path: root/openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2016-07-05 18:02:38 +0200
commitef962f6008f25ab7cbd4ca21bcc72b97a1e2d76f (patch)
tree8149bee93d1a3f91d4503bfb3853adac4af0a85e /openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp
Imported Upstream version 0.0.34
Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp')
1 files changed, 656 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp b/openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343aa07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/tools/sar_calculation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,656 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "sar_calculation.h"
+#include "cfloat"
+#include "array_ops.h"
+#include "global.h"
+using namespace std;
+ m_Vx_Used = NULL;
+ m_Vx_Valid = NULL;
+ m_DebugLevel = 0;
+ SetAveragingMethod(SIMPLE, true);
+ Reset();
+void SAR_Calculation::Reset()
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Used,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Used = NULL;
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Valid,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Valid = NULL;
+ m_avg_mass = 0;
+ m_numLines[0]=m_numLines[1]=m_numLines[2]=0;
+ m_cellWidth[0]=m_cellWidth[1]=m_cellWidth[2]=NULL;
+ m_cell_volume = NULL;
+ m_cell_density = NULL;
+ m_cell_conductivity = NULL;
+ m_E_field = NULL;
+ m_J_field = NULL;
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Used,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Used = NULL;
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Valid,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Valid = NULL;
+void SAR_Calculation::SetAveragingMethod(string method, bool silent)
+ if ("IEEE_C95_3")==0)
+ return SetAveragingMethod(IEEE_C95_3, silent);
+ if ("IEEE_62704")==0)
+ return SetAveragingMethod(IEEE_62704, silent);
+ if ("Simple")==0)
+ return SetAveragingMethod(SIMPLE, silent);
+ cerr << __func__ << ": Error, """ << method << """ is an unknown averaging method..." << endl;
+ // unknown method, fallback to simple
+ SetAveragingMethod(SIMPLE, false);
+void SAR_Calculation::SetAveragingMethod(SARAveragingMethod method, bool silent)
+ if (method==IEEE_62704)
+ {
+ m_massTolerance = 0.0001;
+ m_maxMassIterations = 100;
+ m_maxBGRatio = 0.1;
+ m_markPartialAsUsed = false;
+ m_UnusedRelativeVolLimit = 1.05;
+ m_IgnoreFaceValid = false;
+ if (!silent)
+ cerr << __func__ << ": Setting averaging method to IEEE_62704" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (method==IEEE_C95_3)
+ {
+ m_massTolerance = 0.05;
+ m_maxMassIterations = 100;
+ m_maxBGRatio = 1;
+ m_markPartialAsUsed = true;
+ m_UnusedRelativeVolLimit = 1;
+ m_IgnoreFaceValid = false;
+ if (!silent)
+ cerr << __func__ << ": Setting averaging method to IEEE_C95_3" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (method==SIMPLE)
+ {
+ m_massTolerance = 0.05;
+ m_maxMassIterations = 100;
+ m_maxBGRatio = 1;
+ m_markPartialAsUsed = true;
+ m_UnusedRelativeVolLimit = 1;
+ m_IgnoreFaceValid = true;
+ if (!silent)
+ cerr << __func__ << ": Setting averaging method to SIMPLE" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ cerr << __func__ << ": Error, unknown averaging method..." << endl;
+ // unknown method, fallback to simple
+ SetAveragingMethod(SIMPLE, false);
+void SAR_Calculation::SetNumLines(unsigned int numLines[3])
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Used,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Used = NULL;
+ Delete3DArray(m_Vx_Valid,m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Valid = NULL;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_numLines[n]=numLines[n];
+void SAR_Calculation::SetCellWidth(float* cellWidth[3])
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_cellWidth[n]=cellWidth[n];
+float*** SAR_Calculation::CalcSAR(float*** SAR)
+ if (CheckValid()==false)
+ {
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcSAR: SAR calculation is invalid due to missing values... Abort..." << endl;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_avg_mass<=0)
+ return CalcLocalSAR(SAR);
+ return CalcAveragedSAR(SAR);
+bool SAR_Calculation::CheckValid()
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ if (m_cellWidth[n]==NULL)
+ return false;
+ if (m_E_field==NULL)
+ return false;
+ if ((m_J_field==NULL) && (m_cell_conductivity==NULL))
+ return false;
+ if (m_cell_density==NULL)
+ return false;
