path: root/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs
diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <>2017-12-24 22:48:18 +0100
committerAlbert Krewinkel <>2017-12-28 14:15:58 +0100
commit2d443ecb07491f81e35b60d9c6cdd9041ab1c4dd (patch)
treeabbb39d1748c579fd3e75ad3287049a691e83d0c /test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs
parent0fd7ed0cab165821346b71055bd3ca7f94a825e4 (diff)
Break-up org reader test file
The org reader test file had grown large, to the point that editor performance was negatively affected in some cases. The tests are spread over multiple submodules, and re-combined into a tasty TestTree in the main org reader test file.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15dc63554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Tests/Readers/Org/Block.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Tests.Readers.Org.Block (tests) where
+import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
+import Tests.Helpers ((=?>))
+import Tests.Readers.Org.Shared ((=:), spcSep)
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Block.CodeBlock as CodeBlock
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Block.Figure as Figure
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Block.Header as Header
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Block.List as List
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org.Block.Table as Table
+tests :: [TestTree]
+tests =
+ [ "Paragraph" =:
+ "Paragraph\n" =?>
+ para "Paragraph"
+ , "Paragraph starting with an asterisk" =:
+ "*five" =?>
+ para "*five"
+ , "Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line" =:
+ T.unlines [ "lucky"
+ , "*star"
+ ] =?>
+ para ("lucky" <> softbreak <> "*star")
+ , "Example block" =:
+ T.unlines [ ": echo hello"
+ , ": echo dear tester"
+ ] =?>
+ codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], []) "echo hello\necho dear tester\n"
+ , "Example block surrounded by text" =:
+ T.unlines [ "Greetings"
+ , ": echo hello"
+ , ": echo dear tester"
+ , "Bye"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "Greetings"
+ , codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], [])
+ "echo hello\necho dear tester\n"
+ , para "Bye"
+ ]
+ , "Horizontal Rule" =:
+ T.unlines [ "before"
+ , "-----"
+ , "after"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "before"
+ , horizontalRule
+ , para "after"
+ ]
+ , "Not a Horizontal Rule" =:
+ "----- em and en dash" =?>
+ para "\8212\8211 em and en dash"
+ , "Comment Block" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_COMMENT"
+ , "stuff"
+ , "bla"
+ , "#+END_COMMENT"] =?>
+ (mempty::Blocks)
+ , testGroup "Blocks and fragments"
+ [ "HTML block" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_HTML"
+ , "<aside>HTML5 is pretty nice.</aside>"
+ , "#+END_HTML"
+ ] =?>
+ rawBlock "html" "<aside>HTML5 is pretty nice.</aside>\n"
+ , "Quote block" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_QUOTE"
+ , "/Niemand/ hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!"
+ , "#+END_QUOTE"
+ ] =?>
+ blockQuote (para (spcSep [ emph "Niemand", "hat", "die", "Absicht,"
+ , "eine", "Mauer", "zu", "errichten!"
+ ]))
+ , "Verse block" =:
+ T.unlines [ "The first lines of Goethe's /Faust/:"
+ , "#+begin_verse"
+ , "Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,"
+ , "Juristerei und Medizin,"
+ , "Und leider auch Theologie!"
+ , "Durchaus studiert, mit heißem Bemühn."
+ , "#+end_verse"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat
+ [ para $ spcSep [ "The", "first", "lines", "of"
+ , "Goethe's", emph "Faust" <> ":"]
+ , lineBlock
+ [ "Habe nun, ach! Philosophie,"
+ , "Juristerei und Medizin,"
+ , "Und leider auch Theologie!"
+ , "Durchaus studiert, mit heißem Bemühn."
+ ]
+ ]
+ , "Verse block with blank lines" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_VERSE"
+ , "foo"
+ , ""
+ , "bar"
+ , "#+END_VERSE"
+ ] =?>
+ lineBlock [ "foo", mempty, "bar" ]
+ , "Verse block with varying indentation" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_VERSE"
+ , " hello darkness"
+ , "my old friend"
+ , "#+END_VERSE"
+ ] =?>
+ lineBlock [ "\160\160hello darkness", "my old friend" ]
+ , "Raw block LaTeX" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_LaTeX"
+ , "The category $\\cat{Set}$ is adhesive."
+ , "#+END_LaTeX"
+ ] =?>
+ rawBlock "latex" "The category $\\cat{Set}$ is adhesive.\n"
+ , "Raw LaTeX line" =:
+ "#+LATEX: \\let\\foo\\bar" =?>
+ rawBlock "latex" "\\let\\foo\\bar"
+ , "Raw Beamer line" =:
+ "#+beamer: \\pause" =?>
+ rawBlock "beamer" "\\pause"
+ , "Raw HTML line" =:
+ "#+HTML: <aside>not important</aside>" =?>
+ rawBlock "html" "<aside>not important</aside>"
+ , "Export block HTML" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+BEGIN_export html"
+ , "<samp>Hello, World!</samp>"
+ , "#+END_export"
+ ] =?>
+ rawBlock "html" "<samp>Hello, World!</samp>\n"
+ , "LaTeX fragment" =:
+ T.unlines [ "\\begin{equation}"
+ , "X_i = \\begin{cases}"
+ , " G_{\\alpha(i)} & \\text{if }\\alpha(i-1) = \\alpha(i)\\\\"
+ , " C_{\\alpha(i)} & \\text{otherwise}"
+ , " \\end{cases}"
+ , "\\end{equation}"
+ ] =?>
+ rawBlock "latex"
+ (unlines [ "\\begin{equation}"
+ , "X_i = \\begin{cases}"
+ , " G_{\\alpha(i)} & \\text{if }\\alpha(i-1) =" <>
+ " \\alpha(i)\\\\"
+ , " C_{\\alpha(i)} & \\text{otherwise}"
+ , " \\end{cases}"
+ , "\\end{equation}"
+ ])
+ , "Convert blank lines in blocks to single newlines" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+begin_html"
+ , ""
+ , "<span>boring</span>"
+ , ""
+ , "#+end_html"
+ ] =?>
+ rawBlock "html" "\n<span>boring</span>\n\n"
+ , "Accept `ATTR_HTML` attributes for generic block" =:
+ T.unlines [ "#+ATTR_HTML: :title hello, world :id test :class fun code"
+ , "#+BEGIN_TEST"
+ , "nonsense"
+ , "#+END_TEST"
+ ] =?>
+ let attr = ("test", ["fun", "code", "TEST"], [("title", "hello, world")])
+ in divWith attr (para "nonsense")
+ ]
+ , testGroup "Headers" Header.tests
+ , testGroup "Figures" Figure.tests
+ , testGroup "Lists" List.tests
+ , testGroup "CodeBlocks" CodeBlock.tests
+ , testGroup "Tables" Table.tests
+ ]