path: root/openEMS/FDTD/extensions
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/FDTD/extensions')
43 files changed, 6064 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/CMakeLists.txt b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3566944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_extension.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_dispersive.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_conductingsheet.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_dispersive.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_upml.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_upml.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_extension.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_mur_abc.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_mur_abc.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_cylinder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_cylinder.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_excitation.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_excitation.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_tfsf.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_tfsf.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/operator_ext_steadystate.cpp
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/engine_ext_steadystate.cpp
+# FDTD/extensions lib
+#add_library( extensions STATIC ${SOURCES} )
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ac8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function OptimizeCondSheetParameter
+% function OptimizeCondSheetParameter
+% internal openEMS function to create the "cond_sheet_parameter.h" header
+% file containing optimized parameter values for the conducting sheet model
+% (c) 2012: Thorsten Liebig,
+close all
+X = [1 1 1 1 1];
+lb = zeros(size(X));
+ub = ones(size(X))*1000;
+Omega = linspace(0,20,51);
+Omega = Omega(2:end);
+Omega_fine = linspace(0,20,15001);
+Omega_fine = Omega_fine(2:end);
+options = optimset('fzero');
+% options = optimset(options,'Display','iter')
+options = optimset(options,'MaxFunEvals',5000);
+options = optimset(options,'MaxIter',5000);
+omg_stop_str = [];
+omg_critical_20 = [];
+omg_critical_5 = [];
+g_str = [];
+r1_str= [];
+r2_str= [];
+l1_str= [];
+l2_str= [];
+numPara = 30;
+factor = 1.5;
+for p = 1:numPara
+ X = lsqnonlin(@(X)CalcYDiff(Omega,X),X,lb,ub,options);
+ omg_stop_str = [omg_stop_str num2str(Omega(end),10) ','];
+ g_str = [g_str num2str(X(1),10) ','];
+ r1_str = [r1_str num2str(X(2),10) ','];
+ l1_str = [l1_str num2str(X(3),10) ','];
+ r2_str = [r2_str num2str(X(4),10) ','];
+ l2_str = [l2_str num2str(X(5),10) ','];
+ Ys = tanh((1+1j)*sqrt(Omega_fine))/(1+1j)./sqrt(Omega_fine);
+ err = (CalcYDiff(Omega_fine,X))./real(1./Ys);
+ fc = Omega_fine(find(abs(err)>0.2,1,'last'));
+ if (isempty(fc))
+ fc = 0;
+ end
+ omg_critical_20 = [omg_critical_20 num2str(fc,10) ','];
+ fc = Omega_fine(find(abs(err)>0.05,1,'last'));
+ if (isempty(fc))
+ fc = 0;
+ end
+ omg_critical_5 = [omg_critical_5 num2str(fc,10) ','];
+% disp(['max error: ' num2str(max(abs(err)*100)) ])
+% figure
+% plot(Omega_fine,err*100,'g--');
+ Omega_fine = Omega_fine*factor;
+ Omega = Omega*factor;
+%% write to file
+fid = fopen('cond_sheet_parameter.h','w');
+fprintf(fid,'// This is a list of conducting sheet model parameter for different ranges of omega = w/w0\n');
+fprintf(fid,'// This file was created automatically using Matlab: OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m \n');
+fprintf(fid,'// Do not change this file! \n');
+fprintf(fid,'// Creation: %s \n\n',datestr(now));
+fprintf(fid,'unsigned int numOptPara=%d;\n',numPara);
+fprintf(fid,'double omega_stop[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_stop_str(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double omega_critical_5[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_critical_5(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double omega_critical_20[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,omg_critical_20(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double g[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,g_str(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double r1[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,r1_str(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double l1[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,l1_str(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double r2[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,r2_str(1:end-1));
+fprintf(fid,'double l2[%d]={%s};\n',numPara,l2_str(1:end-1));
+function Ydiff = CalcYDiff(omega, X)
+Ys = tanh((1+1j)*sqrt(omega))/(1+1j)./sqrt(omega);
+Y = X(1) + 1./(X(2)+1j*omega*X(3)) + 1./(X(4)+1j*omega*X(5));
+Ydiff = real(1./Ys)-real(1./Y); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/cond_sheet_parameter.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/cond_sheet_parameter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3fc77b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/cond_sheet_parameter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// This is a list of conducting sheet model parameter for different ranges of omega = w/w0
+// This file was created automatically using Matlab: OptimizeCondSheetParameter.m
+// Do not change this file!
+// Creation: 08-May-2012 09:49:53
+unsigned int numOptPara=30;
+double omega_stop[30]={20,30,45,67.5,101.25,151.875,227.8125,341.71875,512.578125,768.8671875,1153.300781,1729.951172,2594.926758,3892.390137,5838.585205,8757.877808,13136.81671,19705.22507,29557.8376,44336.7564,66505.1346,99757.7019,149636.5529,224454.8293,336682.2439,505023.3659,757535.0488,1136302.573,1704453.86,2556680.79};
+double omega_critical_5[30]={0,0,0,1.566,6.8445,10.4085,15.1419375,22.30284375,33.45426562,50.28391406,75.42587109,113.1388066,169.70821,254.5623149,381.8434724,572.7652086,859.1478129,1288.721719,1933.082579,2899.623869,4349.435803,6524.153704,9786.230557,14679.34583,22019.01875,33028.52813,35503.14262,119084.5097,180444.8486,704280.3349};
+double omega_critical_20[30]={0,0,0,0,1.41075,2.7135,4.100625,5.90034375,8.6113125,12.86571094,19.37545312,29.06317969,43.59476953,65.3921543,98.08823145,147.1323472,220.6985208,331.0477811,496.5716717,744.8575075,1117.286261,1675.929392,2513.894088,3770.841132,5656.261698,8484.392547,10504.48601,11363.02573,11135.76522,7499.596983};
+double g[30]={0.1370843401,0.1244327709,0.1087425925,0.09215450299,0.07639249525,0.06239206861,0.05068701937,0.04124161681,0.03364925947,0.0274825647,0.02244156564,0.01832317373,0.01496080786,0.01221545053,0.009973874666,0.008143635713,0.006649251918,0.005429092739,0.00443283702,0.003619397792,0.002955227653,0.002412935361,0.001970156167,0.001608629812,0.001313423397,0.001072422468,0.0009031383439,0.0007674973627,0.0006482579571,0.0005450699565};
+double r1[30]={1.302754546,1.2992612,1.320033314,1.41829213,1.674326257,2.138770494,2.769126112,3.498802047,4.311446869,5.266204065,6.443980095,7.893402541,9.667414736,11.84010502,14.50110421,17.76014698,21.75163911,26.64019322,32.6274156,39.96021835,48.94100192,59.94011376,73.41109983,89.90930992,110.1195785,134.8631576,149.2770459,153.5258961,148.9373215,119.3522908};
+double l1[30]={0.9542567116,0.9412051444,0.8999655165,0.8189903271,0.702028543,0.5718817624,0.4577262324,0.3689027719,0.3004106661,0.2455514861,0.2005633225,0.1637496639,0.1337010005,0.1091664663,0.0891340699,0.07277768839,0.05942276018,0.04851850861,0.03961522618,0.03234573021,0.02641021614,0.02156389712,0.0176069076,0.01437606898,0.0117376269,0.009584103516,0.008750848841,0.008547706786,0.00854127488,0.008801399365};
+double r2[30]={10.62245057,10.21952962,10.24755832,10.99147713,12.70450822,15.59830718,19.55714986,24.32580904,29.88733852,36.55680626,44.75374078,54.81575133,67.13533424,82.22360504,100.7029064,123.3353165,151.0542147,185.0027444,226.5809553,277.5035137,339.8704104,416.2534638,509.8022059,624.3729288,764.7279941,936.5525496,1000,999.9999981,999.999984,999.9999985};
+double l2[30]={0.7925524826,0.6926195458,0.5814718257,0.4784644339,0.3916667501,0.3204661897,0.2620413998,0.2140939121,0.1748272154,0.1427375388,0.1165424396,0.09515681664,0.07769522035,0.06343788358,0.05179681795,0.04229192785,0.03453121766,0.02819462457,0.0230208182,0.01879642336,0.01534721999,0.01253095815,0.01023149158,0.008353988465,0.006820957973,0.005569332359,0.004553963932,0.003696380632,0.002978504727,0.002391295771};
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e240f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "engine_ext_cylinder.h"
+#include "operator_ext_cylinder.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+Engine_Ext_Cylinder::Engine_Ext_Cylinder(Operator_Ext_Cylinder* op_ext) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ cyl_Op = op_ext;
+ m_Eng_SSE = NULL;
+ CC_closedAlpha = op_ext->CC_closedAlpha;
+ CC_R0_included = op_ext->CC_R0_included;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ numLines[n] = op_ext->m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true);
+ //this cylindrical extension should be executed first?
+void Engine_Ext_Cylinder::SetEngine(Engine* eng)
+ Engine_Extension::SetEngine(eng);
+ m_Eng_SSE = dynamic_cast<Engine_sse*>(m_Eng);
+void Engine_Ext_Cylinder::DoPostVoltageUpdates()
+ if (CC_closedAlpha==false) return;
+ if (CC_R0_included)
+ {
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ pos[0] = 0;
+ FDTD_FLOAT volt=0;
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ volt =m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,0,0,pos[2])*cyl_Op->vv_R0[pos[2]];
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]-1; ++pos[1])
+ volt +=cyl_Op->vi_R0[pos[2]] * m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,0,pos[1],pos[2]);
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,0,0,pos[2], volt);
+ }
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetVolt(1,0,pos[1],pos[2], 0); //no voltage in alpha-direction at r=0
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,0,pos[1],pos[2], m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,0,0,pos[2]) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //close alpha
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ // copy tangential voltages from last alpha-plane to first
+ unsigned int last_A_Line = numLines[1]-2;
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetVolt(0,pos[0],0,pos[2], m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos[0],last_A_Line,pos[2]) );
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,pos[0],0,pos[2], m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos[0],last_A_Line,pos[2]) );
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_Cylinder::DoPostCurrentUpdates()
+ if (CC_closedAlpha==false) return;
+ //close alpha
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ // copy tangential currents from first alpha-plane to last
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<numLines[0]-1; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ unsigned int last_A_Line = numLines[1]-2;
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]-1; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetCurr(0,pos[0],last_A_Line,pos[2], m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos[0],0,pos[2]) );
+ m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::SetCurr(2,pos[0],last_A_Line,pos[2], m_Eng_SSE->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos[0],0,pos[2]) );
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c996a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylinder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator_cylinder.h"
+class Operator_Ext_Cylinder;
+class Engine_sse;
+class Engine_Ext_Cylinder : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_Cylinder(Operator_Ext_Cylinder* op_ext);
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates();
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates();
+ virtual void SetEngine(Engine* eng);
+ Operator_Ext_Cylinder* cyl_Op;
+ Engine_sse* m_Eng_SSE;
+ unsigned int numLines[3];
+ bool CC_closedAlpha;
+ bool CC_R0_included;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca2c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_cylindermultigrid.h"
+Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid(Operator_Extension* op_ext, bool isBase) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_IsBase = isBase;
+ m_Eng_MG = NULL;
+ // the multi-grid should be applies last?
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SetBarrier(boost::barrier* waitBase, boost::barrier* waitChild, boost::barrier* waitSync)
+ m_WaitOnBase = waitBase;
+ m_WaitOnChild = waitChild;
+ m_WaitOnSync = waitSync;
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SetEngine(Engine* eng)
+ m_Eng_MG = dynamic_cast<Engine_CylinderMultiGrid*>(eng);
+ if (m_Eng_MG==NULL)
+ {
+ cerr << "Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SetEngine(): Error" << endl;
+ exit(0);
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPreVoltageUpdates()
+ //cerr << "Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPreVoltageUpdates() for " << m_IsBase << endl;
+ if (!m_IsBase)
+ {
+ //cerr << "child: volt wait on base " << endl;
+ m_WaitOnBase->wait(); //wait on base to finisch current sync and/or to finisch voltage updates, than start child voltage updates
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPostVoltageUpdates()
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::Apply2Voltages()
+ if (m_IsBase)
+ {
+ m_WaitOnBase->wait(); //base voltage updates are done, tell child to start its voltage updates
+ m_WaitOnChild->wait(); //wait for child to finisch its updates
+ SyncVoltages(); //child is finisch, run sync and go to current updates next
+ m_WaitOnSync->wait(); //sync is done... move on and tell child to move on...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_WaitOnChild->wait(); //child is finished voltage updates, will tell base to run sync
+ m_WaitOnSync->wait(); //wait for base to finisch sync before going to wait for current updates
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SyncVoltages()
+ if (m_Eng_MG==NULL)
+ {
+ cerr << "Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SyncVoltages: Error engine is NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ unsigned int* numLines = m_Eng_MG->numLines;
+ Engine_Multithread* m_InnerEng = m_Eng_MG->m_InnerEngine;
+ //interpolate voltages from base engine to child engine...
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ pos[0] = m_Eng_MG->Op_CMG->GetSplitPos()-1;
+ unsigned int pos1_half = 0;
+ f4vector v_null;
+ v_null.f[0] = 0;
+ v_null.f[1] = 0;
+ v_null.f[2] = 0;
+ v_null.f[3] = 0;
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]-1; pos[1]+=2)
+ {
+ pos1_half = pos[1]/2;
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<m_Eng_MG->numVectors; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ //r - direczion
+ m_InnerEng->f4_volt[0][pos[0]][pos1_half][pos[2]].v = v_null.v;
+ //z - direction
+ m_InnerEng->f4_volt[2][pos[0]][pos1_half][pos[2]].v = m_Eng_MG->f4_volt[2][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]].v;
+ //alpha - direction
+ m_InnerEng->f4_volt[1][pos[0]][pos1_half][pos[2]].v = m_Eng_MG->f4_volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]].v;
+ m_InnerEng->f4_volt[1][pos[0]][pos1_half][pos[2]].v += m_Eng_MG->f4_volt[1][pos[0]][pos[1]+1][pos[2]].v;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPreCurrentUpdates()
+ //cerr << "Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPreCurrentUpdates() for " << m_IsBase << endl;
+ if (!m_IsBase)
+ {
+ //cerr << "child: curr wait on base " << endl;
+ m_WaitOnBase->wait(); //wait on base to finisch voltage sync and current updates, than start child current updates
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::DoPostCurrentUpdates()
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::Apply2Current()
+ if (m_IsBase)
+ {
+ //cerr << "Base: curr wait on base done, wait on sync" << endl;
+ m_WaitOnBase->wait(); //base current updates are done, tell child to start its current updates
+ m_WaitOnChild->wait(); //wait for child to finisch its updates
+ SyncCurrents(); //child is finisch, run sync and go to voltage updates next
+ m_WaitOnSync->wait(); //sync is done... move on and tell child to move on...
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_WaitOnChild->wait(); //child is finished current updates, will tell base to run sync...
