path: root/src/osdsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/osdsh')
9 files changed, 1184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/osdsh/Makefile b/src/osdsh/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0f28ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+CC = gcc
+PREFIX = /usr
+DOCDIR = $(PREFIX)/doc/osdsh
+LIBDIR = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -L/usr/lib
+LIBS = $(LIBDIR) -lxosd -lpthread
+#APMOBJS = apmwatch.o
+#APMLIBS = -lapm
+OBJS = controlsh.o utils.o
+all: osdsh libs
+%.o: %.c
+ gcc -c $<
+osdsh: $(OBJS)
+ gcc -c $(CFLAGS) $@.c
+ gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $@ osdsh.o $(OBJS) $(LIBS) &#8211;ldl
+clean: libclean
+ rm osdsh
+ rm *.o
+ rm libosdsh*.so
+ gcc -fPIC -c clockdisplay.c
+ gcc -shared -o $@ clockdisplay.o utils.o
+ gcc -fPIC -c mixerwatch.c
+ gcc -shared -o $@ mixerwatch.o utils.o
+ gcc -fPIC -c apmwatch.c
+ gcc -shared -o $@ apmwatch.o utils.o -lapm
+ gcc -fPIC -c connectionwatch.c
+ gcc -shared -o $@ connectionwatch.o utils.o
diff --git a/src/osdsh/apmwatch.c b/src/osdsh/apmwatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c5f424
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/apmwatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+#include <apm.h>
+#define IAM 2
+#define MYNAME "APM / Battery"
+settings_t apmset;
+void *apm_watch(void *arg);
+/* ==========================================================================
+ ====================== REQUIERED STUFF FOR PLUGINS =======================
+ ==========================================================================
+***** ID of the plugin, contact me before you asign this to your plugin!! *****
+int whoami(void) {
+ return IAM;
+/* Return a pointer to the name of the plugin */
+char *mynameis() {
+ char *a = MYNAME;
+ return a;
+/* This function sets the default (initual) values for our osd */
+void initialize_myosd() {
+ set_defaults(&apmset);
+/* This function takes a command and arguments, if the command is ours, execute
+ it and return 1, if not, return 0*/
+int isitmine( char command[BUFSIZ], char arg_first[BUFSIZ],
+ char arg_secound[BUFSIZ])
+ int i=1;
+ if(strcmp(command, "stop")==0) {
+ apmset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(command, "start")==0) {
+ if(!apmset.displaying) {
+ apmset.displaying = 1;
+ pthread_create(&apmset.mythread, NULL, apm_watch, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "apmw")==0) {
+ if (atoi(arg_first)) {
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ apmset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "apms")==0) {
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ sleep(atoi(arg_first));
+ apmset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "sapm")==0) {
+ control_options(&apmset, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+/*=============================apm_watch()=========================== */
+/* some ideas (shamelessly copied ) from apmd's "apm" utility*/
+void *apm_watch(void *arg)
+ int secs;
+ apm_info i;
+ char battery[255];
+ char remainingtime[255];
+ char report1[255];
+ apmset.myosd = xosd_create(2);
+ initialize_osd(&apmset);
+ while(apmset.displaying) {
+ if (apm_read(&i))
+ {
+ /*fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read APM information\n");*/
+ apmset.displaying = 0;
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, apmset.position==XOSD_bottom?1:0, XOSD_string,
+ "Cannot read APM information");
+ break;
+ }
+ secs = i.using_minutes ? i.battery_time * 60 : i.battery_time;
+ if (i.battery_flags != 0xff /* Have a 1.1 BIOS and a system battery. ?????? */
+ && i.battery_flags & 0x80) {
+ sprintf(battery, "no system battery");
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (i.battery_status) {
+ case 0:
+ sprintf(battery, "high");
+ xosd_set_colour(apmset.myosd, apmset.color);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ sprintf(battery, "low");
+ xosd_set_colour(apmset.myosd, "yellow");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ sprintf(battery, "critical!!");
+ xosd_set_colour(apmset.myosd, "red");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ sprintf(battery, "charging...");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(battery, "no system battery")==0) {
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, apmset.position==XOSD_bottom?1:0, XOSD_string,
+ "AC on line");
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, apmset.position==XOSD_bottom?0:1, XOSD_string, battery);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(remainingtime, "%dhr, %dmin, %dsec",
+ secs/3600,
+ (secs%3600)/60,
+ ((secs%3600)%60)%60);
+ sprintf(report1, "AC: %s Remaining battery: %d%%(%s) %s",
+ i.ac_line_status?"on line":"off line",i.battery_percentage,
+ remainingtime, battery);
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, report1);
