path: root/src/gen/lib/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/gen/lib/common/')
1 files changed, 988 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/gen/lib/common/ b/src/gen/lib/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825ef9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gen/lib/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+/* ========================================================================
+ * PlantUML : a free UML diagram generator
+ * ========================================================================
+ *
+ * Project Info:
+ *
+ * If you like this project or if you find it useful, you can support us at:
+ *
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+ *
+ *
+ * This file is part of Smetana.
+ * Smetana is a partial translation of Graphviz/Dot sources from C to Java.
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2009-2017, Arnaud Roques
+ *
+ * This translation is distributed under the same Licence as the original C program:
+ *
+ *************************************************************************
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors: See CVS logs. Details at
+ *************************************************************************
+ *
+ * LICENSE ("AGREEMENT"). [Eclipse Public License - v 1.0]
+ *
+ *
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+package gen.lib.common;
+import static smetana.core.JUtilsDebug.ENTERING;
+import static smetana.core.JUtilsDebug.LEAVING;
+import static smetana.core.Macro.UNSUPPORTED;
+import h.boxf;
+import h.pointf;
+import smetana.core.JUtils;
+import smetana.core.__struct__;
+public class args__c {
+//1 2digov3edok6d5srhgtlmrycs
+// extern lt_symlist_t lt_preloaded_symbols[]
+//1 baedz5i9est5csw3epz3cv7z
+// typedef Ppoly_t Ppolyline_t
+//1 9k44uhd5foylaeoekf3llonjq
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtset
+//1 1ahfywsmzcpcig2oxm7pt9ihj
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtbag
+//1 anhghfj3k7dmkudy2n7rvt31v
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtoset
+//1 5l6oj1ux946zjwvir94ykejbc
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtobag
+//1 2wtf222ak6cui8cfjnw6w377z
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtlist
+//1 d1s1s6ibtcsmst88e3057u9r7
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtstack
+//1 axa7mflo824p6fspjn1rdk0mt
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtqueue
+//1 ega812utobm4xx9oa9w9ayij6
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtdeque
+//1 cyfr996ur43045jv1tjbelzmj
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dtorder
+//1 wlofoiftbjgrrabzb2brkycg
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dttree
+//1 12bds94t7voj7ulwpcvgf6agr
+// extern Dtmethod_t* Dthash
+//1 9lqknzty480cy7zsubmabkk8h
+// extern Dtmethod_t _Dttree
+//1 bvn6zkbcp8vjdhkccqo1xrkrb
+// extern Dtmethod_t _Dthash
+//1 9lidhtd6nsmmv3e7vjv9e10gw
+// extern Dtmethod_t _Dtlist
+//1 34ujfamjxo7xn89u90oh2k6f8
+// extern Dtmethod_t _Dtqueue
+//1 3jy4aceckzkdv950h89p4wjc8
+// extern Dtmethod_t _Dtstack
+//1 8dfqgf3u1v830qzcjqh9o8ha7
+// extern Agmemdisc_t AgMemDisc
+//1 18k2oh2t6llfsdc5x0wlcnby8
+// extern Agiddisc_t AgIdDisc
+//1 a4r7hi80gdxtsv4hdoqpyiivn
+// extern Agiodisc_t AgIoDisc
+//1 bnzt5syjb7mgeru19114vd6xx
+// extern Agdisc_t AgDefaultDisc
+//1 35y2gbegsdjilegaribes00mg
+// extern Agdesc_t Agdirected, Agstrictdirected, Agundirected, Agstrictundirected
+//1 c2rygslq6bcuka3awmvy2b3ow
+// typedef Agsubnode_t Agnoderef_t
+//1 xam6yv0dcsx57dtg44igpbzn
+// typedef Dtlink_t Agedgeref_t
+//1 nye6dsi1twkbddwo9iffca1j
+// extern char *Version
+//1 65mu6k7h7lb7bx14jpiw7iyxr
+// extern char **Files
+//1 2rpjdzsdyrvomf00zcs3u3dyn
+// extern const char **Lib
+//1 6d2f111lntd2rsdt4gswh5909
+// extern char *CmdName
+//1 a0ltq04fpeg83soa05a2fkwb2
+// extern char *specificFlags
+//1 1uv30qeqq2jh6uznlr4dziv0y
+// extern char *specificItems
+//1 7i4hkvngxe3x7lmg5h6b3t9g3
+// extern char *Gvfilepath
+//1 9jp96pa73kseya3w6sulxzok6
+// extern char *Gvimagepath
+//1 40ylumfu7mrvawwf4v2asvtwk
+// extern unsigned char Verbose
+//1 93st8awjy1z0h07n28qycbaka
+// extern unsigned char Reduce
+//1 f2vs67ts992erf8onwfglurzp
+// extern int MemTest
+//1 c6f8whijgjwwagjigmxlwz3gb
+// extern char *HTTPServerEnVar
+//1 cp4hzj7p87m7arw776d3bt7aj
+// extern char *Output_file_name
+//1 a3rqagofsgraie6mx0krzkgsy
+// extern int graphviz_errors
