path: root/openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
commitef962f6008f25ab7cbd4ca21bcc72b97a1e2d76f (patch)
tree8149bee93d1a3f91d4503bfb3853adac4af0a85e /openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp
Imported Upstream version 0.0.34
Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f9f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY{} without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_cylindermultigrid.h"
+#include "engine_cylindermultigrid.h"
+#include "extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.h"
+#include "tools/useful.h"
+#include "CSUseful.h"
+Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::Operator_CylinderMultiGrid(vector<double> Split_Radii, unsigned int level) : Operator_Cylinder()
+ m_Split_Radii = Split_Radii;
+ m_Split_Rad = m_Split_Radii.back();
+ m_Split_Radii.pop_back();
+ m_MultiGridLevel = level;
+ Delete();
+Operator_CylinderMultiGrid* Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::New(vector<double> Split_Radii, unsigned int numThreads, unsigned int level)
+ if ((Split_Radii.size()==0) || (Split_Radii.size()>CYLIDINDERMULTIGRID_LIMIT))
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::New: Warning: Number of multigrids invalid! Split-Number: " << Split_Radii.size() << endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ cout << "Create cylindrical multi grid FDTD operator " << endl;
+ Operator_CylinderMultiGrid* op = new Operator_CylinderMultiGrid(Split_Radii, level);
+ op->setNumThreads(numThreads);
+ op->Init();
+ return op;
+Engine* Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::CreateEngine()
+ m_Engine = Engine_CylinderMultiGrid::New(this,m_numThreads);
+ return m_Engine;
+double Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::GetNumberCells() const
+ if (numLines)
+ return (numLines[0]-m_Split_Pos)*(numLines[1])*(numLines[2]) + m_InnerOp->GetNumberCells();
+ return 0;
+bool Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetupCSXGrid(CSRectGrid* grid)
+ if (Operator_Cylinder::SetupCSXGrid(grid)==false)
+ return false;
+ // make this multigrid use the larger timestep by method 3, since no r==0 singularity can be part of this engine
+ m_TimeStepVar = 3;
+ if ((numLines[1]-CC_closedAlpha)%2 != 1)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetupCSXGrid: Error, number of line in alpha direction must be odd... found: " << numLines[1] << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ m_Split_Pos = 0;
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<numLines[0]; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_Split_Rad < discLines[0][n])
+ {
+ m_Split_Pos = n;
+ if (g_settings.GetVerboseLevel()>0)
+ cout << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetupCSXGrid: Found mesh split position @" << m_Split_Pos << endl;
+ m_Split_Rad = discLines[0][n];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((m_Split_Pos<4) || (m_Split_Pos>numLines[0]-4))
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetupCSXGrid: Error, split invalid..." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetGeometryCSX(ContinuousStructure* geo)
+ if (Operator_Cylinder::SetGeometryCSX(geo)==false)
+ return false;
+ CSRectGrid* grid = geo->GetGrid();
+ grid->ClearLines(0);
+ grid->ClearLines(1);
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Split_Pos ; ++n)
+ grid->AddDiscLine(0,discLines[0][n]);
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<numLines[1]; n+=2)
+ grid->AddDiscLine(1,discLines[1][n]);
+ if (m_InnerOp->SetGeometryCSX(CSX)==false)
+ return false;
+ //restore grid to original mesh
+ grid->ClearLines(0);
+ grid->ClearLines(1);
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<numLines[0]; ++n)
+ grid->AddDiscLine(0,discLines[0][n]);
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<numLines[1]; ++n)
+ grid->AddDiscLine(1,discLines[1][n]);
+ return true;
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::Init()
+ Operator_Cylinder::Init();
+ if (m_Split_Radii.empty())
+ m_InnerOp = Operator_Cylinder::New(m_numThreads);
+ else
+ m_InnerOp = Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::New(m_Split_Radii,m_numThreads, m_MultiGridLevel+1);
+ for (int n=0;n<2;++n)
+ {
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[n] = NULL;
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[n]=NULL;
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[n] = NULL;
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[n] = NULL;
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[n]=NULL;
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[n] = NULL;
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ }
+bool Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::GetYeeCoords(int ny, unsigned int pos[3], double* coords, bool dualMesh) const
+ bool ret = Operator_Cylinder::GetYeeCoords(ny,pos,coords,dualMesh);
+ if (pos[0]<(m_Split_Pos-1))
+ ret = false;
+ return ret;
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetTag(int tag)
+ m_MyTag = tag;
+ m_InnerOp->SetTag(tag+1);
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetNeighborUp(int ny, int id)
+ if (ny==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetNeighborUp: Error: MPI segregation in radial direction not supported for a cylindircal multigrid. Exit!";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ Operator_Cylinder::SetNeighborUp(ny,id);
