path: root/xlisp/xleval.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'xlisp/xleval.c')
1 files changed, 885 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xlisp/xleval.c b/xlisp/xleval.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d708d14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlisp/xleval.c
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+/* xleval - xlisp evaluator */
+/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
+ All Rights Reserved
+ Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
+ 28 Apr 03 DM eliminated some compiler warnings
+ 12 Oct 90 RBD added profiling support
+ */
+#include "string.h"
+#include "xlisp.h"
+/* macro to check for lambda list keywords */
+#define iskey(s) ((s) == lk_optional \
+ || (s) == lk_rest \
+ || (s) == lk_key \
+ || (s) == lk_aux \
+ || (s) == lk_allow_other_keys)
+/* macros to handle tracing */
+#define trenter(sym,argc,argv) {if (sym) doenter(sym,argc,argv);}
+#define trexit(sym,val) {if (sym) doexit(sym,val);}
+/* forward declarations */
+FORWARD LOCAL LVAL evalhook(LVAL expr);
+FORWARD LOCAL LVAL evfun(LVAL fun, int argc, LVAL *argv);
+FORWARD LVAL xlclose(LVAL name, LVAL type, LVAL fargs, LVAL body, LVAL env, LVAL fenv);
+FORWARD LOCAL int member( LVAL x, LVAL list);
+FORWARD LOCAL int evpushargs(LVAL fun, LVAL args);
+FORWARD LOCAL void doenter(LVAL sym, int argc, LVAL *argv);
+FORWARD LOCAL void doexit(LVAL sym, LVAL val);
+FORWARD LOCAL void badarglist(void);
+/* profiling extensions by RBD */
+extern LVAL s_profile, profile_fixnum;
+extern FIXTYPE *profile_count_ptr, profile_flag;
+/* xleval - evaluate an xlisp expression (checking for *evalhook*) */
+LVAL xleval(LVAL expr)
+ /* check for control codes */
+ if (--xlsample <= 0) {
+ xlsample = SAMPLE;
+ oscheck();
+ }
+ /* check for *evalhook* */
+ if (getvalue(s_evalhook))
+ return (evalhook(expr));
+ /* check for nil */
+ if (null(expr))
+ return (NIL);
+ /* dispatch on the node type */
+ switch (ntype(expr)) {
+ case CONS:
+ return (evform(expr));
+ case SYMBOL:
+ return (xlgetvalue(expr));
+ default:
+ return (expr);
+ }
+/* xlxeval - evaluate an xlisp expression (bypassing *evalhook*) */
+LVAL xlxeval(LVAL expr)
+ /* check for nil */
+ if (null(expr))
+ return (NIL);
+ /* dispatch on node type */
+ switch (ntype(expr)) {
+ case CONS:
+ return (evform(expr));
+ case SYMBOL:
+ return (xlgetvalue(expr));
+ default:
+ return (expr);
+ }
+/* xlapply - apply a function to arguments (already on the stack) */
+LVAL xlapply(int argc)
+ LVAL *oldargv,fun,val=NULL;
+ LVAL funname;
+ LVAL old_profile_fixnum = profile_fixnum;
+ FIXTYPE *old_profile_count_ptr = profile_count_ptr;
+ int oldargc;
+ /* get the function */
+ fun = xlfp[1];
+ /* get the functional value of symbols */
+ if (symbolp(fun)) {
+ funname = fun; /* save it */
+ while ((val = getfunction(fun)) == s_unbound)
+ xlfunbound(fun);
+ fun = xlfp[1] = val;
+ if (profile_flag && atomp(funname)) {
+ LVAL profile_prop = findprop(funname, s_profile);
+ if (null(profile_prop)) {
+ /* make a new fixnum, don't use cvfixnum because
+ it would return shared pointer to zero, but we
+ are going to modify this integer in place --
+ dangerous but efficient.
