path: root/test
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Diffstat (limited to 'test')
46 files changed, 3251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/alex.lsp b/test/alex.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9749147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/alex.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+(defun mkwave ()
+ (setf *s-table* (scale 0.5 (sim (scale 1 (build-harmonic 1.41 2048))
+ (scale 0.7 (build-harmonic 3.1 2048))
+ (scale 0.9 (build-harmonic 6.3 2048))
+ (scale 0.4 (build-harmonic 9.12 2048)))))
+ (setf *s-table* (list *s-table* (hz-to-step 1) T)))
+(if (not (boundp '*s-table*)) (mkwave))
+(defun mk-voc1-table()
+ (if (not (boundp 'voc-snd1)) (setf voc-snd1 (s-read "./test/voc1.snd")))
+ (setf *voc-table1* (list voc-snd1 16 T)))
+(defun mod(dur)
+ (mult
+ (stretch dur (pwl 0 1000 .2 200 .5 8000 1 100 1))
+ (fmosc c4 (stretch dur (pwl 0 1 .5 3.25 1 .74 1)))))
+(defun mod2(dur)
+ (mult
+ (stretch dur (pwl 0 5000 0.6 3000 1 50 1))
+ (fmosc c4 (stretch dur (pwl 0 10 0.5 50 0.65 1060 0.75 200 0.8 8400 1 5 1)))))
+(defun envl(dur) (stretch dur (env 0.15 0.15 0.2 1 .6 .5 1)))
+(defun blurp(dur) (fmosc c3 (mult (osc 07 dur) (mod dur))))
+(defun bleerp(&optional (dur 4)) (fmosc 02 (mult (fmosc 23 (stretch dur (pwl 0 15000 .3 5600 .8 1500 1 380 1))) (mod dur))))
+(defun ther(freq amp &optional (vib 6))
+ (mult (sum amp (lfo vib)) (fmosc 0 (sum freq (lfo (* vib 0.7)))) ))
+(defun fizz(scl &optional (dur 2) (pch 40))
+ (scale scl
+ ( mult
+ (stretch dur (env 0.02 0.08 0.01 1 0.6 0.8 1)) (fmosc pch (mod2 dur))
+ ( at 0.1 ( mult (envl dur) (fmosc (* pch 1.414) (mod2 dur))))
+ ( at 0.2 (mult (envl dur) (fmosc (* pch 0.57) (mod2 dur)))) )))
+(defun warble(&optional (dur 1) (pch 60))
+ (sum (mult
+ (stretch dur (env 0.017 0.1 0.004 1 0.7 0.8 1))
+ (amosc pch (fmosc (hz-to-step 8) (stretch dur (pwl 0 4 0.2 -4 0.56 9 0.7 0 1 -8 1))))
+ (mult (stretch (* dur 0.96) (env 0.2 0.09 0.07 0.92 0.8 0.6 1))
+ (amosc pch (fmosc (* pch 1.414) (stretch dur (pwl 0.2 80 0.5 4 0.9 1120 1 200 1)) ) ) )) ))
+(defun bell(dur pch) (mult
+ (stretch dur (env 0.01 0.1 0.2 1 0.6 0.24 1))
+ (fmosc pch (sum
+ (mult (stretch dur (pwl 0.07 1800 0.15 1000 0.4 680 0.8 240 1 100 1))
+ (osc (hz-to-step (* (step-to-hz pch) (sqrt 2.0))) dur))
+ (scale 1.57 (mult (stretch dur (pwl 0.001 1000 0.007 450 0.01))
+ (osc (hz-to-step (* (step-to-hz pch) (sqrt 11.0))))))
+ (scale 1.3 (mult (stretch dur (pwl 0.002 921 0.009 600 0.012))
+ (osc (hz-to-step (* (step-to-hz pch) (sqrt 71.0))))))) )))
+(defun ring(dur pch scl) (mult
+ (stretch dur (env 0.05 0.1 0.2 1 0.6 0.24 1))
+ (fmosc pch (mult
+ (stretch dur (pwl 0.07 1800 0.15 1000 0.4 680 0.8 240 1 100 1))
+ (mult (osc (hz-to-step (* (step-to-hz pch) (sqrt 2.0))) dur)
+ (scale scl (osc (hz-to-step (* (step-to-hz pch) (sqrt 11.0))) dur)) )))))
+(defun wind(&optional (dur 3) (scal 3) (cps 590) (bw 40))
+ (mult (stretch dur (env 0.07 0.08 0.1 1 0.6 0.8 1))
+ (sum
+ (stretch dur (reson (scale scal (noise)) cps bw 2))
+ (stretch dur (reson (scale (mult scal 1.13) (noise)) (mult cps (pwl 0 0.74 0.2 0.96 0.5 0.8 0.75 1.16 0.9 0.97 1 0.74 1)) (mult bw 1.042) 2)))) )
+(defun suck(dur)
+ (stretch dur (hp (noise) (pwl 0 15 0.2 6000 0.6 15000 0.75 7))))
+(defun vocrap(&optional (pch 16) (dur 1))
+ (if (not (boundp '*voc-table1*)) (mk-voc1-table))
+ (fmosc pch (stretch dur(pwl 0 3 0.1 -20 0.2 20 0.3 30 0.4 -10 0.5 15 0.6 0 0.8 -30 1 60 1)) *voc-table1*))
+(defun voc1(baspch varpch &optional (dur 1))
+ (display "duration" dur)
+ (if (not (boundp '*voc-table1*)) (mk-voc1-table))
+ (fmosc baspch (stretch dur varpch) *voc-table1*))
+(defun sparkle()
+(defun pl(exp)
+ (setf the_max (snd-max exp 10000000))
+ (display "Max" the_max)
+ (play (scale (/ 1.0 the_max) exp)))
+(defun ster(sound pan)
+ (vector (mult sound pan)
+ (mult sound (sum 1 (mult -1 pan)))))
+(defun echo (sound &optional (delay 0.2) (reps 12))
+ (seqrep (i reps) (scale (- 1 (* (+ i 1) (/ 1.0 reps))) (seq sound (s-rest delay)) )))
+(defun ster-echo (sound &optional (delay 0.2) (reps 12))
+ (vector
+ (seqrep (i reps) (scale (- 0.95 (* (+ i 1) (/ 1.0 reps))) (seq (aref (cond ((oddp i) (ster sound 0.1)) (T (ster sound 0.9))) 0) (s-rest delay))))
+ (seqrep (i reps) (scale (- 1.0 (* (+ i 1) (/ 1.0 reps))) (seq (aref (cond ((oddp i) (ster sound 0.1)) (T (ster sound 0.9))) 1) (s-rest delay))))
+(defun ster-echo (sound &optional (delay 0.2) (reps 12))
+ (vector
+ (seqrep (i reps) (scale (- 0.95 (* (+ i 1) (/ 1.0 reps))) (seq (cond ((oddp i) sound) (T (scale 0 sound))) (s-rest delay))))
+ (seqrep (i reps) (scale (- 1.0 (* (+ i 1) (/ 1.0 reps))) (seq (cond ((not (oddp i)) sound) (T (scale 0 sound))) (s-rest delay))))
+(defun loop(exp &optional (rep 5))
+ (simrep (i rep) (at (- (* i (snd-stop-time exp)) 0.15) exp )))
+(defun pch-table(oct)
+ (setf pch-t (vector (+ 12 (* oct 12)) (+ 13 (* oct 12)) (+ 14 (* oct 12)) (+ 15 (* oct 12)) (+ 16 (* oct 12)) (+ 17 (* oct 12)) (+ 18 (* oct 12)) (+ 19 (* oct 12)) (+ 20 (* oct 12)) (+ 21 (* oct 12)) (+ 22 (* oct 12)) (+ 23 (* oct 12)) )))
+(defun dur-table()
+ (setf dur-t (vector 1 1.5 1.25 1.75 2 3)))
+(defun time-table()
+ (setf time-t (vector 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8)))
+(defun rand-sel(v)
+ ;;;(if (not (boundp v)) (pch-table oct))
+ (setf v (symbol-value v))
+ (aref v (random (- (length v) 1))))
+(pch-table 5)
+(defun chimes (n)
+ (simrep (i n) (at (* i (rand-sel time-t)) (bell (rand-sel dur-t) (step-to-hz (rand-sel 'pch-t))))))
+(defun bellpat1() (scale 0.6 (sim
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.0 (bell 1 90)))
+ (scale 0.6 (at 0.25 (bell 1.2 78)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.5 (bell 0.8 85)))
+ (scale 0.55 (at 0.675 (bell 0.7 87)))
+ (scale 0.6 (at 0.75 (bell 0.6 88)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 1 (bell 1 86)))
+(defun bellpat2() (scale 0.6 (sim
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.0 (bell 1.2 67)))
+ (scale 0.55 (at 0.125 (bell 0.8 74)))
+ (scale 0.65 (at 0.25 (bell 1.3 67)))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 0.5 (bell 0.5 79)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.75 (bell 1.5 74)))
+(defun ringpat1() (scale 0.8 (sim
+ (scale 0.6 (at 0.0 (ring 0.6 45 2)))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 0.2 (ring 0.8 40 1.5)))
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.6 (ring 1 44 1)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.8 (ring 1.2 32 0.8)))
+(defun ringpat2() (scale 0.65 (sim
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.0 (ring 1 39 1.95)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.45 (ring 0.7 27 1.7)))
+ (scale 0.9 (at 0.6 (ring 0.9 32 1.88)))
+ (scale 0.75 (at 1.05 (ring 0.7 36 1.6)))
+ (scale 0.8 (at 1.2 (ring 0.8 37 1.78)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 1.5 (ring 0.8 34 1.8)))
+ (scale 0.75 (at 1.8 (ring 2 32 2.6)))
+(defun techno(rep) (seqrep (i rep) (scale 0.8 (sim
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.0 (ring 0.4 30 1.2)))
+ (scale 0.6 (at 0.2 (ring 0.2 30 0.9)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.3 (ring 0.1 30 1.1)))
+(defun suckpat(&optional (rep 16))
+ (seqrep (i rep) (stretch 0.2 (scale (* i 0.1) (seq (suck 1) (suck 1) (suck 2) (suck 2))))))
+(defun tribal(rep) (scale 0.8 (simrep (i rep) (at (* i 0.9) (sim
+ (at 0.0 (bell 0.2 72))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.15 (bell 0.2 72)))
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.3 (bell 0.2 60)))
+ (scale 0.6 (at 0.45 (bell 0.2 65)))
+ (scale 0.9 (at 0.6 (bell 0.2 69)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.75 (bell 0.2 60)))
+(defun bells(rep) (scale 0.4 (sim
+ (bell 0.9 72)
+ (at 0.3 (simrep (i rep) (at (* i 0.9 ) (sim
+ (scale 0.7 (at 0.0 (bell 0.85 67)))
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.15 (bell 0.85 69)))
+ (scale 0.9 (at 0.3 (bell 0.8 71)))
+ (scale 0.8 (at 0.45 (bell 1.2 67)))
+ (at 0.6 (bell 1.2 72 ))
+(defun rings (&optional (rep 12) (init_del 0.1) (sep 0.12) (lenfac 0.2))
+ (scale 0.12 (simrep (i rep) (at (- 4 (+ init_del (* sep i))) (ring (* i lenfac) 24 (+ 1 (* i 0.4)) )))))
+(defun rings2 (&optional (rep 8))
+ (simrep (i rep) (at (* 0.02 i) (vocrap))))
+(defun bleerps (&optional (rep 12) (init_del 0.1) (sep 0.12) (lenfac 0.2))
+ (scale 0.12 (simrep (i rep) (at (- 4 (+ init_del (* sep i))) (bleerp (* i lenfac))))))
+(defun accel_bleerps() (sim
+ (scale 0.4 (at 0.0 (bleerp 4.5)))
+ (scale 0.1 (at 0.6 (bleerp 1)))
+ (scale 0.12 (at 1.3 (bleerp 0.8)))
+ (scale 0.16 (at 1.9 (bleerp 0.7)))
+ (scale 0.20 (at 2.3 (bleerp 0.6)))
+ (scale 0.24 (at 2.7 (bleerp 0.5)))
+ (scale 0.28 (at 3.0 (bleerp 0.4)))
+ (scale 0.32 (at 3.2 (bleerp 0.3)))
+ (scale 0.25 (at 3.4 (bleerp 0.2)))
+ (scale 0.14 (at 3.55 (bleerp 0.2)))
+ (scale 0.10 (at 3.7 (bleerp 0.2)))
+ (scale 0.06 (at 3.8 (bleerp 0.2)))
+ (scale 0.03 (at 3.9 (bleerp 0.2)))
+(defun sect1() (sim
+ (scale 3 (at 0.0 (simrep(i 4) (at (* i 2.9) (wind)))))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 2 (warble 8 48)))
+ (scale 0.3 (at 2.05 (warble 8.05 47.9)))
+ (scale 0.15 (at 2.9 (ring 7.1 (hz-to-step 1) 1.2)))
+ (scale 0.175 (at 4.9 (ring 5.1 (hz-to-step 2) 1.414)))
+ (scale 0.2 (at 6.9 (ring 3.1 (hz-to-step 4) 1.8)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 9.9 (suck 3.5)))
+ (scale 0.28 (at 9.9 (blurp 3.1)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 12.4 (stretch 0.5 (suckpat 17))))
+ (scale 0.4 (at 13.8 (seqrep (i 2) (seq (techno 2) (transpose 5 (techno 2)) (transpose -2 (techno 1)) (transpose 3 (techno 1)) (techno 2)))))
+ (scale 0.2 (at 13.9 (seqrep (i 2) (seq (transpose 2 (techno 2)) (transpose 7 (techno 2)) (transpose -4 (techno 1)) (transpose 5 (techno 1)) (transpose -2 (techno 2))))))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 15.75 (seqrep (i 4) (vocrap)) ))
+ (scale 0.35 (at 21.5 (ring 4 1 1)))
+ (scale 0.325 (at 24 (ring 4 4 2)))
+ (scale 0.3 (at 27.5 (ring 4 10 4)))
+ (scale 0.85 (at 23 (seqrep (i 17) (lp (scale (+ (* i 0.05 ) 0.3) (seq (transpose -4 (ring 0.1 32 0.6)) (transpose -5 (ring 0.05 20 0.2)) (transpose (* 2 i) (ring 0.1 27 0.5)) (transpose -3 (ring 0.05 22 0.1)) (transpose (* i 3) (ring 0.1 28 0.4)) (ring 0.05 31 0.7))) (* 100 i)))))
+ (scale 0.75 (at 23.025 (seqrep (i 17) (scale (+ (* i 0.05 ) 0.3) (seq (ring 0.1 32 1.2) (transpose -10 (ring 0.05 20 0.4)) (transpose (* 0.66 i) (ring 0.1 27 1)) (transpose -13 (ring 0.05 22 0.2)) (transpose (* i 1.5) (ring 0.1 28 0.7)) (transpose -2 (ring 0.05 31 0.9)))))))
+ (scale 1.0 (at 20.0 (ringpat1)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 20.05 (stretch 1.5 (ringpat1))))
+(defun segfault ()