+ m_WaitOnSync->wait(); //wait for base to finisch sync before going to wait for next voltage updates
+ //cerr << "Child: curr done, wait on sync" << endl;
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SyncCurrents()
+ if (m_Eng_MG==NULL)
+ {
+ cerr << "Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid::SyncCurrents: Error engine is NULL" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ m_Eng_MG->InterpolCurrChild2Base(m_Eng_MG->Op_CMG->GetSplitPos()-2);
+ return;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9226f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_cylindermultigrid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/engine_cylindermultigrid.h"
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.h"
+class Operator_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid;
+class Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid(Operator_Extension* op_ext, bool isBase);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_CylinderMultiGrid();
+ void SetBarrier(boost::barrier* waitBase, boost::barrier* waitChild, boost::barrier* waitSync);
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates();
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates();
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages();
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates();
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates();
+ virtual void Apply2Current();
+ virtual void SetEngine(Engine* eng);
+ void SyncVoltages();
+ void SyncCurrents();
+ Engine_CylinderMultiGrid* m_Eng_MG;
+ boost::barrier *m_WaitOnBase;
+ boost::barrier *m_WaitOnChild;
+ boost::barrier *m_WaitOnSync;
+ bool m_IsBase;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9c431b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_dispersive.h"
+#include "operator_ext_dispersive.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+Engine_Ext_Dispersive::Engine_Ext_Dispersive(Operator_Ext_Dispersive* op_ext_disp) : Engine_Extension(op_ext_disp)
+ m_Op_Ext_Disp = op_ext_disp;
+ int order = m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_Order;
+ curr_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[order];
+ volt_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[order];
+ for (int o=0;o<order;++o)
+ {
+ curr_ADE[o] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ volt_ADE[o] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_curr_ADE_On[o]==true)
+ {
+ curr_ADE[o][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_Count[o]];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_Count[o]; ++i)
+ curr_ADE[o][n][i]=0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ curr_ADE[o][n] = NULL;
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_volt_ADE_On[o]==true)
+ {
+ volt_ADE[o][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_Count[o]];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_Count[o]; ++i)
+ volt_ADE[o][n][i]=0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ volt_ADE[o][n] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (curr_ADE==NULL && volt_ADE==NULL)
+ return;
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ delete[] curr_ADE[o][n];
+ delete[] volt_ADE[o][n];
+ }
+ delete[] curr_ADE[o];
+ delete[] volt_ADE[o];
+ }
+ delete[] curr_ADE;
+ curr_ADE=NULL;
+ delete[] volt_ADE;
+ volt_ADE=NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_Dispersive::Apply2Voltages()
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_volt_ADE_On[o]==false) continue;
+ unsigned int **pos = m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_pos[o];
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - volt_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_Dispersive::Apply2Current()
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_curr_ADE_On[o]==false) continue;
+ unsigned int **pos = m_Op_Ext_Disp->m_LM_pos[o];
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Disp->; ++i)
+ {
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i], m_Eng->GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]) - curr_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b84ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_dispersive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Ext_Dispersive;
+class Engine_Ext_Dispersive : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_Dispersive(Operator_Ext_Dispersive* op_ext_disp);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_Dispersive();
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages();
+ virtual void Apply2Current();
+ Operator_Ext_Dispersive* m_Op_Ext_Disp;
+ //! Dispersive order
+ int m_Order;
+ //! ADE currents
+ // Array setup: curr_ADE[N_order][direction][mesh_pos]
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***curr_ADE;
+ //! ADE voltages
+ // Array setup: volt_ADE[N_order][direction][mesh_pos]
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***volt_ADE;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bd8bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_excitation.h"
+#include "operator_ext_excitation.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+Engine_Ext_Excitation::Engine_Ext_Excitation(Operator_Ext_Excitation* op_ext) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_Op_Exc = op_ext;
+void Engine_Ext_Excitation::Apply2Voltages()
+ //soft voltage excitation here (E-field excite)
+ int exc_pos;
+ unsigned int ny;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ int numTS = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps();
+ unsigned int length = m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetLength();
+ FDTD_FLOAT* exc_volt = m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetVoltageSignal();
+ int p = numTS+1;
+ if (m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()>0)
+ p = int(m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()/m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetTimestep());
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Volt_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Volt_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Volt_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[2][n];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(ny,pos, m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Volt_amp[n]*exc_volt[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Volt_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Volt_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Volt_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[2][n];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(ny,pos, eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Volt_amp[n]*exc_volt[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Volt_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Volt_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Volt_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Volt_index[2][n];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(ny,pos, m_Eng->GetVolt(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Volt_amp[n]*exc_volt[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_Excitation::Apply2Current()
+ //soft current excitation here (H-field excite)
+ int exc_pos;
+ unsigned int ny;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ int numTS = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps();
+ unsigned int length = m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetLength();
+ FDTD_FLOAT* exc_curr = m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetCurrentSignal();
+ int p = numTS+1;
+ if (m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()>0)
+ p = int(m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()/m_Op_Exc->m_Exc->GetTimestep());
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Curr_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Curr_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Curr_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[2][n];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(ny,pos, m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Curr_amp[n]*exc_curr[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Curr_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Curr_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Curr_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[2][n];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(ny,pos, eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Curr_amp[n]*exc_curr[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<m_Op_Exc->Curr_Count; ++n)
+ {
+ exc_pos = numTS - (int)m_Op_Exc->Curr_delay[n];
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos>0);
+ exc_pos %= p;
+ exc_pos *= (exc_pos<=(int)length);
+ ny = m_Op_Exc->Curr_dir[n];
+ pos[0]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[0][n];
+ pos[1]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[1][n];
+ pos[2]=m_Op_Exc->Curr_index[2][n];
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(ny,pos, m_Eng->GetCurr(ny,pos) + m_Op_Exc->Curr_amp[n]*exc_curr[exc_pos]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aae58a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_excitation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Ext_Excitation;
+class Engine_Ext_Excitation : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_Excitation(Operator_Ext_Excitation* op_ext);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_Excitation();
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages();
+ virtual void Apply2Current();
+ Operator_Ext_Excitation* m_Op_Exc;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aaa1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.h"
+#include "operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial::Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial* op_ext_lorentz) : Engine_Ext_Dispersive(op_ext_lorentz)
+ m_Op_Ext_Lor = op_ext_lorentz;
+ m_Order = m_Op_Ext_Lor->GetDispersionOrder();
+ int order = m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_Order;
+ curr_Lor_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[order];
+ volt_Lor_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[order];
+ for (int o=0;o<order;++o)
+ {
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[o]==true)
+ {
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_Count[o]];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_Count[o]; ++i)
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][n][i]=0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][n] = NULL;
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[o]==true)
+ {
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_Count[o]];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_Count[o]; ++i)
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][n][i]=0.0;
+ }
+ else
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][n] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (curr_Lor_ADE==NULL && volt_Lor_ADE==NULL)
+ return;
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ delete[] curr_Lor_ADE[o][n];
+ delete[] volt_Lor_ADE[o][n];
+ }
+ delete[] curr_Lor_ADE[o];
+ delete[] volt_Lor_ADE[o];
+ }
+ delete[] curr_Lor_ADE;
+ curr_Lor_ADE=NULL;
+ delete[] volt_Lor_ADE;
+ volt_Lor_ADE=NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial::DoPreVoltageUpdates()
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_volt_ADE_On[o]==false) continue;
+ unsigned int **pos = m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_pos[o];
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[o])
+ {
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*volt_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*volt_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*volt_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*volt_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*volt_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*volt_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*volt_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (m_Eng->GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*volt_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (m_Eng->GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*volt_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (m_Eng->GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-volt_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * m_Eng->GetVolt(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * m_Eng->GetVolt(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ volt_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->v_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * m_Eng->GetVolt(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial::DoPreCurrentUpdates()
+ for (int o=0;o<m_Order;++o)
+ {
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_curr_ADE_On[o]==false) continue;
+ unsigned int **pos = m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_LM_pos[o];
+ if (m_Op_Ext_Lor->m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[o])
+ {
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*curr_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*curr_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*curr_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*curr_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*curr_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*curr_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]*curr_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * (m_Eng->GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][0][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]*curr_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * (m_Eng->GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][1][i]);
+ curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]+=m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]*curr_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * (m_Eng->GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i])-curr_Lor_ADE[o][2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*)m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op_Ext_Lor->; ++i)
+ {
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][0][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][0][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][0][i] * m_Eng->GetCurr(0,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][1][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][1][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][1][i] * m_Eng->GetCurr(1,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] *= m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_int_ADE[o][2][i];
+ curr_ADE[o][2][i] += m_Op_Ext_Lor->i_ext_ADE[o][2][i] * m_Eng->GetCurr(2,pos[0][i],pos[1][i],pos[2][i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804f49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_dispersive.h"
+class Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial;
+class Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial : public Engine_Ext_Dispersive
+ Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial* op_ext_lorentz);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial();
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates();
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates();
+ Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial* m_Op_Ext_Lor;
+ //! ADE Lorentz voltages
+ // Array setup: volt_Lor_ADE[N_order][direction][mesh_pos]
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***volt_Lor_ADE;
+ //! ADE Lorentz currents
+ // Array setup: curr_Lor_ADE[N_order][direction][mesh_pos]
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***curr_Lor_ADE;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f1b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_mur_abc.h"
+#include "operator_ext_mur_abc.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+#include "tools/useful.h"
+#include "operator_ext_excitation.h"
+Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_Op_mur = op_ext;
+ m_numLines[0] = m_Op_mur->m_numLines[0];
+ m_numLines[1] = m_Op_mur->m_numLines[1];
+ m_ny = m_Op_mur->m_ny;
+ m_nyP = m_Op_mur->m_nyP;
+ m_nyPP = m_Op_mur->m_nyPP;
+ m_LineNr = m_Op_mur->m_LineNr;
+ m_LineNr_Shift = m_Op_mur->m_LineNr_Shift;
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP;
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP;
+ m_volt_nyP = Create2DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ m_volt_nyPP = Create2DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ //find if some excitation is on this mur-abc and find the max length of this excite, so that the abc can start after the excitation is done...
+ int maxDelay=-1;
+ Operator_Ext_Excitation* Exc_ext = m_Op_mur->m_Op->GetExcitationExtension();
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<Exc_ext->GetVoltCount(); ++n)
+ {
+ if ( ((Exc_ext->Volt_dir[n]==m_nyP) || (Exc_ext->Volt_dir[n]==m_nyPP)) && (Exc_ext->Volt_index[m_ny][n]==m_LineNr) )
+ {
+ if ((int)Exc_ext->Volt_delay[n]>maxDelay)
+ maxDelay = (int)Exc_ext->Volt_delay[n];
+ }
+ }
+ m_start_TS = 0;
+ if (maxDelay>=0)
+ {
+ m_start_TS = maxDelay + m_Op_mur->m_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetLength() + 10; //give it some extra timesteps, for the excitation to travel at least one cell away
+ cerr << "Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC: Warning: Excitation inside the Mur-ABC #" << m_ny << "-" << (int)(m_LineNr>0) << " found!!!! Mur-ABC will be switched on after excitation is done at " << m_start_TS << " timesteps!!! " << endl;
+ }
+ SetNumberOfThreads(1);
+ Delete2DArray(m_volt_nyP,m_numLines);
+ m_volt_nyP = NULL;
+ Delete2DArray(m_volt_nyPP,m_numLines);
+ m_volt_nyPP = NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread)
+ Engine_Extension::SetNumberOfThreads(nrThread);
+ m_numX = AssignJobs2Threads(m_numLines[0],m_NrThreads,false);
+ m_start.resize(m_NrThreads,0);
+ for (size_t n=1; n<m_numX.size(); ++n)
+ = +;
+void Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (IsActive()==false) return;
+ if (m_Eng==NULL) return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ unsigned int pos_shift[] = {0,0,0};
+ pos[m_ny] = m_LineNr;
+ pos_shift[m_ny] = m_LineNr_Shift;
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyP,pos);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift) - m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (IsActive()==false) return;
+ if (m_Eng==NULL) return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ unsigned int pos_shift[] = {0,0,0};
+ pos[m_ny] = m_LineNr;
+ pos_shift[m_ny] = m_LineNr_Shift;
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ pos_shift[m_nyP] = pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ pos_shift[m_nyPP] = pos[m_nyPP];
+ m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyP,pos_shift);
+ m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] += m_Op_mur->m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(m_nyPP,pos_shift);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::Apply2Voltages(int threadID)
+ if (IsActive()==false) return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ if (m_Eng==NULL) return;
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ pos[m_ny] = m_LineNr;
+ //switch for different engine types to access faster inline engine functions
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(m_nyP,pos, m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(m_nyPP,pos, m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(m_nyP,pos, m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(m_nyPP,pos, m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ pos[m_nyP];
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(m_nyP,pos, m_volt_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(m_nyPP,pos, m_volt_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aadb2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_mur_abc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC;
+class Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC();
+ virtual void SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread);
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates() {Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::DoPreVoltageUpdates(0);}
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates() {Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::DoPostVoltageUpdates(0);}
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages() {Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC::Apply2Voltages(0);}
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages(int threadID);
+ Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* m_Op_mur;
+ inline bool IsActive() {if (m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()<m_start_TS) return false; return true;}
+ unsigned int m_start_TS;
+ int m_ny;
+ int m_nyP,m_nyPP;
+ unsigned int m_LineNr;
+ int m_LineNr_Shift;
+ unsigned int m_numLines[2];
+ vector<unsigned int> m_start;
+ vector<unsigned int> m_numX;
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_Mur_Coeff_nyP;
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP;
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_volt_nyP; //n+1 direction
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_volt_nyPP; //n+2 direction
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5d0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2015 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_steadystate.h"
+#include "operator_ext_steadystate.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_interface_fdtd.h"
+Engine_Ext_SteadyState::Engine_Ext_SteadyState(Operator_Ext_SteadyState* op_ext): Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_Op_SS = op_ext;
+ for (size_t n=0;n<m_Op_SS->m_E_probe_dir.size();++n)
+ {
+ double* rec = new double[m_Op_SS->m_TS_period*2];
+ m_E_records.push_back(rec);
+ }
+ m_last_max_diff = 1;
+ last_total_energy = 0;
+ m_Eng_Interface = NULL;
+ for (size_t n=0;n<m_E_records.size();++n)
+ {
+ delete[];
+ = NULL;
+ }
+ m_E_records.clear();
+ delete m_Eng_Interface;
+ m_Eng_Interface = NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_SteadyState::Apply2Voltages()
+ unsigned int p = m_Op_SS->m_TS_period;
+ unsigned int TS = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps();
+ unsigned int rel_pos = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps()%(2*p);
+ for (size_t n=0;n<m_E_records.size();++n)
+[rel_pos] = m_Eng->GetVolt(m_Op_SS->, m_Op_SS->m_E_probe_pos[0].at(n), m_Op_SS->m_E_probe_pos[1].at(n), m_Op_SS->m_E_probe_pos[2].at(n));
+ if ((TS%(m_Op_SS->m_TS_period)==0) && (TS>=2*p))
+ {
+ bool no_valid = true;
+ m_last_max_diff = 0;
+ double curr_total_energy = m_Eng_Interface->CalcFastEnergy();
+ if (last_total_energy>0)
+ {
+ m_last_max_diff = abs(curr_total_energy-last_total_energy)/last_total_energy;
+ no_valid = false;
+ }
+ //cerr << curr_total_energy << "/" << last_total_energy << "=" << abs(curr_total_energy-last_total_energy)/last_total_energy << endl;
+ last_total_energy = curr_total_energy;
+ unsigned int old_pos = 0;
+ unsigned int new_pos = p;
+ if (rel_pos<=p)
+ {
+ new_pos = 0;
+ old_pos = p;
+ }
+ //cerr << TS << "/" << rel_pos << ": one period complete, new_pos" << new_pos << " old pos: " << old_pos << endl;
+ double *curr_pow = new double[m_E_records.size()];
+ double *diff_pow = new double[m_E_records.size()];
+ double max_pow = 0;
+ for (size_t n=0;n<m_E_records.size();++n)
+ {
+ double *buf =;
+ curr_pow[n] = 0;
+ diff_pow[n] = 0;
+ for (unsigned int nt=0;nt<p;++nt)
+ {
+ curr_pow[n] += buf[nt+new_pos]*buf[nt+new_pos];
+ diff_pow[n] += (buf[nt+old_pos]-buf[nt+new_pos])*(buf[nt+old_pos]-buf[nt+new_pos]);
+ }
+ max_pow = max(max_pow, curr_pow[n]);
+ }
+ for (size_t n=0;n<m_E_records.size();++n)
+ {
+ //cerr << "curr_pow: " << curr_pow[n] << " diff_pow: " << diff_pow[n] << " diff: " << diff_pow[n]/curr_pow[n] << endl;
+ if (curr_pow[n]>max_pow*1e-2)
+ {
+ m_last_max_diff = max(m_last_max_diff, diff_pow[n]/curr_pow[n]);
+ //cerr << m_last_max_diff << endl;
+ no_valid = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((no_valid) || (m_last_max_diff>1))
+ m_last_max_diff = 1;
+ delete[] curr_pow; curr_pow = NULL;
+ //cerr << m_last_max_diff << endl;
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_SteadyState::Apply2Current()
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b66596e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_steadystate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2015 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Ext_SteadyState;
+class Engine_Interface_FDTD;
+class Engine_Ext_SteadyState : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_SteadyState(Operator_Ext_SteadyState* op_ext);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_SteadyState();
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages();
+ virtual void Apply2Current();
+ void SetEngineInterface(Engine_Interface_FDTD* eng_if) {m_Eng_Interface=eng_if;}
+ double GetLastDiff() {return m_last_max_diff;}
+ Operator_Ext_SteadyState* m_Op_SS;
+ double m_last_max_diff;
+ vector<double*> m_E_records;
+ vector<double*> m_H_records;
+ double last_total_energy;
+ Engine_Interface_FDTD* m_Eng_Interface;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd3b107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_tfsf.h"
+#include "operator_ext_tfsf.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+Engine_Ext_TFSF::Engine_Ext_TFSF(Operator_Ext_TFSF* op_ext) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_Op_TFSF = op_ext;
+ m_Priority = ENG_EXT_PRIO_TFSF;
+ m_DelayLookup = new unsigned int[m_Op_TFSF->m_maxDelay+1];
+ delete[] m_DelayLookup;
+ m_DelayLookup = NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_TFSF::DoPostVoltageUpdates()
+ unsigned int numTS = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps();
+ unsigned int length = m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetLength();
+ int p = int(m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()/m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetTimestep());
+ for (unsigned int n=0;n<=m_Op_TFSF->m_maxDelay;++n)
+ {
+ if ( numTS < n )
+ m_DelayLookup[n]=0;
+ else if ((numTS-n > length) && (p==0))
+ m_DelayLookup[n]=0;
+ else
+ m_DelayLookup[n] = numTS - n;
+ if (p>0)
+ m_DelayLookup[n] = (m_DelayLookup[n] % p);
+ }
+ //get the current signal since an H-field is added ...
