format t "DONE writing script, 'source script' to copy files from~%")
+ (format t "this directory to the source directories~%")
+;; EXCEPTIONS-FILTER - remove .h files from list
+; the depends-exceptions tells whether a .h file exists for a .c file
+(defun exceptions-filter (files)
+ (let (result)
+ (dolist (f files)
+ (let ((ex (assoc f depends-exceptions :test #'equal)))
+ (cond (ex
+ (if (and (cdr ex)
+ (string-search (strcat f ".h") (cadr ex)))
+ (push f result)))
+ (t (push f result)))))
+ result))
+;; FILE-UPDATE -- write dependency for source files
+(defun file-update (outf files ext dir)
+ (dolist (f files)
+ (let ((fname (strcat f ext)))
+ (format outf "cp -p ~A ~A/~A~%" fname dir fname))))
diff --git a/sys/unix/io.c b/sys/unix/io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b2abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+ **********************************************************************
+ * File io.c
+ **********************************************************************
+ *
+ * Non blocking input routine
+ * Works by puttng the terminal in CBREAK mode and using the FIONREAD
+ * ioctl call to determine the number of characters in the input queue
+ */
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "io.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <sgtty.h>
+#include "cext.h"
+int IOinputfd; /* input file descriptor (usually 0) */
+int IOnochar; /* Value to be returned by IOgetchar()
+ where there is no input to be had */
+static struct sgttyb IOoldmodes, IOcurrentmodes;
+ /* Initial and current tty modes */
+ * IOsetup(inputfd)
+ * Args:
+ * inputfd - input file descriptor (should be zero for standard input)
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 - if all goes well
+ * -1 - if an ioctl fails (also calls perror)
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Puts the terminal in CBREAK mode - before process termination
+ * IOcleanup() should be called to restore old terminal modes
+ * Catch's interrupts (if they are not already being caught) and
+ * calls IOcleanup before exiting
+ *
+ */
+#define ERROR(s) return (perror(s), -1)
+ static IOdiegracefully();
+ int (*interrupt_handler)();
+ IOinputfd = inputfd;
+ IOnochar = NOCHAR;
+ if(ioctl(IOinputfd, TIOCGETP, &IOoldmodes) < 0)
+ ERROR("IOsetup");
+ IOcurrentmodes = IOoldmodes;
+ IOcurrentmodes.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
+ IOcurrentmodes.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
+ if(ioctl(IOinputfd, TIOCSETP, &IOcurrentmodes))
+ ERROR("IOsetup-2");
+ if( (interrupt_handler = signal(SIGINT, IOdiegracefully)) != 0)
+ signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler);
+ return 0;
+ write(2, "\nBye\n", 5);
+ IOcleanup();
+ EXIT(2);
+ * IOcleanup()
+ * Returns:
+ * 0 - if all goes well
+ * -1 - if an ioctl fails (also calls perror)
+ * Side Effects:
+ * Restores initial terminal modes
+ */
+ if(ioctl(IOinputfd, TIOCSETP, &IOoldmodes) < 0)
+ ERROR("IOclean");
+ return 0;
+ * IOgetchar()
+ * Returns:
+ * A character off the input queue if there is one,
+ * IOnochar if there is no character waiting to be read,
+ * -1 if an ioctl fails (shouldn't happen if IOsetup went OK)
+ */
+#ifndef UNIX_MACH
+ int n;
+ char c;
+ if(ioctl(IOinputfd, FIONREAD, &n) < 0)
+ ERROR("IOgetchar");
+ if(n <= 0)
+ return IOnochar;
+ switch(read(IOinputfd, &c, 1)) {
+ case 1:
+ return c;
+ case 0:
+ return EOF;
+ default:
+ ERROR("IOgetchar-read");
+ }
+ int nfds, readfds = 1 << IOinputfd;
+ char c;
+ static struct timeval zero;
+ if(IOinputfd < 0 || IOinputfd >= 32) {
+ printf("IOgetchar2: bad IOinputfd (%d)%s\n", IOinputfd,
+ IOinputfd == -1 ? "Did you call IOsetup(fd)?" : "");
+ }
+ nfds = select(32, &readfds, 0, 0, &zero);
+ if(nfds > 0) {
+ switch(read(IOinputfd, &c, 1)) {
+ case 0:
+ return EOF;
+ case 1:
+ return c;
+ default:
+ printf("IOgetchar2: read failed!\n");
+ return NOCHAR;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(nfds < 0)
+ printf("IOgetchar2: select failed!\n");
+ return NOCHAR;
+ * IOwaitchar()
+ * Returns:
+ * A character off the input queue. Waits if necessary.
+ */
+int IOwaitchar()
+ char c;
+ if (read(IOinputfd, &c, 1) == 1) return c;
+ else return EOF;
+#endif /* UNIX_MACH */
diff --git a/sys/unix/io.h b/sys/unix/io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e50ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#define NOCHAR -2
+int IOinputfd;
+int IOnochar;
+int IOsetup(int inputfd);
+int IOcleanup(void);
+int IOgetchar(void);
+int IOwaitchar(void);
diff --git a/sys/unix/next/Makefile b/sys/unix/next/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10817d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/next/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is NEXT
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Isnd -Ifft
+# system dependent stuff for next:
+CC = cc
+LN = cc
+LFLAGS = -lm
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/clip.o tran/const.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o tran/maxv.o tran/osc.o \
+ tran/prod.o tran/buzz.o tran/pwl.o tran/recip.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/scale.o tran/sine.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/white.o tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o tran/atonev.o \
+ tran/atone.o tran/reson.o tran/areson.o tran/resonvc.o \
+ tran/resoncv.o tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o tran/resonvv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/offset.o tran/slope.o tran/delay.o \
+ tran/delaycv.o tran/shape.o tran/sampler.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/siosc.o tran/follow.o tran/gate.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/ifft.o tran/congen.o tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/coterm.o tran/convolve.o tran/alpass.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/chase.o tran/tapv.o tran/biquad.o tran/pluck.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nyqsrc/debug.o nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/add.o \
+ nyqsrc/local.o nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.o nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sound.o nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/inverse.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/fft.o nyqsrc/sndfail.o fft/fftn.o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqfnint.o snd/audionext.o snd/sndnext.o snd/ieeecvt.o \
+ snd/snd.o snd/sndcvt.o snd/sndio.o snd/sndheader.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/avg.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/clip.h tran/const.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h tran/maxv.h tran/osc.h \
+ tran/prod.h tran/buzz.h tran/pwl.h tran/recip.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/scale.h tran/sine.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/white.h tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h tran/atonev.h \
+ tran/atone.h tran/reson.h tran/areson.h tran/resonvc.h \
+ tran/resoncv.h tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h tran/resonvv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/offset.h tran/slope.h tran/delaycc.h \
+ tran/delaycv.h tran/shape.h tran/sampler.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/siosc.h tran/follow.h tran/gate.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/ifft.h tran/congen.h tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/coterm.h tran/convolve.h tran/alpass.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/chase.h tran/tapv.h tran/biquad.h tran/pluck.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+current: $(CURRENT)
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS)
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/next/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/next/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwrite.o: nyqsrc/sndwrite.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndwrite.c -o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfail.o: nyqsrc/sndfail.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfail.c -o nyqsrc/sndfail.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/audionext.o: snd/audionext.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/audionext.c -o snd/audionext.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndnext.o: snd/sndnext.c snd/sndnext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndnext.c -o snd/sndnext.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/ieeecvt.o: snd/ieeecvt.c snd/ieeecvt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/ieeecvt.c -o snd/ieeecvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/snd.o: snd/snd.c snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/snd.c -o snd/snd.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndcvt.o: snd/sndcvt.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndcvt.c -o snd/sndcvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndio.o: snd/sndio.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndio.c -o snd/sndio.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndheader.o: snd/sndheader.c snd/sndheader.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndheader.c -o snd/sndheader.o $(CFLAGS)
+fft/fftn.o: fft/fftn.c fft/fftn.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c fft/fftn.c -o fft/fftn.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/convolve.o: tran/convolve.c tran/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/convolve.c -o tran/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquad.o: tran/biquad.c tran/biquad.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/biquad.c -o tran/biquad.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ cc -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ cc -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ cc -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ cc -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ cc -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ cc -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ cc -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ cc -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ cc -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ cc -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ cc -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ cc -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+# this doesn't compile with the -O switch (a NeXT compiler bug?)
+xlisp/xljump.o : xlisp/xljump.c xlisp/xlisp.h
+ $(CC) -DCMTSTUFF -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) snd/snd.h misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+ rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+ rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
diff --git a/sys/unix/next/system.lsp b/sys/unix/next/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42e2471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/next/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+; local definition for play
+; this one is for NeXT:
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-NeXT))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "./"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-head-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
+;; PLAY-FILE - play a sound file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (system (strcat "sndplay " (soundfilename name))))
+;; R - replay last file written with PLAY
+(defun r () (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+;; PLAY - write value of an expression to file and play it
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(prog (specs)
+ (setf specs (s-save (force-srate *sound-srate* ,expr)
+ 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+ (r)))
diff --git a/sys/unix/nonalsa/Makefile b/sys/unix/nonalsa/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f01331
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/nonalsa/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is NONALSA
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+OPT = -O2 -m32
+# OPT = -g -m32
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar \
+ bin/ser-to-osc bin/test-client
+current: $(CURRENT)
+onlyny: $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+JAVASRC = jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/ \
+ jnyqide/ jnyqide/
+jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar: $(JAVASRC)
+ if [ -r jnyqide/ ] ; then \
+ mv jnyqide/ jnyqide/SpecialMacHandler.hidden ;\
+ fi
+ cd jnyqide; javac *.java
+ mv jnyqide/SpecialMacHandler.hidden jnyqide/
+ rm -rf jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar
+ jar -cfm jnyqide/jNyqIDE.jar jnyqide/manifest.txt jnyqide/*.class
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+# Keeping portaudio and libsndfile sources local to nyquist
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Iffts/src \
+ -Inyqstk/include -Inyqstk -Iportaudio/include -Iportaudio/src/common \
+ -Iportaudio/src/os/unix \
+ -Iliblo -Inylsf
+# system dependent stuff for nonalsa:
+CC = gcc
+LIBPA_PATH = portaudio/lib/.libs
+LIBLO_PATH = liblo/src/.libs
+# to enable command line editing, use -DREADLINE. WARNING: THIS WILL
+# CONTROL CHARACTERS (You will also need the readline and curses libraries)
+LN = g++ -m32
+AR = ar
+# to enable command line editing, insert -lreadline -lcurses
+LFLAGS = $(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a $(AUDIOLIBS) -lm -lpthread -lrt
+ find . ( -name
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o \
+ xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o \
+ xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o \
+ xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o \
+ xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o \
+ xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o \
+ xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ xlisp/path.o tran/abs.o \
+ tran/allpoles.o tran/alpass.o \
+ tran/alpasscv.o tran/alpassvv.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/areson.o \
+ tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/atone.o \
+ tran/atonev.o tran/biquadfilt.o \
+ tran/buzz.o tran/chase.o \
+ tran/clip.o tran/congen.o \
+ tran/const.o tran/coterm.o \
+ tran/delaycc.o tran/delaycv.o \
+ tran/eqbandvvv.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/follow.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/gate.o tran/ifft.o \
+ tran/instrclar.o tran/instrclarall.o \
+ tran/instrclarfreq.o tran/instrsax.o \
+ tran/instrsaxall.o tran/instrsaxfreq.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o \
+ tran/lpreson.o tran/maxv.o \
+ tran/offset.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/osc.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/pluck.o tran/prod.o \
+ tran/pwl.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/recip.o tran/reson.o \
+ tran/resonvc.o tran/resoncv.o \
+ tran/resonvv.o tran/sampler.o \
+ tran/scale.o tran/shape.o \
+ tran/sine.o tran/siosc.o \
+ tran/slope.o tran/sqrt.o \
+ tran/tapf.o tran/tapv.o \
+ tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/white.o \
+ tran/stkrev.o tran/stkpitshift.o \
+ tran/stkchorus.o tran/instrbow.o \
+ tran/instrbowedfreq.o tran/instrbanded.o \
+ tran/instrmandolin.o tran/instrsitar.o \
+ tran/instrmodalbar.o tran/instrflute.o \
+ tran/instrflutefreq.o tran/instrfluteall.o \
+ tran/fmfb.o tran/fmfbv.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o \
+ cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o \
+ cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o \
+ cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o \
+ cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nylsf/aiff.o \
+ nylsf/alaw.o nylsf/au.o \
+ nylsf/avr.o nylsf/broadcast.o \
+ nylsf/caf.o nylsf/command.o \
+ nylsf/common.o nylsf/dither.o \
+ nylsf/double64.o nylsf/dwd.o \
+ nylsf/dwvw.o nylsf/file_io.o \
+ nylsf/flac.o nylsf/float32.o \
+ nylsf/gsm610.o nylsf/htk.o \
+ nylsf/ima_adpcm.o nylsf/interleave.o \
+ nylsf/ircam.o nylsf/macbinary3.o \
+ nylsf/macos.o nylsf/mat4.o \
+ nylsf/mat5.o nylsf/ms_adpcm.o \
+ nylsf/nist.o nylsf/ogg.o \
+ nylsf/paf.o nylsf/pcm.o \
+ nylsf/pvf.o nylsf/raw.o \
+ nylsf/rx2.o nylsf/sd2.o \
+ nylsf/sds.o nylsf/sndfile.o \
+ nylsf/strings.o nylsf/svx.o \
+ nylsf/txw.o nylsf/ulaw.o \
+ nylsf/voc.o nylsf/vox_adpcm.o \
+ nylsf/w64.o nylsf/wav.o \
+ nylsf/wav_w64.o nylsf/wve.o \
+ nylsf/xi.o nylsf/g72x.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/add.o nylsf/GSM610/code.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/decode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o \
+ nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o nylsf/GSM610/table.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g721.o nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o \
+ nylsf/G72x/g72x.o nyqsrc/debug.o \
+ nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/local.o \
+ nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o \
+ nyqsrc/sliders.o nyqsrc/sound.o \
+ nyqsrc/add.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/convolve.o \
+ nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/fft.o \
+ nyqsrc/inverse.o nyqsrc/multiseq.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o \
+ nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o nyqsrc/yin.o \
+ nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o nyqsrc/trigger.o \
+ nyqsrc/lpanal.o nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o \
+ nyqsrc/pvshell.o nyqstk/src/Generator.o \
+ nyqstk/src/SineWave.o nyqstk/src/Function.o \
+ nyqstk/src/FileRead.o nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Effect.o nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Delay.o nyqstk/src/DelayL.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Envelope.o nyqstk/src/Filter.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o nyqstk/src/Noise.o \
+ nyqstk/src/OneZero.o nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o nyqstk/src/Stk.o \
+ nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o nyqstk/src/WvIn.o \
+ nyqstk/src/NRev.o nyqstk/src/JCRev.o \
+ nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o nyqstk/src/PitShift.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Chorus.o nyqstk/src/Bowed.o \
+ nyqstk/src/BowTable.o nyqstk/src/ADSR.o \
+ nyqstk/src/OnePole.o nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o \
+ nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o nyqstk/src/DelayA.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Sitar.o nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o \
+ nyqstk/src/Modal.o nyqstk/src/Flute.o \
+ nyqstk/src/JetTable.o nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o \
+ nyqstk/stkinit.o nyqstk/instr.o \
+ nyqstk/stkint.o ffts/src/fftext.o \
+ ffts/src/fftlib.o ffts/src/matlib.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndfnint.o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = nyqsrc/sndfmt.h nylsf/sndfile.h \
+ nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/add.h \
+ nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/compose.h \
+ nyqsrc/convolve.h nyqsrc/downsample.h \
+ nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/resamp.h \
+ nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sndsliders.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/yin.h \
+ nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.h nyqsrc/trigger.h \
+ nyqsrc/lpanal.h nyqsrc/phasevocoder.h \
+ nyqsrc/pvshell.h tran/abs.h \
+ tran/allpoles.h tran/alpass.h \
+ tran/alpasscv.h tran/alpassvv.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/areson.h \
+ tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/atone.h \
+ tran/atonev.h tran/biquadfilt.h \
+ tran/buzz.h tran/chase.h \
+ tran/clip.h tran/congen.h \
+ tran/const.h tran/coterm.h \
+ tran/delaycc.h tran/delaycv.h \
+ tran/eqbandvvv.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/follow.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/gate.h tran/ifft.h \
+ tran/instrclar.h tran/instrclarall.h \
+ tran/instrclarfreq.h tran/instrsax.h \
+ tran/instrsaxall.h tran/instrsaxfreq.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h \
+ tran/lpreson.h tran/maxv.h \
+ tran/offset.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/osc.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/pluck.h tran/prod.h \
+ tran/pwl.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/recip.h tran/reson.h \
+ tran/resonvc.h tran/resoncv.h \
+ tran/resonvv.h tran/sampler.h \
+ tran/scale.h tran/shape.h \
+ tran/sine.h tran/siosc.h \
+ tran/slope.h tran/sqrt.h \
+ tran/tapf.h tran/tapv.h \
+ tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/white.h \
+ tran/stkrev.h tran/stkpitshift.h \
+ tran/stkchorus.h tran/instrbow.h \
+ tran/instrbowedfreq.h tran/instrbanded.h \
+ tran/instrmandolin.h tran/instrsitar.h \
+ tran/instrmodalbar.h tran/instrflute.h \
+ tran/instrflutefreq.h tran/instrfluteall.h \
+ tran/fmfb.h tran/fmfbv.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h \
+ cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h \
+ cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+ mkdir bin
+ cd liblo; ./configure CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 --enable-static --disable-shared
+ # sometimes, residual files cause problems
+ cd liblo; make clean
+$(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a: liblo/Makefile
+ cd liblo; make
+bin/ser-to-osc: bin $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.cpp \
+ -o liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.o
+ $(LN) liblo/ser-to-osc/ser-to-osc.o -o bin/ser-to-osc $(LFLAGS)
+bin/test-client: bin $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) liblo/test-client/test-client.c \
+ -o liblo/test-client/test-client.o
+ $(LN) liblo/test-client/test-client.o -o bin/test-client $(LFLAGS)
+ # note: without-jack avoids 32/64-bit link error on Debian
+ cd portaudio; ./configure CFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 --enable-static --disable-shared --without-jack
+ # sometimes, residual files cause problems
+ cd portaudio; make clean
+$(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a: portaudio/Makefile
+ cd portaudio; make
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS) $(LIBPA_PATH)/libportaudio.a $(LIBLO_PATH)/liblo.a
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/nonalsa/system.lsp
+ # make sure it's there before you make it writeable
+ touch runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/nonalsa/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/convolve.o: nyqsrc/convolve.c nyqsrc/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/convolve.c -o nyqsrc/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndsliders.o: nyqsrc/sndsliders.c nyqsrc/sndsliders.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndsliders.c -o nyqsrc/sndsliders.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o: nyqsrc/sndwritepa.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndwritepa.c -o nyqsrc/sndwritepa.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/yin.o: nyqsrc/yin.c nyqsrc/yin.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/yin.c -o nyqsrc/yin.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o: nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.c nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.c -o nyqsrc/nyq-osc-server.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/trigger.o: nyqsrc/trigger.c nyqsrc/trigger.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/trigger.c -o nyqsrc/trigger.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/lpanal.o: nyqsrc/lpanal.c nyqsrc/lpanal.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/lpanal.c -o nyqsrc/lpanal.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o: nyqsrc/phasevocoder.c nyqsrc/phasevocoder.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/phasevocoder.c -o nyqsrc/phasevocoder.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/pvshell.o: nyqsrc/pvshell.c nyqsrc/pvshell.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/pvshell.c -o nyqsrc/pvshell.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sliders.o: nyqsrc/sliders.c nyqsrc/sliders.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sliders.c -o nyqsrc/sliders.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/fftext.o: ffts/src/fftext.c ffts/src/fftext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/fftext.c -o ffts/src/fftext.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/fftlib.o: ffts/src/fftlib.c ffts/src/fftlib.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/fftlib.c -o ffts/src/fftlib.o $(CFLAGS)
