path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* LaTeX reader: Support alltt environment.John MacFarlane2013-06-27
* Fixed 'authors' metadata parsing in reST.John MacFarlane2013-06-25
* Use new flexible metadata type.John MacFarlane2013-06-24
* Markdown reader: Check for blank lines first in blocks.John MacFarlane2013-06-19
* Properly handle blank line at beginning of input.John MacFarlane2013-06-19
* Improved code readability.John MacFarlane2013-06-19
* Markdown reader: fixed bug in unmatched reference links.John MacFarlane2013-06-19
* RST reader: don't insert paragraphs where docutils doesn't.John MacFarlane2013-06-18
* Textile reader: Correctly handle entities.John MacFarlane2013-06-11
* MediaWiki reader: Ignore attributes on headers.John MacFarlane2013-05-20
* MediaWiki reader: Skip attributes on table rows.John MacFarlane2013-05-20
* Markdown reader: Allow internal `+` in citation identifiers.John MacFarlane2013-05-13
* LaTeX reader: Skip positional options after `\begin{figure}`.John MacFarlane2013-05-12
* Treat `\textsl` as emphasized text in LaTeX reader.John MacFarlane2013-05-09
* Markdown reader: Implemented `Ext_ascii_identifiers`.John MacFarlane2013-04-23
* Markdown reader: minor code cleanup.John MacFarlane2013-04-19
* Haddock reader improvements.John MacFarlane2013-04-14
* Removed unnecessary OPTIONS flag in Haddock/Parse.y.John MacFarlane2013-04-09
* Fixed Haddock reader bugs with list item spaces and examples.John MacFarlane2013-04-09
* Haddock reader: leaving Space alone in @...@ seems more semantically correct.David Lazar2013-04-04
* Haddock reader: derive Show for Token, making debugging easier.David Lazar2013-04-04
* LaTeX reader: Support `\textasciitilde`, `\textasciicircum`.John MacFarlane2013-03-31
* Haddock reader: make clearer which production the comment refers to.David Lazar2013-03-29
* Haddock reader: add the "haskell" attribute to code blocks so they areDavid Lazar2013-03-29
* Haddock reader: improved error reporting.David Lazar2013-03-29
* Parsing: Better error reporting in readWith.John MacFarlane2013-03-28
* Haddock writer: use 'text' builder instead of 'str'.John MacFarlane2013-03-28
* Add reader for Haddock markup based on Haddock's own lexer/parser.David Lazar2013-03-28
* Mediawiki reader: Fixed | links inside table cells.John MacFarlane2013-03-28
* Mediawiki reader: Fixed last commit.John MacFarlane2013-03-28
* MediaWiki reader: Correctly handle indented preformatted textJohn MacFarlane2013-03-28
* mediawiki reader: allow space before table rows.John MacFarlane2013-03-27
* OPML reader: Type attributes are not case sensitive.John MacFarlane2013-03-20
* Added Text.Pandoc.Readers.OPML, exporting readOPML.John MacFarlane2013-03-19
* Revert "LaTeX reader: citation handling changes."John MacFarlane2013-03-17
* Markdown reader: don't lose parentheses in URLs.John MacFarlane2013-03-13
* Markdown reader: Handle unmatched double quotes in dialogues.John MacFarlane2013-03-12
* Fixed spacing bugs involving code block attributes.John MacFarlane2013-03-11
* LaTeX reader: citation handling changes.John MacFarlane2013-03-09
* Support :number-lines: in RST code output.John MacFarlane2013-03-06
* LaTeX reader: Better support for Verbatim and minted environments.John MacFarlane2013-03-06
* LaTeX reader: Handle language attribute for lstlistings.John MacFarlane2013-03-05
* LaTeX reader: Read optional attributes in lstlisting environment.John MacFarlane2013-03-04
* Markdown reader: attribute parsing improvements.John MacFarlane2013-03-02
* Check for tables before line blocks.John MacFarlane2013-03-02
* Markdown reader: Allow spaces around borders in pipe tables.John MacFarlane2013-03-02
* LaTeX reader: Add "fig:" as title for images with captions.John MacFarlane2013-03-01
* Markdown: allow ---- in angle-bracket autolinks.John MacFarlane2013-02-28
* LaTeX reader: Handle \caption for images in figures.John MacFarlane2013-02-26
* Make `implicit_header_references` work with explicit header ids.John MacFarlane2013-02-21