+//1 5up05203r4kxvjn1m4njcgq5x
+// extern int Nop
+//1 umig46cco431x14b3kosde2t
+// extern double PSinputscale
+//1 52bj6v8fqz39khasobljfukk9
+// extern int Syntax_errors
+//1 9ekf2ina8fsjj6y6i0an6somj
+// extern int Show_cnt
+//1 38di5qi3nkxkq65onyvconk3r
+// extern char** Show_boxes
+//1 6ri6iu712m8mpc7t2670etpcw
+// extern int CL_type
+//1 bomxiw3gy0cgd1ydqtek7fpxr
+// extern unsigned char Concentrate
+//1 cqy3gqgcq8empdrbnrhn84058
+// extern double Epsilon
+//1 64slegfoouqeg0rmbyjrm8wgr
+// extern int MaxIter
+//1 88wdinpnmfs4mab4aw62yb0bg
+// extern int Ndim
+//1 8bbad3ogcelqnnvo5br5s05gq
+// extern int State
+//1 17rnd8q45zclfn68qqst2vxxn
+// extern int EdgeLabelsDone
+//1 ymx1z4s8cznjifl2d9f9m8jr
+// extern double Initial_dist
+//1 a33bgl0c3uqb3trx419qulj1x
+// extern double Damping
+//1 d9lvrpjg1r0ojv40pod1xwk8n
+// extern int Y_invert
+//1 71efkfs77q5tq9ex6y0f4kanh
+// extern int GvExitOnUsage
+//1 4xy2dkdkv0acs2ue9eca8hh2e
+// extern Agsym_t *G_activepencolor, *G_activefillcolor, *G_selectedpencolor, *G_selectedfillcolor, *G_visitedpencolor, *G_visitedfillcolor, *G_deletedpencolor, *G_deletedfillcolor, *G_ordering, *G_peripheries, *G_penwidth, *G_gradientangle, *G_margin
+//1 9js5gxgzr74eakgtfhnbws3t9
+// extern Agsym_t *N_height, *N_width, *N_shape, *N_color, *N_fillcolor, *N_activepencolor, *N_activefillcolor, *N_selectedpencolor, *N_selectedfillcolor, *N_visitedpencolor, *N_visitedfillcolor, *N_deletedpencolor, *N_deletedfillcolor, *N_fontsize, *N_fontname, *N_fontcolor, *N_margin, *N_label, *N_xlabel, *N_nojustify, *N_style, *N_showboxes, *N_sides, *N_peripheries, *N_ordering, *N_orientation, *N_skew, *N_distortion, *N_fixed, *N_imagescale, *N_layer, *N_group, *N_comment, *N_vertices, *N_z, *N_penwidth, *N_gradientangle
+//1 anqllp9sj7wo45w6bm11j8trn
+// extern Agsym_t *E_weight, *E_minlen, *E_color, *E_fillcolor, *E_activepencolor, *E_activefillcolor, *E_selectedpencolor, *E_selectedfillcolor, *E_visitedpencolor, *E_visitedfillcolor, *E_deletedpencolor, *E_deletedfillcolor, *E_fontsize, *E_fontname, *E_fontcolor, *E_label, *E_xlabel, *E_dir, *E_style, *E_decorate, *E_showboxes, *E_arrowsz, *E_constr, *E_layer, *E_comment, *E_label_float, *E_samehead, *E_sametail, *E_arrowhead, *E_arrowtail, *E_headlabel, *E_taillabel, *E_labelfontsize, *E_labelfontname, *E_labelfontcolor, *E_labeldistance, *E_labelangle, *E_tailclip, *E_headclip, *E_penwidth
+//1 bh0z9puipqw7gymjd5h5b8s6i
+// extern struct fdpParms_s* fdp_parms
+//3 ciez0pfggxdljedzsbklq49f0
+// static inline point pointof(int x, int y)
+public static Object pointof(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("8e4tj258yvfq5uhsdpk37n5eq"); // static inline point pointof(int x, int y)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c0j3k9xv06332q98k2pgpacto"); // point r;
+UNSUPPORTED("12jimkrzqxavaie0cpapbx18c"); // r.x = x;
+UNSUPPORTED("7ivmviysahgsc5nn9gtp7q2if"); // r.y = y;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 c1s4k85p1cdfn176o3uryeros
+// static inline pointf pointfof(double x, double y)
+public static __struct__<pointf> pointfof(double x, double y) {
+return pointfof_w_(x, y).copy();
+private static __struct__<pointf> pointfof_w_(double x, double y) {
+try {
+ final __struct__<pointf> r = JUtils.from(pointf.class);
+ r.setDouble("x", x);
+ r.setDouble("y", y);
+ return r;
+} finally {
+//3 7cufnfitrh935ew093mw0i4b7
+// static inline box boxof(int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury)
+public static Object boxof(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("3lzesfdd337h31jrlib1czocm"); // static inline box boxof(int llx, int lly, int urx, int ury)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("52u27kayecy1i1e8bbo8f7s9r"); // box b;
+UNSUPPORTED("cylhjlutoc0sc0uy7g98m9fb8"); // b.LL.x = llx, b.LL.y = lly;
+UNSUPPORTED("242of6revxzx8hpe7yerrchz6"); // b.UR.x = urx, b.UR.y = ury;
+UNSUPPORTED("2vmm1j57brhn455f8f3iyw6mo"); // return b;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 1vvsta5i8of59frav6uymguav
+// static inline boxf boxfof(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury)
+public static __struct__<boxf> boxfof(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) {
+return boxfof_w_(llx, lly, urx, ury).copy();
+private static __struct__<boxf> boxfof_w_(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) {
+try {
+ final __struct__<boxf> b = JUtils.from(boxf.class);
+ b.getStruct("LL").setDouble("x", llx);