+ffts/src/matlib.o: ffts/src/matlib.c ffts/src/matlib.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c ffts/src/matlib.c -o ffts/src/matlib.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/abs.o: tran/abs.c tran/abs.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/abs.c -o tran/abs.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/allpoles.o: tran/allpoles.c tran/allpoles.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/allpoles.c -o tran/allpoles.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpasscv.o: tran/alpasscv.c tran/alpasscv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpasscv.c -o tran/alpasscv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpassvv.o: tran/alpassvv.c tran/alpassvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/alpassvv.c -o tran/alpassvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquadfilt.o: tran/biquadfilt.c tran/biquadfilt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/biquadfilt.c -o tran/biquadfilt.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/eqbandvvv.o: tran/eqbandvvv.c tran/eqbandvvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/eqbandvvv.c -o tran/eqbandvvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclar.o: tran/instrclar.c tran/instrclar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclar.c -o tran/instrclar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclarall.o: tran/instrclarall.c tran/instrclarall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclarall.c -o tran/instrclarall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrclarfreq.o: tran/instrclarfreq.c tran/instrclarfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrclarfreq.c -o tran/instrclarfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsax.o: tran/instrsax.c tran/instrsax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsax.c -o tran/instrsax.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsaxall.o: tran/instrsaxall.c tran/instrsaxall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsaxall.c -o tran/instrsaxall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsaxfreq.o: tran/instrsaxfreq.c tran/instrsaxfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsaxfreq.c -o tran/instrsaxfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/lpreson.o: tran/lpreson.c tran/lpreson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/lpreson.c -o tran/lpreson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sqrt.o: tran/sqrt.c tran/sqrt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/sqrt.c -o tran/sqrt.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapf.o: tran/tapf.c tran/tapf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tapf.c -o tran/tapf.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkrev.o: tran/stkrev.c tran/stkrev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkrev.c -o tran/stkrev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkpitshift.o: tran/stkpitshift.c tran/stkpitshift.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkpitshift.c -o tran/stkpitshift.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/stkchorus.o: tran/stkchorus.c tran/stkchorus.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/stkchorus.c -o tran/stkchorus.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbow.o: tran/instrbow.c tran/instrbow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbow.c -o tran/instrbow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbowedfreq.o: tran/instrbowedfreq.c tran/instrbowedfreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbowedfreq.c -o tran/instrbowedfreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrbanded.o: tran/instrbanded.c tran/instrbanded.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrbanded.c -o tran/instrbanded.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrmandolin.o: tran/instrmandolin.c tran/instrmandolin.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrmandolin.c -o tran/instrmandolin.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrsitar.o: tran/instrsitar.c tran/instrsitar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrsitar.c -o tran/instrsitar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrmodalbar.o: tran/instrmodalbar.c tran/instrmodalbar.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrmodalbar.c -o tran/instrmodalbar.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrflute.o: tran/instrflute.c tran/instrflute.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrflute.c -o tran/instrflute.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrflutefreq.o: tran/instrflutefreq.c tran/instrflutefreq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrflutefreq.c -o tran/instrflutefreq.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/instrfluteall.o: tran/instrfluteall.c tran/instrfluteall.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/instrfluteall.c -o tran/instrfluteall.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmfb.o: tran/fmfb.c tran/fmfb.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmfb.c -o tran/fmfb.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmfbv.o: tran/fmfbv.c tran/fmfbv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ $(CC) -c tran/fmfbv.c -o tran/fmfbv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ $(CC) -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/stkinit.o: nyqstk/stkinit.cpp nyqstk/stkinit.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/stkinit.cpp -o nyqstk/stkinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/instr.o: nyqstk/instr.cpp nyqstk/instr.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/instr.cpp -o nyqstk/instr.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/stkint.o: nyqstk/stkint.cpp nyqstk/stkint.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/stkint.cpp -o nyqstk/stkint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Generator.o: nyqstk/src/Generator.cpp nyqstk/include/Generator.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Generator.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Generator.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/SineWave.o: nyqstk/src/SineWave.cpp nyqstk/include/SineWave.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/SineWave.cpp -o nyqstk/src/SineWave.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Function.o: nyqstk/src/Function.cpp nyqstk/include/Function.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Function.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Function.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/FileRead.o: nyqstk/src/FileRead.cpp nyqstk/include/FileRead.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/FileRead.cpp -o nyqstk/src/FileRead.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o: nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.cpp nyqstk/include/FileWvIn.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.cpp -o nyqstk/src/FileWvIn.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Effect.o: nyqstk/src/Effect.cpp nyqstk/include/Effect.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Effect.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Effect.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o: nyqstk/src/Clarinet.cpp nyqstk/include/Clarinet.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Clarinet.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Clarinet.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Delay.o: nyqstk/src/Delay.cpp nyqstk/include/Delay.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Delay.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Delay.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/DelayL.o: nyqstk/src/DelayL.cpp nyqstk/include/DelayL.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/DelayL.cpp -o nyqstk/src/DelayL.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Envelope.o: nyqstk/src/Envelope.cpp nyqstk/include/Envelope.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Envelope.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Envelope.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Filter.o: nyqstk/src/Filter.cpp nyqstk/include/Filter.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Filter.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Filter.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o: nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.cpp nyqstk/include/Instrmnt.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Instrmnt.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Noise.o: nyqstk/src/Noise.cpp nyqstk/include/Noise.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Noise.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Noise.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/OneZero.o: nyqstk/src/OneZero.cpp nyqstk/include/OneZero.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/OneZero.cpp -o nyqstk/src/OneZero.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o: nyqstk/src/ReedTable.cpp nyqstk/include/ReedTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ReedTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ReedTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o: nyqstk/src/Saxofony.cpp nyqstk/include/Saxofony.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Saxofony.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Saxofony.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Stk.o: nyqstk/src/Stk.cpp nyqstk/include/Stk.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Stk.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Stk.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o: nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.cpp nyqstk/include/WaveLoop.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.cpp -o nyqstk/src/WaveLoop.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/WvIn.o: nyqstk/src/WvIn.cpp nyqstk/include/WvIn.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/WvIn.cpp -o nyqstk/src/WvIn.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/NRev.o: nyqstk/src/NRev.cpp nyqstk/include/NRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/NRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/NRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/JCRev.o: nyqstk/src/JCRev.cpp nyqstk/include/JCRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/JCRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/JCRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o: nyqstk/src/PRCRev.cpp nyqstk/include/PRCRev.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PRCRev.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PRCRev.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PitShift.o: nyqstk/src/PitShift.cpp nyqstk/include/PitShift.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PitShift.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PitShift.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Chorus.o: nyqstk/src/Chorus.cpp nyqstk/include/Chorus.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Chorus.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Chorus.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Bowed.o: nyqstk/src/Bowed.cpp nyqstk/include/Bowed.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Bowed.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Bowed.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BowTable.o: nyqstk/src/BowTable.cpp nyqstk/include/BowTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BowTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BowTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ADSR.o: nyqstk/src/ADSR.cpp nyqstk/include/ADSR.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ADSR.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ADSR.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/OnePole.o: nyqstk/src/OnePole.cpp nyqstk/include/OnePole.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/OnePole.cpp -o nyqstk/src/OnePole.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o: nyqstk/src/BiQuad.cpp nyqstk/include/BiQuad.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BiQuad.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BiQuad.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o: nyqstk/src/BandedWG.cpp nyqstk/include/BandedWG.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/BandedWG.cpp -o nyqstk/src/BandedWG.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/DelayA.o: nyqstk/src/DelayA.cpp nyqstk/include/DelayA.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/DelayA.cpp -o nyqstk/src/DelayA.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o: nyqstk/src/Mandolin.cpp nyqstk/include/Mandolin.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Mandolin.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Mandolin.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o: nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.cpp nyqstk/include/PluckTwo.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PluckTwo.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Sitar.o: nyqstk/src/Sitar.cpp nyqstk/include/Sitar.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Sitar.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Sitar.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o: nyqstk/src/ModalBar.cpp nyqstk/include/ModalBar.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/ModalBar.cpp -o nyqstk/src/ModalBar.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Modal.o: nyqstk/src/Modal.cpp nyqstk/include/Modal.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Modal.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Modal.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/Flute.o: nyqstk/src/Flute.cpp nyqstk/include/Flute.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/Flute.cpp -o nyqstk/src/Flute.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/JetTable.o: nyqstk/src/JetTable.cpp nyqstk/include/JetTable.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/JetTable.cpp -o nyqstk/src/JetTable.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o: nyqstk/src/PoleZero.cpp nyqstk/include/PoleZero.h
+ g++ -c nyqstk/src/PoleZero.cpp -o nyqstk/src/PoleZero.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/path.o: xlisp/path.c
+ $(CC) -c xlisp/path.c -o xlisp/path.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ $(CC) -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/aiff.o: nylsf/aiff.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/aiff.c -o nylsf/aiff.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/alaw.o: nylsf/alaw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/alaw.c -o nylsf/alaw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/au.o: nylsf/au.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/au.c -o nylsf/au.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/avr.o: nylsf/avr.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/avr.c -o nylsf/avr.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/broadcast.o: nylsf/broadcast.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/broadcast.c -o nylsf/broadcast.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/caf.o: nylsf/caf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/caf.c -o nylsf/caf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/command.o: nylsf/command.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/command.c -o nylsf/command.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/common.o: nylsf/common.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/common.c -o nylsf/common.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dither.o: nylsf/dither.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dither.c -o nylsf/dither.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/double64.o: nylsf/double64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/double64.c -o nylsf/double64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dwd.o: nylsf/dwd.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dwd.c -o nylsf/dwd.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/dwvw.o: nylsf/dwvw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/dwvw.c -o nylsf/dwvw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/file_io.o: nylsf/file_io.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/file_io.c -o nylsf/file_io.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/flac.o: nylsf/flac.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/flac.c -o nylsf/flac.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/float32.o: nylsf/float32.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/float32.c -o nylsf/float32.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/gsm610.o: nylsf/gsm610.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/gsm610.c -o nylsf/gsm610.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/htk.o: nylsf/htk.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/htk.c -o nylsf/htk.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ima_adpcm.o: nylsf/ima_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ima_adpcm.c -o nylsf/ima_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/interleave.o: nylsf/interleave.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/interleave.c -o nylsf/interleave.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ircam.o: nylsf/ircam.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ircam.c -o nylsf/ircam.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/macbinary3.o: nylsf/macbinary3.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/macbinary3.c -o nylsf/macbinary3.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/macos.o: nylsf/macos.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/macos.c -o nylsf/macos.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/mat4.o: nylsf/mat4.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/mat4.c -o nylsf/mat4.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/mat5.o: nylsf/mat5.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/mat5.c -o nylsf/mat5.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ms_adpcm.o: nylsf/ms_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ms_adpcm.c -o nylsf/ms_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/nist.o: nylsf/nist.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/nist.c -o nylsf/nist.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ogg.o: nylsf/ogg.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ogg.c -o nylsf/ogg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/paf.o: nylsf/paf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/paf.c -o nylsf/paf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/pcm.o: nylsf/pcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/pcm.c -o nylsf/pcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/pvf.o: nylsf/pvf.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/pvf.c -o nylsf/pvf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/raw.o: nylsf/raw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/raw.c -o nylsf/raw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/rx2.o: nylsf/rx2.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/rx2.c -o nylsf/rx2.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sd2.o: nylsf/sd2.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sd2.c -o nylsf/sd2.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sds.o: nylsf/sds.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sds.c -o nylsf/sds.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/sndfile.o: nylsf/sndfile.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/sndfile.c -o nylsf/sndfile.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/strings.o: nylsf/strings.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/strings.c -o nylsf/strings.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/svx.o: nylsf/svx.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/svx.c -o nylsf/svx.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/txw.o: nylsf/txw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/txw.c -o nylsf/txw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/ulaw.o: nylsf/ulaw.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/ulaw.c -o nylsf/ulaw.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/voc.o: nylsf/voc.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/voc.c -o nylsf/voc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/vox_adpcm.o: nylsf/vox_adpcm.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/vox_adpcm.c -o nylsf/vox_adpcm.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/w64.o: nylsf/w64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/w64.c -o nylsf/w64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wav.o: nylsf/wav.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wav.c -o nylsf/wav.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wav_w64.o: nylsf/wav_w64.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wav_w64.c -o nylsf/wav_w64.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/wve.o: nylsf/wve.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/wve.c -o nylsf/wve.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/xi.o: nylsf/xi.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/xi.c -o nylsf/xi.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/g72x.o: nylsf/g72x.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/g72x.c -o nylsf/g72x.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/add.o: nylsf/GSM610/add.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/add.c -o nylsf/GSM610/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/code.o: nylsf/GSM610/code.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/code.c -o nylsf/GSM610/code.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/decode.o: nylsf/GSM610/decode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/decode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/decode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_create.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_decode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_destroy.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_encode.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o: nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.c -o nylsf/GSM610/gsm_option.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o: nylsf/GSM610/long_term.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/long_term.c -o nylsf/GSM610/long_term.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o: nylsf/GSM610/lpc.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/lpc.c -o nylsf/GSM610/lpc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o: nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.c -o nylsf/GSM610/preprocess.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o: nylsf/GSM610/rpe.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/rpe.c -o nylsf/GSM610/rpe.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o: nylsf/GSM610/short_term.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/short_term.c -o nylsf/GSM610/short_term.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/GSM610/table.o: nylsf/GSM610/table.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/GSM610/table.c -o nylsf/GSM610/table.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g721.o: nylsf/G72x/g721.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g721.c -o nylsf/G72x/g721.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_16.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_16.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_16.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_24.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_24.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_24.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o: nylsf/G72x/g723_40.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g723_40.c -o nylsf/G72x/g723_40.o $(CFLAGS)
+nylsf/G72x/g72x.o: nylsf/G72x/g72x.c
+ $(CC) -c nylsf/G72x/g72x.c -o nylsf/G72x/g72x.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ $(CC) -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ cd liblo; test -f Makefile && make clean || true
+ cd portaudio; test -f Makefile && make clean || true
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# These could be deleted, but they're part of the release, so we won't
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+# rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+# rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f #*# */#*#
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
+ rm -f core.* core
+ rm -f $(NY)
+release: cleaner
+ cd misc; make packer
+ misc/packer files.txt release.pac
+ rm -f *.wav
+ mv ny ..
+ mv -f *.pac ..
+ rm -f unpacker
+ rm -f packer
+ cd ..; zip -r nyquist
+ ../ny misc/cmu/cmu-linux-install.lsp
+ mv ../ny ./ny
diff --git a/sys/unix/nonalsa/system.lsp b/sys/unix/nonalsa/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3923bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/nonalsa/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;; system.lsp -- system-dependent lisp code
+; local definition for play
+; this one is for Linux:
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-wave))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "./"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* (strcat (get-user) "-points.dat")))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
+; RELATIVE-PATH-P -- test if filename or path is a relative path
+(defun relative-path-p (filename)
+ (not (eq (char filename 0) #\/)))
+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
+;; PLAY-FILE - play a sound file
+(defun play-file (name)
+;; WARNING: if you invoke an external program to play files,
+;; but Nyquist uses internal (portaudio) interface to
+;; play synthesized sound, Nyquist may fail to open the
+;; sound device while it is playing a sound file and then
+;; refuse to play anything. -RBD dec05
+;; (system (strcat "sndplay " (soundfilename name))))
+;; (system (strcat "play " (soundfilename name) )))
+ (play (s-read (soundfilename name))))
+;; R - replay last file written with PLAY
+(defun r () (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+;;;; use this old version if you want to use sndplay to play
+;;;; the result file rather than play the samples as they
+;;;; are computed. This version does not autonormalize.
+;; PLAY - write value of an expression to file and play it
+;(defmacro play (expr)
+; `(prog (specs)
+; (setf specs (s-save (force-srate *sound-srate* ,expr)
+; 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+; (r)))
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
+;; for Linux, modify s-plot (defined in nyquist.lsp) by saving s-plot
+;; in standard-s-plot, then call gnuplot to display the points.
+;; we also need to save the location of this file so we can find
+;; nyquist-plot.txt, the command file for gnuplot
+;; This code is broken in the following ways:
+;; it tries to run gnuplot even when plotting can be done by NyquistIDE
+;; it plots "points.dat", but "points.dat" may not be correct
+;; (see *default-plot-file*)
+;; it assumes the plot file is in the current directory, but it
+;; by default goes to the sound file directory
+;; Fix this code or complain if you want to plot with gnuplot while
+;; running ny (or even NyquistIDE (jny) if you want). Otherwise, use
+;; NyquistIDE to get s-plot to work.
+;(setf *runtime-path* (current-path))
+;(display "system.lsp" *runtime-path*)
+;(setfn standard-s-plot s-plot)
+;(defun s-plot (s &optional (dur 2.0) (n 1000))
+; (let (plot-file)
+; (standard-s-plot s dur n) ;; this calculates the data points
+; (setf plot-file (strcat *runtime-path* "nyquist-plot.txt"))
+; (system (strcat "gnuplot -persist " plot-file))))
diff --git a/sys/unix/osstuff.c b/sys/unix/osstuff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2d283f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/osstuff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+/* unixtuff.c - unix interface routines for xlisp
+ * 5-Mar-07 Dannenberg
+ * worked on hidden_msg() and hidden message handling
+ *
+ * 23-Dec-05 Dannenberg
+ * still more hacks: Mac and Linux don't disable character echo like
+ * windows does using a pipe to an IDE. To make UNIX versions match
+ * the Windows behavior (which is preferable), added
+ * echo_enabled flag and a function to set/clear it from XLisp.
+ * This will give unix-specific behavior to compensate for the
+ * unix-specific character echo. This worked, but printed
+ * (echoenabled nil) on the console, which was pretty ugly, so I
+ * added ctrl-e and ctrl-f handlers to turn echo on and off. Now
+ * Java can just send ctrl-f before anything else. Windows must
+ * ignore ctrl-f.
+ *
+ * 28-Apr-03 Mazzoni
+ * many changes for new conditional compilation organization
+ *
+ * 28-Jun-95 Dannenberg
+ * removed buffering (which could overflow) from ostgetc.
+ *
+ * 2-Aprl-88 Dale Amon at CMU-CSD
+ * Upgraded to xlisp 2.0. Used msstuff.c as a template.
+ *
+ * 20-Apr-87 Dale Amon at CMU-CSD
+ * Added control-c interrupt handler. Puts user in breakloop and allows
+ * continue. Prints line at which the interrupt occured. Interrupt
+ * occurs at first eval after ^C has been typed.
+ *
+ * 19-APR-87 Dale Amon at CMU-CSD
+ * switched from rand to random package. Corrected bug in osrand(). It
+ * did not use the argument n to calculate a rand in range 0 to n-1 as
+ * advertised.
+ * 28-OCT-05 Roger Dannenberg at CMU-SCS
+ * added directory listing functions
+ */
+#include "switches.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "term.h"
+#include "cext.h"
+#include "userio.h"
+#include "exitpa.h"
+#include "sliders.h" /* define sliders -- not just for OSC */
+#if OSC
+#include "sound.h" /* define nosc_enabled */
+#define LBSIZE 200
+/* external variables */
+extern LVAL s_unbound,s_true;
+extern FILE *tfp;
+/* local variables */
+static int lindex;
+static int lcount = 0;
+static int lposition;
+static int line_edit = TRUE;
+#ifndef READ_LINE
+#define typeahead_max 128
+static char typeahead[typeahead_max];
+static int typeahead_tail = 0;
+static int typeahead_head = 0;
+static char lbuf[LBSIZE];
+static int lpos[LBSIZE];
+static int echo_enabled = 1;
+/* forward declarations */
+FORWARD LOCAL void xflush();
+FORWARD LOCAL int xcheck();
+FORWARD LOCAL void hidden_msg();
+/* control-c interrupt handling routines and variables. Uses B4.2 signal
+ handling. Previous SIGINT handler is saved just in case someday we want
+ to play with turning control c on and off.
+#include <signal.h>
+static int ctc = FALSE;
+static void control_c(int x) {ctc = TRUE;}
+void ctcinit() {signal ( SIGINT, control_c );}
+static void ctcreset() {signal ( SIGINT, control_c );}
+const char os_pathchar = '/';
+const char os_sepchar = ':';
+/* osinit - initialize */
+void osinit(char *banner)
+ printf("%s\n",banner);
+ /* start the random number generator. Older version was srand(1)
+ seed of 1 makes the sequence repeatable. Random gives better
+ pseudo randomness than does rand().
