path: root/src/puppetlabs/ring_middleware/common.clj
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/puppetlabs/ring_middleware/common.clj')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/puppetlabs/ring_middleware/common.clj b/src/puppetlabs/ring_middleware/common.clj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d34cf3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/puppetlabs/ring_middleware/common.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+(ns puppetlabs.ring-middleware.common
+ (:require [ :as log]
+ [clojure.string :refer [join split replace-first]]
+ [puppetlabs.http.client.sync :refer [request]])
+ (:import ( URI)))
+;;; Private utility functions
+(defn prepare-cookies
+ "Removes the :domain and :secure keys and converts the :expires key (a Date)
+ to a string in the ring response map resp. Returns resp with cookies properly
+ munged."
+ [resp]
+ (let [prepare #(-> (update-in % [1 :expires] str)
+ (update-in [1] dissoc :domain :secure))]
+ (assoc resp :cookies (into {} (map prepare (:cookies resp))))))
+(defn strip-trailing-slash
+ [url]
+ (if (.endsWith url "/")
+ (.substring url 0 (- (count url) 1))
+ url))
+(defn proxy-request
+ [req proxied-path remote-uri-base & [http-opts]]
+ ; Remove :decompress-body from the options map, as if this is
+ ; ever set to true, the response returned to the client making the
+ ; proxy request will be truncated
+ (let [http-opts (dissoc http-opts :decompress-body)
+ uri (URI. (strip-trailing-slash remote-uri-base))
+ remote-uri (URI. (.getScheme uri)
+ (.getAuthority uri)
+ (str (.getPath uri)
+ (if (instance? java.util.regex.Pattern proxied-path)
+ (:uri req)
+ (replace-first (:uri req) proxied-path "")))
+ nil
+ nil)
+ response (-> (merge {:method (:request-method req)
+ :url (str remote-uri "?" (:query-string req))
+ :headers (dissoc (:headers req) "host" "content-length")
+ :body (not-empty (slurp (:body req)))
+ :as :stream
+ :force-redirects false
+ :follow-redirects false
+ :decompress-body false}
+ http-opts)
+ request
+ prepare-cookies)]
+ (log/debug "Proxying request to" (:uri req) "to remote url" (str remote-uri)
+ ". Remote server responded with status" (:status response))
+ response))