path: root/man/man1/
diff options
authorJonas Smedegaard <>2009-08-14 09:20:29 +0200
committerJonas Smedegaard <>2009-08-14 09:20:29 +0200
commit88b315ccee666385e1a4c52e2eb5fb0b0ffe8d60 (patch)
tree53a5d7e250479fb7e8b2a48dd75093d8c569b233 /man/man1/
Imported Upstream version 1.2.1
Diffstat (limited to 'man/man1/')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/man/man1/ b/man/man1/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a0907321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/man1/
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+% PANDOC(1) Pandoc User Manuals
+% John MacFarlane
+% January 8, 2008
+pandoc - general markup converter
+pandoc [*options*] [*input-file*]...
+Pandoc converts files from one markup format to another. It can
+read markdown and (subsets of) reStructuredText, HTML, and LaTeX, and
+it can write markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, Texinfo,
+groff man, MediaWiki markup, RTF, OpenDocument XML, ODT, DocBook XML,
+and S5 HTML slide shows.
+If no *input-file* is specified, input is read from *stdin*.
+Otherwise, the *input-files* are concatenated (with a blank
+line between each) and used as input. Output goes to *stdout* by
+default (though output to *stdout* is disabled for the `odt` output
+format). For output to a file, use the `-o` option:
+ pandoc -o output.html input.txt
+The input and output formats may be specified using command-line options
+(see **OPTIONS**, below, for details). If these formats are not
+specified explicitly, Pandoc will attempt to determine them
+from the extensions of the input and output filenames. If input comes
+from *stdin* or from a file with an unknown extension, the input is assumed
+to be markdown. If no output filename is specified using the `-o`
+option, or if a filename is specified but its extension is unknown,
+the output will default to HTML. Thus, for example,
+ pandoc -o chap1.tex chap1.txt
+converts *chap1.txt* from markdown to LaTeX. And
+ pandoc README
+converts *README* from markdown to HTML.
+Pandoc's version of markdown is an extended variant of standard
+markdown: the differences are described in the *README* file in
+the user documentation. If standard markdown syntax is desired, the
+`--strict` option may be used.
+Pandoc uses the UTF-8 character encoding for both input and output.
+If your local character encoding is not UTF-8, you should pipe input
+and output through `iconv`:
+ iconv -t utf-8 input.txt | pandoc | iconv -f utf-8
+Pandoc's HTML parser is not very forgiving. If your input is
+HTML, consider running it through `tidy`(1) before passing it
+to Pandoc. Or use `html2markdown`(1), a wrapper around `pandoc`.
+-f *FORMAT*, -r *FORMAT*, \--from=*FORMAT*, \--read=*FORMAT*
+: Specify input format. *FORMAT* can be
+ `native` (native Haskell), `markdown` (markdown or plain text),
+ `rst` (reStructuredText), `html` (HTML), or `latex` (LaTeX).
+ If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`, or `latex`, the input
+ will be treated as literate Haskell source.
+-t *FORMAT*, -w *FORMAT*, \--to=*FORMAT*, \--write=*FORMAT*
+: Specify output format. *FORMAT* can be `native` (native Haskell),
+ `markdown` (markdown or plain text), `rst` (reStructuredText),
+ `html` (HTML), `latex` (LaTeX), `context` (ConTeXt), `man` (groff man),
+ `mediawiki` (MediaWiki markup), `texinfo` (GNU Texinfo),
+ `docbook` (DocBook XML), `opendocument` (OpenDocument XML),
+ `odt` (OpenOffice text document), `s5` (S5 HTML and javascript slide
+ show), or `rtf` (rich text format). Note that `odt` output will not
+ be directed to *stdout*; an output filename must be specified using
+ the `-o/--output` option. If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`,
+ `rst`, `latex`, or `html`, the output will be rendered as literate
+ Haskell source.
+-s, \--standalone
+: Produce output with an appropriate header and footer (e.g. a
+ standalone HTML, LaTeX, or RTF file, not a fragment).
+-o *FILE*, \--output=*FILE*
+: Write output to *FILE* instead of *stdout*. If *FILE* is
+ \``-`', output will go to *stdout*.
+-p, \--preserve-tabs
+: Preserve tabs instead of converting them to spaces.
+: Specify tab stop (default is 4).