+ (seqrep (i 17) (scale (+ (* i 0.05 ) 0.3) (seq (ring 0.1 32 1.2) (transpose -10 (ring 0.05 20 0.4)) (transpose (* 0.66 i) (ring 0.1 27 1)) (transpose -13 (ring 0.05 22 0.2)) (transpose (* i 1.5) (ring 0.1 28 0.7)) (transpose -2 (ring 0.05 31 0.9))))))
+; the following does clicks
+(defun sect1() (sim
+ (scale 3 (at 0.0 (simrep(i 4) (at (* i 2.9) (wind)))))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 2 (warble 8 48)))
+ (scale 0.3 (at 2.05 (warble 8.05 47.9)))
+ (scale 0.15 (at 2.9 (ring 7.1 (hz-to-step 1) 1.2)))
+ (scale 0.175 (at 4.9 (ring 5.1 (hz-to-step 2) 1.414)))
+ (scale 0.2 (at 6.9 (ring 3.1 (hz-to-step 4) 1.8)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 9.9 (suck 3.5)))
+ (scale 0.28 (at 9.9 (blurp 3.1)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 12.4 (stretch 0.5 (suckpat 17))))
+ (scale 0.4 (at 13.8 (seqrep (i 2) (seq (techno 2) (transpose 5 (techno 2)) (transpose -2 (techno 1)) (transpose 3 (techno 1)) (techno 2)))))
+ (scale 0.2 (at 13.9 (seqrep (i 2) (seq (transpose 2 (techno 2)) (transpose 7 (techno 2)) (transpose -4 (techno 1)) (transpose 5 (techno 1)) (transpose -2 (techno 2))))))
+ (scale 0.5 (at 15.75 (seqrep (i 4) (vocrap)) ))
+ (scale 0.35 (at 21.5 (ring 4 1 1)))
+ (scale 0.325 (at 24 (ring 4 4 2)))
+ (scale 0.3 (at 27.5 (ring 4 10 4)))
+ (scale 0.85 (at 23 (seqrep (i 17) (lp (scale (+ (* i 0.05 ) 0.3) (seq (transpose -4 (ring 0.1 32 0.6)) (transpose -5 (ring 0.05 20 0.2)) (transpose (* 2 i) (ring 0.1 27 0.5)) (transpose -3 (ring 0.05 22 0.1)) (transpose (* i 3) (ring 0.1 28 0.4)) (ring 0.05 31 0.7))) (* 100 i)))))
+ (scale 0.75 (at 23.025 (seqrep (i 17) (scale (+ (* i 0.05 ) 0.3) (seq (ring 0.1 32 1.2) (transpose -10 (ring 0.05 20 0.4)) (transpose (* 0.66 i) (ring 0.1 27 1)) (transpose -13 (ring 0.05 22 0.2)) (transpose (* i 1.5) (ring 0.1 28 0.7)) (transpose -2 (ring 0.05 31 0.9)))))))
+ (scale 1.0 (at 20.0 (ringpat1)))
+ (scale 0.7 (at 20.05 (stretch 1.5 (ringpat1))))
+ ))
diff --git a/test/alpass.lsp b/test/alpass.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2fa34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/alpass.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+;; tests for alpass filters
+;; create a sum of sine tones signal, every 3rd harmonic to get some bw
+(defun sine-src ()
+ (scale 0.1
+ (simrep (i 5)
+ (let ()
+ ;(display "simrep" *warp*)
+ (osc (hz-to-step (* (1+ i) (step-to-hz c4))))))))
+(defun osc-src ()
+ (scale 0.5 (osc c4)))
+(defun s-rest-d ()
+ (let ()
+ ; (display "s-rest-d" *warp*)
+ (setf *srest* (s-rest))))
+; (play (sine-src))
+(defun source () (seq (stretch 2 (sine-src)) (s-rest-d)))
+; (play (source))
+;(play (seq (source) (source) (source) (source)))
+; play sound followed by alpassed sound with different parameters
+(defun test1 ()
+ (seq (source)
+ (alpass (source) 0.05 100)
+ (alpass (source) 0.5 100)
+ (alpass (source) 0.05 1000)
+ (alpass (source) 0.5 1000)))
+;(play (test1))
+(defun test2 ()
+ (seq (source)
+ (alpass (source) 0.05 (pwlv 50 3 200) 50)
+ (alpass (source) 0.5 (pwlv 50 3 200) 50)
+ (alpass (source) 0.05 (pwlv 250 3 1000) 250)
+ (alpass (source) 0.5 (pwlv 250 3 1000) 250)))
+;(play (test2))
+(defun test2b ()
+ (seq (source)
+ (setf xxx (comb (source) (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1) 100))
+ (setf yyy (comb (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) 100))
+ (setf zzz (comb (setf www (source))
+ (setf vvv (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1)) 1000))
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) 1000)))
+;(play (test2b))
+(defun test3 ()
+ (seq (source)
+ (setf xxx (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1) 100))
+ (setf yyy (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) 100))
+ (setf zzz (alpass (setf www (source))
+ (setf vvv (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1)) 1000))
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) 1000)))
+;(play (test3))
+(defun test4 ()
+ (seq (source)
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1) (pwlv 50 3 200) 50)
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) (pwlv 50 3 200) 50)
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.02 3 0.1) (pwlv 500 3 2000) 500)
+ (alpass (source) (pwlv 0.2 3 1.0) (pwlv 500 3 2000) 500)))
+(play (test4))
+(defun pulses () (scale 0.5 (stretch 3 (buzz 400 (hz-to-step 2) (pwl 1)))))
+;(play (pulses))
+(defun test4 ()
+ (comb (pulses) (pwlv 0.6 3 0.1) 1000))
+;(play (test4))
diff --git a/test/arraystream.lsp b/test/arraystream.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/arraystream.lsp
diff --git a/test/articulator1.txt b/test/articulator1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7144002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/articulator1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+; Nyquist voice synthesis instrument by Eduardo Reck Miranda
+; Implements a geometrical articulator for tongue position (h p) and
+; lips rouding (r)
+; Geometrical articulator: the following FORMx functions estimates the formant
+; values from the positions of the three articulators p h and r, where:
+; p = horizontal position of the tongue: 0.0 = front and 1.0 = back
+; h = vertical position of the tongue: 0.0 = low and 1.0 = high
+; r = rounding of the lips: 0.0 = spread -> 1.0 rounded
+; FORM1: converts p-h-r articulators to first formant frequency
+(defmacro form1 (p h r)
+ `(+ (* (+ (* (+ (- 392) (* 392 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (- 596 (* 668 ,r)) ,h)
+ (+ (- 146) (* 166 ,r)))
+ (expt ,p 2))
+ (* (+ (* (- 348 (* 348 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 494) (* 606 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 141 (* 175 ,r)))
+ ,p)
+ (+ (* (- 340 (* 72 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 796) (* 108 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 708 (* 38 ,r)))
+ ))
+; FORM2: converts p-h-r articulators to second formant frequency
+(defmacro form2 (p h r)
+ `(+ (* (+ (* (+ (- 1200) (* 1208 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (- 1320 (* 1328 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 118 (* 158 ,r)))
+ (expt ,p 2))
+ (* (+ (* (- 1864 (* 1488 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 2644) (* 1510 ,r)) ,h)
+ (+ (- 561) (* 221 ,r)))
+ ,p)
+ (+ (* (+ (- 670) (* 490 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (- 1355 (* 697 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 1517 (* 117 ,r)))
+ ))
+; FORM3: converts p-h-r articulators to third formant frequency
+(defmacro form3 (p h r)
+ `(+ (* (+ (* (- 604 (* 604 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (- 1038 (* 1178 ,r)) ,h)
+ (+ 246 (* 566 ,r)))
+ (expt ,p 2))
+ (* (+ (* (+ (- 1150) (* 1262 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 1443) (* 1313 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- (- 317) (* 483 ,r)))
+ ,p)
+ (+ (* (- 1130 (* 836 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 315) (* 44 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 2427 (* 127 ,r)))
+ ))
+; FORM4: converts p-h-r articulators to fourth formant frequency
+(defmacro form4 (p h r)
+ `(+ (* (+ (* (+ (- 1120) (* 16 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (- 1696 (* 180 ,r)) ,h)
+ (+ 500 (* 522 ,r)))
+ (expt ,p 2))
+ (* (+ (* (+ (- 140) (* 240 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 578) (* 214 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- (- 692) (* 419 ,r)))
+ ,p)
+ (+ (* (- 1480 (* 602 ,r)) (expt ,h 2))
+ (* (+ (- 1220) (* 289 ,r)) ,h)
+ (- 3678 (* 178 ,r)))
+ ))
+; ADSR-SMOOTH: a standard ADSR envelope
+(defun adsr-smooth (signal dur)
+ (mult signal (env 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 0.8 0.4 dur)))
+; VIBRATO: generates vibrato
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+; dur = duration in seconds
+(defun vibrato (vib-rate dur)
+ (osc (hz-to-step vib-rate) dur))
+; PULSE-TABLE: build table for generating a pulse signal
+; harm = number of harmonics
+(defun pulse-table (harm)
+ (abs-env ;prevent any timewarping in the following
+ (let ((table (build-harmonic 1 2048)))
+ (cond ((> harm 1) ;sum remaining harmonics
+ (setf harm (- harm 1))
+ (dotimes (i harm)
+ (setf table (sum table (build-harmonic (1+ i) 2048))))))
+ table)))
+; PULSE-WITH-VIBRATO: generate pulse with vibrato
+; step = pitch in steps
+; duration = duration in seconds
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+(defun pulse-with-vibrato (step duration vib-rate)
+ (let (harm freq)
+ (setf freq (step-to-hz step))
+ (setf harm (truncate (/ 22050 (* 2 freq))))
+ (setf table (scale (/ 1.0 harm) (pulse-table harm)))
+ (fmosc step (vibrato vib-rate duration) (list table (hz-to-step 1) t))))
+; VOICING-SOURCE: generate voicing source: pulse with vibrato + LPFs
+; step = pitch in steps
+; duration = duration in seconds
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+(defun voicing-source (step duration vib-rate)
+ (lp
+ (lp
+ (pulse-with-vibrato step duration vib-rate)
+ (* 1.414 (* 2 (step-to-hz step))))
+ (* 1.414 (* 4 (step-to-hz step)))))
+; NOISE-SOURCE: generate noise source: noise + offset oscillator + LPF
+; step = pitch in steps
+; duration = duration in seconds
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+(defun noise-source (step duration vib-rate)
+ (lp
+ (sum
+ (noise duration)
+ (fmosc step (vibrato vib-rate duration))) 8000))
+; SOURCE: generate source signal: voicing + noise sources
+; freq = fundamental frequency in Hz
+; duration = duration in seconds
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+; voicing-scale = percentage of voicing in the resulting signal (0.0 -> 1.0)
+; noise-scale = percentage of noise in the resulting signal (0.0 -> 1.0)
+(defun source (freq duration vib-rate voicing-scale noise-scale)
+ (sum
+ (scale voicing-scale (voicing-source (hz-to-step freq) duration vib-rate))
+ (scale noise-scale (noise-source (hz-to-step freq) duration vib-rate))))
+; MAKE-SPECTRUM: formant filters
+; freq = fundamental frequency in Hz
+; dur = duration in seconds
+; vib-rate = vibrato rate in Hz
+; v-scale = amplitude scaling for the voicing source
+; n-scale = amplitude scaling for the noise source
+; p = horizontal position of the tongue (0.0 = front -> 1.0 = back)
+; h = vertical position of the tongue (0.0 = low -> 1.0 = high)
+; r = rouding of the lips (0.0 = spread -> 1.0 = rounded)
+(defun make-spectrum (freq dur vib-rate v-scale n-scale p h r)
+ (let ((src (source freq dur vib-rate v-scale n-scale)))
+ (setf spectrum
+ (sim
+ (reson src (form1 p h r) 50 1)
+ (reson (scale-db (- 10) src) (form2 p h r) 70 1)
+ (reson (scale-db (- 14) src) (form3 p h r) 110 1)
+ (reson (scale-db (- 20) src) (form4 p h r) 250 1)))))
+; SYNTHESISE: the synthesise function
+; Simplified version of the instrument used by the agents discussed in Chapter 6.
