path: root/openEMS/python/openEMS/
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Diffstat (limited to 'openEMS/python/openEMS/')
1 files changed, 433 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openEMS/python/openEMS/ b/openEMS/python/openEMS/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af1564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openEMS/python/openEMS/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2015,20016 Thorsten Liebig (
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from CSXCAD.Utilities import CheckNyDir
+from openEMS import utilities
+from openEMS.physical_constants import *
+class UI_data:
+ def __init__(self, fns, path, freq, signal_type='pulse', **kw):
+ self.path = path
+ if type(fns)==str:
+ fns = [fns]
+ self.fns = fns
+ if np.isscalar(freq):
+ freq = [freq]
+ self.freq = freq
+ self.ui_time = []
+ self.ui_val = []
+ self.ui_f_val = []
+ for fn in fns:
+ tmp = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, fn),comments='%')
+ self.ui_time.append(tmp[:,0])
+ self.ui_val.append(tmp[:,1])
+ self.ui_f_val.append(utilities.DFT_time2freq(tmp[:,0], tmp[:,1], freq, signal_type=signal_type))
+# Port Base-Class
+class Port:
+ """
+ The port base class.
+ :param CSX: Continuous Structure
+ :param port_nr: int -- port number
+ :param R: float -- port reference impedance, e.g. 50 (Ohms)
+ :param start, stop: (3,) array -- Start/Stop box coordinates
+ :param p_dir: int -- port direction
+ :param excite: float -- port excitation amplitude
+ :param priority: int -- priority of all contained primtives
+ :param PortNamePrefix: str -- a prefix for all ports-names
+ :param delay: float -- a positiv delay value to e.g. emulate a phase shift
+ """
+ def __init__(self, CSX, port_nr, start, stop, excite, **kw):
+ self.CSX = CSX
+ self.number = port_nr
+ self.excite = excite
+ self.start = np.array(start, np.float)
+ self.stop = np.array(stop, np.float)
+ self.Z_ref = None
+ self.U_filenames = kw.get('U_filenames', [])
+ self.I_filenames = kw.get('I_filenames', [])
+ self.priority = 0
+ if 'priority' in kw:
+ self.priority = kw['priority']
+ self.prefix = ''
+ if 'PortNamePrefix' in kw:
+ self.prefix = kw['PortNamePrefix']
+ self.delay = 0
+ if 'delay' in kw:
+ self.delay = kw['delay']
+ self.lbl_temp = self.prefix + 'port_{}' + '_{}'.format(self.number)
+ def ReadUIData(self, sim_path, freq, signal_type ='pulse'):
+ self.u_data = UI_data(self.U_filenames, sim_path, freq, signal_type )
+ self.uf_tot = 0
+ self.ut_tot = 0
+ for n in range(len(self.U_filenames)):
+ self.uf_tot += self.u_data.ui_f_val[n]
+ self.ut_tot += self.u_data.ui_val[n]
+ self.i_data = UI_data(self.I_filenames, sim_path, freq, signal_type )
+ self.if_tot = 0
+ self.it_tot = 0
+ for n in range(len(self.U_filenames)):
+ self.if_tot += self.i_data.ui_f_val[n]
+ self.it_tot += self.i_data.ui_val[n]
+ def CalcPort(self, sim_path, freq, ref_impedance=None, ref_plane_shift=None, signal_type='pulse'):
+ self.ReadUIData(sim_path, freq, signal_type)
+ if ref_impedance is not None:
+ self.Z_ref = ref_impedance
+ assert self.Z_ref is not None
+ if ref_plane_shift is not None:
+ assert hasattr(self, 'beta')
+ shift = ref_plane_shift
+ if self.measplane_shift:
+ shift -= self.measplane_shift
+ shift *= self.CSX.GetGrid().GetDeltaUnit()