+ FDTD_FLOAT* signal = m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetCurrentSignal();
+ int nP,nPP;
+ unsigned int ui_pos;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ // lower plane
+ pos[nP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nP];
+ ui_pos = 0;
+ if (m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nP];++i)
+ {
+ pos[nPP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nPP];
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nPP];++j)
+ {
+ // current updates
+ pos[n] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[n];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(nP,pos, m_Eng->GetVolt(nP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos]]] );
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(nPP,pos, m_Eng->GetVolt(nPP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos]]] );
+ ++pos[nPP];
+ ++ui_pos;
+ }
+ ++pos[nP];
+ }
+ }
+ // upper plane
+ pos[nP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nP];
+ ui_pos = 0;
+ if (m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nP];++i)
+ {
+ pos[nPP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nPP];
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nPP];++j)
+ {
+ // current updates
+ pos[n] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Stop[n];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(nP,pos, m_Eng->GetVolt(nP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos]]] );
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(nPP,pos, m_Eng->GetVolt(nPP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_VoltDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos]]] );
+ ++pos[nPP];
+ ++ui_pos;
+ }
+ ++pos[nP];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_TFSF::DoPostCurrentUpdates()
+ unsigned int numTS = m_Eng->GetNumberOfTimesteps();
+ unsigned int length = m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetLength();
+ int p = int(m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetSignalPeriod()/m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetTimestep());
+ for (unsigned int n=0;n<m_Op_TFSF->m_maxDelay;++n)
+ {
+ if ( numTS < n )
+ m_DelayLookup[n]=0;
+ else if ((numTS-n > length) && (p==0))
+ m_DelayLookup[n]=0;
+ else
+ m_DelayLookup[n] = numTS - n;
+ if (p>0)
+ m_DelayLookup[n] = (m_DelayLookup[n] % p);
+ }
+ //get the current signal since an E-field is added ...
+ FDTD_FLOAT* signal = m_Op_TFSF->m_Exc->GetVoltageSignal();
+ int nP,nPP;
+ unsigned int ui_pos;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ if (!m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][0] && !m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ continue;
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ // lower plane
+ pos[nP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nP];
+ ui_pos = 0;
+ if (m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nP];++i)
+ {
+ pos[nPP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nPP];
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nPP];++j)
+ {
+ // current updates
+ pos[n] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[n]-1;
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(nP,pos, m_Eng->GetCurr(nP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos]]] );
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(nPP,pos, m_Eng->GetCurr(nPP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos]]] );
+ ++pos[nPP];
+ ++ui_pos;
+ }
+ ++pos[nP];
+ }
+ }
+ // upper plane
+ pos[nP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nP];
+ ui_pos = 0;
+ if (m_Op_TFSF->m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nP];++i)
+ {
+ pos[nPP] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Start[nPP];
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<m_Op_TFSF->m_numLines[nPP];++j)
+ {
+ // current updates
+ pos[n] = m_Op_TFSF->m_Stop[n];
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(nP,pos, m_Eng->GetCurr(nP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos]]] );
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(nPP,pos, m_Eng->GetCurr(nPP,pos)
+ + (1.0-m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos])*m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[ m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos]]]
+ + m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos] *m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*signal[m_DelayLookup[1+m_Op_TFSF->m_CurrDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos]]] );
+ ++pos[nPP];
+ ++ui_pos;
+ }
+ ++pos[nP];
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e662a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_tfsf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+class Operator_Ext_TFSF;
+class Engine_Ext_TFSF : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_TFSF(Operator_Ext_TFSF* op_ext);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_TFSF();
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates();
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates();
+ Operator_Ext_TFSF* m_Op_TFSF;
+ unsigned int* m_DelayLookup;
+#endif // ENGINE_EXT_TFSF_H
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb365f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_ext_upml.h"
+#include "operator_ext_upml.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine_sse.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+#include "tools/useful.h"
+Engine_Ext_UPML::Engine_Ext_UPML(Operator_Ext_UPML* op_ext) : Engine_Extension(op_ext)
+ m_Op_UPML = op_ext;
+ //this ABC extension should be executed first!
+ m_Priority = ENG_EXT_PRIO_UPML;
+ volt_flux = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_Op_UPML->m_numLines);
+ curr_flux = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_Op_UPML->m_numLines);
+ SetNumberOfThreads(1);
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(volt_flux,m_Op_UPML->m_numLines);
+ volt_flux=NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(curr_flux,m_Op_UPML->m_numLines);
+ curr_flux=NULL;
+void Engine_Ext_UPML::SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread)
+ Engine_Extension::SetNumberOfThreads(nrThread);
+ m_numX = AssignJobs2Threads(m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[0],m_NrThreads,false);
+ m_start.resize(m_NrThreads,0);
+ for (size_t n=1; n<m_numX.size(); ++n)
+ = +;
+void Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (m_Eng==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int loc_pos[3];
+ FDTD_FLOAT f_help;
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(0,pos, volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(1,pos, volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(2,pos, volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(0,pos, volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(1,pos, volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,pos, volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(0,pos, volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(1,pos, volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->vv[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetVolt(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->vvfo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(2,pos, volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (m_Eng==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int loc_pos[3];
+ FDTD_FLOAT f_help;
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(0,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(1,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetVolt(2,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetVolt(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(0,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(1,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetVolt(2,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetVolt(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetVolt(0,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetVolt(1,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetVolt(2,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetVolt(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->vvfn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * volt_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPreCurrentUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (m_Eng==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int loc_pos[3];
+ FDTD_FLOAT f_help;
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(0,pos, curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(1,pos, curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(2,pos, curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(0,pos, curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(1,pos, curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(2,pos, curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetCurr(0,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(0,pos, curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetCurr(1,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(1,pos, curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ f_help = m_Op_UPML->ii[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * m_Eng->GetCurr(2,pos)
+ - m_Op_UPML->iifo[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(2,pos, curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = f_help;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPostCurrentUpdates(int threadID)
+ if (m_Eng==NULL)
+ return;
+ if (threadID>=m_NrThreads)
+ return;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int loc_pos[3];
+ FDTD_FLOAT f_help;
+ switch (m_Eng->GetType())
+ {
+ case Engine::BASIC:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(0,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(1,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->Engine::GetCurr(2,pos);
+ m_Eng->Engine::SetCurr(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case Engine::SSE:
+ {
+ Engine_sse* eng_sse = (Engine_sse*) m_Eng;
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(0,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(1,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = eng_sse->Engine_sse::GetCurr(2,pos);
+ eng_sse->Engine_sse::SetCurr(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ for (unsigned int lineX=0; lineX<; ++lineX)
+ {
+ loc_pos[0];
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[1];
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_Op_UPML->m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_Op_UPML->m_StartPos[2];
+ f_help = curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetCurr(0,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(0,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[0][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetCurr(1,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(1,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[1][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ f_help = curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]];
+ curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] = m_Eng->GetCurr(2,pos);
+ m_Eng->SetCurr(2,pos, f_help + m_Op_UPML->iifn[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]] * curr_flux[2][loc_pos[0]][loc_pos[1]][loc_pos[2]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..283c886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_ext_upml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Ext_UPML;
+class Engine_Ext_UPML : public Engine_Extension
+ Engine_Ext_UPML(Operator_Ext_UPML* op_ext);
+ virtual ~Engine_Ext_UPML();
+ virtual void SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread);
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates() {Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPreVoltageUpdates(0);};
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates() {Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPostVoltageUpdates(0);};
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates() {Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPreCurrentUpdates(0);};
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates(int threadID);
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates() {Engine_Ext_UPML::DoPostCurrentUpdates(0);};
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates(int threadID);
+ Operator_Ext_UPML* m_Op_UPML;
+ vector<unsigned int> m_start;
+ vector<unsigned int> m_numX;
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** volt_flux;
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** curr_flux;
+#endif // ENGINE_EXT_UPML_H
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f688a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "engine_extension.h"
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/engine.h"
+Engine_Extension::Engine_Extension(Operator_Extension* op_ext)
+ m_Op_ext = op_ext;
+ m_Eng = NULL;
+ m_Priority = ENG_EXT_PRIO_DEFAULT;
+ m_NrThreads = 1;
+void Engine_Extension::SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread)
+ if (nrThread<1)
+ return;
+ m_NrThreads=nrThread;
+string Engine_Extension::GetExtensionName() const
+ if (m_Op_ext)
+ return m_Op_ext->GetExtensionName();
+ else
+ return "Unknown Extension";
+void Engine_Extension::DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ DoPreVoltageUpdates();
+void Engine_Extension::DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ DoPostVoltageUpdates();
+void Engine_Extension::Apply2Voltages(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ Apply2Voltages();
+void Engine_Extension::DoPreCurrentUpdates(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ DoPreCurrentUpdates();
+void Engine_Extension::DoPostCurrentUpdates(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ DoPostCurrentUpdates();
+void Engine_Extension::Apply2Current(int threadID)
+ //if this method gets called the derived extension obviously doesn't support multithrading, calling non-MT method...
+ if (threadID==0)
+ Apply2Current();
+bool Engine_Extension::operator< (const Engine_Extension& other)
+ return (GetPriority()<other.GetPriority());
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ef712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/engine_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_DEFAULT 0 //default engine extension priority
+// priority definitions for some important extensions
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_STEADYSTATE +2e6 //steady state extension priority
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_UPML +1e6 //unaxial pml extension priority
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_CYLINDER +1e5 //cylindrial extension priority
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_TFSF +5e4 //total-field/scattered-field extension priority
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_EXCITATION -1000 //excitation priority
+#define ENG_EXT_PRIO_CYLINDERMULTIGRID -3000 //cylindrial multi-grid extension priority
+#include <string>
+class Operator_Extension;
+class Engine;
+//! Abstract base-class for all engine extensions
+class Engine_Extension
+ virtual ~Engine_Extension();
+ virtual void SetNumberOfThreads(int nrThread);
+ //! This methode will be called __before__ the main engine does the usual voltage updates. This methode may __not__ change the engine voltages!!!
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates() {}
+ virtual void DoPreVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ //! This methode will be called __after__ the main engine does the usual voltage updates. This methode may __not__ change the engine voltages!!!
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates() {}
+ virtual void DoPostVoltageUpdates(int threadID);
+ //! This methode will be called __after__ all updates to the voltages and extensions and may add/set its results to the engine voltages, but may __not__ rely on the current value of the engine voltages!!!
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages() {}
+ virtual void Apply2Voltages(int threadID);
+ //! This methode will be called __before__ the main engine does the usual current updates. This methode may __not__ change the engine current!!!
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates() {}
+ virtual void DoPreCurrentUpdates(int threadID);
+ //! This methode will be called __after__ the main engine does the usual current updates. This methode may __not__ change the engine current!!!
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates() {}
+ virtual void DoPostCurrentUpdates(int threadID);
+ //! This methode will be called __after__ all updates to the current and extensions and may add/set its results to the engine current, but may __not__ rely on the current value of the engine current!!!