+; f0 = pitch frequency
+; w1 = amplitude of voicing source (min = 0.0 max = 1.0)
+; w2 = amplitude of noise source (min = 0.0 max = 1.0)
+; a = horizontal position of the tongue (0.0 = front -> 1.0 = back)
+; b = vertical position of the tongue (0.0 = low -> 1.0 = high)
+; c = rouding of the lips (0.0 = spread -> 1.0 = rounded)
+; fm = vibrato rate (in Hz)
+; h = duration in seconds
+(defun synthesise (f0 w1 w2 a b c fm h)
+ (adsr-smooth (make-spectrum f0 h fm w1 w2 a b c) h))
+;=== The code for the instrument ends here ===
+; Test the SYNTHESISE function with different positions of the articulators
+; Running steps:
+; 1 - run Nyquist
+; 2 - load "articulator.lsp"
+; 3 - type (play (vowel-1)) to synthesise the first test, and so on
+(defun vowel-1 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-2 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 0.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-3 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 0.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-4 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 0.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-5 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 0.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-6 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 0.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-7 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 0.5 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-8 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 0.5 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-9 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 0.5 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-10 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 0.5 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-11 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 0.5 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-12 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 0.5 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-13 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 1.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-14 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.0 1.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-15 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 1.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-16 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 0.5 1.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-17 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 1.0 0.0 5.6 1.0))
+(defun vowel-18 ()
+ (synthesise 220 1.0 0.005 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.6 1.0))
+;; play everything
+(defun vowel-n (n) (funcall (intern (format nil "VOWEL-~A" n))))
+(defun play-all-vowels ()
+ (autonorm-off)
+ (dotimes (i 18) (play (scale 20 (vowel-n (1+ i)))))
+ (autonorm-on))
+; (play-all-vowels) will play everything in sequence
diff --git a/test/audio.lsp b/test/audio.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770ed9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/audio.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+;; audio.lsp
+;; simple audio output debugging test
+(defun test () (stretch (/ 3.0 44100) (control-srate-abs 44100.0 (ramp)))))
+(play (vector (test) (test)))
+(play (test))
diff --git a/test/cnvl.lsp b/test/cnvl.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d08c2c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cnvl.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;; cnvl.lsp -- convolve test
+;; original bug: convolve truncated the result to the duration of the
+;; first parameter.
+;; the fix: convolve.c was hand-modified to set the logical stop to
+;; the end of the first parameter but the terminate time to the sum
+;; of durations.
+(set-sound-srate 10.0)
+(set-control-srate 10.0)
+(defun impulse () (snd-from-array 0.0 *default-sound-srate* (vector 1.0)))
+(defun train () (sim (impulse) (at 1.0 (impulse)) (at 2.0 (impulse))))
+(s-plot (train))
diff --git a/test/comb.lsp b/test/comb.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49547bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/comb.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(load "rbd")
+(defun comb-test ()
+ ;(comb (seq (noise) (s-rest 10)) 500 5))
+ (sim
+ (setf dur 5)
+ (comb (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz c4) dur)
+ (comb (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz e4) dur)
+ (comb (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz d5) dur)))
+(setf bf3hz (step-to-hz bf3))
+(setf c4hz (step-to-hz c4))
+(setf bf4hz (step-to-hz bf4))
+(setf c5hz (step-to-hz c5))
+(setf d5hz (step-to-hz d5))
+(setf f5hz (step-to-hz f5))
+(setf g5hz (step-to-hz g5))
+(setf a5hz (step-to-hz a5))
+(setf b5hz (step-to-hz b5))
+(defun pwl-step (fr to)
+ (pwl 0 fr 15 fr 16 to 35 to 35))
+(defun reson-test ()
+ (setf dur 4)
+ (let (center (snd (s-read "./test/snd/test2.snd")))
+ (setf snd (seq (cue snd) (s-rest 5)))
+ (setf center (scale 0.01 (at 0.05 (cue snd))))
+ (vector
+ (sim
+ (scale 0.01 snd)
+ center
+ (reson snd (pwl-step b5hz a5hz) 1)
+ (reson snd (pwl-step c5hz bf4hz) 1))
+ (sim
+ (scale 0.01 (at 0.11 (cue snd)))
+ center
+ (scale 0.1 (reson snd (pwl-step c4hz bf3hz) 0.5))
+ (reson snd (pwl-step g5hz f5hz) 1)
+ (reson snd (pwl-step d5hz c5hz) 1)))))
+(defun reson-test-1 ()
+ (setf dur 4)
+ (sim
+ (reson (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz c5) 1)
+ (reson (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz g5) 1)
+ (reson (seq (noise) (s-rest dur)) (step-to-hz d5) 1)))
+(defun convert-file ()
+ (s-save (force-srate 22050 (jam-srate (aref (s-read "./test/snd/test1.snd") 0) 48000))
+ 1000000 "./test/snd/test2.snd"))
+(defun jam-srate (snd rate)
+ (snd-xform snd rate (snd-time snd)
+;(setf xxx (comb-test))
+(defun g ()
+ (setf xxx (reson-test))
+ (play-xxx))
+(defun play-xxx ()
+ (cond ((soundp xxx) (setf scale-factor (s-max xxx 1000000)))
+ ((arrayp xxx)
+ (setf scale-factor 0)
+ (dotimes (i (length xxx))
+ (setf scale-factor
+ (max scale-factor
+ (s-max (aref xxx i) 1000000)))))
+ (t (error "bad type" xxx)))
+ (format t "Maximum amplitude before scaling: ~A~%" scale-factor)
+ (play (scale (/ scale-factor) xxx)))
diff --git a/test/convolve.lsp b/test/convolve.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e94f9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/convolve.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+; Here is some LISP code that was used to test the function:
+(setf testArray (make-array 10)) ; an array with 10 elements
+(dotimes (i 10)
+ (setf (aref testArray i) (float i))) ; fill array with i
+(display "convolve test" testArray)
+(setf h (snd-from-array 0.0 100.0 testArray)) ; make a sound x from testArray
+(setf xArray (make-array 20)) ; an array with 10 elements
+(dotimes (i 20)
+ (setf (aref xArray i) 0.0)) ; fill array with 0.0
+(setf (aref xArray 0) 1.0) ; set first element to 1
+(setf (aref xArray 15) 1.0)
+(display "convolve test" xArray)
+(setf x (snd-from-array 0.0 100.0 xArray)) ; make a sound h from xArray
+(setf output (snd-convolve x h)) ; perform convolution
+; convert output to an array and print:
+(display "convolve test" (snd-samples output 100))
+(print "Verify proper logical stop time using seq to add samples")
+(setf yArray (make-array 10))
+(dotimes (i 10)
+ (setf (aref yArray i) 10.0))
+(setf y (snd-from-array 0.0 100.0 yArray))
+(display "test" (snd-samples (seq (cue output) (cue y)) 100))
diff --git a/test/delaytest.lsp b/test/delaytest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3c0007
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/delaytest.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; test delay using seq and s-rest
+(setf *vc-score* '((0 1 (pluck c4))))
+(defun long-delay (in)
+ (sum in (seq (s-rest 0.3) (cue in))))
+;(play (timed-seq *vc-score*))
+;(play (long-delay (timed-seq *vc-score*)))
+;(play (sim (timed-seq *vc-score*) (at 2 (timed-seq *vc-score*))))
diff --git a/test/envtest.lsp b/test/envtest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1faf75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/envtest.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(defun pwltest ()
+ (define-env 'bar (make-big-envelope)))
+(defun make-big-envelope ()
+ (let (tim val lis (n 500))
+ (dotimes (i n)
+ (setf tim (* (1+ i) 0.01))
+ (setf val (rrandom))
+ (setf lis (cons val (cons tim lis))))
+ (setf lis (cons (* (1+ n) 0.01) lis))
+ (cons 'pwl (reverse lis))))
+;(print (make-big-envelope))
+(pwltest) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/eq.lsp b/test/eq.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1a7036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/eq.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;; test file for eq-band function
+;; NOTE: eq-band is happy if you give it all numerical arguments or if you give
+;; it a set of time-varying arguments. It will not run with a mixture of scalar
+;; and SOUND arguments. Use the Nyquist function CONST to coerce a scalar into
+;; a constant-valued SOUND. Be careful to note that CONST returns to zero at the
+;; default stop time, e.g. (const 5) lasts 1 second, (stretch 2 (const 5)) lasts
+;; 2 seconds, etc.
+(play (eq-band (scale 0.1 (noise)) 1000 30 0.3)) ;; 20 dB gain
+(play (eq-band (scale 0.1 (noise)) (const 1000) (const 30) (const 0.3)))
+; different code is executed if the source has no scale factor...