+ */
+ srand(1);
+ srandom(1);
+#ifndef UNIX
+ /* set control c trap to local routine */
+ ctcinit();
+ /* sets terminal for raw input and calls ctcinit too */
+ term_init();
+ term_character();
+ lposition = 0;
+ lindex = 0;
+ lcount = 0;
+/* osfinish - clean up before returning to the operating system */
+void osfinish(void)
+ term_exit();
+ portaudio_exit();
+/* oserror - print an error message */
+void oserror(char *msg) {printf("error: %s\n",msg);}
+/* osaopen - open an ascii file */
+FILE *osaopen(name,mode) char *name,*mode; {
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = fopen(name,mode);
+ printf("osaopen on %s yields %x\n", name, fp);
+ if (strcmp(name, "/home/rbd/nyquist/lib/xm-test.lsp") == 0) {
+ // when DEBUG_INPUT is set, this generates a compiler error
+ // on linux -RBD
+ debug_input_fp = fp;
+ printf("osaopen: debug_input_fp gets %x\n", debug_input_fp);
+ }
+ return fp;
+/* osbopen - open a binary file */
+FILE *osbopen(name,mode) char *name,*mode;
+ { char bmode[10];
+ FILE *fp;
+ strcpy(bmode,mode); strcat(bmode,"b");
+ fp = fopen(name,bmode);
+ return fp;
+ }
+/* osclose - close a file */
+int osclose(fp) FILE *fp;
+ if (debug_input_fp == fp) {
+ debug_input_fp = NULL;
+ printf("osclose: debug_input_fp gets %x\n", debug_input_fp);
+ }
+ /* when XLISP is loading files and an error is encountered, the files
+ * are automatically closed so that the OS will not lock them, confusing
+ * the user. So we could get here and the file could already be closed
+ */
+ return (fp ? fclose(fp) : 0);
+/* osagetc - get a character from an ascii file */
+int osagetc(fp) FILE *fp; {
+ int c = getc(fp);
+ ungetc(c, fp);
+ return (getc(fp));
+/* osaputc - put a character to an ascii file */
+int osaputc(int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc(ch,fp)); }
+/* osoutflush - flush output to a file */
+void osoutflush(FILE *fp) { fflush(fp); }
+extern int dbgflg;
+/* osbgetc - get a character from a binary file */
+/* int osbgetc(fp) FILE *fp; {return (getc(fp));} */
+int osbgetc(FILE *fp) {
+ int c = (getc(fp));
+ /* if (dbgflg) printf("osbgetc: got %d from FILE %x\n", c, fp);
+ */
+ return c;
+/* osbputc - put a character to a binary file */
+int osbputc(ch,fp) int ch; FILE *fp; {return (putc(ch,fp));}
+/* ostgetc - get a character from the terminal */
+int ostgetc()
+ int ch;
+ switch (ch = term_getchar()) {
+ case '\n':
+ lbuf[lcount++] = '\n';
+ lposition = 0;
+ if (tfp)
+ for (lindex = 0; lindex < lcount; ++lindex)
+ osaputc(lbuf[lindex],tfp);
+ lindex = 0; lcount = 0;
+ return (ch);
+ case '\010':
+ case '\177':
+ if (lcount) {
+ lcount--;
+ while (lposition > lpos[lcount]) {
+ lposition--;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\032':
+ xflush();
+ return (EOF);
+ default:
+ if (ch == '\t' || (ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x7F)) {
+ lbuf[lcount] = ch;
+ lpos[lcount] = lposition;
+ if (ch == '\t')
+ do {} while (++lposition & 7);
+ else {lposition++;}
+ lcount++;
+ return (ch);
+ }
+ else {
+ xflush();
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '\003': xltoplevel(); /* control-c */
+ case '\007': xlcleanup(); /* control-g */
+ case '\020': xlcontinue(); /* control-p */
+ case '\032': return (EOF); /* control-z */
+ /* moved from oscheck until I figure out how to
+ set up interrupt to handle these two */
+ case '\002': xflush(); xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound);
+ break; /* control-b */
+ case '\024': xinfo(); break; /* control-t */
+ default: return (ch);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* ostgetc - get a character from the terminal */
+int ostgetc()
+{ int ch;
+ for (;;) {
+ ch = term_getchar();
+ oscheck();
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '\003': xltoplevel(); /* control-c */
+ case '\007': xlcleanup(); /* control-g */
+ case '\020': xlcontinue(); /* control-p */
+ case '\032': return EOF; /* control-z */
+ case '\002': xflush(); xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound);
+ break; /* control-b */
+ case '\024': xinfo(); break; /* control-t */
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ default:
+ if (tfp) osaputc(ch, tfp);
+ return ch;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef READLINE
+#include <readline/readline.h>
+#include <readline/history.h>
+char *readline_line = NULL;
+int readline_pos = 0;
+int readline_len = 0;
+int readline_first = 1;
+extern int xldebug;
+int ostgetc()
+ int rval;
+ if (readline_first)
+ using_history();
+ if (!readline_line) {
+ char prompt[10];
+ if (xldebug==0)
+ sprintf(prompt, "> ");
+ else
+ sprintf(prompt, "%d> ", xldebug);
+ readline_line = readline(prompt);
+ if (readline_line == NULL)
+ return EOF;
+ add_history(readline_line);
+ readline_len = strlen(readline_line);
+ readline_pos = 0;
+ }
+ rval = readline_line[readline_pos];
+ if (readline_pos == readline_len) {
+ free(readline_line);
+ readline_line = NULL;
+ return '\n';
+ }
+ readline_pos++;
+ return rval;
+#else /* no readline */
+void end_of_line_edit()
+ line_edit = FALSE;
+ if (tfp) {
+ for (lindex = 0; lindex < lcount; ++lindex)
+ osaputc(lbuf[lindex], tfp);
+ }
+ lindex = 0;
+/* THIS IS THE "REAL" ostgetc(): */
+LOCAL int rawtchar()
+ int ch;
+ if (typeahead_tail != typeahead_head) {
+ ch = typeahead[typeahead_head++];
+ typeahead_head &= (typeahead_max - 1);
+ /* printf("[%c]", ch); */
+ if (ch == 0xFF) ch = -1; /* char to int conversion of EOF */
+ } else {
+ fflush(stdout); /* necessary on OS X with Java IDE - I don't know why. */
+ /* don't use getchar() or buffering will cause out-of-order input */
+ ch = term_getchar();
+ /* printf("{%c}", ch); */
+ }
+ return ch;
+int ostgetc()
+ * NOTE: lbuf[] accumulates characters as they are typed
+ * lpos[] is the column position of the characters
+ * lcount is the number of characters in lbuf
+ * lposition is current position
+ * lindex is index of next char to output
+ * line_edit is true iff we're inputing characters
+ *
+ */
+ int ch;
+ while (line_edit) {
+ ch = rawtchar();
+ if (ch == EOF) xlisp_wrapup();
+ oscheck(); /* in case user typed ^C */
+ /* assume for now we should add the character */
+ lbuf[lcount] = ch;
+ lpos[lcount] = lposition;
+ lcount++;
+ lposition++;
+ /* now do all the special character processing */
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '\001': /* take out non-printing character */
+ lcount--;
+ lposition--;
+ mark_audio_time();
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ lposition = 0;
+ end_of_line_edit();
+ if (echo_enabled) {
+ osaputc('\r', stdout);
+ osaputc(ch, stdout);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* delete key generates: 1b, 5b, 33, 7E
+ which is: ESC, [, 3, ~ */
+ case '\010': /* backspace */
+ case '\177': /* delete */
+ lcount--; /* take out backspace or delete char */
+ lposition--;
+ if (lcount) {
+ lcount--;
+ while (lposition > lpos[lcount]) {
+ if (echo_enabled) {
+ putchar('\010');
+ putchar(' ');
+ putchar('\010');
+ }
+ lposition--;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\025': /* control-u */
+ lcount--;
+ lposition--;
+ if (lcount) {
+ while (lposition > lpos[0]) {
+ if (echo_enabled) {
+ putchar('\010');
+ putchar(' ');
+ putchar('\010');
+ }
+ lposition--;
+ }
+ lcount = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* note that control-z never reaches here */
+ case '\003': /* control-c */
+ xltoplevel();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\007': /* control-g */
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ xlcleanup();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\016':
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ hidden_msg(); /* process hidden msg chars */
+ break;
+ case '\020': /* control-p */
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ xlcontinue();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\002':
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ xflush(); /* control-b */
+ xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound);
+ break;
+ case '\005': /* control-e */
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ echo_enabled = TRUE;
+ break;
+ case '\006': /* control-f */
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ echo_enabled = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case '\024': /* control-t */
+ lcount--; /* take out non-printing char */
+ lposition--;
+ xinfo();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\t': /* TAB */
+ lposition--; /* undo the increment above */
+ do {
+ lposition++;
+ if (echo_enabled) osaputc(' ', stdout);
+ } while (lposition & 7);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (echo_enabled) osaputc(ch, stdout);
+ break;
+ }
+ // avoid line buffer overflow here:
+ if (lposition > LBSIZE - 10) {
+ // buffer is about to overflow, so write newline and
+ // feed chars to XLISP
+ if (echo_enabled) {
+ osaputc('\r', stdout);
+ osaputc('\n', stdout);
+ }
+ lposition = 0;
+ end_of_line_edit();
+ }
+ }
+ if (lindex + 1 >= lcount) {
+ lcount = 0;
+ line_edit = TRUE;
+ }
+ ch = lbuf[lindex++];
+ /* printf("-%c-", ch); */
+ if (echo_enabled) fflush(stdout);
+ return ch;
+/* ostputc - put a character to the terminal */
+void ostputc(int ch)
+ {
+ oscheck(); /* check for control characters */
+ /* output the character */
+ if (ch == '\n') {lposition = 0;}
+ else {lposition++;}
+ /* output the character to the transcript file */
+ if (tfp) osaputc(ch,tfp);
+ putchar(((char) ch));
+ }
+/* ostoutflush - flush output buffer */
+void ostoutflush()
+ if (tfp) fflush(tfp);
+ fflush(stdout);
+/* osflush - flush the terminal input buffer */
+void osflush(void)
+ lindex = lcount = lposition = 0;
+ line_edit = TRUE;
+/* hidden_msg - process a "hidden message"
+ * NOTE: a "hidden message" is a sequence of characters starting
+ * with '\016' and ending with '\021'. These are designed to allow
+ * a graphical interface, namely jNyqIDE, to control sliders in
+ * real-time (during synthesis). The character sequences are hidden
+ * meaning they are not echoed and they are not interpreted as LISP.
+ *
+ * This function assumes that '\016' has been received already.
+ */
+LOCAL void hidden_msg()
+#define MSGBUF_MAX 64
+ char msgbuf[MSGBUF_MAX];
+ int msgbufx = 0;
+ char type_char = rawtchar();
+ char ch;
+ // message is terminated by '\021'
+ while ((ch = term_getchar()) != '\021' && ch != EOF &&
+ msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX - 1) {
+ msgbuf[msgbufx++] = ch;
+ }
+ msgbuf[msgbufx++] = 0;
+ // printf("hidden message: %s, len %ld\n", msgbuf, (long) strlen(msgbuf));
+ if (msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX) {
+ if (type_char == 'S') { // slider change message
+ int index;
+ float value;
+ if (sscanf(msgbuf, "%d %g", &index, &value) == 2) {
+ set_slider(index, value);
+ }
+ }
+ } /* other hidden messages could be parsed here */
+/* oscheck - check for control characters during execution */
+ * NOTE: to support type-ahead, unused characters are put
+ * into a queue to be removed by ostgetc
+ */
+void oscheck(void)
+ int ch;
+ int k, v, n;
+ static int count = 0;
+#if OSC
+ if (nosc_enabled) nosc_poll();
+ if (ctc) { /* control-c */
+ /* printf("[oscheck: control-c detected]"); */
+ ctc=FALSE; ctcreset();
+ xflush(); xltoplevel(); return;
+ }
+ if ((ch = xcheck())) {
+ switch (ch) {
+ case BREAK_CHAR: /* control-b */
+ /* printf("BREAK_CHAR\n"); */
+ xflush(); xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound); break;
+ case '\024': /* control-t */
+ /* printf("control-t\n"); */
+ xinfo(); break;
+ case '\025': /* control-u */
+ /* printf("control-u\n"); */
+ xcleanup();
+ case '\016': { /* begin hidden message */
+ /* printf("hidden msg\n"); */
+ hidden_msg();
+ break;
+ }
+ case '\001': /* control-a -- mark audio time */
+ mark_audio_time(); break;
+ case -1: /* EOF - lost connection, so die */
+ xlisp_wrapup();
+ break;
+ case -2: /* no character was ready */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* printf("Got %d\n", ch); */
+#ifndef READ_LINE
+ /* printf("+%c+", ch); */
+ typeahead[typeahead_tail++] = ch;
+ typeahead_tail &= (typeahead_max - 1);
+ if (typeahead_tail == typeahead_head) {
+ oserror("Input buffer overflow\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ count++;
+ // when compute-bound, count is incremented by 10000 in about 15s, so
+ // that's about 700 Hz. We want to flush any output at about 2Hz, so
+ // we'll pick 400 as a round number.
+ if (count % 400 == 0) {
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+/* xflush - flush the input line buffer and start a new line */
+LOCAL void xflush()
+ osflush();
+ ostputc('\n');
+/* xsystem - execute a system command */
+LVAL xsystem()
+{ /*LVAL strval;*/
+ unsigned char *cmd = NULL;
+ if (moreargs())
+ cmd = (unsigned char *)getstring(xlgastring());
+ xllastarg();
+ return (system((char *) cmd) == -1 ? cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)errno) : s_true);
+/* xsetdir -- set current directory of the process */
+LVAL xsetdir()
+ char *dir = (char *)getstring(xlgastring());
+ int result;
+ LVAL cwd = NULL;
+ int verbose = TRUE;
+ if (moreargs()) {
+ verbose = (xlgetarg() != NIL);
+ }
+ xllastarg();
+ result = chdir(dir);
+ if (result) {
+ /* perror("SETDIR"); -- Nyquist uses SETDIR to search for directories
+ * at startup, so failures are normal, and seeing error messages
+ * could be confusing, so don't print them. The NULL return indicates
+ * an error, but doesn't tell which one it is.
+ * But now, SETDIR has a second verbose parameter that is nil when
+ * searching for directories. -RBD
+ */
+ if (verbose) perror("Directory Setting Error");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ dir = getcwd(NULL, 1000);
+ if (dir) {
+ cwd = cvstring(dir);
+ free(dir);
+ }
+ return cwd;
+/* xget_temp_path -- get a path to create temp files */
+LVAL xget_temp_path()
+ return cvstring("/tmp/");
+/* xget_user -- get a string identifying the user, for use in file names */
+LVAL xget_user()
+ char *user = getenv("USER");
+ if (!user || !*user) {
+ errputstr("Warning: could not get user ID, using 'nyquist'\n");
+ user = "nyquist";
+ }
+ return cvstring(user);
+/* xechoenabled -- set/clear echo_enabled flag (unix only) */
+LVAL xechoenabled()
+ int flag = (xlgetarg() != NULL);
+ xllastarg();
+ echo_enabled = flag;
+ return NULL;
+#define OSDIR_LIST_DONE 2
+static int osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+static DIR *osdir_dir;
+/* osdir_list_start -- open a directory listing */
+int osdir_list_start(char *path)
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ osdir_list_finish(); /* close current listing */
+ }
+ osdir_dir = opendir(path);
+ if (!osdir_dir) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_STARTED;
+ return TRUE;
+/* osdir_list_next -- read the next entry from a directory */
+char *osdir_list_next()
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_STARTED) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ struct dirent *entry = readdir(osdir_dir);
+ if (!entry) {
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_DONE;
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ return entry->d_name;
+ }
+/* osdir_list_finish -- close an open directory */
+void osdir_list_finish()
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ closedir(osdir_dir);
+ }
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+/* xcheck -- return a character if one is present */
+LOCAL int xcheck()
+ int ch = term_testchar();
+ return ch;
+/* xgetkey - get a key from the keyboard */
+LVAL xgetkey() {xllastarg(); return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)term_getchar()));}
+/* ossymbols - enter os specific symbols */
+void ossymbols(void) {}
+/* xsetupconsole -- used to configure window in Win32 version */
+LVAL xsetupconsole() { return NIL; }
diff --git a/sys/unix/osx/run b/sys/unix/osx/run
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bd037c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/osx/run
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# INSTRUCTIONS: for developers, in the top nyquist directory:
+# ln -l sys/unix/osx/run
+# ln -s macosxproject/build/ny
+java -cp jnyqide/NyquistIDE.jar jnyqide.Main
diff --git a/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp b/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ecd6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;; system.lsp -- system-dependent lisp code
+; local definition for play
+; this one is for Mac OS-X:
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-wave))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "/tmp"))
+(format t "*default-sf-dir* (default sound file directory) is ~A~%"
+ *default-sf-dir*)
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* (strcat (get-user) "-points.dat")))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
+; RELATIVE-PATH-P -- test if filename or path is a relative path
+(defun relative-path-p (filename)
+ (not (eq (char filename 0) #\/)))
+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
+;; PLAY-FILE - play a sound file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (s-save (s-read name) NY:ALL "" :play t))
+;; R - replay last file written with PLAY
+(defun r () (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+;;;; use this old version if you want to use sndplay to play
+;;;; the result file rather than play the samples as they
+;;;; are computed. This version does not autonormalize.
+;; PLAY - write value of an expression to file and play it
+;(defmacro play (expr)
+; `(prog (specs)
+; (setf specs (s-save (force-srate *sound-srate* ,expr)
+; 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+; (r)))
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
+;; use standard s-plot
diff --git a/sys/unix/pl b/sys/unix/pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b58e58c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+graph < points.dat | plot -Ttek
diff --git a/sys/unix/pmax/Makefile b/sys/unix/pmax/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8784790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/pmax/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is PMAX
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Isnd -Ifft
+# system dependent stuff for pmax:
+CC = cc
+LN = cc
+LFLAGS = -lm
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/clip.o tran/const.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o tran/maxv.o tran/osc.o \
+ tran/prod.o tran/buzz.o tran/pwl.o tran/recip.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/scale.o tran/sine.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/white.o tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o tran/atonev.o \
+ tran/atone.o tran/reson.o tran/areson.o tran/resonvc.o \
+ tran/resoncv.o tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o tran/resonvv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/offset.o tran/slope.o tran/delay.o \
+ tran/delaycv.o tran/shape.o tran/sampler.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/siosc.o tran/follow.o tran/gate.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/ifft.o tran/congen.o tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/coterm.o tran/convolve.o tran/alpass.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/chase.o tran/tapv.o tran/biquad.o tran/pluck.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nyqsrc/debug.o nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/add.o \
+ nyqsrc/local.o nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.o nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sound.o nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/inverse.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/fft.o nyqsrc/sndfail.o fft/fftn.o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqfnint.o snd/audiopmax.o snd/sndpmax.o snd/ieeecvt.o \
+ snd/snd.o snd/sndcvt.o snd/sndio.o snd/sndheader.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/avg.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/clip.h tran/const.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h tran/maxv.h tran/osc.h \
+ tran/prod.h tran/buzz.h tran/pwl.h tran/recip.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/scale.h tran/sine.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/white.h tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h tran/atonev.h \
+ tran/atone.h tran/reson.h tran/areson.h tran/resonvc.h \
+ tran/resoncv.h tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h tran/resonvv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/offset.h tran/slope.h tran/delaycc.h \
+ tran/delaycv.h tran/shape.h tran/sampler.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/siosc.h tran/follow.h tran/gate.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/ifft.h tran/congen.h tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/coterm.h tran/convolve.h tran/alpass.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/chase.h tran/tapv.h tran/biquad.h tran/pluck.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+current: $(CURRENT)
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS)
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/pmax/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/pmax/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwrite.o: nyqsrc/sndwrite.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndwrite.c -o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfail.o: nyqsrc/sndfail.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfail.c -o nyqsrc/sndfail.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/audiopmax.o: snd/audiopmax.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/audiopmax.c -o snd/audiopmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndpmax.o: snd/sndpmax.c snd/sndpmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndpmax.c -o snd/sndpmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/ieeecvt.o: snd/ieeecvt.c snd/ieeecvt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/ieeecvt.c -o snd/ieeecvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/snd.o: snd/snd.c snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/snd.c -o snd/snd.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndcvt.o: snd/sndcvt.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndcvt.c -o snd/sndcvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndio.o: snd/sndio.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndio.c -o snd/sndio.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndheader.o: snd/sndheader.c snd/sndheader.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndheader.c -o snd/sndheader.o $(CFLAGS)
+fft/fftn.o: fft/fftn.c fft/fftn.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c fft/fftn.c -o fft/fftn.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/convolve.o: tran/convolve.c tran/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/convolve.c -o tran/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquad.o: tran/biquad.c tran/biquad.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/biquad.c -o tran/biquad.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ cc -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ cc -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ cc -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ cc -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ cc -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ cc -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ cc -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ cc -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ cc -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ cc -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ cc -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ cc -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) snd/snd.h misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+ rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+ rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
diff --git a/sys/unix/pmax/system.lsp b/sys/unix/pmax/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6371aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/pmax/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+; machine.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+; rs6000
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-none))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "/tmp/"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+; local definition for play
+(defun p6k ()
+ (system (format nil
+ "/usr/itc/projects/depot/tactus/bin/acpaplay ~A/~A < playparms"
+ *default-sf-dir*
+ *default-sound-file*)))
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(prog (specs playparms)
+ (setf specs (s-save ',expr 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+ (setf playparms (open "playparms" :direction :output))
+ (format playparms "~A~%16~%2~%~A~%" (car specs) (cadr specs))
+ (close playparms)
+ (p6k)))
diff --git a/sys/unix/rs6k/Makefile b/sys/unix/rs6k/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ba39f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/rs6k/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is RS6K
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Isnd -Ifft
+# system dependent stuff for rs6k:
+MIDI = /afs/cs/project/music/rs6k/midilib
+CC = cc
+# change -g to -O for optimization
+XFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -qlanglvl=extended
+LN = xlc -qattr -qlist
+LFLAGS = -lm -L$(MIDI) -lmidi -lbsd -lg
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/clip.o tran/const.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o tran/maxv.o tran/osc.o \
+ tran/prod.o tran/buzz.o tran/pwl.o tran/recip.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/scale.o tran/sine.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/white.o tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o tran/atonev.o \
+ tran/atone.o tran/reson.o tran/areson.o tran/resonvc.o \
+ tran/resoncv.o tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o tran/resonvv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/offset.o tran/slope.o tran/delay.o \
+ tran/delaycv.o tran/shape.o tran/sampler.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/siosc.o tran/follow.o tran/gate.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/ifft.o tran/congen.o tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/coterm.o tran/convolve.o tran/alpass.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/chase.o tran/tapv.o tran/biquad.o tran/pluck.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nyqsrc/debug.o nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/add.o \
+ nyqsrc/local.o nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.o nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sound.o nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/inverse.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/fft.o nyqsrc/sndfail.o fft/fftn.o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqfnint.o snd/audiors6k.o snd/sndrs6k.o snd/ieeecvt.o \
+ snd/snd.o snd/sndcvt.o snd/sndio.o snd/sndheader.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/avg.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/clip.h tran/const.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h tran/maxv.h tran/osc.h \
+ tran/prod.h tran/buzz.h tran/pwl.h tran/recip.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/scale.h tran/sine.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/white.h tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h tran/atonev.h \
+ tran/atone.h tran/reson.h tran/areson.h tran/resonvc.h \
+ tran/resoncv.h tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h tran/resonvv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/offset.h tran/slope.h tran/delaycc.h \
+ tran/delaycv.h tran/shape.h tran/sampler.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/siosc.h tran/follow.h tran/gate.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/ifft.h tran/congen.h tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/coterm.h tran/convolve.h tran/alpass.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/chase.h tran/tapv.h tran/biquad.h tran/pluck.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+current: $(CURRENT)
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS)
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/rs6k/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/rs6k/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwrite.o: nyqsrc/sndwrite.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndwrite.c -o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfail.o: nyqsrc/sndfail.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfail.c -o nyqsrc/sndfail.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/audiors6k.o: snd/audiors6k.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/audiors6k.c -o snd/audiors6k.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndrs6k.o: snd/sndrs6k.c snd/sndrs6k.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndrs6k.c -o snd/sndrs6k.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/ieeecvt.o: snd/ieeecvt.c snd/ieeecvt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/ieeecvt.c -o snd/ieeecvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/snd.o: snd/snd.c snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/snd.c -o snd/snd.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndcvt.o: snd/sndcvt.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndcvt.c -o snd/sndcvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndio.o: snd/sndio.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndio.c -o snd/sndio.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndheader.o: snd/sndheader.c snd/sndheader.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndheader.c -o snd/sndheader.o $(CFLAGS)
+fft/fftn.o: fft/fftn.c fft/fftn.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c fft/fftn.c -o fft/fftn.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/convolve.o: tran/convolve.c tran/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/convolve.c -o tran/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquad.o: tran/biquad.c tran/biquad.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/biquad.c -o tran/biquad.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ cc -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ cc -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ cc -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ cc -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ cc -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ cc -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ cc -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ cc -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ cc -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ cc -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ cc -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ cc -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) snd/snd.h misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+ rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+ rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
+tar: cleaner
+ sh -v sys/unix/cmu/tar.script
+backup: cleaner
+ sh -v sys/unix/cmu/backup.script
diff --git a/sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript b/sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a26ea60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+cat $1 | graph | tplot -Ttek
+echo "Type ^D to exit"
diff --git a/sys/unix/rs6k/system.lsp b/sys/unix/rs6k/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e64e070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/rs6k/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; machine.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+; rs6000
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-NeXT))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "/tmp/"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
+; turn off switch to play sound as it is computed
+(setf *soundenable* nil)
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(let ()
+ (s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*)
+ (r)))
+(defun r ()
+ (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+; PLAY-FILE -- play a file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (system (format nil "acpaplay ~A" (soundfilename name))))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
+; save the standard function to write points to a file
+(setfn s-plot-points s-plot)
+; S-PLOT - plot a small number of points
+(defun s-plot (&rest args)
+ (let ((n (soundfilename *default-plot-file*)))
+ (apply #'s-plot-points args)
+ (cond ((boundp '*plotscript-file*))
+ (t
+ (format t "*plotscript-file* is unbound, setting it to: \n")
+ (format t " sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript\n")
+ (format t "You may need to set it to a full path\n")
+ (setf *plotscript-file* "sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript")))
+ (system (format nil "xterm -t -e ~A ~A" *plotscript-file* n))))
+; S-EDIT - run the audio editor on a sound
+(defmacro s-edit (&optional expr)
+ `(prog ()
+ (if ,expr (s-save ,expr 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+ (system (format nil "audio_editor ~A &"
+ (soundfilename *default-sound-file*)))))
diff --git a/sys/unix/setup b/sys/unix/setup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06a1ad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/setup
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+mkdir cmt demos lib misc nyqsrc runtime sys test tran xlisp
+cd sys
+mkdir unix mac win
+cd unix
+mkdir cmu next pmax rs6k sgi sparc
+cd ..
+cd win
+mkdir msvc
+cd ..