+ virtual void Apply2Current() {}
+ virtual void Apply2Current(int threadID);
+ //! Set the Engine to this extention. This will usually done automatically by Engine::AddExtension
+ virtual void SetEngine(Engine* eng) {m_Eng=eng;}
+ //! Get the priority for this extension
+ virtual int GetPriority() const {return m_Priority;}
+ //! Set the priority for this extension
+ virtual void SetPriority(int val) {m_Priority=val;}
+ virtual bool operator< (const Engine_Extension& other);
+ virtual std::string GetExtensionName() const;
+ Engine_Extension(Operator_Extension* op_ext);
+ Operator_Extension* m_Op_ext;
+ Engine* m_Eng;
+ int m_Priority;
+ int m_NrThreads;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c51bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_conductingsheet.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+#include "tools/constants.h"
+#include "cond_sheet_parameter.h"
+#include "CSPropConductingSheet.h"
+Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(Operator* op, double f_max) : Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(op)
+ m_f_max = f_max;
+Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet* op_ext) : Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(op, op_ext)
+ m_f_max = op_ext->m_f_max;
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::Clone(Operator* op)
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet*>(this)==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return new Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(op, this);
+bool Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::BuildExtension()
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ double coord[3];
+ unsigned int numLines[3] = {m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)};
+ m_Order = 0;
+ vector<unsigned int> v_pos[3];
+ int ****tanDir = Create_N_3DArray<int>(numLines);
+ float ****Conductivity = Create_N_3DArray<float>(numLines);
+ float ****Thickness = Create_N_3DArray<float>(numLines);
+ CSPrimitives* cs_sheet = NULL;
+ double box[6];
+ int nP, nPP;
+ bool b_pos_on;
+ bool disable_pos;
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], pos[1], -1, (CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::MATERIAL | CSProperties::METAL));
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ b_pos_on = false;
+ disable_pos = false;
+ // disable conducting sheet model inside the boundary conditions, especially inside a pml
+ for (int m=0;m<3;++m)
+ if ((pos[m]<=(unsigned int)m_Op->GetBCSize(2*m)) || (pos[m]>=(numLines[m]-m_Op->GetBCSize(2*m+1)-1)))
+ disable_pos = true;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ tanDir[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = -1; //deactivate by default
+ Conductivity[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = 0; //deactivate by default
+ Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = 0; //deactivate by default
+ if (m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,coord,false)==false)
+ continue;
+ // Ez at r==0 not supported --> set to PEC
+ if (m_CC_R0_included && (n==2) && (pos[0]==0))
+ disable_pos = true;
+// CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord,(CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::METAL | CSProperties::MATERIAL), false, &cs_sheet);
+ CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, vPrims, false, &cs_sheet);
+ CSPropConductingSheet* cs_prop = dynamic_cast<CSPropConductingSheet*>(prop);
+ if (cs_prop)
+ {
+ if (cs_sheet==NULL)
+ return false; //sanity check, this should never happen
+ if (cs_sheet->GetDimension()!=2)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::BuildExtension: A conducting sheet primitive (ID: " << cs_sheet->GetID() << ") with dimension: " << cs_sheet->GetDimension() << " found, fallback to PEC!" << endl;
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ ++m_Op->m_Nr_PEC[n];
+ continue;
+ }
+ cs_sheet->SetPrimitiveUsed(true);
+ if (disable_pos)
+ {
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ ++m_Op->m_Nr_PEC[n];
+ continue;
+ }
+ Conductivity[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = cs_prop->GetConductivity();
+ Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = cs_prop->GetThickness();
+ if ((Conductivity[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]<=0) || (Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]<=0))
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::BuildExtension: Warning: Zero conductivity or thickness detected... fallback to PEC!" << endl;
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ ++m_Op->m_Nr_PEC[n];
+ continue;
+ }
+ cs_sheet->GetBoundBox(box);
+ if (box[2*nP]!=box[2*nP+1])
+ tanDir[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = nP;
+ if (box[2*nPP]!=box[2*nPP+1])
+ tanDir[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] = nPP;
+ b_pos_on = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (b_pos_on)
+ {
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ v_pos[n].push_back(pos[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t numCS = v_pos[0].size();
+ if (numCS==0)
+ return false;
+ m_LM_Count.push_back(numCS);
+ m_LM_Count.push_back(numCS);
+ m_Order = 2;
+ m_volt_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_volt_ADE_On[0] = m_volt_ADE_On[1]=true;
+ m_curr_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_curr_ADE_On[0] = m_curr_ADE_On[1]=false;
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[0] = m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[1]=false;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[0] = m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[1]=false;
+ m_LM_pos = new unsigned int**[m_Order];
+ m_LM_pos[0] = new unsigned int*[3];
+ m_LM_pos[1] = new unsigned int*[3];
+ v_int_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ v_ext_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ v_int_ADE[0] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ v_ext_ADE[0] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ v_int_ADE[1] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ v_ext_ADE[1] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ m_LM_pos[0][n] = new unsigned int[numCS];
+ m_LM_pos[1][n] = new unsigned int[numCS];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<numCS; ++i)
+ {
+ m_LM_pos[0][n][i] = v_pos[n].at(i);
+ m_LM_pos[1][n][i] = v_pos[n].at(i);
+ }
+ v_int_ADE[0][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[numCS];
+ v_int_ADE[1][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[numCS];
+ v_ext_ADE[0][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[numCS];
+ v_ext_ADE[1][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[numCS];
+ }
+ unsigned int index;
+ float w_stop = m_f_max*2*PI;
+ float Omega_max=0;
+ float G,L1,L2,R1,R2,Lmin;
+ float G0, w0;
+ float wtl; //width to length factor
+ float factor=1;
+ int t_dir=0; //tangential sheet direction
+ unsigned int tpos[] = {0,0,0};
+ unsigned int optParaPos;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<numCS;++i)
+ {
+ pos[0]=m_LM_pos[0][0][i];pos[1]=m_LM_pos[0][1][i];pos[2]=m_LM_pos[0][2][i];
+ tpos[0]=pos[0];tpos[1]=pos[1];tpos[2]=pos[2];
+ index = m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ tpos[0]=pos[0];tpos[1]=pos[1];tpos[2]=pos[2];
+ t_dir = tanDir[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
+ G0 = Conductivity[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];
+ w0 = 8.0/ G0 / Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]/__MUE0__;
+ Omega_max = w_stop/w0;
+ for (optParaPos=0;optParaPos<numOptPara;++optParaPos)
+ if (omega_stop[optParaPos]>Omega_max)
+ break;
+ if (optParaPos>=numOptPara)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet::BuildExtension(): Error, conductor thickness, conductivity or max. simulation frequency of interest is too high! Check parameter!" << endl;
+ cerr << " --> max f: " << m_f_max << "Hz, Conductivity: " << Conductivity[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]] << "S/m, Thickness " << Thickness[n][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]]*1e6 << "um" << endl;
+ optParaPos = numOptPara-1;
+ }
+ v_int_ADE[0][n][i]=0;
+ v_ext_ADE[0][n][i]=0;
+ v_int_ADE[1][n][i]=0;
+ v_ext_ADE[1][n][i]=0;
+ if (t_dir>=0)
+ {
+ wtl = m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/m_Op->GetNodeWidth(t_dir,pos);
+ factor = 1;
+ if (tanDir[t_dir][tpos[0]][tpos[1]][tpos[2]]<0)
+ factor = 2;
+ --tpos[t_dir];
+ if (tanDir[t_dir][tpos[0]][tpos[1]][tpos[2]]<0)
+ factor = 2;
+ L1 = l1[optParaPos]/G0/w0*factor;
+ L2 = l2[optParaPos]/G0/w0*factor;
+ R1 = r1[optParaPos]/G0*factor;
+ R2 = r2[optParaPos]/G0*factor;
+ G = G0*g[optParaPos]/factor;
+ L1*=wtl;
+ L2*=wtl;
+ R1*=wtl;
+ R2*=wtl;
+ G/=wtl;
+ Lmin = L1;
+ if (L2<L1)
+ Lmin = L2;
+ m_Op->EC_G[n][index]= G;
+ m_Op->EC_C[n][index]= dT*dT/4.0*(16.0/Lmin + 1/L1 + 1/L2);
+ m_Op->Calc_ECOperatorPos(n,pos);
+ v_int_ADE[0][n][i]=(2.0*L1-dT*R1)/(2.0*L1+dT*R1);
+ v_ext_ADE[0][n][i]=dT/(L1+dT*R1/2.0)*m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ v_int_ADE[1][n][i]=(2.0*L2-dT*R2)/(2.0*L2+dT*R2);
+ v_ext_ADE[1][n][i]=dT/(L2+dT*R2/2.0)*m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84dc4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_conductingsheet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h"
+ FDTD extension for a conducting sheet model as described in:
+ Lauer, A.; Wolff, I.; , "A conducting sheet model for efficient wide band FDTD analysis of planar waveguides and circuits," Microwave Symposium Digest, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International , vol.4, no., pp.1589-1592 vol.4, 1999
+ doi: 10.1109/MWSYM.1999.780262
+ URL:
+ */
+class Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet : public Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial
+ Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(Operator* op, double f_max);
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Conducting Sheet Extension");}
+ //! Copy constructor
+ Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_ConductingSheet* op_ext);
+ double m_f_max;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d400bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_cylinder.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator_cylinder.h"
+#include "engine_ext_cylinder.h"
+Operator_Ext_Cylinder::Operator_Ext_Cylinder(Operator_Cylinder* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ m_Op_Cyl = op;
+ CC_R0_included=m_Op_Cyl->GetR0Included();
+ CC_closedAlpha=m_Op_Cyl->GetClosedAlpha();
+ vv_R0 = NULL;
+ vi_R0 = NULL;
+ delete[] vv_R0;
+ vv_R0=NULL;
+ delete[] vi_R0;
+ vi_R0=NULL;
+bool Operator_Ext_Cylinder::BuildExtension()
+ delete[] vv_R0;
+ vv_R0=NULL;
+ delete[] vi_R0;
+ vi_R0=NULL;
+ //if r=0 is not included -> obviously no special treatment for r=0
+ //if alpha direction is not closed, PEC-BC at r=0 necessary and already set...
+ if (CC_R0_included==false)
+ return true;
+ vv_R0 = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)];
+ vi_R0 = new FDTD_FLOAT[m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)];
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ double coord[3];
+ double inEC[4];
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ pos[0]=0;
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims_metal = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], -1, -1, (CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::MATERIAL | CSProperties::METAL));
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true); ++pos[2])
+ {
+ double C=0;
+ double G=0;
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims_mat = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], -1, pos[2], CSProperties::MATERIAL);
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-2; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ m_Op_Cyl->Calc_ECPos(2,pos,inEC,vPrims_mat);
+ C+=inEC[0];
+ G+=inEC[1];
+ }
+ m_Op->SetVV(2,0,0,pos[2], 1);
+ vv_R0[pos[2]] = (1-dT*G/2/C)/(1+dT*G/2/C);
+ vi_R0[pos[2]] = (dT/C)/(1+dT*G/2/C);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true); ++i)
+ {
+ m_Op->EC_C[2][m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(0,i,pos[2])] = C;
+ m_Op->EC_G[2][m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(0,i,pos[2])] = G;
+ }
+ //search for metal on z-axis
+ m_Op_Cyl->GetYeeCoords(2,pos,coord,false);
+ CSProperties* prop = m_Op->CSX->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, vPrims_metal, true);
+ if (prop)
+ {
+ if (prop->GetType()==CSProperties::METAL) //set to PEC
+ {
+ m_Op->SetVV(2,0,0,pos[2], 0);
+ vv_R0[pos[2]] = 0;
+ vi_R0[pos[2]] = 0;
+ m_Op->EC_C[2][m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(0,0,pos[2])] = 0;
+ m_Op->EC_G[2][m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(0,0,pos[2])] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_Cylinder::CreateEngineExtention()
+ Engine_Ext_Cylinder* eng_ext = new Engine_Ext_Cylinder(this);
+ return eng_ext;
+void Operator_Ext_Cylinder::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ string On_Off[2] = {"Off", "On"};
+ ostr << " Zeroth Radius\t\t: " << On_Off[CC_R0_included] << endl;
+ ostr << " Closed Rotation\t: " << On_Off[CC_closedAlpha] << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8dff2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_cylinder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Operator_Cylinder;
+class Operator_Ext_Cylinder : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_Cylinder;
+ friend class Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial;
+ Operator_Ext_Cylinder(Operator_Cylinder* op);
+ ~Operator_Ext_Cylinder();
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return true;}
+ // FIXME, this extension is not save or unknown to be save to use with MPI
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return false;}
+ virtual std::string GetExtensionName() const {return std::string("Extension for the Cylinder-Coords Operator");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ Operator_Cylinder* m_Op_Cyl;
+ bool CC_closedAlpha;
+ bool CC_R0_included;
+ //special EC operator for R0
+ FDTD_FLOAT* vv_R0; //calc new voltage from old voltage
+ FDTD_FLOAT* vi_R0; //calc new voltage from old current
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed01f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_dispersive.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+using namespace std;
+Operator_Ext_Dispersive::Operator_Ext_Dispersive(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ m_curr_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_volt_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_LM_pos=NULL;
+ m_curr_ADE_On=NULL;
+ m_volt_ADE_On=NULL;
+ m_Order = 0;
+Operator_Ext_Dispersive::Operator_Ext_Dispersive(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Dispersive* op_ext) : Operator_Extension(op,op_ext)
+ m_curr_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_volt_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_LM_pos=NULL;
+ m_curr_ADE_On=NULL;
+ m_volt_ADE_On=NULL;
+ m_Order = 0;
+ delete[] m_curr_ADE_On;
+ delete[] m_volt_ADE_On;
+ m_curr_ADE_On=NULL;
+ m_volt_ADE_On=NULL;
+ for (int n=0;n<m_Order;++n)
+ {
+ delete[] m_LM_pos[n][0];
+ delete[] m_LM_pos[n][1];
+ delete[] m_LM_pos[n][2];
+ }
+ delete[] m_LM_pos;
+ m_LM_pos=NULL;
+ m_Order=0;
+ m_LM_Count.clear();
+void Operator_Ext_Dispersive::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ string On_Off[2] = {"Off", "On"};
+ ostr << " Max. Dispersion Order N = " << m_Order << endl;
+ for (int i=0;i<m_Order;++i)
+ {
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Active cells\t\t: " << << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Voltage ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_volt_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Current ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_curr_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fab354c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_dispersive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+//#include "operator.h"
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "vector"
+//! Abstract base class for all dispersive material models, based on an ADE (additional differential equation)
+class Operator_Ext_Dispersive : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_Dispersive;
+ virtual ~Operator_Ext_Dispersive();
+ virtual int GetDispersionOrder() {return m_Order;}
+ virtual std::string GetExtensionName() const {return std::string("Dispersive Material Abstract Base class");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(std::ostream &ostr) const;
+ Operator_Ext_Dispersive(Operator* op);
+ //! Copy constructor
+ Operator_Ext_Dispersive(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Dispersive* op_ext);
+ //! Dispersive order
+ int m_Order;
+ //! Dispersive material count
+ std::vector<unsigned int> m_LM_Count;
+ //! Index with dispersive material
+ // Array setup: m_LM_pos[N_order][direction][mesh_pos]
+ unsigned int ***m_LM_pos;
+ bool *m_curr_ADE_On;
+ bool *m_volt_ADE_On;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2085ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_excitation.h"
+#include "engine_ext_excitation.h"
+#include "FDTD/excitation.h"
+#include "ContinuousStructure.h"
+#include "CSPrimCurve.h"
+#include "CSPropExcitation.h"
+Operator_Ext_Excitation::Operator_Ext_Excitation(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ Init();
+ Reset();
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_Excitation::Clone(Operator* op)
+ Operator_Ext_Excitation* clone = new Operator_Ext_Excitation(op, this);
+ return clone;
+void Operator_Ext_Excitation::Init()
+ Operator_Extension::Init();
+ Volt_delay = 0;
+ Volt_amp = 0;
+ Volt_dir = 0;
+ Volt_Count = 0;
+ Curr_delay = 0;
+ Curr_amp = 0;
+ Curr_dir = 0;
+ Curr_Count = 0;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ Volt_index[n] = 0;
+ Curr_index[n] = 0;
+ Volt_Count_Dir[n] = 0;
+ Curr_Count_Dir[n] = 0;
+ }
+ m_Exc = 0;
+void Operator_Ext_Excitation::Reset()
+ Operator_Extension::Reset();
+ delete[] Volt_delay;
+ Volt_delay = 0;
+ delete[] Volt_dir;
+ Volt_dir = 0;
+ delete[] Volt_amp;
+ Volt_amp = 0;
+ delete[] Curr_delay;
+ Curr_delay = 0;
+ delete[] Curr_dir;
+ Curr_dir = 0;
+ delete[] Curr_amp;
+ Curr_amp = 0;
+ Volt_Count = 0;
+ Curr_Count = 0;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ delete[] Volt_index[n];
+ Volt_index[n] = 0;
+ delete[] Curr_index[n];
+ Curr_index[n] = 0;
+ Volt_Count_Dir[n] = 0;
+ Curr_Count_Dir[n] = 0;
+ }
+Operator_Ext_Excitation::Operator_Ext_Excitation(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Excitation* op_ext) : Operator_Extension(op, op_ext)
+ Init();
+bool Operator_Ext_Excitation::BuildExtension()
+ m_Exc = m_Op->GetExcitationSignal();
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ if (dT==0)
+ return false;
+ if (m_Exc==0)
+ return false;
+ Reset();
+ ContinuousStructure* CSX = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX();
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ double amp=0;
