path: root/src/mari/1.4v1/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mari/1.4v1/')
1 files changed, 789 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mari/1.4v1/ b/src/mari/1.4v1/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4f0f61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mari/1.4v1/
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+# OpenColorIO (color management) related Mari scripts
+# coding: utf-8
+# Copyright (c) 2011 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
+import mari, time, PythonQt, os, math
+# Enable to output extended debugging messages.
+# Message type identifiers.
+class MessageType:
+ DEBUG = 1
+ INFO = 2
+ ERROR = 4
+def printMessage(type, message):
+ if type == MessageType.DEBUG:
+'[ OpenColorIO ] %s' % message)
+ elif type == MessageType.INFO:
+'[ OpenColorIO ] %s' % message)
+ elif type == MessageType.WARNING:
+'[ OpenColorIO ] [ WARNING ] %s' % message)
+ elif type == MessageType.ERROR:
+'[ OpenColorIO ] [ ERROR ] %s' % message)
+def configFileFilter():
+ return 'OpenColorIO Configuration (*.ocio)'
+def lutFileFilter():
+ result = 'All LUT Files (*.3dl *.ccc *.cc *.csp *.cub *.cube *.hdl *.m3d *.mga *.spi1d *.spi3d *.spimtx *.vf);;'
+ result += 'Autodesk LUT (*.3dl);;'
+ result += 'ASC CDL Color Correction Collection LUT (*.ccc);;'
+ result += 'ASC CDL Color Correction LUT (*.cc);;'
+ result += 'Cinespace LUT (*.csp);;'
+ result += 'Truelight LUT (*.cub);;'
+ result += 'Iridas LUT (*.cube);;'
+ result += 'Houdini LUT (*.hdl);;'
+ result += 'Pandora LUT (*.m3d *.mga);;'
+ result += 'Imageworks LUT (*.spi1d *.spi3d *.spimtx);;'
+ result += 'Inventor LUT (*.vf)'
+ return result
+# Make sure the OpenColorIO python bindings are okay.
+ import PyOpenColorIO
+ printMessage(MessageType.INFO, 'Loaded Python bindings \'%s\' successfully' % PyOpenColorIO.__file__)
+except ImportError, e:
+ PyOpenColorIO = None
+ printMessage(MessageType.ERROR, 'Failed to load Python bindings \'%s\'' % e)
+LUT_FILE_LIST_RESET = mari.FileList(mari.FileList.TYPE_SINGLE_FILE)
+ CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET.append(mari.resources.path(mari.resources.COLOR) + '/OpenColorIO/nuke-default/config.ocio')
+ CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET.append('/OpenColorIO/nuke-default/config.ocio')
+SQRT_TWO = math.sqrt(2.0)
+LUT_SIZE_TYPES = ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large']
+LUT_SIZE_VALUES = {'Small': 16,
+ 'Medium': 32,
+ 'Large': 64}
+PROFILE_RESET = 'Color Space'
+DISPLAY_RESET = 'default'
+SWIZZLE_TYPES = ['Luminance', 'RGB', 'R', 'G', 'B', 'A']
+SWIZZLE_VALUES = {'Luminance': ( True, True, True, False),
+ 'RGB': ( True, True, True, True),
+ 'R': ( True, False, False, False),
+ 'G': (False, True, False, False),
+ 'B': (False, False, True, False),
+ 'A': (False, False, False, True)}
+GAIN_STEP_SIZE = 0.000001
+GAMMA_MIN = 0.0
+GAMMA_MAX = 4.0
+enabled_default = ENABLED_RESET
+profile_default = PROFILE_RESET
+lut_file_list_default = mari.FileList(LUT_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+lut_extrapolate_default = LUT_EXTRAPOLATE_RESET
+config_file_list_default = mari.FileList(CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+color_space_default = COLOR_SPACE_RESET
+display_default = DISPLAY_RESET
+view_default = VIEW_RESET
+swizzle_default = SWIZZLE_RESET
+gain_default = GAIN_RESET
+gamma_default = GAMMA_RESET
+lut_size = LUT_SIZE_RESET
+fstop_center = FSTOP_CENTER_RESET
+config_default = None
+lut_size_functions = []
+fstop_center_functions = []
+def registerLUTSizeChanged(function):
+ global lut_size_functions
+ lut_size_functions.append(function)
+def registerFStopCenterChanged(function):
+ global fstop_center_functions
+ fstop_center_functions.append(function)
+def _enabledDefaultChanged():
+ global enabled_default
+ enabled_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorEnabledDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _profileDefaultChanged():
+ global profile_default
+ profile_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _postFilterCollectionAdded(filter_collection):
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionNames())
+def _postFilterCollectionRemoved(name):
+ collection_names = mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionNames()
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', collection_names)
+ if name == PROFILE_RESET:
+ PROFILE_RESET = collection_names[0]
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', PROFILE_RESET)
+ global profile_default
+ if name == profile_default:
+ profile_default = PROFILE_RESET
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', profile_default)
+ _savePreferences()
+def _lutPathDefaultChanged():
+ global lut_file_list_default
