diff options
authorRafael Laboissière <>2024-03-23 11:24:16 -0300
committerRafael Laboissière <>2024-03-23 11:24:16 -0300
commit787cef841b37ea114744f8f368efd57cc29083f9 (patch)
parenteeb026c06b6010514cc25efe9d18eb108deeed7f (diff)
parent884b6b50c50abfb633b52f567009c0460b27fbf9 (diff)
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/4.1.0'
Update to upstream version '4.1.0' with Debian dir f973f3f0739564c39cd0469e3c0bdbb441165c2d
13 files changed, 409 insertions, 21 deletions
index 2073c07..ed59347 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Name: geometry
-Version: 4.0.0
-Date: 03-02-2020
+Version: 4.1.0
+Date: 16-03-2024
Author: Juan Pablo Carbajal <>,
Philip Nienhuis <>,
Simeon Simeonov <>,
diff --git a/INDEX b/INDEX
index 0f6d790..c375214 100644
--- a/INDEX
+++ b/INDEX
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ geometry >> Computational Geometry
2D Others
+3D Polygons
+ inpolyeder
+ inpolyeder2
+ isIntersectionInPolygon3D
Input [broken]
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 54da527..9133f45 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
Summary of important user-visible changes for releases of the geometry package
+geometry-4.1.0 Release Date: 16-03-2024 Release Manager: Juan Pablo Carbajal
+* Added new functions to detect intersetions and points inside 3d polygons.
+* ispolycw that allows for two cell array inputs (px and py), see
+* Fixed compilation error with g++ v11, see
+* Fixed failing test in joinPolygons
geometry-4.0.0 Release Date: 03-02-2020 Release Manager: Juan Pablo Carbajal
As of this version, geometry does not contain any matgeom functionality.
diff --git a/inst/@svg/svg.m b/inst/@svg/svg.m
index dcf366a..0848136 100644
--- a/inst/@svg/svg.m
+++ b/inst/@svg/svg.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Juan Pablo Carbajal
+## Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Juan Pablo Carbajal
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
@@ -61,22 +61,23 @@ function svg = svg(name='')
%! dc = svg('drawing5.svg');
%! dc.getpath();
%! dc.pathid();
%! dc.getpath('path3756');
%! dc = svg('drawing.svg');
%! ids = dc.pathid();
%! dc.getpath({ids{[1 3]}});
%! dc = svg('drawing6.svg');
%! ids = dc.pathid();
%! P = dc.path2polygon(ids{1});
%! dc = svg('drawing6.svg');
%! dc.plot();
%! dc.plot('color','r','linewidth',2);
diff --git a/inst/inpolyeder.m b/inst/inpolyeder.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a49fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/inpolyeder.m
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Emch and Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+## your option) any later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
+## <>.
+% -*- texinfo -*-
+% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{in}, @var{on}] =} inpolyeder (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{xv}, @var{yv}, @var{zv}, @var{doPlot}, @var{doPlotHelpers})
+% For a polyeder defined by vertex points @code{(@var{xv}, @var{yv}, @var{zv})},
+% determine if the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z})} are inside or
+% outside the polyeder.
+% The variables @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} must have the same dimension. The optional
+% output @var{on} gives the points that are on the polyeder.