+ vector<unsigned int> volt_vIndex[3];
+ vector<FDTD_FLOAT> volt_vExcit;
+ vector<unsigned int> volt_vDelay;
+ vector<unsigned int> volt_vDir;
+ double volt_coord[3];
+ vector<unsigned int> curr_vIndex[3];
+ vector<FDTD_FLOAT> curr_vExcit;
+ vector<unsigned int> curr_vDelay;
+ vector<unsigned int> curr_vDir;
+ double curr_coord[3];
+ vector<CSProperties*> vec_prop = CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::EXCITATION);
+ if (vec_prop.size()==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator::CalcFieldExcitation: Warning, no excitation properties found" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSPropExcitation* elec=NULL;
+ CSProperties* prop=NULL;
+ int priority=0;
+ unsigned int numLines[] = {m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)};
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ //electric field excite
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,volt_coord,false)==false)
+ continue;
+ if (m_CC_R0_included && (n==2) && (pos[0]==0))
+ volt_coord[1] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(1,0);
+ if (m_CC_R0_included && (n==1) && (pos[0]==0))
+ continue;
+ for (size_t p=0; p<vec_prop.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ prop =;
+ elec = prop->ToExcitation();
+ if (elec==NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (prop->CheckCoordInPrimitive(volt_coord,priority,true))
+ {
+ if ((elec->GetActiveDir(n)) && ( (elec->GetExcitType()==0) || (elec->GetExcitType()==1) ))//&& (pos[n]<numLines[n]-1))
+ {
+ amp = elec->GetWeightedExcitation(n,volt_coord)*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos);// delta[n]*gridDelta;
+ if (amp!=0)
+ {
+ volt_vExcit.push_back(amp);
+ volt_vDelay.push_back((unsigned int)(elec->GetDelay()/dT));
+ volt_vDir.push_back(n);
+ volt_vIndex[0].push_back(pos[0]);
+ volt_vIndex[1].push_back(pos[1]);
+ volt_vIndex[2].push_back(pos[2]);
+ }
+ if (elec->GetExcitType()==1) //hard excite
+ {
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //magnetic field excite
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if ((pos[0]>=numLines[0]-1) || (pos[1]>=numLines[1]-1) || (pos[2]>=numLines[2]-1))
+ continue; //skip the last H-Line which is outside the FDTD-domain
+ if (m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,curr_coord,true)==false)
+ continue;
+ for (size_t p=0; p<vec_prop.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ prop =;
+ elec = prop->ToExcitation();
+ if (elec==NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (prop->CheckCoordInPrimitive(curr_coord,priority,true))
+ {
+ if ((elec->GetActiveDir(n)) && ( (elec->GetExcitType()==2) || (elec->GetExcitType()==3) ))
+ {
+ amp = elec->GetWeightedExcitation(n,curr_coord)*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos,true);// delta[n]*gridDelta;
+ if (amp!=0)
+ {
+ curr_vExcit.push_back(amp);
+ curr_vDelay.push_back((unsigned int)(elec->GetDelay()/dT));
+ curr_vDir.push_back(n);
+ curr_vIndex[0].push_back(pos[0]);
+ curr_vIndex[1].push_back(pos[1]);
+ curr_vIndex[2].push_back(pos[2]);
+ }
+ if (elec->GetExcitType()==3) //hard excite
+ {
+ m_Op->SetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //special treatment for primitives of type curve (treated as wires) see also Calc_PEC
+ double p1[3];
+ double p2[3];
+ Grid_Path path;
+ for (size_t p=0; p<vec_prop.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ prop =;
+ elec = prop->ToExcitation();
+ for (size_t n=0; n<prop->GetQtyPrimitives(); ++n)
+ {
+ CSPrimitives* prim = prop->GetPrimitive(n);
+ CSPrimCurve* curv = prim->ToCurve();
+ if (curv)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=1; i<curv->GetNumberOfPoints(); ++i)
+ {
+ curv->GetPoint(i-1,p1,m_Op->m_MeshType);
+ curv->GetPoint(i,p2,m_Op->m_MeshType);
+ path = m_Op->FindPath(p1,p2);
+ if (path.dir.size()>0)
+ prim->SetPrimitiveUsed(true);
+ for (size_t t=0; t<path.dir.size(); ++t)
+ {
+ n =;
+ pos[0] = path.posPath[0].at(t);
+ pos[1] = path.posPath[1].at(t);
+ pos[2] = path.posPath[2].at(t);
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,volt_coord,false);
+ if (elec!=NULL)
+ {
+ if ((elec->GetActiveDir(n)) && (pos[n]<numLines[n]-1) && ( (elec->GetExcitType()==0) || (elec->GetExcitType()==1) ))
+ {
+ amp = elec->GetWeightedExcitation(n,volt_coord)*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos);
+ if (amp!=0)
+ {
+ volt_vExcit.push_back(amp);
+ volt_vDelay.push_back((unsigned int)(elec->GetDelay()/dT));
+ volt_vDir.push_back(n);
+ volt_vIndex[0].push_back(pos[0]);
+ volt_vIndex[1].push_back(pos[1]);
+ volt_vIndex[2].push_back(pos[2]);
+ }
+ if (elec->GetExcitType()==1) //hard excite
+ {
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set voltage excitations
+ setupVoltageExcitation( volt_vIndex, volt_vExcit, volt_vDelay, volt_vDir );
+ // set current excitations
+ setupCurrentExcitation( curr_vIndex, curr_vExcit, curr_vDelay, curr_vDir );
+ return true;
+void Operator_Ext_Excitation::setupVoltageExcitation( vector<unsigned int> const volt_vIndex[3], vector<FDTD_FLOAT> const& volt_vExcit,
+ vector<unsigned int> const& volt_vDelay, vector<unsigned int> const& volt_vDir )
+ Volt_Count = volt_vIndex[0].size();
+ for (int n=0; n<3; n++)
+ {
+ Volt_Count_Dir[n]=0;
+ delete[] Volt_index[n];
+ Volt_index[n] = new unsigned int[Volt_Count];
+ }
+ delete[] Volt_delay;
+ delete[] Volt_amp;
+ delete[] Volt_dir;
+ Volt_delay = new unsigned int[Volt_Count];
+ Volt_amp = new FDTD_FLOAT[Volt_Count];
+ Volt_dir = new unsigned short[Volt_Count];
+// cerr << "Excitation::setupVoltageExcitation(): Number of voltage excitation points: " << Volt_Count << endl;
+// if (Volt_Count==0)
+// cerr << "No E-Field/voltage excitation found!" << endl;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; n++)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Volt_Count; i++)
+ Volt_index[n][i] = volt_vIndex[n].at(i);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Volt_Count; i++)
+ {
+ Volt_delay[i] =;
+ Volt_amp[i] =;
+ Volt_dir[i] =;
+ ++Volt_Count_Dir[Volt_dir[i]];
+ }
+void Operator_Ext_Excitation::setupCurrentExcitation( vector<unsigned int> const curr_vIndex[3], vector<FDTD_FLOAT> const& curr_vExcit,
+ vector<unsigned int> const& curr_vDelay, vector<unsigned int> const& curr_vDir )
+ Curr_Count = curr_vIndex[0].size();
+ for (int n=0; n<3; n++)
+ {
+ Curr_Count_Dir[n]=0;
+ delete[] Curr_index[n];
+ Curr_index[n] = new unsigned int[Curr_Count];
+ }
+ delete[] Curr_delay;
+ delete[] Curr_amp;
+ delete[] Curr_dir;
+ Curr_delay = new unsigned int[Curr_Count];
+ Curr_amp = new FDTD_FLOAT[Curr_Count];
+ Curr_dir = new unsigned short[Curr_Count];
+// cerr << "Excitation::setupCurrentExcitation(): Number of current excitation points: " << Curr_Count << endl;
+// if (Curr_Count==0)
+// cerr << "No H-Field/current excitation found!" << endl;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Curr_Count; i++)
+ Curr_index[n][i] = curr_vIndex[n].at(i);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<Curr_Count; i++)
+ {
+ Curr_delay[i] =;
+ Curr_amp[i] =;
+ Curr_dir[i] =;
+ ++Curr_Count_Dir[Curr_dir[i]];
+ }
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_Excitation::CreateEngineExtention()
+ return new Engine_Ext_Excitation(this);
+void Operator_Ext_Excitation::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ cout << "Voltage excitations\t: " << Volt_Count << "\t (" << Volt_Count_Dir[0] << ", " << Volt_Count_Dir[1] << ", " << Volt_Count_Dir[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "Current excitations\t: " << Curr_Count << "\t (" << Curr_Count_Dir[0] << ", " << Curr_Count_Dir[1] << ", " << Curr_Count_Dir[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "Excitation Length (TS)\t: " << m_Exc->GetLength() << endl;
+ cout << "Excitation Length (s)\t: " << m_Exc->GetLength()*m_Op->GetTimestep() << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2abcef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_excitation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Excitation;
+class Operator_Ext_Excitation : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_Excitation;
+ friend class Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC;
+ friend class Operator;
+ Operator_Ext_Excitation(Operator* op);
+ ~Operator_Ext_Excitation();
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Excitation Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ virtual void Init();
+ virtual void Reset();
+ unsigned int GetVoltCount() const {return Volt_Count;}
+ unsigned int GetVoltCount(int ny) const {return Volt_Count_Dir[ny];}
+ unsigned int GetCurrCount() const {return Curr_Count;}
+ unsigned int GetCurrCount(int ny) const {return Curr_Count_Dir[ny];}
+ Operator_Ext_Excitation(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Excitation* op_ext);
+ Excitation* m_Exc;
+ void setupVoltageExcitation( vector<unsigned int> const volt_vIndex[3], vector<FDTD_FLOAT> const& volt_vExcit,
+ vector<unsigned int> const& volt_vDelay, vector<unsigned int> const& volt_vDir );
+ void setupCurrentExcitation( vector<unsigned int> const curr_vIndex[3], vector<FDTD_FLOAT> const& curr_vExcit,
+ vector<unsigned int> const& curr_vDelay, vector<unsigned int> const& curr_vDir );
+ //E-Field/voltage Excitation
+ unsigned int Volt_Count;
+ unsigned int Volt_Count_Dir[3];
+ unsigned int* Volt_index[3];
+ unsigned short* Volt_dir;
+ FDTD_FLOAT* Volt_amp; //represented as edge-voltages!!
+ unsigned int* Volt_delay;
+ //H-Field/current Excitation
+ unsigned int Curr_Count;
+ unsigned int Curr_Count_Dir[3];
+ unsigned int* Curr_index[3];
+ unsigned short* Curr_dir;
+ FDTD_FLOAT* Curr_amp; //represented as edge-currents!!
+ unsigned int* Curr_delay;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f386fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h"
+#include "engine_ext_lorentzmaterial.h"
+#include "operator_ext_cylinder.h"
+#include "../operator_cylinder.h"
+#include "CSPropLorentzMaterial.h"
+#include "CSPropDebyeMaterial.h"
+Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator* op) : Operator_Ext_Dispersive(op)
+ v_int_ADE = NULL;
+ v_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ i_int_ADE = NULL;
+ i_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ v_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ i_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial* op_ext) : Operator_Ext_Dispersive(op,op_ext)
+ v_int_ADE = NULL;
+ v_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ i_int_ADE = NULL;
+ i_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ v_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ i_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+ for (int i=0;i<m_Order;++i)
+ {
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_volt_ADE_On[i])
+ {
+ delete[] v_int_ADE[i][n];
+ delete[] v_ext_ADE[i][n];
+ }
+ if (m_curr_ADE_On[i])
+ {
+ delete[] i_int_ADE[i][n];
+ delete[] i_ext_ADE[i][n];
+ }
+ if (m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[i])
+ delete[] v_Lor_ADE[i][n];
+ if (m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[i])
+ delete[] i_Lor_ADE[i][n];
+ }
+ if (m_volt_ADE_On[i])
+ {
+ delete[] v_int_ADE[i];
+ delete[] v_ext_ADE[i];
+ }
+ if (m_curr_ADE_On[i])
+ {
+ delete[] i_int_ADE[i];
+ delete[] i_ext_ADE[i];
+ }
+ if (m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[i])
+ delete[] v_Lor_ADE[i];
+ if (m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[i])
+ delete[] i_Lor_ADE[i];
+ }
+ delete[] v_int_ADE;
+ delete[] v_ext_ADE;
+ delete[] i_int_ADE;
+ delete[] i_ext_ADE;
+ v_int_ADE = NULL;
+ v_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ i_int_ADE = NULL;
+ i_ext_ADE = NULL;
+ delete[] v_Lor_ADE;
+ delete[] i_Lor_ADE;
+ v_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ i_Lor_ADE = NULL;
+ delete[] m_curr_Lor_ADE_On;
+ delete[] m_volt_Lor_ADE_On;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = NULL;
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::Clone(Operator* op)
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial*>(this)==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return new Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(op, this);
+bool Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::BuildExtension()
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ double coord[3];
+ unsigned int numLines[3] = {m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true),m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)};
+ CSPropLorentzMaterial* mat = NULL;
+ CSPropDebyeMaterial* debye_mat = NULL;
+ bool warn_once = true;
+ bool b_pos_on;
+ vector<unsigned int> v_pos[3];
+ // drude material parameter
+ double w_plasma,t_relax;
+ double L_D[3], C_D[3];
+ double R_D[3], G_D[3];
+ vector<double> v_int[3];
+ vector<double> v_ext[3];
+ vector<double> i_int[3];
+ vector<double> i_ext[3];
+ //additional Dorentz material parameter
+ double w_Lor_Pol;
+ double C_L[3];
+ double L_L[3];
+ vector<double> v_Lor[3];
+ vector<double> i_Lor[3];
+ m_Order = 0;
+ vector<CSProperties*> LD_props = m_Op->CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::LORENTZMATERIAL);
+ for (size_t n=0;n<LD_props.size();++n)
+ {
+ CSPropLorentzMaterial* LorMat = dynamic_cast<CSPropLorentzMaterial*>(;
+ if (LorMat==NULL)
+ return false; //sanity check, this should not happen
+ if (LorMat->GetDispersionOrder()>m_Order)
+ m_Order=LorMat->GetDispersionOrder();
+ }
+ LD_props = m_Op->CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::DEBYEMATERIAL);
+ for (size_t n=0;n<LD_props.size();++n)
+ {
+ CSPropDebyeMaterial* DebyeMat = dynamic_cast<CSPropDebyeMaterial*>(;
+ if (DebyeMat==NULL)
+ return false; //sanity check, this should not happen
+ if (DebyeMat->GetDispersionOrder()>m_Order)
+ m_Order=DebyeMat->GetDispersionOrder();
+ }
+ m_LM_pos = new unsigned int**[m_Order];
+ m_volt_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_curr_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On = new bool[m_Order];
+ v_int_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ v_ext_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ i_int_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ i_ext_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ v_Lor_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ i_Lor_ADE = new FDTD_FLOAT**[m_Order];
+ for (int order=0;order<m_Order;++order)
+ {
+ m_volt_ADE_On[order]=false;
+ m_curr_ADE_On[order]=false;
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[order]=false;
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[order]=false;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ v_pos[n].clear();
+ v_int[n].clear();
+ v_ext[n].clear();
+ i_int[n].clear();
+ i_ext[n].clear();
+ v_Lor[n].clear();
+ i_Lor[n].clear();
+ }
+ for (pos[0]=0; pos[0]<numLines[0]; ++pos[0])
+ {
+ for (pos[1]=0; pos[1]<numLines[1]; ++pos[1])
+ {
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], pos[1], -1, (CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::MATERIAL | CSProperties::METAL));
+ for (pos[2]=0; pos[2]<numLines[2]; ++pos[2])
+ {
+ unsigned int index = m_Op->MainOp->SetPos(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ //calc epsilon lorentz material
+ b_pos_on = false;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ L_D[n]=0;
+ R_D[n]=0;
+ C_L[n]=0;
+ if (m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,coord,false)==false)
+ continue;
+ if (m_CC_R0_included && (n==2) && (pos[0]==0))
+ coord[1] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(1,0);
+ if (m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])==0)
+ continue;
+// CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord,(CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::METAL | CSProperties::MATERIAL), true);
+ CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, vPrims, true);
+ if ((mat = prop->ToLorentzMaterial()))
+ {
+ w_plasma = mat->GetEpsPlasmaFreqWeighted(order,n,coord) * 2 * PI;
+ if ((w_plasma>0) && (m_Op->EC_C[n][index]>0))
+ {
+ b_pos_on = true;
+ m_volt_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ L_D[n] = 1/(w_plasma*w_plasma*m_Op->EC_C[n][index]);
+ }
+ t_relax = mat->GetEpsRelaxTimeWeighted(order,n,coord);
+ if ((t_relax>0) && m_volt_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ R_D[n] = L_D[n]/t_relax;
+ }
+ w_Lor_Pol = mat->GetEpsLorPoleFreqWeighted(order,n,coord) * 2 * PI;
+ if ((w_Lor_Pol>0) && (L_D[n]>0))
+ {
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ C_L[n] = 1/(w_Lor_Pol*w_Lor_Pol*L_D[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((debye_mat = prop->ToDebyeMaterial()))
+ {
+ C_L[n] = 8.85418781762e-12*debye_mat->GetEpsDeltaWeighted(order,n,coord) * m_Op->GetEdgeArea(n, pos) / m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos);
+ t_relax = debye_mat->GetEpsRelaxTimeWeighted(order,n,coord);
+ if ((t_relax<2.0*dT) && warn_once)
+ {
+ warn_once = false;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::BuildExtension(): Warning, debye relaxation time is to small, skipping..." << endl;
+ }
+ if ((C_L[n]>0) && (t_relax>0) && (t_relax>2.0*dT))
+ {
+ R_D[n] = t_relax/C_L[n];
+ b_pos_on = true;
+ m_volt_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ C_D[n]=0;
+ G_D[n]=0;
+ L_L[n]=0;
+ if (m_Op->GetYeeCoords(n,pos,coord,true)==false)
+ continue;
+ if (m_Op->GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])==0)
+ continue;
+// CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord,(CSProperties::PropertyType)(CSProperties::METAL | CSProperties::MATERIAL), true);
+ CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, vPrims, true);
+ if ((mat = prop->ToLorentzMaterial()))
+ {
+ w_plasma = mat->GetMuePlasmaFreqWeighted(order,n,coord) * 2 * PI;
+ if ((w_plasma>0) && (m_Op->EC_L[n][index]>0))
+ {
+ b_pos_on = true;
+ m_curr_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ C_D[n] = 1/(w_plasma*w_plasma*m_Op->EC_L[n][index]);
+ }
+ t_relax = mat->GetMueRelaxTimeWeighted(order,n,coord);
+ if ((t_relax>0) && m_curr_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ G_D[n] = C_D[n]/t_relax;
+ }
+ w_Lor_Pol = mat->GetMueLorPoleFreqWeighted(order,n,coord) * 2 * PI;
+ if ((w_Lor_Pol>0) && (C_D[n]>0))
+ {
+ m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[order] = true;
+ L_L[n] = 1/(w_Lor_Pol*w_Lor_Pol*C_D[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (b_pos_on) //this position has active drude material
+ {
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ v_pos[n].push_back(pos[n]);
+ if (L_D[n]>0)
+ {
+ v_int[n].push_back((2.0*L_D[n]-dT*R_D[n])/(2.0*L_D[n]+dT*R_D[n]));
+ // check for r==0 in clyindrical coords and get special VI cooefficient
+ if (m_CC_R0_included && n==2 && pos[0]==0)
+ v_ext[n].push_back(dT/(L_D[n]+dT*R_D[n]/2.0)*m_Op_Cyl->m_Cyl_Ext->vi_R0[pos[2]]);
+ else
+ v_ext[n].push_back(dT/(L_D[n]+dT*R_D[n]/2.0)*m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]));
+ }
+ else if ((R_D[n]>0) && (C_L[n]>0))
+ {
+ v_int[n].push_back((2.0*dT-R_D[n]*C_L[n])/(C_L[n]*R_D[n]));
+ v_ext[n].push_back(2.0/R_D[n]*m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v_int[n].push_back(1);
