path: root/CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
commitef962f6008f25ab7cbd4ca21bcc72b97a1e2d76f (patch)
tree8149bee93d1a3f91d4503bfb3853adac4af0a85e /CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp
Imported Upstream version 0.0.34
Diffstat (limited to 'CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp b/CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f2947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CSXCAD/src/CSRectGrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2008,2009,2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
+* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "CSRectGrid.h"
+#include "CSUseful.h"
+#include "tinyxml.h"
+#include "CSFunctionParser.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream>
+ dDeltaUnit=1;
+ m_meshType = CARTESIAN;
+CSRectGrid* CSRectGrid::Clone(CSRectGrid* original)
+ CSRectGrid* clone = new CSRectGrid();
+ clone->dDeltaUnit = original->dDeltaUnit;
+ for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+ clone->Lines[i] = original->Lines[i];
+ for (int i=0;i<6;++i)
+ clone->SimBox[i] = original->SimBox[i];
+ return clone;
+void CSRectGrid::AddDiscLine(int direct, double val)
+ if ((direct>=0)&&(direct<3)) Lines[direct].push_back(val);
+void CSRectGrid::AddDiscLines(int direct, int numLines, double* vals)
+ for (int n=0;n<numLines;++n)
+ {
+ AddDiscLine(direct,vals[n]);
+ }
+std::string CSRectGrid::AddDiscLines(int direct, int numLines, double* vals, std::string DistFunction)
+ if ((direct<0)||(direct>=3)) return std::string("Unknown grid direction!");
+ if (DistFunction.empty()==false)
+ {
+ CSFunctionParser fParse;
+ std::string dirVar;
+ switch (direct)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ dirVar = "x";
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ dirVar = "y";
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ dirVar = "z";
+ break;
+ }
+ fParse.Parse(DistFunction,dirVar);
+ if (fParse.GetParseErrorType()!=FunctionParser::FP_NO_ERROR)
+ return std::string("An error occured parsing f(") + dirVar + std::string(") - Parser message:\n") + std::string(fParse.ErrorMsg());
+ double dValue=0;
+ bool error=false;
+ for (int n=0;n<numLines;++n)
+ {
+ dValue=fParse.Eval(&vals[n]);
+ if (fParse.EvalError()!=0) error=true;
+ AddDiscLine(direct,dValue);
+ }
+ if (error) return std::string("An error occured evaluation the grid function f(") + dirVar + std::string(")!");
+ }
+ return "";
+bool CSRectGrid::RemoveDiscLine(int direct, int index)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return false;
+ if ((index>=(int)Lines[direct].size()) || (index<0)) return false;
+ std::vector<double>::iterator vIter=Lines[direct].begin();
+ Lines[direct].erase(vIter+index);
+ return true;
+bool CSRectGrid::RemoveDiscLine(int direct, double val)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return false;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<Lines[direct].size();++i)
+ {
+ if (Lines[direct].at(i)==val) return RemoveDiscLine(direct,(int)i);
+ }
+ return false;
+void CSRectGrid::clear()
+ Lines[0].clear();
+ Lines[1].clear();
+ Lines[2].clear();
+ dDeltaUnit=1;
+void CSRectGrid::ClearLines(int direct)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return;
+ Lines[direct].clear();
+bool CSRectGrid::SetLine(int direct, size_t Index, double value)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return false;
+ if (Lines[direct].size()<=Index) return false;
+ Lines[direct].at(Index) = value;
+ return true;
+double CSRectGrid::GetLine(int direct, size_t Index)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return 0;
+ if (Lines[direct].size()<=Index) return 0;
+ return Lines[direct].at(Index);
+double* CSRectGrid::GetLines(int direct, double *array, unsigned int &qty, bool sorted)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return 0;
+ if (sorted) Sort(direct);
+ delete[] array;
+ array = new double[Lines[direct].size()];
+ for (size_t i=0;i<Lines[direct].size();++i) array[i]=Lines[direct].at(i);
+ qty=Lines[direct].size();
+ return array;
+std::string CSRectGrid::GetLinesAsString(int direct)
+ std::stringstream xStr;
+ if ((direct<0)||(direct>=3)) return xStr.str();