+: Use strict markdown syntax, with no extensions or variants.
+: Use reference-style links, rather than inline links, in writing markdown
+ or reStructuredText.
+-R, \--parse-raw
+: Parse untranslatable HTML codes and LaTeX environments as raw HTML
+ or LaTeX, instead of ignoring them.
+-S, \--smart
+: Use smart quotes, dashes, and ellipses. (This option is significant
+ only when the input format is `markdown`. It is selected automatically
+ when the output format is `latex` or `context`.)
+-m*URL*, \--latexmathml=*URL*
+: Use LaTeXMathML to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.
+ To insert a link to a local copy of the `LaTeXMathML.js` script,
+ provide a *URL*. If no *URL* is provided, the contents of the
+ script will be inserted directly into the HTML header.
+: Use jsMath to display embedded TeX math in HTML output.
+ The *URL* should point to the jsMath load script; if provided,
+ it will be linked to in the header of standalone HTML documents.
+: Enclose TeX math in `<eq>` tags in HTML output. These can then
+ be processed by gladTeX to produce links to images of the typeset
+ formulas.
+: Render TeX math using the mimeTeX CGI script. If *URL* is not specified,
+ it is assumed that the script is at `/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi`.
+-i, \--incremental
+: Make list items in S5 display incrementally (one by one).
+-N, \--number-sections
+: Number section headings in LaTeX output. (Default is not to number
+ them.)
+: Disable text wrapping in output. (Default is to wrap text.)
+: Sanitizes HTML (in markdown or HTML input) using a whitelist.
+ Unsafe tags are replaced by HTML comments; unsafe attributes
+ are omitted. URIs in links and images are also checked against a
+ whitelist of URI schemes.
+: Specify a method for obfuscating `mailto:` links in HTML documents.
+ *none* leaves `mailto:` links as they are. *javascript* obfuscates
+ them using javascript. *references* obfuscates them by printing their
+ letters as decimal or hexadecimal character references.
+ If `--strict` is specified, *references* is used regardless of the
+ presence of this option.
+\--toc, \--table-of-contents
+: Include an automatically generated table of contents (HTML, markdown,
+ RTF) or an instruction to create one (LaTeX, reStructuredText).
+ This option has no effect on man, DocBook, or S5 output.
+-c *CSS*, \--css=*CSS*
+: Link to a CSS style sheet. *CSS* is the pathname of the style sheet.
+-H *FILE*, \--include-in-header=*FILE*
+: Include contents of *FILE* at the end of the header. Implies `-s`.
+-B *FILE*, \--include-before-body=*FILE*
+: Include contents of *FILE* at the beginning of the document body.
+-A *FILE*, \--include-after-body=*FILE*
+: Include contents of *FILE* at the end of the document body.
+-C *FILE*, \--custom-header=*FILE*
+: Use contents of *FILE* as the document header (overriding the
+ default header, which can be printed by using the `-D` option).
+ Implies `-s`.
+-D *FORMAT*, \--print-default-header=*FORMAT*
+: Print the default header for *FORMAT* (`html`, `s5`, `latex`,
+ `context`, `docbook`, `man`, `markdown`, `opendocument`,
+ `rst`, `rtf`).
+-T *STRING*, \--title-prefix=*STRING*
+: Specify *STRING* as a prefix to the HTML window title.
+: Print information about command-line arguments to *stdout*, then exit.
+ The first line of output contains the name of the output file specified
+ with the `-o` option, or \``-`' (for *stdout*) if no output file was
+ specified. The remaining lines contain the command-line arguments,
+ one per line, in the order they appear. These do not include regular
+ Pandoc options and their arguments, but do include any options appearing
+ after a \``--`' separator at the end of the line.
+ This option is intended primarily for use in wrapper scripts.
+: Ignore command-line arguments (for use in wrapper scripts).
+ Regular Pandoc options are not ignored. Thus, for example,
+: pandoc --ignore-args -o foo.html -s foo.txt -- -e latin1
+: is equivalent to
+: pandoc -o foo.html -s
+-v, \--version
+: Print version.
+-h, \--help
+: Show usage message.
+`markdown2pdf` (1).
+The *README* file distributed with Pandoc contains full documentation.
+The Pandoc source code and all documentation may be downloaded from