+cd ..
diff --git a/sys/unix/sgi/Makefile b/sys/unix/sgi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309bc19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/sgi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is SGI
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Isnd -Ifft
+# system dependent stuff for sgi:
+CC = cc
+LN = cc
+LFLAGS = -lm
+# you would need -lmd if UNIX_IRIX_MIDIFNS were defined in midifns.c
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/clip.o tran/const.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o tran/maxv.o tran/osc.o \
+ tran/prod.o tran/buzz.o tran/pwl.o tran/recip.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/scale.o tran/sine.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/white.o tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o tran/atonev.o \
+ tran/atone.o tran/reson.o tran/areson.o tran/resonvc.o \
+ tran/resoncv.o tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o tran/resonvv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/offset.o tran/slope.o tran/delay.o \
+ tran/delaycv.o tran/shape.o tran/sampler.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/siosc.o tran/follow.o tran/gate.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/ifft.o tran/congen.o tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/coterm.o tran/convolve.o tran/alpass.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/chase.o tran/tapv.o tran/biquad.o tran/pluck.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nyqsrc/debug.o nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/add.o \
+ nyqsrc/local.o nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.o nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sound.o nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/inverse.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/fft.o nyqsrc/sndfail.o fft/fftn.o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqfnint.o snd/audiosgi.o snd/sndsgi.o snd/ieeecvt.o \
+ snd/snd.o snd/sndcvt.o snd/sndio.o snd/sndheader.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/avg.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/clip.h tran/const.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h tran/maxv.h tran/osc.h \
+ tran/prod.h tran/buzz.h tran/pwl.h tran/recip.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/scale.h tran/sine.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/white.h tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h tran/atonev.h \
+ tran/atone.h tran/reson.h tran/areson.h tran/resonvc.h \
+ tran/resoncv.h tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h tran/resonvv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/offset.h tran/slope.h tran/delaycc.h \
+ tran/delaycv.h tran/shape.h tran/sampler.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/siosc.h tran/follow.h tran/gate.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/ifft.h tran/congen.h tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/coterm.h tran/convolve.h tran/alpass.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/chase.h tran/tapv.h tran/biquad.h tran/pluck.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+current: $(CURRENT)
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS)
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/sgi/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/sgi/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwrite.o: nyqsrc/sndwrite.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndwrite.c -o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfail.o: nyqsrc/sndfail.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfail.c -o nyqsrc/sndfail.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/audiosgi.o: snd/audiosgi.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/audiosgi.c -o snd/audiosgi.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndsgi.o: snd/sndsgi.c snd/sndsgi.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndsgi.c -o snd/sndsgi.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/ieeecvt.o: snd/ieeecvt.c snd/ieeecvt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/ieeecvt.c -o snd/ieeecvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/snd.o: snd/snd.c snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/snd.c -o snd/snd.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndcvt.o: snd/sndcvt.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndcvt.c -o snd/sndcvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndio.o: snd/sndio.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndio.c -o snd/sndio.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndheader.o: snd/sndheader.c snd/sndheader.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndheader.c -o snd/sndheader.o $(CFLAGS)
+fft/fftn.o: fft/fftn.c fft/fftn.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c fft/fftn.c -o fft/fftn.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/convolve.o: tran/convolve.c tran/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/convolve.c -o tran/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquad.o: tran/biquad.c tran/biquad.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/biquad.c -o tran/biquad.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ cc -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ cc -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ cc -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ cc -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ cc -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ cc -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ cc -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ cc -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ cc -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ cc -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ cc -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ cc -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) snd/snd.h misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+ rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+ rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
diff --git a/sys/unix/sgi/system.lsp b/sys/unix/sgi/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..062a62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/sgi/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+; machine.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-AIFF))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "/tmp/"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(let ()
+ (s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*)
+ (r)))
+(defun r ()
+ (play-file *default-sound-file*))
+; PLAY-FILE -- play a file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (system (strcat "sfplay " (soundfilename name))))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)))
+(setf *file-separator* #\/)
+(sound-off) ; sgi implementation does not support real-time audio output yet
diff --git a/sys/unix/sndsystem.h b/sys/unix/sndsystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be8e49c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/sndsystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* sndsystem.h -- system-specific definitions */
+ NOTES: you need a different sndswitches.h for each implementation, so
+this is a separate file. Things you need to define here:
+1) Either UNIX, WIN32, or MACINTOSH should be defined.
+2) Either the following function declaration:
+ void snd_fail(char *msg);
+ #define snd_fail(msg) ...
+3) typedef FASTFLOAT to be either a double or a float, whichever
+computes faster (PowerPCs are faster at double math than float math)
+4) typedef MEMFLOAT to be how you would store a sample in memory
+(this should normally be float)
+5) min() must be defined (either a macro or a function)
+6) max() must be defined (either a macro or a function)
+#define UNIX
+#define snd_fail(msg) xlfail(msg)
+#define snd_warn(msg) errputstr(msg)
+typedef double FASTFLOAT;
+typedef float MEMFLOAT;
+/* avoid conflict with Windows */
+#ifndef max
+/* min(n, sizeof(long)) doesn't work on RS6K without this:
+ * (I never tracked down what min() was called and what was wrong.)
+ */
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
diff --git a/sys/unix/sparc/Makefile b/sys/unix/sparc/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a0fba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/sparc/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+# Makefile for Nyquist, SYSTEM-TYPE is SPARC
+# run make in the top-level Nyquist directory to compile Nyquist
+# NOTE: this file is machine-generated. DO NOT EDIT!
+# Instead, modify makefile.lsp and regenerate the makefile.
+# Ports and bug fixes are welcome - please mail them to
+# Thanks.
+# This is the resulting executable (normally "ny"):
+NY = ny
+# Standard list of includes (common to all unix versions)
+INCL = -Inyqsrc -Itran -Ixlisp -Isys/unix -Icmt -Isnd -Ifft
+# system dependent stuff for sparc:
+CC = gcc
+LN = $(CC)
+LFLAGS = -lm
+INTGEN = misc/intgen
+# Object files for Nyquist:
+OBJECTS = xlisp/extern.o xlisp/xldmem.o xlisp/xlbfun.o xlisp/xlcont.o \
+ xlisp/xldbug.o xlisp/xleval.o xlisp/xlfio.o xlisp/xlftab.o \
+ xlisp/xlglob.o xlisp/xlimage.o xlisp/xlinit.o xlisp/xlio.o \
+ xlisp/xlisp.o xlisp/xljump.o xlisp/xllist.o xlisp/xlmath.o \
+ xlisp/xlobj.o xlisp/xlpp.o xlisp/xlprin.o xlisp/xlread.o \
+ xlisp/xlstr.o xlisp/xlsubr.o xlisp/xlsym.o xlisp/xlsys.o \
+ tran/amosc.o tran/clip.o tran/const.o tran/fmosc.o \
+ tran/integrate.o tran/log.o tran/maxv.o tran/osc.o \
+ tran/prod.o tran/buzz.o tran/pwl.o tran/recip.o \
+ tran/upsample.o tran/scale.o tran/sine.o tran/partial.o \
+ tran/white.o tran/tone.o tran/tonev.o tran/atonev.o \
+ tran/atone.o tran/reson.o tran/areson.o tran/resonvc.o \
+ tran/resoncv.o tran/aresonvc.o tran/aresoncv.o tran/resonvv.o \
+ tran/aresonvv.o tran/offset.o tran/slope.o tran/delay.o \
+ tran/delaycv.o tran/shape.o tran/sampler.o tran/exp.o \
+ tran/siosc.o tran/follow.o tran/gate.o tran/quantize.o \
+ tran/ifft.o tran/congen.o tran/fromobject.o tran/fromarraystream.o \
+ tran/coterm.o tran/convolve.o tran/alpass.o tran/oneshot.o \
+ tran/chase.o tran/tapv.o tran/biquad.o tran/pluck.o \
+ cmt/cext.o cmt/cleanup.o cmt/cmdline.o cmt/cmtcmd.o \
+ cmt/moxc.o cmt/mem.o cmt/midifile.o cmt/midifns.o \
+ cmt/record.o cmt/seq.o cmt/seqmread.o cmt/seqmwrite.o \
+ cmt/seqread.o cmt/seqwrite.o cmt/tempomap.o cmt/timebase.o \
+ cmt/userio.o nyqsrc/debug.o nyqsrc/falloc.o nyqsrc/add.o \
+ nyqsrc/local.o nyqsrc/downsample.o nyqsrc/handlers.o nyqsrc/multiread.o \
+ nyqsrc/multiseq.o nyqsrc/samples.o nyqsrc/seqext.o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o \
+ nyqsrc/sndread.o nyqsrc/sndseq.o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o nyqsrc/sndmax.o \
+ nyqsrc/sound.o nyqsrc/stats.o nyqsrc/compose.o nyqsrc/inverse.o \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.o nyqsrc/resampv.o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o nyqsrc/avg.o \
+ nyqsrc/fft.o nyqsrc/sndfail.o fft/fftn.o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o \
+ nyqsrc/seqfnint.o snd/audiosparc.o snd/sndsparc.o snd/ieeecvt.o \
+ snd/snd.o snd/sndcvt.o snd/sndio.o snd/sndheader.o \
+ sys/unix/osstuff.o sys/unix/term.o
+# Sound functions to add to xlisp
+NYQHDRS = snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sndread.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/samples.h \
+ nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/inverse.h \
+ nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/avg.h \
+ tran/amosc.h tran/clip.h tran/const.h tran/fmosc.h \
+ tran/integrate.h tran/log.h tran/maxv.h tran/osc.h \
+ tran/prod.h tran/buzz.h tran/pwl.h tran/recip.h \
+ tran/upsample.h tran/scale.h tran/sine.h tran/partial.h \
+ tran/white.h tran/tone.h tran/tonev.h tran/atonev.h \
+ tran/atone.h tran/reson.h tran/areson.h tran/resonvc.h \
+ tran/resoncv.h tran/aresonvc.h tran/aresoncv.h tran/resonvv.h \
+ tran/aresonvv.h tran/offset.h tran/slope.h tran/delaycc.h \
+ tran/delaycv.h tran/shape.h tran/sampler.h tran/exp.h \
+ tran/siosc.h tran/follow.h tran/gate.h tran/quantize.h \
+ tran/ifft.h tran/congen.h tran/fromobject.h tran/fromarraystream.h \
+ tran/coterm.h tran/convolve.h tran/alpass.h tran/oneshot.h \
+ tran/chase.h tran/tapv.h tran/biquad.h tran/pluck.h
+CMTHDRS = cmt/seqdecls.h nyqsrc/seqext.h cmt/seq.h nyqsrc/seqinterf.h \
+ cmt/seqread.h cmt/seqmread.h cmt/seqwrite.h cmt/seqmwrite.h
+EVERYTHING = $(NY) runtime/system.lsp
+current: $(CURRENT)
+$(NY): $(OBJECTS)
+ $(LN) $(OBJECTS) $(LFLAGS) -o $(NY)
+# copy appropriate system.lsp and make it read-only;
+# changes should be made to sys/unix/<system>/system.lsp
+runtime/system.lsp: sys/unix/sparc/system.lsp
+ chmod +w runtime/system.lsp
+ cp -p sys/unix/sparc/system.lsp runtime/system.lsp
+ chmod -w runtime/system.lsp
+nyqsrc/debug.o: nyqsrc/debug.c nyqsrc/debug.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/debug.c -o nyqsrc/debug.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/falloc.o: nyqsrc/falloc.c nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/falloc.c -o nyqsrc/falloc.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/add.o: nyqsrc/add.c nyqsrc/add.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/add.c -o nyqsrc/add.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/local.o: nyqsrc/local.c xlisp/xlisp.h nyqsrc/sound.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/local.c -o nyqsrc/local.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/downsample.o: nyqsrc/downsample.c nyqsrc/downsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/downsample.c -o nyqsrc/downsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/handlers.o: nyqsrc/handlers.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/handlers.c -o nyqsrc/handlers.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiread.o: nyqsrc/multiread.c nyqsrc/multiread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiread.c -o nyqsrc/multiread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/multiseq.o: nyqsrc/multiseq.c nyqsrc/multiseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/multiseq.c -o nyqsrc/multiseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/samples.o: nyqsrc/samples.c nyqsrc/samples.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/samples.c -o nyqsrc/samples.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqext.o: nyqsrc/seqext.c nyqsrc/seqext.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqext.c -o nyqsrc/seqext.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqinterf.o: nyqsrc/seqinterf.c nyqsrc/seqinterf.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqinterf.c -o nyqsrc/seqinterf.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndread.o: nyqsrc/sndread.c nyqsrc/sndread.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndread.c -o nyqsrc/sndread.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndseq.o: nyqsrc/sndseq.c nyqsrc/sndseq.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndseq.c -o nyqsrc/sndseq.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndwrite.o: nyqsrc/sndwrite.c nyqsrc/sndwrite.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndwrite.c -o nyqsrc/sndwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndmax.o: nyqsrc/sndmax.c nyqsrc/sndmax.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndmax.c -o nyqsrc/sndmax.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sound.o: nyqsrc/sound.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sound.c -o nyqsrc/sound.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/stats.o: nyqsrc/stats.c nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/stats.c -o nyqsrc/stats.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/compose.o: nyqsrc/compose.c nyqsrc/compose.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/compose.c -o nyqsrc/compose.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/inverse.o: nyqsrc/inverse.c nyqsrc/inverse.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/inverse.c -o nyqsrc/inverse.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resamp.o: nyqsrc/resamp.c nyqsrc/resamp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resamp.c -o nyqsrc/resamp.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/resampv.o: nyqsrc/resampv.c nyqsrc/resampv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/resampv.c -o nyqsrc/resampv.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o: nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/ffilterkit.c -o nyqsrc/ffilterkit.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/avg.o: nyqsrc/avg.c nyqsrc/avg.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/avg.c -o nyqsrc/avg.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/fft.o: nyqsrc/fft.c nyqsrc/fft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c nyqsrc/fft.c -o nyqsrc/fft.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfail.o: nyqsrc/sndfail.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfail.c -o nyqsrc/sndfail.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/audiosparc.o: snd/audiosparc.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/audiosparc.c -o snd/audiosparc.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndsparc.o: snd/sndsparc.c snd/sndsparc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndsparc.c -o snd/sndsparc.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/ieeecvt.o: snd/ieeecvt.c snd/ieeecvt.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/ieeecvt.c -o snd/ieeecvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/snd.o: snd/snd.c snd/snd.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/snd.c -o snd/snd.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndcvt.o: snd/sndcvt.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndcvt.c -o snd/sndcvt.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndio.o: snd/sndio.c snd/snd.h
+ cc -c snd/sndio.c -o snd/sndio.o $(CFLAGS)
+snd/sndheader.o: snd/sndheader.c snd/sndheader.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c snd/sndheader.c -o snd/sndheader.o $(CFLAGS)
+fft/fftn.o: fft/fftn.c fft/fftn.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c fft/fftn.c -o fft/fftn.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/amosc.o: tran/amosc.c tran/amosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/amosc.c -o tran/amosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/clip.o: tran/clip.c tran/clip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/clip.c -o tran/clip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/const.o: tran/const.c tran/const.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/const.c -o tran/const.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fmosc.o: tran/fmosc.c tran/fmosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fmosc.c -o tran/fmosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/integrate.o: tran/integrate.c tran/integrate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/integrate.c -o tran/integrate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/log.o: tran/log.c tran/log.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/log.c -o tran/log.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/maxv.o: tran/maxv.c tran/maxv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/maxv.c -o tran/maxv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/osc.o: tran/osc.c tran/osc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/osc.c -o tran/osc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/prod.o: tran/prod.c tran/prod.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/prod.c -o tran/prod.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/buzz.o: tran/buzz.c tran/buzz.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/buzz.c -o tran/buzz.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pwl.o: tran/pwl.c tran/pwl.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pwl.c -o tran/pwl.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/recip.o: tran/recip.c tran/recip.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/recip.c -o tran/recip.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/upsample.o: tran/upsample.c tran/upsample.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/upsample.c -o tran/upsample.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/scale.o: tran/scale.c tran/scale.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/scale.c -o tran/scale.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sine.o: tran/sine.c tran/sine.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sine.c -o tran/sine.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/partial.o: tran/partial.c tran/partial.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/partial.c -o tran/partial.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/white.o: tran/white.c tran/white.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/white.c -o tran/white.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tone.o: tran/tone.c tran/tone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tone.c -o tran/tone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tonev.o: tran/tonev.c tran/tonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tonev.c -o tran/tonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atonev.o: tran/atonev.c tran/atonev.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atonev.c -o tran/atonev.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/atone.o: tran/atone.c tran/atone.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/atone.c -o tran/atone.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/reson.o: tran/reson.c tran/reson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/reson.c -o tran/reson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/areson.o: tran/areson.c tran/areson.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/areson.c -o tran/areson.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvc.o: tran/resonvc.c tran/resonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvc.c -o tran/resonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resoncv.o: tran/resoncv.c tran/resoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resoncv.c -o tran/resoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvc.o: tran/aresonvc.c tran/aresonvc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvc.c -o tran/aresonvc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresoncv.o: tran/aresoncv.c tran/aresoncv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresoncv.c -o tran/aresoncv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/resonvv.o: tran/resonvv.c tran/resonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/resonvv.c -o tran/resonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/aresonvv.o: tran/aresonvv.c tran/aresonvv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/aresonvv.c -o tran/aresonvv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/offset.o: tran/offset.c tran/offset.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/offset.c -o tran/offset.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/slope.o: tran/slope.c tran/slope.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/slope.c -o tran/slope.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycc.o: tran/delaycc.c tran/delaycc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycc.c -o tran/delaycc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/delaycv.o: tran/delaycv.c tran/delaycv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/delaycv.c -o tran/delaycv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/shape.o: tran/shape.c tran/shape.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/shape.c -o tran/shape.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/sampler.o: tran/sampler.c tran/sampler.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/sampler.c -o tran/sampler.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/exp.o: tran/exp.c tran/exp.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/exp.c -o tran/exp.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/siosc.o: tran/siosc.c tran/siosc.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/siosc.c -o tran/siosc.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/follow.o: tran/follow.c tran/follow.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/follow.c -o tran/follow.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/gate.o: tran/gate.c tran/gate.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/gate.c -o tran/gate.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/quantize.o: tran/quantize.c tran/quantize.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/quantize.c -o tran/quantize.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/ifft.o: tran/ifft.c tran/ifft.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/ifft.c -o tran/ifft.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/congen.o: tran/congen.c tran/congen.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/congen.c -o tran/congen.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromobject.o: tran/fromobject.c tran/fromobject.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromobject.c -o tran/fromobject.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/fromarraystream.o: tran/fromarraystream.c tran/fromarraystream.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/fromarraystream.c -o tran/fromarraystream.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/coterm.o: tran/coterm.c tran/coterm.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/coterm.c -o tran/coterm.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/convolve.o: tran/convolve.c tran/convolve.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/convolve.c -o tran/convolve.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/alpass.o: tran/alpass.c tran/alpass.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/alpass.c -o tran/alpass.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/oneshot.o: tran/oneshot.c tran/oneshot.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/oneshot.c -o tran/oneshot.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/chase.o: tran/chase.c tran/chase.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/chase.c -o tran/chase.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/tapv.o: tran/tapv.c tran/tapv.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/tapv.c -o tran/tapv.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/biquad.o: tran/biquad.c tran/biquad.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/biquad.c -o tran/biquad.o $(CFLAGS)
+tran/pluck.o: tran/pluck.c tran/pluck.h nyqsrc/sound.h nyqsrc/falloc.h nyqsrc/cque.h
+ cc -c tran/pluck.c -o tran/pluck.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/sndfnint.o: nyqsrc/sndfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/sndfnint.c -o nyqsrc/sndfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnint.o: nyqsrc/seqfnint.c
+ cc -c nyqsrc/seqfnint.c -o nyqsrc/seqfnint.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlftab.o: nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+ cc -c xlisp/xlftab.c -o xlisp/xlftab.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/extern.o: xlisp/extern.c
+ cc -c xlisp/extern.c -o xlisp/extern.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldmem.o: xlisp/xldmem.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldmem.c -o xlisp/xldmem.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlbfun.o: xlisp/xlbfun.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlbfun.c -o xlisp/xlbfun.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlcont.o: xlisp/xlcont.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlcont.c -o xlisp/xlcont.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xldbug.o: xlisp/xldbug.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xldbug.c -o xlisp/xldbug.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xleval.o: xlisp/xleval.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xleval.c -o xlisp/xleval.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlfio.o: xlisp/xlfio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlfio.c -o xlisp/xlfio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlglob.o: xlisp/xlglob.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlglob.c -o xlisp/xlglob.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlimage.o: xlisp/xlimage.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlimage.c -o xlisp/xlimage.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlinit.o: xlisp/xlinit.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlinit.c -o xlisp/xlinit.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlio.o: xlisp/xlio.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlio.c -o xlisp/xlio.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlisp.o: xlisp/xlisp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlisp.c -o xlisp/xlisp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xljump.o: xlisp/xljump.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xljump.c -o xlisp/xljump.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xllist.o: xlisp/xllist.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xllist.c -o xlisp/xllist.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlmath.o: xlisp/xlmath.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlmath.c -o xlisp/xlmath.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlobj.o: xlisp/xlobj.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlobj.c -o xlisp/xlobj.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlpp.o: xlisp/xlpp.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlpp.c -o xlisp/xlpp.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlprin.o: xlisp/xlprin.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlprin.c -o xlisp/xlprin.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlread.o: xlisp/xlread.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlread.c -o xlisp/xlread.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlstr.o: xlisp/xlstr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlstr.c -o xlisp/xlstr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsubr.o: xlisp/xlsubr.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsubr.c -o xlisp/xlsubr.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsym.o: xlisp/xlsym.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsym.c -o xlisp/xlsym.o $(CFLAGS)
+xlisp/xlsys.o: xlisp/xlsys.c
+ cc -c xlisp/xlsys.c -o xlisp/xlsys.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cext.o: cmt/cext.c
+ cc -c cmt/cext.c -o cmt/cext.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cleanup.o: cmt/cleanup.c
+ cc -c cmt/cleanup.c -o cmt/cleanup.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmdline.o: cmt/cmdline.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmdline.c -o cmt/cmdline.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/cmtcmd.o: cmt/cmtcmd.c
+ cc -c cmt/cmtcmd.c -o cmt/cmtcmd.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/moxc.o: cmt/moxc.c
+ cc -c cmt/moxc.c -o cmt/moxc.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/mem.o: cmt/mem.c
+ cc -c cmt/mem.c -o cmt/mem.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifile.o: cmt/midifile.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifile.c -o cmt/midifile.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/midifns.o: cmt/midifns.c
+ cc -c cmt/midifns.c -o cmt/midifns.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/record.o: cmt/record.c
+ cc -c cmt/record.c -o cmt/record.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seq.o: cmt/seq.c
+ cc -c cmt/seq.c -o cmt/seq.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmread.o: cmt/seqmread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmread.c -o cmt/seqmread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqmwrite.o: cmt/seqmwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqmwrite.c -o cmt/seqmwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqread.o: cmt/seqread.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqread.c -o cmt/seqread.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/seqwrite.o: cmt/seqwrite.c
+ cc -c cmt/seqwrite.c -o cmt/seqwrite.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/tempomap.o: cmt/tempomap.c
+ cc -c cmt/tempomap.c -o cmt/tempomap.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/timebase.o: cmt/timebase.c
+ cc -c cmt/timebase.c -o cmt/timebase.o $(CFLAGS)
+cmt/userio.o: cmt/userio.c
+ cc -c cmt/userio.c -o cmt/userio.o $(CFLAGS)
+sys/unix/osstuff.o: sys/unix/osstuff.c
+ cc -c sys/unix/osstuff.c -o sys/unix/osstuff.o $(CFLAGS)
+misc/intgen: misc/intgen.c
+ cd misc; make intgen
+misc/unpacker: misc/unpacker.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make unpacker
+misc/packer: misc/packer.c misc/convert.c
+ cd misc; make packer
+nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h: $(NYQHDRS) snd/snd.h misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/sndfnint $(NYQHDRS)
+nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h: $(CMTHDRS) misc/intgen
+ $(INTGEN) nyqsrc/seqfnint $(CMTHDRS)
+ cd misc; make clean
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS)
+# Note that these files are machine-generated:
+ rm -f nyqsrc/sndfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/sndfnint.c nyqsrc/sndfnintdefs.h
+ rm -f nyqsrc/seqfnintptrs.h nyqsrc/seqfnint.c nyqsrc/seqfnintdefs.h
+cleaner: clean
+ cd misc; make cleaner
+ rm -f *.backup */*.backup
+ rm -f *~ */*.*~
+ rm -f *.save */*.save
+ rm -f *.CKP */*.CKP
+ rm -f *.BAK */*.BAK
+ rm -f *.old */*.old
+ rm -f *.gold */*.gold
+ rm -f playparms
+ rm -f points.dat
diff --git a/sys/unix/sparc/system.lsp b/sys/unix/sparc/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6dfb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/sparc/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+; machine.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+; sparc
+(setf *default-sound-srate* 8192)
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-NeXT))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* "/tmp"))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+; local definition for play
+(defun r ()
+ (system (format nil
+ "play ~A"
+ *default-sound-file*)))
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(prog (specs)
+ (setf specs (s-save ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file*))
+ (r)))
diff --git a/sys/unix/switches.h b/sys/unix/switches.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28ae513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/switches.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+/* see sys/switches.h.template */
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 28Apr03 dm major reorganization of conditional compilation in Nyquist
+ */
+#define HAS_STDLIB_H 1
+#define HAS_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+#define HAS_SYS_STAT_H 1
+#undef HAS_STAT_H
+#undef HAS_MALLOC_H
+// I think that READ_LINE prevents user from typing control characters to
+// get info during lisp execution. This needs to be tested. Using READ_LINE
+// is preventing any character echoing now, maybe due to new "improved"
+// command line handling added recently. -RBD
+// #define READ_LINE 1
+/* this is defined in xlisp.h - RBD
+#if i386
+#elif __i386__
+#define XL_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+#undef USE_RANDOM
+#define USE_RAND 1
+/* define this to be printf, or define your own fn of the form
+ void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+ (for a GUI)
+#define nyquist_printf printf
+#if __APPLE__ && __GNUC__ /* Mac OS X */
+#define NEED_ULONG 1
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#undef NEED_ULONG
+#define NEED_BYTE 1
+#define NEED_ROUND 1
+/* definitions for libsndfile */
+/* Target processor clips on negative float to int conversion */
+/* (true on i386 and PPC) */
+/* Target processor clips on positive float to int conversion */
+/* (true on i386 and PPC) */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ #if defined (__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
+ /* Target processor is little endian. */
+ /* Target processor is big endian. */
+ #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+ #else
+ /* Target processor is little endian. */
+ /* Target processor is big endian. */
+ #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__GLIBC__)
+ #include <endian.h>
+ /* Target processor is little endian. */
+ /* Target processor is big endian. */
+ #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+ #else
+ /* Target processor is little endian. */
+ /* Target processor is big endian. */
+ #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
+ #endif
+ #else /* default is little endian */
+ /* Target processor is little endian. */
+ /* Target processor is big endian. */
+ #define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+ #endif
+/* Set to 1 if S_IRGRP is defined */
+#define HAVE_DECL_S_IRGRP 1
+/* Set to 1 if the compiler supports the struct hack. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fsync' function. */
+#define HAVE_FSYNC 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `gmtime' function. */
+#define HAVE_GMTIME 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `gmtime_r' function. */
+#define HAVE_GMTIME_R 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1
+/* Define if you have C99's lrint function. */
+#define HAVE_LRINT 1
+/* Define if you have C99's lrintf function. */
+#define HAVE_LRINTF 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
+#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `ssize_t'. */
+#define HAVE_SSIZE_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have <sys/wait.h> that is POSIX.1 compatible. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */
+/* Set to 1 if compiling for MacOSX */
+#ifdef __APPLE__
+ #define OS_IS_MACOSX 1
+ #define OS_IS_MACOSX 0
+/* Set to 1 if compiling for Win32 */
+#define OS_IS_WIN32 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* Set to 1 to use the native windows API */
+#define USE_WINDOWS_API 0
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+ #define SIZEOF_LONG_LONG 8
+/* The size of `int64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+#define SIZEOF_INT64_T 8
+/* The size of long as computed by sizeof. */
+#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
+/* Set to long if unknown */
+#define SIZEOF_SF_COUNT_T 8
+/* explicitly choose a platform */
+#define UNIX 1
+#undef WINDOWS
+#undef DOS
+#define SPACE_FOR_PLAY 10000
+#define MAX_CHANNELS 16
+/* this will enable code to read midi files, etc. */
+#define CMTSTUFF 1
+/* NYQUIST tells some CMT code that we're really in
+ */
+#define NYQUIST 1
+#include "swlogic.h"
diff --git a/sys/unix/term.c b/sys/unix/term.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2218feb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/term.c
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+/* term.c -- Routines for managing terminal I/O settings by Alan Cox.