+ b.getStruct("LL").setDouble("y", lly);
+ b.getStruct("UR").setDouble("x", urx);
+ b.getStruct("UR").setDouble("y", ury);
+ return b;
+} finally {
+//3 1n5xl70wxuabyf97mclvilsm6
+// static inline point add_point(point p, point q)
+public static Object add_point(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("6iamka1fx8fk1rohzzse8phte"); // static inline point add_point(point p, point q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c0j3k9xv06332q98k2pgpacto"); // point r;
+UNSUPPORTED("3n2sizjd0civbzm6iq7su1s2p"); // r.x = p.x + q.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("65ygdo31w09i5i6bd2f7azcd3"); // r.y = p.y + q.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 arrsbik9b5tnfcbzsm8gr2chx
+// static inline pointf add_pointf(pointf p, pointf q)
+public static __struct__<pointf> add_pointf(final __struct__<pointf> p, final __struct__<pointf> q) {
+return add_pointf_w_(p.copy(), q.copy()).copy();
+private static __struct__<pointf> add_pointf_w_(final __struct__<pointf> p, final __struct__<pointf> q) {
+try {
+ final __struct__<pointf> r = JUtils.from(pointf.class);
+ r.setDouble("x", p.getDouble("x") + q.getDouble("x"));
+ r.setDouble("y", p.getDouble("y") + q.getDouble("y"));
+ return r;
+} finally {
+//3 ai2dprak5y6obdsflguh5qbd7
+// static inline point sub_point(point p, point q)
+public static Object sub_point(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("cd602849h0bce8lu9xegka0ia"); // static inline point sub_point(point p, point q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c0j3k9xv06332q98k2pgpacto"); // point r;
+UNSUPPORTED("4q4q9dveah93si8ajfv59gz27"); // r.x = p.x - q.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("9f90ik0o2yqhanzntpy3d2ydy"); // r.y = p.y - q.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 16f6pyogcv3j7n2p0n8giqqgh
+// static inline pointf sub_pointf(pointf p, pointf q)
+public static Object sub_pointf(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("dmufj44lddsnj0wjyxsg2fcso"); // static inline pointf sub_pointf(pointf p, pointf q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("cvexv13y9fq49v0j4d5t4cm9f"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("4q4q9dveah93si8ajfv59gz27"); // r.x = p.x - q.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("9f90ik0o2yqhanzntpy3d2ydy"); // r.y = p.y - q.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 9k50jgrhc4f9824vf8ony74rw
+// static inline point mid_point(point p, point q)
+public static Object mid_point(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("evy44tdsmu3erff9dp2x835u2"); // static inline point mid_point(point p, point q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c0j3k9xv06332q98k2pgpacto"); // point r;
+UNSUPPORTED("1a6p6fm57o0wt5ze2btsx06c7"); // r.x = (p.x + q.x) / 2;
+UNSUPPORTED("1kbj5tgdmfi6kf4jgg6skhr6e"); // r.y = (p.y + q.y) / 2;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 59c4f7im0ftyowhnzzq2v9o1x
+// static inline pointf mid_pointf(pointf p, pointf q)
+public static Object mid_pointf(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("381o63o9kb04d7gzg65v0r3q"); // static inline pointf mid_pointf(pointf p, pointf q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("cvexv13y9fq49v0j4d5t4cm9f"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c5vboetlr3mf43wns7iik6m1w"); // r.x = (p.x + q.x) / 2.;
+UNSUPPORTED("bcdf562ldr3bjn78hcay5xd63"); // r.y = (p.y + q.y) / 2.;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 5r18p38gisvcx3zsvbb9saixx
+// static inline pointf interpolate_pointf(double t, pointf p, pointf q)
+public static Object interpolate_pointf(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("894yimn33kmtm454llwdaotu8"); // static inline pointf interpolate_pointf(double t, pointf p, pointf q)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("ef2acl8wa2ooqcb5vz3098maz"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("5tpwuyf5iidesy80v8o4nwkmk"); // r.x = p.x + t * (q.x - p.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("ewnrc5uloj3w5jbmsjcn3wja0"); // r.y = p.y + t * (q.y - p.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 bxzrv2ghq04qk5cbyy68s4mol
+// static inline point exch_xy(point p)
+public static Object exch_xy(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("2vxya0v2fzlv5e0vjaa8d414"); // static inline point exch_xy(point p)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c0j3k9xv06332q98k2pgpacto"); // point r;
