path: root/src
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <>2016-12-03 16:15:13 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <>2017-01-25 17:07:40 +0100
commit830be4d63204b918afd15615d965bfbc40886cbe (patch)
treed1e8931db2a6c0b2423fd588ef8904511b832124 /src
parent221f878c0ec691dd09cf388d4d86ebecc8bf8355 (diff)
Refactored math conversion in writers.
* Remove exported module `Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath` * Add exported module `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * The function `texMathToInlines` now lives in `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * Export helper function `convertMath` from `Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math` * Use these functions in all writers that do math conversion. This ensures that warnings will always be issued for failed math conversions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
11 files changed, 488 insertions, 416 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TeXMath.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TeXMath.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e5778b123..000000000
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/TeXMath.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (C) 2007-2015 John MacFarlane <>
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-{- |
- Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
- Copyright : Copyright (C) 2007-2015 John MacFarlane
- License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
- Maintainer : John MacFarlane <>
- Stability : alpha
- Portability : portable
-Conversion of TeX math to a list of 'Pandoc' inline elements.
-module Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath ( texMathToInlines ) where
-import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import Text.TeXMath
--- | Converts a raw TeX math formula to a list of 'Pandoc' inlines.
--- Defaults to raw formula between @$@ or @$$@ characters if entire formula
--- can't be converted.
-texMathToInlines :: MathType
- -> String -- ^ String to parse (assumes @'\n'@ line endings)
- -> [Inline]
-texMathToInlines mt inp =
- case writePandoc dt `fmap` readTeX inp of
- Right (Just ils) -> ils
- _ -> [Str (delim ++ inp ++ delim)]
- where (dt, delim) = case mt of
- DisplayMath -> (DisplayBlock, "$$")
- InlineMath -> (DisplayInline, "$")
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
index 74e3bff3d..0ec7445be 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docbook.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Data.List ( stripPrefix, isPrefixOf, intercalate, isSuffixOf )
import Data.Char ( toLower )
import Data.Monoid ( Any(..) )
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
-- | Convert list of authors to a docbook <author> section
-authorToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> B.Inlines
-authorToDocbook opts name' =
- let name = render Nothing $ inlinesToDocbook opts name'
- colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
+authorToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> m B.Inlines
+authorToDocbook opts name' = do
+ name <- render Nothing <$> inlinesToDocbook opts name'
+ let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
- in B.rawInline "docbook" $ render colwidth $
+ return $ B.rawInline "docbook" $ render colwidth $
if ',' `elem` name
then -- last name first
let (lastname, rest) = break (==',') name
@@ -75,44 +75,45 @@ authorToDocbook opts name' =
-- | Convert Pandoc document to string in Docbook format.
writeDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
-writeDocbook opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = return $
+writeDocbook opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let elements = hierarchicalize blocks
- colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
+ let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
- render' = render colwidth
- opts' = if (maybe False (("/book>" `isSuffixOf`) . trimr)
+ let render' = render colwidth
+ let opts' = if (maybe False (("/book>" `isSuffixOf`) . trimr)
(writerTemplate opts) &&
TopLevelDefault == writerTopLevelDivision opts)
then opts{ writerTopLevelDivision = TopLevelChapter }
else opts
- -- The numbering here follows LaTeX's internal numbering
- startLvl = case writerTopLevelDivision opts' of
+ -- The numbering here follows LaTeX's internal numbering
+ let startLvl = case writerTopLevelDivision opts' of
TopLevelPart -> -1
TopLevelChapter -> 0
TopLevelSection -> 1
TopLevelDefault -> 1
- auths' = map (authorToDocbook opts) $ docAuthors meta
- meta' = B.setMeta "author" auths' meta
- Just metadata = metaToJSON opts
- (Just . render colwidth . (vcat .
- (map (elementToDocbook opts' startLvl)) . hierarchicalize))
- (Just . render colwidth . inlinesToDocbook opts')
+ auths' <- mapM (authorToDocbook opts) $ docAuthors meta
+ let meta' = B.setMeta "author" auths' meta
+ metadata <- metaToJSON opts
+ (fmap (render colwidth . vcat) .
+ (mapM (elementToDocbook opts' startLvl) .
+ hierarchicalize))
+ (fmap (render colwidth) . inlinesToDocbook opts')
- main = render' $ vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts' startLvl) elements)
- context = defField "body" main
+ main <- (render' . vcat) <$> mapM (elementToDocbook opts' startLvl) elements
+ let context = defField "body" main
$ defField "mathml" (case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
MathML _ -> True
_ -> False)
$ metadata
- in case writerTemplate opts of
+ return $ case writerTemplate opts of
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
-- | Convert an Element to Docbook.
-elementToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Int -> Element -> Doc
+elementToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Int -> Element -> m Doc
elementToDocbook opts _ (Blk block) = blockToDocbook opts block
-elementToDocbook opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) =
+elementToDocbook opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) = do
-- Docbook doesn't allow sections with no content, so insert some if needed
let elements' = if null elements
then [Blk (Para [])]
@@ -131,13 +132,14 @@ elementToDocbook opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) =
nsAttr = if writerDocbook5 opts && lvl == 0 then [("xmlns", ""),("xmlns:xlink", "")]
else []
attribs = nsAttr ++ idAttr
- in inTags True tag attribs $
- inTagsSimple "title" (inlinesToDocbook opts title) $$
- vcat (map (elementToDocbook opts (lvl + 1)) elements')
+ contents <- mapM (elementToDocbook opts (lvl + 1)) elements'
+ title' <- inlinesToDocbook opts title
+ return $ inTags True tag attribs $
+ inTagsSimple "title" title' $$ vcat contents
-- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to Docbook.
-blocksToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Doc
-blocksToDocbook opts = vcat . map (blockToDocbook opts)
+blocksToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m Doc
+blocksToDocbook opts = fmap vcat . mapM (blockToDocbook opts)
-- | Auxiliary function to convert Plain block to Para.
plainToPara :: Block -> Block
@@ -146,26 +148,29 @@ plainToPara x = x
-- | Convert a list of pairs of terms and definitions into a list of
-- Docbook varlistentrys.
-deflistItemsToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [([Inline],[[Block]])] -> Doc
+deflistItemsToDocbook :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [([Inline],[[Block]])] -> m Doc
deflistItemsToDocbook opts items =
- vcat $ map (\(term, defs) -> deflistItemToDocbook opts term defs) items
+ vcat <$> mapM (\(term, defs) -> deflistItemToDocbook opts term defs) items
-- | Convert a term and a list of blocks into a Docbook varlistentry.
-deflistItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [[Block]] -> Doc
-deflistItemToDocbook opts term defs =
- let def' = concatMap (map plainToPara) defs
- in inTagsIndented "varlistentry" $
- inTagsIndented "term" (inlinesToDocbook opts term) $$
- inTagsIndented "listitem" (blocksToDocbook opts def')
+deflistItemToDocbook :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> [[Block]] -> m Doc
+deflistItemToDocbook opts term defs = do
+ term' <- inlinesToDocbook opts term
+ def' <- blocksToDocbook opts $ concatMap (map plainToPara) defs
+ return $ inTagsIndented "varlistentry" $
+ inTagsIndented "term" term' $$
+ inTagsIndented "listitem" def'
-- | Convert a list of lists of blocks to a list of Docbook list items.
-listItemsToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> Doc
-listItemsToDocbook opts items = vcat $ map (listItemToDocbook opts) items
+listItemsToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> m Doc
+listItemsToDocbook opts items = vcat <$> mapM (listItemToDocbook opts) items
-- | Convert a list of blocks into a Docbook list item.
-listItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> Doc
+listItemToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> m Doc
listItemToDocbook opts item =
- inTagsIndented "listitem" $ blocksToDocbook opts $ map plainToPara item
+ inTagsIndented "listitem" <$> blocksToDocbook opts (map plainToPara item)
imageToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Attr -> String -> Doc
imageToDocbook _ attr src = selfClosingTag "imagedata" $
@@ -177,43 +182,46 @@ imageToDocbook _ attr src = selfClosingTag "imagedata" $
Nothing -> []
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to Docbook.
-blockToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Block -> Doc
-blockToDocbook _ Null = empty
+blockToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> m Doc
+blockToDocbook _ Null = return empty
-- Add ids to paragraphs in divs with ids - this is needed for
-- pandoc-citeproc to get link anchors in bibliographies:
blockToDocbook opts (Div (ident,_,_) [Para lst]) =
let attribs = [("id", ident) | not (null ident)] in
if hasLineBreaks lst
- then flush $ nowrap $ inTags False "literallayout" attribs
- $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
- else inTags True "para" attribs $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
-blockToDocbook opts (Div (ident,_,_) bs) =
- (if null ident
- then mempty
- else selfClosingTag "anchor" [("id", ident)]) $$
- blocksToDocbook opts (map plainToPara bs)
-blockToDocbook _ (Header _ _ _) = empty -- should not occur after hierarchicalize
+ then (flush . nowrap . inTags False "literallayout" attribs)
+ <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ else inTags True "para" attribs <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+blockToDocbook opts (Div (ident,_,_) bs) = do
+ contents <- blocksToDocbook opts (map plainToPara bs)
+ return $
+ (if null ident
+ then mempty
+ else selfClosingTag "anchor" [("id", ident)]) $$ contents
+blockToDocbook _ (Header _ _ _) =
+ return empty -- should not occur after hierarchicalize
blockToDocbook opts (Plain lst) = inlinesToDocbook opts lst
-- title beginning with fig: indicates that the image is a figure
-blockToDocbook opts (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) =
- let alt = inlinesToDocbook opts txt
- capt = if null txt
+blockToDocbook opts (Para [Image attr txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':_)]) = do
+ alt <- inlinesToDocbook opts txt
+ let capt = if null txt
then empty
else inTagsSimple "title" alt
- in inTagsIndented "figure" $
+ return $ inTagsIndented "figure" $
capt $$
(inTagsIndented "mediaobject" $
(inTagsIndented "imageobject"
(imageToDocbook opts attr src)) $$
inTagsSimple "textobject" (inTagsSimple "phrase" alt))
blockToDocbook opts (Para lst)
- | hasLineBreaks lst = flush $ nowrap $ inTagsSimple "literallayout" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
- | otherwise = inTagsIndented "para" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ | hasLineBreaks lst = (flush . nowrap . inTagsSimple "literallayout")
+ <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ | otherwise = inTagsIndented "para" <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
blockToDocbook opts (LineBlock lns) =
blockToDocbook opts $ linesToPara lns
blockToDocbook opts (BlockQuote blocks) =
- inTagsIndented "blockquote" $ blocksToDocbook opts blocks
-blockToDocbook _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) =
+ inTagsIndented "blockquote" <$> blocksToDocbook opts blocks
+blockToDocbook _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) = return $
text ("<programlisting" ++ lang ++ ">") <> cr <>
flush (text (escapeStringForXML str) <> cr <> text "</programlisting>")
where lang = if null langs
@@ -225,11 +233,11 @@ blockToDocbook _ (CodeBlock (_,classes,_) str) =
then [s]
else languagesByExtension . map toLower $ s
langs = concatMap langsFrom classes
-blockToDocbook opts (BulletList lst) =
+blockToDocbook opts (BulletList lst) = do
let attribs = [("spacing", "compact") | isTightList lst]
- in inTags True "itemizedlist" attribs $ listItemsToDocbook opts lst
-blockToDocbook _ (OrderedList _ []) = empty
-blockToDocbook opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, _) (first:rest)) =
+ inTags True "itemizedlist" attribs <$> listItemsToDocbook opts lst
+blockToDocbook _ (OrderedList _ []) = return empty
+blockToDocbook opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, _) (first:rest)) = do
let numeration = case numstyle of
DefaultStyle -> []
Decimal -> [("numeration", "arabic")]
@@ -240,39 +248,41 @@ blockToDocbook opts (OrderedList (start, numstyle, _) (first:rest)) =
LowerRoman -> [("numeration", "lowerroman")]
spacing = [("spacing", "compact") | isTightList (first:rest)]
attribs = numeration ++ spacing
- items = if start == 1
- then listItemsToDocbook opts (first:rest)
- else (inTags True "listitem" [("override",show start)]
- (blocksToDocbook opts $ map plainToPara first)) $$
- listItemsToDocbook opts rest
- in inTags True "orderedlist" attribs items
-blockToDocbook opts (DefinitionList lst) =
+ items <- if start == 1
+ then listItemsToDocbook opts (first:rest)
+ else do
+ first' <- blocksToDocbook opts (map plainToPara first)
+ rest' <- listItemsToDocbook opts rest
+ return $
+ (inTags True "listitem" [("override",show start)] first') $$
+ rest'
+ return $ inTags True "orderedlist" attribs items
+blockToDocbook opts (DefinitionList lst) = do
let attribs = [("spacing", "compact") | isTightList $ concatMap snd lst]
- in inTags True "variablelist" attribs $ deflistItemsToDocbook opts lst
+ inTags True "variablelist" attribs <$> deflistItemsToDocbook opts lst
blockToDocbook opts (RawBlock f str)
- | f == "docbook" = text str -- raw XML block
+ | f == "docbook" = return $ text str -- raw XML block
| f == "html" = if writerDocbook5 opts
- then empty -- No html in Docbook5
- else text str -- allow html for backwards compatibility
- | otherwise = empty
-blockToDocbook _ HorizontalRule = empty -- not semantic
-blockToDocbook opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) =
- let captionDoc = if null caption
- then empty
- else inTagsIndented "title"
- (inlinesToDocbook opts caption)
- tableType = if isEmpty captionDoc then "informaltable" else "table"
+ then return empty -- No html in Docbook5
+ else return $ text str -- allow html for backwards compatibility
+ | otherwise = return empty
+blockToDocbook _ HorizontalRule = return empty -- not semantic
+blockToDocbook opts (Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
+ captionDoc <- if null caption
+ then return empty
+ else inTagsIndented "title" <$>
+ inlinesToDocbook opts caption
+ let tableType = if isEmpty captionDoc then "informaltable" else "table"
percent w = show (truncate (100*w) :: Integer) ++ "*"
coltags = vcat $ zipWith (\w al -> selfClosingTag "colspec"
([("colwidth", percent w) | w > 0] ++
[("align", alignmentToString al)])) widths aligns
- head' = if all null headers
- then empty
- else inTagsIndented "thead" $
- tableRowToDocbook opts headers
- body' = inTagsIndented "tbody" $
- vcat $ map (tableRowToDocbook opts) rows
- in inTagsIndented tableType $ captionDoc $$
+ head' <- if all null headers
+ then return empty
+ else inTagsIndented "thead" <$> tableRowToDocbook opts headers
+ body' <- (inTagsIndented "tbody" . vcat) <$>
+ mapM (tableRowToDocbook opts) rows
+ return $ inTagsIndented tableType $ captionDoc $$
(inTags True "tgroup" [("cols", show (length headers))] $
coltags $$ head' $$ body')
@@ -293,92 +303,97 @@ alignmentToString alignment = case alignment of
AlignCenter -> "center"
AlignDefault -> "left"
-tableRowToDocbook :: WriterOptions
+tableRowToDocbook :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
-> [[Block]]
- -> Doc
+ -> m Doc
tableRowToDocbook opts cols =
- inTagsIndented "row" $ vcat $ map (tableItemToDocbook opts) cols
+ (inTagsIndented "row" . vcat) <$> mapM (tableItemToDocbook opts) cols
-tableItemToDocbook :: WriterOptions
+tableItemToDocbook :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
-> [Block]
- -> Doc
+ -> m Doc
tableItemToDocbook opts item =
- inTags True "entry" [] $ vcat $ map (blockToDocbook opts) item
+ (inTags True "entry" [] . vcat) <$> mapM (blockToDocbook opts) item
-- | Convert a list of inline elements to Docbook.
-inlinesToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> Doc
-inlinesToDocbook opts lst = hcat $ map (inlineToDocbook opts) lst
+inlinesToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> m Doc
+inlinesToDocbook opts lst = hcat <$> mapM (inlineToDocbook opts) lst
-- | Convert an inline element to Docbook.