+ lut_file_list_default = mari.FileList(mari.prefs.get('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutPathDefault'))
+ _savePreferences()
+def _lutExtrapolateDefaultChanged():
+ global lut_extrapolate_default
+ lut_extrapolate_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutExtrapolateDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _configPathDefaultChanged():
+ global config_file_list_default
+ # Only replace the existing configuration file if the new one is valid!
+ config_file_list = mari.FileList(mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault'))
+ if not config_file_list.isEmpty():
+ config = loadConfig(, True)
+ if config is not None:
+ config_file_list_default = config_file_list
+ global config_default
+ config_default = config
+ _updateColorSpaceDefault()
+ _updateDisplayDefault()
+ _updateViewDefault()
+ _savePreferences()
+ else:
+ # Put back the existing configuration file that works...
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', config_file_list_default)
+ else:
+ # Put back the existing configuration file that works...
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', config_file_list_default)
+def _colorSpaceDefaultChanged():
+ global color_space_default
+ color_space_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault')
+ _updateDisplayDefault()
+ _updateViewDefault()
+ _savePreferences()
+def _displayDefaultChanged():
+ global display_default
+ display_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault')
+ _updateViewDefault()
+ _savePreferences()
+def _viewDefaultChanged():
+ global view_default
+ view_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _swizzleDefaultChanged():
+ global swizzle_default
+ swizzle_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _gainDefaultChanged():
+ global gain_default
+ gain_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _gammaDefaultChanged():
+ global gamma_default
+ gamma_default = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault')
+ _savePreferences()
+def _lutSizeChanged():
+ global lut_size
+ global lut_size_functions
+ lut_size = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize')
+ _savePreferences()
+ for function in lut_size_functions:
+ function()
+def _fstopCenterChanged():
+ global fstop_center
+ global fstop_center_functions
+ fstop_center = mari.prefs.get('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter')
+ _savePreferences()
+ for function in fstop_center_functions:
+ function()
+def _registerPreferences():
+ global enabled_default
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorEnabledDefault', enabled_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorEnabledDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._enabledDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorEnabledDefault', 'Enabled')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorEnabledDefault', ENABLED_RESET)
+ global profile_default
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', profile_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._profileDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', 'Color Profile')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', PROFILE_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Color Management Defaults/colorProfileDefault', mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionNames())
+ global lut_file_list_default
+ if not lut_file_list_default.isEmpty() and not os.path.isfile(
+ message = 'LUT file \'%s\' does not exist' %
+ printMessage(MessageType.ERROR, '%s' % message)
+ lut_file_list_default = mari.FileList(LUT_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutPathDefault', lut_file_list_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutPathDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._lutPathDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutPathDefault', 'File')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutPathDefault', LUT_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+ global lut_extrapolate_default
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutExtrapolateDefault', lut_extrapolate_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutExtrapolateDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._lutExtrapolateDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutExtrapolateDefault', 'Extrapolate')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/LUT Defaults/lutExtrapolateDefault', LUT_EXTRAPOLATE_RESET)
+ global config_file_list_default
+ global config_default
+ if not config_file_list_default.isEmpty():
+ config = loadConfig(, False)
+ if config is not None:
+ config_default = config
+ else:
+ config_file_list_default = mari.FileList(CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+ else:
+ config_file_list_default = mari.FileList(CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', config_file_list_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._configPathDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', 'Configuration File')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayConfigPathDefault', CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET)
+ color_spaces = [color_space.getName() for color_space in config_default.getColorSpaces()]
+ color_space_reset = COLOR_SPACE_RESET
+ if color_spaces.count(color_space_reset) == 0:
+ color_space_reset = color_spaces[0]
+ global color_space_default
+ if color_spaces.count(color_space_default) == 0:
+ color_space_default = color_space_reset
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_space_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._colorSpaceDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', 'Input Color Space')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_space_reset)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_spaces)
+ displays = config_default.getDisplays()
+ display_reset = DISPLAY_RESET
+ if displays.count(display_reset) == 0:
+ display_reset = config_default.getDefaultDisplay()
+ global display_default
+ if displays.count(display_default) == 0:
+ display_default = display_reset
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', display_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._displayDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', 'Display')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', display_reset)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', displays)
+ views = config_default.getViews(display_default)
+ view_reset = VIEW_RESET
+ if views.count(view_reset) == 0:
+ view_reset = config_default.getDefaultView(display_default)
+ global view_default
+ if views.count(view_default) == 0:
+ view_default = view_reset
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', view_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._viewDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', 'View')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', view_reset)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', views)
+ global swizzle_default
+ if SWIZZLE_TYPES.count(swizzle_default) == 0:
+ swizzle_default = SWIZZLE_RESET
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault', swizzle_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._swizzleDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault', 'Component')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault', SWIZZLE_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displaySwizzleDefault', SWIZZLE_TYPES)
+ global gain_default
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', gain_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._gainDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', 'Gain')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', GAIN_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setRange('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', GAIN_MIN, GAIN_MAX)
+ mari.prefs.setStep('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGainDefault', GAIN_STEP_SIZE)
+ global gamma_default
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', gamma_default)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', 'mari.utils.ocio._gammaDefaultChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', 'Gamma')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', GAMMA_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setRange('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', GAMMA_MIN, GAMMA_MAX)
+ mari.prefs.setStep('/Color/Display Defaults/displayGammaDefault', GAMMA_STEP_SIZE)
+ global lut_size
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize', lut_size)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize', 'mari.utils.ocio._lutSizeChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize', 'LUT Size')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize', LUT_SIZE_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display General/displayLutSize', LUT_SIZE_TYPES)
+ global fstop_center
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', fstop_center)
+ mari.prefs.setChangedScript('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', 'mari.utils.ocio._fstopCenterChanged()')
+ mari.prefs.setDisplayName('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', 'Center F-Stop')
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', FSTOP_CENTER_RESET)
+ mari.prefs.setRange('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', FSTOP_CENTER_MIN, FSTOP_CENTER_MAX)
+ mari.prefs.setStep('/Color/Display General/displayFStopCenter', FSTOP_CENTER_STEP_SIZE)
+ # Attach ourselves to the appropriate project signals so we can update widgets.