+ if (m_avg_mass<0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+double SAR_Calculation::CalcSARPower()
+ if (CheckValid()==false)
+ {
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcSARPower: SAR calculation is invalid due to missing values... Abort..." << endl;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ double power=0;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<m_numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<m_numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ power += CalcLocalPowerDensity(pos)*CellVolume(pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return power;
+double SAR_Calculation::CalcLocalPowerDensity(unsigned int pos[3])
+ double l_pow=0;
+ if (m_cell_conductivity==NULL)
+ {
+ l_pow = abs(m_E_field[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_J_field[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ l_pow += abs(m_E_field[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_J_field[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ l_pow += abs(m_E_field[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_J_field[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l_pow = m_cell_conductivity[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*abs(m_E_field[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_E_field[0][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ l_pow += m_cell_conductivity[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*abs(m_E_field[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_E_field[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ l_pow += m_cell_conductivity[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*abs(m_E_field[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]) * abs(m_E_field[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]);
+ }
+ l_pow*=0.5;
+ return l_pow;
+float*** SAR_Calculation::CalcLocalSAR(float*** SAR)
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ m_Valid=0;
+ m_Used=0;
+ m_Unused=0;
+ m_AirVoxel=0;
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<m_numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<m_numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ if (m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]>0)
+ {
+ ++m_Valid;
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = CalcLocalPowerDensity(pos)/m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++m_AirVoxel;
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SAR;
+int SAR_Calculation::FindFittingCubicalMass(unsigned int pos[3], float box_size, unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3],
+ float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], double &mass, double &volume, double &bg_ratio, int disabledFace, bool ignoreFaceValid)
+ unsigned int mass_iterations = 0;
+ double old_mass=0;
+ double old_box_size=0;
+ bool face_valid;
+ bool mass_valid;
+ bool voxel_valid;
+ //iterate over cubical sizes to find fitting volume to mass
+ while (mass_iterations<m_maxMassIterations)
+ {
+ // calculate cubical mass
+ face_valid = GetCubicalMass(pos, box_size/2, start, stop, partial_start, partial_stop, mass, volume, bg_ratio, disabledFace);
+ // check if found mass is valid
+ mass_valid = abs(mass-m_avg_mass)<=m_massTolerance*m_avg_mass;
+ voxel_valid = mass_valid && (face_valid==true) && (bg_ratio<m_maxBGRatio);
+ if ((face_valid==false) && (mass<m_avg_mass*(1.0-m_massTolerance)) && (ignoreFaceValid==false))
+ {
+ // this is an invalid cube with a too small total mass --> increasing the box will not yield a valid cube
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else if ((face_valid==false || bg_ratio>=m_maxBGRatio) && (mass_valid))
+ {
+ // this is an invalid cube with a valid total mass
+ if (ignoreFaceValid)
+ return 0;
+ return 2;
+ }
+ if (voxel_valid)
+ {
+ // valid cube found
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // if no valid or finally invalid cube is found, calculate an alternaive cube size
+ if (mass_iterations==0)
+ {
+ // on first interation, try a relative resize
+ old_box_size=box_size;
+ box_size*=pow(m_avg_mass/mass,1.0/3.0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // on later interations, try a newton approach
+ float new_box_size = box_size - (mass-m_avg_mass)/(mass-old_mass)*(box_size-old_box_size);
+ old_box_size = box_size;
+ box_size = new_box_size;
+ }
+ old_mass=mass;
+ ++mass_iterations;
+ }
+ // m_maxMassIterations iterations are exhausted...
