path: root/waflib/
diff options
authorRuben Undheim <>2018-09-29 13:54:55 +0200
committerRuben Undheim <>2018-09-29 13:54:55 +0200
commitd036addbd8eaec4ef702ddd889bf06e0cb1b3c67 (patch)
tree856dc2851e9f1e789ed675fcc192f673e5e74273 /waflib/
parent9e0bd16a997e55d6b9c2e80734ea8e61794c7602 (diff)
New upstream version 0.84.40+dfsg.1
Diffstat (limited to 'waflib/')
1 files changed, 368 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/waflib/ b/waflib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1af9a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/waflib/
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+# WARNING! Do not edit!
+import os,re,shlex,shutil,sys,time,traceback
+from waflib import ConfigSet,Utils,Options,Logs,Context,Build,Errors
+conf_template='''# project %(app)s configured on %(now)s by
+# waf %(wafver)s (abi %(abi)s, python %(pyver)x on %(systype)s)
+# using %(args)s
+class ConfigurationContext(Context.Context):
+ '''configures the project'''
+ cmd='configure'
+ error_handlers=[]
+ def __init__(self,**kw):
+ super(ConfigurationContext,self).__init__(**kw)
+ self.environ=dict(os.environ)
+ self.all_envs={}
+ self.top_dir=None
+ self.out_dir=None
+ self.hash=0
+ self.files=[]
+ self.tool_cache=[]
+ self.setenv('')
+ def setenv(self,name,env=None):
+ if name not in self.all_envs or env:
+ if not env:
+ env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
+ self.prepare_env(env)
+ else:
+ env=env.derive()
+ self.all_envs[name]=env
+ self.variant=name
+ def get_env(self):
+ return self.all_envs[self.variant]
+ def set_env(self,val):
+ self.all_envs[self.variant]=val
+ env=property(get_env,set_env)
+ def init_dirs(self):
+ top=self.top_dir
+ if not top:
+ if not top:
+ top=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.TOP,None)
+ if not top:
+ top=self.path.abspath()
+ top=os.path.abspath(top)
+ self.srcnode=(os.path.isabs(top)and self.root or self.path).find_dir(top)
+ assert(self.srcnode)
+ out=self.out_dir
+ if not out:
+ out=Options.options.out
+ if not out:
+ out=getattr(Context.g_module,Context.OUT,None)
+ if not out:
+ out=Options.lockfile.replace('.lock-waf_%s_'%sys.platform,'').replace('.lock-waf','')
+ out=os.path.realpath(out)
+ self.bldnode=(os.path.isabs(out)and self.root or self.path).make_node(out)
+ self.bldnode.mkdir()
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.bldnode.abspath()):
+ conf.fatal('Could not create the build directory %s'%self.bldnode.abspath())
+ def execute(self):
+ self.init_dirs()
+ self.cachedir=self.bldnode.make_node(Build.CACHE_DIR)
+ self.cachedir.mkdir()
+ path=os.path.join(self.bldnode.abspath(),WAF_CONFIG_LOG)
+ self.logger=Logs.make_logger(path,'cfg')
+ app=getattr(Context.g_module,'APPNAME','')
+ if app:
+ ver=getattr(Context.g_module,'VERSION','')
+ if ver:
+ app="%s (%s)"%(app,ver)
+ params={'now':time.ctime(),'pyver':sys.hexversion,'systype':sys.platform,'args':" ".join(sys.argv),'wafver':Context.WAFVERSION,'abi':Context.ABI,'app':app}
+ self.to_log(conf_template%params)
+ self.msg('Setting top to',self.srcnode.abspath())
+ self.msg('Setting out to',self.bldnode.abspath())
+ if id(self.srcnode)==id(self.bldnode):
+ Logs.warn('Setting top == out')
+ elif id(self.path)!=id(self.srcnode):
+ if self.srcnode.is_child_of(self.path):
+ Logs.warn('Are you certain that you do not want to set top="." ?')
+ super(ConfigurationContext,self).execute()
+ Context.top_dir=self.srcnode.abspath()
+ Context.out_dir=self.bldnode.abspath()
+ env=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
+ env.argv=sys.argv
+ env.options=Options.options.__dict__
+ env.config_cmd=self.cmd
+ env.run_dir=Context.run_dir
+ env.top_dir=Context.top_dir
+ env.out_dir=Context.out_dir
+ env.hash=self.hash
+ env.files=self.files
+ env.environ=dict(self.environ)
+ if not(self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_RUN or env.environ.get('NO_LOCK_IN_RUN')or getattr(Options.options,'no_lock_in_run')):
+ if not(self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_TOP or env.environ.get('NO_LOCK_IN_TOP')or getattr(Options.options,'no_lock_in_top')):
+ if not(self.env.NO_LOCK_IN_OUT or env.environ.get('NO_LOCK_IN_OUT')or getattr(Options.options,'no_lock_in_out')):
+ def prepare_env(self,env):
+ if not env.PREFIX:
+ if Options.options.prefix or Utils.is_win32:
+ env.PREFIX=Options.options.prefix
+ else:
+ env.PREFIX='/'
+ if not env.BINDIR:
+ if Options.options.bindir:
+ env.BINDIR=Options.options.bindir
+ else:
+ env.BINDIR=Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/bin',env)
+ if not env.LIBDIR:
+ if Options.options.libdir:
+ env.LIBDIR=Options.options.libdir
+ else:
+ env.LIBDIR=Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/lib%s'%Utils.lib64(),env)
+ def store(self):
+ n=self.cachedir.make_node('')
+ n.write('version = 0x%x\ntools = %r\n'%(Context.HEXVERSION,
+ if not self.all_envs:
+ self.fatal('nothing to store in the configuration context!')