+% @seealso{inpolygon}
+% @end deftypefn
+% Author: Andreas Emch, Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+% Created: December 2012
+function [in, on] = inpolyeder (x, y, z, xv, yv, zv, doPlot, doPlotHelpers)
+ if (nargin < 6)
+ print_usage ();
+ endif
+ if (!(isreal(x) && isreal(y) && isreal(z)
+ && ismatrix(y) && ismatrix(y) && ismatrix(z)
+ && size_equal(x, y, z)))
+ error("inpolyeder: The first 3 vectors need to have the same size (test points)");
+ elseif (! (isreal(xv) && isreal(yv) && isreal(zv)
+ && isvector(xv) && isvector(yv) && isvector(zv)
+ && size_equal(xv, yv, zv)))
+ error("inpolyeder: The last 3 vectors need to have the same size (polyeder corners)");
+ endif
+ if (!isbool(doPlot))
+ error("inpolyeder: doPlot has to be a boolean value");
+ endif
+ if (!isbool(doPlotHelpers))
+ error("inpolyeder: doPlotHelpers has to be a boolean value");
+ endif
+ starttTime = cputime;
+ X = [xv, yv, zv];
+ K = convhulln(X);
+ P = [x y z];
+ on = zeros(size(x), "logical")';
+ in = zeros(size(x), "logical")';
+ if (doPlot == true)
+ clf
+ hold on
+ t = trisurf(K, X(:,1), X(:,2), X(:,3));
+ set(t,'facealpha',0.5)
+ m=unique(K);
+ plot3(X(m,1), X(m,2), X(m,3), 'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'b');
+ endif
+ counter = 0;
+ for p1 = P'
+ counter++;
+ left = 0;
+ right = 0;
+ do
+ p2 = p1 + rand(3,1);
+ until (p1 != p2)
+ if (doPlotHelpers)
+ point1 = p1 + (-20 .* (p2-p1));
+ point2 = p1 + (20 .* (p2-p1));
+ plot3([point1(1,1); point2(1,1)], [point1(2,1); point2(2,1)], [point1(3,1); point2(3,1)], 'k-');
+ endif
+ for poly = K'
+ a = X(poly(1,1),:)';
+ b = X(poly(2,1),:)';
+ c = X(poly(3,1),:)';
+ [pointIn pointDistance point] = isIntersectionInPolygon3D(p1, p2, a, b, c);
+ if (pointIn)
+ if (pointDistance > 0)
+ left += 1;
+ elseif (pointDistance < 0)
+ right += 1;
+ elseif (pointDistance == 0)
+ on(1,counter) = true;
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (doPlotHelpers && !isnan(point))
+ if (pointIn)
+ plot3(point(1,1), point(2,1), point(3,1), 'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'y');
+ else
+ plot3(point(1,1), point(2,1), point(3,1), 'k*', 'markerfacecolor', 'y');
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (mod(left,2) == 1 && mod(right,2) == 1)
+ in(1,counter) = true;
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (doPlot == true)
+ plot3(x(in'), y(in'), z(in'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'g',
+ x(~in'), y(~in'), z(~in'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'r',
+ x(on'), y(on'), z(on'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'k')
+ x_max = max(max(X(:,1)), max(P(:,1))) + 0.5;
+ x_min = min(min(X(:,1)), min(P(:,1))) - 0.5;
+ y_max = max(max(X(:,2)), max(P(:,2))) + 0.5;
+ y_min = min(min(X(:,2)), min(P(:,2))) - 0.5;
+ z_max = max(max(X(:,3)), max(P(:,3))) + 0.5;
+ z_min = min(min(X(:,3)), min(P(:,3))) - 0.5;
+ axis ([x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max]);
+ hold off
+ endif
+ printf('Total cpu time for checking %d points in a polyeder of %d polygons: %f seconds\n', size(x)(1,1), size(K)(1,1), cputime-starttTime);
diff --git a/inst/inpolyeder2.m b/inst/inpolyeder2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0744507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/inpolyeder2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Emch and Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+## your option) any later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
+## <>.
+% -*- texinfo -*-
+% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{in}, @var{on}] =} inpolyeder (@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}, @var{xv}, @var{yv}, @var{zv}, @var{xk}, @var{yk}, @var{zk}, @var{doPlot}, @var{doPlotHelpers})
+% For a polyeder defined by vertex points @code{(@var{xv}, @var{yv}, @var{zv})},
+% determine if the points @code{(@var{x}, @var{y}), @var{z})} are inside or
+% outside the polyeder.
+% The variables @var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z} must have the same dimension. The optional
+% output @var{on} gives the points that are on the polyeder.
