path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* ImageSize: extract dpi information from PNG and JPEG.John MacFarlane2012-01-15
* ODT writer now sizes images appropriately.John MacFarlane2012-01-14
* OpenDocument writer: treat image title of form "dddxddd" as size in px.John MacFarlane2012-01-14
* EPUB writer: Allow raw HTML.John MacFarlane2012-01-13
* HTML writer: Don't use self-closing img, br, hr tags.John MacFarlane2012-01-11
* EPUB writer: Allow `lang` variable to set language in metadata.John MacFarlane2012-01-01
* Support for math in RST reader and writer.John MacFarlane2011-12-31
* Support Sphinx-style math in RST writer.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* Fixed layout bug in ConTeXt and LaTeX writers.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* LaTeX writer: only use hyperdef on section if there's a link to it.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* Added support for internal links in ConTeXt writer.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* Add support for internal links to LaTeX writer.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* ConTeXt writer: Add section labels and internal links as in HTML.B. Scott Michel2011-12-30
* HTML writer: Better handling of authors in meta tags.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* ConTeXt writer: Made `--toc` work even without `--number-sections`.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* Small tweaks to hyphenatedurl patch.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* ConTeXt_url_hyphenationB. Scott Michel2011-12-30
* LaTeX writer: Improved detection of book classes.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* EPUB: Get correct environment variable for LANG.John MacFarlane2011-12-30
* Merge pull request #366 from gridaphobe/masterJohn MacFarlane2011-12-29
| * change reference backlink from RawInline to Link so it gets rendered properly...Eric Seidel2011-12-24
* | Added 'beamer' as an output format.John MacFarlane2011-12-29
* | Preserve attributes in highlighted HTML.John MacFarlane2011-12-28
* | EPUB: Correctly handle internal links.John MacFarlane2011-12-28
* | Added `--highlight-style` and `--no-highlight` options.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* | Replaced Apostrophe, Ellipses, EmDash, EnDash w/ unicode strings.John MacFarlane2011-12-27
* | EPUB writer: Make external (absolute) links active.John MacFarlane2011-12-26
* | Updated highlighting for highlighting-kate 0.4.John MacFarlane2011-12-26
* LaTeX writer: Support highlighting for inline code.John MacFarlane2011-12-23
* LaTeX writer: Have LHS files set the "listings" variable.John MacFarlane2011-12-23
* LaTeX writer: Implemented syntax highlighting for CodeBlocks.John MacFarlane2011-12-23
* Changed types of highlighting functions.John MacFarlane2011-12-22
* Added a newline at end of footnotes ol.John MacFarlane2011-12-20
* Restore xhtml style self-closed tags in HTML writer.John MacFarlane2011-12-20
* HTML writer: Put classes "section" and "level[1-6]" on section divs.John MacFarlane2011-12-18
* EPUB: Added customizable templates for epub pages.John MacFarlane2011-12-18
* HTML writer: Use `<del>` for strikeout.John MacFarlane2011-12-18
* HTML writer: Don't escape '.John MacFarlane2011-12-17
* Fixed line breaks in tds in table cells.John MacFarlane2011-12-17
* Use blaze-html instead of xhtml for HTML generation.John MacFarlane2011-12-17
* EPUB: Don't use any decimal entities.John MacFarlane2011-12-13
* EPUB writer: made unEntity handle errors better.John MacFarlane2011-12-12
* Fixed previous patch so it doesn't swallow a character!John MacFarlane2011-12-12
* EPUB: Use UTF-8 rather than decimal entities.John MacFarlane2011-12-12
* WebTeX math - use 'vertical-align:middle' for better results.John MacFarlane2011-12-04
* Shared: Removed unescapeURI, modified escapeURI.John MacFarlane2011-12-02
* S5/slidy writer: Make footnotes appear on separate slide at end.John MacFarlane2011-11-29
* Use separate variables for meta-date, meta-author.John MacFarlane2011-11-29
* HTML writer: Put citations in span with class="citation".John MacFarlane2011-11-29
* Markdown writer: Use setext headers for levels 1-2.John MacFarlane2011-11-24