path: root/macaroonbakery/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macaroonbakery/tests/')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macaroonbakery/tests/ b/macaroonbakery/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1631c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macaroonbakery/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Copyright 2017 Canonical Ltd.
+# Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+from unittest import TestCase
+import base64
+import six
+import nacl.utils
+from nacl.public import PrivateKey
+from nacl.encoding import Base64Encoder
+from macaroonbakery import bakery, codec, macaroon, namespace, utils
+class TestCodec(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.fp_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
+ self.tp_key = nacl.public.PrivateKey.generate()
+ def test_v1_round_trip(self):
+ tp_info = bakery.ThirdPartyInfo(bakery.BAKERY_V1,
+ self.tp_key.public_key)
+ cid = codec.encode_caveat('is-authenticated-user',
+ b'a random string',
+ tp_info,
+ self.fp_key,
+ None)
+ res = codec.decode_caveat(self.tp_key, cid)
+ self.assertEquals(res, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ first_party_public_key=self.fp_key.public_key,
+ root_key=b'a random string',
+ condition='is-authenticated-user',
+ caveat=cid,
+ third_party_key_pair=self.tp_key,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V1,
+ ns=macaroon.legacy_namespace()
+ ))
+ def test_v2_round_trip(self):
+ tp_info = bakery.ThirdPartyInfo(bakery.BAKERY_V2,
+ self.tp_key.public_key)
+ cid = codec.encode_caveat('is-authenticated-user',
+ b'a random string',
+ tp_info,
+ self.fp_key,
+ None)
+ res = codec.decode_caveat(self.tp_key, cid)
+ self.assertEquals(res, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ first_party_public_key=self.fp_key.public_key,
+ root_key=b'a random string',
+ condition='is-authenticated-user',
+ caveat=cid,
+ third_party_key_pair=self.tp_key,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V2,
+ ns=macaroon.legacy_namespace()
+ ))
+ def test_v3_round_trip(self):
+ tp_info = bakery.ThirdPartyInfo(bakery.BAKERY_V3,
+ self.tp_key.public_key)
+ ns = namespace.Namespace()
+ ns.register('testns', 'x')
+ cid = codec.encode_caveat('is-authenticated-user',
+ b'a random string',
+ tp_info,
+ self.fp_key,
+ ns)
+ res = codec.decode_caveat(self.tp_key, cid)
+ self.assertEquals(res, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ first_party_public_key=self.fp_key.public_key,
+ root_key=b'a random string',
+ condition='is-authenticated-user',
+ caveat=cid,
+ third_party_key_pair=self.tp_key,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V3,
+ ns=ns
+ ))
+ def test_empty_caveat_id(self):
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context:
+ codec.decode_caveat(self.tp_key, b'')
+ self.assertTrue('empty third party caveat' in str(context.exception))
+ def test_decode_caveat_v1_from_go(self):
+ tp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'TSpvLpQkRj+T3JXnsW2n43n5zP/0X4zn0RvDiWC3IJ0='))
+ fp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'KXpsoJ9ujZYi/O2Cca6kaWh65MSawzy79LWkrjOfzcs='))
+ fp_key.encode(Base64Encoder)
+ # This caveat has been generated from the go code
