path: root/changelog
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1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index f8fb81887..0b66b8608 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,228 @@
+pandoc (1.8.2)
+ * Added script to produce OS X package.
+ * Made `templates` directory a git submodule. This should make it
+ easier for people to revise their custom templates when the default
+ templates change.
+ * Changed template naming scheme: `FORMAT.template` -> `default.FORMAT`.
+ **Note:** If you have existing templates in `~/.pandoc/templates`, you
+ must rename them to conform to the new scheme!
+ * Fixed smart quotes bug, now handling `'...hi'` properly.
+ * RST reader:
+ + Partial support for labeled footnotes.
+ + Improved accuracy of `simpleReferenceName` parser.
+ * HTML reader:
+ + Substitute correct unicode characters for
+ characters in the 128..159 range, which are often found even in
+ HTML that purports to be UTF-8.
+ * LaTeX reader: Handle `\subtitle` command (a subtitle is added
+ to the title, after a colon and linebreak). Closes #280.
+ * Leaner `reference.odt`.
+ * Added unexported module `Text.Pandoc.MIME` for use in
+ the ODT writer.
+ * ODT writer: Construct `manifest.xml` based on archive contents.
+ This fixes a bug in ODTs containing images. Recent versions of
+ LibreOffice would reject these as corrupt, because `manifest.xml`
+ did not contain a reference to the image files.
+ * LaTeX writer:
+ + Make verbatim environments flush to avoid spurious
+ blank lines. Closes #277.
+ + Use `\texttt` and escapes insntead of `\verb!...!`, which
+ is too fragile (doesn't work in command arguments).
+ + Use `\enquote{}` for quotes if the template includes
+ the `csquotes` package. This provides better support for
+ local quoting styles. (Thanks to Andreas Wagner for the idea.)
+ * ConTeXt writer: Make `\starttyping`/`\stoptyping` flush with
+ margin, preventing spurious blank lines.
+ * Slidy writer:
+ + Use non-minimized version of `slidy.css` with `--offline`
+ option, so users can more easily edit it.
+ + Also fixed a bug in the CSS that prevented proper centering
+ of title (now reported and fixed upstream).
+ * S5 writer:
+ + Replaced `s5/default/slides.js.{comment,packed}` with
+ new compressed `s5/default/slides.min.js`.
+ + Use `data:` protocol to embed S5 CSS in `<link>` tags,
+ when `--offline` is specified. Using inline CSS didn't
+ work with Chrome or Safari. This fixes offline
+ S5 on those browsers.
+ * HTML writer: Removed English title on footnote backlinks.
+ This is incongrous in non-English documents.
+ * Docbook writer:
+ + Use CALS tables. (Some older docbook software does not work
+ well with XHTML tables.) Closes #77.
+ + Use `programlisting` tags (instead of `screen`) for code blocks.
+ * `markdown2pdf`:
+ + Calls latex with `-halt-on-error -interaction nonstopmode` instead
+ of `-interaction=batchmode`, which essentially just ignored errors,
+ leading to bad results. Better to know when something is wrong.
+ + Fixed issues with non-UTF-8 output of `pdflatex`.
+ + Better error reporting.
+ * `--mathjax` now takes an optional URL argument. If it is not
+ provided, pandoc links directly to the (secure) mathjax CDN,
+ as now recommended (thanks to dsanson).
+ * Deprecated `--xetex` option in `pandoc`. It is no longer needed,
+ since the LaTeX writer now produces a file that can be processed by
+ `latex`, `pdflatex`, `lualatex`, or `xelatex`.
+ * Introduced `--luatex` option to `markdown2pdf`. This causes `lualatex`
+ to be used to create the PDF.
+ * If a template specified with `--template` is not found, look for it
+ in `datadir`. Also, if no extension is provided, supply one based
+ on the writer. So now you can put your `special.latex` template in
+ `~/.pandoc/templates`, and use it from any directory via
+ `pandoc -t latex --template special`.
+ * Default template improvements:
+ + HTML: Display author and date after title.
+ + HTML: Made table of contents more customizable. The container
+ for the TOC is now in the template, so users can insert a header
+ or other styling. (Thanks to Bruce D'Arcus for the suggestion.)
+ + HTML, Slidy, S5: Enclose scripts in CDATA tags.
+ + Slidy, S5: Added `s5-url` and `slidy-url` variables, instead of
+ hard-coding. If you want to put your slidy files in the slidy
+ subdirectory, for example, you can do
+ `pandoc -t slidy -V slidy-url=slidy -s`.
+ + LaTeX: Use `\and` to separate authors in LaTeX documents (reader
+ & writer). Closes #279.