-inlineToDocbook :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> Doc
-inlineToDocbook _ (Str str) = text $ escapeStringForXML str
+inlineToDocbook :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> m Doc
+inlineToDocbook _ (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeStringForXML str
inlineToDocbook opts (Emph lst) =
- inTagsSimple "emphasis" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ inTagsSimple "emphasis" <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Strong lst) =
- inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strong")] $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strong")] <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Strikeout lst) =
- inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strikethrough")] $
+ inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "strikethrough")] <$>
inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Superscript lst) =
- inTagsSimple "superscript" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ inTagsSimple "superscript" <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Subscript lst) =
- inTagsSimple "subscript" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ inTagsSimple "subscript" <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (SmallCaps lst) =
- inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "smallcaps")] $
+ inTags False "emphasis" [("role", "smallcaps")] <$>
inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Quoted _ lst) =
- inTagsSimple "quote" $ inlinesToDocbook opts lst
+ inTagsSimple "quote" <$> inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Cite _ lst) =
inlinesToDocbook opts lst
inlineToDocbook opts (Span (ident,_,_) ils) =
- (if null ident
- then mempty
- else selfClosingTag "anchor" [("id", ident)]) <>
+ ((if null ident
+ then mempty
+ else selfClosingTag "anchor" [("id", ident)]) <>) <$>
inlinesToDocbook opts ils
inlineToDocbook _ (Code _ str) =
- inTagsSimple "literal" $ text (escapeStringForXML str)
+ return $ inTagsSimple "literal" $ text (escapeStringForXML str)
inlineToDocbook opts (Math t str)
- | isMathML (writerHTMLMathMethod opts) =
- case writeMathML dt <$> readTeX str of
- Right r -> inTagsSimple tagtype
- $ text $ Xml.ppcElement conf
- $ fixNS
- $ removeAttr r
- Left _ -> inlinesToDocbook opts
- $ texMathToInlines t str
- | otherwise = inlinesToDocbook opts $ texMathToInlines t str
- where (dt, tagtype) = case t of
- InlineMath -> (DisplayInline,"inlineequation")
- DisplayMath -> (DisplayBlock,"informalequation")
+ | isMathML (writerHTMLMathMethod opts) = do
+ res <- convertMath writeMathML t str
+ case res of
+ Right r -> return $ inTagsSimple tagtype
+ $ text $ Xml.ppcElement conf
+ $ fixNS
+ $ removeAttr r
+ Left il -> inlineToDocbook opts il
+ | otherwise =
+ texMathToInlines t str >>= inlinesToDocbook opts
+ where tagtype = case t of
+ InlineMath -> "inlineequation"
+ DisplayMath -> "informalequation"
conf = Xml.useShortEmptyTags (const False) Xml.defaultConfigPP
removeAttr e = e{ Xml.elAttribs = [] }
fixNS' qname = qname{ Xml.qPrefix = Just "mml" }
fixNS = everywhere (mkT fixNS')
-inlineToDocbook _ (RawInline f x) | f == "html" || f == "docbook" = text x
- | otherwise = empty
-inlineToDocbook _ LineBreak = text "\n"
+inlineToDocbook _ (RawInline f x)
+ | f == "html" || f == "docbook" = return $ text x
+ | otherwise = return empty
+inlineToDocbook _ LineBreak = return $ text "\n"
-- currently ignore, would require the option to add custom
-- styles to the document
-inlineToDocbook _ PageBreak = empty
-inlineToDocbook _ Space = space
+inlineToDocbook _ PageBreak = return empty
+inlineToDocbook _ Space = return space
-- because we use \n for LineBreak, we can't do soft breaks:
-inlineToDocbook _ SoftBreak = space
+inlineToDocbook _ SoftBreak = return space
inlineToDocbook opts (Link attr txt (src, _))
| Just email <- stripPrefix "mailto:" src =
let emailLink = inTagsSimple "email" $ text $
escapeStringForXML $ email
in case txt of
- [Str s] | escapeURI s == email -> emailLink
- _ -> inlinesToDocbook opts txt <+>
- char '(' <> emailLink <> char ')'
+ [Str s] | escapeURI s == email -> return emailLink
+ _ -> do contents <- inlinesToDocbook opts txt
+ return $ contents <+>
+ char '(' <> emailLink <> char ')'
| otherwise =
(if isPrefixOf "#" src
then inTags False "link" $ ("linkend", drop 1 src) : idAndRole attr
else if writerDocbook5 opts
then inTags False "link" $ ("xlink:href", src) : idAndRole attr
- else inTags False "ulink" $ ("url", src) : idAndRole attr ) $
- inlinesToDocbook opts txt
-inlineToDocbook opts (Image attr _ (src, tit)) =
+ else inTags False "ulink" $ ("url", src) : idAndRole attr )
+ <$> inlinesToDocbook opts txt
+inlineToDocbook opts (Image attr _ (src, tit)) = return $
let titleDoc = if null tit
then empty
else inTagsIndented "objectinfo" $
@@ -386,7 +401,7 @@ inlineToDocbook opts (Image attr _ (src, tit)) =
in inTagsIndented "inlinemediaobject" $ inTagsIndented "imageobject" $
titleDoc $$ imageToDocbook opts attr src
inlineToDocbook opts (Note contents) =
- inTagsIndented "footnote" $ blocksToDocbook opts contents
+ inTagsIndented "footnote" <$> blocksToDocbook opts contents
isMathML :: HTMLMathMethod -> Bool
isMathML (MathML _) = True
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
index cc0c180f2..90261dede 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Shared hiding (Element)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (fixDisplayMath)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( highlight )
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.XML.Light as XML
@@ -1114,17 +1114,11 @@ inlineToOpenXML' opts (Quoted quoteType lst) =
SingleQuote -> ("\x2018", "\x2019")
DoubleQuote -> ("\x201C", "\x201D")
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Math mathType str) = do
- let displayType = if mathType == DisplayMath
- then DisplayBlock
- else DisplayInline
- when (displayType == DisplayBlock) setFirstPara
- case writeOMML displayType <$> readTeX str of
- Right r -> return [r]
- Left e -> do
- (lift . lift) $ P.warn $
- "Cannot convert the following TeX math, skipping:\n" ++ str ++
- "\n" ++ e
- inlinesToOpenXML opts (texMathToInlines mathType str)
+ when (mathType == DisplayMath) setFirstPara
+ res <- (lift . lift) (convertMath writeOMML mathType str)
+ case res of
+ Right r -> return [r]
+ Left il -> inlineToOpenXML' opts il
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToOpenXML opts lst
inlineToOpenXML' opts (Code attrs str) = do
let unhighlighted = intercalate [br] `fmap`
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
index b2b0865bf..40658eaa8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/HTML.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
import Text.Pandoc.Templates
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Slides
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting ( highlight, styleToCss,
formatHtmlInline, formatHtmlBlock )
@@ -794,17 +794,14 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
InlineMath -> preEscapedString $ "<EQ ENV=\"math\">" ++ str ++ "</EQ>"
DisplayMath -> preEscapedString $ "<EQ ENV=\"displaymath\">" ++ str ++ "</EQ>"
MathML _ -> do
- let dt = if t == InlineMath
- then DisplayInline
- else DisplayBlock
let conf = useShortEmptyTags (const False)
- case writeMathML dt <$> readTeX str of
+ res <- lift $ convertMath writeMathML t str
+ case res of
Right r -> return $ preEscapedString $
ppcElement conf (annotateMML r str)
- Left _ -> inlineListToHtml opts
- (texMathToInlines t str) >>=
- return . (H.span ! A.class_ mathClass)
+ Left il -> (H.span ! A.class_ mathClass) <$>
+ inlineToHtml opts il
MathJax _ -> return $ H.span ! A.class_ mathClass $ toHtml $
case t of
InlineMath -> "\\(" ++ str ++ "\\)"
@@ -814,7 +811,7 @@ inlineToHtml opts inline =
InlineMath -> str
DisplayMath -> "\\displaystyle " ++ str)
PlainMath -> do
- x <- inlineListToHtml opts (texMathToInlines t str)
+ x <- lift (texMathToInlines t str) >>= inlineListToHtml opts
let m = H.span ! A.class_ mathClass $ x
let brtag = if writerHtml5 opts then else
return $ case t of
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
index 03ce8c0eb..115d5d8d8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Haddock.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Data.List ( intersperse, transpose )
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Control.Monad.State
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath (texMathToInlines)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
import Network.URI (isURI)
import Data.Default
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
@@ -51,12 +51,13 @@ instance Default WriterState
-- | Convert Pandoc to Haddock.
writeHaddock :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
-writeHaddock opts document = return $
- evalState (pandocToHaddock opts{
+writeHaddock opts document =
+ evalStateT (pandocToHaddock opts{
writerWrapText = writerWrapText opts } document) def
-- | Return haddock representation of document.
-pandocToHaddock :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
+pandocToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> StateT WriterState m String
pandocToHaddock opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
@@ -79,7 +80,8 @@ pandocToHaddock opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
Just tpl -> return $ renderTemplate' tpl context
-- | Return haddock representation of notes.