+(play (scale 0.1 (eq-band (noise) (const 1000) (const 30) (const 0.3))))
+(play (eq-band (scale 0.1 (noise))
+ (pwlv 800 1 1200) ; center frequency
+ (const 30)
+ (const 0.3)))
+(play (stretch 5
+ (eq-band (scale 0.1 (noise))
+ (const 1000)
+ (pwlv -30 1 30) ; gain
+ (const 0.3))))
+(play (stretch 5
+ (eq-band (scale 0.1 (noise))
+ (const 1000)
+ (const 30)
+ (pwev 2 1 0.1)))) ; bandwidth in octaves
diff --git a/test/fft.lsp b/test/fft.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1aea16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fft.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+;; this sample code is described in fft_tutorial.htm
+(setf fft1-class (send class :new '(sound length skip)))
+(send fft1-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (snd-fft sound length skip nil)))
+(send fft1-class :answer :isnew '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)))
+(defun make-fft1-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (send fft1-class :new (snd-copy sound) length skip))
+;; create a 1-second sinusoid with points samples at cycles hz:
+(defun short-sine (points cycles)
+ (control-srate-abs points (lfo cycles)))
+(defun fft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter)
+ ;; signal will have 4 cycles in 32 points:
+ (setf fft-iter (make-fft1-iterator (short-sine 32 4) 32 32))
+ (display "fft-test" (send fft-iter :next))))
+(defun ifft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter ifft-snd)
+ (setf fft-iter (make-fft1-iterator (short-sine 32 4) 32 32))
+ (setf ifft-snd (snd-ifft 0 32 fft-iter 32 NIL))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-length ifft-snd 200))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-samples ifft-snd 200)) ))
+; Test fft-test and ifft-test on a cosine using this redefinition:
+; (defun short-sine (points cycles)
+; (control-srate-abs points (lfo cycles 1.0 *sine-table* 90.0)))
+(defun file-fft1 (filename frame-length skip)
+ (make-fft1-iterator (s-read filename) frame-length skip))
+(defun play-fft1 (iterator skip)
+ (play (snd-ifft 0 *sound-srate* iterator skip NIL)))
+;; a convenient sound file name (change this to one of your soundfiles):
+(setf sfn "D:\\brain\\outro\\soup.wav")
+(defun file-test () (play-fft1 (file-fft1 sfn 512 512) 512))
+(setf fft-hp-class (send class :new '(source bins)))
+(send fft-hp-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (let ((frame (send source :next)))
+ (cond (frame
+ (dotimes (i bins)
+ (setf (aref frame i) 0.0))))
+ frame)))
+(send fft-hp-class :answer :isnew '(s b) '(
+ (setf source s)
+ (setf bins b)))
+(defun make-fft-hp (source bins)
+ (send fft-hp-class :new source bins))
+(defun hp-test ()
+ (play-fft1 (make-fft-hp (file-fft sfn 512 512) 11) 512))
+(defun fm-tone (step mi1 mi2 mi3)
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz step)))
+ (setf mi1 (* mi1 hz))
+ (setf mi2 (* mi2 hz))
+ (setf mi3 (* mi3 hz))
+ (fmosc c4 (partial step
+ (control-srate-abs *sound-srate*
+ (pwl 0 mi1 0.5 mi2 1 mi3 1))))))
+(defun mod-snd () (fm-tone c3 5 7 5)) ;; adjust FM parameters here
+(setf fft-modulator-class (send class :new '(src1 src2)))
+(send fft-modulator-class :answer :isnew '(s1 s2) '(
+ (setf src1 s1)
+ (setf src2 s2)))
+(send fft-modulator-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (let ((frame1 (send src1 :next))
+ (frame2 (send src2 :next))
+ n half_n)
+ (cond ((and frame1 frame2)
+ ; multiply frame2 by the amplitude coefficients of frame1
+ (setf (aref frame2 0) (* (aref frame2 0) (aref frame1 0))) ;; DC
+ (setf n (- (length frame1) 1))
+ ; Subtracted 1 because we already took care of DC component
+ (setf half_n (/ n 2)) ; integer divide
+ (dotimes (i half_n)
+ (let* ((i2 (+ i i 2))
+ (i2m1 (- i2 1))
+ (amp (sqrt (+ (* (aref frame1 i2m1) (aref frame1 i2m1))
+ (* (aref frame1 i2) (aref frame1 i2)))))) (setf (aref frame2 i2m1) (* (aref frame2 i2m1) amp))
+ (setf (aref frame2 i2) (* (aref frame2 i2) amp))))
+ (cond ((= n (+ half_n half_n 2)) ;; n is even -> nyquist component
+ (setf (aref frame2 n) (* (aref frame2 n) (aref frame1 n)))))
+ frame2)
+ (t nil)))))
+(defun make-fft-modulator (src1 src2)
+ (send fft-modulator-class :new src1 src2))
+(defun mod-test ()
+ (let ((fs 512)) ;; frame size
+ (play-fft1 (make-fft-modulator
+ (make-fft1-iterator (mod-snd) fs fs)
+ (file-fft1 sfn fs fs))
+ fs)))
+(defun raised-cosine ()
+ (scale 0.5
+ (sum (const 1)
+ (lfo (/ 1.0 (get-duration 1)) 1 *sine-table* 270))))
+(defun fft-window (frame-size)
+ (control-srate-abs frame-size (raised-cosine)))
+(defun play-fft (iterator frame-size skip)
+ (play (snd-ifft 0 *sound-srate* iterator
+ skip (fft-window frame-size))))
+(defun mod-test-w ()
+ (let ((fs 512)) ;; frame size
+ (play-fft (make-fft-modulator
+ (make-fft1-iterator (mod-snd) fs (/ fs 2))
+ (file-fft1 sfn fs (/ fs 2)))
+ fs (/ fs 2))))
+(setf fft-class (send class :new '(sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (snd-fft sound length skip window)))
+(send fft-class :answer :isnew '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)
+ (setf window (fft-window len)) ))
+(defun make-fft-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (send fft-class :new (snd-copy sound) length skip))
+(defun file-fft (filename frame-length skip)
+ (make-fft-iterator (s-read filename) frame-length skip))
+(defun mod-test-ww ()
+ (let ((fs 512)) ;; frame size
+ (play-fft (make-fft-modulator
+ (make-fft-iterator (mod-snd) fs (/ fs 2))
+ (file-fft sfn fs (/ fs 2)))
+ fs (/ fs 2))))
+(defun fft-test-w ()
+ (let (fft-iter)
+ ;; signal will have 4 cycles in 32 points:
+ (setf fft-iter (make-fft-iterator (short-sine 32 4) 32 32))
+ (display "fft-test-w" (send fft-iter :next))))
+(defun ifft-test-w ()
+ (let (fft-iter ifft-snd)
+ ;; this will generate two frames rather than one as before, and
+ ;; with a higher harmonic to help detect the window:
+ (setf fft-iter (make-fft1-iterator (short-sine 64 8) 32 32))
+ ;; window the result:
+ (setf ifft-snd (snd-ifft 0 32 fft-iter 24 (fft-window 32)))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-length ifft-snd 200))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-samples ifft-snd 200))
+ ifft-snd ))
+(defun mod-snd-2 () (fm-tone d3 15 27 15)) ;; adjust FM parameters here
+(defun mod-test-wwst ()
+ (let ((fs 1024)) ;; frame size
+ (play-fft (make-fft-modulator
+ (file-fft sfn fs (/ fs 8))
+ (make-fft1-iterator (transpose 2 (mod-snd-2)) fs (/ fs 8)))
+ fs (/ fs 2))))
+;; do analysis synthesis
+(defun fft-ifft (sound)
+ (play-fft (make-fft-iterator sound 1024 512) 1024 512))
diff --git a/test/fmfb-test.lsp b/test/fmfb-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a6cd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fmfb-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+; SND-FMFB ARGS: t0 hz sr index dur
+(defun feedback-fm (pitch index d)
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose))))
+ (dur (get-duration d)))
+ (snd-fmfb (local-to-global 0) hz *sound-srate* index dur)))
+(play (feedback-fm a4 1.1 1))
diff --git a/test/fmfbv-test.lsp b/test/fmfbv-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9497ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fmfbv-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+; SND-FMFBV ARGS: t0 hz sr index-sound
+; index > 1.1 gets noisy
+(defun feedbackv-fm (pitch index-sound)
+ (let ((hz (step-to-hz (+ pitch (get-transpose)))))
+ (snd-fmfbv (local-to-global 0) hz *sound-srate* index-sound)))
+(play (seq
+ (mult (pwl 5.0 1.0 10.0)
+ (feedbackv-fm a4 (pwl 10 1.1 10.01)))
+ (mult (pwl 5.0 1.0 10.0)
+ (feedbackv-fm a3 (pwlv 1.1 10 0.0)))))
diff --git a/test/gab.lsp b/test/gab.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3544d63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gab.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,951 @@
+(setf ts (/ s 2.0))
+(defun trumpet (p)
+ (double-carrier 0.6 (step-to-hz p) 1.0 1.0 0.5 3 1 (/ 3.0 1.5))
+(defun tI_1 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (seq
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 1
+ (s-rest h)
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ ;; measure 2
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet f5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a5))
+ ;; measure 3
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet e5)))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 4
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 5
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 6
+ (s-rest w)))
+ (loud lf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 7
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet f5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ ;; measure 8
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet e5)))
+ ;; measure 9
+ (stretch w (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 10
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 11
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet f5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ ;; measure 12
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet e5)))
+ ;; measure 13
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet a4)))
+ ;; measure 14
+ (stretch w (trumpet g4)))))))
+(defun tII_1 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (seq
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 1
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 2
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ ;; measure 3
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet cs5))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 4
+ (s-rest w)))
+ (loud lf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 5
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 6
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet a4))
+ ;; meaure 7
+ (stretch qd (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 8
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet b4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet cs5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ ;; measure 9
+ (stretch h (trumpet d5))
+ (s-rest h)
+ ;; measure 10
+ (s-rest h)
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ ;; measure 11
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 12
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet b4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet cs5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ ;; measure 13
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ ;; measure 14
+ (stretch w (trumpet g4)))))))
+(defun h_1 ()
+ (transpose -7 (seq
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 1
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 2
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 3
+ (s-rest h)
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ ;; measure 4
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 5
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 6
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet b4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet b4))
+ ;; measure 7
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet c5)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf4)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 8
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 9
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))))
+ (loud lf
+ (seq
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ ;; measure 10
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet a4)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet g4)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet f4)))
+ ;; measure 11
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 12
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 13
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet af4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet af4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 14
+ (stretch w (trumpet e4)))))))
+(defun b_1 ()
+ (seq
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 1
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 2
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 3
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet f3)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g3))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet af3)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet af3))
+ ;; measure 4
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet g3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet af3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c3))
+ ;; measure 5
+ (stretch i (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d3))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf2))
+ (stretch s (trumpet af2))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g2))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f2))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ ;; measure 6
+ (stretch q (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet af3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet df4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ ;; measure 7
+ (stretch h (trumpet f3))
+ (s-rest h)
+ ;; measure 8
+ (s-rest w)))
+ ;; measure 9
+ (loud lf
+ (seq
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet f3)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g3))
+ (sustain .9 (stretch qd (trumpet af3)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet af3))
+ ;; measure 10
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet g3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet bf3)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet af3)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet g3)))
+ ;; measure 11
+ (stretch h (trumpet f3))
+ (s-rest h)
+ ;; meausre 12
+ (s-rest w)
+ ;; measure 13
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet af2))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf2))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet df3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf2))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ ;; measure 14
+ (stretch w (trumpet f2))))))
+(defun tI_2 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (loud lp
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 15
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 16
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet a4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet cs5))
+ ;; measure 17
+ (stretch wd (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 18
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 19
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 20
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 21
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet bf4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; meausre 22
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet a4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet cs5))))))
+(defun tII_2 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (loud lp
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 15
+ (stretch w (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 16
+ (stretch hd (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet e4))
+ ;; measure 17
+ (stretch wd (trumpet d4))
+ ;; measure 18
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; meausre 19
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet f4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ ;; measure 20
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet e4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet d4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet fs4))
+ ;; measure 21
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet g4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 22
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet f4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch h (trumpet a4)))))))
+(defun h_2 ()
+ (transpose -7
+ (loud lp
