path: root/src
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Added Functor constraint to keep ghc 7.8.4 happy.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
* Tighten up HasQuoteContext instance in HTML reader.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
| | | | | | We constrain it to the state used in the HTML reader. Otherwise we can get overlap with the general instance for ParserState m.
* Revert "Refined constraint for HasQuoteContext instance."John MacFarlane2017-02-20
| | | | This reverts commit 3c427fc17d53a564305aadde015dd2f048d9ff71.
* Refined constraint for HasQuoteContext instance.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
| | | | in hopes that this will help the ghc 7.8.4 build...
* Removed redundant constraint.John MacFarlane2017-02-20
* Error: added PandocMakePDFErrorJohn MacFarlane2017-02-19
* Added warnings for non-rendered blocks to some writers.John MacFarlane2017-02-17
* FB2 writer: don't render RawBlock as code.John MacFarlane2017-02-17
* Markdown reader: Use logMessage instead of report.John MacFarlane2017-02-17
* Fixed repeated log messages in RST reader.John MacFarlane2017-02-17
| | | | | | | | See #3447. To complete fixes on this issue, we need to do the same for the other readers. Note that the changes required are minimal -- add reportLogMessages to the end of the main parser, and replace report with logMessage. (except for trace)
* Parsing: Added HasLogMessages, logMessage, reportLogMessages.John MacFarlane2017-02-17
| | | | | | | | We need to do logging by updating parser state, or we'll get inappropriate and repeated log messages when there is parser backtracking. See #3447.
* Fix indirect hyperlink targets. Closes #512.John MacFarlane2017-02-15
* Add CircularReference constructor to LogMessage.John MacFarlane2017-02-15
* ZimWiki writer: removed internal formatting from note and table cells, ↵Alex Ivkin2017-02-15
| | | | because ZimWiki does not support it (#3446)
* LaTeX reader: include contents of `\parbox`.John MacFarlane2017-02-14
* Simplify toRomanNumeral using guards (#3445)Alexander Krotov2017-02-14
* Removed unnecessary import.John MacFarlane2017-02-14
* LaTeX reader: properly handle column prefixes/suffixes.John MacFarlane2017-02-13
| | | | | | | | | For example, in \begin{tabular}{>{$}l<{$}>{$}l<{$} >{$}l<{$}} each cell will be interpreted as if it has a `$` before its content and a `$` after (math mode).
* Do not strip # from Org anchor linksAlexander Krotov2017-02-12
| | | | Links with # are perfectly valid according to
* Rename logMessagesToJSON -> encodeLogMessages.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
* RST reader: Support `.. line-block` directive.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | This is deprecated but may still be in older documents.
* RST reader/writer: properly handle table captions.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | | | Currently the support for the `.. table` directive is a bit limited; we don't yet support the `widths` field. But at least you can have a proper captioned table.
* RST reader: Initial support of .. table directive.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | This allows adding captions to tables.
* Fixed small bug in RST list parsing.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | | | | | | | See #3432. Previously the parser didn't handle properly this case: * - a - b * - c - d
* Logging: export logMessagesToJSON.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | Use a deterministic order for fields.
* Added --log option to save log messages in JSON format to a file.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | See #3392.
* Save all log messages in state.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
| | | | | | Verbosity level only affects which are printed to stdout. (Exception: DEBUG messages are only printed, never saved to state.)
* HTML writer: report when not rendering raw inline/block.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
* Use new warnings throughout the code base.John MacFarlane2017-02-11
* Logging: added ToJSON instance and showLogMessage.John MacFarlane2017-02-10
| | | | | | | This gives us the possibility of both machine-readable and human-readable output for log messages. See #3392.
* Added Text.Pandoc.Logging (exported module).John MacFarlane2017-02-10
| | | | | | | | | | | | This now contains the Verbosity definition previously in Options, as well as a new LogMessage datatype that will eventually be used instead of raw strings for warnings. This will enable us, among other things, to provide machine-readable warnings if desired. See #3392.
* LaTeX reader: Improved messages for skipped environments.John MacFarlane2017-02-10
* LaTeX reader: Improved warning messages for unknown commands.John MacFarlane2017-02-10
* HTML reader: Added warnings for ignored material.John MacFarlane2017-02-10
| | | | See #3392.
* LaTeX reader: Issue warnings when skipping unknown latex commands.John MacFarlane2017-02-09
| | | | See #3392.
* Reverted deferred media bag code.John MacFarlane2017-02-09
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This was not actually being used. Since it adds considerable complexity, it's best not to include it unless we are actually going to use it. The original thought was that we could do all loading in the readers, always deferred and thus costless. This was supposed to eliminate the need to traverse trees loading resources in the docx, epub, odt writers and in PDF and SelfContained. (It would also have the side effect that --extract-media could be used with all input formats. This wasn't an intended side effect, and it could be debated whether it's desirable, since --extract-media was originally designed to extract the media contained in a docx or odt or epub container.) However, we never actually took the step of moving all of this work to the readers, for a couple of reasons. The main reason is that we'd still need to fetch resources in the docx, epub, odt, pdf and self-contained writers, since the Pandoc AST might have been built programatically and hence not generated by a reader. So it's not clear that doing lazy loading in the readers would have any real advantage. I'm still not completely sure about this --- if we change our minds it would be easy to undo this commit. @jkr comments welcome.
* LaTeX reader: support `\lstinputlisting`.John MacFarlane2017-02-08
| | | | Closes #2116.
* RST reader: Improved admonition support.John MacFarlane2017-02-07
| | | | | | | | | | | * We no longer add an "admonition" class, we just use the class for the type of admonition, "note" for example. * We put the word corresponding to the label in a paragraph inside a div at the beginning of the admonition with class "admonition-title". * This is about as close as we can get to RST's own output. See #223.
* Refactored some files formerly in LaTeX reader.John MacFarlane2017-02-07
| | | | | | | * Export readFileFromDirs from Class. * Export insertIncludedFile from Parsing. Simplified code in LaTeX/RST readers.
* Moved readFileFromDirs to Text.Pandoc.Class.John MacFarlane2017-02-07
| | | | | This can be used in several different modules, not just LaTeX reader.
* Refactored include file handling in LaTeX reader.John MacFarlane2017-02-07
* Removed --parse-raw and readerParseRaw.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | These were confusing. Now we rely on the +raw_tex or +raw_html extension with latex or html input. Thus, instead of --parse-raw -f latex we use -f latex+raw_tex and instead of --parse-raw -f html we use -f html+raw_html
* Fix importJohn MacFarlane2017-02-06
* Changed year on copyright message.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
* Consolidated file arguments into Opt.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
* Further refactoring of App.John MacFarlane2017-02-06
| | | | | Moved option parsing code into App. pandoc.hs is now a 2-liner.
* Fix an unneeded import warning.John MacFarlane2017-02-05
* Handle language in inline code with --listings.John MacFarlane2017-02-05
| | | | Closes #3422.
* Split pandoc.hs into a module, Text.Pandoc.App, and a small program.John MacFarlane2017-02-05
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The App module provides a function that does a pandoc conversion, based on option settings. The program (pandoc.hs) now does nothing more than parse options and pass them to this function, which can easily be used by other applications (e.g. a GUI wrapper). The Opt structure has been further simplified. API changes: * New exposed module Text.Pandoc.App * Text.Pandoc.Highlighting has been exposed. * highlightingStyles has been moved to Text.Pandoc.Highlighting.
* Removed redundant import.John MacFarlane2017-02-05