path: root/CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
commitef962f6008f25ab7cbd4ca21bcc72b97a1e2d76f (patch)
tree8149bee93d1a3f91d4503bfb3853adac4af0a85e /CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp
Imported Upstream version 0.0.34
Diffstat (limited to 'CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp b/CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d498ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CSXCAD/src/CSPropExcitation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "tinyxml.h"
+#include "CSPropExcitation.h"
+CSPropExcitation::CSPropExcitation(ParameterSet* paraSet,unsigned int number) : CSProperties(paraSet) {Type=EXCITATION;Init();uiNumber=number;}
+CSPropExcitation::CSPropExcitation(CSProperties* prop) : CSProperties(prop) {Type=EXCITATION;Init();}
+CSPropExcitation::CSPropExcitation(unsigned int ID, ParameterSet* paraSet) : CSProperties(ID,paraSet) {Type=EXCITATION;Init();}
+CSPropExcitation::~CSPropExcitation() {}
+void CSPropExcitation::SetNumber(unsigned int val) {uiNumber=val;}
+unsigned int CSPropExcitation::GetNumber() {return uiNumber;}
+void CSPropExcitation::SetExcitType(int val) {iExcitType=val;}
+int CSPropExcitation::GetExcitType() {return iExcitType;}
+void CSPropExcitation::SetExcitation(double val, int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return;
+ Excitation[Component].SetValue(val);
+void CSPropExcitation::SetExcitation(const std::string val, int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return;
+ Excitation[Component].SetValue(val);
+double CSPropExcitation::GetExcitation(int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return 0;
+ return Excitation[Component].GetValue();
+const std::string CSPropExcitation::GetExcitationString(int Comp)
+ if ((Comp<0) || (Comp>=3)) return NULL;
+ return Excitation[Comp].GetString();
+void CSPropExcitation::SetActiveDir(bool active, int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return;
+ ActiveDir[Component]=active;
+bool CSPropExcitation::GetActiveDir(int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return false;
+ return ActiveDir[Component];
+int CSPropExcitation::SetWeightFunction(const std::string fct, int ny)
+ if ((ny>=0) && (ny<3))
+ return WeightFct[ny].SetValue(fct);
+ return 0;
+const std::string CSPropExcitation::GetWeightFunction(int ny) {if ((ny>=0) && (ny<3)) {return WeightFct[ny].GetString();} else return std::string();}
+double CSPropExcitation::GetWeightedExcitation(int ny, const double* coords)
+ if ((ny<0) || (ny>=3)) return 0;
+ //Warning: this is not reentrant....!!!!
+ double loc_coords[3] = {coords[0],coords[1],coords[2]};
+ double r,rho,alpha,theta;
+ if (coordInputType==1)
+ {
+ loc_coords[0] = coords[0]*cos(coords[1]);
+ loc_coords[1] = coords[0]*sin(coords[1]);
+ rho = coords[0];
+ alpha=coords[1];
+ r = sqrt(pow(coords[0],2)+pow(coords[2],2));
+ theta=asin(1)-atan(coords[2]/rho);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alpha=atan2(coords[1],coords[0]);
+ rho = sqrt(pow(coords[0],2)+pow(coords[1],2));
+ r = sqrt(pow(coords[0],2)+pow(coords[1],2)+pow(coords[2],2));
+ theta=asin(1)-atan(coords[2]/rho);
+ }
+ coordPara[0]->SetValue(loc_coords[0]);
+ coordPara[1]->SetValue(loc_coords[1]);
+ coordPara[2]->SetValue(loc_coords[2]);
+ coordPara[3]->SetValue(rho); //rho
+ coordPara[4]->SetValue(r); //r
+ coordPara[5]->SetValue(alpha);
+ coordPara[6]->SetValue(theta); //theta
+ int EC = WeightFct[ny].Evaluate();
+ if (EC)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "CSPropExcitation::GetWeightedExcitation: Error evaluating the weighting function (ID: " << this->GetID() << ", n=" << ny << "): " << PSErrorCode2Msg(EC) << std::endl;
+ }
+ return WeightFct[ny].GetValue()*GetExcitation(ny);
+void CSPropExcitation::SetDelay(double val) {Delay.SetValue(val);}
+void CSPropExcitation::SetDelay(const std::string val) {Delay.SetValue(val);}
+double CSPropExcitation::GetDelay(){return Delay.GetValue();}
+const std::string CSPropExcitation::GetDelayString(){return Delay.GetString();}
+void CSPropExcitation::Init()
+ uiNumber=0;
+ iExcitType=1;
+ coordInputType=UNDEFINED_CS;
+ m_Frequency.SetValue(0.0);
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
+ {
+ ActiveDir[i]=true;
+ Excitation[i].SetValue(0.0);
+ Excitation[i].SetParameterSet(clParaSet);
+ WeightFct[i].SetValue(1.0);
+ WeightFct[i].SetParameterSet(coordParaSet);
+ Delay.SetValue(0.0);
+ Delay.SetParameterSet(clParaSet);
+ }
+void CSPropExcitation::SetPropagationDir(double val, int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return;
+ PropagationDir[Component].SetValue(val);