+UNSUPPORTED("60cojdwc2h7f0m51s9jdwvup7"); // r.x = p.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("evp2x66oa4s1tlnc0ytxq2qbq"); // r.y = p.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 9lt3e03tac6h6sydljrcws8fd
+// static inline pointf exch_xyf(pointf p)
+public static Object exch_xyf(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("8qamrobrqi8jsvvfrxkimrsnw"); // static inline pointf exch_xyf(pointf p)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("cvexv13y9fq49v0j4d5t4cm9f"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("60cojdwc2h7f0m51s9jdwvup7"); // r.x = p.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("evp2x66oa4s1tlnc0ytxq2qbq"); // r.y = p.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 8l9qhieokthntzdorlu5zn29b
+// static inline box box_bb(box b0, box b1)
+public static Object box_bb(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("36et5gmnjrby6o7bq9sgh1hx6"); // static inline box box_bb(box b0, box b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("52u27kayecy1i1e8bbo8f7s9r"); // box b;
+UNSUPPORTED("8mr2c9xitsqi8z1plbp7ox1hu"); // b.LL.x = MIN(b0.LL.x, b1.LL.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("2egu55ef4u1i03nwz01k7kcrl"); // b.LL.y = MIN(b0.LL.y, b1.LL.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("9n6ei3odbgefwfxvql9whcpe"); // b.UR.x = MAX(b0.UR.x, b1.UR.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("19ocysbuh4pxyft2bqhyhigr1"); // b.UR.y = MAX(b0.UR.y, b1.UR.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("2vmm1j57brhn455f8f3iyw6mo"); // return b;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 clws9h3bbjm0lw3hexf8nl4c4
+// static inline boxf boxf_bb(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+public static Object boxf_bb(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("dyrqu4ww9osr9c86gqgmifcp6"); // static inline boxf boxf_bb(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c57pq0f87j6dnbcvygu7v6k84"); // boxf b;
+UNSUPPORTED("8mr2c9xitsqi8z1plbp7ox1hu"); // b.LL.x = MIN(b0.LL.x, b1.LL.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("2egu55ef4u1i03nwz01k7kcrl"); // b.LL.y = MIN(b0.LL.y, b1.LL.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("9n6ei3odbgefwfxvql9whcpe"); // b.UR.x = MAX(b0.UR.x, b1.UR.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("19ocysbuh4pxyft2bqhyhigr1"); // b.UR.y = MAX(b0.UR.y, b1.UR.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("2vmm1j57brhn455f8f3iyw6mo"); // return b;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 bit6ycxo1iqd2al92y8gkzlvb
+// static inline box box_intersect(box b0, box b1)
+public static Object box_intersect(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("34gv28cldst09bl71itjgviue"); // static inline box box_intersect(box b0, box b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("52u27kayecy1i1e8bbo8f7s9r"); // box b;
+UNSUPPORTED("9slu7bixuymxttjic76ha2nl2"); // b.LL.x = MAX(b0.LL.x, b1.LL.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("3uv943c2f82yuif249pf5azob"); // b.LL.y = MAX(b0.LL.y, b1.LL.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("74tf5h16bc9zabq3s3dyny543"); // b.UR.x = MIN(b0.UR.x, b1.UR.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("d99gcv3i7xes7y7rqf8ii20ux"); // b.UR.y = MIN(b0.UR.y, b1.UR.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("2vmm1j57brhn455f8f3iyw6mo"); // return b;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 8gfybie7k6pgb3o1a6llgpwng
+// static inline boxf boxf_intersect(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+public static Object boxf_intersect(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("ape22b8z6jfg17gvo42hok9eb"); // static inline boxf boxf_intersect(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("c57pq0f87j6dnbcvygu7v6k84"); // boxf b;
+UNSUPPORTED("9slu7bixuymxttjic76ha2nl2"); // b.LL.x = MAX(b0.LL.x, b1.LL.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("3uv943c2f82yuif249pf5azob"); // b.LL.y = MAX(b0.LL.y, b1.LL.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("74tf5h16bc9zabq3s3dyny543"); // b.UR.x = MIN(b0.UR.x, b1.UR.x);
+UNSUPPORTED("d99gcv3i7xes7y7rqf8ii20ux"); // b.UR.y = MIN(b0.UR.y, b1.UR.y);
+UNSUPPORTED("2vmm1j57brhn455f8f3iyw6mo"); // return b;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 7z8j2quq65govaaejrz7b4cvb
+// static inline int box_overlap(box b0, box b1)