+ m_InnerOp->SetNeighborUp(ny,id);
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetNeighborDown(int ny, int id)
+ if (ny==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetNeighborDown: Error: MPI segregation in radial direction not supported for a cylindircal multigrid. Exit!";
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ Operator_Cylinder::SetNeighborDown(ny,id);
+ m_InnerOp->SetNeighborDown(ny,id);
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::CalcStartStopLines(unsigned int &numThreads, vector<unsigned int> &start, vector<unsigned int> &stop) const
+ vector<unsigned int> jpt = AssignJobs2Threads(numLines[0]- m_Split_Pos + 1, numThreads, true);
+ numThreads = jpt.size();
+ start.resize(numThreads);
+ stop.resize(numThreads);
+ m_Split_Pos-1;
+ + m_Split_Pos-1;
+ for (unsigned int n=1; n<numThreads; n++)
+ {
+ =;
+ = + - 1;
+ }
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::FillMissingDataStorage()
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ double EffMat[4];
+ for (int ny=0; ny<3; ++ny)
+ {
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<m_Split_Pos-1; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims = this->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], pos[1], -1, CSProperties::MATERIAL);
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ Calc_EffMatPos(ny,pos,EffMat,vPrims);
+ if (m_epsR)
+ m_epsR[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = EffMat[0];
+ if (m_kappa)
+ m_kappa[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = EffMat[1];
+ if (m_mueR)
+ m_mueR[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = EffMat[2];
+ if (m_sigma)
+ m_sigma[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = EffMat[3];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(const int pos[3], double coord[3]) const
+ if (Operator_Cylinder::GetCellCenterMaterialAvgCoord(pos, coord)==false)
+ return false;
+ if (pos[0]>=((int)m_Split_Pos))
+ return true;
+ int pos_a = MapAlphaIndex2Range(pos[1])/2;
+ if ((pos_a<0) || (pos_a>=(int)m_InnerOp->numLines[1]))
+ return false;
+ coord[1] = m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,pos_a,true);
+ return true;
+int Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::CalcECOperator( DebugFlags debugFlags )
+ int retCode=0;
+ if (dT)
+ m_InnerOp->SetTimestep(dT);
+ //calc inner child first
+ m_InnerOp->CalcECOperator();
+ dT = m_InnerOp->GetTimestep();
+ retCode = Operator_Cylinder::CalcECOperator( debugFlags );
+ if (GetTimestepValid()==false)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::CalcECOperator(): Warning, timestep invalid... resetting..." << endl;
+ dT = opt_dT;
+ m_InnerOp->SetTimestep(dT);
+ m_InnerOp->CalcECOperator();
+ retCode = Operator_Cylinder::CalcECOperator( debugFlags );
+ }
+ SetupInterpolation();
+ //the data storage will only be filled up to m_Split_Pos-1, fill the remaining area here...
+ FillMissingDataStorage();
+ return retCode;
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::DumpPEC2File( string filename, unsigned int *range)
+ if (range!=NULL)
+ return Operator_Cylinder::DumpPEC2File(filename, range);
+ range = new unsigned int[6];
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ range[2*n] = 0;
+ range[2*n+1] = numLines[n]-1;
+ }
+ range[0] = m_Split_Pos-1;
+ Operator_Cylinder::DumpPEC2File(filename + "_S" + ConvertInt(m_MultiGridLevel), range);
+ delete[] range;
+ range=NULL;
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_CylinderMultiGrid*>(m_InnerOp))
+ m_InnerOp->DumpPEC2File(filename);
+ else // base cylindrical grid
+ m_InnerOp->DumpPEC2File(filename + "_S" + ConvertInt(m_MultiGridLevel+1));
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetupInterpolation()
+ // n==0 --> interpolation in r&z-direction
+ // n==1 --> interpolation in a-direction
+ for (int n=0;n<2;++n)
+ {
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_v_2p[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[n] = new unsigned int[numLines[1]];
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_v_2p[n]);
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[n]=Create1DArray_v4sf(numLines[1]);
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[n] = new unsigned int[numLines[1]];
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_v_2pp[n]);
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[n]=Create1DArray_v4sf(numLines[1]);
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_i_2p[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[n] = new unsigned int[numLines[1]];
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_i_2p[n]);
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[n]=Create1DArray_v4sf(numLines[1]);
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[n] = new unsigned int[numLines[1]];
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_i_2pp[n]);
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[n]=Create1DArray_v4sf(numLines[1]);
+ }
+ bool isOdd, isEven;
+ for (unsigned int a_n=0; a_n<numLines[1]; ++a_n)
+ {
+ isOdd = (a_n%2);
+ isEven = !isOdd;
+ /* current interpolation position for r,z direction
+ this sub_grid 2p sub_grid 2pp
+ 0 <-- 0 (-1) 0
+ 1 <-- 0 1
+ 2 <-- 1 0
+ 3 <-- 1 2
+ 4 <-- 2 1
+ 5 <-- 2 3
+ ...