-notesToHaddock :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+notesToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> StateT WriterState m Doc
notesToHaddock opts notes =
if null notes
then return empty
@@ -93,9 +95,10 @@ escapeString = escapeStringUsing haddockEscapes
where haddockEscapes = backslashEscapes "\\/'`\"@<"
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to haddock.
-blockToHaddock :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
- -> Block -- ^ Block element
- -> State WriterState Doc
+blockToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> Block -- ^ Block element
+ -> StateT WriterState m Doc
blockToHaddock _ Null = return empty
blockToHaddock opts (Div _ ils) = do
contents <- blockListToHaddock opts ils
@@ -168,8 +171,9 @@ blockToHaddock opts (DefinitionList items) = do
contents <- mapM (definitionListItemToHaddock opts) items
return $ cat contents <> blankline
-pandocTable :: WriterOptions -> Bool -> [Alignment] -> [Double]
- -> [Doc] -> [[Doc]] -> State WriterState Doc
+pandocTable :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Bool -> [Alignment] -> [Double]
+ -> [Doc] -> [[Doc]] -> StateT WriterState m Doc
pandocTable opts headless aligns widths rawHeaders rawRows = do
let isSimple = all (==0) widths
let alignHeader alignment = case alignment of
@@ -208,8 +212,9 @@ pandocTable opts headless aligns widths rawHeaders rawRows = do
else border
return $ head'' $$ underline $$ body $$ bottom
-gridTable :: WriterOptions -> Bool -> [Alignment] -> [Double]
- -> [Doc] -> [[Doc]] -> State WriterState Doc
+gridTable :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Bool -> [Alignment] -> [Double]
+ -> [Doc] -> [[Doc]] -> StateT WriterState m Doc
gridTable opts headless _aligns widths headers' rawRows = do
let numcols = length headers'
let widths' = if all (==0) widths
@@ -236,7 +241,8 @@ gridTable opts headless _aligns widths headers' rawRows = do
return $ border '-' $$ head'' $$ body $$ border '-'
-- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to haddock
-bulletListItemToHaddock :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+bulletListItemToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> StateT WriterState m Doc
bulletListItemToHaddock opts items = do
contents <- blockListToHaddock opts items
let sps = replicate (writerTabStop opts - 2) ' '
@@ -251,10 +257,11 @@ bulletListItemToHaddock opts items = do
return $ hang (writerTabStop opts) start $ contents' <> cr
-- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to haddock
-orderedListItemToHaddock :: WriterOptions -- ^ options
- -> String -- ^ list item marker
- -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
- -> State WriterState Doc
+orderedListItemToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ options
+ -> String -- ^ list item marker
+ -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
+ -> StateT WriterState m Doc
orderedListItemToHaddock opts marker items = do
contents <- blockListToHaddock opts items
let sps = case length marker - writerTabStop opts of
@@ -264,9 +271,10 @@ orderedListItemToHaddock opts marker items = do
return $ hang (writerTabStop opts) start $ contents <> cr
-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to haddock
-definitionListItemToHaddock :: WriterOptions
- -> ([Inline],[[Block]])
- -> State WriterState Doc
+definitionListItemToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> ([Inline],[[Block]])
+ -> StateT WriterState m Doc
definitionListItemToHaddock opts (label, defs) = do
labelText <- inlineListToHaddock opts label
defs' <- mapM (mapM (blockToHaddock opts)) defs
@@ -274,19 +282,22 @@ definitionListItemToHaddock opts (label, defs) = do
return $ nowrap (brackets labelText) <> cr <> contents <> cr
-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to haddock
-blockListToHaddock :: WriterOptions -- ^ Options
- -> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
- -> State WriterState Doc
+blockListToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
+ -> StateT WriterState m Doc
blockListToHaddock opts blocks =
mapM (blockToHaddock opts) blocks >>= return . cat
-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to haddock.
-inlineListToHaddock :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
+inlineListToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> StateT WriterState m Doc
inlineListToHaddock opts lst =
mapM (inlineToHaddock opts) lst >>= return . cat
-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to haddock.
-inlineToHaddock :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
+inlineToHaddock :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Inline -> StateT WriterState m Doc
inlineToHaddock opts (Span (ident,_,_) ils) = do
contents <- inlineListToHaddock opts ils
if not (null ident) && null ils
@@ -322,7 +333,7 @@ inlineToHaddock opts (Math mt str) = do
let adjust x = case mt of
DisplayMath -> cr <> x <> cr
InlineMath -> x
- adjust `fmap` (inlineListToHaddock opts $ texMathToInlines mt str)
+ adjust <$> (lift (texMathToInlines mt str) >>= inlineListToHaddock opts)
inlineToHaddock _ (RawInline f str)
| f == "haddock" = return $ text str
| otherwise = return empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
index f624b7dec..7c42671f1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ICML.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ into InDesign with File -> Place.
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.ICML (writeICML) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.XML
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath (texMathToInlines)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara, splitBy)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
@@ -435,7 +435,8 @@ inlineToICML opts style SoftBreak =
inlineToICML _ style LineBreak = charStyle style $ text lineSeparator
inlineToICML _ _ PageBreak = return empty
inlineToICML opts style (Math mt str) =
- cat <$> mapM (inlineToICML opts style) (texMathToInlines mt str)
+ lift (texMathToInlines mt str) >>=
+ (fmap cat . mapM (inlineToICML opts style))
inlineToICML _ _ (RawInline f str)
| f == Format "icml" = return $ text str
| otherwise = return empty
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
index 27cf22b41..a9a30fd45 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Man.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Templates
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Options
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Data.List ( stripPrefix, intersperse, intercalate )
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@@ -342,9 +342,9 @@ inlineToMan _ (Str str@('.':_)) =
return $ afterBreak "\\&" <> text (escapeString str)
inlineToMan _ (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
inlineToMan opts (Math InlineMath str) =
- inlineListToMan opts $ texMathToInlines InlineMath str
+ lift (texMathToInlines InlineMath str) >>= inlineListToMan opts
inlineToMan opts (Math DisplayMath str) = do
- contents <- inlineListToMan opts $ texMathToInlines DisplayMath str
+ contents <- lift (texMathToInlines DisplayMath str) >>= inlineListToMan opts
return $ cr <> text ".RS" $$ contents $$ text ".RE"
inlineToMan _ (RawInline f str)
| f == Format "man" = return $ text str
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index 092693ea4..66e0365d8 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtmlString)
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath (texMathToInlines)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (parseTags, isTagText, Tag(..))
import Network.URI (isURI)
import Data.Default
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ pandocToMarkdown opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
Nothing -> empty
let headerBlocks = filter isHeaderBlock blocks
toc <- if writerTableOfContents opts
- then lift $ lift $ tableOfContents opts headerBlocks
+ then liftPandoc $ tableOfContents opts headerBlocks
else return empty
-- Strip off final 'references' header if markdown citations enabled
let blocks' = if isEnabled Ext_citations opts
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ blockToMarkdown' opts t@(Table caption aligns widths headers rows) = do
rawHeaders rawRows
| isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts -> fmap (id,) $
text <$>
- (lift $ lift $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [t])
+ (liftPandoc $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [t])
| otherwise -> return $ (id, text "[TABLE]")
return $ nst $ tbl $$ blankline $$ caption'' $$ blankline
blockToMarkdown' opts (BulletList items) = do
@@ -985,9 +985,9 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Math InlineMath str) =
return $ "\\\\(" <> text str <> "\\\\)"
| otherwise -> do
plain <- asks envPlain
- inlineListToMarkdown opts $
- (if plain then makeMathPlainer else id) $
- texMathToInlines InlineMath str
+ (liftPandoc (texMathToInlines InlineMath str)) >>=
+ inlineListToMarkdown opts .
