path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Markdown reader: Fix parsing bug with nested fenced divs.John MacFarlane2018-01-20
* hlint code improvements.John MacFarlane2018-01-19
* Markdown reader: don't coalesce adjacent raw LaTeX blocks...John MacFarlane2018-01-17
* Markdown reader: Improved inlinesInBalancedBrackets.John MacFarlane2018-01-14
* Update copyright notices to include 2018Albert Krewinkel2018-01-05
* Markdown reader: rewrite inlinesInBalancedBrackets.John MacFarlane2018-01-01
* Markdown reader: Avoid parsing raw tex unless \ + letter seen.John MacFarlane2017-12-30
* `latex_macros` extension changes.John MacFarlane2017-12-22
* Markdown reader: improved raw tex parsing.John MacFarlane2017-12-22
* Markdown reader: be pickier about table captions.John MacFarlane2017-12-14
* Markdown reader: always use four space rule for example lists.John MacFarlane2017-12-13
* Markdown: Improved computation of relative cell widths in pipe tables.John MacFarlane2017-12-12
* Pipe tables: use full text width for tables with wrapping cells.John MacFarlane2017-12-12
* Markdown reader: Don't parse native div as table caption.John MacFarlane2017-12-04
* Fixed YAML metadata with "chomp" (`|-`).John MacFarlane2017-11-11
* Allow fenced code blocks to be indented 1-3 spaces.John MacFarlane2017-11-09
* hlintAlexander Krotov2017-11-02
* Markdown reader: make sure fenced div closers work in lists.John MacFarlane2017-10-31
* More hlint fixes.John MacFarlane2017-10-29
* hlint suggestions.John MacFarlane2017-10-27
* Automatic reformating by stylish-haskell.John MacFarlane2017-10-27
* Fenced divs: ensure that paragraph at end doesn't become Plain.John MacFarlane2017-10-24
* Implemented fenced Divs.John MacFarlane2017-10-23
* Markdown reader: Fixed bug with indented code following raw LaTeX.John MacFarlane2017-10-02
* Added `--strip-comments` option, `readerStripComments` in `ReaderOptions`.John MacFarlane2017-09-17
* Markdown reader: added inlines, inlines1.John MacFarlane2017-09-16
* Markdown reader: use CommonMark rules for list item nesting.John MacFarlane2017-08-19
* Markdown reader: fixed parsing of fenced code after list...John MacFarlane2017-08-18
* Markdown reader: parse `-@roe` as suppress-author citation.John MacFarlane2017-08-18
* Markdown reader: fixed spurious parsing as citation as reference def.John MacFarlane2017-08-07
* LaTeX reader: Removed 'macro'.John MacFarlane2017-07-24
* Rewrote LaTeX reader with proper tokenization.John MacFarlane2017-07-07
* Make `east_asian_line_breaks` affect all readers/writers.John MacFarlane2017-06-30
* Require nonempty alt text for `implicit_figures`.John MacFarlane2017-06-27
* Added comment in source.John MacFarlane2017-06-23
* Markdown reader: interpret YAML metadata as Inlines when possible.John MacFarlane2017-06-23
* Text.Pandoc.Extensions: Added `Ext_raw_attribute`.John MacFarlane2017-06-23
* Removed an 'error' bomb.John MacFarlane2017-06-20
* Move CR filtering from tabFilter to the readers.John MacFarlane2017-06-20
* Separated tracing from logging.John MacFarlane2017-06-19
* Don't allow backslash + newline to affect block structure.John MacFarlane2017-06-11
* Changed all readers to take Text instead of String.John MacFarlane2017-06-10
* Added eastAsianLineBreakFilter to Shared.John MacFarlane2017-05-30
* Markdown reader: use anyLineNewlineAlexander Krotov2017-05-28
* Markdown writer: changes to `--reference-links`.John MacFarlane2017-05-27
* Added `spaced_reference_links` extension.John MacFarlane2017-05-25
* Markdown reader: warn for notes defined but not used.John MacFarlane2017-05-25
* Markdown reader: fixed smart quotes after emphasis.John MacFarlane2017-05-24
* Parsing: Provide parseFromString'.John MacFarlane2017-05-24
* Markdown: allow attributes in reference links to start on next line.John MacFarlane2017-05-18