+ if (apmset.displaying > 1)
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, 1, XOSD_percentage, i.battery_percentage );
+ else
+ xosd_display(apmset.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_exit(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/clockdisplay.c b/src/osdsh/clockdisplay.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca057b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/clockdisplay.c
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#define IAM 1
+#define MYNAME "Clock"
+char clockformat[255] = CLOCK_FORMAT;
+void *osdsh_clock(void *arg);
+settings_t clocksetts;
+/*================================clock_display() ========================== */
+/* got the ideas from osd_clock */
+/* ==========================================================================
+ ====================== REQUIERED STUFF FOR PLUGINS =======================
+ ==========================================================================
+***** ID of the plugin, contact me before you asign this to your plugin!! *****
+int whoami(void) {
+ return IAM;
+/* Return a pointer to the name of the plugin */
+char *mynameis() {
+ char *a = MYNAME;
+ return a;
+/* This function sets the default (initual) values for our osd */
+void initialize_myosd() {
+ set_defaults(&clocksetts);
+/* This function takes a command and arguments, if the command is ours, execute
+ it and return 1, if not, return 0*/
+int isitmine( char command[BUFSIZ], char arg_first[BUFSIZ],
+ char arg_secound[BUFSIZ])
+ int i=1;
+ if(strcmp(command, "stop")==0) {
+ clocksetts.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(command, "start")==0) {
+ if(!clocksetts.displaying) {
+ clocksetts.displaying = 1;
+ pthread_create(&clocksetts.mythread, NULL, osdsh_clock, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "clkf")==0) {
+ strcpy(clockformat ,arg_first);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "clck")==0) {
+ if (atoi(arg_first)) {
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ clocksetts.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "time")==0) {
+ if (atoi(arg_first))
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ sleep(atoi(arg_first));
+ clocksetts.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "sclk")==0) {
+ control_options(&clocksetts, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+/*The functtion to call when we start our plugin... this sould be called by a
+pthread(...) call so it won't block the whole program*/
+void *osdsh_clock(void *arg)
+ time_t currenttime;
+ char timestring[255];
+ clocksetts.myosd = xosd_create(1);
+ initialize_osd(&clocksetts);
+ clocksetts.displaying = 1;
+ while (clocksetts.displaying) {
+ currenttime = time(0);
+ strftime(timestring, 255, clockformat, localtime(&currenttime));
+ xosd_display(clocksetts.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, timestring);
+ }
+ xosd_destroy(clocksetts.myosd);
+ pthread_exit(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/connectionwatch.c b/src/osdsh/connectionwatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804eaa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/connectionwatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+#define IAM 3
+#define MYNAME "Net"
+settings_t pppset;
+void *connection_watch(void *arg);
+char pppdevice[PATH_MAX+1];
+char connecting1[BUFSIZ+1];
+char connecting2[BUFSIZ+1];
+char connected1[BUFSIZ+1];
+char connected2[BUFSIZ+1];
+char disconnected[BUFSIZ+1];
+char timeconnected[255];
+/* ==========================================================================
+ ====================== REQUIERED STUFF FOR PLUGINS =======================
+ ==========================================================================
+***** ID of the plugin, contact me before you asign this to your plugin!! *****
+int whoami(void) {
+ return IAM;
+/* Return a pointer to the name of the plugin */
+char *mynameis() {
+ char *a = MYNAME;
+ return a;
+/* This function sets the default (initual) values for our osd */
+void initialize_myosd() {
+ set_defaults(&pppset);
+/* This function takes a command and arguments, if the command is ours, execute
+ it and return 1, if not, return 0*/
+int isitmine( char command[BUFSIZ], char arg_first[BUFSIZ],
+ char arg_secound[BUFSIZ])
+ int i=1;
+ if(strcmp(command, "stop")==0) {
+ pppset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(command, "start")==0) {
+ if(!pppset.displaying) {
+ pppset.displaying = 1;
+ pthread_create(&pppset.mythread, NULL, connection_watch, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "pppw")==0) {
+ if (atoi(arg_first)) {
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ pppset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "sppp")==0) {
+ control_options(&pppset, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "pdev")==0) {