+ return -1;
+bool SAR_Calculation::GetCubicalMass(unsigned int pos[3], double box_size, unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3],
+ float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], double &mass, double &volume, double &bg_ratio, int disabledFace)
+ if ((box_size<=0) || isnan(box_size) || isinf(box_size))
+ {
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::GetCubicalMass: critical error: invalid averaging box size!! EXIT" << endl;
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ bool face_valid=true;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ // check start position
+ start[n]=pos[n];
+ partial_start[n]=1;
+ float dist=m_cellWidth[n][pos[n]]/2;
+ if (disabledFace==2*n)
+ dist=box_size;
+ else
+ {
+ while (dist<box_size)
+ {
+ // box is outside of domain
+ if (start[n]==0)
+ {
+ partial_start[n]=-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ --start[n];
+ dist+=m_cellWidth[n][start[n]];
+ }
+ if (partial_start[n]!=-1)
+ { // box ends inside stop[n] voxel
+ partial_start[n]=1-(dist-box_size)/m_cellWidth[n][start[n]];
+ }
+ if ((partial_start[n]!=-1) && (pos[n]==start[n]))
+ partial_start[n]=2*box_size/m_cellWidth[n][start[n]];
+ }
+ // check stop position
+ stop[n]=pos[n];
+ partial_stop[n]=1;
+ dist=m_cellWidth[n][pos[n]]/2;
+ if (disabledFace==2*n+1)
+ dist=box_size;
+ else
+ {
+ while (dist<box_size)
+ {
+ // box is outside of domain
+ if (stop[n]==m_numLines[n]-1)
+ {
+ partial_stop[n]=-1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ++stop[n];
+ dist+=m_cellWidth[n][stop[n]];
+ }
+ if (partial_stop[n]!=-1)
+ { // box ends inside stop[n] voxel
+ partial_stop[n]=1-(dist-box_size)/m_cellWidth[n][stop[n]];
+ }
+ if ((partial_stop[n]!=-1) && (pos[n]==stop[n]))
+ partial_stop[n]=2*box_size/m_cellWidth[n][stop[n]];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ if (partial_start[n]==-1)
+ face_valid=false;
+ if (partial_stop[n]==-1)
+ face_valid=false;
+ }
+ mass = 0;
+ volume = 0;
+ double bg_volume=0;
+ double weight[3];
+ unsigned int f_pos[3];
+ bool face_intersect[6] = {false,false,false,false,false,false};
+ for (f_pos[0]=start[0];f_pos[0]<=stop[0];++f_pos[0])
+ {
+ weight[0]=1;
+ if (f_pos[0]==start[0])
+ weight[0]*=abs(partial_start[0]);
+ if (f_pos[0]==stop[0])
+ weight[0]*=abs(partial_stop[0]);
+ for (f_pos[1]=start[1];f_pos[1]<=stop[1];++f_pos[1])
+ {
+ weight[1]=1;
+ if (f_pos[1]==start[1])
+ weight[1]*=abs(partial_start[1]);
+ if (f_pos[1]==stop[1])
+ weight[1]*=abs(partial_stop[1]);
+ for (f_pos[2]=start[2];f_pos[2]<=stop[2];++f_pos[2])
+ {
+ weight[2]=1;
+ if (f_pos[2]==start[2])
+ weight[2]*=abs(partial_start[2]);
+ if (f_pos[2]==stop[2])
+ weight[2]*=abs(partial_stop[2]);
+ mass += CellMass(f_pos)*weight[0]*weight[1]*weight[2];
+ volume += CellVolume(f_pos)*weight[0]*weight[1]*weight[2];
+ if (m_cell_density[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]]==0)
+ bg_volume += CellVolume(f_pos)*weight[0]*weight[1]*weight[2];
+ else
+ {
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ if (start[n]==f_pos[n])
+ face_intersect[2*n]=true;
+ if (stop[n]==f_pos[n])
+ face_intersect[2*n+1]=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //check if all bounds have intersected a material boundary
+ for (int n=0;n<6;++n)
+ face_valid *= face_intersect[n];
+ bg_ratio = bg_volume/volume;
+ return face_valid;
+float SAR_Calculation::CalcCubicalSAR(float*** SAR, unsigned int pos[3], unsigned int start[3], unsigned int stop[3], float partial_start[3], float partial_stop[3], bool assignUsed)
+ double power_mass=0;