+ # to check the compatibilty
+ encrypted_cav = six.b(
+ 'eyJUaGlyZFBhcnR5UHVibGljS2V5IjoiOFA3R1ZZc3BlWlN4c'
+ '3hFdmJsSVFFSTFqdTBTSWl0WlIrRFdhWE40cmxocz0iLCJGaX'
+ 'JzdFBhcnR5UHVibGljS2V5IjoiSDlqSFJqSUxidXppa1VKd2o'
+ '5VGtDWk9qeW5oVmtTdHVsaUFRT2d6Y0NoZz0iLCJOb25jZSI6'
+ 'Ii9lWTRTTWR6TGFxbDlsRFc3bHUyZTZuSzJnVG9veVl0IiwiS'
+ 'WQiOiJra0ZuOGJEaEt4RUxtUjd0NkJxTU0vdHhMMFVqaEZjR1'
+ 'BORldUUExGdjVla1dWUjA4Uk1sbGJhc3c4VGdFbkhzM0laeVo'
+ '0V2lEOHhRUWdjU3ljOHY4eUt4dEhxejVEczJOYmh1ZDJhUFdt'
+ 'UTVMcVlNWitmZ2FNaTAxdE9DIn0=')
+ cav = codec.decode_caveat(tp_key, encrypted_cav)
+ self.assertEquals(cav, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ condition='caveat condition',
+ first_party_public_key=fp_key.public_key,
+ third_party_key_pair=tp_key,
+ root_key=b'random',
+ caveat=encrypted_cav,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V1,
+ ns=macaroon.legacy_namespace()
+ ))
+ def test_decode_caveat_v2_from_go(self):
+ tp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'TSpvLpQkRj+T3JXnsW2n43n5zP/0X4zn0RvDiWC3IJ0='))
+ fp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'KXpsoJ9ujZYi/O2Cca6kaWh65MSawzy79LWkrjOfzcs='))
+ # This caveat has been generated from the go code
+ # to check the compatibilty
+ encrypted_cav = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
+ utils.add_base64_padding(six.b(
+ 'Lh0cL6D9qpeKI0mXmCPfnwRQDuVYC8y5gVWd-oCGZaj5TGtk3byp2Vnw6ojmt'
+ 'sULDhY59YA_J_Y0ATkERO5T9ajoRWBxU2OXBoX6bImXA')))
+ cav = codec.decode_caveat(tp_key, encrypted_cav)
+ self.assertEquals(cav, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ condition='third party condition',
+ first_party_public_key=fp_key.public_key,
+ third_party_key_pair=tp_key,
+ root_key=b'random',
+ caveat=encrypted_cav,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V2,
+ ns=macaroon.legacy_namespace()
+ ))
+ def test_decode_caveat_v3_from_go(self):
+ tp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'TSpvLpQkRj+T3JXnsW2n43n5zP/0X4zn0RvDiWC3IJ0='))
+ fp_key = PrivateKey(base64.b64decode(
+ 'KXpsoJ9ujZYi/O2Cca6kaWh65MSawzy79LWkrjOfzcs='))
+ # This caveat has been generated from the go code
+ # to check the compatibilty
+ encrypted_cav = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(
+ utils.add_base64_padding(six.b(
+ 'EYvmgVH95GWu7T7caKxKhhOQFcEKgnXKJvYXxz1zin4cZc4Q6C7gVqA-J4_j3'
+ '1LX4VKxymqG62UGPo78wOv0_fKjr3OI6PPJOYOQgBMclemlRF2')))
+ cav = codec.decode_caveat(tp_key, encrypted_cav)
+ self.assertEquals(cav, macaroon.ThirdPartyCaveatInfo(
+ condition='third party condition',
+ first_party_public_key=fp_key.public_key,
+ third_party_key_pair=tp_key,
+ root_key=b'random',
+ caveat=encrypted_cav,
+ version=bakery.BAKERY_V3,
+ ns=macaroon.legacy_namespace()
+ ))
+ def test_encode_decode_varint(self):
+ tests = [
+ (12, [12]),
+ (127, [127]),
+ (128, [128, 1]),
+ (129, [129, 1]),
+ (1234567, [135, 173, 75]),
+ (12131231231312, [208, 218, 233, 173, 136, 225, 2])
+ ]
+ for test in tests:
+ data = bytearray()
+ expected = bytearray()
+ codec._encode_uvarint(test[0], data)
+ for v in test[1]:
+ expected.append(v)
+ self.assertEquals(data, expected)
+ val = codec._decode_uvarint(bytes(data))
+ self.assertEquals(test[0], val[0])
+ self.assertEquals(len(test[1]), val[1])