path: root/xlisp/xlsym.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'xlisp/xlsym.c')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xlisp/xlsym.c b/xlisp/xlsym.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8932377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xlisp/xlsym.c
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+/* xlsym - symbol handling routines */
+/* Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
+ All Rights Reserved
+ Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use */
+ * 28-apr-03 DM eliminate some compiler warnings
+ * 12-oct-90 RBD added xlatomcount to keep track of how many atoms there are.
+ * (something I need for writing out score files).
+ */
+#include "string.h"
+#include "xlisp.h"
+extern int xlatomcount;
+/* forward declarations */
+FORWARD LVAL findprop(LVAL sym, LVAL prp);
+/* these routines were used to debug a missing call to protect().
+ * The routines can check for a consistent set of frames. Note
+ * that frames must be pushed on the stack declared here because
+ * XLisp keeps frame pointers as local variables in C routines.
+ * I deleted the calls to push_xlenv etc throughout the XLisp
+ * sources, but decided to leave the following code for possible
+ * future debugging. - RBD
+ */
+int envstack_top = 0;
+LVAL envstack[envstack_max];
+LVAL *fpstack[envstack_max];
+extern long cons_count;
+FORWARD LOCAL void test_one_env(LVAL environment, int i, char *s);
+void push_xlenv(void)
+ char s[10];
+ /* sprintf(s, "<%d ", envstack_top);
+ stdputstr(s); */
+ if (envstack_top >= envstack_max) {
+ xlabort("envstack overflow");
+ } else {
+ fpstack[envstack_top] = xlfp;
+ envstack[envstack_top++] = xlenv;
+ }
+void pop_xlenv(void)
+ char s[10];
+ if (envstack_top <= 0) {
+ sprintf(s, ", %d! ", envstack_top);
+ stdputstr(s);
+ xlabort("envstack underflow!");
+ } else envstack_top--;
+ /* sprintf(s, "%d> ", envstack_top);
+ stdputstr(s); */
+void pop_multiple_xlenv(void)
+ int i;
+ for (i = envstack_top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (envstack[i] == xlenv) {
+ char s[10];
+ envstack_top = i + 1;
+ /* sprintf(s, "%d] ", envstack_top);
+ stdputstr(s); */
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void testenv(char *s)
+ int i;
+ for (i = envstack_top - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ test_one_env(envstack[i], i, s);
+ }
+LOCAL void report_exit(char *msg, int i)
+ sprintf(buf, "env stack index: %d, cons_count %ld, Function: ", i, cons_count);
+ errputstr(buf);
+ stdprint(fpstack[i][1]);
+ xlabort(msg);
+LOCAL void test_one_env(LVAL environment, int i, char *s)
+ register LVAL fp,ep;
+ LVAL val;
+ /* check the environment list */
+ for (fp = environment; fp; fp = cdr(fp)) {
+ /* check that xlenv is good */
+ if (!consp(fp)) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s: xlenv 0x%lx, frame 0x%lx, type(frame) %d\n",
+ s, xlenv, fp, ntype(fp));
+ errputstr(buf);
+ report_exit("xlenv points to a bad list", i);
+ }
+ /* check for an instance variable */
+ if ((ep = car(fp)) && objectp(car(ep))) {
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+ /* check an environment stack frame */
+ else {
+ for (; ep; ep = cdr(ep)) {
+ /* check that ep is good */
+ if (!consp(ep)) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s: fp 0x%lx, ep 0x%lx, type(ep) %d\n",
+ s, fp, ep, ntype(ep));
+ errputstr(buf);
+ report_exit("car(fp) points to a bad list", i);
+ }
+ /* check that car(ep) is nonnull */
+ if (!car(ep)) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s: ep 0x%lx, car(ep) 0x%lx\n",
+ s, ep, car(ep));
+ errputstr(buf);
+ report_exit("car(ep) (an association) is NULL", i);
+ }
+ /* check that car(ep) is a cons */
+ if (!consp(car(ep))) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s: ep 0x%lx, car(ep) 0x%lx, type(car(ep)) %d\n",
+ s, ep, car(ep), ntype(car(ep)));
+ errputstr(buf);
+ report_exit("car(ep) (an association) is not a cons", i);
+ }
+ /* check that car(car(ep)) is a symbol */
+ if (!symbolp(car(car(ep)))) {
+ sprintf(buf,"%s: ep 0x%lx, car(ep) 0x%lx, car(car(ep)) 0x%lx, type(car(car(ep))) %d\n",
+ s, ep, car(ep), car(car(ep)), ntype(car(car(ep))));
+ errputstr(buf);
+ report_exit("car(car(ep)) is not a symbol", i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* xlenter - enter a symbol into the obarray */
+LVAL xlenter(char *name)
+ LVAL sym,array;
+ int i;
+ /* check for nil */
+ if (strcmp(name,"NIL") == 0)
+ return (NIL);
