path: root/data/templates/default.revealjs
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* HTML writer: Use br elements in line blocks...John MacFarlane2017-12-26
| | | | | | | | instead of relying on CSS. Closes #4162. HTML-based templates have had the custom CSS for div.line-block removed. Those maintaining custom templates will want to remove this too. We still enclose line blocks in a div with class line-block.
* reveal.js template: add title-slide identifier to title slide.John MacFarlane2017-12-04
| | | | | | This allows it to be styled more easily. Closes #4120.
* Include default CSS for 'underline' class in HTML-based templates.John MacFarlane2017-12-03
* revealjs template: added a necessary escape.John MacFarlane2017-12-01
* reveal.js template: include tex2jax configuration.John MacFarlane2017-12-01
| | | | | | This ensures that we don't use $..$ delimiters, which gives bad results when $ is used as a currency sign. This depends on the current dev version of reveal.js.
* Improved support for columns in HTML.John MacFarlane2017-11-02
| | | | | | | | | | * Move as much as possible to the CSS in the template. * Ensure that all the HTML-based templates (including epub) contain the CSS for columns. * Columns default to 50% width unless they are given a width attribute. Closes #4028.
* Implement multicolumn support for slide formats.John MacFarlane2017-08-14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The structure expected is: <div class="columns"> <div class="column" width="40%"> contents... </div> <div class="column" width="60%"> contents... </div> </div> Support has been added for beamer and all HTML slide formats. Closes #1710. Note: later we could add a more elegant way to create this structure in Markdown than to use raw HTML div elements. This would come for free with a "native div syntax" (#168). Or we could devise something specific to slides
* Use `table-of-contents` for contents of toc, make `toc` a boolean.John MacFarlane2017-06-26
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Changed markdown, rtf, and HTML-based templates accordingly. This allows you to set `toc: true` in the metadata; this previously produced strange results in some output formats. Closes #2872. For backwards compatibility, `toc` is still set to the toc contents. But it is recommended that you update templates to use `table-of-contents` for the toc contents and `toc` for a boolean flag.
* Use revealjs's math plugin for mathjax.John MacFarlane2017-06-18
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | This is a thin wrapper around mathjax that makes math look better on revealjs. See We do this by setting the 'mathjax' boolean variable and using it in the revealjs template. Also, for revealjs and mathjax, we don't assign the usual thing to the 'math' variable, since it's handled by mathjax config. Closes #3743.
* HTML line block: Use class instead of style attribute.John MacFarlane2017-04-25
| | | | | | | | | We now issue `<div class="line-block">` and include a default definition for `line-block` in the default templates, instead of hard-coding a `style` on the div. Closes #1623.
* Regularized CSS in html/epub/html slide templates.John MacFarlane2017-03-04
| | | | | | | | | | All templates now include `code{white-space: pre-wrap}` and CSS for `q` if `--html-q-tags` is used. Previously some templates had `pre` and others `pre-wrap`; the `q` styles were only sometimes included. See #3485.
* templates: CSS for .smallcaps, closes #1592 (#3485)Mauro Bieg2017-03-04
* default.revealjs template: make 'history' default to true.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
* Merge commit '9e52ac6bb02afd7b4ed5dad61021a1fa33051203' as 'data/templates'John MacFarlane2017-02-20
* Removed data/templates submodule.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
* default.beamer changes (Thomas Hodgson):John MacFarlane2017-02-06
| | | | | | - Use dvipsnames options when colorlinks specified (otherwise we get an error for 'maroon') - Added titegraphic and logo variables.
* Use unicode-math by default in default.latex template.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
| | | | | | | mathspec will be used in xelatex if the `mathspec` variable is set; otherwise unicode-math will be used. Thanks to Václav Haisman.
* Use latest master HEAD for templates.John MacFarlane2017-01-29
* Split writeDocbook into writeDocbook4, writeDocbook5.John MacFarlane2017-01-26
| | | | | | | Removed writerDocbookVersion in WriterOptions. Renamed default.docbook template to default.docbook4. Allow docbook4 as an output format. But alias docbook = docbook4.
* EPUB writer: split writeEPUB into writeEPUB2, writeEPUB3.John MacFarlane2017-01-26
| | | | Also include explicit epub2 output format in CLI tool.
* Rename default.html template to default.html4.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
* Copied a few changes from default.latex to default.beamer.John MacFarlane2017-01-25
| | | | (Wandmalfarbe)
* Changed position of \VerbatimNotes and fancyvrb in latex, beamer templates.John MacFarlane2017-01-24
| | | | | | | | | | This fixes hyperlinks on footnotes in documents that contain verbatim in notes. (Note: the beamer template was updated to match the LaTeX template, but at this point verbatim in notes seems not to work in beamer.) Closes #3361.
