path: root/inst/geom2d/closed_path.m
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Diffstat (limited to 'inst/geom2d/closed_path.m')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inst/geom2d/closed_path.m b/inst/geom2d/closed_path.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea3839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/geom2d/closed_path.m
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Simeonov <>
+%% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+%% any later version.
+%% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%% GNU General Public License for more details.
+%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%% along with this program. If not, see <>.
+%% -*- texinfo -*-
+%% @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{y} =} polygon (@var{x})
+%% Returns a simple closed path that passes through all the points in @var{x}.
+%% @var{x} is a vector containing 2D coordinates of the points.
+%% @end deftypefn
+%% Author: Simeon Simeonov <>
+function y = closed_path(x)
+ if(size(x,1) > 1 && size(x,1) < size(x,2))
+ x = x';
+ end
+ N = size(x,1); % Number of points
+ idx = zeros(N, 1); % ind contains the indices of the sorted coordinates
+ a = find(x(:,2)==min(x(:,2)));
+ if(size(a,1) > 1)
+ [~, i] = sort(x(a,1));
+ a = a(i(1));
+ end
+ x_1 = x(x(:,2)==x(a,2),:); % find all x with the same y coordinate
+ if(x(a,1) == min(x(:,1)))
+ x_2 = x(x(:,1)==x(a,1),:); % find all x with the same x coordinate
+ else
+ x_2 = x(a,:);
+ end
+ if(size(x_1,1) > 1 || size(x_2,1) > 1)
+ if(size(x_1,1) > 1)
+ x_1 = sort(x_1); % Sort by x coordinate
+ y(1,:) = x(a,:); % original starting point
+ end
+ if (size(x_2,1) > 1)
+ x_2 = sort(x_2, 'descend');
+ end
+ x_not = [x_1; x_2];
+ i = ismember(x,x_not,'rows');
+ x(i, :) = [];
+ x = [x_1(size(x_1,1),:); x];
+ x_1(size(x_1, 1),:) = [];
+ N = size(x,1);
+ a = 1;
+ else
+ x_1 = [];
+ x_2 = x(a,:);
+ end
+ d = x - repmat(x(a,:), N, 1);
+ th = d(:,2)./(d(:,1) + d(:,2));
+ [~, idx0] = ismember(sort(th(th==0)), th);
+ [~, idx1] = ismember(sort(th(th>0)), th);
+ [~, idx2] = ismember(sort(th(th<0)), th);
+ idx = [a; idx0; idx1; idx2];
+ % I contains the indices of idx in a sorted order. [v i] = sort(idx) then
+ % i==I.
+ [~,I,J]= unique(idx);
+ if(size(I,1) ~= size(J,1))
+ R = histc(J, 1:size(I,1)); % R(1) will always be 1?
+ idx_sorted = idx(I);
+ r = find(R>1);
+ for ri = r'
+ idx_repeated = idx_sorted(ri);
+ idx(idx==idx_repeated) = find(th==th(idx_sorted(ri)));
+ end
+ end
+ y = [x_1; x(idx,:); x_2;];
+%! maxInt = 100;
+%! N = 25;
+%! for i = 1:5
+%! x = randi(maxInt, N, 2);
+%! y = closed_path(x);
+%! plot(y(:,1), y(:,2), '*');
+%! hold on;
+%! plot(y(:,1), y(:,2));
+%! end