+% @seealso{inpolygon}
+% @end deftypefn
+% Author: Andreas Emch, Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+% Created: December 2012
+function [in, on] = inpolyeder2 (x, y, z, xv, yv, zv, xk, yk, zk, doPlot, doPlotHelpers)
+ % Check number of arguments
+ if (nargin < 9)
+ print_usage ();
+ endif
+ if (!(isreal(x) && isreal(y) && isreal(z)
+ && ismatrix(y) && ismatrix(y) && ismatrix(z)
+ && size_equal(x, y, z)))
+ error("inpolyeder2: The first 3 vectors need to have the same size (test points)");
+ elseif (! (isreal(xv) && isreal(yv) && isreal(zv)
+ && isvector(xv) && isvector(yv) && isvector(zv)
+ && size_equal(xv, yv, zv)))
+ error("inpolyeder2: Those 3 vectors need to have the same size (polyeder corners)");
+ elseif (! (isreal(xk) && isreal(yk) && isreal(zk)
+ && isvector(xk) && isvector(yk) && isvector(zk)
+ && size_equal(xk, yk, zk)))
+ error("inpolyeder2: The last 3 vectors need to have the same size (surface definers)");
+ endif
+ if (!isbool(doPlot))
+ error("inpolyeder: doPlot has to be a boolean value");
+ endif
+ if (!isbool(doPlotHelpers))
+ error("inpolyeder: doPlotHelpers has to be a boolean value");
+ endif
+ starttTime = cputime;
+ X = [xv, yv, zv];
+ K = [xk, yk, zk];
+ P = [x y z];
+ on = zeros(size(x), "logical")';
+ in = zeros(size(x), "logical")';
+ if (doPlot == true)
+ clf
+ hold on
+ t = trisurf(K, X(:,1), X(:,2), X(:,3));
+ set(t,'facealpha',0.5, 'markerfacecolor', 'g')
+ m=unique(K);
+ plot3(X(m,1), X(m,2), X(m,3), 'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'b');
+ endif
+ counter = 0;
+ for p1 = P'
+ counter++;
+ left = 0;
+ right = 0;
+ do
+ p2 = p1 + rand(3,1);
+ until (p1 != p2)
+ if (doPlotHelpers)
+ point1 = p1 + (-20 .* (p2-p1));
+ point2 = p1 + (20 .* (p2-p1));
+ plot3([point1(1,1); point2(1,1)], [point1(2,1); point2(2,1)], [point1(3,1); point2(3,1)], 'k-');
+ endif
+ for poly = K'
+ a = X(poly(1,1),:)';
+ b = X(poly(2,1),:)';
+ c = X(poly(3,1),:)';
+ [pointIn pointDistance point] = isIntersectionInPolygon3D(p1, p2, a, b, c);
+ if (pointIn)
+ if (pointDistance > 0)
+ left += 1;
+ elseif (pointDistance < 0)
+ right += 1;
+ elseif (pointDistance == 0)
+ on(1,counter) = true;
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (doPlotHelpers && !isnan(point))
+ if (pointIn)
+ plot3(point(1,1), point(2,1), point(3,1), 'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'y');
+ else
+ plot3(point(1,1), point(2,1), point(3,1), 'k*', 'markerfacecolor', 'y');
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (mod(left,2) == 1 && mod(right,2) == 1)
+ in(1,counter) = true;
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if (doPlot == true)
+ plot3(
+ x(in'), y(in'), z(in'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'g',
+ x(~in'), y(~in'), z(~in'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'r',
+ x(on'), y(on'), z(on'),'ko', 'markerfacecolor', 'k'
+ )
+ x_max = max(max(X(:,1)), max(P(:,1))) + 0.5;
+ x_min = min(min(X(:,1)), min(P(:,1))) - 0.5;
+ y_max = max(max(X(:,2)), max(P(:,2))) + 0.5;
+ y_min = min(min(X(:,2)), min(P(:,2))) - 0.5;
+ z_max = max(max(X(:,3)), max(P(:,3))) + 0.5;
+ z_min = min(min(X(:,3)), min(P(:,3))) - 0.5;
+ axis ([x_min x_max y_min y_max z_min z_max]);
+ hold off
+ endif
+ printf('Total cpu time for checking %d points in a polyeder of %d polygons: %f seconds\n', size(x)(1,1), size(K)(1,1), cputime-starttTime);
diff --git a/inst/isIntersectionInPolygon3D.m b/inst/isIntersectionInPolygon3D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b61ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/isIntersectionInPolygon3D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2014 Andreas Emch and Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+## This file is part of Octave.
+## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+## your option) any later version.
+## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+## General Public License for more details.
+## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
+## <>.
+% -*- texinfo -*-
+% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{in}, @var{distance}] =} isIntersectionInPolygon3D (@var{p1}, @var{p2}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c})
+% For a line, defined by two vector-points @code{(@var{p1}, @var{p2})},
+% calculate the intersection-point with the plane, defined by three vector-points @code{(@var{a}, @var{b}), @var{c})},
+% and determine if this intersection-point is inside or on the polygon defined by three vector-points @code{(@var{a}, @var{b}), @var{c})}
+% The variables @var{p1}, @var{p2}, @var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c} are all points in the 3D-dimension.