+ sprintf(pppdevice, "%s", arg_first);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "connecting")==0) {
+ sprintf(connecting1, "%s", arg_first);
+ sprintf(connecting2, "%s", arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "connected")==0) {
+ sprintf(connected1, "%s", arg_first);
+ sprintf(connected2, "%s", arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "disconnected")==0) {
+ sprintf(disconnected, "%s", arg_first);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "showconntime")==0) {
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "Connected for");
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, timeconnected);
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+/*=============================connection_watch()=========================== */
+/* some ideas from ppptime */
+void *connection_watch(void *arg)
+ FILE *fp;
+ int ppp0run;
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ int total;
+ struct stat st;
+ char ppp0pidfile[PATH_MAX];
+ pppset.myosd = xosd_create(2);
+ initialize_osd(&pppset);
+ if(strcmp(pppdevice, "")==0)
+ sprintf(pppdevice, "%s", PPP_DEVICE);
+ sprintf(ppp0pidfile, "%s/", PPP_PID_PATH, pppdevice);
+ if (strcmp(connecting1, "")==0)
+ sprintf(connecting1, "Connecting");
+ if (strcmp(connecting2, "")==0)
+ sprintf(connecting2, "please wait...");
+ if (strcmp(connected1, "")==0)
+ sprintf(connected1, "Connected");
+ if (strcmp(connected2, "")==0)
+ sprintf(connected2, "GO!");
+ if (strcmp(disconnected, "")==0)
+ sprintf(disconnected, "Connection terminated");
+ while (pppset.displaying) {
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, connecting1);
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, connecting2);
+ sprintf(ppp0pidfile, "%s/", PPP_PID_PATH, pppdevice);
+ if((fp=fopen(ppp0pidfile, "r"))==NULL) {
+ ppp0run = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ppp0run = 1;
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ if(ppp0run) {
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd,0, XOSD_string, connected1);
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd,1, XOSD_string, connected2);
+ stat(ppp0pidfile, &st);
+ start = st.st_mtime;
+ while((fp=fopen(ppp0pidfile, "r"))!=NULL) {
+ fclose(fp);
+ end = time(0);
+ total = end - start;
+ sprintf(timeconnected, "Connected for %d hr %d min %d sec",
+ ((total/60)/60)%100, (total/60)%60, total%60);
+ usleep(3);
+ }
+ end = time(0);
+ total = end - start;
+ sprintf(timeconnected, "Disconnected after %d hr %d min %d sec",
+ ((total/60)/60)%100, (total/60)%60, total%60);
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd,0, XOSD_string, disconnected);
+ xosd_display(pppset.myosd,1, XOSD_string, timeconnected);
+ pppset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ xosd_destroy(pppset.myosd);
+ pthread_exit(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/controlsh.c b/src/osdsh/controlsh.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de637db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/controlsh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+ int n=0;
+ plugininfo_t plugins[MAX_PLUGINS];
+ settings_t settings;
+/* ================================== load a plugin ============================= */
+int load_plugin( char pluginfile[255])
+ int (*info)();
+ void *module;
+ int a;
+ char file[PATH_MAX+256];
+ char *msg = NULL;
+/* getcwd(file, PATH_MAX);
+ strcat(file, "/");
+ strcat(file, pluginfile);
+ module = dlopen(pluginfile, RTLD_NOW);
+ if(!module) {
+ msg = dlerror();
+ if(msg != NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
+ a = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ info = dlsym(module, "whoami");
+ a = info();
+ info = dlsym(module, "initialize_myosd");
+ info();
+ plugins[a].isitmine = dlsym(module, "isitmine");
+ info = dlsym(module, "mynameis");
+ plugins[a].module = module;
+ plugins[a].whoami = a;
+ plugins[a].file = file;
+ plugins[a].myname = (char *) info();
+ plugins[a].active = 1;
+ }
+ return a;
+ /* =========================== close a plugin ===============================*/
+int close_plugin( int a)
+ char report[255];
+ if(dlclose(plugins[a].module)) {
+ sprintf(report, "Error while unloading %s", plugins[a].myname);
+ plugins[a].displaying = 1;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(report, "Successfully unloaded %s", plugins[a].myname);
+ plugins[a].displaying = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, report);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+/*============================ display_stuff()=============================== */
+void display_stuff(char command[BUFSIZ], char arguments[BUFSIZ])
+ char c;
+ char arg_first[BUFSIZ];
+ char arg_secound[BUFSIZ];
+ int a,i;
+ sprintf(arg_first, "");
+ sprintf(arg_secound, "");
+ /* separate the arguments in sub_arguments .... or not?*/
