path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <>2016-11-19 06:03:54 -0500
committerJohn MacFarlane <>2017-01-25 17:07:39 +0100
commit2ffd630a43749794bf72591f41d6b523676bd5b1 (patch)
tree7971c1a49e114868fd8fa0d6aa70aad961935afd /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
parent314a4c7296029753872164428667c63642762901 (diff)
Free: Remove readFileUTF8.
This is just defined in term of a bytestring, so we convert when necessary.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
index 35724dfef..a0991e27b 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/EPUB.hs
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ pandocToEPUB opts doc@(Pandoc meta _) = do
-- stylesheet
stylesheet <- case epubStylesheet metadata of
- Just (StylesheetPath fp) -> lift $ P.readFileUTF8 fp
+ Just (StylesheetPath fp) -> UTF8.toStringLazy <$> (lift $ P.readFileLazy fp)
Just (StylesheetContents s) -> return s
Nothing -> UTF8.toString `fmap`
(lift $ P.readDataFile (writerUserDataDir opts) "epub.css")