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 15
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 16
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 17
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet ef4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet f4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 18
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch qd (trumpet d4)))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet ef4)))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet fs4))
+ ;; measure 19
+ (stretch wd (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 20
+ (stretch hd (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d4))
+ ;; measure 21
+ (stretch w (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch h (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 22
+ (stretch hd (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch h (trumpet a4)))))))
+(defun b_2 ()
+ (loud lp
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 15
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 16
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 17
+ (stretch w (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch h (trumpet f3))
+ ;; meausre 18
+ (stretch hd (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch h (trumpet d3))
+ ;; measure 19
+ (stretch wd (trumpet c3))
+ ;; measure 20
+ (s-rest wd)
+ ;; measure 21
+ (stretch w (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch h (trumpet f3))
+ ;; measure 22
+ (stretch hd (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch h (trumpet g3)))))
+(defun tI_3 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 23
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 24
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (s-rest q)
+ ;; measure 25
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 26
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (s-rest q)
+ ;; measure 27 [C]
+ (s-rest i)
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c5)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d5))
+ ;; meausre 28
+ (stretch i (trumpet cs5))
+ (stretch id (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 29
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))))))
+(defun tII_3 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 23
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ (s-rest i)
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 24
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet d4))
+ (s-rest i)
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 25
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 26
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet e4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 27 [C]
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet bf4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 28
+ (stretch id (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet f4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 29
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch h (trumpet d4)))))))
+(defun h_3 ()
+ (transpose -7
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 23
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (s-rest hd)
+ ;; measure 24
+ (s-rest i)
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet ef4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 25
+ (stretch id (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 26
+ (stretch q (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet c4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ ;; measure 27 [C]
+ (stretch id (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (s-rest s)
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 28
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet g4))
+ (s-rest i)
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet ef4)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; meausre 29
+ (stretch i (trumpet af4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet d4)))))))
+(defun b_3 ()
+ (loud lmf
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 23
+ (stretch h (trumpet c3))
+ (s-rest h)
+ ;; measure 24
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet d3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet af3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ ;; measure 25
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f3))
+ (s-rest q)
+ ;; measure 26
+ (s-rest qd)
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet d3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet af3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ ;; measure 27 [C]
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet f3)))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet af3))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet af3))
+ ;; measure 28
+ (stretch q (trumpet g3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet e3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f3))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef3))
+ (stretch q (trumpet f3))
+ ;; measure 29
+ (stretch h (trumpet bf2))
+ (stretch h (trumpet c3)))))
+(defun tI_4 ()
+ (transpose -2
+ (seqrep (i 1)
+ (seq
+ (loud lpp
+ (seq
+ ;; measure 30
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet c5)))
+ ;; measure 31
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet a4)))
+ (sustain 1.4 (stretch s (trumpet g4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ ;; measure 32
+ (stretch q (trumpet bf4))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet d5)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (sustain 1.1 (stretch q (trumpet d5)))
+ ;; measure 33
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet ef4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 34 [D]
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch qd (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 35
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (sustain 1.3 (stretch i (trumpet a4)))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; meausre 36
+ (stretch i (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet cs5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ ;; measure 37
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet fs4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet ef5))
+ ;; measure 38
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet b4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet b4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet a5))
+ ;; measure 39
+ (stretch i (trumpet g5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet d5))
+ ;; measure 40
+ (stretch i (trumpet c5))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet d4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet e4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet f4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ ;; measure 41.1
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet fs4))
+ ;; measure 41.2
+ (stretch i (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet bf4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet a4))
+ (stretch i (trumpet g4))
+ (stretch s (trumpet fs4))
+(stretch q (trumpet g4))
+(s-rest s)
+(stretch s (trumpet d5))
+(stretch s (trumpet b4))
+(stretch s (trumpet c5))
+;; measure 42
+(stretch i (trumpet d5))
+(stretch i (trumpet ef5))
+(stretch i (trumpet d5))
+(stretch i (trumpet c5))
+(stretch i (trumpet b4))
+(stretch i (trumpet c5))
+(s-rest ts)
+(sustain 1.1 (stretch ts (trumpet g5)))
+(sustain 1.1 (stretch ts (trumpet f5)))
+(stretch s (trumpet ef5))
+(stretch s (trumpet c5))
+;; measure 43
+(stretch i (trumpet b4))
+(stretch i (trumpet c5))
+(s-rest ts)
+(sustain 1.1 (stretch ts (trumpet g5)))
+(sustain 1.1 (stretch ts (trumpet f5)))
+(stretch s (trumpet ef5))
+(stretch s (trumpet c5))
+(stretch i (trumpet b4))
+(stretch i (trumpet c5))
+(stretch q (trumpet e5))
+;; measure 44
+(stretch w (trumpet d5))))))))
+;; stretch .75 because q = 60 corresponds to a stretch of 1, so
+;; q = 80 corresponds to 60/80 = .75
+(defun gabrieli ()
+ (loud lp (sim
+ (seq (stretch .75 (tI_1)) (stretch .25 (tI_2)) (stretch .75 (tI_3)))
+ (seq (stretch .75 (tII_1)) (stretch .25 (tII_2)) (stretch .75 (tII_3)))
+ (seq (stretch .75 (h_1)) (stretch .25 (h_2)) (stretch .75 (h_3)))
+ (seq (stretch .75 (b_1)) (stretch .25 (b_2)) (stretch .75 (b_3)))
+ )))
diff --git a/test/gatetest.lsp b/test/gatetest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891233c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gatetest.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(defun gate-test ()
+ (setf yy (gate xx 1.0 0.1 2.0 0.1 0.5))
+ (s-plot yy))
+(set-control-srate 100)
+(set-sound-srate 100)
+(setf xx (pwl 0 1 0.1 0 3 0 3 1 4 0 5))
+(setf zz (pwl 0 1 0.02 0 1.99 0 2.0 1 2.01 0 2.09 0 2.1 1 2.11 0
+ 2.99 0 3 1 3.01 0 3.09 0 3.1 1 3.11 0 3.19 0 3.2 1 3.21 0 5))
+(defun noise-gate (snd &optional (lookahead 0.5) (risetime 0.02) (falltime 0.5)
+ (floor 0.01) (threshold 0.01))
+ (let ((rms (lp (mult snd snd) (/ *control-srate* 10.0))))
+ (setf save-rms rms)
+ (setf threshold (* threshold threshold))
+ (mult snd (gate rms lookahead risetime falltime floor threshold))))
+(defun ngtest ()
+ (setf xx (mult (stretch 5 (lfo 40)) (pwl 0 1 0.5 0 2 0 2 1 2.5 1 2.5 0 5)))
+ (setf xx (sum xx (scale 0.01 (stretch 5 (noise)))))
+ (setf yy (noise-gate xx))
+ (s-plot (vector xx yy)))
diff --git a/test/gr.lsp b/test/gr.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..744376b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gr.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(defun gr ()
+ (show-graphics)
+ (showpen)
+ (moveto 0 0)
+ (lineto 20 20))
+(setf graph-width 600)
+(setf graph-height 220)
+(defun array-max-abs (points)
+ (let ((m 0.0))
+ (dotimes (i (length points))
+ (setf m (max m (abs (aref points i)))))
+ m))
+(defun s-plot (snd &optional (n 1000))
+ (prog ((points (snd-samples snd n))
+ maxpoint y-offset horizontal-scale vertical-scale)
+ (show-graphics)
+ (clear-graphics)
+ (setf maxpoint (array-max-abs points))
+ (setf y-offset (/ graph-height 2))
+ (moveto 0 y-offset)
+ (lineto graph-width y-offset)
+ (moveto 0 y-offset)
+ (setf horizontal-scale (/ (float graph-width) (length points)))
+ (setf vertical-scale (- (/ (float y-offset) maxpoint)))
+ (dotimes (i (length points))
+ (lineto (truncate (* horizontal-scale i))
+ (+ y-offset (truncate (* vertical-scale (aref points i))))))
+ (format t "X Axis: ~A to ~A (seconds)\n" (snd-t0 snd) (/ (length points) (snd-srate snd)))
+ (format t "Y Axis: ~A to ~A\n" (- maxpoint) maxpoint)
+ (format t "~A samples plotted.\n" (length points))
+ ))
diff --git a/test/ifft.lsp b/test/ifft.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0460554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ifft.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;; test code for ifft framework
+; The interface to SND-IFFT is:
+; (snd-ifft t0 sr iterator)
+; where t0 is the starting time,
+; sr is the sample rate, and
+; iterator is an XLisp object
+; the iterator object must return an array of samples when :next is sent
+; or return NIL to end the sound
+; The sound returned by SND-IFFT (for now) is simply the concatenation
+; of all samples returned in arrays returned from :next.
+; TEST IT....
+; first, make a class:
+(setf iter-class (send class :new '(count len)))
+; now define some methods
+; for this test, we'll return "count" arrays of length "len" and
+; we'll fill the arrays with a ramp from -1 to +1 so that the final
+; result will be a sawtooth wave
+(send iter-class :answer :set-count '(c) '((setf count c)))
+(send iter-class :answer :set-len '(l) '((setf len l)))
+(send iter-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (format t "iter-class got :next\n")
+ (cond ((<= count 0) nil)
+ (t
+ (setf count (- count 1))
+ (make-ramp-array len)))))
+(defun make-ramp-array (len)
+ (let (ar)
+ (setf ar (make-array len))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref ar i) (+ -1 (* i (/ 2.0 len)))))
+ ar))
+; now try calling SND-IFFT with an object
+(setf iter (send iter-class :new))
+(send iter :set-count 10)
+(send iter :set-len 20)
+(print "Select SPLIT SCREEN item in CONTROL menu on Macs for good screen layout")
+(defun ifft-test ()
+ ;(s-plot (snd-ifft 0.0 100 iter nil)))
+ (play (snd-ifft 0.0 44100.0 iter 20 nil)))
+;; fft code: make an object that returns ffts when called with :NEXT
+(setf fft-class (send class :new '(sound length skip)))
+(send fft-class :answer :next '() '((snd-fft sound length skip nil)))
+; there's a way to do this with new, but I forgot how...
+(send fft-class :answer :init '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)))
+(defun make-fft-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (let (iter)
+ (setf iter (send fft-class :new))
+ ; make a copy because the snd-fft will modify the sound:
+ (send iter :init (snd-copy sound) length skip)
+ iter))
+;; print ffts of a short ramp:
+(defun fft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter)
+ (setf fft-iter (control-srate-abs 100
+ (make-fft-iterator (pwl 1 1 1 0) 32 32)))
+ (dotimes (i 5) (print (list 'fft (send fft-iter :next))))))
+;; now try running the ffts through the ifft:
+(defun fft-ifft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter ifft-snd)
+ (setf fft-iter (control-srate-abs 100
+ (make-fft-iterator (pwl 1 1 1 0) 32 32)))
+ (setf ifft-snd (snd-ifft 0 100 fft-iter))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-length ifft-snd 200))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-samples ifft-snd 200))
+ (s-plot ifft-snd)))
+(defun square (x) (* x x))
+(defun amplitude-spectrum (spectrum)
+ (let ((result (make-array (+ 1 (/ (length spectrum) 2)))))
+ (setf (aref result 0) (aref spectrum 0))
+ (dotimes (i (/ (- (length spectrum) 1) 2))
+ (setf (aref result (1+ i)) (sqrt (+ (square (aref spectrum (+ 1 (* 2 i))))
+ (square (aref spectrum (+ 2 (* 2 i)))) ))))
+ (cond ((evenp (length spectrum))
+ (setf (aref result (/ (length spectrum) 2))
+ (aref spectrum (- (length spectrum) 1)))))
+ result))
+;; test fft on sinusoids
+;; length 32 ffts, lfo has period 16
+;; should show as 2nd harmonic
+(defun sin-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter)
+ (setf fft-iter (control-srate-abs 32
+ (make-fft-iterator (stretch 4 (lfo 2)) 32 32)))
+ (dotimes (i 5) (print (list 'fft-sin-test-amplitude-spectrum
+ (amplitude-spectrum
+ (cadr (print (list 'sin-test-spectrum
+ (send fft-iter :next))))))))))
+(setf spectrum (vector 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0))
+(dotimes (i 32) (setf (aref spectrum i) (float (aref spectrum i))))
+(setf sine-class (send class :new '(count len)))
+; now define some methods
+; for this test, we'll return "count" arrays of length "len"
+(send sine-class :answer :set-count '(c) '((setf count c)))
+(send sine-class :answer :set-len '(l) '((setf len l)))
+(send sine-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (format t "sine-class got :next\n")
+ (cond ((<= count 0) nil)
+ (t
+ (setf count (- count 1))
+ spectrum))))
+(setf sin-iter (send sine-class :new))
+(send sin-iter :set-count 10)
+(send sin-iter :set-len 20)
+(defun sin-gen-test ()
+ (play (snd-ifft 0.0 44100.0 sin-iter 20 nil)))
+;;TODO: (sin-gen-test) should generate a sinusoid tone with a period of 16 samples
diff --git a/test/ifftnt.lsp b/test/ifftnt.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcac837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ifftnt.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;; test code for ifft framework
+; The interface to SND-IFFT is:
+; (snd-ifft t0 sr iterator)
+; where t0 is the starting time,
+; sr is the sample rate, and
+; iterator is an XLisp object
+; the iterator object must return an array of samples when :next is sent
+; or return NIL to end the sound
+; The sound returned by SND-IFFT (for now) is simply the concatenation
+; of all samples returned in arrays returned from :next.