+public static Object box_overlap(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("1e9k599x7ygct7r4cfdxlk9u9"); // static inline int box_overlap(box b0, box b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("7a9wwpu7dhdphd08y1ecw54w5"); // return OVERLAP(b0, b1);
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 4z0suuut2acsay5m8mg9dqjdu
+// static inline int boxf_overlap(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+public static Object boxf_overlap(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("905nejsewihwhhc3bhnrz9nwo"); // static inline int boxf_overlap(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("7a9wwpu7dhdphd08y1ecw54w5"); // return OVERLAP(b0, b1);
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 dd34swz5rmdgu3a2np2a4h1dy
+// static inline int box_contains(box b0, box b1)
+public static Object box_contains(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("aputfc30fjkvy6jx4otljaczq"); // static inline int box_contains(box b0, box b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("87ap80vrh2a4gpprbxr33lrg3"); // return CONTAINS(b0, b1);
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 8laj1bspbu2i1cjd9upr7xt32
+// static inline int boxf_contains(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+public static Object boxf_contains(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("7ccnttkiwt834yfyw0evcm18v"); // static inline int boxf_contains(boxf b0, boxf b1)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("87ap80vrh2a4gpprbxr33lrg3"); // return CONTAINS(b0, b1);
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 4wf5swkz24xx51ja2dynbycu1
+// static inline pointf perp (pointf p)
+public static Object perp(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("567wpqlg9rv63ynyvxd9sgkww"); // static inline pointf perp (pointf p)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("cvexv13y9fq49v0j4d5t4cm9f"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("2fyydy6t6yifjsczccsb9szeg"); // r.x = -p.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("evp2x66oa4s1tlnc0ytxq2qbq"); // r.y = p.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 6dtlpzv4mvgzb9o0b252yweuv
+// static inline pointf scale (double c, pointf p)
+public static Object scale(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("c1ngytew34bmkdb7vps5h3dh8"); // static inline pointf scale (double c, pointf p)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("cvexv13y9fq49v0j4d5t4cm9f"); // pointf r;
+UNSUPPORTED("dznf7nac14snww4usquyd6r3r"); // r.x = c * p.x;
+UNSUPPORTED("33kk73m8vjcux5tnjl8co2pe6"); // r.y = c * p.y;
+UNSUPPORTED("a2hk6w52njqjx48nq3nnn2e5i"); // return r;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 4bf9buvykusqzi4629qwmbd2x
+// static int neato_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+public static Object neato_extra_args(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("esa1s702otdlr6702fn7wstuz"); // neato_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("vchrmawq91kb0ii45yhrwq9"); // char** p = argv+1;
+UNSUPPORTED("29u9nk1nrupcw2j8c7qe5glz7"); // int i;
+UNSUPPORTED("dqwks39qtsnmvslaj3igd3y27"); // char* arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("b153u7kyw153reyniefayrq6n"); // int cnt = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dm1yusgl0wehpupm0jpt4whpr"); // for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+UNSUPPORTED("7yfqt2sdvyf0czltsldtzxf02"); // arg = argv[i];
+UNSUPPORTED("78ho9iw8bl94i74str8zdbor8"); // if (arg && *arg == '-') {
+UNSUPPORTED("52y2apnsdpil1r7ibzx11pfwq"); // switch (arg[1]) {
+UNSUPPORTED("1xmmmvijo8yqys8w1l7equ9bh"); // case 'x' : Reduce = NOT(0); break;
+UNSUPPORTED("np1uxcrfeypdcuwqmi7i4srq"); // case 'n':
+UNSUPPORTED("9sjpw2ts0x0qu27cc7xgcoc36"); // if (arg[2]) {
+UNSUPPORTED("c45q8u35p73iqi4c2x1tt50s7"); // Nop = atoi(arg+2);
+UNSUPPORTED("e7kh2ktytt7wqgsocz9cktts3"); // if (Nop <= 0) {
+UNSUPPORTED("1yk7tr54pd4zonqofo51220c5"); // agerr (AGERR, "Invalid parameter \"%s\" for -n flag\n", arg+2);
+UNSUPPORTED("d48xlsgsi8ksecguxhnr5gpr6"); // dotneato_usage (1);
+UNSUPPORTED("aivfd7ajlfz8o8oi68d4u5s5z"); // return -1;
+UNSUPPORTED("4v3ujrl58y59e7pqk0ke5t564"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("4mhlpjofolwivhm0tl8cxznly"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("296pjg5wdjsxjiyr8ajjrb5er"); // else Nop = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("bzxyddcf9jharsko2rb8asyik"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("63dmlsq766n7ojce42s6jvgyv"); // default :