+% @seealso{inpolygon}
+% @end deftypefn
+% Author: Andreas Emch, Eduardo Hahn Paredes
+% Created: January 2013
+function [in distance point] = isIntersectionInPolygon3D (p1, p2, a, b, c)
+ u = b-a;
+ v = c-a;
+ E = [a u v];
+ n = cross(u',v');
+ if (u == v)
+ in = false;
+ distance = NaN;
+ point = NaN;
+ return;
+ endif
+ x = n(1,1);
+ y = n(1,2);
+ z = n(1,3);
+ d = -(a(1,1) * x + a(2,1) * y + a(3,1) * z);
+ plane = 0;
+ if (E(1,2) == 0 && E(1,3) == 0)
+ plane = 1;
+ elseif (E(2,2) == 0 && E(2,3) == 0)
+ plane = 2;
+ elseif (E(3,2) == 0 && E(3,3) == 0)
+ plane = 3;
+ else
+ plane = 0;
+ endif
+ P = [p1 p2-p1];
+ t = -(x * P(1,1) + y * P(2,1) + z * P(3,1) + d) / (x * P(1,2) + y * P(2,2) + z * P(3,2));
+ dP = p1 + (t .* (p2-p1));
+ xPoly = [a(1,1) b(1,1) c(1,1) a(1,1)];
+ yPoly = [a(2,1) b(2,1) c(2,1) a(2,1)];
+ zPoly = [a(3,1) b(3,1) c(3,1) a(3,1)];
+ [in1 on1] = inpolygon(dP(1,1), dP(2,1), xPoly, yPoly);
+ [in2 on2] = inpolygon(dP(2,1), dP(3,1), yPoly, zPoly);
+ [in3 on3] = inpolygon(dP(3,1), dP(1,1), zPoly, xPoly);
+ if ((plane == 0 && (in1 == 1 || on1 == 1) && (in2 == 1 || on2 == 1) && (in3 == 1 || on3 == 1))
+ ||(plane == 1 && (in2 == 1 || on2 == 1))
+ ||(plane == 2 && (in3 == 1 || on3 == 1))
+ ||(plane == 3 && (in1 == 1 || on1 == 1)))
+ in = true;
+ distance = t;
+ point = dP;
+ else
+ in = false;
+ distance = NaN;
+ point = dP;
+ endif
diff --git a/inst/ispolycw.m b/inst/ispolycw.m
index 45dbffc..253fb4e 100644
--- a/inst/ispolycw.m
+++ b/inst/ispolycw.m
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
## Copyright (C) 2016 - Juan Pablo Carbajal
## Copyright (C) 2017 - Piyush Jain
+## Copyright (C) 2022 - Nir Krakauer
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -17,19 +18,19 @@
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {} {@var{ccw} =} ispolycw (@var{p})
## @deftypefnx {} {@var{ccw} =} ispolycw (@var{px}, @var{py})
-## Returns true if the polygon @var{p} are oriented Clockwise.
+## Returns true if the polygon @var{p} are oriented clockwise.
## @var{p} is a N-by-2 array containing coordinates of vertices. The coordinates
-## of the vertices of the polygon can also be given as two N-by-1 arrways
+## of the vertices of the polygon can also be given as two N-by-1 arrays
## @var{px}, @var{py}.
## If polygon is self-crossing, the result is undefined.
-## If x and y contain multiple contours, either in NaN-separated vector form or in cell array form, ispolycw returns a logical array containing one true or false value per contour.
+## If @var{px}, @var{py} contain multiple contours, either in NaN-separated vector form or in cell array form, ispolycw returns a logical array containing one true or false value per contour.
