path: root/inst/examples/02_design_of_experiments/stk_example_doe06.m
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+% STK_EXAMPLE_DOE06 Sequential design for the estimation of an excursion set
+% In this example, we consider the problem of estimating the set
+% Gamma = { x in X | f(x) > z_crit },
+% where z_crit is a given value, and/or its volume.
+% In a typical "structural reliability analysis" problem, Gamma would
+% represent the failure region of a certain system, and its volume would
+% correspond to the probability of failure (assuming a uniform distribution
+% for the input).
+% A Matern 5/2 prior with known parameters is used for the function f, and
+% the evaluations points are chosen sequentially using any of the sampling
+% criterion described in [1] (see also [2], section 4.3).
+% [1] B. Echard, N. Gayton and M. Lemaire (2011). AK-MCS: an active
+% learning reliability method combining Kriging and Monte Carlo
+% simulation. Structural Safety, 33(2), 145-154.
+% [2] J. Bect, D. Ginsbourger, L. Li, V. Picheny and E. Vazquez (2012).
+% Sequential design of computer experiments for the estimation of a
+% probability of failure. Statistics and Computing, 22(3), 773-793.
+% Copyright Notice
+% Copyright (C) 2020 CentraleSupelec
+% Author: Julien Bect <>
+% Copying Permission Statement
+% This file is part of
+% STK: a Small (Matlab/Octave) Toolbox for Kriging
+% (
+% STK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+% the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+% Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+% option) any later version.
+% STK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+% ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+% License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with STK. If not, see <>.
+%% Problem definition
+% Variables names
+input_name = 'x';
+output_name = 'z';
+% 1D test function
+f = @(x)(x .* (sin (24 * x .^ 0.7) - 0.3));
+x_domain = stk_hrect ([0; 1], {input_name});
+% Threshold
+z_crit = 0.15;
+%% Monte Carlo
+% Choose a MC sample size that would produce an estimate of the volume of
+% the set with standard deviation <= 0.005 (0.5% of the total volume).
+MC_target_std = 0.005;
+MC_sample_size = 0.25 / (MC_target_std ^ 2); % = 10 000
+% Draw a MC sample in the input domain
+x_MC = stk_sampling_randunif (MC_sample_size, [], x_domain);
+x_MC.rownames = arrayfun (@(i)(sprintf ('MC point #%05d', i)), ...
+ 1:MC_sample_size, 'UniformOutput', false)';
+x_MC = sort (x_MC, 'ascend'); % Better for plotting
+% Compute the MC estimator, which will be our reference value for the
+% volume. Note that here we evaluate f on the entire MC set, but ONLY to
+% get the reference value (we do not use these evaluations below !).
+z_MC = stk_feval (f, x_MC);
+z_MC.colnames = {output_name};
+vol_ref = mean (z_MC > z_crit);
+fprintf ('Volume (reference value): %.2f%%\n', vol_ref * 100);
+%% Plot problem
+% Spatial discretization (used for plotting only)
+grid_size = 1000;
+x_grid = stk_sampling_regulargrid (grid_size, [], x_domain);
+x_grid.rownames = arrayfun ...
+ (@(i)(sprintf ('grid point #%03d', i)), 1:grid_size, 'UniformOutput', false)';
+% Values of the response on the grid
+z_grid = stk_feval (f, x_grid);
+z_grid.colnames = {output_name};
+stk_figure ('stk_example_doe06: Ground truth');
+plot (x_grid, z_grid, 'b'); hold on;
+b = z_grid > z_crit; tmp = z_grid; tmp(~b) = nan;
+plot (x_grid, tmp, 'r', 'LineWidth', 3); clear tmp;
+plot (xlim, z_crit * [1 1], 'r--');
+title ('Groung truth');
+legend ('z = f(x), below z_{crit}', 'z = f(x), above z_{crit}', ...
+ 'z_{crit}', 'Location', 'SouthWest');
+%% Initial design of experiments
+% Start with an initial design of N0 points, regularly spaced on the domain.
+n_init = 4;
+x_init = stk_sampling_regulargrid (n_init, [], x_domain);
+x_init.rownames = arrayfun ...
+ (@(i)(sprintf ('initial design #%d', i)), 1:n_init, 'UniformOutput', false)';
+% Values of the function on the initial design
+z_init = stk_feval (f, x_init);
+z_init.colnames = {output_name};
+data_init = [x_init, z_init]; display (data_init);
+%% Specification of a Gaussian process prior
+% Same as in stk_example_doe03 (read explanation there).