+ */
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[0][a_n] = a_n/2;
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n] = a_n/2 + isOdd - isEven;
+ if ((a_n==0) && CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n] = m_InnerOp->numLines[1]-3;
+ else if ((a_n==0) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n] = 0;
+ //setup some special treatments for not closed alpha mesh
+ if ((a_n==numLines[1]-2) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n] = a_n/2 - 1;
+ if ((a_n==numLines[1]-1) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[0][a_n] = m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n] = a_n/2;
+ double dl_p=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[0][a_n],true);
+ double dl_pp=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n],true);
+ if ((a_n==0) && CC_closedAlpha)
+ dl_pp -= 2*PI;
+ for (int v=0;v<4;++v)
+ {
+ if (m_interpol_pos_i_2p[0][a_n]==m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[0][a_n])
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[0][a_n].f[v] = 1.0;
+ else
+ {
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[0][a_n].f[v] = (dl_pp-GetDiscLine(1,a_n,true)) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[0][a_n].f[v] = (GetDiscLine(1,a_n,true)-dl_p) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ }
+ }
+ /* voltage interpolation position for r,z direction
+ this sub_grid 2p sub_grid 2pp
+ 0 <-- 0 0
+ 1 <-- 0 1
+ 2 <-- 1 1
+ 3 <-- 1 2
+ 4 <-- 2 2
+ 5 <-- 2 3
+ ...
+ */
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[0][a_n] = a_n/2;
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[0][a_n] = a_n/2 + isOdd;
+ dl_p=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2p[0][a_n],false);
+ dl_pp=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[0][a_n],false);
+ for (int v=0;v<4;++v)
+ {
+ if (m_interpol_pos_v_2p[0][a_n]==m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[0][a_n])
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[0][a_n].f[v] = 1.0;
+ else
+ {
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[0][a_n].f[v] = (dl_pp-GetDiscLine(1,a_n,false)) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[0][a_n].f[v] = (GetDiscLine(1,a_n,false)-dl_p) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ }
+ }
+ /* current interpolation position for the alpha direction
+ this sub_grid 2p sub_grid 2pp
+ 0 <-- 0 0
+ 1 <-- 0 1
+ 2 <-- 1 1
+ 3 <-- 1 2
+ 4 <-- 2 2
+ 5 <-- 2 3
+ ...
+ */
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n] = a_n/2;
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n] = a_n/2 + isOdd;
+ //setup some special treatments for not closed alpha mesh
+ if ((a_n==1) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n] = 2;
+ if ((a_n==numLines[1]-2) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n] = a_n/2 - 1;
+ for (int v=0;v<4;++v)
+ {
+ if (m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n]==m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n])
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[1][a_n].f[v] = GetDiscDelta(1,a_n,true)/m_InnerOp->GetDiscDelta(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n],true);
+ else
+ {
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[1][a_n].f[v] = (m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n],false)-GetDiscLine(1,a_n,false)) /
+ (m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n],false)-m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n],false));
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[1][a_n].f[v] *= GetDiscDelta(1,a_n,true)/m_InnerOp->GetDiscDelta(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n],true);
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[1][a_n].f[v] = (GetDiscLine(1,a_n,false)-m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n],false)) /
+ (m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n],false)-m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2p[1][a_n],false));
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[1][a_n].f[v] *= GetDiscDelta(1,a_n,true)/m_InnerOp->GetDiscDelta(1,m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[1][a_n],true);
+ }
+ }
+ /* voltage interpolation position for the alpha direction
+ this sub_grid 2p sub_grid 2pp
+ 0 <-- 0 (-1) 0
+ 1 <-- 0 1
+ 2 <-- 1 0
+ 3 <-- 1 2
+ 4 <-- 2 1
+ 5 <-- 2 3
+ ...