+; TEST IT....
+; first, make a class:
+(setf iter-class (send class :new '(count len)))
+; now define some methods
+; for this test, we'll return "count" arrays of length "len" and
+; we'll fill the arrays with a ramp from -1 to +1 so that the final
+; result will be a sawtooth wave
+(send iter-class :answer :set-count '(c) '((setf count c)))
+(send iter-class :answer :set-len '(l) '((setf len l)))
+(send iter-class :answer :next '() '(
+ (format t "iter-class got :next\n")
+ (cond ((<= count 0) nil)
+ (t
+ (let (res)
+ (setf count (- count 1))
+ (setf res (make-ramp-array len))
+ (display "iter-class returns" res)
+ res)))))
+(defun make-ramp-array (len)
+ (let (ar)
+ (setf ar (make-array len))
+ (dotimes (i len)
+ (setf (aref ar i) (+ -1 (* i (/ 2.0 len)))))
+ ar))
+; now try calling SND-IFFT with an object
+(setf iter (send iter-class :new))
+(send iter :set-count 10)
+(send iter :set-len 20)
+(print "Select SPLIT SCREEN item in CONTROL menu on Macs for good screen layout")
+(defun ifft-test ()
+ (s-save (snd-ifft 0.0 100 iter) ny:all "test.wav"))
+;; fft code: make an object that returns ffts when called with :NEXT
+(setf fft-class (send class :new '(sound length skip)))
+(send fft-class :answer :next '() '((snd-fft sound length skip)))
+; there's a way to do this with new, but I forgot how...
+(send fft-class :answer :init '(snd len skp) '(
+ (setf sound snd)
+ (setf length len)
+ (setf skip skp)))
+(defun make-fft-iterator (sound length skip)
+ (let (iter)
+ (setf iter (send fft-class :new))
+ ; make a copy because the snd-fft will modify the sound:
+ (send iter :init (snd-copy sound) length skip)
+ iter))
+;; print ffts of a short ramp:
+(defun fft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter)
+ (setf fft-iter (control-srate-abs 100
+ (make-fft-iterator (pwl 1 1 1 0) 32 32)))
+ (dotimes (i 5) (print (send fft-iter :next)))))
+;; now try running the ffts through the ifft:
+(defun fft-ifft-test ()
+ (let (fft-iter ifft-snd)
+ (setf fft-iter (control-srate-abs 100
+ (make-fft-iterator (pwl 1 1 1 0) 32 32)))
+ (setf ifft-snd (snd-ifft 0 100 fft-iter))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-length ifft-snd 200))
+ (display "fft-ifft" (snd-samples ifft-snd 200))
+ (s-save ifft-snd ny:all "test.wav")))
diff --git a/test/init.lsp b/test/init.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533da0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/init.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+; init.lsp -- default Nyquist startup file
+(load "nyinit.lsp")
+; add your customizations here:
+; e.g. (setf *default-sf-dir* "...")
+(setf *default-sf-dir* "/space/rbd/tmp/")
+;(load "tp")
+;(load "gab")
+; here's where the error occurs:
+;(play (trumpet c4))
+(set-sound-srate 4)
+(set-control-srate 4)
+(Defun xx () (snd-samples (sum (set-logical-stop (osc c4 3) 2) (const 10)) 20))
+(defun yy () (snd-samples (sum (osc c4 2) (const 10)) 20))
+(defun zz () (snd-samples (snd-prod (set-logical-stop (osc c4 3) 2) (stretch 3 (const 10))) 20))
+(defun ww () (snd-samples (snd-prod (osc c4 3) (stretch 3 (const 10))) 20))
+; here's where the error occurs (at sample rate of 4)
+;(play (trumpet c4))
+(load "natbug")
diff --git a/test/linux-segfault.lsp b/test/linux-segfault.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9eec54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/linux-segfault.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+(setf *maintable* (sim (scale 0.9 (build-harmonic 1 2048))
+ (scale 0.2 (build-harmonic 2 2048))
+ (scale 0.3 (build-harmonic 3 2048))
+ (scale 0.3 (build-harmonic 4 2048))
+ (scale 0.2 (build-harmonic 5 2048))
+ (scale 0.2 (build-harmonic 6 2048))))
+(setf *maintable* (list *maintable* (hz-to-step 1.0) T))
+(setf *overtable* (sim (scale 1 (build-harmonic 1 2048))))
+(setf *overtable* (list *overtable* (hz-to-step 1.0) T))
+(defun maintone (note vibe)
+ (fmosc note (scale 0.3 (lfo vibe)) *maintable* 0.0)
+(defun overtone (note vibe vol)
+ (scale vol (mult (fmosc note (scale 0.2 (lfo 16)) *overtable* 0.1)
+ (sum (const 1) (scale 0.2 (lfo vibe))))))
+(defun bandsweep (low hi)
+ (hp (lp (noise) (pwev (+ low 5) 1 (+ hi 5))) (pwev low 1 hi)))
+(play (timed-seq `(
+ (0 30 (overtone ef7 .75 0.4))
+ (1 30 (overtone ds7 1.3 .3))
+ (1 30 (overtone cs7 .36 .3))
+ (1 30 (overtone gs7 .8 .5))
+ (1.5 5 (scale 0.7 (bandsweep 200 2000)))
+ (1 7 (scale 0.7 (bandsweep 500 8000)))
+ (2 2 (pluck c4))
+ (5 5 (pluck e4))
+ (7 10 (pluck g4))
+ )
+ )
+ )
diff --git a/test/midi2.lsp b/test/midi2.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90abb6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/midi2.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+(defun midi2 () ; this was original test file, here wrapped in
+ ; defun so that it doesn't execute
+;(set-sound-srate 22050.0)
+(setf *default-plot-file* "/tmp/points.dat")
+(setf my-seq (seq-create))
+(setf midifile (open "/afs/"))
+(seq-read-smf my-seq midifile)
+(close midifile)
+(defun my-note-2 (p)
+ (display "my-note-2" p (get-duration 1.0) (local-to-global 0.0))
+ (scale 0.2 (osc p)))
+(defun my-note (p)
+ (display "my-note" p (get-duration 1.0) (local-to-global 0.0))
+ (scale 0.2 (mult (pwl 0.1 1 0.9 1 1) (osc p))))
+(defun ss () (seq-midi my-seq
+ (note (chan pitch velocity) (my-note pitch))))
+(defun ss1 () (seq-midi my-seq
+ (note (chan pitch velocity) (my-note-2 (- pitch 84)))))
+(defun ss2 ()
+ (sim (at .75 (Stretch .333 (my-note-2 -19)))
+ (at 1.0 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -15)))
+ (at 1.5 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -12)))
+ (at 2.0 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -12)))
+ (at 2.75 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -10)))
+ (at 3.625 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -7)))))
+(defun ss3 ()
+ (sim (at .75 (Stretch .333 (my-note-2 -19)))
+ (at 1.0 (stretch .333 (my-note-2 -15)))))
+(defun ss4 ()
+ (sim (at .75 (Stretch .333 (my-note 65)))
+ (at 1.0 (stretch .333 (my-note 69)))
+ (at 1.5 (stretch .333 (my-note 72)))
+ (at 2.0 (stretch .333 (my-note 72)))
+ (at 2.75 (stretch .333 (my-note 74)))
+ (at 3.625 (stretch .333 (my-note 77)))))
+(defun ss5 ()
+ (seq
+ (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 65)) .25)
+ (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 69)) .5)
+ (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 72)) .5)
+ (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 72)) .75)
+ (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 74)) .875)
+ (stretch .333 (my-note 77))))
+(defun ss6 ()
+ (seq (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note 65)) .5)
+ (stretch .333 (my-note 77))))
+(defun ss7 ()
+ (seq (set-logical-stop (stretch .333 (my-note -19)) .5)
+ (stretch .333 (my-note -7))))
+(defun lowrates ()
+(set-sound-srate 100)
+(set-control-srate 100)
+(defun pulse ()
+ (display "pulse" (local-to-global 0.0) (get-duration 1.0))
+ (pwl 0 1 1))
+(defun t1 () (seq-midi my-seq
+ (note (chan pitch velocity) (pulse))))
+;=============================new test for Windows==================
+(defun wt ()
+ (setf my-seq (seq-create))
+ (setf midifile (open "..\\test\\test.gio"))
+ (seq-read my-seq midifile)
+ (close midifile)
+ (seq-midi my-seq (note (chan pitch vel) (my-note pitch)))
diff --git a/test/ms2.lsp b/test/ms2.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d6533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ms2.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+;This causes a memory allocate/free bug, possibly related to multiseq:
+(load "rbd")
+(load "alex")
+(play (seqrep (i 10) (scale 0.5 (ster (osc 46 0.5) (* i 0.1)))))
+(play (seqrep (i 10) (scale 0.5 (ster (osc 46 0.5) (* i 0.1)))))
+(play (seqrep (i 10) (scale 0.5 (ster (osc 46 0.5) (* i 0.1)))))
diff --git a/test/multiseq.lsp b/test/multiseq.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea65361
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/multiseq.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+(defun mst ()
+ (setf xxx (seq (vector (osc c4) (osc g4)) (vector (osc c3) (osc e4))))
+ (play xxx))
+(defun mst1 ()
+ (setf xxx (seq (vector (const 1) (const 2)) (vector (const 3) (const 4))))
+ (play xxx))
+(defun mst2 ()
+ (setf xxx (seq (vector (ramp) (ramp)) (vector (ramp) (ramp))))
+ (play xxx))
+(defun mst3 ()
+ (setf xxx (seq (vector (ramp) (at 0.5 (const 1)))
+ (vector (ramp) (at 0.8 (const 2))))))
+(defun mst4 ()
+ (setf xxx (seq (vector (ramp) (ramp))
+ (vector (at 0.5 (const 1)) (at 0.8 (const 2)))
+ (vector (ramp) (ramp)) )))
+(defun sh () (dotimes (i 2) (print (snd-samples (aref xxx i) 100))))
+(defun lsr ()
+ (set-sound-srate 10)
+ (set-control-srate 10))
+(defun hsr ()
+ (set-sound-srate 22050)
+ (set-control-srate 2205))
+;crash: (load "test/rbd") (lsr) (mst1)
+(defun msr1 ()
+ (seqrep (i 3)
+ (vector (osc (+ c4 i)) (osc (+ e4 i)))))
+(defun ster (sound pan)
+ (vector (mult sound pan)
+ (mult sound (sum 1 (mult -1 pan)))))
+(defun ster (sound pan)
+ (vector (snd-normalize (mult sound pan))
+ (snd-normalize (mult sound (sum 1 (mult -1 pan))))))
+(defun msr2 ()
+ (seqrep (i 10) (ster (osc 46 0.2) (* i 0.1))))
+; The next 4 lines crash nyquist if sound_types are allocated from the
+; freelist. They just don't work if sound_types are always allocated
+; from the pool. I guess something is getting on the freelist early.
+; bad ref count?