+ (if plain then makeMathPlainer else id)
inlineToMarkdown opts (Math DisplayMath str) =
case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
WebTeX url -> (\x -> blankline <> x <> blankline) `fmap`
@@ -1000,7 +1000,8 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts (Math DisplayMath str) =
| isEnabled Ext_tex_math_double_backslash opts ->
return $ "\\\\[" <> text str <> "\\\\]"
| otherwise -> (\x -> cr <> x <> cr) `fmap`
- inlineListToMarkdown opts (texMathToInlines DisplayMath str)
+ (liftPandoc (texMathToInlines DisplayMath str) >>=
+ inlineListToMarkdown opts)
inlineToMarkdown opts (RawInline f str) = do
plain <- asks envPlain
if not plain &&
@@ -1062,7 +1063,7 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts lnk@(Link attr txt (src, tit))
| isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts &&
not (isEnabled Ext_link_attributes opts) &&
attr /= nullAttr = -- use raw HTML
- (text . trim) <$> (lift $ lift $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [lnk]])
+ (text . trim) <$> (liftPandoc $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [lnk]])
| otherwise = do
plain <- asks envPlain
linktext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts txt
@@ -1101,7 +1102,7 @@ inlineToMarkdown opts img@(Image attr alternate (source, tit))
| isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts &&
not (isEnabled Ext_link_attributes opts) &&
attr /= nullAttr = -- use raw HTML
- (text . trim) <$> (lift $ lift $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [img]])
+ (text . trim) <$> (liftPandoc $ writeHtmlString def $ Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [img]])
| otherwise = do
plain <- asks envPlain
let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str source]
@@ -1125,3 +1126,6 @@ makeMathPlainer = walk go
go (Emph xs) = Span nullAttr xs
go x = x
+liftPandoc :: PandocMonad m => m a -> MD m a
+liftPandoc = lift . lift
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Math.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Math.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4540a2479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Math.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
+ ( texMathToInlines
+ , convertMath
+ )
+import Text.Pandoc.Class
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.TeXMath (Exp, writePandoc, DisplayType(..), readTeX)
+-- | Converts a raw TeX math formula to a list of 'Pandoc' inlines.
+-- Defaults to raw formula between @$@ or @$$@ characters if entire formula
+-- can't be converted.
+texMathToInlines :: PandocMonad m
+ => MathType
+ -> String -- ^ String to parse (assumes @'\n'@ line endings)
+ -> m [Inline]
+texMathToInlines mt inp = do
+ res <- convertMath writePandoc mt inp
+ case res of
+ Right (Just ils) -> return ils
+ Right (Nothing) -> return [mkFallback mt inp]
+ Left il -> return [il]
+mkFallback :: MathType -> String -> Inline
+mkFallback mt str = Str (delim ++ str ++ delim)
+ where delim = case mt of
+ DisplayMath -> "$$"
+ InlineMath -> "$"
+-- | Converts a raw TeX math formula using a writer function,
+-- issuing a warning and producing a fallback (a raw string)
+-- on failure.
+convertMath :: PandocMonad m
+ => (DisplayType -> [Exp] -> a) -> MathType -> String
+ -> m (Either Inline a)
+convertMath writer mt str = do
+ case writer dt <$> readTeX str of
+ Right r -> return (Right r)
+ Left e -> do
+ warn $ "Could not convert TeX math, rendering as raw TeX:\n" ++
+ str ++ "\n" ++ e
+ return (Left $ mkFallback mt str)
+ where dt = case mt of
+ DisplayMath -> DisplayBlock
+ InlineMath -> DisplayInline
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
index 903c94828..1a758193a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/OpenDocument.hs
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.XML
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (linesToPara)
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Odt.StyleReader
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import Text.Printf ( printf )
import Control.Arrow ( (***), (>>>) )
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ plainToPara x = x
-- OpenDocument writer
+type OD m = StateT WriterState m
data WriterState =
WriterState { stNotes :: [Doc]
, stTableStyles :: [Doc]
@@ -90,40 +92,40 @@ defaultWriterState =
when :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
when p a = if p then a else empty
-addTableStyle :: Doc -> State WriterState ()
+addTableStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m ()
addTableStyle i = modify $ \s -> s { stTableStyles = i : stTableStyles s }
-addNote :: Doc -> State WriterState ()
+addNote :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m ()
addNote i = modify $ \s -> s { stNotes = i : stNotes s }
-addParaStyle :: Doc -> State WriterState ()
+addParaStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m ()
addParaStyle i = modify $ \s -> s { stParaStyles = i : stParaStyles s }
-addTextStyle :: Set.Set TextStyle -> (String, Doc) -> State WriterState ()
+addTextStyle :: PandocMonad m => Set.Set TextStyle -> (String, Doc) -> OD m ()
addTextStyle attrs i = modify $ \s ->
s { stTextStyles = Map.insert attrs i (stTextStyles s) }
-addTextStyleAttr :: TextStyle -> State WriterState ()
+addTextStyleAttr :: PandocMonad m => TextStyle -> OD m ()
addTextStyleAttr t = modify $ \s ->
s { stTextStyleAttr = Set.insert t (stTextStyleAttr s) }
-increaseIndent :: State WriterState ()
+increaseIndent :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
increaseIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = 1 + stIndentPara s }
-resetIndent :: State WriterState ()
+resetIndent :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
resetIndent = modify $ \s -> s { stIndentPara = (stIndentPara s) - 1 }
-inTightList :: State WriterState a -> State WriterState a
+inTightList :: PandocMonad m => OD m a -> OD m a
inTightList f = modify (\s -> s { stTight = True }) >> f >>= \r ->
modify (\s -> s { stTight = False }) >> return r
-setInDefinitionList :: Bool -> State WriterState ()
+setInDefinitionList :: PandocMonad m => Bool -> OD m ()
setInDefinitionList b = modify $ \s -> s { stInDefinition = b }
-setFirstPara :: State WriterState ()
+setFirstPara :: PandocMonad m => OD m ()
setFirstPara = modify $ \s -> s { stFirstPara = True }
-inParagraphTags :: Doc -> State WriterState Doc
+inParagraphTags :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m Doc
inParagraphTags d | isEmpty d = return empty
inParagraphTags d = do
b <- gets stFirstPara
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ inParagraphTagsWithStyle sty = inTags False "text:p" [("text:style-name", sty)]
inSpanTags :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inSpanTags s = inTags False "text:span" [("text:style-name",s)]
-withTextStyle :: TextStyle -> State WriterState a -> State WriterState a
+withTextStyle :: PandocMonad m => TextStyle -> OD m a -> OD m a
withTextStyle s f = do
oldTextStyleAttr <- gets stTextStyleAttr
addTextStyleAttr s
@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ withTextStyle s f = do
modify $ \st -> st{ stTextStyleAttr = oldTextStyleAttr }
return res
-inTextStyle :: Doc -> State WriterState Doc
+inTextStyle :: PandocMonad m => Doc -> OD m Doc
inTextStyle d = do
at <- gets stTextStyleAttr
if Set.null at
@@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ inTextStyle d = do
return $ inTags False
"text:span" [("text:style-name",styleName)] d
-inHeaderTags :: Int -> Doc -> State WriterState Doc
+inHeaderTags :: PandocMonad m => Int -> Doc -> OD m Doc
inHeaderTags i d =
return $ inTags False "text:h" [ ("text:style-name", "Heading_20_" ++ show i)
, ("text:outline-level", show i)] d
@@ -192,12 +194,12 @@ handleSpaces s
-- | Convert Pandoc document to string in OpenDocument format.
writeOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
-writeOpenDocument opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = return $
+writeOpenDocument opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
- render' = render colwidth
- ((body, metadata),s) = flip runState
+ let render' = render colwidth
+ ((body, metadata),s) <- flip runStateT
defaultWriterState $ do
m <- metaToJSON opts
(fmap (render colwidth) . blocksToOpenDocument opts)
@@ -210,33 +212,36 @@ writeOpenDocument opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = return $
Map.elems (stTextStyles s))
listStyle (n,l) = inTags True "text:list-style"
[("style:name", "L" ++ show n)] (vcat l)
- listStyles = map listStyle (stListStyles s)
- automaticStyles = vcat $ reverse $ styles ++ listStyles
- context = defField "body" body
+ let listStyles = map listStyle (stListStyles s)
+ let automaticStyles = vcat $ reverse $ styles ++ listStyles
+ let context = defField "body" body
$ defField "automatic-styles" (render' automaticStyles)
$ metadata
- in case writerTemplate opts of
- Nothing -> body
- Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
+ return $ case writerTemplate opts of
+ Nothing -> body
+ Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
-withParagraphStyle :: WriterOptions -> String -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+withParagraphStyle :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> String -> [Block] -> OD m Doc
withParagraphStyle o s (b:bs)
| Para l <- b = go =<< inParagraphTagsWithStyle s <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
| otherwise = go =<< blockToOpenDocument o b
where go i = (<>) i <$> withParagraphStyle o s bs
withParagraphStyle _ _ [] = return empty
-inPreformattedTags :: String -> State WriterState Doc
+inPreformattedTags :: PandocMonad m => String -> OD m Doc
inPreformattedTags s = do
n <- paraStyle [("style:parent-style-name","Preformatted_20_Text")]
return . inParagraphTagsWithStyle ("P" ++ show n) . handleSpaces $ s
-orderedListToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+orderedListToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Int -> [[Block]] -> OD m Doc
orderedListToOpenDocument o pn bs =
vcat . map (inTagsIndented "text:list-item") <$>
mapM (orderedItemToOpenDocument o pn . map plainToPara) bs
-orderedItemToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+orderedItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> OD m Doc
orderedItemToOpenDocument o n (b:bs)
| OrderedList a l <- b = newLevel a l
| Para l <- b = go =<< inParagraphTagsWithStyle ("P" ++ show n) <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
@@ -256,7 +261,8 @@ isTightList (b:_)
| Plain {} : _ <- b = True
| otherwise = False
-newOrderedListStyle :: Bool -> ListAttributes -> State WriterState (Int,Int)
+newOrderedListStyle :: PandocMonad m
+ => Bool -> ListAttributes -> OD m (Int,Int)
newOrderedListStyle b a = do
ln <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stListStyles
let nbs = orderedListLevelStyle a (ln, [])
@@ -264,7 +270,8 @@ newOrderedListStyle b a = do
modify $ \s -> s { stListStyles = nbs : stListStyles s }
return (ln,pn)
-bulletListToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+bulletListToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> OD m Doc
bulletListToOpenDocument o b = do
ln <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stListStyles
(pn,ns) <- if isTightList b then inTightList (bulletListStyle ln) else bulletListStyle ln
@@ -272,11 +279,13 @@ bulletListToOpenDocument o b = do
is <- listItemsToOpenDocument ("P" ++ show pn) o b
return $ inTags True "text:list" [("text:style-name", "L" ++ show ln)] is
-listItemsToOpenDocument :: String -> WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+listItemsToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => String -> WriterOptions -> [[Block]] -> OD m Doc
listItemsToOpenDocument s o is =
vcat . map (inTagsIndented "text:list-item") <$> mapM (withParagraphStyle o s . map plainToPara) is
-deflistItemToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -> State WriterState Doc
+deflistItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -> OD m Doc
deflistItemToOpenDocument o (t,d) = do
let ts = if isTightList d
then "Definition_20_Term_20_Tight" else "Definition_20_Term"
@@ -286,7 +295,8 @@ deflistItemToOpenDocument o (t,d) = do
d' <- liftM vcat $ mapM (withParagraphStyle o ds . (map plainToPara)) d
return $ t' $$ d'
-inBlockQuote :: WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+inBlockQuote :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Int -> [Block] -> OD m Doc
inBlockQuote o i (b:bs)
| BlockQuote l <- b = do increaseIndent
ni <- paraStyle
@@ -298,11 +308,11 @@ inBlockQuote o i (b:bs)
inBlockQuote _ _ [] = resetIndent >> return empty
-- | Convert a list of Pandoc blocks to OpenDocument.
-blocksToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> [Block] -> State WriterState Doc
+blocksToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> OD m Doc
blocksToOpenDocument o b = vcat <$> mapM (blockToOpenDocument o) b
-- | Convert a Pandoc block element to OpenDocument.
-blockToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> Block -> State WriterState Doc
+blockToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Block -> OD m Doc
blockToOpenDocument o bs
| Plain b <- bs = if null b
then return empty
@@ -374,29 +384,35 @@ blockToOpenDocument o bs
endsWithPageBreak [PageBreak] = True
endsWithPageBreak (_ : xs) = endsWithPageBreak xs
- paragraph :: [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
+ paragraph :: PandocMonad m => [Inline] -> OD m Doc
paragraph [] = return empty
paragraph (PageBreak : rest) | endsWithPageBreak rest = paraWithBreak PageBoth rest
paragraph (PageBreak : rest) = paraWithBreak PageBefore rest
paragraph inlines | endsWithPageBreak inlines = paraWithBreak PageAfter inlines
paragraph inlines = inParagraphTags =<< inlinesToOpenDocument o inlines
- paraWithBreak :: ParaBreak -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
+ paraWithBreak :: PandocMonad m => ParaBreak -> [Inline] -> OD m Doc
paraWithBreak breakKind bs = do
pn <- paraBreakStyle breakKind
withParagraphStyle o ("P" ++ show pn) [Para bs]
-colHeadsToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> String -> [String] -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+colHeadsToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> String -> [String] -> [[Block]]
+ -> OD m Doc
colHeadsToOpenDocument o tn ns hs =
inTagsIndented "table:table-header-rows" . inTagsIndented "table:table-row" . vcat <$>
mapM (tableItemToOpenDocument o tn) (zip ns hs)
-tableRowToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> String -> [String] -> [[Block]] -> State WriterState Doc
+tableRowToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> String -> [String] -> [[Block]]
+ -> OD m Doc
tableRowToOpenDocument o tn ns cs =
inTagsIndented "table:table-row" . vcat <$>
mapM (tableItemToOpenDocument o tn) (zip ns cs)
-tableItemToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> String -> (String,[Block])-> State WriterState Doc
+tableItemToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> String -> (String,[Block])
+ -> OD m Doc
tableItemToOpenDocument o tn (n,i) =
let a = [ ("table:style-name" , tn ++ ".A1" )
, ("office:value-type", "string" )
@@ -405,10 +421,10 @@ tableItemToOpenDocument o tn (n,i) =
withParagraphStyle o n (map plainToPara i)
-- | Convert a list of inline elements to OpenDocument.
-inlinesToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState Doc
+inlinesToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> OD m Doc
inlinesToOpenDocument o l = hcat <$> toChunks o l
-toChunks :: WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> State WriterState [Doc]
+toChunks :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> OD m [Doc]
toChunks _ [] = return []
toChunks o (x : xs)
| isChunkable x = do
@@ -429,7 +445,7 @@ isChunkable SoftBreak = True
isChunkable _ = False
-- | Convert an inline element to OpenDocument.
-inlineToOpenDocument :: WriterOptions -> Inline -> State WriterState Doc
+inlineToOpenDocument :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> OD m Doc
inlineToOpenDocument o ils
= case ils of
Space -> return space
@@ -448,7 +464,8 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
SmallCaps l -> withTextStyle SmallC $ inlinesToOpenDocument o l
Quoted t l -> inQuotes t <$> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
Code _ s -> inlinedCode $ preformatted s
- Math t s -> inlinesToOpenDocument o (texMathToInlines t s)
+ Math t s -> lift (texMathToInlines t s) >>=
+ inlinesToOpenDocument o
Cite _ l -> inlinesToOpenDocument o l
RawInline f s -> if f == Format "opendocument"
then return $ text s
@@ -489,18 +506,18 @@ inlineToOpenDocument o ils
addNote nn
return nn
-bulletListStyle :: Int -> State WriterState (Int,(Int,[Doc]))
-bulletListStyle l =
- let doStyles i = inTags True "text:list-level-style-bullet"
- [ ("text:level" , show (i + 1) )
- , ("text:style-name" , "Bullet_20_Symbols")
- , ("style:num-suffix", "." )
- , ("text:bullet-char", [bulletList !! i] )
- ] (listLevelStyle (1 + i))
- bulletList = map chr $ cycle [8226,8227,8259]
- listElStyle = map doStyles [0..9]
- in do pn <- paraListStyle l
- return (pn, (l, listElStyle))
+bulletListStyle :: PandocMonad m => Int -> OD m (Int,(Int,[Doc]))
+bulletListStyle l = do
+ let doStyles i = inTags True "text:list-level-style-bullet"
+ [ ("text:level" , show (i + 1) )
+ , ("text:style-name" , "Bullet_20_Symbols")
+ , ("style:num-suffix", "." )
+ , ("text:bullet-char", [bulletList !! i] )
+ ] (listLevelStyle (1 + i))
+ bulletList = map chr $ cycle [8226,8227,8259]
+ listElStyle = map doStyles [0..9]
+ pn <- paraListStyle l
+ return (pn, (l, listElStyle))
orderedListLevelStyle :: ListAttributes -> (Int, [Doc]) -> (Int,[Doc])
orderedListLevelStyle (s,n, d) (l,ls) =
@@ -554,7 +571,7 @@ tableStyle num wcs =
columnStyles = map colStyle wcs
in table $$ vcat columnStyles $$ cellStyle
-paraStyle :: [(String,String)] -> State WriterState Int
+paraStyle :: PandocMonad m => [(String,String)] -> OD m Int
paraStyle attrs = do
pn <- (+) 1 . length <$> gets stParaStyles
i <- (*) 0.5 . fromIntegral <$> gets stIndentPara :: State WriterState Double
@@ -578,14 +595,13 @@ paraStyle attrs = do
addParaStyle $ inTags True "style:style" (styleAttr ++ attrs) paraProps
return pn
-paraBreakStyle :: ParaBreak -> State WriterState Int
+paraBreakStyle :: PandocMonad m => ParaBreak -> OD m Int
paraBreakStyle PageBefore = paraStyle "Text_20_body" [("fo:break-before", "page")]
paraBreakStyle PageAfter = paraStyle "Text_20_body" [("fo:break-after", "page")]
paraBreakStyle PageBoth = paraStyle "Text_20_body" [("fo:break-before", "page"), ("fo:break-after", "page")]
paraBreakStyle AutoNone = paraStyle "Text_20_body" []
-paraListStyle :: Int -> State WriterState Int
+paraListStyle :: PandocMonad m => Int -> OD m Int
paraListStyle l = paraStyle
,("style:list-style-name", "L" ++ show l )]
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
index f5d56d021..f71c97334 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/RTF.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate')
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Data.List ( isSuffixOf, intercalate )
@@ -83,49 +83,50 @@ rtfEmbedImage opts x@(Image attr _ (src,_)) = do
rtfEmbedImage _ x = return x
-- | Convert Pandoc to a string in rich text format, with
--- images embedded as encoded binary data.
-writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
+-- images embedded as encoded binary data. TODO get rid of this,
+-- we don't need it now that we have writeRTF in PandocMonad.
+writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
writeRTFWithEmbeddedImages options doc =
- writeRTF options `fmap` walkM (rtfEmbedImage options) doc
+ writeRTF options =<< walkM (rtfEmbedImage options) doc
-- | Convert Pandoc to a string in rich text format.
-writeRTF :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
-writeRTF options (Pandoc meta@(Meta metamap) blocks) =
+writeRTF :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
+writeRTF options (Pandoc meta@(Meta metamap) blocks) = do
let spacer = not $ all null $ docTitle meta : docDate meta : docAuthors meta
- toPlain (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) = MetaInlines ils
+ let toPlain (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) = MetaInlines ils
toPlain x = x
- -- adjust title, author, date so we don't get para inside para
- meta' = Meta $ M.adjust toPlain "title"
+ -- adjust title, author, date so we don't get para inside para
+ let meta' = Meta $ M.adjust toPlain "title"
. M.adjust toPlain "author"
. M.adjust toPlain "date"
$ metamap
- Just metadata = metaToJSON options
- (Just . concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault))
- (Just . inlineListToRTF)
+ metadata <- metaToJSON options
+ (fmap concat . mapM (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault))
+ (inlinesToRTF)
- body = concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) blocks
- isTOCHeader (Header lev _ _) = lev <= writerTOCDepth options
+ body <- blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault blocks
+ let isTOCHeader (Header lev _ _) = lev <= writerTOCDepth options
isTOCHeader _ = False
- context = defField "body" body
+ toc <- tableOfContents $ filter isTOCHeader blocks
+ let context = defField "body" body
$ defField "spacer" spacer
$ (if writerTableOfContents options
- then defField "toc"
- (tableOfContents $ filter isTOCHeader blocks)
+ then defField "toc" toc
else id)
$ metadata
- in case writerTemplate options of
+ return $ case writerTemplate options of
Just tpl -> renderTemplate' tpl context
Nothing -> case reverse body of
('\n':_) -> body
_ -> body ++ "\n"
-- | Construct table of contents from list of header blocks.
-tableOfContents :: [Block] -> String
-tableOfContents headers =
- let contentsTree = hierarchicalize headers
- in concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) $
- [Header 1 nullAttr [Str "Contents"],
- BulletList (map elementToListItem contentsTree)]
+tableOfContents :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> m String
+tableOfContents headers = do
+ let contents = map elementToListItem $ hierarchicalize headers
+ blocksToRTF 0 AlignDefault $
+ [Header 1 nullAttr [Str "Contents"], BulletList contents]
elementToListItem :: Element -> [Block]
elementToListItem (Blk _) = []
@@ -227,66 +228,81 @@ orderedMarkers indent (start, style, delim) =
_ -> orderedListMarkers (start, LowerAlpha, Period)
else orderedListMarkers (start, style, delim)
+blocksToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Int
+ -> Alignment
+ -> [Block]
+ -> m String
+blocksToRTF indent align = fmap concat . mapM (blockToRTF indent align)
-- | Convert Pandoc block element to RTF.
-blockToRTF :: Int -- ^ indent level
+blockToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Int -- ^ indent level
-> Alignment -- ^ alignment
-> Block -- ^ block to convert
- -> String
-blockToRTF _ _ Null = ""
+ -> m String
+blockToRTF _ _ Null = return ""
blockToRTF indent alignment (Div _ bs) =
- concatMap (blockToRTF indent alignment) bs
+ blocksToRTF indent alignment bs
blockToRTF indent alignment (Plain lst) =
- rtfCompact indent 0 alignment $ inlineListToRTF lst
+ rtfCompact indent 0 alignment <$> inlinesToRTF lst
blockToRTF indent alignment (Para lst) =
- rtfPar indent 0 alignment $ inlineListToRTF lst
+ rtfPar indent 0 alignment <$> inlinesToRTF lst
blockToRTF indent alignment (LineBlock lns) =
blockToRTF indent alignment $ linesToPara lns
blockToRTF indent alignment (BlockQuote lst) =
- concatMap (blockToRTF (indent + indentIncrement) alignment) lst
+ blocksToRTF (indent + indentIncrement) alignment lst
blockToRTF indent _ (CodeBlock _ str) =
- rtfPar indent 0 AlignLeft ("\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str))
+ return $ rtfPar indent 0 AlignLeft ("\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str))
blockToRTF _ _ (RawBlock f str)
- | f == Format "rtf" = str
- | otherwise = ""
-blockToRTF indent alignment (BulletList lst) = spaceAtEnd $
- concatMap (listItemToRTF alignment indent (bulletMarker indent)) lst
-blockToRTF indent alignment (OrderedList attribs lst) = spaceAtEnd $ concat $
- zipWith (listItemToRTF alignment indent) (orderedMarkers indent attribs) lst
-blockToRTF indent alignment (DefinitionList lst) = spaceAtEnd $
- concatMap (definitionListItemToRTF alignment indent) lst
-blockToRTF indent _ HorizontalRule =
+ | f == Format "rtf" = return str
+ | otherwise = return ""
+blockToRTF indent alignment (BulletList lst) = (spaceAtEnd . concat) <$>
+ mapM (listItemToRTF alignment indent (bulletMarker indent)) lst
+blockToRTF indent alignment (OrderedList attribs lst) =
+ (spaceAtEnd . concat) <$>
+ mapM (\(x,y) -> listItemToRTF alignment indent x y)
+ (zip (orderedMarkers indent attribs) lst)
+blockToRTF indent alignment (DefinitionList lst) = (spaceAtEnd . concat) <$>
+ mapM (definitionListItemToRTF alignment indent) lst
+blockToRTF indent _ HorizontalRule = return $
rtfPar indent 0 AlignCenter "\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash\\emdash"
-blockToRTF indent alignment (Header level _ lst) = rtfPar indent 0 alignment $
- "\\b \\fs" ++ (show (40 - (level * 4))) ++ " " ++ inlineListToRTF lst
-blockToRTF indent alignment (Table caption aligns sizes headers rows) =
- (if all null headers
- then ""
- else tableRowToRTF True indent aligns sizes headers) ++
- concatMap (tableRowToRTF False indent aligns sizes) rows ++
- rtfPar indent 0 alignment (inlineListToRTF caption)
+blockToRTF indent alignment (Header level _ lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ rtfPar indent 0 alignment $
+ "\\b \\fs" ++ (show (40 - (level * 4))) ++ " " ++ contents
+blockToRTF indent alignment (Table caption aligns sizes headers rows) = do
+ caption' <- inlinesToRTF caption
+ header' <- if all null headers
+ then return ""
+ else tableRowToRTF True indent aligns sizes headers
+ rows' <- concat <$> mapM (tableRowToRTF False indent aligns sizes) rows
+ return $ header' ++ rows' ++ rtfPar indent 0 alignment caption'
-tableRowToRTF :: Bool -> Int -> [Alignment] -> [Double] -> [[Block]] -> String
-tableRowToRTF header indent aligns sizes' cols =
+tableRowToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Bool -> Int -> [Alignment] -> [Double] -> [[Block]] -> m String
+tableRowToRTF header indent aligns sizes' cols = do
let totalTwips = 6 * 1440 -- 6 inches
- sizes = if all (== 0) sizes'
+ let sizes = if all (== 0) sizes'
then take (length cols) $ repeat (1.0 / fromIntegral (length cols))
else sizes'
- columns = concat $ zipWith (tableItemToRTF indent) aligns cols
- rightEdges = tail $ scanl (\sofar new -> sofar + floor (new * totalTwips))
+ columns <- concat <$> mapM (\(x,y) -> tableItemToRTF indent x y)
+ (zip aligns cols)
+ let rightEdges = tail $ scanl (\sofar new -> sofar + floor (new * totalTwips))
(0 :: Integer) sizes
- cellDefs = map (\edge -> (if header
+ let cellDefs = map (\edge -> (if header
then "\\clbrdrb\\brdrs"
else "") ++ "\\cellx" ++ show edge)
- start = "{\n\\trowd \\trgaph120\n" ++ concat cellDefs ++ "\n" ++
+ let start = "{\n\\trowd \\trgaph120\n" ++ concat cellDefs ++ "\n" ++
- end = "}\n\\intbl\\row}\n"
- in start ++ columns ++ end
+ let end = "}\n\\intbl\\row}\n"
+ return $ start ++ columns ++ end
-tableItemToRTF :: Int -> Alignment -> [Block] -> String
-tableItemToRTF indent alignment item =
- let contents = concatMap (blockToRTF indent alignment) item
- in "{" ++ substitute "\\pard" "\\pard\\intbl" contents ++ "\\cell}\n"
+tableItemToRTF :: PandocMonad m => Int -> Alignment -> [Block] -> m String
+tableItemToRTF indent alignment item = do
+ contents <- blocksToRTF indent alignment item
+ return $ "{" ++ substitute "\\pard" "\\pard\\intbl" contents ++ "\\cell}\n"
-- | Ensure that there's the same amount of space after compact
-- lists as after regular lists.