+ double mass=0;
+ double weight[3];
+ unsigned int f_pos[3];
+ for (f_pos[0]=start[0];f_pos[0]<=stop[0];++f_pos[0])
+ {
+ weight[0]=1;
+ if (f_pos[0]==start[0])
+ weight[0]*=abs(partial_start[0]);
+ if (f_pos[0]==stop[0])
+ weight[0]*=abs(partial_stop[0]);
+ for (f_pos[1]=start[1];f_pos[1]<=stop[1];++f_pos[1])
+ {
+ weight[1]=1;
+ if (f_pos[1]==start[1])
+ weight[1]*=abs(partial_start[1]);
+ if (f_pos[1]==stop[1])
+ weight[1]*=abs(partial_stop[1]);
+ for (f_pos[2]=start[2];f_pos[2]<=stop[2];++f_pos[2])
+ {
+ weight[2]=1;
+ if (f_pos[2]==start[2])
+ weight[2]*=abs(partial_start[2]);
+ if (f_pos[2]==stop[2])
+ weight[2]*=abs(partial_stop[2]);
+ if (m_cell_density[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]]>=0)
+ {
+ mass += CellMass(f_pos)*weight[0]*weight[1]*weight[2];
+ power_mass += CalcLocalPowerDensity(f_pos) * CellVolume(f_pos)*weight[0]*weight[1]*weight[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ float vx_SAR = power_mass/mass;
+ if (SAR==NULL)
+ return vx_SAR;
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]=vx_SAR;
+ if (assignUsed==false)
+ return vx_SAR;
+ // assign SAR to all used voxel
+ bool is_partial[3];
+ for (f_pos[0]=start[0];f_pos[0]<=stop[0];++f_pos[0])
+ {
+ if ( ((f_pos[0]==start[0]) && (partial_start[0]!=1)) || ((f_pos[0]==stop[0]) && (partial_stop[0]!=1)) )
+ is_partial[0]=true;
+ else
+ is_partial[0]=false;
+ for (f_pos[1]=start[1];f_pos[1]<=stop[1];++f_pos[1])
+ {
+ if ( ((f_pos[1]==start[1]) && (partial_start[1]!=1)) || ((f_pos[1]==stop[1]) && (partial_stop[1]!=1)) )
+ is_partial[1]=true;
+ else
+ is_partial[1]=false;
+ for (f_pos[2]=start[2];f_pos[2]<=stop[2];++f_pos[2])
+ {
+ if ( ((f_pos[2]==start[2]) && (partial_start[2]!=1)) || ((f_pos[2]==stop[2]) && (partial_stop[2]!=1)) )
+ is_partial[2]=true;
+ else
+ is_partial[2]=false;
+ if ( (!is_partial[0] && !is_partial[1] && !is_partial[2]) || m_markPartialAsUsed)
+ {
+ if (!m_Vx_Valid[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]] && (m_cell_density[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]]>0))
+ {
+ m_Vx_Used[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]]=true;
+ SAR[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]]=max(SAR[f_pos[0]][f_pos[1]][f_pos[2]], vx_SAR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return vx_SAR;
+float*** SAR_Calculation::CalcAveragedSAR(float*** SAR)
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ m_Vx_Used = Create3DArray<bool>(m_numLines);
+ m_Vx_Valid = Create3DArray<bool>(m_numLines);
+ double voxel_volume;
+ double total_mass;
+ unsigned int start[3];
+ unsigned int stop[3];
+ float partial_start[3];
+ float partial_stop[3];
+ double bg_ratio;
+ int EC=0;
+ // debug counter
+ unsigned int cnt_case1=0;
+ unsigned int cnt_case2=0;
+ unsigned int cnt_NoConvergence=0;
+ m_Valid=0;
+ m_Used=0;
+ m_Unused=0;
+ m_AirVoxel=0;
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<m_numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<m_numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ if (m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]==0)
+ {
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = 0;
+ ++m_AirVoxel;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // guess an initial box size and find a fitting cube
+ EC = FindFittingCubicalMass(pos, pow(m_avg_mass/m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]],1.0/3.0)/2, start, stop,
+ partial_start, partial_stop, total_mass, voxel_volume, bg_ratio, -1, m_IgnoreFaceValid);
+ if (EC==0)
+ {
+ m_Vx_Valid[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = true;