+ v_ext[n].push_back(0);
+ }
+ if (C_D[n]>0)
+ {
+ i_int[n].push_back((2.0*C_D[n]-dT*G_D[n])/(2.0*C_D[n]+dT*G_D[n]));
+ i_ext[n].push_back(dT/(C_D[n]+dT*G_D[n]/2.0)*m_Op->GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i_int[n].push_back(1);
+ i_ext[n].push_back(0);
+ }
+ if (C_L[n]>0)
+ v_Lor[n].push_back(dT/C_L[n]/m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]));
+ else
+ v_Lor[n].push_back(0);
+ if (L_L[n]>0)
+ i_Lor[n].push_back(dT/L_L[n]/m_Op->GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]));
+ else
+ i_Lor[n].push_back(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //copy all vectors into the array's
+ m_LM_Count.push_back(v_pos[0].size());
+ m_LM_pos[order] = new unsigned int*[3];
+ if (m_volt_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ v_int_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ v_ext_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v_int_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ v_ext_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_curr_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ i_int_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ i_ext_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ i_int_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ i_ext_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ }
+ if (m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[order])
+ v_Lor_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ else
+ v_Lor_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ if (m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[order])
+ i_Lor_ADE[order] = new FDTD_FLOAT*[3];
+ else
+ i_Lor_ADE[order] = NULL;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ m_LM_pos[order][n] = new unsigned int[];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<; ++i)
+ m_LM_pos[order][n][i] = v_pos[n].at(i);
+ if (m_volt_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ v_int_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ v_ext_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<; ++i)
+ {
+ v_int_ADE[order][n][i] = v_int[n].at(i);
+ v_ext_ADE[order][n][i] = v_ext[n].at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_curr_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ i_int_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ i_ext_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<; ++i)
+ {
+ i_int_ADE[order][n][i] = i_int[n].at(i);
+ i_ext_ADE[order][n][i] = i_ext[n].at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ v_Lor_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<; ++i)
+ v_Lor_ADE[order][n][i] = v_Lor[n].at(i);
+ }
+ if (m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[order])
+ {
+ i_Lor_ADE[order][n] = new FDTD_FLOAT[];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<; ++i)
+ i_Lor_ADE[order][n][i] = i_Lor[n].at(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::CreateEngineExtention()
+ Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial* eng_ext_lor = new Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial(this);
+ return eng_ext_lor;
+void Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ string On_Off[2] = {"Off", "On"};
+ ostr << " Max. Dispersion Order N = " << m_Order << endl;
+ for (int i=0;i<m_Order;++i)
+ {
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Active cells\t\t: " << << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Voltage ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_volt_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Voltage Lor-ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_volt_Lor_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Current ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_curr_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ ostr << " N=" << i << ":\t Current Lor-ADE is \t: " << On_Off[m_curr_Lor_ADE_On[i]] << endl;
+ }
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9e600b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_lorentzmaterial.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "operator_ext_dispersive.h"
+class Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial : public Operator_Ext_Dispersive
+ friend class Engine_Ext_LorentzMaterial;
+ Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator* op);
+ virtual ~Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial();
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Drude/Lorentz Dispersive Material Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ //! Copy constructor
+ Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial* op_ext);
+ //ADE update coefficients, array setup: coeff[N_order][direction][mesh_pos_index]
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***v_int_ADE;
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***v_ext_ADE;
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***i_int_ADE;
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***i_ext_ADE;
+ bool *m_curr_Lor_ADE_On;
+ bool *m_volt_Lor_ADE_On;
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***v_Lor_ADE;
+ FDTD_FLOAT ***i_Lor_ADE;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1df8583
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_mur_abc.h"
+#include "engine_ext_mur_abc.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+#include "CSPropMaterial.h"
+Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ Initialize();
+ Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyP,m_numLines);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = NULL;
+ Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP,m_numLines);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = NULL;
+Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext) : Operator_Extension(op, op_ext)
+ Initialize();
+ m_v_phase = op_ext->m_v_phase;
+ SetDirection(op_ext->m_ny,op_ext->m_top);
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Clone(Operator* op)
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC*>(this)==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ return new Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(op, this);
+bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const
+ if ((m_ny==0) && (!m_top) && (R0_included || closedAlpha))
+ return false;
+ if ((m_ny==1) && (closedAlpha))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const
+ if (m_ny==2) //always allow in z-direction
+ return true;
+ if ((m_ny==0) && (m_top) && (!child)) //if top r-direction and is not a child grid allow Mur...
+ return true;
+ //in all other cases this ABC is not save to use in CylindricalMultiGrid
+ return false;
+void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::Initialize()
+ m_ny = -1;
+ m_nyP = -1;
+ m_nyPP = -1;
+ m_LineNr = 0;
+ m_LineNr_Shift = 0;
+ m_v_phase = 0.0;
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = NULL;
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = NULL;
+ m_numLines[0]=0;
+ m_numLines[1]=0;
+void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::SetDirection(int ny, bool top_ny)
+ if ((ny<0) || (ny>2))
+ return;
+ Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyP,m_numLines);
+ Delete2DArray(m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP,m_numLines);
+ m_ny = ny;
+ m_top = top_ny;
+ m_nyP = (ny+1)%3;
+ m_nyPP = (ny+2)%3;
+ if (!top_ny)
+ {
+ m_LineNr = 0;
+ m_LineNr_Shift = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_LineNr = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_ny,true)-1;
+ m_LineNr_Shift = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_ny,true) - 2;
+ }
+ m_numLines[0] = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_nyP,true);
+ m_numLines[1] = m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(m_nyPP,true);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP = Create2DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP = Create2DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+bool Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension()
+ if (m_ny<0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension: Warning, Extension not initialized! Use SetDirection!! Abort build!!" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ unsigned int pos[] = {0,0,0};
+ pos[m_ny] = m_LineNr;
+ double delta = fabs(m_Op->GetEdgeLength(m_ny,pos));
+ double coord[] = {0,0,0};
+ coord[0] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]);
+ coord[1] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(1,pos[1]);
+ coord[2] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(2,pos[2]);
+ double eps,mue;
+ double c0t;
+ if (m_LineNr==0)
+ coord[m_ny] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_ny,pos[m_ny]) + delta/2 / m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ else
+ coord[m_ny] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_ny,pos[m_ny]) - delta/2 / m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ int posBB[3];
+ posBB[m_ny] =pos[m_ny];
+ posBB[m_nyPP]=-1;
+ for (pos[m_nyP]=0; pos[m_nyP]<m_numLines[0]; ++pos[m_nyP])
+ {
+ posBB[m_nyP]=pos[m_nyP];
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(posBB[0], posBB[1], posBB[2], CSProperties::MATERIAL);
+ coord[m_nyP] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_nyP,pos[m_nyP]);
+ for (pos[m_nyPP]=0; pos[m_nyPP]<m_numLines[1]; ++pos[m_nyPP])
+ {
+ coord[m_nyPP] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(m_nyPP,pos[m_nyPP]);
+// CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, CSProperties::MATERIAL, false);
+ CSProperties* prop = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX()->GetPropertyByCoordPriority(coord, vPrims, false);
+ if (prop)
+ {
+ CSPropMaterial* mat = prop->ToMaterial();
+ //nP
+ eps = mat->GetEpsilonWeighted(m_nyP,coord);
+ mue = mat->GetMueWeighted(m_nyP,coord);
+ if (m_v_phase>0.0)
+ c0t = m_v_phase * dT;
+ else
+ c0t = __C0__ * dT / sqrt(eps*mue);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta);
+ //nPP
+ eps = mat->GetEpsilonWeighted(m_nyPP,coord);
+ mue = mat->GetMueWeighted(m_nyPP,coord);
+ if (m_v_phase>0.0)
+ c0t = m_v_phase * dT;
+ else
+ c0t = __C0__ * dT / sqrt(eps*mue);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_v_phase>0.0)
+ c0t = m_v_phase * dT;
+ else
+ c0t = __C0__ / sqrt(m_Op->GetBackgroundEpsR()*m_Op->GetBackgroundMueR()) * dT;
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = (c0t - delta) / (c0t + delta);
+ m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] = m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]];
+ }
+// cerr << m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] << " : " << m_Mur_Coeff_nyP[pos[m_nyP]][pos[m_nyPP]] << endl;
+ }
+ }
+// cerr << "Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::BuildExtension(): " << m_ny << " @ " << m_LineNr << endl;
+ return true;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::CreateEngineExtention()
+ Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC* eng_ext = new Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC(this);
+ return eng_ext;
+void Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ string XYZ[3] = {"x","y","z"};
+ ostr << " Active direction\t: " << XYZ[m_ny] << " at line: " << m_LineNr << endl;
+ if (m_v_phase>0.0)
+ ostr << " Used phase velocity\t: " << m_v_phase << " (" << m_v_phase/__C0__ << " * c_0)" <<endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddc43c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_mur_abc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+class Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_Mur_ABC;
+ Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op);
+ ~Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC();
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ //! Define the direction of this ABC: \a ny=0,1,2 -> x,y,z and if at bottom_ny -> e.g. x=0 or x=end
+ void SetDirection(int ny, bool top_ny);
+ //! Set (override) the expected phase velocity of the incoming wave
+ void SetPhaseVelocity(double c_phase) {m_v_phase=c_phase;};
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const;
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const;
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Mur ABC Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_Mur_ABC* op_ext);
+ void Initialize();
+ int m_ny;
+ int m_nyP,m_nyPP;
+ bool m_top;
+ unsigned int m_LineNr;
+ int m_LineNr_Shift;
+ double m_v_phase;
+ unsigned int m_numLines[2];
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_Mur_Coeff_nyP;
+ FDTD_FLOAT** m_Mur_Coeff_nyPP;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8395a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2015 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_steadystate.h"
+#include "engine_ext_steadystate.h"
+Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Operator_Ext_SteadyState(Operator* op, double period): Operator_Extension(op)
+ this->Reset();
+ m_T_period = period;
+Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Operator_Ext_SteadyState(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_SteadyState* op_ext): Operator_Extension(op, op_ext)
+ this->Reset();
+ m_T_period = op_ext->m_T_period;
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Clone(Operator* op)
+ //disable cloning, only the main operator needs to have a steady state detection
+ UNUSED(op);
+ return NULL;
+bool Operator_Ext_SteadyState::BuildExtension()
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ m_TS_period = round(m_T_period/dT);
+ m_T_period = m_TS_period*dT;
+ return true;
+void Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Reset()
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ m_E_probe_pos[n].clear();
+ m_H_probe_pos[n].clear();
+ }
+ m_E_probe_dir.clear();
+ m_H_probe_dir.clear();
+ m_T_period = 0;
+ m_TS_period = 0;
+bool Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Add_E_Probe(unsigned int pos[3], int dir)
+ if ((dir<0) || (dir>2))
+ return false;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ if (pos[n]>=m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n))
+ return false;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_E_probe_pos[n].push_back(pos[n]);
+ m_E_probe_dir.push_back(dir);
+ return true;
+bool Operator_Ext_SteadyState::Add_H_Probe(unsigned int pos[3], int dir)
+ if ((dir<0) || (dir>2))
+ return false;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ if (pos[n]>=m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n))
+ return false;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_H_probe_pos[n].push_back(pos[n]);
+ m_H_probe_dir.push_back(dir);
+ return true;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_SteadyState::CreateEngineExtention()
+ m_Eng_Ext = new Engine_Ext_SteadyState(this);
+ return m_Eng_Ext;
+void Operator_Ext_SteadyState::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ cout << "Period time (s): " << m_T_period << "\t Period TS: " << m_TS_period << endl;
+ cout << "Number of E probes\t: " << m_E_probe_dir.size() << endl;
+ cout << "Number of H probes\t: " << m_H_probe_dir.size() << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b735ca3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_steadystate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2015 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+class Engine_Ext_SteadyState;
+class Operator_Ext_SteadyState : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_SteadyState;
+ Operator_Ext_SteadyState(Operator* op, double period);
+ virtual ~Operator_Ext_SteadyState();
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return true;}
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Steady-State Detection Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ virtual void Reset();
+ bool Add_E_Probe(unsigned int pos[3], int dir);
+ bool Add_H_Probe(unsigned int pos[3], int dir);
+ Operator_Ext_SteadyState(Operator* op, Operator_Ext_SteadyState* op_ext);
+ double m_T_period;
+ unsigned int m_TS_period;
+ vector<unsigned int> m_E_probe_pos[3];
+ vector<unsigned int> m_E_probe_dir;
+ vector<unsigned int> m_H_probe_pos[3];
+ vector<unsigned int> m_H_probe_dir;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..663dc1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_tfsf.h"
+#include "engine_ext_tfsf.h"
+#include <cmath>
+#include "CSPrimBox.h"
+#include "CSPropExcitation.h"
+Operator_Ext_TFSF::Operator_Ext_TFSF(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ Init();
+ Reset();
+void Operator_Ext_TFSF::Init()
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ for (int l=0;l<2;++l)
+ for (int c=0;c<2;++c)
+ {
+ m_VoltDelay[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ m_VoltAmp[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ m_CurrDelay[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ m_CurrAmp[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ }
+ m_Frequency = 0.0;
+ m_PhVel = __C0__;
+ Operator_Extension::Init();
+void Operator_Ext_TFSF::Reset()
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ for (int l=0;l<2;++l)
+ for (int c=0;c<2;++c)
+ {
+ delete[] m_VoltDelay[n][l][c];
+ m_VoltDelay[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_VoltDelayDelta[n][l][c];
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_VoltAmp[n][l][c];
+ m_VoltAmp[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_CurrDelay[n][l][c];
+ m_CurrDelay[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_CurrDelayDelta[n][l][c];
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ delete[] m_CurrAmp[n][l][c];
+ m_CurrAmp[n][l][c]=NULL;
+ }
+ Operator_Extension::Reset();
+Operator_Extension* Operator_Ext_TFSF::Clone(Operator* op)
+ UNUSED(op);
+ return NULL;
+bool Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension()
+ m_Exc = m_Op->GetExcitationSignal();
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ if (dT==0)
+ return false;
+ if (m_Exc==0)
+ return false;
+ Reset();
+ ContinuousStructure* CSX = m_Op->GetGeometryCSX();
+ vector<CSProperties*> vec_prop = CSX->GetPropertyByType(CSProperties::EXCITATION);
+ if (vec_prop.size()==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, no excitation properties found" << endl;
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ double ref_index = sqrt(m_Op->GetBackgroundEpsR()*m_Op->GetBackgroundMueR());
+ m_PhVel = __C0__/ref_index;
+ CSPropExcitation* elec=NULL;
+ CSProperties* prop=NULL;
+ CSPrimitives* prim=NULL;
+ CSPrimBox* box=NULL;
+ for (size_t p=0; p<vec_prop.size(); ++p)
+ {
+ prop =;
+ elec = prop->ToExcitation();
+ if (elec->GetExcitType()!=10)
+ continue;
+ if (prop->GetQtyPrimitives()!=1)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, plane wave excitation found with more (or less) than one primitive, skipping..." << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ prim = prop->GetPrimitive(0);
+ if (prim->GetType()!=CSPrimitives::BOX)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, plane wave excitation found with false non-Box primitive, skipping..." << endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ box = prim->ToBox();
+ if (box==NULL) //sanity check, should not happen!
