path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Parsing.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* New treatment of dashes in --smart mode.John MacFarlane2012-01-01
* Better smart quote parsing.John MacFarlane2011-12-29
* Replaced Apostrophe, Ellipses, EmDash, EnDash w/ unicode strings.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* Pretty: return Str with unicode instead of Apostrophe.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* Parsing: Removed charsInBalanced', added param to charsInBalanced.John MacFarlane2011-12-05
* Parsing: Changed type of escaped to return CharJohn MacFarlane2011-12-05
* Added nonspaceChar to Text.Pandoc.Parsing.John MacFarlane2011-07-30
* Smart quotes: handle '...hi' properly.John MacFarlane2011-07-25
* Properly handle characters in the 128..159 range.John MacFarlane2011-07-23
* Revert "Parsing: Use new type aliases, PandocParser, GeneralParser."John MacFarlane2011-04-29
* Parsing: Use new type aliases, PandocParser, GeneralParser.John MacFarlane2011-04-29
* Changed uri parser so it doesn't include trailing punctuation.John MacFarlane2011-03-18
* Add support for attributes in inline Code.John MacFarlane2011-01-26
* Bumped version to 1.8; depend on pandoc-types 1.8.John MacFarlane2011-01-26
* More small parser rewrites for small performance gains.John MacFarlane2011-01-19
* Parsing: Rewrote spaceChar for significant speedup in readers.John MacFarlane2011-01-19
* Parsing: Fixed bug in grid table parser.John MacFarlane2011-01-14
* Fixed macro parsing.John MacFarlane2011-01-05
* Moved 'macro' and 'applyMacros'' from markdown reader to Parsing.John MacFarlane2011-01-04
* New HTML reader using tagsoup as a lexer.John MacFarlane2010-12-30
* Use functions from Text.Pandoc.Generic instead of processWith(M).John MacFarlane2010-12-24
* Added new prettyprinting module.John MacFarlane2010-12-17
* Removed HTML sanitization.John MacFarlane2010-12-10
* Smart punctuation: recognize entities.John MacFarlane2010-12-07
* Smart punctuation: don't alllow ellipses containing spaces.John MacFarlane2010-12-07
* Moved smartPunctuation from Markdown to Parsing.John MacFarlane2010-12-07
* Fix regression: markdown references should be case-insensitive.John MacFarlane2010-12-05
* Removed CITEPROC CPP conditionals from library code.John MacFarlane2010-11-06
* Process LaTeX macros in markdown, and apply to TeX math.John MacFarlane2010-10-26
* Parse \chapter{} in latex.John MacFarlane2010-07-13
* Merge branch 'atlists'. Added auto-numbered example lists.John MacFarlane2010-07-11
* Allow language-neutral table captions.John MacFarlane2010-07-06
* More refactoring of grid table code.John MacFarlane2010-07-05
* Minor reformatting.John MacFarlane2010-07-05
* Moved generic grid table functions from RST reader -> Parsing.John MacFarlane2010-07-05
* Moved parsing functions from Text.Pandoc.Shared to new module.John MacFarlane2010-07-05