+ * From LJ 17 */
+/* Thanks to Dave Cook for rescuing it */
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 28Apr03 dm include ioctl.h and declare void ctcinit();
+ */
+#include <termios.h>
+#ifndef __APPLE__
+#include <asm/ioctls.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+void ctcinit();
+/* This will be used for new terminal settings. */
+static struct termios current;
+/* This will hold the initial state so that we can restor it later. */
+static struct termios initial;
+/* Restor the termianl settings to those saved when term_init was called. */
+void term_restore(void)
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &initial);
+/* Clean up termianl; called on exit. */
+void term_exit()
+ term_restore();
+/* Will be called when contrl-Z is pressed;
+ * this correctly handles the terminal. */
+void term_ctrlz()
+ signal(SIGTSTP, term_ctrlz);
+ term_restore();
+ kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
+/* Will be called when the application is continued
+ * after having been stopped. */
+void term_cont()
+ signal(SIGCONT, term_cont);
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &current);
+/* Needs to be called to initialize the terminal. */
+void term_init(void)
+ /* If stdin isn't a terminal this fails.
+ But then so does tcsetattr(), so it doesn't matter. */
+ tcgetattr(0, &initial);
+ /* Save a copy to work with later. */
+ current = initial;
+ /* We _must_ clean up when we exit. */
+ /* signal(SIGINT, term_exit); */
+ ctcinit(); /* XLisp wants to catch ctrl C */
+ signal(SIGQUIT, term_exit);
+ /* Control-Z must also be handled. */
+ signal(SIGTSTP, term_ctrlz);
+ signal(SIGCONT, term_cont);
+ atexit(term_exit);
+/* Set character-by-character input mode. */
+void term_character(void)
+ /* One or more characters are sufficient to cause a read return. */
+ current.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+ /* No timeout; read waits forever until ready. */
+ current.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+ /* Line-by-line mode off */
+ current.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;
+#ifndef READ_LINE
+ current.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &current);
+/* Return to line-by-line input mode. */
+void term_line(void)
+ current.c_lflag |= ICANON;
+ tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &current);
+#define ERROR(s) return (perror(s), -1)
+/* term_testchar -- tell whether character is ready or not,
+ *
+ * if ready, return it, otherwise return -2
+ */
+int term_testchar()
+ int n;
+ char c;
+ if (ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &n) < 0)
+ ERROR("IOgetchar");
+ if (n == 0) return -2;
+ switch(read(0, &c, 1)) {
+ case 1:
+ return c;
+ case 0:
+ return EOF;
+ default:
+ ERROR("IOgetchar-read");
+ }
+/* term_getchar -- get a character (block if necessary) */
+int term_getchar()
+ char c;
+ int rslt = read(0, &c, 1);
+ return (rslt == 1 ? c : EOF);
diff --git a/sys/unix/term.h b/sys/unix/term.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a6ac4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/term.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+void term_init();
+void term_exit();
+void ctcinit(); /* not implemented in term.h */
+int term_testchar();
+int term_getchar();
+void term_character();
diff --git a/sys/unix/termtest.c b/sys/unix/termtest.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d4c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/unix/termtest.c
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* this was written to test the term.c code, which was
+ found on the web for use in XLisp to enable ^C and other
+ character-by-character handling
+ */
+#include "term.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+void ctcinit()
+ signal(SIGINT, term_exit);
+ int c;
+ int count = 0;
+ term_init();
+ term_character();
+ while ((c = term_testchar()) == -2) count++;
+ printf("got %c after %d\n", c, count);
+ while ((c = getchar()) != 'x') {
+ printf("got '%c' = %x\n", c, c);
+ }
+ term_exit();
diff --git a/sys/win/README.txt b/sys/win/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70d5d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+README.txt -- Nyquist information for Windows
+The Win32 version of Nyquist is packaged as a compiled (runtime)
+system in an executable installer. For most users, the runtime version
+contain everything you need to run Nyquist, including the executable,
+examples, and documentation, packaged as an executable installer
+program. After executing the installer, just find Nyquist in your
+Start menu to run it. You may begin typing expressions such as the
+ones in the following "Examples" section of the Nyquist manual (in
+doc/nyquistman.pdf or doc/home.html).
+(See "The 'java is not recognized' Error" below if you get this error
+A source version is also available (the same source download is for
+Win32, Mac OS X, and Linux). The source version is intended for
+developers who want to recompile Nyquist. The contents of the source
+archive are extracted to the C:\nyquist directory, but you can put it
+anywhere you like. You can then open the workspace file, nyquist.sln,
+using Microsoft Visual C++. You can build and run the command line
+version of Nyquist from within Visual C++. There is a batch file,
+comp-ide.bat, for bulding the Nyquist IDE. This requires the Java SDK
+from Sun Microsystems.
+Nyquist needs to know where to find the standard runtime files. The
+location of runtime files must be stored in the Registry. The
+installers create a registry entry, but if you move Nyquist or deal
+with different versions, you can edit the Registry manually as
+ Run the Registry editor (e.g. type regedit into the Start Search
+ box of the Start menu and type the Enter key).
+ Find and highlight the SOFTWARE key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
+ Open the CMU key (if it is not there, use the Edit:New:Key menu
+ item to create a CMU key. CMU is case sensitive.)
+ Highlight the new CMU key.
+ Open the Nyquist key (if it is not there, use the Edit:New:Key menu
+ item to create a Nyquist key. Nyquist is case sensitive.)
+ Highlight the new Nyquist key.
+ Find the XLISPPATH string (if it is not there, use the
+ Edit:New:String menu item to create a new string and change the
+ name by typing XLISPPATH).
+ Select XLISPPATH and choose the Edit:Modify... menu item.
+ In the String Edit box, type a list of paths you want Nyquist to
+ search for lisp files. For example, if you installed Nyquist as
+ C:\nyquist, then type:
+ C:\nyquist\runtime,C:\nyquist\lib
+ The paths should be separated by a comma or semicolon and no
+ space. The runtime path is essential, and the lib path may become
+ essential in a future release. You can also add paths to personal
+ libraries of Lisp and Nyquist code.
+ Click the OK button of the string box and exit from the Registry
+ Editor application.
+What if Nyquist functions are undefined?
+If you do not have administrative privileges for your machine, the
+installer may fail to set up the Registry entry that Nyquist uses to
+find initialization files. In this case, Nyquist will run a lisp
+interpreter, but many Nyquist functions will not be defined. If you
+can log in as administrator, do it and reinstall Nyquist. If you do
+not have permission, you can still run Nyquist as follows:
+Create a file named init.lsp in the same directory as Nyquist.exe
+(the default location is C:\Program Files\Nyquist, but you may
+have installed it in some other location.) Put the following text
+in init.lsp:
+ (setf *search-path*
+ "C:/Program Files/Nyquist/runtime,C:/Program Files/Nyquist/lib")
+ (load "C:/Program Files/Nyquist/runtime/init.lsp")
+Note: in the three places where you see C:/Program Files/Nyquist,
+insert the full path where Nyquist is actually installed. Use forward
+slashes (/) rather than back slashes (\) to separate directories. For
+example, if Nyquist is installed at D:\rbd\nyquist, then init.lsp
+should contain:
+ (setf *search-path* "D:/rbd/nyquist/runtime,D:/rbd/nyquist/lib")
+ (load "d:/rbd/nyquist/runtime/init.lsp")
+The variable *search-path*, if defined, is used in place of the
+registry to determine search paths for files.
+(Ignore this paragraph if you are not planning to use Open Sound
+Control under Windows.)
+If Nyquist prints an error message and quits when you enable Open
+Sound Control (using osc-enable), check to see if you have an
+environment variable SystemRoot, e.g. type set to a command prompt and
+look for the value of SystemRoot. The normal value is C:\windows. If
+the value is something else, you should put the environment entry, for
+ SystemRoot="D:\windows"
+into a file named systemroot (no extension). Put this file in your
+nyquist directory. When you run jNyqIDE, it will look for this file
+and pass the contents as an environment variable to Nyquist. The
+Nyquist process needs this to open a UDP socket, which is needed for
+Open Sound Control.
+The "java is not recognized" Error
+Sometimes, Nyquist will run directly from the installer, but then it
+will not start from the Windows Start menu. You can try running the
+nyquist/jnyqide.bat program from a Windows shell. If that fails, and
+you see an error similar to "java is not recognized as in internal or
+external command error", the problem may be that paths are not set up
+properly to allow the Windows shell to find java. Right click on "My
+Computer" on the Windows desktop and select "Properties." Under the
+"Advanced" tab, press the "Environment Variables" button, and look for
+PATH under "System Variables." Make sure the Java bin directory is on
+the path. If it is not, you will have to find your installation of
+Java and add the appropriate directory to the PATH variable,
+e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin."
+Right click on "My Computer" on the Windows desktop and select
+"Properties." Under the "Advanced" tap, press the "Environment
+Variables" button, and look for PATH under "System Variables." Make
+sure the Java bin directory is on the path. If it is not, you will
+have to find your installation of Java and add the appropriate
+directory to the PATH variable, e.g. "C:\Program
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/sndsystem.h b/sys/win/msvc/sndsystem.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cd5fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/sndsystem.h
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "sndwin32.h"
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/stdint.h b/sys/win/msvc/stdint.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ffb5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/stdint.h
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// ISO C9x compliant stdint.h for Microsoft Visual Studio
+// Based on ISO/IEC 9899:TC2 Committee draft (May 6, 2005) WG14/N1124
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Alexander Chemeris
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+// 3. The name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products
+// derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// since this is an addition to the liblo library, I'm adding another
+// change (not normally part of stdint.h for VC++ compatibility:
+#ifndef inline
+#define inline __inline
+typedef long ssize_t;
+#ifndef _MSC_VER // [
+#error "Use this header only with Microsoft Visual C++ compilers!"
+#endif // _MSC_VER ]
+#ifndef _MSC_STDINT_H_ // [
+#define _MSC_STDINT_H_
+#if _MSC_VER > 1000
+#pragma once
+#include <limits.h>
+// For Visual Studio 6 in C++ mode wrap <wchar.h> include with 'extern "C++" {}'
+// or compiler give many errors like this:
+// error C2733: second C linkage of overloaded function 'wmemchr' not allowed
+#if (_MSC_VER < 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ extern "C++" {
+# include <wchar.h>
+#if (_MSC_VER < 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)
+ }
+// Define _W64 macros to mark types changing their size, like intptr_t.
+#ifndef _W64
+# if !defined(__midl) && (defined(_X86_) || defined(_M_IX86)) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
+# define _W64 __w64
+# else
+# define _W64
+# endif
+// 7.18.1 Integer types
+// Exact-width integer types
+typedef __int8 int8_t;
+typedef __int16 int16_t;
+typedef __int32 int32_t;
+typedef __int64 int64_t;
+typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+// Minimum-width integer types
+typedef int8_t int_least8_t;
+typedef int16_t int_least16_t;
+typedef int32_t int_least32_t;
+typedef int64_t int_least64_t;
+typedef uint8_t uint_least8_t;
+typedef uint16_t uint_least16_t;
+typedef uint32_t uint_least32_t;
+typedef uint64_t uint_least64_t;
+// Fastest minimum-width integer types
+typedef int8_t int_fast8_t;
+typedef int16_t int_fast16_t;
+typedef int32_t int_fast32_t;
+typedef int64_t int_fast64_t;
+typedef uint8_t uint_fast8_t;
+typedef uint16_t uint_fast16_t;
+typedef uint32_t uint_fast32_t;
+typedef uint64_t uint_fast64_t;
+// Integer types capable of holding object pointers
+#ifdef _WIN64 // [
+ typedef __int64 intptr_t;
+ typedef unsigned __int64 uintptr_t;
+#else // _WIN64 ][
+ typedef _W64 int intptr_t;
+ typedef _W64 unsigned int uintptr_t;
+#endif // _WIN64 ]
+// Greatest-width integer types
+typedef int64_t intmax_t;
+typedef uint64_t uintmax_t;
+// 7.18.2 Limits of specified-width integer types
+#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 220 at page 257 and footnote 221 at page 259
+// Limits of exact-width integer types
+#define INT8_MIN ((int8_t)_I8_MIN)
+#define INT8_MAX _I8_MAX
+#define INT16_MIN ((int16_t)_I16_MIN)
+#define INT16_MAX _I16_MAX
+#define INT32_MIN ((int32_t)_I32_MIN)
+#define INT32_MAX _I32_MAX
+#define INT64_MIN ((int64_t)_I64_MIN)
+#define INT64_MAX _I64_MAX
+#define UINT8_MAX _UI8_MAX
+#define UINT16_MAX _UI16_MAX
+#define UINT32_MAX _UI32_MAX
+#define UINT64_MAX _UI64_MAX
+// Limits of minimum-width integer types
+#define INT_LEAST16_MIN INT16_MIN
+#define INT_LEAST16_MAX INT16_MAX
+#define INT_LEAST32_MIN INT32_MIN
+#define INT_LEAST32_MAX INT32_MAX
+#define INT_LEAST64_MIN INT64_MIN
+#define INT_LEAST64_MAX INT64_MAX
+// Limits of fastest minimum-width integer types
+#define INT_FAST16_MIN INT16_MIN
+#define INT_FAST16_MAX INT16_MAX
+#define INT_FAST32_MIN INT32_MIN
+#define INT_FAST32_MAX INT32_MAX
+#define INT_FAST64_MIN INT64_MIN
+#define INT_FAST64_MAX INT64_MAX
+// Limits of integer types capable of holding object pointers
+#ifdef _WIN64 // [
+# define INTPTR_MIN INT64_MIN
+# define INTPTR_MAX INT64_MAX
+#else // _WIN64 ][
+# define INTPTR_MIN INT32_MIN
+# define INTPTR_MAX INT32_MAX
+#endif // _WIN64 ]
+// Limits of greatest-width integer types
+// 7.18.3 Limits of other integer types
+#ifdef _WIN64 // [
+# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I64_MIN
+# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I64_MAX
+#else // _WIN64 ][
+# define PTRDIFF_MIN _I32_MIN
+# define PTRDIFF_MAX _I32_MAX
+#endif // _WIN64 ]
+#ifndef SIZE_MAX // [
+# ifdef _WIN64 // [
+# define SIZE_MAX _UI64_MAX
+# else // _WIN64 ][
+# define SIZE_MAX _UI32_MAX
+# endif // _WIN64 ]
+#endif // SIZE_MAX ]
+// WCHAR_MIN and WCHAR_MAX are also defined in <wchar.h>
+#ifndef WCHAR_MIN // [
+# define WCHAR_MIN 0
+#endif // WCHAR_MIN ]
+#ifndef WCHAR_MAX // [
+# define WCHAR_MAX _UI16_MAX
+#endif // WCHAR_MAX ]
+#define WINT_MIN 0
+#define WINT_MAX _UI16_MAX
+#endif // __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS ]
+// 7.18.4 Limits of other integer types
+#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS) // [ See footnote 224 at page 260
+// Macros for minimum-width integer constants
+#define INT8_C(val) val##i8
+#define INT16_C(val) val##i16
+#define INT32_C(val) val##i32
+#define INT64_C(val) val##i64
+#define UINT8_C(val) val##ui8
+#define UINT16_C(val) val##ui16
+#define UINT32_C(val) val##ui32
+#define UINT64_C(val) val##ui64
+// Macros for greatest-width integer constants
+#define INTMAX_C INT64_C
+#define UINTMAX_C UINT64_C
+#endif // _MSC_STDINT_H_ ]
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/switches.h b/sys/win/msvc/switches.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e21c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/switches.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* switches.h -- conditional compilation features for WIN32 systems */
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 28Apr03 dm major reorganization of conditional compilation in Nyquist
+ */
+#ifdef SWITCHES
+Error: switches.h included more than once.