+ m_Vx_Used[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = true;
+ ++m_Valid;
+ CalcCubicalSAR(SAR, pos, start, stop, partial_start, partial_stop, true);
+ }
+ else if (EC==1)
+ ++cnt_case1;
+ else if (EC==2)
+ ++cnt_case2;
+ else if (EC==-1)
+ ++cnt_NoConvergence;
+ else
+ cerr << "other EC" << EC << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cnt_NoConvergence>0)
+ {
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcAveragedSAR: Warning, for some voxel a valid averaging cube could not be found (no convergence)... " << endl;
+ }
+ if (m_DebugLevel>0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Number of invalid cubes (case 1): " << cnt_case1 << endl;
+ cerr << "Number of invalid cubes (case 2): " << cnt_case2 << endl;
+ cerr << "Number of invalid cubes (failed to converge): " << cnt_NoConvergence << endl;
+ }
+ // count all used and unused etc. + special handling of unused voxels!!
+ m_Used=0;
+ m_Unused=0;
+ for (pos[0]=0;pos[0]<m_numLines[0];++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0;pos[1]<m_numLines[1];++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0;pos[2]<m_numLines[2];++pos[2])
+ {
+ if (!m_Vx_Valid[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] && m_Vx_Used[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]])
+ ++m_Used;
+ if ((m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]>0) && !m_Vx_Valid[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] && !m_Vx_Used[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]])
+ {
+ ++m_Unused;
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = 0;
+ double unused_volumes[6];
+ float unused_SAR[6];
+ double min_Vol=FLT_MAX;
+ // special handling of unused voxels:
+ for (int n=0;n<6;++n)
+ {
+ EC = FindFittingCubicalMass(pos, pow(m_avg_mass/m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]],1.0/3.0)/2, start, stop,
+ partial_start, partial_stop, total_mass, unused_volumes[n], bg_ratio, n, true);
+ if ((EC!=0) && (EC!=2))
+ {
+ // this should not happen
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcAveragedSAR: Error handling unused voxels, can't find fitting cubical averaging volume' " << endl;
+ unused_SAR[n]=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unused_SAR[n]=CalcCubicalSAR(NULL, pos, start, stop, partial_start, partial_stop, false);
+ min_Vol = min(min_Vol,unused_volumes[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int n=0;n<6;++n)
+ {
+ if (unused_volumes[n]<=m_UnusedRelativeVolLimit*min_Vol)
+ SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = max(SAR[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]],unused_SAR[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_Valid+m_Used+m_Unused+m_AirVoxel!=m_numLines[0]*m_numLines[1]*m_numLines[2])
+ {
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcAveragedSAR: critical error, mismatch in voxel status count... EXIT" << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (m_DebugLevel>0)
+ cerr << "SAR_Calculation::CalcAveragedSAR: Stats: Valid=" << m_Valid << " Used=" << m_Used << " Unused=" << m_Unused << " Air-Voxel=" << m_AirVoxel << endl;
+ return SAR;
+double SAR_Calculation::CellVolume(unsigned int pos[3])
+ if (m_cell_volume)
+ return m_cell_volume[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
+ double volume=1;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ volume*=m_cellWidth[n][pos[n]];
+ return volume;
+double SAR_Calculation::CellMass(unsigned int pos[3])
+ return m_cell_density[pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*CellVolume(pos);