+UNSUPPORTED("77mslev6fngkh87g2jkd6j87j"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("6fllt9icceu2ygmiz84j3ls10"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("5ms90gds9d7jyok5oqzrumfjz"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("bzxyddcf9jharsko2rb8asyik"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("dquo3qofk56ds5xl95lhvcthf"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("1nyzbeonram6636b1w955bypn"); // else {
+UNSUPPORTED("cqtmxcio96sfpr9cmw4ukg3op"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("5436ztz7fh7w1wa56xdldkwxj"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("broludtxg204vlgctqigehzxi"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("23w7qifugn1eere89tsewk6tp"); // *p = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("aux4g6wms30ow0s96grtfcsba"); // return cnt;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 8p7j205ggerm803oa23gkc2g8
+// static int memtest_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+public static Object memtest_extra_args(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("7do955i8h8cmq6xw2d40dfrcs"); // memtest_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("vchrmawq91kb0ii45yhrwq9"); // char** p = argv+1;
+UNSUPPORTED("29u9nk1nrupcw2j8c7qe5glz7"); // int i;
+UNSUPPORTED("dqwks39qtsnmvslaj3igd3y27"); // char* arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("b153u7kyw153reyniefayrq6n"); // int cnt = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dm1yusgl0wehpupm0jpt4whpr"); // for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+UNSUPPORTED("7yfqt2sdvyf0czltsldtzxf02"); // arg = argv[i];
+UNSUPPORTED("78ho9iw8bl94i74str8zdbor8"); // if (arg && *arg == '-') {
+UNSUPPORTED("52y2apnsdpil1r7ibzx11pfwq"); // switch (arg[1]) {
+UNSUPPORTED("9zx51b0tqpm98tv6whinwsaf4"); // case 'm' :
+UNSUPPORTED("9sjpw2ts0x0qu27cc7xgcoc36"); // if (arg[2]) {
+UNSUPPORTED("bk5spyi1l39jkjsb3vbxzm3zv"); // MemTest = atoi(arg+2);
+UNSUPPORTED("3xb2rjjaiqbjuir0amd6fb25g"); // if (MemTest <= 0) {
+UNSUPPORTED("a1lgwp8e8pwhm57ony6wojcxk"); // agerr (AGERR, "Invalid parameter \"%s\" for -m flag\n", arg+2);
+UNSUPPORTED("d48xlsgsi8ksecguxhnr5gpr6"); // dotneato_usage (1);
+UNSUPPORTED("aivfd7ajlfz8o8oi68d4u5s5z"); // return -1;
+UNSUPPORTED("4v3ujrl58y59e7pqk0ke5t564"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("4mhlpjofolwivhm0tl8cxznly"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("9fb91rfixm2s211ep1iptout"); // else MemTest = -1;
+UNSUPPORTED("6aw91xzjmqvmtdvt1di23af8y"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("63dmlsq766n7ojce42s6jvgyv"); // default :
+UNSUPPORTED("77mslev6fngkh87g2jkd6j87j"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("6fllt9icceu2ygmiz84j3ls10"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("5ms90gds9d7jyok5oqzrumfjz"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("bzxyddcf9jharsko2rb8asyik"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("dquo3qofk56ds5xl95lhvcthf"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("1nyzbeonram6636b1w955bypn"); // else {
+UNSUPPORTED("cqtmxcio96sfpr9cmw4ukg3op"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("5436ztz7fh7w1wa56xdldkwxj"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("broludtxg204vlgctqigehzxi"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("23w7qifugn1eere89tsewk6tp"); // *p = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("aux4g6wms30ow0s96grtfcsba"); // return cnt;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 5vvap3kfi3ewk4onfchidrfmz
+// static int config_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+public static Object config_extra_args(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("36f9jhc4e06p98qfdd1h9db62"); // config_extra_args(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("vchrmawq91kb0ii45yhrwq9"); // char** p = argv+1;
+UNSUPPORTED("29u9nk1nrupcw2j8c7qe5glz7"); // int i;
+UNSUPPORTED("dqwks39qtsnmvslaj3igd3y27"); // char* arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("b153u7kyw153reyniefayrq6n"); // int cnt = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dm1yusgl0wehpupm0jpt4whpr"); // for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+UNSUPPORTED("7yfqt2sdvyf0czltsldtzxf02"); // arg = argv[i];