+ for key in self.all_envs:
+ tmpenv=self.all_envs[key]
+ def load(self,tool_list,tooldir=None,funs=None,with_sys_path=True,cache=False):
+ tools=Utils.to_list(tool_list)
+ if tooldir:
+ tooldir=Utils.to_list(tooldir)
+ for tool in tools:
+ if cache:
+ mag=(tool,id(self.env),tooldir,funs)
+ if mag in self.tool_cache:
+ self.to_log('(tool %s is already loaded, skipping)'%tool)
+ continue
+ self.tool_cache.append(mag)
+ module=None
+ try:
+ module=Context.load_tool(tool,tooldir,ctx=self,with_sys_path=with_sys_path)
+ except ImportError ,e:
+ self.fatal('Could not load the Waf tool %r from %r\n%s'%(tool,getattr(e,'waf_sys_path',sys.path),e))
+ except Exception ,e:
+ self.to_log('imp %r (%r & %r)'%(tool,tooldir,funs))
+ self.to_log(traceback.format_exc())
+ raise
+ if funs is not None:
+ self.eval_rules(funs)
+ else:
+ func=getattr(module,'configure',None)
+ if func:
+ if type(func)is type(Utils.readf):
+ func(self)
+ else:
+ self.eval_rules(func)
+ def post_recurse(self,node):
+ super(ConfigurationContext,self).post_recurse(node)
+ self.hash=Utils.h_list((self.hash,'rb')))
+ self.files.append(node.abspath())
+ def eval_rules(self,rules):
+ self.rules=Utils.to_list(rules)
+ for x in self.rules:
+ f=getattr(self,x)
+ if not f:
+ self.fatal('No such configuration function %r'%x)
+ f()
+def conf(f):
+ def fun(*k,**kw):
+ mandatory=kw.pop('mandatory',True)
+ try:
+ return f(*k,**kw)
+ except Errors.ConfigurationError:
+ if mandatory:
+ raise
+ fun.__name__=f.__name__
+ setattr(ConfigurationContext,f.__name__,fun)
+ setattr(Build.BuildContext,f.__name__,fun)
+ return f
+def add_os_flags(self,var,dest=None,dup=False):
+ try:
+ flags=shlex.split(self.environ[var])
+ except KeyError:
+ return
+ if dup or''.join(flags)not in''.join(Utils.to_list(self.env[dest or var])):
+ self.env.append_value(dest or var,flags)
+def cmd_to_list(self,cmd):
+ if isinstance(cmd,str):
+ if os.path.isfile(cmd):
+ return[cmd]
+ if os.sep=='/':
+ return shlex.split(cmd)
+ else:
+ try:
+ return shlex.split(cmd,posix=False)
+ except TypeError:
+ return shlex.split(cmd)
+ return cmd
+def check_waf_version(self,mini='1.9.99',maxi='2.1.0',**kw):
+ self.start_msg('Checking for waf version in %s-%s'%(str(mini),str(maxi)),**kw)
+ ver=Context.HEXVERSION
+ if Utils.num2ver(mini)>ver:
+ self.fatal('waf version should be at least %r (%r found)'%(Utils.num2ver(mini),ver))
+ if Utils.num2ver(maxi)<ver:
+ self.fatal('waf version should be at most %r (%r found)'%(Utils.num2ver(maxi),ver))
+ self.end_msg('ok',**kw)
+def find_file(self,filename,path_list=[]):
+ for n in Utils.to_list(filename):
+ for d in Utils.to_list(path_list):
+ p=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(d,n))
+ if os.path.exists(p):
+ return p
+ self.fatal('Could not find %r'%filename)
+def find_program(self,filename,**kw):
+ exts=kw.get('exts',Utils.is_win32 and'.exe,.com,.bat,.cmd'or',.sh,.pl,.py')
+ environ=kw.get('environ',getattr(self,'environ',os.environ))
+ ret=''
+ filename=Utils.to_list(filename)
+ msg=kw.get('msg',', '.join(filename))
+ var=kw.get('var','')
+ if not var:
+ var=re.sub(r'[-.]','_',filename[0].upper())
+ path_list=kw.get('path_list','')
+ if path_list:
+ path_list=Utils.to_list(path_list)
+ else:
+ path_list=environ.get('PATH','').split(os.pathsep)
+ if kw.get('value'):
+ ret=self.cmd_to_list(kw['value'])
+ elif environ.get(var):
+ ret=self.cmd_to_list(environ[var])
+ elif self.env[var]:
+ ret=self.cmd_to_list(self.env[var])
+ else:
+ if not ret:
+ ret=self.find_binary(filename,exts.split(','),path_list)
+ if not ret and Utils.winreg:
+ ret=Utils.get_registry_app_path(Utils.winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,filename)
+ if not ret and Utils.winreg:
+ ret=Utils.get_registry_app_path(Utils.winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,filename)
+ ret=self.cmd_to_list(ret)
+ if ret:
+ if len(ret)==1:
+ retmsg=ret[0]
+ else:
+ retmsg=ret
+ else:
+ retmsg=False
+ self.msg('Checking for program %r'%msg,retmsg,**kw)
+ if not kw.get('quiet'):
+ self.to_log('find program=%r paths=%r var=%r -> %r'%(filename,path_list,var,ret))
+ if not ret:
+ self.fatal(kw.get('errmsg','')or'Could not find the program %r'%filename)
+ interpreter=kw.get('interpreter')
+ if interpreter is None:
+ if not Utils.check_exe(ret[0],env=environ):
+ self.fatal('Program %r is not executable'%ret)
+ self.env[var]=ret
+ else:
+ self.env[var]=self.env[interpreter]+ret
+ return ret
+def find_binary(self,filenames,exts,paths):
+ for f in filenames:
+ for ext in exts:
+ exe_name=f+ext
+ if os.path.isabs(exe_name):
+ if os.path.isfile(exe_name):
+ return exe_name
+ else:
+ for path in paths:
+ x=os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(path,exe_name))
+ if os.path.isfile(x):
+ return x
+ return None
+def run_build(self,*k,**kw):
+ lst=[str(v)for(p,v)in kw.items()if p!='env']
+ h=Utils.h_list(lst)
+ dir=self.bldnode.abspath()+os.sep+(not Utils.is_win32 and'.'or'')+'conf_check_'+Utils.to_hex(h)
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(dir)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.stat(dir)
+ except OSError:
+ self.fatal('cannot use the configuration test folder %r'%dir)
+ cachemode=getattr(Options.options,'confcache',None)
+ if cachemode==1:
+ try:
+ proj=ConfigSet.ConfigSet(os.path.join(dir,'cache_run_build'))
+ except EnvironmentError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ ret=proj['cache_run_build']
+ if isinstance(ret,str)and ret.startswith('Test does not build'):
+ self.fatal(ret)
+ return ret
+ bdir=os.path.join(dir,'testbuild')
+ if not os.path.exists(bdir):
+ os.makedirs(bdir)
+ cls_name=kw.get('run_build_cls')or getattr(self,'run_build_cls','build')
+ self.test_bld=bld=Context.create_context(cls_name,top_dir=dir,out_dir=bdir)
+ bld.init_dirs()
+ bld.progress_bar=0
+ bld.targets='*'
+ bld.logger=self.logger
+ bld.all_envs.update(self.all_envs)
+ bld.env=kw['env']
+ bld.conf=self
+ kw['build_fun'](bld)
+ ret=-1
+ try:
+ try:
+ bld.compile()
+ except Errors.WafError:
+ ret='Test does not build: %s'%traceback.format_exc()
+ self.fatal(ret)
+ else:
+ ret=getattr(bld,'retval',0)
+ finally:
+ if cachemode==1:
+ proj=ConfigSet.ConfigSet()
+ proj['cache_run_build']=ret
+ else:
+ shutil.rmtree(dir)
+ return ret
+def ret_msg(self,msg,args):
+ if isinstance(msg,str):
+ return msg
+ return msg(args)
+def test(self,*k,**kw):
+ if not'env'in kw:
+ kw['env']=self.env.derive()
+ if kw.get('validate'):
+ kw['validate'](kw)
+ self.start_msg(kw['msg'],**kw)
+ ret=None
+ try:
+ ret=self.run_build(*k,**kw)
+ except self.errors.ConfigurationError:
+ self.end_msg(kw['errmsg'],'YELLOW',**kw)
+ if Logs.verbose>1:
+ raise
+ else:
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed')
+ else:
+ kw['success']=ret
+ if kw.get('post_check'):
+ ret=kw['post_check'](kw)
+ if ret:
+ self.end_msg(kw['errmsg'],'YELLOW',**kw)
+ self.fatal('The configuration failed %r'%ret)
+ else:
+ self.end_msg(self.ret_msg(kw['okmsg'],kw),**kw)
+ return ret