+ */
+ profile_fixnum = newnode(FIXNUM);
+ profile_fixnum->n_fixnum = 0;
+ setplist(funname, cons(s_profile,
+ cons(profile_fixnum,
+ getplist(funname))));
+ setvalue(s_profile, cons(funname, getvalue(s_profile)));
+ } else profile_fixnum = car(profile_prop);
+ profile_count_ptr = &getfixnum(profile_fixnum);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for nil */
+ if (null(fun))
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ /* dispatch on node type */
+ switch (ntype(fun)) {
+ case SUBR:
+ oldargc = xlargc;
+ oldargv = xlargv;
+ xlargc = argc;
+ xlargv = xlfp + 3;
+ val = (*getsubr(fun))();
+ xlargc = oldargc;
+ xlargv = oldargv;
+ break;
+ case CONS:
+ if (!consp(cdr(fun)))
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ if (car(fun) == s_lambda) {
+ fun = xlclose(NIL,
+ s_lambda,
+ car(cdr(fun)),
+ cdr(cdr(fun)),
+ xlenv,xlfenv);
+ } else
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ /**** fall through into the next case ****/
+ case CLOSURE:
+ if (gettype(fun) != s_lambda)
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ val = evfun(fun,argc,xlfp+3);
+ break;
+ default:
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ }
+ /* restore original profile counting state */
+ profile_fixnum = old_profile_fixnum;
+ profile_count_ptr = old_profile_count_ptr;
+ /* remove the call frame */
+ xlsp = xlfp;
+ xlfp = xlfp - (int)getfixnum(*xlfp);
+ /* return the function value */
+ return (val);
+/* evform - evaluate a form */
+LOCAL LVAL evform(LVAL form)
+ LVAL fun,args,val=NULL,type;
+ LVAL tracing=NIL;
+ LVAL *argv;
+ LVAL old_profile_fixnum = profile_fixnum;
+ FIXTYPE *old_profile_count_ptr = profile_count_ptr;
+ LVAL funname;
+ int argc;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(2);
+ xlsave(fun);
+ xlsave(args);
+ (*profile_count_ptr)++; /* increment profile counter */
+ /* get the function and the argument list */
+ fun = car(form);
+ args = cdr(form);
+ funname = fun;
+ /* get the functional value of symbols */
+ if (symbolp(fun)) {
+ if (getvalue(s_tracelist) && member(fun,getvalue(s_tracelist)))
+ tracing = fun;
+ fun = xlgetfunction(fun);
+ }
+ /* check for nil */
+ if (null(fun))
+ xlerror("bad function",NIL);
+ /* dispatch on node type */
+ switch (ntype(fun)) {
+ case SUBR:
+ argv = xlargv;
+ argc = xlargc;
+ xlargc = evpushargs(fun,args);
+ xlargv = xlfp + 3;
+ trenter(tracing,xlargc,xlargv);
+ val = (*getsubr(fun))();
+ trexit(tracing,val);
+ xlsp = xlfp;
+ xlfp = xlfp - (int)getfixnum(*xlfp);
+ xlargv = argv;
+ xlargc = argc;
+ break;
+ case FSUBR:
+ argv = xlargv;
+ argc = xlargc;
+ xlargc = pushargs(fun,args);
+ xlargv = xlfp + 3;
+ val = (*getsubr(fun))();
+ xlsp = xlfp;
+ xlfp = xlfp - (int)getfixnum(*xlfp);
+ xlargv = argv;
+ xlargc = argc;
+ break;
+ case CONS:
+ if (!consp(cdr(fun)))
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ if ((type = car(fun)) == s_lambda)
+ fun = xlclose(NIL,
+ s_lambda,
+ car(cdr(fun)),
+ cdr(cdr(fun)),
+ xlenv,xlfenv);
+ else
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ /**** fall through into the next case ****/
+ case CLOSURE:
+ /* do profiling */
+ if (profile_flag && atomp(funname)) {
+ LVAL profile_prop = findprop(funname, s_profile);
+ if (null(profile_prop)) {
+ /* make a new fixnum, don't use cvfixnum because
+ it would return shared pointer to zero, but we
+ are going to modify this integer in place --
+ dangerous but efficient.