* LaTeX template: Add hyphen option to url package.John MacFarlane2017-01-10
* LaTeX template: allow passing `microtypeoptions` to microtype.John MacFarlane2017-01-03
| | | | Thanks to Vaclav Haisman.
* docbook5template: fix namespace declarations (Mauro Bieg).John MacFarlane2016-12-30
* LaTeX template: use correct separator for pdfkeywords.John MacFarlane2016-12-04
| | | | | | Needs a comma not a semicolon. Thanks to Wandmalfarbe.
* Use pre-wrap for code in dzslides template (Nicolas Porcel).John MacFarlane2016-11-25
| | | | Otherwise overly long code will appear on every slide.
* Add hypersetup options to beamer templates (Jake Zimmerman).John MacFarlane2016-10-25
* LaTeX template: use footnote package to fix notes in tables.John MacFarlane2016-09-28
| | | | Thanks to Václav Haisman.
* revealjs template: Added `notes-server` option (Yoan Blanc).John MacFarlane2016-09-28
| | | | jgm/pandoc-templates#212
* LaTeX template: set default figure placement.John MacFarlane2016-09-28
| | | | | | | | | Thanks to Václav Haisman. This accompanies #3093. This change allows users to set the default figure placement for figures, instead of enforcing one choice. Users with custom templates will need to add this.
* Use p tags for subtitle, author, date in epub, revealjs, slidy templates.John MacFarlane2016-09-25
| | | | See #3119.
* HTML template: use p instead of h1 for subtitle, author, date.John MacFarlane2016-09-25
| | | | Closes #3119.
* Beamer template: added support for fontfamilies.John MacFarlane2016-09-23
| | | | | As already in LaTeX. Closes #216.
* Added `themeoptions` variable to beamer template (Carsten Gips).John MacFarlane2016-08-11
* Added `beamerarticle` variable.John MacFarlane2016-08-06
| | | | | | This causes the `beamerarticle` package to be loaded in beamer, to produce an article from beamer slides. (Carsten Gips)
* Textile reader: support `bc..` extended code blocks.John MacFarlane2016-07-22
| | | | | Also, remove trailing newline in code blocks (consistently with Markdown reader).
* Restored whitespace between paragraphs in beamer template.John MacFarlane2016-07-20
| | | | See jgm/pandoc-templates#207.
* LaTeX template: Added dummy definition for `\institute`.John MacFarlane2016-07-18
| | | | | | This isn't a standard command, and we want to avoid a crash when `institute` is used with the default template.
* beamer, latex templates: pass biblatexoptions directly in package load.John MacFarlane2016-07-01
| | | | This allows runtime optinos to be used. Fixes jgm/pandoc-citeproc#201
* Added Zim Wiki writer, template and tests.Alex Ivkin2016-06-30
* Added `secnumdepth` variable to LaTeX template.John MacFarlane2016-06-25
| | | | Closes #2920.
* latex template: fix for obscure hyperref/xelatex issue.John MacFarlane2016-06-07
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Here's a minimal case: \documentclass[]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} \section{\%á} \end{document} Without this change, this fails on the second invocation of xelatex. See This affects inputs this like # %á with pdf output via xelatex.
* LaTeX template: support for custom font families.John MacFarlane2016-05-19
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Needed for correct polyglossia operation with Cyrillic fonts and perhaps can find some other usages. Example usage in YAML metadata: ``` fontfamilies: - name: \cyrillicfont font: Liberation Serif - name: \cyrillicfonttt options: Scale=MatchLowercase font: Liberation ``` (vladipus)
* Added docbook5 template.John MacFarlane2016-05-01
* Added `institute` variable in LaTeX and Beamer templates.John MacFarlane2016-03-19
* Added default.tei TEI templateJohn MacFarlane2016-01-21
* HTML slide templates: add toc. (Andrew Dunning)John MacFarlane2016-01-01
* Added 'paper' after $papersize$ variable in latex template.John MacFarlane2015-12-23
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Thus you can say `papersize: a4` and the latex will contain `a4paper`. This change may break some existing workflows; if you currently specify `a4paper`, you'll get `a4paperpaper` which is meaningless. However, the change seems worth it, as it will make the `papersize` variable work uniformly across ConTeXt, LaTeX, and html->pdf via wkhtmltopdf. See 62d#commitcomment-15135193