+void CSPropExcitation::SetPropagationDir(const std::string val, int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return;
+ PropagationDir[Component].SetValue(val);
+double CSPropExcitation::GetPropagationDir(int Component)
+ if ((Component<0) || (Component>=3)) return 0;
+ return PropagationDir[Component].GetValue();
+const std::string CSPropExcitation::GetPropagationDirString(int Comp)
+ if ((Comp<0) || (Comp>=3)) return NULL;
+ return PropagationDir[Comp].GetString();
+bool CSPropExcitation::Update(std::string *ErrStr)
+ bool bOK=true;
+ int EC=0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
+ {
+ EC=Excitation[i].Evaluate();
+ if (EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) bOK=false;
+ if ((EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) && (ErrStr!=NULL))
+ {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << std::endl << "Error in Excitation-Property Excitaion-Value (ID: " << uiID << "): ";
+ ErrStr->append(stream.str());
+ PSErrorCode2Msg(EC,ErrStr);
+ }
+ EC=PropagationDir[i].Evaluate();
+ if (EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) bOK=false;
+ if ((EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) && (ErrStr!=NULL))
+ {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << std::endl << "Error in Excitation-Property PropagationDir-Value (ID: " << uiID << "): ";
+ ErrStr->append(stream.str());
+ PSErrorCode2Msg(EC,ErrStr);
+ }
+ }
+ EC=m_Frequency.Evaluate();
+ if (EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) bOK=false;
+ if ((EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) && (ErrStr!=NULL))
+ {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << std::endl << "Error in Excitation-Property Frequency-Value";
+ ErrStr->append(stream.str());
+ PSErrorCode2Msg(EC,ErrStr);
+ }
+ EC=Delay.Evaluate();
+ if (EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) bOK=false;
+ if ((EC!=ParameterScalar::NO_ERROR) && (ErrStr!=NULL))
+ {
+ std::stringstream stream;
+ stream << std::endl << "Error in Excitation-Property Delay-Value";
+ ErrStr->append(stream.str());
+ PSErrorCode2Msg(EC,ErrStr);
+ }
+ return bOK;
+bool CSPropExcitation::Write2XML(TiXmlNode& root, bool parameterised, bool sparse)
+ if (CSProperties::Write2XML(root,parameterised,sparse) == false) return false;
+ TiXmlElement* prop=root.ToElement();
+ if (prop==NULL) return false;
+ prop->SetAttribute("Number",(int)uiNumber);
+ WriteTerm(m_Frequency,*prop,"Frequency",parameterised);
+ WriteTerm(Delay,*prop,"Delay",parameterised);
+ prop->SetAttribute("Type",iExcitType);
+ WriteVectorTerm(Excitation,*prop,"Excite",parameterised);
+ TiXmlElement Weight("Weight");
+ WriteTerm(WeightFct[0],Weight,"X",parameterised);
+ WriteTerm(WeightFct[1],Weight,"Y",parameterised);
+ WriteTerm(WeightFct[2],Weight,"Z",parameterised);
+ prop->InsertEndChild(Weight);
+ WriteVectorTerm(PropagationDir,*prop,"PropDir",parameterised);
+ return true;
+bool CSPropExcitation::ReadFromXML(TiXmlNode &root)
+ if (CSProperties::ReadFromXML(root)==false) return false;
+ TiXmlElement *prop = root.ToElement();
+ if (prop==NULL) return false;
+ int iHelp;
+ if (prop->QueryIntAttribute("Number",&iHelp)!=TIXML_SUCCESS) uiNumber=0;
+ else uiNumber=(unsigned int)iHelp;
+ if (prop->QueryIntAttribute("Type",&iExcitType)!=TIXML_SUCCESS) return false;
+ if (ReadVectorTerm(Excitation,*prop,"Excite",0.0)==false) return false;
+ ReadTerm(m_Frequency,*prop,"Frequency");
+ ReadTerm(Delay,*prop,"Delay");
+ TiXmlElement *weight = prop->FirstChildElement("Weight");
+ if (weight!=NULL)
+ {
+ ReadTerm(WeightFct[0],*weight,"X");
+ ReadTerm(WeightFct[1],*weight,"Y");
+ ReadTerm(WeightFct[2],*weight,"Z");
+ }
+ ReadVectorTerm(PropagationDir,*prop,"PropDir",0.0);
+ return true;
+void CSPropExcitation::ShowPropertyStatus(std::ostream& stream)
+ CSProperties::ShowPropertyStatus(stream);
+ stream << " --- Excitation Properties --- " << std::endl;
+ stream << " Type: " << iExcitType << std::endl;
+ stream << " Active directions: " << ActiveDir[0] << "," << ActiveDir[1] << "," << ActiveDir[2] << std::endl;
+ stream << " Excitation\t: " << Excitation[0].GetValueString() << ", " << Excitation[1].GetValueString() << ", " << Excitation[2].GetValueString() << std::endl;
+ stream << " Weighting\t: " << WeightFct[0].GetValueString() << ", " << WeightFct[1].GetValueString() << ", " << WeightFct[2].GetValueString() << std::endl;
+ stream << " Propagation Dir: " << PropagationDir[0].GetValueString() << ", " << PropagationDir[1].GetValueString() << ", " << PropagationDir[2].GetValueString() << std::endl;
+ stream << " Delay\t\t: " << Delay.GetValueString() << std::endl;