+ */
+ profile_fixnum = newnode(FIXNUM);
+ profile_fixnum->n_fixnum = 0;
+ setplist(funname, cons(s_profile,
+ cons(profile_fixnum,
+ getplist(funname))));
+ setvalue(s_profile, cons(funname, getvalue(s_profile)));
+ } else profile_fixnum = car(profile_prop);
+ profile_count_ptr = &getfixnum(profile_fixnum);
+ }
+ if (gettype(fun) == s_lambda) {
+ argc = evpushargs(fun,args);
+ argv = xlfp + 3;
+ trenter(tracing,argc,argv);
+ val = evfun(fun,argc,argv);
+ trexit(tracing,val);
+ xlsp = xlfp;
+ xlfp = xlfp - (int)getfixnum(*xlfp);
+ }
+ else {
+ macroexpand(fun,args,&fun);
+ val = xleval(fun);
+ }
+ profile_fixnum = old_profile_fixnum;
+ profile_count_ptr = old_profile_count_ptr;
+ break;
+ default:
+ xlerror("bad function",fun);
+ }
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpopn(2);
+ /* return the result value */
+ return (val);
+/* xlexpandmacros - expand macros in a form */
+LVAL xlexpandmacros(LVAL form)
+ LVAL fun,args;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(3);
+ xlprotect(form);
+ xlsave(fun);
+ xlsave(args);
+ /* expand until the form isn't a macro call */
+ while (consp(form)) {
+ fun = car(form); /* get the macro name */
+ args = cdr(form); /* get the arguments */
+ if (!symbolp(fun) || !fboundp(fun))
+ break;
+ fun = xlgetfunction(fun); /* get the expansion function */
+ if (!macroexpand(fun,args,&form))
+ break;
+ }
+ /* restore the stack and return the expansion */
+ xlpopn(3);
+ return (form);
+/* macroexpand - expand a macro call */
+int macroexpand(LVAL fun, LVAL args, LVAL *pval)
+ LVAL *argv;
+ int argc;
+ /* make sure it's really a macro call */
+ if (!closurep(fun) || gettype(fun) != s_macro)
+ return (FALSE);
+ /* call the expansion function */
+ argc = pushargs(fun,args);
+ argv = xlfp + 3;
+ *pval = evfun(fun,argc,argv);
+ xlsp = xlfp;
+ xlfp = xlfp - (int)getfixnum(*xlfp);
+ return (TRUE);
+/* evalhook - call the evalhook function */
+LOCAL LVAL evalhook(LVAL expr)
+ LVAL *newfp,olddenv,val;
+ /* create the new call frame */
+ newfp = xlsp;
+ pusharg(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)(newfp - xlfp)));
+ pusharg(getvalue(s_evalhook));
+ pusharg(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)2));
+ pusharg(expr);
+ pusharg(cons(xlenv,xlfenv));
+ xlfp = newfp;
+ /* rebind the hook functions to nil */
+ olddenv = xldenv;
+ xldbind(s_evalhook,NIL);
+ xldbind(s_applyhook,NIL);
+ /* call the hook function */
+ val = xlapply(2);
+ /* unbind the symbols */
+ xlunbind(olddenv);
+ /* return the value */
+ return (val);
+/* evpushargs - evaluate and push a list of arguments */
+LOCAL int evpushargs(LVAL fun, LVAL args)
+ LVAL *newfp;
+ int argc;
+ /* protect the argument list */
+ xlprot1(args);
+ /* build a new argument stack frame */
+ newfp = xlsp;
+ pusharg(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)(newfp - xlfp)));
+ pusharg(fun);
+ pusharg(NIL); /* will be argc */
+ /* evaluate and push each argument */
+ for (argc = 0; consp(args); args = cdr(args), ++argc) {
+ pusharg(xleval(car(args)));
+ }
+ /* establish the new stack frame */
+ newfp[2] = cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)argc);
+ xlfp = newfp;
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpop();
+ /* return the number of arguments */
+ return (argc);
+/* pushargs - push a list of arguments */
+int pushargs(LVAL fun, LVAL args)
+ LVAL *newfp;
+ int argc;
+ /* build a new argument stack frame */
+ newfp = xlsp;
+ pusharg(cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)(newfp - xlfp)));
+ pusharg(fun);
+ pusharg(NIL); /* will be argc */
+ /* push each argument */