+ i=0;
+ a=0;
+ while ((c=arguments[i])!=','&&c!='\n'&&c!='\0') {
+ if (c=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ arg_first[a] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ arg_first[a] = c;
+ }
+ a++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ arg_first[a] = '\0';
+ i++;
+ a = 0;
+ while((c=arguments[i])!='\n'&&c!='\0'&&c!=')') {
+ if (c=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ arg_secound[a] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ arg_secound[a] = c;
+ }
+ a++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ arg_secound[a] = '\0';
+ /* done with the arguments */
+ if (strcmp(command, "load")==0) {
+ for(i=0;i<n+1;i++) {
+ if(strcmp(arg_first, plugins[i].myname)==0) {
+ strcpy(arg_secound, plugins[i].file);
+ }
+ }
+ a = load_plugin( arg_secound);
+*/ a = load_plugin( arg_first );
+ sprintf(arg_secound, "Error loading %s", arg_first);
+ if(a>=0) {
+ if(a>n&&a<MAX_PLUGINS)
+ n=a;
+ if(plugins[a].isitmine("stop", NULL, NULL)) {
+ sprintf(arg_secound, "Successfully loaded %s", plugins[a].myname);
+ }
+ }
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, arg_secound);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "strn")==0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, arg_first);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "bars")==0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, arg_first);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_percentage, atoi(arg_secound));
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "slid")==0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, arg_first);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_slider, atoi(arg_secound));
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "dset")==0) {
+ control_options(&settings, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "exit")==0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "Goodbye");
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ for(i=0;i<n+1;i++) {
+ if(plugins[i].active) {
+ plugins[i].isitmine("stop", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ sleep(2);
+ settings.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ a = 0;
+ while(i==0&&a<MAX_PLUGINS) {
+ if(plugins[a].active) {
+ i = plugins[a].isitmine(command, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ a++;
+ }
+ if(i==0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, command);
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "No such command");
+ }
+ }
+/*================================control_sh() ============================= */
+void *control_sh(void *arg)
+ int a,i;
+ char c;
+ char command[BUFSIZ];
+ char command_arg[BUFSIZ];
+ char fifo_file[PATH_MAX +1];
+ FILE *fp;
+ char readbuf[BUFSIZ];
+ sprintf(fifo_file, "%s.%d",OSD_FIFO_PATH, getuid());
+ settings.displaying = 1;
+ /* we open the osd*/
+ settings.myosd = xosd_create (2);
+ initialize_osd(&settings);
+ load_basic_plugins();
+ /* create the fifo file*/
+ unlink(fifo_file);
+ umask(0);
+ mknod(fifo_file, S_IFIFO|0600, 0);
+ /*open and read the fifo*/
+ while (settings.displaying) {
+ fp = fopen(fifo_file, "r");
+ /*Read the bufer and check that it's not a comment*/
+ while(fgets(readbuf, BUFSIZ, fp)) {
+ if (readbuf[c]=='#') continue;
+ /*ignore spaces*/
+ for (i=0; i<BUFSIZ&&((c=readbuf[i])==' '||c=='\t'); i++);
+ /*get the command*/
+ for (a=0; (c=readbuf[i])!='\n'&&c!='('; a++,i++)
+ command[a] = readbuf[i];
+ command[a] = '\0';
+ /*get the command's arguments*/
+ i ++;
+ for(a=0; (c=readbuf[i])!='\0'&&c!='\n'&&c!=')';a++,i++) {
+ if (c=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ command_arg[a] = readbuf[i];
+ }
+ else {
+ command_arg[a]=c;
+ }
+ }
+ command_arg[a] = '\0';
+ /*execute the command from the fifo and close it*/
+ display_stuff(command, command_arg);
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ }
+ unlink(fifo_file);
+ sprintf(fifo_file, "", fifo_file);
+ unlink(fifo_file);
+ xosd_destroy(settings.myosd);
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/mixerwatch.c b/src/osdsh/mixerwatch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..025e902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/mixerwatch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+#define IAM 0
+#define MYNAME "Mixer"
+char mixerdevice[PATH_MAX+1] = MIXER;
+int dev;
+settings_t mixerset;
+void *mixer_watch(void *arg);
+/* ==================== REQUIERED FOR PLUGINS ==============================
+***** ID of the plugin, contact me before you asign this to your plugin!! *****
+int whoami(void) {
+ return IAM;
+/* Return a pointer to the name of the plugin */
+char *mynameis() {
+ char *a = MYNAME;
+ return a;
+/* This function sets the default (initial) values for our osd
+ Here i just load the default values, but you can load
+ your own in your plugin.