+#define HAS_STDLIB_H 1
+#define HAS_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+#define HAS_SYS_STAT_H 1
+#undef HAS_STAT_H
+#undef HAS_MALLOC_H
+/* define one of HAS_GETTIMEOFDAY, HAS_FTIME, */
+#undef HAS_FTIME
+#undef READ_LINE
+#undef USE_RANDOM
+#define USE_RAND 1
+/* since there are 2 versions Nyquist for windows: nyquist and nyqwin,
+ we use WINGUI to decide which to compile
+ */
+#ifndef WINGUI
+/* use C library printf as nyquist_printf() */
+#define USE_PRINTF 1
+/* define this to be printf, or define your own fn of the form
+ void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+ (for a GUI)
+void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+#define NEED_ULONG 1
+#define NEED_USHORT 1
+#define NEED_BYTE 1
+#define NEED_ROUND 1
+/* definitions for libsndfile */
+/* Target processor clips on negative float to int conversion */
+/* (true on i386) */
+/* Target processor clips on positive float to int conversion */
+/* (true on i386) */
+/* Target processor is little endian. */
+/* Target processor is big endian. */
+#define CPU_IS_BIG_ENDIAN 0
+/* Set to 1 if S_IRGRP is defined */
+#define HAVE_DECL_S_IRGRP 0
+/* Set to 1 if the compiler supports the struct hack. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `fsync' function. */
+#define HAVE_FSYNC 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `gmtime' function. */
+#define HAVE_GMTIME 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `gmtime_r' function. */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 0
+/* Define if you have C99's lrint function. */
+#define HAVE_LRINT 0
+/* Define if you have C99's lrintf function. */
+#define HAVE_LRINTF 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */
+#define snprintf _snprintf
+#define HAVE_SNPRINTF 1
+/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `ssize_t'. */
+#define ssize_t SSIZE_T
+#define HAVE_SSIZE_T 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_STDINT_H 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have <sys/wait.h> that is POSIX.1 compatible. */
+#define HAVE_SYS_WAIT_H 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 0
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */
+/* Set to 1 if compiling for MacOSX */
+#define OS_IS_MACOSX 0
+/* Set to 1 if compiling for Win32 */
+#define OS_IS_WIN32 1
+/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */
+#define STDC_HEADERS 1
+/* Set to 1 to use the native windows API */
+#define USE_WINDOWS_API 1
+/* The size of `int64_t', as computed by sizeof. */
+/* Omit this if int64_t is not a type */
+#undef SIZEOF_INT64_T
+/* The size of long as computed by sizeof. */
+#define SIZEOF_LONG 4
+/* Set to long if unknown */
+#define SIZEOF_SF_COUNT_T 8
+/* explicitly choose a platform */
+#undef UNIX
+#ifndef WINDOWS
+#define WINDOWS 1
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define WIN32 1
+#ifndef MICROSOFT
+#define MICROSOFT 1
+#ifndef DOS
+#define DOS 1
+// Under Windows, we do not want synchronous input because then we do not
+// get the break character (^G) while XLISP is busy. Actually, there is a
+// way to send a message to the process, but the Java IDE cannot send
+// Windows messages, so we have to check for console character input
+// using the _kbhit function.
+#define SPACE_FOR_PLAY 10000
+#define MAX_CHANNELS 16
+/* this will enable code to read midi files, etc. */
+#define CMTSTUFF 1
+/* NYQUIST tells some CMT code that we're really in
+ */
+#define NYQUIST 1
+#include "swlogic.h"
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/system.lsp b/sys/win/msvc/system.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b750fe6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/system.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+; machine.lsp -- machine/system-dependent definitions
+; Windows
+;; default behavior is to call SETUP-CONSOLE to get large white typescript
+;; set *setup-console* to nil in your personal init.lsp to override this behavior
+;; (this may be necessary to work with emacs)
+(if (not (boundp '*setup-console*)) (setf *setup-console* t))
+(if *setup-console* (setup-console))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-format*))
+ (setf *default-sf-format* snd-head-Wave))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sound-file*))
+ (compute-default-sound-file))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-dir*))
+ (setf *default-sf-dir* ""))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-mode*))
+ (setf *default-sf-mode* snd-mode-pcm))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-sf-bits*))
+ (setf *default-sf-bits* 16))
+(if (not (boundp '*default-plot-file*))
+ (setf *default-plot-file* "points.dat"))
+;(if (not (boundp '*plotscript-file*))
+; (setf *plotscript-file* "sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript"))
+; local definition for play
+(defmacro play (expr)
+ `(s-save-autonorm ,expr NY:ALL *default-sound-file* :play *soundenable*))
+(defun r ()
+ (s-save (s-read *default-sound-file*) NY:ALL "" :play t)
+; PLAY-FILE -- play a file
+(defun play-file (name)
+ (s-save (s-read name) NY:ALL "" :play t))
+; FULL-NAME-P -- test if file name is a full path or relative path
+; (otherwise the *default-sf-dir* will be prepended
+(defun full-name-p (filename)
+ (or (eq (char filename 0) #\\)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\/)
+ (eq (char filename 0) #\.)
+ (and (> (length filename) 2)
+ (both-case-p (char filename 0))
+ (equal (char filename 1) #\:))))
+; RELATIVE-PATH-P -- test if filename or path is a relative path
+; note that properly converting a Windows path from relative to
+; absolute is complicated by paths like: E:MYFILE.LSP
+; Nyquist assumes that if there is a drive letter, the path is
+; absolute, e.g. E:\TMP\MYFILE.LSP and if there is no drive,
+; the path is relative, e.g. you cannot have \TMP\MYFILE.LSP
+(defun relative-path-p (filename)
+ (or (< (length filename) 2)
+ (not (both-case-p (char filename 0)))
+ (not (equal (char filename 1) #\:))))
+(setf *file-separator* #\\)
+(defun ny:load-file () (load "*.*"))
+(defun ny:reload-file () (load "*"))
+; save the standard function to write points to a file
+;(setfn s-plot-points s-plot)
+;(defun array-max-abs (points)
+; (let ((m 0.0))
+; (dotimes (i (length points))
+; (setf m (max m (abs (aref points i)))))
+; m))
+;(setf graph-width 600)
+;(setf graph-height 220)
+;(defun s-plot (snd &optional (n 600))
+; (show-graphics)
+; (clear-graphics)
+; (cond ((soundp snd)
+; (s-plot-2 snd n (/ graph-height 2) graph-height))
+; (t
+; (let ((gh (/ graph-height (length snd)))
+; hs)
+; (dotimes (i (length snd))
+; (setf hs (s-plot-2 (aref snd i) n (+ (/ gh 2) (* i gh)) gh hs)))))))
+;(defun s-plot-2 (snd n y-offset graph-height horizontal-scale)
+; (prog ((points (snd-samples snd n))
+; maxpoint horizontal-scale vertical-scale)
+; (setf maxpoint (array-max-abs points))
+; (moveto 0 y-offset)
+; (lineto graph-width y-offset)
+; (moveto 0 y-offset)
+; (cond ((null horizontal-scale)
+; (setf horizontal-scale (/ (float graph-width) (length points)))))
+; (setf vertical-scale (- (/ (float graph-height) 2 maxpoint)))
+; (dotimes (i (length points))
+; (lineto (truncate (* horizontal-scale i))
+; (+ y-offset (truncate (* vertical-scale (aref points i))))))
+; (format t "X Axis: ~A to ~A (seconds)\n" (snd-t0 snd) (/ (length points) (snd-srate snd)))
+; (format t "Y Axis: ~A to ~A\n" (- maxpoint) maxpoint)
+; (format t "~A samples plotted.\n" (length points))
+; (return horizontal-scale)
+; ))
+; S-EDIT - run the audio editor on a sound
+;(defmacro s-edit (&optional expr)
+; `(prog ()
+; (if ,expr (s-save ,expr 1000000000 *default-sound-file*))
+; (system (format nil "audio_editor ~A &"
+; (soundfilename *default-sound-file*)))))
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/winfun.c b/sys/win/msvc/winfun.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c4b9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/winfun.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+/* winfun.c - windows user interface functions for xlisp */
+/* Written by Brian Kendig. */
+/*Windows Console and DirectSound code added by Morgan Green and Chris Tchou*/
+//#include <Quickdraw.h>
+//#include <Windows.h>
+//#include <Memory.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <switches.h>
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "sound.h"
+/* Added by Ning Hu May.2001
+xsetdir - set current directory of the process */
+LVAL xsetdir() {
+ TCHAR ssCurDir[MAX_PATH], szCurDir[MAX_PATH];
+ int verbose = TRUE;
+ strcpy(ssCurDir, getstring(xlgastring()));
+ if (moreargs()) {
+ verbose = (xlgetarg() != NIL);
+ }
+ xllastarg();
+ if (SetCurrentDirectory(ssCurDir)) {
+ if (GetCurrentDirectory(
+ sizeof(szCurDir)/sizeof(TCHAR), szCurDir)) {
+ return cvstring(szCurDir);
+ /* create the result string
+ stdputstr("Current Directory: ");
+ stdputstr(szCurDir);
+ stdputstr("\n"); */
+ }
+ }
+ if (verbose) stdputstr("Directory Setting Error\n");
+ /* return nil on error*/
+ return NIL;
+/* xget_temp_path -- get a path to create temp files */
+LVAL xget_temp_path()
+ char *p;
+ char szDir[MAX_PATH];
+ char szDirLC[MAX_PATH];
+ int rslt = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, szDir);
+ if (rslt > MAX_PATH || rslt <= 0) {
+ return cvstring("");
+ } else {
+ /* Vista apparently treats c:\windows with
+ * special semantics, so just don't allow
+ * GetTempPath to put us in c:\windows...
+ */
+ strcpy(szDirLC, szDir); /* convert to lower case */
+ for (p = szDirLC; *p; p++) {
+ *p = tolower(*p);
+ }
+ if (strstr(szDirLC, "c:\\windows")) {
+ /* c:\windows is bad. */
+ return cvstring("");
+ }
+ return cvstring(szDir);
+ }
+//Updated End
+/* osbgetc - get a character from a binary file ====== added for console*/
+/* int osbgetc(fp) FILE *fp; {return (getc(fp));} */
+int osbgetc(FILE *fp)
+ int c; c = (getc(fp));
+/* if (dbgflg) printf("osbgetc: got %d from FILE %x\n", c, fp); */
+ return c;
+LVAL xsystem (V) { return NIL; }
+LVAL xgetkey (V) { return NIL; }
+void ossymbols()
+ HWND mywin;
+ HANDLE myhandle;
+ COORD winsize, origin;
+ WORD textattrib;
+ DWORD n;
+ mywin = GetForegroundWindow();
+ SetConsoleTitle("Nyquist");
+#ifdef WIN32_SNAZZY_CONSOLE // -eub
+ myhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ origin.X = 0;
+ origin.Y = 0;
+ winsize.X = 100;
+ winsize.Y = 40;
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(myhandle, textattrib, winsize.X * winsize.Y, origin, &n);
+ SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(myhandle, winsize);
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(myhandle, textattrib, winsize.X * winsize.Y, origin, &n);
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(myhandle, textattrib);
+ setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // makes it work under NT emacs 20.3 -eub
+LVAL xsetupconsole()
+ HWND mywin;
+ HANDLE myhandle;
+ COORD winsize, origin;
+ WORD textattrib;
+ DWORD n;
+ mywin = GetForegroundWindow();
+ SetConsoleTitle("Nyquist");
+ myhandle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
+ origin.X = 0;
+ origin.Y = 0;
+ winsize.X = 100;
+ winsize.Y = 40;
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(myhandle, textattrib, winsize.X * winsize.Y, origin, &n);
+ SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(myhandle, winsize);
+ FillConsoleOutputAttribute(myhandle, textattrib, winsize.X * winsize.Y, origin, &n);
+ SetConsoleTextAttribute(myhandle, textattrib);
+ return NIL;
+void get_xlisp_path(char *p, long p_max)
+ HKEY hkey;
+ DWORD dwType;
+ LVAL lval;
+ extern LVAL s_search_path;
+ *p = 0; /* for simplicity, we assume if !*p that path was not found */
+ /* therefore, no path is equivalent to an empty string path */
+ /* first, look for path in global variable *SEARCH-PATH* */
+ lval = getvalue(s_search_path);
+ if (lval && stringp(lval)) {
+ strncpy(p, getstring(lval), p_max);
+ p[p_max - 1] = 0; /* make sure string is terminated, even if truncated */
+ }
+ if (*p) return; /* we got search path, so don't look in registry */
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) !=
+ return;
+ }
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, "CMU", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) !=
+ return;
+ }
+ if (RegOpenKeyEx(hkey, "Nyquist", 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) !=
+ return;
+ }
+ if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "XLISPPATH", NULL, &dwType, p, &p_max) !=
+ *p = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+LVAL xget_user()
+ // not implemented for Windows, just use "nyquist"
+ return cvstring("nyquist");
+#ifdef WINGUI
+/* NOTE: define WINGUI in the Project Settings for the NyqWin projects.
+ * Do not define WINGUI for console versions of Nyquist
+ */
+* fileopen
+* Inputs:
+* char *deflt: the default file name (e.g. from command line)
+* char *extension: default extension
+* char *mode: read ("r") or write ("w")
+* char *prompt: prompt for user
+* Returns:
+* opened file pointer
+* Effect:
+* opens file, prompts for user input if necessary and warns about
+* possible confusion. If deflt is a null string or NULL, the user will
+* be prompted for a name. The routine loops until a file is opened.
+* If the mode is "r", a check is made to see if the file exists
+* with and without the extension. If both exist a warning is given.
+* For mode "w", a check is made to see if the file will be overwritten.
+* The extension is automatically added if the default or user-typed
+* file has no "." At the bottom of the loop body, if no file has
+* been opened, the user is prompted for another file name.
+char fileopen_name[100]; /* name of the opened file */
+HINSTANCE hInst; /* current instance */
+HWND hMainWindow; /* main window handle */
+char *getfilename(char *deflt, char *extension, char *mode, char *prompt)
+ char filter[64];
+ char *filter_ptr = NULL;
+ OPENFILENAME open_file_name;
+ if (extension && extension[0] == 0) extension = NULL;
+ if (strcmp(extension, "lsp") == 0) {
+ strcpy(filter, "Lisp files");
+ } else if (extension) {
+ sprintf(filter, "%s files", extension);
+ }
+ if (extension) {
+ sprintf(filter + strlen(filter), "%c*.%s%cAll files%c*.*%c",
+ 0, extension, 0, 0, 0);
+ filter_ptr = filter;
+ }
+ if (!deflt) deflt = ""; /* treat NULL as the empty string */
+ strcpy(fileopen_name, deflt);
+ open_file_name.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
+ open_file_name.hwndOwner = hMainWindow;
+ open_file_name.hInstance = hInst;
+ open_file_name.lpstrFilter = filter_ptr;
+ open_file_name.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
+ open_file_name.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
+ open_file_name.nFilterIndex = 0;
+ open_file_name.lpstrFile = fileopen_name;
+ open_file_name.nMaxFile = 100;
+ open_file_name.lpstrFileTitle = NULL;
+ open_file_name.nMaxFileTitle = 0;
+ open_file_name.lpstrInitialDir = NULL;
+ open_file_name.lpstrTitle = prompt;
+ open_file_name.nFileOffset = 0;
+ open_file_name.nFileExtension = 0;
+ open_file_name.lpstrDefExt = extension;
+ open_file_name.lCustData = 0;
+ open_file_name.lpfnHook = 0;
+ open_file_name.lpTemplateName = 0;
+ if (((*mode == 'r') && GetOpenFileName(&open_file_name)) ||
+ ((*mode == 'w') && GetSaveFileName(&open_file_name))) {
+ return open_file_name.lpstrFile;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+FILE *fileopen(char *deflt, char *extension, char *mode, char *prompt)
+ FILE *fp = NULL; /* file corresponding to filename */
+ if (getfilename(deflt, extension, mode, prompt)) {
+ fp = fopen(fileopen_name, mode);
+ }
+ return fp;
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/winfun.h b/sys/win/msvc/winfun.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba88071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/winfun.h
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void get_xlisp_path(char *p, long p_max);
+char *getfilename(char *deflt, char *extension, char *mode, char *prompt);
+FILE *fileopen(char *deflt, char *extension, char *mode, char *prompt);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/sys/win/msvc/winstuff.c b/sys/win/msvc/winstuff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6670014
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/msvc/winstuff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+/* winstuff.c - windows interface routines for xlisp */
+/* Written by Chris Tchou. */
+/* This file contains the stuff that the other xlisp files call directly. */
+/* Changes by Roger Dannenberg, Jan 2006:
+Previously, the input thread would block on input, so if a command line
+instantiation of Nyquist called (EXIT), the process would still block
+in getchar() until the user typed a newline. Now, I only start the
+input thread if ostgetc is called (input is really needed). This will
+still read ahead and block, but only in cases where you are already
+/* Changes by Roger Dannenberg, April 2004:
+To support interrupts to Lisp processing, XLISP call oscheck frequently to
+test for an abort or break condition. This condition can be activated by
+special handlers, e.g. if a software interrupt is generated by Ctrl-C.
+Alternatively, the application can read ahead and look for break characters
+in the input stream. A third approach, implemented by Ning Hu for her
+Delphi-based IDE, is to send a Windows message to the process. Unfortunately,
+the Java IDE does not support sending a Windows message, nor can console
+IO be used to read ahead (console IO does not work because, when started by
+Java, Nyquist standard IO is redirected through pipes). The two solutions
+to enable break character prcessing seem to be:
+ 1) extend Java with C code to find the process and send Windows messages
+ 2) add a thread to perform read ahead and break character processing
+Option 2 contains the ugliness to Nyquist IO, which is already big and ugly,
+and leaves Java alone, which is something I don't know much about anyway,
+so I have chosen option 2: create a thread and read ahead. This uses only
+about 50 lines of code.
+A shortcoming of this approach is that, except for Ctrl-C, break characters
+like ^P, ^B, and ^U require the user to type RETURN to end the input line
+and allow the character to be processed.
+The thread will set a signal whenever a line of input is delivered so that
+Nyquist can block waiting for input. The signal will also be set when a
+^C or ^G is detected.
+For flexibility, compatibility with the Delphi IDE (NyqIDE) is retained by
+continuing to check for Windows process messages.
+#include <windows.h> /* Added by Ning Hu Apr.2001 */
+#include <process.h> /* Added by Dannenberg Apr 2004 */
+#include <signal.h> /* Added by Dannneberg, Apr 2004 */
+#include "exitpa.h" /* Added by Dannneberg, Apr 2004 */
+const char os_pathchar = '\\';
+const char os_sepchar = ',';
+#undef ERROR
+#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <QuickDraw.h> /* for Random */
+#include <memory.h> /* for DisposPtr */
+#include <string.h>
+//#include <SegLoad.h> /* for ExitToShell */
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "cext.h"
+#include "userio.h"
+#include "sliders.h"
+#include "sound.h" /* define nosc_enabled */
+/* externals */
+extern FILE *tfp; /* transcript file pointer */
+extern int cursorPos;
+extern char *macgets (void);
+//Added by Ning Hu Apr.2001
+extern int _isatty(int);
+extern int redirect_flag;
+//Add end
+/* local variables */
+int lposition;
+static char *linebuf = NULL, *lineptr;
+static int numChars;
+/* input thread */
+unsigned long input_thread_handle = -1;
+#define NEED_INPUT if (input_thread_handle == -1) start_input_thread();
+#define input_buffer_max 1024
+#define input_buffer_mask (input_buffer_max - 1)
+char input_buffer[1024];
+volatile int input_buffer_head = 0;
+volatile int input_buffer_tail = 0;
+volatile int buffer_eof = 0;
+HANDLE input_buffer_ready = NULL;
+BOOL WINAPI ctrl_c_handler(DWORD dwCtrlType)
+ if (dwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT) {
+ abort_flag = ABORT_LEVEL;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+extern FILE *to_input_buffer;
+void input_thread_run(void *args)
+ int c;
+ /* this gets called, possible later, in io_init() in userio.c, but
+ * that doesn't seem to prevent this thread from being killed by
+ * CTRL-C, so call it here to be safe.
+ */
+ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ctrl_c_handler, TRUE);
+ /* printf("input_thread_run\n"); */
+ while (!buffer_eof) {
+ int head;
+ c = getchar();
+ if (c == EOF && abort_flag) {
+ // when user types ^C, an EOF is generated for some reason.
+ // Ignore it...
+ if (abort_flag == ABORT_LEVEL) c = ABORT_CHAR;
+ else c = BREAK_CHAR;
+ } else if (c == ABORT_CHAR) {
+ abort_flag = ABORT_LEVEL;
+ } else if (!abort_flag && c == BREAK_CHAR) {
+ // notice that a break will be ignored until XLISP
+ // handles the ABORT_LEVEL
+ abort_flag = BREAK_LEVEL;
+ } else if (c == BREAK_CHAR) {
+ ; // ignore this because abort_flag is set to ABORT_LEVEL
+ } else if (c == '\005' || c == '\006') { // control-e or control-f
+ ; // ignore these. IDE will send control-f to turn off echo, but
+ // under Windows, echo is already turned off. We filter control-f
+ // here to avoid generating an error message. Maybe the IDE should
+ // not send control-f in the first place, but the IDE is cross-platform
+ // and does not know it's running under Windows, whereas this file
+ // is platform dependent.
