path: root/src/martinez.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/martinez.cpp')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/martinez.cpp b/src/martinez.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52558b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/martinez.cpp
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+ * Developer: Francisco Martínez del Río (2011) *
+ * *
+ * Version: 1.4.1 *
+ * *
+ * This is a public domain program *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include "martinez.h"
+#include "connector.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdlib>
+// #define _DEBUG_ // uncomment this line if you want to debug the computation of the boolean operation
+// This function is intended for debugging purposes
+void Martinez::print (SweepEvent& e)
+ const char* namesEventTypes[] = { " (NORMAL) ", " (NON_CONTRIBUTING) ", " (SAME_TRANSITION) ", " (DIFFERENT_TRANSITION) " };
+ cout << " Point: " << e.p << " Other point: " << e.other->p << (e.left ? " (Left) " : " (Right) ")
+ << (e.inside ? " (Inside) " : " (Outside) ") << (e.inOut ? " (In-Out) " : " (Out-In) ") << "Type: "
+ << namesEventTypes[e.type] << " Polygon: " << ( == SUBJECT ? " (SUBJECT)" : " (CLIPPING)") << endl;
+// Compare two sweep events
+// Return true means that e1 is placed at the event queue after e2, i.e,, e1 is processed by the algorithm after e2
+bool Martinez::SweepEventComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+ if (e1->p.x > e2->p.x) // Different x-coordinate
+ return true;
+ if (e2->p.x > e1->p.x) // Different x-coordinate
+ return false;
+ if (e1->p != e2->p) // Different points, but same x-coordinate. The event with lower y-coordinate is processed first
+ return e1->p.y > e2->p.y;
+ if (e1->left != e2->left) // Same point, but one is a left endpoint and the other a right endpoint. The right endpoint is processed first
+ return e1->left;
+ // Same point, both events are left endpoints or both are right endpoints. The event associate to the bottom segment is processed first
+ return e1->above (e2->other->p);
+// e1 and a2 are the left events of line segments (e1->p, e1->other->p) and (e2->p, e2->other->p)
+bool Martinez::SegmentComp::operator() (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2) {
+ if (e1 == e2)
+ return false;
+ if (signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->p) != 0 || signedArea (e1->p, e1->other->p, e2->other->p) != 0) {
+ // Segments are not collinear
+ // If they share their left endpoint use the right endpoint to sort
+ if (e1->p == e2->p)
+ return e1->below (e2->other->p);
+ // Different points
+ SweepEventComp comp;
+ if (comp (e1, e2)) // has the line segment associated to e1 been inserted into S after the line segment associated to e2 ?
+ return e2->above (e1->p);
+ // The line segment associated to e2 has been inserted into S after the line segment associated to e1
+ return e1->below (e2->p);
+ }
+ // Segments are collinear. Just a consistent criterion is used
+ if (e1->p == e2->p)
+ return e1 < e2;
+ SweepEventComp comp;
+ return comp (e1, e2);
+void Martinez::compute (BoolOpType op, Polygon& result)
+ // Test 1 for trivial result case
+ if (subject.ncontours () * clipping.ncontours () == 0) { // At least one of the polygons is empty
+ if (op == DIFFERENCE)
+ result = subject;
+ if (op == UNION || op == XOR)
+ result = (subject.ncontours () == 0) ? clipping : subject;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Test 2 for trivial result case
+ Point minsubj, maxsubj, minclip, maxclip;
+ subject.boundingbox (minsubj, maxsubj);
+ clipping.boundingbox (minclip, maxclip);
+ if (minsubj.x > maxclip.x || minclip.x > maxsubj.x || minsubj.y > maxclip.y || minclip.y > maxsubj.y) {
+ // the bounding boxes do not overlap
+ if (op == DIFFERENCE)
+ result = subject;
+ if (op == UNION || op == XOR) {
+ result = subject;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clipping.ncontours (); i++) {
+ result.push_back (Contour ());
+ result.back () = clipping.contour (i);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Boolean operation is not trivial
+ // Insert all the endpoints associated to the line segments into the event queue
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < subject.ncontours (); i++)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < subject.contour (i).nvertices (); j++)
+ processSegment(subject.contour (i).segment (j), SUBJECT);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < clipping.ncontours (); i++)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < clipping.contour (i).nvertices (); j++)
+ processSegment(clipping.contour (i).segment (j), CLIPPING);
+ Connector connector; // to connect the edge solutions
+ set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp> S; // Status line
+ set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::iterator it, sli, prev, next;
+ SweepEvent* e;
+ const double MINMAXX = std::min (maxsubj.x, maxclip.x); // for optimization 1
+ while (!eq.empty()) {
+ e = ();
+ eq.pop ();
+ #ifdef _DEBUG_
+ cout << "Process event: "; print (*e);
+ #endif
+ // optimization 1
+ if ((op == INTERSECTION && (e->p.x > MINMAXX)) || (op == DIFFERENCE && e->p.x > maxsubj.x)) {
+ connector.toPolygon (result);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((op == UNION && (e->p.x > MINMAXX))) {
+ // add all the non-processed line segments to the result
+ if (!e->left)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ while (!eq.empty()) {
+ e =;
+ eq.pop();
+ if (!e->left)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ }
+ connector.toPolygon (result);
+ return;
+ }
+ // end of optimization 1
+ if (e->left) { // the line segment must be inserted into S
+ e->poss = it = S.insert(e).first;
+ next = prev = it;
+ (prev != S.begin()) ? --prev : prev = S.end();
+ // Compute the inside and inOut flags
+ if (prev == S.end ()) { // there is not a previous line segment in S?