+ {
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // found a plane-wave excite with exactly one box
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_PropDir[n] = elec->GetPropagationDir(n);
+ double dir_norm = sqrt(m_PropDir[0]*m_PropDir[0]+m_PropDir[1]*m_PropDir[1]+m_PropDir[2]*m_PropDir[2]);
+ if (dir_norm==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, plane wave direction is zero, skipping..." << endl;
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ //make it a unit vector
+ m_PropDir[0]/=dir_norm;m_PropDir[1]/=dir_norm;m_PropDir[2]/=dir_norm;
+ if (m_Op->SnapBox2Mesh(box->GetStartCoord()->GetNativeCoords(), box->GetStopCoord()->GetNativeCoords(), m_Start, m_Stop)!=3)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, plane wave box dimension is invalid, skipping..." << endl;
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_Frequency = elec->GetFrequency();
+// if (m_Frequency<=0)
+// m_Frequency = m_Op->GetExcitationSignal()->GetFrequencyOfInterest();
+ if (m_Frequency<=0)
+ m_PhVel=__C0__/ref_index;
+ else
+ m_PhVel=m_Op->CalcNumericPhaseVelocity(m_Start,m_Stop,m_PropDir,m_Frequency);
+ if ((m_PhVel<0) || (m_PhVel>__C0__/ref_index) || isnan(m_PhVel))
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, invalid phase velocity found, resetting to c0! " << endl;
+ m_PhVel = __C0__/ref_index;
+ }
+ double origin[3];
+ unsigned int ui_origin[3];
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ m_E_Amp[n] = elec->GetExcitation(n);
+ m_numLines[n] = m_Stop[n]-m_Start[n]+1;
+ m_IncLow[n] = m_PropDir[n]>=0;
+ if (m_Start[n]==0)
+ m_ActiveDir[n][0]=false;
+ else
+ m_ActiveDir[n][0]=true;
+ if (m_Stop[n]==m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1)
+ m_ActiveDir[n][1]=false;
+ else
+ m_ActiveDir[n][1]=true;
+ if (m_IncLow[n])
+ {
+ ui_origin[n] = m_Start[n]-1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ui_origin[n] = m_Stop[n]+1;
+ }
+ origin[n] = m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,ui_origin[n]);
+ }
+ double dotEk = (m_E_Amp[0]*m_PropDir[0] + m_E_Amp[1]*m_PropDir[1] + m_E_Amp[2]*m_PropDir[2]);
+ double angle = acos( dotEk / (m_E_Amp[0]*m_E_Amp[0] + m_E_Amp[1]*m_E_Amp[1] + m_E_Amp[2]*m_E_Amp[2]) ) / PI * 180;
+ if (angle==0)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, plane wave direction and polarization is identical, skipping..." << endl;
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (angle!=90)
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_TFSF::BuildExtension: Warning, angle between propagation direction and polarization is not 90deg, resetting E-polarization to : (";
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ m_E_Amp[n]-=m_PropDir[n]*dotEk;
+ cerr << m_E_Amp[0] << "," << m_E_Amp[1] << "," << m_E_Amp[2] << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ int nP,nPP;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ m_H_Amp[n] = m_PropDir[nP]*m_E_Amp[nPP] - m_PropDir[nPP]*m_E_Amp[nP];
+ m_H_Amp[n] /= __Z0__*sqrt(m_Op->GetBackgroundMueR()/m_Op->GetBackgroundEpsR());
+ }
+ double coord[3];
+ double unit = m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ double delay;
+ double dist;
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int numP, ui_pos;
+ m_maxDelay = 0;
+ for (int n=0;n<3;++n)
+ {
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ pos[n] = 0; //unused
+ pos[nP] = m_Start[nP];
+ numP = m_numLines[nP]*m_numLines[nPP];
+ if (!m_ActiveDir[n][0] && !m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ continue;
+ for (int l=0;l<2;++l)
+ for (int c=0;c<2;++c)
+ {
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][l])
+ {
+ m_VoltDelay[n][l][c]=new unsigned int[numP];
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][l][c]=new FDTD_FLOAT[numP];
+ m_VoltAmp[n][l][c]=new FDTD_FLOAT[numP];
+ m_CurrDelay[n][l][c]=new unsigned int[numP];
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][l][c]=new FDTD_FLOAT[numP];
+ m_CurrAmp[n][l][c]=new FDTD_FLOAT[numP];
+ }
+ }
+ ui_pos = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_numLines[nP];++i)
+ {
+ pos[nPP] = m_Start[nPP];
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<m_numLines[nPP];++j)
+ {
+ // current updates
+ pos[n] = m_Start[n];
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ {
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nP,pos,coord,false);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_CurrDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos] = m_E_Amp[nP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nP,pos);
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nPP,pos,coord,false);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_CurrDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos] = m_E_Amp[nPP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nPP,pos);
+ --pos[n];
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetIV(nP,pos);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetIV(nPP,pos);
+ }
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ {
+ pos[n] = m_Stop[n];
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nP,pos,coord,false);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_CurrDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos] = m_E_Amp[nP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nP,pos);
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nPP,pos,coord,false);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_CurrDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_CurrDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos] = m_E_Amp[nPP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nPP,pos);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetIV(nP,pos);
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetIV(nPP,pos);
+ }
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*=-1;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*=-1;
+ if (pos[nP]==m_Stop[nP])
+ {
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]=0;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]=0;
+ }
+ if (pos[nPP]==m_Stop[nPP])
+ {
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]=0;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_CurrAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]=0;
+ }
+ // voltage updates
+ pos[n] = m_Start[n]-1;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ {
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nP,pos,coord,true);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT + 1.0;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_VoltDelay[n][0][1][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][1][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos] = m_H_Amp[nP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nP,pos,true);
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nPP,pos,coord,true);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT + 1.0;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_VoltDelay[n][0][0][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][0][0][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos] = m_H_Amp[nPP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nPP,pos,true);
+ ++pos[n];
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetVI(nP,pos);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetVI(nPP,pos);
+ }
+ pos[n] = m_Stop[n];
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ {
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nP,pos,coord,true);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT + 1.0;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_VoltDelay[n][1][1][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][1][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos] = m_H_Amp[nP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nP,pos,true);
+ m_Op->GetYeeCoords(nPP,pos,coord,true);
+ dist = fabs((coord[0]-origin[0])*m_PropDir[0])+fabs((coord[1]-origin[1])*m_PropDir[1])+fabs((coord[2]-origin[2])*m_PropDir[2]);
+ delay = dist*unit/m_PhVel/dT + 1.0;
+ m_maxDelay = max((unsigned int)delay,m_maxDelay);
+ m_VoltDelay[n][1][0][ui_pos] = floor(delay);
+ m_VoltDelayDelta[n][1][0][ui_pos] = delay - floor(delay);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos] = m_H_Amp[nPP]*m_Op->GetEdgeLength(nPP,pos,true);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetVI(nP,pos);
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]*=m_Op->GetVI(nPP,pos);
+ }
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]*=-1;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]*=-1;
+ if (pos[nP]==m_Stop[nP])
+ {
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][0][ui_pos]=0;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][0][ui_pos]=0;
+ }
+ if (pos[nPP]==m_Stop[nPP])
+ {
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][0])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][0][1][ui_pos]=0;
+ if (m_ActiveDir[n][1])
+ m_VoltAmp[n][1][1][ui_pos]=0;
+ }
+ ++pos[nPP];
+ ++ui_pos;
+ }
+ ++pos[nP];
+ }
+ }
+ ++m_maxDelay;
+ return true;
+ }
+ SetActive(false);
+ return false;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_TFSF::CreateEngineExtention()
+ return new Engine_Ext_TFSF(this);
+void Operator_Ext_TFSF::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ cout << "Active directions\t: " << "(" << m_ActiveDir[0][0] << "/" << m_ActiveDir[0][1] << ", " << m_ActiveDir[1][0] << "/" << m_ActiveDir[1][1] << ", " << m_ActiveDir[2][0] << "/" << m_ActiveDir[2][1] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "Propagation direction\t: " << "(" << m_PropDir[0] << ", " << m_PropDir[1] << ", " << m_PropDir[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "Rel. propagation speed\t: " << m_PhVel/__C0__ << "*c0 @ " << m_Frequency << " Hz" << endl;
+ cout << "E-field amplitude (V/m)\t: " << "(" << m_E_Amp[0] << ", " << m_E_Amp[1] << ", " << m_E_Amp[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "H-field amplitude (A/m)\t: " << "(" << m_H_Amp[0] << ", " << m_H_Amp[1] << ", " << m_H_Amp[2] << ")" << endl;
+ cout << "Box Dimensions\t\t: " << m_numLines[0] << " x " << m_numLines[1] << " x " << m_numLines[2] << endl;
+ cout << "Max. Delay (TS)\t\t: " << m_maxDelay << endl;
+ int dirs = m_ActiveDir[0][0] + m_ActiveDir[0][1] + m_ActiveDir[1][0] + m_ActiveDir[1][1] + m_ActiveDir[2][0] + m_ActiveDir[2][1] ;
+ cout << "Memory usage (est.)\t: ~" << m_numLines[0] * m_numLines[1] * m_numLines[2] * dirs * 4 * 4 / 1024 << " kiB" << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1e714e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_tfsf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2012 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "tools/constants.h"
+class Excitation;
+class Operator_Ext_TFSF : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_TFSF;
+ Operator_Ext_TFSF(Operator* op);
+ ~Operator_Ext_TFSF();
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return false;}
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return false;}
+ // FIXME, this extension is not save to use with MPI
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return false;}
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Total-Field/Scattered-Field Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ virtual void Init();
+ virtual void Reset();
+ Excitation* m_Exc;
+ bool m_IncLow[3];
+ bool m_ActiveDir[3][2]; // m_ActiveDir[direction][low/high]
+ unsigned int m_Start[3];
+ unsigned int m_Stop[3];
+ unsigned int m_numLines[3];
+ double m_PropDir[3];
+ double m_E_Amp[3];
+ double m_H_Amp[3];
+ double m_Frequency;
+ double m_PhVel;
+ unsigned int m_maxDelay;
+ // array setup [direction][low/high][component][ <mesh_position> ]
+ unsigned int* m_VoltDelay[3][2][2];
+ FDTD_FLOAT* m_VoltDelayDelta[3][2][2];
+ FDTD_FLOAT* m_VoltAmp[3][2][2];
+ unsigned int* m_CurrDelay[3][2][2];
+ FDTD_FLOAT* m_CurrDelayDelta[3][2][2];
+ FDTD_FLOAT* m_CurrAmp[3][2][2];
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc46d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_ext_upml.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator_cylindermultigrid.h"
+#include "engine_ext_upml.h"
+#include "tools/array_ops.h"
+#include "fparser.hh"
+using namespace std;
+Operator_Ext_UPML::Operator_Ext_UPML(Operator* op) : Operator_Extension(op)
+ m_GradingFunction = new FunctionParser();
+ //default grading function
+ SetGradingFunction(" -log(1e-6)*log(2.5)/(2*dl*Z*(pow(2.5,W/dl)-1)) * pow(2.5, D/dl) ");
+ for (int n=0; n<6; ++n)
+ {
+ m_BC[n]=0;
+ m_Size[n]=0;
+ }
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ m_StartPos[n]=0;
+ m_numLines[n]=0;
+ }
+ vv = NULL;
+ vvfo = NULL;
+ vvfn = NULL;
+ ii = NULL;
+ iifo = NULL;
+ iifn = NULL;
+ delete m_GradingFunction;
+ m_GradingFunction = NULL;
+ DeleteOp();
+void Operator_Ext_UPML::SetBoundaryCondition(const int* BCs, const unsigned int size[6])
+ for (int n=0; n<6; ++n)
+ {
+ m_BC[n]=BCs[n];
+ m_Size[n]=size[n];
+ }
+void Operator_Ext_UPML::SetRange(const unsigned int start[3], const unsigned int stop[3])
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ m_StartPos[n]=start[n];
+ m_numLines[n]=stop[n]-start[n]+1;
+ }
+bool Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML(Operator* op, const int ui_BC[6], const unsigned int ui_size[6], string gradFunc)
+ int BC[6]={ui_BC[0],ui_BC[1],ui_BC[2],ui_BC[3],ui_BC[4],ui_BC[5]};
+ unsigned int size[6]={ui_size[0],ui_size[1],ui_size[2],ui_size[3],ui_size[4],ui_size[5]};
+ //check if mesh is large enough to support the pml
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ if ( (size[2*n]*(BC[2*n]==3)+size[2*n+1]*(BC[2*n+1]==3)) >= op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true) )
+ {
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: Not enough lines in direction: " << n << ", resetting to PEC" << endl;
+ BC[2*n]=0;
+ size[2*n]=0;
+ BC[2*n+1]=0;
+ size[2*n+1]=0;
+ }
+ //check cylindrical coord compatiblility
+ Operator_Cylinder* op_cyl = dynamic_cast<Operator_Cylinder*>(op);
+ if (op_cyl)
+ {
+ if ((BC[0]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha() || op_cyl->GetR0Included()))
+ {
+ BC[0]=0;
+ size[0]=0;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in r-min direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl;
+ }
+ if ( (BC[2]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha()) )
+ {
+ BC[2]=0;
+ size[2]=0;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha-min direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl;
+ }
+ if ( (BC[3]==3) && (op_cyl->GetClosedAlpha()) )
+ {
+ BC[3]=0;
+ size[3]=0;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha-max direction is not possible, resetting to PEC..." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ //check cylindrical coord compatiblility
+ if (dynamic_cast<Operator_CylinderMultiGrid*>(op))
+ {
+ if (BC[2]==3)
+ {
+ BC[2]=0;
+ size[2]=0;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha direction is not possible for a cylindrical multi-grid, resetting to PEC..." << endl;
+ }
+ if (BC[3]==3)
+ {
+ BC[3]=0;
+ size[3]=0;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::Create_UPML: Warning: An upml in alpha direction is not possible for a cylindrical multi-grid, resetting to PEC..." << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ Operator_Ext_UPML* op_ext_upml=NULL;
+ unsigned int start[3]={0 ,0 ,0};
+ unsigned int stop[3] ={op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1,op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1,op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1};
+ //create a pml in x-direction over the full width of yz-space
+ if (BC[0]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[0]=0;
+ stop[0] =size[0];
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ if (BC[1]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[0]=op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1-size[1];
+ stop[0] =op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1;
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ //create a pml in y-direction over the xz-space (if a pml in x-direction already exists, skip that corner regions)
+ start[0]=(size[0]+1)*(BC[0]==3);
+ stop[0] =op->GetNumberOfLines(0,true)-1-(size[0]+1)*(BC[1]==3);
+ if (BC[2]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[1]=0;
+ stop[1] =size[2];
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ if (BC[3]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[1]=op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-size[3];
+ stop[1] =op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1;
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ //create a pml in z-direction over the xy-space (if a pml in x- and/or y-direction already exists, skip that corner/edge regions)
+ start[1]=(size[2]+1)*(BC[2]==3);
+ stop[1] =op->GetNumberOfLines(1,true)-1-(size[3]+1)*(BC[3]==3);
+ //exclude x-lines that does not belong to the base multi-grid operator;
+ Operator_CylinderMultiGrid* op_cyl_MG = dynamic_cast<Operator_CylinderMultiGrid*>(op);
+ if (op_cyl_MG)
+ start[0] = op_cyl_MG->GetSplitPos()-1;
+ if (BC[4]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[2]=0;
+ stop[2] =size[4];
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ if (BC[5]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[2]=op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1-size[5];
+ stop[2] =op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1;
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ BC[1]=0;
+ size[1]=0;
+ //create pml extensions (in z-direction only) for child operators in cylindrical multigrid operators