+ } else if (c == '\016') { // begin hidden message
+#define MSGBUF_MAX 64
+ char msgbuf[MSGBUF_MAX];
+ int msgbufx = 0;
+ char type_char = getchar(); // read message type character
+ printf("begin hidden message: %c\n", type_char);
+ if (type_char == EOF) buffer_eof = TRUE;
+ else {
+ // message is terminated by '\021'
+ while ((c = getchar()) != '\021' &&
+ c != EOF &&
+ msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX - 1) {
+ msgbuf[msgbufx++] = c;
+ }
+ msgbuf[msgbufx++] = 0;
+ printf("message: %s\n", msgbuf);
+ if (c == EOF) buffer_eof = TRUE;
+ else if (msgbufx < MSGBUF_MAX) {
+ if (type_char == 'S') { // slider change message
+ // message format is index<space>value
+ int index;
+ float value;
+ if (sscanf(msgbuf, "%d %g", &index, &value) == 2) {
+ set_slider(index, value);
+ printf("set_slider %d %g\n", index, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (c == EOF) {
+ buffer_eof = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ // insert character into the FIFO
+ head = (input_buffer_head + 1) & input_buffer_mask;
+ while (head == input_buffer_tail) Sleep(100);
+ input_buffer[input_buffer_head] = c;
+ if (to_input_buffer) putc(c, to_input_buffer);
+ input_buffer_head = head;
+ }
+ if (c == '\n' || abort_flag || buffer_eof) {
+ SetEvent(input_buffer_ready);
+ // wake up Nyquist if it is waiting for input
+ }
+ }
+ // printf("Input thread exiting\n");
+//int isascii (char c) { return 1; } /* every char is an ascii char, isn't it? */
+void start_input_thread()
+ // create thread to process input
+ input_thread_handle = _beginthread(input_thread_run, 0, NULL);
+ if (input_thread_handle == -1) {
+ printf("Unable to create input thread, errno = %d\n", errno);
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+void osinit (char *banner)
+ printf("%s\n", banner);
+ if (_isatty( _fileno( stdin ) ) ){
+ redirect_flag = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf( "stdout has not been redirected to a file\n" ); //for debugging use
+ } else {
+ redirect_flag = 1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf( "stdout has been redirected to a file\n"); //for debugging use
+ }
+ // signal when input is ready
+ input_buffer_ready = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
+ if (input_buffer_ready == NULL) {
+ printf("Unable to create Event object\n");
+ EXIT(1);
+ }
+FILE *osaopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ return fopen (name, mode);
+FILE *osbopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ char nmode[4];
+ strcpy (nmode, mode); strcat (nmode, "b");
+ return (fopen (name, nmode));
+int osclose (FILE *fp) { return (fclose (fp)); }
+int osaputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+int osbputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+void osoutflush(FILE *fp) { fflush(fp); }
+/* osagetc - get a character from an ascii file */
+int osagetc(fp)
+ FILE *fp;
+ return (getc(fp));
+extern int abort_flag;
+extern int redirect_flag; //Added by Ning Hu Apr.2001
+int ostgetc (void)
+ int c;
+ while (!buffer_eof && (input_buffer_tail == input_buffer_head)) {
+ oscheck();
+ WaitForSingleObject(input_buffer_ready, INFINITE);
+ }
+ if (buffer_eof) c = EOF;
+ else {
+ c = input_buffer[input_buffer_tail];
+ input_buffer_tail = (input_buffer_tail + 1) & input_buffer_mask;
+ }
+ if (c == '\025') { // control-u
+ xlcleanup();
+ } else if (c == '\020') { // control-p
+ xlcontinue();
+ } else if (c == '\024') { // control-t
+ xinfo();
+ }
+ return c;
+void ostputc (int ch) {
+// macputc (ch);
+ putchar(ch); // console
+ if (tfp) osaputc (ch, tfp);
+void ostoutflush()
+ if (tfp) fflush(tfp);
+ fflush(stdout);
+void osflush (void) {
+ lineptr = linebuf;
+ numChars = 0;
+ lposition = 0;
+void oscheck (void) {
+ MSG lpMsg;
+#if OSC
+ if (nosc_enabled) nosc_poll();
+ // check_aborted(); -- call to userio.c superceded by code here in winstuff.c
+// printf("Current Thread: %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); //for debugging use
+ // look for Windows messages from NyqIDE (a Delphi program)
+ if ((redirect_flag) && (PeekMessage(&lpMsg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)!=0)) {
+ if (lpMsg.message == WM_CHAR) {
+ switch (lpMsg.wParam) {
+ case ABORT_CHAR: abort_flag = ABORT_LEVEL;
+ break;
+ case BREAK_CHAR: // for nyquist, defined to be 2
+ case 7: // NyqIDE sends 7 (BEL) as break character
+ abort_flag = BREAK_LEVEL;
+ break;
+ }
+ // printf("Get message: %d %d %d\n", lpMsg.wParam, BREAK_CHAR, abort_flag); //for debugging use
+ }
+ }
+ if (abort_flag == ABORT_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ osflush();
+ xltoplevel();
+ } else if (abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ osflush();
+ xlbreak("BREAK", s_unbound);
+ }
+//Update end
+void oserror (char *msg) {
+ char line[100], *p;
+ sprintf (line,"error: %s\n",msg);
+ for (p = line; *p != '\0'; ++p) ostputc (*p);
+void osfinish(void) {
+ portaudio_exit();
+ /* dispose of everything... */
+// if (linebuf) DisposPtr (linebuf);
+// MacWrapUp ();
+// ExitToShell ();
+int renamebackup (char *filename) { return 0; }
+static WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
+#define OSDIR_LIST_DONE 2
+static int osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+#define OSDIR_MAX_PATH 256
+static char osdir_path[OSDIR_MAX_PATH];
+// osdir_list_start -- prepare to list a directory
+int osdir_list_start(char *path)
+ if (strlen(path) >= OSDIR_MAX_PATH - 2) {
+ xlcerror("LISTDIR path too big", "return nil", NULL);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ strcpy(osdir_path, path);
+ strcat(osdir_path, "/*"); // make a pattern to match all files
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ osdir_list_finish(); // close previously interrupted listing
+ }
+ hFind = FindFirstFile(osdir_path, &FindFileData); // get the "."
+ if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE;
+ if (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) == 0) return FALSE; // get the ".."
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_STARTED;
+ return TRUE;
+char *osdir_list_next()
+ if (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) == 0) {
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_DONE;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return FindFileData.cFileName;
+void osdir_list_finish()
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ FindClose(hFind);
+ }
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+/* xechoenabled -- set/clear echo_enabled flag (unix only) */
+LVAL xechoenabled()
+ int flag = (xlgetarg() != NULL);
+ xllastarg();
+ // echo_enabled = flag; -- do nothing in Windows
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/sys/win/nyqrelide.iss b/sys/win/nyqrelide.iss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..821c2bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/nyqrelide.iss
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
+; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
+; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
+; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
+AppVerName=NyquistIDE 3.04
+AppPublisher=Roger B. Dannenberg
+Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
+Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked
+Source: "C:\Users\rbd\nyquist\nyqrelide\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
+; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
+Root: HKLM32; Subkey: "Software\CMU\Nyquist"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "XLISPPATH"; ValueData: "{app}\runtime,{app}\lib"
+Name: "{group}\NyquistIDE"; Filename: "{app}\jnyqide.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"
+Name: "{commondesktop}\NyquistIDE"; Filename: "{app}\jnyqide.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon
+Filename: "{app}\jnyqide.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,NyquistIDE}"; Flags: shellexec postinstall skipifsilent
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/button.h b/sys/win/wingui/button.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f5e248
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/button.h
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+// button.h -- simple slider input
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/cppext.h b/sys/win/wingui/cppext.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..319449a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/cppext.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#pragma warning( disable: 4237 ) // eub: temporary kludge
+// RBD -- this will define true, false, bool
+#include "yvals.h"
+//these preprocessor checks seem to get rid of compiler
+// error (redecl boolean)
+// typedef int bool;
+//#ifndef TRUE
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define EOS '\000'
+// now defined by yvals.h:
+//#define true 1
+//#define false 0
+#define MALLOC ::malloc // note -- these macros are not consistently used
+#define FREE ::free
+void *MEMGET(long n);
+void *MEMFREE(void *data, long n);
+#define STREQ(a, b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
+typedef unsigned long uint32;
+typedef long int32;
+typedef unsigned short uint16;
+typedef short int16;
+typedef unsigned char uint8;
+//istvan 082197
+// RBD commented out the following, instead, we're including yvals.h,
+// a microsoft-dependent file
+// #ifndef bool
+// typedef unsigned char bool;
+// #endif
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/longque.cpp b/sys/win/wingui/longque.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c477649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/longque.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "stddef.h"
+#include "cppext.h"
+#include "longque.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+void longque::init(int size)
+ head = 0;
+ tail = 0;
+ count = 0;
+ max = size;
+ buff = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long) * size);
+void longque::finish()
+ free(buff);
+//1 producer-consumer safe
+long longque::remove()
+ long l;
+ if (count <= 0) return 0;
+ count--;
+ l = buff[head++];
+ if (head == max) head = 0;
+ return l;
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/longque.h b/sys/win/wingui/longque.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8e1e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/longque.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+class longque {
+ void init(int size);
+ void finish();
+ //1 producer-consumer safe
+ void insert(long l) {
+ buff[tail] = l;
+ count++;
+ tail++;
+ if (tail == max) tail = 0;
+ }
+ long remove();
+ bool fullp() {
+ return count >= max;
+ }
+ bool emptyp() {
+ return count <= 0;
+ }
+ int max;
+ long *buff;
+ int head;
+ int tail;
+ int count;
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/nycon.ico b/sys/win/wingui/nycon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ce305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/nycon.ico
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/resource.h b/sys/win/wingui/resource.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db69c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/resource.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
+// Used by winmain.rc
+#define IDM_ABOUT 100
+#define IDI_NYCON 101
+#define ID_FILE_LOAD 101
+#define ID_FILE_RELOAD 102
+#define ID_FILE_EXIT 103
+#define IDC_STATIC -1
+// Next default values for new objects
+#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/slider.h b/sys/win/wingui/slider.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b765ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/slider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+// slider.h -- simple slider input
+#define NUMSLIDERS 9
+extern HWND sliders[NUMSLIDERS];
+void set_slider_pos(HWND hwnd, int ival);
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/textio.cpp b/sys/win/wingui/textio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..caa3926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/textio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// textio.cpp -- handles text input and output to edit control
+Overview of character input:
+ ostgetc is called to get characters from stdin for XLisp
+ ostgetc gets characters using ggetchar() and performs line editing
+ ggetchar gets characters using wait_ascii()
+ wait_ascii() get characters from typein:queue; it calls
+ process_win_events if there are no characters, and it returns
+ ABORT_CHAR or BREAK_CHAR if abort_flag is set
+ characters get into typein::queue when the key handler is called
+ get_ascii is similar to wait_ascii, but it doesn't wait: it just
+ checks for input with process_win_events and returns a character
+ if there is one, otherwise, it returns false
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include "cppext.h"
+#include "longque.h"
+#include "textio.h"
+#include "typein.h"
+#include "button.h"
+#include "slider.h"
+#include "winmain.h"
+#include "assert.h"
+extern "C" {
+#include "xlisp.h"
+//int abort_flag = 0;
+longque typein::queue;
+void typein::init()
+ queue.init(100);
+void typein::finish()
+ queue.finish();
+void typein::handler(char *inp)
+ if (!queue.fullp()) {
+ if (*inp == ABORT_CHAR) {
+ abort_flag = ABORT_LEVEL;
+ free(inp);
+ } else if (!abort_flag && *inp == BREAK_CHAR) {
+ abort_flag = BREAK_LEVEL;
+ free(inp);
+ } else if (!abort_flag && *inp == INFO_CHAR) {
+ xinfo();
+ free(inp);
+ } else queue.insert((long) inp);
+ }
+extern char *next_ascii;
+int get_ascii(char *c)
+ check_aborted(); /* input buffer check */
+ if (!next_ascii && typein::queue.emptyp()) return false;
+ *c = wait_ascii();
+ return true; // recurse with new string
+/* check_aborted -- see if any characters are available, check for ctrl C */
+int check_aborted()
+ process_win_events(USE_PEEK);
+ /* handle input messages, if ^C, handler will set abort flag */
+ return abort_flag;
+/* define with va_alist and use vsprintf to get temp */
+void gprintf(long where, char *format, ...)
+ va_list pvar;
+ va_start(pvar, format);
+ _vsnprintf(temp, GPRINTF_MESSAGE_LEN, format, pvar);
+ va_end(pvar);
+ switch((long) where) {
+ case GTRANS:
+ break;
+ case GERROR:
+ break;
+ case GFATAL:
+ edit_append("FATAL: ");
+ edit_append(temp);
+ break;
+ case GDEBUG:
+ edit_append("DEBUG: ");
+ edit_append(temp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ edit_append("UNKNOWN: ");
+ edit_append(temp);
+ break;
+ }
+ edit_append(temp);
+void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...)
+ va_list pvar;
+ va_start(pvar, format);
+ _vsnprintf(temp, GPRINTF_MESSAGE_LEN, format, pvar);
+ va_end(pvar);
+ edit_append(temp);
+* gputchar
+* General putchar
+void gputchar(int c)
+ char tmp[4];
+ tmp[0] = c;
+ tmp[1] = 0;
+ edit_append(tmp);
+* ggetchar
+* General getchar
+int ggetchar()
+ return wait_ascii();
+* ggets
+* General gets
+char *ggets(char *str)
+ char *s = str;
+ int c;
+ do {
+ c = ggetchar();
+ if (c == '\b' /* backspace */) {
+ if (s != str) {
+ gputchar('\b');
+ gputchar((int)' ');
+ gputchar('\b');
+ s--;
+ } else {
+ gputchar((int)0x07);
+ }
+ } else *s++ = (char) c;
+ } while (c != (int) '\n' && !abort_flag);
+ *(s-1) = EOS;
+ if (abort_flag) *str = EOS;
+ return str;
+* askbool
+* Inputs:
+* char *prompt: string to prompt for user input
+* int deflt: true or false default
+* Returns:
+* boolean: true or false as entered by user
+* Effect:
+* prompts user for yes or no input, returns result
+int askbool(char *prompt, int deflt)
+#define undefined -1
+ char defchar; /* the default answer */
+ char c; /* user input */
+ char in_string[100];
+ int result = -1; /* the result: -1 = undefined, 0 = false, 1 = true */
+ if (deflt) defchar = 'y';
+ else defchar = 'n';
+ while (result == undefined) {
+ gprintf(GTRANS, "%s? [%c]: ", prompt, defchar);
+ ggets(in_string);
+ c = in_string[0];
+ if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c);
+ if (c == 'Y') result = true;
+ else if (c == 'N') result = false;
+ else if (c == EOS) result = deflt;
+ else if (abort_flag) result = deflt;
+ /* space before Please to separate from user's type-in: */
+ else gprintf(GTRANS, " Please type Y or N.\n");
+ }
+ if (abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ result = deflt;
+ gprintf(GTRANS, "\n");
+ }
+ return result;
+void io_init()
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/textio.h b/sys/win/wingui/textio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..002d253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/textio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#define CR '\n'
+#define ABORT_CHAR 0x03
+#define BREAK_CHAR 0x02
+#define CLEANUP_CHAR 0x07
+#define INFO_CHAR '\024'
+#define BREAK_LEVEL 1
+#define ABORT_LEVEL 2
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+int ggetchar(void);
+void gprintf(long where, char *format, ...);
+void gputchar(int c);
+int get_ascii(char *c);
+char *ggets(char *str);
+int check_aborted();
+int askbool(char *prompt, int deflt);
+char wait_ascii();
+void io_init();
+/* this is not entirely kosher: nyquist_printf is also declared in sound.h
+ so that all C programs will see it. Perhaps it should go into cext.h, but
+ I'm not sure I want to drag all that into here.
+ */
+void nyquist_printf(char *format, ...);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#define GTRANS 0
+#define GERROR 1
+#define GFATAL 2
+#define GDEBUG 3
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/typein.h b/sys/win/wingui/typein.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab5b75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/typein.h
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+class typein {
+ static longque queue;
+ static void init(void);
+ static void finish(void);
+ static void handler(char *inp);
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winguistuff.c b/sys/win/wingui/winguistuff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9857b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winguistuff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+/* winstuff.c - windows interface routines for xlisp */
+/* Written by Chris Tchou. */
+/* This file contains the stuff that the other xlisp files call directly. */
+#include "windows.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+//#include <QuickDraw.h> /* for Random */
+#include <memory.h> /* for DisposPtr */
+#include <string.h>
+//#include <SegLoad.h> /* for ExitToShell */
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "textio.h"
+#if OSC
+#include "sliders.h" /* define sliders */
+#include "sound.h" /* define nosc_enabled */
+const char os_pathchar = '\\';
+const char os_sepchar = ',';
+/* externals */
+extern FILE *tfp; /* transcript file pointer */
+extern int cursorPos;
+extern char *macgets (void);
+#define LBSIZE 200
+/* local variables */
+static char lbuf[LBSIZE];
+static int lpos[LBSIZE];
+static int lindex;
+static int lcount = 0;
+static int lposition;
+static int line_edit = TRUE;
+//int isascii (char c) { return 1; } /* every char is an ascii char, isn't it? */
+void osinit (char *banner) {
+// int i;
+ char version[] = "\nWindows console interface by Roger Dannenberg.\n";
+// InitMac (); /* initialize the mac interface routines */
+// lposition = 0; /* initialize the line editor */
+// for (i = 0; banner[i] != '\0'; i++) macputc (banner[i]);
+// for (i = 0; version[i] != '\0'; i++) macputc (version[i]);
+ nyquist_printf(banner);
+ nyquist_printf(version);
+FILE *osaopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ return fopen (name, mode);
+FILE *osbopen (char *name, char *mode) {
+ char nmode[4];
+ strcpy (nmode, mode); strcat (nmode, "b");
+ return (fopen (name, nmode));
+int osclose (FILE *fp) { return (fclose (fp)); }
+int osaputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+int osbputc (int ch, FILE *fp) { return (putc (ch, fp)); }
+void osoutflush(FILE *fp) { fflush(fp); }
+/* osagetc - get a character from an ascii file */
+int osagetc(fp)
+ FILE *fp;
+ return (getc(fp));
+extern int abort_flag;
+#define OLDGETC
+#ifdef OLDGETC
+int ostgetc (void) {
+/* int i;
+ if (numChars <= 0) { /* get some more */
+/* if (linebuf) DisposPtr (linebuf);
+ linebuf = macgets ();
+ i = 0;
+ while (linebuf[i] != '\0') i++;
+ numChars = i;
+ if (tfp) for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++) osaputc (linebuf[i], tfp);
+ lineptr = linebuf;
+ }
+ numChars--;
+ if (*lineptr == '\r') {
+ lineptr++;
+ return '\n';
+ } else return (*lineptr++);*/
+ int ch = ggetchar();
+ oscheck(); /* in case user typed ^C */
+ if (ch == BREAK_CHAR && abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ }
+ return ch;
+void end_of_line_edit()
+ line_edit = FALSE;
+ if (tfp) {
+ for (lindex = 0; lindex < lcount; ++lindex)
+ osaputc(lbuf[lindex], tfp);
+ }
+ lindex = 0;
+int ostgetc()
+ * NOTE: lbuf[] accumulates characters as they are typed
+ * lpos[] is the column position of the characters
+ * lcount is the number of characters in lbuf
+ * lposition is current position
+ * lindex is index of next char to output
+ * line_edit is true iff we're inputing characters
+ *
+ */
+ int ch;
+ while (line_edit) {
+ ch = ggetchar();
+ oscheck(); /* in case user typed ^C */
+ if (ch == BREAK_CHAR && abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ }
+ /* assume for now we should add the character */
+ lbuf[lcount] = ch;
+ lpos[lcount] = lposition;
+ lcount++;
+ lposition++;
+ /* now do all the special character processing */
+ switch (ch) {
+ case '\n':
+ lposition = 0;
+ end_of_line_edit();
+ gputchar('\r');
+ gputchar(ch);
+ break;
+ /* delete key generates: 1b, 5b, 33, 7E
+ which is: ESC, [, 3, ~ */
+ case '\010': /* backspace */
+ case '\177': /* delete */
+ lcount--; /* take out backspace or delete char */
+ lposition--;
+ if (lcount) {
+ lcount--;
+ while (lposition > lpos[lcount]) {
+ gputchar('\010');
+ gputchar(' ');
+ gputchar('\010');
+ lposition--;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\025': /* control-u */
+ lcount--;
+ lposition--;
+ if (lcount) {
+ while (lposition > lpos[0]) {
+ gputchar('\010');
+ gputchar(' ');
+ gputchar('\010');
+ lposition--;
+ }
+ lcount = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* note that control-z never reaches here */
+ case '\003': /* control-c */
+ xltoplevel();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\007': /* control-g */
+ xlcleanup();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\020': /* control-p */
+ xlcontinue();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\002':
+ ostputc('\n'); /* control-b */
+ xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound);
+ break;
+ case '\024': /* control-t */
+ xinfo();
+ lcount = 0;
+ break;
+ case '\t': /* TAB */
+ lposition--; /* undo the increment above */
+ do {
+ lposition++;
+ gputchar(' ');
+ } while (lposition & 7);
+ break;
+ default:
+ gputchar(ch);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lindex + 1 >= lcount) {
+ lcount = 0;
+ line_edit = TRUE;
+ }
+ ch = lbuf[lindex++];
+ /* printf("[%c]", ch); */
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return ch;
+void ostputc (int ch) {
+// macputc (ch);
+ gputchar(ch); // console
+ if (tfp) osaputc (ch, tfp);
+void ostoutflush()
+ if (tfp) fflush(tfp);
+ /* since ostputc calls gputchar which just calls putchar,
+ I'm going to flush stdout rather than extending the
+ "g" abstraction with a gflush() call. -RBD
+ */
+ fflush(stdout);
+void osflush (void) {
+ lindex = lcount = lposition = 0;
+ line_edit = TRUE;
+extern int abort_flag;
+void oscheck (void) {
+#if OSC
+ if (nosc_enabled) nosc_poll();
+ check_aborted();
+ if (abort_flag == ABORT_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ osflush();
+ xltoplevel();
+ } else if (abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) {
+ abort_flag = 0;
+ osflush();
+ xlbreak("BREAK",s_unbound);
+ }
+void oserror (char *msg) {
+ char line[100], *p;
+ sprintf (line,"error: %s\n",msg);
+ for (p = line; *p != '\0'; ++p) ostputc (*p);
+void osfinish (void) {
+ portaudio_exit();
+ /* dispose of everything... */
+// if (linebuf) DisposPtr (linebuf);
+// MacWrapUp ();
+// ExitToShell ();
+int renamebackup (char *filename) { return 0; }
+static WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
+#define OSDIR_LIST_DONE 2
+static osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+#define OSDIR_MAX_PATH 256
+static char osdir_path[OSDIR_MAX_PATH];
+// osdir_list_start -- prepare to list a directory
+int osdir_list_start(char *path)
+ if (strlen(path) >= OSDIR_MAX_PATH - 2) {
+ xlcerror("LISTDIR path too big", "return nil", NULL);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ strcpy(osdir_path, path);
+ strcat(osdir_path, "/*"); // make a pattern to match all files
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ osdir_list_finish(); // close previously interrupted listing
+ }
+ hFind = FindFirstFile(osdir_path, &FindFileData); // get the "."
+ if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE;
+ if (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) == 0) return FALSE; // get the ".."
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_STARTED;
+ return TRUE;
+char *osdir_list_next()
+ if (FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData) == 0) {
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_DONE;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return FindFileData.cFileName;
+void osdir_list_finish()
+ if (osdir_list_status != OSDIR_LIST_READY) {
+ FindClose(hFind);
+ }
+ osdir_list_status = OSDIR_LIST_READY;
+/* xechoenabled -- set/clear echo_enabled flag (unix only) */
+LVAL xechoenabled()
+ int flag = (xlgetarg() != NULL);
+ xllastarg();
+ // echo_enabled = flag; -- do nothing in Windows
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winmain.aps b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.aps
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9efff7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.aps
Binary files differ
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winmain.cpp b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b21f08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+#include "windows.h" /* required for all Windows applications */
+#include "cppext.h"
+#include "longque.h"
+#include "button.h"
+#include "slider.h"
+#include "winmain.h" /* specific to this program */
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "textio.h"
+#include "mmsystem.h"
+#include <crtdbg.h>
+#include <mapiwin.h> // for Sleep()
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "typein.h"
+#include "xlispfns.h"
+#include "winfun.h"
+//#define THUMBTRACK // tries to get continuous scrollbars with SB_THUMBTRACK messages.