+ e->inside = e->inOut = false;
+ } else if ((*prev)->type != NORMAL) {
+ if (prev == S.begin ()) { // e overlaps with prev
+ e->inside = true; // it is not relevant to set true or false
+ e->inOut = false;
+ } else { // the previous two line segments in S are overlapping line segments
+ sli = prev;
+ sli--;
+ if ((*prev)->pl == e->pl) {
+ e->inOut = !(*prev)->inOut;
+ e->inside = !(*sli)->inOut;
+ } else {
+ e->inOut = !(*sli)->inOut;
+ e->inside = !(*prev)->inOut;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (e->pl == (*prev)->pl) { // previous line segment in S belongs to the same polygon that "e" belongs to
+ e->inside = (*prev)->inside;
+ e->inOut = ! (*prev)->inOut;
+ } else { // previous line segment in S belongs to a different polygon that "e" belongs to
+ e->inside = ! (*prev)->inOut;
+ e->inOut = (*prev)->inside;
+ }
+ #ifdef _DEBUG_
+ cout << "Status line after insertion: " << endl;
+ for (set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::const_iterator it2 = S.begin(); it2 != S.end(); it2++)
+ print (**it2);
+ #endif
+ // Process a possible intersection between "e" and its next neighbor in S
+ if ((++next) != S.end())
+ possibleIntersection(e, *next);
+ // Process a possible intersection between "e" and its previous neighbor in S
+ if (prev != S.end ())
+ possibleIntersection(*prev, e);
+ } else { // the line segment must be removed from S
+ next = prev = sli = e->other->poss; // S.find (e->other);
+ // Get the next and previous line segments to "e" in S
+ ++next;
+ (prev != S.begin()) ? --prev : prev = S.end();
+ // Check if the line segment belongs to the Boolean operation
+ switch (e->type) {
+ case (NORMAL):
+ switch (op) {
+ if (e->other->inside)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ case (UNION):
+ if (!e->other->inside)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ case (DIFFERENCE):
+ if (((e->pl == SUBJECT) && (!e->other->inside)) || (e->pl == CLIPPING && e->other->inside))
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ case (XOR):
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (op == INTERSECTION || op == UNION)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ if (op == DIFFERENCE)
+ connector.add (e->segment ());
+ break;
+ }
+ // delete line segment associated to e from S and check for intersection between the neighbors of "e" in S
+ S.erase (sli);
+ if (next != S.end() && prev != S.end())
+ possibleIntersection (*prev, *next);
+ }
+ #ifdef _DEBUG_
+ cout << "Status line after processing intersections: " << endl;
+ for (set<SweepEvent*, SegmentComp>::const_iterator it2 = S.begin(); it2 != S.end(); it2++)
+ print (**it2);
+ cout << endl;
+ #endif
+ }
+ connector.toPolygon (result);
+void Martinez::processSegment (const Segment& s, PolygonType pl)
+ if (s.begin () == s.end ()) // if the two edge endpoints are equal the segment is dicarded
+ return; // in the future this can be done as preprocessing to avoid "polygons" with less than 3 edges
+ SweepEvent* e1 = storeSweepEvent (SweepEvent(s.begin(), true, pl, 0));
+ SweepEvent* e2 = storeSweepEvent (SweepEvent(s.end(), true, pl, e1));
+ e1->other = e2;
+ if (e1->p.x < e2->p.x) {
+ e2->left = false;
+ } else if (e1->p.x > e2->p.x) {
+ e1->left = false;
+ } else if (e1->p.y < e2->p.y) { // the line segment is vertical. The bottom endpoint is the left endpoint
+ e2->left = false;
+ } else {
+ e1->left = false;
+ }
+ eq.push (e1);
+ eq.push (e2);
+void Martinez::possibleIntersection (SweepEvent* e1, SweepEvent* e2)
+// if ((e1->pl == e2->pl) ) // you can uncomment these two lines if self-intersecting polygons are not allowed
+// return false;
+ Point ip1, ip2; // intersection points
+ int nintersections;
+ if (!(nintersections = findIntersection(e1->segment (), e2->segment (), ip1, ip2)))
+ return;
+ if ((nintersections == 1) && ((e1->p == e2->p) || (e1->other->p == e2->other->p)))
+ return; // the line segments intersect at an endpoint of both line segments
