path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Shared.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Added 'beamer' as an output format.John MacFarlane2011-12-29
* Added `--highlight-style` and `--no-highlight` options.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* Replaced Apostrophe, Ellipses, EmDash, EnDash w/ unicode strings.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* Added writerHighlight to WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2011-12-22
* Removed writerAscii in WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2011-12-22
* Shared: Removed unescapeURI, modified escapeURI.John MacFarlane2011-12-02
* Added dzslides output option.John MacFarlane2011-10-01
* Deprecated `--xetex` option - it is no longer needed.John MacFarlane2011-07-22
* Added unexported Text.Pandoc.MIME.John MacFarlane2011-07-19
* Added getMimeType to Text.Pandoc.Shared.John MacFarlane2011-07-17
* Added --ascii option.John MacFarlane2011-02-06
* Make writerSectionDivs default to False.John MacFarlane2011-02-05
* Shared: Minor refactoring.John MacFarlane2011-02-04
* normalize: Normalize spaces too.John MacFarlane2011-02-04
* Shared: Fixed bug in normalize revealed by tests!John MacFarlane2011-01-29
* Add possibility to use listings package for code blocks andJosef Svenningsson2011-01-28
* Shared: Make 'normalize' more generic.John MacFarlane2011-01-28
* Add support for attributes in inline Code.John MacFarlane2011-01-26
* Bumped version to 1.8; depend on pandoc-types 1.8.John MacFarlane2011-01-26
* Added --chapters option affecting docbook and latex.John MacFarlane2011-01-16
* Preliminary support for HTML5.John MacFarlane2011-01-11
* normalize: Don't reduce [Space] to [].John MacFarlane2010-12-26
* Improved 'normalize'.John MacFarlane2010-12-26
* Improved normalize.John MacFarlane2010-12-25
* Use functions from Text.Pandoc.Generic instead of processWith(M).John MacFarlane2010-12-24
* Shared: Removed unneeded prettyprinting functions:John MacFarlane2010-12-22
* Shared: Removed BlockWrapper, wrappedBlocksToDoc.John MacFarlane2010-12-22
* Shared: Made splitBy take a test instead of an element.John MacFarlane2010-12-21
* Shared: Use stringify to simplify inlineListToIdentifier.John MacFarlane2010-12-19
* Added new prettyprinting module.John MacFarlane2010-12-17
* Support multiple bibliography files with natbib and biblatex output.Nathan Gass2010-12-15
* Added 'normalize' to Text.Pandoc.Shared.John MacFarlane2010-12-14
* Added support to write natbib or biblatex citations in latex output.Nathan Gass2010-12-13
* Fixed inlineListToIdentifier to treat '\160' as ' '.John MacFarlane2010-12-13
* Rewrote normalizeSpaces (mostly aesthetic reasons).John MacFarlane2010-12-07
* Added 'stringify' to Text.Pandoc.Shared.John MacFarlane2010-11-27
* Citation related changes.John MacFarlane2010-11-20
* Shared: Added findFirstFile, findDataFile, refactored readDataFile.John MacFarlane2010-11-19
* Added support for MathJax for displaying math in HTML.John MacFarlane2010-10-26
* Added --section-divs option.John MacFarlane2010-07-15
* Added --webtex option for HTML math.John MacFarlane2010-07-15
* Added a slidy writer.John MacFarlane2010-07-13
* Merge branch 'atlists'. Added auto-numbered example lists.John MacFarlane2010-07-11
| * Implemented @ for sequentially numbered examples.John MacFarlane2010-03-27
* | Moved headerShift from pandoc.hs to Shared.John MacFarlane2010-07-11
* | Slight code cleanup on substitute function.John MacFarlane2010-07-11
* | Added writerUserDataDir to WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2010-07-08
* | Added writerSourceDirectory to WriterOptions.John MacFarlane2010-07-08
* | Changed order of functions in Shared.John MacFarlane2010-07-06
* | Don't allow colon in autogenerated HTML identifiers.John MacFarlane2010-07-05