+ PythonQt.QtCore.QObject.connect(mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionAdded.__self__,
+ mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionAdded.__name__,
+ _postFilterCollectionAdded)
+ PythonQt.QtCore.QObject.connect(mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionRemoved.__self__,
+ mari.gl_render.postFilterCollectionRemoved.__name__,
+ _postFilterCollectionRemoved)
+def _updateColorSpaceDefault():
+ global config_default
+ global color_space_default
+ color_spaces = [color_space.getName() for color_space in config_default.getColorSpaces()]
+ color_space_reset = COLOR_SPACE_RESET
+ if color_spaces.count(color_space_reset) == 0:
+ color_space_reset = color_spaces[0]
+ if color_spaces.count(color_space_default) == 0:
+ color_space_default = color_space_reset
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_spaces)
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_space_default)
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayColorSpaceDefault', color_space_reset)
+def _updateDisplayDefault():
+ global config_default
+ global display_default
+ displays = config_default.getDisplays()
+ display_reset = DISPLAY_RESET
+ if displays.count(display_reset) == 0:
+ display_reset = config_default.getDefaultDisplay()
+ if displays.count(display_default) == 0:
+ display_default = display_reset
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', displays)
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', display_default)
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayDisplayDefault', display_reset)
+def _updateViewDefault():
+ global config_default
+ global display_default
+ global view_default
+ views = config_default.getViews(display_default)
+ view_reset = VIEW_RESET
+ if views.count(view_reset) == 0:
+ view_reset = config_default.getDefaultView(display_default)
+ if views.count(view_default) == 0:
+ view_default = view_reset
+ mari.prefs.setItemList('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', views)
+ mari.prefs.set('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', view_default)
+ mari.prefs.setDefault('/Color/Display Defaults/displayViewDefault', view_reset)
+def _loadPreferences():
+ settings = mari.Settings()
+ settings.beginGroup('OpenColorIO')
+ try:
+ global enabled_default
+ global profile_default
+ global lut_file_list_default
+ global lut_extrapolate_default
+ global config_file_list_default
+ global color_space_default
+ global display_default
+ global view_default
+ global swizzle_default
+ global gain_default
+ global gamma_default
+ global lut_size
+ global fstop_center
+ enabled_default = False if int(settings.value('enabledDefault', ENABLED_RESET)) == 0 else True
+ profile_default = str(settings.value('profileDefault', PROFILE_RESET))
+ lut_path = buildLoadPath(str(settings.value('lutPathDefault', '' if LUT_FILE_LIST_RESET.isEmpty() else
+ lut_extrapolate_default = False if int(settings.value('lutExtrapolateDefault', LUT_EXTRAPOLATE_RESET)) == 0 else True
+ config_path = buildLoadPath(str(settings.value('configPathDefault', '' if CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET.isEmpty() else
+ color_space_default = str(settings.value('colorSpaceDefault', COLOR_SPACE_RESET))
+ display_default = str(settings.value('displayDefault', DISPLAY_RESET))
+ view_default = str(settings.value('viewDefault', VIEW_RESET))
+ swizzle_default = str(settings.value('swizzleDefault', SWIZZLE_RESET))
+ gain_default = max(min(float(settings.value('gainDefault', GAIN_RESET)), GAIN_MAX), GAIN_MIN)
+ gamma_default = max(min(float(settings.value('gammaDefault', GAMMA_RESET)), GAMMA_MAX), GAMMA_MIN)
+ lut_size = str(settings.value('lutSize', LUT_SIZE_RESET))
+ fstop_center = max(min(float(settings.value('fstopCenter', FSTOP_CENTER_RESET)), FSTOP_CENTER_MAX), FSTOP_CENTER_MIN)
+ if os.path.isfile(lut_path):
+ lut_file_list_default.clear()
+ lut_file_list_default.append(lut_path)
+ lut_file_list_default.setPickedFile(lut_path)
+ if os.path.isfile(config_path):
+ config_file_list_default.clear()
+ config_file_list_default.append(config_path)
+ config_file_list_default.setPickedFile(config_path)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ printMessage(MessageType.ERROR, 'Failed to load preferences \'%s\'' % e)
+ settings.endGroup()
+ _printPreferences(MessageType.DEBUG, 'Loaded Preferences:')
+def _savePreferences():
+ settings = mari.Settings()
+ settings.beginGroup('OpenColorIO')
+ global enabled_default
+ global profile_default
+ global lut_file_list_default