+ for (argc = 0; consp(args); args = cdr(args), ++argc)
+ pusharg(car(args));
+ /* establish the new stack frame */
+ newfp[2] = cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)argc);
+ xlfp = newfp;
+ /* return the number of arguments */
+ return (argc);
+/* makearglist - make a list of the remaining arguments */
+LVAL makearglist(int argc, LVAL *argv)
+ LVAL list,this,last;
+ xlsave1(list);
+ for (last = NIL; --argc >= 0; last = this) {
+ this = cons(*argv++,NIL);
+ if (last) rplacd(last,this);
+ else list = this;
+ last = this;
+ }
+ xlpop();
+ return (list);
+/* evfun - evaluate a function */
+LOCAL LVAL evfun(LVAL fun, int argc, LVAL *argv)
+ LVAL oldenv,oldfenv,cptr,name,val;
+ XLCONTEXT cntxt;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlstkcheck(4);
+ xlsave(oldenv);
+ xlsave(oldfenv);
+ xlsave(cptr);
+ xlprotect(fun); /* (RBD) Otherwise, fun is unprotected */
+ /* create a new environment frame */
+ oldenv = xlenv;
+ oldfenv = xlfenv;
+ xlenv = xlframe(closure_getenv(fun));
+ xlfenv = getfenv(fun);
+ /* bind the formal parameters */
+ xlabind(fun,argc,argv);
+ /* setup the implicit block */
+ if ((name = getname(fun)))
+ xlbegin(&cntxt,CF_RETURN,name);
+ /* execute the block */
+ if (name && setjmp(cntxt.c_jmpbuf))
+ val = xlvalue;
+ else
+ for (val = NIL, cptr = getbody(fun); consp(cptr); cptr = cdr(cptr))
+ val = xleval(car(cptr));
+ /* finish the block context */
+ if (name)
+ xlend(&cntxt);
+ /* restore the environment */
+ xlenv = oldenv;
+ xlfenv = oldfenv;
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpopn(4);
+ /* return the result value */
+ return (val);
+/* xlclose - create a function closure */
+LVAL xlclose(LVAL name, LVAL type, LVAL fargs, LVAL body, LVAL env, LVAL fenv)
+ LVAL closure,key=NULL,arg,def,svar,new,last;
+ char keyname[STRMAX+2];
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlsave1(closure);
+ /* create the closure object */
+ closure = newclosure(name,type,env,fenv);
+ setlambda(closure,fargs);
+ setbody(closure,body);
+ /* handle each required argument */
+ last = NIL;
+ while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !iskey(arg)) {
+ /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
+ if (!symbolp(arg))
+ badarglist();
+ /* create a new argument list entry */
+ new = cons(arg,NIL);
+ /* link it into the required argument list */
+ if (last)
+ rplacd(last,new);
+ else
+ setargs(closure,new);
+ last = new;
+ /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ }
+ /* check for the '&optional' keyword */
+ if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_optional) {
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ /* handle each optional argument */
+ last = NIL;
+ while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !iskey(arg)) {
+ /* get the default expression and specified-p variable */
+ def = svar = NIL;
+ if (consp(arg)) {
+ if ((def = cdr(arg))) {
+ if (consp(def)) {
+ if ((svar = cdr(def))) {
+ if (consp(svar)) {
+ svar = car(svar);
+ if (!symbolp(svar))
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ def = car(def);
+ }
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ arg = car(arg);
+ }
+ /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
+ if (!symbolp(arg))
+ badarglist();
+ /* create a fully expanded optional expression */
+ new = cons(cons(arg,cons(def,cons(svar,NIL))),NIL);
+ /* link it into the optional argument list */
+ if (last)
+ rplacd(last,new);
+ else
+ setoargs(closure,new);
+ last = new;
+ /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for the '&rest' keyword */
