path: root/tran/ifft.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'tran/ifft.c')
1 files changed, 286 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tran/ifft.c b/tran/ifft.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3165f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tran/ifft.c
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+#include "stdio.h"
+#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES 1 /* for Visual C++ to get M_LN2 */
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef mips
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "xlisp.h"
+#include "sound.h"
+#include "falloc.h"
+#include "cext.h"
+#include "ifft.h"
+void ifft_free();
+typedef struct ifft_susp_struct {
+ snd_susp_node susp;
+ long index;
+ long length;
+ LVAL array;
+ long window_len;
+ sample_type *outbuf;
+ LVAL src;
+ long stepsize;
+ sample_type *window;
+ sample_type *samples;
+ table_type table;
+} ifft_susp_node, *ifft_susp_type;
+/* index: index into outbuf whree we get output samples
+ * length: size of the frame, window, and outbuf; half size of samples
+ * array: spectral frame goes here (why not a local var?)
+ * window_len: size of window, should equal length
+ * outbuf: real part of samples are multiplied by window and added to
+ * outbuf (after shifting)
+ * src: send :NEXT to this object to get next frame
+ * stepsize: shift by this many and add each frame
+ * samples: result of ifft goes here, real and imag
+ * window: multiply samples by window if any
+ *
+ * The src argument is an XLisp object that returns either an
+ * array of samples or NIL. The output of ifft is simply the
+ * concatenation of the samples taken from the array. Later,
+ * an ifft will be plugged in and this will return overlapped
+ * adds of the ifft's.
+ *
+ * OVERLAP: stepsize must be less than or equal to the length
+ * of real part of the transformed spectrum. A transform step
+ * works like this:
+ * (1) shift the output buffer by stepsize samples, filling
+ * the end of the buffer with zeros
+ * (2) get and transform an array of spectral coefficients
+ * (3) multiply the result by a window
+ * (4) add the result to the output buffer
+ * (5) output the first stepsize samples of the buffer
+ *
+ * DATA FORMAT: the DC component goes in array elem 0
+ * Cosine part is in elements 2*i-1
+ * Sine part is in elements 2*i
+ * Nyquist frequency is in element length-1
+ */
+#include "samples.h"
+#include "fftext.h"
+#define MUST_BE_FLONUM(e) \
+ if (!(e) || ntype(e) != FLONUM) { xlerror("flonum expected", (e)); }
+table_type get_window_samples(LVAL window, sample_type **samples, long *len)
+ table_type result = NULL;
+ if (soundp(window)) {
+ sound_type window_sound = getsound(window);
+ xlprot1(window); /* maybe not necessary */
+ result = sound_to_table(window_sound);
+ xlpop();
+ *samples = result->samples;
+ *len = (long) (result->length + 0.5);
+ }
+ return result;
+void ifft__fetch(register ifft_susp_type susp, snd_list_type snd_list)
+ int cnt = 0; /* how many samples computed */
+ int togo;
+ int n;
+ sample_block_type out;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr;
+ register sample_block_values_type out_ptr_reg;
+ register long index_reg;
+ register sample_type * outbuf_reg;
+ falloc_sample_block(out, "ifft__fetch");
+ out_ptr = out->samples;
+ snd_list->block = out;
+ while (cnt < max_sample_block_len) { /* outer loop */
+ /* first compute how many samples to generate in inner loop: */
+ /* don't overflow the output sample block: */
+ togo = max_sample_block_len - cnt;
+ if (susp->src == NULL) {
+out: togo = 0; /* indicate termination */
+ break; /* we're done */
+ }
+ if (susp->index >= susp->stepsize) {
+ long i;
+ long m, n;
+ LVAL elem;
+ susp->index = 0;
+ susp->array =
+ xleval(cons(s_send, cons(susp->src, consa(s_next))));
+ if (susp->array == NULL) {
+ susp->src = NULL;
+ goto out;
+ } else if (!vectorp(susp->array)) {
+ xlerror("array expected", susp->array);
+ } else if (susp->samples == NULL) {
+ /* assume arrays are all the same size as first one;
+ now that we know the size, we just have to do this
+ first allocation.
+ */
+ susp->length = getsize(susp->array);
+ if (susp->length < 1)
+ xlerror("array has no elements", susp->array);
+ if (susp->window && (susp->window_len != susp->length))
+ xlerror("window size and spectrum size differ",
+ susp->array);
+ /* tricky non-power of 2 detector: only if this is a
+ * power of 2 will the highest 1 bit be cleared when
+ * we subtract 1 ...