+void initialize_myosd() {
+ set_defaults(&mixerset);
+/* This function takes a command and arguments, if the command is ours, execute
+ it and return 1, if not, return 0*/
+int isitmine( char command[BUFSIZ], char arg_first[BUFSIZ],
+ char arg_secound[BUFSIZ])
+ int i=1;
+ if(strcmp(command, "stop")==0) {
+ mixerset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ else if(strcmp(command, "start")==0) {
+ if(!mixerset.displaying) {
+ mixerset.displaying = 1;
+ pthread_create(&mixerset.mythread, NULL, mixer_watch, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "smix")==0) {
+ control_options(&mixerset, arg_first, arg_secound);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(command, "mixr")==0) {
+ if (atoi(arg_first)) {
+ isitmine("start", NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ mixerset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ }
+ return i;
+/*The next functions were taken from osdd-0.0.2,
+written by W. Michael Petullo <>, with some ideas, and slightly
+(one or two chars) modified by me*/
+/* ============================ initialize_vols () ========================= */
+void initialize_vols( int devmask)
+ int i;
+ int volume;
+ for (i=0;i<SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES;i++) {
+ if (devmask & (1 << i)) {
+ if (ioctl(dev, MIXER_READ(i), &volume) == -1) {
+ perror(mixerdevice);
+ mixerset.displaying=0;
+ }
+ old_vol[i] = vol[i] = volume;
+ }
+ }
+/* ============================ display_channel () ========================= */
+void display_channel(int channel)
+ char channel_name[BUFSIZ];
+ if (!channel)
+ sprintf(channel_name, "Master Volume");
+ else
+ sprintf(channel_name, "%s Volume", devicelabels[channel]);
+ if (ioctl(dev, MIXER_READ(channel), &vol[channel]) == -1) {
+ perror(mixerdevice);
+ mixerset.displaying = 0;
+ }
+ /*if muted, we say it!!*/
+ if (!(vol[0] & 0xff || (vol[0] >> 8) & 0xff)) {
+ xosd_display(mixerset.myosd, mixerset.position, XOSD_bottom, "Muted");
+ xosd_display(mixerset.myosd, !mixerset.position, XOSD_bottom, "");
+ }
+ /* not muted, so lets check if the vol changed, if so, display
+ them, if not, just ignore it*/
+ else if (vol[channel] != old_vol[channel]) {
+ xosd_display(mixerset.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, channel_name);
+ xosd_display(mixerset.myosd, 1, XOSD_percentage,
+ (((vol[channel]>>8)&0xff)+vol[channel]&0xff)/2);
+ }
+/*================================= mixer_watch() ============================*/
+void *mixer_watch(void *arg)
+ int devmask;
+ int i;
+ /* we open the osd for the mixer*/
+ /* Mixer usually goes on the bottom of the screen... so*/
+ mixerset.position = XOSD_bottom;
+ mixerset.myosd = xosd_create(2);
+ initialize_osd(&mixerset);
+ /*open the mixer device for reading*/
+ if ((dev = open(mixerdevice, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
+ perror("Error opening");
+ perror(mixerdevice);
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ }
+ if (ioctl(dev, SOUND_MIXER_READ_DEVMASK, &devmask) == -1) {
+ perror("Error reading");
+ perror(mixerdevice);
+ pthread_exit(0);
+ }
+ /*initialize the volume.....*/
+ initialize_vols(devmask);
+ while(mixerset.displaying) {
+ for (i=0;i<SOUND_MIXER_NRDEVICES;i++) {
+ if (devmask & (1 << i)) {
+ display_channel(i);
+ old_vol[i] = vol[i];
+ }
+ }
+ usleep(1);
+ }
+ xosd_destroy(mixerset.myosd);
+ pthread_exit(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/osdsh.c b/src/osdsh/osdsh.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4989b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/osdsh.c
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+/* ==============================global variables=============================*/
+messages_t messages;
+/*basic setup here*/
+extern settings_t settings;
+extern settings_t mixerset;
+extern settings_t clockset;
+extern settings_t pppset;
+extern settings_t apmset;
+void *apm_watch(void *arg);
+void *control_sh(void *arg);
+void *mixer_watch(void *arg);
+void *connection_watch(void *arg);
+void *clock_display(void *arg);
+/* ============================ usage () =================================== */
+void usage(const int exitcode, const char *error, const char *more)
+ fprintf(stderr, "osdsh %s\n", VERSION);