+ if (nintersections == 2 && e1->pl == e2->pl) { // the line segments overlap, but they belong to the same polygon
+ std::cerr << "A polygon has overlapping edges. Sorry, but the program does not work yet with this kind of polygon\n";
+ exit (1);
+ }
+ // The line segments associated to e1 and e2 intersect
+ nint += nintersections;
+ if (nintersections == 1) {
+ if (e1->p != ip1 && e1->other->p != ip1) // if ip1 is not an endpoint of the line segment associated to e1 then divide "e1"
+ divideSegment (e1, ip1);
+ if (e2->p != ip1 && e2->other->p != ip1) // if ip1 is not an endpoint of the line segment associated to e2 then divide "e2"
+ divideSegment (e2, ip1);
+ return;
+ }
+ // The line segments overlap
+ vector<SweepEvent *> sortedEvents;
+ if (e1->p == e2->p) {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (0);
+ } else if (sec (e1, e2)) {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e2);
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e1);
+ } else {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e1);
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e2);
+ }
+ if (e1->other->p == e2->other->p) {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (0);
+ } else if (sec (e1->other, e2->other)) {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e2->other);
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e1->other);
+ } else {
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e1->other);
+ sortedEvents.push_back (e2->other);
+ }
+ if (sortedEvents.size () == 2) { // are both line segments equal?
+ e1->type = e1->other->type = NON_CONTRIBUTING;
+ e2->type = e2->other->type = (e1->inOut == e2->inOut) ? SAME_TRANSITION : DIFFERENT_TRANSITION;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sortedEvents.size () == 3) { // the line segments share an endpoint
+ sortedEvents[1]->type = sortedEvents[1]->other->type = NON_CONTRIBUTING;
+ if (sortedEvents[0]) // is the right endpoint the shared point?
+ sortedEvents[0]->other->type = (e1->inOut == e2->inOut) ? SAME_TRANSITION : DIFFERENT_TRANSITION;
+ else // the shared point is the left endpoint
+ sortedEvents[2]->other->type = (e1->inOut == e2->inOut) ? SAME_TRANSITION : DIFFERENT_TRANSITION;
+ divideSegment (sortedEvents[0] ? sortedEvents[0] : sortedEvents[2]->other, sortedEvents[1]->p);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sortedEvents[0] != sortedEvents[3]->other) { // no line segment includes totally the other one
+ sortedEvents[1]->type = NON_CONTRIBUTING;
+ sortedEvents[2]->type = (e1->inOut == e2->inOut) ? SAME_TRANSITION : DIFFERENT_TRANSITION;
+ divideSegment (sortedEvents[0], sortedEvents[1]->p);
+ divideSegment (sortedEvents[1], sortedEvents[2]->p);
+ return;
+ }
+ // one line segment includes the other one
+ sortedEvents[1]->type = sortedEvents[1]->other->type = NON_CONTRIBUTING;
+ divideSegment (sortedEvents[0], sortedEvents[1]->p);
+ sortedEvents[3]->other->type = (e1->inOut == e2->inOut) ? SAME_TRANSITION : DIFFERENT_TRANSITION;
+ divideSegment (sortedEvents[3]->other, sortedEvents[2]->p);
+void Martinez::divideSegment (SweepEvent* e, const Point& p)
+ // "Right event" of the "left line segment" resulting from dividing e (the line segment associated to e)
+ SweepEvent *r = storeSweepEvent(SweepEvent(p, false, e->pl, e, e->type));
+ // "Left event" of the "right line segment" resulting from dividing e (the line segment associated to e)
+ SweepEvent *l = storeSweepEvent(SweepEvent(p, true, e->pl, e->other, e->other->type));
+ if (sec (l, e->other)) { // avoid a rounding error. The left event would be processed after the right event
+ cout << "Oops" << endl;
+ e->other->left = true;
+ l->left = false;
+ }
+ if (sec (e, r)) { // avoid a rounding error. The left event would be processed after the right event
+ cout << "Oops2" << endl;
+// cout << *e << endl;
+ }
+ e->other->other = l;
+ e->other = r;
+ eq.push(l);
+ eq.push(r);