+(play (msr2))
+(play (msr2))
+;(play (msr2))
+;(play (msr2))
+;(play (msr2))
+;(play (stretch 0.2 (ster (osc c4) 0.1)))
+(play (stretch 0.2 (seq (ster (osc c4) 0.9) (ster (osc c4) 0.1))))
+(setf xxx (stretch 0.2 (ster (const 1) 0.9)))
+(setf xxx (stretch 0.2 (seq (ster (const 1) 0.9) (ster (const 2) 0.1))))
+(setf xxx (seq (ster (const 1) 0.9) (ster (const 2) 0.1)))
+(defun sx ()
+ (list (snd-samples (aref xxx 0) 100) (snd-samples (aref xxx 1) 100)))
+;(snd-print (seq (vector (ramp) (ramp))
+; (vector (at 0.5 (const 1)) (at 0.8 (const 2)))
+; (vector (ramp) (ramp)) )
+; 100)
diff --git a/test/natbug.lsp b/test/natbug.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2131f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/natbug.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+(defun n2b2 ()
+ (scale 2 (sim
+ (at .3 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1616))))
+ (at .5 (stretch .3 (osc (hz-to-step 1611))))
+ (at .6 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1605))))
+ (at .8 (stretch .5 (osc (hz-to-step 1600)))))))
+(defun n2b2R ()
+ (scale 2 (sim
+ (at .3 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1600))))
+ (at .5 (stretch .3 (osc (hz-to-step 1605))))
+ (at .6 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1611))))
+ (at .8 (stretch .5 (osc (hz-to-step 1616)))))))
+(defun hph1b ()
+ (seq
+ (n2b2)
+ (s-rest .02)
+ (stretch .2
+ (at .5
+ (sim
+ (osc (hz-to-step 200))
+ (osc (hz-to-step 206))
+ (s-rest .1))))))
+(defun ply ()
+ (scale .1
+ (sim
+ (hph1b)
+ (at .9
+ (n2b2R)))))
+(defun Plystrm ()
+ (scale .1
+ (sim
+ (seqrep (i 10) (ply))
+ (seq
+ (stretch 2
+ (hph1b))
+ (s-rest .01)
+ (stretch 2
+ (n2b2))
+ (stretch 3 (n2b2))))))
+(defun drum ()
+ (scale .2
+ (stretch .5
+ (sim
+ (pan (Plystrm)1)
+ (at .4 (pan(Plystrm)0))
+ (at 1.5 (pan (Plystrm)1))
+ (at 3.5 (pan (Plystrm)0))))))
+(play (scale 10.5 (drum)))
+(defun n2b2 ()
+ (scale 2 (sim
+ (at .3 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1616))))
+ (at .5 (stretch .3 (osc (hz-to-step 1611))))
+ (at .6 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1605))))
+ (at .8 (stretch .5 (osc (hz-to-step 1600)))))))
+(defun n2b2R ()
+ (scale 2 (sim
+ (at .3 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1600))))
+ (at .5 (stretch .3 (osc (hz-to-step 1605))))
+ (at .6 (stretch .2 (osc (hz-to-step 1611))))
+ (at .8 (stretch .5 (osc (hz-to-step 1616)))))))
+(defun hph1b ()
+ (seq
+ (n2b2)
+ (s-rest .02)
+ (stretch .2
+ (at .5
+ (sim
+ (osc (hz-to-step 200))
+ (osc (hz-to-step 206))
+ (s-rest .1))))))
+(defun ply ()
+ (scale .1
+ (sim
+ (hph1b)
+ (at .9
+ (n2b2R)))))
+(defun Plystrm ()
+ (scale .1
+ (sim
+ (seqrep (i 10) (ply))
+ (seq
+ (stretch 2
+ (hph1b))
+ (s-rest .01)
+ (stretch 2
+ (n2b2))
+ (stretch 3 (n2b2))))))
+(defun drum ()
+ (scale .2
+ (stretch .5
+ (sim
+ (pan (Plystrm)1)
+ (at .4 (pan(Plystrm)0))
+ (at 1.5 (pan (Plystrm)1))
+ (at 3.5 (pan (Plystrm)0))))))
+(play (scale 10.5 (drum)))
diff --git a/test/nonewline.lsp b/test/nonewline.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc358fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nonewline.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+;no newline at end of file test
+(print "hello world")
diff --git a/test/overwrite.lsp b/test/overwrite.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec29716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/overwrite.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;; overwrite test
+;; 1) add sine to existing sine
+(defun ow-test-1 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite1.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16)
+ (print "called s-save with overwrite1.wav")
+ (s-add-to (scale 0.5 (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite1.wav")
+ (print "called s-add-to with overwrite1.wav")
+ (play-file "overwrite1.wav")
+ )
+;; 2) add sine to existing sine, extend beyond previous duration
+(defun ow-test-2 ()
+ (print "calling s-save with overwrite2.wav")
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite2.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16)
+ (print "called s-save with overwrite2.wav")
+ (s-add-to (scale 0.5 (osc bf4 2)) ny:all "overwrite2.wav")
+ (play-file "overwrite2.wav")
+ )
+;; 3) add sine to existing sine, end within existing sound
+(defun ow-test-3 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite3.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16)
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0 1 0.5 1 0.51) 0.5
+ (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite3.wav" 0.25)
+ (play-file "overwrite3.wav")
+ )
+;; 4) add sine beyond previous duration (extend by adding zeros first)
+(defun ow-test-4 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite4.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16)
+ (s-add-to (s-rest 3) ny:all "overwrite4.wav")
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.51)
+ (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite4.wav" 2)
+ (play-file "overwrite4.wav")
+ )
+;; 5) (1) with offset, and extend beyond previous duration
+(defun ow-test-5 ()
+ (s-save (mult (pwl 0 0.5 0.99 0.5 1.0) (osc c4))
+ ny:all "overwrite5.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-pcm :bits 16)
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0.01 0.5 0.99 0.5 1) (osc bf4))
+ ny:all "overwrite5.wav" 0.5)
+ (play-file "overwrite5.wav")
+ )
+;; 6) (1) with floats
+(defun ow-test-6 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite6.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-float)
+ (s-add-to (scale 0.5 (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite6.wav")
+ (play-file "overwrite6.wav")
+ )
+;; 7) (2) with floats
+;; add sine to existing sine, extend beyond previous duration
+(defun ow-test-7 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite7.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-float)
+ (s-add-to (scale 0.5 (osc bf4 2)) ny:all "overwrite7.wav")
+ (play-file "overwrite7.wav")
+ )
+;; 8) (3) with raw floats
+;; add sine to existing sine, end within existing sound
+(defun ow-test-8()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite8.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-float)
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0 1 0.5 1 0.51) 0.5
+ (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite8.wav" 0.25)
+ (play-file "overwrite8.wav")
+ )
+;; 9) (4) with floats
+;; add sine beyond previous duration (extend by adding zeros first)
+(defun ow-test-9 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4)) ny:all "overwrite9.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-float)
+ (s-add-to (s-rest 3) ny:all "overwrite9.wav")
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.51)
+ (osc bf4)) ny:all "overwrite9.wav" 2)
+ (play-file "overwrite9.wav")
+ )
+;; 10) (5) wtih floats
+;; overwrite with offset, and extend beyond previous duration
+(defun ow-test-10 ()
+ (s-save (mult (pwl 0 0.5 0.99 0.5 1.0) (osc c4))
+ ny:all "overwrite10.wav" :format snd-head-wave
+ :mode snd-mode-float)
+ (s-add-to (mult (pwl 0.01 0.5 0.99 0.5 1) (osc bf4))
+ ny:all "overwrite10.wav" 0.5)
+ (play-file "overwrite10.wav")
+ )
+;; 11) overwrite to a raw file of floats
+(defun ow-test-11 ()
+ (s-save (scale 0.5 (osc c4))
+ ny:all "overwrite11.raw" :format snd-head-raw
+ :mode snd-mode-float :bits 32)
+ (print (snd-overwrite '(scale 0.5 (osc bf4 0.4))
+ ny:all "/tmp/overwrite11.raw" 0.3
+ (display "ow-test-11" *rslt*)
+ (play (s-read "overwrite11.raw" :format snd-head-raw
+ :mode snd-mode-float :bits 32)))
diff --git a/test/product.lsp b/test/product.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d687fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/product.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+; this test should display a plot of x^2
+; it gives an example of constructing a DSP primitive
+; (in this case, product) using Lisp rather than C
+; for the computation
+(setf product-class (send class :new '(s1 s2)))
+(send product-class :answer :next '()
+ '((let ((f1 (snd-fetch s1))
+ (f2 (snd-fetch s2)))
+ (cond ((and f1 f2)
+ (* f1 f2))
+ (t nil)))))
+(send product-class :answer :isnew '(p1 p2)
+ '((setf s1 (snd-copy p1))
+ (setf s2 (snd-copy p2))))
+(defun snd-product (s1 s2)
+ (let (obj)
+ (setf obj (send product-class :new s1 s2))
+ (snd-fromobject (snd-t0 s1) (snd-srate s1) obj)))
+(set-control-srate 100)
+(s-plot (snd-product (ramp) (ramp)))
diff --git a/test/rbd.lsp b/test/rbd.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..413749b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/rbd.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+;(setf *default-plot-file* "/afs/cs/usr/rbd/tmp/points.dat")
+;(setf *default-sf-dir* "/afs/")
+;(setf *default-sound-file* "test")
+(setf *default-plot-file* "/space/rbd/tmp/points.dat")
+(setf *default-sf-dir* "/space/rbd/tmp/")
+(setf *default-sound-file* "rbd-temp.snd")
+(set-sound-srate 22050)
+(set-control-srate 2205)
+(defun ask (string default)
+ (let (inp)
+ (format t "~A: [~A]" string default)
+ (setf inp (read-line))
+ (cond ((equal inp "") default)
+ (t (intern inp)))))
+(if (ask "turn off audio?" t)
+ (defun r () t) ; turn off audio output
+ (print "!!!AUDIO OUTPUT TURNED OFF!!!"))
diff --git a/test/readme b/test/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8f08ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+running ../ny from test causes a 0 block length error.
+fix: I'm not sure how this is supposed to work. I'm recompiling with small block size. Make a sample that terminates and/or logical stops on a block boundary (1 input) and see how this is handled. It looks like prod has a special "break" command to get out of the inner loop and terminate the signal when this happens.
diff --git a/test/s-add-to.lsp b/test/s-add-to.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..471cf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/s-add-to.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;; s-add-to.lsp -- a test program to explore a bug report
+(print "loading s-add-to.lsp")
+(load "/Users/rbd/nyquist/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp")
+; make a file to add to
+(s-save (mult 0.1 (vector (osc c4) (osc g4))) ny:all "deleteme.wav")
+; play it to make sure
+(play-file "deleteme.wav")
+; add to it
+(s-add-to (mult 0.1 (vector (osc e4) (osc b4))) ny:all "deleteme.wav")
+; play the result
+(play-file "deleteme.wav")
diff --git a/test/save-float.lsp b/test/save-float.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef8556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/save-float.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;; save-float.lsp -- a test program to explore a bug report
+(print "loading save-float.lsp")
+(load "/Users/rbd/nyquist/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp")
+; write file
+(s-save (mult (osc c4) 10) ny:all "/Users/rbd/tmp/deleteme.rawfloat"
+ :mode snd-mode-float :bits 32 :format snd-head-raw :play nil)
+; read file
+(play (mult 0.1 (s-read "/Users/rbd/tmp/deleteme.rawfloat"
+ :mode snd-mode-float :bits 32 :format snd-head-raw :nchans 1)))
diff --git a/test/seqmiditest.lsp b/test/seqmiditest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/seqmiditest.lsp
diff --git a/test/shape.lsp b/test/shape.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a4cc8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/shape.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;; there was a reported problem with shape reading 1 beyond the
+;; end of the table -- this is a test to check it out
+;; 20-Jun-97
+; make sample rates low enough to look at by hand
+(set-sound-srate 10)
+(set-control-srate 10)
+; make a table
+(setf shape-signal (scale 2 (ramp 2)))
+(print (snd-samples shape-signal 25))
+; try it out
+(setf input (scale 1.2 (stretch 3 (lfo .1))))
+;(s-plot input)
+(setf result (shape input shape-signal 1.0))
+(print (snd-samples result 50))
+;(s-plot result)
+; conclusion :
+; The shape must be defined all the way to the origin + 1.0,
+; in this case, the origin is 1, so the shape must go to 2.0.