+UNSUPPORTED("78ho9iw8bl94i74str8zdbor8"); // if (arg && *arg == '-') {
+UNSUPPORTED("52y2apnsdpil1r7ibzx11pfwq"); // switch (arg[1]) {
+UNSUPPORTED("8hve8n5micl5wbpbe4s6tx91r"); // case 'v':
+UNSUPPORTED("1i5rkr1j6m4qjh4p7ccv160tb"); // gvc->common.verbose = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("braofjgdk57w4vybhk2d5lf74"); // if (isdigit(arg[2]))
+UNSUPPORTED("eh4a9je8p9cc5237lmw5bge42"); // gvc->common.verbose = atoi(&arg[2]);
+UNSUPPORTED("bzxyddcf9jharsko2rb8asyik"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("w7w6iggiak86ob87592vfsc6"); // case 'O' :
+UNSUPPORTED("dy3as4a2z79xr2yy9ruo7pvgr"); // gvc->common.auto_outfile_names = NOT(0);
+UNSUPPORTED("5tzm1n3i8u3c1oms5ri2fiqbt"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("28vj8fdgz2qg6391cwrl0oz21"); // case 'c' :
+UNSUPPORTED("63ui3zhby8bmj2wg0fn2q96xj"); // gvc->common.config = NOT(0);
+UNSUPPORTED("5tzm1n3i8u3c1oms5ri2fiqbt"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("63dmlsq766n7ojce42s6jvgyv"); // default :
+UNSUPPORTED("77mslev6fngkh87g2jkd6j87j"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("6fllt9icceu2ygmiz84j3ls10"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("5ms90gds9d7jyok5oqzrumfjz"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("bzxyddcf9jharsko2rb8asyik"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("dquo3qofk56ds5xl95lhvcthf"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("1nyzbeonram6636b1w955bypn"); // else {
+UNSUPPORTED("cqtmxcio96sfpr9cmw4ukg3op"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("5436ztz7fh7w1wa56xdldkwxj"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("broludtxg204vlgctqigehzxi"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("23w7qifugn1eere89tsewk6tp"); // *p = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("aux4g6wms30ow0s96grtfcsba"); // return cnt;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 f1dd7gkq4wmnxg8hs236lk99y
+// static int setDouble (double* v, char* arg)
+public static Object setDouble(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("de23ht5iyfmjr52eufndqvviw"); // setDouble (double* v, char* arg)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("1vp9ctqomm1prbzfcw3iekjae"); // char* p;
+UNSUPPORTED("2di4na9yg012kjr64hp3x0c0f"); // double d;
+UNSUPPORTED("5chu16helmcmihc2ulr2kxgzr"); // d = strtod(arg,&p);
+UNSUPPORTED("1sa25jtazj7gwvr1kvphkc3dh"); // if (p == arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("a23t2j8ukgpd3n7ubqpa5gccj"); // agerr (AGERR, "bad value in flag -L%s - ignored\n", arg-1);
+UNSUPPORTED("3tcgz4dupb6kw5tdk7n3pca2l"); // return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("9vlugsd3snak94gf05cwvnrr2"); // *v = d;
+UNSUPPORTED("bid671dovx1rdiquw5vm3fttj"); // return 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 4gmf2emr89qdx3aqmaplne0k
+// static int setInt (int* v, char* arg)
+public static Object setInt(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("1ia068nvginu2yhs188oo991p"); // setInt (int* v, char* arg)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("1vp9ctqomm1prbzfcw3iekjae"); // char* p;
+UNSUPPORTED("63myvfqx2n5qchb2xsnadn2t3"); // int i;
+UNSUPPORTED("6tenu6ts0talbe25gqrp1boie"); // i = (int)strtol(arg,&p,10);
+UNSUPPORTED("1sa25jtazj7gwvr1kvphkc3dh"); // if (p == arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("a23t2j8ukgpd3n7ubqpa5gccj"); // agerr (AGERR, "bad value in flag -L%s - ignored\n", arg-1);
+UNSUPPORTED("3tcgz4dupb6kw5tdk7n3pca2l"); // return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("3zdv2wxd4wuyb443w3ewc4tud"); // *v = i;
+UNSUPPORTED("bid671dovx1rdiquw5vm3fttj"); // return 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 6150ojro4hufw87jc6pvq95dd
+// static int setFDPAttr (char* arg)
+public static Object setFDPAttr(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("bjhn85lnzdoq1133w83naducd"); // setFDPAttr (char* arg)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("adal17qy2p2c2udfjdup5jcd8"); // switch (*arg++) {
+UNSUPPORTED("ewho1c3gx6n1smztwz6delx7f"); // case 'g' :
+UNSUPPORTED("16d1qggixmwdtn8d7fhnwln0u"); // fdp_parms->useGrid = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("2fn9v8i1hgalj7sq7q8huppke"); // case 'O' :
+UNSUPPORTED("8hzafgbup3w08h2m9b6005vp2"); // fdp_parms->useNew = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("ehgiqxt9i5d239qrzougvanzh"); // case 'n' :