@@ -297,74 +313,93 @@ spaceAtEnd str =
else str
-- | Convert list item (list of blocks) to RTF.
-listItemToRTF :: Alignment -- ^ alignment
+listItemToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Alignment -- ^ alignment
-> Int -- ^ indent level
-> String -- ^ list start marker
-> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
- -> [Char]
-listItemToRTF alignment indent marker [] =
+ -> m String
+listItemToRTF alignment indent marker [] = return $
rtfCompact (indent + listIncrement) (0 - listIncrement) alignment
(marker ++ "\\tx" ++ (show listIncrement) ++ "\\tab ")
-listItemToRTF alignment indent marker list =
- let (first:rest) = map (blockToRTF (indent + listIncrement) alignment) list
- listMarker = "\\fi" ++ show (0 - listIncrement) ++ " " ++ marker ++ "\\tx" ++
- show listIncrement ++ "\\tab"
- insertListMarker ('\\':'f':'i':'-':d:xs) | isDigit d =
+listItemToRTF alignment indent marker list = do
+ (first:rest) <- mapM (blockToRTF (indent + listIncrement) alignment) list
+ let listMarker = "\\fi" ++ show (0 - listIncrement) ++ " " ++ marker ++
+ "\\tx" ++ show listIncrement ++ "\\tab"
+ let insertListMarker ('\\':'f':'i':'-':d:xs) | isDigit d =
listMarker ++ dropWhile isDigit xs
insertListMarker ('\\':'f':'i':d:xs) | isDigit d =
listMarker ++ dropWhile isDigit xs
insertListMarker (x:xs) =
x : insertListMarker xs
insertListMarker [] = []
- -- insert the list marker into the (processed) first block
- in insertListMarker first ++ concat rest
+ -- insert the list marker into the (processed) first block
+ return $ insertListMarker first ++ concat rest
-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to RTF.
-definitionListItemToRTF :: Alignment -- ^ alignment
+definitionListItemToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Alignment -- ^ alignment
-> Int -- ^ indent level
-> ([Inline],[[Block]]) -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
- -> [Char]
-definitionListItemToRTF alignment indent (label, defs) =
- let labelText = blockToRTF indent alignment (Plain label)
- itemsText = concatMap (blockToRTF (indent + listIncrement) alignment) $
- concat defs
- in labelText ++ itemsText
+ -> m String
+definitionListItemToRTF alignment indent (label, defs) = do
+ labelText <- blockToRTF indent alignment (Plain label)
+ itemsText <- blocksToRTF (indent + listIncrement) alignment (concat defs)
+ return $ labelText ++ itemsText
-- | Convert list of inline items to RTF.
-inlineListToRTF :: [Inline] -- ^ list of inlines to convert
- -> String
-inlineListToRTF lst = concatMap inlineToRTF lst
+inlinesToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => [Inline] -- ^ list of inlines to convert
+ -> m String
+inlinesToRTF lst = concat <$> mapM inlineToRTF lst
-- | Convert inline item to RTF.
-inlineToRTF :: Inline -- ^ inline to convert
- -> String
-inlineToRTF (Span _ lst) = inlineListToRTF lst
-inlineToRTF (Emph lst) = "{\\i " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Strong lst) = "{\\b " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Strikeout lst) = "{\\strike " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Superscript lst) = "{\\super " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Subscript lst) = "{\\sub " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (SmallCaps lst) = "{\\scaps " ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Quoted SingleQuote lst) =
- "\\u8216'" ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "\\u8217'"
-inlineToRTF (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) =
- "\\u8220\"" ++ (inlineListToRTF lst) ++ "\\u8221\""
-inlineToRTF (Code _ str) = "{\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str) ++ "}"
-inlineToRTF (Str str) = stringToRTF str
-inlineToRTF (Math t str) = inlineListToRTF $ texMathToInlines t str
-inlineToRTF (Cite _ lst) = inlineListToRTF lst
+inlineToRTF :: PandocMonad m
+ => Inline -- ^ inline to convert
+ -> m String
+inlineToRTF (Span _ lst) = inlinesToRTF lst
+inlineToRTF (Emph lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\i " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Strong lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\b " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Strikeout lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\strike " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Superscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\super " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Subscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\sub " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (SmallCaps lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "{\\scaps " ++ contents ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "\\u8216'" ++ contents ++ "\\u8217'"
+inlineToRTF (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF lst
+ return $ "\\u8220\"" ++ contents ++ "\\u8221\""
+inlineToRTF (Code _ str) = return $ "{\\f1 " ++ (codeStringToRTF str) ++ "}"
+inlineToRTF (Str str) = return $ stringToRTF str
+inlineToRTF (Math t str) = texMathToInlines t str >>= inlinesToRTF
+inlineToRTF (Cite _ lst) = inlinesToRTF lst
inlineToRTF (RawInline f str)
- | f == Format "rtf" = str
- | otherwise = ""
-inlineToRTF LineBreak = "\\line "
-inlineToRTF SoftBreak = " "
-inlineToRTF PageBreak = "\\page "
-inlineToRTF Space = " "
-inlineToRTF (Link _ text (src, _)) =
- "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"" ++ (codeStringToRTF src) ++
- "\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\n" ++ (inlineListToRTF text) ++ "\n}}}\n"
+ | f == Format "rtf" = return str
+ | otherwise = return ""
+inlineToRTF (LineBreak) = return "\\line "
+inlineToRTF SoftBreak = return " "
+inlineToRTF PageBreak = return "\\page "
+inlineToRTF Space = return " "
+inlineToRTF (Link _ text (src, _)) = do
+ contents <- inlinesToRTF text
+ return $ "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst{HYPERLINK \"" ++ (codeStringToRTF src) ++
+ "\"}}{\\fldrslt{\\ul\n" ++ contents ++ "\n}}}\n"
inlineToRTF (Image _ _ (source, _)) =
- "{\\cf1 [image: " ++ source ++ "]\\cf0}"
-inlineToRTF (Note contents) =
- "{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++
- (concatMap (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) contents) ++ "}"
+ return $ "{\\cf1 [image: " ++ source ++ "]\\cf0}"
+inlineToRTF (Note contents) = do
+ body <- concat <$> mapM (blockToRTF 0 AlignDefault) contents
+ return $ "{\\super\\chftn}{\\*\\footnote\\chftn\\~\\plain\\pard " ++
+ body ++ "}"