+ phase = np.real(self.beta)*shift
+ uf_tot = self.uf_tot * np.cos(-phase) + 1j * self.if_tot * self.Z_ref * np.sin(-phase)
+ if_tot = self.if_tot * np.cos(-phase) + 1j * self.uf_tot / self.Z_ref * np.sin(-phase)
+ self.uf_tot = uf_tot
+ self.if_tot = if_tot
+ self.uf_inc = 0.5 * ( self.uf_tot + self.if_tot * self.Z_ref )
+ self.if_inc = 0.5 * ( self.if_tot + self.uf_tot / self.Z_ref )
+ self.uf_ref = self.uf_tot - self.uf_inc
+ self.if_ref = self.if_inc - self.if_tot
+ if type(self.Z_ref) == float:
+ self.ut_inc = 0.5 * ( self.ut_tot + self.it_tot * self.Z_ref )
+ self.it_inc = 0.5 * ( self.it_tot + self.ut_tot / self.Z_ref )
+ self.ut_ref = self.ut_tot - self.ut_inc
+ self.it_ref = self.it_inc - self.it_tot
+ # calc some more port parameter
+ # incoming power
+ self.P_inc = 0.5*np.real(self.uf_inc*np.conj(self.if_inc))
+ # reflected power
+ self.P_ref = 0.5*np.real(self.uf_ref*np.conj(self.if_ref))
+ # accepted power (incoming - reflected)
+ self.P_acc = 0.5*np.real(self.uf_tot*np.conj(self.if_tot))
+class LumpedPort(Port):
+ """
+ The lumped port.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ Port
+ """
+ def __init__(self, CSX, port_nr, R, start, stop, exc_dir, excite=0, **kw):
+ super(LumpedPort, self).__init__(CSX, port_nr=port_nr, start=start, stop=stop, excite=excite, **kw)
+ self.R = R
+ self.exc_ny = CheckNyDir(exc_dir)
+ self.direction = np.sign(self.stop[self.exc_ny]-self.start[self.exc_ny])
+ assert self.start[self.exc_ny]!=self.stop[self.exc_ny], 'LumpedPort: start and stop may not be identical in excitation direction'
+ if self.R > 0:
+ lumped_R = CSX.AddLumpedElement(self.lbl_temp.format('resist'), ny=self.exc_ny, caps=True, R=self.R)
+ elif self.R==0:
+ lumped_R = CSX.AddMetal(self.lbl_temp.format('resist'))
+ lumped_R.AddBox(self.start, self.stop, priority=self.priority)
+ if excite!=0:
+ exc_vec = np.zeros(3)
+ exc_vec[self.exc_ny] = -1*self.direction*excite
+ exc = CSX.AddExcitation(self.lbl_temp.format('excite'), exc_type=0, exc_val=exc_vec, delay=self.delay)
+ exc.AddBox(self.start, self.stop, priority=self.priority)
+ self.U_filenames = [self.lbl_temp.format('ut'), ]
+ u_start = 0.5*(self.start+self.stop)
+ u_start[self.exc_ny] = self.start[self.exc_ny]
+ u_stop = 0.5*(self.start+self.stop)
+ u_stop[self.exc_ny] = self.stop[self.exc_ny]
+ u_probe = CSX.AddProbe(self.U_filenames[0], p_type=0, weight=-1*self.direction)
+ u_probe.AddBox(u_start, u_stop)
+ self.I_filenames = [self.lbl_temp.format('it'), ]
+ i_start = np.array(self.start)
+ i_start[self.exc_ny] = 0.5*(self.start[self.exc_ny]+self.stop[self.exc_ny])
+ i_stop = np.array(self.stop)
+ i_stop[self.exc_ny] = 0.5*(self.start[self.exc_ny]+self.stop[self.exc_ny])
+ i_probe = CSX.AddProbe(self.I_filenames[0], p_type=1, weight=self.direction, norm_dir=self.exc_ny)
+ i_probe.AddBox(i_start, i_stop)
+ def CalcPort(self, sim_path, freq, ref_impedance=None, ref_plane_shift=None, signal_type='pulse'):
+ if ref_impedance is None:
+ self.Z_ref = self.R
+ if ref_plane_shift is not None:
+ Warning('A lumped port does not support a reference plane shift! Ignoring...')
+ super(LumpedPort, self).CalcPort(sim_path, freq, ref_impedance, ref_plane_shift, signal_type)
+class MSLPort(Port):
+ """
+ The microstrip transmission line port.