+; Initially, I used (pwl 2 2 2 0) for the shape and had
+; problems because this function is zero at 2.0! I assume
+; this is the source of the reported problem. By using ramp,
+; which actually extends to it's duration + 1 sample, we
+; get the right result.
diff --git a/test/snd-fetch-array.lsp b/test/snd-fetch-array.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa455fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/snd-fetch-array.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;; snd-fetch-array.lsp -- a test program to explore a new feature
+(print "loading snd-fetch-array.lsp")
+(load "/Users/rbd/nyquist/sys/unix/osx/system.lsp")
+;; make short sound
+(setf s (osc c4 0.001)) ; about 44 samples
+(dotimes (i 100) ; limited iterations in case of problems
+ (setf samps (snd-fetch-array s 10 10))
+ (display "after snd-fetch-array" i samps *rslt*)
+ (if (null samps) (return 'done)))
diff --git a/test/sr.lsp b/test/sr.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692eb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/sr.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+;; scott raymond's midi code
+(set-sound-srate 22050.0)
+(setf my-seq (seq-create))
+(setf midifile (open "/afs/"))
+(seq-read-smf my-seq midifile)
+(close midifile)
+(defun my-note (p) (scale 0.2(osc p)))
+(play (seq-midi my-seq
+ (note (chan pitch velocity) (my-note pitch))))
+(defun (srl) () (load "test/sr"))
diff --git a/test/stktest.lsp b/test/stktest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0858f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/stktest.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;; stktest.lsp -- test the STK instruments, currently clarinet and saxophony
+;; simple clarinet sound
+(defun clarinet-example-1 ()
+ (clarinet bf3 (clarinet-breath-env 1 0.2 0.1)))
+;; clarinet sound with frequency sweep (glissando)
+(defun clarinet-example-2 ()
+ (clarinet-freq bf3 (clarinet-breath-env 3 0.2 0.1) (pwl 1.5 80 3 80 3)))
+;; clarinet sound with change in breath pressure
+(defun clarinet-example-3 ()
+ (clarinet bf3 (prod (pwl 0 1 1.5 0.9 3 1 3) (clarinet-breath-env 3 0.2 0.1))))
+;; clarinet sound using initial frequency sweep and built-in vibrato effect
+(defun clarinet-example-4 ()
+ (clarinet-all bf3 (clarinet-breath-env 3 0.5 0.05) (pwl 0.3 80 3 80 3) 5.7 0.5 0 0))
+;; clarinet sound with increasing then decreasing reed stiffness
+(defun clarinet-example-5 ()
+ (clarinet-all bf3 (clarinet-breath-env 3 0.5 0.05) 0 0 0 (pwl 1.5 0.75 3) 0))
+;; clarinet sound with increasing noise, with vibrato
+(defun clarinet-example-6 ()
+ (clarinet-all bf3 (clarinet-breath-env 3 0.5 0.05) 0 5.7 0.5 0 (pwl 3 1 3)))
+(print "clarinet-example-1")
+(play (clarinet-example-1))
+(print "clarinet-example-2")
+(play (clarinet-example-2))
+(print "clarinet-example-3")
+(play (clarinet-example-3))
+(print "clarinet-example-4")
+(play (clarinet-example-4))
+(print "clarinet-example-5")
+(play (clarinet-example-5))
+(print "clarinet-example-6")
+(play (clarinet-example-6))
+(defun sax-example-1 ()
+ (scale 0.5
+ (timed-seq '(
+ (0.0 1 (sax g3 (sax-breath-env 2 0.2 0.2 0.6)))
+ (2.0 1 (sax-freq c4 (sax-breath-env 4 0.6 0.6)
+ (scale 100 (mult (pwl 0 0.95 4 1.3 4)))))
+ )))
+(defun sax-example-2 ()
+ (let (fade stacenv genenv)
+ (defun fade (dur env) (prod (pwl 0 0 0.005 1 (- dur 0.005) 1 dur 0 dur) env))
+ (defun stacenv (dur amp) (scale (* 0.8 amp) (fade (* 0.9 dur) (sax-breath-env (* 0.9 dur) 1.0 0.9))))
+ (defun genenv (dur amp) (scale amp (sax-breath-env dur 1.0 1.0 0.75)))
+ (scale 0.5
+ (timed-seq
+ '(
+ (0.0 1 (sax-freq
+ bf3
+ (mult (envbreaks 1 (list 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875))
+ (genenv 1 1))
+ (freqenv 1 bf3 (list 0 bf3 0.125 af4 0.25 g4 0.375 d4
+ 0.5 f4 0.625 ef4 0.75 d4 0.875 ef4))
+ ))
+ (1.0 1 (sax-freq
+ e4
+ (mult (envbreaks 1 (list 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875))
+ (genenv 1 1))
+ (freqenv 1 e4 (list 0 e4 0.125 c4 0.25 a3 0.375 e3
+ 0.5 fs3 0.625 e3 0.75 fs3 0.875 e4))
+ ))
+ (2.0 1 (sax-freq
+ d4
+ (mult (envbreaks 1 (list 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875))
+ (genenv 1 1))
+ (freqenv 1 d4 (list 0 d4 0.125 c4 0.25 b3 0.375 a3
+ 0.5 g3 0.625 a3 0.75 b3 0.875 d4))
+ ))
+ (3.0 1 (sax-freq
+ ef4
+ (mult (envbreaks 1 (list 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875))
+ (genenv 1 1))
+ (freqenv 1 ef4 (list 0 ef4 0.125 cs4 0.25 b3 0.375 bf3
+ 0.625 gf3 0.75 af3 0.875 bf4))
+ ))
+ )
+ ))
+ )
+(print "sax-example-1")
+(play (sax-example-1))
+(print "sax-example-2")
+(play (sax-example-2))
diff --git a/test/str.lsp b/test/str.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..defec12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/str.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(defun test ()
+ (stretch 3
+ (sim (at 0 (mynote))
+ (at 1 (mynote))
+ (at 2 (mynote)))))
+(defun mynote ()
+ (display "mynote" (local-to-global 0))
+ (stretch-abs 1
+ (snd-compose (s-read "tri.snd")
+ (ramp))))
+(set-sound-srate 100)
+(set-control-srate 100)
+(setf *plotscript-file* "../sys/unix/rs6k/plotscript")
+(defun kuu-up (dur rate)
+ (stretch-abs 1
+ (snd-compose (kuu dur)
+ (scale (* 0.5 rate)
+ (sum
+ (pwe 7 7 7)
+ (control-srate-abs 22050 (pwl 7 7 7)))))))
diff --git a/test/temp.gio b/test/temp.gio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b762a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/temp.gio
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+V3 c4 U600 T0
+d4 U600 T600
+e4 U600 T1200
+Z3 T1800
+f4 U300 T1800
+V4 g4 U300 T2100
+~10(15) T2400
+~10(20) T2700
+~10(30) T3000
+Y100 T3300
+Y200 T3600
+Y0 T3900
+Y128 T4200
+Y16 T4500
+O0 T4800
+O20 T4950
+O50 T5100
+c0 U2400 T5250
diff --git a/test/temp2.gio b/test/temp2.gio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab48be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/temp2.gio
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+V3 c4 U600 N600
+d4 U600 N600
+e4 U600 N600
+Z3 N0
+f4 U300 N300
+V4 g4 U300 N300
+~10(15) N300
+~10(20) N300
+~10(30) N300
+Y100 N300
+Y200 N300
+Y0 N300
+Y128 N300
+Y16 N300
+O0 N150
+O20 N150
+O50 N150
+c0 U2400
diff --git a/test/temp3.gio b/test/temp3.gio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/temp3.gio
diff --git a/test/test.gio b/test/test.gio
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de98044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test.gio
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/test/tp.lsp b/test/tp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c168da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+;;; Single Carriar Trumpet Algorithm based on a design by Dexter Morrill
+;;; Computer Music Journal, February 1997, pgs 46-52
+;;; Naming changes: (Morill's name = my name)
+;;; u.g.1 = envelope p2 -> ignored p13 = ***
+;;; u.g.2 = cf_deviation p3 -> ignored p14 = ***
+;;; u.g.3 = vibrato p4 = freq (pitch) p15 = modIndex1
+;;; u.g.4 = fm_env p5 = peak_amp (scaled) p16 = modIndex2
+;;; u.g.5 = random p6 -> ignored p17 = ***
+;;; u.g.6 = fmod p7 = amp_rise p18 = ***
+;;; u.g.7 = main p8 = amp_decay p19 = fm_rise
+;;; p9 = *** p20 = fm_decay
+;;; p10 = cfd_rise p21 = ***
+;;; p11 = cfd_decay p22 = ***
+;;; p12 -> ignored p23 -> ignored
+;;; NOTES:
+;;; P9 has been completely ignored!!!
+;;; Look at p13 and p14
+(defun trumpet (pitch &key (peak_amp (/ 500.0 2048.0))
+ (amp_rise .02) (amp_decay .15)
+ (cfd_rise .06) (cfd_decay .06)
+ (modIndex1 3.523) (modIndex2 0.0)
+ (vib_dev .33)
+ (fm_rise .02) (fm_decay .01))
+ (let* ((freq (float (step-to-hz pitch)))
+ (p4 freq)
+ (p13 freq)
+ (p14 1.0)
+ (p18 (hz-to-step 7))
+ (p21 0.5)
+ (p22 (/ freq 4))
+ ;; main envelope
+ (envelope (mult peak_amp (env amp_rise 0 amp_decay 1 1 .9)))
+ ; 1,1,.9 need to be parameters?
+ ;; center frequency deviation
+ (my_dur (local-to-global 1))
+ (cf_deviation (stretch-abs 1 (pwl 0 -1 cfd_rise .1
+ (+ cfd_rise cfd_decay)
+ 0 my_dur 0)))
+ (m1_f (sum p4 cf_deviation))
+ ;; vibrato generator
+ (vibrato (mult (mult m1_f (* vib_dev .01)) (osc p18)))
+ (n1 (sum (* p13 p14) cf_deviation))
+ ;; envelope for fmod
+;;; WARNING: This generator needs to be scaled by 1/2048 ???
+ (fm_env (mult (sum (mult modIndex1 n1) (mult modIndex2 n1))
+ (env fm_rise 0 fm_decay 1 1 .9)))
+ ;; random frequency modulation
+ (random (mult (mult (sum m1_f vibrato) (* p21 .01))
+ (sound-srate-abs p22 (noise))))
+ ;; frequency modulation
+ (fmod_pitch (hz-to-step (* p13 p14)))
+ (fmod_mod (sum (sum cf_deviation vibrato) random))
+ (fmod_amp (sum (sum (sum fm_env (mult n1 modIndex2)) vibrato) random))
+ (fmod (mult fmod_amp (fmosc fmod_pitch fmod_mod)))
+ ;; main generator
+ (main_mod (sum(sum (sum cf_deviation vibrato) random) fmod))
+ (main (mult envelope (fmosc pitch main_mod))))
+ main))
diff --git a/test/trigger.lsp b/test/trigger.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33d7105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/trigger.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ (control-srate-abs 20
+ (snd-samples
+ (snd-trigger (lfo 2) '(lambda (t0) (at-abs t0 (const 0.5 0.2))))
+ 100)))
+ (control-srate-abs 20
+ (snd-samples
+ (trigger (lfo 2) (const 0.5 0.2))
+ 100)))
diff --git a/test/variable-resample.lsp b/test/variable-resample.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dccf4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/variable-resample.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+;; variable resample test
+(set-sound-srate 200.0)
+(defun test ()
+ (sound-warp (pwl 10 10 10) (stretch 10 (hzosc 5)) 10.0))
+(play (test))
diff --git a/test/warp.lsp b/test/warp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b76d06c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/warp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(defun line () (seqrep (i 20) (pluck1 (+ 24 (random 12)))))
+(defun pluck1 (p)
+ (display "pluck1" (local-to-global 0) (local-to-global 1))
+ (pluck p))
+(play (warp (mult (pwl 21 2.5) (pwl 21 2.5)) (line)))
+(s-plot (mult (pwl 11 2.5) (pwl 11 2.5)))