+ if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_rest) {
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ /* get the &rest argument */
+ if (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !iskey(arg) && symbolp(arg))
+ setrest(closure,arg);
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ }
+ /* check for the '&key' keyword */
+ if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_key) {
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ /* handle each key argument */
+ last = NIL;
+ while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !iskey(arg)) {
+ /* get the default expression and specified-p variable */
+ def = svar = NIL;
+ if (consp(arg)) {
+ if ((def = cdr(arg))) {
+ if (consp(def)) {
+ if ((svar = cdr(def))) {
+ if (consp(svar)) {
+ svar = car(svar);
+ if (!symbolp(svar))
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ def = car(def);
+ }
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ arg = car(arg);
+ }
+ /* get the keyword and the variable */
+ if (consp(arg)) {
+ key = car(arg);
+ if (!symbolp(key))
+ badarglist();
+ if ((arg = cdr(arg))) {
+ if (consp(arg))
+ arg = car(arg);
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ }
+ else if (symbolp(arg)) {
+ strcpy(keyname,":");
+ strcat(keyname,(char *) getstring(getpname(arg)));
+ key = xlenter(keyname);
+ }
+ /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
+ if (!symbolp(arg))
+ badarglist();
+ /* create a fully expanded key expression */
+ new = cons(cons(key,cons(arg,cons(def,cons(svar,NIL)))),NIL);
+ /* link it into the optional argument list */
+ if (last)
+ rplacd(last,new);
+ else
+ setkargs(closure,new);
+ last = new;
+ /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for the '&allow-other-keys' keyword */
+ if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_allow_other_keys)
+ fargs = cdr(fargs); /* this is the default anyway */
+ /* check for the '&aux' keyword */
+ if (consp(fargs) && car(fargs) == lk_aux) {
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ /* handle each aux argument */
+ last = NIL;
+ while (consp(fargs) && (arg = car(fargs)) && !iskey(arg)) {
+ /* get the initial value */
+ def = NIL;
+ if (consp(arg)) {
+ if ((def = cdr(arg))) {
+ if (consp(def))
+ def = car(def);
+ else
+ badarglist();
+ }
+ arg = car(arg);
+ }
+ /* make sure the argument is a symbol */
+ if (!symbolp(arg))
+ badarglist();
+ /* create a fully expanded aux expression */
+ new = cons(cons(arg,cons(def,NIL)),NIL);
+ /* link it into the aux argument list */
+ if (last)
+ rplacd(last,new);
+ else
+ setaargs(closure,new);
+ last = new;
+ /* move the formal argument list pointer ahead */
+ fargs = cdr(fargs);
+ }
+ }
+ /* make sure this is the end of the formal argument list */
+ if (fargs)
+ badarglist();
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpop();
+ /* return the new closure */
+ return (closure);
+/* xlabind - bind the arguments for a function */
+void xlabind(LVAL fun, int argc, LVAL *argv)
+ LVAL *kargv,fargs,key,arg,def,svar,p;
+ int rargc,kargc;
+ /* protect some pointers */
+ xlsave1(def);
+ /* bind each required argument */
+ for (fargs = getargs(fun); fargs; fargs = cdr(fargs)) {
+ /* make sure there is an actual argument */
+ if (--argc < 0)
+ xlfail("too few arguments");
+ /* bind the formal variable to the argument value */
+ xlbind(car(fargs),*argv++);
+ }
+ /* bind each optional argument */
+ for (fargs = getoargs(fun); fargs; fargs = cdr(fargs)) {
+ /* get argument, default and specified-p variable */
+ p = car(fargs);