+ :param prop_dir: int/str -- direction of propagation
+ See Also
+ --------
+ Port
+ """
+ def __init__(self, CSX, port_nr, metal_prop, start, stop, prop_dir, exc_dir, excite=0, **kw):
+ super(MSLPort, self).__init__(CSX, port_nr=port_nr, start=start, stop=stop, excite=excite, **kw)
+ self.exc_ny = CheckNyDir(exc_dir)
+ self.prop_ny = CheckNyDir(prop_dir)
+ self.direction = np.sign(stop[self.prop_ny]-start[self.prop_ny])
+ self.upside_down = np.sign(stop[self.exc_ny] -start[self.exc_ny])
+ assert (self.start!=self.stop).all()
+# assert stop[self.prop_ny]!=start[self.prop_ny], 'port length in propergation direction may not be zero!'
+# assert stop[self.exc_ny] !=start[self.exc_ny], 'port length in propergation direction may not be zero!'
+ assert self.exc_ny!=self.prop_ny
+ self.feed_shift = 0
+ if 'FeedShift' in kw:
+ self.feed_shift = kw['FeedShift']
+ self.measplane_shift = 0.5*np.abs(self.start[self.prop_ny]-self.stop[self.prop_ny])
+ if 'MeasPlaneShift' in kw:
+ self.measplane_shift = kw['MeasPlaneShift']
+ self.measplane_pos = self.start[self.prop_ny] + self.measplane_shift*self.direction
+ self.feed_R = np.inf
+ if 'Feed_R' in kw:
+ self.feed_R = kw['Feed_R']
+ # add metal msl-plane
+ MSL_start = np.array(self.start)
+ MSL_stop = np.array(self.stop)
+ MSL_stop[self.exc_ny] = MSL_start[self.exc_ny]
+ metal_prop.AddBox(MSL_start, MSL_stop, priority=self.priority )
+ mesh = CSX.GetGrid()
+ prop_lines = mesh.GetLines(self.prop_ny)
+ assert len(prop_lines)>5, 'At least 5 lines in propagation direction required!'
+ meas_pos_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(prop_lines-self.measplane_pos))
+ if meas_pos_idx==0:
+ meas_pos_idx=1
+ if meas_pos_idx>=len(prop_lines)-1:
+ meas_pos_idx=len(prop_lines)-2
+ self.measplane_shift = np.abs(self.start[self.prop_ny]-prop_lines[meas_pos_idx])
+ prope_idx = np.array([meas_pos_idx-1, meas_pos_idx, meas_pos_idx+1],
+ if self.direction<0:
+ prope_idx = np.flipud(prope_idx)
+ u_prope_pos = prop_lines[prope_idx]
+ self.U_filenames = []
+ self.U_delta = np.diff(u_prope_pos)
+ suffix = ['A', 'B', 'C']
+ for n in range(len(prope_idx)):
+ u_start = 0.5*(self.start+self.stop)
+ u_stop = 0.5*(self.start+self.stop)
+ u_start[self.prop_ny] = u_prope_pos[n]
+ u_stop[self.prop_ny] = u_prope_pos[n]
+ u_start[self.exc_ny] = self.start[self.exc_ny]
+ u_stop[self.exc_ny] = self.stop [self.exc_ny]
+ u_name = self.lbl_temp.format('ut') + suffix[n]
+ self.U_filenames.append(u_name)
+ u_probe = CSX.AddProbe(u_name, p_type=0, weight=self.upside_down)
+ u_probe.AddBox(u_start, u_stop)
+ i_prope_pos = u_prope_pos[0:2] + np.diff(u_prope_pos)/2.0
+ self.I_filenames = []
+ self.I_delta = np.diff(i_prope_pos)
+ i_start = np.array(self.start)
+ i_stop = np.array(self.stop)
+ i_stop[self.exc_ny] = self.start[self.exc_ny]