+ /* check for symbol already in table */
+ array = getvalue(obarray);
+ i = hash(name,HSIZE);
+ for (sym = getelement(array,i); sym; sym = cdr(sym))
+ if (strcmp(name,(char *) getstring(getpname(car(sym)))) == 0)
+ return (car(sym));
+ /* make a new symbol node and link it into the list */
+ xlsave1(sym);
+ sym = consd(getelement(array,i));
+ rplaca(sym,xlmakesym(name));
+ setelement(array,i,sym);
+ xlpop();
+ /* return the new symbol */
+ return (car(sym));
+/* xlmakesym - make a new symbol node */
+LVAL xlmakesym(char *name)
+ LVAL sym;
+ sym = cvsymbol(name);
+ if (*name == ':')
+ setvalue(sym,sym);
+ return (sym);
+/* xlgetvalue - get the value of a symbol (with check) */
+LVAL xlgetvalue(LVAL sym)
+ LVAL val;
+ /* look for the value of the symbol */
+ while ((val = xlxgetvalue(sym)) == s_unbound)
+ xlunbound(sym);
+ /* return the value */
+ return (val);
+/* xlxgetvalue - get the value of a symbol */
+LVAL xlxgetvalue(LVAL sym)
+ register LVAL fp,ep;
+ LVAL val;
+ /* check the environment list */
+ for (fp = xlenv; fp; fp = cdr(fp))
+ /* check for an instance variable */
+ if ((ep = car(fp)) && objectp(car(ep))) {
+ if (xlobgetvalue(ep,sym,&val))
+ return (val);
+ }
+ /* check an environment stack frame */
+ else {
+ for (; ep; ep = cdr(ep))
+ if (sym == car(car(ep)))
+ return (cdr(car(ep)));
+ }
+ /* return the global value */
+ return (getvalue(sym));
+/* xlsetvalue - set the value of a symbol */
+void xlsetvalue(LVAL sym, LVAL val)
+ register LVAL fp,ep;
+ /* look for the symbol in the environment list */
+ for (fp = xlenv; fp; fp = cdr(fp))
+ /* check for an instance variable */
+ if ((ep = car(fp)) && objectp(car(ep))) {
+ if (xlobsetvalue(ep,sym,val))
+ return;
+ }
+ /* check an environment stack frame */
+ else {
+ for (; ep; ep = cdr(ep))
+ if (sym == car(car(ep))) {
+ rplacd(car(ep),val);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* store the global value */
+ setvalue(sym,val);
+/* xlgetfunction - get the functional value of a symbol (with check) */
+LVAL xlgetfunction(LVAL sym)
+ LVAL val;
+ /* look for the functional value of the symbol */
+ while ((val = xlxgetfunction(sym)) == s_unbound)
+ xlfunbound(sym);
+ /* return the value */
+ return (val);
+/* xlxgetfunction - get the functional value of a symbol */
+LVAL xlxgetfunction(LVAL sym)
+ register LVAL fp,ep;
+ /* check the environment list */
+ for (fp = xlfenv; fp; fp = cdr(fp))
+ for (ep = car(fp); ep; ep = cdr(ep))
+ if (sym == car(car(ep)))
+ return (cdr(car(ep)));
+ /* return the global value */
+ return (getfunction(sym));
+/* xlsetfunction - set the functional value of a symbol */
+void xlsetfunction(LVAL sym, LVAL val)
+ register LVAL fp,ep;
+ /* look for the symbol in the environment list */
+ for (fp = xlfenv; fp; fp = cdr(fp))
+ for (ep = car(fp); ep; ep = cdr(ep))
+ if (sym == car(car(ep))) {
+ rplacd(car(ep),val);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* store the global value */
+ setfunction(sym,val);
+/* xlgetprop - get the value of a property */
+LVAL xlgetprop(LVAL sym, LVAL prp)
+ LVAL p;
+ return ((p = findprop(sym,prp)) ? car(p) : NIL);
+/* xlputprop - put a property value onto the property list */
+void xlputprop(LVAL sym, LVAL val, LVAL prp)
+ LVAL pair;
+ if ((pair = findprop(sym,prp)))
+ rplaca(pair,val);
+ else
+ setplist(sym,cons(prp,cons(val,getplist(sym))));
+/* xlremprop - remove a property from a property list */
+void xlremprop(LVAL sym, LVAL prp)
+ LVAL last,p;
+ last = NIL;
+ for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(last)) {
+ if (car(p) == prp) {
+ if (last)
+ rplacd(last,cdr(cdr(p)));
+ else
+ setplist(sym,cdr(cdr(p)));
+ }
+ last = cdr(p);
+ }
+/* findprop - find a property pair */
+LVAL findprop(LVAL sym, LVAL prp)
+ LVAL p;
+ for (p = getplist(sym); consp(p) && consp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(cdr(p)))
+ if (car(p) == prp)
+ return (cdr(p));
+ return (NIL);
+/* hash - hash a symbol name string */
+int hash(char *str, int len)
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; *str; )
+ i = (i << 2) ^ *str++;
+ i %= len;
+ return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
+/* xlsinit - symbol initialization routine */
+void xlsinit(void)
+ LVAL array,p;
+ /* initialize the obarray */
+ obarray = xlmakesym("*OBARRAY*");
+ array = newvector(HSIZE);
+ setvalue(obarray,array);
+ /* add the symbol *OBARRAY* to the obarray */
+ p = consa(obarray);
+ setelement(array,hash("*OBARRAY*",HSIZE),p);