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: osdsh [options]\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -h display usage\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -m mixer set mixer %s\n", MIXER);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -f font set font %s \n", FONT);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -c color set color %s \n", COLOR);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -d int set OSD delay %d \n", TIMEOUT);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -o int set Shadow Offset %d \n", SHADOW_OFFSET);
+ fprintf(stderr, " -p <0|1> position of the osd, 0 for bottom,\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " 1 for top. Default 1 (top).\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -a <0|1|2> align of the osd. left,center or right.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, " -n number set the nice number so osdsh won't eat your cpu\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ if (error)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n\n", error, more);
+ exit(exitcode);
+/* ============================ parse_args () ============================== */
+void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], settings_t * settings)
+ char c;
+ int opt_index = 0;
+ struct option opts[] = {
+ {"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
+ {"position", 1, 0, 'p'},
+ {"soffset", 1, 0, 'o'},
+ {"mixer", 1, 0, 'm'},
+ {"font", 1, 0, 'f'},
+ {"color", 1, 0, 'c'},
+ {"delay", 1, 0, 'd'},
+ {"align", 1, 0, 'a'},
+ {"nice", 1, 0, 'n'}
+ };
+ while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hm:f:c:p:d:o:n:", opts, &opt_index)) >= 0) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'h':
+ usage(0, NULL, NULL);
+ exit(0);
+ case 'f':
+ strncpy(settings->font, optarg, BUFSIZ);
+ settings->font[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ strncpy(settings->color, optarg, BUFSIZ);
+ settings->color[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ settings->position = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ settings->align = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ settings->delay = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ strncpy(messages.mixerdevice, optarg, BUFSIZ);
+ messages.mixerdevice[PATH_MAX+1] = '\0';
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ settings->soffset = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ nice(atoi(optarg));
+ break;
+ default:
+ usage(1, NULL, NULL);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+void load_basic_plugins(void) {
+ int a;
+ char file[PATH_MAX+255];
+ sprintf(file, "%s/", PLUGINSDIR);
+ a = load_plugin(file);
+ if (a<0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "No Mixer Support");
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+ sprintf(file, "%s/", PLUGINSDIR);
+ a = load_plugin(file);
+ if (a<0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "No Clock Support");
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+ sprintf(file, "%s/", PLUGINSDIR);
+ a = load_plugin(file);
+ if (a<0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "No Net Support");
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+ sprintf(file, "%s/", PLUGINSDIR);
+ a = load_plugin(file);
+ if (a<0) {
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 0, XOSD_string, "No APM/Battery support");
+ xosd_display(settings.myosd, 1, XOSD_string, "");
+ }
+/* ============================ main () ==================================== */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *env[])
+ pid_t childpid;
+ char pid_file[PATH_MAX+1];
+ FILE *fp;
+ set_defaults(&settings);
+ initialize_osd(&settings);
+ parse_args(argc, argv, &settings);
+#ifndef NOAPM
+ apmset = settings;
+ pppset = mixerset = settings;
+ if((childpid=fork())<0) {
+ perror("fork");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (childpid==0) {
+ control_sh(NULL);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(pid_file, "", OSD_FIFO_PATH, getuid()) ;
+ fp=fopen(pid_file, "w");
+ fprintf(fp, "%d", childpid);
+ fclose(fp);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ return(0);
diff --git a/src/osdsh/osdsh.h b/src/osdsh/osdsh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d653252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/osdsh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <linux/limits.h>
+#include <linux/stat.h>
+#include <linux/soundcard.h>
+#include <xosd.h>
+/*============================== settings_t ==================================*/
+typedef struct settings_t {
+ xosd *myosd;
+ char font[BUFSIZ + 1];
+ char color[BUFSIZ + 1];
+ int soffset;
+ int xoffset;
+ int yoffset;
+ xosd_align align;
+ xosd_pos position;
+ int displaying;
+ int delay;
+ pthread_t mythread;