+ + LaTeX: Use different `hyperref` options for `xetex`, fixing
+ problems with unicode bookmarks (thanks to CircleCode).
+ + LaTeX: Removed `ucs` package, use `utf8` rather than `utf8x`
+ with `inputenc`. This covers fewer characters but is more
+ robust with other packages, and `ucs` is unmaintained. Users
+ who need better unicode support should use xelatex or lualatex.
+pandoc (
+ * Added `--epub-cover-image` option.
+ * Documented `--biblatex` and `--natbib` options.
+ * Allow `--section-divs` with slidy output. Resolves Issue #296.
+ * Disallow notes within notes in reST and markdown.
+ These previously caused infinite looping and stack overflows.
+ For example:
+ [^1]
+ [^1]: See [^1]
+ Note references are allowed in reST notes, so this isn't a full
+ implementation of reST. That can come later. For now we need to
+ prevent the stack overflows. Partially resolves Issue #297.
+ * EPUB writer: Allow non-plain math methods.
+ * Forbid ()s in citation item keys. Resolves Issue #304: problems with
+ `(@item1; @item2)` because the final paren was being parsed as part of
+ the item key.
+ * Changed URI parser so it doesn't include trailing punctuation.
+ So, in RST, `` should be parsed as a link followed by a
+ period. The parser is smart enough to recognize balanced parentheses, as
+ often occur in wikipedia links: ``.
+ * Markdown+lhs reader: Require space after inverse bird tracks, so that
+ HTML tags can be used freely at the left margin of a markdown+lhs document.
+ Thanks to Conal Elliot for the suggestion.
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Improved emph/strong parsing; fixes bug found by Perry Wagle.
+ + Fixed bug in footnote order (reported by CircleCode).
+ * RST reader:
+ + Fixed bug in in field lists with multi-line items at the
+ end of the list.
+ + Added parentheses to RST `specialChars`, so
+ `(` will be parsed as a link in parens.
+ Resolves Issue #291.
+ + Allow `|` followed by newline in RST line block.
+ * LaTeX reader:
+ + Support `\dots`.
+ + Gobble option & space after linebreak `\\[10pt]`.
+ * Textile reader:
+ + Make it possible to have colons after links. (qerub)
+ + Make it possible to have colons after links. (Christoffer Sawicki)
+ * HTML reader:
+ + Skip spaces after `<b>`, `<emph>`, etc.
+ + Handle tbody, thead in simple tables. Closes #274.
+ + Implicit `Para`s instead of `Plains` in some contexts.
+ * OpenDocument writer: Use special `First paragraph` style for
+ first paragraph after most non-paragraph blocks. This allows users to
+ specify e.g. that only paragraphs after the first paragraph of a block are
+ to be indented. Thanks to Andrea Rossato for the patch. Closes #20.
+ * LaTeX writer: use `deVerb` on table and picture captions.
+ Otherwise LaTeX complains about `\verb` inside command argument.
+ Thanks to bbanier for reporting the bug.
+ * Markdown writer: Insert HTML comment btw list and indented code block.
+ This prevents the code block from being interpreted as part of the list.
+ * EPUB writer: Add a meta element specify the cover.
+ Some EPUB e-readers, such as the Nook, require a meta element inside the
+ OPF metadata block to ensure the cover image is properly displayed.
+ (Kelsey Hightower)
+ * HTML writer: Use embed tag for images with non-image extensions.
+ (e.g. PDFs). Closes #264.
+ * LaTeX writer: Improved tables.
+ + More space between lines, top-align cells.
+ + Use ctable package, which allows footnotes and
+ provides additional options.
+ + Made cell alignments work in multiline tables.
+ + Closes #271, #272.
+ * Un-URI-escape image filenames in LaTeX, ConTeXt, RTF, Texinfo.
+ Also do this when copying image files into EPUBs and ODTs.
+ Closes #263.
+ * Changed to github issue tracker.
+ * Added failing emph/strong markdown test case due to Perry Wagle.
+ * Slidy improvements:
+ + Updated to use Slidy2.
+ + Fixed bug, unclosed div tag.
+ + Added `duration` variable in template.
+ Setting this activates the timer.
+ + Use 'titlepage' instead of 'cover' for title div.
pandoc (
* `markdown2pdf`: Removed some debugging lines accidentally included
@@ -291,6 +516,8 @@ pandoc (1.8)
to `Text.Pandoc.Readers.Parsing`, and parameterized it with
an inline parser.
+ * Added `nonspaceChar` to `Text.Pandoc.Parsing`.
* Ellipses are no longer allowed to contain spaces.
Previously we allowed '. . .', ' . . . ', etc. This caused
too many complications, and removed author's flexibility in