+ for n in range(len(i_prope_pos)):
+ i_start[self.prop_ny] = i_prope_pos[n]
+ i_stop[self.prop_ny] = i_prope_pos[n]
+ i_name = self.lbl_temp.format('it') + suffix[n]
+ self.I_filenames.append(i_name)
+ i_probe = CSX.AddProbe(i_name, p_type=1, weight=self.direction, norm_dir=self.prop_ny)
+ i_probe.AddBox(i_start, i_stop)
+ if excite!=0:
+ excide_pos_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(prop_lines-(self.start[self.prop_ny] + self.feed_shift*self.direction)))
+ exc_start = np.array(self.start)
+ exc_stop = np.array(self.stop)
+ exc_start[self.prop_ny] = prop_lines[excide_pos_idx]
+ exc_stop [self.prop_ny] = prop_lines[excide_pos_idx]
+ exc_vec = np.zeros(3)
+ exc_vec[self.exc_ny] = -1*self.upside_down*excite
+ exc = CSX.AddExcitation(self.lbl_temp.format('excite'), exc_type=0, exc_val=exc_vec, delay=self.delay)
+ exc.AddBox(exc_start, exc_stop, priority=self.priority)
+ if self.feed_R>=0 and not np.isinf(self.feed_R):
+ R_start = np.array(self.start)
+ R_stop = np.array(self.stop)
+ R_stop [self.prop_ny] = R_start[self.prop_ny]
+ if self.feed_R==0:
+ metal_prop.AddBox(R_start, R_stop)
+ else:
+ lumped_R = CSX.AddLumpedElement(self.lbl_temp.format('resist'), ny=self.exc_ny, caps=True, R=self.feed_R)
+ lumped_R.AddBox(R_start, R_stop)
+ def ReadUIData(self, sim_path, freq, signal_type ='pulse'):
+ self.u_data = UI_data(self.U_filenames, sim_path, freq, signal_type )
+ self.uf_tot = self.u_data.ui_f_val[1]
+ self.i_data = UI_data(self.I_filenames, sim_path, freq, signal_type )
+ self.if_tot = 0.5*(self.i_data.ui_f_val[0]+self.i_data.ui_f_val[1])
+ unit = self.CSX.GetGrid().GetDeltaUnit()
+ Et = self.u_data.ui_f_val[1]
+ dEt = (self.u_data.ui_f_val[2] - self.u_data.ui_f_val[0]) / (np.sum(np.abs(self.U_delta)) * unit)
+ Ht = self.if_tot # space averaging: Ht is now defined at the same pos as Et
+ dHt = (self.i_data.ui_f_val[1] - self.i_data.ui_f_val[0]) / (np.abs(self.I_delta[0]) * unit)
+ beta = np.sqrt( - dEt * dHt / (Ht * Et) )
+ beta[np.real(beta) < 0] *= -1 # determine correct sign (unlike the paper)
+ self.beta = beta
+ # determine ZL
+ self.Z_ref = np.sqrt(Et * dEt / (Ht * dHt))
+class WaveguidePort(Port):
+ """
+ Base class for any waveguide port.
+ See Also
+ --------
+ Port, RectWGPort
+ """
+ def __init__(self, CSX, port_nr, start, stop, exc_dir, E_WG_func, H_WG_func, kc, excite=0, **kw):
+ super(WaveguidePort, self).__init__(CSX, port_nr=port_nr, start=start, stop=stop, excite=excite, **kw)
+ self.exc_ny = CheckNyDir(exc_dir)
+ self.ny_P = (self.exc_ny+1)%3
+ self.ny_PP = (self.exc_ny+2)%3
+ self.direction = np.sign(stop[self.exc_ny]-start[self.exc_ny])
+ self.ref_index = 1
+ assert not (self.excite!=0 and stop[self.exc_ny]==start[self.exc_ny]), 'port length in excitation direction may not be zero if port is excited!'