+} settings_t;
+typedef struct plugininfo_t {
+ int whoami;
+ int active;
+ void *module;
+ char *file;
+ char *myname;
+ int (*isitmine)();
+} plugininfo_t;
diff --git a/src/osdsh/utils.c b/src/osdsh/utils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..024b6bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/osdsh/utils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+#include "osdsh.h"
+#include "../config.h"
+/*This function is used to control the options of the individual osd's*/
+void control_options(settings_t *setts, char option[2], char argument[BUFSIZ])
+ /*this function reads the option to change on each display, changes it
+ and saves the changes on the corresponding settings structure*/
+ switch (option[0]) {
+ case 'f':
+ strncpy(setts->font, argument, BUFSIZ);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_font(setts->myosd, argument))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change font\n");
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ strncpy(setts->color, argument, BUFSIZ);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_colour(setts->myosd, argument))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change color\n");
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ setts->delay = atoi(argument);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_timeout(setts->myosd, atoi(argument)))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change timeout\n");
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ setts->position = XOSD_bottom;
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_pos(setts->myosd, XOSD_bottom))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change position\n");
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ setts->position = XOSD_top;
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_pos(setts->myosd, XOSD_top))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change position\n");
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ setts->align = XOSD_left;
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_align(setts->myosd, XOSD_left))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change align\n");
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ setts->align = XOSD_right;
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_align(setts->myosd, XOSD_right))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change align\n");
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ setts->align = XOSD_center;
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_align(setts->myosd, XOSD_center))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change align\n");
+ case 'o':
+ setts->soffset = atoi(argument);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_shadow_offset(setts->myosd, setts->soffset))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change Shadow Offset\n");
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ setts->yoffset = atoi(argument);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_vertical_offset(setts->myosd, setts->yoffset))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change vertical offset\n");
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ setts->xoffset = atoi(argument);
+ if (setts->displaying&&xosd_set_horizontal_offset(setts->myosd, setts->xoffset))
+ fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't change horizontal offset\n");
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+/*============================= initialize_osd() =========================== */
+void initialize_osd( settings_t *setts)
+ xosd_set_font(setts->myosd, setts->font);
+ xosd_set_colour(setts->myosd, setts->color);
+ xosd_set_pos(setts->myosd, setts->position);
+ xosd_set_align(setts->myosd, setts->align);
+ xosd_set_horizontal_offset(setts->myosd, setts->xoffset);
+ xosd_set_vertical_offset(setts->myosd, setts->yoffset);
+ xosd_set_shadow_offset(setts->myosd, setts->soffset);
+ xosd_set_timeout(setts->myosd, setts->delay);
+/* ============================ set_defaults () ============================ */
+void set_defaults(settings_t *setts)
+ strncpy(setts->font, FONT, BUFSIZ);
+ setts->font[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
+ strncpy(setts->color, COLOR, BUFSIZ);
+ setts->color[BUFSIZ] = '\0';
+ setts->soffset = SHADOW_OFFSET;
+ setts->yoffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET;
+ setts->xoffset = DEFAULT_OFFSET;
+ setts->align= OSD_ALIGNMENT;
+ setts->position = OSD_POSITION;
+ setts->delay = TIMEOUT;
+ setts->displaying = 0;