+ global lut_extrapolate_default
+ global config_file_list_default
+ global color_space_default
+ global display_default
+ global view_default
+ global swizzle_default
+ global gain_default
+ global gamma_default
+ global lut_size
+ global fstop_center
+ settings.setValue( 'enabledDefault', 1 if enabled_default else 0)
+ settings.setValue( 'profileDefault', profile_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'lutPathDefault', '' if lut_file_list_default.isEmpty() else buildSavePath(
+ settings.setValue('lutExtrapolateDefault', 1 if lut_extrapolate_default else 0)
+ settings.setValue( 'configPathDefault', '' if config_file_list_default.isEmpty() else buildSavePath(
+ settings.setValue( 'colorSpaceDefault', color_space_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'displayDefault', display_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'viewDefault', view_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'swizzleDefault', swizzle_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'gainDefault', gain_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'gammaDefault', gamma_default)
+ settings.setValue( 'lutSize', lut_size)
+ settings.setValue( 'fstopCenter', fstop_center)
+ settings.endGroup()
+ _printPreferences(MessageType.DEBUG, 'Saved Preferences:')
+def _printPreferences(type, title):
+ global enabled_default
+ global profile_default
+ global lut_file_list_default
+ global lut_extrapolate_default
+ global config_file_list_default
+ global color_space_default
+ global display_default
+ global view_default
+ global swizzle_default
+ global gain_default
+ global fstop_center
+ global lut_size
+ global gamma_default
+ printMessage(type, '==============================================================')
+ printMessage(type, title)
+ printMessage(type, '==============================================================')
+ printMessage(type, ' Enabled: %s' % enabled_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' Profile: %s' % profile_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' LUT Path: %s' % '' if lut_file_list_default.isEmpty() else
+ printMessage(type, ' Extrapolate: %s' % lut_extrapolate_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' Config Path: %s' % '' if config_file_list_default.isEmpty() else
+ printMessage(type, ' Color Space: %s' % color_space_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' Display: %s' % display_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' View: %s' % view_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' Swizzle: %s' % swizzle_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' F-Stop: %f; Center: %f' % (convertGainToFStop(gain_default), fstop_center))
+ printMessage(type, ' Gain: %f' % gain_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' Gamma: %f' % gamma_default)
+ printMessage(type, ' LUT Size: %s' % lut_size)
+ printMessage(type, '==============================================================')
+def convertExposureToGain(exposure):
+ return 2.0 ** exposure
+def convertGainToExposure(gain):
+ return math.log(gain, 2.0)
+def convertExposureToFStop(exposure):
+ global fstop_center
+ exposure_center = math.log(fstop_center, SQRT_TWO)
+ return math.pow(SQRT_TWO, exposure_center - exposure)
+def convertGainToFStop(gain):
+ exposure = convertGainToExposure(gain)
+ return convertExposureToFStop(exposure)
+def buildProcessorFilter(processor, filter, filter_cache_id, texture_cache_id, extrapolate = False, force_shader_build = False):
+ # Create a name, using the filter's name, that can be used in uniquely naming parameters and functions.
+ name =;
+ name = name.lower()
+ name = name.replace(' ', '_')
+ sampler_name = 'ocio_' + name + '_lut_$ID_'
+ function_name = 'ocio_' + name + '_$ID_'
+ global lut_size
+ shader_desc = { 'language': PyOpenColorIO.Constants.GPU_LANGUAGE_GLSL_1_3,
+ 'functionName': function_name,
+ 'lut3DEdgeLen': LUT_SIZE_VALUES[lut_size]}
+ cache_id = processor.getGpuShaderTextCacheID(shader_desc)
+ if cache_id != filter_cache_id or force_shader_build:
+ filter_cache_id = cache_id
+ printMessage(MessageType.DEBUG, 'Creating new GLSL filter...')
+ desc = 'uniform sampler3D ' + sampler_name + ';\n'
+ desc += processor.getGpuShaderText(shader_desc)
+ body = ''
+ if extrapolate:
+ # The following code was taken from Nuke's 'LUT3D::Extrapolate' functionality. It attempts to estimate what
+ # the corresponding color value would be when the incoming color value is outside the normal range of [0-1],
+ # such as the case with HDR images.
