path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <>2010-07-22 22:58:48 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <>2010-07-22 22:58:48 -0700
commita11b5309351cfa813face2d07cdbc32b1fa6cf0f (patch)
tree0c33dad4609baafa629218f2159f1a035eb0e2fd /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parentda52412455707656e7738d110c32be2decee2dcd (diff)
Moved s5 writing from S5 module to HTML.
Now s5 is handled in more or less the same way as slidy, as a variant of HTML.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
2 files changed, 5 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
index 09af03f4e..abe7e3a42 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
@@ -117,12 +117,10 @@ pandocToHtml opts (Pandoc (Meta title' authors' date') blocks) = do
(Header 1 _ : _) -> []
_ -> [RawHtml "<div class=\"slide\">\n"]
blocks' <- liftM toHtmlFromList $
- case writerSlideVariant opts of
- SlidySlides -> mapM (blockToHtml opts) $
- preamble ++
- cutUp blocks ++
- [RawHtml "</div>"]
- _ -> mapM (elementToHtml opts) sects
+ if writerSlideVariant opts `elem` [SlidySlides, S5Slides]
+ then mapM (blockToHtml opts) $ preamble ++
+ cutUp blocks ++ [RawHtml "</div>"]
+ else mapM (elementToHtml opts) sects
st <- get
let notes = reverse (stNotes st)
let thebody = blocks' +++ footnoteSection notes
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/S5.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/S5.hs
index d2dab07a3..a439363f1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/S5.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/S5.hs
@@ -30,20 +30,13 @@ Definitions for creation of S5 powerpoint-like HTML.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.S5 (
-- * Header includes
- s5HeaderIncludes,
- s5Meta,
- s5Links,
- -- * Functions
- writeS5,
- writeS5String,
- insertS5Structure
+ s5HeaderIncludes
) where
import Text.Pandoc.Shared ( WriterOptions, readDataFile )
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML ( writeHtml, writeHtmlString )
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.XHtml.Strict
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
-import Data.List ( intercalate )
s5HeaderIncludes :: Maybe FilePath -> IO String
s5HeaderIncludes datadir = do
@@ -71,59 +64,3 @@ s5CSS datadir = do
s5PrintCSS <- readDataFile datadir $ "s5" </> "default" </> "print.css"
return $ "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"projection\" id=\"slideProj\">\n" ++ s5CoreCSS ++ "\n" ++ s5FramingCSS ++ "\n" ++ s5PrettyCSS ++ "\n</style>\n<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"projection\" id=\"operaFix\">\n" ++ s5OperaCSS ++ "\n</style>\n<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" id=\"outlineStyle\">\n" ++ s5OutlineCSS ++ "\n</style>\n<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"print\" id=\"slidePrint\">\n" ++ s5PrintCSS ++ "\n</style>\n"
-s5Links :: String
-s5Links = "<!-- style sheet links -->\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ui/default/slides.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"projection\" id=\"slideProj\" />\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ui/default/outline.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" id=\"outlineStyle\" />\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ui/default/print.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"print\" id=\"slidePrint\" />\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"ui/default/opera.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"projection\" id=\"operaFix\" />\n<!-- S5 JS -->\n<script src=\"ui/default/slides.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"
--- | Converts Pandoc document to an S5 HTML presentation (Html structure).
-writeS5 :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> Html
-writeS5 options = (writeHtml options) . insertS5Structure
--- | Converts Pandoc document to an S5 HTML presentation (string).
-writeS5String :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
-writeS5String options = (writeHtmlString options) . insertS5Structure
--- | Inserts HTML needed for an S5 presentation (e.g. around slides).
-layoutDiv :: [Inline] -- ^ Title of document (for header or footer)
- -> [Inline] -- ^ Date of document (for header or footer)
- -> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements returned
-layoutDiv title' date = [(RawHtml "<div class=\"layout\">\n<div id=\"controls\"></div>\n<div id=\"currentSlide\"></div>\n<div id=\"header\"></div>\n<div id=\"footer\">\n"), (Header 1 date), (Header 2 title'), (RawHtml "</div>\n</div>\n")]
-presentationStart :: Block
-presentationStart = RawHtml "<div class=\"presentation\">\n\n"
-presentationEnd :: Block
-presentationEnd = RawHtml "</div>\n"
-slideStart :: Block
-slideStart = RawHtml "<div class=\"slide\">\n"
-slideEnd :: Block
-slideEnd = RawHtml "</div>\n"
--- | Returns 'True' if block is a Header 1.
-isH1 :: Block -> Bool
-isH1 (Header 1 _) = True
-isH1 _ = False
--- | Insert HTML around sections to make individual slides.
-insertSlides :: Bool -> [Block] -> [Block]
-insertSlides beginning blocks =
- let (beforeHead, rest) = break isH1 blocks
- in case rest of
- [] -> beforeHead ++ [slideEnd | not beginning]
- (h:t) -> beforeHead ++ [slideEnd | not beginning] ++
- (slideStart : h : insertSlides False t)
--- | Insert blocks into 'Pandoc' for slide structure.
-insertS5Structure :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
-insertS5Structure (Pandoc meta' []) = Pandoc meta' []
-insertS5Structure (Pandoc (Meta title' authors date) blocks) =
- let slides = insertSlides True blocks
- firstSlide = if not (null title')
- then [slideStart, (Header 1 title'),
- (Header 3 (intercalate [LineBreak] authors)),
- (Header 4 date), slideEnd]
- else []
- newBlocks = (layoutDiv title' date) ++ presentationStart:firstSlide ++
- slides ++ [presentationEnd]
- in Pandoc (Meta title' authors date) newBlocks