## If a contour contains two or fewer vertices, ispolycw returns true.
-## If @var{points} is a cell, each element is considered a polygon, the
+## If @var{p} (or @var{px}, @var{py}) is a cell, each element is considered a polygon, the
## resulting @var{cw} array has the same shape as the cell.
## @seealso{polygonArea}
@@ -38,7 +39,11 @@
function cw = ispolycw (px, py)
if iscell (px)
- cw = cellfun (@ispolycw, px);
+ if nargin == 2
+ cw = cellfun (@ispolycw, px, py);
+ else
+ cw = cellfun (@ispolycw, px);
+ endif
if nargin == 2;
@@ -70,6 +75,8 @@ end
%!assert (ispolycw (pcw));
%!assert (ispolycw ({pccw;pcw}), [false;true]);
%!assert (ispolycw ({pccw,pcw}), [false,true]);
+%!assert (ispolycw ({pccw(:, 1);pcw(:, 1)}, {pccw(:, 2);pcw(:, 2)}), [false;true]);
+%!assert (ispolycw ({pccw(:, 1),pcw(:, 1)}, {pccw(:, 2),pcw(:, 2)}), [false,true]);
%!assert (ispolycw(ph),[false;true]);
diff --git a/inst/joinPolygons.m b/inst/joinPolygons.m
index 59c2127..3b9d711 100644
--- a/inst/joinPolygons.m
+++ b/inst/joinPolygons.m
@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ endfunction
%! XY = joinPolygons ({[1 6; 2 5; 3 4]; [4 3; 5 2; 6 1]});
%! assert (XY, [1 6; 2 5; 3 4; NaN NaN; 4 3; 5 2; 6 1]);
-%!error <joinPolygons: cell array expected> joinPolygons ([1 2 NaN 3 4], [56 NaN 78])
+%!error <joinPolygons: function called with too many inputs> joinPolygons ([1 2 NaN 3 4], [56 NaN 78])
%!error <joinPolygons: column vectors expected> joinPolygons ({[1,0], [0,2]});
diff --git a/src/clipper.cpp b/src/clipper.cpp
index 1b10300..7c9ef05 100644
--- a/src/clipper.cpp
+++ b/src/clipper.cpp
@@ -747,7 +747,8 @@ void DisposeOutPts(OutPt*& pp)
inline void InitEdge(TEdge* e, TEdge* eNext, TEdge* ePrev, const IntPoint& Pt)
- std::memset(e, 0, sizeof(TEdge));
+ //std::memset(e, 0, sizeof(TEdge));
+ *e = {};
e->Next = eNext;
e->Prev = ePrev;
e->Curr = Pt;
diff --git a/src/martinez.cpp b/src/martinez.cpp
index 52558b3..d981597 100644
--- a/src/martinez.cpp
+++ b/src/martinez.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void Martinez::print (SweepEvent& e)
// Compare two sweep events
// Return true means that e1 is placed at the event queue after e2, i.e,, e1 is processed by the algorithm after e2
-bool Martinez::SweepEventComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+bool Martinez::SweepEventComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const {
if (e1->p.x > e2->p.x) // Different x-coordinate
return true;
if (e2->p.x > e1->p.x) // Different x-coordinate
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ bool Martinez::SweepEventComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
// e1 and a2 are the left events of line segments (e1->p, e1->other->p) and (e2->p, e2->other->p)
-bool Martinez::SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+bool Martinez::SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const {
if (e1 == e2)
return false;
if (signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->p) != 0 || signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->other->p) != 0) {
diff --git a/src/martinez.h b/src/martinez.h
index 3275171..307f5bd 100644
--- a/src/martinez.h
+++ b/src/martinez.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ private:
struct SweepEvent;
struct SegmentComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> { // for sorting edges in the sweep line
- bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2);
+ bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const;
struct SweepEvent {
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ private:
static void print (SweepEvent& e); // This function is intended for debugging purposes
struct SweepEventComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> { // for sortening events
- bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2);
+ bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const;
/** @brief Event Queue */
diff --git a/src/polygon.cpp b/src/polygon.cpp
index 63628c5..17b4cff 100644
--- a/src/polygon.cpp
+++ b/src/polygon.cpp
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void Polygon::move (double x, double y)
namespace { // start of anonymous namespace
struct SweepEvent;
struct SegmentComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> {
- bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2);
+ bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const;
struct SweepEvent {
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace { // start of anonymous namespace
struct SweepEventComp : public binary_function<SweepEvent*, SweepEvent*, bool> {
- bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+ bool operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const {
if (e1->p.x < e2->p.x) // Different x coordinate
return true;
if (e2->p.x < e1->p.x) // Different x coordinate
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ namespace { // start of anonymous namespace
} // end of anonymous namespace
-bool SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+bool SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) const {
if (e1 == e2)
return false;
if (signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->p) != 0 || signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->other->p) != 0) {