+ rcp_lut_edge_length = 1.0 / float(LUT_SIZE_VALUES[lut_size])
+ body += '{\n'
+ body += ' if( 1.0 < Out.r || 1.0 < Out.g || 1.0 < Out.b )\n'
+ body += ' {\n'
+ body += ' vec4 closest;\n'
+ body += ' closest.rgb = clamp(Out.rgb, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));\n'
+ body += ' closest.a = Out.a;\n'
+ body += '\n'
+ body += ' vec3 offset = Out.rgb - closest.rgb;\n'
+ body += ' float offset_distance = length(offset);\n'
+ body += ' offset = normalize(offset);\n'
+ body += '\n'
+ body += ' vec4 nbr_position;\n'
+ body += ' nbr_position.rgb = closest.rgb - %f * offset;\n' % rcp_lut_edge_length
+ body += ' nbr_position.a = Out.a;\n'
+ body += '\n'
+ body += ' Out = ' + function_name + '(closest, ' + sampler_name + ');\n'
+ body += ' Out.rgb += (Out.rgb - ' + function_name + '(nbr_position, ' + sampler_name + ').rgb) / %f * offset_distance;\n' % rcp_lut_edge_length
+ body += ' }\n'
+ body += ' else\n'
+ body += ' {\n'
+ body += ' Out = ' + function_name + '(Out, ' + sampler_name + ');\n'
+ body += ' }\n'
+ body += '}\n'
+ else:
+ body += '{ Out = ' + function_name + '(Out, ' + sampler_name + '); }\n'
+ filter.setDefinitionsSnippet(desc)
+ filter.setBodySnippet(body)
+ else:
+ printMessage(MessageType.DEBUG, 'No GLSL filter update required')
+ cache_id = processor.getGpuLut3DCacheID(shader_desc)
+ if cache_id != texture_cache_id:
+ lut = processor.getGpuLut3D(shader_desc)
+ printMessage(MessageType.DEBUG, 'Updating LUT...')
+ if texture_cache_id is None:
+ filter.setTexture3D(sampler_name,
+ LUT_SIZE_VALUES[lut_size],
+ LUT_SIZE_VALUES[lut_size],
+ LUT_SIZE_VALUES[lut_size],
+ filter.FORMAT_RGB,
+ lut)
+ else:
+ filter.updateTexture3D(sampler_name, lut)
+ texture_cache_id = cache_id
+ else:
+ printMessage(MessageType.DEBUG, 'No LUT update required')
+ return (filter_cache_id, texture_cache_id, sampler_name)
+def buildLUTFilter(config, path, filter, filter_cache_id, texture_cache_id, extrapolate, force_shader_build = False):
+ file_transform = PyOpenColorIO.FileTransform()
+ file_transform.setSrc(path)
+ file_transform.setInterpolation('linear')
+ processor = config.getProcessor(file_transform)
+ return buildProcessorFilter(processor, filter, filter_cache_id, texture_cache_id, extrapolate, force_shader_build)
+def loadConfig(path, display_message_box = True):
+ try:
+ config = PyOpenColorIO.Config.CreateFromFile(path)
+ return config
+ except Exception, e:
+ message = 'Failed to load configuration file \'%s\' due to \'%s\'' % (path, e)
+ printMessage(MessageType.ERROR, '%s' % message)
+ if display_message_box and not
+ mari.utils.misc.message(message, 'Color Space', 1024, 2)
+ return None
+# This converts a path into a form which can be shared among different platforms and installations.
+def buildSavePath(path):
+ result = path.replace(mari.resources.path(mari.resources.COLOR), '$MARI_COLOR_PATH', 1)
+ return result
+# This converts a path saved out to disk back into a form which can used by the application.
+def buildLoadPath(path):
+ result = path.replace('$MARI_COLOR_PATH', mari.resources.path(mari.resources.COLOR), 1)
+ return result
+ if PyOpenColorIO is not None:
+ # Attempt to load the default configuration file... without it we can't do nothing!
+ config_file_lists = [config_file_list_default, CONFIG_FILE_LIST_RESET]
+ for config_file_list in config_file_lists:
+ if not config_file_list.isEmpty():
+ config_default = loadConfig(, False)
+ if config_default is not None:
+ config_file_list_default = mari.FileList(config_file_list)
+ break
+ if config_default is not None:
+ _loadPreferences()
+ _registerPreferences()
+ _savePreferences()
+ else:
+ message = 'Failed to find a working configuration file. OpenColorIO will be disabled!'
+ printMessage(MessageType.ERROR, message)
+ if not
+ mari.utils.misc.message(message, 'OpenColorIO', 1024, 3)