+ if (Lines[direct].size()>0)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<Lines[direct].size();++i)
+ {
+ if (i>0) xStr << ", ";
+ xStr<<Lines[direct].at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return xStr.str();
+unsigned int CSRectGrid::Snap2LineNumber(int ny, double value, bool &inside) const
+ inside = false;
+ if ((ny<0) || (ny>2))
+ return -1;
+ if (Lines[ny].size()==0)
+ return -1;
+ if (value<Lines[ny].at(0))
+ return 0;
+ if (value>Lines[ny].at(Lines[ny].size()-1))
+ return Lines[ny].size()-1;
+ inside = true;
+ for (size_t n=0;n<Lines[ny].size()-1;++n)
+ {
+ if (value < 0.5*(Lines[ny].at(n)+Lines[ny].at(n+1)) )
+ return n;
+ }
+ return Lines[ny].size()-1;
+int CSRectGrid::GetDimension()
+ if (Lines[0].size()==0) return -1;
+ if (Lines[1].size()==0) return -1;
+ if (Lines[2].size()==0) return -1;
+ int dim=0;
+ if (Lines[0].size()>1) ++dim;
+ if (Lines[1].size()>1) ++dim;
+ if (Lines[2].size()>1) ++dim;
+ return dim;
+void CSRectGrid::IncreaseResolution(int nu, int factor)
+ if ((nu<0) || (nu>=GetDimension())) return;
+ if ((factor<=1) && (factor>9)) return;
+ size_t size=Lines[nu].size();
+ for (size_t i=0;i<size-1;++i)
+ {
+ double delta=(Lines[nu].at(i+1)-Lines[nu].at(i))/factor;
+ for (int n=1;n<factor;++n)
+ {
+ AddDiscLine(nu,Lines[nu].at(i)+n*delta);
+ }
+ }
+ Sort(nu);
+void CSRectGrid::Sort(int direct)
+ if ((direct<0) || (direct>=3)) return;
+ std::vector<double>::iterator start = Lines[direct].begin();
+ std::vector<double>::iterator end = Lines[direct].end();
+ sort(start,end);
+ end=unique(start,end);
+ Lines[direct].erase(end,Lines[direct].end());
+double* CSRectGrid::GetSimArea()
+ for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+ {
+ if (Lines[i].size()!=0)
+ {
+ SimBox[2*i]=*min_element(Lines[i].begin(),Lines[i].end());
+ SimBox[2*i+1]=*max_element(Lines[i].begin(),Lines[i].end());
+ }
+ else SimBox[2*i]=SimBox[2*i+1]=0;
+ }
+ return SimBox;
+bool CSRectGrid::isValid()
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ if (GetQtyLines(n)<2)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool CSRectGrid::Write2XML(TiXmlNode &root, bool sorted)
+ if (sorted) {Sort(0);Sort(1);Sort(2);}
+ TiXmlElement grid("RectilinearGrid");
+ grid.SetDoubleAttribute("DeltaUnit",dDeltaUnit);
+ TiXmlElement XLines("XLines");
+ XLines.SetAttribute("Qty",(int)Lines[0].size());
+ if (Lines[0].size()>0)
+ {
+ TiXmlText XText(CombineVector2String(Lines[0],','));
+ XLines.InsertEndChild(XText);
+ }
+ grid.InsertEndChild(XLines);
+ TiXmlElement YLines("YLines");
+ YLines.SetAttribute("Qty",(int)Lines[1].size());
+ if (Lines[1].size()>0)
+ {
+ TiXmlText YText(CombineVector2String(Lines[1],','));
+ YLines.InsertEndChild(YText);
+ }
+ grid.InsertEndChild(YLines);
+ TiXmlElement ZLines("ZLines");
+ ZLines.SetAttribute("Qty",(int)Lines[2].size());
+ if (Lines[2].size()>0)
+ {
+ TiXmlText ZText(CombineVector2String(Lines[2],','));
+ ZLines.InsertEndChild(ZText);
+ }
+ grid.InsertEndChild(ZLines);
+ root.InsertEndChild(grid);
+ return true;
+bool CSRectGrid::ReadFromXML(TiXmlNode &root)
+ TiXmlElement* Lines=root.ToElement();
+ if (Lines->QueryDoubleAttribute("DeltaUnit",&dDeltaUnit)!=TIXML_SUCCESS) dDeltaUnit=1.0;
+ int help;
+ if (Lines->QueryIntAttribute("CoordSystem",&help)==TIXML_SUCCESS)
+ SetMeshType((CoordinateSystem)help);
+ TiXmlNode* FN=NULL;
+ TiXmlText* Text=NULL;
+ std::string LineStr[3];
+ Lines = root.FirstChildElement("XLines");
+ if (Lines==NULL) return false;
+ FN = Lines->FirstChild();
+ if (FN!=NULL)
+ {
+ Text = FN->ToText();
+ if (Text!=NULL) LineStr[0]=std::string(Text->Value());
+ }
+ Lines = root.FirstChildElement("YLines");
+ if (Lines==NULL) return false;
+ FN = Lines->FirstChild();
+ if (FN!=NULL)
+ {
+ Text = FN->ToText();
+ if (Text!=NULL) LineStr[1]=std::string(Text->Value());
+ }
+ Lines = root.FirstChildElement("ZLines");
+ if (Lines==NULL) return false;
+ FN = Lines->FirstChild();
+ if (FN!=NULL)
+ {
+ Text = FN->ToText();
+ if (Text!=NULL) LineStr[2]=std::string(Text->Value());
+ }
+ for (int i=0;i<3;++i)
+ {
+ std::vector<double> lines = SplitString2Double(LineStr[i],',');
+ for (size_t n=0;n<lines.size();++n)
+ AddDiscLine(i,;
+ Sort(i);
+ }
+ return true;