+UNSUPPORTED("5v7kadf0khrmtx1dldq0rpi98"); // if (setInt (&fdp_parms->numIters, arg)) return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("2d40s862frst4por3szi6iowz"); // case 'U' :
+UNSUPPORTED("8b2suxlh89glat5kihpuepbzn"); // if (setInt (&fdp_parms->unscaled, arg)) return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("7dcx28zgefkzakfiqddjd4twc"); // case 'C' :
+UNSUPPORTED("2552dgdsp464ukyu0ul3iu8rr"); // if (setDouble (&fdp_parms->C, arg)) return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("3sutcnfx01z7382cib3gkfhht"); // case 'T' :
+UNSUPPORTED("45zugi5wky945tib5vhd1x21y"); // if (*arg == '*') {
+UNSUPPORTED("6iuiou1xlsam1m2a03r5hrp07"); // if (setDouble (&fdp_parms->Tfact, arg+1)) return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("1nyzbeonram6636b1w955bypn"); // else {
+UNSUPPORTED("4kdlxsp3dqepnmerxanmtbvdi"); // if (setDouble (&fdp_parms->T0, arg)) return 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("ao6hmye4t5tgve7qeyo667z6m"); // default :
+UNSUPPORTED("bcdblpxa0h1d0z47irwzxw9p5"); // agerr (AGWARN, "unknown flag -L%s - ignored\n", arg-1);
+UNSUPPORTED("8ofzhd1f1qc2gz9hfk7vzz6ox"); // break;
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("bid671dovx1rdiquw5vm3fttj"); // return 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 3vun3scvr1a4wzvyc881vq03y
+// static int fdp_extra_args (GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+public static Object fdp_extra_args(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("eyp5xkiyummcoc88ul2b6tkeg"); // static int
+UNSUPPORTED("2mn97djxh0musn36mr9yc0fsu"); // fdp_extra_args (GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("vchrmawq91kb0ii45yhrwq9"); // char** p = argv+1;
+UNSUPPORTED("29u9nk1nrupcw2j8c7qe5glz7"); // int i;
+UNSUPPORTED("dqwks39qtsnmvslaj3igd3y27"); // char* arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("b153u7kyw153reyniefayrq6n"); // int cnt = 1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dm1yusgl0wehpupm0jpt4whpr"); // for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+UNSUPPORTED("7yfqt2sdvyf0czltsldtzxf02"); // arg = argv[i];
+UNSUPPORTED("ef9qwa3dgutydp4p7luyr2bc6"); // if (arg && (*arg == '-') && (*(arg+1) == 'L')) {
+UNSUPPORTED("5kylq06joc45h90diw5jw7ltf"); // if (setFDPAttr (arg+2)) {
+UNSUPPORTED("3336x5ydlp3mcvrtiyxeh97kg"); // dotneato_usage(1);
+UNSUPPORTED("8d9xfgejx5vgd6shva5wk5k06"); // return -1;
+UNSUPPORTED("dquo3qofk56ds5xl95lhvcthf"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("1nyzbeonram6636b1w955bypn"); // else {
+UNSUPPORTED("cqtmxcio96sfpr9cmw4ukg3op"); // cnt++;
+UNSUPPORTED("5436ztz7fh7w1wa56xdldkwxj"); // if (*p != arg) *p = arg;
+UNSUPPORTED("broludtxg204vlgctqigehzxi"); // p++;
+UNSUPPORTED("dvgyxsnyeqqnyzq696k3vskib"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("7ijd6pszsxnoopppf6xwo8wdl"); // }
+UNSUPPORTED("23w7qifugn1eere89tsewk6tp"); // *p = 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("aux4g6wms30ow0s96grtfcsba"); // return cnt;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+//3 5xe1appewv62gtmkzdjzib7mr
+// int gvParseArgs(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+public static Object gvParseArgs(Object... arg) {
+UNSUPPORTED("9wm868oq7vnqwr4h9g3qwpp70"); // int gvParseArgs(GVC_t *gvc, int argc, char** argv)
+UNSUPPORTED("erg9i1970wdri39osu8hx2a6e"); // {
+UNSUPPORTED("ecz4e03zumggc8tfymqvirexq"); // int rv;
+UNSUPPORTED("1adiibcyzt5tbvoqh5dcoed4x"); // if ((argc = neato_extra_args(gvc, argc, argv)) < 0)
+UNSUPPORTED("9ha9lxje55wyq89xmlikm85qw"); // return (1-argc);
+UNSUPPORTED("9khladgfiv87rrhd2orifedvf"); // if ((argc = fdp_extra_args(gvc, argc, argv)) < 0)
+UNSUPPORTED("9ha9lxje55wyq89xmlikm85qw"); // return (1-argc);
+UNSUPPORTED("bw180d61ya05twg120nytatvc"); // if ((argc = memtest_extra_args(gvc, argc, argv)) < 0)
+UNSUPPORTED("9ha9lxje55wyq89xmlikm85qw"); // return (1-argc);
+UNSUPPORTED("3ardghom15gc1fi8iffbnxvo8"); // if ((argc = config_extra_args(gvc, argc, argv)) < 0)
+UNSUPPORTED("9ha9lxje55wyq89xmlikm85qw"); // return (1-argc);
+UNSUPPORTED("7ch594ljf53kf7khsyl2f7fd5"); // if ((rv = dotneato_args_initialize(gvc, argc, argv)))
+UNSUPPORTED("cs1ejkx9cw658cl8cagdzqrzm"); // return rv;
+UNSUPPORTED("2di5wqm6caczzl6bvqe35ry8y"); // if (Verbose)
+UNSUPPORTED("8xq126b3a0ygzs1b8d52hvvhm"); // gvplugin_write_status(gvc);
+UNSUPPORTED("5oxhd3fvp0gfmrmz12vndnjt"); // return 0;
+UNSUPPORTED("c24nfmv9i7o5eoqaymbibp7m7"); // }
+throw new UnsupportedOperationException();