path: root/openEMS/Common/operator_base.h
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
commitef962f6008f25ab7cbd4ca21bcc72b97a1e2d76f (patch)
tree8149bee93d1a3f91d4503bfb3853adac4af0a85e /openEMS/Common/operator_base.h
Imported Upstream version 0.0.34
Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/Common/operator_base.h')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/Common/operator_base.h b/openEMS/Common/operator_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfbd40b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/Common/operator_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "ContinuousStructure.h"
+#include "tools/global.h"
+#include "Common/processing.h"
+#include "string"
+typedef struct
+ std::vector<unsigned int> posPath[3];
+ std::vector<unsigned short> dir;
+} Grid_Path;
+//! Abstract base-class for a common operator
+class Operator_Base
+ virtual ~Operator_Base();
+ virtual bool SetGeometryCSX(ContinuousStructure* geo);
+ virtual ContinuousStructure* GetGeometryCSX() const {return CSX;}
+ //! Get the timestep used by this operator
+ virtual double GetTimestep() const {return dT;}
+ //! Get the number of cells or nodes defined by this operator
+ virtual double GetNumberCells() const =0;
+ //! Get the number of timesteps satisfying the nyquist condition (may depend on the excitation)
+ virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfNyquistTimesteps() const =0;
+ //! Returns the number of lines as needed for post-processing etc.
+ virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfLines(int ny, bool full=false) const =0;
+ //! Get the name for the given direction: 0 -> x, 1 -> y, 2 -> z
+ virtual std::string GetDirName(int ny) const;
+ //! Get the grid drawing unit in m
+ virtual double GetGridDelta() const =0;
+ //! Get the disc line in \a n direction (in drawing units)
+ virtual double GetDiscLine(int n, unsigned int pos, bool dualMesh=false) const =0;
+ //! Get the disc line delta in \a n direction (in drawing units)
+ virtual double GetDiscDelta(int n, unsigned int pos, bool dualMesh=false) const =0;
+ //! Get the node width for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos
+ virtual double GetNodeWidth(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const =0;
+ //! Get the node area for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos
+ virtual double GetNodeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const =0;
+ //! Get the length of an FDTD edge (unit is meter).
+ virtual double GetEdgeLength(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const =0;
+ //! Get the area around an edge for a given direction \a n and a given mesh posisition \a pos
+ /*!
+ This will return the area around an edge with a given direction, measured at the middle of the edge.
+ In a cartesian mesh this is equal to the NodeArea, may be different in other coordinate systems.
+ */
+ virtual double GetEdgeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const =0;
+ //! Get the volume of an FDTD cell
+ virtual double GetCellVolume(const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const =0;
+ //! Snap the given coodinates to mesh indices, return box dimension
+ virtual bool SnapToMesh(const double* coord, unsigned int* uicoord, bool dualMesh=false, bool fullMesh=false, bool* inside=NULL) const =0;
+ //! Snap a given box to the operator mesh, uiStart will be always <= uiStop
+ /*!
+ \param[in] start the box-start coorindate
+ \param[in] stop the box-stopt coorindate
+ \param[out] uiStart the snapped box-start coorindate index
+ \param[out] uiStop the snapped box-stop coorindate index
+ \param[in] dualMesh snap to main or dual mesh (default is main mesh)
+ \param[in] SnapMethod Snapping method, 0=snap to closest line, 1/(2)=snap such that given box is inside (outside) the snapped lines
+ \return returns the box dimension or -1 if box is not inside the simulation domain
+ */
+ virtual int SnapBox2Mesh(const double* start, const double* stop, unsigned int* uiStart, unsigned int* uiStop, bool dualMesh=false, bool fullMesh=false, int SnapMethod=0, bool* bStartIn=NULL, bool* bStopIn=NULL) const =0;
+ //! Set the boundary conditions
+ virtual void SetBoundaryCondition(int* BCs) {for (int n=0; n<6; ++n) m_BC[n]=BCs[n];}
+ //! Set flags to store material data for post-processing
+ virtual void SetMaterialStoreFlags(int type, bool val);
+ //! Check storage flags and cleanup
+ virtual void CleanupMaterialStorage() = 0;
+ //! Get stored discrete material (if storage is enabled).
+ virtual double GetDiscMaterial(int type, int ny, const unsigned int pos[3]) const = 0;
+ //! Get the cell center coordinate usable for material averaging (Warning, may not be the yee cell center)
+ bool GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(const unsigned int pos[3], double coord[3]) const;
+ //! Get the cell center coordinate usable for material averaging (Warning, may not be the yee cell center)
+ virtual bool GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(const int pos[3], double coord[3]) const = 0;
+ virtual std::vector<CSPrimitives*> GetPrimitivesBoundBox(int posX, int posY, int posZ, CSProperties::PropertyType type=CSProperties::ANY) const = 0;
+ //! Set the background material (default is vacuum)
+ virtual void SetBackgroundMaterial(double epsR=0, double mueR=0, double kappa=0, double sigma=0, double density=0);
+ //! Get background rel. electric permittivity
+ double GetBackgroundEpsR() const {return m_BG_epsR;}
+ //! Set background rel. electric permittivity
+ void SetBackgroundEpsR(double val);
+ //! Get background rel. magnetic permeability
+ double GetBackgroundMueR() const {return m_BG_mueR;}
+ //! Set background rel. magnetic permeability
+ void SetBackgroundMueR(double val);
+ //! Get background electric conductivity
+ double GetBackgroundKappa() const {return m_BG_kappa;}
+ //! Set background electric conductivity
+ void SetBackgroundKappa(double val);
+ //! Get background magnetic conductivity (artificial)
+ double GetBackgroundSigma() const {return m_BG_sigma;}
+ //! Set background magnetic conductivity (artificial)
+ void SetBackgroundSigma(double val);
+ //! Get background mass density
+ double GetBackgroundDensity() const {return m_BG_density;}
+ //! Set background mass density
+ void SetBackgroundDensity(double val);
+ Operator_Base();
+ ContinuousStructure* CSX;
+ virtual void Init();
+ //! Cleanup data and reset
+ void Delete();
+ virtual void Reset();
+ //! boundary conditions
+ int m_BC[6];
+ //! The operator timestep
+ double dT;
+ //! bool flag array to store material data for post-processing
+ bool m_StoreMaterial[4];
+ //! background materials
+ double m_BG_epsR;
+ double m_BG_mueR;
+ double m_BG_kappa;
+ double m_BG_sigma;
+ double m_BG_density;
+ CoordinateSystem m_MeshType;
+ unsigned int numLines[3];
+ double* discLines[3];
+ double gridDelta;
+#endif // OPERATOR_BASE_H