+ // doesn't work -- zone 1 doesn't seem to wake up until the button-up.
+//#include "saudio.h"
+//#define D if(0)
+HWND textinput;
+HWND textoutput;
+HFONT hfont;
+HWND alt_win;
+WNDPROC alt_proc;
+extern "C" {
+ HINSTANCE hInst; /* current instance */
+ HWND hMainWindow; /* main window handle */
+/* HINSTANCE hInst; /* current instance */
+/* HWND hMainWindow; /* main window handle */
+int quit_value; // return value from WinMain
+int abort_flag = 0;
+// there's some state here:
+// when we get a message from the input queue, it is an entire
+// string. We save the string and a pointer to the next char
+char *get_ascii_string = NULL;
+char *next_ascii = NULL;
+//asciiwait -- wait for ascii input
+char wait_ascii()
+ if (next_ascii && *next_ascii) {
+ char c = *next_ascii++;
+ if (c == '\r') c = '\n';
+ _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "|%c|", c);
+ return c;
+ }
+ if (get_ascii_string) {
+ _RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "free get_ascii_string %x %s\n",
+ get_ascii_string, get_ascii_string);
+ free(get_ascii_string);
+ get_ascii_string = NULL;
+ next_ascii = NULL;
+ }
+ // no input, so look for Windows messages
+ while (typein::queue.emptyp() && !abort_flag) {
+ process_win_events(USE_GET);
+ }
+ if (abort_flag == ABORT_LEVEL) return ABORT_CHAR;
+ if (abort_flag == BREAK_LEVEL) return BREAK_CHAR;
+ get_ascii_string = (char *) typein::queue.remove();
+ _RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "removed %x: %s\n", get_ascii_string, get_ascii_string);
+ edit_append(get_ascii_string);
+ next_ascii = get_ascii_string;
+ return wait_ascii();
+//process_win_events -- receive and handle windows by either:
+// USE_PEEK: non-blocking
+// USE_GET: blocks
+void process_win_events(int method)
+ MSG msg;
+ edit_append(""); // flush the output
+ if (method == USE_GET) {
+ //blocks until at least a message arrives
+ if (GetMessage(&msg, //msg stored here
+ NULL, //receive ALL application messages
+ NULL,NULL)) //no msg filtering
+ {
+ //standard windows loop
+ TranslateMessage(&msg); //posts another msg if there is a virtual to WM_CHAR mapping
+ DispatchMessage(&msg); //calls object's receive function
+ } else {
+ //is this ever entered???
+ quit_value = msg.wParam;
+ abort_flag = ABORT_CHAR;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ //default: process all messges that already exist (non-blocking)
+ while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD))
+ {
+ TranslateMessage(&msg);
+ DispatchMessage(&msg);
+ }
+ }
+//STUFF TO PROVIDE CONSOLE-------------------------------------------------
+//terminate strings and strip out LF
+int lf2crlf(char *dest, char *src)
+ char *d = dest;
+ while (*src) {
+ if (*src == '\n') {
+ *dest++ = '\r';
+ }
+ *dest++ = *src++;
+ }
+ *dest = EOS;
+ return dest - d; /* string length */
+#define EDIT_HIGH_WATER 10000
+#define EDIT_LOW_WATER 9000
+#define EABUFFMAX 110
+static char eabuff[EABUFFMAX]; /* edit_append buffer */
+static char eabuffx = 0;
+static void edit_append2(char *txt2);
+/* edit_append -- optimizes output by buffering
+ *
+ * call with empty string to flush buffer
+ */
+void edit_append(char *txt)
+ /* new algorithm to deal with long strings on input:
+ * if input is longer than 50, insert a zero and
+ * call recursively; then undo the zero and continue.
+ */
+ char txt2[100];
+ while (strlen(txt) > 50) {
+ char temp = txt[50];
+ txt[50] = 0;
+ edit_append(txt); /* strlen(txt) == 50 */
+ txt = txt + 50;
+ txt[0] = temp;
+ }
+ int len = lf2crlf(txt2, txt);
+ if ((eabuffx + len + 1 > EABUFFMAX) || ((len == 0) && eabuffx)) {
+ edit_append2(eabuff);
+ eabuffx = 0;
+ }
+ strcpy(eabuff + eabuffx, txt2);
+ eabuffx += len;
+static void edit_append2(char *txt2)
+ int len;
+ int lines;
+ if (*txt2 == '\b') { // special case: erase last character
+ long len = SendMessage(textoutput, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0);
+ if (len > 0) {
+ // select the last character:
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) len - 1, (LPARAM) -1);
+ // delete the last character:
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_REPLACESEL, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) ((LPSTR) ""));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // to put insertion point at the end, first select
+ // everything ...
+ //wparam is UINT ; lparam is LONG
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) -1);
+ // then remove selection, leaving cursor at the end:
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) -1, (LPARAM) -1);
+ // now, replacement actually appends to the buffer:
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_REPLACESEL, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) ((LPSTR) txt2));
+ // if the number of characters exceeds EDIT_HIGH_WATER, then
+ // trim the number of characters to EDIT_LOW_WATER by deleting
+ // all lines up to the one containing total-EDIT_LOW_WATER
+ lines = (int) SendMessage(textoutput, EM_GETLINECOUNT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) 0);
+ len = (int) SendMessage(textoutput, EM_LINEINDEX, (WPARAM)(lines - 1), (LPARAM) 0);
+ len += (int) SendMessage(textoutput, EM_LINELENGTH, (WPARAM)(lines - 1), (LPARAM) 0);
+ if (len > EDIT_HIGH_WATER) {
+ //these SendMessages operate to completion
+ lines = (int) SendMessage(textoutput, EM_LINEFROMCHAR,
+ len = (int) SendMessage(textoutput, EM_LINEINDEX, (WPARAM)(lines), (LPARAM) 0);
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(len));
+ SendMessage(textoutput, EM_REPLACESEL, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) ((LPSTR) ""));
+ }
+//THE STUFF REQUIRED BY WINDOWS APPLICATIONS----------------------------------
+// we will subclass the textinput window with a window procedure that detects
+// the Enter key (hex 0x0d) and sets a flag. Then in the main window proc,
+// when an EN_CHANGE message is received, we will know the user typed Enter,
+// so we can transfer the text to XLISP.
+// This would be a good place also to add editing characters to scroll through
+// previous entries.
+WNDPROC DefaultEditWndProc = NULL;
+#define ENTER_KEY 0x0d
+bool enter_flag = false;
+long CALLBACK EditWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
+ if (message == WM_CHAR) {
+ if (wParam == ENTER_KEY) enter_flag = true;
+ _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "wm_char is %x\n", wParam);
+ }
+ return CallWindowProc(DefaultEditWndProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
+//All applications need to register
+BOOL InitApplication(HINSTANCE hInstance /* current instance */)
+ /* Fill in window class structure with parameters that describe the */
+ /* main window. */
+ = NULL; /* Class style(s). */
+ wc.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; /* Function to retrieve messages for */
+ /* windows of this class. */
+ wc.cbClsExtra = 0; /* No per-class extra data. */
+ wc.cbWndExtra = 0; /* No per-window extra data. */
+ wc.hInstance = hInstance; /* Application that owns the class. */
+ wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_NYCON));
+ wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+ wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
+ wc.lpszMenuName = "MAINMENU"; /* Name of menu resource in .RC file. */
+ wc.lpszClassName = "CMTWClass"; /* Name used in call to CreateWindow. */
+ /* Register the window class and return success/failure code. */
+ return (RegisterClass(&wc));
+static char *button_names[NUMBUTTONS] = { "Load File", "Reload File",
+ "Replay Sound", "Break", "Top", "Up", "Info", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4" };
+//each time this application is run, the following program must be run
+BOOL InitInstance(
+ HINSTANCE hInstance, /* Current instance identifier. */
+ int nCmdShow) /* Param for first ShowWindow() call. */
+ int i;
+ RECT rect;
+ LRESULT rslt;
+ /* Save the instance handle in static variable, which will be used in */
+ /* many subsequent calls from this application to Windows. */
+ hInst = hInstance;
+ /* Create a main window for this application instance. */
+ hMainWindow = CreateWindow(
+ "CMTWClass", /* See RegisterClass() call. */
+ "Nyquist", /* Text for window title bar. */
+ WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, /* Window style. */
+ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Default horizontal position. */
+ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Default vertical position. */
+ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Default width. */
+ CW_USEDEFAULT, /* Default height. */
+ NULL, /* Overlapped windows have no parent. */
+ NULL, /* Use the window class menu. */
+ hInstance, /* This instance owns this window. */
+ NULL /* Pointer not needed. */
+ );
+ /* If window could not be created, return "failure" */
+ if (!hMainWindow)
+ return (FALSE);
+ GetClientRect(hMainWindow, (LPRECT) &rect);
+ /* Make the window visible; update its client area; and return "success" */
+ const int button_y = 25; // size in pixels
+ const int slider_x = 20;
+ const int slider_gap = 1;
+ const int input_height = 48; // how high is input type-in edit control
+ int slider_xsum = slider_x * NUMSLIDERS;
+ int button_ysum = button_y * NUMBUTTONS_VERT;
+ ShowWindow(hMainWindow, nCmdShow); /* Show the window */
+ UpdateWindow(hMainWindow); /* Sends WM_PAINT message */
+ for (i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) {
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = i * button_y;
+ int width = slider_xsum;
+ if (i > 2) {
+ y = (3 + (i - 3) / 2) * button_y;
+ width = width / 2;
+ if ((i & 1) == 0) x = width;
+ }
+ buttons[i] = CreateWindow("Button", //lpszClassName
+ button_names[i],//windowName
+ BS_PUSHBUTTON | //Style: 1) PB
+ WS_CHILD | // 2) must reside w/in parent
+ WS_VISIBLE, // 3) initially visible
+ x, y, width, button_y,
+ hMainWindow, //owner window
+ //&buttonsH[i], //child window Id
+ hInstance, //application instance
+ NULL); //WM_CREATE argument
+ //activate current window & display w/current size and position
+ ShowWindow(buttons[i], SW_SHOW);
+ //update (nonempty) client area via WM_PAINT
+ UpdateWindow(buttons[i]);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i<NUMSLIDERS; ++i) {
+ char name[5];
+ sprintf(name, "%d", i);
+ sliders[i] = CreateWindow("Scrollbar", name, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SBS_VERT /*| WS_BORDER */,
+ slider_x * i + slider_gap, button_ysum, slider_x - slider_gap, (rect.bottom - - button_ysum,
+ hMainWindow, (HMENU)(IDC_SLIDER+i), hInstance, NULL); // (was IDC_BUTTON)
+ SetScrollRange(sliders[i], SB_CTL, 0, 127, 1);
+ ShowWindow(sliders[i], SW_SHOW);
+ UpdateWindow(sliders[i]);
+ }
+ textinput = CreateWindow("Edit", NULL,
+ slider_xsum, 0,
+ (rect.right - rect.left) - slider_xsum,
+ input_height,
+ hMainWindow, (HMENU)(IDC_EDIT_INPUT), hInstance, NULL);
+ // subclass the input window so we can catch the Enter key
+ DefaultEditWndProc = (WNDPROC) SetWindowLong(textinput, GWL_WNDPROC, (long) EditWndProc);
+ textoutput = CreateWindow("Edit", NULL,
+ slider_xsum, input_height - 1,
+ (rect.right - rect.left) - slider_xsum,
+ (rect.bottom - - input_height,
+ hMainWindow, (HMENU)(IDC_EDIT), hInstance, NULL);
+ hfont = CreateFont(0, 0, 0, 0, FW_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
+ "Courier");
+ rslt = SendMessage(textoutput, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hfont,
+ ShowWindow(textoutput, SW_SHOW);
+ UpdateWindow(textoutput);
+ rslt = SendMessage(textinput, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hfont,
+ ShowWindow(textinput, SW_SHOW);
+ UpdateWindow(textinput);
+ return (TRUE); /* Returns the value from PostQuitMessage */
+//this is the hook called where any windows application starts up
+extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(
+ HINSTANCE hInstance, /* current instance */
+ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, /* previous instance */
+ LPSTR lpCmdLine, /* command line */
+ int nCmdShow) /* show-window type (open/icon) */
+#if defined(_DEBUG) && 0
+ int flags = _CrtSetDbgFlag(_CRTDBG_REPORT_FLAG);
+ flags |= _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF; // do expensive memory checking -eub
+ flags |= _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF; // check for leaks at termination
+ _CrtSetDbgFlag(flags);
+ _CrtCheckMemory();
+ typein::init();
+ if (!hPrevInstance) /* Other instances of app running? */
+ if (!InitApplication(hInstance)) /* Initialize shared things */
+ return (FALSE); /* Exits if unable to initialize */
+ /* Perform initializations that apply to a specific instance */
+ if (!InitInstance(hInstance, nCmdShow)) return (FALSE);
+ run_xlisp();
+ return quit_value;
+char *button_msgs[] = {
+ "(ny:load-file)\n",
+ "(ny:reload-file)\n",
+ "(r)\n",
+ "\002",
+ "\003",
+ "\007",
+ "\024",
+ "(F1)\n",
+ "(F2)\n",
+ "(F3)\n",
+ "(F4)\n" };
+static void type_this(char *ptr)
+ char *s = (char *) malloc(strlen(ptr) + 1);
+ _RPT1(_CRT_WARN, "type_this mallocs %x\n", s);
+ strcpy(s, ptr);
+ typein::handler(s);
+//This is the Main Window Receive Function
+long CALLBACK MainWndProc(
+ HWND hWnd, /* window handle */
+ UINT message, /* type of message */
+ WPARAM wParam, /* additional information */
+ LPARAM lParam) /* additional information */
+ switch (message) {
+ case WM_CHAR: {
+ //message: character code is posted via Translate Message
+ TCHAR c = (TCHAR) wParam;
+ //lKeyData = lParam; extended, ctrl, etc keys are ignored!!!
+ // typein::handler(c);
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_COMMAND: {
+ //message: command from application menu
+ short int code = HIWORD(wParam);
+ int wid = LOWORD(wParam);
+ HWND hwndCtrl = (HWND) lParam;
+ if (code == 0 && wid == IDM_ABOUT) {
+ DialogBox(hInst, /*current inst*/ "ABOUTBOX", /*resource to use*/
+ hWnd, /* parent*/ (DLGPROC) About /*About() instance address*/);
+ } else if (code == 0 && wid == ID_FILE_LOAD) {
+ type_this(button_msgs[0]);
+ } else if (code == 0 && wid == ID_FILE_RELOAD) {
+ type_this(button_msgs[1]);
+ } else if (code == 0 && wid == ID_FILE_EXIT) {
+ type_this("(exit)\n");
+ } else if (wid >= IDC_BUTTON && wid < IDC_BUTTON + NUMBUTTONS) {
+ SetFocus(textinput); /* get focus back */
+ type_this(button_msgs[wid - IDC_BUTTON]);
+ } else if (wid == IDC_EDIT_INPUT) {
+ if (code == EN_CHANGE) {
+ if (enter_flag) {
+ enter_flag = false;
+ long len = SendMessage(hwndCtrl, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0);
+ len++; // allow for terminating null character
+ char *buffer = (char *) malloc(len);
+ SendMessage(hwndCtrl, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM) len, (LPARAM) buffer);
+ _RPT2(_CRT_WARN, "inserting %x: %s\n", buffer, buffer);
+ typein::handler(buffer);
+ SendMessage(hwndCtrl, WM_SETTEXT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) "");
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (wid == IDC_EDIT) {
+ if (code == EN_CHANGE) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*Let Windows process it*/
+ printf("unhandled: message %d\n", message);
+ return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_DESTROY:
+ //message: window being destroyed
+ PostQuitMessage(0);
+ break;
+ //message: left mouse button pressed while cursor in client area
+ //never used, need SetCaputure???
+ int /*???*/ xPos LOWORD(lParam);
+ int /*???*/ yPos HIWORD(lParam);
+ //int /*???*/ fwKeys; virtual keys not used!!!
+ buffer[0] = '<';
+ _itoa(xPos,buffer+1,10/*radix*/);
+ i = strlen(buffer);
+ buffer[i++] = ',';
+ _itoa(yPos,buffer+i,10/*radix*/);
+ i = strlen(buffer);
+ buffer[i++] = '>';
+ buffer[i] = 0;
+ edit_append(buffer);
+ break;
+ //WM_USER msg codes are from the callbacks-------------------------
+ //dummy message just unblocks GetMessage
+ break;
+ }
+ //remaining wMsg codes generated elsewhere------------------------------------
+ case WM_KILLFOCUS: {
+ //message: this window's loosing focus, focus must be set to new window
+ HWND newFocus = (HWND) wParam;
+ if (newFocus == textoutput) {
+ //why not also set buttons, sliders...???
+ SetFocus(hWnd);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case WM_VSCROLL: {
+ //message: control bar scroll I/O
+ //where is window scroll bar handled???
+ //why is this not also a WM_COMMAND???
+ HWND hwndCtrl = (HWND) lParam;
+ short int nPos = HIWORD(wParam);
+ int code = LOWORD(wParam);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < NUMSLIDERS; i++) {
+ if (sliders[i] == hwndCtrl) {
+ int pos = GetScrollPos(hwndCtrl /*parent*/, SB_CTL /*control*/);
+ switch (code) {
+ case SB_LINEUP: pos--; break;
+ case SB_LINEDOWN: pos++; break;
+ case SB_PAGEUP: pos -= 10; break;
+ case SB_PAGEDOWN: pos += 10; break;
+ break; //why not continue???
+ pos = nPos;
+ break;
+ continue; // no silly multiple messages
+ //break;
+ pos = nPos;
+ break;
+ case SB_TOP: pos = 0; break;
+ case SB_BOTTOM: pos = 127; break;
+ default: continue; //avoid SetScrollPos
+ }
+ // SetScrollRange() set the range to 0-127, but clip just to make sure:
+ if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
+ if (pos > 127) pos = 127;
+ if (code != SB_ENDSCROLL
+ && code != SB_THUMBTRACK
+ ) {
+ //ctrlevents.insert(CTRLEVENT(IDC_SLIDER + i, 127 - pos));
+ }
+ SetScrollPos(hwndCtrl /*parent*/, SB_CTL /*control sb*/, pos /*new position*/, TRUE /*redraw*/);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ //Pass on all unproccessed messages
+ return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam));
+ }
+ return (NULL); //all messages currently return this...
+ FUNCTION: About(HWND, unsigned, WORD, LONG)
+ PURPOSE: Processes messages for "About" dialog box
+ WM_INITDIALOG - initialize dialog box
+ WM_COMMAND - Input received
+ No initialization is needed for this particular dialog box, but TRUE
+ must be returned to Windows.
+ Wait for user to click on "Ok" button, then close the dialog box.
+extern "C" BOOL CALLBACK About(
+ HWND hDlg, /* window handle of the dialog box */
+ unsigned message, /* type of message */
+ WORD wParam, /* message-specific information */
+ LONG lParam)
+ switch (message)
+ {
+ case WM_INITDIALOG: /* message: initialize dialog box */
+ return (TRUE);
+ case WM_COMMAND: /* message: received a command */
+ if (wParam == IDOK /* "OK" box selected? */
+ || wParam == IDCANCEL) /* System menu close command? */
+ {
+ EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); /* Exits the dialog box */
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return FALSE; /* Didn't process a message */
+/* Load File support */
+extern "C"
+void RegisterWindow(HWND w, WNDPROC p) {
+ alt_win = w;
+ alt_proc = p;
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winmain.h b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..955a9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "resource.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+BOOL InitApplication(HANDLE);
+BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE, int);
+void RegisterWindow(HWND, WNDPROC);
+#define IDC_EDIT 300
+#define IDC_EDIT_INPUT 301
+#define IDC_BUTTON 400
+#define IDC_SLIDER 500
+#define NUMBUTTONS 11
+// 7 buttons high:
+extern int abort_flag;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include "winmain2.h"
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winmain.rc b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.rc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dd5de1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winmain.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.
+#include "resource.h"
+// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
+#include "windows.h"
+// English (U.S.) resources
+#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#pragma code_page(1252)
+#endif //_WIN32
+// Menu
+ POPUP "&File"
+ POPUP "&Help"
+ MENUITEM "&About Nyquist...", IDM_ABOUT
+// Dialog
+CAPTION "About Nyquist"
+FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
+ CTEXT "Nyquist, a language for music composition",IDC_STATIC,0,
+ 5,177,8
+ CTEXT " and sound synthesis.",IDC_STATIC,0,14,177,8
+ CTEXT "Version 2.16",IDC_STATIC,0,76,177,8
+ CTEXT "Copyright (c) 2001, by Roger B. Dannenberg",IDC_STATIC,
+ 0,66,177,8
+ CTEXT "",IDC_STATIC,0,26,177,
+ 8
+ "resource.h\0"
+ "#include ""windows.h""\r\n"
+ "\0"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\0"
+// Icon
+// Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon
+// remains consistent on all systems.
+#endif // English (U.S.) resources
+// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
+#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/winmain2.h b/sys/win/wingui/winmain2.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711bd76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/winmain2.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+extern int quit_flag;
+extern int waiting_flag;
+extern long start_time; // initial system time in ms
+extern long the_time; // current time - updated by periodic interrupt
+extern HWND hMainWindow; /* main window handle */
+void edit_append(char *txt);
+void debugeventwait();
+bool get_mouse(int &x, int &y);
+void wait_mouse(int &x, int &y);
+void pause(long ms);
+// parameters to process_win_events()
+#define USE_GET 0
+#define USE_PEEK 1
+void process_win_events(int method);
+#define CTRLEVENT(a, b) (((long) (a))<<16 | (b))
+#define WM_USER_TIMEOUT (WM_USER + 0)
+#define WM_USER_TIMESHOW1 (WM_USER + 2)
+#define WM_USER_MIDI_INPUT (WM_USER + 10)
+#define WM_USER_MIDISHOW (WM_USER + 11)
+#define WM_USER_MIDISHOW1 (WM_USER + 12)
+#define TIMERCB 1
+#define MIDIINCB 2
+#define FROMTIMERCB(x) ((x) == TIMERCB)
+#define FROMMIDIINCB(x) ((x) == MIDIINCB)
+#define TEXT_WIN_HT 200
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/xlextstart.c b/sys/win/wingui/xlextstart.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be321fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/xlextstart.c
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+/* nothing to do */
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.c b/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9b0584
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.c
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "xlispfns.h"
+void run_xlisp()
+ xlisp_main_init(0,NULL);
+ xlisp_main();
+ /* clean up */
+ xlisp_wrapup();
diff --git a/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.h b/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..256584a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/win/wingui/xlispfns.h
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+void run_xlisp();
+#ifdef __cplusplus