+ arg = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ def = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ svar = car(p);
+ /* bind the formal variable to the argument value */
+ if (--argc >= 0) {
+ xlbind(arg,*argv++);
+ if (svar) xlbind(svar,s_true);
+ }
+ /* bind the formal variable to the default value */
+ else {
+ if (def) def = xleval(def);
+ xlbind(arg,def);
+ if (svar) xlbind(svar,NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ /* save the count of the &rest of the argument list */
+ rargc = argc;
+ /* handle '&rest' argument */
+ if ((arg = getrest(fun))) {
+ def = makearglist(argc,argv);
+ xlbind(arg,def);
+ argc = 0;
+ }
+ /* handle '&key' arguments */
+ if ((fargs = getkargs(fun))) {
+ for (; fargs; fargs = cdr(fargs)) {
+ /* get keyword, argument, default and specified-p variable */
+ p = car(fargs);
+ key = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ arg = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ def = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ svar = car(p);
+ /* look for the keyword in the actual argument list */
+ for (kargv = argv, kargc = rargc; (kargc -= 2) >= 0; kargv += 2)
+ if (*kargv == key)
+ break;
+ /* bind the formal variable to the argument value */
+ if (kargc >= 0) {
+ xlbind(arg,*++kargv);
+ if (svar) xlbind(svar,s_true);
+ }
+ /* bind the formal variable to the default value */
+ else {
+ if (def) def = xleval(def);
+ xlbind(arg,def);
+ if (svar) xlbind(svar,NIL);
+ }
+ }
+ argc = 0;
+ }
+ /* check for the '&aux' keyword */
+ for (fargs = getaargs(fun); fargs; fargs = cdr(fargs)) {
+ /* get argument and default */
+ p = car(fargs);
+ arg = car(p); p = cdr(p);
+ def = car(p);
+ /* bind the auxiliary variable to the initial value */
+ if (def) def = xleval(def);
+ xlbind(arg,def);
+ }
+ /* make sure there aren't too many arguments */
+ if (argc > 0)
+ xlfail("too many arguments");
+ /* restore the stack */
+ xlpop();
+/* doenter - print trace information on function entry */
+LOCAL void doenter(LVAL sym, int argc, LVAL *argv)
+ extern int xltrcindent;
+ int i;
+ /* indent to the current trace level */
+ for (i = 0; i < xltrcindent; ++i)
+ trcputstr(" ");
+ ++xltrcindent;
+ /* display the function call */
+ sprintf(buf,"Entering: %s, Argument list: (",getstring(getpname(sym)));
+ trcputstr(buf);
+ while (--argc >= 0) {
+ trcprin1(*argv++);
+ if (argc) trcputstr(" ");
+ }
+ trcputstr(")\n");
+/* doexit - print trace information for function/macro exit */
+LOCAL void doexit(LVAL sym, LVAL val)
+ extern int xltrcindent;
+ int i;
+ /* indent to the current trace level */
+ --xltrcindent;
+ for (i = 0; i < xltrcindent; ++i)
+ trcputstr(" ");
+ /* display the function value */
+ sprintf(buf,"Exiting: %s, Value: ",getstring(getpname(sym)));
+ trcputstr(buf);
+ trcprin1(val);
+ trcputstr("\n");
+/* member - is 'x' a member of 'list'? */
+LOCAL int member( LVAL x, LVAL list)
+ for (; consp(list); list = cdr(list))
+ if (x == car(list))
+ return (TRUE);
+ return (FALSE);
+/* xlunbound - signal an unbound variable error */
+void xlunbound(LVAL sym)
+ xlcerror("try evaluating symbol again","unbound variable",sym);
+/* xlfunbound - signal an unbound function error */
+void xlfunbound(LVAL sym)
+ xlcerror("try evaluating symbol again","unbound function",sym);
+/* xlstkoverflow - signal a stack overflow error */
+void xlstkoverflow(void)
+ xlabort("evaluation stack overflow");
+/* xlargstkoverflow - signal an argument stack overflow error */
+void xlargstkoverflow(void)
+ xlabort("argument stack overflow");
+/* badarglist - report a bad argument list error */
+LOCAL void badarglist(void)
+ xlfail("bad formal argument list");