+ */
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[1][a_n] = a_n/2;
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n] = a_n/2 + isOdd - isEven;
+ if ((a_n==0) && CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n] = m_InnerOp->numLines[1]-3;
+ else if ((a_n==0) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n] = 1;
+ //setup some special treatments for not closed alpha mesh
+ if ((a_n==numLines[1]-2) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n] = a_n/2 - 1;
+ if ((a_n==numLines[1]-1) && !CC_closedAlpha)
+ {
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[1][a_n] = 0;
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n] = 0;
+ }
+ dl_p=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2p[1][a_n],true);
+ dl_pp=m_InnerOp->GetDiscLine(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n],true);
+ for (int v=0;v<4;++v)
+ {
+ if (m_interpol_pos_v_2p[1][a_n]==m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n])
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[1][a_n].f[v] = f4_interpol_v_2pp[1][a_n].f[v] = 0;
+ else
+ {
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[1][a_n].f[v] = (dl_pp-GetDiscLine(1,a_n,true)) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[1][a_n].f[v] *= GetDiscDelta(1,a_n,false)/m_InnerOp->GetDiscDelta(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2p[1][a_n],false);
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[1][a_n].f[v] = (GetDiscLine(1,a_n,true)-dl_p) / (dl_pp-dl_p);
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[1][a_n].f[v] *= GetDiscDelta(1,a_n,false)/m_InnerOp->GetDiscDelta(1,m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[1][a_n],false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetExcitationSignal(Excitation* exc)
+ m_InnerOp->SetExcitationSignal(exc);
+ Operator_Cylinder::SetExcitationSignal(exc);
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::Delete()
+ delete m_InnerOp;
+ m_InnerOp=0;
+ for (int n=0;n<2;++n)
+ {
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_v_2p[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2p[n]=NULL;
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_v_2p[n]);
+ f4_interpol_v_2p[n]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_v_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_v_2pp[n]);
+ f4_interpol_v_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_i_2p[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2p[n]=NULL;
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_i_2p[n]);
+ f4_interpol_i_2p[n]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[n];
+ m_interpol_pos_i_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ Delete1DArray_v4sf(f4_interpol_i_2pp[n]);
+ f4_interpol_i_2pp[n]=NULL;
+ }
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::Reset()
+ Delete();
+ Operator_Cylinder::Reset();
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::SetBoundaryCondition(int* BCs)
+ Operator_Cylinder::SetBoundaryCondition(BCs);
+ int oldBC = BCs[1];
+ BCs[1] = 0; //always PEC in +r-direction
+ m_InnerOp->SetBoundaryCondition(BCs);
+ BCs[1] = oldBC;
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::AddExtension(Operator_Extension* op_ext)
+ //check whether extension is save to use in multi-grid
+ if (op_ext->IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(false)==false)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::AddExtension: Warning: Operator extension \"" << op_ext->GetExtensionName() << "\" is not compatible with cylindrical multi-grids!! skipping...!" << endl;
+ delete op_ext;
+ return;
+ }
+ Operator_Cylinder::AddExtension(op_ext);
+ // cylinder extension does not need to be cloned, it will be created by each operator of its own...
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_Ext_Cylinder*>(op_ext))
+ return;
+ //check whether extension is save to use in child multi-grid
+ if (op_ext->IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(true))
+ {
+ Operator_Extension* child_Ext = op_ext->Clone(m_InnerOp);
+ if (child_Ext==NULL)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::AddExtension: Warning, extension: " << op_ext->GetExtensionName() << " can not be cloned for the child operator. Skipping Extension... " << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ //give the copy to child
+ m_InnerOp->AddExtension(child_Ext);
+ }
+void Operator_CylinderMultiGrid::ShowStat() const
+ m_InnerOp->ShowStat();
+ m_InnerOp->ShowExtStat();
+ Operator_Cylinder::ShowStat();