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Type:   -   function (subr)
Source:   -   xlfio.c, xlprin.c


(print expr [dest])
expr - an expression
dest - an optional destination, must be a file pointer or stream, default is *standard-output*
returns - the expression


The 'print' function prints the 'expr' to the specified 'destination'. The 'expr' is printed followed by a 'newline' character. If 'expr' is a string, it will be printed with quotes around the string. The 'expr' is returned as the result. The 'destination' may be a file pointer or a stream. If there is no 'destination', *standard-output* is the default.


(print 'a)                              ; prints A     with #\Newline
(print '(a b))                          ; prints (A B) with #\Newline
(print 99)                              ; prints 99    with #\Newline
(print "hi")                            ; prints "hi"  with #\Newline

(setq f (open "f" :direction :output))  ; create file
(print "hi" f)                          ; returns "hi"
(print 727 f)                           ; returns 727
(print "ho" f)                          ; returns "ho"
(close f)                               ; file contains "hi"#\Newline
                                        ;               727#\Newline
                                        ;               "ho"#\Newline

Common Lisp: Common Lisp specifies that 'pprint' with a 'destination' of NIL will go to *standard-output*. XLISP does not send the output to *standard-output* with a 'destination' of NIL. Common Lisp also specifies that a 'destination' of  T  will be sent to *terminal-io*, which is not defined in XLISP by default. XLISP does not allow  T  as a valid argument for 'destination'.

See the print function in the XLISP 2.0 manual.

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