+model = stk_model (@stk_materncov52_iso);
+SIGMA2 = 4.0 ^ 2; % Variance parameter
+RHO = 0.5; % Length scale (range) parameter
+model.param = log ([SIGMA2; 1/RHO]);
+%% Sequential design of experiments
+% Start with the initial design defined above
+data = data_init;
+% Iteration number & maximal number of points to be added adaptively
+NB_ITER = 50;
+% Upper bound on the posterior std of the volume & target accuracy
+vol_std_ub = +inf;
+vol_std_tol = MC_target_std * 0.1;
+% Prepare monitoring plot
+h_monit = stk_figure ('stk_example_doe06: Monitor');
+% Record history of volume estimates & misclassification counts
+vol_hist = nan (n_init - 1, 1);
+nmisclass_hist = nan (n_init - 1, 1);
+% Choose which volume estimator to use: 'plugin' or 'bayes'
+% (this does not impact the sequence of points that we choose)
+vol_estim_type = 'plugin';
+for iter = 0:NB_ITER
+ fprintf ('Iteration #%d\n', iter + 1);
+ fprintf ('| Current sample size: n = %d\n', n_init + iter);
+ % Trick: add a small "regularization" noise to our model
+ model.lognoisevariance = log (SIGMA2 * 1e-12);
+ % Carry out the kriging prediction
+ M_post = stk_model_gpposterior (model, data.x, data.z);
+ z_MC_pred = stk_predict (M_post, x_MC);
+ % Count misclassified samples
+ % (this is for educational purposes: we are not supposed to know z_MC)
+ nmisclass = sum ((z_MC_pred.mean > z_crit) ~= (z_MC > z_crit));
+ nmisclass_hist = [nmisclass_hist; nmisclass]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ % Compute "maximal probability of misclassification" criterion
+ % (equivalent to EGL's criterion, but better-looking on plots)
+ [p, q] = stk_distrib_normal_cdf ...
+ (z_crit, z_MC_pred.mean, sqrt (z_MC_pred.var));
+ crit_val = min (p, q);
+ % Compute volume estimate
+ if strcmp (vol_estim_type, 'bayes')
+ vol_estim = mean (q);
+ else
+ assert (strcmp (vol_estim_type, 'plugin'));
+ vol_estim = mean (z_MC_pred.mean > z_crit);
+ end
+ vol_hist = [vol_hist; vol_estim]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ fprintf ('| Volume estimate (%s): %.5f [ref: %.5f]\n', ...
+ vol_estim_type, vol_estim, vol_ref);
+ % Compute an upper-bound on the posterior std of the estimator
+ if strcmp (vol_estim_type, 'bayes')
+ vol_std_ub = sqrt (mean (p .* q));
+ else
+ vol_std_ub = sqrt (mean (min (p, q)));
+ end
+ fprintf ('| Upper-bound on posterior std: %.4e [target: %.3e]\n', ...
+ vol_std_ub, vol_std_tol);
+ % Pick the point where the criterion is maximal
+ [crit_max, i_max] = max (crit_val);
+ % Figure: upper panel
+ figure (h_monit); stk_subplot (2, 1, 1); cla;
+ stk_plot1d (data.x, data.z, x_grid, z_grid, stk_predict (M_post, x_grid));
+ xlim (x_domain); hold on; plot (xlim, z_crit * [1 1], 'r--');
+ plot (x_MC(i_max), z_MC_pred.mean(i_max), 'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'y');
+ % Figure: lower panel
+ stk_subplot (2, 1, 2); cla;
+ plot (x_MC, crit_val, 'Linewidth', 2); xlim (x_domain); hold on;
+ plot (x_MC(i_max), crit_max, 'ro', 'MarkerFaceColor', 'y');
+ stk_ylabel ('criterion');
+ if (iter >= NB_ITER) || (vol_std_ub <= vol_std_tol)
+ break
+ end
+ % Add the new evaluation to the DoE
+ data = [data; [x_MC(i_max, :), z_MC(i_max, :)]]; %#ok<AGROW>
+ drawnow (); % pause (0.5);
+% Display full history: DoE + volume estimates
+vol_err = vol_hist - vol_ref;
+estim_history = stk_dataframe ([vol_hist vol_err nmisclass_hist], ...
+ {'vol_estim' 'vol_err', 'nmisclass'});
+history = [data estim_history]; display (history);
+% Display final result
+fprintf ('Final result:\n');
+fprintf ('| Number of evaluations: %d + %d = %d.\n', ...
+ n_init, iter, n_init + iter);
+fprintf ('| Volume estimate (%s): %.4f%% [ref: %.4f%%]\n\n', ...
+ vol_estim_type, vol_estim * 100, vol_ref * 100);
+%!test stk_example_doe06; close all;