+ self.kc = kc
+ self.E_func = E_WG_func
+ self.H_func = H_WG_func
+ if excite!=0:
+ e_start = np.array(start)
+ e_stop = np.array(stop)
+ e_stop[self.exc_ny] = e_start[self.exc_ny]
+ e_vec = np.ones(3)
+ e_vec[self.exc_ny]=0
+ exc = CSX.AddExcitation(self.lbl_temp.format('excite'), exc_type=0, exc_val=e_vec, delay=self.delay)
+ exc.SetWeightFunction([str(x) for x in self.E_func])
+ exc.AddBox(e_start, e_stop, priority=self.priority)
+ # voltage/current planes
+ m_start = np.array(start)
+ m_stop = np.array(stop)
+ m_start[self.exc_ny] = m_stop[self.exc_ny]
+ self.measplane_shift = np.abs(stop[self.exc_ny] - start[self.exc_ny])
+ self.U_filenames = [self.lbl_temp.format('ut'), ]
+ u_probe = CSX.AddProbe(self.U_filenames[0], p_type=10, mode_function=self.E_func)
+ u_probe.AddBox(m_start, m_stop)
+ self.I_filenames = [self.lbl_temp.format('it'), ]
+ i_probe = CSX.AddProbe(self.I_filenames[0], p_type=11, weight=self.direction, mode_function=self.H_func)
+ i_probe.AddBox(m_start, m_stop)
+ def CalcPort(self, sim_path, freq, ref_impedance=None, ref_plane_shift=None, signal_type='pulse'):
+ k = 2.0*np.pi*freq/C0*self.ref_index
+ self.beta = np.sqrt(k**2 - self.kc**2)
+ self.ZL = k * Z0 / self.beta #analytic waveguide impedance
+ if ref_impedance is None:
+ self.Z_ref = self.ZL
+ super(WaveguidePort, self).CalcPort(sim_path, freq, ref_impedance, ref_plane_shift, signal_type)
+class RectWGPort(WaveguidePort):
+ """
+ Rectangular waveguide port.
+ :param a,b: float -- Width/Height of rectangular waveguide port
+ See Also
+ --------
+ Port, WaveguidePort
+ """
+ def __init__(self, CSX, port_nr, start, stop, exc_dir, a, b, mode_name, excite=0, **kw):
+ Port.__init__(self, CSX, port_nr, start, stop, excite=0, **kw)
+ self.exc_ny = CheckNyDir(exc_dir)
+ self.ny_P = (self.exc_ny+1)%3
+ self.ny_PP = (self.exc_ny+2)%3
+ self.WG_size = [a, b]
+ self.WG_mode = mode_name
+ assert len(self.WG_mode)==4, 'Invalid mode definition'
+ self.unit = self.CSX.GetGrid().GetDeltaUnit()
+ if self.WG_mode.startswith('TE'):
+ self.TE = True
+ self.TM = False
+ else:
+ self.TE = False
+ self.TM = True
+ self.M = float(self.WG_mode[2])
+ self.N = float(self.WG_mode[3])
+ assert self.TE, 'Currently only TE-modes are supported! Mode found: {}'.format(self.WG_mode)
+ # values by David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, third edition
+ a = self.WG_size[0]
+ b = self.WG_size[1]
+ xyz = 'xyz'
+ if self.start[self.ny_P]!=0:
+ name_P = '({}-{})'.format(xyz[self.ny_P], self.start[self.ny_P])
+ else:
+ name_P = xyz[self.ny_P]
+ if self.start[self.ny_PP]!=0:
+ name_PP = '({}-{})'.format(xyz[self.ny_P], self.start[self.ny_P])
+ else:
+ name_PP = xyz[self.ny_P]
+ kc = np.sqrt((self.M*np.pi/a)**2 + (self.N*np.pi/b)**2)
+ a /= self.unit
+ b /= self.unit
+ E_func = [0,0,0]
+ H_func = [0,0,0]
+ if self.N>0:
+ E_func[self.ny_P] = '{}*cos({}*{})*sin({}*{})'.format(self.N/b , self.M*np.pi/a, name_P, self.N*np.pi/b, name_PP)
+ if self.M>0:
+ E_func[self.ny_PP] = '{}*sin({}*{})*cos({}*{})'.format(-1*self.M/a, self.M*np.pi/a, name_P, self.N*np.pi/b, name_PP)
+ if self.M>0:
+ H_func[self.ny_P] = '{}*sin({}*{})*cos({}*{})'.format(self.M/a, self.M*np.pi/a, name_P, self.N*np.pi/b, name_PP)
+ if self.N>0:
+ H_func[self.ny_PP] = '{}*cos({}*{})*sin({}*{})'.format(self.N/b, self.M*np.pi/a, name_P, self.N*np.pi/b, name_PP)
+ super(RectWGPort, self).__init__(CSX, port_nr=port_nr, start=start, stop=stop, exc_dir=exc_dir, E_WG_func=E_func, H_WG_func=H_func, kc=kc, excite=excite, **kw)