+ */
+ if (susp->length & (susp->length - 1))
+ xlfail("spectrum size must be a power of 2");
+ susp->samples = (sample_type *) calloc(susp->length,
+ sizeof(sample_type));
+ susp->outbuf = (sample_type *) calloc(susp->length,
+ sizeof(sample_type));
+ } else if (getsize(susp->array) != susp->length) {
+ xlerror("arrays must all be the same length", susp->array);
+ }
+ /* at this point, we have a new array to put samples */
+ /* the incoming array format is [DC, R1, I1, R2, I2, ... RN]
+ * where RN is the real coef at the Nyquist frequency
+ * but susp->samples should be organized as [DC, RN, R1, I1, ...]
+ */
+ n = susp->length;
+ /* get the DC (real) coef */
+ elem = getelement(susp->array, 0);
+ susp->samples[0] = (sample_type) getflonum(elem);
+ /* get the Nyquist (real) coef */
+ elem = getelement(susp->array, n - 1);
+ susp->samples[1] = (sample_type) getflonum(elem);
+ /* get the remaining coef */
+ for (i = 1; i < n - 1; i++) {
+ elem = getelement(susp->array, i);
+ susp->samples[i + 1] = (sample_type) getflonum(elem);
+ }
+ susp->array = NULL; /* free the array */
+ /* here is where the IFFT and windowing should take place */
+ //fftnf(1, &n, susp->samples, susp->samples + n, -1, 1.0);
+ m = round(log(n) / M_LN2);
+ if (!fftInit(m)) riffts(susp->samples, m, 1);
+ else xlfail("FFT initialization error");
+ if (susp->window) {
+ n = susp->length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ susp->samples[i] *= susp->window[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* shift the outbuf */
+ n = susp->length - susp->stepsize;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ susp->outbuf[i] = susp->outbuf[i + susp->stepsize];
+ }
+ /* clear end of outbuf */
+ for (i = n; i < susp->length; i++) {
+ susp->outbuf[i] = 0;
+ }
+ /* add in the ifft result */
+ n = susp->length;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ susp->outbuf[i] += susp->samples[i];
+ }
+ }
+ togo = min(togo, susp->stepsize - susp->index);
+ n = togo;
+ index_reg = susp->index;
+ outbuf_reg = susp->outbuf;
+ out_ptr_reg = out_ptr;
+ if (n) do { /* the inner sample computation loop */
+*out_ptr_reg++ = outbuf_reg[index_reg++];;
+ } while (--n); /* inner loop */
+ susp->index = index_reg;
+ susp->outbuf = outbuf_reg;
+ out_ptr += togo;
+ cnt += togo;
+ } /* outer loop */
+ /* test for termination */
+ if (togo == 0 && cnt == 0) {
+ snd_list_terminate(snd_list);
+ } else {
+ snd_list->block_len = cnt;
+ susp->susp.current += cnt;
+ }
+} /* ifft__fetch */
+void ifft_mark(ifft_susp_type susp)
+ if (susp->src) mark(susp->src);
+ if (susp->array) mark(susp->array);
+void ifft_free(ifft_susp_type susp)
+ if (susp->samples) free(susp->samples);
+ if (susp->table) table_unref(susp->table);
+ if (susp->outbuf) free(susp->outbuf);
+ ffree_generic(susp, sizeof(ifft_susp_node), "ifft_free");
+void ifft_print_tree(ifft_susp_type susp, int n)
+sound_type snd_make_ifft(time_type t0, rate_type sr, LVAL src, long stepsize, LVAL window)
+ register ifft_susp_type susp;
+ /* sr specified as input parameter */
+ /* t0 specified as input parameter */
+ sample_type scale_factor = 1.0F;
+ falloc_generic(susp, ifft_susp_node, "snd_make_ifft");
+ susp->index = stepsize;
+ susp->length = 0;
+ susp->array = NULL;
+ susp->window_len = 0;
+ susp->outbuf = NULL;
+ susp->src = src;
+ susp->stepsize = stepsize;
+ susp->window = NULL;
+ susp->samples = NULL;
+ susp->table = get_window_samples(window, &susp->window, &susp->window_len);
+ susp->susp.fetch = ifft__fetch;
+ /* initialize susp state */
+ susp-> = ifft_free;
+ susp-> = sr;
+ susp->susp.t0 = t0;
+ susp->susp.mark = ifft_mark;
+ susp->susp.print_tree = ifft_print_tree;
+ susp-> = "ifft";
+ susp->susp.log_stop_cnt = UNKNOWN;
+ susp->susp.current = 0;
+ return sound_create((snd_susp_type)susp, t0, sr, scale_factor);
+sound_type snd_ifft(time_type t0, rate_type sr, LVAL src, long stepsize, LVAL window)
+ return snd_make_ifft(t0, sr, src, stepsize, window);