+ while (op_cyl_MG)
+ {
+ Operator_Cylinder* op_child = op_cyl_MG->GetInnerOperator();
+ op_cyl_MG = dynamic_cast<Operator_CylinderMultiGrid*>(op_child);
+ for (int n=0; n<2; ++n)
+ {
+ start[n]=0;
+ stop[n]=op_child->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1;
+ }
+ if (op_cyl_MG)
+ start[0] = op_cyl_MG->GetSplitPos()-1;
+ if (BC[4]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op_child);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[2]=0;
+ stop[2] =size[4];
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op_child->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ if (BC[5]==3)
+ {
+ op_ext_upml = new Operator_Ext_UPML(op_child);
+ op_ext_upml->SetGradingFunction(gradFunc);
+ start[2]=op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1-size[5];
+ stop[2] =op->GetNumberOfLines(2,true)-1;
+ op_ext_upml->SetBoundaryCondition(BC, size);
+ op_ext_upml->SetRange(start,stop);
+ op_child->AddExtension(op_ext_upml);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void Operator_Ext_UPML::DeleteOp()
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(vv,m_numLines);
+ vv = NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(vvfo,m_numLines);
+ vvfo = NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(vvfn,m_numLines);
+ vvfn = NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(ii,m_numLines);
+ ii = NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(iifo,m_numLines);
+ iifo = NULL;
+ Delete_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(iifn,m_numLines);
+ iifn = NULL;
+bool Operator_Ext_UPML::SetGradingFunction(string func)
+ if (func.empty())
+ return true;
+ m_GradFunc = func;
+ int res = m_GradingFunction->Parse(m_GradFunc.c_str(), "D,dl,W,Z,N");
+ if (res < 0) return true;
+ cerr << "Operator_Ext_UPML::SetGradingFunction: Warning, an error occured parsing the pml grading function (see below) ..." << endl;
+ cerr << func << "\n" << string(res, ' ') << "^\n" << m_GradingFunction->ErrorMsg() << "\n";
+ return false;
+void Operator_Ext_UPML::CalcGradingKappa(int ny, unsigned int pos[3], double Zm, double kappa_v[3], double kappa_i[3])
+ double depth=0;
+ double width=0;
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ if ((pos[n] <= m_Size[2*n]) && (m_BC[2*n]==3)) //lower pml in n-dir
+ {
+ width = (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Size[2*n]) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,0))*m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ depth = width - (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,pos[n]) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,0))*m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ if ((m_Op_Cyl) && (n==1))
+ {
+ width *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]);
+ depth *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]);
+ }
+ if (n==ny)
+ depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ double vars[5] = {depth, width/m_Size[2*n], width, Zm, (double)m_Size[2*n]};
+ if (depth>0)
+ kappa_v[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars);
+ else
+ kappa_v[n]=0;
+ if (n==ny)
+ depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ if (n!=ny)
+ depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ if (depth<0)
+ depth=0;
+ vars[0]=depth;
+ if (depth>0)
+ kappa_i[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars);
+ else
+ kappa_i[n] = 0;
+ }
+ else if ((pos[n] >= m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true) -1 -m_Size[2*n+1]) && (m_BC[2*n+1]==3)) //upper pml in n-dir
+ {
+ width = (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-m_Size[2*n+1]-1))*m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ depth = width - (m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,m_Op->GetNumberOfLines(n,true)-1) - m_Op->GetDiscLine(n,pos[n]))*m_Op->GetGridDelta();
+ if ((m_Op_Cyl) && (n==1))
+ {
+ width *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]);
+ depth *= m_Op_Cyl->GetDiscLine(0,pos[0]);
+ }
+ if (n==ny)
+ depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ double vars[5] = {depth, width/(m_Size[2*n]), width, Zm, (double)m_Size[2*n]};
+ if (depth>0)
+ kappa_v[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars);
+ else
+ kappa_v[n]=0;
+ if (n==ny)
+ depth-=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ if (n!=ny)
+ depth+=m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos)/2;
+ if (depth>width)
+ depth=0;
+ vars[0]=depth;
+ if (depth>0)
+ kappa_i[n] = m_GradingFunction->Eval(vars);
+ else
+ kappa_i[n]=0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ kappa_v[n] = 0;
+ kappa_i[n] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+bool Operator_Ext_UPML::BuildExtension()
+ /*Calculate the upml coefficients as defined in:
+ Allen Taflove, computational electrodynamics - the FDTD method, third edition, chapter 7.8, pages 297-300
+ - modified by Thorsten Liebig to match the equivalent circuit (EC) FDTD method
+ - kappa is used for conductivities (instead of sigma)
+ */
+ if (m_Op==NULL)
+ return false;
+ DeleteOp();
+ vv = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ vvfo = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ vvfn = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ ii = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ iifo = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ iifn = Create_N_3DArray<FDTD_FLOAT>(m_numLines);
+ unsigned int pos[3];
+ unsigned int loc_pos[3];
+ int nP,nPP;
+ double kappa_v[3]={0,0,0};
+ double kappa_i[3]={0,0,0};
+ double eff_Mat[4];
+ double dT = m_Op->GetTimestep();
+ for (loc_pos[0]=0; loc_pos[0]<m_numLines[0]; ++loc_pos[0])
+ {
+ pos[0] = loc_pos[0] + m_StartPos[0];
+ for (loc_pos[1]=0; loc_pos[1]<m_numLines[1]; ++loc_pos[1])
+ {
+ pos[1] = loc_pos[1] + m_StartPos[1];
+ vector<CSPrimitives*> vPrims = m_Op->GetPrimitivesBoundBox(pos[0], pos[1], -1, CSProperties::MATERIAL);
+ for (loc_pos[2]=0; loc_pos[2]<m_numLines[2]; ++loc_pos[2])
+ {
+ pos[2] = loc_pos[2] + m_StartPos[2];
+ for (int n=0; n<3; ++n)
+ {
+ m_Op->Calc_EffMatPos(n,pos,eff_Mat,vPrims);
+ CalcGradingKappa(n, pos,__Z0__ ,kappa_v ,kappa_i);
+ nP = (n+1)%3;
+ nPP = (n+2)%3;
+ if ((kappa_v[0]+kappa_v[1]+kappa_v[2])!=0)
+ {
+ //check if pos is on PEC
+ if ( (m_Op->GetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]) + m_Op->GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])) != 0 )
+ {
+ //modify the original operator to perform eq. (7.85) by the main engine (EC-FDTD: equation is multiplied by delta_n)
+ //the engine extension will replace the original voltages with the "voltage flux" (volt*eps0) prior to the voltage updates
+ //after the updates are done the extension will calculate the new voltages (see below) and place them back into the main field domain
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[nP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nP]*dT) );
+ m_Op->SetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nP]*dT) * m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos) / m_Op->GetEdgeArea(n,pos) );
+ //operators needed by eq. (7.88) to calculate new voltages from old voltages and old and new "voltage fluxes"
+ GetVV(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[nPP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT);
+ GetVVFN(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[0];
+ GetVVFO(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_v[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_v[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[0];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //disable upml
+ GetVV(n,loc_pos) = m_Op->GetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ m_Op->SetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ GetVVFO(n,loc_pos) = 0;
+ GetVVFN(n,loc_pos) = 1;
+ }
+ if ((kappa_i[0]+kappa_i[1]+kappa_i[2])!=0)
+ {
+ //check if pos is on PMC
+ if ( (m_Op->GetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]) + m_Op->GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])) != 0 )
+ {
+ //modify the original operator to perform eq. (7.89) by the main engine (EC-FDTD: equation is multiplied by delta_n)
+ //the engine extension will replace the original currents with the "current flux" (curr*mu0) prior to the current updates
+ //after the updates are done the extension will calculate the new currents (see below) and place them back into the main field domain
+ m_Op->SetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[nP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nP]*dT) );
+ m_Op->SetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], (2*__EPS0__*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nP]*dT) * m_Op->GetEdgeLength(n,pos,true) / m_Op->GetEdgeArea(n,pos,true) );
+ //operators needed by eq. (7.90) to calculate new currents from old currents and old and new "current fluxes"
+ GetII(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[nPP]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT);
+ GetIIFN(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[2];
+ GetIIFO(n,loc_pos) = (2*__EPS0__ - kappa_i[n]*dT) / (2*__EPS0__ + kappa_i[nPP]*dT)/eff_Mat[2];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //disable upml
+ GetII(n,loc_pos) = m_Op->GetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]);
+ m_Op->SetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2], 0 );
+ GetIIFO(n,loc_pos) = 0;
+ GetIIFN(n,loc_pos) = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+Engine_Extension* Operator_Ext_UPML::CreateEngineExtention()
+ Engine_Ext_UPML* eng_ext = new Engine_Ext_UPML(this);
+ return eng_ext;
+void Operator_Ext_UPML::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostr);
+ ostr << " PML range\t\t: " << "[" << m_StartPos[0]<< "," << m_StartPos[1]<< "," << m_StartPos[2]<< "] to ["
+ << m_StartPos[0]+m_numLines[0]-1 << "," << m_StartPos[1]+m_numLines[1]-1 << "," << m_StartPos[2]+m_numLines[2]-1 << "]" << endl;
+ ostr << " Grading function\t: \"" << m_GradFunc << "\"" << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5256655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_ext_upml.h
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+class FunctionParser;
+//! Operator extension implemention an uniaxial perfectly matched layer (upml)
+ The priority for this extension should be the highest of all extensions since this operator will use the main engine to perform vital parts in the upml implementation.
+ Therefore the voltages and currents as well as the operator are replaced during these update process.
+ This extension is propably incompatible with the most other extensions operating in the same regions.
+ */
+class Operator_Ext_UPML : public Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Ext_UPML;
+ virtual ~Operator_Ext_UPML();
+ //! Returns always true, Create_UPML method will take care of creating a valid pml for the cylindrical fdtd
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const { UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return true;}
+ //! Returns always true if base grid, Create_UPML will create proper child pml extensions.
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {if (child) return false; return true;}
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return true;}
+ void SetBoundaryCondition(const int* BCs, const unsigned int size[6]);
+ void SetRange(const unsigned int start[3], const unsigned int stop[3]);
+ //! Set the grading function for the pml
+ /*!
+ Define the pml grading grading function.
+ Predefined variables in this grading function are:
+ D = depth in the pml in meter
+ dl = mesh delta inside the pml in meter
+ W = width (length) of the pml in meter
+ N = number of cells for the pml
+ Z = wave impedance at the current depth and position
+ example: SetGradingFunction(" -log(1e-6)*log(2.5)/(2*dl*Z*(pow(2.5,W/dl)-1)) * pow(2.5, D/dl) ");
+ An empty function string will be ignored.
+ */
+ virtual bool SetGradingFunction(string func);
+ virtual bool BuildExtension();
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention();
+ virtual string GetExtensionName() const {return string("Uniaxial PML Extension");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const;
+ //! Create the UPML
+ static bool Create_UPML(Operator* op, const int ui_BC[6], const unsigned int ui_size[6], const string gradFunc);
+ Operator_Ext_UPML(Operator* op);
+ int m_BC[6];
+ unsigned int m_Size[6];
+ unsigned int m_StartPos[3];
+ unsigned int m_numLines[3];
+ string m_GradFunc;
+ FunctionParser* m_GradingFunction;
+ void CalcGradingKappa(int ny, unsigned int pos[3], double Zm, double kappa_v[3], double kappa_i[3]);
+ void DeleteOp();
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetVV(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return vv[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetVVFO(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return vvfo[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetVVFN(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return vvfn[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetII(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return ii[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetIIFO(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return iifo[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ virtual FDTD_FLOAT& GetIIFN(int ny, unsigned int pos[3]) {return iifn[ny][pos[0]][pos[1]][pos[2]];}
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** vv; //calc new voltage from old voltage
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** vvfo; //calc new voltage from old voltage flux
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** vvfn; //calc new voltage from new voltage flux
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** ii; //calc new current from old current
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** iifo; //calc new current from old current flux
+ FDTD_FLOAT**** iifn; //calc new current from new current flux
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.cpp b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e7068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include "operator_extension.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator.h"
+#include "FDTD/operator_cylinder.h"
+using namespace std;
+Operator_Extension::Operator_Extension(Operator* op)
+ m_Op = op;
+ m_Active = true;
+ m_CC_R0_included = false;
+ m_Op_Cyl = dynamic_cast<Operator_Cylinder*>(op);
+ if (m_Op_Cyl)
+ m_CC_R0_included=m_Op_Cyl->GetR0Included();
+ m_Eng_Ext = NULL;
+Operator_Extension::Operator_Extension(Operator* op, Operator_Extension* op_ext)
+ UNUSED(op_ext);
+ m_Op = op;
+ m_Op_Cyl = dynamic_cast<Operator_Cylinder*>(op);
+ m_Active = op_ext->m_Active;
+ if (m_Op_Cyl)
+ m_CC_R0_included=m_Op_Cyl->GetR0Included();
+ m_Eng_Ext = NULL;
+void Operator_Extension::ShowStat(ostream &ostr) const
+ ostr << "--- " << GetExtensionName() << " ---" << endl;
diff --git a/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.h b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21e42af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/FDTD/extensions/operator_extension.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+* (at your option) any later version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+#include <string>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "tools/global.h"
+class Operator;
+class Operator_Cylinder;
+class Engine_Extension;
+//! Abstract base-class for all operator extensions
+class Operator_Extension
+ friend class Engine_Extension;
+ virtual ~Operator_Extension();
+ //! Create a clone of this extension, will return NULL if this is impossible
+ /*!
+ Create a clone of this extension, will return NULL if this is impossible (e.g. derived extension has no clone method and copy-constructor)...
+ BuildExtension has to be called separatly!
+ */
+ virtual Operator_Extension* Clone(Operator* op) {UNUSED(op); return NULL;}
+ virtual bool BuildExtension() {return true;}
+ virtual Engine_Extension* CreateEngineExtention() {return 0;}
+ virtual Engine_Extension* GetEngineExtention() {return m_Eng_Ext;}
+ //! The cylindrical operator will check whether the extension is save to use. Default is false. Derive this method to override.
+ virtual bool IsCylinderCoordsSave(bool closedAlpha, bool R0_included) const {UNUSED(closedAlpha); UNUSED(R0_included); return false;}
+ //! The cylindrical multi grid operator will check whether the extension is save to use. Default is false. Derive this method to override.
+ virtual bool IsCylindricalMultiGridSave(bool child) const {UNUSED(child); return false;}
+ //! The MPI operator (if enabled) will check whether the extension is compatible with MPI. Default is false. Derive this method to override.
+ virtual bool IsMPISave() const {return false;}
+ virtual std::string GetExtensionName() const {return std::string("Abstract Operator Extension Base Class");}
+ virtual void ShowStat(std::ostream &ostr) const;
+ virtual bool IsActive() const {return m_Active;}
+ virtual void SetActive(bool active=true) {m_Active=active;}
+ virtual void Init() {}
+ virtual void Reset() {}
+ Operator_Extension(Operator* op);
+ //! Copy constructor
+ Operator_Extension(Operator* op, Operator_Extension* op_ext);
+ bool m_Active;
+ //FDTD Operator
+ Operator* m_Op;
+ Engine_Extension* m_Eng_Ext;
+ //Cylindrical FDTD Operator (not NULL if a cylindrical FDTD is used)
+ Operator_Cylinder* m_Op_Cyl;
+ bool m_CC_R0_included;